Typhus May Lurk in 'Sparkling XQ.WMSHfH or Lose Stream9Bailey Warns Picnickers WOODBRIDGE —A warning have been traced to the drinking to vacationists and picnickers to of polluted water by vacation- guard against water pollution is ists. issued by the Board of Health. Office Rights "They assume," he continued, "Typhoid germs may lurk in "that because the water looks the old oaken bucket and even VOL. XI—NO. 29 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 ' PRICE THREE CENTS in sparkling- streams," said Har- clean, it is pure. Doctors and old J, Bailey, Health Officer, health authorities have repeat- "and the person who drinks of edly warned against the practice, tevens the cooling waters may find him- but vacationists continue to take Local Plant Gives Effective Help In Battling MI Blaze self another victim of summer chances. Tfee best advice we can typhoid!." give is that whenever any doubt The Health official, pointing exists as to the purity of the Tlireat to Relieve to the experience of other years, supply, water should always be Democrats Face said typhoid and other diseases boiled." Committee Tiff Him of Committee Independence; Day • Observance DaPrile Quits in Functions is .Made Others ^Disturbed by WOODBRIDGE — Despite Slated by Avenel Civic Groups gnarder! public comments, the ad- 'Recognition Lack' ministration through an informed Patriotic Program Is Arranged with Parade to WOODBRIDGE — Michael source yesterday-let it be known "Ourley" DaPrile, Turner Street, that, unless Committeeman Thom- Start at 10 A, M.; Mayor, Mroz, Stevens to Talk Port Beading, has submitted his as Sf even's of the Third Ward re- resignation as a member of the signs Tuesday he will be stripped AVENEL—Representatives of the various civic organ- Democratic County Committee. of all standing committee assign- izations in Avenel, working as a committee, have com- The resignation reportedly is the ments. pleted plans for an outstanding Independence Day celebra- result-of differences between Mr. In the meantime, while munici- tion which will start with a parade July 4, at 10 A. M. DaPrile and Township Committea- pal officials and others close to man George Mroz, of the Third the Democratic high command Assembly for the parade will be on Manhattan Avenue. ware perfectly willing—privately— The line of march will be as follows: Manhattan Avenue, Ward, and alleged lack of recog- nition by the Township Committee to discuss the Stevens affair quite to Burnett Street, to Railway Ave- < :—: candidly. no-one at the moment n-ue. to Avenel Street, to the honor to the party organization. Asked about the reported resig- has shown any willingness to re- roll at the fire house where brief No Water Shortage Here duce the discussion to specific ceremonies will be held. 'The pa- nation, Jose-ph So-mers, Township Democratic Chairman, declared charges or criticisms. The only rade will then continue down Av- Says Company Official tangible evidence at hand is that enel Street, up Park Avenue to Mr. DaPrile had given his resigna- WOODBRIDGE—There is no the administration is determined Avenel Park where the parade will tion to him personally, but he re- water shortage in Woodbridge that Mr. Stevens resign and Mr. break formation and where parti- fused to comment on the reasons due to the continued drought. Stevens, according to his own cipants will be served refreshments. for the action. Ambrose Mundy, of the Mid- Mr. DaPrile's move came as a statement to this newspaper a Speakers at the honor roll will delsex Water Company, said yes- surprise, as he was one of the week ago, is cmite as determined to be Mayor August P. Greiner and terday,'."we" haven't a worry in prime movers in the campaign complete 1m term which expires Committeemen George Mroz and the world as far as the water against Walter Fee, Democratic at the end of this year. Thomas'Stevens.. Rev. C. A...GaHo- supply for Woodbridge is. con- organization candidate, in favor.of The case is unusual in that it is way, pastor of the First Presbyte- cerned,"' and declared there is- Mr. Mroz, in the primary elections surrounded with such complete rian Church of Avenel, will give sufficient water for all normal a year ago.- mystery—at least so far as taking the invocation and Rev.. John usuage. During last November's election the public into confidence is con- Eagan, pastor of St. .Andrew's campaign he served as one of Mr. cerned. Mr. Stevens' partisans Church, will pronounce benedic- That.means, Woodbridge resi- Mroz' campaign advisors arid have taken the attitude that tion. Various organizations plan to dents may use water for their handled much of the Third Ward the Third' Ward Committe-sman place wreaths at the base of the parched gardens without any representative's publicity. The cir- should be apprised of the bases honor roll. qualms. The neighboring city of for the determination of his col- Rahway, however, is not so for- cumstances leading to the appar- To Take Part , leagues to end his public career, tunate and cars with loud speak- ent break between the two were Units invited to participate in so that he may have a full and un- ers have been traveling through not divulged. the festivities include: U. S.Army hampered opportunity to make the city asking residents not to It is understood, that there is a troops from Camp Kilmer, 50th re-ply. use .water for sprinkling. great deal of unrest among the Calvary Squadron, Westfield; members of the Democratic Coun- For his own part, Mr. Stevens Woodbridge VFW Post, Iselin VFW ty Committee, due to the feeling anounced yesterday he' was "going Post, Fords Memorial Post VFW. the Democratic administration "is out of town"' and bandied questions Port Reading Memorial Post VFW, Accident-Free 4th consistently ignoring them and with municipal attaches about his Avenel Memorial Post VFW, La- not giving the County Committee statement of a week ago. His in- dies' Auxiliary of Avenel- VFW, ->r the Democratic leader the rec- ference, however, was that he had Colonia Post, American Legion and ognition they deserve."' not changed his mind and so far as its Auxiliary; Woodbridge Post, Police Chief Plea is known he has informed his as- Although the six Democratic American Legion; Fords Post, sociates' on thfi Committee that he members of the Township. Com- American Legion; Avenel Fire will resist any attempt to remove Motorists Cautioned to mittee were invited to ths last Company and its Auxiliary, Ex- him. He has not attended any re- session of the County Committee, empt Firemen's Association, Wood- Drive Carefuly Over cent meetings of the .Township Committeeman John Bergen was bridge Fire Company, No. 1, Perth Committee nor of the caucuses the only one to attend the entire Amboy Fire Company, Perth Am- Long Holiday Weekend which precede them, and unless meeting. Committeeman Thomas boy Fire Company Band, Iselin some legal method of removal is WOODBRIDGE—Anticipating a Stevens, Third Ward, appeared be- Fire Company -No. 1, Avenel- found Mr. Stevens can refrain " record volume of highway travel fore the meeting opened but did Colonia First Aid Squad and its from the twice-monthly sessions* not remain and Committeeman Auxiliary, Woodbridge Emergency over the coming Independence Day anrl by withholding resignation Peter Schmidt was present only Squad, St. John's First Aid Squad, weekend, Police Chief George E. can prevent naming of a successor. for the concluding portion. The Carteret First Aid Squad, Avenel Keating today had this message - The over-all plan; -when'- origin-- Republican Club, Inc., Avenel Rod for motorists:.. other corhmiTJteemen,"- William ally formulated, had contemplated and Gun Club, Port Reading CYO Pitepatrick, William Warren and Mr. Stevens' ready acquiescence to Drum Corps, Avenel VFW Junior • "You have everything to gain by Mr. Mroz did not attend.. the suggestion he quit, and the Band, Boy and Girl Scouts, \ ." driving safely, everything to lose if naming al B. Lorenzo Alibani of f you don't." Port Reading to succeed him. Mr.' Members of the committee are: Referring to the prevalence of Alibani is tne Democratic nominee Henry Bialkowski, chairman, Av- automobile accidents over weekend Raises in Salary this year for Committeeman from (Continued on Page 4) holidays, the police head said: "If the Third Ward and it was f.elt the * experience he could gain by re- the man at the wheel will never for Approved by Board placing Mr. Stevens at this point an instant forget that his control would be of considerable* assist- Penicillin. Dump of a swift and heavy vehicle con- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Pay ance in his campaign for election. fers no right to disregard the raises for appointed Township of- rights of others, and if the man, ficials were authorized by the There are many who "ieel that Causes Dissension, woman and child afoot will re- Board of Commissioners Tuesday Mr. Stevens, despite his statement member to look befoi'e they walk in a resolution introduced; by Wal- (Continued on Page 4) Ordinance Preparation and heed the common sense regu- ter C. Christensen, chairman of the lations, it Will be a better and saf^r Department of Revenue and Fi- Approved; Troger Asks nance. holiday for all of us.'" Scouts to Observe- Revision of Code/ Those who will benefit by the Chief Keating, who celebrates resolution are: his birthday on July 4, stated he RARITAN TOWNSHIP-rr-Difl.ef- Tax collector. $4,000, 'up $300: could think of "no better birthday Birthday Tonight ences of opinion Were voiced Tues- treasurer, $2,100., up $100; chair- preseriiKthan a. police blotter clear . day by the Board of Health as it man of the board of assessors, of accident reports," faced the problem of eliminating $1,300, up $100; members of the Troop Sponsored by Fire an alleged nuisance and health Motor Vehicle Director Arthur board of assessors, $675, up $75: hazard in the Township said to be W. Magee in his message asking building inspecttor, $1,300, up Company is Year Old; caused by the dumping of waste for safe -driving over the weekend $100; clerk, $2,700, up $300. Awards to be- Oiven products form the manufacture of stated that last year, in New Jer- Also township attorney, $1,850. penicillin. sey, the Independence Day week- no $100; overseer of the poor. WOODBRIDGE—Troop 37, Boy The dumping is being done on end accounted for 500 traffic ac- $900, up $75; superintendent of Scouts, sponsored by Woodbridge private property off Meadow Road cidents," 287 personal injuries and the water department, $3,800; up Fire Company, No. 1 will hold its by a Perms Neck firm. five deaths. As usual, nearly two- $300: township physician, $1,3.50, first aniversary party and charter In wet weather or under certain thirds of the accidents happened up $100 s Board of Health physi- night tonight at No. 11 School atmospheric conditions, the waste on local streets. The recent Me- cian, $1,350, up $100; overseer of Auditorium. products give off an offensive odor, morial weekend recorded one roads, $3,800, up $300; magis- Scouts will receive awards, as area residents declared. Further, in traffic. trate, $3,000, up $200, and custo- rick, R. Betamel; Second Class, the affected residents are fearful dian of parks and public -property. follows": First Class, George Pat- that the waste matter seeping into $3,100, up $300. ; Donald Drost, Al Hunt, Thomas the ground may contsitute a threat KIWANIS SEES FILM The- raises are retroactive to Weber. Hay Frank, Ralph Tartag- to the purity of the area's water ON CANCER BATTLE January 1. lione. John Seniak, Thomas Bader, supply. In' other business, the commis- B. Tomko, Peter Zaluk, -Howard The problem has come before sioners ' approved the renewal of Trumble, Robert Balogh, Adam the board in the past and for sev- One-Third of Deaths Can all existing liquor licenses • in the Snyder, John Preacher, Roger eral months. Board president Henry Be Avoided by Early Township for the coming year. Baker. Jack Ealapos; Tendei'foot, Troger declared, every effort has These include 30 plenary retail R. Edmonds, Mark Ellentuck, R. been made to "seek a solution to Detection, Club Learns consumption licenses, four retail Hooban, D. Miller, R. Browu, T. the question. Troger pointed out Bryan, R. Fennel, R. Forziati, W. WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge distribution licenses and three club that before action can be taken to Bramble. Kiwanis Club members viewed an' licenses. t have the practice stopped, a posi- Perfect Attendance Medals, educational film issued by the The. Edison Volunteer Fire tive proof that a .health hazard T56n3lc! Cunv, Donald Drost, Al- American Cancer. Society . at its Company in a letter to the govern exists" must be established. He said "•sit Hunt, Alfred Pluskota, Thora- meeting Tuesday at the Log Cabin. (•Continued on Page 21 that the board has been trying to -5. wever, George Patrick; Service establish this in its efforts thus far The film gave an interesting ac- Stars. 1 year, Donald Curry, Don- " tout that at this point its study is count of the strides being made Playground Schedule I'd Drast. Al Hunt, Al Pluskota, not yet complete. " . toward prevention and treatment Announced by Director Thomas Wever, R. Tartagllone, R, Troger pointed out that the prob- of cancer. It emphasized the fact "^i ank J. Seniak, G. Patrick, Scout- that one third of the deaths from RAKITAN TOWNSHIP — T'- R-i3tet' William Mason and Assist- lem is complicated by the fact that ; the dumping is being done on pri- cancer could be prevented by early ••*' following schedule for TQwnsh ant Scoutmasters M. Hunt anct- vate property and that there "is no recognition om symptoms, sound playground use during the snmrrw , Arthur Fr^zsr: Merit Badges, Don- regulation at present in the Town- medical advice from the family was announced today toy Jains- ald Curry, carpentry; Donald ship ' to prohibit it. The board's physician and a thorough under- Costa, township director of recre- Drost. carpentry and art; Robert case, he explained, must rest on the standing of the nature of the dis- ation. The program is under th' Ret-pmal, first aid and music; establishing that a health hazard e'ase. The program was arranged administration of Commission e'' George Patrick, home repairs and exists. by Herman Dettmer, program Wililani P. Clarke of the denart- bookptry. ment of parks and public property. In order to guarantee that there chairman, through the courtesy of Thes photographs were taken by our staff photographer, Wind- of smoke which could be seen for miles. The spring, flames-are also Affev the awards are presented can be no repetition of this type of Joseph Demick, Middlesex County sor J, Lakis, at the heig-ht of the lire resulting- from the esplosion at easily visible. ' The playgrounds will be one'- ••>v B"nnf. rifR-iai^ refreshments from 9 A.M.. to 5 P. M. on the days h e dumping in the Township, Mayor Chapter of the American Cancer California Refining Company, Ferth Amboy, just over the Township Below, is a closeup of the fire with employes of the Shell Oil mill h" IPVVS'1 V -fb tvopp's Moth- Society. Company, Sewaren, at work helping to extinguish the blase with indicated: Piscataway Park. Mon- er's ninb nnri a -QvoevTim of enter- Julius Engel called for the prepa- line last Thursday, ration of an ordinance which Fred Howells of the York Air f oamiie, the Shell sent a truck, seen at the rlirht, loaded with f oam- day to Friday inclusive with Miss tainment will be presented ,by the would specifically prohibit it., ." Conditioning Corporation, attend- Above is the most dramatic picture thus far seen of the hot, wind- ite to the scene immediately. Experienced Shell Hre-fighters aided Trma Benko as attendant; Clara boys. ' i swept blaze which took the lives of four persons, including two Perth in battling the blaze. In addition to the four fatalities, six other per- Acknowledging that such an or- ed the meeting as a guest of John Barton School grounds, Monday Twentv-flve ms'tibers of the Amboy firemen. This photograph was taken .iust as a small plane, sons were injured. Three are still in the Perth Amboy General to Friday inclusive With Francis dinance would only be effective for Molnar. A report of the interna- used for taking news pictures, was encircling the black, thick clouds Hospital. • - • • : troop will leave Sunday for a ' fuuter cases and would have no tional convention of Kiwanis at D'Aquila as attendant. week's stay at Camp Cowaw. Tiifey bearing on a situation that already Atlantic. City was given by Pat- Oak Tree (Maryland, Avenue), will be accompanied by Scoutmas- exists, Mayor Engel nevertheless rick Kilmurray, Warren Harned Methodist Minister children and those, who attend Graduation Party Held Sullivan,. Richard 'Sullivan, Miss Monday and Wednesday; Henry ter William Mason. felt that the ordinance would pro- and Dan Rush. morning worship regularly during Patricia ^ullivah, Mr, and Mrs. Street, Tuesday and Thursday: vide a bulwark against future po- Lists Summer Schedule the summer will be given special For Byron Sullivan Russell Ely, Miss Dorothy Gon- Potters section,. Friday, all" with JR. SODAMSTS ELECT tential nuisances of this sort and awards on Rally Day in Septem- dola, Miss Therma Morris, Joseph Fred Pelosi as attendant; Stel- WOODBRIDGE — Miss Phyllis would give the Township some SAJBEN NAMED WOODBRIDGE — Rev. .Freder- ber. SEWAREN—A graduation party- Dolan and Joseph Devanny. ton _Sch.ool grounds, Monday and Coley, was elected president of 'the 4 gorunds in the event of future AVENEL—Charles Sajben, Jr., ick W. Poppy, pastor of the Meth- was given for Byron Sullivan, son Thursday; Bonhamtown, St. Junior Sodality of St. James* 335 Avenel Street, who has been odist Church, announced today i PBA TO INSTALL of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sullivan, DAUGHTER FOR HATFIELDS Mary's Church grounds, Tues- Church at a. meeting Tuesday: in very active in veteran circles, was that the summer-schedule will go Pleasant Avenue, at their home. day and Friday, and the Pines St. James' School. Others elected Te also pointed out that at pres- WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge WOODBRXDGE—Mr. and Mrs. ent with no regulations governing elected department inspector at into effect Sunday when morning Local, Patrolmen Benevolent Asso- The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Tract, Wednesday, all with Ber- were Miss Geraldine Powers, vice tthr- -nracticp., the Township is pow- the annual state convention of the worship will be held at 10 o'clock, ciation will install its officers July Leon Sullivan, Mrs. Gladys Peter- Leroy Hatfield, Melbourne Court, nard Crowl as attendant. , president; Miss Audrey Alexander, erless to bring charges against the Veterans of Foreign Wars of New one' hour" earlier than usual. 11 at the Middlesex Hotel. Refresh- son, Mr, and Mrs. Leon Sullivan, areTiie parents of a daughter born The playgrounds will open to- treasurer and Miss Lois Neary, sec- (Continued on Page 2) Jersey, Saturday in Wildwood Parents are urged to bring their ments will be served at 2 P. Si, Jr. and daughter, Christie, at Rahway Memorial Hospital. morrow and will close August 21. Iretary. PAG2 TvvO THURSDAY, JUICE 30, l9-*& 1G WKSHlt iL>6 JbEACOH-

