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Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "George Fox College Life, November 1997" (1997). George Fox College Life. Book 142.

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Thomas F. Johnson, Breathless Expansion, Ibrmer president of the University of George Fox Aims for Sioux Falls, S.D., Controlled Growth h a s b e e n n a m e d interim president After more than quadrupling enrol/meni of George Fox during the past decade, George Fox i.s University. catching its breath. His appoint Not long ago, three digits were all that were necessa/y to list university enrollment. m e n t w a s a n nounced Sept. 29 on the Newberg cam Then, in rapid succession, the LOOO- and pus by George Fox Board Chairman 2,000-student marks were surpassed. Dea Cox, who addressed about 1,200 "We want continued growth, but not sharp students, faculty and staff at the begin increases," said Andrea Cook, vice president for enrollment services. ning of chapel. Johnson, 54, is the University's So when George Fox announced its fall leader in the absence of Edward F. 1997 student body was 2,251. up just 3 per Stevens, who suffered a stroke on June cent, no one complained. 7 and is on leave from presidential du For the record, traditional undergraduates make up the largest group with 1,372; 309 are ties for medical treatment for the stroke adults in the degree-completion program; 251 and a tumor that caused the stroke. attend Western Evangelical Seminary; and Johnson joined the George Fox ad ministration in July as dean of Western the remaining 319 study in the other gradu ate programs. Evangelical Seminary, and as such, was a member of the University's George Fox is 's fastest-growing President's Cabinet. By board desig college, following—or perhaps leading—a nationwide trend in which Christian colleges nation. the seven-member group of se are outpacing the growth rates of public and nior administrators had been guiding the University in Stevens's absence. secular institutions. Schools in the Coalition Johnson was named interim presi for Christian Colleges and Universities have increased their enrollments by 25 percent in dent at a meeting of the executive com mittee of the George Fox board of the '90s thus far. trustees. The naming of Johnson came Building Momentum one week after the board placed What caused George Fox's leap from 549 stu Stevens on leave for the remainder of dents in 1986 to well over 2,000 this fall? the current academic and fiscal year, Cook boils it down to "the school's in ending June 30, 1998. (See separate creasing academic reputation and its caring story on page 2.) Christian atmosphere." Alicia Hadlcy of Gresham, Ore., a tran.sfer and one of 480 new students who helped push enrollment to a record level, moves Into her residence hall with the help of her mom, Shirley, Johnson was president of the 1,000- "Momentum," said Jeff Rickey, dean of student University of Sioux Falls for admissions. "In 1985 or '86, The Orcgonian and little sister, Rebecca. nine years, leaving that position to as did a study on name recognition in the Port unique type of adult degree-completion pro "That and the fact we were out there in sume the seminary post on July 1. He land area. George Fox garnered about 4 per gram, currently the management and organi the churches, homes, and .schools telling has a Ph.D. in biblical theology from cent," he explained. "Today it's probably be zational leadership program, which now has our story," Rickey said. "We've maintained Duke University, a master of theology tween 90 and 95 percent." more than 1,000 graduates. Rickey says the our Christ-centered foundation, and we're a degree from Princeton Theological It's likely the impetus can be traced to advertising for that program had a spillover place committed to quality academically, (See INTERIM, page 6) 1986, when George Fox took a risk and be effect on traditional undergraduate came the first Northwest school to offer a enrollment. (See PACE, page 3) Margaret Edwards Gives $1 Million to Endowment The largest single individual gift in the his mains intact. The$l million gift is specified he invented the Starr-Edwards heart valve, his death at age 75 in 1925, His father, for an endowed scholarship fund that the first and most widely used heart valve Clarence, established the first electric com tory of George Fox University is solidifying in the world. The Edwards's son, Dr. Miles the Edwards name on the Newberg campus. Edwards and her late husband. Dr. M. Lowell pany in Newberg and was one olThree mem Edwards, established 28 years ago. The fund Edwards of Portland, is a member of the bers of the first graduating class (1893) for Agift of $1 million by Margaret Edwards, Pacific College, which is now George Fox. Portland, is designated to the University's annually provides scholarships ranging from board of trustees. $500 to $2,000 to students pursuing careers The Edwards-Hoiman Science Center on Edwards Residence Hall on the campus is endowment to strengthen a scholarship fund named for Edwards's grandfather and his for students interested in science or health- in science or health-related fields. the University's Newberg campus is named, wife, Mary. Lowell and Margaret Edwards related professions. The gift of stock nearly Lowell Edwards, who died in 1982, at in part, after the Edwardses. Margaret tended Pacific College, forerunner of Edwards's $500,000 gift in 1991 was among helped fund its construction. In 1964 their gift quadruples the size of that scholarship fund. the two largest individual donations to the to the endowment fund was the largest ever The gift brings the University's endow George Fox University, from 1919 to 1921. He was a member of George Fox's campaign for the science building. received by the University at that time. In ment total to an estimated $ 12.7 million, said 1969 they established the Edwards scholar Don Millage, vice president for financial board of trustees for 11 years until becom The Edwards name is familiar to both Newberg and George Fox University. Lowell ship fund. They also were substantial finan affairs. ing an honorary member in 1976, and was honored previously by the University with Edwards was the descendant of who cial contributors to the funding of the The endowment is a perpetual fund, the Kcrshncr Center of the Hoover Academic both Alumnus of the Year and honorary founded the city. His grandfather Jesse was ongoing earnings from which benefit the doctoral degree recognition. An engineer. called (he "Father of Newberg" at the time of Building, opened in 1977. University 's programs while the principal re WES Celebrates 50 Years unique Wesleyan heritage," Johnson said. He In light of the many miracles God has per dinner with a 17-minute video on the also expres.sed excitement over such oppor formed over the past half-century for George seminary's history; introductions of many tunities ahead as additional degree programs Fox University's Western Evangelical .Semi key people in the seminary's first 50 years; and new efforts in spiritual formation and dis- nary, it was naliiral that the 5(}lh anniversary presentation of a new 24-page booklet about the school written by Mark Weinert, dean ol cipleship. celebration for the school would be upbeat. Representing today's WES community, But it was more than positive memories humanities at George Fox and a WES giadu- Johnson praised all who have helped bring that energized the celebration on Sept. 16. ate; and a brief talk by Tom Johnson, the (he seminary to its half-century mark, The approximately 300 people who attended seminary's new dean. "It's humbling to see the wonderful heri focused as much on the seminary's future as Basing his comments on the opening its past. words of the Psalms, as well as the parable tage that the current generation of faculty, staff and friends have as our foundation," he "It's exciting to sec what God has done, of the mustard seed as told in Matthew 13, said. "We, the current group, feel deeply in but I'm excited to .sec what God is yet going Johnson noted that although WES also started debt to you." to do," said David Le Shana, president emeri out tiny, it has grown well because its roots Stevens Given tus for both the seminary and the University, have gone deep. Among those recognized at the dinner were Grace Petticord, whose late husband, at the close of the evening at Tigard's Em "Western Evangelical Seminary is like that tree (in the Scriptures), planted in the Paul Petticord. was the founding president of Leave by Board bassy Suites Hotel Ballroom. WES; President Emeritus Leo Thornton; VVhat Le Shana termed both a "time of word of God," he said. Delbert Rose, the seminary's first dean; President Edward F. Stevens was given celebration and time of worship" provided Johnson pointed out that, like a well-nour Gerald Dillon, one of its first faculty mem a leave by the University's board of hearty fellowship for .several generations who ished tree, WES has a vibrant system of not only have been touched by the ministry "branches" in both its nearly 300 current stu bers; former Deans Larry Sheilon and Bill trustees after the board learned Stevens Vermillion; and former WES Trustee Chair will need continuing chemotherapy for of WES, but who also have blessed the semi dents and its many alumni, today represent Donald North and current WES Regents nary with their support. ing more than 40 denominations. up to nine more months. Stevens, now Chair Don Carter. at home in Newberg, is receiving the "You, as alumni, as friends, as part of But while it serves a broad cross-section treatments for a tumor that caused a the WES family—you have been used of God of the Church. WES is adhering to its origi Mahlon Macy (left), the first graduate of stroke in June. across the years to make West nal roots, he emphasized. ern Evangelical Seminary "WES will continue to partner Western Evangelical Seminary, visits with George Fox Board Chairman Dea Gerald Dillon (center), one of the four origl- Cox said "this therapy, together with what it is," said Le Shana, with evangelicals in other tradi nal faculty members, and Wesley the difficult task of recovering from his w h o s e r v e d f r o m 1 9 9 2 tions while preserving our Wildermuth, a 1951 WES graduate, during t o 1 9 9 6 a s t h e stroke, will make it impossible for Ed WES's Golden .lubilee to resume the stressful activities inher seminary's president. banquet. ent in managing a university. There The evening fore. we have concluded it is appropri opened with a ate to place him on a leave of absence, performance by effective immediately and continuing Pastors' Praise (for through June 30, 1998. merly the Go.spel "The executive committee is taking Gleemen), a group this action because it wants to provide composed of WES Ed with tlie best opportunity to recover, alumni. The cel without feeling the responsibility for ebration con management of the University." tinued after Cox said the leave provides "a de fined duration of time in which the executive committee can structure an adequate interim executive leadership plan for the University. "These have been trying days as we have tried to understand God's leading and God's ways," Cox said. "We re main persuaded of God's love for all of us and for the University."


Editor Anita Cirulls Contributing Writers John Fortmeyer Barry Hubbell Rob Felton Photographers PR^IDENT^ Anita Cirulis and Jennifer McAiister Layout and Design Carrie Marsh

George Fox University LIFE (USPS 859-820) Is God apparently to the serious integration of vibrant their Lord, in the world as His ambas published bimonthly by George Fox University, had a larger pur evangelical Christian faith (Quaker- sadors. 414 North Meridian Street. Newberg, Oregon, pose in mind for style) and the kind of higher education An interim president is not a new 97132-2697, USA. Periodicals postage paid for which academic excellence is a top at Newberg. Oregon. Postmaster: Send my coming to president. I do not come to bring major address changes to LIFE, George Fox Oregon this past priority. Our students want the kind of changes to George Fox. But I also do not summer. I University, 414 N. Meridian St., Newberg, OR in-depth, stretch-our-minds challenge in come to let us sit on our hands for the 97132-2697. thought it was to the classroom that is also coupled with next several months—or to mark time. Please mail letters, alumni news, and ad be the dean of a supportive Christian community of There is much to be done to move the dress changes to LIFE, George Fox University, Western Evan faculty and staff. How delightful it is University forward, to implement the 414 N. Meridian St., Newberg, OR 97132- gelical Semi to be part of a college that takes both 2697, e-mail , Thomas F. Johnson new programs already "in the pipeline." nary, and that or call (503)554-2126. parts of that mission seriously. and to enable the capable people here to wasn't wrong. I did not realize, how Being an ardent baseball fan. the best ever, that this was only part of the job hope and plan for an even brighter fu G E O R G E F O X U N I V E R S I T Y metaphor for my current role is being a ture for this comer of God's kingdom. I ADMINISTRATION description! relief pitcher. The starting pitcher for will try to help us all do that. Along the way, it became clear to the 14 great years has been our mutual You who read this are an important Interim President and Dean of WES board of trustees (quite a bit before I friend Dr. Ed Stevens. Thanks be to God Thomas F. Johnson saw it) that my tenure as president of the part of the George Fox team. You, too. that through Ed's leadership, the game have a position to play and a role to ac Vice President for Financial Affairs University of Sioux Falls (1988-97) and is well in hand; we are winning. My job Donald J. Millage complish, maybe especially during this my long friendship with Ed and Linda is to finish well, to be the closer, and to time of change. Your university needs Vice President for Academic Affairs Stevens (1981 -97) gave me a set of ex get the save. you now more than ever—needs your Dirk E. Barram periences that might be helpful to I also need to remember that George Vice President for Enrollment Services prayers and support. It is not just Ed George Fox University during this time Fox Univensity is God's school, it is who would expect this of us; so does the Andrea P. Cook of leadership transition. 1 was familiar God's project, and the faculty, staff and Lord Jesus. Him we seek to serve and Vice President for Advancement with the role, with its demands for in students here are God's team. Working to do whatever is well-pleasing in His Dana L Miller ternal campus team-building and vi together, doing what each of us has been sight. With God and you helping us, I Vice President for Student Life sion-maintaining. and for representation called to do. we share the load and work E. Eileen Hulme know this year will be one of progress of the University to its external constitu toward the victoiy. in Christ's service here at George Fox. Executive Assistant to the President encies and supporters. That goal is measured in the lives of Barry A, Hubbell For a long time, I have admired students, growing In Christian maturity and preparing to serve Jesus Christ, George Fox University's commitment Tom Johnson, relief pitcher Calder Center Renamed for Couple Pace: Student Total Who Helped Fund Its Renovation Hits 2,251 for Fall In keeping with most dedication ceremonies, (Coniinued from page I) suring that Calder would be renovated for ad Edward F. Stevens, who is recovering from good things were said Sept. 8 about the ditional classroom and office space. An ear a stroke but was able to attend the ceremony interpcrsonally, administratively, pro- people and purposes behind the renovation of lier grant toward the project came from the and speak briefiy. the former Calder Center into the new gram-wisc, and facility-wise." M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust of Vancouver, "It's an investment not only in our world, While higher enrollment has been a Lemmons Center. Wash. The foundation agreed to cover almost but in the church today, George Fox But in his comments. Ben Zimmerman, goal, the extent of growth has exceeded half of the nearly $700,000 cost of remodel is helping train the next generation of lead most expectations. Don Millage, vice George Fox senior and this year's student ers for the church of Jesus Christ," Stevens ing Calder Center, a one-story .structure on president for financial affairs, remem body president, zeroed right in on one of the the northwest corner of campus. said. He added that the Lemmons' generos practical results of improvements to the 33- bers a long-tenn plan designed before Renovation of the building, which is com ity thrilled him. "Your attitude in giving just President Ed Stevens took the helm in year-old building. posed of three hexagonal units connected in the socks off me," he said. 1983. "That plan had us at 1,000 stu It s exciting to hear a lecture inside the John Lemmons responded by expressing lecture hall and to actually be able to hear ternally by corridors radiating from a main dents by the year 2000," Millage re hall, provided three additional classrooms, six his "deep love" for the University, and said called. "Now it could be 3,000"—an what they re saying," he said, referring to an additional offices for education and family he and his family never imagined their name unlikely event, he quickly notes, unless upgraded sound system. and consumer sciences faculty, larger and would grace the building. "1 feel humbled that That the newly renovated building on the the University's venture into the realm more serviceable storage, easier access, and we were able to be a part of this," he said. of Intcmet education downloads a sur Newbcrg campus is designed for effective additional areas for students to gather be Speaking on behalf olThc Murdock Trust, plus of students. learning was not lost on any of the featured tween Stephen Nicholson, senior fellow for higher Such growth, especially in pro speakers in the brief midday ceremony re- Dea Cox, chairman of the University's education, said the foundation was delighted grams with low facility needs, has pro dedicating the building as the Lemmons Cen board of trustees, introduced John and Joan to also have played a part in the project. vided the University with the resources ter. About 80 people gathered under sunny Lemmons and praised them for making "an " T h e t r u s t i s h o n to add perks such as the Juniors Abroad skies to mark the occasion. investment for the future." Similar thoughts ored to be in part overseas study program and a com "Calder has had a new birth," said alumni were offered by George Fox President nership with puter for each freshman. in representative Marge Weesner, faculty emerita and former longtime coach at George you," he said. employee salaries also have allowed George Fox to compete with compa Fox who was present when the building rable Christian liberal arts institutions first opened in the 1960s. "The Lemmons for top faculty and staff. Center really is a new building, ready to However, Millage says the growth serve a new generation of students." also has put pressure on campus facili Beth La Force, professor of education ties, which in turn puts pressure on and one of the faculty members who have fund raising. Facilities and technology moved into the remodeled building, spoke must be added, upgraded, or main on behalf of her colleagues. "The changes tained. "Even if we raised $30 million," (in the building) support our teaching in new he said, "we wouldn't meet all our and exciting ways," she said. needs." The building's new name recognizes the While some have asked about an support of George Fox Trustee John enrollment cap, university officials Lemmons of Kelso, Wash., his wife, Joan, want to avoid stagnation. "There's no their children, and John Lemmons's partners such thing as a static organization." in Pacific Fibre Products of Longview, said Millage. "Not too many schools Wash. In 1996 they gave $350,000, as- arc able to fix their enrollment—only / those with huge endowments. If you .stop growing, you start dying."

