PARISHES INCLUDED IN THE CWWW LAG AREA N Parish name Pop. N Parish name Pop. N Parish name Pop. N Parish name Pop. 1 Acklam 168 32 Catton 348 63 Halsham 255 94 6429 2 Airmyn 768 33 Catwick 240 64 Harpham 303 95 Melbourne 793 3 Aldbrough 1269 34 Cherry Burton 1392 65 Hatfield 249 96 Middleton 825 4 Allerthorpe 220 35 Coniston 319 66 Hayton 360 97 Millington 242 5 351 36 Cottam >100 67 Heslerton 409 98 Nafferton 2433 6 Atwick 315 37 Cottingwith 349 68 Hollym 513 99 Newbald 1115 7 Bainton 334 38 Dalton Holme 198 69 Holme upon Spalding Moor3172 100 Newport 1580 8 1114 39 13080 70 Holmpton 228 101 Newton on Derwent 315 9 Barmby on the Marsh 372 40 Easington 691 71 8432 102 North Cave 1667 10 Barmston 275 41 East Garton 199 72 Hotham 233 103 North Dalton 302 11 Beeford 1078 42 Eastrington 1147 73 4142 104 North Frodingham 830 12 Bempton 1040 43 Ellerby 365 74 Huggate 342 105 Nunburnholme 234 13 Beswick 357 44 Ellerton 388 75 Humbleton 208 106 Ottringham 597 14 Bewholme 232 45 Elstronwick 298 76 Hutton Cranswick 2065 107 Patrington 2059 15 Bielby 258 46 Etton 277 77 Kelk 158 108 Paull 723 16 Birdsall 343 47 Everingham 304 78 Keyingham 2314 109 8337 17 Bishop Burton 696 48 Fangfoss 581 79 Kilham 1088 110 Pollington 966 18 Bishop Wilton 554 49 Fimber >100 80 Kilpin 339 111 Rawcliffe 2379 19 Blacktoft 322 50 Flamborough 2161 81 Kirby Grindalythe 295 112 Reedness 339 20 Boynton 229 51 Foggathorpe 313 82 Kirby Underdale 125 113 Rillington 1114 21 Brandesburton 1522 52 Foston 263 83 Kirkburn 903 114 Rimswell 235 22 Broomfleet 302 53 Foxholes 249 84 Langtoft 492 115 Rise 105 23 Bubwith 1225 54 Fridaythorpe 319 85 Langton >100 116 Riston 979 24 103 55 Full Sutton 1072 86 Laxton 314 117 Roos 1168 25 Burstwick 1924 56 Ganton 215 87 Leavening 377 118 Routh >100 26 Burton Agnes 497 57 Garton 348 88 Leven 2433 119 Rudston 409 27 Burton Constable 127 58 Gilberdyke 3430 89 Lockington 524 120 Sancton 286 28 Burton Fleming 430 59 Goodmanham 244 90 Londesborough 182 121 Scagglethorpe 220 29 Burton Pidsea 944 60 Fields 184 91 Lund 308 122 Scampston 313 30 Burythorpe 286 61 Gowdall 356 92 Luttons 411 123 Seaton 433 31 Carnaby 415 62 Grindale >100 93 Mappleton 342 124 Seaton Ross 565

PARISHES INCLUDED IN THE CWWW LAG AREA N Parish name Pop. N Parish name Pop. N Parish name Pop. N Parish name Pop. 125 Settrington 316 136 South Cliffe 124 147 Thorpe Bassett 105 158 Wetwang 761 126 Sherburn 830 137 Spaldington 185 148 Thwing 203 159 Wharram >100 127 Shipton Thorpe 503 138 Sproatley 1350 149 Tibthorpe 157 160 Wilberfoss 1866 128 Sigglesthorne 404 139 Stamford Bridge 3528 150 Tickton 1731 161 Willerby NY 737 129 Skeffling 149 140 Sunk Island 228 151 Twin Rivers 367 162 Wintringham 204 130 Skerne and Wansford 345 141 Sutton upon Derwent 594 152 Ulrome 239 163 6159 131 Skipsea 693 142 Swine 139 153 Warter 144 164 Withernwick 453 132 Skirlaugh 1473 143 787 154 Watton 259 165 Wold Newton 337 133 Skirpenbeck 192 144 Thixendale 293 155 Wawne 975 166 271 134 Sledmere 377 145 Thorngumbald 3392 156 Weaverthorpe 349 167 Yapham 217 135 and Cowick 3579 146 Thornton 138 157 Welwick 297