RICHARD SNAUMAN1 AND DEANNA HOLSON USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA

ABSTRACT—The Northwest Forest Plan is a large-scale ecosystem management plan that es- tablishes a system of federal reserves interspersed with matrix forestlands where timber and other commodity production are given priority. Generally, management on reserved lands at- tempts to protect associated with older forests. Whereas management in matrix lands emphasizes timber production, it maintains some protections for species associated with older forests. We conducted surveys at randomly selected points within the range of the Scott Bar (Plethodon asupak) and the southern portion of the range of the Siskiyou Mountains Salamander (P. stormi). We conducted surveys on both reserved and matrix lands to assess the relative role that these allocations play in the long-term persistence of Plethodon salamanders in this region. At low elevations (Ͻ1219 m), the proportion of sample points with captures of Pleth- odon spp. was significantly higher in matrix lands than on reserved lands. However, the number of Plethodon spp. captured at matrix and reserved land points was similar. Matrix land miti- gations may be essential to provide protection for salamanders with small ranges and limited dispersal abilities. Oregon (Ensatina eschscholtzii), the 2nd most commonly encoun- tered , was more evenly distributed across the landscape than Plethodon spp. and was not associated with either reserved nor matrix lands.

Key words: California, conservation, distribution, Oregon Ensatina, Ensatina eschscholtzii, Northwest Forest Plan, Plethodon asupak, Plethodon stormi, reserves, Siskiyou County, Scott Bar Salamander, Siskiyou Mountains Salamander

The conservation value of forest reserves has late-successional reserves, and riparian re- been a point of discussion in the US Pacific serves. Generally, management in late-succes- Northwest for over a decade and, although sional and riparian reserves attempts to protect there are numerous desirable conservation at- species associated with older forests. Together tributes of large-scale reserves (Schwartz these reserves include approximately 80% of 1999), their utility is limited for rare species federal lands within the Northwest Forest Plan whose distributions do not coincide with re- area. Matrix lands constitute the remaining served lands (Noss 1987). In 1994, the US portion of the landscape where timber and oth- Northwest Forest Plan was developed as a er commodity production is given priority landscape-scale management plan covering (USDA and USDI 1994). The system of reserved approximately 9.7 million ha of federal lands in lands was designed to maintain well-distrib- Washington, Oregon, and northern California. uted populations of the Northern Spotted Owl The plan created a system of reserves where (Strix occidentalis) and was assumed to provide protection of late-successional forests was giv- for the persistence of other late-successional en management priority. The reserves created and old-growth forest associated species. How- by the Northwest Forest Plan are composed of ever, populations of species with small ranges, congressionally designated wilderness areas, limited mobility, or both, often function at a much finer scale than wide-ranging, highly mobile organisms such as the Northern Spotted 1 Present address: National Center for Conservation Sci- Owl. Questions about the long-term persis- ence and Policy, 84 Fourth Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520 tence of several hundred species of , USA. [email protected] plants, bryophytes, lichens, and fungi associ-