Penicillin Dump He served four and a half years in week with Mrs. Rubin Greco, in Business Raises in Salary the U. S. Air Corps, including one Avenel Personals ingston Avenue. On New England Honeymoon and a half years' service in the j —Mrs. Frank Applcsate and (Continued from Page 1) —A son, Wayne Allen, was company, since it is unable to cite . 'Continued from Page 1) European theatre, raid is now the | daughter June, formerly of town. _ins body disavowed any responsi- Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Forces Tel Co. Cutan infraction of any existing lav,'. manager of a Shell service station ' now of T It was at this point that senti- bility far the maintenance of the -C-xas, are guests of Mr. W. Bjorken, 59 Manhattrn Avsniie in Westfiald. and Mrs. Richard Meyers, Corn- ment on the board divided. Al- old Menlo Park school house, point Mr. and Mrs, at Muhlenbua'g Hospital, M IO in Plant Department old Menlo ' Park sehoolhouse, Growing spirit of nationalism ! mercial Avenue. field. Mrs. Bjorken is the though each mssnber expressed his Edward T. Coley anxiety to eliminate the practice pointing out that a Scout troop seen among Soviet satslites. I —The Ever Jolly Club met this Ruth Ely: . U be Laid Off July 1; as soon as possible, opinion was which met there at one time and shown in their car after the Ser»ke Demand off oivided on thv advisability of a which was sponsored by the, fire specific ordinance to achieve this company is now disbanded. The wedding1 e ere - al—The New Jer-end. fire company letter said the build- 'mqn y Saturday 1 '.telephone Company an- Troger, who for the past nine ing is "in dangerous condition." in St. James' i ycwiday a decline in months has been preparing a com- A letter from. George Thomp- ••mn demand and the subse- Church. The prehensive revision of the Town- son, building inspector, declared bride is the for- i (-veiling off of tiie eom- ship's sanitary code, asked that that the old school building "could <.nn<-U'uctioii program has Llie board at its next meeting, or at create a fire hazard." Both letters mer Marie V. t.Ufii a layoff of 340 plant a special meetm.i as soon as pos-were filed Without comment. Behaney. (Phota iit-itt personnel early in sible, adopt that section of ths pro- Gerald Brown, president of the b y Woodbndge Jo., posed new code which is specifi- Paisley Homeowners' Association, Studio.) - J said the majority cally concerned with this type of appeared at the meeting to thank 0- f aflected had been health nuisance. •the commissioners for work dons less than one He felt that with this section of to eliminate health and safety - .'i Out none hud as much as the proposed new code on the hazards at the Paisley Homes de- cade bouquets of gladioluses and t.*. , books, the Board of Health would velopment. r * •" ' J .-Unn u taken xvifh ex- roses.. •.-"'• . ' be in a better position to clea! with The May report of the building iji' i i in tance on our part but the condition it now tnces. An or- ipie .. William Behaney, brother of (die • ' • • of the circumstances we I insueettor listed 35 permits issued, bride, was the best man ancl^Arnold dinance, he said, would only* stop representing , construction valued iv . " i i. other choice. The lay-offs such occurrences in the future, Hauser of,' Avenel and Walter i ,n i '-titcrtd in any one loca- I at $444,695 and fees of $525. Married Saturday BroWA of Perth Amboy ushered. whereas a new sanitary code sec- I The following property was sold: j.i Jit .i]|> di-tributed fairly tion would give the boaid power The. newly weds are on a two- ' ' '" 't-i the slate." the com- Six lots on Linden Avenue to Mr. WOODBRIDGS,—At a nuptial v.reek honeymoon to Niagara Falls in the present case and also in any arid Mrs. James A. Kmosko for mass held Saturday in St. James' TO WEAK TO ' ' >ict future cases. : and New England and will "reside WHICH ARE Tiif demand for new telephone $300; thfee lots on Park Place to •Church, Miss Marie V. Behaney, at the Main Street address upon WORK . . . AND However, the motion was made Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhoades for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton WORTH NO / j ]ws lalk'ii off and the pres- by Mayor Engel that the Township .return. For traveling the bride AFTER, WUSK. $300; four lots on Florence Street Behaney, 283 Sherry Street, be- chose a dress of summer pink, navy LESS THAN T oT.ook Uiows no indication of attorney be instructed to draw up to Fred Curcio for 5600; two lots came the bride of Edward Thomas Reg. $5 Value z- / 'tr ^ase m demand in the near an ordinance for submis~ion at the blue accessories and a corsage of $4.00 A PATH on Harvey Avenue to /Mr. and Mrs. Coley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward white roses. "'.,'.-• I'II," " Th-ii-efors. the company next meeting which would SDC- Maurice S. MeGrath for $200, and J. Coley, 256. Main Street. Rev. ARE TOGO TO BE SOLD 'j!a' H'd. "it is, unable to continue cifiically prohibit dumping of this Tht bride is a graduate of AT ONLY one lot on Irving Street to Mr. and John Petri, St. Mary's Church, Woodbridge High School, class of AT ONLY . , . - «•;; .ind iti plant ai ihe same type in the Township. The mayor Mrs. Michael Palazzola for $150. Perth Amboy, cousin of the bride- .'! ai -used f >llowed since V-J added that meanwhile every effort groom performed the double-ring 'ip and is employed' as a china •• out must reduce its eonstruc- Also, fh'e lots on Irving Street ! decorator by the Woodbridge Pot- 1 should be continued tn eliminate, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palazzola ceremony and was the celebrant of lU'jm m )me with the needs the present condition. for $850;. four lots on Lillian the mass. j -tery Company. Her husband is a i li i_ tairaness. Voting' against the motion to Street to Frank Palazzola for $700; 'graduate of St. [Mary's High It v.( «ie 6,632 personrtel in the The bride, given in marriage by School, Pertth Amboy,.class of '42. prepare an ordinance were Troger two lots on Lincoln Avemfe to Mr. her father, Was attired in a gown HEMl d n: U. rv.rtment today. This i^ and Commissioner Walter C. and Mrs. John Serenska for $150; 1V double the. number the of white Chantiliy lace, and satin Censorship still • rules news 1 Chirstensen. Their opposition to three lots on Jackson Avenue to many sections of the world.. jti'^air had in its employ at the the ordinance was only on the Mr. and Mrs. Frank' J. Kirsh for having a Peter Pan , a pep- .n* ni Voild War II, the companj grounds that n. was not the most $600. lum and a full skirt extending into Fravda calls Bonn Constitution practicable appraoch to the piob- a Jong scalloped . Her veil of a "conspiracy." •• • . Also, two lots on Garden Street Frbnch illusion was-attached to a Gain is Noted lem and their counter-rceom- msndation was that the new sani- to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Calamc- crown of Chantiliy lace and she T if company reported a net nsri for $500; one lot on Pierspn carried a prayerbook marked with ' • .n (if move than 500,000 teie- taiv code be rushed into enact- ment. Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. William white roses, iilies of the valley and 1 ' \o- in the itate since the end Giles for S150, and • two lots on s.tephanotis. HAROLD E. f-u W'uil.i Wai II—an increase of The motion to prepare an ordi- First Street to Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Joseph Allgaier, sister of H" . hu< it pointed out that its nance based on this specific type C. Colletto .for $400. ANDERSON. 0 1.1 c :o°d Wc>s now on the decline. of dumping was passed with the the bridegroom, was matron of "Tn ?11 but a few areas throueh- votes of Mayor En&el and Commis- honor and Miss Irene Sedlak, Upholstering- and out tlic slate, telephone service is sioners James C. Forgone and RAIN BREAKS UP cousin of the bride, and Miss t'jnrially now available immedi- William P. Clarke. The opposition PRAYER-SERVICE Phyllis Coley, cousin of the bride- Furniture Repair ; - 'ly on demand, and delay in the to it by Troger and Christensen WISBOBOUGH GREEN, Eng- groom, were bridesmaids. They r< in.iirurK' areas is not a matter of gave rise to expressions of political land.—-Villagers, holding,, an open- all \v6re similar gowns of starched Tel. Wood. ,8-2759-W feeling that is seldom heard at chiffon having an off-the-shoulder «-.\ ilo.ilt personnel. Under present air service to. pray for rain to save 29 E. GREEN STREET 1 in'i.i.i'in& therefore, with demar^ board meetings. their crops, had to. run for the effect and a bustle, Mrs. Allgaier I rr-v,- service fallm? off, i,vi(i chaurch in order to complete their in pink and the bridesmaids in nile WOODBRIDGE ._ tint i-*'atively' faw persons waiting Soviet press calls for a strength- prayer meeting—the rain sudden- green. They all wore matching In' tilPi/ocuies and with oui" work ened drive against religion. ly came, in a downpour. draped bonnets and carried. cas- 1'jad d;vlining, there just is not imu»h woik for the number of • rrrr^l.jy^ej now on the payroll, and J,Mt-T" is htlle likelihood that this pu'Uu^ v ill change in the near tuf.ue." the company said. Commenting- on its earnings JERSEY TIRE CO. Pif'iif, the company said: PERTH AMBOY • NEW BRUNSWICK • PLAINFIELD ASBTJRY PARK "Allhough the Commission has : -.it1 ni u'"d increased revenues of ifJCV^.OaO, approximately 18% i.1. f • '911. non-management em- yViyc- are receiving $24,700,000 .rjnuyMv more than they would ftfVf re reived with 1941 basic wage x'tps in effect. Quite obviously, the y.L 'rt-v -,. d revenues fall far short of «( jiv up with the increase in t<.i'.' wae,e rates alone. WRIN Down! Earnings Reported "Dr-,pn> Lwo postwar rate in- r(.j--f-,. ihe company's tfinancial t n lib has not? been measurable ( >i.fjniv>tl. The company in 194*71 .. (i '..rniir-i of only 1.13%. Wliile J c-hi- whtii was granted through ; is'- inert ise on January 1, 1948, > >MHJ", remained Inadequate. In HKJ V.U- (.ompany earned 3.87%. ' .ven v. !*•» the new rates, which be- .'aia" etii-ative May 1, 1949, earn- .... • f >• fhc complete year ,1949 r,jt- L':peclcd tD be below what is ••vfi.iina to meet the needs of the fJt" II" S, "Tl.e company on May 6 re- rs i- i< d tht Board of Public Utility ffiuni Miners to order a rehear- c cf the company's request of From Bendix, a new eyfomsiHc qgit.gfor. washer ct- ;. i. i''r)h mber for increased rev- tiiiu-s. This request for a rehear- a price every family can afford! "} .' . till pending before the Cosn- tfi "'ux " Never before a washer like the crear new Bench's Economat! UNIBERTOW WASHING ACTIOM! Its secret is the revolutionary new Wondsrrtub*—the utterly different Wonuertub s dynamic Avenel Notes shape combines with the kind of tub that gives you a wonderfully new kind of washing, draining, trusty agitator to gi\ e jon and squeeze-drying! , L-. i a new kind of ^a hing —TK Ladies' Aid Society of the action! Clothe and uds The Wond.err.ub* is the secret of the amazing Economat. Made of the j are pulled down into P-t hM. ;un Church vvill hold a undertow currents Dirt sensational new wonder material—metexaloy—it eliminates msny expen- -^ '-'I V m\ -i crty at the hotne of Mrs. comes out'ill e magic' sive parrs. See the Economat—newest, simplest, automatic washer i;i the O' •, r-< .ii =i, 15 Madison Averrae, Whites are -whiter, color: .i.'iv I4fn at 1:30 o'clock, as a b r i g h t e r—) o u 11 b e world at the world's lowest price. It's here now! B'Jdin: Fane! project. Mrs. Sears ddighted wirh Tjndcnow •i'1 D • as.sit.tecl by Mrs. William Washing Action *Wondertub guaranteed jor 5 years. 1. i1 i"fin "Mrs Arthur Bryer, Mrs. r>.. d r..v>e. Mrs. O. H. Wefer- ONLY i 1 >f -. Wir.iam Whitley, Mrs. I 95 WhiHey. Mrs. Russell i FLOATAWAY DRAINING! P:i - •. f.^l.l, Mrs. George Kayser and Floating suds crap dirt. 179 2H~ Idunsth Tagg'art. Mrs. Fred- Then tbe Wbndertub auto- esirk B?ckley ia chairman of the matkilly closes in. Dirty Includes Normal Inst. «-n.'p wrapper collection which, will suds are pushed up—then down the hollow agitator tnr) nn Julv 31st. Ml members are they float. Sand and other U'"pfl to -,et then wrappers to her hea\y sediment is flushed That's right — a down payment of only $4.44 puts w ' .inn as possible. out through the tub bot- —All Sunday School classes will tom. Dirty water never FOUR new, safer, longer mileage Goodyear 6.00-16 "be held at 9 A. M. and church, strains through clothes! DOWN worship at X0;00 A. M., during the Clothes come out cleaa! Marathon tires on your carl Stop in today for one, two, 1 MIBBI'I mcnUis at the Presbyte- Immediate Delivery three or a set of these quality-built tires. They're rian Church. No evening church se-Vxzes until the fall schedule has harder to wear out, or bruise — they give you been resumed.' Rev. C. A. Gallo- greater protection against blowouts. Enjoy safer motor- way has relumed home after SGUEiZE-DRYING! tcaclunp at %he summer confer- Amazing! \fondertub ing now — and set your own terms on the balance. eni't in Blairstown last week. . then gently but firmly Pay weekly or as you are paid ... as little as $1.-25 —Robert Barr is spyading his liugs the clotlies—sqaee- Vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Win- ee-eezes our water! No a week. ,;>•-• ner, SJj'eralle. wringer! No higli-speed spinning. Just even, con- —The Woman's Club held the stant, vacuum pressure to wvcntb in its series of summer bring your clothes put card parties Monday at the "home damp-dry in a jiffy! No of the president, Mrs. Edward deep-set wrinkles! No Began, George Street, with Mrs. tingling! No broken Raymond GnbWe as co-hostess, ! , Special award went to Mrs. Heyin Bicrly and door prize to Mrs. Wil- liam Falkenstern. Non-players prizes -went to Daniel Levy and Air-Conditioned for You Miss Alida Van Slyke and prizes at card playing were "wori by Mrs. jKtigene Magargol, Mrs. George Mioi and Mrs. William Hansen. Othets present were:'Mrs. William Ku7miak, Mrs. James Mc-Hugh, MJS, Harold Wilson, Mrs. Frank Earth, Mrs. Lawrence- Felton, Mrs. Arvid Winquist, town; Mrs. How- ai'<3 KBapp, Mrs. led Lewis, Rah- %I*T, and Mrs. Charles- Broofewell, 147 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. Open 'Till 9 Fridays A. 4-1775 Ii»;-i Tuesday, Jiily 5th, because of the holiday, at t&fcJx$eas of Mrs, RARITAN TOWNSHIP AND JORDS BEACON THtfESDAY, JUNE-30, 1949 PAGE TH&ES Cancer Dressings to Be Society of Perth Amboy and Wood- WOODBRIDGE NOTES-" Fire Co. Bazaar OBITUARIES bridge Branch, Ancient Order of —The Methodist Youth Fellow- Made During Summer United Workmen. • ship will meet tonight' at 7 o'elock- Feted at Shower COLONIA — The Colonia Club Proves Successful MRS. BARBARA FEHEB FEJES Funeral services will toe held at the home of Miss Louise Fuge, will meet the third Mondays of WOODBRIDGE ~- Mrs. Barbara Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock 586 Ridgedale Avenue. July and August, to make cancer Feher Fejes, 64, wife of George' from the home and at 9 o'ciock in —The Senior Choir of* the Meth- WOODBRIDGE—Dr. Elsie May COLONIA—Miss Constance Ter- COLONIA—A successful bazaar Fejes, Melbourne Court, died Mon-: St. James' Church. Burial will be odist Church will hold a rehearsal The bride is a graduate of Get-zella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.dressings, at the Colonia Library, in St. Peter's Cemetery, New tomorrow night at 8:30 o'clock ia Logan, daughter of Dr. William A. tysburg Coiiege and the College 8 P. M, • was held from Wednesday to Sun- day at the Perth Amboy General; Logan, Pittsburgh, Pa., and ths Anthony Terzalla, Cavour Terrace, d Brunswick. the church. of Medicine of the University of was guest of honor at a bridal The president, Mrs. James Har- day, by the Colonia voiunteer Fire Hospital. Her husband is her only late Mrs. Logan, became the bride Pittsburgh. She has been on" the ahan, reports the club has been Company on tne grounds of thsurvivore . of Rev. James Burnett Reid, son shower, given by her cousin, Miss staff of resident physicians at St.Anne Sica, New Brunswick. promised Township Committee aid firehouse, Inman Avenue. Many Funeral services were held this of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reid. Francis' Hospital,' Pittsburgh, in efforts to secure bus service on prizes were won at the booths morning in St. Michael's Hungar- DeSoto Avenue, at the First Pres- Guests included Mrs. Marie De- where she has held residencies in lassandro, Mrs. Mary Delassandro, Public Service Route 134, to gowhich included candy, dolls, alum- ian -Greek Catholic Church, Perth byterian Church, Philadelphia. neuro-psychiatry andi in medicine. through Chain O'Hills Road and inum ware and electrical appli- The bridegroom is pastor of the Mrs. Clara Delia Rose, Mrs. Nettie Amboy, with Rev. Albert Gaydos She is a member of Chi Omega De Lorenzo, Mrs, Lucy Mieie and Colonia Boulevard from St. George ances, blankets, hams, and games officiating. Burial was in the church. The double-ring ceremony Sorority. Avenue to the Lincoln Highway. of skill. was performed .by Rev. Dr. James daughter, Tftarie, Mrs. Sadie Botti, church cemetery. . The Rev. Mr. Reid is a graduate Mrs. Antionette Botti, Mrs. Edith A donation has been voted toth e On Sunday evening- the follow- T. CJeland. American Cancer Society, of the Coiiege of Wooster and theMelchione, Mrs. Eva Albright, Mrs. ing prizes were awarded: Televi- ALEX J. DOJCSAK Serving as maid of hour and New Brunswick Theological Sem- Mary Nardone, Mrs. Teresa De sion set, F. H. Moran, Newark; ra- bridesmaid were Dr. Inouye of inary and has completed residence Monte, Mrs. Teresa Chaloka, Rah- NEW ARRIVAL dio, W. Gordon, Woodbridge; WOODBRIDGE — Alex J. Do- Seattle, Wash., and Mrs, Richard work toward a graduate degree in way; Mrs. Mamie Barbosa. Misses WOODBRIDGE—Mr. and Mrs.newsboy, A. Tursinski, Colonia; jesak, 163 Rowland Place, died yes- Randolph of this place. Dr. Inouye Ernest Cruikshank, 15 Red Road, electric beanery, P. Schranz. Col-terday at his home. He is survived wore a pink Chantilly lace over church history at Princeton The- Rose, Ruth and Marie Terzella, by . his widow, Elizabeth; two ological Seminary. Mrs. Max-y Terzella. Mrs. Lacadia Chatham, formerly of Woodbridge, onia; step-on can1 . Bob Bartkus, pink taffeta gown with matching Terzella, Mrs. Mildred Terzella, are the parents of a daughter, Sara Clark \Towinship; speedwasher, A. daughters, Mrs. Joseph Pancza, lace hat and Mrs. Randolph was OIL SUPPLY Colonia; Mrs. Pearl Terzella, Miss Ann, bora at Overbrook Hospital,/ Vesperino, Colonia; flashlights, C. Highland Park and Mrs. Louis attired in blue Chant-illy lace oevr Oil, among the scarcest of com-Eleanor Swanick, Fords; Mrs. El-Summit. Staunton and M. Hughes. The fol-Szabo, New Brunswick; a son, taffeta with matching lace hat. moditites only a few months ago, vira Sica and daughter, Rose Ma- lowing firemen worked for the af-John, Woodbridge; a brother, Paul, They carried pink roses and blue is now in heavy supply. Supply is rie, Highland Park; Mrs. Ross In- SLUMP? fair; Fred Modavis, Edmund Toledo, O., and three grandchil- delphinium. growing .faster than demand for gandrella, Mrs. Anne Sica and While there is a decided down- Hughes, John Iorio, Anthony Bel- dren. , William Reid of town served as the first time since the war's end, daughter, Anne, Misses Yolanda turn in business this year, nothing ardino, Armando Vesperino, Roy He was a member of St. Mary's the best man and ushers were Ar- due- to discovery jof new fields. and Hilda Ameglio, New Bruns- like the depression of 1929 is ex-Huelsenbeck, John Lloyd,' Josepht thur Meade of Washington, D. C,Texas in 1948, led the nation with wick. pected. Cushions, in the form of Aiuto, Luther Calvin, Rudolph | ski, Harry Read, Charles Skibin- and Robert Logan of Gettysburg- 31 per cent- of all wells drilled. Miss Terzella will be married in insured bank deposits, supports for Enz, Reginald Brady, August Fra- ]ski. Fred Slitter, Stanley Seabasty. Pa. Oklahoma was second and Penn- farm prices, a huge backlog in sav- zier, Ernest Prey, Horst Tetsch- James. Taggart, Willi Wels, James September to Santo Casavona, ner, Robert Morrisey, George Scott, The Rev. and Mrs. Reid, upon sylvania third, followed by Kansas, New York. ings and a pentup demand for Staunton. They were assisted by their return from a wedding trip California, Illinois, Louisiana, New goods will the shock. Robert Schussler, John Markow- the.Ladies' Auxiliary. August 1. will reside at 2220 Spruce York, Ohio and Indiana, in that Brain surgery is held last resort Street. Philadelphia. order. in mental illness. Banish Your Hot-WaterTroub 1 - 2 ... HERE'S AIL YOU DO! 1 — Buy any three of Flagstaff s famous fine foods — 2 - Attach the labels, carton or bog fronts, or vacuum-packed coffee coupons to a piece of paper or coupon below with your name and address on i* Add 50tf m cash — no stamps please. Then matt to FLAGSTAFF, WAUINGFORD, CONN

against dafecf by Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., Conn.

HEATERS Flagstaff Foods Wallingferd, Conn. CANNOT RUST OR CORRODE! Enclosed are—— _m cash {no stamps} and -Flagstaff lobets carton c bag fron*s( or vacuum-packed coffee coupon* for whkh Pertnaglas Water Heaters cow make it possible for please send m« Original Rogefj T«espoon», you to have completely satisfactory hot-water service in your home, automatically. NAME _____ ADDRESS- The common troubles that have annoyed so many flAGSTAFF FOODS homeowners ... rusting and corroding . • . are ban- SOID ONtY AT FRIBNOLY, CITY_ .ZONE STATE. ished in this all-modern water heater. You are freed of NEIGHBORHOOD G8O(T£SS? This oRer U lu-fecl le my Slats or L«ol Ksjuiaiio!!. , all tank rust that ruins laundry . .. corrosion dirt that I am am torn wm raw _t» _w t_* Si» w» «« *!» »—' *» —* discolors water and fixtures. The reason is the tank—it's glass-fused-to-steel. Sani- tary as a clean drinking glass. Come in and see it—today.

A of ©mafic Hot Wafer . . . ttlways sparkling clean!

SMITHway; Automatic Water Heaters


«^fc»!S3<^j**3!3^-»*#V«!>&^«J^^ AND YOU! OLD * Other Sizes \ Proport ioaately \ low!

It's the famous FIRESTONE STANDARD TIRE at a sensational REDUCED PRICE for your July 4th Holiday Driving! Safe, depend- able mileage — curve-gripping non-skid safety tread! And it's built with the exclusive Safti- Sured Gum-Dipped cord body that gives greater protection against blowouts! Backed by a- Life- time Guarantee! SAVE DTJB31TC+ OUR JULY 4TH TIRE SALE!

are thousands of tailoring establxsh- r ' Fits Most Cars! A merits in New jersey. Some of them are large concerns widely known for fine custom tailoring, others are little neighborhood shops where one takes a suit to be pressed or a skirt to be mended. Electricity and gas are constantly at work in tailoring establishments. Did you ever stop and

think of all the tasks they perform there4and how they contribute indirectly to one's personal appear- Good looking.' Easily iastalled. Keeps out noise, fumes. Tough ance? There are electric steam irons—there are big rabber, felt back. pressing machines heated by electricity or gas—. Imagine! The most compact, handsome, powerful there are electric machines and, of course, 0 10" table model ever built is yours for so little! Bright, there must be good illumination so that work caa £ direct-view expanded 61 square inch TELERAMIC picture £ is electronically engineered for the finest possible visual and be done quickly and skilfully. * ^ sound-reception. Easy finger-rtipcontrol ; automatic "tele-lock" •^ that locks pictures in tune; magnificent styling in walnut or Public Service >J mahogany. All that, and easy payment terms too! Come in in the dependable and }* TODAY for the best family entertainment unit yet! useful services il furnishes, j-, A*'"*./'-.-

FOR FRONT AND REAR SEATS. ! 10% Down — 24 look for rbe nex) advbriuemenl in tb's i MOST SEDANS gardina. your state published by Pub 'C Cc AND COACHES. Copies of this series, of" message! Ten Days Only C®y pes ©nly 6.45 S APPY'S RADIO regarding Mow Jersey ars cvailablo « on requesf. Write fo SO Park Place, * Television, Radio Sales, Service & Supplies Newark, N, J., Room 8308. £ Household Appliances : : 330 AMBOY AVENUE, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 1 296 PERSHING' AVE. • CARTERET, N. J.- • Telephone 8-0061 I _ Phone Res. CA-8-6404

"I f- • JUNE 30, 1349 TOVvNfc>HIij AhiD FOHBS GOVERNMENT INCOME Drama Festival Star During the first five months of Denise Marie Marhulin the present calendar year; the Marks Fifth Birthday Junior Safety Patrol Enjoys Annudl Outing- Government's income- declined more than 83,000,000,000 compared Slates Big Star WOODBRIDGE—Mr. and Mrs. with a year ago. From $18,000,000 Michael H. Markulin, 577-B Wash- in the first five months of 1948, ington Avenue, gave a' party for net receipts of the Treasury drop- Lizabelh Scott to Be their daughter, Denise Marie, in ped to $15,400,000,000,000 in the Seen in 'Anna Lucasta' honor of her fifth birthday. first flve attributed 10 lowered in- Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mich- \\ come taxc-j. Withholding taxes, re- Week ol Jnly 4lh ael J. Koesik and daughter, Carol duced later, were at the old rate Ann, Mr. and Mrs. C. William Mes- during Llir hrst, five months of PRINCETON—Third atti-action sick, Linda Markulin, all of town; JS48, of the Princulun Drama Festival Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blum and as the MeCarter Theatre, Prince- children, Nancy, Pamela, Patricia ton, will be Lissabeth Scott, star- and William of Perth Amboy and |4S,O0O FOR WRITINGS ring in "Anna Lucasta." This dra- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dtinfee, Jr. of NJ3W VOHfif—Mrs. Oksana Ka- matic hit was p/ouuc^d on Broad- Sellersville, Pa. senfcina, RUSSKSL ex-school teacher, way with an ulI-Nt-ro t-ut. Author whose jump from a, window of the Philijj YouLm, however, originally MISSING ART IN CELLAR Russian .Consulate m New York wrote the play to depict a segment FRANKFURT,- Germany — The almost cost her her life, recently of life in u Polish community on •more, than 100 valuafclc- old paint- revealed!that sale of her syndi- Brooklyn's waterfront. The original ings, including worts by Rubens, cated sioriE-s here and abroad had version will be usad fur the pro- van Dyck, Franz Hals, Cezanne nrtCet! her $45,000 in less than a duction which Harold J. Kennedy and Renoir, missing from the Sear. and Herbert Kenwitu will present Frankfort Art Gallery since 1945 LIZABETH SCOTT at the MeCarter. Mr. Kennedy will and for which a worldwide search play the leading role opposite Miss lias been made, were recently Soott, and Mr. Kenwith will direct. found in the cellars of the gal- The setting will be designed by lery. . Richard Bernstein. SUMMER rest periods totaling nine days be- Tne sultry-voiced Miss Scott, tween assignments. The latest film prior to her movie career, was un- of the Quartet just completed is derstudy to Talluluh Bankhead Hal Wallis' -Bitter Victory," in when that lady played Sabina in which she is co-starred with Rob- [ Thornton Wilder's -The Skin of ert Cummings; the others are: ] Our Teeth." She has just com- "Pitfall,:' "Interference/', and "Too pleted four major pictures with Late for Tears." ON ALL BETTER CHRISTENSEN'S 1949 I Above are the-138 youngsters, all members of the Junior Police Captain Benjamin Parsons, director of the Junior Police and Martin "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Patrol, who were taken on an all-day picnic to Palisades Park, their Braun, principal of Port Reading- School. At the right1 of the same reward for a school year's, tour of duty at, school intersections. The raw ars Jfarhes. Catano, janitor of' Sewaren . School and Charles Announces ----- The Appointment of children are pupils in all the public grade schools in the Township MeGettigan, janitor of Port Reading School. The four men accom- and St.- James' Parochial School. At the extreme left, front row are panied the youngsters. MR. ROBERT DOW : . Avenel'.Civic Groups A final meeting of all members All efforts to run-down the ru- vulged, and it is not immediately Authorized Sales and Service Representative of the various committees will be mors which have enveloped the apparent how they can be con- (Continued from Page 1) held tomorrow night at 8 o'clock case.have, thus far, been fruitless. nected. . FOR ALL HOOVER CLEANERS IN THE enel VPW;- Mrs. Frank Wanea, at the flrehouse. At present, Mi*.. Stevens is chair- secretary. Ladies' Auxiliary, Avenet Matters pertaining to his personal business affairs are.the subject of man of the Administration Com- RARITAN BAY AREA Fire Company; Andrew Galisin, mittee—which supervises the op- treasurer, Avenel Fire Company; Stevens Told'. wide •discussion,.but just how they eration of municipal offices—and is Rubin Greco and George Kovak, (Continued from Page 1) pertain, if at all, to his conduct of a member of the Police and Parks I Avenel Fire Company; Mrs. Har- of defiance, will hand in his resig- his public office has not been di- and Playgrounds Committees. old Hanson, Avenel Fire Company, Auxiliary; Florian Wxanitz, Ex- nation Tuesday night as a matter If your old Hoover needs $ empt Firemen's Association; Prank of party loyalty and to avoid an attention or you are con- $ Wranitz, Boy Scouts, Troop 42; open clash with his associates. Adolph Elster, American Legion, Those holding- this opinion state sidering a replacement— >< Colonia; Mrs. Lillian'Elster, Col- that Mr. Stevens felt obliged to call Woodbridge 8-0084 for $ onia Post, American Legion Aux- insist he wili continue in order to iliary; Spencer Green and Mrs. save face, but how much embar- inspection or. demonstra- j>. Elsber, Avenel Republican Club, rassment, can be escaped in the tion. 4 Inc., Charles Sajben, Jr., and light of the avowed determination Richard James, Avenel Post, VFW; of members of his own party to Dorothy James and Claire Scheur- jettison him is a matter of ques- • From marked man, Avenel VFW Auxiliary. tion. Prices


