Published Weekly by The more reason why a man should be punished sale influx of foreigners. It will add REAL ESTATERECORD ASSOCIATION for putting his money in unimproved lots, immediately to the value of all kinds of real than there is if he invested it in buying property. For years to come there will not TERMS: meat or grain. be sufiicient [houses, to accommodate the ONE YEAR, in advance $6.00 natural growth of our population with this Communications should be addressed to THE GREAT IMMIGRATION. sudden addition of families from abroad. Farms will be in demand, the area of taxa­ C. W, SWEET, 13T Broadway We read in history of the vast hordes of J. T. LINDSEY. Busmess Manager. barbarians, who from time to time swept ble property will be largely increased and a over Western Europe. They came from the solid basis laid for great industrial activity. The heavy increase to the subscription list of THE East, some from Central Asia, others from It is idle to talk of an era of low prices for RE.\L ESTATE RECORD has for some time past interfered Russia, or as it was then called Scythia. But anything while our population is being ^vith its prompt publication. An addition has, how­ these migrations were those of armies fol­ swollen in this way. The consumptive ever, been made to the mechanical facilities of the lowed by hosts of women and children, and demand of thecountrywill steadily increase: establishment by the addition of new presses, and it many years elapsed before the conquest and there will be more mouths to feed, more is confidently expected that the paper will be in the settlements of the Goths, Vandals and other backs to clothe. Tools and the implements hands of subscribers hereafter early on Saturday morn­ invaders were perfected. This swarming of labor will be in increasing demand and ings. Last week an accident to the form after it was from the populous hives of the East still con­ new life will be imparted to every depart­ made up, delayed the issuing of the paper for some tinues, but under changed conditions. It is ment of commerce. In this- state of things hours. The'swarm of postal cards and letters com­ believed that if the crops of the coming sum­ people can buy all kinds of consumable plaining of the delay, shows^how indispensable THE mer are fairly good, fully 900,000 foreigners commodities without fear of loss, but the RECORD is to thousands of owners of and dealers in will come to these shores to permanently surest property to purchase will be realty. real estate. Indeed at no time since the founding of settle in the United States. The immigra­ The recent pegging process of Messrs. THE RECORD in 1868 has there been such eager interest tion is not confined by any means to this Vanderbilt and Gould was so clearly artifi­ in realty. The Register's ofdce is thronged as it has port. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, cial that it resulted in leaving the market in never been in its history, by swarms of lawyers exam­ Portland, indeed ships of all kinds are bring­ a very feverish and uncertain condition. ining titles, and on every side there is evidence of the ing immigrants to all our seacoast cities. Left to itself, the market might have reached growing interest in [that most solid of all securities, Chicago has become a great immigrant a crisis in the way of low prices, but real property. depot, for the stream of foreigners which arrives at that city by railroad from New would then have recovered naturally. There are influences at work which ought to Investors are puzzled at the eccentric York is met by another which reaches the capital of the northwest by way of the lakes. steady prices, if not advance them. Money course of the extended Government 5s. is easy, the immigration is phenomenally While the 6s and 4s advance, the 5s are The immigration to Canada, or rather through Canada, is very large; but then large, railroad earnings show an inci'ease showing a decline. Tliis is accounted for and there has been a heavy falling oif in. hj a defect in the law which provides that many of the newcomers by that route are bound for Manitoba. Germany sends us the quotations. Six, seven and eight per cent, the highest numbers registered are the flrst securities do not seem dear at present prices, to be redeemed. Now the highest numbers largest contingent of immigrants; a new element is the Italian, great numbers of but the artificial screwing up of values are those last registered. So it happens that created distioist and made operators uncer­ when an investor wants to purchase a Gov­ •^phich have recently reached New York directly from the Italian peninsula. tain as to what they could depend upon. ernment bond he avoids the 5s, because when There may be a depressed feeling and per- he registered his bond it would bear the This great immigration far surpasses in haps~a sudden drop, but some time during highest number to date. Secretary Folger numbers the great movements of population May or June we will have an active market is calling in the 6s at the rate of $15,000,000 during the decline and fall of the Roman and probably higher prices than those which a month, and they will all be cancelled by Empire. The cause is very much the same now obtain, dite to the promise of the crops; September next. Then the 5s will be called, now as then; population increased very but there can be no genuine, honest bull and those last purchased and registered will much beyond the means of subsistence and market until there is some] certainty as to be the first redeemed. This provision of the so tlie healthy and hungry sought fresh the harvest and the probable surplus we will law keeps down the price of the 5s, com­ fields and pastures now. The immediate te enabled to export. So far gold has not pared with the other Government securities. reason for this immigration is the competitiosj 3eft our shores to any amount, but the of American grain with that grown xiii "lieavy imports and the light exports cannot A city paper wishes the Legislature to put Europe. Farming has been unprofitable in long continue without our golden eagles and a higher valuation and a heavier tax on un­ Europe for the past seven years. In every double eagles flying back across the Atlantic. improved than on improved property. It ar­ country mortgages have accumulated and gues that people should be discouraged from the agricultural classes have become impov­ The Superintendent of Buildings, Mr. holding unimproved lots for speculative pur- erished. The immense German immigration Esterbrook, has presented his amended build- [loses, and that the taxation should be so is also partly due to the demonetizing of silver ng law to the State Legislature. It will, of heavy compared with improved realty as to w^hich threw the business of the country into course, be radically changed by that body, force them to build. All this is specious confusion, and to tlie heavy military exac­ but it will be a miracle if it is improved. nonsense. Holders of lots even in New York tions. Throughout Westei-n Europe there Undoubtedly the effect of all legislation is to are not among the most favored of property has been a strike against the landlords. In increase the cost of building. There was a holders. What with taxes, assessments for Ireland it has developed into an ^agrarian time when there was too little public over­ improvements and loss of interest, the lot social war, in Scotland the tenant farmers sight in the construction of dwellings; we owner in the end is apt to come out minus have begun to move in a more orderly man­ are now likely to err in the other direction. his money. While it is quite true that cer­ ner, iu England the landlords have been The improvements will doubtless add addi­ tain well located purchases of property are forced to reduce their rents 20, '60 and in tional strength and security to dwellings, very profitable, it is also^ true that lots far some cases 50 per cent. The French peasant but will also add to their cost. This means away from the line of improvement are a does not make his money as he did ten years higher rents and fewer houses. The new I i 1 grievous burden to those who own thern. ago, and has taken to manufacturing and provides that all mason work must be sus­ A vacant lot ought to double in value every! speculating, while in Germany small farmers pended in freezing weather, that the casing of seven years in order to pay for the cost of are turning what they have into money and all elevators must be iron, and that stone or carrying it. Legislation such as that pro­ come to this country. metal steps must be used in all high apait- posed smacks of communism. There is no There canbebut one effect of this-whole" Imenf houses or buildings intended for offices. 356 THE REAL ESTATE RECORDI* April 15,1882

FINANCIAL TOPICS. . only half a "telephone") were rented per day, and, taking the legitimate cost to the Bell III. the average in the last twelve months was only monopoly, of the pair even at $4, which should be THE BELL TELEPHONE MONOPOLY. 16 more, namely, 155 per day, being a daily gain of an outside figure, what profit do they make on The true position of the telephone business of only 773^ subscribers in the entire country. The ? They receive a minimum rental, as above the United States is an almost complete mystery population of the United States being, at the ratio stated, of $5 a piece or $10 for the pair, making to the public. Telephone investors even (ex­ of tho increase from 1870 to 1880, which was 3 per a yearly royalty of 250 per cent, per annum. cepting only a very few of the big "insiders"), cent, per annum, now 53,000,000, we have here one When they get $13 it is 325 per cent. The de­ who hold the stocks of the different companies, subscriber to every 530 persons—certainly a small preciation of the instruments from use is quite hardly know anything of their affairs. The percentage. And why ? Because, as every tele­ small. The company, as it has done no business Bell Telephone Company, which controls the en­ phone manager will tell you, so many people so far but simply rented telephones (having only tire telephone business of the country, is tbe have had their telephones taken out, being dis recently undertaken the manufacturing of in­ closest of close corporations. Never was gusted with the management and the service gen­ struments), should have had very light expenses. a great enterprise, with a future of wonderful erally. The system adopted seems to have been Instead of this, what do we see ? Out of possibilities, so systematically kept down as devised to choke off subscribers, and to prevent $1,001,924.41 received in gross from rentals, &c., this has been. The true policy of the telephone the introduction of the telephone in every place the company paid out $439,863.76, of which managers was obviously to popularize the tele­ where it cannot be made to pay an enormous $116,632.27 are put down as "expenses of opera­ phone as much as possible so that it should be revenue not only to the local " exchange " mana­ tion" and $78,121.03 as "legal expenses." Con­ introduced every wheie. Instead of this, a short­ gers, but to the rich clique which is running the sidering that Messrs. Chauncey Smith and James sighted policy of excessive greed, imposition and Boston parent monopoly. In its report of 1881, J. Storrow, the company's counsel, have reported extortion, as well as of arbitrary, petty annoy­ the Bell Company said : " The total number of every year that there is no cause for anxiety in ance on the part of a rapacious management, cities and towns for which licenses to build ex­ any of the rival telephone claims and that every­ have caused widespread and general dissatisfac­ changes have been issued is 1,523, and there is no thing about the Bell patents is lovely and fire­ tion. The scandals in New York, St. Louis, reason to .doubt that in 7nost of these points of proof, that is certainly a fat slice for the Boston and other cities, where people had their any importance the system will within a few lawyers. telephones taken out rather that submit to the months be put in operation." And yet, twelve months later the last official report states the en­ So much for the profits of the Bell Company, vexations and extortions imposed by the local in spite of its policy tending to restrict the use company, or "exchange," as it is called by tire number of "exchanges (local telephone com­ panies) in operation " at only 592 ! of the telephone as much as possible. The ex­ telephone men (subscribers, for example, wei'e changes who pay tlie parent company this heavy even compelled in certain cities to pay five cents But to understand the principles upon which annual royalty on the instruments turn round for every conversation from their own houses or the telephone system is managed by the Bell Com­ upon their subscribers to reinbursc themselves offices, beside their large monthly rent); the pany—at present absolutely alone in the field—a with a vengeance. Sometimes, as in the case of great loss of time still being experienced in little explanation is necessary. The policy of the the New York sub-company, the Metropolitan, effecting connection with other subscribers by company has been, and is still, to make the busi­ this alleged compulsory reinbursement is the means of a central office operator, to whom a ness as rigorous a monopoly as ingenuity can de­ merest sham, because the Bell Company owns a desired number has often to be repeated half a vise, with a view of screwing out the largest pos­ majority of the stock in the New York com­ dozen times before he understands it, as the sible profit from the people. The Bell Company it­ pany, and thus the Boston monopoly, not only result of a faulty system; the steady and im­ self operates no telephones, but lets out the business indirectly by its royalty on instruments, but pudent advance in the charges of the two to the local exchanges. These pay a yearly roy­ directly by its charges to New York subscribers, local New York companies (the Law and the alty to the Bell Company for the use of the in­ lays a heavy tax on our people. $12.50 per Metropolitan) from $5 to S7.50, then to SIO and struments which nobody is allowed to own. The month or $150 per annum is the charge in New to §12.50 and §15 per month, with prospects of nominal royalty is fixed at $10 per instrument, York, while in other large cities, like Cincinnati further increase, owing to the sham pretensions but the Bell Company makes a rebate which and St. Louis, it is only $6 and $7, and in smaller of the Metropolitan Company that it is making varies considerably, according to the size of the towns as low' as $3 per month. At these rates little or no money at present rates, while the exchange and the number of instruments used by the business is done at a profit, but the Metro­ Bell Company's report says it is " earning a con­ it. The Southern Bell, for instance, has a lebate of politan Company set up the absurd claim that siderable net revenue "—all these account for the 35 per cent., making $6.50 per instrument, while the more subscribers an exchange has the greater popular dissatisfaction among the patrons of the the Metropolitan Company of this city, using a the expense must be, and pretend to explain this telephone. But the stockholdei's must also see larger number than any other exchange, has 50 by the increased cost of ojierating the switch that there is a screw loose somewhere in the per cent, rebate and only pays $5. The other parts board in the "central office," by which subscrib­ management, when they receive such small divi­ of the apparatus, the call bell and battery, the ex­ ers are connected. When it is considered that dends or none at all. The Bell Company has only changes purchase from various manufacturers, for every fifty new subscribers there is perhaps paid 7 per cent., though its stock is quoted at 145 who pay the Bell Company a royalty for the one additional switch-board operator at $30 a on the prospect of better results in the future, patents under which they make them. In addi­ month, and that a mile of wire can bo strung for and the Metropolitan has paid nothing at all, but tion to this, the Bell Company absorbs a heavy, $50 for bouse top, and $75 for pole lines, the im­ recently borrowed S300,000, supposed to be neces­ and often controlling, stock interest in the local pudence of this claim can best be appreciated. sary for ''construction" purposes, while such companies of the great cities, explaining in one The result of petty Boston meanness and other companies as the Southern BeU, embracing of its reports to the shareholders that " by pur­ avarice, as applied to a New York business several States, showed only again of 12? sub­ suing this plan the company will gradually ac­ which should be run on a scale of metropolitan scribers in its last annual report, and net earn­ quire a large permanent interest in the telephone liberality, can be seen in the comparatively ings of only §40,624.80 in two years, the report business throughout the country, so that you will very small number of subscribers. Mr. d'lnfre- declaring candidly " that the expectations of not be dependent upon roj-alties for a revenue, ville, the Western Union electrician, gave some growth and profit have not been realized." when the patents shall have expired." In other ridiculously erroneous figures as to the number words, even after 1893, when Bell's seventeen year of subscribers here. The Metropolitan (which is The Bell Company has now very nearly 200,000 patent (taken out in 1876) shall have expired, the the sham Boston concern in New York guise) has instruments throughout the country. These telephone patrons will be compelled to continue about 3,000; the Law less than 600; beside these 200,000 instruments are really only 100,000 of paying a heavy royalty to the Boston monopo­ there are less than 700 who lease instruments, what are popularly understood as " telephones," lists in the shape of dividends on the stock operating them themselves, or have private for the speaking contrivance ("transmitter") which they have already now, with pru­ lines. The average increase of subscribers, as so and the listening device ("receiver") are always dent forethought, liberally watered for them­ many have had their telephones taken out, is counted by telephone men as separ'ate "instru­ selves. What the profits of . the parent only 70 per month in the Metropolitan exchange, ments." The "output" of such telephonic in­ company are can easily be calculated. The in­ which concerns us mostly, only a little over tivo a struments for the year ending February, 1882, struments have hitherto been manufactured by day, and that in a city of over 1,250,000 of inhabit­ was but little, if any greater, than for the pre­ Charles Williams, Jr., of Boston; but, to make ants ! The subscriber who leases a telephone by ceding year, which shows no such rapid progress the monopoly still more stringent, even that the year (and who is outside of the exchange in the ijopular adoption of the wonderfully con­ manufactory has now been bought up by the Bell service), is compelled to pay $10 per annum for venient invention as good management should Company. The price paid for them by the Bell an instrument which costs the exchange $5 per h.ave effected. In the previous year the increase Company^ has been kept a secret, but it can year royalty, or just 100 per cent, profit. Or was 71,819 instruments, while last year it was easily be ascertained what they should properly rather, as the Metropolitan Company is really part only 56,682. This would show a positive de­ cost. Manufacturers offered to make them by the and parcel of the Boston concern, he pays $10 a ficiency, but the Bell Company count up 20,885 thousand for $5 a telephone, including both re­ year for the use of an instrument costing an aver­ in the year ending February 20, 1881, as having ceiver and transmitter, and their bids were re­ age of $3, being a royalty of 500 per cent, per an­ been taken over from the Gold and Stock Com­ jected by the Bell Company. In its last report num, and then he is subjected to the expense of pany, owing to the consolidation by the Bell with the value of the 203,846 instruments actually providing call bells, batteries, wire, etc. No the Western Union-Edison-Gray interest, and used, "available" or " in suspense account," on wonder that under such an oppressive monopoly the establishment of the present monopoly. De­ February 20, 1882, is figured among the assets at which in the long run will probably even hurt ducting this 20,885, the result is still that the $317,797.76, making a little over $1.50 a piece or the company's shareholders themselves, as it increase in telephone output was only 5,748 last $3 for the asset value of each telephone. For creates and stimulates rival invention and popu­ year. In other and plainer figures, while in the $3.30 a transmitter and for $1.25 a receiver can lar opposition, the extension of the telephone previous year 139 instruments (always to be re­ be manufactured and sold at a handsome profit; and its popular usefiibiess are not nearly as great garded, when spoken of in this article as such, as April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 357

as was anticipated. Can and will this outrageous localities, the city may then proceed to lay out a monopoly be destroyed? That is a question and the most approved appliances have been adopted portion of the ground. Then when the property in order to produce such results as will command in which telephone investors as well as the public adjacent thereto was in demand the city could themselves to the most exigent demands. are deeply interested, and on which we probably sell off what it had bought, a' d in this way The hardware is of the latest and most approved can shed some strong light in our next number. doubtless the amount expended not only for the style, aud in keeping with the general character of land but for the improvement of the park w^uld the hou-ses. THE JUMEL ESTATE. be realized by the enhanced prices. But it is the matter of cabinet work that Messrs. Murphy & Go. have excelled themselves, all the As will be seen by the advertisement else­ •—< o ». trimmings, wainscoting, doors, staircases and mantles where, the sale of the Jumel estate will com­ MINING INFORMATION. heing from their own well-known factory, IS.'i and 1.57 mence on the 31st of May and will probably last Matters have been dull on the Mining East Forty-fourth street, and in furnishing these they tbree days. It will be a very notable sale and have spared neither labor nor expense. Exchange, but there are several enterprises will excite the deepest inteiest in real estate cir­ The basements, parlors and second stories are under way which may create a mining boom. cles. It will be a fitting close to one of the most flnished inhardwood cabinet work, with handsome The time is ripe for it, and there are plenty of active spring seasons New York has ever known. cabinet wooden mantles. Tbe hall stands, parlor people ready to invest their money if they and second stoiy mantles have splendid plate-glass stand a chance of making anything. mirrors. That no part of the work on these houses THE RENT MARKET. There has been a rise in stocks on the north has been neglected or hurriedly done is shown by the Within the last v/eek their has been a percepti­ end of the Comstock, due to the increased size of fact that over one year has been occupied in their ble change in the attitude of the landlords, or the ore body, in the Union Consolidated, but construction. The second and third stories are arranged in the saloon style, with handsome mirrors rather that portion of them who have been there does not seem much chance for a bonanza, over the wash basins, and contain wardrobes lined demanding the extreme outside prices of tenants for it is not claimed that the ore is worth more with cedar. for the coming season. Owners who were willing than $50 a ton. It will be impossible to boom The houses could not be duplicated at the reason­ to rent at the same prices that prevailed last the market on anything less than a large body able flgures asked foi them, as there hns been an ad­ autumn have almost invariably found desirable running $200 to $300 to the ton. vance in lots in this locality, due in a measure to the tenants, but those who have been exorbitant in The news from Bodie indicates a good deal of numerous handsome residences recently erected. their demands have found that it was one thing interest in that camp. The price of Standard The office of John Murphy & Co. is at 155 East Forty- to demand an advance of 10 to 15 per cent, in keeps up and so does that of Bodie. In the latter fourth street, where copies of the pamphlets, giving their terms, and;^ quite another thing to find per­ mine the rich development in the old workings full descriptions, diagrams and prices of the above houses, can be obtained. sons willing to pay such advances. In many continues and the winze on the $500 ore is down instances where these demands have been unsuc­ by this time some thirty feet. It has been drifted MANSIONS NEAR CENTRAL PARK. cessfully made, owners are now anxiously waiting upon dver 200 feet. Should this development for tenants at the figures of last year. In nearly continue in depth, Bodie stock will rise. On the That Fifty-seventh street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, is destined to be the finest residence block first of April there was $55,000 in the treasury, all portions of the city there are more houses in in this city, indeed, that it is already the finest, is a the market than there were last month. The no debt, the income was over $10,000 a week and fact that is patent to all observers. Each successive brokers predict an active market between now the outlay about $5,000. It is now proposed to dwelling here erected seems to vie with all the others and May 1st, as they say many persons have drift west from the Lent shaft in order to get in fixing the desirability of this stteet as a place of been holding off and now that owners are begin­ under the rich ore bodies in the old workings. It residence for our wealthiest citizens. Rarely do we ning to yield somewhat, that there will be no is further proposed to sink the shaft which is now see- so many different styles of houses, and as one trouble in renting well located houses, flats and under the 500 foot level to the 1,500 foot level, so walks through the block it is extremely difflcult to decide which one he prefers, and on this point so stores. In Harlem the same general conditions as to thoroughly develop the ground of that mineral region. People with a speculative turn varied is their character no two persons would be prevail, although perhaps there is rather more likely to agree. would do well to keep track of Oro, Concordia demand for both medium sized dwellings and On the south side of this block, four magniflcent flats than in any other part of the city. Not­ and the Noondays. Addenda has lost one-half four-story residences have just been completed by J. withstanding the largely increased office accom­ its ground as the result of a lawsuit with Con­ C. Donnelly & Son, that add greatly to the character modations there is no abatement in the rents. cordia. of this residence street. Chrysolite has fallen off in value, due to a dis­ These houses are known by the street Nos. 3H, 40 appointment in finding that there is no second 42 and 44, and two of them are 25 feet, one 2.3 feet, OBITUARY. and one 27 feet front by 66 feet deep, with twostory contract in that roine. The mining sharps who Thomas H. Simonson, of the firm of T. H. basement and sub-cellar, extensions varying from .32 Simonson & Son, Lumber Merchants, at the made so much money in the original deals in to 35 feet in depth. The two houses in the centre foot of Seventy-ninth street, East River, died Chrysolite, Little Chief, Iron Silver, and other have pressed brick fronts, richly trimmed with brown on Tuesday, April llth, of diptheria. Mr. mines, are expected back in town, when they stone, and are approached y substantial and stylish Simonson was engaged in the lumber business will commence probably another rascally deal. brown stone stoops, with a double turn. for forty years, and was, at the time of his Calaveras is not much dealt in but the officers The houses on either side have fronts of well- selected brown stone that will bear the closest in­ death, one of the oldest if not the oldest living are very confident of its ultimate value. It has now an immense supply of water, a larger spection. Two of the houses have bay windows on lumber merchant in this city. Mr. Simonson the first floor, and two on the second floor, which ar­ amount than the Croton which supplies New was widely known aud highly respected for his rangement adds greatly to the exterior appearance. integrity. York, which, it is believed, some day will be The cellars are paved with asphalt, and are very needed in San Francisco. Its great reservoir is light, the yards being sunk so as to afford direct com­ only ninety miles from the chief city of the munication with the outer air. The basement con­ ABOUT NEW PARKS. Pacific coast. Apart from its hydraulic uses, tains the bifiiard room, kitchen, laundry, separate A member of a prominent Pine street real the water will be valuable for irrigating pur­ drying room and servant's bath room and closet. estate firm who recently appeared before the poses. On the flrst floors there are two parlors, hand­ Mayor when the subject of more park area for <-«^ somely flnished in cabinet style, in mahogany, rose­ our city was being considered, expressed himself wood and black walnut. The dining room and WELL-BUILT HOUSES ON EIGHTY-THIRD butler's pantry, which is connected both with the in thiswise a few days ago upon this subject: STEEET, ABUTTING ON CENTRAL PARK. " Before any new parks are laid out in this city, basement and second floor by a servant's stair­ On the north side of Eighty-third street, between the ones that we now have should be completed case, is also on this floor. In two of the Fifth and Madison avenues, Messrs. John Murphy & houses the dining rooms are flnished with oak in and put in proper shape. For instance there is Uo. have finished five elegant four-story brown stone the other two with mohagany, all of them having Morningside Park, located in a district ready dwellings, which in detail of finish, design and location beautiful parquette floors. They are also furnished for immediate improvement, and bordering on compare favorably with any of the numerous first- with an elaborately carved buffet, in-the centre of which are many lots that have had to bear very class residences erected for the purpose of sale in this which are very handsome beveled mirrors, the.se be­ heavy assessments. If the original plans for the growing and aristocratic locality. Three of them are ing surmounted by large stained glass windows of embellishments of this park were completed there 18x71, the other two being 20 and 21x71. These dimen­ unique and aesthetic design. There is a passenger sions, of course, include the conveniently-arranged is no doubt that the whole surrounding neighbor­ elevator running to the upper stories. In the second threestory extensions. floors will be found four large chambers in the saloon hood in a very short time would be covered by The outside appearance of this row is peculiarly style, two bath rooms, a maid's sink with hot and extensive first-class improvements. The city also pleasing, diff ring somewhat in style, but forming a cold water, and linen and cedar-lined closets. This would be benefited by the large increase in taxes harmonious whole, which is heightened hy the floor is charmingly trimmed with satin wood and that would be the natural result of such improve­ choicely-selected brown stone. A strong contrast is maple. The third floor is also arranged in the saloon ment. At the conference recently held at the presented by the two houses now being erected by style, and contains three commodious chambers, Mayor's office, I said that there was no objection to Messrs. Arnold, Constable & Co. for their own occu­ bath room, etc. The fourth floor consists of four the city acquiring property for new parks, while pancy, just adjoining, on the west side, preventing chambers, an extensive nursery the whole width of that sameness of appearance so prevalent in some of ground was yet cheap, but that I did object to the house, and ample trunk rooms. The staircases New York's handsomest residence streets. are very imposing; as you enter the halls from the one dollar being spent iu the improving of any The plumbing has been paid especial attention to ig vestibules there is an elaborately carved wooden such ground at the present time, as it would only its every detail, from the greatest to the least. The screen matching the staircase, and from which may foster a false speculation in land adjacent thereto. sanitary requirements of the Board of Health have be hung suitable drapings. The staircases them­ My idea is that the city should buy large tracts been closely adhered to—in cellar drainage, cast iron selves, as well as the screen, are in hardwood to the of lands in suitable localities to be selected by sewer pipes to the street, traps, ventilation of pipes top floor, two being mahogany, one oak and one well-posted real estate brokers, and not by land and of traps, and arrangement of pipes hy which tank walnut. The plumbing throughout has been done speculators, or attorneys for large estates, and pressure or street pressure can' he conveyed at by day's work, and is first class in every particular, pleasure to the upper stories. The plumbing has been all the latest sanitary improvements having been then when tbere is a demand for parka in these all done by day's work, and only the best materials brought into :play. The grates and tiling are very 358 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April 15, 1882

striking iu appearance, while no expense has been §3. All'acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith 1831, but that! portion applying to 1881 shall be col­ spared in securing the most substantial as well as are herebyrepealed. lected without interest or costs. ornamental hardware that the market could afford. The bill for the construction of a pier at the Bat­ The sixth seotioa provides that in all cases where In all the houses, the mantel pieces, which are sur­ tery, for the exclusive use of the Police Department, the said receiver of taxes has, prior to the date of the mounted by beautiful mirrors, are models of good was to-day favorably reported in the Senate. passage of this act, collected from the said corpora­ workmanship, the carving being not only charming The bill introduced three weeks since by Mr. tions, joint stock companies and associations, or in design but executed by master hands. The gas Sprague, providing for one commissioner of docks either of them, the tax for state purposes included in can all be lighted by electricity, and electric bells in addition to the provisions alluded to at the time of the personal tax levied upon any such corporation, will be found in all the rooms. The front door bell is its introduction, turns cut to have provisions relating joint-stock company or association, for the year so arranged by a system of switches, that the bell to wharfage and carriage, and for the adjustment of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, the amount of such may be made to ring in the butler's pantry, the base­ the claims of property-holders growing out of the state tax so levied and collected as the same shall be ment, or servant's apartment on the upper floor. improvements on West and other streets. It brings certified, shall be repaid by the comptroller of said Messrs. Donnelly & Son have personally superin­ up again the question of compensation to individuals city, out of the taxes heretoforelcollected in said city tended the erection of these houses, being always for property taken and otherwise interfered with by and county for the year eighteen hundred and eighty- upon the premises. It is rarely that houses of this the improvement of docks and bulkheads. It is one, to the corporation, joint stock company or asso­ character are built for purposes of sale, and there opposed by parties who have come here professing to ciation which has paid the same, with interest at the are but comparatively few persons of sufficient represent the city authorities, but this time strongly rate of G per centum per annum from the date of such wealth to live in such mansions as these, so it would supported by the representatives of Potter's and payment. be well for such persons to remember that it is not Webb's Municipal Association, who insist that it is a The seventh section declares that nothing in this act often that an opportunity offers to purchase houses hardship for individuals to have their property taken contained shall apply to or affect the corporations for their families that combine such manifold advan­ without compensation. known as the elevated railway companies nor to the tages of location, design and construction as those The promoters of the project for incorporating a Steamship companies exempted from personal taxa­ just described. company to take water from Lake George and the tion for fourteen years, by chapter 433 of the laws of upper Hudson, and convey it in an aqueduct on the last yenr, if (and nbt otherwise) within ninety days NEW YORR REALTY AT ALBANY. east side of the Hudson, with the right to contract for such corporation shall discontinue all pending pro­ ceedings in its behalf to correct or avoid the tax for [From our Special Correspondent.] the supplying any or all of the cities on the Hudson River, from Troy down, including New York, are 1880, and shall pay the amount thereof after crediting ALBANY, April 13. the amount of such tax for State purposes, included No action has yet been taken by the committee in earnestly pressing their measures. 1 hey have sub­ mitted to the Legislature a report of the surveys therein, with interest from July 1, 1881, to the reference to Mr. Breene's bills, relative to the pay­ receiver of taxes. ment of assessments for local improvements in the made, with estimates of its cost, time required and mode of construction of their works. Also endorse­ annexed wards. The law officers of the city of New THE ST. GERMAINE FLATS. York claim that there is a defect in the bill passed ment of engineers as to its practicability. It has been last year "in rega d to the payment of assessments in charged that this is a chimerical scheme, but the facts The impetus which the building of new houses on these wards in j'early installments, which practically set forth in the statements of engineers, show to the this island received in 1881 continues to manifest itself makes the measure inoperative. contrary. It is impossible as yet to tell its fate in the by the completion of substantial and ornamental houses in allparts of the city. Charles Riley has just The committee which has under consideration the Legislature. No action has been taken as yet on completed seven four-story and cellar brown stone question of establishing a military parade ground either measure for the city authorities to contract a French flatSj situated on the southeast corner of Lex­ north of the Harlem River.has had its time extended new aqueduct to increase the supply of water for New ington avenue and Ninety-fourth street. These flne in whicii to make its report until the flrst week in York from the Croton watershed. houses are all 20x:65x85. This location is one of the May. The much talked of plan of consolidating the cities highest in the city, overlooking the surrounding neigh, A bill pa?sed last year, which Ihe Governor vetoed, of New York and Brooklyn is being formulated for borhood. Houses erected on such elevated ground and authorizing the change of the grades of the streets Legislative action. Senator Grady introduced a bill cannot fail to obtain perfect drainage and security ' from West Eighty-fourth street to Ninety-sixth street, today, providing for the appointment by the Gover­ from malaria. All tha walls of Mr. Riley's bouses sra lying between the Boulevard and Riverside avenue or nor of a commission of thirty-one residents of those built of hard up-river brick, and constructed by day's drive. Senator Treanor, who represents that portion two cities, to consider the question of consolidation, work. The chaste brown stone fronts are set off with of the city, has introduced a similar bill in the Senate and draft a charter to unite those tvvo cities into one neat columnar portico stoops, raised about four feet for the Commissioner of Public Works to change the municipality, and report the same f o the Legislature from the sidewalk, giving the whole front an imposing grades of these streets, so as to make them more con­ of 1883. The union of those two cities will come in appearance. Pai-ticular attention has been given to venient for public use. It has been reported by the time, but whether that time has arrived, or the people the plastered walls and ceilings, which are done in committee. will be ready for it by another year, is a question of best lime and sharp [clean [sand, as is the inside face some doubt. Political considerations, and the jeal­ The bill forthe construction of a plaza in front of of cellar j walls, which are plastered and finished in ousy of other parts of the State of the power of the the Seventh Regiment Armory, on Fourth avenue, has white mortar, the same as in the dwelling rooms two cities united, will probably postpone it beyond been reported favorably in the Assembly. above. The cellar bottoms are all laid in Portland that date. The measures to take from the Board of Park Com­ cement. Aside from the store rooms the cellars missioners all control of the streets and local improve­ No small amount of difficulty has arisen iu relation would be mistaken for pleasant dwelling apartments. ments in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, to the taxes in the city of New York by the enactment Commencing at front entrance we find heavy black is again being pressed. This has been defeated here­ of the law levying a State or franchise tax on the walnut double front and vestibule doors. The halls tofore by political interests. corporations, to be paid direct to the Slate on the are cabinet trimmed in black walnut, and floored with A change in the composition of the Board of Park dividends and value of the stock. The city of New encaustic tiles of pleasing design. The newel posts Commissioners is proposed, by a bill introduced by York, when these laws were passed, had assessed its and balusters are all of polished black walnut and Mr. Robb this week, which wipes out the name of personal tax on these corporations, and the State law substantially constructed. The windows are large, Board of Park Commissioners and abolishes the pres­ prevented its enforcement, thus making the tax levied with single triple French plate glass. ent quarrelling Commissioners, substituting in their by the city short the amount required to the extent place a Board of Park Trustees, consisting of nine of the personal tax levied on the corporations in Each apartment or fioor contains two flne marble persons, six to be appointed by the Mayor, the others question. A bill was ordered to third reading in the mantels, two marble wash basins with silver plated to be the President of the Metropolitan Museum of Senate to-day providing for this deficiency without faucets, one French plate jiier mirror with gilt orna­ Art, President of the Museum of Natural History and placing it upon real estate. It provides that jhe mented black walnut frame aud window cornices, President of the Academy of Design. The trustees to amounts of the respective assessments of the capita, which adds to the attractiveness of these spacious and have the same power over the management of the s^ock of the several corporations, joint stock com­ well arranged" apartments. Each suite contains seven Parks as is now possessed by the Board.of Park Com­ panies and associations, made and entered in the or eight rooms, with store room, containing range for missioners. annual record of the assessed valuation of real and kitchen, stationary washtubs, Jdumb waiters,. speak­ ing tubes, electric bells, and stationary refrigerator A bill has been introduced in the Assembly by Mr. personal estate in the city of New York, for each of the years 1880 and 18S1, are hereby assessed against, set in recess. In fact, every modern appliance whicii Morrison, which gives to the Board of Health of tho ingenuity and experience could suggest, has been sup­ city power to compel the vacation of any building or and the personal tax imposed upon each of the said several corporations, companies and associations, plied in these flats. The plumbing is everything that tenement iu the city, in whole or in part, whenever it could be desired. Each wash basin, closet and wash finds it in a condition dangerous or detrimental to whose names appear upon the several assessment rolls of said cilj-, for said j-ears, are hereby levied tub being provided with lead safe pan, back vent pipe health on account of defects in drainage, ventilation and all connected and ventilated at the roof. The or construction; also, when it finds the condition such upon such respective corporations, joint stock com­ panies and associations. sanitary condition of these houses and grounds are as is likely to cause sickness among the occupants, or all that could be desired, each house having two air The second section provides for the crediting to the to be so badly out of repair as to become dangerous shafts extending to roof. Every floor is cut off from corporation, and the deduction accordingly, of any to life. It ean compel the vacation of the building in the main hall, except at the front parlor entrances, amount paid of the personal tax alluded to prior to whole or in part, and require its repair. An order tb by private hall commencing at head of stairs, and ex - the passage of this act. be posted on the building aiid served on the owner or tending back to the dining room and the kitchen. lessee, made mandatory in that is required by the Section three provides that the commissioners of These private Lalls are beautifully %vainscoted in order. taxes and assessments inlthe said city shall ascertain hard wood, ahd contain besides spacious closets, ac - Another bill, in relation to summary proceedings to and determine, within one. month after the passage cess to speaking tubes, dumb waiters, bells, &c. recover possession of lands and tenements in New of this act, what proportion of the tax for state pur­ From commencement to finish all the work has been York, has been introduced by Mr. Sprague and favor­ poses flxed and stated to be assessed upon the estates, under the inspection and daily supervision of Mr. ably reported. It is of interest to all property-holders real and personal, subject to taxation in said city and Riley, who has seen to it that overything has been and tenants. Its full text is as follows: county for the year 1881, is included in the tax for thoroughly well done. SECTION 1. Summary proceedings to recover the that year levied by this act on the said respective possession of lands in the city and county of New As some of the very best informed dealers in realty York shall be brought in the district court of the dis­ corporations, joint stock companies and associations, are now investing in flat property, these desirable trict of which the premises, the possession of which and certify tbe respective amounts thereof to the houses will doubtless soon flnd ready purchasers. is sought to be recovered, are situated; the justice receiver of taxes of said city, and the certiflcation so presiding in said conrt shall have the right, upon mo­ made shall be conclusive upon all such corporations, tion of either party, to transfer said proceedings to Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of joint stock companies and associations for the pur­ the district court of any adjoining district, there tb Building for State, War and Navy Departments, Wash­ be heard and determined as if originated therein. poses of this act. § 2. In such proceedings, precepts and summons ington, D.C., for furnishing and putting in place the shall bejserved, and warrants executed only by mar- As much of this tax as applies to 1880 levy, shall be marble mantels required for the north building of sh^.lsbf said city, or by deputy sheriffs. charged with interest at 6 per cent, from January 1 his department, until May 2d at 12 ir. April 15,1882 TiHE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 359

OUT AMONG THE BVILDERS. expenses will be presented to the Supreme Court on west corner of Forty-sixth street and First avenue. April 22d, at 10:30 A.M., and that the bfil is deposited in On the 19th the same auctioneer will sell the house Messrs. Carter & Ferdon have prepared the plans the office of the Department of Public Works, where 417 West Forty-sixth street, also the store and dwell­ for two three-story brown stone dwellings, 20x50, to it will remain until April 2rth. ing 795 First avenue. On Thursday, April 20, the same be erected on the north side of One Hundred and auctioneer will sell six lots on One Hundred and Twenty-eighth street, between Madison and Fifth Notice is given that a petition with map and plan Fifty-second and One Hundred and Fif ty third streets, avenues, by Mr. McCormick, at a cost of 813,000 for changing grade of One Hundred and Fifty-eighth 650 feet west of the Grand Boulevard, whUe on Friday, ea .'h. street, from the Boulevard to the Hudson River, is April 21, he will sell the buil ling 15S West Thirty-flrst The same architects are drawing the plans for a pending before the Common Council. All persans street. On Wednesday, April 19, Mr. Harnett will sell fancy iron entrance for the ofiice and flat building, on objecting thereto are requested to present the same the Brooklyn property of the Globe Mutual Life In­ the southeast corner of Fourth avenue and One before April 21, 1882, at the Department of Public surance Company, at 379 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Hundred and Twenty-flfth street. This entrance Works. This includes twenty-flve br.ovvn stone bouses, frame will open on One Hundred and Twenty-flf th street. houses and vacant • lots on McDonough, Maeon and Owner, James McBride. . SPECIAL NOTICES. Bergen streets, Lewis, Ninth and Hamilton avenues, They have also the plans in hand for six two-story For sale on East Forty-fourth street, 150 east of Tompkins place and the Gowanus Canal. All these cottages in the Queen Anne and Gothic styles, 30x38, Fifth avenue, the only remaining two vacant lots parcels will be sold at a stated upset price, as per to be erected at Mount Vernon, by Mrs. Richardson, south of Fifty-eighth street, available for first class notice in our advertising columns. at a cost of S40,0C0. improvement. Kirkland & Co., 5 and 7 Cortlandt street. E. H. Ludlow & Co. will sell at auction on Monday, W. B. Tuthill is at work on the designs for three Attention is called to Walter W. Montague's card, April 17, the house No. 215 Clinton street. On Tues­ two-story frame cottages in the English style, 30x23, which appears on the first page of this issue. Ih ad­ day the same firm wi 1 sell seven three-story brown 34x28 and 30x27, to be erected by the Brielle Associa­ dition to transacting business in all matters pertain­ Stone houses, extending from 841 to 803 Lexington tion, at Brielle, New Jersey, at an outlay of $3,000 ing to the purchase and sale of realty, Mr. Montague avenue; also five four-story brick flats, extending each; and also for a two-story frame cottage. 34x88, makes a specialty of fire insurance. . from 320 to 328 East One Hundred and Fifteenth to be erected by the Highland Beach Association, at street. On Thursday, April 20, the same firm will Highland Beach, New Jersey, at a cost of $3,000. The property belonging to the estate of Thonias Crane, deceased, is offered at private sale, as 'will be sell well located business proparty 333 Pearl street, Mrs. Waldo will erect a handsome residence on the seen by the advertisement of the same, which appears running througli to Np. 8J Ciff street. This ad.ioins plot of ground recently purchased by her on the on the last page of our issue of to-day. The property the Harper Bro:hers' building. southeast corner of Madison avenue and Seventy- comprises a number of valuable improved and unim­ On Tuesday, AprU 18, Adrian H. MuUer & Son will second street, 31x102.2. We understand this dwelling proved parcelsboth in this city and Brooklyn, and is sell at partition sale some valuable lots on Tenth aud will be quite unique in design in conformity with Mrs. worthy of the intention of both investors and builders. St. Nicholas avenues, Sixty-second, One Hundred and Waldo's own ideas. The plans as yet have not been Se."ond, One Hundred and Eighteenth and One Hun­ prepared. The Permutation Lock Company, iu addition to manufacturing all varieties of combination locks for dred and Twentj^-third streets. All of these parcels ;\lr. VVilliam McEntee will erect a row of six three­ are ready for»immediate improvement. story brown stone houses, on the south side of One safes, fumiture, desks, doors ahd bank vaults, are the sole manufacturers of patent adjustable door knobs On Monday, April 24, A. H. Muller & Son Hundred and Twenty-eighth street, 125 west of sell quite a number of houses in Avenus A, First Seventh avenue. They will be 16.8x50, with all and spindles. A cut showing the latter can be seen In the advertisement on another page of this issue. avenue, Lexington avenue, Madison avenue, West modern improvements. Twenty-sixth, East Forty-eighth, West Forty-ninth, James Fliggins will erect a four-story flathouse, 15x The office of the Company is at the corner of Grove and Tenth streets, Jersey City, N. J. East One Hundred and Eleventh, East One Hundred 50x73, with an extension 6x7, on the noith side of and Fourteenth, East One Hundred and Fifteenth, Seventy-ninth street, 70 east of Second avenue, from East One Hundred and Niaeteeith, East One Hundred plans by F. S. Barus. MARKET REVIEW. and Twentieth and East One Hundred and Thirty- The house No. 62 Pike street is to '^be altered into a flrst streets. This properfcy is worth looking at, while four story flat, 22x40x60. Owner, Edward i.Knowlton. REAL ESTATE. plans and diagrams can be seen at No. 7 Pine street. Architect, Edward Kenny. ^^ For list of lots and bouses for sale On Wednesday the Weiss estate, consisting of about A flve-story flat house will be erected^ai. No. 470 S^ee pages 11 g lil, v and vi of advertlse- twenty-nine acres of ground with mansion, cttage, Second avenue, 24.8x84.1x100, by Henry Gucken. ments* &c., located on Park avenue, Plainfleld, was sold to Architect, F. W. Klemt. The activity in real estate continues unabated. A Walter L. Vail, for.$l0.300. A. B. Ogden has drawn plans for the Johnston wrfl distributed business was done on the Real Estate On Tuesday, April 18, Charles S. Brown will sell the Brothers, agents, for the erection of a five-story flat Exchange, and business and tenement property two splendid lots on Fifty-ninth street, 250 feet west house, at No. 229 East Seventy seventh street. It wUl brought very good prices. Investors will notice the of the Fifth avenue plaza. This is an exceedingly be 25x84x103.2. good figures given for store property on Eighth ave­ choice piece of property and ought to command a Thom & Wilson are engaged on the jdans for a nue, and the high prices commanded by tenement very high flgure for immediate building purposes. handsome six-story flat house with store, 56.4x86.6, to house property wherever offered. The large addi­ On Tuesday, April 18, H. Henriques will sell, by ba erected on the west side of Sixth avenue, 20 feet tions to our poorer population, from immigration and order of executors, the two-story frame house and lot south of Fif ty-seventh street. Owner, Louis Ley­ natural.increase, is giving a value to tenement houses No. 407 East Eighty-eighth street. poldt. which they have not had for years. As it is pretty Two flve-story. flat houses, 24.7x60x75, are to be well settled that there will be less building this than Gossip of the Week. erected by Leib, at Nos. 118 and 120 Suffolk last year, while the increase in our population will be N. S. Warsawer has sold the flve-story brick build­ street, from plans by Julius Boekell. in an even greater ratio, it follows that house and re­ ing. No. 577 Grand street, 33x45x100, for $14,500, to Mr. Valentine proposes to build two flve-story tene­ tail business property in New York is a good invest­ Charles Brenner. ment houses, at Nos. 141 and 143 Forsyth street, 24x ment for the immediate future. Should an advance The plot of ground on the northeast corner of Madi­ 70x100. Architect, Robert Mook. in rents continue during the rest of the year, there son avenue and One Hundred and Twenty- third street Thomas Hammill wfil erect a flve-story flat house will be a heavy building movement next spring, and lOOxlOfi, has been sold for $57,500. at No. 22 City Hall place. It will be 24.7x6i.6x85. this will create a demand for unimproved lots. It C. R. Gregor has sold for Mr. Shook, the two five- Architect, Wm. Kuhles. may interest real estate owners and dealers in New story brown stone fiat houses, Nos. 153 and 155 East York to learn that part of the Lorillard estate is soon to Forty-eighth street, 25x85x100 each, for $60,000; the BUILDING MATERIAL EXCHANGE. be improved. A great part of this realty is in the form three-story brown stone house, No. 953 Second avenue, Tho organization of the new Exchange was per­ of down-town tenement proptrty, which has been 20x80, to J. Henry Dutting, for $9,50?. fected on Monday last by the election of the following held by long^lease?. These leases expire in 18S3. 1831. Mr. L. FroehlichTias sold for Myer Finn the valuable officers for the ensuing year: President, Hiram and 1885, when it is understood the propertv will hp office-building known as No. 25 Chambers street, Fnyder ; Vice-President, WiUiam N. Philbrick ; Treas­ improved and divided among the heirs of the estate. running through to Reade street, to S. S. Bradley, urer, Albert Morton; Trustees, Hiram Snyder, Wil­ Some of the tenement property is in a very dilapi the recorded transfer of whicii appears in our columns liam N. Philbrick, Albert Morton, Robert P. Chandler, dated condition. to-day. J. B. King, A. King, William K. Hammond, On Saturday last R. V. Harnett sold in foreclosure This is one of the numerous sales of Mr. Finn's real WiUiam H. Barnes, Walter T. Klots, HamUton V. the plot of ground on the northwest corner of Madi­ estate effected by Mr. Froehlich, his broker, at prices Meeks, Charles B. Johnson. Lowell Talbot, Charles son avenue and Eighty-sixth street, 100.8x87.9, which which have yielded a good profit to tho seller, who Schultz. was so'.d to satisfy a mortgage made by J. F. cie Navar­ secured his bargains during the panic. • Nearly 200 members are already on the roll, and the ro to the Equitable Life Assurance Society and on Each party \^ho happened to be a lucky purchaser Exchange will commence business at its rooms. No. which there was due about $37,750. As usual, on Satur­ of property acquired by hun has in his turn had a 18 Dey street, on May 1st. day there was not a very large attendance- and the large margin of profit by his investment. Among property was knocked down to Mr. George Lespi­ these purchasers were Ottinger Brothers, who bought The General Term of the Supreme Court, Justice nasse for $59,000. This sale was the subject of much Nos. 135 and 137 Greene street, two lots, for $33,000, Davis writing the opinion, has reversed the decision comment, as .those best informed in values in this and afterwards sold them for $14,000, and the present of the Special Term and vacated the assessment for locality appraised the plot at from $75,000 to $80,000. owner has been offered $60,000 for the same. regulating and grading Eighty-second street, from On Tuesday the same auctioneer sold the property Another purchaser was the President of the German Eighth avenue to the Boulevard. known as tbe Wills & Borton Sea Cliff Hot and Cold Exchange Bank, who secured a property for $25,500 Bathing Establishment, 40x110, situated on Ocean which he can dispose of now for $42,000. The General Term has reversed the judgment of the avenue. Long Branch, for $8,900. Court below, and sustained the assessment levied for We understand that there is a movement on foot to regulating and grading One Hundred and Sixth street, The sales next week at the Exchange will be quite form a national banking company who are contem­ froni Third avenue to the East River. heavy, and embrace a great deal of desirable invest­ plating and negotiating for the banking building No. ment property. On Tuesday. April 18, Mr. Richard 283 Bowery, above Houston street, which was formerly The General Term has likewise reversed the judg­ V. Harnett will sell a great deal of well located prop­ occupied by the Mechanics' and Traders' Savings In­ ment of the Court below in the matter of Barclay, erty, and much of it very desirable for investors. stitution, another of the parcels owned now by Mr. concerning the Bloomingdale road. The General Among other parcels is the house 415 One Hundred Finn and bought by him during the panic. Term holds that the Bloomingdale road was a street and Twenty-second street, buildings corner Ridge and T. S. Clarkson & Co. have sold the store building lawfully laid out, and therefore subject to assessment Delancey streets, the brown stone house 42 West Nos. 18 and 20 Cedar street, 44.2x69 for $37,500. Forty-sixth street, five brown stono houses on One W. H. Roome's Son has sold No. 62 West Twenty- Notice is givfin in the matter of the opening of One Hundred and Twenty-third street, the brick house No. second street,]8.6x50xl00, to A. Oppermanfor $18,00). Hundred and Twenty-second.street, from Fourth to 41 Cannon street, the lot No. 528 East Thirteenth street, Messrs. Riker & Co. have sold the five-story brick Madison avenues, that the bill of costs, charges and enement house property on four lots on the south­ and brown-stone flat-house No. 31 West Tenth street, 360 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April 15,1882

