Busbridge and Hambledon Church Joint PCC 23Rd May 2017 MINUTES Held at Hambledon Church Attendees: Simon Taylor (Chair), Kate K
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Busbridge and Hambledon Church Joint PCC 23rd May 2017 MINUTES Held at Hambledon Church Attendees: Simon Taylor (Chair), Kate Kaye (Secretary), Alan Betts, Alan Harvey, Alison Martin (late arrival), Andrew Dunn, Andrew Spencer, David Jenkins, Frances Shaw, Jenny Henderson, Jon Whiteman, Keith Harper, Liz Cooke, Lynda Donaldson, Martin Lambert, Matthew Blake, Mike Hawkey, Sandra Wilkin, Shelagh Godwin, Simon Gilbert, Souheil Haddad, Stephen Kinder, Ron Vickery (late arrival). Apologies for Absence: Arthur Blackman, Catherine McBride, David Hodson, David Mace, Jill Mace, Nigel Pollock, Niki Ford, Not present: Andy Hinde, Mike Hardy J17-26 Opening Prayer and Rectors Comments The meeting being quorate, ST opened the meeting with some verses from Haggai Chapter 2: “I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms. …” “‘On that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant …and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” ST opened the meeting in prayer remembering the people of Manchester and holding onto our belief in God who is sovereign and putting our trust and confidence in Him. J17-30 Formal Requirement for First PCC of the Year (5) Safeguarding Statement. Sarah Black, our Safeguarding Officer, said the Diocese had adopted an updated policy of Promoting a Safer Church. There is a requirement for somebody on PCC to be the PCC Designated Safeguarding Lead. FS has done a lot of the work on DBS checks. Safeguarding is currently under the remit of SAM; AH and LD had agreed it more naturally comes under HR. LD, as Chair of HR, would be the PCC Designated Safeguarding Lead. Safeguarding needs to be an item on the agenda at each meeting. FS said there are currently 99 cleared DBS people and 17 in the clearance process. This is amazing and the figure should always be fluid as people leave and new people join. PCC were asked to approve the signing of the Annual Statement of Safeguarding Policy and the Promoting a Safer Church document. There were no objections and ST and Sarah Black signed the two documents. The other required signatories signed the documents at the end of the meeting. J17-27 Standing Item – Declaration of Interest re Agenda Items B&H There were no declarations of interest concerning the agenda for this meeting. J17-28 Minutes of the PCC Meeting 20th March 2017 B&H The minutes were accepted as a true record then signed and dated by ST. J17-29 Co-option to Hambledon PCC– Andrew Dunn Andrew Dunn was welcomed as a co-opted PCC member for Hambledon for sixth months. After six months, Andrew will become a full member, with full voting rights. J17-30 Formal Requirements for First PCC of the Year (1) Catherine McBride was accepted as Vice-Chair of PCC; Kate Kaye was accepted as PCC Secretary; Alison Martin and Martin Lambert were accepted as Treasurer of Hambledon and Busbridge respectively; David Hodson, Jill Mace and Jenny Henderson were accepted as Lay members of Standing Committee. There was a query about how Lay members were chosen for Standing Committee. PCC members interested in standing for selection as Lay members were invited to speak to ST. (2) Declaration of Interest forms need to be signed by all PCC members each year at the May PCC meeting. Forms were handed out, completed and returned. When all completed forms have been returned, a schedule of interests will be produced and circulated to PCC. New members to complete Eligibility and Fit and Proper Person forms. (3) Membership and Chairs of subgroups. If members were unhappy with the group they have been assigned to, they should speak to the Chair of the group. It was suggested that groups could merge if members of each were the same; this was not thought practical. (4) Dates of PCC Meetings 2017/18. The Treasurer pointed out that there was insufficient time to allow approval of Busbridge accounts at a PCC meeting prior to the APCM. This would need to be done by Standing Committee again. The PCC Meeting dates for 2017-18 and 2018-19 were approved. (5) Safeguarding Statement – see above. (6) Wardens’ Inventory and Log Book for Hambledon. Liz Cooke showed the Wardens’ Log Book and inventory (which is now online) which PCC approved. 