I • Still the Finest CQMPtlTI WITH TfLlSCOPiC DIPOti ANTENNA, EXTENSION LINE In the Land MOBIL WITH BASE AN0 CARRYING CASE • Still a Lifetime Sewing; Machine f DE IUSE DESK MODH • Immediate Delivery on Most Singer Models fifell? cs Prices Stai-t al 1 & 100 < r WOOL .50 "BUDGET" DESK MODR SIZES 8-18 Budget Terms, If Desired Liberal Allowance for Your Present Model In hot, sticky weather you naturally suds your bras more often. So you'll want enough extra Life Bras on hand to enjoy the delightful luxury of a fresh one every day. Wash them again and again —Life Bras won't shrink, won't lose tlieir flat- tering fit. They always lift, mold, correct, hold—al- ways give you "that Formfit look" of bustline perfection. And they cost so little. Drop *E«a.U.S. fol.Off. by today and get"your extra Life Bras Emerson, producer of miracle sets and values, brings by tk« Sltijtr Mig. Co, • extra summer daintiness! you their newest triumph ... an AC-DC portable television receiver that sets a new high standard in Ufe Sea—illustrated performance... a smart new motif in styling and a1' 1. Free Sewing Course $1.75 — £?,50 Others from 81.25 Reg, $10 Value thrilling sew low in price. Light in weight, compact i 2. Fr*e Service - 5 Yeai-s in size, it can be moved anywhere with safety and con-' J 3. Free Instructions - Singer • lenience. The amazing Emerson super-powered Long'T l Attachments Distance chassis assures outstanding performance^ 4. Unconditional Guarantee even under adverse reception conditions. The demand will exceed our limited quantity... Shop early! -_ V 5. Genuine Singer Parts STORE HOURS 9-C DAILY; WEDNESBAY TILL NOON 6. Expert Mechanic Service within , THI IQVftY «UHN ANNl JACK 24 hours. WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE AS ION© AS 2 FULl YEARS TO PAY} 146 Smith St. Perth Amboy Call for Free Demonstration in Your Home OPEN FRIDAY EVENING Home & Auto Supply. SINGER SEWING CENTER 51 MAIN ST., CORNEB FULTON ST. 180 Sraftfs St. Perth Ambsy 4-0741 WOODBRIDGE, N. J...... : -., . TELEPHONE TOYvWSHXf' AND PGBDS BEACON THURSDAY, JUNE 30 PAGE FIVE;

Image Perfection • Miracle Picture Lock • Stati-CJear FM Sound Simpii-Matic Toning • Alnico PM Speaker EDI A PRICE FOR EVERY/PURSE • Mahogany Cabinet

MODEL #11 A Demonstration Proves Emerson Superiorly! MODEL 560 ... . Compensons Prove Emerson Vcilue leadership! SELF^POWERED, PORTABLE Here is the television receiver with the super-powered chassis that delivers super performance. It brings to America's No. I homes located in weak signal fringe areas the magic 3-WAY PORTABlE-MODfL 559 3-WAY PORTABLE — MODEL 56ft Portable Value! of television, and to homes within ordinary range, the clearest, brightest, sharpest pictures ever achieved. But fcSi batteries lbss batteries Compact! Lightweight! Beautiful! Improved Emerson doesn't offer you unsurpassed performance Tt J c it tvtiy-Ajjere, it plays anywhere! Greater seniitivity, greater power, wider superheterodyne circuit with extra power output only ... Emerson has gone a step further and given you Po.vt-ii'.I superheterodyne circuit that range, more economical operation. Plays for greater sensitivity and range* Alnico PM «• value so sensational, that it has become the "Buy- playJ s on batteiies or AC-DC. Alnico on batteries or AC-DC. Inclosed LiLz- I M speaker, inclosed super-ioop an- wound super-loop antenna for greater sen- speaker, inclosed super-loop antenna, automatic Word" in television. We urge you to shop early . .. the ttmia, eatia power output, automatic volume control. Attractive case of alh- Litivity and range. New style full-vision volume control, full vision slide-rule dial...fea- demand will far exceed our limited supply. gator-giain plastic in choice of maroon, cylinder dial with finger-tip controls. tures found only on the most costly protables.. |>reen, iand. America's No. 1 three-way Brief-case design plastic case in cBoice of portable value! maroon, ivory, saddle tan. Smartly styled case of maroon plastic. Compare Emsrson Performance! Compare Emerson Styling! Cempxrs tmerson Value1. Comparison proves Emerson is the kadsr la all ikss! S£ir-POWERED PERSONAL 'The Pick of the. Table Model Values! POBTAILi MOBEl SSI AC-DC COMPACT —MODEL 597 Complete with Batteries Only America's No. 1 personal portable America's No. 1 table model value! value! Powerful superheterodyne, Powerful superheterodyne that automatic lid-operated shut-of£ plays on any house current. Sealed- switch prevents battery waste, unit Alnico PM speaker, inclosed Ainico PM speaker, high sensitivity $uper-loop antenna, beam-power super-loop antenna. Beautiful plas- output, automatic volume control. tic case in ivory or green with smart Ebony plastic cabinet with gold- gold colored , j ^_ colored grille.


Luffbarry, retiring club president. Mayor Forecasts Newly installed officers are O. A. Commend Council Local Residents Among Greenspaft-GzestsqtPJL. High Class Reunion Giroud, president; Mrs. Katherine Taggart, vice ©resident; H,. G. On Girl Scout Work Victory for GOP Crane, sscond vice president. Mrs, C. A. Giroud, treasurer. Mrs. Harry *Yon Have Done Superb 'Internal Conflict' in Halse.v, recording secretary." Mrs, Adelaide Crowley, corresponding Job,' Local Unit Told Democratic Regime is secretary. By U, 3, Headquarters Gted in Dinner Talk Chairman of the yanquei- was Mrs. Adelaide Crowley assisted by Here and There: WOODBRIDGE^ Woodbridge SEWAUEN — Mayor'August F. Mrs. William Baran, Mrs. J. Ven- Curtis"A. Paternaii. graduate of Township Girl Scout Council, of Greiner, speaking at the annual erus, Mrs. Jeanette Randolph, Mrs. Woodbridge High School and a which Mrs. John P. Lozo is presi- installation banquet of the Sewar- Daniel Bishop, Mrs. Harry Hpfcey, veteran, has been accepted as a dent, was highly commended for en Republican Club, Inc., expressed Mrs. Walter Wyeoff, Mrs. William student at Woodbury College, Los its "outstanding job in Girl Scout- confidence that Woodbridge Town- Bird, Mrs. S. L. Counterman, Mvs. Angeles, Calif. Selecting higher ing"' in a communication from Na- ship would return to the Republi- Charles Bohlke and Mrs. H. D. accountancy as his major, Pate- tional Headquarters of Hie Girl can ranks in the fall. Greiner based Clark who was in charge of decora- man started his studies with the Scouts. ' • this forecast on the fact- that the tions. beginning: of the summer quarter. The letter, signed by Kalherine present Democratic regime is so He now resides at 413 South Alex- G. Smith1 and Elizabeth J. Mundie sorely pressed with internal conflict CAA announces Billion-dollar andria Street, Los Angsles . . . Dr.of the National Field Staff, reads that it cannot and will not present plan for TJ. S. airports. John D. Nemeth, local veterinar- as follows: a united front during the coming i ian, attended the annual meeting campaign.' of the N;w York State Veterinary "Your annual report for 1948 has Medical Society at Hotel Sfcatler been reviewed and a recommenda- In addition, the Mayor, who is !ast weekend ... tion for renewal of your charter also a candidate for reelection, in- sent to National Headquarters. dicated his belief that the com- May we say thank you for your I placency and apathy which have Tidbits: report—it is our best source of up- I characterized Republican efforts FORDS, N. J. - P. A, 4-ft.148 Dick Dunisan and his gang went to-date information for this re- at the polls in recent elections, view" It "also makes an important swimming' at Watchung pool Sun- are at an end. THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND day and parked their car on what contribution to the complete pic- The affair, presided over by they thought was a .street. They ture of the activities, needs and Frederick ,M. Adams, toastmaster, SATURDAY came out to find a ticket on the hopes of our councils across the was also addressed by A. A. Dis- car—for parkins on private prop- nation, invaluable to our planing cavage, Township Committee can- "FLAMINGO ROAD" erty . . . Expensive swim, eh and progress. 4 didate from the Third Ward and With Joan Crawford and Dick? . . . Roland Palks, 675 "We of the regional staff t i'^i i>.#/ r Arthur Carlson, candidate from r L one Street, Woodbridgs, is re- especially commend you and your the Second Ward; also by Charles Zachary Scott- cuperafin?, at home after an oper- Board for the outstanding job you Klein, opponent of Edward J. Pat- "TUCSON" ation at Doctors Hospital, Newark. have done in Girl Scouting. The ten for the office of Middlesex . . . Local Township Committee- With Jimmy liytion and handicaps and almost fantastic County Clerk, Stephen V. R. Penny Edwards men are expecting to attend the -ituations which you have sur- Strong, former Republican State primal summer meeting of the mounted and resolved through un- Committeeman, Fred J. Herman, New Jersey Association of Town- imited hours and months of hard present State Committman, vari- I SUNDAY AND MONDAY ship committeemen to be held work should prove gratifying. One ous local ward leaders and George- July U at Molly Pitcher Hotel, of the hardest jobs in any work "MY DREAM IS YOURS" Red Bank ... wr- do is to rebuild something With Jack /Carson and Which has collapsed, the reestab- ,Doris Day NewseUes: lishing of faith 3nd prestige in CMef "Dick" Keating- will mark the communities is a most diffi- "JUNGLE JIM'" his birthday on July 4. Congratu- cult task. You have done a superb lations! . . . Audrey Grady will and admirable service for the girls With Johnny Weissmuller become the bride of Joseph Mc- within your jurisdiction. Above are members of the Perth Amboy High Softool Class Gertrude Gabriel Keating:, Thomas Garretson, Mrs. Josepnine FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, Ewen Saturday. Here's wishing Outlines Program of 1909 who held their reunion June 25 at the home of Isadore Gordon Favier, Isadore Greenspan, Mrs. Ira Halpern Lemelson, MONDAY them the best there is . . ."Chick" "Girl Scouting believes that it Greenspan, Water and Lewis Streets, Perth Amboy. City Clerk Albert Hansen, Mrs. EHen Hansen Abell, Miss Teresa Hardiman, Continuous Sat., Snu., Hon. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Stern's new home in the Elmwood should give girls a satisfying and Philip Costelio served as toastmaster. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Frances Henry Phibbs, Mrs. Katherine Karkus Peyser, ~Mrs. ; Mrs. William W. Ramsay, Miss Rose McCormick. and Miss, Julia Margaretten ' Gluck, Miss Claire McCormick, Carlton Gary Cooiier, Doriw I>aveaport, "MAKE BELIEVE Avenue section is going to be a worthwhile experience as members DanH Amlrewii beauty when it's done . . . You Annette I. Clark. Mr. Ramsay, Miss McCormick and Miss Clark -Mulling, Milton Oertel, Mrs. Marguerite Pfeiffer Leeson, Mrs. and tllat they • should, progress' were teachers in the high school at that time. Helen Sokolinski Miller, Louis Sosin, Miss Bertha Taysigy Mrs. "THE WESTERNER" ' BALLROOM" can look for wedding bells in the from Brownie, to Intermediate, to Grove Avenue section as soon as Members of the class present were Mrs. Roslyn Ciani Halvor- Margaret Tjomelund Gleason, Miss Jabe Warren, Mrs. Rose Witli Walter Brennan With Jimmy Dorsey and Senior troops. The organization sen, Frank Conover, Philip Costelio, Miss Ada Fullerton, Mrs. Wallace Arsenault. a certain ship docks in August . . . further believes that, a gill's exper- —Also— His Band ience should be year-round and in- / bridge Council. By July 1st your Martin Jaeger; secretary, Mrs. Al Jon Hall, Dorothy £>amour, "THE SET-UP" clude camping. To assure these your National Organization and a] PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION 3Iary Astor Jottings; things your council has provided new charter will be mailed to youPatnoi; treasurer, Mrs. Marlin Total outlays for private build- Those of you -who. plan to stay representative group of councils from our New York Headquarters. Bensinger; program chairman, "THE HURRICANE" With Robert Byan and opportunities for progression and throughout the United States are ing this year are estimated to be Audrey Totter st home over the 4 th may well at- organize new troops. Your study This office looks forward to work- Miss Margaret Henricksen; organ- Plus Chapter #7 tend the celebration in Avenel, of the quality of progress and working together on a special ing with you during the coming ization, Mrs. William Iverson; out- about $18,000,000,000. This-is a study of troop program which (Children. Don't Forget the Monday morning . . . and the measures taken to improve it are year on this job that is such a real of-doors, Mrs. Howard Sharp; fi- slight drop from the peak. qf. last Gang- Busters and Wednesday Matinee Is NOT Avenel-CoJonia First Aid Squad inspiring. I am sure you will be in-eventually will benefit all councils. challenge to all of us—the job of nance, Mrs. Christian Stockel; year, $18,775,000,000. picnic in the afternoon ... A new terested to know that right now "May we take this opportunity offering the finest Girl Scouting training, Mrs. Clifford Hollenbeck; 3—Color Cartoons—3 Continuous, Starting 2 P. M.) parking charge will go into effect to thank you as president for your possible to the most girls possible." publicity, Mrs. Theodore Kyak; at Cheesequake State Park, Satur- abie guidance and administration registrar, Mrs. E'.-L. Pfeiffer. day. A 25 cent parking charge per of this Council. It has been an in- I Other Ocers AT THE COOL car and a dollar for each commer- spiration to work with you. j Other officers of the council, cial bus or truck will be made on "In general, 1948 has been a sue- I which has jurisdiction over 20 Birthday Party Given Saturdays. Sundays and Holidays cessful Scout year for the Wood- ' troops, are vice president, Mrs. through Labor Day. During the For Patricia Sullivan weak no charge will be made for Just In Time • SEWAREN—Miss Patricia Sul- parking" . . . And talking about livan, Pleasant Avenue, celebrated TODAY THRU SATURDAY parks reminds me that I think her 13th birthday by giving a par- William Bentlix" - Beulall Bondi most people around here do not ty at her home. .•appreciate Rosevelt Park enough. James Gleason SHOWS MGHTH— IIAIN (lit t'fcliAR! Guests included Ann Hronich, FREE PONY RIDES FOR y CHILDREr N It really is a lovely park and a Barbara Ward, Annabelle Boros, "THE LIFE OF RILEY" Cars, and Children Under (S g« >* FHKISS grand place for a picnic, especially —also— BIG FOUHTH OF JULY CEl,KBKATH»i, if you have youngsters . . . Joan Boros, Eleanor Matye, Bar- Giant PircirorkK Display MomlH}', July 4t5i bara Ann Lloyd, Katherine Silagye, Roddy McDowall Starts 8iJ5 l\ M. Barbara Jova, James Jaeger, Wal- Verdugro . THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Via Telenhone: ter Santelli, , Robert Cornwell, "TUNA CLIPPER" A lady called me Tuesday morn- John Anderson, Richard Sullivan, Bett.v Hutton, ,l«l)n Lund in ing and asked me to insert in this George Hronich, William Peterson, SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY "PERILS OF PAULINE" column that she thanked The Al- Lawrence Peterson and Daryl Ely. • —AI..SO—' •. . •" .. -'.. mighty for the cool breezes ..Mon- Wayne Morris - Janis Paige Yvouuo JOeCarlo in day night and Tuesday. We all did "THE YOUNGER BROTHERS" "SLAVE GIRL" . . . Edward Livingood," Main WE MUST MAKE SUN. - MON. TUBS, - WED. (in Technicolor) . . SPEflATy OoHB'lU* Street, spent the weekend at Cul- ROOM FOR MORE Sewaren Notes —also:— ,-.-.. HOLIDAY SHOW Fairbanks. Jr. vermere, Culver Lake, Branchville Gary Cooper In . . . Henry Romond really takes USED. CARS! Shirley Temple - Robert Youn£ Walter Brcnnan - "COKSICAN —Miss Margaret Elien Chase, in BROTHERS" good care of the youngsters who go "ADVENTURE IN ••; •-• / "THE —SISt'OND HIT— wading in the pool in Woodbridge Siilver Springs, Md., is spend- BALTIMORE" WESTERNERS" Park. He even supervises the the summer with her grandparents, —Phis— "SOUTH OF sweeping out of the wading pool Mr. and Mrsr Jacob.Damitz, West HEY KIDS! Special Cartoons PAGO PAGO" each morning to make sure that Avenue. . . VACATION SPECIAL Avoid weeUeml traffic. Entrance' ori St. there is nothing on which the Gi'orpen Aveufie, Fiiiute 4, now oyeu, hilt- —Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chase Every-Tuesday" Matinfee •iirday aiid Snitday eveniiiS'.H. In Hdilitiou youngsters can cut or bruise them- ' have returned to their home in Sil- Ui mniii eufra»ce on Route ~5. selves .... All Kids—All Ages ,• | ver Springs, Mtfvafter.visiting her ! parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Come Watch Funny Races Damitz. Special Awards! Last But Not Least: ClOVER HO.\ I still have in my office' a child's —Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Conard Bruce Gentry Serial white shoe which was found in a and daughter, Valerie, and Mrs. H. Color Cartoons PRSS£NT1MG THE BIST IM JAMILY Gimbel bag over a week ago and ' D. Carpenter were recent guests of In addition to our regular show. brought to us to try and find the Mr. and Mrs. Sig Thergesen, Glen. owner . . . Vera Ryan is the Gardner. psoud possessor of a lovely gold Mr. George De Haven, Ocean fish caught by her little son in the Grove, was a recent visitor at clay banks. They tell me folks 564 LAWEIE STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Floyd T. have been netting gold fish for jHuyck, West Avenue. their aquariums in the clay pit . P. A. 1-6412 — P. A. 4-G413 PICTURE 1 j —Mr. and Mrs. Gaza Rossi, Gor- pools for years . . . The Barror , don Street, Fords, entertained Mr. Library will be closed every Satur- and Mrs. Mario Rossi and daugh- day until Labor Day starting this ters, Eleanor aid Patricia, and Mr. coming Saturday . . . and Mrs. Louis Zehrer, Grant coming Sunday . . . And Last but Street, with a picnic on their lawn, definitely not Least: Here is a sug- YOU Sunday. . '-_.. '-; gestion that1 has been made to me WOODBBIBGE, N. J —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Metzel and which I am hereby turning ••• -WITH A . over to the Recreation Department Were $27.50 and $29.50 AIE CONDITIONED FOK YOUR COMFORT and children, Edward and Barbara, —that a few loads of sand be Princeton, were recent guests of TODAY THRU SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Mario Rossi. dumped at "Woodbridge park out- % NOW side the wading pool, preferably Joan CRAWFORD - Zachary SCOTT in NEW under one of the trees, so that "FLAMINGO ROAD" . Northwest earthquake cost may youngsters can play in it when Plus. •Frankie'I-.ANE - Kay STARR in hit $25,000,000. they get tired of the water. Would- "MAKE BELIEVE BALLROOM" n't- cost much and would be' a boon to the many mothers who come to SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY (MONDAY CONTINUOUS)' the park, and try to keep the little Wayne MORRIS'- Janis PAIGE ones amused. ... In Technicolor Imagine the pleasure anfi convenience "THE YOUNGER BROTHERS" of having a new refrigrerator in your GET YOURS Plus, Peter FERNANDEZ - Al- WIUKS m home. Think of the many tasks '.made »g-Week-End? "CITY ACROSS THE RIVER" "SORROWFUL. lighter and easier by the many new FROM OUH WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY JONES" features in ,post-war refrigeration. You James STEWART - June ALLYSON in deserve to have thsse advantages now.— LARGE "THE STRATTON STORY" Stop in and see our complete line of .... SELECTION! I. New Model Refrigerators by Here Is Good News! Low Matinee Prices HOT POINT • PHILCO • I Before you buy your new refrigerator—Come in ..„„ Till 2:30 "2:30 to 5 have a~ friendly chat about your needs. Let us explain DON'T FORGET! 'Except Sat., Sun. and the pdvantages of each model and make to you and Holidays assist you in making the selection best suited far your POLO SHIRTS TSWEI - SA¥I family. No obligation for this service. • BATHING "TRUNKS . SLACKS 1 i?emp£ete, STOP IN FOK A ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TERMS * We Have 'Em — NOW — Howard Buff . . . and remember, We Service Everything We Sell. 1 CHECK-UP NOW! George Brent «ll SMITH STREET COR. KINS ILLEGAL rams SHOP PERTH AMBOY —ALSO— FRANKS RADIO & TELEV! 103 MAIN STREET 1,AW OF BARBARA 463 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE 2 121 NORTH BROADWAY (iVext to Woolwortli's) COAST" WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Authorized DcSoto - Plymouth Dealer — SI.TOAV — FORDS—PA 4-1067 STORES , SOUTH AMBOY—SA 1-0476 Merchandise Club Now FKESCH Forming i 446 ST. GEORGES AVENUE RAHWAY, N. J. "LOST TRIBE" OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS EARITAK TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, JUNE SO, 1949 efatm.tfitvm iaritan Township and Fords FORDS NEWS

