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Home Historical background english News History of the Sofia Military Court Judicial district Jurisdiction THE BEGINNING After the adoption of the Chairman CONSTITUTION OF THE Judges BULGARIAN PRINCIPALITY (Tarnovo Structure Constitution) on April 16, Internal regulations 1879, the main state Scheduled cases institutions were established in the Judicial acts Principality of . Access to information In Art. 72 of the Constitution stipulates that military personnel are tried by military courts when they are on active military service. Forms With an ORDER on the military rule of the Bulgarian principality № Taxi 45 of May 26, 1879, issued by the Russian Imperial Commissioner in Bank accounts Bulgaria Adjutant General Prince Alexander Dondukov - Korsakov, in military terms Bulgaria is divided into two divisions: Western - based in Announcements and East - based in . Free workplaces By ORDER on the military administration of the Principality of Bulgaria № 47 of June 5, 1879, issued by Adjutant General Prince Reports and declarations Alexander Dondukov - Korsakov, military court officers were appointed - Historical background Chief Military Prosecutor and military prosecutors of the Western and Judicial institutions Eastern Departments, and was adopted the staff of the Military-Judicial Part of the Bulgarian Army. Contact With a DECREE on the military administration of the Principality of Write us Bulgaria № 59 of June 14, 1879, issued by the head of the Military up Department, Major General - Major Parensov, as of July 1, 1879, the Military Judicial Statute was enacted. It consisted of two parts. The first contained the rules for the judicial system, and the second for the judicial proceedings, and the military criminal proceedings were initially conducted on it. Two military courts have been established - for the Western Department - in the town of and for the Eastern Department - in the town of Shumen. By DECREE № 23 of July 17, 1879, issued by Prince Alexander I (Promulgated SG, issue 2 of August 4, 1979), a Military Judicial Department (Chief Military Court) was established in the Ministry of War. Colonel Timler was appointed chairman, and Major Chilyaev and Major Gursky were appointed judges. By a DECREE on the military department № 19 of August 9, 1879, the Third Military Department was established - Sofia.

THE ESTABLISHMENT BY ORDER OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT № 25 of August 27, 1879, issued by the Minister of War General Parensov, was repealed Order № 59 of June 14, 1879. A permanent military court with residence in the capital Sofia was established for the Sofia and Western Military Departments. . The head of the Sofia Military Department, Major Chilyaev, has been appointed chairman of the court. By order of the Military Department № 27 of 1879, the commander of the Fifth Company, Major Gurski, was appointed acting chairman of the Permanent Military Court in Sofia. By decree № 93 of August 25, 1880, issued by Prince Alexander I, the Sofia and Western military divisions merged into one Western military division. Colonel Loginov - Chief of the Sofia Military Department - has been appointed Chief of the Western Military Department. 1883 - The Sofia Military Court hears criminal cases of the 1st Brigade (with Sofia headquarters) and the 2nd Brigade (with Pleven headquarters) for acts committed in the area of their deployment. The area of the Sofia Military Court includes Sofia, Transki, , , Lom, , Oryahov, Pleven, , and districts. In the same year, the Ruse Military Court was established. In 1885, the Law on Amendments and Addenda to the Military Judicial Statute was adopted, according to which the judiciary in the military department belongs to the regimental courts; of the military courts and of the Chief Military Court. 1885 - a military court was established in . By Decree № 185 of December 16, 1889, a Military Judicial Act was adopted, which is both a structural and a procedural law for military courts. According to him, justice in the army is administered by regimental courts, military courts and the Chief Military Court of Cassation, based in Sofia. The military courts have jurisdiction over crimes committed by servicemen, by reservists when attending a training camp or when calling up actual military service, as well as civilians, but only in cases of "mixed" jurisdiction and in places where martial law has been declared. It is envisaged that in wartime, when the respective army unit moves outside the territory of the country, a field court will be established. 1912 - 1920 By Royal Decree № 44 of August 6, 1914 (Promulgated, SG No. 177 of August 8, 1914), the military courts in the country were renamed military field courts with territorial jurisdiction. The Sofia Military Court was renamed the Sofia Field Military Court. 1919 - The military field courts of the units are closed. By a decree of December 19, 1920, the military judicial institutions were reformed into one main military court of cassation and three military courts. The Sofia Military Court continues to function with territorial jurisdiction. The Ruse and Plovdiv military courts continue to operate. 1920 - The Sofia Military Court is renamed the Sofia Regional Military Court. 1940 - The Sofia Regional Military Court is housed in the newly built Court House in Sofia, where it is still based. 1944 - 1991 After September 9, 1944, the regional military courts in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv and Shumen continue to operate. The military-judicial department remains in the structure of the Ministry of Defense and performs command-administrative functions in relation to all military courts in the country. The Military Court of Cassation is closed and a Military Board is established at the Court of Cassation. In 1947 the CONSTITUTION of the People's Republic of Bulgaria was adopted (Promulgated, SG No. 284 of 6 December 1947, amended, Izv., SG No. 89 of 7 November 1961, SG No. 97 of 10 December .1965, amended and supplemented, SG No. 89 of 19.11.1969, repealed, SG No. 39 of 18.05.1971), according to Art. 60 of which the structure of the courts, the court proceedings, the conditions for election to a judicial position and the procedure for election and recall of judges and jurors, as well as the subordination of the courts to each other shall be regulated by law. In 1949, the Military Penal Code (Promulgated, SG No. 21 of 28 January 1949) and the Military Judicial Act (Promulgated, SG No. 180 of 6 August 1949) were adopted. In the same year, the Sofia Military Court was reorganized into the Sofia Regional Military Court with territorial jurisdiction. On August 25, 1950, due to the fact that most of the units served by the Shumen Regional Military Court were in the city of Stalin (Varna), by order of the Minister of Defense the seat of the court was moved to the city of Stalin (Varna). ). By Decree № 135/1951 of the Presidium of the National Assembly, a new Chapter II-A “Military