2 PCC members required to sign the document in Hambledon vestry. Frances Shaw showed the Log Book and inventory for Busbridge which had been presented and approved at the January meeting but not minuted. It is now minuted as approved. J17-31 Matters Arising and Updates Fabric B (1) Church Temporary Re-Ordering Faculty Update. We are still waiting to hear from the Chancellor about timing of the re-instatement of the marble walls. H (2) Hambledon Car Park Update We are still awaiting a response from the solicitors on the planning application. The cost of the new agreement with the National Trust will be £250 a year. This would not be index linked to inflation. Personnel B&H (1) BHC 4-11 Children’s Worker – update on recruitment. There is still no resolution to filling this key vacancy. a. It was pointed out that Cranleigh church had recently advertised successfully, with a number of applicants. b. Are we over-egging the calibre we seek? We must bear in mind the need for someone who can get through to young people what Christianity is about. c. Would part-time be more attractive than full-time? Could it be a job share, with 2 part-timers? d. Should accommodation be offered or pay increased? We need to take urgent action on this, taking whatever measures are needed, within financial constraints. James Ellin needs the support of someone working alongside him to ensure the sterling work he is doing can continue. PCC gave AH the scope to come up with a solution in discussion with HR group and the Treasurer. ST thanked AH and HR group for all their hard work on this and asked PCC to pray for a solution. (2) Older Persons’ Director Post background information. ST apologised that the correct document on the review of Older Persons’ ministry had not been brought to the previous PCC meeting. He said a lot of good work was being done in the older people’s ministry and MP had been instrumental in getting considerable funding for this BHC ministry. Without him there would not be a future for the whole ministry. It is unlikely that the Waverley funding will continue in future years, though committed funds are sufficient to support the work until Q4 this year. A key challenge for the Older Persons’ Director is to secure funding, most likely via the Clinical Commissioning Group. It is important to take ministry out into the community; the challenge is how to connect things like the Hearing Aid Clinic with getting older people into church. (3) Update on Music Post With reference to BHC music responsibilities, there would be a meeting in the next two weeks or so. There is still some money for a music role, though not enough to replace that done by MJ. ST asked members to consider whether they have a heart for supporting this. The relative importance of both the above roles had been initially reviewed when deciding in March to proceed with the renewal of the Older Persons’ Director post for one year. A more in-depth review would be undertaken of priorities in the run up to the next budget round. J17-32 Proposal for re-ordering Busbridge Church B This proposal had been brought to PCC solely for consideration and comment at this stage. Copies of the proposal have been sent to various organisations for comment: the Lutyens Society, the Victorian Society, Waverley Borough Council Conservation Officer and the Godalming Trust. It was queried whether the Contemporary would be reverting to meeting in the School Hall. Removing the pews might not be enough to entice previous Contemporary congregation members back into church. The plan is for the Contemporary service to go back into the School. The main focus for having a more adaptable area is the 6.30pm ‘Unplugged’ service. One member felt the philosophy was that the re-ordering would enable us to make full use of the church, and not just plan for one or other congregation. There was discussion over why families who had joined in the last five years had now left the church: some left over BC, some ‘Contemporary’ families didn’t like being in the Church building. Any re-ordering of the church would be in place for the foreseeable future; the Old Rectory team has no heart for moving beyond the re-building of the Old Rectory and associated works. ST said the document sets out the need for a flexible building and this is our only large space. We are probably the only Church in the Diocese without a hall. A flexible space will give us the one thing we do not have. He asked for any further questions or comments be passed to AS or himself. Andy Spencer then showed PCC three types of possible chair to replace the pews. We would need to purchase 100 new chairs if the pews were taken out and would be constrained by cost, ease of moving and stacking. The chairs currently used are very heavy and expensive. One of the three, costing £35, had already been rejected as having too much chrome on it to be accepted by the church architect and only has a short guarantee. The wooden one was probably too expensive at £200.