JW sla ,25th Anniversary Surprise Affair John McGopem? New Brunswick Sallyann Springer, Lillian Sutch, Held for, Balaghs Mary's High School, Perth Am- 78- Students Receive {Florence TQfch, Virginia Turek, Jo- Couple on Canadian boy, class of 1944 and is employed seph Vargo, Robert- WagenhofEer, Hopelawn Couple Wed Trip | To Make Home byt the Johns-Manyille Corpora- cached in Aid Diplomas From School Charles White, Lilly Wishney, tion, Goetze Branch, New Bruns- 7; 22 at Hopelawn Joan Yarasevich and Lois Zander. In Perth Amboy (}n In Fords on,Return wick, Her, husband, a graduate of Hopelawn Exercises St. Peter's High School, class of ; ( Joseph Cri'-elaei- Sworn FORDS—Victor C. Nicklas, su- June 22nd, 1924 FORDS—Our Lady of Peace 1939, New Brunswick, served in Joseph McAhdrews of the Board Church was the setting for the ' t In as New Head; Gifts pervising principal of Woodbridge of Education, Woodbridge Town- HOPELAWN—A surprise party the, tT. S. Navy and is employed Township Schools, presented the marriage of Miss Victoria Stella b ythe Ford Motor Company in ship, officiated in presenting the in celebration of their 25th wed- Cosky. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. presentee! 'to Ladies eighth grade graduating class of diplomas to twenty-two eighth ding anniversary, was tndered Mr. Raritan Township. School No. 7 and Adolph Quadt. a Joseph Cosky, 57 Mary Avenue, FOECy-The Lions .Ciu'o of. grade graduates from Hopelawn and Mrs. Vincent Balogh, 369 Flor- to John Aloysiiis McGovem. Jr., 1 mem her of the Wocdbridge Board School at exercises held, in theida Grove Road. The couple were Fords iit-Ui it-.r, annual Laches Hiylii of Education, presented diplomas son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Me- and instnilnUoh of officers -tor the! school auditorium. Mrs. Walter married June 22, 1924,in Our Lady Govern, Sr., 280 Fulton Street. New Outdoor Meeting Goal of: $5|W ; to the 78 students, at the annual year 1049-50 last nisht at Oak Williams, president of the Home of Hungary Church, Perth Amboy, Brunswick. Rev. James Wilders. Hi!! a" Manor in Metuohfii. i commencement exercises held in and School Association, presented and have two sons, Vincent, Jr., the auditorium of School No. 14. at home and Steve, U. S. Army, cousin of the bridegroom officiated The invocation was delivered y a special prize. Mr. Nickolas was at the nuptial mass and performed Picnic, Inly 17 Held by Troop 53 . : . After the processional, "Noble the principal speaker. The invoca- stationed in Folrida. E-ev. John E. Grimes, pr>sLor of : the double-ring ceremony at 11:30 Our Lady of Peace Church and a Spirit March," played by the tion was offered by the Rev. Hostesses for the affair were; o'colck Saturday morning. Delegates Presented Building of member of the vlub. school orchestra, the audience | Charles Krahe, pastor of St. Paul's Mrs. Steven Balogh Si\, Mrs. Ralph Scouts Pass Various•" "... sane the "Star Spangled Banner." Evangelical Reformed Church, Zueers and Mrs. Steve Paku. The bride, escorted to the altar Robert P. MuivLiney. Past Di-T.- by her father, was attired in a With Certificates .of Tests; Entertainment FORDS—The St. John's First •^ri'.'t D"|iii!y novenior. presented Willis Applsgate gave a Bible Perth Amboy. Guests present were: Mr. and Aid Squad, Inc., annual^drive for reading1 and a hymn, "The New summer satin gown designed with • Achievement by State Program is Presented 100% LiH'-r-Ui!.?nL"e buttons, while A graduate, Miss Virginia Fra- Mrs. W. J. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. a round and a three- operating and building fUnds^is en- Day." was sung by the graduates. zee received special awards for Steve Paku, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph District Dr-vmly Gnrenior Gerald tiered skirt, which extended into FORDS —Plans were discussed FORDS—Boy Scout Troop 53, tering its second week in Fords, •f Parclia p;-f^ut?r! the 5-ye?r at-1 -Joseph Elko gave the welcome- ! being the pupil with the highest Zueers, Mr. and Mrs. John Surik. Hopelawn and Keasbey,; • i address and Leonore Rankel, the Mr. and Mi's. A. J. Kalman and a cathedral train.. Her crown of for a family picnic to be held July sponsored by Our Lady of Peace ' tendance I'IIU-MA:;. GcoiT-f P. Kovak.' I average in all subjects: girl who orange blossoms held in place her 17 in Roosevelt Park, at the meet- Drive Chairman Tl.., Richard pact rn.v-ick'nt of Uie Fords CJubj farewell address. A piano solo, "Aj has made the best effort; highest John Schicker all of Fords. Church, held an outdoor troop three-tiered veil and she carried ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary of meeting and special court of honor, Krauss and President James Petifca and Past Diatrict B-:pul.v Govsrnor j Waltz Dream," was played by in English: the Fords Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Steve Balogh, Sr.. reported that the -Squad' has r a prayer book adorned with Fords Memorial Post No. 6090 at the picnic grove of Committee- pre. ;eiit-f:c! t-Jic "Utetandins" perfect Florence Toth and Jean Coughlm award of $10; and the Woodbridge Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Lasko, Mr. and reached the halfway mark pi their orchids. VFW, Monday in the post rooms. ' man Stephen Sutch, 82 Linden attendance burton to J. AHyn Pe- ,entertained with accordion selec- Township Federation of Teachers' Mrs. Michael Surik. Mr. and Mrs. anticipated goal of $5,000.., .. •/'. tei"."on. a forma- president of the tion-. Joan Elko read "The Heri- Joseph Rimar, Vincent Balogh, Miss Marjorie Rock of town Mrs. Alice Domejka, delegate to Avenue. 510 award for applied citizenship. served as the maid of honor. She the. Wildwood Conventtion, gave Joseph A. Dambach, chairman tage." The- school orchestra played Miss Priscilla Szabo was award- Steve Balogh, Jr., and Miss Lillian Scouts passing tests were: Wes- of the business divisioqV reported ; wore a frost blue taffeta her report. She- was accompanied ley Smoyak, angling; John Car- Citation ;m ;i!'ri;;; were uncle by the recessional "School Chums." ed the highest in arithmentic prize Balogh, all of this place; Miss Jean progress. The regular '.house-to- 1 gown styled with an illusion neck- to the convention by Mrs. Emily mody, wood turning- and painting; the outlining iHT'sidp;)j-, Fred Han- A play, "The Top O The World." and the Rockettes prize for theZehrer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petrics, house canvass was started last I line and a double apron skirt e-f- Westlake. president, both received John Dall, basketry and first aid; cen. .Special awards hn paper drive w:-'::; enacted by Martin Burdash, girl who has done the most for her Woodbridge; Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday and will continue until :t£.e , feet with a bustle back. She car-certificates of achievements. Mrs.Frank Halisky, basketry and physi- workers Were pve"cntci by Joseph Kathleen J^inucei, James Irvine, class. The highest in history award Danku, Port Reading; Mr. and Mrs. goal is reached. '':V- •-..'.. •• •,- j ried a cascade of spring flowers Doinejka acted as page-.' cal development; George Balint, A. Danib;t;'h- ch.airiusn ol tiic sal-| Ronald llarmjcn, John .Elko, Mer- went to Robert Zwolinski who also S. J. Surik, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Members of the Lions Club-of and a matching floral headpiece. Mrs. Julia , Johnson was ap-bird study and wood carving; Ken- vage committee. A cpcciyl av/wdl cedes Bos;:;. Clara Brichzs and Jill | won the Rockettes prize for theKuthy, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fords asissted in the : distribution The bridesmaids were M.rs. .AIPX pointed . membership chairman, neth Buck, music; Daniel Nehila, for meritorious work w;« «h'en to I-iutchins. i boy who has done the most for Jasko and John Urban, Perth Am- pf the circulars and the collections boy; Mrs. Margaret Takacs and Egri of Port Reading, Mrs. Fran- Mrs. Ellen Mathiasen , cancer metal work. Mrs. Stephen A. Frost by Fred ; his class. while the membership .body": also Frizes Awarded Michael Fa tula, Pennsylvania, and cis McGovefn of Brooklyn and chairman, and Mrs. Lillian Burke, Robert Fodor entertained with Hanaen. Four prices of $2.50 each, for I Andrew Kramer received the concentrated 'its efforts t^ brjng Mr .and Mrs. Steve Fasar, Keasbey. Miss Mary McGovern of NewRed Cross chairman. accordion selections and William this drive to the anticipated goal. Gif is Fi'csfDicc? English donated by the Fords award for the boy who has made i Brunswick. They wore identical the best effort, and Miss Rose- The auxiliary charter was draped Kovacs with harmonica selections. Gifts weTf? preseiit':d to th- la- Woman's Club and the School ! gowns of candle yellow rayon taf- in memory of Mrs. Elsie Kinsf. past Troop committeemen present were: At present the work on the Squstd I marie Swallick- the fourfih highe'st building has been ternpprartly diea by the dub and also additional P'l'A were won by Joan Elko, Jo- feta with apron skirts and bustls national president, The dark horse John J. Csabai, James Garland, sifts by the outgoing president, seph Elko, Kathleen Jammed and 4n geography award. The award backs and carried spring flowers prize was won by Mrs. Burke. A halted until additional funds' are i^of the Fords Women's Democratic July 7th is Set John P. Meszaros. Stephen Sutch, available to proceed with tfi ilv. Hansm. Leonora Fnuikel. Miss Jammed, with matching floral headpieces. social will be held July 16 with Mrs. Andrew Reway, Kovacs, Michael Anton LIUKI. chairman of the Ronald Harmsen, Miss Elko and Club went to Walter Swaylik and The flower girl, Mary Martha Miss Szabo. All prizes excepting Dorothy Farrington in charge. „ G. Sabo, scoutmaster and George affair and his committr"? PK Mercedes Boss received $2.50 each As Date for Party Cosky, wore a blue gown made to Hospitality was in charge of Balnchard, assistant- scoutmaster, lauded by Fred Hnnscu for their for having the highest average in those specifically mentioned were match the honor attendant's and Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Rose Bartonak, William Maniscalo was a guest. work iu making the affair suc- history, the awards also of the donated by the Home and School FORDS—Plans for a lawn party carried a cascade of white flowers. Mrs. Dome-jka- and Miss Lise Jen- Lions Attend cessful. Woman's Club and PTA. Association. to be held July 7, at the home of Francis McGovern of Brooklyn sen. Mrs. Dorothy Lund was chair- Di h t (_ 1 1 UP J 0 \ om I Republican Zwolinski, Misses Szabo, Pra- Mrs. Lorraine Hansen, Ann Street, served as the best- man and usher- man of the card party held at Four Infants Baptized T 11 I It I i rr i awards of zee, and Swallick were listed as were discussed at a meeting of theing- were Richard Krause of Allen- Camp Kilmer last night. i I I r h ( 1 c 1 oi co I phy went- to pupils who had attained an honor Lovely Ladies, held at the home town. Pa., Stanley Cosky of River- The next meeting will be held Sunday in Fords Church I ~> n n roll average from the first to the FORDS—Members of th| Lions t? I J I i t A i i , Miss Boss of Mrs. Ann Christenseri, Hansen side and. James McGovern of New July 25 in thet post rooms. Clubs in this area who at'fce»ded i t III i •u I Mi i, o Poi the highest. eighth grades. Richard Klusza and Brunswick. FORDS —The christenings of Miss Dolores Accusiso were on this Avenue. Mrs. Vera Egan enter- four infants took place in Our Lady the 28th Anual Convention, Mul- PI I p ) if en c n l tl ne i Miss Elko, Following a trip through the year's honor roll. tained with piano selections. of Peace Church and were per- tiple District 16, N. J. tiorig Inter- ill I PI J * h ill ASP BOSS and Others present were: Mrs. Harry New England States and Canada, int f " \T 1 r 1 Music for the program was pro- the couple will reside after July 5-2 Club Lists formed by the pastor, Rev. John national held in Chalfonte^Haddon 1 n - ei pd "t o each, the Maier, Mrs. Irene Dominguez. Mrs. E. Grimes. Hall, Atlantic City over the -week- t W r i! i i i o i I d t by School vided by the Hopelawn and Iselin Audrey Bauer, Mrs. Rose Bakro, 12 at 690 King George Road, here. Schools orchestra under the direc- Barbara Ann Farkas, daughter end were: : ....'•.-,. • ; ,-; i I i 111 n It FJCA nb ol No. 7 PTA. Mrs. Rose Ecker, Mrs. Helen Izso, For traveling, the bride chose a t t tion of Joseph Racina. A sketch white print dress, matching acces- of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farkas, 38 Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Greiiier and i 1 I! [ n "V Bo l 1 I PIII Elko re- Mrs. Erna Jensen, Mrs. Winifred Evergreen Avenue had John and daughter, Betty, Colonia; ifr. and T c I " 1 i the 1 shest . entitled "The Midshipmen," was sories and had an orchid corsage. 1 1 (1 TM I gsn presented. Clark, Mrs. Dorothy Ryder,- Mrs. FORDS—Mrs, John Sullivan, Mary Farkas as sponsors. Mrs, Martin Gergasko ant} daugtt- 1 lie il c I <* •- liool PTA Lorraine Hansen, Mrs. Carolyn The bride is a graduate of St.Mary Avenue, entertained the n 1 I Other members of the class James and Anna Jones were the ter, Nancy, Woodbridge;"$& and TT C 01 f r P i 1 average Groves. Mrs. Helen Toth and Mrs. members of th? 5 and 2 Club at sponsors for Robert Joseph Mol- 0 n were: Paul Adamec, Christian Mrs. Willard Dunham.and daugh- c t t- T 1 lonated by Michael Palko. lipr home on Friday. Mrs. WDalter nar, son-of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ter, Jeanne. Mr. and Mrsv Clifford TV/I r i I T in l Democratic Dahl, Robert Dayton. Alfred Gut- wein, James Lance, Edward Mar- Ii Sheaman was the winner of theMolnar, 710 King George Road. Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. <3eorge J?;. ( I Ii 1 1111 f I ) c ">1 PTA were dark horse prize. Plans were com- J 1 ian, Anthony Mercuric, Steve CALIFORNIA VISITORS The son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kovak, ST., and son, Cfeotge, Jr., i Jammed, HOPELAWN—Mr. and Mrs. Al- pleted for the family picnic to beDaly, 106 Koyen Street, was chris- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirsch and (.11 1 Prybylowski, Gerald Steen, Wal- r i I f 1 1 1 Ann Eck-ter Swaylik. Misses Evelyn Ivan. bert Kovacs, 39 Erin Avenue, hid Ill held in Roosevelt Park. Metuchen, tened James Joseph, Sponsors were son Louis, Jr., Mr. an^lflp. i>ayiid i 1 V \ 11 - -. '.-—:• July 10. V n H Arlcne Jensen, Vera Johnson and as their guests Lt. and Mrs. George Thomas and Dorothy Scriko. Meyers and children, Audrey aiid 4^ ' IV! 1 nship Fed- I Jean Lunde and Doris Vayda. Boyde and daughter, Alice of San HOPELAWN—Mrs. Frank Mo- On July 15, Mrs. Thomas Ad- The son of Mr. and Mrs. John Norman, Mr. and Mrs.JSteplien A. 1 Va\ p I 1 cholarship e\eni \ I e i 'U i r Pedro, Calif. • hary, 47 May Street, was hostess ing ton will be hostess to the club Kostiuk, 23 Ling Street, was named Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Rus- el T ] 11 i * n by Miss to the members of the Think and at, her home. Main Street. On July : i i Gary Michael. Zoltan Hegedus and mussen," Stanley ' • JedrzejettSlci, tl ll 1 1 I J i 1 T A. Ca'llen was BUNDLE FROM HEAVEN * Do Club. The club presented Mrs. 20 Mrs. Ben Juhl will sponsor a Emma Raspolich were sponsors. George F. Woodcock, Fi'ed Baiisea Til I I t e pi e donated Mohary with a birthday gift and card social at her home. Others I IJ ii n Roskos Entertain HOPELAWN — Mr. and Mrs. of town and Mr. and Mrs. Rpttert O I t i i I 1 r i i . Walter Kowolczyk, 95 Howard awarded a special prize to Mrs.present were Mrs. Peter Rasmus- ; ; 1 VACATIONING P. Mulvaneyof Perth Amboy. ~' -' L e I I 111 11 John Krilla, Jr. sen, Mrs.- Milton Hansen, Mrs. enl C TI iff I s cd. Street, are the parents of a daugh- FORDS—Mrs. Bernard McDer- Jn»[l ( lit ti 1 The next meeting will be held Steve Balas.and Mrs. Paul Schick- n i \n I ii illis Appie- In Honor of Son ter born at the Perth Amboy Gen- iftott, Sr.. and Miss Patricia p ri J i iii at the home of Mrs. Andrew Kud- ling. - •••• i ph r i Ah Marie Ba- eral Hospital. Zoyan, Perth Amboy and MrsBelmar. Camping i l t r 1 Bnitn , Charles FORDS—in honor of the grad- ricks, 38 Columbus Circle, Perth Marie Mathiasen, Crows Mill Road, C p e n Held by Boy Scout j en l ^ L " Boss, Clara uation of their son. Emrey, Jr.,MBS. MORRIS HOSTESS Amboy. Fareivell Party Held left for Excelsior Springs where Pe 1 ) T \ he it B i dash, Joan from Woodbridge High School. Mr. FORDS—Mrs. Raymond Morris, they will spend three weeks, visit- Dai cm 1 lln 1 and Mrs. Emery Rosko, 20- First King George Road, entertained DAUGHTER FOB KOPEKS For Joyce Kemmerer HOPELAWN—Boy .Spoilt' Troop r 'en rv'o T \ christen- ing Mrs. Mathiasen's son-in-law 57, sponsored by the Hoft ffid i ill i l-°n e i Pichard Street, were hosts at a party. Mrs. Eugene McAullise, Mrs. Fran- FORD8 — Mr. and Mrs. John and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. I ( if f | Guests present were: Harry Gra- cis Galligan and son, Patrick, and .FORDS—A farewell party in the School Association held[an dtitd&or p n Ce l n John- Koper, 95.William Street, are the Bongaard and son. Father's Day program .It; tHe. | bovefcz. Ann Grabovetz and Mr. and Miss Catherine Fox, all of Newparents of a daughter born at St.form of a picnic luncheon was Ik- II * Mi J n F 1 Ji I D uiliam, tendered 'Miss .Joyce Ksmmerer, at school field with fathers;:o£;the in P n I _i ley. j Mrs. Fred Spindler and daughter, Brunswick. Peter's Hospital, New Brunswick. Victoria. Woodbridge; George the home of Miss Jean Livingston. VISITING HERE scouts and members of tye^ttoop i l_ B" " Eisner, Miss EWemiyierer was presented committee present. MemMrs-: ;rtf ^ I 1 i 1 1 1 i Ll <*> Joseph Gra-bovitz. Kenvill; Mr. and Mrs. FORDS—Mi-, and Mrs. Raymond Alex Za,reva • and sons. Alex and with a gift. Morris, King George Road, are en- the committee were hosts.;•'-,- •• ••-,- ; In j | 1 I o i°i E 1 f °ph Fe- Guests were: Joan Pederson, Twenty-three scouts uijtpr-- the fr 1 I I ± T Fof- Wishael. Carteret; Mr. and Mrs. tertaining his parents, Mr. and n Peter Tengyel and daughter. CALEMOAi OF Christel Laubaoh. Theresa Peter- Mrs. Uzeb P. Morris of Meredith, supervision: of the Spoiitma^ter, LI il 1 i 1 i I L -i l e PIT il 1 r Geil- Helen and Olga, Railway: Mr. and "ssk. Arlene Hold?n, Dolores' Sabo, N. H., for a week. They were also jAndrew J. Kramer-and Committee- 1 i 1 1 3 p 1 1 n "F ni I C i neeiina. Lois Bambers. Lillian Van Dusen, men Michael Chinchar; Michael I I Ll r Mrs. Michael Pallek and daughter, FORDS, HOPELAWK and KEASBEY hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ro- 0 T c i Ii'ens Irent, Eleanor Sawitzki and Do- Barbara Ann F°dor, Carolyn Ma-s- se-nthal and Nelson Moris of Mer- Klusza, Joseph Mehesy and.Nicho- • i H! ni Hi Ronald (NOTE: For insertions in this calendar, call Mrs. Stephen A. trovitch. Anthony Maatrovitch, las Schevchenko,: spent the week- 1 lores Regal, Perth Amboy; Mr. and •eh'antville. ' l 1 i a.1 n Eugene Mrs. George Kowalciiuck, New Frost, Woodbridge 8-1710 or Perth Amboy 4-7111, before noon David Livingston, Martin Eisner, en don a- camping trip to Gamp r t 1 1 t i "s Irv- Frits Arnold.and Alice Carinody. Brisbane, Belmar. ' ii F i 1 Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. Domonic on Tuesday of each week.) Pichalski and son anthony, Ave- HOSTESS TO CLUB .. ' . Activities at the camp .included 1 i T T thleen nel; Mr. and- Mrs. John Yuhas and ENTION KEASBEY—Mrs. Victoria Fopan safety fire building, second and r 1 Helen JULY FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd entertained the members of thefirst class cooking, hiking, compass T children, John and Mary Ann, Mr. l I IP . John and Mrs. George Applegate, John 5—Fords Aemrican Legion, Post 163, 8 P. M. in Legion rooms. Rubin, 456" Crows Mill Road, at- Zig-Zag Knitters at her home. work, games and good scouting, t Ti Hn I ' Paul- Raniet and Mrs. John Rosko, all of Election of officers. tended the third convention of thePrizes were awarded Mrs. Helen which are all considered scout' i e La El i T 1 o Gerard 7—Meeting Tesn-K-apers at the home of Miss Ida Bertolozzi, Fourth Armored Division, IT, 8.Desendorf and Mrs. Peggy Toth. skill advancements. f town. A i r F °i fp ilei Nancy 112 Luther Avenue, Hopelawn. Army, held over the weekend in The nest meeting will be held at Philadelphia. Guests who returned home of Mrs. Desendorf in Fords. : i i r 1 I Gordon 7—Lawn Party, Lovely Ladies at the horns of Mrs. Lorraine SAIL FOE-ITALY - — lei 111 tt^^ \ rt Novak, Mrs, Mary Panek, 68, " Hansen, Ann Street, Fords. here with the Rubins were Mr. and 10—Family--picnic, 5 and 2 Club, Roosevelt Park, Metuchen. Mrs. Robert Stone of Boston, Mass., HOPELAWN — Rocco Lomttarda tun " T^ BACK FBOlVI TRIP and his granddaughter, Miss Rose- ri i P I r dnl Pintin- Dies Monday Evening 11—Meeting Mothers' Club of Troop 52. and Robert Burns of Millbury,' KEASBEY—Mr. and Mrs. Steve 14—Mystery Bus Ride sponsored by the Fords Women's Demo- Mass., who returned to their homes mary Swallick, 64 JameS Street/ i P i 1 1 UP - Sabo, Orosz and children, Joyce and sailed Tuesday for Naples': Italy, e HOPELAWN—-Mrs. Mary Panek. cratic Club. Charered Bus will leave School No. 7 at 7 P. M. Sunday night and Mr. and Mrs. a """I andorff, 63. wife.of Stephen Panek of 38 Mrs. Jennie Blanhard is chairman. Steve, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cwher. e they will visit Mr. and iwtrs.-i _.l 1 n i _ i i P •gaa-rd, Francis Mullens of Boston, Mass., Pinkowski visited Mrs. Helen Da- Emmet Avenue, died Monday 16—Meeting 5 and 2 Club at the home of Mrs. Thomas Aldington. who will visit here for a week. Antonio Romano, Rosemary's aunt night, at the Perth Amboy General Main Street, Fords; at 8 P. M. Silya, of Wilkes-Barre, Penna; and unele. : -,•'•: . ••:...... ,.:;/. Hospital. She was a communicant 16—Social at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Farrington, sponsored of Our Lady of Peace, Church, by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Fords Memorial Post Fords. 6090 VFW. .-.-.•. 20—Bus Trip to Rye Beach, sponsored by the Rosary Chapter of Surviving besides her husband, Our Lady of Peace Church. ' are five daughters, Mrs. Andrew 20—Card Social at the home of Mrs. Ben Juhl, sponsored by the Lutrias, Fords; Mrs. William JULY. 4th: 5 and 2 Club. .( • Scally, Elberon; Mrs. Anthony 25—Meeting Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post 6090, BRIDAL DOLLS Na-gy. Keasbey: Mrs. Martin Krus- VFW, 8 P. M. in post rooms. YOU'LL HAVE A zewski, Raritan Township and 25—Bus trip to New York, sponsored by the Fords Fire Co. to Made to Order Eleanor at home; four sons, Peter see the N. V, Yankees and Cleveland Indians play. of Carteret; Emil of Raritan Town- 1948 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP— LEIE NEW! ship; Stephen and Louis of this NASH, 1940 LINCOLN WITH THESE!!! place; 11 grandchildren; three t-BQOR "609" ZEPHYR great-grandchildren and a sister, 1941 BUICK, Thermos Bottles Mrs. IiUdmila Jackulik of East LIVERY 1940 GREETING CARD ARB Rahway. 1-DOOil SEDAN .... Paper Plates SHOP call 1941 CHRSTSUER, 1339 BUICK. : : Hot Cups LEGION TO ELECT i-DOOB SEDAN .... 2-BOOB, SEDAtt $4§S FORDS—Election of officers WoodWidge 8-1735 I9'il FOK.D. 39"0 JPONTIAC 60S NEW BRUNSWICK AYE. will take place at the meeting of •Cold Cups or 3-DOOR SEBAN .... 4-UOOR SEDAN tOy, N. J. the Fords American Legion, Post- Forks — Spoons 163, at its meeting to be held Tues- 1941 PLYMOUTH, 1938 DODGE Phone F. A. 4-3396 BUSINESS COUPE $595 4-DOOR SEDAN Napkins day, July 5 at 8 P. M. in the Legion . Perth Amboy 4-7538 Soda - Candy OUR CARS;ARE MECHANICALLY RIGHT. 30 DAY - I; PRICED LOW-TERMS IF DESIRED ;;f PoliilO OlIpS ML SAMUEL BERNSTEIN : ; Cameras'—Film. . Surgeon Chiropodist Buy your. GOOD, DEPENDABLE USED CAR with full confidence at ' ' ' • OTHER-PICNIC NEEDS Announces Hours by Appointment ;TCHSK MOTO Wednesday 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. • Authorized DeSoto - Plymouth Dealer OAK TREE ROAD '• And Evening- STOElfiS 146 ST. GEORGES AVENUE -, ISELIN, N. J. IBS EPGAK STREET, WOODBRIBGE WOODBRIDGE - FORDS Wo. 8-1556 P. A. 4-4151 Open Evenings and Sundays MEt'Jchen 6-0505 HOPELAWN AT PINELLI'S HATS CATARACTS Opinmns of Others