Striking a Balance Gradually achieving a four-part har mony—academic rigor, Christian per spective, personal attention, and in creasing enrollment—is George Fox's current challenge. It's especially tricky to maintain the personal touch while growing. "It's really appealing to students," Cook explained, "to come to a place where they're known. Part of it is con tinuing to keep a small class environ ment. We haven't changed our class size in the past few years." Average class sizes are in the mid 20s and, with the exception of a few science classes, lecture classes are capped at 50. In addition, first-year stu dents take a seminar to familiarize them with the academic and social challenges of college life. " W i t h o u r s m a l l c l a s s s i z e s a n d freshman .seminar," Cook said, "we are intentionally connecting faculty and students." "The momentum we've built," Rickey said, "helps more bring more because, assuming the students have a positive experience, they tell their friends." George Fox would be happy to add a few more voices to the chorus. jQP LEFT; Faculty repre-sentatlve Beth La Force, Murdock TVust representative Stephen Nicholson, and .loan and .John Lemmons (from left) participate in the program dedicating the newly remodeled Lemmons Center. TOP RIGHT: Danya Ochsner, director of special events (left), pins a corsage on Joan Lemmons prior to the start of the dedication ceremony. ABOVE: Board Chairman Dea Cox the crowd assembled for the dedication of the Lemmons Center. Former Portland State President Among New Board Members Field Jr.. Vancouver, Wash., a retired Judith Ramaley, former president of Port the 1996 spring commencement at George She has been a member of both the land (Ore.) State University and now the Fox. Prior to her work at Portland Slate, she Hillsboro Union High and the Farmington natural gas company executive; Peggy was executive vice chancellor of the Univer View sehool boards. She and her husband Fowler, Portland, vice president for Port president of the University of Vermont, will have two children and are active in the Calvin land General Corp.; Andre Iscli, be reluming periodically to the sity of Kansas-Lawrenee. She has also held faculty or administrative positions at Indiana Presbyterian Church of Tigard. Gresham, Ore., president of both Iseli Ramaley, who was president ol PSU In addition to co-owning the RV business for seven years, is one of three new mem University, the University of Nebraska, the Nursery Co. of Boring, Ore., and the Iseli University of Nebraska Medical Center, and with his wife, Connie, Espejo is also a certi Foundation, Gresham; John Lemmons, bers on the George Fox University board the State University of New York at fied public accountant and an elder and Kelso, Wash., president of Pacific Fibre of trustees. trustee at McMinnville's Bethel Baptist Products, Inc.; Robert Monroe, Portland, Also elected as new trustees are two Albany. Miller is the daughter of George Fox Church, where he previously served as Sun president of Smith, Monroe and Gray En George Fox alumni. They are Judy Miller, alumni Ray and Ellen Wamer, and the daugh day school superintendent. He is a member gineers; Bill Sims, Hayden Lake, Idaho, co-partner with her husband, Paul, m P.J. ter-in-law of Jim and Lila Miller, for whom ofGeorge Fox's Class of 1970. The Espejos attorney; Victor Slaughter, Vancouver, Land Company of Hillsboro, '^ the University's Miller Gymnasium is named. have two daughters. Wash., superintendent of the Pacific Con Dick Espejo, president and owner of Va - She is a 1989 graduate ofGeorge Fox's adult Re-elected to three-year terms on the ference of The Evangelical Church; and iey RV Center in McMinnville, Ore. All degree-completion program and enrolled this board were nine trustees: Izzy Covali, Al William Wilson, Longview, Wash., vice three are starting three-year term^ fall in the University's graduate program in bany, Ore., an entrepreneur and the founder president and general manager of Petro Ramaley, who has a Friends (Quaker) of the Izzy's Pizza restaurant chain; C.W. leum Services Unlimited, Inc. background, was the featured speaker at clinical psychology. University and Hatfield Provide B o o k s o n H o o v e r to Oregon Schools Thanks in pari to George Fox University's ties with , more than 100 high schools throughout Oregon have received a three-volume gift set of limited-edi tion books about the nation's 31st president—the only president who lived in the state. The first three volumes of "The Life of Herbert Hoover," all written by historian George Nash, were mailed this summer to the libraries at the larger public and private high schools in the state. Each of the hardcover books carries a retail price of$45. They were sent on behalf ol the University, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association of West Branch, Iowa, and Mark Hatfield, recently retired U.S. sena tor from Oregon who is now Herbert Hoover Distinguished Professor at George Fox. Hatfield is leaching a course on Hoover this fall at the PHOTO BY SILVIA FLORES OFTHE OREQONIAK University. (See story on this page.) Mailed along with the books were Former U.S. Sen. Mark Hatfield (left) and Lee Nash, professor of history, leave the Hoover-Minthorn House Museum following the firsl a viewbook of the University and a meeting of a class ahout Herbert Hoover they are team-teaching. signed letter from Hatfield. Also involved with Hatfield in ar ranging for the donation was Lee Hatfield's Second Course Focuses on Nash, a professor of history and former academic dean at George Fox, who coordinates a biennial Alumnus and U.S. President Hoover Herbert Hoover Symposium on the In the .second course he is teaching for George The University lists Hoover among its vate papers for his graduate thesis on University's Newbcrg campus. Fox University, former U.S. Sen. Mark alumni. From 1885 to 1888, Hoover lived in Hoover's leadership in establi.shing federal The 11th such symposium was held labor policy. in early October, with five historians Hatfield is focusing on the life of a man who Newberg and attended Friends Pacific Acad from across the nation presenting their greatly influenced his own life and career. emy, which grew into what i.s today George Hatfield spent a half century in poliiicai research on Hoover's interests and " H e r b e r t H o o v e r a n d H i s T i m e s " i s a Fox University. life—including as an Oregon legislator, sec three-credit fall semester history class policies on the American West. The Hatfield, who last January became the retary of state, two-term governor and five- Hatfield began team-teaching in September Herbert Hoover Distinguished Professor at symposium included a special work term U.S. senator and says he was drawn to with Lee Nash, professor of history and shop for Advanced Placement students George Fox, has had a lifelong interest in a career in public life in part because of in Oregon high schools. Hatfield and former academic dean at George Fox. Hoover and considered him a mentor. Raised Hoover's character and achievements, Ralph Beebe, longtime professor of The 16-week course meets on Wednes in Salem, Ore., where Hoover also spent sev Hatfield's memories of Hoover were high history at George Fox who was re days in the Hoover Academic Building on the eral years. Hatfield as a boy campaigned for lighted in his lecture, titled "Herbert Hoover cently named professor emeritus, led Newberg campus. the 31 st president. After finishing his under as 1 Knew Him," during the first class session. the workshop. The class is also timed to coincide with a graduate .studies at in That session also included a field trip to From 1885 to 1888, Hoover lived symposium that is held every two years at the Salem, Hatfield followed Hoover to Stanford Hoover's boyhood home, the Hoover- in Newberg and attended Friends Pa University regarding Hoover, who was the University in California to study political sci Minthorn House Museum in Newberg. 31 St president of the United States. The sym cific Academy, which grew into what ence, in part because of Stanford's Hoover In Hatfield, who had taught at Willamette is today George Fox University. posium this year was held on Oct. 4. Students stitution on War, Revolution and Peace. University in Salem before entering politics, Hatfield has had a lifelong inter in the class were expected to attend the sym Hatfield met with Hoover on the Stanford returned to the university classroom at est in Hoover. Raised in Salem, posium. which featured four Hoover scholars campus many times, and the former president George Fox when he taught "The Vietnatn from across the nation. Ore., where Hoover also spent granted Hatfield permission to use all his pri Experience" last spring semester. several years, Hatfield as a boy cam paigned for the 31st president. Af ter finishing his undergraduate stud ies at Willamette University in For 10th Year, Magazine Recognizes George Fox Salem, Hatfield followed Hoover to in California to for Top Academics, Overall Quality, "Best Value" study political science, in part be cause of Stanford's Hoover Institu The most popular annual review of the tion on War, Revolution and Peace. The rankings combine statistical data Hatfield met with Hoover on the nation's colleges and universities has now with the results of an exclusive U.S. News Stanford campus many times, and recognized George Fox University for a full the former president granted decade as one of America's top schools. survey of some 1.400 four-year colleges Hatfield permission to use all of his For a 10th year, George Fox is included in and universities. This year. 95 percent of the schools contacted returned the ques private papers for his graduate the U.S. News & World Report magazine's list sis on Hoover's leadership in estab ing of "America's Best Colleges"—particu tionnaires. For those that did not, as well lishing federal labor policy. larly for its academic reputation—and for a as for those that did not answer all ques "I am pleased to say that, beginning third time is also noted as one of the best val tions, the magazine used comparable data in my grade school years in Salem, I ues among those schools. from the U.S. Department of Education, myself was drawn to consider a career The much-publicized cover-story rankings the Council for Aid to Education, the Na in public life in part because of Presi were released Aug. 21 to the colleges and uni tional Collegiate Athletic Association, the dent Hoover's character and achieve versities. American Association of University Pro ments," Hatfield writes in his letter ac For a fourth consecutive year, George fessors. and other professional sources. companying the books. Fox is ranked second in academic standing A college or university's overall rank was George Nash, who is no relation among regional liberal arts colleges in the determined by totaling calculated scores for to Lee Nash, holds master's and doc West, and is in a three-way tie for fifth ity. The top four, in order, are Albertson Col various categories, including academic repu toral degrees from Harvard Univer place in overall quality, compared to a lege of Idaho, Evergreen State Colleae of tation, retention, faculty resources, student sity. He has been working on the third-place ranking last year and sixth the Washington, Northwest Nazarene College of selectivity, and alumni giving. The regional project, designed to be the definitive year before. It is also ninth on the list for daho and LeToumeau University of Texas liberal arts colleges category consists of mors biography of Hoover, since 1975. the region's best values, compared to In the academic reputation category. George than 400 institutions that award 60 percent o The three books sent to the eighth last year. Fox took second place with a 3 1 scoTot baccalaureate degrees in occupational, tech schools are subtitled: "The Engineer, George Fox is the only Oregon school in the regional liberal arts colleges cat of a possible 4.0. Only Evergreen State nical and professional fields and tend to bo 1874-1914," "The Humanitarian, less selective than national liberal arts col 1914-1917," and "Master of Emer egory to make either list. In the West Re lege of Washington, at 3.3, 4s higher gencies, 1917-1918." Two thou.sand gional Universities group, Linfield Col leges. copies of each were printed by W.W. lege, the and Pacific George Fox's fourth year of ranking sec Norton and Company of New York. University are ranked among the top 15 for ond in academic reputation follows three con Each book runs from between 500 secutive years in third position, . , overall quality, and Linfield and the Uni alumni giving. -eventh place m and 800 pages. versity of Portland are ranked in the top 15 George Fox is one of nine schools liste for best value. by U.S. News from among the more t magazine's "Ppeared in the Among the West's regional liberal arts 90 members of the Coalition for Christia colleges, George Fox is tied with Pacific listings were rth 'w -Jhe best vaiue Colleges and Universities. George ro Union College of California and Texas rankings apnear f4t, '^e and of Indiana are Lutheran University for fifth in overall qual- America's Best Co'iipo I Itii annual only two schools in the 13-member ri sale at newsstands and b^kstot's.""'" tian College Consortium seiecte national rankins. 5 FACUKFy NE\\f5 George Fox University Welcomes Ten Professors to Ranks of Faculty A grant secured by Robert Harder, Ten new full-lime a.ssociatc professor of engineering, will faculty have Joined a n d m u s t e r ' s d e fund two lectures by noted scientists George Fox Uni grees in clinical during the current academic year. versity for the ciir- psychology at the lent academic year. U n i v e r s i t y o f Debbie Berho Maryland and a H a r d e r W i n s m a s t e r o f s o c i a l has been hired as work degree from an instructor of Second Award Loyola University Spanish, replacing of Chicago. He Susan De Lessen, from Templeton who retired. Berho completed his un dergraduate work Foundation earned a master s at Lake (111.) degree in Latin College. For the third time in the past 18 American studies Joining the Reli months. George Fox has been awarded at the University of gious Studies De a grant by the Templeton Foundation to New Mexico. She partment as Susan further science education with a graduated from Shaw's replacement Christian perspective. Northwest as an assistant pro And for the second time in 18 Marmol Morris Newell Nazarene College Self Terry fessor of Christian months, faculty member Robert "Bob" in Idaho with a education is Roger Harder has had a role in securing the bachelor's degree in international studies. years at Seattle Pacific University and was a Newell. For the past five years he has been monetary award for the University. Jonas Cox comes to George Fox on a lecturer at Indiana University and Purdue Uni associate pastor at Lake Grove Presbyleriim The latest award, for $5,000, is not one-year appointment to the new position versity. She spent the past two years teaching Church in Lake Oswego. Ore. He previously directly from Templeton, but chan of assistant profes.sor of education. He re at Pacific Christian College in Fullerton, Ca held a pastorate in Duiiiam. England, for eight neled from the foundation through the cently completed his doctoral work in el lif. Linzey earned two master's degrees and a years and worked in Tulsa, Okia., for two American Scientific Affiliation (ASA). ementary education at the University of at Indiana University. Her under years. He holds a doctorate in systematic the- Founded in 1941 at Moody Bible Insti Iowa. He also holds a master of arts in graduate work was completed at Southern olo^ trom the Univensily of Aberdeen in Scot tute in Chicago, the ASA is a Massa teaching from Lewis & Clark College in California College. land and a master of divinity degree from chusetts-based association of .scholars Ponlandandabachelor's degree in finance A native of Cubiu Leonardo Marmol is the new FullerTTieoiogical Seminary in California. His who have a common interest in science from Oregon Slate University. For six years director of George Fox's Graduate School of undergraduate work was done at Wesimont and Christian faith. The award will he taught in elementary and middle school Clinical Psychology, as well as its director of clini College in California. fund two lectures by noted scientists, grades for a school district in south cal training. He reports to the previous director, Hired as Janet Melnyk's replacement, to be held on the George Fox campus Clackamas County. Ore. Prior to that he Clark Campbell, who is now chairman of the Charles Self is tiiking a one-year position as during the current academic year. was a loan officer for U.S. National Bank Department of Psychology. Mamiol earned both associate professor of religion and histoiy. He Still to be determined are the speak and operated his own construction and food bachelor's and master's degrees in physiology at is continuing as senior pastor at Keizer (Ore.) ers, their topics, and the dates for the processing business. Pepperdine University at its former location in Los Faith Center, an Assemblies of God affiliated events, said Harder. Each lecturer will receive a $1,000 honorariuni, and the Another new faculty position, that of as Angeles. He earned the equivalent of a master of church. Self spent seven years as associate pro remainder of the money will go toward sociate professor of business, is filled by divinity degree from San Francisco Theological fessor of humanities at Betliany College in Michele Johnson, who taught accounting Seminary and received ordination in the Presby Scotts Valley, Calif., while also serving as an covering expenses related to the lecture for the past II years at the University of terian Church. Maimol spent two years in the San associate pastor at a church in that slate's Sili series. Sioux F^ls in South Dakota. She graduated Francisco Bay area as a chaplain in a residential con Valley. That was preceded by two years According to Harder, the founda tion. for a fourth year, awarded fund from Wayne State University in Michigan treatment center for the emotionally disturbed, and primarily in college-age ministry as associate with a degree in special education and pastor of Christ Church, located across the ing to the American Scientific Affilia eight years on the staff of a community menial tion for lectures at colleges or univer health agency in Marin County, Calif. In 1973 he street from the National Cathedral in Washing taught special education in various schools sities across the nation. This academic for 10 years. She earned an M.B.A. from received a doctorate from the California School ton, D.C. Before that he spent two years leach the University of South Dakota. of Professional Rsychology in San Francisco and ing at Bethany College and two years as stu year 42 lectures will be held at 21 schools. Paul Kennedy was hired to replace Jay spent the following 17 years in private practice in dent life director and teacher at an Assemblies of God Bible college in Belgium. He ciimed Founded in 1987 by international Beaman in the Sociology Department. the bay area. For eight years during that time, he investment manager John M. Kennedy, associate professor of sociology, was pa.stor of a bilingual Presbyterian Church in doctoral and master's degrees in history at the has spent the last three years teaching at San Francisco. He has been director of clinical University of California at Santa Caiz, where Templeton, the foundation funds more he also did undergraduate work in hisloiy and than 40 studies, publications, awards Gordon College in Massachusetts. He training in the School of Psychology at Fuller and educational programs designed to earned a doctorate at the University of Theological Seminary in Pasadena Calif., for the religion. He also holds a master's degree in theology from the Graduate Theological bring financial support and exposure to Southern California and holds master's de past two years. the inierdi.sciplinary field of science Edward Morris joins George Fox as asso Union in Berkeley, Calif. grees from Fuller Theological Seminary in Mark Terry joins George Fox in the new and religion. California and State University of New York ciate professor of psychology, replacing In the spring of 1996, the University at Buffalo. His undergraduate work was Michelle Dykstra. Morris was director of the faculty position of instructor of art. He taught for 10 years at Sprague High School received a cash award directly from the completed at Wheaton College in Illinois. counseling center and the office of disability in Salem, Ore. He also taught for a year at Templeton Foundation's Science-Reli Sharon Linzey Fills another position in services at the University of Northern Iowa in gion Course Program for a three-credit Cedar Falls for the past two years. He spent two Cascade High School in the Salem area and the Sociology Department created when on an adjunct basis at Oregon Stale and "Dialogues in Science and Re Mike Allen moved from full to half time. years as associate director of the counseling Western Oregon universities. He completed ligion." thai was developed by Harder George Fox's new professor of sociology center at Buffalo (N.Y.) State University and his undergraduate work at Willamette Uni and Phil Smith, assistant profe.ssor of has taught both overseas and elsewhere in five years as chief psychologist and director of versity in Salem, earned a master's degree philosophy. Harder and Smith split a the United States. Under a Fulbright pro outpatient services at the Carolina Medical in interdisciplinary education at Western $5,000 prize, and the University re Center in Charlotte, N.C. Morris also worked ceived an additional $5,000 to be spent gram, she spent two years at Moscow State Oregon University, and studied at the Uni as a supervising psychologist in North Caro in programs on science and religion. University in Russia and a year leaching in versity of London. Okinawa, Japan. She also taught for seven lina and Wisconsin. He earned both doctoral This past spring, another $10,000 Science-Religion Course Award from the foundation was split between the University and Richard Parker, Sabbaticals Awarded for 1997-98 Academic Year scholar-in-residence at the University's _ 1^,...... na rncnljlVHoover tltlfiicjlleddisplay, dedicated Oct. Oct. 4. 4. She will Western Evangelical Seminary and di Six George Fox University faculty members emy of Sciences, Powers will complete a spe cies account on the broadbilled humming spend the remainder of the academic year rector of the Institute of Science and taking sabbaticals during this academic rewriting and updating a lab manual for tex Christian Faith. That was for a class year to complete various projects and for spe bird. He also will complete a manuscript tile science. She will also do research on the Parker taught called "Integration of cial study. documenting the energy consumption of Ari Internet regarding interior design. Her find zona hummingbirds. , ^ xr . i Science and Christian Faith." Doug Campbell, professor of art, is spend Jim Foster, dean ot the School of Natural ings will be used in her lectures and presen George Fox was selected by the ing the full academic year documenting the and Behavioral Sciences and professor of psy tations, and will eventually be used in dis ASA for the new award in response to growing use of—and interest in—Christian chology. will complete work begun as a result tance learning courses offered by computer. an application made by Harder. Don imagery and content in the visual arts. Hi.s of a Pew Foundation grant he received in 1990 Rodger Bufford, professor of psychology, Munro, ASA executive director, said tesearch will focus on the spiritual, societal to study moral and ethical development. Fos will spend his spring sabbatical working on the new money is directly related to the ^nd artistic factors involved in the trend. ter is working with Beth La Force, professor a book manuscript on basic issues in psychol earlier awards. Associate Professor of Biology Don Pow of education, who received the same grant. ogy and Christian faith. The book's tentative "This is a follow-up. to keep the ers is spending the fall semester working with publication date is 1998. conversations about science and faith Professor Kent Thornburg at Oregon Health They are concentrating on how Christian col Howard Macy, professor of religion and going on campus," Munro said. leges affect the lives of young adults. This fall biblical studies and chair of the Department Sciences University on a study of the drink- Foster will enter, summarize, and analyze data "It [the award] recognizes our on ing methods of newts and salamanders. of Religious Studies, will work on major going interest in, and commitment to. gathered during the past seven years and write writing projects during his spring sabbatical. These animals absorb water throug t eir an article on the findings. integrating science with the Christian shins rather than through their mc^ths. Flora Allen, associate professor of family Macy will focus on his cunent work on spiri faith," Harder said. "That's gratifying. Powers is also working with Thornburg tuality and the prophets, and on humor and That's what this school's been commit and consumer sciences, began her sabbaucal the life of faith. He also plans to visit and ted to for more than 100 years." andDwight Kimberly. George Fox associate this fall with interior design work as professor of biology, researching the hum minister to Friends (Quaker) groups in the the renovation of the Lemmons Center oiUhe Northwest and other parts of the U.S., and mingbird heart. For the Birds of Nort Newberg campus. Allen also has b America Project." funded by the American ing on the University's permanent Herbert possibly in England and Ireland. Ornithologists Union and the National Acad Freshman Seminar Program Gives New Interim: Johnson to Continue as Students a Boost as They Begin College Life ihe relationship between science and the Dean of WES To most people, baseball statistics, brain participating faculty to choose topics not only beneficial to students but also of personal in Christian faith; the relationship between the (Continuedfrom pa^e I) phy.siology and recreational opportunities in natural world and spiritual realities; embrac the Northwest might sound like topics with terest to the instructors. out much in common. Among the 19 seminar titles presented this ing God's plans for our lives; and exploring Seminary, a master of divinity degree God's natural world. But until mid-October, those and many year were the following: in biblical studies from Fuller Theo • "So You Got a Brain. What's It For?" Each freshman was given a choice ot logical Seminary, and a bachelor's de other topics were creatively used at George Fox for a common purpose—helping the Margi Macy, assistant professor of education, classes, and Julie Handyside of Hillsboro. gree in humanities from Wayne Stale Ore., selected "Ballads: Stories We Can t University's incoming freshmen get a better led participants on a study of the physiology University, Mich. of the brain, its relationship to behaviors, and Forget," presented by Bill Jolliffi associate In leaving the Sioux Falls presi start in college life. During the first five weeks of classes, 19 its effect on health. The group also explored professor of writing and literature. A writing/ dency last summer, Johnson stepped intelligence and learning styles. literature major, Handyside said she has long down from his position as vice chair faculty and administrators presented diverse • "Pennant Races and Probability," offered loved ballads and enjoyed Jolliff's class. topics in the University's Freshman Seminar of the national Coalition for Christian by Phil Smith, assistant professor of philoso "I like the way he presented the ballads, Colleges and Universities and from Program. she said. "He showed them as a way to com According to the program's organizers, phy and baseball fan, used statistics from the his leadership of that organization's game to teach a little about statistical method municate stories, as opposed to the way .songs Student Academic Programs Com repeated national studies have shown that the and critical thinking. His goal was to help stu are commercialized today." degree to which students identify with, and But the class also addressed study skills mittee. become involved in, the college environment dents Icam to distinguish between statistical Prior to becoming president at the evidence "that is genuinely predictive and that are important to Handyside and other during their first few weeks of school affects freshmen. For instance, Jollift showed the University of Sioux Falls, Johnson their success and satisfaction with their en that which is fluff." was at North American Baptist Semi tire college experience. The Freshman Semi • "Study Breaks: Great Places to Go and seminar group a method for more effective nary, also located in Sioux Falls, for nar Program aims to assist George Fox stu Things to Do the Pacific Northwest Way" reading and applied it to the reading of bal five years as professor of New Testa was offered by Diane Wood, instructor of lads. dents as they become part of the academic "It was helpful in letting you know what's ment and biblical studies. Previously, and social life of the University. family and consumer science. This seminar he had .served at the University of All first-time freshman students who ma acquainted students with the various tourist expected of you, in how you should read text Sioux Falls for five years as academic triculate fall semester participate in the pro and recreation opportunities available in the books," she said. "Plus, it was fun to get to vice president and assistant professor gram. They meet in small groups with an as region. It included field trips, guest speak gether with freshmen when you are all learn of religious studies. signed advisor for a required one-hour ers and several activities, and also wove into ing the same thing." Cook says students over the years have Stevens also came to George Fox weekly evening session for the first five the classes such topics as time management, from the University of Sioux Falls, weeks. The advisor also meets with students business etiquette, and development of a pro appreciated the head start that the program where he was executive assistant to individually for academic advising. fessional portfolio. gives them in entering college life. the president and chief development A returning student peer advisor also is as • "Eat Smart to Be Smart: Developing "They really like the opportunity to get to know faculty members in a small class envi officer. signed to a group and maintains one-on-one Wise Nutrition Habits During Your College Johnson's wife, Michele, is a contact with each freshman to assist with the Years." Terrie Boehr, associate professor of ronment, as well as to build relationships with member of the George Fox faculty as transition to college life. The program thus family and consumer sciences, helped stu students in that kind of environment," she an associate professor of business. lets new students interact—beyond the resi dents explore how to make wise food choices said. dence hall and traditional classroom setting— to meet their nutrient needs. They also pre J o h n s o n w a s s e l e c t e d f o r t h e Freshman Kara Collatt meets with advisors Western Evangelical Seminary with each other, with a faculty member, and pared some healthy, easy and inexpensive and biology professors Dale Orkney (left) dean position following a nation with a returning student during the first se snacks and meals. and Dwight Kimberly during registration. wide search and interview of three mester. Among the other topics were selecting a finalists. He continues in that role Andrea Cook, vice president for enroll college major, human behavior, concepts of ment services, said the Freshman Seminar and continues to maintain an office leadership, and bridg- at the seminary, located at George Program was orga nized in 1988 by Fox's Portland Center. However, his primary office is in the building housing the President's/ University Relations Office on the Newberg campus. Cox said the naming of an interim president does not reflect dissatisfac tion with the arrangement for President's Cabinet leadership. "We believe the University is in good hands with the seven senior adminis trators, and we believe day-to-day operations will continue to be man aged well by the persons President Stevens has cho.sen for those roles," he said. "However, we are aware of the need for someone to be the 'offi cial' spokesperson for the Univer sity. someone to represent George Fox to the off-campus community, someone to be the identified leader of the University."