1 2 NORTHWESTERN NATURALIST 89(1) ated with late-successional forests led to the in- persal; Thomas and others 1993). To assess the clusion of species-specific mitigations in the relative role that the federal reserve system Northwest Forest Plan. These mitigations, plays in providing for the long-term persis- known collectively as ‘‘Survey and Manage’’, tence of P. stormi and P. asupak in northern Cal- included specific management direction within ifornia, we conducted a stratified random sur- the known or suspected range of the Siskiyou vey for terrestrial salamanders on federal lands Mountains Salamander (Plethodon stormi)and and compared occupancy rates and abundanc- required pre-project surveys and known site es between reserve and matrix land allocations. protection (USDA and USDI 2001). Subsequent to the design and implementation of the North- METHODS west Forest Plan, populations of Plethodon were The study area encompassed 121,000 ha in discovered south of the Klamath River that western Siskiyou County, California, in the were later described as P. asupak, the Scott Bar Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion (Fig. 1), which in- Salamander (Mead and others 2005a). The Sur- cluded all known sites of P. stormi south of the vey and Manage mitigations proved to be con- Siskiyou Mountains crest and all known local- troversial (Molina and others 2006) and the two ities of P. asupak. Because the distributions of P. main land management agencies governed by stormi and P. asuapk were not well delineated the Northwest Forest Plan, the Bureau of Land along the eastern edge of their ranges during Management and the US Forest Service, have our study design phase, areas beyond the east- eliminated the Survey and Manage mitigations ern edge of the known range were included if (USDA 2007; USDI 2007). they were thought to have sufficient precipita- Plethodon stormi and P. asupak are terrestrial tion to support these salamanders. In the forest salamanders that occur in cool, moist mi- southeast, the study area was limited by the ex- crohabitats associated with rocky substrates tent of federal lands. The northern edge of our (Clayton and Nauman 2005; Mead and others project area was the boundary between the 2005b; Welsh and others 2007). Populations of Klamath and Rogue River-Siskiyou National P. stormi and P. asupak appear to reach their Forests. highest densities in forests with closed cano- The study area is dominated by steep, rug- pies and rocky soils on north-facing slopes ged terrain and has long, hot summers with (Nussbaum and others 1983). Both species have precipitation largely limited to November restricted distributions limited to portions of through April. The Klamath River and its trib- the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon utary the Scott River flow at the bottom of deep and northern California. The range of P.stormi canyons that bisect the study area. Elevation is only about 136,000 ha and that of P. asupak is ranges from approximately 330 m at Happy much smaller, about 23,000 ha, based on the 17 Camp, California, to Ͼ2500 m on the higher locations currently known (Petranka 1998; peaks. The terrain produces a gradient in pre- Clayton and Nauman 2005; Mead and others cipitation from Ͼ2000 mm/y in the northwest- 2005a; Mead 2006). Both species appear to be ern corner of the study area to 500 mm/y in the adversely affected by timber harvest and other eastern portion of the study area in the rain land management activities (Mead and others shadow of the Marble Mountains (data from 2005b; Clayton and Nauman 2005; Welsh and the Oregon Climate Service: http://www.ocs. others 2007).࿞products.html; Fig. 2). The federal late-successional reserves, built Precipitation falls primarily as snow at eleva- around existing congressionally withdrawn tions above 1300 m and as rain at lower eleva- lands (designated Wilderness Areas and Na- tions. Within the study area, striking elevation tional Parks), were designed to provide large gradients in abiotic conditions and plant com- blocks of habitat for northern spotted owls. munities extend from the bottom of river can- However, they may not provide adequate pro- yons with hot, dry oak woodlands to alpine tection to other older-forest associated species parklands and cold, windy ridges. whose ranges have limited overlap with those We selected survey points using a stratified reserves or whose life history traits occur at a random design with federal land allocations different scale than the Northern Spotted Owl (matrix and reserved) as strata. We overlaid a (e.g., physical size, home range, method of dis- grid consisting of 0.4 ϫ 0.4-km cells on a map SPRING 2008 NAUMAN AND OLSON: PLETHODON DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION 3

FIGURE 1. Study area with federal Northwest Forest Plan land allocations and the range of Plethodon stormi and P. asupak (dashed lines). The study area is outlined in black. The Marble Mountain and Red Butte Wil- derness areas, part of the reserve system, are included for geographic reference. of the study area. Each grid intersection (n ϭ set. Private land was not included in the sample 7413 grid points) was numbered and the land (n ϭ 1027 points; 14%), and 4 points had no allocation for each intersection was determined data regarding land allocation, resulting in a using a Geographic Information System and population of 6382 potential federal points in data from the Klamath National Forest Land the sampling pool. We randomly selected re- Management Plan, the Northwest Forest Plan, served (n ϭ 61) and matrix (n ϭ 21) land points and a preliminary map of federal riparian re- in approximate proportion to their abundance serves. Federal reserved lands (n ϭ 4255 points; on Klamath National Forest lands in the study 57%) included late-successional reserves, con- area. Due to access problems at higher eleva- gressionally and administratively withdrawn tions resulting from snow conditions and lim- lands such as wilderness areas, and sensitive ited road or trail access, we further stratified by species reserves (Fig. 1). Riparian reserves (n ϭ the elevation threshold below which complete 571 points) represented 8%, and matrix lands sampling of the random points was possible. (n ϭ 1556) represented 21% of the points. For Whereas the known elevation range for P.stormi analysis, we included points that occurred is 488 to 1830 m (Clayton and Nauman 2005), within federal riparian reserves in the reserved site occupancy by these salamanders north of 4 NORTHWESTERN NATURALIST 89(1)