THE END OF AN ERA hangman and a troop:>gf Eagle' Something for the Voters to Decide .. Fox .more.than 50 .years, those Scouts. individuals whom we laughingly By actual count, our Qffice bot. If the three State bond issue proposals institutions—which would be financed refer to as "the stronger sex" who recently lost a good job with. on the ballot next November are approved from revenues from, the present alcoholic have been getting along famously Gallup, has found that 37,586,414 while using four-in-hand knots' in American males have spent at by the voters, the State^net debt could ex- beverage tax, but calls for a property tax if their neckties. least half an hour each in recent ceed the all-time New Jersey record by $196 revenues from the beverage, tax are not suf- The flowing bow ties of an ear- months ti'ying to learn to tie the. i rjillion. ficient. ; •" . - lier generation were time-Twasting darn thing. (The- othsr gtoW'iv intruments of torture and mental males are still trying..! That all-time record, reached in .1935, is If voters approved all three, the New Jer- anguish. When, by, common con- Throughout America, more men £115 million. Now the net debt, of the State sey Taxpayers' Association notes, the net sent, the four-in-hand came into are arriving late at work than general favor, every fully grown ever before, we have no douW- h $81 million, and the three proposals for debt of the State could reach $311 million male in the land was able to save Their tempers are frayed. They" new bond issues total $230 million. These —-or almost four times *what it is now. several moments of dressing time • home life is becoming unbearable; Include : New. Jersey voters have four months to every day. There ought to be a law.—Denver One quick •wi'.ap-arou.nd, a Fast. 1. $105 million bond issue proposal for • study these three proposals. A's a first step, twist of the wrist and. presto,' i. bonus to World War II veterans—which they, will do well to recognize that the three homo sapiens was ready for a 1i DEGREES HOOVERHEIT .* hearty breakfast and -a day of Herbert Hoover is now credited v/ould be financed by a gross receipts tax, projects cover three entirely separate ex- accomplishments. with 74 honorary degrees, hav- a new tax. penditure programs. The extra forty winks of sleep ing received his latest from Ohio 2. $100 million bond issue- proposal for which everyone .got each morn- Wesleyan. This was reported as Therefore, the voter will perform his duty ing . made .-.the :.. entire .. nation his 50th from American" ur.ivep-- housing—which contains self-liquidating best if he studies the need for them separ- clearer-headed and., more ener- sities,. to which the record :id<3S i"'*atures, but calls for a property tax if rev- ately. Obviously this was in the. minds ol getic.- Inventors p.erformed un- 24 from universities in othe* believable .-feats—rth.e. automobile, countries. Then, of .courss, he < tiues from projects are not sufficient. the framers of the new State Constitution, the , and the ppwer.lawn- has A.B. from Leland Stanford 3. $25 million bond issue proposal for which requires that eacti potridi issue cover mower were perfected to save still University at the completion of more time. his studies there—a degree Stan- construction and improvements in State a "single object or work." '""" '• ford can hardly regret having But now male fashion arbiters given. "t haveL ruled the. four-in-hand is passe. The new. 'Windsor" knot The Hoover story goes on and Master Minds Stir Up Emotions alone is respectable. It is a ter- on from achievement to achieve* rific wad of a thing which must merit—from feeding the Belgians Not so long ago, a prominent speaker have been devised by. a contor- in the dark days of World War I, to the intellect, is characteristic of most tionist, aided and .abetted, by a' to the presidency of the United said: "The first lesson that we must take political campaigns. This is ;true, whether States, to planning a major over- to heart is that people are swayed by their haul of American government the election ambrac.es a small area., or the machinery, the Hoover blueprint ^motions, not their intellects." for- which is now in the hands This statement is accepted as the truth entire nation. The result of the balloting, of Congress. . f unfortunately, often reflects the.emotional The average citizeri may won- •by agtute politicians and by other individ- der what a man can do with sucli uals who consciously set out to persuade state, of the.citizens of the area rather than a plethora of honors as iiave the people of this country to follow a given been eagerly attaching them- the intelligent judgment of the voters. This selves to Mr. Hoover for quite a course. is to be regretted, but the remedy is not to number of years now. Well, a. Upon analysis, the statement implies man can do what H. H. does— be found in a denunciation of the tactics just let them tag after him as that smart individuals, using their intel- best they may, from achievement lects, can stir up popular emotions to gain of smart leaders. To The Editor to achievement.—Christian Sci- In fact, the observation will continue • ({ Independent-Leader ence Monitor. their desired ends. It should be noted that Within a week, Woodbridge the people, who act according to emotional to be true until the individual voters be- and a neighboring city have been come thoroughly conscious of emotional the scene of what might have . SINS.OF THE FATHERS stimuli, are but tools which are handled ben a major disaster. No one should be greatlf by clever brains. The individual whose con- appeals and intelligently guard against In January of this year the startled over the news that a ' duct or decision is fashioned as a result of precipitous decisions along obviously in- American Red Cross conducted^ a gambling organization made up Under the Capitol Dome two-day Disaster Institute. with and operated by teen-age boys has his emotional response is like a fish that spired lines. This presupposes, on'the part been uncovered in a Florida city. l a representative from National follows the bait without seeing the hook. of the voter, an intelligence equal to that .•By J.\ Jgtsej§h Irihfns Headquarters outlining the re- With all the characteristics of a Let no one imagine that people, swayed of the ma,ster-mind behind the emqtional sponsibility of Red Cross at the regular syndicate the boys took time of a Disaster and instruct- bets on any and all matters d: by emotions, rule this country. This is a strategy. . , TRENTON—Health authori- liness cannot be over-emphasized are favorable, at least for the ing tiie various committees as set chance, with a boss and a con ties of New Jersey are hoping during the polio season. early varieties because of the of lieutenants, and had made mistake. The nation is ruled by the clever This may be too much to expect at the .that. infantile paralysis, which up by the Woodbridge Township Early symptoms which may light crops in the southern states, Chapter. hundreds of dollars. It was small- few who have the sense to create situations present stage-of civilization in this .country stealthily creeps into a commun- warn of the apprach of infan- especially in Georgia. fry stuff on a big-time basis. which result in emotional .reactions. Back ity and robs inhabitants of tile paralysis are he-adache, nau- Consequently less competition . Although this institute was well, Before shedding any tears oveb but, sooner or later, if democracy is to health and locomotion, will not sea or upset stomach, muscle attended there was a general feel- of the nonular emotion, however expressed, is expected for the earlier ripen- ing of "it can't happen here." a situation which would indicate survive and representative government reach, epidemic proportions this soreness or stiffness and an un- ing varieties in July and early a serious increase in juvenile de- is a master-mma that taKes advantage of flourish, the millions of ballots in the na- summer, and urge all residents explained fever. Early diagnosis August. The New Jersey Peach These two. serious fires, prove linquency remember that the th.e nature of human beings to secure a to take extra precautions to pre- and prompt treatment by quali- Industry is planning an adver- that it can happen here;.and we, youth of the land are no better tion must be cast on the basis of a reasoned vent the occurrence of the dread- fied physicians and nurses fill tising and promotion campaign as members of the American R,ed or worse than their parents. If definite, specific result. judgment rather than as a result of emo- ed disease. often prevent serious crippling which includes the annual lunch- Cross,.must realize our responsi- mother plays bridge - for even The appeal to the emotions, rather than tional flare-ups. Up to the present time, only by infantile paralysis. eon conferences for representa- bility, and be- constantly prepared modest stakes don't blame Junior 49 cases of polio have appeared in tives of the press, radio, utilities to meet any .emergency. Many (Continued on Page 11) New Jersey, including 17 in Janu- VIOLATORS:—Thirty-five per and the distribution trade. volunteers are needed to. be. pre- ary, 10 in February; 12 in March, cent of the traffic and motor The harvest of both peaches pared to work on committees and Improved Techniques and 8 each in April and May. vehicle law violaators in New and apples is expected to start trained to give service when need- However, similar records ap- Jersey during 1948 were non- about one week earlier than usual. ed. If yo.u are not already affili- Sometime in the latter part of 1949, the lem of chronic alcoholics. Other states peared last year during the early residents, according to the State FOR DIX:—Fort Dix is one of ated with one of these commit- months, but the State's re-cord Motor Vehicle Department. the greatest Army centers in the tees call .our office and get fur- State of Connecticut expects tq .open the make alcoholic literature available to reached 809 before Christmas. Route 25,- extending from Jer- world in wartime and a huge area ther information. first publicly - supported hospital in the schools and libraries and some of them Throughout the United States sey City to Camden for a distance of American preparedness in Frequent meetings, of these United States, designed especially for the have provided for appropriate courses in 27,894 cases of infantile paralysis of 87 miles, accounted for 12.3 peacetime. It advertises New Jer- committees are imperative if we were reported in 1948, the. largest percent of total arrests on all sey to the entire military world. are to meet our obligations as treatment of alcoholics, Already, the state high schools and colleges on the subject number recorded since 1916. Epi- streets and highways in the State. Just 32 years ago the War De- outlined by the Charter, of the has some out-patient clinics designed to of alcoholism. demics broke out in Texas, North There were 11,621 violations on partment on July 16, 1917 named American National Red Cross. assist the estimated 50,000 of the country's Carolina, California, South Da- this route, or slightly more than the pine area of Burlington William Thompson, We are very much pleased with the more kota, Iowa, Minnesota and Ne- one-fifth of the violations on all County after John Adams Dix, Cahirman approximately 6,000,000 alcoholics, who liye enlightened attitude that is being; develop- braska. Four cases were reported State highways. an American soldier and execu- Joseph Dambach, in that industrialized state. ed toward the unfortunate victims of alco- in March in the sou thermos t part Drivers between 'A0 and 29 tive. He was born on July 24, of Texas, a handful in April in years of age were the principal 1789. When he was very young he Vice Chairman We call attention to this matter because holism. So long as society looks upon them North Carolina, a sudden rise be- offenders of all traffic and motor took part in the War of 1812. In Joseph Thomson, , of a gradually developing public realization as "sinners" and "sots," subject to the tween May and June in .Cali- .vehicle law violations. Of the 94,- 1833-39 he served as Secretary Vice.Chairman fornia were the warning signals 418 total violators, 33,901, or 39.4 of State and Superintendent of that the alcoholic deserves special atten- condemnation and censure of other people, Later these three states alone ac- per cent were in this age group. Schools in New York. tion and that many of those who cannot the reclamation of alcoholics will be a diffi- counted for 10,139 of the year's In 1860 he became postmaster FORDS lEAC-ON "The Glorious Fourth! The State Motor Vehicle Di- the kiddies {risk-- control themselves toward alcohol should cult problem. To approach it in the new staggering- total.: vision reports that ninety-seven • of New York City and from Janu- Poliomyelitis or infantile pa- out of every hundred persons ary to March 1861 he was Secre- Rarltan.Tiwrtsiifp No thought have THEY be helped into becoming good citizens. This light of modern scientific research, with .ar' ralysis may strike, at any time charged with traffic and motor tary of the Treasury of the United fi'BLTSHRD BYRTIY TBIIRSmT. of'all the risk.'" •sentiment is being held all over the nation. view that, perhaps, after all, the alcoholic during the year, but the vast pre- vehicle laiv offenses during 1948 States in which capacity he issued Fimls, S. J., as second class mail Says Laffit Off- ponderance of cases occur be- were adjudged gmilty. Only three on January 29. 1861, to a revenue • ' •: : -—by— The Ohio House of Rep?esentatiyes re- is unfortunate rather than culpable, will officer at New York a famous or- THE BEACON PUBLISHING CO . "What e'er may be-- tween May and October. During per cent of the cases were dis- INSURANCE is cently voted in favor of a bill to create get better results for society and those the current polio season common missed, which should cause care- der containing the words: "If l'

' Work Rarely Kills •Open Fridays 4 -to 6 P. M Every once in a while, we hear some- are doing. An example in point, is the case body comment upon the fact, that some- of the little boy> top tired to hoe his body "worked himself to death." mother's garden, but not too tired to. play As a matter of fact, few, if any, individ- uals have ever worked themselves to death. a ca^ie of. baseball. E NATIONAL People get physically tired, not by the Anyone, interested in what he px §he; is sxei-cise or exertion involved, but rather doing, forgets fatigue. Of course, the fthj through a lack of interest in what they can be overdone, but this is very rare. -T.7I COn. IM>. IING fEATMEl SYNDICATE, !«t. WOJSLB IIOBTS 5IEMBEB FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM "Sometimes I feel like just letting the boss run the business FEDERAL DEPOSIT IX.Sr5_\»CE CORPORATION .f AGE EIGHT &ARITAN TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON - all by himself!''. ~ ~ •— '. KAKITAH TGVVNCJHIP AWD FORDS'BEACON THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 104y PAGE "NIKE"

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^j.S? I/J&

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The wonder television receiver you have been wait- ing for! Outperforms any set, anywhere, any time! Pictures clearer than the movies! They Jre in with j SUPERPOWERED CHASSIS a click when you switch stations . -. • ^tuning is so . simple! Superpowered for outstanding performance S^ even in outlying areas where ordinary sets fail. The full-size, one-piece console of glorious mahogany , m color is a miracle of cabinet making . -.;.. extra a -i STATION strong . ... virtually wearproof._.... resists scuffs \ SELECTOR and scratches ...••; alcohol and other liquids won't mar it,- Limited quantities available. Come :•« in early to assure prompt delivery! "***• ;

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Admiral Corporation, Chicago - 47,- Illinois Only $2500 Down ,. . Up to 24 Months to Pay


LEGAL NOTICES NOTICES MEGAIi NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LECtAL NOTICES 1 Marlene. Shapiro, 4, By virtue ot the above stated Kopert' W. PeEeamtr; , thence (1) Take further notice that ths Building , "Woodbridge, New Jersey, ship of Woodbridge, held Tuesday, Writ, to me directed and delivered, southerly - along- the said . easterly Township Committee has, by reso- and expose antf sell at public sale June 21st, I94S, I was directed Honored Guest at Party I will expose to sale at public ven- line, af Edward Avenue 50 feet to lution and pursuant to laic, fixed a and to the highest bidder according to jtdvertlse the fact that on Tues- rtue un the northerly line of Oak Place; (2) minimum price at which said lots to terms of sale on file with the day evening, July , 5th, 1949, tn naid block will be gold together Township Clerk open to inspection the Township Committee will meet '' FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Benja- WEDNESDAY, THE THIR.TEBNT.H easterly.ajong the nortlterty Ifne of DAY OF JULY A. D., 1949 Odik Plate-and at right angles with with AI! other details pertinent, said and to be publicly read prior to at S P. M. (DiST), in the Committee min Sunshine, 50 Maxwell Avenue, at one o'eloek Standard Time and the easterly line.of Edward Aveftya minimum price being $750.00 plus sale. Lots 76 to 78 inclusive m Block Chambers, Memorial Municipal REAL ESTATB FOB two o'clock Eastern Daylight Saving •^oa feet; thence (3) northerly and coats of preparing deed and adver- 1H-F. Wootlbridge Township Assess- Buildins, TVoodbridgre, New Jersey, Classified Advertising ..entertained at a party in honor of Time in the afternoon of the 8a.id purallel-with'the first caurse 5I> teiir('liy«--p price lo ho paid in with" all other details pertinent, said Eighty-Nine Cents (IU-3S.S9). to- to' such bidder as it may select, due equal monthly installments of $10.00 THREE NEWSPAPERS dlesex 4-venue. MetucJien 6-DS11. Rebecca Shapiro, Mr. and Mi's. said easterly line of Edward' Avenue minimum price being- $300.00 plus 1 Time 15u per linp with the line dividing property g-ether with the costs of.tliis sale. regard being piven lo terms and t>hiH interest and other terms pro- coats of preparing deed and adver- 3-24 tf Jack Stein and son Peter, of New- known as Rosalind Estate.* Section Togrether with ali .afifl singular the manner of payment, in case one or vW'pcl for.in contract of sale. tising- this sale. Said lots in said 2 Times 14c per line ark; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. #2 and property now or formerly of. rights, Privileges, heapeditaments and more minimum bids shall bt ie- Take liirllier notice that at said block, if sold on lertns, will require 3 Times 13c per Une COLQNIA-^-6 rooms, 2-ear %\irage. Robert W. DeReamer: thence run- ajvpiirtenances thereunto^ belonging: celved. ••-ale, or any date to which it may a flown pajment of $30.00, the bal- 4 Times 12c per line screened poreh and wipdpws Shapiro of Union; Mr. and Mrs. Al Siiadp trees, lot 95x3S5, hot water ning (1) southerly along- 'the sa^d or In anywise apnertatnirig. - Upon acceptance of t"he miniman7 be adjourned, the Township Com- ance of purchase price to be paid (YEARLY CONTRACT) Fink and . children-, Barbara and easterly line of Edward Avenue', 39 • CORNELIUS • A. , WALL. Wd, or bid above minimum, \>y thsmitt"f» rpsfrVpR the rie;ht 'm its dis- 'j< onvitil monthly installment* of heat, storm wiu'linss. 10 minute Melvin of Perth Ambby; Mr. and feet: thence (2) easterly and at rigRt '• , - SherilC. cretion to reject any one or all bids $10.00 plus Interest and other terms 300 lines—three 'papers..!Ie per Une walk tn hji-» or station. Price JU.riO'i. angles and parallel with Oak Place, JOSEPH Jl MUTNICK, Township Committee and the pay- provided lor in contract of sale. (Minimum space charged—5 Unes,) Telephone J7d.itn^y 7-3K7g-J, ment thereof by the purchaser ac- and to sell said lots in said block 1 Mrs. Paul Saft,Mr. and Mrs.: Harry 1'fld feet: thence (3) northerly and at Attornev. TO such bidder as it may select, due Cliang-e of c-opy allowed monthly. 6-0, 15, ^3, 30 rig-lit angles and parallel with Ed- cording to th$ manner <>f t>urcha<=s Take further notice trfat at said Saft and daughter, Sharon, Mr. . • " M--34 in accordance with terms of sal* regard being given tn terms anu 25 letters to a line—five words. • , FOR SAI-B * ward Avenue, 50 feet; thence (4) F. B. 6-16, 2 8, SO, 7-T sale, or any date to which' tt roav and Mrs. Milton Feldman and chil- westerly at riprht angles anij-paral- on flle", the Township will deliver manner of payment, in case one fe adjourned, the Township Com- or more minimum bids shall be re- mittee reserves the rlg-ht in its dia- ALL CLASSIFD3D ADVERTISING •Hi U.V., 4-. vtinder, bingle bloi-Ts. dren, Eileen and Eugene, all of lel with Ivy Place 200 feet to- the llt'ftr tot W-VM.S tV-.10r!dge,-";held Tuesday, 1949, and June 30th, 1949, in the ment thereof by the purchaser ac- more minimum bids shall be re- Ads ordered four times and unto the said .Tames D. Elder by June 21sf, 1-9 J il1,.'-T —was directed Fords Beacon. cording to the manner of purchase ceived. stopped before that time %vill be USBO I-3-.ECTRIC PORTABLE SK.W- LEGAL NOTICES deed of \Voodcret5t Manor, Inc., a charged for the actual number of INU JIA'CHINK. Must lie in good . tn a-d.Vfiti.sp tlie' favt that on Tues- In accordance with term* of sale on Upon acceptance'of the minimum New Jersey corporation, bearing: [ day "evening-, July 5th, 1!M?, fl'». thp Township will deliver a bar- times the ad appeared, charging at I'onelitinn. t Write, giving details a.-; Mute October 27, 1933, and recorded Refer t<>! W-l.t. W-1I Mrl. or bid above minimum, by the 1 •VO'I'TK I the T'ownstily Pommittoe- t\ UI mtti gain and sale dVed for paid premises. Township Committee and the pav- the rate earned. to name,' ypar and price, to Bo> in tiie Clerk's office of Middlesex at S P. M. (T>ST>", '111 the Committee NOTICE UF rUBLIC SALE The Wnofibrirtge Publishing To. 20-B, Intie-ppndent - Leader; Woort- SHERIFF'S S.VI.K — SUPERIOR County in Book.1185 page S9S. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: llAT10L>: June 2Jm?, 10J!l. ment thereof by the purchaser ac- COURT OP MOW JERSEY — | Chaniber*,i . M e ra ft r. i a' 3 Municipal B. .1. D17N1GAN, Township Cl»rk. cording to the •mannp'- nf purcbaxf reserves the rig-lit to edit, revise or Waodbridge. 5-^B if CH-ANCEItT DIVIWIilN — Dn'-ket TRACT TWO: BEGINNING in the Building, . "Woodbrldge, Netr Jersey. At a regular meeting of the To he artvprtispil June 23rd, in accordance with terms ot salt reject all copy submittPtl, and will it V - H 5 ••'. - IS. rtlWRlKEN'TATIVE easterly line f>t Edward Avenue and expose and s^ll at public , Bile Township Committee of the Town- 1949. and June IJOtli, l'J49, in the on file, the Township will deliver not be responsible for more than S OPPOHTt'MTV • SAVINGS .AND r,f)AN .ASSOCIA- formerly known as Dark Lane, at and to the hlgfhest bidder according: ship of Woodbrfdge. held Tuesday, Fords Beat-op. a bargain and sale deed for said one incorrect insertion of any ad- TION, a N'eu" Jersov Corrmration, a point therein distant 506.57 feet to terms- of sale «n- fi.le wltii th? June -21-St, 19-S9, I .was directed prpmNps. vertisement. The co-operation of the XCJ3 CRKAlM 'TRUCK FOR HALM PlHintiff. and J-\M.KS K I^LDKK southerly from the intersection of Xownshm Clerk open., to, inspection to advertise the fact that on Tues- Hefer to: \V-57!> DATED: June 22nil. 1949. advertiser." will be appreciated. Imijiirc 11. Hellegaard and VIOLA KLiDRR. liis wife. De- said easterly line of Edward Avenue ft-nd to benublifily read prior 1o'»sit«», day evening:, July r>th, 1949, JO'l'ICE OF l'l'SLIC SALE R. J. DUNJGAN. Township Glerk. CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED TO Bl Saffian Avenue fcmlants, Fi. l'"a. for the sale of with the line dividing- ,property Lots 4 to 9 .inclusive- in Black 1,">-G. the Township Committee will meet TO WHOM IT MAV OhMJEUX: To be advertised June 'J3rd, 0i80 A. M. WEDNESDAY . Fords, N. J. mortgaged premises dale-l June 1, known as Rosalind Estates Section Wo'odbrldge.'. Township .'Assessment at S -P. M. (DSTI, in the Committee \t T r""->ilnr meetiny of the 1949, and June 30th, 1949, in the ;« #2 and property now or formerly of Charnbers, M e ni o r i a 1 Municipal 1949. Map. •-•;.• ,,. .;•->.'••:•••'• J :•• '-''-'•; :-,U-'V'.;. Township Committee of the TOWTS- Korris Hf>a<"on. ^ WOODBRIDGE 8-1710