Employees of the Year Named for 1997 Four employees of George Fox University worked at the University's Western Evangeli received special recognition recently for ex cal Seminary since 1989. She is lead admin emplifying the dedicated work that goes on istrative secretary in enrollment services at daily at the University. the Portland Center campus that houses the Honored as the University's Support Staff seminary. She was commended for her key Members of the Year were Linda Judd and role in the seminary's merger last year into Janet Moats, while Shaun McNay and Don the University, and for her consistently cheer The baseball metaphors were numer Cossel were named Administrative Staff ful and helpful attitude. ous during the Sept. 29 chapel when Members of the Year. Board Chairman Dea Cox (left) intro McNay. a George Fox graduate, began Each received a plaque and a $250 check, work at George Fox as an admissions coun duced Tom JohfLson as the University's presented at an annual faculty/staff program interim president. Describing him as a CosscI Judd selor in 1983. Since 1987 he has held vari "relief pitcher" filling in for President held on the Newberg campus. Each was ous positions for the Student Life Office, and Ed Stevens, Cox symbolically passed nominated by fellow employees at the Uni has been dean of students since 1985. Those the hall to Johnson and urged him to versity. who nonainated McNay for the award pointed "keep the pitch high." A George Fox graduate and an employee out his "selfless" devotion of time to the in the University's Plant Services Department since 1980, Cossel has been superintendent University's students. of buildings since 1985. Employees who Judd. who also lives in Newberg. joined the George Fox staff in 1986 and has been a nominated him for the award praised him as a "tireless worker" who exhibits "wonderful secretary and an adjunct faculty member. For Christian character." They also noted that he the past three years she has been executive secretary In the Academic Affairs Office. and his wife. Joyce, who manages the Noted were her diligence and professional Newberg campus bookstore, frequently open skills that make her what one nominator McNay Moats their home to George Fox students. termed "the organizational backbone of our Moats, who lives in Milwaukie. Ore., has office." Retiree Leaves Behind a "Gift of Education" "When a person leaves this earth, if he can Plan Now to During the Depression years of the 1930s, blocks from College Pharmacy. For a time leave behind a gift of education, that is the the Holmans lived in North Dakota and took best he can do." John "Jack" Holinan said they also owned a pharmacy in McMlnnville. Attend several jobs with small stores in that state. In They retired in 1974. They traveled exten several years ago. 1937 they moved to St. Helens, Ore., where Holman adhered to that belief until his sively, visiting most of the nations of the death on Aug. 29. During the last few weeks they operated a drug store. During World world. HOMECOMING War II. Holman served as a chemist at In their years operating the businesses, the of his life, the retired Newberg businessman Bremerton, Wash., with the U.S. Navy. was involved in discussions confirming his Holmans developed a fondness for the stu 1998 The Holmans moved to Newberg in 1947, dents at what is now George Fox University latest gift to George Fox University—more Feb. 13 and 14 buying College Pharmacy, a business at 814 who patronized their stores, as well as a lik than $500,000 to establish an endowment for E. First St.. established in 1922. In 1950 student scholarships. That brought HolmaiTs ing for the school. Generations of George they purchased what became Fox students remember the couple's total giving to George Fox to more than Newberg Drug, located in $2 million. College Pharmacy soda fountain, the the center of the After his death. Holman's deep re last in Newberg, which closed in city, about 1959. gard for the school was evident even four \ In 1989, the Holmans gave in the choice of the site of his me morial service. As he had re $275,000 in a trust, then $400,000 for an endowed fac quested. the service was held in ulty chair in .science—the first the Newberg campus building that endowed professorship at he helped fund and which was George Fox. After his wife's partly named after him and his death, Holman gave an ad Alumni: Watch your mail wife. Helen: the Edwards- ditional $700,000 to for a brochure Holman Science Center. Over the many years that ward construction with a complete schedule of the science the Holmans operated and registration form. building — the pharmacies in Newberg. largest donation t h e i r a d m i r a t i o n f o r by an individual George Fox and its stu to that campaign. dents developed and The building's strengthened. The title recognized Holmans were among that support. George Fox Alumni George Fox's stron In 1989 the gest supporters. H o l m a n s w e r e Celebrate Fiftieth "George Fox is a presented with the responsible school." University's Good Wedding Anniversary Holman said in 1991. Neighbor Award. "It teaches and treats At that time, Edward Eighteen George Fox alumni celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries this year met on its students better—in F. Stevens, university some ways different." July 20 for lunch in Heacock Commons on president, praised the the Newberg campus. Holman, 88, died at Holmans for exempli Both the husband and wife of all nine Friendsview Manor in fying "a great ex couples attended George Fox. Mildred Newberg. His wife pre ample of the strong ceded him in death five mi I Minthorne, who attended the lunch, said the relationship be couples reminisced about their days at what years earlier. tween George Fox was then Pacific College and what it had Born in Montana in MA and the Newberg meant to them. 1909. Holman was community. Their The couples who attended were Paul brought up in North motivation to help (G46) and Leona (Harris) (G49) Thornburg, Dakota after his family young people has Tualatin, Ore.; Richard (G49) and Helen moved there in 1919. been admirable." (Antrim) (G49) Cadd, Newberg; Quincy He, "Da (G47) and Eilene (Tamplin) (n48) Podge, kota State University, President Edward F. Stevens (left) Newberg; Wayne (G49) and Eleanor receiving a degree in shares a joke with (Swanson) (G48) Antrim, Eugene, Ore.; pharmacy in 1930. He Jack Holman during Homer (n50) and Mildred (Thiessen) (n50) m e t h i s w i f e , w h o the groundbreaking Hadley, Newberg; Ronald (G48) and Divonna grew up in North Da c e r e m o n y f o r t h e (Schweitzer) (G48) Crecelius, Newberg; Bill kota. while both were Edwards-Holman (n49) and Elnora (Liebnow) (n49) Potter, in school; she was at S c i e n c e C e n t e r i n Portland; Don (n50) and Patty (Perisho) (n48) tending business school. 1993. Morse, Hayden, Idaho: and Roger (G47) and They married in 1929. Mildred (Haworlh) (G46) Minthorne, Lake Oswego, Ore. ALUMNI NOT^

Peggy (Stands) Fowler (G73) has Joined the Melanie Smith (MHR96) is teaching second Lori Richncr (G96) and TYoy Roberts (097), Kristin (Varadi) (G89) and Marcus Saul, a board of directors of Portland Streetcar, Inc., a grade at Bethel Christian School, McMinnville, Aug. 30,1997, in Klamath Falls, Ore. boy, Zachary David, Nov. 21,1996, in Port nonprofit organization responsible for the de Ore, Ryan Chaney (G97) and Kristin Oelrich (student), land. sign, construction and operation of Portland's Scott (G97) and ,IilI (Meyers) (n99) Wade live in Aug. 23, 1997, in Salem, Ore. Michelle (Sackman) (090) and Jeffrey Emra, Central City Streetcar. Houghton. N.Y., where he is assistant director of Lori Frazec(G97)andTim Hewitt, May 17,1997, a boy. Brandon Randall. Aug. 13, 1997, in Keith Nottage (G83) is an independent dis student programs at and where in Bend, Ore. Tualatin, Ore. tributor for Nikken International, Portland. she is finishing her college education. Michelle Migneault (G97) and James Shipley, Serene (Nel.son) (G90) and Steve Martinez, a Rich (086) and Nadlne (Ellis) (G85) Miller Aug. 16, 1997, in Portland. boy, Josiah Alejandro, Aug. 5,1997, in Rcnton, are planting a new church in Vancouver, Laura Hamilton (n98) and Tom Mcrcicr. April 19. Wash. Wash., with the Northwest Yearly Meeting of 1997, in Medford. Ore. Kelley (O90) and Nancy (Edmlson) (G90) Friends. MARRIAGES Swarat, a boy, Timothy O'Brien, May 17,1997, in Pendleton. Ore. Greg Mozel (G85. WES9I) is the youth and Ron Mock (G77) and Melanie Springer (G90). Mike (O90) and Melissa (McDermott) (G90) family minister at Bethany Presbyterian Sept. 19. 1997. in Newberg. BIRTHS Church, Portland. He has lauglU at the Interna WillcuLs, agirl, Madison Rcnec.Aug. 13,1997, Doug Linscott (G80) and Wendy Bower. July Diane (Widmer) (081) and Scott Curtis, a boy, in Newberg. tional Leadership Academy in Russia and trans 11,1997, in Reseda, Calif. Stephen Dwighi, June 18, 1997. in Portland. Heather (Campbell) (G9I) and Matt (092) ported Bibles to house churches in China. He Tim Commins (G8I) and Heather Gurncy Scott (084) and Nancy Young, a boy, Aeden Ed serves on the WES alumni board of directors. Mllllgan, a boy. Benjamin Donald. May 29, (G92),Ju[y 16, 1997, in Newberg. ward. Aug. 8.1997, in Winfield, III. 1997, in Tualatin, Ore. Kenny Stone (G87) was named to the Spritz Judy Roquet (G85) and Jim Voges, Aug. 2, Lynctte (lycksen) (G85) and Ralph Corlez, a boy. Marian (Wines) (G92) and Nils Almgren, a League's All-Star Five in New 21ealand (their 1997, in Dalla.s, Ore. Josiah Earl, Aug. 14, 1997, in Silvcrton, Ore. equivalent of our NBA 1 si team all-league se boy. Kale Bodcn, Aug. 4. 1997, in Oklahoma Kerry Grant (n90) and Brian Bergler, Sept. 12, Greg (085) and Carolyn (Bayly) (G86) Mozcl, a lection). This is the third time Kenny has been City, Okla. 1997, in Portland. named All-Star Five, having been chosen in boy, James Gregory, July 3, 1997, in Portland. Jason (G97) and Ronda Yates, a boy. Brendon 1990 and 1995. He plays for the Rebel Sport Jennifer Brownlec (G9I) and Peter Sinclair, Shawna (Chandler) (085) and David Scott, a girl, Taylor, Aug. 22, 1997, in Canby, Ore. June 28, 1997, in Portland. Ellouise lone, Sept. 13. 1997, in Portland. Auckland team. Valarie Doakes (G94) and Devin Pearce, Aug. Matt (086) and .Janet (Jordan) (G88) Carlson, a Kobyn (Simpson) Hindmarsh (G88) is super visor/head counselor at The Delta Clinic, Port 2, 1997, in Portland. girl, Keisee Ann, June 6. 1997, in Tualatin, Ore. DEATHS land, which provides social services to drug- Cassandra Giinther (G94) and Chad Hedberg. Kenny (G87) and Louise Stone, a boy, Christopher June 28, 1997, in Saleni. Ore. James, April 26,1997. in Auckland, New Zealand. Edna (Christie) Hazlcton (G26) pas.sed away addicted adults. May 19.1997, in Healdsburg, Calif. Leslie (Merrick) Curtis (093) is teaching sixth Elisa Marquez Hatch (MHR95) and Simon Robyn ($inip.son) (G88) and Clifton Hindmarsh, a girl, Katherine Dawn, bom June 14. 1988, Helen (Whipple) Cramer (G3I) pas.sed away grade at Bethel Christian School, McMinnville, Bennett, May 17, 1997, inTroutdale, Ore. adopted Aug. 5, 1997. in Portland. July 21. 1997, in Vancouver, Wash. Ore. Lance Vandecoevering (MHR95) and Memallc Dave (088) and Tracy (Furman) (G88) Nolta. a John Macgregor (073) passed away July 16, Cori Gardea (G96) is a Creative Memories Repollo, July 14. 1997, in Guindulmau, Philip 1997, in McMiniiviile, Ore. pines. girl, Alexandra Kay, May 16, 1997, in Erie, Pa. consultant, assisting customers in the .safe and Melanie .lohnson (n91) passed away July 25, creative storage of photographs. She lives in Deborah Haines (G96) and Curt Keller. Sept. 6, Brad (089) and Kim Greenwood, a boy. Jameson 1997. in Gladstone. Ore. Taylor, July 7, 1997, in Portland. 1997, in Roseau. Minn. Newberg. 8 BRUIN BRIEFS BRjyil^SPORTg GTE Cheers Chaney George Fox University's 40()-meter indoor and outdoor national champion Ryan Chaney ('97) was named GTE's national Academic All-American of the Year for the spring at- large college-division team. Chaney was the top recipient among the 15 first-team All-Ainerican members selected from NCAA Division II. Ill and NAIA schools nationwide. Male student-athletes with 3.2 cumulative grade point averages or higher who are members of varsity crew, golf, lacrosse, tennis, indoor/outdoor track and volleyball teams are eligible. Winners are selected by members of College Sports Infor mation Directors of America (CoSIDA). Chaney is an eight-time NAIA All- American and didn't lose a head-to-head individual race last season until the U.S.A. Track and Field Championships in India napolis. His best 400-meter time of 45.98 is the fastest by any Oregon college athlete— at any level—last season. On the academic side, he graduated with a perfect 4.0 grade point average, was cho sen outstanding senior in each of his two majors, and was named to Who's Who Among Students in America's Colleges and Universities.

" W h a t ' s B r u i n " O n - L i n e Weekly press releases covering George Fox sports teams are available free by electronic mail. Schedules, coaches' comments, indi vidual honors, game notes and results are in cluded. To subscribe, send an e-mail request to .

M a r k Y o u r C a l e n d a r s PHOTO BY GARY ALLEN George Fox's third Athletic Hall of Fame Exactly 20 years after it was built, Miller Gymnasium is now complete. A $187,000 donation by James and LyIa Miller paid for the Banquet will be Feb. 12. Tickets are $15. For installation of a second set of bleachers along the west wall of the Bruins' volleyball and basketball home court. The additional stands tickets artd information on inductees contact were in the original long-range plans for Wheeler Sports Center. The addition gives the gym a bleacher seating capacity of 2,600— Hal Adrian, associate director of athletics, 1,300 on each side. Crowding at important home basketball games and recent commencement ceremonies made additional seating (503) 554-2922. Inductees will be announced necessary. With seating on center court, total capacity is just over 3,000. in the next issue of LIFE.

VCAA Delays Entry to Division III 1997-98 Men's Basketball Schedule

NOVEMBER Decision to Honor Commitment to Student-Athletes 21 Fri. Concordia University 7:30 Portland. Ore. 25 TYie. Concordia University 7:.30 Newberg. Ore.