FIGURE 2. Precipitation within the study area (mm/year). Data from the Oregon Climate Service (http://࿞products.html). the crest of the Siskiyou Mountains decreases luvial rock, litter depth, vegetation type, and with increasing elevation (N. Suzuki, unpubl. microclimatic conditions created by topogra- data). The known elevation range of P. asupak is phy, forest canopy, or both. about 490 to 1620 m (D. Olson and R. Nauman, We sampled each site 1 time. We conducted a unpubl. data). time-constrained (2 person-h) search of the site Surveys were conducted between 18 Febru- by turning rocks, wood, and occasionally plant ary and 24 May 2003 during periods when air litter. We returned cover objects to their origi- temperature was between 4 to 20ЊC, no freez- nal position. We visually estimated the extent ing weather had occurred in the last 24 h, and of the area searched. All encoun- substrates were moist. A 2-person field crew tered were captured, measured, and released. used a Global Positioning System to navigate to Due to difficulties in discriminating between P. the sample location. Upon arrival, we conduct- stormi and P. asupak in the field, we present a ed a 0.5-h reconnaissance for suitable Plethodon combined analysis of all Plethodon. We identi- salamander habitat within approximately 350 fied other amphibians to species. m of the designated point to select the area for The random sampling design allowed infer- sampling that was most likely to harbor Pleth- ence to be made to the population in the sam- odon salamanders. Criteria for sample site se- pled landscape. We extrapolated the propor- lection included the presence of emergent col- tion of sample points with salamander cap- SPRING 2008 NAUMAN AND OLSON: PLETHODON DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION 5

TABLE 1. Amphibian captures during surveys of randomly selected sites (sample points) south of the Sis- kiyou Mountains crest in California.

Number of individuals Points with detections Maximum Species n % Per site Per person-h Per m2 per point Plethodon stormi and P. asupak 18 26.1 4.77 2.39 0.011 16 Ensatina eschscholtzii 31 44.9 1.84 0.92 0.005 6 Aneides flavipunctatus 6 8.7 2.33 1.17 0.004 6 Bufo boreas 1 1.4 1.00 0.50 0.002 1

tures to estimate the number of points in our larger landscape (n ϭ 6382 points) that we ex- pected would result in Plethodon salamander detections. A standard error was calculated for each estimate using the formula SE ϭ N·[(1 Ϫ f)·((p)(1 Ϫ p)/(n Ϫ 1))]1/2, where N ϭ total number of points in the population, n ϭ num- ber of points sampled, f ϭ n/N, and p ϭ the proportion of n that had at least 1 detection of the target species (Thompson 2002). We used a Chi2 two-sample test for equality of propor- tions with a continuity correction (SPlus, In- sightful Corporation, 1999) to test the hypoth- esis that the proportion of points with captures of each species was the same for points in ma- trix and reserved allocations. We sampled 69 points in total and sampled a mean area of 761 m2 (s ϭ 1092 m2) per point. Sampling was incomplete at elevations Ͼ1219 m (hereafter higher elevations). One randomly selected matrix point and 12 reserve points were not sampled due to a snowy spring and lack of road or trail access to more remote high elevation areas. Unsampled points were signif- icantly higher in elevation than sampled points (t-test; 69 sampled points mean ϭ 961 m; 13 un- sampled points mean ϭ 1649 m; t ϭ 7.706; df ϭ 80; P Ͻ 0.01). Four unsampled points were Ͼ1800 m in elevation.

RESULTS We captured 158 individuals of 5 species of amphibians (Table 1). Plethodon spp. (P. stormi and P. asupak together) dominated captures (n ϭ 86 individuals; Table 1, Fig. 3), with Ensatina eschscholtzii the 2nd most abundant salamander (n ϭ 57; Table 1, Fig. 3). Together these sala- manders comprised 67% of all individuals cap- FIGURE 3. Captures of (a) Plethodon (P. stormi and tured. However, E. eschscholtzii was found at P. asupak) and (b) Ensatina eschscholtzii within the more points (n ϭ 31) than any other species. We study area. Areas in gray are Ͼ1219 m elevation. detected Plethodon spp. at 18 sample points. 6 NORTHWESTERN NATURALIST 89(1)

TABLE 2. Distribution of sample points in 4 strata and captures of Plethodon salamanders.