SEUVICUS . . DRESS' MAKING AND FOR . ALTERATIONS Help Wanted • MRS 61. SI VON 321 Carteret Ave., Carteret, N. J. Carteret 1-7604- Hostesses • (i-30. 7-7 5 Feet It Inches HELP WANTED—MALE . Waitresses Experienced Operators On Children's Di-ease* Short Order Cooks Steady Work—Rnorl Par l1'^H Xth Insurance Benefits Soda Dispensers ..CARTERET,NOVELTY CO. Girls or Boys PATRONIZE. sy vvlieelrr Avenue Carteret PATRONIZE Cnrteret S-0370 Dishwashers , THESE - 2/3-24 THESE • SITVATION 'WANTED • , Porters EXPERT CCOP; PLAYER Tvislie.s job ADVERTISERS ADVERTISERS with band. Call Carteret 1-5R30. Weekends and Steady 6-30; 7-7, 14* • Positions. ESTATE FOR SALE BABTpK ESTATE: 529-531 High Pleasant Working Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. Four- Conditions. Automotive « i-'uneral .Jlrsctsrs loofIng /and Siding Servlse Stations m Tires and Tubes jamily duplex liouse; water, gas a.nfl electriV. improvements. Mail all of- fers to Mr. Frank Bartok, 4.'^ Bruck Avenues Perth Amboy, N. J., or the HOWARD JOHNSON ;•• CHINES -ROOFING CO. . Middlesex Countv Welfare Board, SYISWFIECKI BACK TO, NORMAL P. D.'Box BOJ/'New Brunswick, N. J. Route Perth-AmUoy Gutters,- tcaders - Skylights Ail offers must he in by noon on • Staiidal'ji an.d! Custpm' Deluxe : Ciarkson's Used Tires ?3.00 July- 12, 1949, The owner lias the Funeral Home: : ;'.. Sla-te and Asphalt Roofs "^ lilddi'liSttt/ right -to a'ecept or reject any or all \ WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Service Cftrn». Eubberold Shingles Used Tubes $1.00 bids. .."•-.. ... " ti-30, 7-7 I Ml work covered by Workmen's ESSO SERVICE 5b4 LAUKIE STREET 46" Atlantic "Street :• All Guaranteed " : Compensation and Liability PEETW AMSO1', N. J5. t'PAUFER" LEAVES $57,326 GOVERNMENT BUYING Amboy Avenue and James Street * EJUIAJTH, MINN. — When Mc- Government purchases of goods Nat Schussler Clain Lauyer, 73, died here of "AutliorSieJ Hudson Deaiesr" Telephone Carteret 8-5715 Woodbridge, N. J. and services now amount to $36,- OAKTJftEE BOAD heart disease, : his relatives dis- 000,00'0,000 a" year, or about 14 per . A. 4-B4J2 P.. A, 4-6413 ;.-..' OA3K TRfJEj-N.: J. •claimedresijonsibilifcy for his bur-cent of the nation's total produoj 456 School Street, Woodbridg* WO-8-1514 ial and the State appointed a Du- tion. Furnstsre WO-8-1077 lair Tuxedos lutli.. funeral director, as admin- Service BUY ON THE HIGHWAY ^istrator, to. take charge. Simple AND'SAVE;' •".' ••'-"- serylces. .were ;held here and his STJMMEE •-*•-•;•• "Jnrint>n..& .Sari' •. body shipped to .Gettysburg, Pa. for THIS VICINITY'S LARGEST FURNITURE 1111-"tfl Gets Bros, ? Phone P. A. 4-2991 burial. An appraisal of iauver's ...GET THE REDUCED »F .«*: f Tinning and Sheet Metal Work estate,'-however, revealed that it , BEST •"DECORATION 5EEYICS ; ; : ;''.*•." SALES- andi, SERVICE .: ; Hoofing, Metal CejUines and Gulf Service .will amount to $57~,326, including FOR TOUR • ••"DuPont Paints 1 S. Fishkin •• Imperial Washable Wallpaper Winter Brothers: ,- Authorized Service Engineer '•'•-':• Furnace Work I Jack Gels, John Dojcsak, Props. $16,439 in government bonds and PETS .• Cotiunbia Venetian Blinds Wayside Furniture Slibp Only the Best Replacement Parts Trousers and Sportswear $10,126 in cash in a- savings : WASHING, GREASING • Tontine Window Shades Highway 25 . Avejiei,M.,3, " td /V ' 588 Alden Street Tuxedos for Hire account. The rest is in excellent Interior Decorator at i'our Service Open Daily 10 A.-M. to 8 P. M. Wootibridge, N. J. TIRES REPAIRED common stocks. .-., Phone Woodbridgie 8-15^7 " Ml Typs^ Tubes - and :Bsitteries in AMBOY' AVE. AND GREEN ST. '205 SMITH STREET '' :tk \ ' Tulephnrie 8-1246 WOODBRIDGE. N. 3. BEAD END KID" SPIVACK BROS. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. x , CKRO MEATO © Lumber and Woodbridge 8-0887 NOW DOCTOR GAINES ® FRIiSKIES 318 STATE ST., PERTH AMBOT ATLANTA, Ga. — Remember . KEN-1.-BISCUIT Phone P..A. 4-1938' : • v "SINCE 1905" MUty, the fat boy of the original FKESH HORSE MEATS ;. Visit Our Showxooris Jersey Roofing TypewrSters "Dead End Kids?" Well, he's a U. S. GOV'T INSPECTED doctor now*. Milty, who is Bernard Company TYPEWRITERS AND Punsly, of. Berkeley, Calif., in real #••• Dry Cleaning- .• Holohan Brothers , MACHINES .'•-,,•; : . life, got his diploma from the Uni- JOE'S PET SHOP •••-.-;• Roofing - Brick R GARAGE BOUGHT - SOLB - RENTED PETS « FOOD 9 SUPPLIES Dossens of Rtachines in Stock versity of Georgia's School of DAI' CALL AND •- ,Woodbridge£ N; jr- S ;&^SERyiete;_ :_ •'':?•••"• '' Metal Wortc ."•' 156 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. Standard Esso Products Generous Trade-iii Allowance,. Medicine in Augusta, on June 8th. 3 DELIVERY SERVICE ana Auto '-fe'sdios. 3.09-?i3'NEW BRONSWICK AVE. PERTH "AMBOY — 4-3419 Phone Expert Repairs. ••-•-:.'.' ' FOR YOUR SECTION Tclephune: | •"-. ' " PERTH AMHiOY, N. J. ® IXlii Woodbridge 8-0064 and 8-0533 - - - '• P.:A."4-658»;.:O.; y••}._.' CONSULT US V- Tel. PE-4-0216 : P. A. 4-lGIti Cor. Amboy Avenn« anw "• Eastern :."•'•• '•;'... Second Street \ DON'T FIDDLE J Milton's Quality Llqabr'. TINSMITH AND ROOFER Typewriter Exchange { WHILE HOME BURNS! t Firestone Tires and Tubes N. J.. Roofing and siding work 171 Market Street cor. Madison Dry Cleaners Telephone Woodbridge 8T1889 • Telephone Woodbridge 8-1308 , • ' guaranteed Woodbridge, N. J. PERTH. AMBOY 407 MARKET STRKET Save salesman's commission PERTH. AMBOi' IT'ootJbritlg-e • . .Railiiigs Why Pay $300.00 for a Used. Cars' We'ra ready with mxfrQ cash "Fine Rug Cleaning" Lit (not. Store '••-' $150.00Job? lor your Summer needs Nothing to pay extra for Taxi © JOS. ANDRASGIK. PROP. DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON, William Mutphy "BETTER USED'-.CAR'S" LOANS >25-'5OO Drug Stores • Complete Stock of Domestic IKON AND ALLOT FENCES "• and Imported Wines, Beers 99 Wedgewood Ave. WOODBBIDGE MAOl IN RECORD TIME! and tiquors - Woodbridge, N. J. Phone Wo. 8-2279-M BERNIE. AUTO SALES Avencl Pharmacy 574 AMBOY AVENUE- WO. 8-1848 1010 RAHWAY AVENUE WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 405 AMBOY AVENUE The cash you need will WOODRRIDOE S-HH4 Hugs U. S. five IOSSPK lo^t year -^ era WOODBRIDGE, N. J. be.ready when rocord-busting! Tour home m.iy l>*". next: Hon|t trust fi you stop in! © Musical gusfruinenls. Wdge. 8-1020 — 8-1021 Iuc(f, tluLivlng. Rambling. SK WALL TO WALL Lie. #7r>4 .S.VPK—BE ISfSVBED! WHITMAN'S CANDIES THE ROAD TO Summer Nreds MUSICAL HAPPINESS We Are Equipped to Clean Wall lo Wall 1 THE .RARHED AGENCY I Ccsjnetics - Film - Greeting Cards — ENROLL NOW — Heal Estate• Ipsurance OAV \M> SIGHT SKK.VICE Pony Rides EST. 1912 Summer Instruction' IH KTf:itJ'H> RATES Accordion - Violin H. Deter's Pony Rides LOAN Insiirance and Keal Estate Learn in Comfort in 'Our \ I>IIV Home. i--Vrst W Milf " . .... Ifti I^COM^ANY 93 Main Street WO 8-02S3 RAYMOND JACKSON Air-eonriitionetl' Studios At Maple Tree Picnic Grounds, (tllli» < H||O ftlilp . : Kti WOODBRlbGE, N. J. Hea'dquarters for Quality William Greemvnhl .' ' " Avene.lj N. J. AND SON Elusical Instruments" and ilS PKARl .STREET Open Daily 1:30 to 5:30 ' /REAL ESTATE AND . N. J. DRUGGIST Accessories • . PONIES INSURANCE Eddie's Music Center STANLEY BOYES FOR 88 Main Street 567 ROOSEVELT AVfeKUE 366 Augusta Street AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC -tiling PARTIES Wopdbridge, N. J, i;