Means Additional Year of Provisional Status DECEMBER I Mon. Wcslcrn ColJegc 7:30 Newherg, Ore. 5 Fri. * 8:00 Newberg, Ore. Honoring promises made to stu the conference this year, is in the 6 Sal. Whitworth College* 8:0() Newberg, Ore. 12-13 Fri.-Sat. John Lewis Holiday Cla.ssic at Willamette University dent-athletes three years ago beginning stages of applying 12 Fri. Southern Oregon University 6:00 Salem. Ore. will mean one more year in for NCAA membership 13 Sat. Willamette/ Western Baptist 6 : 0 0 o r 8 : 0 0 Salem, Ore. the National Association and will compete in the 30 Tue. Western Baptist College 7:30 Salem, Ore. of Intercollegiate Athlet NAIA next year. JANUARY ics (NAIA) for George Choices made will have 9 Fri. Seattle University* 8:00 Scalilc, Wash. 10 Sat. Lewis & Clark College* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. Fox athletic teams. 1 significant impact on 13 TYie. Willamette University* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. Three Northwest ' teams aspiring to na- 16 Fri. University of Puget Sound* 8:00 Tacoma. Wash. Conference of Indepen I tional postseason play 17 Sat. Pacific University* 8:00 Forest Grove, Ore. NCAA 23 Fri. Linfield College* 8:00 McMinnvilic, Ore. dent Colleges (NCIC) because both the NCAA 24 SaL Pacinc Lutheran University* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. Fri. 8:00 Walla Walla. SVash. members—George Fox and NAIA require con 30 Whitman College* 31 Sat. Whiiwonh College* 8:00 Spokane, Wash. University. University of ferences to have a mini Paget Sound and Whitworth mum number of members FEBRUARY 6 Fri. Seattle University* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. to receive automatic berths to College—have been told their 7 Sal. Lewis & Clark College* 8:00 Portland, Ore. three-year provisional status in national championships. 10 Tue. Willamette University* 8:00 Salem, Ore. National Collegiate Athletic Associa The NCAA Division III Manage 13 Fri. University of Paget Sound* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. 14 Sat. Pacific University* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. tion (NCAA) Division III will be extended to ment Council met in Denver on July 28-29 and 20 Fri. Llnlleld College* 8:00 Newberg, Ore. four years because some student-athletes on determined that eight provisional-member 21 Sat. Pacific Lutheran University* 8:00 Tacoma, Wash. • Nonhwcsi Conference of Independent Colleges (NCIC) Games their campuses continue to receive athletic- institutions should have a second educational related financial aid awarded prior to NCAA year added to their provisional .status to allow them lime to bring their athletics programs into Division III membership. 1997-98 Women's Basketball Schedule NCAA Division III forbids any athletic- compliance. The action makes the three-year NOVEMBER related aid to students, although a misunder provisional membership a four-year process for 22 Sat. llamlinc University 7:00 Newberg, Ore. those institutions. Northwest institutions af standing caused administrators at George Fox DECEMBER to mistakenly believe they would be allowed fected by the actions are Eastern Oregon Uni 2 Tue. Western Oregon University 7:00 Monmouth, Ore. to "grandfather" offers of athletic aid made versity, Evergreen State College, George Fox, 5 Fri. Whitman College* 6:00 Newberg, Ore. 6 Sat. Whitworth College* 6:00 Newberg, Ore. prior to application. The extension will mean University of Paget Sound and Whitworth 9 TYJC. Western Baptist College 7:00 Newberg, Ore. the three schools should be eligible for College. 28 Sun. University of Rio Grandct 1:00 Daylona, Fla. TBA Division III membenship in 1999-2000 rather At George Fox, Andrea Cook, vice presi 29 Mon. College of St. Scholastica or Colby Colleget Daytona, Fla. than 1998-99 as originally anticipated. dent for enrollment services, says the issue is JANUARY over athletic scholarships awarded to three 5 Mon. Montana Tech 7:00 Newberg, Ore. NCIC presidents meeting at a Sept. 12 gath 9 Fri. Seattle University* 6:00 Seattle, Wash. ering in Portland unanimously agreed to ask freshmen in 1994-95, before George Fox ap 10 Sat. Lewis & Clark College* 6:00 Newberg, Ore. 6:00 the NCAA to reconsider the extension, but the plied for NCAA Division III membership. 13 TYjc. Willamette University* Newberg, Ore. 16 Fri. University of Puget Sound* 6:00 Tacoma, Wash. NCAA has said it will not change its mling. None of the three competed during one season 17 Sal. Pacific University* 6:00 Forest Grove, Ore. 'The thing that is upsetting the three .schools (redshirling), and all plan to use their four years 23 Fri. Linfield College* 6:00 McMinnvilic, Ore. of eligibility. 24 Sat. Puciilc Lutheran University* 6:00 Newberg, Ore. is the implication that they did something 30 Fri. Whiimaa College* 6:00 Walla Walla, Wash. "It's an integrity issue," says Craig Taylor, wrong," said Arleigh Dodson. NCIC commis 3J Sal. Whitworth College* 6:00 Spokane. Wiish. sioner. "That's not the" George Fox director of athletics. "We felt we FEBRUARY While George Fox is certain it will be com needed to honor commitments we made prior 6 Fri. Seattle University* 6:00 Newherg, Ore. to joining the NCAA. To get in compliance 7 Sat. l.cwis & Clark College* 6:00 Portland, Ore. peting in the NAIA next year, the Northwest 10 Tue. Willamette University* 6:00 Salem, Ore. Conference is still deciding. Six schools— sooner at the expense of a student-athlete is 13 Fri. University of Paget Sound* 6:00 Newherg, Ore. Lewis & Clark College, Linfield College, contrary to even the Division III philosophy. 14 .Sat. Pacific University* 6:00 Newherg, Ore. We've been upfront with the NCAA all along. 20 Fri. Linlicld College* 6:00 Newherg, Ore. Whitman College, Pacific University, Pacific 21 Sal. Pacific Lutheran University* 6:00 Tacoma, Wash. Lutheran University and Willamette Univer It shouldn't be a huge surprise to anyone. It'll * of Independent Colleges (NCIC) Games sity—will be eligible to join the NCAA. Seattle just take us a year longer." t Land of Magic Cla.ssic Toiimament University, which became the lOlh member of I N V E S T O R S I N eorqe . / d oDONORS n o i DURING OUR 106TH YEAR 1996, THROUGH JUNE 30, 1997

Doris Hampton Jomes 4 Doris Petticord ' Groce (4 Morvin) Bahwl Glenn (4 Judi) Moron Ruthonno Hampton Jerry4(hrisline Dion John 4 Emma Pike' Dirk (4 Nancy) Borrom MoryKote (4 Rondol) Morse James 4 Audry DInglield Look at the hundreds of names on these poges! Steve 4 Dione Honnum Paul 4 June Pike' Sheilo (4 Douglas] Borllell Lee (4 Grayce) Nosh Don 4 Bonila Dixon Each one is a person or o couple who has been Jeon Hansen Joe 4 Shawn Posillico Jackie Boysinger John (4 Amy) Notzke Ruth Dobson touched by the groce of God. They hove experienced Tim 4 Judith Hordie Dove 4 Deborah Powell Joy (4 Rorkie) Beomon Todd (4 Donilo) Newell William Dobson Steven 4 Jewell Harmon Uoyd 4 Marilyn PrulH Kcthryn Becker Eilene (4 Robert) Newmon Dove 4 Judy Dohren God's goodness in concrete ond specific ways, and now, Debbie Morris Keilh4MinaRennIe Ralph (4 Wondo) Beebe Louise (4 Corl) llewswonger Evan 4 Pom Downs just as concretely, they hove—each one—reached Terry 4 Joon Harris Sluort 4 Violet Richey Jonke (4 Charles) Beebe Donyo (4 Ken) Ochsner Michael 4 lesly Egon out to bless George Fox University and its students. Paul 4 Rita Hothowoy Jeff 4 Debbie Rickey Terry 4 Koron Bell Lawrence (4 Lucille) Osborn David 4 Vicki Egelslon Paul 4 Margaret Hoyden' WolloccS Jonelte Riehle' The grace of the Lord does thot to o person. We Polritk (4 Shonnon) Bennett Asbiorn (4 Joyce] Oslond Warren 4 Cheryl Erickson Mildred Heed Ron 4 Diane Rissmiller Don (4 Carolyn) Biork Richord (4 Jeonette) Porker Jeffrey 4 Jeri Evans ore blessed, we ore thankful, we know that God has Thomas Head Aidys Roberts Teteso Boeht Heidi (4 Mkhoel) Pender Neil 4 Dione Evans done wonderful things for us, and immediately we Scat 4 Debbie Headley Craig 4 (tisonne Roberts John 4 Shot! Bowmon Alex (4 Denise) Pio Robert Forrell want other friends to experience that some blessing. Virginia Helm Doris Roberts lev (4 Shirley) Srendiinger Mark PolhofI Tim 4 Deonna Feover Ron 4 Undo Herdina So—we give! Jobn 4 Grace Roberts Gory(4 June) Btovm Don (4 Theo] Powers Robert 4 June Fleming £ Rosa Hester Wayne 4 Bertie Roberts Michelle Brown Mike (4 Roxonne)Rodei Polsy Foole In 2 Corinthians 8:1-2, Paul lifts up before his readers—us included—the grace Ed 4 MoryElla Higglns Florence Rocks Rondoll (4 Soro) Brown Colleen (4 Keith) Richmond William 4 Jocquelyn Ford of God. His evidence of the reolity of God's kindness is what God hos just done in the John 4 Alice Hill Gole 4 Donno Roid Robert (4 Deborro) Buckler Jeff (4 Deboroh) Rickey Vance 4 Juanito Fronkomp Friedo Hinderlie Stephen 4 Tere Ross Rodger (4 Kathleen) Bufford Cole (4 Donna) Roid churches of Macedonia. Stephen 4 Potrlcio Franklin Richard 4 Janet Hogue Roy 4 Dione Rotolo Wllliom (4 Donna) Buhrow Judy Roquet Ernest 4 Joonne Frisius "Though they hove been going through much trouble and hard times, their Donald 4 Norene Hohensee' Bill 4 Myrtene Rouike Janet (4 Michael) Coin Beverly (4 Stephen) Rosen Dovid 4 Patricio Goull wonderful joy and deep poverty hove overflowed in rich generosity." Bonnie Hoilinsheod Robert 4 Roberta Rowe (lark (4 Donell) Campbell Eloine(4 Dillon) Sanders Joe4AnnGcrkk John 4 Linda Holton Una Rowley Douglas (4 Rebecco) (ompbell Sheryl(4DDvid) Sanders Bob 4 Peggy Gilcr Notice that Paul takes it for gronled that, even though we ore His people, we go Corbin 4 Heather Hoornbeek Dovid 4 Lois Rupert' Anthony (4 Sharon) Cosurello Undo (4 Richord) Sortwell Eugene 4 Deonne Gilletl through hard times. But so great is God's grace that, despite our circumstances, joy in David 4 Morge Howord Louis 4 Mory Sondoz Paul (4 Shotcn) Chomberloin Mel (4 Corol) Schroeder Don 4 Debbie Gilmoie the Lord and our experience of being in need spurs us on to help others who are also in Don Howard Roger 4 Louise Sargent Carlisle (4 PomelG) Chambers Sheriie Schuike Mr. 4 Mrs. Joseph Gobell Boiry Hubbell Loyd S Margaret Schaad Maurice (4 Eliauise) (handler Judi (4 Keith) Schwanz Steve 4 Kolhlccn Grant need. Morgoret Hubcr Ben4Ma[geS[hellenberg (holies (4 Borboro) Church Peggy (4 Doniel) Scully Alon 4 Potty Gray In the church in Michigan where I grew up, we sang the hymn: Deon Hulberl Mike4 UndaSchlachler Anilo Cirulis Morto Seois Douglas 4 Koryl Gioeneveld Eileen Hulme Joel 4 Estello Schmeltzer Wonderful grace of Jesus Matthew (4 Ariel] (lemons Mork (4 louro) Selid Mr. 4 Mrs. John GtoK Andre 4 Coil [sell Mel 4 Carol Schroeder Woyne (4 Judith) Colwell Byron (4lna)Shenk Dennis 4 (Iteryl Grounds Greater than all my sin. J's Reslfluront Keith 4 Judi Schwanz' Kondie (4 Steven) Comfort Sherie (4 Som) Shercill Chotles 4 Judith Guy How can my tongue describe it? (Croig 4 Becky Banning) David 4 Showno Scot! Tim Commins Carrie (4 Bob) Simmons Robert 4 DoreenHoiveison Where shall its proise begin? Gory 4 Sharon Jackson Grace Seeley' Andrea Cook Cob] Sims Earnest 4 Kothy Honim GlennoJonsen Wes Cook Taking awoy my burden. Wesley 4 Koihleen Seidemon Fred (4 Undo) Smilh Dovid 4 Suson Hampton Brad 4 Laura Johnson James 4 Winona Selby Melody Corey Philip (4 Koren) Smith Richard 4 Nancy Harris Setting my spirit free Derric 4 Debro Johnson Don 4 Terr! Shaffer Coitlin Corning Rowlen (4 Lois) Smilh Glen4 OelloHoug For the Wonderful groce of Jesus Iris Johnson' Dolores Shorp Jennifer (4 All Oockenberg Ronold (4 Carolyn) Stonsel! Emil 4 Judy Heinie Reaches me. Merrill 4 Condy Johnson Arthur 4 Carol Shellon' Jerri Crovdord Coroiyn Staples Derold 4 Andrea Herling Sue Johnson Byron 4 Ino Shenk Victoria (4 Chris) Oefferding Don (4 Carol] Sloplelcn Dovid 4 Coroiyn Nesselgrovo And when it reaches us, we don't keep it to ourselves, instead, we let God's grace Roger 4 Monika Keller * Nigel 4 Polly Shockey John (4 Carol) DeJoy Joon (4 Roy) Slebbins Dcan4 KrisHeubetger flow out through us to others who olso need the blessing. Dovid 4 Corol Kelley John 4 Faith Sills * Joseph (4 Judy) DeVol Ed (4 Undo) Stevens Williom 4 Robin Hieb This is exoctly whol you have done—you whose names ore on this list. Whotever Dorothy Kellis Vera Simpson Leslie (4 Jon) Dolson Solly (4 Gordon) Stewart James 4 Marilyn High Beverly Kelsven Victor 4 Elizabeth Slaughter' Kevin (4 Kimberly) Dougherty Ron (4 Michelle) Sullen ShetylHIII your circumstances, whether obundonce or odversity (or some of both!), you reached Melvin 4 Lila Kern' Clair 4 Lois Smith Eugene (4 Rosemary) Dykemo Jennifer Swonborough Curtis 4 Condi Hinkle out to George Fox University and Western Evongelicol Seminory ond displayed the Gory Ktlburg Eric 4 MoriKoy Smith Carl 4 Kolhryn Eckiund Craig (4 KolhyiToylor Ireno Hit! morvelous groce of God. Andrew 4 VoungJo Kim' Nci[4 0[ga Smilh William (4 Laurie) Essig Clyde (4 Carol) Thomas James 4 Mory Hodge Jonni Kingery SmurfiT Newsprint Corporation Som (4 Dorothy) Former Undo (4 Victor) Thompson Phil 4 Undo Hoffman Thonk you. Through you, we hove come to know ofresh—in proclicol, concrete Allan 4 Sheryl Kirkendoll (George Lowe) Gory (4 Suson) Fowver Alon (4 Lynne) Thurston Brod 4 Joon Hollobough ways—His oil-sufficient grace. Esllrer Kloges John 4 Imo Sparks' Rob Fcllon Vickie (4 Craig) Iimmons Phil 4 Shoron Hood Clarence 4 Romolo Knocpfle' Tom 4 Morlyss Springer Potty (4 Jock) Findley Manfred (4 Vicki) Tschon Glen 4 LoRcne Hossler Chrrs £ Julie Koch Ronold Sloples Ouinry(4Eilene)Eodge Dm (4 Vol) Tsobontoridis (horlie 4 Betty Howard Glenn 4 Pauline Kach Erf 4 Undo Stevens Gloria foltz loren (4 Sylvia) VonTossel Robert 4 Sliaron Huck Carl 4 Potrin'o Kue/ine * Albert & Janet Slieiel' John (4 Sandy] Forfmeyer Jeffrey (4 Oeono) VondcnHoek Thomas 4 Roberto Hurt Tom Johnson, Interim President Tdmd 4 Morilyn lacy Jon 4 S/jcryl Strut: Jim (4 Gole) Foster Rod (4 Jon) Vermillion Jomcs 4 (oryl Husk Beth la Farce Esook 4 Kyung (fion Synn Slon Frame Williom (4 Oiono) Vermillion Kerry 4 Vickie Irish Gregg 4 Tercso lomm Craig 4 Kothy Toy/or Sheriie [4 Woyne) Frost Mark (4 Denise) Vernon Alfred 4 Sondro Jensen Jef/4 Louise Larson Robert 4 Vivian Tcrroll Dione (4 Rirhord) Fundcrhide Dovid (4 Koren) Votow Derrrc 4 Debro Johnson TRUSTEES PRESIDENT'S Climax Portoble Mochine Tools Robert 4 Nancy Loughiond The Coffee Cottage Jennifer (4 Jeff) Getsinger Denise Woterer Gene 4 Shannon Johnson (LeRoy Benhom) Joke 4 