Points with Strata Plethodon Relative abundance Land Elevation Points in Points Points (detection rate/ (captures/ allocation (m) landscape selected sampled site) person-h) Reserves Ͼ1219 2264 24 12 4 (33%) 1.25 Ͻ1219 2558 37 37 6 (16%) 2.83 Matrix Ͼ1219 389 3 2 0 (0%) 0.00 Ͻ1219 1166 18 18 8 (44%) 2.63

ϭ Aneides flavipunctatus was the only other sala- and 548 (sx¯ 18) occupied points in reserved mander detected (14 individuals at 6 points). and matrix lands, respectively. At high elevations within reserved alloca- tions, Plethodon spp. were captured at 4 of 12 DISCUSSION (33%) and E. eschscholtzii at 8 (67%) of the At lower elevations, federal matrix lands ap- points surveyed. The only other amphibian peared to have a greater role than reserved found was A. flavipunctatus (6 individuals at 1 lands in supporting terrestrial salamanders. point). The only amphibian detected within the The proportion of points with Plethodon spp. matrix lands at high elevations was E. eschschol- was nearly 3 times greater on matrix lands than tzii (1 and 2 individuals per point, respective- on reserved lands. At lower elevation points ly). with captures, Plethodon spp. tended to be more At lower elevations (points Ͻ1219 m), the site abundant. Whereas not significant, matrix occupancy rate of Plethodon spp. was signifi- lands on average produced twice the number of cantly lower on reserved lands (6 of 37; 16%) Plethodon spp. than reserved lands. Lower ele- than on matrix lands (8 of 18; 44%; ␹2 ϭ 3.706, vation matrix lands represented 24.6% of df ϭ 1, P ϭ 0.027; Table 2). The occupancy rate points sampled, but we captured nearly half of of E. eschscholtzii was the same on matrix (8 of all Plethodon on this small portion of the study 18 points; 44%) as reserved lands (13 of 37; area. Relative abundance of E. eschscholtzii on 35%; ␹2 ϭ 0.1377, df ϭ 1, P ϭ 0.6442). lower elevation matrix lands was only slightly For Plethodon spp., the number of individuals higher than the relative abundance on lower el- captured at sites with at least one detection at evation reserved lands. lower elevation points was similar between ma- Inference of our random sampling at low el- trix and reserved lands (reserved ϭ 5.67/point; evations yielded estimates of Plethodon occu- matrix ϭ 5.25/point). When Plethodon spp. pancy at over 400 grid points in both reserved were found they were more than twice as abun- and matrix lands. The larger spatial extent of dant at lower elevation points compared to reserves, 75% of federal lands in the study area, higher elevation points (higher elevation ϭ 2.5/ suggests these 400ϩ reserved land occupied point; lower elevation ϭ 5.43/point) but the sites would have a different spatial pattern, ei- difference was not significant (Mann-Whitney ther more dispersed across the broader area or U Test; U ϭ 4, P ϭ 0.096). Captures of E. esch- potentially more clustered in more suitable scholtzii were less variable and similar for high- habitat (such as possibly at lower elevations). In er and lower elevation points. comparison, a more compressed pattern of Within the study area, 2558 grid points oc- 400ϩ estimated occupied points is expected on curred on the reserved lands at lower eleva- the smaller area of federal matrix lands, which tions, and 1166 points occurred on matrix lands covered the other 25% of the landscape. These at lower elevations. Multiplying the number of 400ϩ matrix land points are also estimated to grid points in each subset by the Plethodon sal- have higher abundances of Plethodon spp. En- amander site occupancy rates resulted in an es- satina eschscholtzii occupancy estimates were ϭ timate of 409 (sx¯ 153) occupied points in re- about double that of Plethodon, again support- ϭ served lands and 443 (sx¯ 136) occupied ing their more widespread occurrence. points in matrix lands. Repeating the proce- Riparian reserves may provide some mea- ϭ dure with E. eschscholtzii yielded 895 (sx¯ 24) sure of protection to terrestrial salamanders SPRING 2008 NAUMAN AND OLSON: PLETHODON DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION 7 within the matrix lands. Riparian reserves are area, salamander distribution becomes increas- variable-width areas (15 to 125 m) that flank ingly limited. For example, none of the 17 the sides of rivers and streams and protect un- known P. asupak sites occurs on south-facing stable slopes and wetlands. Riparian reserves slopes (D. Olson and R. Nauman, unpubl. data). are embedded in matrix lands and