25.6x82x94.10, for $40,000. This property rents for $5,460 43d st. No. 2 W., s 8, 23x100.5, four-story stpne 3d st..N". 20 E., 8 8, 21.6x62.9x21.6x61.7, simUar per annum. The sale of the lot on the north side of front dweU'g. A. L. Brtiwri.- i^ease'es:- dweU'g., M.J, Adrian 9,400 pires May 1, 1902, ground rent: $900-per • , 3d St. No. 22 E., s s, 21.2x61.7x21.2x61, similar Sixty-ninth street reported last week should have annum) 13,500 d'weH'ig. Chas. Qunzler 9,500 read IvO feet west of Third avenue instead of Lex­ 44th St. No. 102W., s s, 16.10x100.5, four-story .., 38th st. No. 38 W., s s. 21x98.9, four-story stone stone front dweU'g. B. P. Fairchild...... 17,500 , front dweU'g. Miss E. J. Lynch 30,300 ington avenue. 54th st. No. 1.58 W.. s s, 18.6x100.5. four-story Bernard Spaulding has sold the four-storv high- stone front dwell'g. John R. Flanagan... 17,500 W. L. HAMMERSLEY. stoop brown-stone house No. 146 East Forty-sixth 59th St. No. 71 E , 20x100.5. four-story stone Washington st, n w cor Clarkson st, 35x75;") front dweU'g. Thomas Floyd Jones 18,500 No. 584 Washington st, three-story frame street, 18x55x100, wiih butler's pantry extension, to 59tfa St. No. 73. n w cor Park av. 20x100.5. four- • store and dwell'g. and Nos. 59 to 65 August G. Blume for $25,000. story stone front store and flat. Thomas . Clarkson st, four two-story frame C. R. Gregor has sold the three-story brown-stone Floyd Jones 29,250 dweU'gs 86th St. n w cor Madison av, 87.9x100.8. vacant. Clarkson st. No. 67. n s, 75 w Washington st. house No. 239 East Forty-ninth street, 18x50x100, to Lespinasse & Friedman. (Amount due, 2.'>x75, three-story bricK storage store;' Henry Hahn for $18,000. abt$37,750) 59,000 No. 67 is subject to 21 years lease, from I Aug. 1, 1865.. j Mr. John Graham has sold the four-story high-stoop *110th st. No. 342 E., s s, 2.5x100.11, four-story brick tenem't. NewYork Life Ins. Co. Patrick Skelly. (Rental reserve, $400 per brown-stone dwelling No. 124 East Seventy-second (Amount due, abt $6,77.")) . 5,000 annum) , 22 350 street, 20x60x100, to Mrs. Piersall for nearly $40,000. *110th st. No 344 E., B s. 2.5x100,11. four-story V. K. STEVENSON, JR. brick tenem't. New York Life Ins. Co. J. H. Romer has sold a plot of ground comprising (Amount due. abt $6,77.5) 4 SCO lOth av. e s, 99 11 s 161st st, runs west 66.11 to a litle more than five and oue half city lots on the Kingsbrige road, x south 61.4 x west 75 to *110th st. No, 346 E., s s. 25x100.11, four-story 10th av, X north 49.10. (Amount due, abt south side of One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street. brick tenem't. New York Life Ins. Co. $2,200) ; 6,300 (Amount due, abt $6,775) 5,000 125 feet east of Eighth avenue, for Mr. Hughes for 134 th st, n s, 125 e Linnoln av, 50x100, two-story H. W. COATES. $27,000. It is said this property will be improved this brick dweU'g and two-story frame stable in . 10th st. No. 223 E., n s, 25x94.10, three-story summpr. rear. John O'Brien. (Amount due, abt $6,000) v.. 7,.550 brick dweU'g. Weil 14,600 Four lots on the south side of One Hundred and 148th st, s s, abt 26 e Morris av, 64x100, two­ ^ WILLIAM KENNELLY. Twenty-eighth street, 125 feet west of Seventh avenue, story brick dweU'g. Henry >G. Cooper. 9th av. No. 292. e s, 24.8x77.10, four-story brick have been purchased with a loan by Mr. Wm. Mc­ (Amount due, abt $6.20n) ...... 3 8E0 store and dweU'g. Hugh J. Grant 14.950 3d av. No. 259, e s. 21.10x60, three-story" brick 10th av. No. 364, e s, IS.OxlOO, flve-story brick Entee. store and dweU'g. Wm. F. Reilly 15,250 dweU'g. Hugh J Grant 8,700 Messrs. Butler & Matheson have sold the four- 8th av. No. 487. w s. 24.8x1.00, four-story brick LOUIS MESIEB story brown-stone building No, 934 Eighth avenue, store, and two-storv brick extension. R. S. Clark. (Rent, $31450) ; 37,500 South William St, No. 2, cor Beaver st, 108.4x 18.10x62.6, to the Lorillard esta'e for$ 19,500. Sth av. No. 503. w s, 20x84.3, four-story stone 70 llx irreg, five-story brick building. E. S. Crank has sold the four-story brown-stone front dwell'g. C. F. Southmavd et al., Charles Delmonico 132,500 house No. 120 East Fifty-seventh street to C. J. ti ustees for Hy. Astor. (Rent $2,462) • 27,500 p. F. MEYER. •WiUett St. No. 53. w s, 25x100, threestory HummeU for $24,000. A. H. MULLER & SON. . frame (brick front) store and dweU'g and Messrs. Breen & Nason have sold the four-story, Greenwich st. No. 655, e s, 24x75. leasehold, three-story frame dwell'g in rear. C. A. high stoop, brown stone house No, 6 East Sixty-second three-story brick dweU'g. John Corse. Schuster. (Amt due, abt $7,050) 7,(00 (Leased for 21 years, from May 1, 1867; street, 27x94x100, to Mr. Henry Newman, for $66,000. E. F. RAYMOND. ground rent, $325) 1,600 Messrs. E. H. Ludlow & Co. have sold the four-story 3.'d St. No. 352 E., s s, 17.6x49.4, four-stofy brick Pearl st. No. 176, s s, 31.7x102x2'!.10>cl00.9. four- high stoop, brown s one house No. 12 East Forty- store and dweU'g M. V. Freund.... 4,050 story brick store. National Bank of the 34lh st, Nos. 282 and 2-34 E.. s s, 86x98.9. two Republic. (1st mort., $25,000; 2d mort. fourth street, 25x65x100, for William H. Vanderbilt, to four-story stone front dweU'gs. Henry $5,000) 28,200' a member of Mr. Ludlow's family, for $65,000. Hughes 17,000 J. L. WELLS. Mr. WUliam H. Vanderbilt has sold the four-story, 57th st, n s. 375 w 9th av, 50x100.5, vacant. J *Av A, e s, extdg. from n3th to 114th st, and D. Lynch 10,200 high stoop, brown stone house No. 10 East Fortv- Lexington av. No. 537, s e cor 49th st, 17.1x70, 80 ft on both streets, vacant. Lizzie M. f ourth street, with the two lots of ground to the west tbree-story stone front dweU'g. Robert Sproul. (Ainount due, abt $30,050) 16,800 of the same, to a speculator, who has resold the house Burns '.. 44.160 J. T. BOYD. and, as will be seen in another column, is now offer­ *3d av. No. 4'i7, s e cor 33d st, 24.8x85. two story Eldridge st. No. 77, w s, 25xlOn, five-stoi-y brick frame (brick front) store and dwell'g, and store and tenem't. Jacobs & Lobenthal. ing the lots. It is said thai these lots are the only two-storj' brick stable in rear. Margaret (2d mort., amount due, abt $6,550; 1st ones in the market south of Fiftieth eighth street and Edward Armstrong 23,000 mort. $1,000) 21,316 and between Fifth and Madison avenues. 10th av. s w cor 104th st, 25.11X100, -vacant, j. 30th st, No. 302 E., s s, 21.6x98.9. three-story H.Young 5,900 brick house. Edmond Huestel 11,000 Messrs. Benner & Zeller have sold tor the Real 10th av, w s, adj, 25x100. I.Meyer ,. , 4,700 Estate Co operative Association the four-story front 10th av, w s, adj, 25x100. J. H.Youtig.. 4,500 Total $1,081,280 and rear houses Nos. 11 and 13 Rivington street, to 10th av, w s, adj, 50x100. I. Meyer 8,950 10th av, w s, adj, 50x100. .,1. & S. Wormser Mr. Borland, for $.32,000. These premises were pur­ 8,800 10th av. w s, 25.11 n 104th st, 25x100. I. & S. eROORLYN, N. Y. chased about three weeks since for $27,850. Wormser •. .;.. 4,075 Dr. Demorest has sold the frame house and three 10th av, w s, adj, 25xiro. I. & S. Wormser.'.'.'. 4,001 In . the city of Brooklyn Messrs. J. Cole, Cole & lots of ground on the north side of One Hundred and nth av. w s. adj, 25x100. I. & S. Wornsej- . . 3,475 Murphy, Wm. Kennelly and T. A. Kerrigan have made- Idth av, w s. adj, 25xl0!i. I. & S. Wormser 3,375 Twenty-seventh street, between Lexington and Fourth 10th av. n e cor 131st st. 97.11x87. gore. I. & the following sales for the week ending April 14: avenues, for $20,000, and purchased the four-story, S. Wormser 3,900 Boliver st, s s, 150 w Canton st, 25x119. Ilxii5x high stoop, brown stone dwelling on the southeast 117.4. Patrick McKeun ;.. $975 B. H. LUDLOW & CO. Carroll st. No. 450, s s, 40x100, two story brick corner of Madison aveniie and One Hnndred and Charles st, No. 11, n s, 22x95, three and one- dweU'g. WiUiam Curry 1,400 Twenty-sixth street, 20x55x85, for $27,500. half-story brick dweU'g. Valentine Ham- Fulton st, s w cor Miller av, 50x1( 0. Mary A. mann W. P. Birdsall has sold a three-story brown stone 14 • Jliller. ;... 1,855 Rivington st. Nos. 325 and 327, s si 37.5x75' High St. No. 200, s s, 25x76, two-story frame house on the north side of One Hundred and Twentj-- threestory brick building. M. A. J. store and dweU'g. Mrs. Annie L. Smith. 2,150 sixth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, 18.9x50 Lynch 5,500 Jay St. No. 126, w s, 2Jx50x30x—, two and one- xlOO. for $19,000. 1st av. No. 1237. w s, 25x7.5, four-story stone half story frame dweU'g. Patrick McCane 2,600 frontdwell'g. A. Schaefer 15,450 Livingston St, No. 299, nes, 21.9x90, three­ The four-story brick house No. 691" Second avenue, story brick dweU'g. Thomas McCaffery.. 6,000 16 8x50x80, has been sold at private sale for $8,000; as L. J. & I. PHILLIPS. Sands st. Navy st. and old Bridge road, block has also the four-story brick flat house No. 205 East 53d st. No. 322 E., s s. 18x100.5. four-story stone gore, four three-story frame dweU'gs, and front apartment house. Louis Stern 11.500 two-story frame store and dweU'g. W S. Eighty-third street, 20x102.2, irregular, for $9,100. 60th st, No. 24 E., s s, 22xl<'0.5, four-story stone Burnett. 5,950 Both of these houses were to^have been sold at auc­ front dweU'g. D. C. Hayes 37,100 Scholes St. n s, 125 w Morrell st, 25x100. An­ tion this week. 62d st. No. 359 E., n s. 16x:00.5, three story brick drew Wils and Christian Schuck 2,100 dwell'g. Louis Stern 4,950 3d st, s s, 58.8 e 5th av, 19x90, threestory stone Brooklyn. 113th st, Nos. 117 and 119 E . n s, .32x100.11, two front dwell'g. T. C. Van Brunt 5,525 three-story brick dweU'gs. Isaac Kuhn.. 12,600 *llth st. No. 96, s 8, 207.6 e .3d av, 18.9x100, two­ W. F. Corwith has sold four lots on the west side 116th st. No. 331 E., n s, 16x100.11. three-story story frame dwell'g. Thos. Jensen 2,800 of Lorimer street, 70 feet south of Norman slone front dwell'g. E. D. Edwards 9,400 *16th St. n s, abt 122.10 e 7th av, 25x200 to 16th St. xl7.2x33.10x8.8x165.2, vacant. Thomas avenue, for Charles T. Grosjean, to Atkin, B. SMYTH. Greenwich st. No. 345. e s, 25x100. six-story Jensen '. 800 for $3,900. It is the intention of the purchaser brick tenem't and flve-story brick lenem't Franklin av. No. 438, w s, 20x100, three story brick dweU'g. Mr. Bertow 6,950 to erect five houses on the above described premises. in rear. Fred'k W. Loew 26,000 The same broker has sold the two-story shop and lot. Harrison st. No. 7. s w cor Staple st, 28x73, six- Gates av, s e cor Ryerson st, 20x100. A. H. story brick store and tenem't. J. Johnson 3.755 No. 65 Kent street, for Elizabeth B. Archer, to James Hudson av. e s, 127 s TUlary st, 25x100. John O'Donohue 23,000 C. Stead, for $2,500, and the two-story frame dwelling. Lispenard st. No. 17, n s, four-story brick Hartman 2,050 store and tenem't and four-story brick Lafayette av, n s, 50e Grand av, 25x95, vacant. No. 157 Nassau avenue, for W. H. Young, to August Mr. Meeks 1,420 Duelgen, for $2,400. tenem't in rear. WiUett Bronson^... 18,400 Staple st. No. 6, w s. 27x50.8, six-story brick Myrtle av. No. 534, s s. 25x100, two-story frame store and dweU'g. John SchUemann 2,475 O. F. G. Megie has sold the two lots on the south tenem't. J.J. O'Donohue 10,825 *56th Ht, n s, 150 w 10th av, 60x100.5, frame side of Gates avenue, 325 feet east of Throop avenue, Total $48,805 Brooklyn, which he purchased at the Universal Life sheds. August Zinsser 8,000 *57th st. No. 512 W., s s, 25x100.5, three-'storV ' <• w » Insurance Company's sale on March 30th for $1,950, stone front store and dweU'g. Louisa to August Kaufmann for $2,500. Herb. (Amount due. abt $15,900>.. 12,000 ISUILDIIVG MATEBIAL MARKET. 116th St. Nos. 438 to 444 E., s s, 100x100.10, four The following are tbe sales at the Exchange Sale four-story stone front flats. J. R. Smith The daily press continues to chronicle new strikes room for the week ending April 14: (Amount due, abt $1,650) 60,000 among the working men, and in some instances much •Monroe av, w s. 50 n Jane st, 50x100. Mount stress is laid upon the quick submission of employers; * Indicates that theproperty described has been bid Hope, three-story frame dweU'g. Elizabeth but this is only a result anticipated, and the loss falls in for plaintiff a account : Moore. (Amount due, abt $3,250) 2,000 B. V. HARNETT. principally upon contractors with work in hand under M. A. J. LYNCH. engagement for early completion. The strikers, how­ Broome st. No. 385, s e cor Mulberry st, 25.3z Front st, No. 206, nws. 20x72.6, three-story 99.2x25x97.4, four-story brick and frame brick store. Mr. Higgins ever, seem to be very effectually killing the goose building and store, and two three-story 11.000 from which they have been securing golden eggs all bi'ick dweU'gs and stores. M. Burke. 3d st. No. 10 E.. 8 s, 21.8x64.7x irreg.,"three­ story brick dwell'g. M. J. Adrian.. 9,350 winter, as a large amount of projected building has (Rent, $2,550) $21,000 3d st. No 12 E., 8 8. 21.4x64 7x irreg., similar Elizabeth sc. No. 190, e 8, 25x100, flve-story dweU'g. M; J. Adrian already been virtually abandoned, and even where brick store and dweU'g, and flve-story 9,550 owners of property are dispised to go ahead with im­ bricli dweU'g in rear. M. Sampter. (Rent, 3d st No. 14 E , 8 s, 21.3x64x21.3x63.5, siiniiar M. J. Adrian 0,650 provements, it is next to impossible to find contract­ $1,800) 15,200 3d St. No 16 E.. 8 s,21.7x6.3.5x21.Vx6i"ld,s"iiidiar *4th st. No. 134, B 8,108 w Macdougal st, 22x109, dwell'g. M. J. Adrian ors who will negotiate. The reflection of tbis condi­ V^part, three-story brick dweU'g. Geo. 9,850 tion of affairs upon the building material market is H. Andrews. (Amountdue,abt $2,800).... 1,200 3d ,st. No. 18 E., 8 8, 21.4x62.10x21.4x63.9V6imi- lar dweU'g. M. J. Adrian... . 9.450 very natural and simple, and, while we find a fair April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 361

trade doing now, the demand is only for immediate accordingly. Exporters continue afc work, havo by no means reduced operations materially, and well defined wants, with buyers refusing to and it looks as though they would pretty and many of them are expecting a rush such as wfil call for good supplies of stocks. negotiate for the future. well clear out supplies, especially of West India grades of shipping stock. The reports are support­ LUMBERMAN AND MANUFACTURER, | ing, and are given all the publicity possiole. partly MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. f BRICKS.—While cosfc remains about the same as with the aid of dealers here who yet have stock to last noted on Common Hards and the general market dispose of and are not ready to go into the interior. The log driving season bas fully opened, and the is nominally unchanged compared with last week, the We quote Sl9@21 per M for West India shipping new crop of logs wili soon begin to pour into the balance is not so well preserved, the inclination turn­ boards, $23@24 for extra do., $25®30 for South booms. Nearly all the mills are ready to run. and ing slightly in buyers' favor. This is probably most America do., $10@17 for box boards, $18@19 for extra will nearly all of them begin operniion wUhin the noticeable on medium and inferior stoclc, os the best do. next len days. The demana for lumber ia brisk, and makes were piclced out flrst and kept pretty closely Yellow pine still meeting with a limited demand the assortment of stock so badly demoralized that all sold up. As a whole, the demand proved fair, but ap­ from local buyers both for immediate and future de­ are in a hurry to fill up peared to lack a portion of the previous vigor and livery with the tone on prices easy, and while about The t-ndency to higher prices, though somewhat anxiety, many jobs being now about provided for; tormerrates are quoted as representing the asking checked by the events of the ast month, is still visi­ while the-cold weather during a portion of the time views, the selling position would be much lower. ble afc all the leading markets, but we still think that since our last bas to some extent retarded consump­ Even the most positive " bulls" have of late found it lumber has reached nearly a maximum for the year tion, and in all cases buyers are simply operating judicious to admi> the absence of cheerful-features in the West. Immense preparation has been made cargo by cargo as iheir wants may require. Current and the anxiety shown by manufacturer? and their for summer logging in Michiian. and more than a quotations stand at about [email protected] for Jersey, pos­ agents to s^cure customers. At other markets busi­ full stock of logs for the mills will be secured. What sibly S9.00 for a few, $9.25 for Long Island. $9.00®9.25 ness has been fair, and quite a number of good sales influence this fact will have on the Chicago market for •* Up-River" and [email protected] for Haverstraw. From made for delivery afc various points from Baltimore is hard to determine, but trouble may be anticipated the " River" we learn that moulding has already com­ away up to the Maine coast and even the prov­ with the bears in that market. At present the situa­ menced in several instances, and will probably in­ inces. In the f. o. b trade not much animation. We tion there is most encouraging. Their trade seems crease rapidly as soon as the weather becomes more quote random cargoes, $25@27 do.; green flooring only Umited by the handling capacity at the yards settled. Pales are .stiii quoted on a range of $3.50® boards, $22@23 do.; and dry do. do., $25^26. Cargoes and on the railroads. 4.50 per il, or possibly $5. 0 for light hards, and have at the South, $12.80@16 per M for rough, and $]8@22 THE PROVINCES. onl.v a soj't of snap sale, as customers can be found; for dressed. The Montreal Journal of Commerce reports: but StiU Ihis seems to keep the market pretty well Hardwoods are without new features of a decided cleared of stock, as the arrivals have been moderate. character, some little call coming from manufactur­ " The market is remarkably flrm; many nurchas- Fronts are in very good demand, and remain firm in ers and an occasional shipping order developing, bufc crs on going to Ottawa return without buying, as price for all grades. no general activity prevatling. Black walnut is com­ there is almost nothing to sell, and manufacturers ing in somewhat more freely, but the quality not run­ refuse to give quotations or make contracts for new ning high We quote at wholesale rates by car load cut excf'pt at exceptionally high prices, 'there is a CEMENT.—The market for domestic is quite un­ about as follows: Walnut, $80® 100 per M; ash, demand for spruce and hemlock for ship lining and settled, but more generaUy in buyers' favor than at $4u@45 do.; oak, $40@45 do.; maple, $30®40; ches­ cattle stalls, etc. There will be no change in pine the commencement of the season. We understand nut, 1st and 2d. [email protected]; do. do. culls, $20®25 do.; lumber for several weeks yet—un- il the result of the that in one instance at least $1.25 per bbl. here is cherry, $50@65 do.; whitewood, )4 and % inch, $25@ diive is ascertained High prices, however, are . still charged, in another, $1.10 at the " Creek" is the 27.50, and do. inch, $;i3®40 do.; hickory, $35@45 do., likely to rule during the summer, as stocks are verv " regular rate." while in ihe majority of CEFCS $1.10 for Western, and $6575 for good near-by stock. light." here is the rate. It is therefore a sort of " pays FOREIGN. your money and takes your choice" matter, cus'om­ GENERAL LUMBER NOTES. ers in want of special and favorite brands submitting The Timber Trades Journal, reporting the follow- to the higt'er cosfc, while tbe average run of orders is STATE. ingsaleof mahogany, etc., says that it was a moat filled at the latter flgure. Foreign remains about as ALBANY MARKET. successful and important one, a very strong contin­ before, holders making a firm showing to save them­ The Argus reports for week ending April 11 as fol­ gent of buyvrs from nearly all parts of the kingdom selves on high cost importation, but finding later lows: being present. The bidding was animated, and as offerings and parcels to come forward in competi­ Some buyers of pine lumber have been here from there was keen competion for all kinds of good tion, p.nd the market on the whole having a weak New York and New Jersey crowding down the mar­ wood, the sale pr( gressed with considerable rapidity undertone. ket bufc buying little; holders are flrm in their views aud a large quantity changed hands. Prices again and conteLt to wait. Buyers will probably bold off ruled high, and are likely to continue so. in the face HARDWARE.—Sellers continue to make cheerful until i.ew arrivals are here by canal. The market has of the continued paucity of imports. Tabacco ma­ reports over ihe condition of the market, present ruled quiet since our last. hogany, 76.257 feet at 5^d 10 Is 3d, averagfi per foot. and prospective, and generally seem to assume that Coarse lumber continues to move; receipts by the advantage cannot be taken from them. Appear­ canal will be here ut an early day. Already have ances would seem to indicate, how^ever, that in real­ the Northern mills begun fco fear a scarcity of logs on ity tha position is held up will same difficulty, and account of decreasing t^upplies of water and little 15 32d; C. S. Dom , do, 6.52 do, lOd to Is 5d, do Is; C6 that buyers ara daily becoming more cautious in snow in tbe woods; this is seen here in the low water S. Dom., do. curls, 2,700 do, 9d to Is 3d, do lOJ^d; C. making up their orders, the selection covering merely in the Hudson. S. Dom., do, curls, 1,804 do, 9d to Is 5d, do 9 9.l6d. such assortments as may be required on immediate Hard woods are steady. C. y. Dom., do, curls, 725 do, 9d and lOdi and positive necessity. The general assortment in the district is fair. Sfc. Domingo, do, curls, 3,496 do. 7d to 2s lOd do THE WEST. 15 9-16d; St. Domingo, do. 4,284 do, SJ^d te l8 7d, LATH.—Considerable etock has been placed, but do71-16d;St. Domingo, do. curls, 84y do. Is and the quantity available was at all times equal to the The Northwestern Lumberman as foUows: 11 Id; St. Domingo, do, 317 do. 434d: Honduras cedar outlet, with occasional something to spare and prices CHICAGO. 78,186do, 4%d to6>^d, do, 5d; Honduras cedar, 1,011 During fche past week the lumber market at Frank­ do. 5141; C. S. Dom. satinwood. 771 do, 7d to Is 6d.'do ruled easv. Sales have been made during the week lin street has assumed its summer aspecfc, and quite 11 17.32d; Italian walnut, 439 do, 414a; American wal­ at $2 25. but $2,20 has also been accepted, and ap­ a number of cargoes hava arrived there looking for nut, 144}^ do, 7s 6d; American whitewood, 245 do pears to ba the best rate obtainable as we close. purchasers. The bulk of the hea y arrivals of lum­ 3s 3d: Honduras rosewood, 4 tons, £5 10s per ton'; High prices have had the usual effect to check de- ber and shingles have gone directls' to the yards of Honduras zebrawood, 8 do, £8 lOs per ton. demand and develop supply, and receivers do not the dealers, but the offerings have embraced an Al^o an auction 6f Pitch Pine as follows : appear so confident. average oJ from three to six cargoes per day. Tho Hewn Pitch Pine timber- lake receipts of the week have aggregated about 27 to 62 ft.. 19 to 20 in. deep, 18%d. per ft.; 33 to 64 LIME.—Up to the present writing both kinds of 19,000,0UU feet of lumber, and 22,000,000 shingles, the do 18 do 18d. do ; 25 to 7U do, 17 do 16d. do; 59 fco7 0 do Rockland remain at the same price, viz.: $1.20 per figures, as shown by our table of receipts, including 16 do 16d. do; 30 to 58 do, 16 do 15%<], do; 27 fco 73 do' bbl.. and the market a little unsettled in conse­ a condensation of the arrivals during the open 15 do 14Hd. do; 30 to 76 do, 14 do HUd. do; 37 to 73 quence. It is said the production of flnishing has weather of the winter from January 1 to April 1, as do, 12& 13dol4Md. do. ceased for the time as a factor to once morn adjust well as those of the week proper. Sawn pitch pine timber—23 to 38 ft. 14 to 18 in deer prices to their natural difference, but the impression The opening markefc is a surprise in the flrmness i7)4d per ft; 19 to 29 dp. 14 do, 17d do; 1 i to 35do. 13 which has develcped. Short dimension sizes have do, 16d to 16i^d do; 14 to 41 do, 12 in and under 15Md is that common will decline in order to reach the de­ been selling, and aro now held at $13 for green, with to 15^d do. ^* sired end. State common is selling at $1.10 to a fair a half dollar, or even $1 added for dry, and the us^ual Sawn pitch pine planks—14 to 34 ft, 5 and 6x9 to 15 extent. Joints as usual at this season is quick of advance in these rates when extra lengths are mixed lE^d per ft; 15 to 34 do. 4x9 to 15, 15d do; 12 to 31 do' sale, and commands $1.35 per bbl. in fair quantity. Boards and strips from No. 2 logs 3x.^ to 17, 13Md do are in less demand than dimension sizes, and dry is Rio Janeiro mail advices to March 15, 1882, report: LUMBER.—Current consumption continues large quoted at from $13.50 to $15, at which range sales "Pitch Pine-The arrivals consist of 222.15b feet enough to keep a fair outlet open, and desirable have been made. Probably at no time last season per Sirius, from SatUla. which had been sold be­ goods receive attention to an extent about equal to was the relative value of green one and two-inch fore arrival, but were rejected by the buyer as not in last week, but with one or two exceptions-white more nearly identical. conformity wiih the terms of the contract They are pine the most prominent—supplies are well up to, or Orders have fallea off to a considerable degree now offered for resale. Market quiet and prices in excess of, the call and values only barely steady. during the past two or three weeks, the same con­ nominal. White Pine—The arrivals consist of 860,- Sellers still make a display of confidence and assert dition in that respect noted last week being contin­ 805 feet, per Antioch, from Boston, which were that no serious break is to be anticipated, as other ued during the present week. This abatement of tbe sold at 100 reis per foot, and 131.7^2 feet per steamer points are expected to become customers for any-, demand is more particularly noticed because trade Berkshire, from New York, which were sold at 95 thing I ot wanted here, but much will depend upon during February and the first half of March was es­ reis per foot. We quote 9.5 to lOU reis per foot accord­ the amount seeking sale and the necessities of pecially good, and anticipations of a rush of orders ing 10 quality. Ju-?t arrived : 34,000 feet par Au- manufacturers. It may also be added that the diffi­ in the early spring were buoyant, though stocks were dacia, trom New York, which were not yet sold. culties which retard demand are by uo means local in no condition to answer to it. Spruce Pinfe—No arrivals. Market steady afc 38$0o6 in their iufiuence, but extend to other cities aa well Really the stocks in the yards in this city are in no per dozen. Swedish Pine—No arrivals. The market as our own, and the caution inducing buyers to con­ condition to stand a rush of trade. Such a thing as continues flrm. We quofce 41$50U per dozen for prime fine their operations to immediate wants and con­ an assortment can be found in none of ihem that we quality." tract as lightly as possible for the future is daily be­ know of. though recent arrivals nave re-supplied coming a policy of more general adoption. In short, some of them with portions of a stock. Bufc there are ifc is evident that many of the promising indie.itions dealers who f'eclare fchat they will not buy at pres NAILS—An irregular tone is shown in the cur of the commencement of the year have become eni rates, and are actually sticking to their word. rent market, some operators claiming a better feeling neutralized by the new influences since developed, The feeling regarding values is peculiar, and dif­ and others asserting that the tendency is still further and. while the market is well held on the part of ficult to describe. There is one prominent element in buyers' favor. There has been a somewhat larger sellers, it lacks very many necessary supports from in ifc, however, and that is flrmness. The certainty movement, bufc stock enough offering to meet it the other side. of not being able to replace stocks at any less than with a cutting of 10@15c per keg on the list rates' was paid for the lumber now in the yards precludes according to quantity of stock handled. ' Eastern spruce has been delivered with some free­ all desire to cut rates, and prices are consequently dom on orders, a largo proportion of the arrivals firm as a rock. We quote nominally at lOd to OOd, common lence coming in as specials; but there was also a consider­ NOTES FROM THE LOGGERS —The information that and sheathing, per keg, $3.40a3.tO; 8d and 9d, com­ able showing of random, and. the latter was some­ reaches us from the logging streams is of the most mon do., per keg. $3.75; 6d and 7d, common do , per what difficult to place, even at a shading, and espe­ interesting character. It is. in effect, that the keg, $4.00; 4d and 5d, common do., per keg, $4 25- cially so wisen lacking in length and size. Dealers operators are most hasppily disappointed in the re­ 3d, per keg, $5.05; 3d, flne, per keg, $5.75; 2d, per keg' who put stock into yard want only the flnest, and if sult of their winter's work. The Lumberman has $5.75. Cut spikes, all sizes, $3.65; floor, casing and' they consent to handle anything else it is only,on a been teUing them all winter that there would be a box, [email protected]; flnishing. $4 [email protected]. pretfcy good prospect for resale on hom« shipping good supply of logs, and now^ they see that the state­ Clinch Nails—-114 inch, $6.00; 1% inch, $5.75; 2 inch orders. Indeed, it looks as if the margin between ments it has made time and time again are ver.fled. $5.50; 2>^@2M inch, $5.23; 3 inch and longer, $5.00. * city and country schedules musfc widen out to a On short, dry hauls some work is still going on, but greater extent than ever, and while the latter -are operations are generally suspended. There is cer­ PAINTS AND OILS-The jobbing movement is tain to pe more summer logging this season than fair, and the market preserved about a steady tone, liable to go off suddenly and heavily in pricp, 'he there has ever been before in one season. Prepara­ former can hardly be calculated upon to make a full tions are being irade in Wisconsin forsummtr work, in all the principal lines of stock, but there is no in­ corresponding dec'ine Quoted at about $Ui®17 for a method of logging that is comparatively new iu clination to buoyancy, and much doubt exists as to randoms, wirh specials .somewhat uncertam, and that State. the future. It is feared tuat consumption will run $19 about a top operating basis. HARDWOODS.—The general tone of the hardwood much below former estimates, owing to the labor White Pine is not very active on home account, in difficulties, etc., and burers iu consequence bring all part owing to the absence of desirable assortments; market remains the same, and there are no changes but when a sale is fairly consummated it ia at full in quotations to note. The volume of buiiness is not orders down to early wants. Linseed oil without atoa and without much negotiation, as especially different in Its current phases than on much general animation, but occasionally fluding a nyera appreciate the situation and bid last week, and consumers, if not buying briskly. fair sale and held about steady. We quote about 362 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April IS, 1882

_ Ic. for domestic, and 68®69c. for Calcutta from East Broadway. No. 277, s s, 168.9 e Mont­ Brook, N. J,, to John J. McGean. Morts. flrst hands. gomery st, 20x78.10, two-story brick $23,800. April 4. 35.000 PITCH—Demand nofc very active, and principally dweU'g. Maria B. Smith, widow, to Houston st. No. 186, n s, 142.9 w 1st on ordinary local orders. The market well in hand, James W. McBarron. April 11. 7,950 av, 16.8x81.1x16.11x80, three-story brick however, and flrm. We quote at 2 [email protected] per bbl. Same property. Wallace B. Smith, Brook­ store and tenem't. Conrad and Cathar­ for city, delivered. lyn, to Maria B. Smith. Q. C. March ine Harres to Ferdinand Brandner. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-So far as actual con­ 30. nom . Mort. $5,000. April 8. 13,250 sumption is concerned the markefc has been a quiet Essex st, No. 137, w s, 125 n Rivington} Hudson st, Nos. 247 and 249, w s, 210 n one, buyers still objecting to the cost and taking only st, 25x87.6, five-story brick store and Watts st, 25x80, two three-story frame enough stock to carry them over the immediate tenem't. wants of the hour. In a speculative wav, however, (brick front) stores and dweU'gs: Thos. there has been continued activity and irregularity, 75th st, n s, 150 w 1st ay, 25x101.3x25.4 j Russell and ano., exrs. J. Morrison, to on the influence of somewhat conflicting advices xl05.4, vacant. J Carrie wife of Mitchell. April from tbe South. As this report is closed the quota­ Maria Hammel to Mary L. Hammel. 11. 13,000 tions stana about 6^@G7 per gallon, acccrdingto the April 5. nom Hudson st, Nos. 216 and 218, n ecor Watts quantity handled. Franklin st, s s, 88.10 e Hudson st, runs st, runs east along Watts st 21.6 x nortli TAR—Stocks are under fair confcrol and flrmly east 57.11 x south 56.8 x east 25 x south 18.9 X east 4.6 x north 11.1 x east 8.6 x held, with a somewhat indifferent offering. Buyers, 56.6 to Leonard st, x west 50.8 x north nortli 2.6 X northeast 26 x east 3.2 x however, are not very plenty, and the movement 52 x west 20.5 x north 44.5, portion of north abt 3.8 x west 10.9 x southwest 17 mainly in small lots, for early consumption. We five-story biick provision house. Fred­ quote $3@3 1-^)4 per bbl. for Newberne and Washing­ x west 8.10 X south 2.10 x west 26 to lon, and $H@3.'.;5 for Wilmington, according to the erick Bechstein to Augustus C. Bech­ Hudson st, X south 38.3, two two-story size of invoice. stein. April 15. 35,000 brick stores and dweU'gs. James L. Franklin st, s s, 88.10 e Hudson st, runs Price to SuUivan H. Weston and James east 57.11 x south 56.8 x east 25 x south Price. Ms. $10,000. Aug. 14, 1873. 15,000 CONVEYA N e ES. 56.6 to Leonard st, x west 50.8 x north Henry st. No. 199, n s, 95.9 w Clinton st, 52 X west 20.5 x north on irregular line 25x87.6, three-story brick dwelling. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre 44.5 to beginning, portion of five-story Aaron Hershfield to WiUiam Stevenson. ceded by the name of ihe gra^itee ihey mean as foUows brick provision house. Release mort. Mort. $4,000. March 31. 10,200 1st—Q.C.is an abbreviation for'Quit Claim deed The Equitable Life Assurance Soc, U. S., I. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of James st, No. 92, e s, bet Cherry and Oak the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war­ to Frederick Bechstein. April 8. nom sts, 25.2x99.9x25x100, t\xo-stoiy frame ranty. Front st. No. 18, and No. 17 Water st, be­ (brick front) store and dweU'g and two­ 2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant gin. Front st, n s, 34.9 w Broad st, 21.Ix against Grantor only, in ivhich he covenants that he story brick and one-story frame stables. hath not douK any act whereby the estate conveyed may 142.10 to Water st. x 23.11x143.7. Ellen Mary A. wife of Philip O'NeiU to Mamie be impeached, cliarged or incumbered. A. Varick, extrx. H. D. Varick, to Har­ wife Laurence W. Maher. 14 part. riet E. De Janon, Harriet J. Penton, An­ March 14. nom NEW YORR CITY. na M. Merritt and James L. Varick. Same property. J^ part, i Laurence W. Release. 1-24 part. nom Maher to Mary A. wife of PhiUip O'NeiU. APRIL 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,13. Same property. Harriet E. De Janon, Jan. 18. nom Bank st, No. 74, s s, 125 e Bleecker st, 25x Tarrytown, Harriet J. Penton wife of Ludlow stj No. 137, w s, 75 n Rivington st, 81, two-stoiy brick dwell'g. Forclos. Thomas B., Anna M. wife of William H. 25x87.6, six-story brick store and tenem't Sylvester L. H. Ward to Robert Lindsay. Merritt, New York, and James L. Var­ and five-story brick tenem't in rear. Subject to judgment of foreclosure ick, Tarrytown, N. Y., to Jean B. Goe­ WiUiam Smith, Valley Stream, L. I., to $6,165.65. Aprils. $3,400 let and Hannah G Gerry. 1-24 part. Morris and Harris Shedlinsky. Mort. Feb. 27. 1,250 Broadway. No. 383, w s. 23.8 n White [st, $14,000. April 3. 19,000 23.3x81.10x23.4x80.11, four-story brick Same property. Isabel and J. B. Varick, Ludlow st, e 6, 87.6 s Delancey st, 25x87.6. store. Moss S. Phillips, Brooklyn, to exrs. R. A. Varick, lo same. 1-24 part. George A. Baker to John B. Smith. Bertha wife of John B. Smith. Mort. Feb. 25. 1,250 Conveyed to secure payment of $800, 160,000. April 12. 87,500 Same property. Varick, Pough­ note. Feb. 15. nom Same property. Edward A. Morrison and keepsie, and J. Leonard Varick to Jane Monroe st, No. 11, n s, 130.6 e Jefferson ano., exrs. J. Morrison, dec'd, and Eliza- R. Gilbert, Rutherford Park, N. J., wid­ st, 26x110, three-story brick dweU'g. deth B. Allen and ano., exrs. and trus­ ow. Release. Feb. 25. nom WUliam Brokhahne to Harris Rosen­ tees J. Allen, dec'd, to Moss S. Phillips, Same property. Jane R. Gilbert, Ruter- thal. April 8. 11,000 Brooklyn. April 1, nom ford Park, widow, Ellen A. Varick, Madison st. No. 75, n s, abt 99.9 e Cathar­ Same property. Elizabeth B. Allen, widow Poughkeepsie, widow of Henry D. Var­ ine st, 25x100, two-story brick dweU'g. of James Allen, Elizabeth K. wife of ick, Marie A. wife of William W. Pell, Maria P. Beecher, widow, to Mary wife John M. Dow, and John H. Allen, heirs Brooklyn, Abraham Varick, Poughkeep­ of David Noonan. March 39. 6,500 T. Allen, to Moss S. Phillips. Apr. 1. nom sie, and Sarah M. Van Santvoord to Jean Madison st. No. 350, s s, 216.5 e Scammel Broadway, No. 383. Richard S. Clark B. Goelet and Hannah B. Gerry. 5-24 st, 23.6x95.1, five-storv brick store and certifies that a mort. made by J. Morri­ part. Feb. 27. 6,250 tenem't. Amelia wife of Frederick son and ano. is paid, and consents that Same property. Maria R. Messier wife Baker, Brooklyn, to John Batterberry. it be satislied of record. of Thomas D., Pittsburg, Pa., JaneE. Mort. $8,000. AprU 8. exch and 12,000 Bowery, No. 12, w s, 22x101x7x100, four- wife of Edward K. Olmstead and Julia Madison st, No. 400, s s, 225 e Jackson st, story stone front store. Henry W. Geis, Varick, Lake View, N. J., Sarah C. wife 25x100, two-story brick stable. Henrietta Brooklyn, to J. Warren Lawton. Sub­ of A. Bloodgood Van Wych, Fishkill L. King, extrx. N. Low^ to John J. Mc- ject mort. $15,000 and dower Maria Plains, N. Y., Catharine V. S. Varick. Adanis. March 6. 6,250 Geis. All title. April 11. 350 Pittsburg, Pa., Jacob S. Varick. Wood- Manhattan st, Nos. 3, 5 and 7, n w s, 68 side, N. J., Susan B. wife of A. Sid­ n e Houston st, 75x62, three four-story Canal st. No. 499, nes, 95.4 n w WatI s st, ney Frisselland AnnaM. wife of George runs northeast 36.10 x northerly 24.9 x brick stores and tenem'ts. Eliza Bel­ Lander, Pittsburg, to same. 1-24 part. dam, widow, to Benjamin W. Dunning, west 5.6 X south 16.6 x southwpst 35.9 Feb. 27. 1,250 to Canal st, x southeast 16.8, four-story Bound Brook, N. J. Mort. $8,500, taxes, brick store and tenem't. John A. Tay­ Same property. Ferdinand, Maria v'., &c. Sept. 1, 1880. 16,000 lor and Lavinia A. T. Dearing to Chas. and Eugene Lawrence, New York, and New st, No. 51, w s, bet Exchange pl and S. Friedlander. Re-recordcd. May 16, R. and Edgar V. Lawrence, Beavor st, 36x57.7x36.10x57.10, four- 1881. 5,500 Brooklyn, Jonathan Dwight, NewYork, story brick office building. George M. Chrystie st, No. 78, e s, 50 n Hester st. 25x Laura wife of Gaines Lawson, Washing­ Bartholomew, Hartford, Conn., to The 100, five-story stone front store and ton, D. C, and Garrett D. Hasbrouck, Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., Hartford tenem't. Henry G. Nauss to Wendolin Nyack, N. Y., to same. % part. Feb­ Conn. Morts. $30,000.' Dec. 28. nom J, Nauss. y^ part. April 8. nom ruary 27. 20,000 Pearl st, No. 109, and No. 60 Beaver st, Same property. Wendolin J. Nauss to Same property. Deborah Priestly to Maria being 19 on Pearl st, 19.2 on Beaver st, George H. Nauss. i^ part. April 8. nom V. Lawrence et al. Release. Feb. 21. nom 120.7 on west side and — on other. Wil-"" Catharine st, No. 77, e s, 25.8 s Hamilton Grand st, No. 37, ss, 22.6x72.8, three-story liam W. Parkin, trustee Susan A. Rem-"" st, 25.11x104, three-story brick house. brick store and dwell'g. Christopher sen, dec'd, and with ano., exrs. of same, Benjamin Drake, exr. Jacob Drake, to Mooney to Eva wife of Bernard Metzger. Frances M. Parkin and Emma F. Pyne Esther wife of Abraham Samuels, i/g Moit. $8,000. Aprill. ii^oOO to Elizabeth N. Hudson. Release and part. April 1. 2,075 Greenwich st, No. 413, s e cor Hubert st, 2JIX Q. C. y^ part. April 10. nom Same property. Joseph T., Charles, Ben­ 53, two-story brick store aud dwell'g. Pitt st, w s, bet Broome and Delancey sts. jamin, Mary M. and Lawrence Drake, Behrend Helmke, New York,- Henry 25x100. John DeLong, New York, and New York, Samuel Drake, San Francis­ Helmke, Reckland Co., N. Y., Claus Henry Vehslage, exrs. Margt. A. De- co, Cal., Robert E. Topping, Brooiilyn, Helmke, New Orleans, Chris, and Mel­ Long, to Theresa Rose. AprU 13. 10,900 to same. }-Q part. April 1. 14,525 chior Helmke, Germany, heirs J. F. Read st, No. 1, and No. 25 Chambers st, Cliff st, No. 62, e s, 19.11x75x20.1x75, five- Helmke, to Asenath A. wife of Nathan begins Read st, s s, 41.2 w Centre st, ' story brick store. Albina E. Goodspeed M. Shaw. March 28. 13,000 runs south 61.11 x southwest 2.6 x north­ to The East River Savings Inst. Con­ Houston st. No. 419, s w s, 21.6 n w Colum­ west 20.5 X south 49.10 X southeast 21 x firmation deed. C. a. G. Mort. $12,000. bia st, 21.5x47.9, three-story brick store south 37.8 to Chambers st, x west 29.1 x Feb. 25. 23,000 and tenem't. Jane Humes, widow, to north 150.11 to Reade st, x east 29.1; No. Columbia st, No. 70, e s, 22x99.11, two­ Loewenthal and Samuel Cohen 1 Reade st, five-story brick store; No. story frame (brick front) and brick ex­ ^Pi'il 7. 5^200 25 Chambers st, five-story brick (stone tension mission chapel. The N. Y. City front) store. Myer Finn to Sauleabury Houston St. Nos. 440, 442 and 444, north­ L. Bradley. April 8. nom Mission & Tract Society to The First erly cor Manhattan st, 62.5x143x62x143, Hungarian Congregation, Ohab Zedek. Ridge st, No. 63, w s, 153.11 s Rivington lyiarch 30. ' 6,800 three four-story brick stores and st, runs west 75 x north 25 x west 50.7 x tenem'ts. Benjamin W. Dunning, Bound south ^51 X east 125.7 to Ridge st x north April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 363