Uoucine Laulenboch Mork (4 Betty) Weinect Paul 4 Sharon Johnson llon-liuslee spouses ore (Peter 4 Amy Milter) Raymond (4 Elizabeth) Gleoson COUNCIL Jim 4 Lynne Cloud Dovid 4 Becky Le Shona Steve 4 Kathleen Grant Dovid (4 Joyce] Wiebe Robert 4 Mory Johnston intikQled in poientheses. Roy 4 Roberta Thiele' Ivan 4 Lucille Adams Collin 4 Ann Collom' lames 4 Jeanittele Shano Florence Thomos Tomero (4 Jim) Greeley Kenneth (4 Deolindo] Wllkon ivan UiciWet Ailoms' Lorry 4 Morcia Jones Dove 4 Potrlcio Adrian Woyne 4 Judith Colwell LQrty4Morlyslebow Deon 4 Sondy Thompson Chris Gross Michael Wrto ierold 4 Koihleen Kabul Hot (& Audrey) Adriorr' Hal 4 Audrey Adrian Andres Cook Uyrlo Lcdemon Victor 4 Undo Thompson' Everett (4 Shirley) Hockworth Diane Wood Roll 4 Thelmo Kolms Peter Joon) Anderson Harold 4 leono Ael»chet Paul 4 Ardith Couzens Michael Lehman Kent 4 Jeonie Thornburg Dennis (4 Janet] Hogen Koihleen (4 Joe) Wood Peter 4 LeeAnn Kosdon Gloria (& Leonord) Altrell Brian Ailken Izzy Covolt Gerald 4 Margaret Lemmons Leo4PQlrkia Thornton' Steven (4 Diane] Honnum Steve (4 Donna) Wood Oorrel 4 Valerie Koulfmon DotolhYQarrolt' Keith 4 lAerilyn Aldy Charles 4 Monica Cox Richard 4 Julie Lentini Craig 4 Vickie Timmons Robert (4 Cindy] Horder BtendoWooldridge Wes & Goyle Keller Donald (& Faith) Corter Michael 4 Morgoret Allen Dea 4 Lois Cox John 4 Jo Lewis Broke 4 loci Toombs Jock Hotris Elizobeth (4 Gregory) Woolsey Michoel 4 Koti Keown Izzy Covalt Richard 4 Flora Allen Robert 4 Morcile Crondall' Gordon 4 Jon Loewen Christopher 4 Michelle Townley Tom (4 Laura] Head Debra (4 Poul) Warden Keith 4 Elaine Kessler Deo (& Lois) Cox Dove 4 Chris Alleneder Earl 4 Dorothy Craven William & Catherine loewen" Volley RV Center Scot [4 Debbie) Headley Russell 4 Morlene Kilpolrick Gordon (& Oeto) Crisnton Dovid 4 Kothy Anderson Aven 4 Suson Crismon Wayne 4 Maria Ludolph-Heikkala (Rirhotd 4 Connie Espelo) Hank 4 Jo Helsoberk Jerry 4 Solly Kingery John [& tdoriiyn) Duke Paul 4 Corto Anderson Gordon 4 Cleto Crismon Robert 4 Diane Lumsden' Florence VonHorn Edward (4 MoryElto) Higglns PARENTS Morcia Kiltel Richard (& Pot) Evons Peter 4 Joon Acrderson Leo 4 Abigail Crismon Hermeno lundquist Bob 4 Deonne VonVronken MotyHoldmon Bill4Doreen Ahous Daniel 4 Judith Kline Bill(& Ruth) Field Curtis 4 KristineAnkeny Stuart 4 HoeJo Crismon John 4 Janet Lyda DedreoVoubel Corbin (4 Heather) Koornbeek Waller 4 Artie Aichele WilllDm 4 Merry Klinkner Peggy (& Robert) Fowler Horlow 4 Gertrude Ankeny Roy 4 Carolyn Crow Gordon 4 Sylvia MarWillioms Rod 4 Jon Vermillion" Vicginio (4 lorry] Hoover Dennis 4 Susan Ankeny Dove Kohl Joe (& Ann) Getirk Harold 4 Betty Ankeny Word4Jome Cuddy Dvrighl 4 Marie Macy William 4 Diano Vermillion' Dove (4 Marge) Howord David 4 Pomelo Arthur Douglos 4 Meg Ann Ktemcr Fred (& Susan) Gregory Mark 4 Becky Ankeny Meriell 4 Mory Dade John 4 Karen Macy Rirhord 4 Doree Votow Barry Hubbell JohnS Nel Baaispul leRoy 4 Anita Kropf Dole (& Shirley) ttodley Glenn 4 Verio Armstrong Carl 4 Elizabeth Dommel' MGh!on4HozelMacy*' Dwight 4 Lucy Waggoner' Eileen Hulme Sandy Boer Edward 4 Marilyn lacy Steve (& Jewell) Harmon Robert 4 Grace Armstrong Marvin 4 Glodys David' Richard 4 Terry Mocy Paul 4 Esther Wogner' Martha (4 TrandDfitlioncu Arleine Bailey Michael 4 Nancy Lawrence Paul {& Rito) Hathaway Philip 4 Susan Atonson Scott 4 Deborah Dovies' Selh 4 Cora Morks Gercldine Wolkemeyer Kerry (4 Vickie) Irish DDug4ViviDn Bain Robert 4 Catherine Lnwrence Andre (&Gail)lseli Leonard 4 Gloria Atlrell Guy4 Dorthy Delomorter' Roger 4 Claudia Mortell Curt 4 Sheri Walker Dale (4 Marin) isook Mork 4 Nita Bornes William 4 llene lewis Roger |& Monika) Keller Robert 4 Anito Baker' David 4 Sharon Milhous Oelono Dennis 4 Diane Morlin Ston 4 Georgia Walker' Jim (4 Pom] Jackson Jockie Boysinger Phil 4 Melvo Uoyd Joke (& Maurine) Laulenboch Marvin 4 Grace Bolwit William DeLopp Ernest Mortin Roland 4 VerloineWolkes' Clella (4 Jack) Jaffe David 4 Rebecca Beosiey Derry 4 Moriyce long Walter Lee' Jerry 4 Tommy Bornlck Lewis 4 Jacqueline Dirklnson' David 4 Jeonie McBride May Walloce Bonnie Jerke Oarrel 4 Sybil Beebe Curtis 4 Cynlhio Longman Morgoret (& Gerold) lemmons Dirk 4 Nancy Borrom Rondoll 4 Morgoret Dieus Kevin 4 Shelley McBride Michael 4 Delynn Wolz Craig (4 Mory) Johnson Dovid 4 Diane Bergman Howard 4 Margaret Mocy John (& Joan) lemmons Dorothy Borrott" Ronald 4 Deboroh Ooolin Todd 4 Betsy McCollum* Floyd 4 Arline Wolson Derrit(4 Debro) Johnson Mr. 4 Mrs. Paul Betingec Mauri 4 Sherry Macy tAorla (& Wayne) Ludolph- Douglas 4 Sheila Bortlett * John 4 Morilyn Duke Bill 4 Potricia McConnell Harold 4 MorjorieWeesner John (4 Cindy) Johnson Gory 4 Sue Berlrond Steve 4 Judi Magee Heikkalo Brion 4 Janice Beols Eugene 4 Rosemoiy Dykemo John 4 Melda McGralh Florence Weissert Merrill (4 Condoce) Johnson Mr. 4 Mrs. Jim Bingenheimer Ronald 4 KalhyMolnifeldl Dwight (S Marie) lAacy' Meredith Beols Don 4 Phyllis Eberl Dovid 4 Cclhy Mclnlyre' Donna West Brad (4 LcurolJohnson Steven 4 (onstonre Bingham James 4 Judith Morr Roger (& Clourlia] Morleil Ernest 4 Verno Beaver Kevin 4 Barb Edie Doug 4 Dianna Mclntyre Phil 4 Christine Westover GoryKllbutg Richard 4 Motiha Bock Choiles4MoxineMarsolini Donald (& Lydio) Mctlichols' Kolhryn Becker Dan 4 Cormel Edwords Shaun 4 Diane McNoy Samuel Wheeler Dwight (4 Potti) Kimberly Kevin 4 lynne Bonnell Ray 4 Sandi Martell Jock {& Jane) Ideadows Gnyle 4 Pam Beebe Elwood 4 Marguerite Egelslon Donald 4 Lydio McHlthols Dovid 4 Joyce Wiebe Kothleen(4 RoyGothercoal) Skip Boone Stephen 4 Mary Mortin James (& Ula] Miller* Kenneth 4 LeAnn Beebe Gerald 4 CarolEgger' Dan Millage KothleenWilhile Kleiner Rick 4 Borbora Booye Mr. 4 Mrs. Gordon McCorty Roger (& Mildred) Minthorne Norma Beebe Richord 4 Kolhryn Uchenberger Jim 4 Lila Miller Merlon 4 Ruth Wilhile Alon (4 Aiire) Kluge John 4 Sue Bowie Jock 4 Cheryl McCloud Robert (& Morceno) Monroe Ralph 4 Wondo Beebe Raymond 4 Borbaro Ellis Linda Miller Steven 4 Nancy Wilhile Chris (4 Julie) Koch William 4 Ooiolhy Bowler Joe 4 Myro McCullough Stan (& Ellen) Morse Jim 4 Barbara Beil Wllliom 4 Juanito Eofi Poul 4 Judith Miller GcroldineWillculs WQtten(4 Pauline) Koch Glenn 4 MoryAnn Brewer Alfred 4 Jone Mclnlurf Charles (& tJoncy) Myionder Charles 4 Jan Bell Paul 4 Shoron Eslinger Elizobeth Carey Minas More 4 Lor! Willculs Koy (4 Roger) Koskelo John 4 Honey Btoer Douglas 4 Dionna Mclntyre Jackson {& Koy) Newel! Terry 4 Koron Bell Richard 4 Patricio Evans Roger 4 Mildred Minthorne Matthew 4 KoriWillcuts Morilyn Xcolzberg Michael 4 Ann Brooker Byron 4 Joon Meyer Richard 4 Froncis Meyers Borboro (& Art) Palmer Bruce Bishop Som 4 Dorothy Former Arnie 4 Borb Milchell Robert 4 Jane Willculs Patricia (4 Carl) Kuehne Roy40onnDBruboker Beth la Forte Gerold 4 Kris Budelmon Jomes 4 Deliene Miller CW. (& Mory) Perry PauUConie Bishop Gory 4 Susan fowver Bruce 4 Ocrlena Moberly Keith 4 Alyce Williams Victor (4 Shoryl) Peterson Don 4 Carolyn Block Oeonie Ferguson Diana Mock 4 Greg Roan Kenneth 4 EdnoWilllDms Gregg (4 Teresa) Lomm Horvey4ieanBultema Joy 4 Annelte Miller Donald 4 Cloro Bletscher' Jeanne Perron Ronold Mock Pot Londis Gregory 4 Lynn Butts Stephen 4 Joyce Miller Wayne (4 Bertie) Roberts' Bill 4 Judie Wilson Dennis 4 Anne Mills Bill (4 Vicky) Sims Shiryl Boerlin Bill 4 Ruth Field Robert 4 Morceiia Monroe Keith 4 Palricio Wilson Robert (4 Chris) louinger Mr. 4 IMs. Richord Buuck Michael 4 Jocquellne Bye Victor (4 Elizobelh) Slaughter Lowell 4 Undo Bosshordt' Gole 4 Rust! Reld Rod 4 Beth Monroe Lowienre (4 Motlys) lebow Trudy Mills Lyie 4 Naomi Wilson Jonire (4 Gerry) lefebvre Michoel 4 Janet Coin Arnie 4 Borb Mitchell Kent (4 Jeanne) Thornburg John 4 Shod Bowman Jock 4 Potty Findley Stuart 4 LoDonno Moore Koihy Winters David (4 Becky) LeShana Marie Morgan Dovid 4 Sandra Breitkreuz Jim 4 Gole Foster Glenn 4 Judi Moron Normon 4 Morgoret Winters Joy 4 Anita Comorillo Floyd (4 Arline) Watson' Uso Leslie Slon 4 Ellen Morse Roderick 4 Audrey Brennemon' Jomes4Candoce Fowler Clifford Moigon Michael Wlrto Woyne 4 Undi Cannon Nancy (4 Steven) Wiihite Jo (4 Johndy] lewis Victor 4 Juanito (orbonell Undo Munoz Bill (4 Judie) Wilson Glenn 4 MoryAnn Brewer Robert 4 Peggy Fowler Slon 4 Ellen Morse Esther Woodward Dennis (4 Joon) Utllefield Richord 4 Koren (orison Nick 4 Pom Napier llormon (4 Morgoret) Winters Vein 4 Borboro Biighlup Glenn Froser Elmore 4 iulene Mostul' ■ • Honoiory Trustee Greg 4 Elizobelh Woolsey Corlelon (4 Connie) Lloyd Michael 4 Ginger Carroll Leslie Nelson Nadine Brood Emerson 4 Moy Frey * Gene 4 Nodine Mulkey Paul 4 Debra Worden Melvo (4 Phil) Uoyd Stephen 4 Pomelo Carver Richard 4 Kothy Nelson Horley 4 Mary Brotherton Gilberj4JDyteFrey' Charles 4 Nancy Myionder lee 4 Groyce Nosh Woyne 4 Beverley Worthley' John 4 Janet Lydo Anthony 4 Shoron Cosurello Gory 4 Esther Nice Clinton 4 Marion Brown Wayne 4 Shecrie Frost Mark 4 Suson Young Dennis 4 Christine (bonce Wolt 4 Mory Nicholas WESTERN Brian 4 Christy Gardner Torrey4 Kim Nosh ' • Member of WIS Preiidenl's Howard 4 Margaret Mocy Gory 4 June Brown James 4 Leonn (honey Lelond 4 Lucille Brown Gene 4 Norene Goroulte' National Gas Company Mauri (4 Sherry) Mocy Joseph Nickcson EVANGELICAL Council Jack 4 Wendy (hosteen Albert 4 Mory Notter Robert 4 Deborro Buckler Dovid 4 Patricia Goull (Wllliom Durbin) '' ■ Member of both George fox Carolyn (4 Morsholl) Manning SEMINARY Gront4MorelGerke Dorothy Neidigh Ann Mansfield Maty Jo Chew BctnodolleOjo Rodger 4 Kathleen Bufford and WES President's Council Merk (4 Cindy) Martin Clifford 4 Sheryl Olson Robert 4 Dole Bunn Bob 4 Maurine Gilmore Gary 4 Lynetto Nelson Penny (hrisiensen BOARD OF Sondro (4 David) Mourer David 4 Lorraine (fork Melvin 4 Marilyn Olson Stephen 4 Glendo Gilroy Newberg Ford Burth-Wesi, Inc. Nkholos (4 Alice) Mourer Lawrence 4 Phyllis Click lowrenco 4 Lucille Osborn REGENTS (Vicki Perrett) Raymond 4 Elizabeth Gleoson (John4FErdWardin) FACULTY/STAFF Jackson 4 Koy Newell Todd (4 Betsy) MrColtum Robert 4 Anita (onnell Dovid 4 ionel Oswald tion-truslee regents ore indicated Eleanor Burton Jim 4 Tomero Greeley Ranee Palocios Fred 4 Suson Gregory Todd 4 Donita Newell Non-focully and non-sioll spouses Billy|4Fronies)MiComb Michael 4 Esther Conner in parentheses. Dorothy Coble ore indicoled in parentheses. Mr. 4 Mrs. Grohom Parker Charles 4 Ruth Gross Dove 4 Sharon Newville George (4 RoxyjMrDonough Mike 4 Rodico Contra Hon(ie(4 Bill) Cormkhoel Charles 4 Wilmo (omilleri Dove (4 Patricio) Adrion Dionna (4 Douglas) Mclntyre Mr. 4 Mrs. Dole Porrish Chris Gross Jeff 4 Sandra Newville Jerry 4 Barbara Cook Donald (4 Forth) Carter Clock 4 Oonell (ompbell Hoi (4 Audrey) Adrion Louro MiXillip Allen 4 Suson (oidsen Frank 4 Patsy Pfeffeikorn CllfJotd 4 Potty Conucci (oriIdD Grover Ken 4 Oonya Ochsner Morcile (4 Robert) Crandoll Merilyn (4 Keith) Aldy Shoun (4 Diane) McHoy Biille 4 Lynn Cox Jock 4 Angelyn Pickens Art 4 Virginia Carlson' Shono Giunou loyde 4 Delia Osburn Carl (4 Nancy) Ouhrkoop Richard 4 Flora Allen Shirley Mewhinney Thomas 4 Edith (robb Timothy 4 Kothy Powell Bill 4 Nontie Carmirhoe! * Vernon 4 Carol Hods ' Asbjorn 4 Joyce Oslond Vernon (4 Carol) Hotrs Pocific Fibre Products, Inc. Mike (4 Morgoret) Allen Don Millage Gordon 4 (lela Crismon George 4 Vickie Pritchoid Jerry 4 Yvonne Coir Dole 4 Shirley Hodley Roymond 4 Meroleo Pynchon Roger (4 Monika) Keller (John 4 Joan lemmons) Paul (4 (aria) Anderson Noncy Milts Marilyn (rover Dovid (4 Becky) Le Shano Donold 4 Foith Carter' Homer 4 Mildred Hodley John 4 Shirley Dehi Richard 4 Deidia Rombo Lowell Hodley Arthur 4 Barbara Palmer Sally Andrews Arnie 4 Borb Mitchell StoI14PamCelley Lawrence 4 Joyce Daniels Curtis 4 Dimple Rasmussen Derry (4 Motlyce} Long lewis 4 Irene Hohrh (ormen 4 Pauline Pormenter Mork4Rebe(CO Ankeny Janet Moots Lee (4 Groyce) Nosh Paul 4 Sharon Chamberlain Ronald Mock Ron 4 Morjorie Pecker Mr. 4 Mrs. Bruce Reagan Todd 4 Karen Holl C.W. 4 Mory Perry Robin Ashfoid Deon (4 Dorothy) Schmilz Maurice 4 Ellouise Chandler Potrirk (4 Suson) Bailey Debbie (4 Jerry) Moen John 4 Irene Dewor Raymond 4 Heidi Reeves Gene4Mi(hele Chrislion Bill4lnoMaeHomilton Timothy 4 Soroh Peters Howard 4 lomo DeYoung Steven 4 Victor (4 Elizabeth) Sloughter Dovid 4 Susan Hampton Robert 4 Cynthia Petersen Shown Boird Elizabclh (4 Rob) Molzohn Erie (4 Grace) Wirth Robert 4 Oorleen Church )|00)S3M sjooiaujqjDifj ajqapoj xouijn uoiBU!4$O/A uo!isiJiQ3|8i|)ry/9au3g '3U| 'a|l!AAA8H g J3)puoi|3 'Aiuiog 'isipoqiapjaajjAiujOG uoBsig 'puouipag uoBbiq 'uo|i8Aoag 'uoaioji 45jiiod ppuog S4)iipii34 apoiiiag g pioqijg WOlfl 1|0)$ [|(UiQ) J86u!g 9 |304)!W •Jui 'l58M-4)in8 '4)104) i5||dDgaou8Ay{S3ioj I5|iq) JO 41104) uoiiBAoag 5|10d OUUQQ gAog 54)!ipu3480$g|iDg asoig oA|8A] g piAOQ oqopi 'Sjioj UjD} |3UDf jsnjlJVt uojpmisuog g uBisag usutig ISOd '4)104) ipuSjJJ Sj|OJ isod uoBsjg '5||03 4iouio|)| uoBsiq 'jBAoag BlOUipd BUIDllO] g U05|l|IA U05J3p034DjA|A$g34|y) uooiauuaig Aaipny g 4)|i3pog UMOJgauflf^AiDg Auodujo] Guj8og 'di4$A(0||aj uojisiiq) smqiooj '4)104) Atiuouiuio) iBAoag i3Ui[Dd qiog g |ODd ODUlpH 5IIQ oooig 4)043 poojgsuojjDy^ uoBsig 'puojiiod uoiBuiqson^ '3|uoa$ UOlBuiqSD/U '8||tD3$ lauipd ooiAiopigaBioag 6"!|q|8H4l!pJVginod OOUIOig plADQ I'lo^AgJlWia '4)104) aionbsiooj puopiod X3|!0g uDsngs^piJiOti ■)u| 'sjUBjnsui AinoiAag '4)104) (Sipoqiapf 331J isju '4)1043 |5|p04|3VJ 831) piO||Og aBodAqog OOOJ3)J34 40014 -51^ g 'IW P)3ij340ig 000) g aiooiMD) UDiipv A3jpnv9|0H uoBsig 'puopiod uoiBuiqsD/u 'OjduiAiQ uoBaiQ pUOJlBAQ 83|13ABg g UOUllOq iq"H 38] oapMog oiioDO) g qdoso) ssajg Aopjog '13103) UDIlSjiq) puD|pod UDUpV DIlNIDd 9 'AOg ladoqg jojaunj s,||8Jiiy '41104) isipoqiajq 3313 isiij 'Duaqiy '4)1043 uoiisiiq) ouaqiy uopBg Dui||jVi g opiofi 13434 S00| g p3l) Bojpjoog a5||] uoBsjo 'iiiH luosoajj uoBaig 'uo|B|pu3d uoBaiQ lajJOpaipiiw pD34p3jp|)W ipiaq55og opurjgijaMO) flni:>Niniia ppuOUIj D}|]3mj[y '41104) isiidog jjiH iuoso3|d ')U| s,uo$paq|y '4)104) isipoqisyj 33131SI13 'uioqpooM '41104) }||0|5od|/ laisBQ |i4d 53A0HApoo$ g |3g lono[9 A>uoHguio|||iM Aijonso) g ajf] ouiay uoBsig 'puojijod uoBaig 0)|50|y 'sBoioqiuy jBlsag oBiojv g pog 138104 jaqi] laouig Alio) g Aiiai pooMouuoo^aABtS '4)104) |D(so)3i08d oiqdjapojiqd 'Auoqjy '4)1043 |0)||a6uoA] luy '4)104) isipoqiaqi 331) aBoioqiuy AsiquQ laiiioij g S0U1041 00411004 sojq D0| g uio|||iA| aaqsig su|a|]ga]osiMD) SJ31UIM |3JD6jDy( ^ UDUIIQ^ SNOIlVUOd^O^ oqopi '||0)iw uoBsjo 'piojpspi uoBbiq '3iopoA|y UUO4 5310j3a g 3U10|A oouj|p4 uoaf 03)34 goajg P'la »!5|3 iio5iiM3!pnfS||!8 41104) UDiisiiq) 3>|oi aiisAod '8U810Z0H 341J8 4)1043 isiij '411043 uojisiiq) aiopoAiv qiioji UDsn$ g Aaup!