THE CENTRAL POST Serving South Brunswick, Frank Un Townsjiips VOL
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THE CENTRAL POST Serving South Brunswick, Frank Un TownsJiips VOL. V—No. 15 Subscription S3 Per Year FRANKLIN PARK. N. J., THURSD.AY. APRIL 11. 1963 .Newsstand Price 10c Per Copy May Begin Give Yenom Democrats Sewer Work Final Okay Have Battle This June For Homes In Primary $2.9 Million Project Now Must Await A lters To Decide To Aid Township Result Of Appeal Three-Man Race Industrial Picture Of Cluster Law In S. Brunswick Construction of a vast water •nd sewer network for South Bruns- .'8fo estimate can be given when Primary Election Day. April 16, wick Township is hoped to start in the lirst families will be mo\ mg in finds the 5,468 registered voters in June, with completion estimated to Brunswick .Atres. but water, South Brunswick Township going to nine months later. sewer and road construction is ex the polls to decide who among the Bids on the $2.9 million c.xpansion pected to get underway ibis year three Democratic candidates will project will be rtfteived at 7 p.m. At a special meeting las:t Satur be the party's choice for the two on May 29 by the Township .Munici day, the -South Brunswick Town- scats on Township Committee. pal Utilities .Authority at its offices sh.p Planning Board gave final ap Aotes also will elect district coun- in the Kendall Park .Shopping Cen proval for the 526-home develop ly committeemen and women for ter. ment, marking the end of long ne ' both parlies, and endorse Republi- I he project w ill open up to de gotiations between Township offi I can choices for the Township Com- velopment industrial areas in the cials and. the developer, Yenom I mitice seals, and the candidates southwestern section of the Town- Corp.. Inc., of Mettichcn. running unopposed as party choices •hip, and will bring municipal san Before any work begins, howev for lax assessor. itary sewers and water to Mon er, the builders will have to await The Democratic primary, the mouth .lunction, and sewers to the outcome of an appeal brought first battle in recent history in the Kingston. by three residents who contend the party, finds Mayor Richard J, Cas Included in the expansion areas Township's cluster z,oning ordi ey, incumbent, running against Jo are tracts to be developed bv the nances were passed to accommo seph S. Kimson, incumbent, and Princeton l oundation for Industri date the developer. Mark F. Ferber. Republicans, who al Research, and the lOO^acre Dow The proposed development is be experienced a primary fight only Jones research center, ' both of tween Henderson Road. Finnegan's two years ago, have selected Abra which are located off Route 1 and Lane, and Routes 1 and 27. Final ham Dobin and Frank J. Chrinko Ridge Road. approval came only after a three- . as the candidates for the Commit Water and sewer system for the Cancer Crumde Captains Plan For April Campaign hour review of all possible ram tee. Dow Jones tract, included in the ifications resulting from the final Two Seals Open project, will be bid on separately. Captains in the April Cancer Crusade in South Brunswick left. Mrs. Joan Sawinski, Mrs. Fred Gordori. Mrs. Trudy i plans. There will be two seats open on The authority, at its meeting last Tow.tship were announced this week. Sealed, left to Michalko. Mrs. Thomas Webster, Mrs. Arthur Holgate, I ■All documents showing official the Committee this year, and there Thursday, voted to advertise for right, are Mrs. Herbert Tainow. .Mrs. Leo Runyon. Mrs. .1. Mrs. Al Rimmer. Mrs. Seymour Reissman and Mr^. Steve approval of the various phases of is the possibility the Republicans bids for the project. It also ap Michael Shapiro, chairman; Mrs. Thomas Wheaton. Mrs. Bresetl. Absent from photo were Mrs. Sherman Golomb. the project were before the plan could regain the control lost when proved performance bonds for the Robert .Sutton and Mrs. Jack Feldman. Standing, from Mrs. Joseph Barbalinardo and Mrs. Doris Carneglia. | ners at the meeting. the Democrats swept into power, 626-bome Brunswick Acres devel There was no reaction from the Mark Ferber following Ihe last primary feud in opment off Henderson Road and the Township. Finegan's Lane. This covers cons- Churches Setting | spectators despite requests by Etruction of an independent water Christians, Jews Mark Two Holidays chairrtian Jack C, Stein for com Mayor Casey running under the system to serve Brunswick Acres, {Easter Services ment. slogan of "Democrats for Clean and a sewer .system from the de As Passover And Holy Week Begin Some minor changes were made Government” has formed a slate of velopment to the Middlesex County In Franklin Area !in an agreement approved .April 2 committee personnel to run with trunk sewer in North Brunswick. Christians and .lews in the area On the Passover. lews celebrate .Uidas Iscariot's agreement with the between the developer and the him in the various polls. Accord Included is the extension of a 24- are marking two of the most im the going forth of the Hebrew peo priests to betray Jesus for 30 Special Fiasier serv ices have ' Township, which specifies dona ing to the group, "these people rep inch main along Henderson Road portant religious holidavs in the ple from slavery into freedom. pieces of silver; Thursday, also j been scheduled by churches in the ' tions of .school and recreation im resent a resurgence of politidal Id serve St. Augustine's School. year, as the lewish Passover and When Pharoh let the Jewish fore known as "Maundy Thursday." He I Franklin Township area. provements, and pinpoints con clean thinking’ designed to elimi A. C. Jones of the A. C. Jones the Christian Holy Week coincide, fathers go from Egypt, they were gathered with the Apostles to eat , East Millstone Methodist Church, I struction of roads, footbridges, nate agitation and personal vindic Associates of Mount Holly, engi- almost as they did 1!K)0 years ago, forced to flee in haste .The various the traditional Passover meal, and has communion Thursday at 8 p.m. | playing fields etc. tiveness from Democratic circles." ■ecring consultants to the authority, when tile events that Holy Week foods served at the -Seder reminds later that night He was arrested. I at the church. Friday, special East- Yenom also promised it would John J. Pecoraro, municipal said that "if prices arc right the commemoraie took place. the .lewish family of the flight On (iood Friday. He was tried, |er music "The Crucifixion " by John , not develop 15 acres at Route 27 chairman, advanced the names of actual construction could, conceiva- Jesus and his .Apostles were when there was not enough time to sentenced and crucified and buried. I Steiner at 8 p.m. in the Hiilsboro and Finnegan's Lane until Town Mr, Kimson and Mr. Ferber as can (Continued on Page 4) lews, and in the first Holy Week, allow the bread to rise, and they Ffasler Sunday, "He is Ri.sen!" is I Reformed Church by the combined ship Committee has a chance to didates. He also announced a slate they had gone to .lerusalem to cele carried a flat iinleavenened bread the cry in Christian churches cele! choirs, and Sunday, Easter service! determine if it wants the area for of committeemen and women to run brate the Passover, or the ".Season called hial/.o; of the signs of hope, brating the rising of Jesus from the at 11 a.m. (Continued on Page 9) with the two candidates. of Our Freedom." The holiday is the bitterness of slavery sweetened lomb. The East Millstone Reformed 1 Democrats seeking posts arc: List Rules primarily a home festival observed by the hope of freedom. Presbyterian Services Church will have a spccal Easter District 1, Dayton, W. Austin Van by families with a ceremonial Meaning Of Holy Week Maundy Thursday will be cele service 8 p.m. Friday at the church ’62 Kingston Sise and Mrs. Jean Hand; District brated with communion services in 2. Monmouth Junction. Anthony For Burning meal. For this meal, there is an Holy Week commcmoraie.s the with communion: Sunday, Easter ancient ritual, called .Seder, 1 h e Communit.v' Presbyterian program 11:10 a m. at the church Delre and Mrs. Katherine Kimson; last davs .lesus as a man trod on Church of the Sand Hills, the First District 3, Kingston, no man, Mrs. which means "order. ' earth, his trial, crucifi.xion and with special Easter music. Murder Case In Township Ask Four Questions Piesbyterian Church of Dayton and Alice PiggoU; District 4, no man, death. Fach. day during H o 1 v The Miller Memorial Presbyterian ■ Kingston Prosbyerlan Fhiirih Joseph S. Kimsnn Mrs, tleria Vogel; Dislricl 5, Jactc .An imporiani pan of the Seder i^eck, be<tinning with Palm .Sunday Church. The Community service is has .scheduled communion service C. Stein and Mrs. Frances ’lig comes when a child in the family, Thursday with reception of new Still Open Number Of Fires vv^n Jesus entered Jerusalem at 8:30 p.m. while the other two gens; District 6, band Hills, Rich usually the youngest, if he isn't too a m ^ a boisterous reception, hon members at 8 p m. Meditation is ard Lippitz and Mrs, Marie Pecor young, asks four prescribed ques arc at 8 p.m "Anxiety of the Cross." Sunday, ors an event, F'ive local Presbyterian ministers Ex-Resident Of aro: District 7, Constable, Rocco Continue; Ask tions. He receives from the leader, Identical Easier services will be (W .Monday, He clashed with the and two student assistants will con Padula and Mrs.