26, three-story brick dweU'g and two M. Miller, East Orange, N. J. );4 part. Maggie J. wife of William M. Moran. three-story brick dwell'gs in rear. Aprill. " 5,000 March 18. 9,800 PhiUp Friedman to Nathan Levin, Har­ 4th st. No. 307 W., e s, 59.6 n Bank st, 20x Same property. Mary Raymond et al., ris Sakolsky and Louis Gootman. 72x20x72.5, three-story brick dweU'g. heirs, &c., W. L. Voorhis (for names see March 14. 10,000 John P. Mooley to Henry Chastain. 35th st) to Maggie J. wife of William M. Rivington st, No. 323, s e cor Goerck st, April 5. 14,000 Moran. March 18. 9,800 24.1x75x24x75, three-story brick buUd­ 6th st, s s. Party wall agreement. Wil­ 31st st. No. 304, s s, 100 e 2d av, 22.6x98.9. ing, portion of industrial school. Fore­ liam P. and M. Parsons to four-story brick store ti.nd tenem't. Mary clos. Charles B. Page to Patrick J. Leander Sarles. Feb. 28. Burchill to Mary wife of Nathaniel Fox. April 6. 5,000 7th st, No. 101, n s, 187.11 e 1st av, 20x BurchUl. AprU 7. 13,000 South WiUiam st, Nos. 4 and 6, n s, 113.1 97.6, three-story brick tenem't. Jacob 32d st, No. 373, n s, 57 e 9th av, 19x67.6, w Beaver st, 36.10x63.10x31.6x55.9, two- Silverman to Hermann Raegener. three-story brick dweU'g. Augustine four-story brick office buUding. Wil­ Re-recorded. Feb. 1, 1866. 9,000 Healy to John D. Vonder Lieth. Morts. liam Saunder.son et al,, exrs. and 7th st, n s, 273.3 w Av D, 24.9x97.6. $9,000. AprU 13. 12,000 trustees J. Brown, dec'd,. to Robert Law- Eliza wife of Randolph Guggenheimer 34th st. No. 152 E., s s, 208.7 e Lexington son. March 1. 25,000 to Seligman . Mort. $7,000. av, 16.11x98.9, four-story stone front WiUiam st, No. 116, e s, 61.9 n John st, C. a. Gr. April 10. nom dweU'g. Leander Buck, exr. W. H. 27.9 X 49 X 27 X 48.9, four-story brick 10th st. No. 406. s s, 133 e Av C, 30x92.3, Halsey, to WiUiam E. Halsey, Rye, N. factory building. Sisters of Charity St. four - story brick store and tenem't. Y. Confirmation deed. March 10. nom Vincent de Paul to Francis Vianest. George W. Tubbs to Henrietta W. wife Same property. William E. Halsey, Rye, April 6. 23,000 of Robert B. Wilson. Mort. $4,000. N. Y., to Adelaide H. wife of Rufus William st, No. 120, easterly side, 24.6x April 8. 6 350 Adums. Mort. $9,500. Marcli 11. 16.250 156x25.6x153.9, five-story brick factory nth st, No. 416, s s, 344 w Av A, 25x1 35tli st, s s, 100 w 8th av, 12.6x98.9, four- building and six-story brick factory 94.6, four-story brick store and tenem't j story brick dweU'g. Henry H. HoUy bui:ding in rear. Catharine M. Rapelye, and portion of brick stable. |- and ano., exrs. A. Voorhis, to Samuel Brooklyn, to Charles T. Raynolds. Morts. 11th st. No. 426, s s, 319 w Av A, 25x I Middletown. March 18. 6,700 $35,000, and int. $933. April 10. 60,000 94.6, five-story brick store and tenem't. J Same property. Mary Raymond, Brook­ Washington pl, No. 74, s s, 150.4 w Mac­ Jefferson M. Levy to George W, Tubbs. lyn, Eliza wife of Johnson Letson, New dougal st, 22.4x96.2, three-story brick Feb. 15. 24,000 Brunswick, N. J., Virginia Olmstead, dweU'g. Ann Martin, widow, to Alex­ llth st, s s, 344 w Av A, 25x94.9. 1 widow, Anne wife of George H. Soule, ander I. Cotheal. AprU 6. 16,000 llth st, 8 s, 31,9 w Av A, 25x94.9, two 1 Jersey City, Mary E. wife of Joseph P. West st, No. 102, s e cor Liberty st, 22.51 four-story brick stores and tenem'ts and f Skillman, Cornelius V. Shaddle, said J, one-story brick stable in rear of both. J Letson and C. Shaddle, as exrs. and x57.8x21.7x63.10. trustees of H. V. Shaddle and others, Liberty st, s s, 63.10 e West st, 21.6x43.2. | George W. Tubbs to Jefferson M. and L. Napoleon Levy. Aprils. "^ 24,000 being the heirs and devisees of A. Voor­ 9th av, Nos. 72, 74, 76 and 78, e s, his, to Samuel Middleton. March 18. nom 39.4 n 15th st, 78.9x100x87.11x100. llth st. No. 129, n s, 69 e 6th av, 22.6x 103.3x32.2x63.5 x 0.4 x 39.10, three-story 35th st, s s, 125 w 8th av, 35x98.9, two four- 23d st, No. 202 W., s s, 25 w 7th av, 25x story brick dweU'gs. Henry H. Holly 80. brick dweU'g. Marie A. Casey to Charles Handy. M. $8,000. Apr. 8.'16,000 and ano., exrs. A. Voorhis, to Robert Canal st, Nos. 318 and 320, s s, 26x41.7x Morrison. March 18. 13,750 26x36.4. 12th st, No. 12, s s, 247 e 5th av, 19.6x103.3, three-story brick dweU'g. Emma L. Same property. The heirs, &c., A. Voor­ Canal st, No. 316, s s, runs south 37 x his, for names see 35th st, to same. west 4.6 X north 3.6 x west 10.4 x Seaman, individ., with ano., exrs. D. Seaman, to Angeline M. wife of Daniel March 18. nom north 36.4 to Canal st, x east 15. 38th 5t, s s, 175 w 1st av, 25.2xl04x25.4x Canal st. No. 314, s s, 15x30.7x7x20.3x M. Seaman. Includes dower right. AprU 10. 15,000 100.9, one and two-story frame dweU'gs 3.6x4.6x37. and frame stables. Mary E. Gallagher, Greenwich st. No. 394, n w cor Beach st, 13th st, No. 33, n s, 475 w 5th av, 25x103.3, four-story brick stable. William H. Jersey City, to Alice Turley. March 25x79.10x25x79.8. 31 3 250 Greenwich st, No. 429, n e cor Laight st, Gebbard to Frederick Gebhard. C. a. G. June 18,1881. nom 39th'st. No. 305, s s, lOU w 8th av, 25x98.9, 25x101.5x21.7x100.6. four-story brick store and tenem't and Vesey st. No, 45, s s, 25x85. 13th st, No. 223, ns, 304.2 w 7th av, 20.10x 75. William Murray and Margaret E. three-story brick tenement in rear. West Broadway, Nos. 95 and 97, and No. Michael C. Miller to Aron Asher. Mort. 125 Franklin st, being West Broadway, his wife to Wm. Terhune. April 6. nom Same property. William Terhune to Mar­ $8,000. April 7. 14,000 s ecor Franklin st, 52.11x20. ' y 40th st. No. 125, n s, 65 w Lexington av, Bleecker st. No. 315, s e cor Grove st, garet E. Murray. C. a. G. April 6. nom 19th st, n s, 150 w 10th av, 56.3x91.11. 20x98.8, four-story brick dweU'g. Wil­ 17.1x75x13.8x75. liam F. Mott to John L, B. Mott. AprU Thompson st, Nos. 149, 151 and 153, and William E. Keys, Jr., to WiUiam E. Keys. C. a. G. April 10. nom 10. nom Nos. 155, 157 and 159 SuUivan st, be­ 40th st, Nos. 215 to 221, n s, 200 w 7th av, gins Sullivan st, e s, 95 s Houston st, 21st st, s s. 75 w 3d av, 45x78.10, two five- story brick (stone front) build'gs. Charles 100x98.9, four five-story stone front runs southeast 200 to Thompson st, x flat. James A. Frame to George W. southwest 75 x northwest 200 to Sulli­ Hahn to August C. Hassey. i^ part. Morts. on the whole of said premises Truss. Morts. $84,000 April 7. 155,000 van st, X northeast 75. 40th st. No. 237, n s, 325 e 8th av, 25x98.9, Houston st. No. 127, s e cor Sullivan st, $18,000. AprU 5. . ' 20,000 32d st. No. 133, n s, 353.6 w 6th av, 21.6x two-story brick tailor's shop. George H. 25x95x25x— Studwell to Louis and Louis K. Ungrich. Centre st, Nos. 27 and 29, n w s, 23 s w 98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Sarah E. wife of EUwood E. Thorne to Mary Mort. $5,000. AprU 7. 9,000 Duane st, runs north 47 x west 20 x 41st st, Nos. 45 and 47, n s, 205 w 4th av, north 10 x west 20 x south 64 to Cross G. wife of Charles A. Johnes. March 21. 22,000 runs north 132.9 to what was centre line st, X east 29 to Centre st, x northeast Steuben st, x northwest 43.4 x southwest 14. 23d st, No. 213, n s, 195.2 e 3d av, 24.5x 98.8, four-story brick store and tenem't, 40.6 X south 101.5 to 41st st, x east 50, Chatham st, No. 65, s s, 66.10 w Duane three-story brick livery stable. James st, 16.4x98.2x23x82. and one-sfcory brick stable on rear. WiUiam Knight to The College of Phar­ A. Fiaek, exr. Joseph King, dec'd, to Christopher st, s w cor Bedford st, 42.10 The Lincoln Safe Deposit Co., New York. x32.4x5.3x4.6xl3.2x64.8x62.7 to Bed­ macy, City New York. AprU 11. 18,000 84th st, No.'305 E., n s, 97.8 e 3d av. 24.10 AprU 6. 92,500 ford st, x95.4, No. 128 Christopher st, Same property. Release of dower. Sophia and Nos. 107, 109, 111, 113 and 115 x98.9x24.7x98.9, one and two-story frame (brick front) stables. John Harrigan King to J. A. Flack and ano., exrs. J. Bedford st. King. Dec. 20, 1878. 2,500 Canal st, No. 312, s s, 26x44.2x9.8x7.4x and Susan his wife to Isaac H. Dahman. 31.3. . I Mort. $9,000. April 12. 11,100 42d st. No. 322, s s, 317.2 w 8th av, 16.8x Also property in Newburgh, &c. J 24th st. No. 163 W. Order of Supreme 98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Mary Robert W. Harrison, Ireland, to James Court perpetually enjoining Valentine L. Vail to Catharine wife of Thomas -Wallace, Blooming Grove, N. Y. Q. C. Diefentbaler from erecting any building Gushing. AprU 10. 8,500 March 18. 3,400 upon the rear of above premises, &c. 43d st, No. 606, s s, 150 wllthav, 25x100.5, Same property. WUliam G. and Mary J. 24th st, No. 124 W., s s, 308.4 w 6th av, three-story frame store and dweU'g and Harrison, of Ireland, infants, by A. S." 16.8x98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. three-story brick'dweU'g in rear. Wil­ Cassidy, guard., to Henry C. Higgin- Samuel M. Parker, Brooklyn, to Alfred liam Bennett to Thomas McCormack. son, Newburgh, N. Y. Infants share. B. Darling. April L 11,500 AprU 11. 4,000 AprU 6. 4,300 34th st, Nos. 533 and 535, n s, 393 e llth 43d st. No. 329, n s, 375 w 8th av, 25x100.4, Same property. Albert Harrison, lunatic, av, 57x98.9, one-story brick smelting three-story frame shop. Foreclos. by H. Harrison, committee, to Henry works, brick office and frame stable. Daniel M. Van Cott to Sarah Thomas. C. Higginson. 1-48 part. April 12, 3,600 Partition. Edward S. Dakin to Wil­ Julys, 1879. 5,300 3d st, n s, bet Av D and Lewis st, 20x96. liam, George W. and Henry Dusenbury. 43d st, No. 444, s s, 350 e 10th av, abt 35x Marcus Lindenborn, St. Louis, Mo., AprU 8. 11,050 100.4x25x100.4, two-story brick dweU'g. Charles Lindenborn, San Francisco, Is­ 26th st, liro. 144, s s, 500 w 6th av, 30.2x— Lot Betts, Newark, N. J., to Rosie wife rael, Solomon and David Lindenborn, xl8.8x98.9, two-story frame store and of John Jordon. March 30. 7,500 New York, and Cecilia wife of Jacob dweU'g, and two-story frame dweU'g in 44th st. No. 549, n s, 300 e llth av, SSx Price, Paterson, and Nathan Linden­ rear. Foreclos. Bradbury C. Chetwood 100.5, three-story frame store and dwell­ born to Caroline Lindenborn. March to WUliam H. Haeselbarth. Mar. 6. 5,500 ing and two-story frame dweU'g and 13. nom 28th st, No. 234, s s, 371.4 w 7th av, 34.6x stable in rear. James Gilmartin to 3d st, No. 48, s s, 80 e 2d av, 20x50, two­ 98.9, three-story brick dwell'gand three­ Michael Sinnott. K part. AprU 6. 1,050 story brick dweU'g. Joseph D. Baldwin, story frame dweU'g in rear. Henry H. 45th st, No. 607, n s, 125 w llth av, 35x Newark, N. J., to Sarah A. wife of Isaac Holly and ano., exrs. A. Voorhis, to 100.4, four-story brick store and tenem't, 364 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD* April 15, 1882

Josephine E. wife of William C. Lesster W. Hughes to John S. Radway. Mort. Elizabeth C. Ross. Q. C. Correction to John J. Betz. Mt. $3,700. Aprils. 6,000 $20,000. April 11. 30,500 deed. March 13. nom 45th st, s 8, 375 e 3d av, 50x100.5,] 67th st, No. 60, s s, 20 w 4th av, 30x80, 79th st, No. 134, s- s, 328 e 4th av, 16x shanties. I four-story stone front dweU'g. George 102.3, four-story stone front dweU'g. 44th st, n s, 375 e 2d av, 50x100.5, ( W. Hughes to Gustav N. Ballin, Mort. James A. Frame to James B. Fitzgerald. shanties. J $20,000. Aprils. 30,000 March 31. 33,500 David Babcock to Michael Finn. Mar. 68th st, n 8, 275 w 10th av. 50x100.5. ) 79th St. No. 56, s s, 350 w 4th av, 35x103.8, 31. 14,000 44th st, n s, 410 w 6th av, 20x100.5. f two-story frame dwell'g. John I. La- 45th st, No. 110, s s, 150 w 6th av, SOx Isaac and A. Meyer, exrs. J. Deutsch, to grave to Emmeline Laurent. April 100.4, four-story stone front dwell'g. Isaac Meyer and Leon Deutsch, trustees 6. 18,000 Jennie H. Butt to Laura V. Cogswell. J. Deutsch. Jan. 14, 1879. nom SOth st. No. 317, n s, 375 w 1st av, 25x Mort. $18,000. April 11. 31,700 68th st. No. 236, s s, 301 e 3d av, l:\2xl00, 102.2, four-story etone front tenem't. 45th st. No. 421, n s, 350 w Oth av, 35x three-story stone front dweU'g. John William Slocum. Saratoga Springs, to 100.4, five-story brick flat. Thomas D. Crimmins to Lizzie V. wife of Chas. Hugh N. Camp. M. $9,000. Mar. 31. exch Colbv to George F. Johnson. Mort. Baker. Morts. $7,500. April 8. 13,000 SOth st, n s, 375 w 1st av, 25x102.2. Hugh $16,(>00. March 28. 31.000 71st st, No. 155, n s, 355 w 3d av, 20x'-00, N. Camp to David C. Tefft. Mort. 49th St. No. 246 E., s s, 116 w 2d av, 19x four-story stone front dweU'g. Alfred $10,250. April 5.' nom 100.5, three-story stone front dwell'g. G. Nason to Frank C. Markham. Morts. 84th st, Nos. 228 and 230, s s. 305 e 3d av, Nic-olas Bauzet to Mayer Kahn. Mort. $13,000. April 5. 29,500 50.10x102.2, two one-story frame dwell­ $7,000. April 6. 13,000 71st st, s s, 200 w 3d av, 16.3x100.5. Wil­ ings. George A. Hoyt, Stamford, Conn., 49th St. No. 43 E., s s, 86 e Madison av, 31.6 liam L. Allison to Ellen F. Webster. to Benjamin F. Carpenter. C. a. G. xlOO.5. four-story stone front dwell'g. Release of judgt. and Q. C. Apr. 13. nom April 12. 5,000 Paul W. Gussow to Haanah C. wife of 71st st, s w cor Lexington av, 15x80.5 ; No. 84th st, No. 350, s s, 508.4 w Sth av. 16.8x Joseph A. Harper, New Windsor. Mort. 912 Lexington av, four-story stone front 102.2, three-story stone front dweU'g. $10,000. AprU 30. 38,500 dwell'g. Samuel Corn to Samuel and John W. Stevens to Catherine I. Palmer. Same property. Release of dower. Annie PhUip Abraham. Mort. $10,000. April AprU 1. 13,000 wife of G. M. Dodge to Paul W. Gussow. 12. 19,000 86th st, n s, abt 63 e Madison av.. Release March 38. nom 71st st, s s, 275 w 9th av, 75x100.5, vacant. mort. Francis W. Hutchins to Edward 50tli st, Nos. 326-338, s s, 300 w 3d av, 50x Edward Oppenheimer and Isaac Metz­ Kilpatrick. Feb. 37. 5,000 90.9x50x98, two five-story stone front ger to Margaret wife of Francis Craw­ S6th st. No. 435, n s, 231 w Av A, 18x100.8, flats. Gideon Fountain to John David­ ford. Mort. $13,000. Nov. 10. 24,700 four-story stone front dweU'g. August son. AprU 8. 36,000 72d st. No. 154, s s, 166.8 w 3d av, 16.8x L. Nosser to Maurice Taussig and Cecilie 50th st. No. 321, n s, 170 e 3d av, runs 102.2,. four-story stone front dwell'g. his wife. AprU 12. 13,000 north 100.5 x west 7 x north 30 x east Mary A. Kennedy, Eliza M. Dunlap, 87th st, s s, 62.3 e Lexington av, 51.Ix 113 X south 52.5 x west 20 x south 76.10 widow, John J., James W., and Grace 100.8, one-story frame stable. Isaac M. to 50th st, X west 85, three-story brick L. Kennedy, Margaret L. Murphy, heirs Dyckman to Patrick McQuade. April dweU'g (iron front) and one-story brick T. Kennedy, to Hannah J. Hill, widow. 5.' 11,500 and iron church and two-story brick Morts. $12,000. March 7. nom SSth st, s s, 100 w llth av, 125x100.8, va­ school. Order of Supreme Court per­ Same property. Mary A. Kennedy, wid­ cant. Jane T. wife of J. R. Dillon to mitting the trustees Hill Methodist ow, et al., exrs, T. Kennedy to Han­ Alfred E. Bench. April 12. 12.000 Episcopal Church to mortgage the above nah J. Hull, widow. Mort. $12,000. SSth st, n s, 289.4 e 1st av, 16.8x100.8, premises for 5.000 March 7. 19,100 three-story frame (brick front) dwell'g. olst st, No. 462, s 8, 100 e 10th av, 20.10x Same property. Release of dower. Mary Ellen Crownan, widow, to Mary wife of 100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. A. Kennedy, widow, to Hannah J. Hull. John J. Donovan. Mort. $3,000. AprU WiUiam H. , Brooklyn, to AUce March 7. nom 8. 5,500 L. Christie. April 6. 750 72d st. No. 15 J, 8 8, 183.4 w 3d av, 16.8x Same property. John J. Donovan to EUen 51st st, No. 462, s s, 100 e 10th av, SO.lOx 102.3, four-story stone front dweU'g. Crownan, widow. Mort. $3,000. April 100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. Mary A. Kennedy, widow, et al., exrs. 8. . 5,500 Alice L. wife of David Christie lo T. Kennedy, to Deborah J. Darling, Olst st, n s, 3S7 w 4th av, 17x100.8. Release Michael Schmitt. Mort. $7,000. April widow. Mort. $13,000. March 7. 19,100 of dower. Elizabeth Vought. widow, to 13. 15.000 Same property. Release dower. Mary William CoUins. AprUl. 100 51st st, n s, 200 e 10th av, 60x100.5. Wil­ A. Kennedyl to Deborah J. Darling. 93d st, No. 106, s s, 55 e 4th av, 17x80, liam H. Adams, Brooklyn, to The March 7. nom three-story stone front dwell'g. John Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Same property. Mary A., John J., James Sullivan to Therese Untermyer. Mort. Q. C. April 6. nom W., and Grace L. Kennedy, Eliza M. $8,000.' Aprils. 16,000 Slst st, No. 43, n s, 378 e 6th av, 31x100.5, Dunlap, widow, and Margaret L. Mur­ 93d st, s 8, 133.4 w 3d av, 16.8x100.8. four-story stone front dwell'g. Charles phy, heirs T. Kennedy, to Deborah J. Nicholas Murrav to B. Maclay. M. j\Iay to Carl Schroeder. Mort. $17,750. Darting. Mort. $13,000. March 7. nom Mort. $5,000. April 6. nom Marcli 31. 37,500 73d st, No. 467, n s, 153 e 10th 16x103.3. Same property. Moses B. Maclay to 54th st. No. 119, n s, 157.10 e 4th av, 16.10 Walter D. SeweU to Ida M. wife of Minerva J. Murray. C. a. G. Mort. xlOO.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. George W. Hamilton. C. a. G. April $5,000. April 7. . nom Oswald Schultze to Randolph Guggen­ 5. nom 93d st. No. 183, s s, 100 w 3d av, 16.8x100.8, heimer and Salomon Ma,rx. Mort. Same property. George W. Hamilton to three-story stone front dweli'g. An­ $10,000. AprU 6. 16,000 Walter D. SeweU. M. $11,000. Apr. 5. nom drew J. Robinson and Edward H. Wal­ 54th St. n s, 151 w 6th av, 49x100.5. Max 73d st, No. 463 W., n s, 184 e 10th av, 16x lace to WUUam Orth. Mort. $5,000. Nathan to The United Relief Works of 102.2, four-story stone front dweU'g. AprU 7. 11.500 the Society for Ethical Culture. C. a G. George W. Hamilton to Frederick H. 94th st, s s, 250 e 9th av, S5xll7.Sx85x April 10. nom Comstock. Mt. $11,000. Mar. 31. 21,000 116.2, extdg to old lane, with all title in . 56th st, No. 134, s s, 56.6 w Lexington av, 76th st. No. 230, s s, 180 w 2d av, 35x102.3, same. John C. Vanden Heuvel to 34x18.5, three-story brick dweU'g. W. three-story brick dwell'g. John H. Grace B. Ruggles. C. a. G. Mar. 1. nom Jennings Demorest to Mary and Lucy Riker to Mary M. wife of and John J. 94th st, 8 s, 250 e Oth av, 25xll7.2x25x Vendt. Mort. $5,000. AprU 1. nom Brierly, joint tenants. April 1. 6,500 116.2. James F. Ruggles to John C. 57tli st. No. 120, s s, 138.6 w Lexington av, 76th st, Nos. 189-191, n s, 100 w 3d av, 41.4 Vanden Heuvel. C. a. G. Dec. 29, 16.X100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. xlOS.S, two four-story stone front apart­ 1881. nom James Reid to Alfred Henderson, Jer­ ment houses. Fred. W. Styles to Henrv 104th st, n 8, 80 w 4th av, 12.6x100.11, sey City. Jan. 31. nom McCloskey, Sr. Contract. Apr. 3. 40,000 three-story brick dwell'g. Benjamin 57th st, n s. Party wall agreement. James 76th st, n s, 175 w Sth av, 50x103.2, vacant. Richardson to WiUiam Dunham. Mort. R. Breen and Alfred G. Nason, with John D. Crimmins to Lambert S. Quack­ $3,000. April 6. 4,500 Mary Devlin. nom enbush. Mort. $8,400. AprU 10. 16,000 107th st, s s, 100 e 2d av, 150x100.11, va­ 57th st, n s, 395 e 6th av, 25x100.5, vacant. 76th st, No. 314, s s, 205 e 3d av, 35x103.3, cant. John H. Deane to Wilhelmine Robert Maclay to V. Henry Rothschild. five-story stone front tenem't. Jacob Juch. Morts., taxes, assmts., &c., Jan. 14. nom Hoffmann to Louise Zimendy. Mort. $10,020. AprU 6. 18,600 58th st. Nos. 434-442, s s, 300 e 10th av, $9,000. March 34, 14,700 lllth st. No. 104, s s, 35 e 4th av, 17.6x 125x100.5, five five-story stone front 77th Bt, No. 333, n s, 305 e 3d av, 13.6x 100.11, three-story frame dwell'g. apartment houses. William F. Bur­ 103.3, three-st'jry brick dweU'g. Wilson ClbtUda Shaw to Johanna wife of Leo­ roughs to Nathaniel A. McBride. Ms. L. Defendorf to George A. Defendorf. pold Loewus. April 8. 4,300 $90,000. Nov. 19, 1851. nom C. a. G. % part. March 17. 1,500 lllth st. No. 83, n s, 109.3 w 4th av, 15.3x 61st st, s s, 400 w 10th av, 50x100.5, vacant. 77th st, n 8, 150 e 5th av, 16.8x103.2. The 100.11. Thomas Russell, Montclair, N. Charles R. Parfitt to Ann McKenna. Mayor, Sec, New York, to Sarah M. wife J., to Bertha wife of John B, Smith. AprU 11. 10,000 of James A. Blanchard. Confirmation C. a. G. March 29. nom 62d st. No. 339, n s, 195 w 2d av, 30x100.5, deed. Jan. 7, 1882. nom 112th st. No. 432, s s, 182 w Ay A, 19.6x two story frame dweU'g. Sarah wife of 77th st, 8 8, 305 w 2d av, 25x103.2, tbree- 100.11, four-story stone front tenem't. •Charles Rothschild to Catharine L. wife story frame dwell'g. Elizabeth English, George R. Kinne, Mt. Pleasant, to Jos. of Julius A. May. Mort. $6,000. widow, individ., and as extrx. John Eng­ Chandler. Mort. $5,130. March 28. exch April 11. 14,750 lish, dec'd, to Abraham H. Joiias. Mort. 112th St. Nos. 409 to 415, n s, 145 e 1st av, 64th st. No. 164 E., s s, 310 w 3d av, 20x $2,000. April 13. 5,800 100x100.11, four four-story brick tene­ 100.5. three-story stone front dweU'g. 78th st. No. 158, s s, 368.9 w 3d av, 18.9x ments. Caroline L. ]M. K. wife of Abra­ Morris and Jacob Rosenberg to Aaron 103.3, three-story stone front dweU'g. ham Yost to WiUiam J. Logan. Movts. CoUenberger. M. $8,000. Apr. 5. 33,000 Elizabeth C. Ross to Alida Lange. Mort. $36,052. April 5. 48,000 67th st. No". 58, s s, 40 w 4th av, 20x80, $7,000. March 13. _ 10,650 113th st. No. i58>^, s 8, 245 w 3d av, 12.6x four-story stone front dweU'g. George Same property. Fredenque^ Seeger to 100.11, two-story stone front dweU'g. April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORI^ 565

Charles P. WUliams to Adelaide wife of A. Ferdinand, Dubuque, Iowa, to John George Fox, Stamford, Conn., to Raph­ Jesse B. Combs. Mort. $3,500. April E. Ferdinand, yi part. AprU 10. 4,167 ael Ettinger. April 11. 10,750 10. 6,500 135th st, s s, 300 e 5th av, 35x96.7, vacant. Lexington av, e s, 74.4 s 73d st, 15x80, 113th st, No. 437, n s, 193 w Av A, 25x Peter Fuchs to Benjamin F. Spink. four-story stone front dweU'g. Thomas 100.10, three-story frame'dwell'g. Mary MarchlO. 13,000 Smith and John Bannon to Thomas R. L. wife of Virgil T. Hervey to Frank 135th st. No. S3, s 8, 341.3 w 5th av, 18. Ox A. Hall. Mort. $10,000. April 13. 18,000 P. Donnigi. M. $2,800. March 15. 4,000 100.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Madison av, No. 601, n e cor 63d st, 22x50, 114th st, No. 94, s e cor 4th av, 17.5x100.11, Abram B. Van Dusen to Charles J. C. four-story stone front dwell'g. William three-story brick dweU'g. Hannah R. Taylor. Mort. $13,000. April 8. 30,000 S. Wright to Moritz B. Philipp. Mort. Van Vechten to John Keirns. April lS6th st, 8 s, 100 e 9th av, 100x99.11, va-^ $18,000. April?. 40,000 12. 9,350 cant. I Madison av, n e cor 62d st. Release mort. 116th st, B s, 195 e New av, 25x100.11, va­ 9th av, e s, 34.11 n ISSth st, 135x100, va- ( Samuel Riker, Newtown, L. I., to Wil­ cant. D. F. and A.. Jr., Smith, cant. J liam S. Wright. April 7. nom exrs. A. Smith, to Siegel Bernhard. Moritz Bauer to H. Witherbee. New av, 200 e Oth av, e s, 1,080.3 n 145th April 1. 2,625 Morts. $28,000. March 23. 36,000 st, 50x125. John W. Stevens to Clara 116th st, Nos. 333 and 335, n s, 266.8 w 1st lS7th st, 8 6, 100 w 7th av, 100x09.11, new FairchUd. Mort. $1,000. April 6. nom av, 33.4x100.11, two three-story stone buildings projected. Solomon Meyer to Pleasant av or Av A, s e cor 120th, 40x100. front dweU'gs. Emma wife of WiUiam A. Alonzo Toets. April 1. 25,000 EUen J. wife of Gilbert Graham to S. Darling to Baruch Wertheim. Morts 127th st. No. 130, n s, 370 w Oth av, 15x David B, Cocks, Brooklyn. Mort. $11,000. AprU 10. 30,750 09.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. $5,000. April 11. nom 116th st, No. 327, n s, 300 e 2d av, 16.8x Joseph and WUliam C. Spears to Katie Pleasant av or Av A, w s, 20 s 118th st. 100.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. M. wife of Arthur S. StUweU. Mort. Release mort. Thomas H. Beeckman, Abraham Steers to M. Augusta wife of $6,000. April 1. 13,000 Brooklyn, to James Gault. April 8. nom John Vincent. M. $5,500. April 8. 11,350 137th st, n s. 355 w 6th av, 15x09.11. Jo­ Same property. Release mort. Sarah H. 117lh st, s s, 370 w 5th av, 50x100.11, seph and William C. Spears to Lizzie B. PoweU to same. April 8. nom vacant. Fausto Mora to Andrews Sober. wife of Wm. M. StUweU. Mort. $6,000. Same property. Release mort. Same to AprU 12. 6,250 April 1. • 12,000 same. AprU 8, nom Same property. James Clyne to Fausto 128th st. No. 205, n s, 100 w 7th av, 16. Sx Same property. Release mort. Same to Mora.^ April 11. 6,250 09.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. ; sa,me. April 8. nom 118th st,' s s, 192.6 w 3d av, runs south 75 William McRev nolds to Samuel B. St. Nicholas av, s e cor 124th st, 39.6x97.8 X east 31.6 x southeast 34.11 to centre Downes. Mort.'$6,000. April 10. 11,000 x25.8 to 134th st, x 113.3, new apartment line bet 117th and 118th sts, xwest 64.10 128th st, No. 107, n s, 131.0 w Oth av, 18.3 house projected. Harriet A. Walter, X north 100.11 to 118th st, x east 9.10, xOO.ll, three-story stone front dwell'g. extrx. and trustee J. R. Walter, to Isaac two-story brick stable. John H. Deane Virginia E. wife of Warren Fisher, E. Wright. Mort, $7,000. April 1. 8,000 to Frederick W. Boehm and Caroline Boston, Mass., to George C. Kobbe. 1st av, No. 3398, e s, 63 s 133d st, 19x83, his wife, joint tenants. April 1. 2,000 All title. March 18. 375 four-story brick tenem't. Joseph Mur­ 118th st, n s, 110 w 2d av, 50x100.10. ) Same property. Lucy S. wife of James H. ray to Richard Cummings. Mort. ,$8,000. 124th st, s s, 350 e 7th av, 35x100.11. f Sandford to same. All title. Mar. 18. 375 April?. 12,500 Maiy A. wafe of and William G. McCor­ Same property. George K. Sistare to 1st av, e s, 63 s 133d st. Release mort. mack to Joseph E. McCormack, Sea same. AU title. March 18. 375 John H. |Dean to Richard Cummings. Cliff, L. L Morts. $33,350. Jan. 36. nom Same property. Jacob and George Cole, April 10. - nom 118th st, n s, 110 w 3d av, 50x100.11. Catharine McBurney and Mary V. Good 1st av, e 8, 63 8 lS3d st. Release mort. Joseph E. McCormack, Sea Cliff, to to same. All title. " March 15. 6,000 John H. Deane to Richard Cummings. WiUiam G. McCormack. i^ part, y^ Same property. WUliam H. M. Sistare to AnrUlO. nom of mort. $31,000. Jan. 37. nom same. All title. April 6. 375 1st av, No. 803, s w cor 45th st, 31.8.x70, 118th st, s w cor Lexington av, 55x100.11, 129th st, s s, 75 w 7th av, 75x99.11, vacant. five-story brick store and tenem't. six three-story stone front dwell'gs. Robinson Gill to Mattie A. Cockburn. Foreclos. CecU C. Higgins to Katha­ Henry O'Neil to Catharine L. M. K. Mort. $13,000. AprUl. 74,000 rina Lieberich. Ms. $10,000. Apr. 13. 7,850 wife of Abraham Yost. Morts. $39,000. 131st st, s s, 75 w 7th av, 16.8x99.11, three­ 3d av, No. 11S7, w s, 35.4 n 59th st, 25x75, April 6. 17.000 story stone front dweU'g. Release mort. five-story stone front store and tenem't. 121st st, n s, 175 w 10th av, 35x100.11, va­ John Ross to Stephen J. Wright. April Joseph Harris to Nicholas Schoen. Mort. cant. J. Augustus Page to Isidor and 10. '- nom $7,000. AprU 10. 18,750 Simon Wormser. April 1. 1,500 Same property. Stephen J. Wright to 2d av, e s, 50.11 s 04th st, 50x100, shanty. 122d st, n s, 125 e 9th av, 150x100.11, ex­ CaroUne Studley. Mort. $8,000. April Bertha A. wife of John H. Deane to cept a small gore off the n e cor of the 6. 13,000 Jacob Jenny. Assessments $1,086. most easterly lot containing abt 30 sq ft, 134th st, n s, 285 w 5th av, 25x00.11, Dec. 30. 6,000 vacant. Mary Raymond et al., heirs, vacant. Lewis A. Sayre, receiver C. H. 3d av, No. 2363, e s, 35 n 138th st, 85x80, &c., W. L. Voorhis, for names see 35th HaU, to Charles Neidhardt, Brooidyn, three-story brick store and tenem't. st, to John B. Hillyer. March 18. 11,700 April 7. nom Margaret E. Adriance, widow, to James 123d st, n s, 74 e Pleasant av or Av A. Same property. Same, as trustee and as­ Ayer. March 37. 15.000 "Release mort. Ward B. Chamberlin to signee of same, to same. April 7. 125 4thav,necor 105thst, 100.11x100; Nos. 101 Joseph Murray. March 6. nom 148th st, s s, 150 w Public drive, 50x00.11. to 111 East 105th st. six three-story stone Same property. Release mort. Same to John S. Lawrence to William T. Horn, front dwell'gs. Dewitt H. Ransom, same. March 6. nom June 28, 1879. nom Brooklyn, to John L. Eschenbacher. 123d st. No. 437, n s, 291.2 e 1st av, 16.8x 158th st, s s, 200 w 10th av, 50x200, two­ All liens. April 5. nom 100.11, three-story stone front dweU'g. story frame dwell'g. Arabella Moore- 5th av, No. 431, e s, 76.11 n 38th st, Sl.lOx Charles Van Fleet, Brooklvn, to Enoch head to Mary A. wife of Thos. Gerehart. 100, four-story etone front dweU'g. Mary C. Bell. Mcrts. 7,000. Feb. 2. 7,000 yi part. Mort. 3^ of $4,000. Apr. 10. 2,000 Raymond, Brooklyn, et al., heirs, &c., 123d st, No. 179, n s, US w 3d av, 18x Av A, ws, 60.5 s ISOth st, 40.4x85, vacant. W. L. Voorhis (foV names, see 35th st.) 100.11, two-story frame dweU'g. Benja­ John Keirns to Hannah R. VanVechten. to Mary A. King, Newport, R. I. March min Waldron to Friedericka Singer. April 11. 8,000 18. 70,600 Mort. $3,700 and taxes. April 11. 5,000 Av A, No. 376, n e cor 17th st, 33x05, por­ 5th av, No. 686, s w cor 54th st, 100.5x100, 124th st, n s, 175 w 1st av, 25x100.11. tion of stone yard. Margaret W. Board- one-story frame hothouse. Hollis L. John Euler, to Henry Euler. All title. man, widow, and CI mence L. wife of Powers to WUUam H. Vanderbilt. April AprU 6. nom Lewis C. HaseU, Georgetown, S. C, to 10. 4t)0,000 Same px-operty. Henry Euler to Mary Philippina wife of Charles Lighte and 5th ay, Nos. 2063-8067, e s, 34.11 n ra7th wife of John EiUer. C. a. G. i^ part. WilUam Lighte. Feb. SO. 7,000 st, 75x110, two two-story frame dwellg's. April 6. nom Av A or Eastern Boulevard, Nos. 1615- Emily D. Jex to Ada'W. wife of An­ 124th st, n s, 150 w 3d av, 100x100.11, two­ 1625, s e cor 86th st. 102.Sx73.6, six tonio Rasines and BeUa J. wife of story frame stable, and three-story three-story stone front dwell'gs. Evelina Gregory Sutton. G. a. G. % part. brick and frame dwell'g. Sarah R. Jen­ M. wife of Henry H. Bliss to David April 8. nom kins to Felix Kaufman. Mort. $10,000. Oppenheimer. Q. C. April 6. nom 5th av, e s, bet 74th and 75th sts. Agree­ AprU 5. 25,000 Sariie property. Charles Lyons, Jr., as as­ ment as to bay windows. WUliam Van 124th st. No. 208 W., s s, 129 w 7th av, 16 signee of estate of Evelina M. BUss, to Antwerp with Charles G. Havens, George xlOO.ll, three-story stone front dwell'g. same. April 6. 47,000 G. Lake and Andrews Sober. Lucius H. Biglow to Anna A. Sherman. Lexington av. No. 747, e s, 40,5 n 50th st, 6th av, No. 24, e s, 116.7 s 4th st, lS.3x97x Mort. $7,000. April 5. 10,500 30x60, three-story stone front dweli'g. 17.4x98. WUUam Heineman, Sophia 124th st. No. 243, s s, 875 e Sth av, 35x Frederick and Louis Berenbroick, Staple- wife of Moses Isaacs, Esther and Jo­ 100.11, two-story frame dweU'g. Willett ton, S. I., to Susan A. wife of Joseph F. seph Heineman to Caroline Heineman, Bronson to James Gault. C. a. G. Graham. AprU 10. 13,000 widow., Q C. March 17. nor' AprU 10. 6,000 Lexington av, e 5, 74.4s78d st. 30x80, two 6th av, w 8, 74 n 32d st, 26x103.llxl.6x 124th st, s 8, 275 e Sth av, 35x100.6. vacant. four-story stone front dweU'gs. Timo­ 100; No. 1383 Broadway, two three­ Margaret Hogencamp to Charles Hueb­ thy C. Eastman to Thomas Smith and story brick stores and dweU'gs. ner. April 11. 5,500 John Bannon. April 6. 36,500 Interior lot on centre line, bet 33d st ana . 33d st, at point 6.6 w 6th av, runs i 124th st, No. 320, s s. 346 e 3d av, 19x100.11, Lexington av, No. 1335, e s, 16.3 n 83d st, w 93.6 X south 33.3 z east 96.3 to three-story stone front dwell'g. Joseph 16x63.3, three-story stone front dweU'g. beginning. J Schwarzschild to Beal Cockey. April The New York Life Ins. Co. to F. Warren Ferris to'Edward A. Morrison 4. 9,500 Hallett. C. a. G. AprU 10, 10,000 April 7. " ~ 50,000 125th st. No. 33ft s s, 450 e Sth av, 63.6x Lexington av. No. 1451, e s, 19.8 n 94th st, 7th av, No. 320, a w cor 28th st, 19.8x56.6; lOO.llj jbwo-story frame dweU'g. George 18x95, three-stoiy stone front dwell'g. also interior atrip adj above on ^south 366 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April 15,1882

side, at point 44.6 w 7tli av, runs south ington, D. C, to William Little. Feb. Alexander av, e s, 100 n 139th st, SOx 4 X west 13 X north 4 x east 13, five- 17. ' 3,000 106.6. Catharine Schaefer to Eliza J. story brick store and tenem't. W. Similar document. Caroline M. Sewell, wife of James J, Williams. April 8. 5,300 Emlen Roosevelt, freeholder, to Felix widow, to WiUiam Little. Feb. 15. 3,000 Berrian av, n w s, 335 s w 3d st, 85x800 to Donnelly. Feb. 26. 22,400 Similar document. Julius M. Dunscomb, Jerome av. James Graham, heir J. 7th av, e s. 73.9 s 29lh st, 25x98.10x25x Brooklyn, to WUliam Little. Feb. 17. 3,000 Graham and Ellen wife of Stephen Bum­ 99.4. Rebecca Butt, widow, to John H. Ante-nuptial agreement and renunciation sted and late widow of J. Graham, to Butt, heir G. Butt. April 12. nom of all title, dower, &c., by Mary Sheri­ Bernard J. ReiUy. AprU 4. 1,350 7th av, s w cor 57th st, runs west 115 x dan, widow, of New RocheUe, to George Same property. Release of dower. Ellen south 89 X east 15.3 x south to centre G. Sickles. Dec. 13, 1881. '' nom wife of Stephen Bumsted and late the liue bet 57th and o6th sts, x east 100 to Assignment of judgment. Gustav Engel wife of John Graham, dec'd, to Bernard 7th av. X north 100.5, new building to Mayor, Lane & Co. 730 J. Reilly. April 4. nom commenced. Foreclos. Edwin S. Bab­ Attested copy of last will and codicils of Balcom av, s e cor Rae st, 50x103.3. Alice, cock to John Taylor, Queens Co. Joseph Brown, dec'd, of Ireland, with Thomas and Mary Mackin, heirs D. April 12. 123,000 grant of probate. Mackin, to Mary McCann, widow of J. Sth av. No. 607. w s, 74.1 n 39th st, 24.8x Conveyance of $18,000 cash intrust for the McCann, and formly widow of D. 100, four-story brick f tore and tenem't. benefit of Annie, Elizabeth J., Charlotte Mackin. All title April 3. gift John B. Howser and ano., exrs. J. C. H., William, WiUiam K.'atid Thomas Fordham av, e s, 100 s Spring pl, 35xl47x Howser, to Charles F. Southmayd, Sturges. William Sturges, Jr., to Isaac 37.6x159, h & 1. David Lydig to Selleck Franklin H. Delano and Jas. F. Cham­ Hinckley, LoweU, Mass, Jan. 1, 1851, A. Waterbury. April 6. 5,500 berlain, tru.'^tees under deed of trust contains also a recent declaration of the Mott av, ses, 50 s w of Richard's prop- bv Henry Astor. Morts. $10,000. March trustee that the fund has. increased to - erty, 50x100. Mary wife of Henry Stry- 28. • 35,000 $30,000, and certifies to his ownership " bing, Brooklyn, to Mary E. Crow, Mott Same propert}'. John B. and George W. of a certain mortgage . Haven, N. Y. April 13. 4,100 Howser, Mary A. wife of Henry T. But­ Document appointing new trustees. Tinton av, w s, 31 n CUff st,26.6x88.7, h & ton, Rebecca B. wife of James M. Du Charles Hastings and Williani Saunder- 1. Sheriff's deed. Bernard ReUly to Bois, Sophia T. F. wife of Howard F. son 1st part; James Rankin Sd part, and Christopher Clemens. Nov. 21, 1881. 300 Randolpii, heirs J. C. Howson, to Chaiies Hastings, William Saunderson Union av, nes, 300 n w Hoft'man st, SOx Chaiies F. Southmayd et al., trustees and James Rankin 3d part, all of Dublin, 100. Catharine wife of Johu Fagin to under deed of trust by H. Astor. Q. C. Ireland. Peter Cummins. C. a. G. Undivided March 28. nom Document appointing new trustees. Wil­ interest. April 8. .50 Sth av, s w cor 66tli st, runs south 25.5 X liam Saunderson and James Rankin 1st Washington av, w s, 275 n. Clay av, 25x west 100 X south 75 x west 25 x north part; John Boyd 3d part and Wm. Saun­ 100. Edgar S. Van Winkle and ano., 100.5 to 66(li st, X east 125, one-story derson, James Rankin and John Boyd exrs. J. C. Kayser, to EUen T. wife of frame dweU'g. Isaac Hinciiley, individ. 3d part. John S. Daniels. Oct. 13, 1881. 80 aud as trustee, Philadelphia, Pa., to Exemplified copy of the last will and tes-. 3d av, n ws, 69 s w 138th st, 35x100. John David H. McAlpin. April 12. 37,500 tament of Rolph Marsh, late of Rahway, A. Hardy to Franklin A. Wilcox. Sth av, s w cor 121st st, 101.6x100, five N. J., with probate of same. March 31. 8.000 two-atory frame dweU'gs, frame dweU'g General release. Asa W. Parker, Brook­ West Farms to Hunt's Point road, adj J. and stable. Spencer A. Fanning to John lyn, to Stephen Barker et al., admrs. J. O. Whitehouse, 3 4-100 acres, 24th B'H. Deane. March 25. 20,015 W. Barker. nom Ward. Andrew L. Bush, Rye, N. Y., Oth av, w s, 20.11 n 106th st, 75x100, va­ General release. Richard Ingraham, to John C. Thompson, Jr. March 21. 7.000 cant. Charles A. McCredy to Mary M. Brooklyn, to The Administrators of J. West Farms to Hunt's Point road, w s, adj wife of Charles H. Baldwin. Mort. W. Barker, dec'd. 550 J. O. Whitehouse, 24th Ward, 3 4-100 $3,750. AprU 12. 10,000 General release. J. H. Deane and Ward acres. John C. Thompson, Jr., to Sarah Ofch av, s w cor 57th st, 125.5x100, Nos. 402- B. Chamberlain to Stephen Barker et al., S. S. Sturges. Mort. $5,000. Mar. 81. 7,030 406, seven-.'itoiy brick flats; No. 400, admrs. J. W. Barker, dec'd. nom Lot 30, block 14, map of sections A and B, seven-story brick store ana flat. William General release. Cora N. and Annie F. North New York. Margt. Kelly, extrx. F. Burroughs to Nathaniel A. McBride. Barker, by Annie M. Place, guard., to J. Kelly, to Thomas Keelon. Contract. Morts. $175,000. Oct. 8, 1881, nom Jas. W. and S. Barker, individ. and as March 18. 1,550 lOth av, e s, 20.3 n 33d st, 23.3x71.3xl7.8x admrs. J. W. Barker. 2 documents, nom Plot at point in stone wall whicii former­ 72.5. vacant. Richard Mahon to William General releases. Annie M. Place, individ. ly divided lands of Peter Valentine and Britton. April 10. 3,500 and as admrx. of J. W. Barker, dec'd. .lands Thomas Bassford, distant 903 s w 10th av, w s, 79.4 n 74th st, 25x181.5 to Ward B. Chamberlain, EUzabethF. wife road to Kingsbridge, runs northeast 72.9 Boulevard, x 26.1x173.9, vacant. Charles of Ward B. Chamberlain and Julia A. X southeast 125 to proposed westerly P. Holmes, East Moriches, N. Y.. John Barker, Jas. W. Baker, individ. and side of Virginia st, x southwest 73 x F. Holmes, New York, Frank C. Holmes, admr. J. W. Barker, and Benj. C. Bar­ northwest 125. Samuel T. Knapp to and Caroline A. H. Harned, widow, ker to Stephen Barker, individ. and Ellen T. Daniels. Feb. 4. 225 Stamford, Conn., deviseesL. H. Holmes, admr. J. W. Barker, dec'd. 4 docu­ The rear part of lot 1 J. Delafield property, to John D. Crimmins. April 4. 11.835 ments, nom on indefinite 40 ft road, 24th Ward, 10th av. w s, 54.4 n 74th st, 35x100, one- General release. Rosetti Bedell to Annie 40-100 acre. William A. Van Tassel et story frame store and dweU'g. Ciiarles M. Place etal., admrs. J. W. Barker. 2,800 al., exrs. aud tiustees 0. Van Tassel, P. Holmes, East Moriches, N. Y., John Release as exrs. and trustees of John N. dec'd. to Thomas Greener. Mort. $1,300. F. Holmes, NewjYork, Frank C. Hoemes, Greenzeback, John (ireenzeback, de­ Dec. 24, 1881. 1,500 Stamford, Conn., and Caroline A. H. visee John !Sr. Greenzeback, to George Harned, widow, Stamford, Conn., de­ E. Greenzeback and Maria wife of Smith LEASEHOLD COiWEYANCES. visees of Luke H. Holmes, to August Cutter. Nov. 2, 1843. • 17,350 Mehler. A])ril 4. 5,000 23(1 and 24th WARDS. Essex St. No. 177. Rutherford Stuyvesant, llth av. No. t^dS, n e cor o7th st, 35.5x50, LoweU st, n e R, 1^ of lot 297 map Mott exr. Ehz. S. Chanler and ano., to Mat- five-story brick store and tenement. Haven, 25x100, Jordan L. Mott and thieu and Fredericka Botty. 21 years, Foreclos. E. B. Shafer to Bernard ano., exrs. J. L. Mott, to Joseph Santos. from May 1, 1882, per year. 595 Schopp and Jacob Becker. Apr. 8. 10,650 Correction deed. April 8. nom Jay st basin, comprising north y£ of pier East st, wharf aud bulkhead bet Broome Mott st, s s, 76.3 w Washington av, 23.9x or wharf at foot of Jay st. North River, and Delancej"- sts, and one-half of piers 108. h & 1. Samuel M. Purdy to Euretta and the south y^ of pier or wharf at foot Nos. 57 and 58 adj. Stephen D. Barnes, L. Ciocke. Jlort. $1,200. Oct. 28. 1,775 of Harrison st, North River, and the Sr.. Northfield, S. I., to Frank Joline. Washington pl, s s, 100 e Monroe av. whole of bulkhead between said piers. Westfield, S. I. U part. Ms. $10,500, Release mort. Joseph Heyward to WiUiam C. Rhinelander, exr. Wm. taxes, &c. March 25. 6,475 Maria L. A. Peyrot. April 3. nom Rhinelander, dec'd, to WiUiam R. Ren­ Gore. near 2d av and 120th st. Aaron 135th St. s w s, 13// n w Hoston road, 30x wick. SI years, from May 1, 1875, per Adams to William W. Winans. Release 100. James Fay to James Mulligan. year. 15,000 of liability for taxes, &c. April 6. nom C. a. G. April 10. nom Monroe et, n s, 803.4 w Rutgers st, 28.3x Indeft. gore, abt 45 n 120th st, and 105 w Same property. Catharine H. wife of 100. Assign, lease. Charles and W. M. 2d av. William W. Winans to Aaron James MuUigan to James Fay. C. a. Aikman, exrs. R. Aikman, dec'd, to Adams. April 6. 350 G. April 8. nom Oscar C. Henry. . 2,500 Interior lot on centre line bet SSd and S4th 139th st, n s, 130.10 e 3d av, 25x100. Eliza­ Monroe st, n s, 201.8 w Rutgers st, 28.3x sts, at point 150 e West End av, runs beth wife of Green Wright to WiUiam 100. Consent to assign, lease. Catharine south 35.6 X southeast 25.1 x north 38.5 Gallagher aiid Mary his wifie, tenants in A. Hedges to Chaiies Aikman and ano., X west 25. Foreclos. Richard S. New­ common. AprU 3. 2,400 exrs. R. Aikman. combe. to Eleanor P. Gage. Dec. 17, 144th st, n s, 204.5 e Boston road, 25x100. Murray st, s s, 70 w Washington st, 23.10x 1880. 575 Release from lien of lis pendens in 73x23.10x73.2. Wm. C. Rhinelander, exr. Interior lot and stable, 75 s of 9tli st and action to set aside a conveyance. An­ and trustee Wm. Rhinelander, dec'd, to 120 w 2d av, runs west 31 x north 19 x thony McOwen to Elizabeth J. Wil­ WiUiam R. Renwick. 21 years, from east 31 X south 19, with right of way to liams. 255 May 1, 1867, per year. 950 9th st. John Townshend to Barnard 146th st, n s, westerly i^ lot 288 map Mott Murray st, s s, 93.10 w Washington st, Fiuegan. AprU 1. 3,200 Haven, 25x100. Edward D. Bassford, 23.1.0x80.4x23.9x80.6. WiUiam C. Rhine­ MISCELLANEOUS. exr. Alice Bassford, dec'd, to Martin lander, exr. and trustee Wm. Rhine­ Karcher. April 5. " 1,600 lander, dec'd, to WiUiam R. Renwick. All grantor's title in estate Of Harriet Clare, 149th st, s s, 125 w Morris av, 25x106.6. 21 years, from May 1, 1867, per year. 950 dec'd. Elizabeth A. Dunscomb, Flush­ Mary A. wife of Josiah Mahon to Murray st, s s, 117.8 w Washington st, ing, L. I., to WUliam Little. Feb. 15. 4,500 Amanda F. wife of Henry E. L. Buttner. 33.10x88.11x23.9x89.4. Wm. C. Rhine­ Similar document. WiUiam Linton, Wash­ March 29. 700 lander, exr. and trustee Wm. Rhine- April 15,1882 THE R EAL rSTATE RECORD., ?67