$ 3|pi04 laioBioyj uioqGiiiB 0||g g p] 3J!41!MA)udn^U3A3IS /SissBNisna uofiaiQ 'All) uoBaiQ uoBaig 'puo||iod U0|SUJ45D/A SIllOJI 33|D10) g Aog AusBdh 3)|0J3g g pioqiig azBjg 4010$ g pjoiag '4)104) jO)|[36uDA3 3)D|d IjlOd 'auaiozoq 341 jo 41104)15113 'oupy '411043 piipBuDA] oupy uoxjjj ouuy ABjpQHijaAiq 8|>|J!a """HUM ')U| 'X!U0J1)|3^ ■SJOUOp QP£ uoBbiq 'pUDjUOd '41104) uoBaig 'Auoqiy ouDiuojv 'a3)|Oi05qy uosjoqiiii Aoyq oqiisg OOSJOISOg 3)U310|j (ODJiiag Dipsij uauDaiyAjpuno] auiiisung wolj uoqopunoj sqf Xq paAiswi |D)!|3BuDA3 B)U313JUO))lJI)Od '8U3JDZ04 341 JO 41104) |51|j 'qunq) p)||3SuoA] 33i|oio5qy sopqiijjAiDwgip/A oopaog aiiaojsg UDOi4iagoo50$g6|OJ] ^lOSO'ZSIo^'DI^W so 1||{UI$ D!U|fij|J\ ^ UDaQ,g uoijupu/tcy afiaj/oj luapuadspuj uoBaig 'ui3jo$ uofiaiO '303603 SiH9dnH9 8|||AA(3U 00104$ g SAOQ tooAOig pog aaqqag 3604 g ||3S5og 5'>'!s'*>|5!A?||!a '41104) uoiaqio] s,iO|AO$ log '3U310ZDU 341 JO 4)104) |5I[J qSipiaq Aqioiog 5poooig uoy g uoujsa 1)88 opuDM uoBajgaifimjfisg'ep^^ l|Uil|)S IjDUUDH 3 J31S3t|) p9M3}9i Misismn xoj afijoag uoBoig ■uoiBujqsoi/l 'O||0i|U3) A3|B3u Biqiof gaging 55019 4I"S '8 "{'"H) jjag Ajieg g aoisog spagDg Diiaqag aiuaiMiq 'uogoAoag 'qiioq) uo|2 uoBsig '3U31DZ0|| 341304)104)15113 53U10; 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510a) ')U| 'ujuojpag luaiin] 'pog JOA[qui3$$V liodspasg uoBaig uoBaiQ 'uoiisAoag oMOifl aiooijA g 4604 Aaqijg 4010430 g JJ3) uoBsig 'puouipsg |!5)0i0d Aiiag g -g') 00UI13413415] sjoi|Dag dnoig auopiaujo} 'Bi3qM3N '41104) isipoqiaw 33ij '411043 uojisjiq) uo|j3A03g $a!i|snpu| UDIU3|0} 'jsipoqiayj aaij puouipag Richord & Pol Evens Elwood Egelston Glenn Koch Neil (4 Pol) Pierson Timolhy & Rulh Grohom Marguerite Nordyke Egelston 1953 WES 1964 Doco Slubbs Harris CorildG Grover Steve &KathyGront Bernord {& Eleanor) Londrelh Ruthonna McCrocken Hampton Number in Class: 23 Foy Hanson Richordson Donald (4 Norene) Hahensee Coral Helm (4 Bob) Hughes Dole Hodioy Roger Minlhorne Bob Smith Tim & Judy Mordie Jomes (& Ruth) Howorih Number of Donors: 13 Bruce (4 Bannie) Johnson Richard Kellum John (4 Alice) Hill Del & Sandy Hayes Pariicipolion: 57% Noomi Morlin Wilson John (4 Mory) Unhori John Hollon Peoil Kivett Peonon 1948 Coil & Sue Hendricks Violet Broilhwoile (& Stuon) 1965 Rosemary Livingston Linda Calkins Holton John Hancock Insurance Number in Qoss: 15 Marilyn Jones Antrim WES 1958 Mauri (4 Sherry) Mocy Richey lelond Brown Number in (lass: S9 Shirley Anderson Hunter Number of Donors: 7 Eric (4 May) Kallis Barboro Hood (4 Bob) Newell Jugs, inc. Gertrude Roherls {& Bernord) Deo Cox Number ol Donors: 24 Gory Jackson Gerald & Margarel lemmons Pariicipolion: 47% Seamun Louise Price Delono Cynthia (hong Petersen Sharon Dunlop Jackson John & Joan Ummons Pcrlicipatian:4)% Robert Petersen Oivonno Schweitzer Crecelius John (& lone) Fonkhouser 1959 Kenneth (4 Linda) Johnson Burke fi Jackie Heeley Keith Baker Vnnce Toylot 1937 Ronald Crecelius Maribelh McCrocken Homplon Number in Class: 26 Dovid Kelloy Jackson & Kay Newell Brian Beals Number in (loss: 17 EileneTomplin Fodge Number of Donors: 8 Sheryl Cloud Taylor Gordon (4 Jonelle) Loewcn Mory Bflines (& Willord) Jones Batbora Berg (4 James) Bell Jeonie Oontolh Tharnbuig Nike, Inc. Number of Donors: II Robert Hurford Kenneth Mogee Porikipation:31% JudyDcbbon (4 (reig) Moore Precision Helicoplers, Inc. David Brown Kenneth WilllGms Parlicipolion: 65% Pauline Ireland Koch Meldo Chandler (& John) McGrolh Alfredo Pinlher (4 James) Slon Morse Jeff & Deborah Rickey Gordon St. George Gene Mulkey Nancy Ross Brown Dovid Woolsey Morilyn Wilhile (4 Melvin) Olson Eldon (& Gwendolyn) Bush Botdoiff Harold (lock Byion&lna Shenk Keith |& Alyce] Wllioms Horold Weesner Ellouise Fonkhouser Chondler Karen Hoskins (4 Greg) Palter Sharon Smith Dora Bales (& Ftoncis) Cronyn Carolyn Fuiten Crow WES 1968 Morjoiie Lorronce Weesnet Jock Hoskins Wiliiom (4 Foye) Pruill Ed & linda Stevens John Oimond 1949 Morgorel Fitzsimmons Orohn Paul {4 Beverly) Ellis Ron Rillenhouse Margotel Weber Winlers Phyllis Archibald (4 Meredith) Mary Brooks Dimond Karen Attlip Gillespie Rod (4 Jon) Vermillion David Robinson Craig & Kalhy Taylor Number in Closs: 44 Morse Manfred & Vicki Tschan Rachel Pemberton Gellmann Sharon Huhbell Number of Donors: 24 WES 1953 Paul Morse Dorrel Kaulfman Beverly Meireis Rosen Mark & Juli Valeske Merle l&Thelma) Green 1969 Louise Strait Sperling Participation: 55% Norvoi (S Mory) Hodley Gerald Pierce Richard lakin Horold & Morjorie Weesnet Esther Miller (S Tyler) McVey Paul (4 Terri) Tremolne Ember Ellis (i Sennie) Roberts Glenn Armstrong Roberi (& Theo) Sliutz Annie Longstroth Tycksen Chorlene Murphy {4 Ben) Luce Number in (loss: 76 Both Hocketl (& Vernon) Bagley Robert (& Lois)Taber Leon Wiliiaim Number of Donors: 27 Lorraine Watson Louis Sondoz Regina DeibeleMoinwaring SluDct Willcuts VOLUNTEERS LoVelle Pciebe Barger Alice Hampton Mourec Pariicipolion: 3S% Mary (otiver Sondoz 1954 W E S 1 9 5 9 Nick Mourec David (4 Chris) Alleneder LoyciSchood Dorothy Borratt 1973 Hatley and Amy Adoms Vecno Jdoix Beover Number in Qoss: 37 Homer Snyder Karen Tharnbuig McConaughey Dorian (4 Donno) Boles Betty Adams Vera Brightup Number of Donors: 15 jQnelSweat1(4 Bill] Peterson Charles (4 Suson) Beck Number in (loss: 9S leana Aebischer 1938 Eleanor Burton 1960 Merlin (4 Viola) Roberts Mike (4 MoryAnn) Boehme Number of Donors: 33 Ruth Alder Number in Class: 19 Poriicipalion:4l% Helen Antrim Codd Number in Qoss: 37 Shoren Atllip (4 Arthur) Spencer Gordon Crismon Pariicipalion: 35% Levi Arbogast Number ol Donors: 10 Rolph Beebe Richard Codd Number of Donors: 16 Ronald Stansill Lynn (4 Oarrno) Dunton Alvero Sawyer Alley Clara Bostwick ParHcipation: 53% Wondo Pierson Beebe Roberi (& Beatrice) Codd Dean Ihompson James Engemon John Beck Ruth Brown Eugene (& Noomi) Brown Participolion: 43% Louis Coffin Eorl (& Dorothy) Craven Roberi Thompson Juonila Roberts Eoll Mariho Dovenporl Beck Lucille Lewis Brown PoulCommack Shirley Corter Hazel Williams George Sandra Neol Thompson Joe (8 Bobbie) Everest Donno Wilson (4 Charles) Bee Jocquelyn Davis (& Clyde) MoilDn Perry Brown Moutice (handler Rolph and Morie Chopman Chouncey Gettmann Dwigons David Gouit Vera (4 Joy) Brightup II Blanche Craig Jerry Cotr Hubert (4 Cora) Comfort Arney Houser lorno Powell Feriello WES 1965 Joanna Roberts Kellum Babbie Crommer Morjorie Craven JonetJock Eugene Comfort Sandra Smith Deoly Dorlene Meeker (4 Mike) Ktoll Gail Green Virgil (4 Lorraine) Dunbar Kothy Hoisch (4 Joseph) Edwards Eileen David Constonce Lewis Lorson Lois Zickefoose Cox Earlene Baker (4 lorry) Edwords Mory McClintick Hodley Jo Orkney {& Jim) Hinsdole Gordon (4 Leto) Fowler Ron {4 Jan)Herzog Henry (4 Hoikyung) Lee Woyne (4 Lori) Elsoesser Rondallond Margaret Dicus Dorothy Clioate Morse Norvoi Hodley Michael Uvingslon Muriel Dyck Myrio Chandler Ledemon Willis Green Stephen (4 Bobbie) Fendall Morjorie Otis Newkirk Wrglnio Dixon Johnson Jo Hendricks (& Johnndy) Lewis 1966 Phyllis Cole Mosonheimer Phillip Fodge Isabelle Emry Gertrude Sondoz (& Cliffard) Richard (4 Volorie) Harrison Joe McCullough Nancy Lewis Mills Verne Martin Number in Qoss: 75 Patricio Loggias Fodge Sam and Dorothy Former Poiron Joy Forner (4 Chorles) Mclndoo Myro Strosburger McCullough Leroy Neifert Cormen (& Pauline) Pormenter Jackson Newell Number of Donors: 30 Peggy Stonds (4 Bob) Fowler Gory and Ellie Fendall Dorothy Martin Roberts Clorence (& Jeonne) Palmer Deborah Stewart McHugh Eorl and Mary Geil Nigel |& Polly) Shockey Koy Sheirbon Newel! ParlkipaHon: 40% Eugene {4 Deonno) Gillelt Colleene Bybee St. George lorna Hudiburgh (S Harold) Paul Meier Stephen Hceroul Hoiel George 1939 Richard Phillips Judy McCoid Allord Paul Miller May Woiloce Wilton Jane Weber Willcuts SorchTarr Kocrauf John GroFf Number in Class: 10 Ellon Bain Warner Joyce Guenlher Asllelord Jeffery Soon Robert Willcuts John {4 Qoine) Baker Betty Boll Howard Lewis and Irene Haisch Number of Donors: 4 Floyd Watson Noncy Soon Keith (4 Lin) Hughes Ruthonna Hampton W E S 1 9 5 4 LyIe Wilson Janice Kennon Beols Ronald Staples Porticipotion: 40% Jo Wohllord Diane Ball Bradley David Krupp Doris Hampton W£S 1949 Virgil (S Doris) Brown MorySwaim LyIe (& Pol) Borkman Richord (& MoryAnn) Tusont David (lark Phyllis Miller Krupp Charles ondJeonHonson Mahlon (& Hazel) Mocy Roberi Sweat! Vera Hicks Cochell W E S 1 9 6 0 Lorraine Slohlnecker Clark Dwoln (4 Pomelo) Lundy Bethlin Harmon Eunice Womble Volenline John Mocy Elizabeth Williams Calfin 1955 Donold (4 Legeriho) Clark Keith Drohn Roberi (4 Louise) VonSlyke Roy Hiebert Wouline Nelson (& Oonold) 1950 Douglos Idclntyre Alice Hines Number in Class: 26 Andrew (4 Young Jo) Kim Curtis Drohn DeVine Number in Class: 45 Ruth Ewing Drinnon Rondo Arbogestl&Fronk) Merge Howard Number of Donors: 15 1970 Number of Donors: 26 1961 Patricio McKee Gouh Meoselle SueJohnsan Poriictpotion: 54% Number in Qoss: 75 Thomas (4 Sharon) Miller Esther Kloges 1940 Pariicipalion: 62% Number in Qoss: 24 Steve (4 Jon) Geil Number of Donors: 20 Horley (& Mory) Brotherton Fred (4 Suson) Gregory Dwight Minlhorne Bab Larsan Number in Qoss: II Gertrude Howorih Ankeny Qinlon Brown Number of Donors: 9 Willis Howell Pariicipation: 27% Linda Noy Mahlon and Hazel Mocy Number of Donors: 6 Harlow Ankeny Yvonne Hubbard Corr Pariicipolion: 38% Harold Ankeny (hrislene Morse Adams Stephen Rosen Jim and Mory Meireis Participation: 55% Betty Brown Comfort BoiboroJonson Cammock DiannoTempler Kennison Annobell Slroit Armstrong Jesse Kennison Lorry Benson Roberta Zimmermen Rowe James and Doris Morris Dorothy Oppenlonder (& Don) Mymo Cochell Roberi (&Groce) Armstrong Floyd (4 Solly) Chamberlain Allen Kerr Wiliiom Corslens Paul (8Jeanelle)S(olt Dorothy Morse Willis (& Margie) Gholslon Coltrell Joe (8 Helen) Hampton Wendell Armstrong Jomes Unhorl Oivonno Cossel Connie Wood Summers Anno Nixoit Ireae Swonson (S lewis) Haisch Dovid Delano Richord (4 Connie) Espejo Enid Briggs Joy Sincloir Hoys HowordMocy Sam Summers Helen Rogsdole Ruth Confield Held lowrence Gibson Virginia Heocock Helm Jock Codd Joy Forner Mclndoo Roy McConaughey Suzanne Sworen Warren leilo Ralphs RulhHodson Lois Burnett Miller Ceroldine Perisho Morse Gene (4 Xolhetine) Hooker Roderick (& Leono) Folk Phyllis McCrocken Robert Warren Stuart and Violet Richey Lorene Moidock Sevetson Florene Price Nordyke Judi Relherlord Nollo Morcio Hodlock {4 Gerald) Kubot David (S Beverly] Fendall Noncy Nordyke Mylonder Iva Rickey Robert (4 Irene) Storms Gilbert Rinord Sorbora Murren (4 Michael) WES 1973 Homer Nodley Fred (4 Rose) Neumann Ardys Ro^rls 1941 Jennie Adoms (4 Lelond) Sullivan Noncy (raven Wilhile Verna Hines (4 lorry) Newton Logon Robert (4 Ann) Conever John ond Grace Roberts Mildred Thiessen Hodley Number In Qoss: 12 Rosemory Romsel (4 Oonold] Corolyn Homplon [8 Sondy) Morgorel Astleford Mocy John (8 Dorothy) Fries frontes Holiy Troxel W E S 1 9 6 1 Vkym ond Berlie Roberts Number ol Donors: 7 Slonsell Judt Birch Mogee Lurrfle SorTwell Keith [S Violel] Hinshow Porticipolion: 5S% Norman Winters Vernon (8 Carol) Hoos Clen Slonsell Beverly Hewett Marquez 1974 Russef and Frances Stonds Derrol Hockett Orvtlle Winters Marie Ehrstrom (4 F.L) SloulFer Ernest Martin Number in (loss: 108 Lucille Thornsbercy [& Kent) Kenneth Miller Richard Zcller Corolyn Staples 1962 Shocron Moore Templeton (ynrhlo Arbogast McCrocken Number of Donors: 33 Clyde ond Corol Thomas Crone Nodine Fodge Mulkey Oan McCrocken Elva Aden Groves Elva McCordell Helferi Number in Qoss: 38 Janice Benson Thompson Partkipalion:31% Florence Thomas WES 1955 Number ol Donors: IB Ken VandenHoek (harlenc Meier Rulh Dtden George Gioves Dorothy Hoys Poike Milton (4 Dorothy) Hopper Richord (8 Donno) Retrllro Glenn Anderson Ellen loguith Russell Carl Motcio) Reed Porticipolion: 47% Curtis Ankeny Dick and Dorie Votow Vernon (4 Beverly) Kcoit WES 1966 Mocsholl Sperling Harold and Marge Weesnec ChorlesWith Woiloce Russell Marvin Astleford Roberi [8 Jean) Thornburg Ron Bowden Wesley 16 JeocH Smith Ooit Smith Nodine Brood JohnChilcoN Kothleen Wilhite 1956 Paul (4 Trudy) Lund Mel Wondetly Aven Crismon Ken ond Edno Williams George (& Dorothy) Thomas Lois Clark Smith Edwin Commock Melonie Burson (8 Terry) Dcniel Velmo McCllnlock (& Qotence) Number in Qoss: 25 Keith and Alyce Williams Number of Donors; 9 Morilyn Richey (cover W E S 1 9 7 0 Richard Duhrkoop 1942 Trost 1967 Lyie Wilson Roy (row Douglas Flaming Poriicipolion; 36% Edward Deoly Number in Class: 66 Wesley (4 leono) Nelson Beryl Woodward Number in Class: 13 Raymond Warner Ronald (4 Christina) Tober Rhonda Enebo Flamirrg Homer and Margie Wright Number of Donors: 7 Arline FrozierWotsan Dorothy Gimbel Former Even Aebischer Douglcts Number of Donors; 37 Leroy Foster Morion Wilhile Som Former Ethel Yergen Participolion: 54% Milton Green Porticipotion: 42% 1971 Michael (4 Korin) Gilroy Ruth EngleWilhite Glenetto RondQii Hoskins Marilyn Pearson Green Jose Alcanlara loucelyn Brown Honsch Elvett (& Morgorite) Brown JoAnne Tuning Mogee Jock Hamilton Number in Class: 99 Hazel Houser Harrison Daniel Bagley Number of Donors: 37 Peggy Swolm Hanson W E S 1 9 5 0 Ellen Hoines Mortin Richord Hoys MISCELLANEOUS Colherine Williams Luginbill Corolyn Ookken Bogley Marilyn Hormon Robert (& Grace) Blelscher Fred Sievers Robin (& Janet) Johnston PorticipGlian: 37% Ross {& Evelyn] Mclntyre Motil^ Oldenburg Berggren Qiorlie Howard ORGANIZATIONS Paul (S Glodys) Hvidding Saro Smith Barbara Morse Dennis Ankeny Jim (4 Pom) Jackson Fern Nixon Roberts Jon Bishop Associated Student Body oi Kenneth {& Virginio) Kolh Mabel Taimodge Volech llona Trost (4 Richard) Ode Morito Cammock Bishop Andrea Boles Roberta Uible Kng Mory Pemberton Smith Willis Volech Belte Bcngosser George Fox University Anilo Schllchlmg (& Don) Wochlin Roland [&Vecloine)WDlkes Sydney Jockson Rolh Morjorie Brood Allan Kirkcndall George Fox Auxiliary Zella Howell Strickland Judith RhoGds(4 Ronald) Brown Stuort (4 HaeJo) Crismon Colby Kruger Knox Seattle Pacific University 1951 WES 1956 Esook Chung (4 Kyung Qion) Lorraine Root (4 Keith) Brown Morgorel Gilman (4 Michael) James lossley 1943 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Number in Closs: 32 