932 THE GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 20, 1883. hamlet to Groton on the south, and the road ' comprised within the following boundaries, that from Groton to Lindsey on the west. is to say, the road from Reigate to Dorking (5.) So much of the parishes of Benacre, on the east, an occupation-road belonging to the and Wrentham, in the county of Suffolk, as lies Brockham Brick and Tile Company from the within the following boundaries, that is to say, Reigate and Dorking-road to the South-Eastern the high-road leading from Wrentham to Kes- Railway on the south, the South-Eastern Rail- singland on the north, .the high-road from way to Buckland Crossing on the west, and ' Wrentham to the sea shore on the west, and the from Buckland Crossing to Buckland Church high-road running from Kessingland-road south- on the Reigate and Dorking-road on the north. west to the sea shore. Sussex.—(1.) At Trotton, in the county of Sussex, (6.) So much of the parish of Mettingham, comprised within the following boundaries, that in the county of Suffolk, as lies within the is to say, the road leading from Iping Cross- following boundaries, that is to say, the high- ways to Fitzball and Bridgeland, thence along road from Bungay to Beccles on the north, a footpath to a cottage near in the occupation the high-road from Cross-Ways Buugay-road of Owen Stephens, gamekeeper, into a lane to Mettingham Castle on the west, Beach-lane leading towards Goldring's farm, down the said from Bungay-road to Ilketahall Stji Johns on lane to a footpath leading into the public-road the east, and the high-road from Mettingham near Dumpford farm, thence along the said Castle to Dketslwll St. Johns on the south. road into Dumpford-lane, along the said lane . (7.) So much of the parish of Spexhall, in into a lane leading to Terwick Mill, thence the county of Suffolk, as lies within the follow- across the river Rother by a bridge and public ing boundaries, that is to say, the high-road footpath and lane into the Midhurst and from Spexhall to Rumburgh- on the west, the Petersfield dis-turnpiked-road near the foot of high-road from Rumburgh to Saint Lawrence Crocker Hill, thence along the said road into on the north, the high-road from Spexhall Gatehouse-lane, and along the said lane into a Church to the old turnpike-road from Hales- lane leading to Hammer Pond, along the said worth to Bungay on the south, and certain lane to a point near Hammer Pond, thence arable and pasture land running up to the turn- along a public footpath over the head of pike-road from Halesworth to Saint Lawrence Hammer Pond into Iping-lane, and thence and Bungay on the east. along the said lane past Iping Church and Surrey.—(1.) So much of the petty sessional divi- . Iping Paper Mills to Iping Crossways aforesaid. sion of , in the county of Surrey, as lies (2.) At Polegate, in the county of Sussex, within the following boundaries, that is to say, comprising all the lands and roadways lying the London-road commencing at Sta- within the following boundaries, that is to say, tion as far as New-road leading to from the east side of the high-road leading from Common on the east, New-road. leading to the Old Toll Gate in Polegate to Tutt's Green Mitcham Common on the south, Mitcham in the parish of Willingdon, thence by the Common on the west, and an imaginary line north side of the East Wish-lane to the West- across certain fields in various occupations from ham-road at Pollyarch, thence by the north the northern corner of Mitcham Common to side of the Westham-road to Shepham-lane in Norbury Station aforesaid on the north. the parish of Westham, thence by the west side (2.) At Croj-don, in the county of Surrey, of the said Shepham-lane to the boundary of comprised within the following boundaries, that Otham farm in the said parish of Westham, is to say, Mr. King's premises on the north, Mr. and thence by the boundary of the said farm Watney's premises on the south, Bramley Hill- to Ot'ham-lane in the said parish, thence by the road on the east, and Mr. Rowland's fields and south side of Otham-lane to the cottages at Violet-lane on the west. Sayerland farm in the parish of Hailsham, (3.) At Wiudlesham, in the county of Surrey, thence to the Hailsham and Polegate-road at comprised within the following boundaries, that Cophall in the parish of Hailsham, thence by is to say, the. Ascot and Woking branch of the east side of the Hailsham and Polegate-road the London and South-Western Railway on the to Swine's Hill, and all the lands lying on the west, the Guildford-road on the north and east, west side of the highway leading from Swine's and the Common boundary from Hammonds Hill to the boundary post of the parishes of Plantation to the Ascot and Woking branch of Hailsharu and Folkington on the Lewes and the London aud South-Western Railway on Eastbourne-road. the south. (3.) In the parish of Westham, in the county (4.) At .Dorking,, in the county of Surrey, of Sussex, comprising all the lands and high- comprised within the following boundaries, that ways lying within the following boundaries, is to say, Bradley-lane leading from Bradley that is to say, from the south-west side of farm to the river Mole on the north, the river Mullens P.ound Bridge on the high-road lead- Mole to Castle Mill on the east, the Reigate- ing from Glehleigh to Handcombe-street, thence road from Castle Mill to Cotmandene on the by the sewer leading to Rickney Bridge, thence south, and an imaginary line across the Lord- on the west side of the Haven to Shooters ships and certain other fields in various occupa- Bridge, from thence on the north side of the tions from Cotmandene to Bradley farm on the marsh in a direct line to the Twenty Acre field west. in the occupation of Luther Martin, thence in a (5.) At Horley, in the county of Surrey, direct line to Handcomb Hall, thence on the comprised within the following boundaries, east side of the highway leading from Hand- that is to say, commencing at Kennersley^Lodge comb Hall to Willoughby's-lane, thence by the on the Reigate and Crawley-road, thence the north side of the said Willoughby's-lane to the public footpath to Woolvers farm on the sewer on Priesthawes farm, and all the lands Reigate and Charlwood-road, thence the Reigate lying on the east side of the said sewer leading . and Charlwood-road by Horse Hill to Hook- back to Mullens Pound Bridge. wood Common cross-roads, and thence the (4.) All those parts of the parishes of Reigate and Crawley-road to Kennersley Lodge Rumboldswyke, and Northmundham, in the aforesaid. county of Sussex, lying between the London, (6.) At Betchworth, in the county of Surrey, Brighton, and South Coast Railway from the