lander, dec'd, to vVilliam R. Renwick Same property. Patrick Tuohey to Philip 21 years, from May 1, 1867, per year. 1,000 Dikeman st, n s, 126 w Richards .st, 21x100, h Smith. Q. C. * nom & 1. Patrick Lally to Patrick Bi-adv. 1,500 Murray st, s s, 141.6 w Washington st. Baltic st, n s, 120 w 3d av, 20x100. George A. Degraw st, s s, 440 e Smith st. 20x100 h & 1 83.10x88:10x23.6x88.11. Error Will Powers to James McGovern. 415 Leon Blumenstock to Ida Louis and siirah P liam C. Rhinelander, exr. and trustee Baltic st, n s, 100 w 3d av, 20x100. George A. Blumenstock. Mort. §3,400. nom Wm. Rhinelander, dec'd, to WiUiam R. Powers to Phihp McDermott. 400 Decatur st, n s, 325 w Reid av, 50x100 Renwick. 21 years, from May 1, 1867 Baltic st, n s, 180 w 3d av, 20x100. Same to McDonough st, n s, 175 w Reid av, .50x100 per year. 1^000 same. 395 McDonough st, n s, 350 w Held av, .50x100 Baltic st, n s, 320 w 3d av, 20x100. George A. Washington st, w s, 45.2 n Robinson st. Richard Marsland to William H IVells Powers to Joseph Morrh. 400 Mort. §3,000. • 5 700 80.5x93.8x18.11x93.9. William C. Rhine­ Baltic st, n s, 260 w 3d av, 40x100. George A • Diamond st, n s, 390 e Bedford pl, 400x200 \ lander, exr. and trustee Wm. Rhine­ Powers to Patrick Daley.' 800 Flatbush. '1 lander, dec'd, to "WUliam R. Renwick. Baltic st, n s, 240 w 3d av, 20x100. George A Diamond st, n s, 190 e Bedford pl, 100x200 '- 81 years, from May 1, 1867, per year. 1,000 Powers to Thomas Daley. 40O Diamond st, s s, .2,033.4 e Main st, 100x176.Sx I West Broadway, No. 84, second floor. Baltic st, n s, 220 w 3d av, 20x100. George A Powers to Michael Donahue. 400 George A. Roll to John M. Ruck. nom Assign, lease. John Rouse, Jersey City, Baltic st, u s, 200 w 3d av, 20x100. Georo-e A to John F. Rouse. nom Powers to Nicholas Kearns. " 400 !?^\>P^'o"*^ ^' ^^^ ° Livingston st, 7.5x148.llx 5th st, n s, 225 w Av A, 12.5x106.9x56.llx Baltic st, n s. 140 w 3d av, 20x100. George A 70.9x137.6, theatre. Richard Hyde and Louis 97. John J. Astor to Henry Schaper, Powers to Patrick Monahan. 400 C. Behman to James Hyde and Ernestine Brooklyn. 20 years, from May 1, 1882 Baltic st, n s, 100 w 3d av, 20x100. Georo-e A Jiehman, widow. Tenants in common 35 000 Powers to Bridget Kennedav. " 450 Fayette st, ses, 187.6 n e Broadway, IS 9x100 per year. 375 Theobald Engelhardt to Ferdinand Nei- 6th st, n s, 166 w Av B, 25x90.10. WUliam Broadway, n e s, at centre line bet Seigel st Moore st, runs southeast 48 x northeast 4.5.5 x mayer. Mort. Sl,.300. 3400 Astor to Jacob Weil. 20 years, from west 66.1, gore and house. Alonzo G aubert Floyd st; n R 191 w Lewis av, 25x100 h & I May 1, 1882, per year. 375 to Nicholas Peterson. Mort. $3,000. • 8 000 George Loftier to Philipp J. Kohl. 3 200 Gth st, n s, 400 e Av A, 25x90.10. William Broadway, s w s, 39.3 s e McDonough st, 40x— Floyd st, n s, 850 e Sumner av, 25x100. Fred­ Astor to Margaret Becker. 20 years, X—x35.1x70.1. Maria Carr to Benjamin Lin- eric L. Dubois to Catharina wife of Georo-e Straub. 1 100 from May 1, 1888, per year. 375 Tj^^^"; , ,^„ 1,800 Floyd st n s, 22.5 w Throop av, 25x100. Manl'y llth st, s s, 175 w 3d av, 85x95. EUza Berkeley pl, s s, 282 w Oth av. 20x95, h & 1 A. Ruland to Henrv Loeffler. 800 Mathews to Mary E. wife of Samuel H. Margaret wife of William Flanagan to Agnes Floyd st, n s, 216 w Lewis av, 25x100 h & ] Bailey. Assign, lease. 300 R. wife of James Harral, Jr. M. §4,500. 7 750 George Loffler to John Steinberger .nnd Little 12th st, s s, 81.10 e Washington st, Boerum pl, s vv cor Dean st, 37.6x80. George Mary A. his wife. 3 200 A. Powers to Ellen wife of John Boyle. 4 500 Fulton st, s s, 40 e of line dividing court yard 17.5x86.10x7.3x86.9. John J. Astor to Bond st, w s, 40 n Livingston st, 20x63. Sarah Patrick Gallagher. 20 years, from May on e s of Bond st. 20x67.3. Foreclos. Lewis Moon to John N. Stearns. 3 750 R. Stegman to Louis Bradt. Mort .so 000 1, 1881, per year. 225 Bergen st, n s, 373.4 woth av, 20x100, h&l and interest .?292. ' ' 7 750 Little 12th st, s s, 99.3 e Washington st, The Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn, to Cor­ ^"y=o^\^\n s, 137.5 w Navy st, 21x70x24.1l'x 17.4x92.11x18.4x86.10. John J. Astor to nelia wife of Chas. P. Nostrand. ' C. a. G. 4 500 80.5, h & 1. Stephen R. Post to Lizzie A Patrick Gallagher. 2C' years, from May Carroll st, n s, 83.6 w Clinton st, 17.6x49 8 Coker. ^g -^^^ 1, 1881, per year. 225 Osborn E. Bright to John J. Kiernan. Mort Fulton St. ns, 49 e Duffield st, 19x99 8x19 Sx ,/H500. 6^000 Little 12th st, s s, 116.7 e Washington st, 94.6. Oliver S. Fleet efr al. (see Fulton st) to Carroll st, s s, 408.8 w Hoyt st, 20x96.6. h & 1 Samuel E. W. and Robert S. Fleet C a G 17.4x99x18.4x02.11. John J. Astor to Thomas Read to Almira wife of Charles M.' All title. • • j^ojj^ Patrick Gallagher. 80 years, from May Corey, and Margaret wife of Harmon D' Fulton St. n s, .80 e Duffield st, 19x94 6x4 IxlOx 1, 1881,_ per year. 285 Bishop. Mort. 84,000. 6 000 90.2, h&l Samuel E. W. Fleet, Araminta 18th st, • n s. Consent to assign, lease. Carroll st, s s, 300 e 4th av, 20x67.4x20x66 5 Arthur W. Benson to Edward S. Plant. ^i ^'/^ of George W. Baxter, Mary A. wife Rutherfurd Stuyvesant to EUen L. 1880. 2,50 of Edward Kissam, New Yoi-k, Robert S Timpson. a.nd_Jesses. Fleet, S. Fleet and Robert p' Centre st, s w cor Broadway, 50x100, East New bpeir; Lavinia E. wife of Peter A. Hegeman Itith st, n s, 349 w Sd av, 23x92. Ellen L. York. Edward Doran to Achatius Artus. Timpson to Clara M. Brinkerhoff. and Robert Speir, .Tr., Brooklyn, Emeline P ^ , exch and 200 Sackett, widow. New Brunswick N J' Assign, lease. 8 500 Cook st, s s, 100 w Morrell st, 2.5x100, h&l. Laura M. wife of George W. Garnett, Dunns- 24th st, n s, 275 w Sth av, 16.8x35.7xl6.8x Christina wife of George Imhof to Joseph ville, Va., to Oliver S. Fleet. AH title. C. 36.8. WiUiam T. Moore to Rachel Rudd. Stradal. Mort. S800. y 712 c,^ • A. ^, 10,000 21 years, from Mav 1, 1883. per year. 100 Clinton st, e s, 100 s Nelson st, 20x90. Edward S- Dakin to Wm. Dusenbury. Partition. 3 300 Same property. Oliver S. Fleet to Samuel E 24th st, No. 420. s s, 510 e 10th av, 18x80. Columbia Heights, No. 171, e's, 3.50.5 n Pierre W. Fleet. >.

Hewes st, s s, 41.8 e Lee av, 20.10x100. James erick C. Vrooman to Jane C. Volck. Mort. Sackett st, nes, UO s e Court st, 20x''00. Same McCloud, New York, to Annie A. Brown. $2,.500. 5,150 to Elizabeth Dusenbury. Partition. 5,300 Mort. S4,500. 7,000 Monroe st, s s, 2o0 w Marcy av, 20x100. Fred­ South EUiott pl, w s, 303 n Lafayette av, 16x Hewes st, ses, 41.8 n e Lee av, 20.10X100, h & erick C. Vrooman to Samuel J. Jones. 5,800 100. Eleanor H. wife of WUham McElhin­ 1. Henry Altonbrand to James McCloud. Myrtle st, n s, 25 e Charles pl, 25x100, h&l. ney to PhUip M. Dale. Mort. $3,000. 7,500 Q. C. nom Barbara wife of George Kreber to Alois Stagg st, s s, 525 w Waterbury st, 25x100. John Hooper st, s s, 157 e Bedford av. 134.6x110. Schaumann and Mary his wife, joint tenants. Timmes to Joseph Dormann. 900 Theodore P. Jackson to Clarence L. Sammis. Mort. $1,500. • 3,800 Schermerhorn st, n s, 63.7 w Court st, 20x71.9. Morts. $14,000. 21.000 Nevins st, s e cor Sackett st, 20x78, h&l. John .Dixon, exr Cath. O'Brien, to Ellen Hooper st, s s, 145 w Marcy av, 44.2x100. John . Catharine S. wife of John H. Miller, New wife of Daniel Hooper. 7,100 P. Ryan to John H. MiUer. Ais. $8,500. 13,450 City, Rockland Co., N. Y., to Nicholas Coo­ Stagg st, s w cor Lorimer st, 25x75. Andrew Hooper st, n s, 241.4 w Marcy av, 20x100. per. 1,000 Ginter to Anna T. Moitrier. 3,700 Mary J. wife of Robert Ferguson to C.^rrie Same property. John W. Sanderson to Cath­ Sterling pl, s w s, 235.5 n w Oth av, 20x100. G. wife of John H. Smack. Mort. $4,500. 8.500 arine S. Miller. 1877. 3,100 Gustavus L. Foster to Samuel M. Pettengill. Irvimg pl, w s, 115 n Fulton st, runs west abt Newell st, e s, 63 n Nassau av, 19x68. Mary A. Mort. 15,000. nom .58.6 X south 6.3 x east 37.10 x east 26 to Irving wife of John A. Lockwood to George W. Sterling pl, n s, 90 w 7th av. Agreement not pl, X north 20. Harriet E. Hartshorne, Richards. 3,600 to oiistruct light, &c. George Copeland to Mary wife of William Halstead, Rebecca Navy st, w s, 86 s TiUary st, 20x100.4. ) The Pirst Church of Christ. nom wife of Henry Kershaw, Hannah wife of Navy st, w s, 106 s Tillary st, 20x100.4. j Stockton st, s s, 435 w Throop av, 25x100, h & Louis Miller and Georgiana Hartshorne, heirs Daniel J. Morrison to Margaret Morrison. 1. Robert J Behr to Victoria wife of Martin H. Hartshorne, to Henry J. Savage. Q. C. nom )4 part. 200 Behr. Mort. $1,500. 2,700 Same property. John P. M. Goodwin and ano., Pacific st, s s, 146 w Pranklin av, 14.6x100. Ten Eyck st, s s, 282 e Union av. Release exrs. H. Hartshorne, to Henry J. Savage. 1,620 Stephen Newell, Sr., to Melissa wife of mort. Michael Gaffney to Adam Renner. nom Jefferson st, s s, 273.1 e Patchen av, 7.10x100. Stephen Newell, Jr. Mort. $1,250. 4,000 Union st, n s, 95 w 7th av, 40x90. George A. Stephen R. Hicks, Westbury, N. Y., to Chas. Same property. Melissa Newell to James Powers to Caroline C. wife of Wjn. Zang. 3,600 Rumpf. 126 Lawrence, Flushing. Mort. $1,250. nom Union st, n s, 95 w 7th av. R'^lease mort. Same property. Release mort. Hannah W. Park pl, n s, 947 e 6th av, 40x100. John Hey­ Wm. M. Ingraham to George A. Powers. 1,800 wife of Stephen R. Hicks, Westbury, to zer to John Monas. Mort. $4,500. 6,000 Van Buren st, n s, 42.10 w Throop av, 18. llx Charles Rumpf. nom Park pl, n s, 74.7 e 6th av, 20x100. John Hey­ 50. John Q. Adams to Sarah E. Hanold. 2,800 Jefferson st, s s, 280 w Nostrand av, 40x100, h zer to Frederick A. Parsons. Mt. $3,000. 3,000 Van Buren st, s s, 291.9 w Troop av, 20x100, & 1. John B. Spencer to George W. Brown. Park pl, n s, 74.7 e 6th av. Releasemort. brown stone dwell'g. William Ziegler to Morts. $14,0C0. 1.5,000 Joseph A. Chamberlain, Bristol, Me., to John Armmda B. Thompson. Mort. $3,500. 5,500 Kosciusko st, n s, 1P8 w Reid av, 16x100, h&l. Heyzer. 200 Winthrop st, s s, 3,286.6 e Flatbush av, 252.6 to Duncan E. Mackenzie to Mary J. wife of Park pl, s s, 350 w Clason av, 17..3xl31. George Nostrand av, x south 245 to Robinson st, x Benj. Wood, Jr. 3,250 A. Powers to Ann O'Callahan. 405 west 92.6 X north 122.6 x west 160 x north Kosciusko st, s s, 435 e Marcy av, 75x100. | Powers st, s s, 75 w Olive st, 2.5x100. Anna M. 122.6 to beginning. Platbush. Robert Mer­ KosciiLsko st, ss, 125 w Tompkins av, 50x100. \ wife of Jacob Huther and Barbara wife of chant to WiUiam Kennedy. Partition. 1,640 The American Cocoa Matting Co. to Joseph John bchielein, heirs Cath. Keller, to Mathias Wyckoff st, n e s, 118 n w 3d av, 20x100. The Wild and John Cartledge, of Joseph WUd & Keller. Mort. $700. nam Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York, to Wm. E. Co., as joint tenants. 13,500 President st, s s, 497.8 e Smith st, 16x97.11, h & Connor. C. a. G. 3,900 Lefferts pl, n s, 2')3 e Grand av, 22x140. Ed­ 1. John Q. Adams to James S. Suydam. Wyckoff st, s s, 80 w 3d av, 20x100, h&l. mund Titus to John Bojde. 14,000 Mort. $3,000. 5,000 John V. Berkaus and ano., exrs. Oliver H. Lefferts pl, n s. 112.10 e Clason av, 79.10xl25x President st, s s, 193 e Henry st, 50x100, hs & Ewing, to Christopher C. Watson. 3,000 79.11x135. JohnB. Cotte to Paul C. Gren­ Is. Amelia L. wife of Edward W. McGin­ Wyckoff st, s s, 80 w 3d av, 20x100. Christo­ ing and James A. Thompson. li!,000 nis to Michael Bierman. 12,000 pher C. Watson to James P. Bishop. Mort. Leonard st, w s, 125 n Calyer st, 37. ox—3r38.2x Partition st, s w s, 178 s e Van Brunt st, 25x100. $3,000. . 5,500 100. RelcMse mort. Samuel Brown, New Philip R. and John P. ConneU, Ellen wife of 1st st, w s, 100 s North Oth st, runs west — to York, to John H. Calyer. 600 Francis McBreen and Catharine wife of Ran­ lands of C. J. Lowrey and W. Fullerton, x Leonard st, w s, 125 n Calj'er st, 37.2x100. dall Bruen, heirs Nicholas Connell, dec'd, to northeast to North "6th st, x east 134.2 to 1st Phebe A. Calyer, widow, to Julia H. Dur­ Bernard Rourke. 1,000 st, X south 109. Anna B. Bush, widow, Tioga, yea. Q. C. April 8. nom Pulaski st, n s, 260 w Tompkins av, 20 x 100, h Pa., Ellen B. wife of John A. Matthews, Same property. John H. Calyer to Julia H. & 1. Cornelius King to Livingston D. Golds- Winona. Minn., to William Fullerton and Duryea. Mort. $1,.500. 2.400 beriy. Mort. B2,000. 5,000 James E. Pearson. All liens. Nov. 17. 500 Lincoln pl, s s, 110 w 7th av, 25x100. Edwards Quincy st, n s, 40 e Bedford av, 20x100. James 2d st, s s, 120 w Hoyt st, 20x90; also courtj^ard W. Fiske, Ottaw-a, Kansas, to John A. Thompson to Antonio Gonzalez. 10,250 in front, h&l. Charles D. Andrews, South Monas. 3,000 Quincy st, ns, 20 e Bedford av. Releasemort. Cor­ Orange, N. J., to Harriet Home. Mort. Lincoln pl, s s, 135 w 7th av, 25x100. Eliz­ nelius N. Hoagland to James A. Thomson. 4,000 $2,100. 3.300 abeth R.. wife of Samuel P. Lee, Vinej'ard Quincy st, n s, 100 w Sumner late Yates av, 75 South 4th st, n s, 230 e 6th st, 20x95, h&l. Haven, Mass.. to John Monas. 4,000 xlOO. Richard Marsland to JuUus B. Daven­ Foreclos. Albert G. McDonald to Frederick Livingston st. No. 256, s s, 117.6 w Bond st, 12.6 port. 3,000 B. Latimer. Mort. $5,000. 1,300 xlOO.9. Thomas D. Carman to Mary A, Quincy st, n s, 100 w Sumner late Yates av. North 6th st, s s, 134.2 w 1st st. runs west 256.6 Baker. Q. C. nom 75x100. Margaret E. wife of James P. Davitt to old bulkhead, x westerly to exterior bulk­ Same property. Mary A. Baker to Caroline to Richard Marsland. 2,350 head, X north to North Oth st, x east — to wife of Edward J. Temple. Mort. $1,000. a,.500 Quincy st, n s, 20 e Bedford av, 20x100, brown beginning; also goi'e of land under water in Macomb st, s s, 240 w Sth av, 20x100, h&l. stone dweU'g. James A. Thomson to Wil­ front of above. Charles L. Snow to J. Eu­ Catharine P. wife of Charles Bigge to Miles liam H. Smith. Mort. $5,000. 10,COO gene Baum. Morts. $10,000, taxes, &c. )4 Murphy. 900 Robinson st, n s, 92.6 e Rogers av, 40x122.6, part. 250 Macon st, n s, 88.4 w Sumner av, 17.8x100. Platbush. Robert Merchant to William Ken­ 6th st, nes, 229.10 n w 7th av, 20x100. Coven­ Albert Wilkinson to Lewis Hurst. Mort. nedy. Partition. 190 ant. The Williamsburg Savings Bank with §2,800. exch Robinson st, s s, 332.6 w Nostrand av, 40x122.6, Charles E. Hartshorn, Jr. noai Same property. Release mort. Theodore B. Platbush. Robert Merchant to WUham Ken­ Same property. Charles E. Hartshorn, Jr., to Willis to Albert Wilkinson. nom nedy. Partition. 130 Edward H, Branch. Mort. $1,000. nom Same property. Release mort. T. B. Wilhs Rush st, s w s, 308.4 n e Wythe av, 18.4x100. Same property. Edward H. Branch to Harriet and Bro. to same. nom Amalie Straus, wife of Ferdinand, to Le Roy E. Hartshorn. Mort. $1,000. uom Same property. Release mort. Elias G. Brown M. Lyon. 7,000 7th st, s w s, 145.9 s e 3d av, 75x200 to Sth st. 1 to same. nom Ross st, nes, 327.11 n w Bedford av, 18.9x100, 12th st, s w s, 204.1 n w 7th av, 18.9x100. f Madison st, n s, 216 e Bedford av, 20x100, h & h&l. Margaret wife of John W. Axford to Elizabeth Burghardt, Yonkers, to Emilie C. 1. Samuel A. Ditmars, New Haven, Conn., John W. Axford. Mort. $4,250. 7,000 Nelson. 2,150 to Thomas Mathews. Mort. $3,500. , 6,250 Stanhope st, ses, 444 n e Evergreen av, runs South 71 h st, SG cor 2dst, 23.6x80; also property Myrtle st, n s, 475 e Evergreen av, 50x.54.Sx.52.9 southeast 100 x southwest 19 x southeast 23.8 in Rockland County, N. Y. Adeline Gil- xC2.9. Phebe E. wife of Charles M. Ken- X northeast 25 x southeast 77 to Himrod st, x chrest, widow, Adelaide wife of George W. worthy to Esther wife of Robert Lawson. 2,500 northeast 25 x northwest 200 to Stanhope st, Tallman, Katie and Emily Gilehrest, all of Moore st, s s, 50 e Ewen st, 62.6x100. Emilie X southwest 31. Georgeina E. wife of Thom­ Nyack, N. Y., to Samuel Gilehrest, Clarks­ Feucht, widow, to Nicholaus Ranch. nom as MiUer to GotUeb Klotz. Mort. $1,500. 4,200 town, iST. Y., being the widow and heirs of McKibben st, n s, 200 e Graham av, 25x100, h St. Johns pl, n s, 424.7 e 7th av, 20x100. Wil­ Norman Gilehrest, dec'd.- 1-6 part. Q. C. nom & 1. Charles Nisch, individ., and exr. S. liam Gubbins to John^H. Francis. Mort. Same property. Adeline Gilehrest et al. (see Wagenhauser et al., to Loftus Hollings- $6,000. 12,000 above) to Adelaide wife of George W. TaU­ worth and Albert B. Darby, North Plain- Sumpter st, n s, 75 e Patchen av, 50x100. man. 1-6 part. Q. C. nom field, N. J., and Henry S. Hollingsworth and Richard Marsland to Charles H. Reynolds. Same property. Adelaide wife of Geo. W. George Harper, Brooklyn. Mort. $1,000. 1,440 Mort. $2,000. 3,500 Tallman et al. (see above) to Adeline Gil­ Same property. John H. Scheldt, guard, of Sackett st, n e s, 90 s e Court st, 20x104, except ehrest, widow. Xpart. Q. C. nom Maggie and Mary Hood, to same. Infant's smaU piece from extreme easterly corner Same property. Adeline Gilehrest, widow, share. • 160 rear 4x5. Edward S. Dakin to Emma Dusen­ et al. (see above) to Katie Gilehrest. 1-6 part. Monroe st, s s. 300 w Marcy av, 125x100. Jane bury. Partition. 5 300 Q. C. nom Gasten to Frederick C. Vrooman. Mort. Seigel st, s s, 200 w Graham av, 25x100, h&l. $5,000. 8,750 Wilham Dehnert to Anna M. Biermann. Same property. Adeline Gilehrest, widow, et Monroe st, s s, 175 e Marcy av, 25x100. Ro­ Mort. $1,000. 3,500 al. (see above) to Emily GUchrest. 1-6 part. sanna wife of Philip Knell to Henry Knell Steuben st, w s. 213 n WUloughby av, 25x100. Q. C. nom and Julius Burkardt. Mort. $2,.500. 5,000 Belinda B. Scanlon to Robert Pond. 3 700 South 9th st, No. 103, n s, 179.4 e 3d st, 20.l0x Monroe st, s Sj 280 w Marcy av, 20x100. Fred­ Sumpter st, n s, 250 e Saratoga av, 25x100. ' 109 to alley. William H. Gaylor to John J. erick C. Vrooman to Theodore Gold­ Hopkinson av, w s, 29 s McDougal st, 21x abt Murray. 10,000 smith. 5,800 75x33.6x75.5. North 9th st, n e s, 200 s e 2d st, 35x100. Fritz Monroe st, n w cor Throop av, 20x68, h & 1. Hopkinson av, w s. 50 s McDougal st, .50x100. Jenner to William Wehr and Anna M. his John G. Sturges to Edmond O. Eames. McDougal st, s s, 73.9 w Hopkinson av, 26.3x - wife, joint tenants. 5,000 Mort. $4,000. 6,000 50x abt 24.7x abt 50. Monroe st, w s, 325 n Liberty av, 2.5x90, New South 9th st, n s, 169 w 4th st, 2x109. John Herkimer st, s s, 73 w Louis pl, 23x98. Berry to Mary A. McCurdy. Q. C. 200 Lots. Bridget wife of Patrick Murphy to Stone av, e s, 11.11 s Sumpter st, 13.1x77.10 Waldeman and Lena Yaehniehen. 1,300 x33.9x46.9. 9th st, s s, 240 w 7th av, 20x92.6. Edwin C. Monroe st, s s, 200 w Marcy av, 20x100. Fred­ Robert R. Hamilton ;to Maria Carr. exch Litchfield to Christopher J. Walbran. 6,000 erick C. Vrooman to John Hannah. 5,800 Same property. llth st, n e s, 250 s e 5th av, 16.8x100. Err.or. Monroe st, n s, 205 w Marcy av, 20x100. Fred­ Also lots on Herkimer st, n s, 100 w Hopkin Van Brunt W. Bennett to Mary A. J. wife of erick C. Vrooman to DeUe wife of Henry C. son av. of August Wintraecken. Mort. $3,750. 6,400 WUson. Mort. $3,300. 5,800 And Herkimer st, n s,_75 w Ralph av. Re- j llth st, s s, 80 w 3d av, SOixlOO. WiUiam T. lease of mort. J Monroe st, n s, 235 w Marcy av, 20x70. I^ed- WUlis aud ano., exrs. Virginia WUlisi to Helen R. Russell to Robert R. Hamilton. 8,340 WUUam T. WiUis, Oys^r Baj. ' 2,898 April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORB^ 369 uth St. s s, 207.6 w 3d av, 18.9x100. T Greene av, n s, 175 w Bedford av, 20x108. Ix Throop av, n e cor Willoughby av, 120x8.5. 16th st, n s, abt L23.10 e 7th av, 25x100. | x20xl08.3. Joseph H. Townsend to Mary A. Richard G. Phelps et al., exrs. John M. 1.5i;h st, s s, abt 132.10 e 7th av, 17.3x34.10x8.8 f Vega, widow. Mort. $5,000. 10,000 Phelps, to O. Pearce. 9,300 x65.2x25x100. J Greene av, s e cor Throop av, 100x90. Charles Willoughby av, n s, 50 e Steuben st, 25x87. Foreclos. Gerard M. Stevens to Thomas Jen­ Ritchie to WUliam Ziegler. Ms. $20,000. 18,944 Foreclos. Edward G. Nelson to Asa W. sen. 3,600 Greenpoint av, n s, 82 e Franklin st, runs north Parker. - 275 13th st, s s, 322.10 e from w s 3d av, 24 X west 3 x north 71 x east 50 x south 95 to Waverly av, e s, 325 s Gresne av, 13.6x90, h&l. 20.10x100. Mrs. Cornelia M. Spader to the Greenpoint av, x west 48, hs & Is. Elizabeth Thomas Read to Amanda wife of Robert M. Twelfth Street Reformed Church, Brook­ A. Frothingham to Margaret A. Frothing­ Whiting. Mort. $2,500. 5.500 lyn- nom ham. Morts. $13,800. nom Yates av, e s, 70 s Halsey st, 20x95. Edwin 15th st, s w s, 87.10 n w 4th a v. 22x100. Ehza­ Harrison av, s e cor Middleton st, 2.5x75. H. Close to Theophilus D. PoweU. Mort. beth wifo of Franklin W. Taber to Samuel Philip Stark to Ernst Hofmann. AprU 8. 6,000 $3,.50O. nom Polglase. C. a. G. 1,300 Johnson av, s s, 135 w Graham av, 35x100. 5th av, e s,- 18 s St. Marks av, 17.10x78.10. East 1.5th st, e s, 300 s Av X, 75x159.6, plot 75 Francis X. Bill, Jr., to Elizabetha Franz. Thomas M. Riley to Jacob V. B. Martense. map D. D. Stillwell property, Gravesend. , Mort. $2,000. _ 6,000 Foreclose. " 5,000 Elizabeth wife of John Mogridge, Jersey Lafayette av, n s, 216.8 e Nostrand av, 16.8x 5th av, e s, 40.3 s Prospect av. Release mort. City, to William A. Engeman. 300 100. Catharine Burland wife of John W. to Albert Smith to Daniel Doody. nom 10th St. s ecor Jackson pl, 18.6x80. Conrad Norman L. Archer. 5,40 J Sth av, e s, 40.2 s Prospect av, 20x79.6, h&l. Dietrick to Johanna wife of John Edmunds. Lafayette av, n s, 36 e Reid av, 64x100. Daniel Doody to Maria A. Haitung. Mort. Mort. $3,500. 6,000 Charles B. .Hart to The Metropolitan Savings $4,000. 7,000 ISth st, s s, Lo3.10 e 4th av, 17.10x100.2, h&l. Bank, NewYork. Morts., taxes, &c. 7,600 Oth av, e s, 70.2 n 18th st, 14x70. Bernard Elisha D. Hawkins to Thomas Corrigan Lafaj^ette av, n s, 310 w Tompkins av, 20x100. Brady to August Hector. 1,200 Mort. $1,500. . • • 3,100 Maria B. wife of Benj. Wood, Jr., to Duncan 7th av, ses, 140 s w Lincoln pl, 20x90. Nina 32d st, s w s, 575 s e 6th av, 35x100. The Com­ E. Mackenzie. Mort. $2,500. " 6,000 W. wife of Alphonso F. Tilden to Richard J. mercial Fire Ins. Co., New York, to Sophia Lafayette av, s s, 98 e South EUiott pl, 22x80x Clarke. Mort. $6,000. 11,000' Iverson. 450 8x16.2x71.9. Helen F. and WiUiam R. Howe, 16th av, centre line, adj s s of land Archibald Av P, n w s, extdg from Canarsie av and"] heirs H. A. Howe, to Louis Scheling. Q. C. Young, runs west 50 to Bennett's lane, x south East 93d st, 206.8x174.2 on Canarsie av, and nom 39 X east 50 to centre line of 16th av, x north 176.4 on East 93d st, and 284.6 on rear line, i Same property. Helen L. Howe, widow. 39, New Utrecht. Gerd H. Henjes to Mat­ Also plot 200 on Av P, 157.8 on East 93d st, Orange, N. J., individ. and with ano., exrs. thew Brady. 450 156.8 on East 94th st, x 200 on rear. | H. A. Howe, to same. 6,750 Road from Flatbush to Flatlands, s w s, adj Also plot 260 on Av P, 155 on East 95th st, Lee av, e s, 50 n Lynch st, 16.8x80.8. Richard land Asher Hubbard, contains 2 70-100 acres, 153.11 on East 96th st, and 260 on rear. I Healy to Hans Truelsen, New York. Mort. Platlands. Sarah A. B. wife of WiUiam C. Also plot 200 on Av P, 183.2 on East 96th st, $2,000. 3,500 Wilson to Randolph H. Cole. nom 184.8 on ^Rockaway Parkway av, and 200 Lexington av, ns, 190 w Throop av, .59.2x100, Same property. Randolph H. Cole to Sarah on rear. h&l. Wm. Kennedy to Anna Lambert. 5,250 A. B Wilson. nom Also plot 200 on Av P, 187.10 on East 98th st. Lexington av, s s, .381.3 w Throop av, 18.9x AU grantor's property of every nature, cash, 189.4 on East 99th st, and 200 on rear. 100, brown stone dweU'g. Joseph C. Hoag­ credits, household furniture, tools, &c. Also plot 200 on Av P. 149.5 on East 99th st, land to Maria E. Rogers. 4,075 Philip A. Dugan to Walter Long. Bill of 148.6 on 100th st, and 200 on rear. Lincoln av, e s, adj land T. Abrams, 50x99.8x sale. nom All in Flatbush. 50.2x95.11, Platlands. Foreclos. Gerard Same property. W. Long to Maria wife of The Society for the Relief of Poor Widows M. Stevens to David A. Young. March 29, Philip Dugan. Bill of sale. nom with Small Children to Geo. H. Roberts. 2(>0 1869. 1,600 Agreement by the heirs Norman Gilehrest, Atlantic av, n s, 60 w Albany av, 20x89 1. The Lewis av, e s, 80 s Pulaski st, 20x100. Emily dec'd, to pay each the sum of $.500 to Ade­ Mutual Life Ins. Co. to Susie wife of Walter P. Cartwright, Burlinpjton, N. J., to Mary S. line Gilehrest, widow. B. Clark. C. a. G. . 3,000 Kimber, Longlsland. Mort. $3,500.' 5,000 Exemplified copy will, &c , James P. Freeborn, Bedford av. w s, 21.9 s De Kalb av, 22x59.6. Marcy av, e s, 80 n Jefferson st, 20x9U. Jesse dec'd. Benjamin Linikin to Robert R. Hamilton. and Zared Darlington, Middletown, Pa., to Exemplified copy of last will and testament of Mort. $5,500. nom James D. Lynch, New York. 925 Joseph C. Puller. Baltic av, n s. .53.6 e Adams st, 25x100, New Marcy av, e s, 20 n Jeffer on st, 20x90. Jason General release. Ida Z. Van Vranken, Helen Lots. Elizabeth N. Ives to Michael Bulger. 230 B. Hendrickson to James D. Lynch. 1,000 V. and Praok E. James, legatees Morris F. Brooklyn av, n e cor Degraw st, runs north Ocean av, e s, abt 330 n road from Gravesend James, dec'd^to James E. Vail, Jr., and ano , 111.1 to centre line of Remsen av, x east — x to Flatlands, 50x100, Flatlands. William exrs. Morris F. James, dec'd. nom south 134.4 to Degraw st, x west 100. Fore­ Shepperd to Ellen Burke. 200 Interior lot, 89 s Tillary st and 25.5 e Duffield clos. Lewis R. Stegman to Felix Garcia. 7,000 Orient av, n w cor Duryea av, 100x100, New st, runs south 6 x east 75 x 6 x 75. Weeks W. .Brooklyn av, n e cor Herkimer st, 20x60, h&l. Lots. Achatius Artus to Edward Doran. exch Culver and Benjamin Wright to Henry P. John E. Searles, Jr., to John Lankenau. Patent av, s w cor Cedar st, 50x100, hs & Is. DeGraaf. 500 • Mort. $3,500. 6,600 Peter McLoughlin to Nathaniel Cothren. Transfer of infant child to guardian. Hans Central av, easterly cor Starr st, 25x100, h&l. Taxes, 1880, 1881, assests, &c. 350 Anderson, the father, to Charles P. Nelson Franz H. Obermeier to Michael Grob. 5,400 Rockaway av. e s, 25 s Temporary st, lOOx 1 and Anna M. his wife. Central .av. s w s. 50 s e Magnolia st, 25xUiO. xlOO. " I The last will and testament of Henry Frost. Edward P. Barnes to John Davidson, Eliza­ Williamson st, w s, 50 s Temporary st, 50x f beth, N. J. • 425 100, New Lots. J Clinton av, w s, 331.6 s Fulton st, 50x130. The William H. Ellis to Mary P. EUis. 1,000 Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Newark, RaUroad av, e s, 375 n Union av, 175x200, N. J., to Wilham S. Daland. 12.000 New Lots. Margaret wife of Jacob Wimmer MORTGAGES Same property. Theodore Macknet, Newark, to John C. C Lehsten and Henrietta K. his N. J., to same. C. a. G. nom wife. 2,100 NEW TORK CITY. CA-press av, s e cor Grove st, 100x100, New Rogers av, e s, 62.6 s Winthrop st, 160x92.6, Lots. Nathaniel CJothren to Peter McLough­ Flatbush. Robert Merchant to WiUiam Ken­ APEIL 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, l.H. lin. nom nedy. Partition. 840 Archibald, Carson G., to Hugh Gardner. 24th De Kalb av, s s, 43 e Nostrand av, 18.8x50. Seigel av, w s, 225 n Division av, 25x100, East st. No. 420 W., s s, 510 e 10th av, 18x80. Joseph Zangle to Elizabeth Schmid. 5,000 New York. Foreclos. Albert Daggett to April 5, 2 years. $l,.50O De Kalb av, n s, 200 e Nostrand av, 25x113.7x James E. Pearson. July 9, 1877. 100 Ayer, James, to Margaret E. Adriance. 3d av. 26.9x123.6. Frederick HUlerman to John Stuyvesant av, w s, 50 s Jefferson st, 16.8x100. P. M. March 27, due AprU 1, 1S83, 5 per Jurgens. Mort. $2,500. nom James P. Miller to WiUiam H. Myers. cent. 12,000 De Kalb av, s s, 80 w Ryerson st, 20x78.4. Mort. $3,000. 5,400 Augur, Malvina P., wife of John S., to Ann A. Louis Meyer to George Hettrich. 6,250 Stuyvesant av, w s, 118.9 s Lafayette av, 18.9 Hemingway, Meriden, Conn. Sedgwick av, De Kalb av, s s, 43 e Nostrand av, 18.8x50. x75. William L. Young to Eliza Stark. e s, at centre of 205th st. runs east 83.7 x Frederick Schmid to Joseph Zangle. 5.000 Mort. $2,000. 2,800 south 181 X west 177 to Sedgwick av, x north De Kalb av late pl, s s, 183.3 e Broadway, 1 Sackman av, 100 e Christopher av., New Lots. 204.6. Feb. 15, 2 years. 4,000 18.3x134.6, h & 1. ' I Release mort. Christopher I. Lott, exr.. L. Same to Mary P. Peirce, Sutton, Mass. 123d De Kalb av, s s, 218.9 e Broadway, 18.3x134.6, | Lott, to Jane wife of Campbell Gunning. 220 h&l. J, ,^ st, n s, 343.9 w 6th av, 18.9x100.11. April 4, Sackman av, w s, 225 s Baltic av, 25x100. 3 years, 5 per cent. 4,500 Horace P. Burroughs to Reuben W. Aube. Jane wife of Campbell Gunning to George Amend, Bernard, mortgagor, with Anna C. Morts. $4,000.. 6,200 W. Sauthof and Agnes his wife. In the en­ Micolino, widow. Agreement extdg mort. East New York av, s w cor Rochester av, 29.3 tirety or as joint tenants. 250 Beach, Alfred E., to THE MTTTITAL LIFE INS. " XlOO, Platbush. Bridget Rawl 1:o Thomas SkiUman av, n s, 64 w Ewen st, 18x75, h&l. Co., New York. SSth st. P. M. AprU 12, Flauagain. 1,000 The Williamsburg Savings Bank to John G. due Sept. 1, 1833. 8,000 Flushing av, s s, 337 w Broadway, 20x100, h & Korner and Margaretha his wife. Joint Becherer, George, and Charles Dietz to Johan­ 1. Charles V. Anderson to Hedwig wife of tents. Mort. $900. 1,600 na Drewes. 3d st. n s, 200 w Av A, 25x96.3. Jacob Schneider. 4,100 Smith av, w s, 100 n Division av, 100x100. Lease. April 13, due July 1, 1885. 3,500 Pranklin ay, e s, 22.6 s Greene av, 21x80.7, h & East New York. WiUiam Hatter to Margaret Beekman Hill Methodist Episcopal Church to 1. Lizzie Stagg, Fairfield, Conn., to Ferd­ wife of Michael Milan. Mort. $2,000. 3,000 The New York City Church Extension and inand A, L. Ernst, Jersey City. Mort. St. Mark's av, s s, 158.6 w Carlton av, 19x131, Missionary Society of the Methodist Episco­ $8,000. nom h&l. John Donovan to Benjamm W. pal Church. SOth st. See Conveys. Order Gates av, s w cor Bedford av, 21x100. Richard West. 14,000 of Court. April 8. 5,000 D. Torrey to Mary Y. wife of John W. K. St. Marks av, n w cor Carlton av, 20x78.6, h & Brown, Robert I., to John A. Van Buskirk. Oakley. Release from conditions. nom 1. Pamelia Parker, Plainfield, N. J., widow, exr. B. L. Kip. 3d av, w s, 40.11 n 123d st, Same property. George B. Alvord to same. to Benjamin Estes. Mort. $3,500. 6,000 20x64. April 13, 2 years, 5)4 per cent. 5,350 Release from conditions. nom Sumner av, e s, 80 n Greene av, 20x80, h&l. Brien, Henry, to John Brien. 65th st. No. 153 Gates av. No. 310, s w cor Bedford av. R. L. John M. Rogers, Princeton, N. J., to Jaques E., s s, 133 w 3d av, 16x100.5. April 1, 5 Crook to same. Release from conditions, nom Cortelyou, PishkUl, N. Y. nom years. " 5,500 Tompkins av, w s, 20 s Hancock st, 20x100. Gates av. No. 310, s w cor Bedford av, 21x100. Brinkerhoff, Clara M., wife of Charles E. L., to John G. Sturges to Joseph A. Weigert. Cornelius P. Timpson, guard. Charles W. Mary I. wife of John W. K. Oakley to Eben­ Mort. $1,300. 2,150 ezer Butterick. Mort. $6,000. 7,500 Lowell. 18th St. P. M. Lease. Mar. 1. 2,.500 Tompkins av, w s, 20 s Halsey st, 20x100. Bronson, Willett, to Christian Herter. Tinton Same property. AU title to releases. Mary Francis P. Ripley to David J, and Henry av, w s, 47 n CUff st, 29x135. March 29, 3 Y. Oakley to same. Van Winkle. .%000 years. 2,500 Gates av, n s, 58.4 e Nostrand av, 16.8x100, h & Tompkins av, w s, 20 s Hancock st, 20x100 Bursley, Susan C, Annie E. and Caroline W., 1. Thomas S. Strong to Louis Zimmer. The Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn, to John aU of Boston. Mass., to Ira Bursley. Union Mort. $3,300. 4,100 G. Sturges. C. a. G. 2,000 pl or 4th av, e s, 27 n 16th st, 26x125, known Greene av, s s, 40 w Cambridge pl, 20x75. Throop av, e a, 20 s Whipple st, 20x71. Henry as Union sq, No. 38; 18th st. No. 231 E., n s, Charles H. and John W. Cotton to WiUiam Rauch to Fanny Knapp, New York. Mort. 326 w 2d ev, 23x92. 4-5 part. Lease. Feb.~ H. Cotton. Mort. $6,000, 11,600 $1,600. *^ 2,850 1'^ demand' 7,63C .370 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. April 15,1882