Gene (4 Betty) Hockett Synn loren (oikins Dressel Ellen Perry Morse Number in Qoss: 16 Number of Donors: 17 Lynn (4 Gertrude) Ostronder Borboro Hendricksan Wilbur Shoron Ehler Clark Pomelo Repp (4 Ross) Dunlee Priscilio (lark Phelps Number ol Donors: 5 Poul(4 June) Pike Karl Douglas Marietta Meidinger {4 Howard) Dove Powell Pariicipolion: 53% 1963 Edwards ALUMNI ParticipGlion:31% Kent (4 Joonne) Swift MoryGoodmon Drohn Carolyn (4 Jelfery) Rieger Eleniln Mordock Boles Betty Orkney Ankeny Number in Closs: 39 Nancy Phillips Prey Morvin Borger Somuel Drinnon Elaine Xing Rillenheuse George Boles 1957 Number of Donors: 18 Richord (4 Patricio) Edmundson Shirley Roberts Hodley Sharon Dague (4 lllal) Rabbins 1914-1934 Ernest Beover Abigail Miller Crismon Jack Gillilond Comiile Trsher Hodlack Number in Class: 50 Normo Dillon Beebe Number in Closs: 20 Participation: 46% Robert Rowe Marion Doble Janet Hewmyer Howell Andrea Roberts {4 Detoid) Number oi Donors: 29 Barboro Dick Brightup Number of Donors: 11 Florence Hughes {4 Daniel) Motjorie May (4 Tom) Seller Galen (& Wanda) Miller Valerie Fegles Koufiman Herling Partlcipatron: 58% Coroline Qigle Porticipotion: 55% Angelelo Croig (4 Kothy) Toylor Daniel (4 Patricio) Hill Lena Thurston Gene Hocketl Darwin (4 Gwen) Grimm June Hubbard Brown Dwighl Kimbetly Harold (& Leono] Aebischer 1944 Pott! Wood Ximberly Gary (4 Vongie) Hughes David (4 Keren) Votow Bther Pierson House Marvin Homplon Dovid Commock Linda Heyetly (8 Paul) Jacobson Louise Nelson Anderson Number in Closs: 27 lynne Howlhome Lokin QirislineComFort(4Man) Milford House Lowell Hucd Mode Sdimeltzer Commock Reece (4 Betty) Kimes Phyllis Thome Anderson Number of Donors: 11 Jonet Nightlydo Dorleen Slands Church James {4 Sherry) Libby Wochlin John (& Esther) Astleford MorgoretShottuck Lemmons Roger Knox Russell Weber PorticipGtion: 41% Cyrus (& Sylvio) Litllefield Chorles (4 Gladys) Morgon Robert Church Goryonna Schmoe linhorl Glenn Ludtke J. Edward (& Violet) Baker Peter McHugh Michael Wirlo Fred (& Noomi) litllefield Som Morse Shernll Hull Comfort Owen (& Josephine) Baker Shirley Helm (& Alvin) Corter Lorie Barnes Megenity Bruce Mogee Lois Houston Phillips Sue Hopp Hamilton Beryl Hole (& Paul] Beemer Morjorie Craven HolMoy Kathleen Jensen Mogee June KnobelMoy Arlene Oglevie (4 John) Robert Johnson Sherry Alleneder (4 Jack) Mercer WES 1974 Ervin Diment Clynton Crismon Dennis (4 Diane) Martin Richardson Shirley Mewhinney Jerry Boker Doris Kivetl Hampton Morjorie Hoines Crismon Wayne (& Willa) Piersall Shirley Shorpless Kerr Viclor (4 Sharyl) Peterson Cliffard Morgan Lois Morrill Harmon Moriho Lemmons Puckett Stephen (4 Teresa) Ross Potsy Relherford Kumosctwo Randal [8 MoryKole) Morse Jimmie (4 Valerie) Knodel Roger Hort Loren (& Beverly) Smith Michael Ann T^d (4 David) Geneva Street Heathman Mory Lou Hoskins (& Morris) Charlotte Gruber Ruscher Ken Kumosctwo Robert (4 MoryBeth) Mueller Wayne (4 Beverley) Wotlhley Fori Tycksen Don Nollo Rkherson Roso Aebischer Hester Kohler Dole Rinord Eilene Brown (4 Roberi) )lewman WES 1951 1975 Esther Kloges Mahlon (& Hozel)Mocy Shirley Pierce Porulis Beverly Knight (4 Tom) Payton WES 1957 Ned Wheeler Noncy Newlin Rinord Florence Lee Lienord Kathleen Smith (& Dean) Repp Clifford Johnson Lawrence (4 Rebecco) Roberts LyIe Phelps Number in Class: 106 Hermena Fankhouser Lundquist Arthur Roberts Oliver (& Annetlo) Ketterling John (4 Genevieve) Anderson Steven Wilhile William Rourke Horry (4 Sophrorrio) Selby Number of Donors: 26 Audrey France Meyer Wayne (& Bertie) Roberts Dorothy Borratt MyrnoMcFail Williams Morilyn Sperry Joan Sondoz 14 Gtry) Simpson Poriicipolion: 25% Delbert (4 Zonweiss) Dow Elmo McCrocken (4 Ben) Witty Vero Gorretl Miller Florence Swonson Thomos 1952 KentThornburg Shcron Smith Mark Ankeny Elizabeth Carey Minos Number in Closs: 37 Dennis (4 Jonel) Hagen Dwoine(4 Becky) Williams Marvin (4 Kothy) Walker Olio Boldwin 1945 John (4 Jewell) McClimons WES 1963 Leia Jones Morrill Number of Donors: 16 Judith Roberts Woolsey Greg (4 Shirley) Weosl Roger Bomell Robert Morrill Number In Class: 22 Porticipolion: 43% Orlin (4 Joyce) Jackson Shirley Wilhile WIson Glen Blockwel! 1958 Curtis Morse Number of Donors: 6 Horold Anifim WES 1967 Dean Wilson Breni (4 Tomeia) Broun Delia HonvilleOsburn Porticipotion: 27% William (& Joonn) Boles Number in Qoss: 40 1964 Dovid (4 Lois) Rupert Joyce Nordyke Wondetly Polricia 6radshGw(4 Doniel) Loyde Osburn Wilmo Piersoll (S Charles) Number ol Donors: 21 Number in Class; 41 Connor Marie Wokefleld Corlor WES 1971 Bernice Coppock Richards Melvin (S Donno) Cloud Camilleri Participation: S3% Number of Donors: 16 1968 Lynn (4 Debbie) Doron Una Hicks Rowley Somuel (4 Rulh) Drinnon Leo Cfismnn William OeLopp Meredith Seals Partkipolion: 44% Number in Class: 80 Veldo Livinglon Sweet Moloole (4 Soio) Molhews Eleonor Ellis |& Ftederick) Doty Bill Field Shiry) Gurn Boetlin Verio Warner Armstrong Number ol Donors: 30 Carl Hanson Esther Howorih Woodward Victoi (4 Elizabeth) Slaughter BarharoGorrelt Houser Thomas |& Coroline) Homplon Louise Benhom {4 John) Clements Donald (4 Morvys) Chitwood Pariicipolion: 36% Michael (4 (atol) KIrkman Ethel Newberry Yergen GeroldinelhorrmglonWillcuts Bethlin Judd Hormon John (4 Normo) Davies Duone Comfort Shirley Bradley Kyle Kenneth Yergen Jerry Boker 1972 Howard Harmon John (4 Sara) Davis Lon fendall Michele Tangney lossley Ralph Beuller Number in (loss: 82 Poll! Schalfner Lewis 1946 Betty Streei Hocketl Gladys Turnidge (4 Hormon) Roelene Barnes Fendoll Marion Mendenholl Beuller 1935 Lesta Lewis Hocketl Fanno Number of Donors: 33 Howard (4 Carrie) Loewen Number in Closs: 15 lorry Houston GoryBlockmar Number in Class: 8 Donno Jefferson Robert Field PatlicipDiion: 40% Karen Knight Mocy Number of Donors: 3 Barry Hubbell Karlo Jeibmonn Blockmat Number of Donors: 4 Virginia Leach Freeman Suson Houser (4 Coil) March Porticipolion: 20% Gny Foley (« Michael) laveriy Deon Hulberi James Bradley Susan Zeulner Ankeny Participation: 50% Gerald Lemmons Ethehvyne PeLapp(4Tom) Walter (4 Myrt) King Polricia Lorkey (4 John) Brokke Dovid Brown Gory Merritt Paul Puckett Golden Irene Jacques Merritt Olive Kendell Hester Mildred Howorih Mlnlhorne Chorles Mylonder Gory Brown Ginger Brown Brown Hubert (& Vivian) Thornburg Christine Childs (4 LoVerne) Kevin (4 Janet) Mills Helen Wehrley|& Walter) Jackson Leila Crismon Ralphs Dorreli Nordyke Jeonette Brown Deborah Archibald (4 Bill) Hozel Davies (& (von) Welch Honkins Diona (4 Greg Roan) Mock Waller Konigin Ardys Gossard Roberts Lloyd Pruilt Loreno Dllle Calkins Buchonon Beverly Belles Hurd Marsha Jensen Ocker Marilyn Hill Pruitt Paul (4 Ardith) (ouzens Clelo Thornburg Crismon Margaret Nothiger Morse John Lydo Julie Whiloker Rose 1947 WES 1952 Helen HuflSoms Rondole (4 Dione) Crisell Conrtie Noel Daike Doris Pearson (4 Donold) Mech Louise Minlhorne Sargent Number in Class: 10 Donald (& Clara) Blelscher Jomie (4 Ardilh) Snndoz Motilynn Oavis Terry Oolke 1936 Eugene Morse Brad (4 Lisa) Smith Number of Donors: 5 Wayne (& Lorraine) Kildoll Boyord 14 Potty) Stone William Eoll Gale 14 Rust!) Field Number in (lass: 13 Arthur (& Corol) Shellon Corol Pofretl(4 Horry) Morter Glenda House Gilroy Ronald (4 Potty) Steiger Pofticipotien: 50% Kara (4 John Wilkin) Newel! Loverne Poet Troino Michael Gatreil Number of Donors: 8 Leo (4 Patricio) Thornton Stephen Gilroy Daniel Whttney Ouentin Nordyke Rachel Baker VandenHoek Nancy Giiien Gilliland Porticipolion: 62% Morjorie Murphy Brown Auburg {& Bessie) Witt Horvey (& Elsie) Campbell QuincyFodge Rebecca Finch Donothon Jason Emery 1976 Rolf (& CoTol) Noelle LeighAnn Hendtyx Englen Aldinger Irene Meservsy Stoops Patricio (8 Bill) McConnell bum Stokes (8 Mark) Allemonn Lisa Chunn (8 Bob) Sulterer Ann Ries{8iim) Morrow John Danothan Cynthia Eriond Number in Class: 103 Richard (& Cynthia) Ostronder Douglas Fuller Paul Almquisi Shellie Hybetg Sutton Lynette Wilhelm (8 Gary) Nelson Jon Dotson Beverly (8 Stephen) Gosior Number of Donors: 27 John (S Helen) Simmons Allen (8 Non^) Garrett Chorlene WierengoGibb Daniel Cammock Christine Belnop (8 Timothy) Tseting (8 Jill) Hlmo Kevin Dougherty Participation: 26% JonePumputis Graff Denes Eszenyi Jamie Dawes (8 Jeff) Grant 1979 Paulo Ankeny Hampton Fmncene Butler (8 John) Thiessen Christopher (8 Suson) Potoine Michael (8 Holly) Friesen (ynlliio (8 Ion) Gregory Frederick Alley Sharon Fishburn Harder Dezellem Oeono DoutyVandenHoek Dawn Morris (8 SluctI) Reed Number in Closs; 152 Jennifer Fuller Carolyn Hanson Nancy (& Curtis) Boker-Kroift Butch Hart Gregory (8 Vikki) Dueker Richard VonVleck Myrlene Hull Rourke Number of Donors: 48 Randall fultz Jonell{8 Galen) Norms Sandy lorabec Bornett Linda Corlelt (8 Ron) Hetdino loriOgden (8Thomos) Eilioll Midtoel (8 Janice) Watts Margie Sosser Participation: 32% Mary Gill Shelly (8 Chris) Hernondcz Virginia Martin Bowden Kathy Bodin (8 Shown) Holt John (8 Beth) Fonkhauser Joyce (8 William) Sovoge Jeonie Hershey Ed Burns Jerry Bornick Don Howard Sheri DejmGl {8 Carlin) Hogen WES 1987 Gerald [8 Rulh Ann) Schoon Andteo (8 Chris) Fuller-Goldsmith Rod Crecelius Benjamin Bauer Ann Haugen (8 Phillip) Scott Ruth Abbole Graham MistieWalch(8 John) Hesse Mary Wiens Leisy Lori leek (8 Kevin) Hole Jeonne Saeger Kenneth Horn Lisa Hawkins (& William) Dorling Debotoh Hansen Bouer James LeShono Richard lenlini Undo (8 Victor) Thompson Carrie Brown (8 Bob) Simmons Todd Koines Melt Hamilton Rondall (8 Donna) Hunter Paul Esiinger Dennis (& Jonise) Beebe Jeonine Myers LeShano Dennis (8 Joan) Littlefield Warren (8 Joonno) Simpson Richard (8 Sheryl) Heolh Angela Jordan Dovid Hampton Terry Beebe Kolfiy Thornton Lindsey Undo Miller 1988 Melonie Springer Borbara Cloud (& Jim) Hutchins Paul Bishop James Steele Steven Hills Chotles (8 Rom) King Pomelo Aiken (8 Fronk) Mclntire Leslie Wogberg (8 Kenneth) Number in Class: 210 Jennifer Koopsen Michael (& Mary) lefner Steven Comfort Minshol! Kelley Sworot Leslie Hurt Nancy Gothercool 18 Randy) Number of Donors: 40 Denise Krouse Shetyl Lindiey Kondie linden Comfort Kim Kellum Nosh Nancy Edmison Sworot Jeph Kingety Morgon Participolion: 19% Bethony Flick LoBrie Maria (& Wayne) Ludolph- ieon Peters Costin Paula Martin (8 Steven) Morris buro Frills Perisfio Pol Swift Joe Xtumm Jack Livengood Charles (8 Carol) Loughiin Heikkala AiCrockenberg Wendell (8 Morel) Morton Stephen Perisho Joy (8 Jonelle) Adrian Sondy Temple Richard (&Terry) Macy Deno Parker Duke Howard (8 Undo) Perry Bmd [8 Anne) Beols Miihael (8 Paulo) Terry Clicryl lohman llalhan Leavilt Wesley (8 Cindy) Oden JefBell Jason Lewis Dianna Caffall Mclntyre Jomes Edwards Shoron Arndl (8 Jomes) Porter Erin O'Hora {8 Timothy) Rines Shoron Byrd (8 Keilh) Ticknor Cheryl (8 Nolhon) long-Riffle Bruce |& Darlena) Moberly Borboro Brown {& Raymond) Ellis Mark Serfling David (8 Robin) Broyles Lori Honeywell Toombs Michael McConoughey Angela Utile Shown Patrick (8 Joseph) Posiilico Michelle (8 Perry) Lowe Oebaralt Seicton Powell Michael Englen Deeno Owens {8 Scott) Ptiniz Eric Smith Joyce (8 Edword) Claussen Michelle long Townley Trudy Mills Debra Hopper Friesen Sara (8 Robert) Conroy Helen Boles (8 Lawrence) Rynn (8 Kenneth) Mozur Oeboraf) LeSliana Rickey Tony Rose MorlKoy Evans Smith Christopher Townley Ronold Fuller Sharon White Dilley Jonathan Umflect Moynihon Deborah (8 Honk) Miller Jeffrey Rickey Julio Hutchins (8 Steve) Salmond Tomom Kidd (8 David) Slogebetg Derick (8 Sherry) Milchell Denise field Robinson James Gibson Don (8 Phyllis) Eberl Juonito Neibert Denny (8 Linda) Senders Michelle Sleeker Jerry Voughon Johanna Bienz (SDorron) Roger Sargent Fawn Buck Gibson Rebecca Tober {8 Richard) Vessey Ted (8 Debbie) Erickson Phil 18 Chris) Westover Hcido Keller (8 Duslin) Nicliol Shcryl Chandler Strutz Dixie Hollo Peggy Wilson (& Ooniel) Scully Judy Harmon Dennis Sturdevont Nancy Bough Fowver Nancy KolusfSJonlWliite Morgon David Patten Mork (8 Jonet) Nordlund Stephen Strutz Esther Hopper Suson Hort Thompson W E S 1 9 8 4 Amy Fowler (8 Arlin) Gather Ximberly Miller (8 Larry) Koren Carlson (8 Neil) Grant Vivian (8 Harold) Peterson Anthony Paternoslto Nicholas Sweeney Paul I& Debro] Koch Juli Phillips (8 Mork) Voleskc Connie Pitlmon Carlson Wilkinson Suson Brontingham Guenther Mork Potholf Liso Pedrojctti Mork Thompson Robert Loughlond Elizabeth GuentherWore Arthur [8 Naomi) Hun! Deonne field {& Bob) VonVronken Borboro lehmon Sorah Ridgewoy Hurty WES 1990 Ron (8 Diane) Rissmillet Stephen Photo Gregg (8 Teresa) Lamm Ken! Robertson Elizabclh (8 Brian) Ployfoir Veido LeBaronWissJer Dovid lindell 1982 Chris (8 Kathleen) Neilson AlenHurty Thomas (8 Roberto) Nurl Jock (& Sandy] Lydo letho May (8 Donald] (shell Ricotdo (8 Suson) Rodriguez Tommy Rhodes Number In Class: 183 Micki {8 Jcffroy) Knight WES 1976 Kerry Bornett (S James) Martin Corol (8 Scoll) Jackson Kimbetly Belew Rush Nolhon Richurdson Number of Donors: 45 1985 Michael Robertson Louis (S llene) Anderson Kevin McBtide Sylvia Emery (8 Gordon) 1991 Lisa Ruvo Participolion: 25% Number in Closs: 182 MocWillioms LeAnn Senders Annette Delisle (8 Ryon) Romero Corl {& Nancy] Duhrkoop Suson Brown McCurdy Number in (loss: 307 Jullte Frost {& Neil] Mikkolo Karen GunkelAnghel Number of Donors: 38 Andrea Morlfn Polrick Schmidt Antony Rourke Glen f& LaRene) Hossler Kenneth Beebe Participolion: 21% Number of Donors; 34 James (& Jon) Tusont Korlo Martin Mfnthorne Katrino Baker McConoughey Cobi SchtieberSims Noncy (8 Robert) Schumocher Porticipotion: 11% Sarah (8 Paul) Singleton John (& Borboro)Tusant Steven (& Lokela) Morse Jerry Brown Kathleen Murphy (8 Fred) David Mendenholl Wendy (8 David) Smith Julie Moier Mendenholl Anno Simonson Boker William (& Diana) Vermillian Debbi Egger (& Terry) MostuI Joyce Schnoibel Brovm Aiexonder Alice Spitulski Mcdelyn Slasko Bruce Rhodes Scott (8 Pamela) Celley Shonna Holdohl Andres Rhonda Potter Molt Grocc Balljcs Thomas Springer Bret (8 Lisa) Thompson Jon (8 Helen) Cfiess Dovid Mueller Julie Bitot Jomes Wolton 1977 Lori Dworschok Rhodes David Andres Motlyss Stenbcrg Springer Vicki Troyer Dyer Heidi Gordon Boll Julie-Anne Edmundson Mueller Mitch Costin Jeonnie Sleckley Melonie (8 Paul] Willioms Number in Class; 134 Ooig Roberts lori Morquez [S Steve) Rodriguez Doreen Kicfer Edwards Brett (8 Jean) Barbre George (8 Joy) Myers Scott Curtis Anthia Swonson OGniei Williams Number of Donors: 43 Shelley