Plan-.-»«" golden ginger ale, orange, Unmatched for delightful .flavor ar>cT exquisite bouquet me lots of places and I feel, that refrigerator unit. ;. : club soda, cola, sarsaparilla, he is probably not, paying his bills cherry, cream soda! in order to give me a good time. Sundaettes Ice Cream Topping 2 £7 29c Ideal Tea Bags 'STWCVST 81C He saj's it makes him feel little for 8u««r»etth Fudg«, Chscolats fudge, Cruihed Pineappl«. Crushed Cherries lBc. | -JjlF BUY A CASE NOW! me to pay for anything. He says Stra'fvberriei 224. Raspberry Melba 29c Walnuti in Syrup 29c, Pecans in Syrup 33t» j&'Jkjjr he will do what you advise. Package 4Ut Package 111. BESS". T60 a 26C Answer: Nabisco Waffle Cuplets Sir 15c Our finest orange pekoe tea. Featured at all Acme Markets!" I can undcistand how the young ICE CREAM CONES man fesls when you want to pay half on your bills, but under the Ifi circumstances, there seems to be ,' f jULV ,oCoan only two courses left to him. • ed ««V> The first is to give up going out topP' 4-ox- Iced M:Hot,'lt Hits The Spot! • s.s much as you do and only to janut No finer coffee at any price. ,v those places and things he can •27c A blend for, every taste. ' F afford. If you both feel dissatis- tdn» fied with that arrangement the v p l only alternative will be to have Truil »33c Ideal Coffee ir«B .7Sv55c- Sett* 1 a recreational fund to which you Hetsbey 30-o*. HEAVY BODIED. Tops them all!:-Try:if!. . • both contribute and which he will Sum,da»! 1 b 2 Bra" 39c Wi handle. That -will at least give him ;ktart 5 Asco Coffee bL g 45e £,7 Coc iod Case the handling of the money whish \dea\ fruit ptostt;d PO' RICHER BLEND. Ground fresh to your order will not be as embarrassing as for /bernes 2 to be publicly paying the checks. Sal* : Wincrest CoffeebaS4'k 8; . Certainly, 'i'i? is very unwise for LIGHTER BODIED, VIGOROUS FLAVOR. him to be running up bills that he cannot pay and you are not help- Irig him very much when you allow him to do this. • Save'-.On. AH Food Meeds hr -ffce- Summer r!" mSBSmm Good luck, LOUISA. Spam, Prem :39c A#dress your letters to: GrapeJuicc^l^-SSSSc IDEAl CLARIDGE * "Louisi," P. O. Box 532 •inst.«.i| Orangebuygt. S. C. > Prupe,Jiiice 32.ox.'60ffie 25G Hamfeurgersa T. MM CHICKElf'OV'S?AV' ' HIP-RIPE Fancy Northwestern Hen Orange Juice 2 l'^ 33c I UnO Red label 7-oi. can TiC j Ceramic Curing Without Fire -' A revolutionary process does Tangerine Juice 2 '«" 27c Potato Chips 5-oji bag ••»•/*• .away with Eire and kilns in baking b *% ' 6-oif. Ibrick and curing pottery. This Grapefruit Juice 21*;? 23c Peasiuts Z>^ fceramic-curing method uses a com- Turkeys 55c ! fbination of infra-red and induction Blended Juice 2 2T 27c Planter's PednutsK1.31c Sugar sweet, red ripe. Featured at all Acn--- Markets. ^heating. 16 lbs. and under. The pick of the nation's flocks. HEART'S DELIGHT HI H/ Guaranteed meaty, tender, delicious! 46-os. Potato Salad ' H«: Wp 29c Apricot Nectar can 38c Rtgular Fancy Juicy Persian Limes tubs 19c ^Opinions of Others HEART'S DELIGHT Asco Catsup 14-oj. bottle 15c HOM-DE-Utfr *•'- 55 Box .'(Continued from Editorial Page) Apricot Nectar Mayonnaise 16-or. jar Fancy Luscious Blue-berries 29c 5 if 'he has the gambling instinct. Rib Roast *. 59c 18 6i HOM-DE-UTE California Cherries... . B" 29c . \ A father who belongs to a poker Tomato Juice «^ 2 ' ' 25c Salad Dressing 16-OI. jar ' club, bets on the races, plays the Prime cut, 1st 6 ribs. 7" cut. Acme is famous for beef! «» cane »«#%* !& % slot machines, should at least Fancy Sweet'Red Plums -25c f have an understanding of the Remember ... Kodak Films Roll Dl.%. *,tendency to gamble in his own Hiley Belle Peaches *•' 19c feon, Frying Chickens. SS - ,b. 35c H H CraekinG ' Gambling is a corruptine; in-: Serve tasty golden brown fried chicken tonight! Choc Kisses 7.« «MO bag 31c Fig Bars °DrPa239 29c York State Sweet Cherries lof 39c fluence ,and if that influence i'a UNICY NASIS spreading to the youth of the Social Teas ^°,2JC. 27c • Fancy Red Raspberries •>» 35c land no one is to blame except Boiled Hams "&V£ 2*;» 79c ^arshmallows -2 the adults whose patronage sup- CARMELIZEO COCKTAIL Nabisco Oreo ?S!^5:i5c Large Fancy Cucumbers Each ports it. If father and mother 10 to 14 lbs. average. Most economical. CREAM SANDWICH Celfophans ;like to gamble it is only natural Pretzel Stix '^ 49c 4'i-ot. .lf.r Junior will take their actions as Nabisco Adora package iyC Crisp Celery Hearts package FANCY "an endorsement and, follow their .Smoked Cala Hams srU-43c Krispy Crackers ":g.25c SUNSHINE CHOCOLATE -example. — Wichita (Kansas) 9l it-OX. »»V^0J«. California Carrots 2 •»«»««»• 19c Eagle. Serve a tasty smoked Cala ham for a change. Keebler Saltines PItagS 27c Ice Box Wafers tpackage BORDEN s LARGE CALIFORNIA Capllol Dome "Assorted Cold Cuts v. 59c Educator Crax PS. 27c Cocoa Mix ' 'iri 24c {Continued from Editorial Page) . -A great variety for your holiday auting! served as president of important Ball Ideal Ball Zinc-Top Wilson's-Mor each railroads with sreat energy and administration. Fruit Jars Mason Jars Pork-r--39c Smoked Beef Tongues H,45C FREE! 25c CAN OPENER Dix also wrote several articles lint Delicious! Rushed from sunny California! which were published, including p * OC. quart* QC — pint. quarrs OQ-. With Purehass *of 2 ""Winter in Madiera" and "A dloxeo n O3C doxer, 7jC doisn dozeozen O7L or More Cans 'Summer in Spain and Florence."! ,He also wrot? the English ver- PRIDE OF FARM AS Mon of the Dies Irea and Stabat Catsyp 14-oi. bottle 20c Peanut Butter -i;jiv 35c Mater. He died in New York Citr 8 on April 21, 1879 leaving a son Mustard>«-N.s 2 'S 25c Drinking Straws "^ST 10c .by the same name who later be- Picknick Kosher came Governor of New York. Pickles i 20r Sandwich Bags &, of 30 HEINZ Fresh Aluminum MILK:—Raw or pasteurized Cucumber quart jar * / »• Reynolds Wrap milk ?"ld in New Jersey after tDEA iry • July 20 muit have been pro- Stuffed Olives 24-OIL,. N fo r 23/VcC duced by brucellosis free herds, IDEAL 25c - under a rulins of the State De- •Oliver "* 1Z — i- 29c Evap. partment, of Health. Kin The raw miik ban was an- Libby's Olives I^*r 3k Spaghetti nounced on April 20 by Dr. Oscar 'Susman. senior veterinary 'super- Old' visor, and it provided for an al- Chiffon Soap Uowancc- of a 00 day period of Ib. Ib notice which expires on July 20. Flakes S 1c can't The Statf Department of Agri- Wi»h Purchase of 3-lb". culture announces that testing targe Pkg. al 28e can 91 e .Service for all herds is available {Without cost. pits. 1 JERSEY "JIGSAW: — Potato Acme's CheckoutProtecteYou. fitovwers of NPW Jersey expect one tof the smallest crops in recent If em* ore price marked! Receipt with total makes re- ;years whezi haryestina gets un- checking at home easy1. You pay only once for total Jderway in about a month, accord- ing to the State Department of purchases. Items ere "coded" for freshness. lAsjricullure . . . Nominations are ^ 'open for New Jersey's first "Sea- s M ttood Princess" who will represent Milk *the State at the National Seafood 21 "TPeslival a I, Hampton, Va., Sep- Supre M tember 16 and 17 ... C. A, Burn, BJy enough bread for 'former deputy chief of the De- INVEST 2 I C sign and Construction Division, aias been appointed Acting- State IN U. S. Jlisjhway Engineer . . . Nearly SAVINGS .three out of every five parent Jbirds in filocks enrolled under BONDS > ffif«.UIRElE "•-•the US-NJ Poultry Improvement PAG! TWELVE" ±tA±ttiAN TOWNSHIP AND FORDS ; Colonla Notes: F©flt .faIies Insure n —Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hughes, Caroline Avenue, were hosts at.an .putdoor picnic at their home Sun- day to Mr. and Mrs. John Mona- lian and; children, Dennis and Marcella, Mr. and Mrs. John Lanza •and children, Robert and Janet, .Jc-sey' City. " -^Mrs- Willard Jennings, Fair- view Avenue, is a patient- at Rail- way1 Memorial. Hospital. ... —Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Nielson, •Rutgers.- Avenue, entertained at ea,.vds oh Friday .evening Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and, Mrs. Benja.nin, Brooks, Plainfield; Mr. and Mi.s- Charles Weskley, Piscat- away: Mi-'- and Mis. JameaNielson, West NeW.York.. . •••—Mrs. "benjamin Thompson, Amherst AXtnue, Mrs. Michael "Worotylco, Ct'a'ceret; Mrs. Helen Thompson and children, Railway, were the luncheetv guests of Mrs. Ray Newton, RahwaT. Tuesday. —Mr. and Mrs. Cticrles Skibin- e3 a Rflod meat department. ski, Hawthorne Avenue, entertain, ed Mr. and Mrs. George-Schaudell and son, George, Bayonne; Monday. ••••—Mr. and Mrs, LawrenCO Suit, In the 8 value-packed departments of you* West Street, were hosts at st'PPer to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Trailer A&P Super Market, you'll find buy after and children, Ruth, Patty and Al- lan, South Plainfield, Sunday. \ buy for the Fourth of July! Take A&P's —Mr. and Mrs. George Devlin, ing selection of famous-brands of smoked Chain O'Hills Road, entertained over the weekend his mother, Mrs. hams, for instance. They're as temptingly John Devlin and his aunt, Mrs. tender and juicy . . . as marveloitsly John Sullivan, Trenton. •I mellow-flavored ... as any you ever —Mi1, and Mrs. John Markowski, Amherst Avenue, were hosts over enjoyed. Yet just see how attractively the weekend to Mr. and Mi's. An- thony Tomaszewski, Cleveland, they're priced! Come pick your"favorite Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallas, brand, from our big stock of. regular and Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. Carl Fagioli and children, and Mrs. Mary To- ready-to-eat hams! maszewski,- Clifton Heights, Pa/ —Mr. and Mrs. Armand Van der Linden and ehiliven, Carolynn and Geoffrey, Fagan Place, and the The Fines? young birds fresh from nearby farms Sirloin Steak Juicy, flavorful Ib. 79e Fresh DlieklingSLongWand'sfinesHb. 37e Misses Margaret, Patricia and Carole Scott,-Inman Ay.enus, spent Porterhouse Steak shori cut ib.89e Turkey's Pilgrim brand-under 18 lbs. Ib, 75c, Saturday in New York\City.. sizes-under.414 lbs. .' —Mr. and Mrs. Roberta Schus- Extra short cuf to giv_e you more good eating Chuck Roast or Steak Bone in ib..47e Fowl All sizes-foi fricassee, salads !b. 43o sler, Amherst Avenue, entertained over the weekend her sis'tei^ Miss RoiIlldPotRoastBoltomnofatadcledlb.89e BaCOn Sunnyfield sliced 2 half Ib. pkjjs 57c' Lillian Clayton, Teaneck, andVon Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rab>ng Top Sirloin Roast No Padded ib.89c Pork Shoulders Smoked-shorl cui Ib. 49c and children, Elizabeth. \ Boneless Chuck —Mr. and Mrs. Fred . Slitter, No fat added Cross-Rib Pot RpastNofaf»85 Sugar-Sweet ' . —The Misses Margaret and Pa- tricia Scott, Inman Avenue, are Frilit Cocktail Libby or Del Monfe 17 02. can 21e spending a few days this week with Ll€ED SWISS SAMDWICH R0I1S WATERMELON • their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frilit Cocktail, ASP fancy 17oz.canJ9c : You'll enjoy its You'll need one of these big Harry Demorjian, Enfleld Road, nu!-sv/eet flavor beauties for this weekend S •at Belmar. •, • Crushed Pineapple ." . . 20 oz. can 27c " —The following Colonia chil-; "dren, members'of the Junior Safe- Delightful served witli cake . . . delicious in ty Patrol, were the guests of the a quick home sundae . . . and refreshing when, Woodbridge Township Police E>e^ added to:. gelatine for a salad or dessert. With a three-day weekend ahead;,stock: Buy them in A&P's Jane Parker Bakery Sweet, juicy watermelon is just one of partment, Monday at Palisades Park:. Antonio Barbosa, Teresa. up at A&P's Dairy Center with country- Department. Be- sure ta see its many dozens" of dollar-strelchers you'll find Leito, Alexander Peigelbeck, Rose- fresh foods at budget-wise prices,- other big treats at small cost, too! in A&P's Produce Department! . inary Aiuto, Robert . Jennings, •Marilyn Jennings, Judy Collins,) Oreo Sandwich'.-Crackers Nabisco 4 oz. pkg, 15c. V^ildmere—large brown and white . ' Marvel—thin sliced Belleious, Ripe, Western 'Joanne and Barry Mohr, Barry Fi'CSll E-ggS- Grade A :doz.S|)c liRohde, "Junior Sickel, ; Ronald Anniversary Assortment Nabisco 1 ib.P kg. 57c ! large sizs each »Pinkham, Jean and James Suther- Mel-G-Bit—processed .-:..- Min,.John Allardice, Edward Ander- Chocolate, Pineapple, Bulierscotch y. cz. far 2 for 29C Jane Parker . . .'Belicious son, Frank Gomez, Lyn Kimball,, crican.-•.;»•45c Cherries we^m it.; ' Jacqueline Sparks, Richard .. Fq- .Preserves Louis Sherry 12 oz. jar 29*5 ;.menko, John Reilly, Dean Allen, Fresh, mild ' ';Jb. 39c ' Rosemary Ritunda. [Warwick Salted Peanuts * « „ . vi ib. pkg. 19c. Liederkraiiz Bordsn/s Aw. pkg. 35c. Poillld Cake ' Gold or Marble , Ige. 7A oz.size59c Red PlltmS f«=m California Ib 23e •• —Mr. and Mrs. George. Reseter, 1 Middlesex Road; entertained, on Blaney's Jolly Pops « '. « • . ., pkg. of 15 for 15c • Whipped Blllter' Sunnyfield . ; Sor,cup'38c Alltel Food Bar Lemon cocoanut each 3TC. California Carrots o;sp Eunch 10c .Thursday Mr., and Mrs.' Charles "Cherris and son, Allen, Perth Am- P Ale Canada Dry or While Rock-plus deposit Ige. bot. 2 for 29<2 PJppin or Snappy Roll sharp -3oz;pk 20c ] 00% Whole Wheat Jane Parker 11b. loaf 20c Seedless Limes • Florida carton of 5 17c '; boy, and on Sunday enjoyed a trip, g -to Seaside Heights. Beverages Plus cfeposi! !ge. bof. 2 for 21c Soill" Cream. Borders , -;-;''-jpt,-^onl.-..3G« Potato Chips . Jane Parker.: 5 oz. pkg. 25c White Cabb&ge from nearby iarms lb_4»- • • —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nielson, . - - o - . -. - : ]'Rutgers Avenue,- entertained at, a ?P Peppers From Southern farms Ib. 17<5 !• .picnic on. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Grape Juice ASP pt.boi. 19c- qt.4jot.35e Heavy Sweet Cream, Borden's .^pt.-coht,31« < 'Charles Weckley and family, Pis- New Beets Home grown bunch 6e I'eataway. Cut-Rite "Waxed Paper 9 . •.. • . 125ft. roit 23c [ •<..—Mr. and. Mrs. Benjamin mini mm* US.NO.I grade 2 lbs 15c : "Thompson, Amherst Avenue, enr Marcal Paper Napkins Tea size Pkg. of so 3 for 29c ^'.tertained at a party on Sunday 3S Angel Soft pkg. of 200 3 for 29c Pk9-,ef 400 17c Yet Many Mk% Prefer k&f Teas.' : -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodges and Corn off the cob with that fresh shucked flavor. • son, Edward, Linden; Mr. and Mrs. Cigarettes "Charles Hodges, Jr., Cranford; Popular brands carton of 10 pkgs. 1,87 I Mrs. Ruth Bittler, Linden; Mr. and ; •'IT, ' A rich 'and fiaaorful- biend.. j -Mrs. George Flushing, Cranford; • l 'Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Thompson Nveiar. Tea vsib kg.49e- i ,jxnd family, Rahway; Mr. and Mrs. P * The pew Woman's Day i, -Michael Worotylco and son, Wal- features tasjy, tempting M&eiaB' Tea Mags , 4gu41c, recipes ior; ham and other ' °ter, Car beret; Miss Anne Manning, smoked pork: How to buy, - .Linden; Mr. and,Mrs. John Burket * \. . . . prepare and cook it. How to : •and George Thompson, Colonia. A full-bodied and vigotousjilend use Ie&oyen, If you're a " —Mrs. Anne Demorjian, Bnfleld . Pkg. 4 7fe lover of delicious food — ^Road, was elected . councilor of be sure to lead' the ... 'Star of Liberty, D. of A.; and also •representative to their convention »;in September. She was also elected 'county guard of Union. County *Ba$ed on. National Survey'Averax&t • "V. F. W. and assistant conductress lot District NO; 5,-:V.'F. W. Armour's Armour's Serve it hot or cold .. Armour's Armour's Campffre Peter Pan I': Framed- Pictures • ' Prevent dust, from seeping Jfttp. -Corned Beef Corned B§ef Hash Armour's :-"freef Vieima, Sausage: Marjhiaflows, Peanut Butter 7. framed pictures: by .-sealing, the*•* Chopped Ham - '4 oz. •i of the frame with; a strip of 12oz, life- 12 oz. 12 oi. can.: can san can. 18c e -. U-piiane tape. • ...:• •'-..-'. .> ---Vr .;. 'iOWrfsKIF ANiyF&RDiS BEAOOH , JUHE 30, 1349 FAGE "Easf si in unty All-Star Tilt Pt Reading Saints AHg£P? - - - By AIGH Mevei feelin GaJlS Sflpre No. Amhoy Subdues Just Relaxing Trio of Twirlers Rise to 3rd- Place Oeotsianna Kemp, captahi of Allow 3' Safeties; .TgP Ex|r?a g Harts, as 2 Frames the I'liiladelphai Girls' team ,»f the Roller Jpei-by now .playing Iii County Circuit SCHROEDER, Over Kejasbev, 4-3 N.et 10-Rmi Total Uie New Jersey-Brooklyn skat- Sautner Is Loser ers in a thirteen game series Throttle Ramblers 9-6; RANK/N& U.S. thai concludes Saturday »ight SEASBEY—The East proved lob Hodan's,Theft of Hpme tocal Club Belted 13-5; at Kuppert Stadium, in Vewark. much for the Wr^L at the plate Bi'atsano, MaHiiQwski . Proves Fruitless as Znll.o, Losing llurler, Miss Kemp, Handy with her fis,t, and .on.the mound by romping to STAR, WHO'S is, relaxlns on the track before an 8-1 victory in tiie Mid-County On if ill for Winners TAKING- Foes Break Deadlock Is Batted Out in 3rd an afternoon sprint training League's. Annual All-Star game. HIS FJ&&T session. In private )ife,_Georsie Tht win was the Ea-i third ill St limit ii«j <> ( (.llll.S PERTH AMBOY — Scoring ter a U' T. p I SHOT KEASBEY—The Iselin Cooper is the wife of teaiit mate Bob a row. P 1ft 4 714 AT • THE ' Cubs were forced into an extra ryns in two big successive innm'gs, Lewis. r \ V '1 4 inning to come up with a 4.-3 vic- the North Amboy A. A. disposed of George Jogan. Iti^s Dsrewsky, t:. st. i RK7 W/M0LEOON and Ed Zebro split Uie piuhins as- 1 ,f ll, \ T3ft fi 11 s — .'•>• i tory over the Keasbey Rangers in the Hart A. A, by a 13-5 score to -'« S.I. li tvl I [ruts a close ball game. Bain some local prestige in subdu- signment for the East aria, cunt- w. *I* 1M.. i Dutcliy Gutwein put the Rang- ing one of the top teams iri the through with flying colors by sav- I hut \ A .".III! M"* VI lit - ers out front in the initial frame Mid-County League. ing up one hit apic;-e ckuing" ih?W t ^ Oi i,,ifi ,* three-inning stint on the niomidU when he dbubled Richie Hod'an Ernie • Zullo started on -the holl i Un *^« 6 George Jogan was credited with x home with the first run of thefor the Harts, but was forced, to \i nti H& ,| So* the win nftei pitching superbly foir Hii. ht ll t! 12 .01)0 game. give: way to reliefer Joe McLaugh- the first three frames. PORT READING—The rapidly The. Cubs knotted the count in lin when the Amboy nine un- climbing St. Anthony's of Port the second stanza afte-r Phil O'Con- leashed a barrage of hits in the Bill Dzubay, the pride of the Reading moved into third place in nor singjed -.ijxd came around to. third -'stanza. Halts was the East's hero at the the Mid-County League standings «core. when.'" Pete D.alina was The Harts. leaped out front in plate with thiee big hits. His triple by tripping the Baritan Township '.charged with an error. The Rang- I the early, innings with a 3-0 lead 3nd two nin^ts 'drove in fourruns, Ramblers by a 9-6 count. '•.ers^ however, 'took the lead again onlf y to have.it taken away when m-i half Of t,he East's grand total-. in'." the fifth" 5'hen Riphie . Sodan the victors .draye' across six runs Prank Sautner, the Carraghers' George Bratsano and Walt Mali- was 'moved; around icf third from curve ball artist, started on the jnowski combined .their pitching : in the bottom of the third, and to where'he stole, home. ; ' . . •-. add a little insurance,, they tallied mound foi the West and was taents to chalk up the victory for chaigtid with the defeat after al- Manaaei Julius Kollar, who has The Cubs wentjout front in thefour more.in the fourth "to put the sixth inning, when. Buady" %een" ..game"••.in storage...'." io«m° two mns in the first in- be«n instrumental in bringing the wpr.ke'd Gutytem; for a" walk, Frank nrnuh Chuck vtelibloom and Ernie SuinU up from eighth place. " Johnny.Pajak, Amboy's strating Sabmt followed Sautner to the Capfhro: doubled, ".and"'. .LaBariia The Ramblers grouped six runs sent two markers home with ..a hurler, went the. distance to regis- mound, but were unable to halt the in the fourth j*nd fifth frames, but shai-p single to'left. A misjudged ter, the .mipressiVe, victory: Pajak Ea-t'i powei at the plate. WLre unable to overtake the Saints distributed the Harts' eleven hits ball'enabled the Rangers: to tieto holdr Joe McLaughlm's chargtj Bobby Koperwhats started the alter they accumulated a comfort- the, score again'in-the bottom of ball lolling in the first stanza when able lead in the early innings. trie seventh. : ' .: . to rivi runs. : he blasted one of Sautner's Sunday Ronnie Lozak topped the Port vLaB'anca, Avho ^rov"e". in .three, of Pete. Gadek and:.Joe Smith hit pitches foi a triple to right. Pasr Reading batters with three hits in the Cufe' fpui- runsi' won the game a circuit clout apiece to cause trie No one is more deserving of a berth on the All- 2ov.ski fli^d out; then Bill Dzubay most damage .at the plate for the four trips to the plate. George RUMOR. //AS ITHEPl-AHS Off iri Uie top of: the eighth: when he State nine .than our own Frank Sautner, who was unleashed a tiemendpus three-base Wusilek and Sarzillo followed with TVRN/N3 PRO /F M TRIUMPHS drove in .Capraro with a njsoiin'd- Amboyans. Chet Kelker and Stey clout to scoi° Koperwhats from AT W/MBLEPON AND REGAINS :ing, double.. Capraro had previous- Kosmyna. also played a big part two btafttie-5 apiece. Elko was high THE U.S. S/NSLES CROWN HS unanimously chosen as one of the eleven, hurlers on thud Biitos moved Dzubay across man for Ran Ian Township with ly'walked.-" :' in thtli~ team s win with three hits the plate with a high fly to left WON JN XP-fZ —•• : FRANK apiece. the Newark Evening News' annual star-studded nine. three safeties PARKER MAP THE SAtfE IDEA ..PJiil. O'Connor received credit j field . " . ' Pred Mackiel twirled a four-hit LAST YEAR, BUT AH UPSET for the victory while Dutchy Gut-' Bert Corcoran was the Harts' The barron chucker has been one of the State's bril- Chuck Mellbloom, who looked' shutout over the Hart A. A. to give AT WMBL0PO/i wein was '.charged with the- loss. batting-star with a triple and two liant mound specialists for the past three seasons. He the be t of the West's three chuck- :Bo'th •hurlers gave up five. hits "in "singles. in four trips to the plate. "iia, ~Uo\\eu one run during his the Sacred Hearts of South Am- PUINSP MIS PLANS / S/H ,tf boy a well-turned 2-0 decision. eight innings .of play. . Pe.te Johnson and Rocky Sinieone became an immediate success; under Coach Pnscoe the thi ee-mnmg turn on the mound. '•-. LaBarica was the Cubs' batting followed, with- two. base knocks clay he came up to the varsity in his sophomore year. \ -.male by PL e Gyenes, two walks, Both Mac-Mel and Pollak, the star'.sfitii.-two hits which accounted each. and Kopenvhats' lift to left ac- Harts' starting flinger, pitched tor three of- Iselin's four tallies, ••'•-XORTTT -A1CBOT. .(13) His most effective pitch is a sharp-breaking cuive ball caunted foi the lone tally charged 'scoreless ball utnil the fifth in- Lee's 1-Hitter jautchy :Gutwein .and Huda sHared AB R 71 against Mellbloom. ning when the Amboyans drove ,pffensiye .honors Ipr,. Keasfetey, with V'otelc, ss •; :...:.."..:.....'."1 1 2 which causes batters .to hit into the dirt. Sautnei Mh.aki, ,2b- ,4 i . 2 Bangs Out Homer one run across the plate to go out ite satfe, wallppa each. •"" , "cf : D 2 z proved his versatility by playing the outfield because Tornmy Comsudis, Iselin's eon^- front. Prank Zebro's double with In Rec Loop; Other O 1 1 I'iijak, jr' '....'. 'S -• 1 1 The East greeted Ernie Sabine Pollak was tagged with the Tiger A. C. Blanked Parley,- 2b, rf ....:.. ! 2 ft . II hitting New Brunswick team. His, victory over pre- PetiipaW,' rf ft n -ft ji i., . . with fotu biy runs in. the.seventh Harts' defeat after giving up five WOODBRIDGE—Cal Lee hurled Ro'iiha, lib •-..„... •;.•_...-2 0 1 HART A. A. ("5"i viously undefeated South .River,was,.probably one oi mnmg t-o put" the game on ice scattered hits over the seven inning ' " . AB R H Koperwhats and Paslowski started a near perfect game when he al- r route. -••;•'•' . •'!> i - . Johnaon, ,2b ,.' -f 2 - Sautner's greatest thrills ; during the past campaign jt T,\IUI successive singles before lowed one hit to give the Ayejiel —Irv" the \ first game KRAS-EET (31 • ' • ' ori.-oruii,' ,-t' 4 1 •'. Ii MIT A. A. (in ••" ••; " ' AR R H Mizeraii, ss '4 0 1 Bi 1 Dzubay unleashed his third hit Panthers an impressive .9-1 victory of a series, the.WopdbridgeV;Crreiner : 'since he has never dropped a game to'the Maroons AB s: n •Hi>aan; 2b ...I :; 1 l^utjay, l.t, ;i 0 1 of the game to score both runners. ijillaMTii, fi 2 n fl over the Midtowners in a'R«crea-' Girls of 'Wqoctoridge,- defeated the Pursier,' f« ...... 4.. ... '. .2 fl ii McLau^hlin, p, <• ;i v i during his high school career. He gave Coach Frtz- Zt'oro kept the parade moving with .Mi/.ri.iK, >N 4 II i tion Senior Softball tilt, The winSt. Joseph Gii-ls of C.ar.teyet Sunday -C!lutiWar,"lf :: -n 1 I.I.«-AJI"K-«1C., •• 11 1 f,;i'., U-. •;!• i n n Ba}l" Lee's bid for entrance into P, Rriiiko. rf :... i o 0 j Joe Scnttore of the Keasbey Pull tk, |i I 0 0 the local Hall of Fame by singling' run ganie,.and striking out 12 .pf-\nfo1, rf 2 o fl Sforc liy'. inning?: chucker is performing with the Carragher A. A in the fMlllfirli f, VU 1} II il J Hart, A. A. :.:.... 1 2 fl 1 fl 0 1— •", Eagles guided the East All Stars to break up the no-hitter. | the .opposition.- Miss ,Russp,,of the ;-; ;.; .:.;-:•: '•;:- is :'~3' 1 : So. Aan-tjoy fl tl S..J2 1 x—K! Mid-County circuit. . • • . losers turned in a creditabie .per- flOT. ,by. ln.ijlngs: to their one-sided victory. Chuck- Jiggs Everett and Jimmy Jaeger formance, allowing six ..scattta-fd Gubs' .". ....;..'... OHM!) 1—4 Farrell, the Carraghers' mentor, 22 ft 4 shared batting honors .for the : i :.... 16. p fl 1 0 I 0—3 Royle Captures E. T. O. Boxing Crown <> was in charge of the West's squad.. iir:Ar.T"si Panthers with t'-e bass wallops hits, and striking put S of -tfe op- A_B P. H posltipn. Missj Kaczmarek' was-the, Alby Royle recently returned home- from Europe Bobby Koperwhats and Paslow- .1. K««*-lt-^lvI, 2 1 1 apiece. ; Wians ski came through with two hits '/.<-hrn. -.<, •J (i it big ,g,uh,. getting three tuts^,:Next; where ha held the Army lightweight championship for apiece to share batting laurels with WKnii'Wski, ",h i 11 1 In a free swinging contest the Sunday the Greiners. wil|' play, the' i; Zthrii, ii) o I) u House of Finn continued their win- Jersey Social ciub, a.col6red girls'; over a year. He missed the Olympic squad by one bout Bill Dzubay who collected three;'" V, ZflD.i, rf 0 J ning- ways by pulling a 17>10 vic- Koliv i !' I 1 team, in New Brunswick. . which he dropped by a close decision. Alby learned the TT A. K<.,\\ le-ki, 11 1) 1 tory over the Golden Bears. Twice* iri Twin^Bill HOPELAWN—Five big runs in Knn,-rw-)inL--. ss ... 4 T. Zei.m, i II Jones was credited with the win GRElNK-l'iS . art of fisticuffs from Bill Golden, a local athlete, who Paslo-.YFki, :'.h ... (I 0 " -'.... An ' r. n the sixth inning paved the way ife< ltirl, I> 2 •—The previously un- '•'•/. while Harvey Cre-akmur was charg- Walsh, 3b ; '.'..: 3 9 0 for the Iselin Buldogs' 6-4 vic- took him in hand while he was still in his teens.. After fizbai', 11' . "., Caraahef-B.C. had. tHeir : Rnrlo;-,. lb .. 0 2.231 4 ed with the Golden Bears' loss. Kft'/.mareU, o :...... 3 1- 3 1 DiHnir, ss ..:.":.. :) ' 0 1 skein of eight straight victories tory, over' the Hopelawn Indians. entering the Army in 1938, the local clouter annexed Zrl-i-o, lb, p "Hit u,r Johnson in (itti. Harry Burke was the batting -Vlizfrjik, 2b 1 ISluicli uiit toi 1'iill.ilv in Til). Oiroml. p :..:".-...;.", fl 1 snapped by the St.'Francis CYO, of The win was the Bulldogs' thid ' 1 S< oi f- h j iinunp:1- scar of the free-swinging contest, Jaworski/If -. U 0 1 straight in league competition. the West Coast crown' and fought with a squad of 0 Hntter, 2b :...- 1- ft 0 Metuchen, who took both ends of Il.trL A. A. . if 0 u u it II 0—(i C-liirney, rf ...... •--i getting four hits in as many trips W.-Colsan, lb .-.'..; 1 u; '. 0 G.I.s throughout Canada where he won several tro- S.'uTfii Jliait ft II 0 0 1 1 .\—2 to the plaie. a twin bill by 12-2 and 7-2 scores. Carl Swansoon led. off the Bull- lVfH, i-f ... .0 l. irad^er, :"b .:•.:;...i :•:..:•?' 0 . d .dog's-big:'sixth by reaching first Ro'lo, cf ..' •. fl TiAPJT.AN 'TDSV NSHIP (61 RRU], rf :.:.' 2.1 0 Bill Wanca-started on the mound phies. During World War II, Royle served with the John Rasmussen, the White i.ihdhlum, cf ...... : :... S . 0 . -0 on Kreude's error. George. Wissing Jogan, p 0 AS? it Ii fortheColonia aggregation in the 1 rit-Yf i In, 2b 0 House Tavern nine's, star chucker, 82nd Airborne Division . and was awarded the Silver . 4 0 initial encounter and was charged and Eddie Guftther banged out .Malr.noy, I h ,-. .11 Kopervu-,, i!)i \\ ft earned his way- into the Hall of 1'fi Elku, !,» . . . 4 ST. JORRPIT'S with his.first defeat of the season. successive doubles to keep the rally Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Presidential Citation, -I n "'1-2 l-lll VM-lll, lh 2 o 1 Fame by pitching a no-hit no-run AB it The lanky hurler pitched six in-alive.and score two runs. A walk WRKT Al.-I- ST.\ T.S (1 (i a Belgium decoration, and seven battle stars. We wish I o^hortir, cf 3 II 1 game over the Tiger A. C. -Ras- M. nam.iibrll, c ....:.:..:...:.'. -1 nings, giving up seven hits and to Philip Painter, an error, and a AI; r: "II LUltll? <* ..... 3 ] 0 O'hnnnell, rf ....:. : 2 o AnLoni^e^, ss . -i "fl mpuBsen hurled a perfect game, J. CJJhrla., sS ..'.....: ..,...::, ••?... • o nine, runs before being relieved by wild pitch accounted for two more AJby had learned to box a little earlier in life as we o Suvai-t, If". t^ 0 1 Pooklembo, rf 2 o '1 liflllUUI, M il twenty-one men, which is Kovai, cf .....:. .:.:'3- o 0 o Chuck Forman who came on to runs which put the gameon ice well remember receiving a couple of black-.'eyes and t"t Au.lt t*..in, ]j . . !i 1 par for the seven inning distance. Irving, If ...-..::.... .-..;,:-..::-.. a. twirl the.rem,aining distance. Ou-tw'ein. lh i ' "(I Sta.ubfu-li. 2b ...... ::.... H for the- Bulldogs. t"oms:utii.-', ^h . :', 1 as 0 R Zelnak sparked the Sewaren j Necitr, lh ...-.•..:...:...-:..-.:..-....-.: 2 " 0 TJie Poor, defensive playing [ of The Indians scored two of their bloody nose incurred settling a number: of arguments Tot!i, r: . .: 1 hl l< »Xy.s <») Marry. Jib .'...,: :...:.. ;:•:. i•"; . 0 ST. ANT combine's 11-0 victory with three RUSKO, p .Y/.:-.: 1 0. the CJarraghers handed Metuchen where his big brother became involved. His plans for Af! n H runs in the fifth when Gunther S'liMilla, oC j timely hits. ""* . ! s,e.Fen. unearned runs in the opener. walked the first two men to face the future are to' complete his career in the service \jji^a'c'/y!-.. 11' Kill In, s^ . 4 1 In the Intermediate Baseball '•'•-'; Tli'e Saints, clinched the decision him and hit the- third batter with Prftitag-, If ... >JdiUiiiw ski, 'Ms, p i) rmrski, ri' W.ihilek ,ih •j 3i) 2 circuit, the Iselin Boys Club edged in. die.opener by scoring.three big a" wild pitch to load the bases. At and box occasionally for the sport. " I.iz.ik, lb . . „ 4 i ,> out the Eagles 8-6 behind the 7-hit I runs.in'liie^Jboitial inning. The Car- tills point Stanley Grzyb. stepped Ooim-.rn, 3h Ki ! f, I I . . 4 0 1 : .•..-•;:. AAR - "Ti' H raghers came, back with: tw;o tallies HOOKERS . . . Cal Lee, the most improved player ranvll. :'.b . l)ci*-wsk\, 2b 1 I (> pitching of Shednick. >• ] Ehner, If ...: :'.:.,.....:.i.> 4.; 2 2 ; to the plate to unload- a.ringing Hautner, p 1 3 Ols,;n, 2b •:::.:....:.:•,•.:•.•£••*': 1 -.-] in":the- bottom half of. the nrst,. but MeiJ-ilrinrii. | Biir.inl.ik, < 4 Iselin notched the win with 1 single which scored two runs. in the local Senior Softball League, is recuperating Jiratsunn, D 2 i 1 M;a.ieski, ss ...... :i..:.:..^.:.Ai ^:';: -. 2 ^ere held scoreless, .thereafter by 1 o Ki'.Uk, IT 1 (i 0 eight runs bunched together . in f'aei'iola, 3b ..J...... :.'-.. sX ;rt. 1 : Gunther was credited with the from an appendix operation. . . . Bob Bader, at 5-i;is Tnmko, cf :...... Y:::r Jl--. l;; 1 the - .tantalizing' curves of. Lefty ;:ti 1 ,...,3 the last three innings. Hunt. it< .' :.J:::';:::Ay••',:??*. -2 •victory while Lunde was charged a 7 s 11 1 i <5eczi who -pitched a neat four-, still a capable first baseman. He is one of the main-, . 3nn: n±ry : ^ii'ort1 l>y mnin Mastrangelo and Harris paced Oreepmore, P :...i•-!••;."• ; Vr''..:-' ? with the Indians' loss. Kast 2 u 11 1 0 0-1 1 0—'-S AfcICInney, rf ^~.\::\£~:^~-:-fi'. :''*-. fl hitter for St. Francis. liantun T«-j> fi o :; a ft 0—6 ; 0 n u 0 u i 0 i> 0:—1. n Iselin's attack with two safeties Kinery, o ^.' SI";'!?;"0.^":J 0 ; Bn.[.r«"K;s i6) stays on the Firemen nine. . . .The Carraghers have i: t-* Atitliohl •- J i ; n 1—9 apiece^ :R,eick .paced the Saints' hitters, • . AB n if Soorp Tiv inning.s: ': ,; with two doubles and a triple. Gray Commuiit'lr., 2b « fl " three All-State performers in them line-up-*-Frank Colorful Boilers The Wildcats moved, up a- notch House of Finn 4 3 fi -1:1 r.-—1" was top:man at the plate for theLinduritlu-r, p : i 1 ! handsome, smooth jackets in many Tom Glark prover the master of l/aiMer, o .2 i fl SHITS different colors to harmonize with test. ' " , Merril, c :... 'J 0 ft the Coolnia Sluggers in the night- caused Ernie Dubay some, slight embarrassment. ... ' Laubach received credit for theKUKKO, i=.s !i Aj . 0 l!a.vmu.s.«t-n, If " 0 0 Long- and Short color schemes in basement recrea- fTnpstak, cf '! fl 0 cap by' Miniting them to two sin-John.son, IT' 2 1 '"' Tommy Korczowski is setting a hot pace with the tion rooms. Wildcats' win while Mroczek ab- Hyfine-s, If : 2 fl fl gles over, the seven inning route Sin/in, •'!" - 1 1 ALL COLORS sorbed the Yanks' loss. Hultw, fi 2 n fl ^'ari r>alen, H> : 2 n (• to register,the 7-2 victory. 2S ti -1 Trenton Giants. Mel Ott and Carl Hubbell, the New Gelato paved the way for the-Miltino, 3b 3 ft ii - The Sajnts.put the game in the HllPKLAWN IXTiIAN'S (-1) i^oA-ce, 2b ft u fl . AH j: 31 York Giants' brain-trusters, claim the former Barron Avenel Stars' 9-3 victory over the Nolan. 2b 2 (I fl win coluinn in the top half of the Kreiuile, .«s '.', 1 ll Avenel Tigers.by allowing one hit Sininne, rf , 2 n fl .se.y.enti'by. scoring four runs. Karvln.-kl, LU, :: u n star will be ready for the big-time within two years. over the seven inning distance. •' •"Norm Bresee went the route for Retn^r, 11. . 2 fl (i 21 fl 0 C'hirico, 2b 3 1 2 . . . Joe Leahy still taking bows for pitching the Fire- s s Degler captured, batting laurels . WHIT-U HnrsR TAViartN aton.. rf 2 fl 0 men to a decisive win over the Molnars. . . . Ed Kilroy Regular $4.25 $3.20 two trrjbs. to ', the plate. Paslnsczak, rf 2 l 1 paign. He gave up eight hits dur- SKUOII, rf 1 0 « Ktiziiia," rf 1 0 0 Chiiifliur, c -i fl II pulling for his Philadelphia A's to cop the American Regular-$2.45 : $1.85! Zeleriak, cf 4 2 3 ing his stint on the mound. Grzyb, If 4 I 2 SOFTBALL Poi-klembo, BK 2 2 ] OARP.Aomcn B. c. <2> l.unde. p, If - fl : League flag. . . .,Ed Kocsik doing a commendable job SuriKk, If 3 10 SPOK.TXWIN— Hits 11) AP. P. H 2S 4 S as commissioner of the Fords District Tournament. MTPTOWX Ktisimir, 2b 1. l 0 Oray, 3b ,-! 0 2 * AR TT Amlf-rsori. 2b ',', 0 0 3.3 H.1V H n Pocheck, ss :..- 1 Rpore bv Inning.': 0 Kopobo, 3b 110 Bulldogs ....:. fl 0 1 n 0 S 0—0 {J i Jpnsen, 3b -... l l I TENNIS RACKETS Hopelawn Indians 10 0 12 0 0—4 TWIGS NOOSE ENDS AGONY TOO ENTHUSIASTIC $119.50 Rubri"-1H lh 2 o 0 Xeme'th, Ib ..- 4 fl 0 Buoaoocre, rf ...., 4 fl 0 I Oapraro, p . - ?. ii (1 Pcniok, c :», 2 1 Toye, 2b :. 1 0 1 RED CREEK. N. Y.—James Jen- Regular $16.50 $12.40 Oriff. List—5153.50 ECCLES, England.—Willie dem- Trimmer, "th •• 0 0 liasnuissen, p ,,_ 3 fl 0 Armour, rf 2 fl 0 INCOMES kins, ' 52-yei.r-old- farmer, was onstrating a trick he had learned' Coley, If -r - "3 0 0 KonKlc, ^h 2 '1 fl Regular $15.00 §11.25 Kaft, <• . - - 2 i 0 2s .11 7 itiU,"If .-. 2. - n fl Kersonal incomes of individuals caught under his tractor when it in the Middle East—how to swal- 0 r 3 () .Annfis rf o o i-rnre bj innings: V P .-'. • ° are declining for the first time in tipped oviv backward while haul- low razor blades, Harry. Langham Regular $8.50 $ 6.40 0 TiffCJ-.s A. C 0 0 0-<> (I 6 0— 0 , p - .'...-l " " ing a mower up a stee-p hill in an J gave such a good performance that While House — 0 2 0 5 0 4 s—11 2b 1 fl 0 ten years, except for a brief dip 25 i I i» Regular $ 6.00 S 4,50 4 right after the end of the war. In orchard. The tractor .seat crushed one onlooker gave Harry a hearty AA'DN-Ul. PAXTHHRS (0) INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL ST. FRANCIS C. T. O. (12) his abdomen. -An • exa-mining phy- .A K H 1948, personal income reached an slap on the back.. This was just too it A'B It H sician said Jeiiliuis, apparently in foliaii'-en, PH 2 -EACLliS (6) E; Entwiaie, ss •f } all-time high of $213,400,000,000— bad, for it caused Langham to. R. Peterson, ct . ?> ) 1 A:B TI H Torlo, d 4 ;j more than thr.ee.times as much as agony, grasped twigs from a nearby really swallow the blades which WATCII FOR OPENING OF J. ,fapg-er, >• . • • ... . •' 3 Scomelo, xt 4 0 fl Duriind, c£ 5 ?f 1 bush, placed them around 'his were pressed against the roof of: livprett, 2h . . . 4 1 Hratiar, p *... -{12 Keii-h, If ; 0 S was received by the American peo- NEW JERSEY STATE ll (I throat and strangled himself. His his mouth. Taken to a hospital, he Jaegfi, rf . -. - ?. 1 Kovanh, 6 ,r> 1 2 Phelffpr, lb 4 1 ple in 1939. In the- closing months : A. Peterson, Ib " 0 Ur, ss r. I 2 Sniler, rf- i n ! of this year, however .'personal, in- body was found by a "neighbor .sev- was fed on cotton woal to stop the SEMI-PRO TOURNAMENT ll fl Oreashelmer, 3b -s o o it amis, if . I WoJI, 2b .- -.- 4 0 eral hours later. internal bleeding. AT . ; See Our Complete Line of Ross, If 1 0 Kuahner, Ib •. 4 fi ] •Mulia, 2b 1 1 0 come' is expected to fall to a rate B. Jac?«r, 3 b -! I 1 Ilutter, If 3 2 0 Cecz!, n 3 I) of, 202,900,000,000, EVINRIIDE MotoiK and llin-floc-k, 2b :.... l l .0 4TH B&OTHElt DIES OF WATERS' STADIUM .31 12 SOME SALESMAN! . Boatini Equipment. 2.S !l s SO « 7 Wore fcy innings: SAME DISEASE PERTH AMBOY,- N. J. . ISELTN BOTS CI.r-B (SI C. T. O ...... K 0 0 2 fl 4-3—12 . VAT. K:\nflF.Tl. R C. ii) PITTSPORD, Vt. — Just two : LOS ANGELES.—Stopped by. a ^c.,r>- by innlng'f- AB I! P.i n th ers 0 ii fl (I •' n 1—n AB R H E. C - 2 0 0 0 fl fl 0 weeks to the day after his brother, traffic officer for driving, through 0 u Ii II i ii—l Elllf=, rf -i o u rtrar, ,*!.b - -i « Bsll, lb ...; :: :.:.... 3 fl fl - - STJ FRANCIS C. Y. O. I?) Pootieck, 2b 2 3 1 Reginald, 14, died of muscular a pedestrian cross "walk, 'Bill I1Otl.SK OF <17) l'>irbanl>.s, i? 4 1-1 '••-.-: ' A:B R H Toye, ft ri 1) 0 dystrophy, Richard .N. Hoocker, Carmichael, an insurance agent, AH R Ward, Vi' 2 2 1 IC. Enwisle, as ", 1 1 Carragrri e r, 33 Z 0 1 JagsSportigjEoois: fl ft began talking to the officer. Af- I.arstti, lh , 4 4 Mastranjrelo, If ." 3 2 2 A. En#lsl«,.e 4 1 1 Wanea, lto ;: 16, died of the same ailment. A H-a-rris, ss .....3 1 2 Smlg-elski, rf, 2b ?. 0 0 ter a few minutes of conversation, S(»ORTIN6 GOOD* M^Cann, 3U S Rftnieo',. lb' a 0 . « brother, Robert, died two years : Rtirke, ss 1 K-nka, 3b 3 0 0 Phellter, lb ^... 0 l <• .M.AY, JUNE 30, 1949 AND BEACON Jh. NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAI/ NOTICES athlete of yesteryear at Rutgers and twenty per cent of the gross LEGAL NOTICES UiGAl, NOTICES University. receipts. Additional trophies will Writ, to me directed and delivered, ty-eg'..t (281 on said Map, and Township of Raritan, Middlesex the outside, addressed, to the Board r9i9, to authorize by majority vota I will expose to sale and public si. \ by Central Avenue, as County, New Jersey, at the Town of Commissioners of the Township the raising of a sum of money in The State Tourney will extend be awarded to the runner-up, lead- venclue on laid down on said Map. Hall, corner of Woodbridpe Avenue of Raritan and mus£ tie accompanied the sum of Six Thousand, Dollars from July 1st through August 1st. ing hitter and fielder, sportsman- Subject to tiie covenants con- and Plainfield Avenue, Piseataway- by a certified cheek upon a National ($6,000) for the purpose of compl> t- ship, bets dressed' club, and most WISDHE.SDAV. THK TWUXTY- tained in Deed recorded in Book town, on July 2fi. 1349 at S o'clock or Ktate Bank, drawn and made pay- ing- the partially constructed addi- All weekday games will start at SEVENTH DAY.OF JULY, A. D. 1291) of DPPIIS for Middlesex County, P. M. Daylight Savins Time, 7 able -without condition to the Treas- tion to the fire house herein set I 6 P. M. with Tuesdays, Thursdays cooperativemanager. 19 19 on page Ho, in reference to strips o'clock P. M. Standard Time, for tile urer of tha Township of Raritan for forth, viss: To stimulate and 'hold the inter- at one o'clock Standard Time ami of land being kept open and main- furnishing' and installing of sewage not less than ten 'per cent of the "BE IT AND IT IK HEREBY PERTH AMBOY—The Four- and Fridays scheduled as playing tm'o o'clock Eastern Daylight Sav- tained by the parties of tiie first pumps, related -, valves, con- amount bid, and be delivered at the days. Doubleheaders will be fea- est in the tournament a $325.00 ing" Time in tile afternoon of the part herein as' and for a public trols and electric connections at the RiESOLVVBD i>y the Board of Fii« teenth Annual New Jersey Stats Lincoln High-way Sewage Pumping place and on the hBur above named. Commissioners, District #7 (For<1.4> | tured on Sundays while champion- television set will be given away • • • qtf tlip Sheriff's Office in the .sidewalk, and subject to restrictions By order of the Board of Commis- of Woodbridge Township, Middlen'X Baseball Championship is slated City of Xen Brunswick. I?. J. I as to location and cost of buildinsa Station in the Township of Raritan,' sioners. jship tilts are in progress.- The to the holder of the lucky ticket t to be erected on said premises, as at which time and place the bids County, N. J., that for tha purpose of to get under way tomorrow night All {he following tract or parcel will be publicly opened and read. OSCAR KAUS, completing the partially construct- I Sunday twin bill on July 3rd will at the close of the tournament. of land and premises hereinafter in said Deed recited. Township Clerk. ed addition to the fire house the* at Watcvs Stadium when the Perth bring together the Plainfield Yan- •particularly described, situate, lyinu Also subject to the exceptions as Drawings, specifications and eon- F. B. B-30 .said Board of Fire Commi.ssi'iner* and beiiifr in the Township of Uuri- to tracts of land previously con- tract and forms of bid for the pro- •be authorized to rajs? tf)p sum »f Amboy ancera and the M-cGuire kees and the Lorenzos of Franklin tan, in the County of Middlesex and Shorty Gloves to Crochet veyed as in .said Deed .set forth. posed work, prepared by Raymonfl NOTICE Six Thousand Dollars (|6,wO0) at 8 Air Force nine square oil in the in the opener, and the popular All State of New Jersey, known and P. Wilson, Township Engineer, 46 rate not exceeding' six (6%1 per designated on A certain Map filed Being- the premises commonly Paterson Street, New Brunswick, TO THE LJ3GAL VOTEKg OP PI TIB cent per annum. tournament's debut. The initial Negro New Brunswick Royals will in the Clerk's Office of the rvatntv known and designated as No. 12S DISTRICT #7 CFORntf), WOOD- Plainfieid Avenue, Stelton, N, J. N. J., approved by the Board of BRIDGE TOWNSHIP, MIDDLESEX "AND BE IT AiND IT 13 FIT.- tangle with the Millville team in of Middlesex, aforesaid1, entitled "A Commissioners of the Township of game is slated to 'start; at 6 P. M. Map of land belonging to .James D. The approximate amount of the R-aritan, have been filed in the office COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. THEll RESOLVED that this resolu- the nightcap. Stelle, situated at SleRon, surveyed .judgment t<> he satisfied by snid sKle tion be submittert to tiie leijal The Anual Tourney was and divided into lots by John T of the Township Clerk and may be NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN, that voters of Fire District #7 (Ford.-u, A single elimination plan will be IK the sum of Three Thousand Seven inspected by prospective bidders on Saturday, the 16th day of July, whisked away from the state capi- rHn AbM-i'h 29th. 1S71," as lots Hundred Thirty-six Dollars and during- business hours. 1049, between the hours of 3 P. M. Wooflbrirtgrp Township, Middie'^K tol seven years ago when Charles psed in the first round while a numbers twenty-two ('•!'-} tv.enU - Filty-elfflit Cents ($3.7:SH.r,fcs, tn- and 7 P. M., prevailing time of said County, New Jersey, on Saturii.r., ! double elimination schedule is three (-'") and twenty-four (2-fl, S"ethei' with the costs of this .sale. BirldPrs will be rurntalied with a day, a meeting of the legal voters the 16th day ot July, 194S, in Ilia •JR. Gadek took over the reins as I s.) F lots lvina: fnfcfl'pr fnrn Together ivitli all and singular copy of the specifications and blue or Wooilhridg-p Township (Fords, manner and form and after such " the State Commissioner. Gadek, sauted for the eight finalists. a larg-er lot or tract of land, which the rights, privileges, hereditaments prints of the drawings by the Engi- noticp us is prescribed by law, is one hundred ami s**veiH> -rtmr neer, on proper notice and tup pay- Fire District #7) will be held at whose obpectlve is to develop the 16 Clubs to Vie feet anil twenty hundredth* »f » and appurtenances thereunto, be- the Fire Mouse of said Fire District "AN!> BK IT AND IT IB I'TV,- longins or in anywise appertaining. ment of a deposit of Ten (SM.tloi on Corielle Street. Fords, Wood- TUKU IlKfciolA'HD that tHa reso- youth in this area through com- foot wide in front, and one hundred Luxllars. which dpposit Hill be re- | Sixteen of New Jersey's top semi- and 'seventy-four feet wide in the CORNELIUS A. WALL, nirn^d ii"nn the return of the plans bridge Township, Middlesex County, lution be dated the 9th day of Jum-, petitive baseball, will bs asissted j pro teams will compete for the rear, and is two hundred mut sc\ • Sheriff. New Jersey, the purpose and object ISJ9." l CHAUL.ES H. STEWART, and specitu-atUtns in good condition, of which is to submit to tiie legal by Frank "Peaches" Heenan, star Coca Cola Bottlers 30-inch trophy enty-two feet and three luin''reiit 's on or be tore the date ot the opening .\OTHONY L. BALINT, of a foot long on tho northerly side, Attorney. ot tile bins. voters of said Wooiibridg'e Town- '"•'kWf fary and two hundred and fovt.v-six feet F. B. H-3H; 7-7, 11, 21 ?37 14 ship (Fords, Fire District.#7), at a Board of Fire'-Commissioners, • m C> ntrnl A^nne. -ln