Bernhard, Siegel, to Jonah D. P. Smith and Dean, Lottie L., wife of and Harvey N. Dean, Heintze, John G., to Charles Harbeck. Rob­ Adon Smith, Jr.. exrs. A. Smith. 116th st to Abraham Steers. 106th st, n s, 209.6 e 3d bins av, e s, 80 n Division av, 20x80. April P. M. April 1, 3 5'ears, 5 per cent. 1,300 av, 80.6x100x11. AprU 6, demand. 3,349. 11, due Oct. 11, 1882. 1,000 Brierly, Mary M., wife of aud John J. Brierly Dyett, Anthony R., to THE DRY DOCK SAV­ Hudson, Elizabeth M., widow, to WiUiam W. to John H. Riker. 76th st. P.M. AprU 1, INGS INST. 57th st, n s, 210 e 4th av, 20x100.5. Parkin, trustee Susan A. Remsen, dec'd. 3 yeai-s, 5 per cent. 3,000 April 8, 1 year, 5 per cent. 12,000 Pearl st. No. 109, and No. 60 Beaver st, 19 feet Baumgarten, August. Brooklyn, to Samuel S. Eldridge, Frank L., to Benjamin G. Disbrow, on Pearlst, 19.2 on Beaver st, 120.7 onw s, — Constant and ano, for Eliz. A. Chapin. 100th exr B. Disbrow. Harlem R. R., n w s, 192 X—, )4 part. April 11, due AprU 12, 1887. 4,000 st, n s, 125 w Lexington av, 16.8x100.11. southwest from southwest boundary of Bath­ Sameto Frederick S. Winston and ano., exrs. March 9, 1 year. 7.500 gate Farm, 25x150 to centre MiU Brook, x J. S. Rogers. Same property. )4 part. Same to William A. Cauldwell. 106th st, n s, north —xl50. April 1, 2 years. 500 April 11, due April 12, 1887. ' 2,500 l.= 8.4 w Lexington av, 16.8x100.11. March 9, Same to same. Harlem R. R., n w s, 317 south­ Same to Henry Rogers, admr. H. Rogers, dec'd. 1 year. 7,500 west from southwest boundary of Bathgate Same property. K part. April 11, due Same to same. 106th st, n s, 141.8 w Lexington Farm, 25x100 to centre Mill Brook, x north AprU 12, 1887. " 3,500 av, 16.8x100.11. March 9, 1 year. 7,?.00 —X southeast 100. April 1, 2 years. 500 Handy, Charles, to Marie A. Casey, llth st. Boehm, liYederick W.. to John H. Deane. Same to same. Harlem R. R., n w s, 217 south­ P. M. April 8, demand. 3,000 llSth St. P. M. AprU 1, 3 years. 1,500 west of southwest boundary of the Bathgate Same to Sophia M. Taylor, 85th st, s s, 153.4 Brandner, Ferdinand, to Conrad and Catharine Farm, 100x100 to centre MUl Brook, x—x abt w 3d av. 25.7x102.2; llth st, n s, 69 e 6th av. Harres. Houston st. P. M. April 8, 5 years,_ 150. April 1, 2 years. 1,000 23.6x103.3x22.2x63.5x0.4x39.10. April 8, 1 installs., 5 per cent. 3,750 Field. Hickson W., mortgagor with WiUiam year. 1,500 Baker, Lizzie V., wife of Charles, to John D. Watson et al., exrs. and trustees W. Watson. Huebner, Charles, to Margaret Hogencamp Crimmins. OSth st. P. M. April 5, due Agreement extdg mort. nom 124th St. P. M. AprU 11, 1 year. 4,500 AprU 10, 1S85. 3.000 Fitzgerald, James B., to Jacob H. Lazarus and Hallett, Adam P., to THE NEW YORK LIFE Cohen, Loewenthal and Samuel, to -Tane ano., exrs. and trustees Rebecca Tobias. 79th INS. CO. Lexington av. P. M. April 10, 1 .Humes. Houston st. P. M. April 7, 3 St. P. M. March 31, due AprU 8, 1885, 5 year. 6,000 years, 5 per cent. 3,000 per cent. 10,000 Hazard, Rowland N., to Joseph P. Hazard, Sea Carney, Patrick, to Thoman Cunningham. Av Finn, Michael, to David Babcock. 45th st. P. Side, R. I. 73d st, n s, 325 e llth av, 125x65.8 B. s w cor 14th st, 23x95. April 6, indemnity. M. March 31, 5 years. 11,000 xl25.2x60.4. Jan. 24, 5 years, gold. 10,000 3,483 Ettinger, , to Maria L. GambriU, Bal­ Henry, Oscar C , to Charles and W. M. Aik­ CoUenberger, Aaron, to Morris and Jacob Ro­ timore, Md. Lexington av. P. M. April man, exrs. R. Aikman. Monroe st. Lease­ senberg. 64th St. P. M. April 5, due June 11,5 years, 5 per cent. 5,500 hold. P.M. April 8, 3 years. 1,500 10, 1883, 5 per ceut. 5,000 Farrell, Richard, to THE IRVING- SAVINGS Hoes, Annie N., wife of WiUiam M., to George Coolidge, George H., Cambridge, Mass., to Hen­ INST. 34th st, s s, 140 w 9th av, 20x98.9. G. De Witt, Jr., and ano., trustees Sarah rietta E. Van Buren, Fishkill, N. Y. John April 10,1 year, 5 per cent. 5,000 Talman, dec'd. 36th st, No. 106 E.. s s, 87.8 e st. No. 108, s s. 20.6x64.7x20x65.10. Subject Fettretch, Catharine, wife of John, to Mary A. 4th or Park av, 17.4x74.8. April 10, 5 years. to mort. $4,900. AprU 1, 5 yrs, 5 per cent. 5,100 A. Woodcock, Bedford, N. Y. 125th st, n s, 5 per cent. 12,500 Corrigan, Thomas P. and JohnB., to Sarah 100 w 9th av, ruiiS west 83 x northeast 178 x Hamilton, James B., to Edward M. Freeman. Myers. 2d av, Nos. 923, 9:5 and 937, and No. s(mth 158.2 to beginning. AprU 10, due 28th st, s s, 152.8 e Broadway, 25x98.9. AprU 2,53 East 49th st, begins 2d av, n wcor49th st, AprU 25, 1886. 4,500 12, 1 year. 5,000 50x80. 2-5 part. April 10, note. 400 Finck, Adam, to Paul Schell. Broome st, s s, Hawkes, Quayle W., to George N. Man­ Cummings, Richard, to Joseph Murray. 1st av. 76.1 e Chrystie st, 25x75.3. April 13, due chester aud William N. Philbrick. 1st av, s P.M. April 7, 6 mouths. 1,500 March 24, 1887, 5 per cent. 10,000 e cor 87th st, 15.8x74; 87th st, s s, 74 e 1st av, Cushi- g, Catharine, wife of Tuomas, to David Greener, Thomas, to Heniy D. Sedgwick, as 23x100.8. AprU 6. due July 1, 1882. 3,000 McAdam. 43d st. P. M. AprU 10, 1 yr. 1,973 trustee for the Soc. for the Employment Hogencamp, John W. and William M., to Mary Same to Mary L. Vail. 43d st. P. M. April and Relief of Poor Women. Rear 3^ of lot P. Stoughton, Windsor, Vt. 130th st, s s, 10, due May 1, 1SS5, 5 per cent. 6,000 1 map Joseph Delafield, Yonkers. Contains 150 w Oth av, 16.8x99.11. April 13, 3 years, 5 Cohen, Isadore, to THE DRY DOCK SAVINGS 40-100 acre. Dec. 24, due AprU 1, 1887. 1,300 percent. 9,000 INST. Le Roy st, s s, 56.3 w Bedford st, 18.9 Gault, James, to The Union Theological Semi­ Same to Mary P. Stoughton and ano., exr.".. x50. April 7, 1 vear, 5 per cent. 2,500 nary, New York. 123d st, n s, 300 e Sth av, Edwin W. Stoughton, dec'd. " 130tli st, s s, Corbit, Joseph, to THE BOWERY SAVINGS 16.8x100.11. AprU 11, 5 years. 8,500 166.8 w 6th av, 16.8x99.11. AprU 12, 3 years, BANK. 9th av, No. 183. e s, 24.4 n 21st st, Same to John A. James, London, Eng. 123d 5 per cent. 9,000 24..5x60.v24.9x00. April 8, 1 year, 5 p. c. 6,500 St. n s, 316 8 e Sth av, 16.8x100.11. AprU 11, Jonas, Abraham H., to Elizabeth English, Crane, Julia D.. wife of and William H., to 5 years. 8,300 extrx. John English, dec'd. 77th st. P. M. William P. Jones and ano., exrs. P. R. Same to same. 123d st, n s, 333.4 e Sth av, IH.S AprU 12, 1 year. 3.300 Robert. 03d st, n s, 36S w 3d av, 16x100.5. XlOO.ll. AprU 11, 5 years. 8,300 Jenny, Ann M,, wife of Jacob, to John H. April S, 2 years, 5 per cent. 8,700 Same to same. 123d st, n s, 350 e Sth av, 16. Sx Deane. 104th st, s s. 175 w 2d av, 37.6x100.11; Cockburn, Mattie A., to Abraham B. Odell. 100.11. April 11,5 years. 8,300 lllth st, s s, 49.6 e Lexington av, 75.6x100.11; exr. J. D. Odell. 129th st. s s, 113 w 7th av, Same to WUliam D. James, London, Eng. llOth st, s s, 234 w 4th av, 21x100.11. March 19x99.11. April 11, due AprU 15, 1885, in­ 123d st, n s, 366.8 e Sth av, 16.8x100.11. Apr. 9, demand. 2,808 stalls., 5 per cent. 10,000 11, 5 years. 8,300 Same to same. 1st av, e s, 25.10 n 113th st, 50x Same to John C. Schenck, North Hempstead. Same to same. 123d st, n s, 383.4 e Sth av, 16.8 95. March 25, demand. 1,488 139th st, s s, 133 w 7th av, 18x99.11. AprU xlOO.n. AprU 11, 5 years. 8,300 Jordan, Rosie, wife of John, to Lot Betts, New­ 11, due AprU 15, 1885, 5 per cent. 8,500 Same to Willett Bronson, of Huntington, N. ark, N. J. 43d St. P. M. March 30, due Same to John H. Riker, exr. and trustee S. Y. 124th st, s s, 300 e Sth av, 100x100.11. AprU 1. 1885. 4,000 Simson. I29th st, s s, 75 w 7th av, 18x99.11. April 10, 6 months. 20,000 Jueh, Wilhelmine, wife of and William A., to April 11, due AprU 15, 1885, 5 per cent. 8,500 Same to same. 123d st, n s, 300 e Sth av, lOOx Abraham Steers. 107th st, n s, 75 e 2d av, 25 Same to same, trustee for Margt. A. Tibbits 100.11. AprU 10, 6 months. 14,000 X76.10. April 6, 1 year. 2,000 et al. 129th st, s s, 93 w 7th av, 30x99.11. April Same to same. 123d st, n s, 300 e Sth av, lOOx Same to same. 107th st, n s, 100 e 2d av, 25x 11, due AprU 15, 1885, 5 per cent. 10,000 100.11; 124th st, s s, 300 e Sth av, lOOxlOO.ll. 76.10. AprU 6, 1 year. 1,000 Corbit, Josenh, to Hugh A. Gilmore. Oth av, Subject to morts. $88,000. April 10, 6 Same to John H. Deane. 106th st,''s s, 100 w 2d e s, 24.4 n 21st st, 24.5x60x24.9x1.5x45. 2d months. 30,000 av, 25x100.11. March 11, demand. 1,097 mort. March 31, 2 years. 2,000 Gilbert, Kate L., to THE BANK FOR SAVINGS, Same to same. 106th st, s s, 100 w 2d av, lOOx Carpenter, Benjamin P., to George A. Hoyt, City New York. 65th st, s s, 300 e 5th av, 100.11. March 22, demand. 6,365 Stamford, Coim. S4th st. P. M. April 13, 25x100.5. AprU 10, 5 years, 4)4 per ct. 45,000 Same to John H. Deane. 107th st. P. M. 2 years. 4,500 Goff, Catharine T., wife of John W., to James April 6, 3 months. 8,580 Carruthers,-John, guard. Jane L. and Anna D. McCormick. 13.5th st, n s, 225 e WiUis av, Same to same. 2d av, n e cor 106th st, 100 9x Humes, to Jane Humes. 2d .av. No. 650, 16.8x100. AprU 4, due Aug. 1, 1887, 5 per 100. AprU 3, demand. 3,690 also 36th st, s s, 178.4 e Lexington av, 20.10x cent. 8,000 Same to same. 2d av, w s, 75.11 n 106th st, 25x 98.9. April 11, 1 year, 5 per cent. 2,000 Gustaveson, Edward, to Sarah H. Crane. Van 7.5. AprU 4, demand. 2,013 Chapman, Margaret C.,'widow, to James W. Corlear st, s w s, 100.2 n w Boston Post road, Jenny, Ann M., wife of Jacob, to Abraham Keogh, Newark, N. J. 69th st, n s, 465 w 38.8x100x30.4x100.6. March 29, 5 years. 3,C00 Steers. 104th st, n s, 200 w 3d av, 50x100.11; 10th av, 40x100.5. 1-6 part. April 5, 1 Gallagher, Patrick, to Sarah England. Little 1st av, e s, 25.10 nll2thst, 50x95; 112thst, ns, 12th st, s s, 81.10 e Washington st, 17.5x86.10x year. 80 95 e 1 st av, 50x100.11. A pril 8, 3 mos. 2,500 Crawford, Margaret, wife of and P. Crawford, 7.3x25.1x61.8; Little 12th st, s s, 99.3 e Wash­ Juch, Wilhelmine, wife of William A., to John to Edward Oppenheimer and Isaac Metzger. ington-st, 17.4x92.11x18.4x8610; Little 12th H. Deane. 2d av. n e cor 107th st, 76.10x7.5. 71st St. P. M. Nov. 10, 1881, 1 yr. 32,700 st, s s, 116.7 e Washington st, 17.4x99xl8.4x AprU 8, demand. 2,640 Cogswell, Laura V., to Jennie H. Butt. 45th st. 92.11. Leases. April 10, 1 year. 4,000 Keenan. Mary, widow, to Amelia M. wife of P. M. AprU 11, due Feb. 1, 1886, installs. 9,000 Gault, .Tames, to Sarah H. Powell. Pleasant O. J. Ward". Henry st. No. 169, n s, 21.8x7.5. Demorest, VV. Jennings, mortgagor, with Wil­ av or Av A, s w cor llSth st, 38.6x75; Pleas­ Jan. 8. 1878, 4 ytars, 7 per cent. 246 liam Betts. Agreement apportioning mort­ ant av or Av A, w s, .57.1 s 118th st, 18.6x75. Kinary, Michael, to Rachel Purdy. Jacob st, gage. April 8. 40,000 s w s, part lot 92 map of PoweU farm, West Dean, Lottie L, wife of Harvey N., to Caro­ Ga'ilt, James, to Hannah E. Walke, Cornwall, Farms, 62x50. April 8, 1 year. 100 line C. Bishop. Madison av, e s, 84.11 n 120th N. Y. Pleasant av or Av A, w s, 20 s llSth Kobbe, George C, to Samuel S. Sands, guard, st, 16x83. March 20, 1 year. 13,500 st, 18.6x75. April 7, 5 years. 8,000 of Anna Sands. 128th st. P. M. April 8, Same to William A. Cauldwell. Madison av, Glover, John H., to Alexander ^Brown, Phila­ due May 1, 1882, 5 per cent 5,000 e s, 07.4 n 120th st, 17.7x83 March 20, 1 delphia, Pa. Greenwich st, s e cor Rector st, Korn, Henry, to The Trustees of the Great year. 18,600 44x28x45x28. AprU 8, 3 years, 4K p. c. 9.000 Neck Free Church, Queens Co. 62d st, s s, Same to same. Madison av, e , 51.4 n 120th Gordon,'Robert and Joseph, to Orleana 11. E. 175 w 2d av, 20x100.5. AprU 6, due May 1, st, 16x83. March 20, 1 year. 13,.500 PeU. 35th st, s s, 200.1 e 2d av, 24.9x98.9x 1887, 5 per cent. 5,000 Same to same. Madison av, e s, 17.9 n 120th 24.10x98.9. Error. AprU 7, 5 years. 11,000 Kehoe, Alfred, to John H. Deane. 123d st; s s, st, 16x83. March 20, 1 year. 13,500 Haeselbarth, William H., to George D. Hil- 200 e Sth av, 100x100.11. Apr. 4, demand. 5,000 Same to same. Madison av, n e cor 120th st, vard, exr. Joshua Tomlinson, dec'd. 26th st. Keller, Barbara, wife of Leonhard, to THE 17.9x83. March 20, 1 year. 14,500 P. M. Mar. 6, due Apr. 6, 1887, 5 p. c. 4,000 GERMAN SAVINGS BANK. 37th st, n s, 267 e Same to same. Madison av, e s, 33.9 n 120th Hall, Robert, to Henrietta Vonck and ano., 2d av, 25x98.9. March 28, 1 year. 9,000 st, 17.7x83. March 20, 1 year. 13,500 exrs. William Vonck, dec'd. Willis av, n e Kilpatrick, Edward, to William M. Kingsland, cor 135th st, 12x100. April 8, 5 years. 3,000 Davidson, John, to Gideon Fountain. SOth st, Mount Pleasant, N. Y. 86th st, u s, 62.2 e ; Same to same. WiUis av, e s, 12 n 135th st, 16 Madison av, 51x100.8. April 10, 5 years, Sper s s, 300 w 2d av, 50x90.9x50x98. AprU 8, xlOO. AprU 8,'5 years. 3,000 demand. 10,000 cent. 55,000 Henderson. WiUiam, to William Hall & Sons. Karcher, Martin, to Edward D. Bassford, exr. Same to Jacob E. Lockman and ano., exrs. and 85th st, s s, 120 w 1st av, 80x102.2. Subject and trustee. 146th st. P. M. AprU 12, 5 trustees P. I Sage. 50th st. P. M. April 8, to all morts. April 4, due July 4, 1882. 5.500 years. 1,000 5 years, 5 per cent. 36,000 Hudson, Susan A., wife of Wilbur P., to THE Keirns, John, to John J. Taggard. 126th st, n Davis, JohnB., to George J. Binder. 121st st, BOWERY SAVINGS BANK. 131stst, ns, 101.8 s. 271.6 e 3d av, 33.6x99.11. April 11, due s s, 100 e Madison av, 33.4x100.10. April 1, e 6th: av, 16.8x99:11. April 8,-1 year, 5 per. Marchl!. 1883. 1,500 3 months. 5>2o0 cent; " 6,C00 KeUy, Bridget) to Mansuy P. Dodin. 46thisti April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD,

n s, 141.3 e 3d av, lS.,5xl00..5. April 11, 5 East Broadway. P. M. AprU 11, due May Seaman. 12th st. P. M. April 10, 1 year, 5 years, 5 per cent. 6 500 1, 1885. 5,000 per cent. . 10,000 Little, William, to William M. Kingsland of Mennie, John D., to THE BANK FOR SAVINGS Smith, Thomas, and John Bannon to Timothy Mount Pleasant, N. Y. Dey st. No. 49, s s, in City of New York. 37th st. No. 317, n s, 35x90. AprU 10, 3 years, 5 per cent. ' 15,000 C. Eastman. Lexington av, P. M. April 342 e 2d av, 25x98.9. ApiU 11, 1 year, 5 per 6, due April 11, 1887. 10,000 Same to William H. Harrison. Washington cent. 5,000 Same to same. Lexington av. P. M. April st. No. 290, w s, 25 n Chambers st, 19 10x48.9. Mitchell, Carrie, wife of Michael, to Thomas March 13, 3 years, 5 per cent. 10 000 6, due April 11. 1887. 10.000 Russell and ano., exrs. John Morrison. Hud­ Stewart, Helen Le R., to Gouverneur Tillot­ Livingston, Mary C, to Henry Wiener, Phila­ son st. P.M. April 11. installs. 9,000 delphia. Bleecker st, No. 27, n s, 3'0 w Bow­ son, as committee Henry C. Babcock. West Mott, John L. B., to B. St. John A. Mathews, st. No. 33, s e cor Morris st, 25x89.6. April ery, 20x68.10x20x68. April 11, 3 yeara, 5 per England. 40th st, n s, 65 w Lexington av, cent. 4,000 10, due April 9, 1883 3,000 20x98.8. April 10, due May 1. 1885. 22,500 Schwarzler, Joseph, to WiUiam Cohn. 92d st, Lieberich, Katharina, wife of Valentine, to McCormack, Joseph E. and WUliam G., to s s, 300 w 3d av, 21x100.8. AprU 12, 3 Thomas Cunningham. 1st av, 45th st. P. M. John Ross. 118th st, n s, 110 w 2d av, 50x April 12, installs., 5 per cent. . 5,000 months. 3,485 100.11. AprU 12, 4 months. 15,000 Same to WilUam H. Simonson. Same property. Samo to same. 2d av, w s, 25 n 46th st, 2.5x73. Same to same. Madison av, n w cor 138th st, April 12, 3 months. 2,500 April 12. additional security 99.11x60. April 12, 4 months. 15,000 Simmons, Samuel, to Peter J. McCoy. 2d av, Little, William, to THE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. McCormack, Thomas, to THE UNION DIME n e cor 105th st, 100.11x100. Subject to mort. New York. SOth st, n s, 100 e 3d av, 142.4x SAVINGS INST., New York. 43d st. P. M. 179x108.8, gore. AprU 11,due Mayl, 1883. 8,000 $12,000. March 31, due Aug. 1, 1882. 2,000 Aprilll, due May 1, 1883. 3,000 Same to THE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., New Loonie, Dennis, to Eliza wife of Randolph Gug­ Nauss, Wendolin J., and George H., to THE York. Same property. AprU 3, duo Sept. genheimer. 116th st, No. 174 E., s s, 175 w 3d CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., Jlart- 1, 1883. 13,000 av, 15.10x100.11. AprU lO, 5 yrs, 5 p; c. 4,000 ford. Chrystie st, e s, 50 n Hester st, 2,5x Laurits, Chris, to Elias A. Day. West llth st, Smith, Frank E., and Henry EUis to Salomon 100. April 8, due April 10, 1887, 6 p. c. 6,000 Marx. Av C, s e cor Wth st, 103.6x87. April n e cor Waverley pl 20x60. April 8, 1 year, Noonan, Mary, wife of David, to THE SEA­ 5 per cent. 500 12, due May 1, 1882. 1,6.50 MEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS, City NewYork. Stone, WiUiam, trustee, with George N. Man­ Laurent, Emmeline, to John J. Lagrave. 79th Madison st. P. M. March 29, 5 years, 5 per chester and William N. Philbrick. Agree­ st. P. M. April 6, due April 7, 1887, 5)4 per cent. .5,500 cent. ' 11,000 ment as to priority of mortgage. Oppenheimer, David, to J. Nelson Tappen, Taussig, Maurice, to August L. Nosser. 86th Same to sam?. 79th st. P. M. April 6, due Chamberlain, N. Y. Av A or Eastern Boule­ April 7, 1884. 4,000 St. P. M. AprU 12, due July 1, 1882, 5 per vard. P. M. April 6, 10 years, 4)>{ per cent. 5,000 Levin, Nathan, and Harris Sakolsky and liOuis cent. 6,500 Same to same. 86th st. P. M. April 12, due Gootman to PhUip Friedman. Ridge st. P. Same to same. Av A, 86th st. P. M. April M. March 14, 6 years. 7,000 Jan. 1. 188.5. 6,500 6, 10 years, 4)4 per cent. 6,500 The Pirst Hungarian Congregation, Ohab Le Roy, Daniel, trustee of and Susan E. his Same to same. Av A or Eastern Boulevard. Zedek, to The New York City Mission & wife, to Alexander Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. P. M. April 6, 10 years, 4)4 per cent. 6,500 Tract Society. Columbia st. P. M. March 23d st, No. 20, s s, s;01 w 5th av, 28.6x98.9 Same to same. Av A or Eastern Boulevard. April 8, 3 years, 4)4 per cent. 10,000 30, due April 1. 1887,5 per ct. 4,800 P. M. AprU 6, 10 years, 4)4 per cent. 6,500 Twigg, Charles P.. to Edwin A. Bradley and Levy, Marks, to THE GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, Same to same. Av A or Eastern Boulevard. George C. Currier, of Bradley & Currier. New York. East Broadway, n s, 165.11 e P.M. April 6, 10 years, 4^^ per cent. 6,500 129th st, s s, 400 e Sth av, 20x99.11; 129th st, Clinton st, 2.3.10x107.8 to Division st, x 23.1 Ox Same to same .A.v A or Eastern Boulevard. s s, 438.9 e Sth av, 36.3x99.11. April 11, 4 1C8. April6, lyear. .10,000 P. M. April 6, 10 years, 4)4 per cent. 6,500 months. 7,920 Lighte, Philippina, wife of and Charles; also, O'Connor, John, to THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL William Lighte to Julia E. Cameron, widow. The College of Pharmacy, of City New York, SAVINGS BANK. Vesey st. NO. 94, n s, 71.3 to THE SEAMAN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS, City Av A, n e cor 17th st. P. M. March 20, due w Washington st, 17.9x50x14.2x50, AprU 12, April 1, 1887. 4,000 New York. 23d st, n s, 146.5 e 3d av, 73 2x 1 year. ,5,000 98.9. AprU 11, 5 years, 5 per cent. 25,000 Lindsay, Robert, to THE NEW YORK SAVINGS PhilUps, Moss S., Brooklyn, to THE GERMANIA Turlev, Alice, to Orleana R. JE. Pell. SSth st. BANK. Bank st. P. M. April 8, due June LIFE INS. CO. Broadway. P. M. April 12 1, 1885, 5 per cent. 5,000 P. M. March 31, due April 11, 188.5. 1,150 due Nov. 30,1884. 60,000 Teets, A. Alonzo, to Solomon Meyer. 127th McGean. John J., to Almira wife of Patrick Philp, James, to Henry Meigs and ano., trus­ St. P. M. Stipulation to build at once. «Pord, Brooklyn. Henry st, No. 300, s s, 167.3 tees John I. Palmer, dec'd. 61st st. s s, 350 w AprU 1, due April 4,1883. 23,000 e Scammel st', 24x)4 block. April 6, 4 years, 10th av. 50x100.5. April 12,1 year. 5,000 Thompson, John C, Jr., to Andrew L. Bush, 5 per cent. 10,000 Paar. John, to THE DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST. Same to Benjamin W. Dunning, Bound Brook, Rye, N. Y. Hunts Point road, 3 4-100 Av D, e Sj 64 n 3d st, 32x75. AprU 11,1 vr, acres. P.M. March 21, Syears, 5 p. c. 5,000 t N. J. East Houston st, Nos. 440, 443, ahd 444, 5 per cent. "4,000 and 5 and 7 Manhattan st, being East Houston Truss, George W., to Benjamin Gates, New Palmer, Catharine I., wife of Wm. H., to Lebanon, N. \. 40th st, n s, 200 w 7th av, 4 st, northerly cor Manhattan st. 62.5x143x62 Annie W. wife of Charles J. Gould. 84th st. xl43. P.M. AprU4, due April 1, 1881. 1,000 lots, each 25x100. Mort. on each, $6,750. P. M. April 6. 3 years, 5 per cent. 7,000 April 8, 1 year. 27,000 Same to Abraham V. W. Van Vechten. Same Same to John W. Stevens. 84th st, s s, 508 4 property. AprU4, due April 1, 1S84. 700 Treacy, Thomas P., to John H. Deane. Madi­ w Sth av, 16.8x103.3. AprU 6, due April 1, son av, s e cor 123d st, 19x100; Madison av, e Meehen, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh, to John H. 1S83. 3,000 Deane. 109th st, s s, extending from Lexing­ s, 55 s 123d st, 36x100. Mar. 11, demand. 3.847 Pollock, Annie A., wife of Alexander, Nyack, Same to same. Madison av, s e cor 122d st, 19 ton av to 4th av, 405x100.11. April 4, de­ N. Y., to John H. Riker, trustee Margaret mand. 25,000 xldO; Madison av, e s, .55 s 122d st, 36x100. A. Tibbits et al. 63dst, s s, 123.9 e 3d av. March 13, demand. 11,682 McGinnis, Robert, to John Davidson, Elizabeth 18.9x100.5. AprU 8, 6 months. 1,500 Same to same. llOth st, n s, 20 w 4th av, 60x N. J. 123d st, n s, 300 w Oth av, 75x100 11 Rosenthal, Harris, to William Brokhahne. Dec. 23, 1881, 4 months. 5,000 100.11. March 20, demand. 2,9.55 Monroe st. P. M. April 8, due April 12, Same to same. 123d st, s s, 137.6 e Madison av, Michel, Simon, to Elizabeth W. Blake et al., 1887, 5 per cent. . 6,000 exrs. A. Blake. Greenwich st, e s, 35 3 s 74 6x100.11. March 28, demand. 1,965 Ruck, John M., to George Roll. 58thst, ne Truss, George W., to James A. Frame. 40th Cortlandt st, 18.1x24x17.9x24.4; Catharine cor 9th av, 12.5x100.5. BuUding loan. Feb. slip. No. 24, w s, 40.1 n South st, 20x40. April St. 4 P. M. morts., each $3,500. April 7, 1 8. 1 year. 30,000 year. 10,000 3, due Feb. 1, 1884, 5)4 per cent. 9,500 Rose, Theresia, to H. F. Brinckmann. Pitt Middleton, Samuel, to John G. WiUiamson Tubbs, George W., to THE MANHATTAN SAV­ w s, bet Broome and Delancey sts, 25x 100. INGS INST, llth st. P. M. April 8, 1 year. 35th st, s s, 100 w Sth av, 12.6x98.9. AprU 8, April 13, 5 years, 5 per cent. '5,000 5 per cent. 13,0C0 1 year, 5 per cent. 4,000 Schwarzler, Joseph, to Julius Lipman. 78th Molloy, John, to John Ross. Oth av, s w cor Vincent, M. Augusta, wife of John, to Abra­ st, s s, 130 w 3d av, runs south 73.3 x west ham Steers. 116th st. P. M. April 8, 2 Olst st, 100.5x250. April 7, 4 months. 6,000 0.4 X south;27.l X east 0.4 x south 1.10 xwest Murray, Joseph, to Samuel S. Constant. 133d years. 3,000 25 X north 102.2 to 78th st, x east 25. March Vianest, Francis, to The Sisters of Charity of st, n s, 74 e Pleasant av or Av A, 36x100.11. 31, 3 months. 3,000 March 6, 6 months. 8,000 St. Vincent de Paul. WiUiam st. P. M. Same to James Roosevelt, Hyde Park, N AprU 6, due May 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 8,000 Same to same. 133d st, s s, 74 e Pleasant av or Y. 92d st, s s, 300 w 3d av, 21x100.8. AprU AvA, 26x100.11. March 6, 6 montbs. 8,000 13, dueMay, 1, 1885. 11,000 Vizethann, EUzabeth, wife of Henrv, to Bern- Same to Christopher B. Keogh. Pleasant av Same to same. 92d st, s s, 331 w 3d av, 21x hard L. Schurr. 52d st, n s, 187*6 e Oth av, or AvA, secor 123d st, 109.11x74. March lOd.S. April 13, due May 1, 188,5. 11,000 18.9x100.5x10.3x100.9. Jan. 1, 3 years, 4 per 30, 3 months. 1,640 Spaeth, Julius, to Joshua S. Peck. 3d av, w s cent. 2,000 McCann, Marv, widow, formerly Mary Mack­ 51.1 s 105th st, 25x100. AprU 12, note. 500 WUcox, PrankUn A., to John A. Hardy. 3d in, widow, to Silas D. Gifford, Eastchester. Samuels. Esther, wife of Abraham, to John L. av, 23d Ward. P. M. March 31, due AprU 3, Balcom av, se cor Rae st, 50x102 3. AprU 10, Jewett. Catharine st. P. M. April 1, 5 1885. 4,000 2 years. fiOO years, 5 per cent. 10,000 Wright, Isaac E.. to Harriet A. Walter, extrx. McQuade, Patrick, to Charles A. Peabody, Jr. Same to Ludwig H. T. Magnus. Catharine st. and trustee J. R. Walter. 124 th st. P. M. 87th st, s s, 63.3 e Lexington av, 51.1x100.8. No. 77, e s, 25.8 s Hamilton st, 25x104. AprU AprU 1, 2 years. 7,000 April 5, 1 year. 8,000 3, 3 years. 3,000 Menken, Cornelia, wife of JuUan A., to H. B. Waterbury, Selleck A., to John Bussing, Jr. Schopp, Bernard, and Jacob Becker to THE Fordhani av. P. M. April 6, 3 years. 4,500 Claflin & Co. Binds her separate estate. GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, New YorK, 11th 52d st, ss, abt3.50 e Sth av, 20x100..5. AprU av, n e cor 57th st, 25.5x50. P. M. April 8, Wiener, Henry, mortgagee, Philadelphia, Pa , 4, endorses notes. 30,000 1 year. 6,000 to Charles I. Schampain. 84th st, n s, 150 e Merritt, WiUiam J., to THE CITIZENS' SAV­ Schnitzer, Jacob, to Barbara Frohman. 78th 2d av, 25x102.2. Receipt of $4,000 in part INGS BANK. New York. 127th st, n s, 125 e St. P. M. AprU 6, due Oot. 6, 1884, 5 per payment of mort. of 9,000 Sth av, 25x99.11. April 8, 1 year. 15,000 cent. 3,000 WUliams, Eliza J., to Thomas H. Purdy, Har­ Same to same. I27th st, n s, 1.00 e Sth av, 25x Scheina, Josef, to Prancis P. Gross, Brooklyn. rison, N. Y. 144th st, n s, 204.5 e Boston 99.11. April 8, 1 year. 1.5,000 7th st, n s, 3.5.1 e Av C, 18.1x48.9; AUea st, e road, 25x100. April 8, due in AprU, 1885. 2,500 Moran, Maggie J., wife of and VVUliam M., to s, 82.6 n Stanton st, 17.6x87.6. April 7, 1 Same to Lovisa S. Upson. Alexander av, e s THE UNION DIME SAVINGS INST., New York. year. G,000 2Sth St. P. M. April 10, due May 1,1883, 100 n 139th st, 20x106.6. April 8, 3 years, 5 Spiuk, Benjamin P., to Peter Fuchs. 125th per cent. 3,000 Spercent. • 5,000 St. P. M. March 10, 1 year. 12,500 McKenna, Ann, to Charles R. Parfitt. 61st st. Sullivan, John, and Annie his wife, to Daniel Wright, Isaac E., to John Ross. Av St P. M. April 11,1 year. 8,000 Mooney. Morris av, e s, part lojb 254 map Nicholas, s e cor 124th st, 29.6x97.8x25.2x 113.2. April 11, 9 months. 15,000 Miller, Isaac M., East Orange, N. J., to THE Melrose South, 30x100.3. April 10, 1 yr. 500 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INS. CO., Newark, N. ScluUing, Xaver, to Henry Paff. Elton st, n Yard, Amelia A., wife of Edmund, to THE J. 3d st, s s, 80 e 2d av, 20x50. AprU 8, s, 325 e Courtland av, 25x100. AprU 1, 3 GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. 23d st, Nos lyear. 3,000 years. ,800 148, 1.50, 152 and 154 W., s s, 228 e 7th av, Schoen, Nicholas, to Joseph Harris. 2d av. P. 72x98.9. Aprils, due May 1,1884, 6 p. c. 45,000 Mc Adams, John J., to Annie Boorman. Madi- M. April 10. 3 years. 4,000 Yost, Caroline L. M. K., wife of Abraham, to son St. P. M. March 6, due April 6, '85. 3,000 Seaman, AngeUneM., wife of Daniel M., to. McBarron, James W.,' to Maria; B. Smith. Henry O'NeiU. Lexington av, 118th st. P. Emma L. M. Seaman and ano., exrs. David M.; April 6/ due July 1, 1882. • 39,000 372 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April 16, 1882

KINGS COUNTY. Edmunds, Johanna, wife of John, to Conrad Ketterle, John, to The WUUamsburg Savings Dietrick. 16th st, Jackson pl. P.M. April Bank. McKibbon st, n w cor Leonard st, 25 APRIL 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,13. 10, instaUs. 1,000 xlOO. AprU 12, lyear. 3.000 Ellin wood, Truman J., to Lester A. Roberts. Kitson, John C, to the Trustees of the Wid­ Aufiinger, Elizabeth, Mary and Albert, infants, St. James pl, w s, 376.11 s Greene av, ows' and Orphans' Fund of the Western Dis­ by Julius Kamke. guard., and Anna M. 1.5.10x100. April 1, 3 vears. 3,000 trict. Dean st, s w s, 164.8 s e Bond st, 22.5x Aufiinger, widow, to Severine and Catherine Frost, Kate, wife of Charles S., to Sarah E. 100. April 13, 1 year. 1,500 Linsenmeier. Bushwick Boulevard, e s, 60 s Sanders. Orange st, s s, 200 w Hicks st, 20.6 Lambert. Anna, wife of John, to WUliam Ken­ Ten Eyck st, 20x76.6x20.8x71.4. Interior lot, x190x21.1x190. AprU 13, due April 1, 18^5, 5 nedy. Lexington av. P. M. Apr. 12, 3.yrs. 3,000 13i).7 -w Waterbury st, and 119.4 n Stagg st, per cent. 3,000 Lyons, Patrick, to Mary E. Pox. Grand st. runs west 54.7 to centre line old Bushwick Foot, Martha M., Darien, Conn., to Robert W. P. M. AprU 4, 5 years. 4,000 road, X north 20.5 X east 61.1 x south 32.10. Cooper. Halsey st, n s, 100 e Reid av, 25x Lankenan, John, to John E. Searles, Jr. AprU 1. instaUs. $4,000 100. AprU 5, due April 1,1883. 250 Brooklyn av, Herkimer st. P. M. April 10, Arnold, Conrad, to Anna E. Hamberger. Hop­ Francis, John H., to'William Gubbins. St. 2 years. 1.000 kinson av, e s, 150 s McDougal st, 25x100. Johns pl. P. M. AprU 8, due AprU 10, Lehsten, Johan C. C, to Margaret Wimmer. April 1,5 yeai-s. L200 1884. 3,.500, Railroad av, e s, 375 n Union av, 175x200. Archer, Nonuan L., to Hezekiah S. Archer. Franz, Elizabetha, wif e of George, to Prancis X. AprU 5, installs. 1,800 Lafayette av, n s, 216.8 e Nostrand av, 16.8x Bill, Jr. Johnson av, s s, 125 w Graham av, Linsky, Rose, to G. I. Totten. 4th st, e s, 60 n 100. AprU 12, 1 year. 3,000 2bxl00. AprU 8, 3 years. ' 2,000 North 7th st, 20x80. March 30, due Oct. 1, Boyle, John, to Edmund Titus. Lefferts pl. Fullerton, Monica M., wife of John C, to 1882. 500 P. M. April 13. 3 years. 8,000 Jeannette A. Haydock. Pacific st, s s, 153.2 Lyons, LeRoy M., to Amalie Straus. Rush st. Bradt, Louis, to Eliza Clark, Rye, N. Y. Ful­ e Schenectady av, 29.1x137. April 10, due P. M. April 10, 10 years. 5,000 ton st, No. .^^20. P. M. March 16, due April April 1, 1884. 400 Lewis, Elizabeth, wife of James, to Susanna E. 10, 1885. 0,000 Planagain, Thonias, Flatbush, to Bridget Rawl. C.Russell. Hancock St. P.M. April 11, 1 Brady, Thomas, to James Lynch and ano., East New York av, Rochester av. P. M. year, S per cent. 1,2^0 exrs. C. Gibbons. oSth st, n s, 175 e 3d av, April 6, 4 years. 500 Mugge, Henry, to Charles Durring and Alber­ 25x100.2. April 10, lyear. .500 GoodseU, Mary A., wife of WiUis B., to Helen tine, his wife. 'Bond st. P. M. Aprill, 3 years, Byrne, Mary, wife of John B., to The Faragut Williamson. St. James pl, w s, 3 3.9 n Gates 5 per cent. 3,000 Fire Ins. Co. Henryst. P.M. AprU li, 3 av, 12.6x100 March 23, due May 1, 1887, 5 Mayes, Richard, to Mary Van Alstyne, Stuy­ years, 5 per cent. 5,5D0 percent. 1,500 vesant, N. Y. Chauncy st, n s, 58.4 w Patchen Barnes, Daniel, to Richard P. Buck. Schermer­ Gravelius, Mary, wife of Christian, to Otto av, 16.8x66.4 to Brooklyn & Jamaica Turn­ horn st, s s, 225 e CUnton st, 25x82.2x25x82.6. Gillig. Wall st, ses, 385.5 n e Broadway, 20x pike or Plank road x —x66. April 1, 3 yrs. 857 AprU 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 10,000 87.8x20x88.6. AprU 5, 3 years. 700 Milan, Margaret, wife of Michael, to Herbert Boyle, EUen, wife of John, to George A. Grening, Paul C., and James A. Thomson to C. Smith. Smith av. P. M. April 4, instaUs. SCO Powers. Boerum pl, Dean st. P. M. March John B. Cotte. Lefferts pl. P. M. April 7. Moitrier, AniiaT., to Andrew Ginter. Stagg 1.5, 3 years. 3,350 3 years. 7,000 st, Lorimer st. P. M. April 1, installs. 2,700 Brotheridge, Jjseph G., to EUen E. Sherwood. Same to same. Lefferts pl. P. M. April 7, 3 Monss. John, to Edward W. Fiske, Ottawa. Iiwing av, westerly cor Bleecker st, 20x95. years. , 7,000 Kansas. Lincoln pl. P. M. March .'4, 6 April 6, 3 years. 400 Same to same. Lefferts pl. P. M. AprU 7, 3 months, 5 per cent. 2,500 Bunger, Herman, to William Radde. years. 7,000 Same to Elizabeth R. wife of Samuel P. Lee, Herkimer St. P.M. AprU 5, 3 months. 1,000 Same to same. Lefferts pl. P. M. April 7, 3 Vineyard Haven, i!ass. Lincoln pl. P. M. Bierman, Michael, Newark, N. J., to The years. 7,000 March 14, 6 months, S per cent. 3,500 Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn. President Germann, Charles, and George Strembel to Motley, Joseph, to William P. Mittendorf. St. P. M. April 10, 1 year, 5 per cent. 4,000 The Greenpoint Savings Bank. Norman av, Hicks st, e s, 37.6 n Degraw st, 20x76. Brady, Mathew, to Gerd H. flenjes. 16th av. n e cor Oakland st, 25x95. April 8, 1 April 6. secures rent New Utrecht. P. M. April 8, installs. 22o year. 2,000 Murray, Thomas, to Niles G. Ka»it. Hamilton Behr, Victoria, wdfe of Martin, to Joseph Goldsberrv, Livingston, to Cornelius King. av, n w cor Atlantic av, 75x100, New Utrecht. Neger. Stockton st, s s, 425 w Throop av, 25 Pulaski St. P. M. April 8, installs. 2,000 March 8. due Jan. 1, 1887. 500 xlOO. AprU 1, 3 years. 1,500 Goldsmith, Theodore, to Frederick C. Vroo­ Murphy, Miles, to J. Lawrence Marcellu^ Braase, Anna S., wife of John A.. to William man. Monroe st. P. M. April 10, due May Macomb st. P. M. April 1, 3 years. 500 C. Braase. Troutman st, n s, 168.2 w Ever­ 1,1887, 5 per cent. 2,500 Murray, John J., to Ellen M. Murray, extrx. green av, 25x100. Jan. 4, 5 years, 5 p. c. 1,000 Grasmuck, Frederick, to Theodore Mittel- P. Murray, dec'd. Sf/uth Oth st. P. M. April Buckbee. Minnie I., widow, to Sarah W. staedt. Ainslie st, n s, 48 w Lorimer st, 13, due Dec. 1, 1882. 10,000 Swords and ano., exrs. Charles R. Swords, 28.8x73.2x23.4x73. April 8, due April 1, Nostrand, Cornelia, wife of Charles P., to The dec'd. Sumner av. w s, 77.6 s Willoughby 1887, 5 per cent. 800 Dime Savings Bank, Brooklyn. Bergen st. av, l(i.6xS0. AprU 11, 2 vears. 2,.500 Hoffman, Ernst, to Matthias Neger. Harri­ P. M. April 1, 1 year. 3,000 Clark, Susie, wife of Walter B., to The Mutual son av, s e cor Middleton st, 25x75. April 8, Neimayer. Ferdinand, to Theobald Engel­ Life Ins. Co., New York. Atlantic av. P. due AprUl. 1887. 3,000 hardt. Payette st. P. M. April 4, installs. 1,400 M. April 11, installs. 2,600 Hosey. Michael, to John J. Drake. Baltic st. Nichols, George, to WilUam M. Dufrea and Coker. Lizzie A., wife of Edward R., to Stephen P. M. March 15, 6 months. 150 Kate M. Wessel. Gates av, s s, 100 w Lewis R. Post. Fulton St. P. M. April 11, 2 yrs. 5,000 Hanold, Sarah E., to John Q. Adams. Van av, 19.6x100; Gates av, s s, 236.2 w Lewis av, Conlon, John E., to Marretta W. wife of Buren st. P. M. Apr. 1, 3 jrs., 5 p. c. 1,000 38.10x100. AprU 1, 3 months. 2,338 ^Frederick S. Howard, and John I. Brooks. Same to same. Van Buren st. P. M; April 1, Noyes, Thomas J., to William Tumbridge. Albany av, e s, extdg. from Pacific st to installs. 1,300 Columbia Heights, e s. 367 3 n Pierrepont st, Dean St. 214.5x300. AprU 10, 3 months. 3,000 Harral, Agnes R., wife of James, Jr., to 16.8x100. P.M. Dec. 21. 1880, 2 years. 10,000 Connor, William E., to The Mutual Life In­ Margaret wife of William Flanagan. Ber­ Same to same. Columbia Heights, e s, 350 5 n surance Co., New York. Wyckoff st. P. M. keley pl P. M. April 5, 2 years. 1,750 Pierrepont st, runs east 56.8 x still east 44.4 x iViarch 24, due September 1,'1883. 1,400 Hendry, Margaret P., wife of Daniel, to The north 16.11 x west 101 to Columbia Heights, x Clarke, Phebe M., wife of Henry L, to The Williamsburg Savings Bank. Lafayette av, south 16.10. P. M. Dec. 2.1880, 2 years. 9,500 Brooklvn Savings Bank. IJnion st, s s, 105 w n s, 100 e Nostrand av, 16.8x100. March 24, Pirung, John, to Henry C. Bauer. Stanhope Henry "st, 179 5x100. April 5, 1 year. 9,000 1 year. 2,000 st, s s, 500 e Evergreen av, 25x100. April 1, Clarke, Sarah H., to Darius CroweU, South Hale, WUliam, to The WiUiamsburg Savings Syeai-s. 2,.500 Yarmouth, Mass, North 7th st, n s, 100 w 7th Bank. Bushwick av, nes, 150 n w Chestnut Pond, Robert, to Belinda B. Scanlon. Steuben st,?20xl()0. Sept. 15, 5 years. 3,000 st, now De Kalb av, 25x105, excepting por- st. P. M. April 13, 5 years, 5 per cent. 1,500 Cothren, Nathaniel, to Elizabeth P. Humphrey, tion-taken for the widening of Bushwick av. Richards, George W., to Mary A. wife of John Troy, N. Y. Cedar st. Patent av. P. M. April 5, 1 > ear. 1,700 A. Lockwood. Newell st. P. M. April 6, 3 April 1, 1 year. 500 Hoyt, Mary C, wife of Charles P., to Sarah L. years. 500 Cassidy, Edward J., to Cordelia E. Boardman, Bloomfield. St. Felix st, e s, 308.4s De Kalb Riley, Michael, to Mary Bevin. Humboldt st, extrx. Gardner G. Yvelin, dec'd. Bridge st, s av, 16.8x85. April 13, 5 years, 5 per rent. 4,500 e s, 40 n Withers st, 20x80. Dec. 12, 10 years, w cor Plymouth st, 50x83. Also steam Heyzer, John, to Joseph A. Chamberlain, 4 per cent. I,i00 boiler, &c. AprU 11, due May 1, 1885. 12,000 Bristol, Me. Park pl, n s, 74.7 e 6th av, 20x Sandland, Emma, to Benjamin Collins, trustee. Coffin, Mary H., wife of Wiliiam H., to The 100. March 27, 3 years. 2,000 Middle st, s w s, 100 n w Oth av, .50x100. Apr. Mutual Life Ins. '"o. Harrison st. No. 175, n Home, James, to J. Spencer Hosford, guard, of 4, 3 yeai-s. 500 s, 83 e Henry st, 21 xlOO. March 31, due Sept. Harriet Van Alstyne, Stuyvesant, N. Y. Savage, Henry J., to Isaac H. Barber. Ir­ 1,1883. 6,000 Stanhope st, s s, 150 e Evergreen av^ 2,5x ving pl, w s, 115 n Pulton st, runs west 58.6 x Doody, Daniel, to Nathaniel A. Cowdrey, New 130.6x25x131. AprUl, 1881; 4 yeai-s. 800 south 6.3 X east 37.10 x east 26 to Irving pl, x York. Sth av, s w cor Prospect av, 40.2x80; Hector, August, to Regina E. Holzer. 6th av, north 20. April 6, 5 years. 1,000 Sth av, ses, 60.2 s w Prospect av, 20x80; e s, 70.2 n ISth st, 14x70. April 11.4 yrs. 800 Savage, James T., tb Lavinia wife of Thomas Prospect av, s w s, 80 s e 5th av, 130x80.2. Irvine, William, to Sarah A. Smith. Oth st, Henderson. Devoe st. P. M. April 4, due Loans and prospective loans. AprU 11, due n s, 207.10 e 6th av, 40x80. April 1,1 yr. 3,000 Mayl, 1887. 2,000 AprU, 1883. 31,000 Janson, Augusta P., wife of "Fritz, Jr., to Scholes, Henry B.. to The Williamsburg Sav­ Doody, Daniel, to N. A. Cowdrey, New York. Fritz Janson and Augusta his wife. Huron ings Bank. Rodney st. ses, 211.8 s w Bed­ Nostrand av, w s, 100 e Malbone av, 140x85x st, s s, 300 e Union av, 25x100. April 4, due ford av, 16.9x100. April 5,1 year, 5 p. c. 4.000 — to centre old Nostrand av, x 124x148.8, AprU 1, 1885. 1,500 Same to same. Rodney st^ ses, 245.2 s w Bed­ Platbush. April 1, due April 11,18S4. 4,000 Jones, Samuel J., to William H. Jackson. ford av, 16.9x100. AprU 5, 1 year, 5 p. c. 4,000 Duane, Ann J., to Bushwick Savings Bank. Monroe st. P. M. March 23, 3 years. 4,800 Same to same. Rodney st, ses. 261.11 s w. Willouuhby av, s s, 250 w Sumner av, Joseph, Samuel, to Jane McDonald, widow. Bedford av, 16.9x100. April 5, 1 year. 5 per 25x200 to Hart st. April 10, 1 year. 3,500 Plot at Platlands containing llj^ acres, cent. '. 4,000 Doody, Daniel, to Walter N. Degraw, Jr., and bounded northerly and northeasterly by Skinner, Cecelia M., wife of John H., to Casi- ano., exrs. Samuel Aymar, dec'd. 5th av, n road leading to New Lots, easterly by brook, mir Fabregou. Barbey st, e s, 125 s Bay av, w cor Prospect av, mns west 85 x north 46 x southerly by woodland of John Remsen, 2.5x100. AprU 5, due April 1,1885. 450 north 89.3 x east SO to Sth av, x south 141.8. southwest by mill road, and westerly by road Specht, Hermann, to Mathias Neger. Myrtle April 10, 5 years, 5 per cent. 21,500 to Canarsie. April 8, 3 years. 1,500 av, n s, 92.8 w Charles pl, 2.5x67.1x1.5x75.8. Dusenbury, Elizabeth, to Sarah Oakley. Sac­ Kelly, Prancis J., to George A. Powers. Dean April 1, 5 years. 2,500 kett St. P. M. April 8, 1 y-ar. 1,000 st, s s. 80 w Boerum pl, 20x75. P, M. March Spender, Alfred H., to The Dime Savings Bank, Dusenbury, Emma, to Sarah Oakley. Sackett 15, due Aprils, 1883. 600 Williarnsburg. Grand st, n' s, 112.6 w Lori- St. P. M. AprU 8, 1 year. 1,000 Kelsey, Sarah, wife of Stephen, to John C. • mer st, 22.6x )4 block. AprU 3,1 year, 5 per Dunne, John J., to EUzabeth Hurst. Hicks st, Wirth. Troutman st, n s, 141 e Bushwick cent. 4,000 n w cor Congress st, runs nort;h 25 x west 75 av, 25x100. April 1, 2 years. 1.000 Scheling, Louis, to Helen L. and Wm. R. X north 25 x west 25 x south 50 to Congress Kenneday, Bridget, widow, to Joseph M. Green­ Howe, exrs. Henry A. Howe, dec'd. Lafay­ st, X east 100. Lease. AprU 10, 5 years, 5 wood. Ba'tic St. P. M. April 8. due May ette av. P. M. AprU 12,1 year. 4,000 per cent. 1,500 1, 1885. ' 400 Smyth. James H., to Sophia C. Cipperley. Eames, Edmond O., to Paul C. Grening. Mon­ Kenyon, Ralph B., to Susanna E. C. Russell. Pacific st, n s, 126.4 e Schenectady av, 25x100. roe st, Throop av. P. M. March 23, instaUs, Hancock st. P. M. April 13, due May 1, Aug. 20. 3 years. 300 5 per cent. 1,000 1885,5 per cent \6QO Spencer, John B., to M. Louise Brown. Jeffer- April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE Rscoitm 3f8

