“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1

Grace to you and peace from God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.

As the joint meeting of the East Central and West Central Conferences were discussing the theme for te 2013s Conference Convention, we felt drawn to the theme of One In Christ. The last few years have been difficult ones for our Synod and Conferences. We have said goodbye to brothers and sisters in Christ but we have also welcomed new brothers and sisters in Christ. Our Synod is looking forward to seeing how we can be the people of Christ in this time and place given the challenges facing us as well as the opportunities we have been given by God to reach out to others in Christ’s name. The upcoming 2014 Synod Convention will be an opportunity look at how we can be a church in mission now. Our National Convention this year also had a mission focus. As we share this upcoming convention time with our brothers and sisters from the West Central Conference, it is good to reflect upon how we can live out our call to be one in Christ in the various communities we find ourselves part of - faith, work, play, and home.

The ordination of Bishop Larry Kochendorfer in January was a wonderful occasion for our Synod. Those present represented the breadth of the people who compose our Synod. The afternoon was a wonderful celebration as well as being a call for us to live out our faith as Jesus did.

This year St. Peter’s Lutheran Church chose to sever their relationship with the ELCIC. We will miss Pastor Karl Faltin and the people of the St. Peter’s.

Other changes in the conference this last year were: a. The resignation of Pastor Erik Parker from Messiah Lutheran, Camrose to accept a call in the Manitoba-Northern Ontario Synod. Bev Swanson, Diaconal Minister, is currently serving as interim. b. The resignation of Pastor Jim Appleby from the /New Parish due to poor health. Pastor Jim and his family moved to Manitoba. c. The resignation of Pastor Kristian Wold from Bethel Lutheran to accept a call to be the second pastor at Hope Lutheran, . d. Barry Vall has retired from his counselling position at Augustana University, Camrose. e. Murray Cowan has retired from his position as a chaplain with the Bethany Group, Camrose.

The members and congregations in our conference continue to struggle with being a rural agricultural/oil and gas area. In spite of challenges with finances and declining membership our congregations continue to serve with a heartfelt love for God, their communities, and their fellow members. Serving on the East Central Conference Council this past year were: Rev. Eleanor Ness (Dean), Mr. Horst Schreiber (Chairperson), Rev. Jim Appleby (Secretary until February 2013), Ms. Kathy Nelson (Treasurer), Ms. Signi Bruner, Rev. William Harder, Mrs. Barbara Lentz, and Mrs. Eleanor Paulgaard. Thank you to all those who have served as members of the Conference Council this past year. Your dedication, willingness to serve, and wisdom in guiding the conference is appreciated. We are blessed as a conference to have such faithful people serving on our behalf.

God bless you all as you carry on the various ministries God has called you into.

Rev. Eleanor Ness Dean