are de- Furthermore, the phylogeographic variation signed to provide a variety of benefits includ- in these western plethodontids appears to mir- ing refugia for forest-associated species (USDA ror the complexity of forms now recognized for and USDI 1996). All riparian reserve sites that Plethodon spp. in the eastern United States we sampled were at lower elevations. Plethodon (Highton and Peabody 1998). Studies of genetic salamanders were captured at 2 of 9 (22%) ri- variation suggest that a distinct population of parian reserve points. If we treat these points P. stormi occurs in the western portion of the as if they were occurring on matrix lands, Pleth- study area and warrants consideration relative odon spp. captures occur on 50% of matrix land to our findings. Analysis of mtDNA sequence points and only on 11% of reserved land and microsatellite DNA polymorphism places points. This further supports the relative im- P. stormi from this area in a unique monophy- portance of matrix lands for long-term persis- letic group (Fig. 1; Clade II in Mead and others tence of Plethodon spp. in this region. By pro- 2005a; DeGross 2004; Mahoney 2004); While viding a network of relatively undisturbed ar- the range of this population is small and its eas throughout the intensively managed matrix geographic extent is poorly defined (DeGross lands, riparian reserves may provide impor- 2004), occupancy rates and abundances ap- tant legacy habitats for old-forest associated peared to be higher in the range of this lineage species. than in areas farther to the east. This lineage Whereas captures of E. eschscholtzii were rel- may be at risk to persistence due to adverse ef- atively evenly distributed across the study fects of land management activities such as re- area, captures of Plethodon spp. were concen- generation timber harvest in the block of matrix trated along the Klamath River west of Seiad lands east of Happy Camp, whereas the re- Valley. This distribution generally coincides served lands on both banks of the Klamath Riv- with areas of higher rainfall (Fig. 2). Peak pre- er west of Seiad Valley (Fig.1) may provide re- cipitation levels are found along the western fugia for these salamanders. Areas east and edge of the study area, and areas to the east are south of Seiad Valley are drier and tend to be increasingly xeric. Elevation in the western part higher in elevation so they may not provide of the study area also may favor terrestrial sal- suitable habitats. The known distribution of P. amanders. The lowest point in the study area asupak follows the lower elevation matrix lands (approximately 325 m) is at the point where the along the south bank of the Klamath River east- Klamath River flows out of the study area near ward from Seiad Valley and south on both sides the town of Happy Camp, California (Fig. 1). of the Scott River (Mead and others 2005a, Fig. Lower elevation areas coincide with high rain- 1). The small range and large proportion of ma- fall in the western part of the study area, pro- trix lands suggest that special consideration ducing the mild temperatures and long wet may be warranted for this little-known species seasons where suitable habitats for terrestrial during land management planning. salamanders occur. Snow and freezing weather We captured 18 animals from 5 of our sample at these lower elevations is normally transitory, points that are likely P. asupak based on field and salamanders are active for much of the identifications. Analysis of mtDNA sequence winter (R. Nauman, pers. obs.). The majority of from 4 samples collected at 2 of these points these wet, low elevation areas are on federal confirmed our field identifications (Mead 2006). matrix lands immediately east of Happy Camp, The 5 putative P. asupak populations are found California, north of the Klamath River (Fig. 1). on both matrix (n ϭ 3) and reserved allocations A substantial portion of the study area west of (n ϭ 2). All 5 are Ͻ1219 m in elevation. Further Seiad Valley along both banks of the Klamath delineation of the range of this species would River is within reserved lands. Reserved lands allow a more precise assessment of its conser- in these low elevation, higher rainfall areas vation needs. The north side of Scott Bar Moun- likely provide valuable habitat for Plethodon tain likely provides the largest block of habitat spp. In the dry eastern portion of the study for this species, but it is poorly explored. 8 NORTHWESTERN NATURALIST 89(1)