son st, s s. 300 w Nostrand av, 20x100. April McGowan, T. 417 W. 26th....P. McGowan. 600 Watkins, A. D. 136 W. 26th. ...D. O'Farrell. 260 5, 6 months. 500 McCormicki J. J08th st and 4th av... .J. Byrns. 87 Wright, W. H. 902 10th av... D. O'Farrell. 154 Nagel, W. 25 Walker ...V^. Bayrhoff. 300 Wagner, A. 206 E. 4th... .T. Kelly, exr. (B) 118 Same to same. Jefferson st, s s, 280 w Nos­ Walker, W. H. City....R. M. Walters. Pianos. 300 trand av, 30x100. April 5, 6 months. 500 O'Hare, A. 52iJ W. 51st.... J. J. Jones and exr. 125 O'Hare, A. 522 W. 5lst... .T. J. Carley. 125 Willker.=on, H. 340 E. 80th....Cohen & Green­ Stark, Eliza, wife of Henry, to Henry Ginnel. Parker, P. M. 357 Grand.... J. Keresey & Co. 1,000 stone. 131 Stuyvesant av. P. M. AprU 10, 3 years. 2,000 Roche, C. 5612d av Bernheimer & Schmid. Windman, 104 Hester. D. Krakauer. Stark, Philip, to Mathias Neger. Harrison av, • . . (R) 400 Piano. e s, 25 s Middleton st, runs east 75 x north 25 Roese, A. 83 Columbia....H. Elias. 20J MISCELLANEOUS. X east 25 x south 45 x west 100 to Harrison Salter, J. N. S e cor Rivington and Norfolk av, and north 20. April 10, due April ....C.Reiner. 150 Asher, M. 63 W. 22d and 433 6th av Bates, Schmitt, H. 359 E. 3d... .Bernheimer & Schmid. Reed & Cooley. Furniture, Fixtures, &c. 338 1, 1887. 1,500 (R) 100 Adams. G. H. 59 Beekman....J. R. Asher. Suydam, Adrian M., to. Charles H. Burtis. Snyder,.H.J. 173Flatbush av, Brooklyn -J. Electrotype Plates. Atlas Maps, &c. (R) 12,750 Ivy st, Jacob st. Evergreen av and Bushwick Ruppert. (R) 98 Banks, Michael. 247 and 2i'i W. 37th.... J. Cun­ av, the block. AprU 10, due Peb. 21, 1884. 1,000 Steuzel, M, 785 istav... J. Ruppert. . (R) 900 ningham, Son & Co. Carriage. (R) 209 Tuttle, Jans D., to Sarah P. D. Higbie, Spring­ Supp, C. and L. Lang. Ocean House. Rockaway Baumann, P. ,'j9.'510th av Hattie Baumann. field, L. I. Clermont av, e s, 466.11 n Myrtle Beach — D.Mayer. Saloon Fixtures, Fur-, Butcher Fixtures. 200 niture, &c. 4,000 Brown, F. 57. £9 and 61 Lewis A. Fraenz av, 22.6x100. AprU 10, due Mayl. 1885. 2,000 Tieman, P. 517 W. 42d Shock & Everard. 84 rick. Machinery. (R) 5,347 Timmes, John, to Dorothea Kleinlein. Bush­ Tuer, J. 446 W. 42d.... B. Levene. ' 200 Baldwin, P. J. 03 Sth av ...J. Reid & Co. wick Boulevard, n e cor Stagg st, runs north Vorrath, P. 227 E. 21st.... Schnackenberg & Lease. (R) 1,000 40 X east to west line of old Bushwich av, x Muller. Bar Fixtures, Horse, Wagon, &e. 300 Barneit, J. 93 Norfolk .... P. Reldenbach. southeast to Stagg st, x west 71.8. April 1, WendliDg. G. 223 South 5fh av.... L. Michel.iR^ 860 Wagon. 150 2 years. 2,000 Will, A. 134 E. 12f)th.... Caroline Seabold. 1,000 Blau, J. S. 21 Av A. ...B. Freund. Machine. 230 Tyler, Sidney M., to Thomas Read. Waverly Williams. C. H. 6f.2 Hudson....W. H. Collins. 400 Copley, H. C. Washington, bet Little 12th and Wilson, C. and Mary. 151 3d av P. & W. Eb­ 1.3th W.F. Corwin. .Horse, Wagon. (R) 33 av, e s, 339.1 s Greene av, 13.2x90. April 4, ling. 800 Cramer, S. College av, bet 137th and l38th — Syears. 500 Zucker. L. 4( 8 5th... .P. Wiederer. 500 C. W. Alcott & Co. Kindling Wood Fac­ Thomas, Friedericka, wife of Henry, to Nor­ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. tory, Ma' binary, &c (R) 2,000 man Andrews and ano., exrs. Jane M. Water­ Cramer, S. College av. bet 137th and 13=th. .. bury, dec'd. Grand st. P. M. AprU 7, Appelmnnn, J. D. 319 E. 80ih....D. Krakauer. W. B. Cragin. Kindling Wood Factory 1 year. ,-3,500 Piano. 132 Fixtures, Machinerr, &c. (R) 1,000 Allen, Elizabeth. 606 10th av....D. O'Farrell. 121 Dering, H. 244 6th av....T. L. Walsh. Drug Temple, Caroline, wife of Edward J., to Mary Auten. A. R. 165th st and Gerard av....J. B. Fixtures. (R) 1,500 A. wife of J. T. Baker. Livingston st. P; M. Nugent & Co. Piano. 30O Dimelow, J. A. 334 W. 41 St....Catherine April 7, due July 15, 1882. without int. 1.000 Benner, G. H. 98)^ Essex... .Mary Loeffler. 100 Steuert. Ho se. Carriage, &c. 200 Vrooman, Frederick C., to Jane Gasten. Mon­ Braman, W. 854 9th av....D. O'Farrell. 125 Dubrul, C and J. Doll. 548 to 554 1st av.... roe St. P. M. April 13, 1 year. 5,000 Brunelle, D. 107 W. 33d G. H. Fox. 206 Emma Doll. Machinery for Manufacturing Van Horn, Ella C, wife of Peter C, to Nancy Bulkley, Ebelyn M. 619 6th av... .F. L. Scagel. 500 I Cigar Fixtures. 3,000 Bennett, Mrs. J. City—J. Lynch. 116 1 Edwards, C. H. 210 and 212 E. 125th....R. S. Ackerman, Hillsdale, N. J. Clermont av, e Bi-andon, Lelia A. 109 E. 87th.... H. Spies. 183 | Hayden. Organ. 405 s, 586.11 n Myrtle av, 50x100. AprU 1, 5 Brown, Phebe A. 311 W. 30th....Adaline Earle. F. P. Earle's Hotel ...W. H. Earle. years, S per cent. - • 2,000 Decker. (R) 249 Furniture and Fixtures, (R) 30,000 Vandewater, Albertus G., to John P. Hudson. Burt, J. 306 W. 15ih... .J. Lynch. 237 Fowler. W. S. .37 Dey. A. Guiterman. Print­ Quincy st, n s, 408.4 e Sumner av, 16.8x100. Birney, E. N. 162E. 46th... .E. D. Farrell. 509 ing Presses, (tc. 1,400 March 31, demand. 500 Chilton, Cecelia A. 49 E. 124th....A. Bernard. 371 Friedberg, Charlotte Hughson & Co. Ma­ Vandewater, Albertus, to William M. Dufree Crump, Elizabeth M. F... Bessie Uarling. 5,(:00 chinery, security Curran. P. H. 234 Delancev .. E. D. Farrell. 120 Fritsch, O. 144 Christopher. ..C. F. Wahlig. and Kate M. Wessel. Quincy st, n s, 408.4 e Clark, J. E. 316 W. .'52d ..."H. L Bridgman. (R) 225 Cigar Fixtures. 59 Sumner av, 16 8x100. April 1, 3 months. 975 Gushing, Kate. 322 W. 42d... Jacob Bros. Ferber. A. H. a93 E. Houston M. Reiner. Vail, Moses M.,- to Elisha B. Vail. Dean st, s s, Piano. 230 Buttonhole Machine. 25 75 w Oth av, 20x104.2x21.7x120.6. March 1, Clarke, Isabella H. 956 Sth av.... A. F. Holly. 270 Fox. H. 33 Essex....G. Dempwolff. Button­ dueMay 1, 1885. 10,000 Crossman. Mary P. 51 7th av... G. Beck. 246 hole Machine. 125 Van Brunt, Jemima, to John I. Voorhees. Plot Dever, C. 315 W. 92d....Lucy Dever. (R) 2,0£0 Gallinck, F. 18 Allen... .F. Matterstock. Show at New Utrecht, bounded southerly by the Doyle. Emma. 174 E. 102d—Herschmann & Casie, &c. ' (R) 300 public highway leading from New Utrecht Mangos. 135 Geisb?rg. Caroline. 2324 2d av Sophie Horn. Downs, Elizabeth, Virginia Terres and O. B. Lil- Hat Fixtures. 200 to the great woods, northwest by land iestone. 941 Madison av... Marian E. New- Graf. A. Laight and West I.E. CLapmann. Albert Van Brunt and northeast and south­ comb. 600 Diving Apparatus. 107 east by land Jacobus L. Lefferts, contains Duryea, H. 83 Av D—H. Nungesser. Piano. Grimwood, T. S. 51 Chambers....J. W. Ealy. 49 acres, excepting portion conveyed by G. (R) 27 Safe. 389 Van Brunt to Louisa Van Brunt, 50x60. Eckels, B. J. 84 E. 108th.... H. Schile. 478 Guilfoyle. W. Garnsville. N. Y J. King. November 1, 1 year. 506 Everant, F. J. 1533 3d av.... H. Spies. 118 Blacksmith's Fixtures. Horses, Wagons, RIX April 15,1882

Smith. G. W. 952 Oth av... .M. Conway. Butch­ Mahon. J. J. 134North Portland av....Jordan 8 Casley, Daniel—Henry Falterman.. 177 39 er Fixtures. (R) 259 & Moriarty. Furniture. 177 Smith's Homeopathic Pharmacy. 107 4th av.... McMullen, Mary-L. 40 North Oxford st .. Jor­ 8 Crapho, John M.—Gustavus Siden­ H. W. Parker. Machinerv for Manufactur- dan & Moriarty. Furniture. 142 berg 160 46 iiig Drugs. Engine. &c. " (R) 3,750 McNamara, L. Cor Park avand Schenck st.... 10 Chambers, John E.—S. S. Pried­ Schaffmeier. W. J. 325E. 131st....Schildwachter J. Ryan. Frame Building, Tools. &c. 1,000 berg ..;•.. ... 237 50 & Kei(ier. Horse, Truck. &c. 300 Moriarty, J. J. 286 Franklin av.... W. P. Mun­ 10 Cole, SpehcerH.—C. D.' Haskins".'.'. 181 94 Schmidt, C. 3d av and 77th st....E. Sulzer. roe. Furniture. - 650 10 Chnton, Peter J.—T. A. McGetti- Horse and Wagon. 450 Norton, J. and Caroline. 10?9 Myrtle av.... Ob­ Schuster, F. 733 10th av.... A. Buckofzer. Fix­ ermeyer & Liebmann. Saloon Fixtures. (R) 57 gan 85 81 tures. 100 Osborn. Josephine A. G. 265 Stockton st.... J. 10 Chichester, James—J. P. Davis 96 12 Sehwarze, P. W. 577 2d av... .J. A. Moss. Gro­ E. Murray & Co. Furniture. 251 11 Conner, Patrick—K. J. Ehlers 120 05 cery Fixtures. (R) 2,550 Oiney, J. B. 207 South Oxford st ...Mary Olney. 11 Carroll, Janaes J.—M. S. Casey 113 87 Vans. J. R. 168 E. 85th....O. T. Marshall. Stock. Tools, &c. 480 11 Cosgrove, James J.—Peter Bowe, Horses, Wagons, &c. 150 Perkins, M. Ada. Bradford, Pa... F. G. Rush- Sheriff 171 29 Von Schoening, E. 95th st and llth av....R. more. Piano. 250 Wieczorck. Frame House. 500 Purdy, Mary. 44 Butler st....E. D. Farrell. 12 Chambers, John E.—J. D; Cutter... 404 85 Wurtmann, J. 27 Oth av... .F. Bolting. Furni­ 12 Cox, Lawrence N.—Bowker Fertil­ ture and Fixtures. 1 250 Fumiture. 300 izer Co 11,172 45 Wehlen. J. 61 Market....Maria Kimpf. Furni- ' Read, Georgiana. 297 President st....n. F. 1'2 Conway, Thomas J.—John Cunning­ ture, Fixtures. 7C0 Lord. Piano. 120 ham 1,326 48 Wielandt, A. 57 Rose....J. M. Brunswick & Richter. Hermann. 146 Franklin st....G. A. 13 Cutting, Robert L., Jr., as recvr. Balke Co. Billiard Fixtures. 400 Frietsche. Butcher Shop. 300 Watson, T.H. 470 Grand.... E. Lyon. Machin­ Ruoff, Leonard. 246 Devoe st J.Cunning­ Bankers' & Brokers'Assoc.—W. G. ery, Lathes, &c. (R) 5,098 ham, Son & Co. Hearse. (R) 595 Damerel costs 330 87 Wekerle, G. 133 W. 38th.... J. Cunningham, Son Slocum, E. C. 274 Oakland st....C. PeaseU & 14 Carpenter, Emelyne P. — Fred'k & Co. Carriage. 1,151 Co. Furniture. 137 McLewee 301 57 BELLS OP SALE. Staehle, Caroline. 306 Bushwick av....C. A. 14 Carey, George W,—F. W. Muser... 789 24 Reiff. Fixtures. lOO 14 Corkey, Joseph A.—R. W. McMas­ Becker, Lavinia A. 2264 2d av... M. Becker. Stein, G. 338 Leonard st....F. Siewert. Furn. 61 Saloon Fixtures. 650 Sythoff, P. 244 South 1st St....J. Cavanagh. ter 923 77 Clarke, G. W. C. City.... Chamber of Commerce Engine. (R) 350 8 Dickey, Hugh T.—W. K. Townsend. 2,544 87 Printing and Publishing Co. The Chambers Scharmann, J F. 65and 67 MiUon st... H. B. 8 Davies, Richard H.—Netherland of Commerce Newspaper Reporter and Ex­ Scharmann. Sewing Machines. &c. 3,500 Trading Society 7,484 57 hibition Gazette. 650 Traphagen & Gurnee. 273 Flatbush av....E. 8 Diehl, Charlotte—Eli DeVries 92 50 Harris, Clementine D. B66)4 Bowery C. & P. Gallon. Butcher Shop. (R) 220 Knab. Furniture and Fixtures. 2,000 Vanderzee, Emma. 28 Fraakfort st. New York 8 Dixon, Dominick—M. V. Ayres 1,603 .50 Peters, C. 188 Clinton... W. Peters. Tailor's ....W. E. Shepperd. Gilding Presses. 100 8 the same D. S. Ayres .337 86 Fixtures. 500 Van Kleeck, Rachel I., widow. 154 Schermer­ 8 the same W.R. Ayres. .. 337 86 Rugg. A....C. Basley & Son. Horses, Carri­ horn St.... J. H. Aschoff. Furniture; .321 8 the same S. A. Johnson 337 86 ages, &c. 125 Wolf, M. Ten Eyck st, cor Graham av... .Levy 8 the same W. H. Ayres 37 54 Stapenhorst, F. 1244 1st av....J. H. Lange. & May. Horse, Wagon, &c. 240 8 the same J. C. Ayres 37 54 Fixtures. 1 ooO Weber, Heinerich. 130 Graham av .. A. Schul- Wognum, J. H. 57 Chatham.... C. Sutten. Bar ler. Fixtures. 500 8 the same E. O H. BouUet... 37 54 Fixtures. 250 Wine, J. M. 371 and 373 Mill st, Poughkeepsie 8 the same R. E. Ayres. 37 54 ... .The City Nat'l Bank, Poughkeepsie. Ma­ S the same—^A. T. Ayres 37 54 ASSIGNMENTS OP CHATTEL MORTGAGES. chinery. 500 8 the same G. W. S. Ayres.... 37 .54 Carley, T. J., to G. A. Thayer and ano.. exrs. Wood, A. F. 42 and 44 Nevins st.... J. Cunning­ 8 the same M. E. F. Woods... 37 54 David Jones. (Mortgage made by A. O'Hare ham, Son & Co. Carriage. (R) 156 8 • the same J. B. Ayres 37 .54 Aprils. 1883.) 1 Zahn, Frederick. 399 Myrtle av H. and V. Eckleman & Co., to T. C. Lyman & Co. (Mary Zahn. Barbershop. 364 8 the same D. S. Ayres et Kavanagh, Dec. 35, 1881.} 1 Zweig, C. Smith av near Liberty av S. al costs 173 54 Price, W. G. F. and Julia A., to John M. Chap­ Bramhach. Piano. 120 8 the same M, J. A. Ayres, au man. (The Grocer's Pub. Co., Oct. 33, 188u.) l BILLS OP SALE. infant, by guardian 87 54 Vath, Chas. L. to J. Eichler. (Aug. Heupei, Baehr, H. G., to H. Junge. Stock, Fixtures, &c., 11 Davenport, Charles F.—J. W. Bell. 180 12 Feb. 20, 1882.) 1 102 Walton st. 1,200 11 Duggan, Thos.—P. A. Fogarty 267 87 Block, C. W., to Charles Kupfer. Furniture nom 11 Dalton, James—J. C. de la Mare.... 1,238 73 Colter, John, to Thompson Cotter. Shoe Manu­ 11 Demarest, John D.—H. F. Evans... 26 .55 KINGS COUNTY. factory, 534 Broadway. lOO 13 Dowd. Charles—Wm. Bradley.costs . 231 97 Ackerman, P. A. Albany av, het Herkimer st Evans, Mary, and, C. her husband, to Frederick and Atlantic av A. Most. Horses, Wag­ Reichert. Furniture,'158 Ross st. 1,312 13 Dixon, Joseph—M. C. Smith...costs 179 49 ons, &c. $115 Pardoe, J. W., to G. L. Peh-ce. Drug Store. 293U 13 Demling, Charles Anton—Frederick Adams, G.H. 59 Beekman st. New York.. .J. Bedford av. ' 120 Krutina. 76 37 R. Asher. Copyright, Electrotype Plates, Peck, Lydia A., and C. G. and F. Pagan to Mary 14 *Donovan, Jchn M.—Business Ad­ &c. 20,750 PearsaU. Grocery Store, 89 Nassau st. 275 dress Go 398 38 Ball, Mrs. Charlie V. 331 Pacific. J. Mullins. Tobleman, August, to Henry Affel. (jrocery 11 Epsteht, Edwin J.—Jos. Bachman.. 272 39 Furniture. 237 Store. 1169 Broadway. 3750 11 Engel, Gustave—Henry Huber and Blue, Catharine. 138 Summit st C. PeaseU & Co. Furniture. 129 ano, 48 01 Brennen. Abby J. 750 Herkimer st C. F. 12 Eble, Frank—E. W. Stuart (D) 1,673 37 Brennen. Furniture. (R) 600 JUDGMENTS. 12 Earle, Howard—W. M. Patteson... 3,325 63 Balmain. J. H. 45 Bridge st and 242 and 244 Ply­ 12 Epstein, Morris—George Fisher 33 57 mouth st—B. F. Abbott. Bottling Estab­ NEW TORK CITY. 12 Elkus, Isaac—W. H. Coffin 1,356 14 lishment. (R) 375 April. 14 Elias, Henry—Sigismund I Schwab. 986 96 Coyle. Barney. 200 Sth st....W. Maupai. Sa­ 8 Alden, James M.—Fanny R. Mur­ loon Fixtures. 200 8 French, Hamline Q.—C. H. Dela­ Crawford, J. D. 372 Court st. . .Jennie M. Ladd. ray $10,651 71 mater 619 78 Fixtures. (R) l,20'i 8 Ackerman, John M.—^Idarv E. 10 Fargo, Edward L.—Kellogg & Carlton, J. 249 Broadway A. A. Cartereau. Thorp •". 7,948 13 Bulkley Co.. costs 82 68 Fixtures. 100 11 Anderson, William C—Frank An­ 10 Fink, Eugene—M. L. Freeman 199 73 Cotter. J. 534 Broadway G. Gomer. Piano. 100 derson..... • 1,729 64 10 France, Austin—J. W. C. Seavey.. 514 40 Dettweller, Mary A. 1039 Fulton st.... J. Dono- II the same Louisa Henry 247 41 10 Finan, R6bert—D. B. Alger 129 03 hoefer. Shoe Store. 2,000 Diven, Sarah. 95 Sth st ...Jordan & Moriarty. 11 the same Frank Anderson... .538 54 12 Frazier, Jerome B.—Margt. Robin­ Furniture. 304 11 Alf, John—J. Barton Smith Co 130 21 son 104 10 Dunn, Ellen — Michael Moran. Canal Boat 11 Allison, Henry L.—John Hovendon. 91 44 13 Fletcher, William—Henri Joubert.. 164 10 Geo. W. Bone, and Tackle, other consid and nom 13 Adams. Maria E., Samuel G., Wil­ 13 the same tbesame.: 6110 Farrington, Harriet. 91 South Portland av ... liam H., Jr., and Emma J., admrs. 13 Funke, Herman—W. P. Wood 4,539 67 C. W. Denike. Furniture. 150 J. R. Adams — W. F. Russell, 13 Foster, Henry — Spencer Optical Fetten. F. N e cor Meserole and Ewen st O. recvr., &c - 17,282 04 Huber. Saloon Fixtures. (R) 500 Mfg. Co 70 18 Fingar, Clermont. 3B2 Myrtle av F. B. Mil­ 13 Abies, David C. and Morris B.—G. 13 Foster, Robert—The Mayor, &c 1,862 08 ler. Fixtures. 300 C. Sewall 163 82 14 Fish, Arthur E.—J. H. Van Tweep. 117 90 Foale, W. R. 39 Greenpoint av E. Seaman. 14 Allen, Estemer A.—W". S. Whit­ 14 Feller, Andrew—Bertominer Besch- Fixtures, 200 lock 1,878 65 man 1,030 88 Fay. „. 108 Front St....A. Hunter. Fixtures, 14 ^Andrews, Joseph S. — Central 14 Frazer, Isaac D.—Rebecca Wiliams. 968 33 &c. (R) ISO National Bank 5,023 14 Grimwood, T. S. 314 Livingston st .. A. T. 8 Gurney, Enoch H.—Caroline Hus­ Post. Piano. 250 8 Bacon, Williamson — Netherland sey 733 04 Grimm, Louise. 132 Bridge st Bunce & Ben­ Trading Society 7 484 57 8 Gibbins, Austin—T. H. McGraw, edict. Piano. 450 8 Bovsre. Peter, Sheriff—E. A. J. Man- exr. of I. S. Bennett 310 37 Grimwood. T. S. 51 Chambers st, NewYork neck..... 421 06 10 *Gerow, Henry—Frank Crowell 168 48 J. W. Ealy. Safe. 389 8 Burch all Mary, of 121st st/and Av 10 Gensenjaeger, Charles — Jeannette Gallagher, J. C. 995 De Kalb av....J. Mullins. A—Henry Iden. .' 136 46 Hirsch 50 87 Furniture. 237 10 Brown, Daniel G., and Charles S. Gamer, W. F. 440 Grand st....J. Burns. Bar­ 10 Goldschmidt. Rosanna—Cor. Des­ ber Shop. 300 Brown and Leonard Burdiek— mond '. 274 21 Gohring, J. 204.Scholes st J. F. Mason. Frank Crowell 168 48 10 Gray, Charles—Thos. Otis 13 33 Furniture. 289 10 Burnett. Edward E.—John Love... 213 31 12 Grunhut, Bernhard—S. C. Turner.. 637 57 Hargrave, W. G. 395 Bedford av... .G. Gennert. 10 Bui-ke, Edward—Chas. Williamson, 13 Gaihken, John—G. P. Wright 339 00 Fixtures. 108 assignee of Miller, Ussing & Co.. 30 25 13 Galloway, James the same 154 97 Henschen, E. W. 1(89 Myrtle av....S. Traum. 11 Boettner, Edward—C. H. Kranich- 13 Gleichman, Edward—Susan Mullin. 308 75 Furniture. 125 Hubel. William. 301 to 309 Washington st.... P. _felt 219 35 13 Gorman, John J.—John Kelly, as W. Engs & Sons. Saloon Fixtures, &e. 5,000 11 Brandes, Henry—S. G. Trusdell 93 44 guard, of John Kelly, Jr 198 90 Hughes, Elizabeth G. and L. R. 101 Sands st 11 Barton, W. B. and Wilham O.—H. 8 Hammesfahi', Fritz—I. L. Bamber­ J. H. Beidelmann. Furniture. 6.50 A. Johnson 233 84 ger... 380 63 Hunt, J. W. 673 Van Buren st....S. Traum. 13 Bunker, Geo. T.—Louis Hansen 244 97 10 Harrison, William B.—G. W. Mar­ Furniture. 12 Barmore, Harvey, Sr. — Maurice tin.... 200 05 Junge, H. 102 Walton st J. H. Hoeft. Fix- Meyer 67 50 turGS &c 500 11 Hunt, Josiah C.—E. S. Sauter 483 35 Kucks, H. 824 De Kalb av....A. Friederich. 13 Bookstave, James—Henri Joubert.. 164 10 11 Hoyt, J. Henry—G. M. Beard 163 17 Fixtures. 500 13 the same the same 61 10 11 Heywood, Charles F. — W. H. Knight, W. T.... C. and G. W. Ogden. }4 Canal 13 Boker, Ferdinand Albert—W. P. ..Churchill. 1,59191 Boats. (R) 401 'Wood .4539 67 11 Hinds, Benjamin C—L. L. Ells­ Kuckuk, F. 1934 Bergen st O. Pasonowsky. 13 Butshinsky, Vincent -• Susanna worth 291 48 Cows. 1,000 Ludden. J. E. 2.34 and 235Broadway Matthew Pocatko 93 49 13 Higgins, Algernon S., Jr.—Chapin V. Cable. Oflftce Furniture. 253 14 *Betz, John F.—Sigismund Schwab 986 96 Paper & Pulp Co 160 59 Marriner, E. H., Jr. 458 Park av....E. H. Mar- 14 Bramman, John M.—L. H. Thorn.. 63 03 13 Haberstroh, Bartholomew—The Peo­ riper. Fish Market. 300 14 Bradley, Thomas—Richard Norris.. 430 69 ple of State N. Y 500 00 Meriuet, Frank. 332 Flushing ;av A. and M. 8 Cullen, Charles—Hiems Samuels... 186 01 13 Hertel, PhiUp, pltff.—O. F. Hawley. 174 47 Ibert, Jr. Bakery. 400 8 Coburn, James—Simon' Dessar 207 41 12 Horth, Fuller—James Talcott...... 2,065 82 April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 875

12 Hassett, Thomas-^The Mayor, &c.. 12 McElwain, Albert—G. P. Wright.. 75 98 14 *Tate, Godfrev E —Central Nation­ costs 250 13 McGovern, Catherine—Joseph Stem 114 40 al Bank 5,022 13 Hill, Moynan & Co.—Moritz Pach.. 967 13 McManus, Patrick—Henri Joubert. 61 10 8 The St. Joseph's Salve Manufactur­ 13 the same Stix, Schiffer & 13 McCormick, James—L. W. Johnsoii ing Co.—W. A. Butler 5,851 Rapp.. 753 costs 128 67 11 Parrott City Gold Placer Mining & 10 the same Jos. Thomas 429 IS McKinney, Lemuel K.—Hosford & Water Power Co.—E. B. Barnum. 205 13 the same Manhattan Cloak Sons „ ... 94 75 10 Clare Fibre Co.—Garfield National & Suit Co 635 14 Mclntire, Ciitherine E.—F. H. Stow 246 85 Bank 1,039 13 the same Horstman, Von 14 McEntyre, Patrick B.~S. T. Cannon 13-3 63 11 The Maj'or, &c.—Isaac Henderson, Hein & Co 1 613 8 Norcross, John—Ellen Shaukland.. 100 50 Jr 93 13 the same Leschhorn & Co... '467 11 Noelke, Peter—P. E. Luthey 455 80 13 The Mayor, &c.—Henry Wakeling. 726 13 the same——Kay ton & Mayer.. ,3,957 11 Niemeyer, Henry-H. W. Dunshee. 226 93 13 The Indiana Mfg. Co.—Manhattan 13 the same Kessler & Co 4,585 13 Noonan, James—W. P. Rand 26 56 Fire Ins. Co ^ costs 84 13 the same Seligman & Co 1,709 13 Nay, Joseph C, exr. T. P. Wallace, 13 Longlsland City—S. F. Hayward.. 813 13 Hauser, Isidor—Andreas Dold. 1,533 dec'd—Ralph Og'e 814 79 12 State of Colorado Mining Co.—W. 13 Hamili, Anthony—Bridget Hamili. 1,791 12 Opelt, John—The People of State H. Arthur 134 13 Hastings, Williani--The Mayor, &c. 1,863 N. Y 500 00 13 GloVe Hardware Co. — WUfred 14 Herter, Christian—A. W. Marshall. 237 13 O'Keefe, Daniel—Philip Ebling 47 98 PoweU 532 14 *Horgan, William — Central Na­ 8 Page, Enoch W. and Lyman E.— 13 United States Reilector Co.—John tional Bank 5,022 Robert Spencer 544 36 111 471 14 Horsch, Leon M.—A. B. Rice 198 10 Peckham, Emeline—J". B. Johnston. 14 The Pacific National Bank, Boston 14 Ireland, Augustus — Eugene Els­ *••'•••••,.••(. costs 14^ 0^ —Pima County Bank 3,179 worth, exr., &c 3,105 10 Passeger, Franz-J. P.Micheibacher 17 50 14 The Bald Mountain Mining Co.—J. 11 Jerolaman, Walter—Eliz. Haines, 10 Perez, Eusebio—C. H. Williamson, H. Coffin 6.8.39 as admrx. of Charles Haines 1,676 assignee of Miller, Ussiug & Co... 43 20 14 the same the same 6,751 11 Jost, Christina—Melchior Ulmer.... 114 10 Peyser, Frederick M.—Metropolitan 14 the same the same 5,216 13 Juilliard, Augustus D.—Zechariah Elevated Railway Co costs 1,479 75 14 The Home Gas Light CD.-R. R. Chafee, trustee, &c costs 87 11 Post, Peter S., Jr.—E. P. Robinson, Everest 4.52 14 Johnston, John W., Jr.—W. C. exr. of Edward Robinson 143 84 14 The Germania Publishing Co.—Emil Browning 135 13 *Pooton, Prank—J. D. Cutter 404 85 Wenzel .•... 259 8 Koch, Edward—Geo. Hess 114 13 Prout, Moses P., pltff.-The Hotel 11 Voorhees, John N.—E. S. Sauter... 483 10 Kane, John—Cor. Desmond 203 Gazette Co. 66 18 13 Van Rensselaer, Maria L. and Cor­ 10 Kane, John—D. P. Westervelt 283 13 Piccot, Mary—F. L. Brooks 122. 43 nelius V. B.—W. L. Learned, 10 Kaufmann, Jacob—Jeannette Hirsch 80 13 Pitt, Charles J. and William—A. S. trustee Mabel Learned. ,. 1,895 10 Kraemer, Albert—Thos. Otis 13 Sullivan, as Public Admr 816 94 8 White, Edward H.—Netherland 10 Keenan, John—G. W. Herbert 228 14 Penot, Adolph—Andrew Weemyes. Trading Society 7,4B4 12 Kloss, August—Gehard Luyties.. . 69 (D) 859 93 8 Winters, John C—M. H. Raymond. 104 12 Kuhlkin, Henry—William Miller... 86 11 Quasack, Charles—Albert Behrens, 112 52 8 Wemple, Chas. E.—D. M. Hildreth. 13 Kramer, Harris—H. J. Ehlers 114 7 Riker, George—Jas. Marshall 76 41 ... . costs 77 13 Kelly, James—A. K. Haddock 110 8 ^Rising, Charles H.—Benj. Simon.. 1,340 06 10 *Walden, Charles H.-J. W. C. 13 Kelly, Daniel R.—H. A. Rogers.... 589 8 Rogers, Archibald G.—M. L. Kron- Seavey 514 13 Kidd, Whitten E. and Henry E.— berg 3,844 73 11 Waldron, Joseph V.—Fred'k Hoe- Thomas Adams & Co 275,560 10 Rumrell, Anna C—H. M. Strong .. 613 31 ven 124 8 Louison, Henry—American Wood 10 Rueck, Louis—Chas. Goedecke 270 16 11 Wildes, George A.—Sally Loewen­ Paper Co 587 10 Ridder, Christian F.--H.D. Reed.. 3,363 66 stein 233 8 Lazare, Adolph H.—Julia S. Sned- 10 Reilly, Bernard—G. W. Weld..costs 83 35 11 Wray, John C—G. B. Lott 33 den 95 13 Rethstein, Levy-- Philip Bernstein. 177 18 11 Williams, —A. E. Wil­ 8 Low, Charles W.—Benj. Simon 1,340 13 Rogers, Charles W. — Sheppard liams, exr. of Andrew WilUams.. 1,686 8 Ladd, Alfred W.—Danforth Loco­ Knapp 344 44 12 White, Martha—Ed. Bussell 102 motive and Machine Co costs 118 13 Riffarth, A.—E. H. Moritz 773 93 8 Lazare, Adolph H.—J. B. Dill 99 12 Wuest, Christian—Victoria Mensel 13 Ruckman, Elisha—br. H. Bend 3,139 31 , • • • • costs 76 8 Lewis, Nathan—T. V. Bremsen 67 13 Richmond, CassiusM.—Josiah How­ 8 Lintenmuht, Helena—Dry Dock, 12 ^Wagstaff, Thomas H. and WUUam eU 353 13 de—Charter Oak Life Ins. Co 477 East Broadway & Battery RaU­ 13 Rinaldo, Hyman—Isaac Rinaldo... 531 72 road Co 121 13 WaUace, M. Thornton, admr. of 13 tbesame Morris Rinaldo 3.5173 . , Mary O. Wallace—C. G. Fairman, 10 Loewenstein, Louis—J. P. Michel- 13 the same Jos. Gru 383 72 as superintendent of Insurance bacher 13 13 the same Hiram Rinaldo 323 72 .Department of State N. Y (D) 34,716 10 Lyddy, Daniel R.—Wm. H. Pendry 256 13 the same Julius Alln wich 436 73 13 Wagner, Henry P.—The People of 10 Lieber, Benjamin P.—E. A. Bliss..'. 151 13 the same Abraham Lewis... 256 72 . State N. Y..;.. f 300 10 Lobsitz, George—Oscar Knapp 555 14 Reilly, Ann—The Mayor, &c.. .costs 116 95 13 Wallace, JohnF., exr. T. F. Wal­ 10 Leverich, Charles D.—S. D. Pringle 14 Ripley, George—J. W. De Peyster.. 185 81 lace—Ralph Ogle 814 ,,,,, ..,.,•.•.,.,, ,,,costs 194 8 Singer, Edward—E. A. Klein 33 00 13 Weissheimer, George—Jacob Fart- 11 Love, Richard T.—G. W. Baker 314 8 SerreU, E. W.—Tradesmen's Nat. ter... 6.53 8 Morris, Charles B.—G. E. Ketcham. 316 Bank 319 84 8 Merritt, Charies A.—M. H. Ray­ 13 Wilhs, Benjamin A.—Isaac Innes.. 8 Steele, Edward G.—J. F. Payen 109 73 • costs 80 mond 104 8 Spruce, WiUiamson—Jos. Godfrey.. 403 25 8 Morrow, George T.—W. L. Cooper. 18,083 1.3 West, Alfred—The Mayor, &c 1 862 8 Stacey, Thomas C.—C. R. Parker.. 121 04 14 Willet, Anne O.—A. W. MarshaU.. '2.37 8 the same T. C. Johnson 2,525 10 Seligman, August—Emil Diecker- 14 Wannemacher, Frederick — Chas. 8 the same W. H. Burbank.... 3,078 hoff 3,796 71 Litzinger 149 8 the same Richard Young 1,391 10 Steward, John—E. D. McConky.... 3,818 91 14 WUUs, Benjamin A.—W. B. Sar- 8 the same G. L. Rose 1,080 10 Schuyler, Prank D.—Michael Eng­ geant 247 10 Mortimer, C. G.—J. H. Bufford.... 156 lert costs 265 44 11 Metz, Michael—Gustave Straub, by 14 Witkoski, D., wife of Jacob—Jacob 10 Schmidt, John M.—Germania Bank. 3,025 84 K. Weiner, assignee of C. A. CreU. 375 guardian 70 10 Scheider, Josepli-Oscar Knapp ,555 50 10 Zacharias, Samuel—Henry Klingen- 11 the same A.nthony , as­ 11 Sager, Abraham—James Talcott... 313 51 stein 14^ signee of Ulrich Fehr, Jos. Luke 11 Silver, Marks-G. J. Beck 600 00 and John Scheuermann 79 11 the same Jos. Moss 400 00 KINGS "coCNTY. 11 Martini, Constant and Rosine—Nich­ 13 Silverberg, Simou—William Moore 47 50 8 Alden, James M.—Fanny R. Mur- olas Henry 63 13 Schulhafer, Sigmund—M. B. Edin­ ray .... -$10,651 11 *Morris, Bennett F.—Sally Loewen­ ger 189 61 8 Armour, WilUam—W. WUson SO stein 333 13 Steele, Jane M.—C. H. MUler, trus­ 10 AUison, Henry L.—J. Hovendon... 91 13 Magnin. Elise and David J.—G. I. tee J. Miller (D) 9,043 31 Bernhard, Conrad 1 Street 193 18 Sneed, Charles E.—Margt. Robinson 104 10 ^ Bush, Casper I Magdalena Jen- 13 tbesame J. T. Chatellier 430 12 Stent, Frederick-^G. E. Hutchinson 1,547 70 Biddle, Joseph ( newein 2S5 03 12 Miller, John W.--Eugene Ellsworth, 13 Schwarz, Marcus, and *John Spoh Buschman, Conrad J exr., &c 1,530 —Isaac Hamberger.'. 168 56 10 Bond, J. W.—J. T. E. and H. C. 13 Moynan, George, of Hill, Movnan & 13 Sullivan, Margaret—Michael Kuntz Litchfield 243 Co.—Morris Pach * 967 costs 79 21 10 Bloch, Samuel—J. and I. Levy.'...'. 160 13 the same Stix, Schiffer & 13 Swallow, Robert—The People of 10 Byrne, Joseph J.—M. P. Ryan . 130 Rapp 753 State N. Y 300 00 11 Binns, Isaac—C. P. Goddard... . 1^8 13 the same Jos. Thomas 439 13 Strube, Harry A.—Bradley & Co.. 58 63 13 Bate,- Thomas H.—N. Y. & Harlem 13 the same Manhattan Cloak & 13 Schumacher, [BYederick — W. P. R. R. Co 110 60 Suit Co 625 Wood 4,539 67 14 Bragaw, Mary L. and John—R. A. 13 the same Horstman, Von 14 Seward, John—E. D. McConky 3,080 83 McDonald 883 40 Hein& Co 4,613 14 Shephard, Thomas S.—G. E. HaU. 85 51 14 Beekman, John V.—P. Fradley.... 274 44 13 the same Leschhorn & Co.... 467 14 Seymour, Lucius S.—John GreU... 74 33 7 Cooke, Erastus—P. A. Potts '..'.'. 383 37 13 the same Kay ton & Mayer.. 2,957 ..A Shwarz, Marcus ) Isaac Hambur- 10 CosteUo, Thomas—H. O'Reilly 268 53 13 the same^ Kessler & Co. 4,585 Spohr, John i ger 175 37 10 Cole, Spencer H.-r-C. D. Haskins... Tsi 94 13 the same Seligman & Oo 1,709 14 Schnitzer, Jacob—Central National 11 Cox, LawrenceN.—Bowker Fertiliz­ 13 Mason, Alexander—The Mayor, &c. 1,863 Bank 5,023 14 er Co 11172 45 Miller, George M. ] 14 Samuels, Heini—Thomas Cullen. 13 Connor, Patrick—H. J. Ehlers.... 'i30 05 Marshall, Stephen D., | costs 84 93 8 Davis, Jane—P. P. O'DonneU '. 153 43 ^A as exrs. of L. R. Mar- [ A.. W . 14 Stiger, John S.—Michael Sheehy, 8 DevUn, James—Atlantic Avenue R shall, and f Marshall.. 237 Jr 70 80 R. Co 121 73 Morgan, Paulina A. I 14 St. Clair, Samuel V.—Chas. Litzin- 8 Davis, J ohn—C. Seibert 121 74 Marsh, Caleb P. J ger 70 50 78 14 ^Menken, J. Stanwood and Jules A.. 8 the same the same .'..*' 367 14 Sheehy, John W.—Business Address 10 De Bevoise, Henry S.—D. Dekre- —Central National Bank 5,033 Co 398 38 men 230 07 14 *Magnin, Elize and David J.—Wil­ 11 Smith, WUiiam Isaac—James O'Shea 190 71 51 helm Pickhardt 1,775 10 Duffy, Ann—P. Mangels...... '.''. 150 14 Smith, Henry—A. W. MarshaU.... 237 23 7 Prazer, John—Beulah A. Morris.. 261 03 14 Michler, Nicholas—Mayer Gottlieb. 309 8 Teisier, Mark-BaltazerFerrer. ... 164 77 73 10 McLean, Diavid W.—David Kjpp. 10 FarreU, John—H. O'ReUly 74 11 Taggart, John E.—S. A. Raborg;.. 137 01 13 Prazier, Jerome B.—Margt. Robin­ costs 126 12 Tonnele, Laurent J.—C. W. Bean.. 81 64 10 12 McGuiness, Mary—Cord Mahnken.. 341 son 104 12 Tobias, Theodore H. — Isaac K. 7 Gates, Theodore B.—P. A. Potts... 383 12 McBride, Andrew—W. P. Rand.... 26 37 Harris 369 02 7 Grau, Frederick—Mag. _ Jennewein. 385 03 3T6 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD April 15,188^