Would you like to crochet something: simple and useful? • From cover to cover it's Make these sporty shorty gloves, the perfect hand coverings to ^ mm'/ designed to help, you get accessorize your tailored spring the best possible tele- and summer clothes. They're cotton, washable and sturdy. A phone service. It gives direction leaflet for crocheting Woodbridge's Largest Television Center you facts about Long Dis- these SPORT GLOVES may be tance and toll calls ; ; : obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the. shows you local calling Needlework Department of this areas • ; . gives you suggestions on "How to paper, requesting Leaflet No. A full line of Dumont Television Receivers from table-top models to a magnificent home entertain- use the telephone." And most important—it PC 3833. ment instrument which includes the woi'lcFs largest direct-view screen—213 square inches—AM-FM provides the quickest and easiest method of securing listed telephone numbers. Lee's . 1-ffitter and short wave, and automatic record changer. All offer superlative picture and tone quality beau- (Continued from Sports Page) • On numbers not yet listed, of course, it is WILDCATS (US tiful cabinet work, and dependable performance. AB.- 11 necessary to call Information. But once you Furdock, c •Neliila, If have these numbers, you'll find it saves time to Straube, :!lj 1 Anderson, as :. jot them down for future use in a handy Per- ppt, 11) Krauts, cf sonal Numbers Booklet—to supplement your ubiU'h, p .'-•.... Neary, rf 1 ti telephone directory. They're available, with- Geisitigr, lh 0 3 out charge, at any telephone Business Office. 11 11 YANlvS (3) AB Bucban, 3b .: '•'> n Saanoto, 2b I...... 2 •0 NEW JIRSiY BILL K-outih, cf ..-...... :-.: 3 6 Tempardo, ss _...... 3 0 TELEPHONE COMPANY Lillie, lb :...... 4 0 Pyatt, c .' I....-:.;..-4 1 Mroczek, p :'--.. 3 I Kolb, rf :....;;....:.:.. .3 Mansueto, If 1 -..:. -

27 o Score hy innings: Wildcats 3 3 It 3 2 i\ 0—11 Yanks 0 2 0 1 (I II 0— 3 REBELS" (3) -• AB U Neary, 3b 3 - 1895 Mesar, rf 3 1 Joel, ss 4 0 I Logan, l'b - :. 2 0 ] "THE FRIENDLY STORE' Sisko, cf : :..:. 3 0 . 0 KeUl.sen, c 3 i (I TELEV French, 2b - M Murphy, c 2 1 1 r<~*-JSis5srh Seaki, p - 0 0 Shipyard, p .;. 2 0 Shean, If 3 0 0 PLU I 30 5 8 ST. ANTHONY'S C. Y. O. (13) THE CHATHAM AEJ K H The Table-top Teleset* with the great big Gi,oriliano, o 4 U 1 ii screen. This conveniently compact cabinet, fmifkgi ON A NEW 'rraviani, lb 2 in mahogany veneers, provides large, clear Coppola, 1-b 2 1 direct-view pictures on a 72 sq. in. screen. Clayton, t.-f -3 Plus static-tree FM radio. DeSantis, 2b 4 1 I Zullo, If -.: 4 ELECTRIC Dwyer, 3b 4. 1 ft Cortez, rf i. 3 0 Klukulya, p 3 (I 31 13 14 The CHATHAM $425 I ^pacemaker Refrigerator Score by innings 4\ Rebels I. 1 1 11 .0 1— 5 ii- St. Anthony's ..•..:.. 3.5 0 2 0. 3—13 PRICES START i JLTVIOR AVBNEL A;LL STARS (».)... AB .11 - N EW LOW TI at $189-95 Dobas. If ...: -. :...:.-. I J • Burnett, lb ..: Me uu well, 3b. .2. Degler, ss 10% Down Staitton, cf '--•- • -Mi ! Kunick,e »...«, % 24 MONTHS TO PAY Gelato, p 0 H Telephone AVENEL TIGEKS (3 1 AB II Mi-Aniff", i- ,:.- $ . I Woorlbridge Buonot nre, :>b '. 3 0 KdZO, 2b ;..:. 3 1 8-0084 Falkenstern, lb 1 1 Dauda, If 2 Nier, rf 2 n For an Estimate of the Value of Tour Old Box Den Bleyker, ss :... 1 0 1 Cook, cl 2 l\ LaForge, p 2 0 STORE HOURS 9-6 OAHLY; WEDNESDAY TILL NOON 19 3 1 Scoi'e l>y innings: WilEKE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE s I *v-n»' 11 Wfnrs 1 n (i 4 1 "—» Avenel Tigers 0 12 0 0 (1—3 LEGAL NOTICES

SUPERIOR COURT OF SEW .JER- SEY — CHANCERY DIVISION — I-.i<-''ot Vn. V-1148-48. — THE PEO- PLE'S NATIONAL BANK & TRUST OOUiPANY OF irtVTNGTON. » cor- poration, is Plaintiff and JL'JJAN STT'MrMKil;S and GHACK E. SUM- MERS, his wife, et als. Defendants, Fi. Fa. for the sale of mortsra^eil premises dated June 14, 1949.. By virtue of the above stated ureu The SAVOY $695 V\lxy spend your money fixing what might be wrong!-—Let our SUN MASTER MOTOE TESTER tell you EXACTLY what is at fault. This Test Will Reveal the Cause of © HARD STARTING ® EXCESSIVE GAS CON- SUMPTION ® IGNITION TROUBLE © LOSS T INSTALL OF PEP AND POWER ! DRAMA ~ BASEBALL - FIGHTS — WRESTLING - ROLLER DERBY

i Adjustments and Parts Extra We Iclcfouild Starters - Generators - Carburetors ome & Auto •upply I — AUTHORIZED DUMONT TELEVISION DEALER — Texaco Products *** «• * v AMEOY. AVENUE AND CONVERY. BOULEVARD W •51 MAIN STREET* CORNER FULTON STREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. WO 8-08S3 STJJJ MASTER _ SHOP HOURS: 8 to 5 — MON. TO SAT. ONLY — TJSSTBll. Telephone 8-0020Open Evenings Till 8 -^^^^