Our understanding of the utility of the fed- In: Jones LLC, Leonard WP, Olson DH, editors. eral Northwest Forest Plan reserved and matrix Amphibians of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle, lands for protection of endemic species such as WA: Seattle Audubon Society. p 136–139. P. stormi and P. asupak is limited. Whereas P. DEGROSS DJ. 2004. Gene flow and the relationship of Plethodon stormi and P. elongatus assessed with 11 stormi was the most frequently encountered novel microsatellite loci. [thesis]. Corvallis, OR: amphibian species during our surveys, and Oregon State University. 53 pp. was apparently locally abundant, its small HIGHTON R, PEABODY RB. 1998. Geographic protein range has been subject to a wide variety of dis- variation and speciation in salamanders of the turbances including historic and ongoing min- Plethodon jordani and Plethodon glutinosus com- ing, timber harvest, wildfire, rock quarrying plexes in the southern Appalachian Mountains and road building. The complexity of genetic with the description of four new species. In Bruce structure among populations suggests limited RC, Jaeger RG, and Houck LD, editors. The Biol- gene flow between populations in the area ogy of Plethodontid Salamanders. New York, NY: (DeGross 2004); these Plethodon species appear Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. p 31–94. MAHONEY MJ. 2004. Molecular systematics and phy- to be organisms of relatively low mobility. As- logeography of the Plethodon elongatus species sessing the status of these species remains group: combining phylogenetic and population problematic, and successful conservation plan- genetic methods to investigate species history. ning will likely require consideration of the Molecular Ecology 13:149–166. geographic distribution of unique lineages, *MEAD LS. 2006. Plethodon salamanders of the Ap- current occupancy and abundance patterns, plegate, Klamath and Scott River Areas: Report and lands protected from activities potentially on genetic variation and species status. Yreka, harmful to salamanders. Existing federal re- CA: US Fish and Wildlife Service. 27 pp. Available serves would certainly contribute to long-term from: US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1829 South Plethodon species persistence, but our data Oregon Street Yreka, California 96097. (unpub- lished report) showing higher federal matrix land occupancy MEAD LS, CLAYTON DR, NAUMAN RS, OLSON DH, rates and abundances cast a shadow of uncer- PFRENDER ME. 2005a. Newly discovered popula- tainty on whether reserves alone may suffice in tions of salamanders from Siskiyou County Cal- this regard. The role of finer-scale approaches ifornia represent a species distinct from Plethodon such as managing sites in matrix lands can tar- stormi. Herpetologica 61:158–177. get areas with high occupancy and abundanc- MEAD LS, NAUMAN RS, CLAYTON D. 2005b. Scott Bar es, and unique lineages. Salamander, Plethodon asupak Mead. In: Jones LLC, Leonard WP, Olson DH, editors. Amphibi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ans of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle, WA: Seattle Audubon Society. p 118–119. We thank S Derruseau, B Duggan, L Ellenburg, E MOLINA R, MARCOT BG, LESHER R. 2006. Protecting Lee and R Nordyke for field data collection and K rare, old-growth, forest-associated species under Christiansen for GIS assitance. The Klamath Nation- the Survey and Manage Program Guidelines of al Forest, the Happy Camp Ranger District, D Clay- the Northwest Forest Plan. Conservation Biology ton, S Cuenca, D Payne, R Van de Water, and K West 20:306–318. provided logistical support and assisted with the de- NOSS, RF. 1987. From plant communities to land- sign and implementation of the project. We thank M scapes in conservation inventories: a look at the Turley for assistance with the sampling design, P Nature Conservancy (USA). Biological Conser- Cunningham for statistical consultation, and D Clay- vation 41:11–37. ton, K Ronnenberg and M Turley for reviews of an NUSSBAUM RA, BRODIE ED JR,STORM RM. 1983. Am- earlier draft. The final version of the manuscript ben- phibians & Reptiles of the Pacific Northwest. efited from constructive reviews by K Ovaska and 2 Moscow, ID: University of Idaho Press. 332 pp. anonymous reviewers. The federal Northwest Forest PETRANKA JW. 1998. Salamanders of the United Plan Survey and Manage Strategic Survey Program States and Canada. Washington DC: Smithsonian provided funding. Fieldwork was conducted under a Institution Press. 587 pp. California Scientific Collecting Permit issued to R SCHWARTZ MW. 1999. Choosing the appropriate Nauman. scale of reserves for conservation. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 30:83–108 LITERATURE CITED

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