Glover, WiUiam H.—Ida P. Glover. 100 45 Gurney, Enoch H.—Caroline Hussey. (1883) 733 04 KINGS COUNTY. Goldschmidt, Rosanna—C. Des­ Grunhut, Bernhard—Sara C. Turner. (1H83). 6 7 57 April. ' mond 274 21 Hornthal, Louis H.-J. J. Lambert. (1883).. 94 68 to Monroe st, n s, 356 W. Ralph av. 69x100. Heidelberger. Frank—John Keck. (1873)... 287.35 John.Riley agt Patrick Butler and James Greifelt, Eliza—C. & F. Figge 135 27 Haskell, Charles—C. F. Hitzelberger. (1878) 514 15 Phelan, owner, &c $60 10 Huggins, James—D. Wadsworth... 585 73 Heir, August—M. J. Boylan. (1875). 379 99 10 Same property. John B. Cherot agt same. 86 00 Hurlburt, A. A.—P. A. Potts 383 37 Hahl, Wm. H.—W. G. Fleming. (1877) 178 15 13 Albany av, e s. extending from Pacific st to Hug, Felix "] Kelly, Wm. J.—R. H. Mi Her. (1883) 193 20 Dean st, —x80. James T. Perry agt John Kehienbeck, John H.—Diedrich Logeman,as E. Conlon, owner, and Edward Conlon... 243 00 gaSlLewT Mag.Jennewem.. 285 03 Presdt. (1881) 60 98 6 St. Marks av. s s, 140 w Carleton av. 85xl.'51. Herbert, Anton J Karl, John—J. C. Donohue. (1882) 394 67 Simpson Sheppard agt John Donovan, Kennell, John—W. G. Fleming. (1877) 158 15 owner.&c 29160 Howard, Joseph—W. Kraft 640 00 Laurens, Joseph—Bulls Head Bank. (1876). 377 83 13 Baltic St. No. 371, n s. bet Smith and Hoyt Hobley, Mary—Charity Ostrander Levy, Louis—Julius Simon. (1881) 370 79 sts. Charles S. Buell agt Thomas and and ano., exrs ... 800 03 Mathews, Eliza—W. J. Smith. (1830) 449 01 John McCartney, owner, &c; 40 OO Howe, Hiram—B. McCaffrey 170 71 Marshall, Louise P. and Francis F.—J. E. 13 Quincy st, n s. 375 e Yates av, 50xlCO. Hayes, Mary E. and Edwin L.— Lassig. (187.5) 1;436 53 Richard G. Phelps agt Albertus G. Van­ Agnes T. Humphrey 113 35 Marshall, Louise F.—W. W. Sharpe. (1876).. 1,643 38 dewater 100 00 Middlelown, Wm. H.-J. P. Kaus. (1881).... 524 80 8 Clinton av. No. .503. e s, 46 s Pulton av. 25x Hirsch, Leon M.—A. B. Rice 198 04 ••Meyer, Siegmund T. and Asher T.—Union 100. Peter McDonough agt Mary A. Wel­ Joyce, Matthew—H. O'Reilly 399 70 Nat. Bank of City N.Y. (1876). 6,533 2o wood, owner, and Thomas A. Welwood.. 44 80 Koehl, John and John, Jr.—^Mag. §Manneck Mfg Co.—S. L. HiU & Son. (1881). 1S8 91 11 Same property. James Keenan agt same.. 3S3 00 Jennewein 285 03 *0'Rourke. Catherine—L. M. Bates. (18S3).. 230 30 Kostenbader, Elizabeth—C. & F. Rollins, True W.—A. J. Perry. (1880) 130 45 Figge 57 77 Same—-same. (1881) 11169 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIESS. Same same. (1878) 693 41 April. NEW YORK CITT. Kloss, August—C. Luyties 69 39 Roth, Emil H.—L. P. Weldon, exr. (1S83). 13,355 99 8 First av,.ws, 25.3 nll9lh st. 35.2 ft front. Kunz, Christine—Cath. Holz 89 40 Ritter, George W.—Isaac Rogers. (1881).... 30 25 Thomas Sherwood agt Peter and Robert Levy, Abraham M.—C. Seibert.... 121 74 Stevens, Susan S.—Paul Gantert. (1883).... 75 74 J.Algie. (Lien filed March 7,188 J) $35 6 i the same the same 367 78 Selling. Henry—J. J. Lambert. (.1883) 94 68 8 Same property. Same agt same. (March Leake, Alanson—J. P. Sunderland. 145 61 Swanney, George—A. H. Smith. (1882) 171 81 9.18^3) 25 63 Love, Richard T.—G. W. Baker.... 314 33 ••Sonne! lOrn, Jonas — Deutsche National 12 Fifteenth st, Nos. 231. 2i}3 and 235 W.. n s. Lloyd, James O., Jr.—Jane C. Ste­ Bank. (1875) 100,836 45 Culbert Bros, agt Henry C. McEwen and •Schwartz, Gotfried—People of State of Elisha P. Briggs. (March 7.1883) 116 41 venson. 74 69 NewYork. (1882) 100 00 *8 One Hundred and Fifth st, Nos. 119,121 and Lonergan, David—W. J. Kerigan.. 147 95 •Same same. (1883) 100 00 123 E., n s, bet Lexiiigton and 4th avs. Lyons, Edmond—I. Giberson 75 23 Sager, Raphael—Julius Simon. (1881) 370 79 Frank Goldman agt Christie and Pen- Mittendorf, Jacob and WUUam— Shaw, James M.—C. S. Frost. (1881.) (Lien I rhyn Slate Co. (March 25,1882) 64 50 Mag. Jennewein 285 03 suspended upon appeal) 185 13 Safeguard Fire Ins. Co.—John Greenway. ' •Discharged by depositing amount of lien with McGuire, WUliam—J. B. Woodruff 69 33 (1883) 131 95 I Clerk. McGovern, WilUam—J. Donohue... 211 94 Same same. (1879) 137 48 McDonough, WilUam H.—Phoenix ••Scott, George H.-J. H. Lyon. (1876) 159 59 KINGS COUNTY. Ins. Co 76 73 Smith, Jeremiah T. and James B.—J. R. MiUer, Albert—J. B. Remson. 128 33 Sayre, Jr. (1874) 232 48 April Sth to 14th—inclusive. McLean, David W.—D. Kipp...... 126 80 •Thurston, Franklin A.—N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Sumner av, n v^ cor Lexington av, Nos. 244, Moloney, James J.—A. Lange 229 33 (1878) 1.334 93 246, 248. 250 and 252 Sumner av. W. •Same same. (1878) 1,259 20 Montgomery and ano. agt Josephine McKenzie, William—M. Schwartz.. 135 01 Theobold. Jacob H.—Em. Appel. (1881) 435 2i Quinn. owner, and same and J. J. Quinn. Oroho, James—W. Wilson 61 88 Thompson, Josiah W.—M. J. Boylan. (1875) 379 99 (April 6, 1883) $335 00 O'Donoghue, WiUiam—J. Bradford 70 78 West, Bradlev &. Cary Mfg. Co.—Theop. • Same property. Sidney G. Poole agt Mary J. Page, Enoch W. and Lyman E.— Marsh. (1880) 799 78 and John J. Qt.in. (April 6, 1882) 4,2E0 00 R. Spencer 544 36 Kosciusko st, bet Lewis and Stuyvesant avs. Payne, John D.—L. C. Payne 93 38 * Vacated by order of Coinrt. t Secured on Appeal. M. Owens et al. agt Mr. Godfrey, owner, Potter, Benjamin—A. L. Rogers... 419 83 t Released. § Reversed. 1 Satisfied by Execution. and Jas. Higgins. (April 3,1882) 24 13 Pa,tchen, Mary—J. T. Smith 46 55 ••Discharged by going through bankruptcy. Rogers, Archibald G. - • Mary L. Kronberg 3,844 73 KINGS COUNTY. BUILDINGSPROJECTED. Russell, Christina—J. Bender 72 89 April 8th to 14th—inclusive. Riker, Carroll L.—I. Giberson 128 43 Adams, Samuel G.—N. Lewis, assignee, NEW TORE CITY. ~~ Stephens, Thomas—G. Caulfield.... 151 41 separate release. (1881)— $17,283 04 Plan 356—47th st, Nos. 110 and 112 E., two flve- Sexton, J.—Julia Sexton 8.088 98 Aufiinger, Ann M.—H. J. Wills. (1831) 330 69 story brown stone tenem'ts, 31.3x90, gravel roof; Sneed. Charles E.—Margt. Robin­ Birge, Martin H., and the firm of M. H. Birge cost, each, $35,000; owner, M. J. O'Reilly. 110 son 104 10 & Sons-W. A. Bierd. (1881) 560 59 Burns, Zabez—H. A. Mott, Jr. (1880) 8.315 24 East 45th st; architect, C. O'ReUly; builders, Swift, George P.—Ann Richardson. 258 54 Calyer, John H.—F. Weber. (1883) 52 25 O'Reilly Bros. Schulten, Charles—C. Schulten 817 57 Cauldwell, Patrick, sued as ColweU, Patrick 3.57—28th st, Nos. 229 to 239 W., one five story The North Second Street & Middle- —Cath. Nichols. (1882) 189 66 brick factory, 124x47, gravel roof; cost, $17,0r)0; village R. R. Co.—E. B. Barnum. 1,209 77 Same same. (1883) 243 16 owner.*, Cary & Moen, 234 West 29th st; archi­ TI agman, Diedrich—C. Seibert.... 121 74 Hitchcock, Jeremiah—G. M. Shock. (1883).. 393 22 tect, A.A. Gary; builders, Tyson & Van Dusen. the same C. Seibert 367 78 Lowrey, Charles J.—G. Kenneth. (1877) ... 3,331 94 358—Lexingtonav, n e cor I31st st, one one- The N. Y. & Sea Beach R. R. Co.— Same J. D Willis. (1877) 780 81 Morrison, James and Daniel—R. McDonald. story brick storage shed for cars, 100x200, gravel A. V. StillweU 5,364 49 (1880).. 39139. roof; cost, $7,000; owners, Thii d Avenue R. R.; Tonnelle. Laurent J.—C. W. Bean. 81 64 Murray. James—J. Laverty. (1883) 183 GO architect, Paul F. Schoen. The N. Y. Transfer Co.—J. BosweU 150 53 Newal, Stephen-E. Matthews. (1877) 139 04 359—Kingsbridge av, w s, 200 n of New York Tebo, WilUam M.—W. Robinson... 120 32 O'Connell, Daniel—J. B. A. Rogers. (1871.) Central & H. R. R., 24th Ward, one three­ TarbeU, Anna—J. Brady 240 47 (Cancelled) 312 09 story frame dweU'g, 27 and 29x38, mansard slate Utter, Peter—M. Schuck 130 93 Plance, Annie M., formerly M. Barker, and ano.. admrs. J. W. Barker-R. Bedell. and tin roof, wood and tin cornice; cost, $5,000; Wheeler, Augustus H.—E. H. Nos­ (1876) .537 58 owner, architect and buildeir, Samuel L. Ber­ trand 19180 Same same. (1876) 1,10163 rian, Kingsbridge. Wren, William C—F. R. Smith... 280 73 Same same. (1876) 703 16 360—Palisade av, 24th Ward, on land of estate Wynne, Thomas—Mary E. Freeman 85 97 Rollins, True W.—A. J. Perry. (1878) 693 41 of J. R. Whiting, one two and three-stcry blue Wehrle, John—A. Ibert 413 55 Same same. (1881) ill 69 stone stable, 51x40, tin and slate roof; cost. Woolverton, WiUiam H., as Presi­ Same s.ame. (1880) 130 45 $13,(:00; owner, James R. Whiting, Spuyten dent, &c—J. Boswell 150 62 Sharp, Thomas R.—B. Duncan. (1881) 1,931 39 Smith, Eliza A.—A. H. Dailey. (1876) 181 99 Duyvil, N. Y.; architect, S. D. Hatch; builders, White, Martha—E. BusseU 103 69 The Lafayette Fire Ins. Co.—T. T. Church. J. & G. Stewart and J. M. Varian. Wolff, Charles—Cowperthwait & (1S73) 3,517 27 361—Lexington av', e s, extending from 107th Co.... 59 09 Vandervoort, Abraham—C. UnderhiU. (1873.) st to 108th st, twelve four-story brick and brown (Reversed)...... 76 29 stone trimmed tenem'ts, 16.8 and 17.7x65, tin Weishar, John — A. Eisenhofer. (1882.) roof; cost, each, $11,000; owner, E. Meehan, 131 SATISFIED JUDGMEKTS. (Vacated) 298 38 Wischert, Barbara—H. J. MiUs. (1881) 230 69 East 109th st; builder, H. Meehan. NEW YORK. Wood, Loftus—P. B. Amory. (1878.) (Ex­ 362—107th st, n s, 65 e Lexington av, fifteen April Sth to 14th—inclusive. ecution) .* 48 54 four-story brick and brown stone trimmed tene­ Allen. Ann-John Townshend. (1878) $179 49 ments, 17x60, tin rcof; cost, each, $11,000; owner Adams, Samuel G.—S. H. Stuart, Jr. (1882). 543 92 and builder, satne as last. Same M.J. Boylan. (1875) .. 379 99 363—108th st, s s, 65 e Lexington ay, fifteen Adams, Samuel G.—Martha A. Peck. (1874) 183 o8 MECHANICS' LIENS. four-story brick and brown stone trimmed tene­ Same same. (1874) 183 36 ments, 17x60, tin roof; cost, each, $11,000; owner Same same. (1874) 183 75 and builder, same as last. Sarae Bobert Harrison, exr. (1876)... 218 14 NEW YORK CITY. Bartholomew, Wm. H.—R. H. Miller. ('82).. 193 20 364—10t,b av, e s, 50 s 96th st, two five-story April brown stone tenem'ts, 30 and 20.4x90, tin roof; §Bowe, Peter. Sherifif—Wm. Koeber. (1881). 2,542 26 11 First av, w s, abt 25 n 119th st, 25 ft front, Baker, William J.—T. W. Young. (1879).... 297 44 John Shannon agt William A. Cursen, cost, each, $30,000; owner, David Christie, 430 Bates, Levi M.—W. H. Hunt. (1882) 1,038 03 Robert J. and Peter Algie $531 34 West 48th St. §Beckel, Joseph and Benjamin—L. F. Wel­ 10 Madison av, s e cor .13 Isc st, 10! xa5. Patrick 365—68th st, s s, abt 400 e Av A, one two-story don, exr. (1881) 13,255 99 Hogan agt James A. Griffin and Harry S. brick stable, 50x30. gravel roof; cost, $3,000; Cushing, Catharine and Thomas — Jobn Young 525 00 owner and builder, (jharles H. Bliss, 204 East 72d Townshend. (18/8) .- 179 49 13 Madison av, s e cor 131st st, 100x85. Ellison st; architects, Thom & Wilson. Same same. (1878). 175 50 & Todd agt Samuel H. Griffin and Henry Craft, William—S. H. Stuart, Jr. (1883).... 542 93 S.Young 2,699 72 366^South st, w s, bet Beekman and Fulton Cooper, James M.—Hy. Mathey. (1883) 233 13 14 Madison av, s e cor 131 st st, 99.11x85. Wil­ sts, one one and two-story brick terra cotta and De Grief, Peter—H. K. Thurber. (1876) 501 00 liam N. Beers agt GrifiEen & Young " 26 45 Carlisle stone market, 143x130 and 140, asphalt, Dunn, John—C. F. Hitzelberger. (1878) 514 15 10 One Hundred and Thirty-third st, n s, 100 w gravel and.tin roof; cost, $80,OuO; owners, City Dusenbury, Benjamin H. aud Thomas—S. 7th av, 20 ft front. Willson & Adams agt NewYork Department ot Public Works; archi­ E.Randall. (1876) 4,333 27 W. A. Cross and Sarah J. Fox 247 73 tect, Douglas Smyth. Fuller, Charles A.-C. F. Hitzelberger. (-"878) 514 15 10 One Hundred and Thirty-flrst st, Nos. 238, Florence, John L.—J. F. Bauer. (1879) 190 02 230, 233 and 234 W., s s. Jacob Gehert agt 367—Ludlow st, No. 69, dne three-story brick Flanagan, John J.—Susan H. Noyes (1883). 274 51 JohnKeeband Gille 14 13 synagogue, 25x83, tin roof; cost. $9,000; owners. Gold Mines of (^ana—C. S. Welles. (1881) ... 6,537 51 10 Same property. Carl Rommel agt same.... 16 50 Congregation Beth Hamedrash Hagodel, 21 Gutierrez, William S.—C. S Frost. (Lien 10 One Hundred and Twenty third st, s s, 193 e Walker st: architect, W. Jose; builder, not select­ suspended upon appeal.) (1F8I) 185 12 2d av, 75 ft front. Patrick Smith agt ed. Gilmore, John—Mary E. GaUagher. (1880). 343 93 John C. and James W. Wandell ...... 99 23 368—4th av, n e cor laSd st, six four-story Grigg, James R.—C. P. HUzelberger. (1878). 514 15 11 One Hundred and Eleventh st. No. 317 E., n Guion, Wm. H.—H. H. Holly. (Suspended s. SOU e 2d av. James Mara agt William brown stone single and double flats, 20 and 30x onappeal.) (1881) 10,396 58 E. Diller 7 50 76 and 71, tin roof;cost, each, $16,000; owner and Same same. (Suspended on appeal.) 11 Twenty-third st, Nos, 367 and 369 W., n s.- builder, J. G. Houston, 144th st and Willis av; (1883) 79 15 Jchn Smith agt Amanda M. Scofield 3.034 28 architect, E. Bosenstosk. April 15, 1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECOD 377 369—118th ^t,ss, 50 w 1st av, one two-story brick stable, 16.9x33, tin roof; cost, ; owner, story brown stone dweU'gs, 20x42, tin roof, shed 13x18, felt roof; cost, $ ; owner, John wooden cornice; cost, each, abt $4,000; owner, Berry, 7(18 De Kalb av; builder, Wm. Josiah. John Messloh, 118th st, west of 1st av. architect arid builder, P. C. Vrooman, 444 Gates 370—143d st, s s, 475 e Willis av, two two-story av. 304—Grand av. No. 124, one one story irame frame dwell'gs, 13.6x40, tin roof; cost, each, dweU'g, 20x16, gravel roof; cost, $350; owner,. $1,700: owners. Samuel F. Pease and F. V. Mor­ 279—Schenck st. No. 69, being 120 s Park av. John Loftus, 508 Marcy av. rison. Willis av, 143d st and 143d st; architects and one one-story frame stable. 40x13, gravel roof; 305—Woodbine st, n s, 300 w Central av, one builders, Gillespie & Westervelt. cost, $300; owner, Charles E. Bunce. two-story frame dweU'g, 18x30, tin roof; cost, 371—Hester st. No. 197, rear, one two-story 230—Schenck st, No. 69, one one-story frame $1,200; owner. Water Squires. 1235 Broadwav; brick stable, 25x33, gravel roof; cost, $3,000; stable, 30x13; cost, $200; owner, C. E. Bunce. architect and carpenter, R. Wright, mason, E. owner, George Heyman, Hudson st, near Houston 281—Rodney st, s s, abt 115 w Lee av, dne Loerch. st; architect and mason, Wm. McGrath, Jr.; car­ three-story orick dwell'g, 35x45, tin roof, iron 306—North 7th st, n w cor 7th st, one one-story- cornice; cost, $13,000; owner, Frederick W. frame stable and shedj one 3.5x.50 and the other 25x penter, not selected. Wurster. 1st st, cor South 6th st; architect, E. G. 372—136th st, s s, 334 e 1st av, one four-story 100, felt roof; cost, $800; owner, Albert PearsaU.. Gaylor; buUders, W. & T. Lamb, Jr.; carpen­ 307—3d st, n e cor South 9th st, one two- . brick lodging house, 30x70, tin roof; cost, $18 000- ter, not selected. owner. New York Flower & Fruit Mission, 55 story brick stable, 30x25.2. tin roof, brick Murray st and 114 East 29th st; architect E 282—Lafayette av, n s, 400 e Nostrand av, six cornice; cost, $2,000; owner,-B. H. Howell. South Kendall; builder, George H. Stone. tbree-story frame dweU'gs, 16.8x48, tin roof; cost, 9th st; architect. Th. Engelhardt. $2,.50O; owner. D. MacKenzie, 607 Lafayette av; 308—Lefferts pl, n s, 113.10 e Clason av, four 373—Washington st, s w cor Leroy st, one two­ architect and builder, M. McCarty. story brick stable, 25x80, tin roof; cost, $5,000; four-story brown stone dwell'gs, 20x45, mansard, owner. Bernard Bigliii, Castle Garden; archi 5;83—Palmetto st, n w cor Wvckoff st, one two- slate and tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each tect. M. Byrne; builder, W. Walker. ''tory frame office and dwelf'g, 2.5x45, shingle $9,000; owner, architect and builder, J. A. roof; cost, $5,000; owner. Bushwick R. R. Co.- Thomson, 300 Lexington av. 374—137th st, s s, 75 w Alexander av, three architect, R. B. Eastman; builders, James Ash­ two-story brick dweU'gs, 16.10x45, tin roof; cost, 309—Quincy st, n s, 425 e Sumner av,,four, field & Son and Long & Barnes. three-story brick tenem'ts, 21.6x62, gravel roof, each, abt $4,500; owner, Mary Dugan, 107 Alex­ 284—Vernon av. n s, 200 e Sumner av, one ander av; architect,. John* Rogers; buUder, wooden and tin cornices; cost, each $5,.500; threestory frame b lilding. 22x27, tin roof; cost, owner, Jon P, Hutson; architect and builder, F. Jas. O'Kane. $1,200; owner F. Munch, Vernon av, near Sum­ 375—4th av, n w cor and s w cor 121st st, ten Weeks. ner av; architect, J. Platte; builders, J. Auer and 310—Lexington aVi s s, 200 e Throop av. one four-story brown stona flats, 20x76.4, tin ro>f • F. J. Berlenbach. •cost. each. $16,500: total, $165,000; owner. Mrs' two-story and basement brick carpenter shop Lottie L. Dean, 143 East 120th st; arshitect, R. 285—Lynch st, n s, 144 e Harrison av, four and dweU'g, 24x36. felt and gravel roof, wooden Rosenstock. three-story frame tenem'ts, 20x46 tin roof; cost, cornice; cost, $l,Ov)0; owner, R. Walsh, 480 $3,.500; owner and carpenter, J. Bossert, Johnson KosciusKOst; architect, M. Walsh; builders, Phil 376—36th st, n s, 100 e Lexington av, five four- av, near Union av; architects, J. Platte and Sullivan and Walsh & Stadler. story brown stone d^yell'gs, 17, 20 and 23x50 and J. Auer. , 55.4, tin roof; cost, $16,000. $17,000 and $30,000- 311—3d av, e s, SO n S4th st, one two-story, 286—Kosciusko st, s s, 300 e Nostrand av, eight frame dweU'g, 23x36; cost, $1,000; owner, Henry owner, Chas. Buek, 63 East 41st st; architects two-story frame dweU'gs. 15x36, tin roof; cost, and builders, C. Buek & Co. Serrand, 3d av and 54th st; architect, John J. each, $1,500; owner, D. MacKenzie, 607 Lafav­ Mai ony; biiilder, J. Lee. 377—Mt. St. Vincent on Hudson, one one-story ette av: architect and builder, M. McCarty. brick building for kitchen, 43x38, tin roof; cost, 287—Bergen st. No. 1119. n s, one f hree-story $8,000; owners, Sisters of Charity, on premises- brown stone dwell'g, 22x45, tin roof, wooden cor­ ALTERATIOIVS NEW TORK CITY. architect, Wm. Schickel; b-.nlders, D. & G nice; cost, abt $9,000; owner, H, E. Jacob, 1117 Stewart and O. F. Quick. Plan 516—Stanton st. No. 273. one-story frame Be-gen st; architect, F. E. Lockwood; buUder. extension on rear, 3.6x25; cost, ; owner, 378—USth st, n e cor Morris av, two three­ P. D. Norris. story frame stores and tenem'ts, 35x45, tin roof- Thomas J. Carleton, on premises; builder, Mor­ 288—Grand av, e s, 150 s Myrtle av, one one- timer Mansfield. cost, each, $3,400; owners, Bridget Boyle and story frame stable, 20x28, gravel roof; cost, $150- James Barrett, 5611st av; architect, Jas Bar­ owner and builder, D. McCormick, 132 Ryer­ 517—Houston st. No. 43. n w cor Mulberry st,, rett. son St. renew basement floor and beams, wall on Mul­ 379—Broadway, s w cor 18th st, one five-story berry st repaired and new flre escape; cost, abt brick (brown stone trimmed) business building 289—Hopkinson av, No. 137, e s, 25 n HuU st, $6,0U0; owner, J. H. Boswell, on premises; archi­ 69 Xirreg;, tin roof; cost, $130,000; owner, OUver one tvvo story frame dwell'g, 22x36; tin roof- tect and builder. P. H. J. Krueder. Ditson & Co., Boston, Mass.; architect (^eo W cost, $3,100; owner, Konrad Arnold, 1.57 Hopkin­ 518—Col'ege pl. No. 8. repair damage by fire;, . son av; builders, C. Barry and H. Jaeger. erst. $2,.Sfl(>; owner. Morris Mattson, Florence 290—Hudson av. No. 373, w s, 100 s Tillary st, 380—107th st, s s, 100 e 3d av, six four-story House, 4th av, cor 18th st; builder. E. Smith. one two-story brick hide house and stable on 519—ISSth.st, s s, 1.50 w Elton av, two-story i bnck and brown stone trimmed tenem't, 35x75 second floor, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, tin roof; cost, each, $10,000; owner and builder' frame exteusior-, 14x15; cost, $353; owner. Joseph Wilhelmine Juch, 1st av. n w cOr 104th st: archi­ $6,0(i0; owners, P. Hornby and P. A. Van Graner, on premises; builder, Chas. A. (iraner. tect, Pr. S. Barus. Iderstine. on premises; architect, C. Werner; 520—Prince st. No. 9J, front and interior alter- - buUder. R. Huson and A. Balecher. ations; cost, $4,000; owner, Wm. H. Bibby, 149 381—Rivington st, Nos. 1D7 and 109, one three­ 291—Lorimer f>t, e s, 100 n Nassau av, four story brick factory, 43.9x36.10, tin "roof; cost West 41st st; architects, Berger & Baylies; three-story frame tenem'ts, 18.9x43, gravel roof; builder. M. Magrath. $6,000; lessee. Geo. Buess, West st, cor Malone cost, each, $2,800; owner, architect and carpenter, sc, West Hoboken, N. J.; architect, J. Kastner. 531—40th st. No. 250 E., take out rear wall in. Samuel Self, 66 Newell st; mason, I. Eeed. first story and pui in iron girder; cost, $3.5'i; 383—2d av, s e cor 117th st, four four-story 292—Stagg st, s s, 325 w Waterbury st, two brick tenem'ts, 35.3x60, tin roof; cost, each owner, Annie L. McCahill; architect, A. Cham­ four-story frame tenem'ts..27x.55, tin roof; cost, berlain; builders, James ReUly and Wm. Sex­ $14,000; owner, Joseph P. Murray, 315 East 116th each, $5,000; owner, J. Timmes, Bushwick av st; architect, J. H. Valentine. ton. cor Stagg st; builder, J. Platte. 522—WiUiam st. No. 156, and 75 and 77 Ann st, 383—117th st, s s, &5 w 3d av, two four-story 393—Varet st, s w cor Bogart st, two three­ brown stone flats. 20x60, tin roof; cost, each repair damage by fire; cost, $4,.500; owner, John story frame tenem'ts, 25x55, tin roof; cost, C. Koch, 64 3d av, Brooklyn; builders, Jeans & $15,000; owner and architect, same as last ' $11,000; owner, Wm. Heilmann, 16 Bogart st; 384—112th st, No. 306 E., rear, one two-story Taylor. architect, Geo. Hillenbrand; builders, J. Schler­ 523—4th av. No. 1014, new store front in first brick stable, 25x25, tin roof; cost, $1,500; owner eth and J. Rueger. Daniel K. Gallagher, 336 East 113thst; architect story; cost, $900; owner, Henry T. Smith, on 294—Jefferson st, s s, 350 e Patchen av, one premises; buUders, 8. G. Ackenand Springstead A. Spence. one-story frame toolhouse, 8.8x13, tin roof; cost, 385—Greene st, s e cor Spring st, one six-story & Mockabee. $85; owner. Chas. Rumpf, 804 Jefferson st; 524—Lewis st, No. 88, one-story brick extension, brick and brown stone trimmed warehouse 51 2x builder, J. Erickson. 63.6, tm roof; cost, $60,000; owner, WiUis Black- 9x20; cost, $125; owner, Wm. Horstmann, on stone. 21 Lafayette pl; architect, H, Fernbach- 295-South llth st, n s, abt 100 e 2d st, one premises; builders. H. Smith and H. Moeller. four-story brick tenem't, 29x55, gravel roof, 535-Beaver st. No. 27 and 39, one-story and tuilders. Freeman Bloodgood and Geo. L. Baxter' iron cornice; cost $8,500; owner. Glaus Doscher, 386—Av D. w s, 60 n llth st, one threestory basement extension, 2.5x16, take out girders and Ross st; architect, E. F. Gaylor; builders, posts and fit up for offices; cost, $300; owner, brick store and dweU'g, 16.9x59.4. tin roof; cost, Thomas Gibbons and Samuel L. llough. |4,0(i0; owner and builder, James Mulry 309 Peter Dutet, 103 West 61st st; buUder, Thomas East 13th st; architect, Fred'k Jenth. 296—Waverly av, e s, 300 n De Kalb av, one Pitzpatrick. two-story brick stable, 20x45, mansard, tin and 526—Sth av, s e cor 32d st, cut three window 387—9Istst, s s, 225 e 3d av, one one-story brick slate roof, wooden cornice: cost, $2,500; owner engine-room, 30x45, gravel roof; cost, $500; own­ openings in gable wall and remove all partitions E. R. Robertson. 293 Washington av; architect in basement; cost, $700; owner, Matthew Rock, er, Jacob Ruppert, 1639 3d av; buUders, J. & L and carpenter, H.J. Smith; mason, J. J. Ben­ Weber. i «, .u. 224 Sth av; lessee, Catharine Donavan; builders, ton. Wm. B. Pettit and Eiward Smith. 388-9lst st, Nos. 417 to 433 E., one five- 297—South llth st, n s. abt 139 e 2d st, one l&n"''^ factory, 100x96, cement roof; cost. 527—New st, n e cor Beaver st, alterations to $30,000; owner, John Jacob SchiUinger, 420 East three-story brick stable and dweU'g, 40x90 gravel first story front, new stairs and partitions and in­ 92d st; architect, Emanuel Gandolfo;builder not roof, iron cornice; cost $9,000: owner,' Claus terior alterations; cost, $9,000. owner, Wm. F. selected. Doscher, Ross st; architect, E. P.Gaylor; builders Nisbet, Yonkers; architect, Wm. Jose; builder! T. Gibbons and S. L. Hough. ' not selected. 389—Forsyth st, Nos. 141 and 143, two five- 398—Canton st, w s, abt 70 s Park av, one two­ li^Ln^"^^ tenem'ts 24x70, tin roof; cost, each, 538—Columbia st, No. 70, one-story brick ex­ $13 000; owner, Jacob Valentine, 4 West 48th st- story brick stable, 30x80, gravel roof, brick tension, 22X.50, tin roof: cost, $3,500 to $.3,000; , architect, Robt. Mook. ' cornice; cost, $4,000; owner and architect, L H owner, First Hungarian Congregation, Hebrew Smith, Park av, cor Canton st; builder, T. B." Congregation; architect, T. J. Beir. ,o.^^u^~;f *''^®™ ^^^®^' ^'500 s Berrian's Landing Rutan. .529—Pike st. No. 75, repair damage by fire- (

Amory Stevens, 51 West 53d st; architect, Jobn tect, Chas. Mettam; builder, Freeman Blood­ 387—Grand st, s e cor Ewenst. one-sbory frame Rogers. good. extension, 13x16, tin roof, wooden and tin .535—72d st, No. 205 E., interioJ" alterations; 561—Greenwich st, n w cor Beach st, new iron cornice; cost, $200; owner, Jacob , 508 cost, $3u0: owner, Benj. Epstein, on premises; column put in first story front, new ceilings and Grand sfc. builders. Gay Culgin and Richard Shapter. two new windows in gable wall; cost, $500; 328—Clermont av, No. 89, raise front and rear 536—llOt'i st, No. 130 E., three-story brick ex­ owner. A. J. D. Wedemayer, 25 Perrv st; builder, buildings two feet and rebuild the basement tension, 1*2.6x19. tin roof, rear wall rebuilt; coat. M. Reid. walls; also, two-story brick extension, 15.9x4 6, $3,,50:); owner, Bernhard Fuld, 161 East 73d st: 565—33d st. No. 313 E.. new foundation tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $1,000; owner, P. architect, W. Graul; builder, John Karst. wall on east side; cost, $.500; owner, Mary C. Van Horn, on piemises; architect and car­ 537—119th st. No. 43:j E , air chamber over P. Power, on premises; architects, Babcock penter, J. McArthur; mason, P. Stekever. present roof; cost, $335; owner, Robert Owen, on & McAvoy; builders, J. & L Weber. 229—7th av, n e cor 18th st, two-story frame premises; architect, S. J. Joyce; builders, Jnyce 566—14th st, No. 103 E., new store front extension, 20x15, tin roof, wooden and tin & Carpenter. i 1 basement, brown stone stoop to be replaced by cornice; cosfc, $383; owner, Henry Vanderbilt, 538—9th av. No. 853, store front aUered, iron steps; cost, $1,100; lessee, Emily Bayst, 735 683)4 5tii av; architect and carpenter, P. iron beams and cohimns : cosfc, $350 : owner, Broadway; architect, Andrew Craig; builder, Schroeder; mason, C. Lauenstein. Marg.iret Shannon, No. 1 96tb si; builder, D. not selected. 230—Hopkinson av, No. 151, add one story, tin Shannon. 567—18th st, No. 339 W., attic to be made roof, wooden cornice; also, two-story brick 539—13th st. No. 103)4 E., stable taken down a full story, flat roof; cosfc, $990; owner, extension, 25x11, tin roof, wooden cornice; al-so, and onesfcory brick extension, 35 and .50x30, tin Sarah J. Baker, on premises; architect, S. S. build up aUey way, wall next to alley taken out, roof wUl be erected, interior alterations, being Baker; builder, M. B. Preure. &c.; cost, $800; owner, George Wirth, on part of a hotel and summer garden; cost, $5,000; 568—Broadway, No. 738 and 730. opening in premises; builders, C. Baur and H. Jaeger. lessee, Geo. Huber, 106 to 108 East 14th st, owner rear of stage to be enlarged; cost, $100; lessees, 231—Quay st, s s, 100 w Pranklin st, two-story Gei-senhenner estate : architecfc, Jobst Hoif- Harrigan & Hart: architects, KimbaU & Wise- frame extension, 25 and 86x9 and 16, gravel roof; manii. deU; builder, Geo. T. DoUinger. cost, $300; owner, W. H. Godfrey, Noble st; 540—7th sfc. No. 8-3. new fronfc wall; cost, $500; 569—Bowery, No. 373%, rear wall to ba sup­ bnilder, S. Ramsdell. owner and builder, Philip Lahn, 86 7th st; arch­ ported on iron beam ; cost, $200 ; agent, J. N. 232—Clifton pl, No. 315, windows in basement; itect, P. W. Klemt. King, 130 East 16th st; builders, Thos. J. Hyland. cost, $350; owner, M. E. Randolph, 315 Clifton 541—Spring st. s e cor Mercer st, store on 570-^East Broadway, No. 66, new store front, pl; builders, Myers & Howell. Spring st to be divided intOjhall with office, stairs stairs to be changed; cost, $1,020: owner, Fanny 333—Fulton st. No. 581, front altered : cost, removed, e'evator put in, windows enlarged, &c.; Hirschfeld, No. 51 East Broadway ; builder, $4G0; owner. George A. Powers, 599 Pulton st: cost. $ ; owners, M. & S. Sternberger, 138 and Walter Powers. builder, J. Allen. 33 East 60lh st; architect, H. Fernbach. 571—SOth st. No. 334 E., upper story raised 234—Whipple st, No. 11, two-story frame ex­ 543—35th st. No. 40 W., two-story brick exten­ 3 ft., interior alterations ; cost, $3,500 ; owner, tension, 12x16, tin roof, wooden cornice: cost, sion, 20x13, till roof ; cost, $1,300 ; owner, Mrs. Martha Jones, 32T East 35th at; architect, Jos. M. $600; owner, John Siirpless, on premises; archi­ Janorin, Albemarle Hotel; architect and mason, Dunn; builders, James F. Reilly and M B. tect. J. Platte. W. Wakeham ; carpenter, J. Cambers. -Ineard. 235^Clinton st, n e cor Luquer st, one-story 543—Lawrence st. No. 9i, the addition wil! 573—State st, n w cor Bridge st, interior re­ brick extension, 20x24; cjst, $1,400; owner, comprise the alley space ; cost, $290 ; owner, pairs ; cost, $ ; owner, American Emigrant Chai'les Obrock, on premises; architect and Tneresa Garnlein, on premises; architect and car­ Co , 3 Broadway; builders, Morton & Chesley. mason, JohnKoUi; carpenter, G. H. Heath. penter, W. Kniffen; mason, Wm. McKeagney. 573—City Hall pl, No. 28, to be raised one 236—Henry st, n e cor Cranberry st, put in 511—New st, n w cor Exchange pl, to Broad­ story, front wall rebuilt, rear wall taken down, flfteen windows; cost, .$350; ownT, Wrecker way, basement en New st fitted up for banking interior alteration, five story brick extension, 34x Pire Hose Co.; builders, John Thatcher and " room, new chimney to boiler; cost, $8,000 ; 16; cost, $l2,d00; owner. Thomas Hammill, 27 Jacob Hart. owner, Edward R. Jones estate; architect, John Duane st; architect, Wm. Kuhles ; builders, 837—North 2d st. No. 487, one story frame ex­ Sexton-, builder, Jas. H. Studley. James Slevin and P. Walsh. tension, 15x18, tin roof, wooden cornice: cost, .545—Cortlandt st. No 83, new floor in flrst 574—Delancey st. No. .50. new store front, new $400; owner, P. Bach, on premises; builder, C. story and girders and posts; cost, $300; owner, floor in first story; cost, $1,300; owner, Margaret Diemer. Mary Ann Mauley: builder, James Stewart. A. Kipp, 1016 Lexington av ; buUder, W. G. De 238—Bleecker st, s s, abt 125 n Evergreen av, 546- Cannon st, No. 5, extension to be raised Lamater. raise building two feet and stone foundation: one story; cost, $1,300; owners, Steingester & 575—Sth av, n w cor 142d st, one-story frame cosfc, $175; owner, E. Donaldson. Co.. on premises; architect, Wm. Jose. extension, 35x13; cost, $90 ; lessee, Anton Spieh- 547—6th av, No. 331, store floor lowered; cost, ler, 14 Isfc sfc and 3d av; builder, John Matfaes. .<;700; owner, David Van Beuren, 333 West llth 576-Pleasant av, e s, 58.6 and ll6 n 117th st. st; builder, Wm. Potterton. two buildings, southerly extension raised 4 f i, and MISCELLANEOUS. 548—Bowery, No. 155, new store front, stairs a three-story extension, 21x13; cost, $5,000; own­ and partitions moved in flrst story; cost, $500; er, Alice R. Lombard, n w cor 119th st and Pleas­ BUSINESS FAILURES. owner, James D. Murphy, 179 BoTPery; archi­ ant av; architLct, R. Rosenstock; builder, James tect, Jas. B. Franklin, Shipman. N. Y. ASSIGNMENTS—BENEFIT CREDITORS. 519-38th st. No 224 W., to be raised one story; 577—13th st, No. 3.5, to be raised a half story; April. cost, 81,500; owner, Maggie Jane Moran, 198 Tuttle, William P. ] cost, $.350; owner, Mary A. Fitzgerald, 51 5th av; A A Du Bois, James G. ', j. Topoh P Marshall West 4th st; architect, Jas. B. Franklin. architect, Jos. R. Goggin; b'ulder, J. L. Murtha. " Niles, Nathaniel T marsnaii. 550—Canal st, No. 508, one-story brick exten­ 578—Courtland av, s e cor 162d st, one-story (Wm. P. Tuttle & Co.) J sion, 19 ft front, 4 ffc rear, 41.6 deep; cost, $800; frame extension, 35x17; cost, $600; owner, Simon 10 Sachse, William, to Frederick C. Steffen. owner, Mathew Thompson, 575 Broome st; Kay, 353 Wesfc 43fch sfc; builder, J. C. Stichler. Van Kleeck, Livingston B. '', builder. A. T. Clarkson. 579—33d st. No. 11 W., two-story brick exteii- ,, Clark, Wm. H. ! to Orson Breed, pre- 551—Spring st, No'. 395 and 297, opening to be sion, 20x39; lessee, Nathan Clark, s w cor Broad­ ^* (^'^an Kleeck, Clark & Co., ( ferred, $14,003. made in centre wall and put in iron girder; cost, way and 13th sfc; architect, Jas. E. Ware. 235 Broadway.) . J $503; owners, Fulton & Bookstaver, 395 Spring st; builder, Wm. Potterton. KINGS COUNTY. PKOCEEDINOS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN 553—Chrystie st. No. 116, remove partition in Plan 214—North 9th st, No. 193, move buUding basement; cost, $40; owner, John A. Loser, on to a new position and raise two feet, stone founda­ AFFECTING REAL ESTATE. premise.''; builder, Anton Warth. tion and brick story beneath; cost, $1,700; owner, * Under the different headings indicates that a reso 553—49th st, No. 11 W., extension to be Patrick Booden, on premises; builders, W. h. lution has been introduced and referred to the appro­ raised one-stiry; cost, $1,.500; owner, Russell H. Langridge, Jr., and E. Burke. priate committee. + Indicates that the resolution has Hoadley, on premises; builders. Marc Eidlitz and 815—Washington st. No. 877, front wall altered; passed and been sent to the Mayor for approval. John Downey.- cost, $45); owners, L. & H. Liebmann, 289 Pul­ NEW YORK, April 11, 1882. 554—Madison av. No. 933, partitions reset snd ton st; architect, G. L. Morse; builders, P. J. REGULATING. GRADING. ETC. plumbing reconstructed, new bay window; cost, Kelly and Morris & Selover. Depot pl, het Sedgwick av and N. Y. Central & Hud­ $5,0)0; ov^ner, Mrs. P. A. Wilcox, on premises; 216—Hoyt st, n e cor Wyckoff st, rebuUd ex­ son K. R.t architects. D. & J. Jardine. tension gable wall; cost, $75; owner, C. Schieck, 71st St. from west curb of Boulevard to east curb of 555—43d st. No. 105 W., to be raised one 77 Divi.sion .st. New York; buUder, S. Bohnlofiok. llth av.t story; cost, $3,.503; owner, Hubert P. Pal­ 217—Hopkins st, No. 30^ reset partitions; cost, 82d st, from east curb 1st av to west curb Av B.* mer, on premises; architects, D. & J. Jardine, 9ith st, 8 s, from west curb of 3d av to east curb of $800; owner, Aafcon Miltner. Lexington av, sidewalk.t 556—10th st. No. 64 W., to be raised three 818—Delmonico pl, w s, 68 from Park av, feet, front wall partly rebuilt; cost, $600; owner, 100th St. from west curb of 3d av to a point 5 feet east one-story frame extension, 15x28, g>-avel roof, of 4th av.t Thomas Cochran, on premises; builder, James wooden cornice; cost, $350; owner and architect, East 14&th st, from west curb Mott av to east curb of Hanlon. W. Ried, Scholes st, cor Leonard st; builder, River av.* 557—Hudson st. No. 129, new front in base­ Joseph Frisse. Lexington av. from Borth curb 96th st to south curb ment; cost, $325; owner, Julius Kammler, on of 97th St.* ?19—Raymond st. No. 194, two-story brick ex­ Ogden av, bet westerly curb line of Jerome av and premises; budder, A. Crouter. tension, 20x8. tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, 558-3d av, No. 206, new front in flrst southerly curb line of Union st.t $500; owner, Henry Meyer, on premises; builders, PAVING. story; cost, $600; owner, Geo. P. Carey. 210 East Walton Smith & Son and T. WUUams. 17th st; builder.=, Wm. (Dallahau an ' Keegan & 87th st, from westerly crosswalk of 1st av to easterly May. 220—Atlantic av. No. 263 or 268, one story crosswalk of 2d av.* brick extension, 20x20, tin roof, wooden cornice; 88th st, from easterly crosswalk 1st av to westerly 559-Chambers st. No. 8, new front in flrst cost, $400; owner, E. Sprout, 63 WaU st; builders, crosswalk of Av A.t story; cost, $1,000; owner, Sfcephen P. R.yan, 177 P. B. Kearney and E. Westbury. 104th St. from a line 5 feet west of the west curb line East 74th st; architects, Babcock & McAvoy; 281—Atlantic av, No. 491, new store front; of 1st av to easterly crosswalk of 2d av.t ;; builder, not selected. cosfc, $585; owner, P. S. Johnson, Liberty st. New 109th st, from westerly crosswalk of 3d av to a line 5' 560—3d av, s w cor .57th st, new store fronts York; builders, same as last. feet east 4th av.t on av and st; cost, $8,000; owner and builder, 118th st, fr' II westerly crosswalk of 3d av to a line 5 222—Fulton st. No. 131, new front; cost, $45U; feet east lih av.i- Daniel Hennessev, 129 East 55th st; architects, owner, Mrs. Marv B, Duryea, Mansion House; Thom & Wilson. builder, Wm. J. Kerigan. MAINS. 561—Lexington av, No. 77, one story brick ex­ 233—Montrose av, s e cor Ewen sfc, add one Centre st, bet Boston road and Bronx st; gas't tension, 24.5x17. take out rear wall of present Devoe st, from Ogden to Lind avs; Croton.t sfcory to extension, tin roof; cost, $300; owner, I04th st, east of 1st av; Croton pipes.* building; cost, $1,300; owner, Daniel HoUoran, Jacob Zimmer, Ewen st. cor Maujer st; builders, laoth st, from Sth to Mt. Morris av; gas.* on premises; architect, Thos. J. Drummond; U. Maurer, Jr., and J. Frisse. 150th st, bet 10th and St. Nicholas avs; Croton.* builder, Richard Drummond. 234—South Sth st. No. 365, three-story brick ex­ Bergen, formerly Retreat av, from Westchester av to 562—66fch sh. No. 43 E, to be raised two tension, 18x18, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $1,800; Grove or 153dst; gas.* feet, new skylight on roof; cost, $75; owner, owner, Eliza A. Jarvis, on premises; builder, S. FILLING SUNKEN LOTS. Geo. H. Butler; architect, P. ^H. McManus; L. Hough. Willis av, w s, 25 n 144fch st, abt 125 ft front.* builder, Jaines McManus. 235—South 4th st, No. 426, add one story; cost, 563—Canal st, n e cor Thompson st, part of FENCING.VACANT LOTS. $803; owner, Wm. Dodd, on premises; architect 123d st, n s, 125 w 1st av, 150 feefc.* centre wall to be taken out and put iron girder and builder, C. L. Johnson. 125th st, n s, 200 e 6 th av, 20 i feet. I * and posts, second story fitted up for offices; cost, 326—Baltic lit. No. 463, raised four feet, brick 126th st, s s, 20O e 6th av, SuO feet. ) . , $3,500; owner, People's Bank, on premises; archi­ wall beneath; cost, $100; owner, John Sheehan. 1 1st av, s w cor 124th st,t April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 379

CROSSWALKS. Highway throughGravesend Village from Coney Walton av, bet 150th and 151st st, 100x100. Fore­ East 4th St. from No, 70 to No. 71.* island to Brooklyn at intersection of land now closure of mechanic's lien. Patrick H. Lydon °r l?*3r.9f "^^^^ "^^° Siclen, by Thos. A. Kerrigan, agt Abram A. and Herbert L. Whitaey; att'y, DRINKING FOUNTAINS. at 85 WiUoughby st 20 H. E: Farnsworth la 2d av, bet lllth and 112th sts, opposite No. 2112.* Gwinnett st. s s, 247 e Marcy av. i8x71.4xl8x Mott st, e s, 42 2 s Hester sfc, runs easfc 45.6 x siuth Lexington av, ri w coCs88th st.t ii.2, by Thos. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st. 21 80.7 X easfc 73.1 X north to Hester St. xeast 66 x south 100 X west 133.11 to Mott sfc, x north 56 to <-»> beginning. Joseph Hillenbrand, exr. of F. A. ADVERTISED LEGAL SALE^i Hillenbrand, agfc Herman B. Laufer efc al.; att'y. US PENDENS, NEW YORK CITY. P. J. Joachimsen 13 REFEREES' SALES TO BE HELD AT THE EXCHANGE SALES MISCELLANEOUS SUITS. 59th St. s s, 200 e 2d av, 25x100.4. Mary J. McLean ROOM. NO. Ill BROADWAV. April agt Alice Burns et al ; att'y. S. F. Simpson 1?, April East Broadway, s s, 236.6 e Clinton st, 23.7xi^ 23d st, n e s, 305 n w Oth av, 22x117.6, leasehold. J. 8th av, n w cor 58th st, runs west 200 x north 100.5 block. Catherine Ann Hedges agt Lucinda W7 Frank Emmons, as trustee o? Abraham K. Post, X east 99.11 to Circle, x southeast along Circle Smith, as extrx. of John R. Wooster et al.; as- agt Alice Buckingham, individ., and as extrx. o 12-3.5 X south 40.8, one-story brick (frame front) tion to avoid lease; att'ys. Seaman & Conger... 8 Charity A. Horner efc al.; att'y, Lestsr W. Clark 1J stores, by R. V. Harnett, (.\mount due, about 14th Ft. s s, 452 w 2d av, 24x101.3. John W. Gilbert Juliet st, s w cor Walton, now Mott, av, runs south $159,300) 17 agt Henrys. Deshon; and Elizabeth L. his wife; along av 2C0 x weit 401.4to Butternut Efc, x north 2d av, s w cor .65th st. 47xl00x31.4x—; Nos. 1237- partition; att'ys, Smith & Woodward 8 2C0to Juliet st, X easfc 395 to beginning. John M. 1239 3d av, two flve-story brick stores and tene­ Delancev st, s e cor Sherifl: st, 19x63 I Furman efc al., exr.^. of John Wilson, agfc Maria, ments; Nos. 248-250 East 65th st, ti*ofive story Sheriff st, e s, 63 s Delancey st, 24.6x44 \ and Edson Bradley; att'ys, Man & Parsons 11 brick tenem'ts, by R.V. Harnett. (Amountdue, Charles Rayher agt Wilhelmina Sparman and abt850.600) 17 David Schlientz; action for title; att'y, George Willett st. No. 63, w s, 150 s Rivington st, 25x100, W. VanSiclen 3 three-story frame dwell'g, and four-story brick 5Uh st. No. 331 E., n s, 283.9 w 1st av, 19.9x100.5.. I LIS PENDENS. KINGS COUNTY. tenem't in rear, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount 9th St. No. 230 E., s s, 21x65 f due, abt $1,000) 17 Thomas H. Tynan and Hannah M. his wife et April ^114th st, ss, 100.1 w 2dav, 105x100.11, five four-story al. agt Daniel G. McGowan et at.; partition; Parkav, s s, lOJ w Carlton av, 50x':3.6x51x83.6. stone front tenem'ts. by A. H. Muller & Son. att'y, Edward F. Hassey 10 Samuel Scotfc agfc Thomas Hanrahan et al.: att'y. (2d mort., amount due, abt $18.375) 17 54th st, n s, 800 e llth av. runs west 50 towards lith G. W. PearsaU 8 4rth st. No. 35, n s. 520.6 w 5th av. 23x100.5, four- av, X 100 5x50x100.5. Henry Geier agt Margaret 14fch st, s w s. lots 401 to 40.), inclusive, map part story stone front dweU'g, leasehold, by H. N. wife of and Jacob Abel et al.; partition; att'v, of fche Berry Farm, lOOxlOi. .Johan Elliotfc agfc Camp. (Partition sale) 17 E.P.OrreU ^ 10 Elisha D. Hawkins; afcfc'y. A, Murphy, Jr 8 3-3d st. No. 311, n s, IGO e 2d av, 20x98.9, four-story Church st, Nos. 61 aud 63, e s. .50x50 \ 17fchsfc, sws, 200 nw Oth av, 100x100. Frederick brick tenem't, by W. Kennelly. (Amount due, Catharine slip. No. 6, w s, 20.6x40 I MiUer agt Wilhelmina D. Zimmermann et al ; abt$3..500) 18 White st. No. 115, s e oor Centre st, 24.7x80x32.8x att'y, G. W. PearsaU 8 19th st. No. 359, n s, 80 w 1st av, 20x92, f6ur-sloi»y 78.4 Adams st, w s, 105.10 n Wiiioughby sfc. 33x irreg. 1 brick tenem't, and four-story brick tenem't in White St. No. 117, s s, 24.3x78.4 '.*."!!.'!"!""" 1 Amity St. ns, 111.8 w Court st, 18.4x100 ... . 1 rear, bv E. A. Lawrence. (Partition sale) ]8 White st. No. 119, s s, 23.9x76.5 ". Dean st, s s, 120 w Kingston av, 40x100 | 18th st;. No. 238, s s, 116 w 2d av, 24.6x80, foUr-stpry Mercer st. No. 1, w s, 19x49.5 Fulton St. Nos. 1105 and 1107, northerly cr Or- i brick dwell'g, by R. V. Harnett. (Ambuht dUe. Mercer st. No. '\ w F, 18x49.5 mond pl, 39.2x108.8, irreg y abt$7,500) 18 Grand st. No, 39, s s, 22.6x72.8 Fulton St. easterly cor Ormond pl, 18.11x70x6^8 I 16fh st. No. 112, s s, 2.37 e 4th av. 31.6x103.3, tbree- Grand st, Ko. 73. s s, 18 e Wooster st, 23x75.... x27.9x54 3x80x170 to Ormond pl, x 41.4x100x39.6 story brick dwell'g, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount Prince st, No. 138, ss, 25xlC0 xluO to Ormond pl, x 65.8 to beginning I due, abt $13.2"0) \s Springit, No. 154, ss, 2 x80 Schermerhorn st, n e cor Clinton st, 71.1x75. ... J South st, Nos. 34 and 33, 78.4 s w Old slip, 36.6x87, Grand st. No. 311, s e cor Ludlow s^t, Sl.tOx'iS.. Jolm M, Uhler agt Phebe Uhler et al.; parlition; two five-story brick stores, by E. H. Ludlow & Division st. No. 1S6, n s, 29.4x62xl8.4x70 att'y, G. V. Brower s ^Co. (Partition sale) 19 Elizabeth st. No. 44. e s, 2 ixlOO J Union st. No. 120, s s, 83 e Columbia st, 20.6x100. Gth av, n w cor 85th st, 97.6x100. vacant, by B. Howard Conkling agt LoriUard Spsncer aid Warren A. Jnmes agt William Rose; att'y, M. H Smyth. (Amount due, abt $5,835) j 0 Sarah G. his wife, Catharine L. Wolfe, Peter Topping 10 46th st. No. 417, n s, 200 w Oth av, 20x100.5, three-l" Lorillard and Emily T. his wife etal : partition; 2 Vst sfc, sws, 75 se 4th av. 25x100. Franz N*-w- story stone front dweU'g 1 £t 'ys, Man & Parsons ;...' 10 man agt Clara Mang et al.; action to set aside 1st av. No. 795, w s, 80.9 s 45th st, 19.7x50, five- f Delan- ey st. s e cor Slieriff st. 19x63 T conveyance; att'y, Louis S: Turner 10 storv brick store and tenem't J Sheriff st, e s, 63 s Delancey st. 21.6x4 f ! Norfch Oth st,s s, 100 e 6th .st. 25x100. Henry E. by R. V. Harnett. (Partition sale) 19 ALSO South 3d St. n s. 75 e Gth st, 25xl40x5fx { Valentine and ano., exrs. S. Valentine, agt Dav­ 76th st, n s, 200 e 2d av, 75x102.2. vacant, bv R. V. irreg., Williamsbure-, N. Y J id McAuslan et al.; foreclos"; 2 morts.; afcfc'y, W. Harnett. (2d mort; amount due, abt$4,600;. 1st C.^arles Rayher agt VVilhelmina Sparman and Gleason.... 10 mort., $2,000) 19 David Sclilientz; aciion to quiet title or for par­ Paciflc st, centre line, s s, 242 e centre line Sche­ 128th st. No. 253 E., 19x74.11, threestory brick tition ; amended notice ; att'y, George .W. Van nectady av, 64.1x142.2. Caroline E. Partridge dweU'g, by Louis Meser 19 Siclen i n agt Martin Fullerton et al.; att'y, N. P. O'Brien. 10 2.Qfch st. No. 414, s s, 225 w Oth av, 3p.x9P.9, foui-'- Broadway, No. 68, s e s, extends to NeV st, '23.5)" North Oth st. s e cor 1st st, centre line, runs south story brick tenem't and threestory brick tene­ on Broadway 23 10 on New st, 119.5 on one i to 2d sfc. X soufcherly fcocentr e Norfch Sth st, x east ment in rear, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount due. si'ex irreg to F. Titus farm line, x south to centre North Oth abt $18,900) 20 Wall st, No. 97, s w s, 20.6x40.0, 1-5 part 'of 'lC6'.6 | sfc. X wesfc to noinfc 200 w 2d st. x south 130 x west Findlay pl, s s. 309.G e Central av, 100x200, to ft. in Pier No. 5, North River 1 into the East River to exterior line, x northeast Clarke pl, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount due. abt Fulton st, No. 8, s w s, 112 w South st, lO.lOx to corner of Isfc st and North 6th st afc centre $2,000) .: ; 20 69.2 lines, X easfc 230 x norfch 260 to centre North 7th Valentine av, w s, ICO n Central av, 50x100, by R. Beaver st. No. 1, n s, 33.1 e Broadway, '23.2x49.V, | st, X east 200 to 2d st, x north 23'1 to North Sth st, V. Harnett. (Amount due, abt $.3,400) 20 irreg., together with use of yard in rear !- X west 430 to centre 1st st, x north 290 to centre Lexington av. No. 487, o s, 80.5 s 47th st, 20x8b, Water st. No. 237, s e s, 25x72.8 North 9th st, point beginning, excepting North four-story stono front dweU's, by Scott & 45 nnd 5-2-100 acres artj. land of Grouverneur 6th sfc, centre line, w 3, 130 s Isfc st, 100x130x2-30 Myers. (Amount due, abt $17,800) go Eibby and extdg tq jSudson Rive-, and being (•?) fcocentr e 1st st. x51x130x80 to centre North Oth Railroad av, part of lot 59 on map village of Upper part of farm late of-John Warner, la':e Yonk­ sfc. Ida C. Von Briesen agt Annah B. Bush et Morrisania, 27x150, by Sheriff, at Citv Hall 20 ers, now 'he City of New York al.; action to vacate; att'y, Isaac L. Egbert 11 Broadway, late Post road leading from New York TurnpiKe leading from New York to Albany, Van Cott av, s w cor Kingsland av, 100x100. George to Albany, nws, 199x424 fo Church st, x 19-i.lOx w s. adj land ;Wm, Semler, contairs 29 and L. Kingsland et al., exrs. A. C. Kingsland, agt 452. by Louis Mesier. (Amount due, abt $l6i.750). 21 59 100 acres .' • Linda i\J. Moore etal.; amended notice; att'ys, Macdougal st, w s, abt 146 n Bleeeki r st, 25x150 2 James H. Jores agt Anne W. wife of and Charles Taylor, Ferris & Thompson n to Minetta st, x29.10xl35.1; No. 101 Macdougal Su.ydam et al. ; amended notice ; partition ; South 3d st, n s. 75 e Oth sfc, runs north 140 x east st, two-story brick dweU'g; No. 9 Minetta st, two­ att'ys, MitcheU& Mitchell n 50 X south 40 X west 25 x south 100 to South 3d sfc, story frame dwell'g and two-story frame stables 22d.st, s s, 350 w 10th av, 25x9.=?.8 1 xwest to beginning. Charles Rayher agfc Wil­ in rear, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount due. abt 8th av, e s, 49.4 s 38th st, 24 8xlC0 helmina Sparman and ano.; action to enjoin de- $5,150) 21 24th St. Nos. 36 to 54 W., s s, 214 e Oth av, 179x feodants from claim of any kind against above 54th st. No. 55, n s, 141 e Madison av, 22x100.5, fpui-- £89.. I property;att'y.G.W. VanSiclen.... 11 story stone front dweU'g. by E. F' Raymond. 22d st, Nos. 409 and 411, n e s, 66.8 n w 9t;h av.i Nassau sfc. n s, 195 e Bridge sfc, 2 x9?.10x20x96.9, (Partition sale) 21 16.8x98.9 with all title to Hart's alley. John Skelly agt 31st st, No. 156 W., s s, IOO e 7th av, 23x93:9, three­ 21st St. No. 230, s s, 416.1 e 8th av. 16x92 .J Henry Barkeloo; att'y. A. W. S. Proctor. 11 story brick buUdlng, by R. V. Harnett. (Parti­ John Van ?aun, Jr., agt Jane McDonald, Dean st, n w cor Bond sfc, 20x70. Howard J. tion sale) 21 formerly Jane McCrea. and Robert McDonald Forker agfc WUliam Banta, Jr., et al.; att'ys. A. 105th st, n s, 250 e 4th av, 16.8x100.11, three-story her husband etal.; action for claim of $1,973; H &W.E. Osborn ! ..... ]o stone front dweU'g, by E. H. Ludlow & ro. atty', D. S. Riddle. n Meserole sfc, n s, 75 e Leonard st, 25x100. Wil­ (Amount due. abt $1,725) ' 29 2d av, n w cor 49th st, 50x80. Thomas P. Corri­ liam B. Hurd agt Elmira H. Rhineharl et al.; Mott av, e s, 83.4 s 135th st. 16.8x101.4, by P. F". gan agt Susan wife of and James A. Duggan att'y, W. B. Hurd. Jr 12 Meyer. (Amount due, abt $3,475) ' 23 et al.; part ition; att'y, G eo. S. Wilkes 12 North 2d sfc, n s, 175 w Ewen st, .50x100. Eh"za 40th st, n s, 416.8 w 7th av. 2 lots, each 16.8x98.9.. \ Whitaker agt WUliam W. Brownell et al;'parti­ 41st sr, s s, 4-20 w 7th av, 20x98.9 1 tion; att'y, C. H. Otis ].^ 104th st, ss, 260 w4thav, 2.5x100.11 l Lafayette av, n s, 279 w Nostrand av, 20x10'. KINGS COUNTY. 103d st, n S, 250 w 4th av, 25x100.11 I Ginditta Dolfin, admrx.'J. Dolfin, agt Mary H. April. 41st st, s s, 400 e Sth av, 20.6x98.9 J Brown et al.; att'y, J. L. Marcellus 14 Flatbush av, s e cor Wyckoff st. 146.1x85 Gxll.lOx Ce'estiiie Mullins agfc Catharine wife of and Herkimer s% s s, 3-35 w Alban}' av, 52.8x185.6 163.3, by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st ... 17 David Dowling et al.; action for admeasurement Jane Van Wyck agt Elihu M. Wud or Weed; Catharine st, e s, 125.10 n Clove road junction, SOx of dower; att'ys, Coudert Bros 13 att'ys, S. W. & H. W. Gaines it 143.1 to Clove road, x 64.4x102.7, Flatbush, by J Chrystiest, s wcor Hesterst,21x50 » Bushwick av, easterly cor W^iUiam »t. 100x100 Cole.at389 Fulton... 19 Chrystie st. e s, adj, 2.S.6x50 f Mary V. Stratton agt Lydia a. Torrey. The Degraw st, s e cor Bond st, 50x100, by J. Cole, at Charles C. Hunt agt AnnaB. Hunt et al; parti­ Brooklyn & Rockaway Beach R. R. et al.; att'v 339 Fulton st 19 tion ; att'ys, Timothy F. Neville 14 S.B.CaldweU ... ''' 14 4th st, e s, 75 s South Sth st. 22x103 6, by E. W. Van 24th st, n s, 3r5 w 9th av, 25x98.9 ) Herkimer st, n s, 90 w Utica av, 17.6x100. J. N. Vranken. ref.. at Court House 19 SOth st, s s. 135 e 23 av, 25x100 I Tappen, as Chamberlain, agt Mary Donlon et al.: Public road leading from Sheepshead Bay towards 26th st, n s. bet 9th and 10th avs, 25x98.9 j att'ys, Redfield & Hill , 14 Coney Island Point at westerly angle of land Margaret Kuspert agt John C. Kuspert; action belonging to Coney Island Horfe Railroad G6., I »-> runs north 12r.6x256x2-20.10x860.6, by Thos. A. fp compel cohveyanee; att'y. W. M. McDougall. 14 Kerrigan, at 35 WiUoughby St. 19 90th st, n s, 133 e 4th av, 2x100.8x85.8x131.5. Aman­ McDonough st. n and s s, Nos. 181, 185,187,1931 da L. Gerard agt Susan I. Harris et al.; action to RECORDED LEASES. to 201, 205. 20r and 268 to 294; size of lots, Nos. set aside deed; att'y, George H. Starr n 288 to 204, each. 18.9x100; others are, each. NEW YORK. Per year 2.1x100; twenty-five three-story brown slone Broad st. No..86, second floor. Hollwedel & Lindahl to Muller & Kruger; 2 years, from houses FORECLOSURE SUITS. Lewis av, bet Mason and Halsey sts, Nos. 366,368 Mayl,1882 ... $1400 April Broadway. No. 496, basement, H first floor ' and 370 ^ size of lots Nos. 306 and 368, each, 4 x Peck slip. No. 7, n e s, 15.10x73.6. Ann Burrell agt 95; No. 370 is 30x95; three three-story frame and third, fourth and fifth lofts. Moses Ahrend Drucker et al.; att'y, W. G. Ulshoeffer.. 8 Friedenwald to Felix J. and Mayer J. Ro­ (brick-filled) houses , Willis av. w s, 75 s 147th st, 75x106. August Freu- senberg; Syears. from Feb 1,1881 4 750 Macon st, n e cor Marcy av, 2 xlOO, three-story 1- tal agt Michael Von Gerichten and Christine his frame (brick-filled) dweU'g wife et al.; att'y. Julius Heiderman 8 Cherry st. No. 186. Margaret Sutton efc al. to Bergen st. No. 472, near Flatbush av, 20x112 6, | Timothy O'Brien; 3 years, from May l, Academy sfc, w s, extg from Post av to Sherman 1883 903 four-story brick flat with store j av, 310x400. Joseph H. Godwin agt Mary and Tompkins pl. No. 50. near Degraw st, 20x112.6, Leonidas P. Williams et al.; att'y. B E Mc­ Easfc Broadway, No. 201. Caroline Edler'to three-story brick house I Louise Hansen; 3 years, from May 1, 1882. 1 2 0 Cafferty '. . IQ Fro,nfc St. No. 1, second story offices. Theodore 9th av, near Union st, iOO n President st. 25x100, 1 Bayard st, s s. 150 w Bowery, "25x85! "United two-story brick house G. Chamberlin to O. O. Bennett; 1 year States Trust Co. of New York, as guardian of from May 1, 1883 4CO Gowanus canal and Hamilton av, about twenty- ( Richard F. Carman, agt Aima Rugen, individ. five lots with water front, &c.. J andas admrx. of Claus Rugen et al.; att'y, Wm. Front st. No. 203. Herbert B. Turner, trustee byR. V. Harnett, at 379 Fulton st I P. G. Hart, dec'd, to WiUiam Wainwright; A.W.Stewart,*.. u 3 years, from Maiy 1,1882 from 2,100 to 2,503 380 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. April 15, 1882