Webster Rogers lynn (8 Gwen) Ford Robert (8 Jonel) Besel Koy Brurh Neumann Jomes Oillinger Jeanne (8 Stan) Tullfe Chester Williams Porticipation: 32% Wesley Rogers James Goylord Marcia Qtsmon (8 Bruce] Bogert Matthew Nosack Carolyn Dillmon Bob (8 April) UlH Becky Thomas Ankeny Wendy Starkey (8 Craig) Schorich Todd (8 Karen) Half Shawn Brouwer Tim (8 Lori) Oppenlonder Koren Williams Dindio Kirk VondenHoek WES 1995 Krisline Osburn Ankeny Lorry Homplon Michoel Donahue Terrt Aiexonder Shaffer Tumoro Magee Commack Stephanie Peters JanisWolloce Guy(8Dorthy) Delamatlcr Poula Logon-Sowie (S Bill) Arthur Jerry Silence Kerri Fllosi (8 Mork) Hanke Kellie Corlsen Gregg Peters Linda Ford Patricia (8 Gary) Watford Leonard (8 Gcorgonne) Vollond John Horder Scott (& Gndi) Audiss Goylyn Smith Gene (8 Michele) Christian Mike Pilcher Whilney Francis Mctlo Weber ianeen Joquilh (& William) Boli Robin Alexander (8 Bruce) Steven Harmon Terry (8 Cherylee) Dawson Stephen Radford Twylo Gowing-Emig Jim (8loriAnn)Weber 1996 Mork Burton Carolyn Camp Hunter Keren Bornharl (8 Dave) Doust Romono St. George Delano Franklin (8 Ken) Hotfield Snowberger Kolhryn Webster Number in doss: S46 Jonet Hines |& Michael] Coin Janice Camp Strutz LoraMcMohon (8 Scott) Jacob Dixie Schnoover (8 Scott) Downey Tim (8 Susonne) Schubert Shelley Hook Laura Wong Charles Keeron Number of Donors: 72 Sharon Milhous Delano Jon Strutz Michael Fowver Delores Sharp ienniler Hooper Dovid Wright Participolion; )3% Michael Ellison Delynn Field (8 Michael) Wolz Mary bu Beach Keeron Morel Holden Gerke Kerry Slotlery Bothcto Williamson (8 Bloke) Pauline Zicmann Key Starkey Ellison Randy Wore Lynn Killinger Teri Ginther Brendo Bains (8 Joe) Stevens Hopwood louro Adolfo Keith Wilson Jeanne Clark Korver Jon Guenther Randy (8 Brcnda) Swigort Janet Stevens Huber WES 1993 Tim Ahous Paulfodge Richard Korver Cfiristino Lund Frazier Nolan (8 lori) Hosletlei Borbara Wright Lisa Leslie C.W. 18 Mary) Perry Stephanie Anderson David (8 Becky) leShano Alan Andresen Roger Hodley WES 1979 Erica Evans (8 Michael) Huber Holly Longstroth Lorraine Wotson Molina Dayton Lindell Steve 18 Leigh) Arndt Morcio [& David) Hodley-Clinger RosoTrammell Hill Kerry (8 Vickie) Irish WES 1988 Kevin (8 Shelly) Mack 'Dm (& Judy] Hordie Wayne lindsey bree Edens (8 Jim) Jensen Tia (8 Gory] Mitchell Rebecca (8 David) Avery Daniel [8 Moriotiel Keone Elizobeth Aidtidge [8 Rob) Jeffrey l& Kolhryn) Kammerzell 1994 Todd Laws Dennis [8 Celeste) Pinheiro Chad (8 Kristi) Moore Debro Ort Boker Dorothy Thomas (& Tom) Hinshaw George [8 Tere] Lawrence Molzohn Number in Goss; 403 Steven Eloise) Hockett Robert (8 Sherrill] Phillips Carrie Mulles Moielond TammieStepan(8 Mote] Angelo Bornett Sandra Morse Crecelius Number of Donors: 56 Sam Beordsley Steven Hopper Susan Fridley Rojos 1989 llaffziger Stephen (8 Janice) Strutz Todd Newell Participation; 14% Shannon Smith Bennett Virginia Kilgote Hopper Joseph 18 RebeVali) Veung Oonita Forney Hewell Judy Roquet Number in Class: 255 Soroh Wotringlon [& Douglas) Showno (handler l& David) Scott luonn [8 Andy) Anderson Polrick Bennett Gregory L& luVie) Johnson lelltey Hewville Humbet of Donors; 46 Hofziger Christian [& Jodi) Daniels Carol SeihertMey A98Q Miciam Clack Staples Lindo Fundethide (& Kurt) Rosor Judith Anderson loneiie Deoly NordYlce Porticipotion; 18% Danielle (8 Seon) Armstrong Bcell DeYoung Cugene VonSickle hieniti Humbei in Qoss: \T0 Don Swonson Michele Rayner Wmbeiley Huisenga Peiisho bis Perisho l& Mike) Teho (otoiyn Affley John (8 Kolhleen) Ricatds Joel Asklcnd Jomes Domen Sheryl hoogWoni WrVervdaW Humbet ol Oonors". AS Timothy 18 Sotoh) Peters Andrea Ruben Bell Denise Ivetson Vernon Elaine Payne (8 Dillon) Sanders Shawn Boird Edward Evans Honey NdnthomeVQughWnd Participot'ion; 2S% Syndo Hanson l& William) Plain Karon l&Teny)Bell Jane (8 James) Borfield Karen (&Tim)rilkins JMchneiUhmon Maria Richardson (8 Mox) JohnVolow Murk Skeen David LeRud Dove (8 Patricia) Adrian LuVonne Trehorne Votow Paul Brown Janet (8 George) Bechtold Viola Fletcher Ouinlana Gary Thompson Scott (& Potrido) Moyfield Dovid (8 Kathy] Anderson Michele Dereszynski (8 Byron) Ronold Burton Adino Btiggs-McConoughey Lynne Franz bnda Beebe Rocbhalz Rebecco Cote louro Zlmmermon Umfleel Butch Getman CJiflan McCurdy Solly Andrews Wordfow David VanTossel Corolee Briggs Micliele Fuller Sclioumburg Linda (8 Honk) Cherry Michelle Brown Jennifer (8 David) Gilroy RonoldMock Tammy Rose Bornick More Willcuts Kristin Potts VonTossel SherrieSchuIke Suson (rismon Williom (8 Donna) Buhrow Andrew (8 Adrionno) Glover Kolhleen Ohling Kolhy Harmon Beebe Kathy Winters Oedrea Voubel leAnn Nosh Beebe Dovid Scott Daniel Duren Jennifer Dovis Chris Green Charles [& Vicki) Orwrler Daniel (8 Jodine) Wood Jeff Bineham Judy Cloud (8 Gory) Sparks Karen Hoysteod {8 Dove) Duzy Michele (8 Pat) Deboer Nicholas Hoij Elaine Rhodes (& Charles) Poole Mark (8 Susan) Young WES 1991 Rachel Roe Brewster Keren Beckler (8 Michael) John (8 Koren] Fairchild Annie Ojedo (6 Thomas) Duffy Rick (8 Annabel) Harrison Gordon Shepherd Ihornlon Leslie Ferguson Jomes Carlson Herberd (8 Noedene) Duron lAonelle Laewen Heinze Shauno Silence Judy Johnson Burns Mork Tittle 1986 Waller (8 Gino) Carter Suson (8 Dole) Fillmore Robert (8 Louise) Meeks Krtsti Erickson Down fS Sean) Hennessy Keren Botes Smith Number in Class: 13S Don Childers Jeffrey VonKorn Brian (8 Christy) Gardner Thomas Foy Corey Hosier Tom (8 Shelley) VonWinkle Number oi Donors: 28 Philip Smith James {8 Lynne) Cloud PhilGriflin 1992 John (8 Debra) Ginl JokeJobusch Jamie Snodgross Bobbi Show (8 Gerald) Wilson Participation: 21% Number in Closs; 334 Doug Cossei Shono longstroth (8 Ooryl) Roberta (8 Gory) Fronklin Robert (& Kolfiy) James Craig {& Linda) Spansoil Cothleen Fanna Nancy Meinert Atkinson Grunou Number of Donors; 35 Jennifer Jorgenson WES 1982 Ryan Gibb Margaret Single Sweeney Gory {8 Latene) Farmer Scott Boll Jean Hansen Porticipotion; 10% Josh Gilbert Rose Knierim Carol Roth Thomas William (8 Karen) Cordin Suzette White (8 Willord) Bean Wesley Friesen Dovid (8 Susan) Hough lot! Hoover Arnelt Tina Golden Morilyn Xohlmeier lloncie Kile (& Michael) Thompson Joanne Roberts Fuller Robert (8 Suzonne) Warren Richelle Roe (8 Chcistion) Burns Dan(8Janet)JGCobs Jennifer Lewis Hamilton Scot! Krcitzberg Janice Field Thompson Mork (8 Lisa) Binghom Marc Graff Miriam Anderson (8 Kelly) Betsey Christine Aimsltong Lucke Grace (8 Karl) Branch-Smith Emii Heinze Rachel Lewis Mark Vernon llaEssiey(8 Marvin) Haas 1983 Doreen Cadd Sherry (8 Jay) Moin Daniel [& Laura) Brown lisaHettold Zochary Lowe Susan Chandler Hampton Number in Class; 180 Vicki Minshall (8 Scott) Childs Duvid Maurec JdelissG Bullock Eric (8 Allison) Kruschko Amy Maas WES 1977 Larindo Johnson Hite Number of Donors: 40 Carmel Nissilo [8 Daniel) Edwards Shawn McConoughey Jonathan Burgi Jonolhon Huwe Cody Moce Robert |& Jimmie) Andrews Judith Warner Miller Rcndoll Moras Robert Hunter Participolion: 22% Solly (8 Bruce Forsler) Freeman Douglas (8 Margoret) Buyserie Paul (8 Melisso) Jomes Michael (8 Sharon) Morgon Roger (& Cheryl) Bush Lesto Perisho Johnson Brion Ailken Bonny Peterson (& Kenneth) Frey Howard (8 Cindy] Corlston Clark Johnson Brittany McHugh Stephen Johnson Dalla Alexander Grant Gerke Scott Morgan Laurie Kenyon (8 Jason) Joy Kolhryn MtNeal 1978 Colhy Collinsworth Meiindo McCormick (8 Jock] Arthur (8 Lonnie) Annas Brodley (8 Denise) Grimsted Oianno (8 Qiffotd) Multonen Rob Felton Jonnie Kingery Monko Schreffler (8 Jeff) Miholer Number in Class: 114 Jordan Steven (8 Cindy) Berglond Scott Iverson Cathy Nordstrom Moniko (8 Kent) Ftanke-Bauman Bill (8 Marilyn) Und Lori Mills Number of Donors; 40 Leioy{8 Roberta) KtopI Stephen (8 Yvette) Jomes Randall Nordyke flilesh (8 Jaspreet) Gulhoti Mario lundquist Eric Muhr Davld(8SDndy]Bteilkteuz Dione Hansen McNoy Porticipotion; 33% Gregg Lamm Cindy Comfort (6 More) Olson Mory Simpson Mortin John Myers Kelley Duncan (8 William) Terry (8 Joan) Hortis Pomelo Novak Doug Linscott Brewster Cynthia Lund 18 Ken) Mogselh Jeffrey Patterson Tim {8 Caroline) Karris Jomes (8 UsolMoloy Mortho Teller (&J.C)Arnelt Paul Morelond Sodoo Sasaki Robin O'Kelley Rondolph {& Cynthiol Botes Jody Fowler (8 Richard) McAlee Karen Clark Kathleen Hovanic Mike Murphy Shelley Ellis McBride Kormen Rowe (8 Roger) Collins Robert Perisho Maureen O'Boyle (8 Robert) Cassandra Musgtove Melonie Porker Stephen (& Cheryl) Beeson Suson Hofziger (8 Steve) Roth Schtoeder iolin (8 Jackie) Kimball Daniel Meiteis Susonne Dillon Jim Klienstuber Heidi Schneiler Pender Lauro Rothkey Jeannette Myers Bineham Julie Simpson Jeff Slonfield Carol Ehrlich Meireis Michael Dyer John Kubitz Michael Pender Mitch Rotziofl Carrie Lamm Bishop Jeanne Slomonson Careen Schmeltzer Slonlon David Reintsmo Dovid (8 Mary) Myton Mark Flolo Jeff (8 Louise) Larson Anno Quorum Patsy Caryl Burton Dole (8 Jeanne) Smith Kevin Stonton Dorrell (8 Patii) Nefzger Judy Anne Glyshow 18 Philip) Fox Keith (8 Mina) Rennie Jeanne Richardson Diono Comfort Donald Stoples Becky Steele Amy(8John)MGSon'RatIay Monico Robison David Olson Mory Morter (8 Stephen) Susan Massarl Susan (8 Jomes) Reynolds Paul Cozens Dawn Stockton Lori Willemon {8 John) Stinnett VicloriD Chester Olson Freeman Willlom (8 Polsy) Nippoldl Janet Adoms Rinatd Chuy Rome Molly Coyner Cozens Debro Hiikey Gaylotd Cynthia Miller Swonson Colhy Sluli Andrew Royer Dovid Delano Crisanne Pike Roberts Robert Oliver Mory {8 Rondy) Romine Tim Rochholz Jewell lorson Harmon JelfVondenHoek Eric (8 Krislino) Swonson Ruth Hinds Royer Stephen Duke Lori Goyle Wilkuls Dionne Sykes Tcttonce (8 Nancy) Pap6 Mondy Undquhl Schmidt Chtisiine Hockett Stanfield Sheila Roberts Hort Rebecca Partis Morie Sevetson Kristi Sobin Sharon Libby Esiinger Bonnie Gratjohn (8 David) Dtoke Toombs Jemima Skjonsby lurae Honson Sluort Michael (8 Becky) Henckel Irene (8 Robert) Rose Fred (8 Undo) Smith Wayne Frozier Ron Tuning Timothy (8 Rachel) Janzen Workman Michelle bntz Urke Kristi Fiiiey (8 Anthony) Slaughter Randall (& Valerie) Fry Eslello Morgan Schmeltzer Jason Steele lori Beebe Tuning Julio Sires Lenlini Steven Urke Scooper Sione Deborah Clotk Hodley Joel Schmeltzer Suzette (8 Neil) Strachon lauro Clark VonHotn Anila McComb (8 Charles) Marble WES 1986 Donna West Kryslol Smith Thomas Howell Robert (8 Jonel) Yotdley Norma Sillimon Jennifer Swonbotough Christine Winters (8 Mark) Honey Straight Martin Julian (8 Ingtid) Chapman Benjamin Spoils Linda Kilmer {& Howard) Huff John (8 Brcnda) Stevens Robert (8 Jano) Taylor Welkins Shaun MtNoy Rondo! Morse Matt Sl.Morie Steve Kienitz Dovid (8 Rondi) Stewart Matthew Wilkuls Don Willits David (8 Becky) Miller WES 1989 Noah Stella Esther Knaupp Peter (8 Barbara) Thunem Kori Trout Willcuts Deolindo Marrow Willson LoDonna House (8 Stuort) Moore 1987 lovnence (& Kathy) Roy Rene Stensby Warren (& Pauline) Koch Dorci Nolta VandenHock Suson Williams Kenneth Willson Julie Morlond Number in (loss: )4) Morcio Stout Joan {8 Leon) Virgin Gregory Woolsey Deborah Kromer Kolkow Polricio Wilson Torrey Nosli Number of Donors; 2R 1990 Sandra Taylor Elisabeth Hopper (& John) laing Solly (8 Lemuel) Wode BethWoohey Treno FuerstWorthinglon Sandra Chandler Newville Parlicipalion: 21% Number in doss; 260 Brion Todd Teresa Gtoff Lomm Lorna Mortin (8 Price) NorthcuM Number of Donors; SO Andrew Uppendahl Pom Hogen Beebe WES 1992 WES 1994 joe! Leisy WES 1980 Mark Ocker Porlicipotion; 19% Eric Weeks Claudia LeRud Suson Messenger (8 Tim] Sheryl Roedel (8 Don) Belts Peggy (8 Jim) Page Elios Stinson Scott (8 Deboroh) Dovies Bruce Bishop Mark Arnelt Mory Weeks Permanlier JoanSchullz Gory Lewis Som (8 Connie) Summers Diane Werner David (8 Janet) Scorth JohnCopelond Daniel (8 Severne) Borthe 1995 Kathy Hoven (& Dovid) Moisholl David (8 Virginia) Wildermutli Janice (6 Leon) Boulden Thomas White Allison Kingsley Scott Kosey Crocker 1993 Number in Class; 492 Ctoig (& Carol] Mclndoo Glen(8Corina)Williomson Cliff (8 Pally) Conucci Sondio Brown (& Tim) Olmsleod Showno Leozer (8 Dono) Skoog Ronald Doolin Number in Class: 384 Number of Donors; 60 Deboroh Joyne Doolin Jomesine Cloghessy 1997 David Rice Number of Donors: 69 1981 Noncy Schwob Sturdevont Wilma Dupee Damien Cooney Participolion: 12% Shona Dotn iabusch Margaret DeLopp Rice Dovid (8 Lisa) Swonson Participation; 18% Jodie Howell Botrom Heidi Kunze Rourke David |& Debro) Schmidt Number in Closs: 174 Mark Thomas LorrI Rittierodi (8 Juan) Flores Sue Dauntless Leslie Dolson Malt (8 Karen) Adomson Don Shaffer Number of Donors: 42 Debbie Coots (8 Michael) Ford Rodney (8 Polricia) Behrens Amy Varin Stephenie Cox Thomas loree Huwken (8 Brian) Durhom Noncy Smclley Almquist Louis (8 Mory) Bond! Romono Bornell Shepherd PGrticipotion; 24% Showno McCleoren Tittle Chris Gross Rebecca Blonkenboker Ivetson Dole Fishbock Sonja Bagley Clair Bouchillon WES 1997 Mark Sillimon Philip (8 Suson) Aronson Trevor Whitcomb Maura Laverty (8 Molt) Johnson Aoron Bornett Mary Jane |8 Todd) Btanlfnghom Theodore (8 Laura) Gillette Rowlen (& Lois) Smith Guyle Beebe Lana Behling (8 Michael) Wolford Timothy Graham Michoel Barry Kristy Bootmon (8 Perry) Janice Gran Uso Callety Mary Kate Morse Chris (& Karen) Steiger Brdd Bowder Sarah Schwoo (8 Brian) Billon Kleespies Kolhleen Grant Oonell (8 (lark) Compbell Qyde Thomas Sheryl Hansen Bowder WES 1983 Lee Briney Teri Craig Carlson Arlene Perisho (& Preston) Winn David (8 Teresa) Bowers Judy Sherer Mosterson laurel Hannum Dovid (8 Joyce) Coleman Curl Johnson David (8 Corolyn) Burrows Brandy (8 Jim) Choslain DavefBrJonislYutzy Connie Pitlmon (8 Jomes) Carlson Sandra Gidding Mourer Todd Molt Robert (8 Nancy) Joynt Bryan (hrisletsson Judy {8 Steven) Chown Vulha(8 KanyolChou 1984 Mollhew {8 Ariel) demons Fred Neumonn Pomela Troyer (8 Brion) Lee Trod (8 Mike) (humbley WES 1978 Tim Commins Jean Copley Number In Class: 161 Wendy Harmon Pilcher Debro linhort Charles DeBell Simon Phoebe) Chou Jennifer Johnson Crockenberg Number of Donors: 25 Kevin Lucke Leslie Herrick Curtis Moniko (8 Arthur) Dillahoy Jonie Crammer [8 Ward) Cuddy Liso Mogee (8 Allen) Sorestod MockeyfX Row) Hill Participolion: 16% Jeto Lyons Jill Day Martha Porrsi (8 John) Ottksen Dkine Widmer (8 Scott) Curtis Jennie Spado Jomes Nelson Btyce Martin Mary Jane Doan Kim Coin Dougherty Kevin (8 Barb) Edie Danielle Gilbertson (8 Dean) L'sa Kljeit (8 Trent) Stewort Margoret Nelson