Grand st. No. 243. Henry Matthews, Brook­ Harrison, E M—W Sigler, Montclair 1,800 lyn, to Richard and Robert Lavery; 10 yrs, Heald. D A—F M Eppley. West Orange 450 from May 1, 1883 from Mav 1 to Aug. 1. N. Y. STATE. Hey 1, H H—J A Radler, Bergen st 2,515 $687; from Aug. 1 to Nov. 1. $687, and there­ Hodges, J W—F R Lee, East Orange 4,500 after per year $5,500, besides which lessees DITCHESS CODNTT. Home Ins Co, of Newark, N J—A V Davis, South are to erect a building to cost $15,0 0. Oth st ; 410 Henrv st. No. 142. David D. Toal to Charles E. MOKTGAGES. Howard Savings Inst—M Thomson, East Kinney Nainmack; 3 j-ears, from May 1. 1882 600 Briggs, Chester A, Millerton—Phebe Brown $1.roO st .: 2,500 James st. No. 94. Mary Bossuet to Henry Brown, Mary, Poughkeepsie—Daniel P Harris... 1,000 Jedel, Solomon—C Wallslein. Prince st 1,450 Barg; 5.vears, from Sept. 1. 1S82 900 Brown, Nathaniel, Wappingers Falls—Abram S Kingsley, G P—-H B Dale, Orange nom Madison st. No. 35, store ami cellar Clara M. Mesier -. 300 Klos. John—P H Derivaux, Howard st 13,800 Egan, widow, to Patrick Fanning; 2 years, Cook, Myra, North Kast—Samnel Cook. 300 Lipitt, Margaret—G Shottiswood, West Orange. 235 from May 1, 18S3; 700 Doty, Prtulin M. Pawling—Amelia A Stark 4,000 Lister. Alfred—J A Williams. Ferguson st 1,000 Scammel st, s e cor Monroe sfc. The New York Doty, Paulin M, Pawling—Emery Cole 1,000 Mauger, Nicholas—C L Bristol. Bathgate pl 3,500 Life Ins. and Trust Co., exr. and trustee R. Davis, John R. Beekman—Van Ness Denton. ... 1,000 Matthews, S B—J B Morquet. Warren st 6,000 Ray to Thcnias Shevelin ; 5 ye rs, from Do'and, Alice. Washingt n—Michael Fitzpatrick 330 McEntee, Jr. Michael—J Halligan, Soufch Orange 125 Mayi;i8S2 720 Frankiewiez, Leo, Wappingers Falls—Joseph D Merchanfcs' Ins Co, of Newark—L Davis, Wal­ Vesey st. No 39. George Merritfc. att'y of Han- Harcourt 200 lace st 1,400 nali B Merritt, to J:.mes W. Hamblet; 5 Grier, Andrew M, Fishkill—.Abigail Beach ,500 Meyer, Louis—R Trier. McWorther St 12,000 years, from May 1. l.*S3 4,,500 GregB-, William, Hyde Park—Wm Boyle,.: 3,000 North Jersey Land Co—G S Porter, Montclair.. 1,033 White st. No. i'6. Mary E. Brennan to WiUiam Hannah, Eliza, City of Poughkeepsie- Charles Parsons, Charles—E Tunison, Walnut st 6,750 Schierenbeck; 3 years, from May 1, 1882... 1,300 Joseph ...... SOO Ponet, El za—D Mabey, CaldweU 2,000 Worth st, Nos. 143 and 144, s s, 96.11 e Centre Hinnah, David. Dover Plains—Edwin Vincent.. 2,000 Same J W Mabey. Cald well 3,000 st, 51.8.x8->.rix43.-lxS3.1. Joseph L. Cum­ Hann.iih, Sam'l R, Do^-erPlains—Edwin Vincent. 1,000 Randall, J M—V L Davey, East Orange 1.-..'00 mings efc al. to Mellen & Co.; 3 years, from Hull, Sarah A, North East—Phebe Brown 800 Reid, Archibali—J Reid, East Orange nom May 1. ISSl 4,500 Hull, Sarah A. Millerton—Theodore H Hiserodt. 1,700 Reid, John—A Reid, East Orange nom Washington sfc. No. v'16. Samuel H Everett to Hoag. Wm J, Dover—H W Briggs ... 1,200 Robinson, Douglas—F M Eppley, West Orange. 2,000 Thomas I. Madge; 3 yrs., from May i, 1683 2,4 0 Humston, Abby, Dover—M.yi-on Edmonds 550 Schiechofer, .Jacob-J GbssWeyler, Clinton 100 Washington st. No 216. Thomas I. Madgre to Jone. Theodore Y. Dover-Eawin Vincent 1,000 Schwing, W F—S H Green, East Orange 6,000 Wessels & Co.; 2 years, from May 1, 1882. 2,400 Marah, John. North East—Loda Halstead 160 Shaw, J A—H T Fish, Roseville av. 1,325 William st. Nos. 3. 5 and 7. and 1 an I 3 South McKernan, Wm. Lagrange—John C Shear. ..-. 900 Sippel, Frederick—A Lister. West Orange 1,700 William sfc. John Dewsnap fcoVieto r Fort- Osborn, Robert H, Pawling—Ira Pearll 1,000 Spencer, H A—A C Sands, Stone st 3.100 wengler; 3 year.s, from May 1, 1882 9,900 Rodgers. James, Fishkill—Mechunics' Savings Tichenor. S W—J Eastwood. South Orange nom WiUiam st, secor Beekman st, basement; 8 Bank .. 500 Tillou, J B—T Fleming. Jr, South Orange 1,700 years, from May 1. 1883 600 Winegar. Wheeler, North East—Lorraine L Trusdell, W N—W A Righter, Market st nom WUiiam st. Nos 5 and 7, store. Victor Forfc- Jones 1,500 Turnoff. Jacob—B Dow, Bloomfleld 315 wengler to Rapaport & Fischer, Brooklyn: Wolcott. Mary. Pine Plains—Pe'erPiester...... 2.500 Van Rensselaer. SVC, sheriff — H Congar 3 years, from Jlay 1, 1SS3 :. ..;.. 2,000 Wood, Isaac N, FishkiU—Anthony J Edwards... 400 Academy St.... 400 1st sfc. No. 1-2, n e cor Extra pl Samuel D. Van'Rensselaer, SVC, sheriff—L Ingalls, Hal­ Barnes et al. to Kauffman Bros.; 6 1-6 years, CHATTEL MOKTGAGES. • sey st 250 from March 1, ISSO ; 1,300 Robinson. Nathan L, Poughkeepsie—James H Van Rensselaer, SVC, sheriff—C. Van Vorst, 10th st, n s, 3.'0 ft Av D, 94.9x180x94 9 to llth st, Dudley, shop tools , 1,800 West Orange 2.000 X 26x— to 10th st, X -300.8, with water rights, Robinson, Nathan L, aud Elias G Hopkins, Warner. C H—R R Howard, North 9th st 5,000 &e. George Law and ano.. exrs. Geo. Poughkeepsie—James HDudley, boiler 350 Weeks, C L, et al—H Baldwin, Bloomfield nom Law, to The National lee Co.; 10years, Van Dyne, J Howard, Poughkeepsie—Samuel . WiUiams, L J—M L WiUiams, Livingston, lOO fromMay 1, 1883 6,000 Samelson, piano . 112 Will^gerod, Oscar—B L Dodd. Orange nom • 23d st. No. 11 W. Louise E. Moulton to Nathan • JUDGMENTS. Wilson, A L—W J McGall et al. West Orange.... 2,600 Clark; 10 years, from May 1, 1SS2 ...... 4,C00 Wright, William, sheriff-^B & M Stern, Charlton 23d sfc. No. 23 W. Phillips and Lloyd Phoenix, Freeman, George A—Tristram Coffin, as exr 48 st 2,825 individ.. and wiih ano., exrs and trustees Howland, Courtland S, and John McLean, Wrighfc, William, sheriff—C Parsons, Bloomfleld 700 S. W. Phoenix, to Nathan Clark, Sr.; 10 PuUghkeepsie—Poughkeepsie Nat Bank 285 JBSame New York Life Ins Co, East Orange. 3.S0O year.s, from May 1, 1883 8,000 Lewis, Azor B. Poughkeepsie — George L Wrighfc, WiUiam. sheriff—The Mayor, etc, of 26th st, No 417 W , store, back room and parfc Husted ; 151 Newark, 7th av 1,550 of cellar. Peter McGowan to Matthew Post, James' S, Poughkeepsie—Poughkeepsie . . CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Foley; 5 years, from May 1, 1883 420 NatBank 379 2Dlh st. No. 522 W., store and p.'?rt second floor. Brantigan, Ellen, cor Livingston and West Kin­ Mary King to Edward McCabe; 3 years, ney sts—W R Clarkson & Co, horse, wagon, bakery fixtures .-. 1,500 from Feb. 1,1882 288 ORMGE COUNTY. 32d sfc. No. 330 E. Henry P. Townsend to Louis Bugler, Charles, 125 South Orange av—C A Leh­ Biljes; 2 years, from May 1. 1881 .. .. 500 MORTGAGES. mann, pool table 125 32d St. No. 559 W. Bridget Phelan to George Burkhardt, J J, 253 Ferry sfc—A H Burkhardfc, Becker; 3 years, from May 1, 1883 1,100 Coyle, Peter—Chas L Mead, Monroe .- $400 grocery stock and fixtures 625 41st sfc, No. 161 W , n e cor Tth av. Theodore Cooper. Lewis V—W S McClennan, Monroe .... 2,000 Dowd, T M, Orange—A M Weiss, pool cable and M. Roche to Henry Sherlock; 1 year, from C!rist, Nelson—Allen Van Hagen, Newburgh 800 fixtures 150 May 1. 1883 1,400 Crist, Ann E—Clarissa Pitter, Montgomery 300 England, C W, 16 Clinton st—H Kinnard, furni­ 61sfc st. No. 212 E. A. Barents to Lewis Wes­ Connor, Elizabeth — Catherine Jewell, Mont­ ture 700 sel ; 1 year, from May 1, 1883 1,000 gomery 200 Henderer, Louise. 392 Orange st—H Eber,billiard 75th st, s s, li'O w 3d iiv. 50x103.2. Bridget Con­ Cummen, James—J M BuU, Chester. 1,800 table and fixtures : 110 way, individ.. and as guard , to Thomas K. Dumond, Sidney I—R H Hays, Newburgh ... .1,000 Magoseh, Joseph, 88 Market st--G Geibel, saloon O'Brien; 10 years, from May 1, 18S3 400 Ford Benjamin-^Nelson Secor, Monroe 3,000 •fixtures and furniture .' 3,020 76th sfc. No. 205 E. Nellie H. Smith to Jager James, Thomas H—D D McKoOn, Walkill. ..;.. 2.000 McLaughlin, Frank, Hillyer st, Oranee—T. F. Brothers; 1 year and 4 months, from Feb. Louden, Dorinda S—William Selleck, Middletown ' 700 Brennan. furniture....; 90 Mapes, Henry—Lewis H Marvin, Monroe 1,000 Melville, Alexander, 412 Halsey st—O W Jones, 1,1882 1,000 Maybe. Munsen—Elizabeth M Case, Middletown 200 saloon flxtures ;... 130 125th st, n s. 40 e 6th av, 20 ft. front. Frede­ McLean, Arthur A—James Mackin, Newburgh. 1.200 rick Boehm to Meyer & Thees; 3 years, Montgomery, Henry, 20 Clinton st -W B Sinnock, from April 15, 18S3. per year, $.500; renew­ Miller. Henry J—County Treasurer, Goshen 1,000 totel furnifcure and fixfcures 360 al. 2 years ; "OCO Monfcross, Joseph H—D Parrit, Highlands SOO Mumford, t) A, Hotel Bristol—A T Compton, Av A, No. 95. .store floor. Marcus Adler fco Mulligan, John E—Mary W Lockwood, New hotel furniture and fixtures 5,000 Isaac Bock: 25 months, from April 1, 1883. 1,200 Windsor .....'.. 1,000 Ortmann, Edward, 543 Market st—J Kastner, Pleasant av, or Av A. n w cor 121st st, store. Mulligan, M J—A S Cassedy^ exr. New Windsor. ;;',500 saloon fixtures 100 John B. Haskin to Edwin Gammon: 3 Robbins, Roberfc S—J Van Duzer, Mfc Hope 1,200 Schumacher. Frederick, South Orange—C J years, from Dec. 1, 1881; 1 year at $000 and Baske.v, George—Jno Burner, Chester 300 Sippell, 5 cows, 3 horses, wagon 310 2 years at 720 Reynolds, Jost^ph T—Leander Clark, Newburgh 2,000 Seaman, Valentine, 3 Beacon st—I Planer, 10 1st av. No. 1493, s w cor 78th st. Henry W. Reynolds, Jo.«eph T—Edson H Ciark, Newburgh 4,500 cows 268 Van Twistern to Louis Slenderraan; 3 yrs., Roe, Emily—lydia A Thompson. Goshen 75 Stahl, E C. 872 Broad st—E J Stahl, sewing ma­ from May 1,1883 9C0 Sw-ezey, Elizabeth T—Sarah A Knight, Monroe. &,000 chines and stock 500 1st av. No. 1493, store aud backroom. H. W. Shaw, Charles B—Cornelia,Graham, Newburgh 5,000 Stahl, E G, 872 Broad st—F C Stahl, sewing ma­ Van Twi>;lern to Lonis Blenderman; 3 Smith, Sidney—Harriefc Smith, Mt Hope yearly 72 chines and stock 500 years, fromMay 1. 1SS3 90O Smith, Sidne.v—Mary Kelly, Mt Hope '...... 600 Trembley, Benjamin, Madison st—0 F Ruerup, 2 2d av. No. 161:3. William Ottmann to John B. Smithum, Rebecca A—DensiUa Weny, Minisink. .4,000 horses, harness, wagon 100 Bechamps; -^ years, from .)an. 1. 1880., 216 Swartwout. Abram—Chas St John, Deerpark. . 5,000 Ward, H C, 208 Summer av—W H Hamilton, fur­ 2d av. No. C.n4, store floor and part basement. JUDGMENTS. niture 311 West, Nathaniel, 28 Mechanic st—J Watson, bar. 62 Joseph Strohmenger to Alphous Dryfoos; Briggs, Thomas—Jesse W Canfield 816 lyear, fromMay 1, 1883 780 Kennedy, Patrick—James S Fisher 62 JUDGMENTS. 3d av. No. 453. Helen Thomson to Jacob Lawrence, Daniel S—Ed ward W Washburn 28 Bowers. William—A H Bowers 433 Hahn; 3 years, from May 1. 1882 1,900 Patterson. James—Edward W Washburn • 87 3d av. No. 545. Cafcharine Marscheider fco Silver, Marks—Joseph Moss 400 Orton, Jr. J D—W B Durand et al 170 Ernst D. Bode; 5 years, from May 1,1883 Same Gabriel J Beck 600 2,400 and 2,500 Terwilliger, Abraham D—Edwin T Shedmore... 446 3d av. No. "3291, store, basement and first floor. HEiDSON COUNTY. James Wood to George Ruppell; 3 years, pss^ from May 1, 1883 2,200 3d av. No. 433, store. Eliza Lowfcher et al., CHATTEL MOBTGAGES. exrs. Chas. Lowther. to Ernst Scheer; 3 NEW JERSEY. years, from May 1,1883 — ;... 900 Baumgartner, Martin, Union—G Jann, straw hat 3d av, No. 1301, store floor and basement. pressing machines 1,000 Moritz Bauer to John H. Peper and Chas. ESSEX COCNTY. Cole, E B and L P, Weehawken—M Paul, print­ Ohlhaver; 5 years, from April 1, 1882 2,480 ing business. 325 CONVEYANCES. Cozine, Mary J, Hoboken—A Baumann. carpets. 85 3d av. No. 1203, s w cor 70th st, store and base­ Larkin, Michael—J M Brunswick & Balke Co, ment. John L. Macaulay to Gustav F. Ackerman. J J—I Ackerman, Bloomfield $300 pool table, &c 200 S"hlusing & Co.; 3 years, from May 1, American Ins Co—M Walter, Broad sfc 4,500 Martin, Chester, Hoboken—J M Brunswick & 1882 1,200 and 1,300 Arnold, Richard, et al—B Voigt, 16th av 15,000 Balke Co, pool table 88 3d av. No. 1291. store and part of cellar. E. Baldwin, Henry—C L Weeks, Bloomfield nom Phelps, Anna C3. Hoboken—A Baumann, carpets 101 Christian Korner to Bernhard Curry; 3 Baldwin, J D—S A Miller, Tichenor sfc 5,000 Pordebond SUk Mfg Co, North Bergen—G T years, from May 1, 1832 1,200 Baldwin, W H, et al—L Carter, Beecher st 1,900 Victor,et al, silk manufactory 5,000 3d' av, No. 1''30. store and basement. John Bowers. G W—O H Bowers, Easfc Orange 2,000 Schmandt. Elise and August, Hoboken—J Hoff­ Gray to M. H. Moses & Co.; 5 years, from Bunce, R D—E Law, Bloomfleld 1,800 man, 3 meat chopping machines 800 Mayl, 188J .' 1,200 Campbell. F H—W A Righter, Market st nom Schmidt. Francis and. J B Gaechter—Delphine Sfch av, w s, 49.11 s 155fch st, .50x100. Lucene Clark, MS—E Tunison, New Yorkav.... 460 Gaechter, dyeing business 1,000 Gunning, Norwalk, Conn., to Charles Kes­ Coeyman, Samuel—F B AUen, Mt. Prospect av.. 300 Titus, Christian—8 B Vreeland, horse, wagon sel; 2 years, from May 1, 1883 400 Corner, B M—.American Baptist Home Mission and cow lOO Sfch av, w s. 49 11 s 155th st, 50x100. Lucene Soc, Clinton.... nom Waas, Charles, Union Hill—J B Brunswick & Gunning, Norwalk, Conn., to Charles Kes­ Cox, T J—L F Cooper, Easfc Orange 1,700 Balke Co, pool table. 175 sel ; 3 years, from May 1,1880 350 Cox, J V—H L Stout, Quitman sfc 1,000 9fch av. No. 795, s w cor 53d st. Jlaria Hahn to Dale, G L—G P Kingsley. Orange nom BILLS OF SALE. Gerhard Depken; 3 yrs, from Mayl, 1SS3. 1,150 Devine, J J—B D Folley, South 14th st 1,000 Dexheimer. C T—J H Seeback, barber shop 75 Dietrich, Philip—S W Tichenor, South Orange... nom 9th av. No. 386, store and basement. Robert Sommers, T H—Lomsa Stoddard.'.drug store.... 557 Walsh to Lena wife of Wm. Kuhn; 5 years, Fellinghast, C M—A M Crommelin. Orange 12,000 from Jan. 1, 1883 600 Firemen's Ins Co of Newark—E J Howe, Bergen JUDGMENTS. st 1,163 Callahan, James, and Michael Reardon, firm of llth av. No. 740, store floor and basement. Folley, B D—J A N Tichenor, North 3dst 2,835 Callahan & Reardon—H Welsh 147 Anna A. Ihlenburg to George Bieser; 3 Frazee, M E—L Darby, Thomas st...... 1,266 Same C L West et al no years, from Mayl. 1882 540 Guild, W B, exr—J Blewitt, Richards st 2,000 Coleman, Patrick—G Hauser 185 April 15,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 381

Ettling, David—Hirsch, ChUds & Co 153 MARKET QUOTATIONS. Pine, very choice and er. dry, ¥ M ft, 860 00® 870 00 Flemming, Mark—A M Dodge et al 47 Pine, good., 55 00® 60 00 Our figures are based upon cargo or wholesale valu Pine, shipping box 21 00® 22 50 ations in the main. Due aUowance must therefore E*ine. common box 13 00® 20 OC PASSAIC COUNTY. be made forthe natural additions on jobbing and Pine, common box. % 16 00® 18 00 MORTGAGES. retail parcels. Rne taUy plank, lJ4,10in., dres'd ea. 50 Berry, Jane—Wm Roome. Wayne T'p $300 BRICK. Cargo attoa. Pine, taUy plank. IM, 2d quality 3» Bogertman, Tip—Aarb Bakalaar, Hancock st... 800 Pine, tally planks. IM. cuUs 30 Pale .... ^M. ?3 50 @ 5 00 3 @ 32 Braen. Elizabeth — John D Ackerman, East Jerseys 8 25 a 9 00 Pine, taUy boards, dressed, good Main st , 1,200 Pine, taUy boards, dressed, common. 25® 38 Longlsland @ 9 25 25 Brown, John J —Robert Barbour et al, trusfcee, Up-Rivers ^ Kne, strip boards, culls, dressed 23® Clark st io,000 Pine, strip boards, merchantable 18® 20 Haverstraw Pav. 2ds 9 25 © iS 37J^ I'ine. strip boards, clear 24® v6 Beriner, Catherine—Wm Row, Benson st 575 Haverstraw Bay, Ists. 9 50 @ Corrigan, Edward—Pat Mutual B & L Assoc, Pine, strip plank, dressed clear 33® 35 Favorite brands —:- © Spruce boards, dressed 25® Union av 2,000 Hollow Fire Clay Brick...; 9 00 @ 9 25 Cowen, John-^EfiBe Kip, Lewis st "....: llofiO Spruce, plank, IM incn, each 25® 26 Collins. John J—T P Grunnell, Passaic ...... : 200 FRONTS. Spruce, plank, 2 inch, each 40 Donlevy, Patrick J—Wm Crossett, cor Grand Croton and Croton Points—Brown ^ M.811 25® Spruce plank. IMin.. dressed 30 and Main sts 11,500 Oroton " " • —Dark 13 SSg, -^— Spruce plank, 2in., dressed 45 Donaldson, Catharine — Clausia Van Riper, Jroton " •• —Red 13 S5a SprucewaU strips 15® 16 Madison st 500 (Philadelphia 35 00 a f pruce timber ^S M ft. 20 00® 25 00 Donlevy, Patrick J — George Beesley, Slater st 1,000 TVentOD 35 00® Hemlock boards each 17® 18 Doherty, John - Marietta Labor. Vroom st 300 Baltimore. 45 00® Bt lulock joist. 2)4 x4 16® 17 Dowling, Edward —John Haydock, Acquacka­ Clark's Ottawa White 25 00® Hemlock joist, 8x4 It® 20 Hemlock joist, 4x6 40® 44 nonk T'p...... ".... 1.200 Yard prices 50c. per M higher, or. with delivery Dowling, Daniel—Peter Bergin et al, Marshall st I.OLO •-^ good «Mft. 55 00® added, $2 per M for Hard 8'd $3 per M for front Oak ; 65 00 Dowling, Edward—Peter Bergin et al, Acquack­ Brick. For delivery add 85 OA. Philadelphia, Trenton 60 on® anonk T'p 2,000 Maple,euU 25 00® 30 00 and Ottawa, and S6 on Baltimore. .50 00 Edwards, Edmund — HA Williams et al, trus­ FIRE BRIC^ Maple, good 45 00® tees, Grand st 7,000 Chestnut 48 00® 52 00 Ernst, Frederick—Anton Stehulka. Union av... 150 Welsh ."0 00 @ 40 00 Cypress, 1,1}4, 2 and 2i^ in 35 00® 40 0 Fidler, Isaac—Edward Salisbury, Willis st ..... 2,600 English . 3u 00 ® 45 00 Black Walnut, good to choice 115 00® 125 0 Gould, James—A S "erb une. West Milford T'p.. 115 Silica, Lee-Moor. 30 00 @ 40 00 Black Wahiut, % fe5 00®10 0 00 Havens, Wm H—Patrick Lee, Paterson st 3,000 Silica, Dinas -....50 00 @ 65 00 Black Walnut, solected and seasoned 150 00® 175 00 Hunter, Arthur—Andrew N. Van Riper, Wayne White EnameUed, English size, per M.lOO 00 @ Black Walnut counters ^ ft. 23® 28 T'p 800 do do domesti'". size 85 00 ® Black Walnut, fxS 15^0 CO® 160 00 Same Richard Van Riper, Wayne T'p.. Warm Buff facing, domestic size 45 00 @55 00 Black Walnut, 6x6 150 00© 160 00 Same Martin R Van Riper, Wayne T'p..... American, No. 1 c5 00 (a 40 00 Black Walnut, 'ix7 , 175 0U@ 180 00 Same John H Van Riper, Wayne T'p American, No. 2 27 50 ® 35 00 Black Walnut, 8x8 175 00® ISO 00 Labor, Marrietta—Mary Demarest, Market st... Cherry, wide ...^ M ft. IdO 00® I2u 00 Lawrence, Daniel J—Thos T Probert, Madisoii CEMENT. Cherry, ordinary 60 00® 80 00 st Rosendale sp bbl. $1 10 @ 125 Whitewood, inch 45 00® 50 00 Levi, Lewis—Jane Mercelis, Carroll st Portland. Saylor8 American 2 40 @ 2 65 Whitewood, 56in 35 00® 40 00 Lewis, Stephen—Pat Savings Institution, Tyler st 900 Portland (EngUsh) . .. 2 75 @ 3 50 Whitewood, % panels 45 00® 50 00 Murphy, Elizabeth C—Mary IQuin etal, John st. 675 Portland Laf arge 3 40 @ 3 60 Shingles, extra shaved pine,18in. ^ M 5 00® 6 00 Martin. John—Loonard Den Blaker, Linden st.. 400 Portland K. B. & S 3 20 @ 3 35 Shingles, extra shaved pine, 16in 3 75® 4 00 McCaffrey, James—Wm S Anderson, State st. Portland Burham 2 90 ® 3 00 Shingles, extra sawed pine. 18in 4 00® 5 CO Passaic 345 Lime of TeU 2 30 @ 8 50 Shingles, clear sawed pine, l6in ^ 75!$ 4 00 McGrath, Patrick—Peter O'Donnell. Clay st 575 LimeofTeU ig ton 15 00 ® 18 C6 Shingles, cypress, 24x6 18 00® 20 00 McLoan, James R—George Banta, North 4th st. 500 Roman ^ bbl 2 75 @ 3 4 Shingles, cypress, 20 x 6 10 00® 12 00 Mutual B & L Association—Henry B Crosby et Keene's & Martin's coarse 6 00 @ 6 5 Yellow pine dressed flooring. V M ft. 30 00® 40 00 al, Broadway 15,000 Keene's & Martin's fine 10 50 © 10 7 YeUow pine girders 32 50® 40 00 Northrop, Absolom — Elizabeth C Farrelly, Cattle 19 bushel of 7Ib..l6®13 Locust nosts, Sft ^ in. 18® 20 Locust posts, 10ft 24® 25 Lafayette av, Passaic 5,000 Goat 25228 Nolan, Ann—Louis V Harrold, Close sfc '300 Locust posts, 12ft ., 29® 34 Nuckins, Augustus—A S Terhune, West Milford IRON. Chestnut posts ?1 ft. 3® Cargo rates 10 per cent. ofl:. T'p 300 Duty.—Bar, 1 to l^^c. ^ lb; RaUroad, 70c. Jp lOOH Orth wein, Peter—J Price, Market st 6,700 BoUer and Plate, IJ^o. W tt; Sheet, Band Hoop and " PAINTS AND OILS. Overbeck, Lambert—Henry G Carlough, Norfch ScroU, 1)4 to l?^c. ^ tt; Pig. 87 ^ ton; Polished Sheet Straight 1,400 3c. ^ B; Galvanized, 2j^c. ^ tt; Scrap Cast, 86 « ton- Chalk block ^ ton 83 00 ® 83 50 O'DonneU, Elizabeth—J R Berdan, exr, Pater­ Scrap Wrojight, 88 # ton—aU less 10 per cent. No Bar Chalkinbbls ^ 1001b 35 @ 371^ son av 900 Iron to pay a less duty thau ti5 per cenfc. ad val. Chinaclay '$ ton 15 00 ® 22 00 Pollard Nicholas—Effle Kip, Spring •%k ;..- r... 1,500 Pig. Scotch, Coltness ?8 ton ??5 50® 26 GO Whiting, gilders. &c 70 ® 75 Perry, Theodore —Paterson Savings Inst, Easfc Pig. Scotch. Glengarnock; -34 OJ® 23 OO Whiting, common Ott 50 ® 55 23d st ..:.... 2,500 i^ s. Scotch, EgUnton 2a 00® s;3 50 Paris white, Eng ^ tt 1 23 @ 2 CO Plock, Conrad—Elizabeth Garrabrant, Acquack­ Fig. American. No. ^ 25 OJ® 26 OJ Paris white, American 90 ® 1 liO anonk T'p... -..-.. ...:•;...... ;...•.... 2.500 ?ig American, No. 2 23 10® 24 03 Lead, white, American, dry Same same. Acquackanonk T'p l 50a ^)4& Pig American, Forge 22 00® 23 50 liead. white.AirericaD, in oU pure Park, Agnes—J Hinchcliff, Mechanic st 600 7 ® BAR-Common. Store price. Lead, English, B.B. iu oil 6M Perry, Jane—G. G. Van Riper, WUlisst.. 300 Ix% to 6x1 flat... ..a 2.9 Lead, red, American Prest wick, Jennie—Samuel Holt, Hancock st... 1,500 li^ to 6x}4 and 5-16 flat 1 Litharge. American 6!4® Ryerson, Rachel A—T H Hayden, Hope av 800 and l>ixJ4 and 5-16flat ( -" 3.1 Litharge, English Rutan, Abram. and Chas Rutan—John H Hindle % round and square Ochre, French, dry Godwin st ....-..:...! .3,000 3 0 IM® 6)4 i| and 9-16 round and square 3 1 Venetian red, American 1 ® Ryerson, Alfred-Paterson Say Inst, Wayne av! 3J000 Venetian red. English ^% Rose, Adolphus—Paterson Mutual B & L Asso­ BAR—Reflned— Tuscanred, English 16 ® 13^ ciafcion, Hamburgh av .... ;... 1,500 Turkey red, English m Reid, Hugh and Joseph—Wm Fielding, West 25th' lx% to 6x1 flat ©30 12 ® 1 to 6x14 and 5-16 flat ® 3.3 Indian red..; . . <^,® 1)4 st 600 18 Stagg, Wm W—Lena Honman, Benson st 300 X to 2 round and square ® 3.0 VermiUon, Am.Lead n^@ Vermilion. English 15 Tichler, John J—G G Fichler et al, Matlock st.. 2,500 3>^ to 2% round and square.. ..; , , @ 3 2 '- 49 ® Carmine. American, No. 40 4 00 ® 7 Thompson, Margaref B—John" P' Brovvn, We.st 3 to 31^ round and sauare . ® 3.4 J2a MUford 2,000 2% to 4 round - ® 3.6 Ohrome, yeUow, in oil ... 12 ® 4Jr| to 43.^ round Orange Mineral. 8 ® 53 Tiers. Daniel—Paterson Mutual B & L Associa­ . @ 3.8 4 25 tion, Godwin st 2 ooo 4% to 5 round 4.3 @ 4.4 Paris green...... ' 16 @ Sienna, raw (American) 20 Van Vorhies, James^Elizabeth Simpson, Lane ' Rods—3-54fail-16 round and square .. 3.1 ® 4.9 Ovals—Half ovals and half rounds ... 3.4 Vienna, Italian lump 10 st ... . 300 ® 4.9 . 18 Band"-1 to 6x;!-16 No. 12 3.4 ® Sienna, Italian powdered 7 Van Voorhis. James—Edo I Vreeland, Matlock sfc 2,000 rjmber, American, raw & powd'd 3 Van Horn, Nicholas—Geo V De Mofct, Acquack- Hoop 3^ to 1>4 and UD 3.9 @ 5 9 11^® Horse Shoe—Mx?^ to 1^x5^ Umber,Turkey, lump 4 anonkT'p 3OO ® 3.6 8 ScroU 3.6 ® 5.8 Umber " powder 4J^® Van Houten, John H—Halwagh Van Houten, Drop Black. English 2 Manchester T'p ;..-. .. 400 Angle iron . @ 3.5 10 ® m •T'^^iron , 4.0 ® .4.1 Drop Black, American 10 ® 5 Veenstra, Conrad—Mary Ackerman, East Main Prussian blue ^.st 900 .WroughtBeams 3.9 ® 4.1 30 ® 15 Ultramarine blue Wilson, Isaac B—A S Terhune, West MUford T'p 2 500 common R. 6. 8 ® 14 Sheet. Imerican. American Ohrome green .. 10 60 Winfield, Edmund C—P S Pierson, Little Falls uxide zinc, American T'p 3 C(X) Nos. lOtoie « tt'3^® 4 @.,.. 4M® 25 Oxide zinc, French, V M G S Why te, Robt J—Catherine M Kip et al, Sheridan Nos. 17to20 -- 4M@-... 16 Nos. 21 to 24 Oxide zinc. French VMRS 6^3 Wi av 700 Nos. 25 10 26 , Pi,ASTER PARIS 9 CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Nos. 27 to 28 .5 @ 514 7)4 Broadway, Alfred. Passaic—Richard Cutwater, B.B. 2d quaUc3 Duty.--20 Per cent. ad. val. on calcined; lump, free horses and wagons 50 Galvanized, 14 to 20, 7 80®... 6 60®.... Oalciiiod, ordinary city ^ bbl. 1 65 ® 175 Cole, Wm H. Wayne T'p—North Jersey' Land 21 to 24 8 45®... 7 15®.... Oalcineu, city casting 1 80 ® 190 Co, horses and wagons 50 " 25 to 26 9 10®... 7 70®.... "Calcined, city superfine 2C0 ® 2 25 27 Coventry, Elizabefch. Pafcerson—Elizabeth Scott, 9 75®... 8 25® .. TIN PLATES.—Duty, 11-lOc. « tt household furniture 146 "28 10 fixtures 200 . 3 00®3 50 WUd, Joseph, Paterson—Emma White, house­ LATH—Cargo rate fg»M hold furniture 250 2 202— LIME. Telepnone call spring 287. JUDGMENTS. Rockland, common 1 20 Brochu. Gilsey, Paterson—D K Baker et al...... 180 ECockland, finishing...... '. J 1 20 A. CI^ OUTER, State.common, cargo rate..ip bbl. 1 10 Haight, Thomas—James Mathews - 29 State, flnishing 1 20 1 35 Overbaugh, James E, Paterson—John Norwood Ground !!!!!!!!! 1 10 1 15 & Co—.' -. 188 Plock. John, Paterson—R B Garrison 315 Add 25c. to above figures for yard rates. CARPENTER Van Winkle. Martha, et al, Paterson—A R Van LUMBER. Nest&Co 773 Prices for yard delivery, average run of stoci AND BUILDER, Winfield, A D, et al, builders. Paterson—Samuel AUowance must be made on one side for special con- J Watson .....T...... ". 334 tracts, and on the other for extra selections. 155 West Broadway. Special attention paid to Alterations and Repairs V THE REAL ESTATE RECORi>. REAL ESTATE. WILLIAM COLE, Auctioneer, by RICHARD V. HARNETT, Auctioneer, RECEIVER'S SiLE. GLOBE MUPUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE. TWENTY-EIYE BROWN STONE HOUSES, FRAME HOUSES, VACANT LOTS, etc. KICHARD V. HARNETT will sell at auction,

At the City Salesrooms of Messrs. COLE & MURPHY, 379 Falton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y, by order of the Supreme Court, under the direction of JxiMES D. FISH, Esq, Receiver of the Globe Mutual Life Insurance Co. WicWonougli Street.—The 25 handsome 3-Story, High Stoop, Basement and Bergen Street.—No. 472, near Flatbush Avenue. 4 Story and Cellar Brick

W^ILI. SELL AT AUCTION, ON TUESDAY, APRIL. IS, a* 12 M. At the EXCHANGE SALESROOM, 111 Broadway. ' 2 LOTS ON 59TH STREE *350 feet west of the PJazu, and facing Centr.:! Park, lieiiigr 50x100.5 feet. Particulars at tlie Auctioneer's office, No. 77 Liberty Street. Adrian H. Muller, Auctioneer. RICHAi^D V. HARNETT, Auciioneer, Partition Sale of Valuable Lots. WILL SELL AT AUCTION, .Atlrian H. Minller' Ac RSon Tvill sell at -A^nction, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, At 12 o'clock. TUESDAY, April 18th, At ExcUange Salesrooms 111 Broattway, At 12 o'clock, uoon, at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, N. Y, NEW YORK. Rt Nicholas av. CBoulevard), e. s., 233.91^ s. 145th st., three lots, each 25x100 feet. loid St., s. s., 210 e of 3d av., two lots, each 25x100.11 feet front. lOlh av', s. e. cor. 77th st., one lot. size. 27.6x100 feet front. Estate Of DAVID M. PEYSER, deceased. 118th st. n. s., 457.1^4 e. Pleasant av., two lots, each 20.5x100.11. 123d St., s. s., 85 e. Lexington av.. one lot, 25x100.11. GSth st„ s. s., 325 w. 10th av., one lot, 2!ixl00, with two story frame house. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY ON ' Jlaps, &c., at office of GEORGE E. HORNE, Attorney, 170 Broadway, or the Auctioneers, No. 7 Pine street. New York. William, Ann, Dey EXECUTOR'S SALE! H. IIENRI€IU£^4 Anciioneer, will sell at and Warren Streets, auction, on TUESDAY, APRIL I8th, 5 At 12 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange Salesroom, No UNDER DIRECTION OF 111 Broadway, N. Y. Peremptory i^ale in Partition* By order of George Chesterman, Esq., Executor of By order of tlie Sni>reme Court, under James Chesterman, deceased. FRED'K B. \yE1V»T, ESQ., Executor^ 88TH STREET-^Two-story Frame House and Lot, No direction of JA.COB K.. I^OCKMAN, 407 East 88th Street, size of Lot 25x100.8. Terms easy' William Street—No. 161, bet. Ann and Beekman sts.j E^q., Referee. For maps and particulars apply at the office of the four-story and basement brown stone building. Auctioneer, 62 Liberty Street. William'Street—No. 163, similar property. Ann Street—No. 63, near William, forming a T with E. H. LUDLOW & CO., May 1st we will open a brancli office at No. 35 the William st. property, four-story brick building. Will sell at Auction, on Dey Screet—No. 43, bet. Church and Greenwich, four West SOth Street, in Wallack's New Theatre story and cellar brown stone. Building, where we shall transact business in all Dey Street^No. 45, similar pronerty. Wednesday, April 19, 1882, Dey Street—No. 55, flve-story brown stone. At 12 o'clock, at the matters pertaining to Real Estate, in connection Warren Street—No. 44, bet. Church st. and College with our old established office, No. 508 6th pl. (leasehold), four-story brown stone. Trinity ExcUaiige Salesroom, IU Broadway, lease. Present lease has fifteen yeais to run NEW YORK. Avenue. THOMAS & EcKERSoasr. Present ground rent, $1,250. South Street—Nos. 34 and 35. substantial five-story AU of the above is valuable business property, and brick warehouse with lot, 36.6x87.11J,^ ft. on w. s., leased to May 1.1883. Further particulars and maps and 90 ft. on e s., 78.4 ft. w. of Old slip. Sold sub- from CHARLES WEHLE, ESQ., Attorney for Execu­ iect lo lease of one year to May 1,1883, at 83,500. Plot 75x124, south side of 83d Street, 275 feet east tor, No. 290 Broadway, or at Auctioneer's ofttce. 111 "' ALSO, Broadway. All the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, of 10th Avenue, also. Plot adjoining east thereof, aud demand whatsoever, which Benjamm Aymar 85x half block. Price $20,000 each. Terms easy! (deceased) had in wharf and piers Nos. 9 and 10 Apply to owner, East River, belonging or appurtenant to No. 34 South street. OTTO ERNST, South Amboy, N. J. L FROEHLICH, ALSO, Pews Nos. 52 and 57 in Grace Church, in the City of New York, groimd rent paid to January 27,1883. Chas. P. Dorrance, ""'^i >«*«^««. ieal Estate and Loans^ ALSO, RENTING AND COLLECTING A SPECIALTY. Pew No 9 in French Protestant Episcopal Church, " Du Esprit," in the City of New York. 41 Madison avenue, northeast comer 26th street. 169 EAST 61st STREET.