Court and Prosecutor's Office at the Ministry of Interior” was created in Section II of the Military Judicial Act. It hears cases of crimes committed by military and similar persons by the troops of the Ministry of Interior and employees of the same ministry during the service, reserve officers for war crimes committed by them, as well as civilians who committed a crime in complicity with these categories. faces. In 1952, the CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE was adopted (Promulgated, Izv. No. 11 of February 5, 1952), which repealed most of the provisions of the Military Judicial Act. For the first time, a new Chapter XXIV is being created, which provides for the introduction of special rules of procedure before military courts. The Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by military and equated persons during their service; for war crimes committed by the persons under Art. 3, item 1 of the Military Penal Code; the cases for crimes committed by civilians in complicity with military or equated persons or war crimes committed by civilians in complicity with persons under Art. 3, item 1 of the Military Criminal Code, committed in the region of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, administrative districts and Sofia-city district. In the same year, a CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE was adopted (Promulgated, Izv. No. 12 of February 8, 1952), by virtue of which the Sofia Military Court also has jurisdiction over civil cases under acts of restitution for claiming full property liability, when the damaged institution is paramilitary and is on the territory of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district. By Order No. 00316 of December 21, 1954 of the Minister of National Defense, the military courts were reorganized. Five military courts remain - in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, and Pleven. In 1954, the Sofia Regional Military Court was renamed the Sofia Military Court. In 1955 the military courts were formed in the cities of Sliven and Pleven. Before 1956, the Military Judicial Act was finally repealed (Official Gazette No. 90/1956, in force since January 1, 1957). Following the amendment of the CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, Izv. Issue 12 of 1956) of the Sofia Military Court, the cases for crimes committed by servicemen and mercenaries during their service are subject to jurisdiction; for war crimes committed by the persons from the regular, chief and operational staff of the divisions of the Ministry of Interior; by reserve officers who have been granted the right to wear a military uniform for crimes committed while wearing it; by prisoners of war from the enemy army for crimes under Articles 352, 353 and 368 of the Criminal Code; criminal cases, committed by civilians in complicity or complicity with servicemen or mercenaries or war crimes committed by civilians in complicity with persons under Art. 340, b. "C" of the Criminal Code, as well as the cases of crimes "prematurity" and "concealment" committed by civilians for crimes under the jurisdiction of military courts committed in the Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district. In 1956 the military courts were restructured by armies in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Sliven, Varna and Pleven. Since 1960, by virtue of the CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (Promulgated, Izv. No. 12 of 8.02.1952, the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction and civil cases on acts of full property liability, drawn up under the Law on financial control (Promulgated, Izv. No. 91 of 11.11.1960), when the damaged institution is paramilitary and is on the territory of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district. MODERN DEVELOPMENT 1971 - According to Art. 126 of the CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Bulgaria (Title amended, SG No. 94/1990; Promulgated, SG No. 39 of 18 May 1971, amended, SG No. 6 of 19 January 1990, amended and supplemented, issue 29 of 10.04.1990, in force since 10.04.1990, amended, issue 87 of 30.10.1990, issue 94 of 23.11.1990, amended and amendment, issue 98 of 7.12.1990, repealed, issue 56 of 13.07.1991) in the Republic of Bulgaria there is a Supreme Court, district courts, regional courts and military courts. In 1976, the Law on the Organization of Courts was adopted (Promulgated, SG No. 23 of 19 March 1976, amended, SG No. 36 of 8 May 1979, amended and supplemented, SG No. 91 of 19.11.1982, in force from 1.01.1983, issue 27 from 4.04.1986, in force from 1.01.1987, issue 29 from 11.04.1986, issue 91 from 2.12. 1988, issue 31 of 17.04.1990, issue 46 of 11.06.1991, amended, issue 100 of 10.12.1992, in force from 1.01.1993, repealed, issue 59 of 22 July 1994). The judiciary consists of the Supreme Court, district, district and military courts. It is stipulated that military courts are established by regions and by military associations and formations and are equated to district courts. In 1974 a new CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE was adopted (Promulgated, SG No. 89 of 15.11.1974, in force from 1.03.1975), by virtue of which the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over criminal cases. performed by servicemen and mercenaries; generals, officers, sergeants and other officers and other employees of the Ministry of Interior; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes committed by them during or on the occasion of the performance of their assigned tasks; the officers and the supervisory staff of the Prison Department and its divisions, as well as the cases of crimes committed by civilians in complicity or complicity with such persons, and prematurity and concealment committed by civilians in connection with the crimes, Since 1977, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (Promulgated, SG No. 84/1977), the Sofia Military Court has been competent for cases of crimes committed by servicemen and mercenaries; generals, officers, sergeants and other officers and other employees of the Ministry of Interior; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes committed by them during or on the occasion of performance of their assigned tasks, as well as the cases for crimes committed by civilians in complicity or complicity with such persons, and prematurity and concealment committed by persons in connection with the crimes for which the cases are under the jurisdiction of the military courts, committed in the region of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, According to an amendment and supplement from 1982 of the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG, issue 28 of 1982) of the Sofia Military Court, the cases for crimes committed by servicemen are under jurisdiction; generals, officers, sergeants and other officers and other employees of the Ministry of Interior; the mercenaries from the troops and from the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or in the area of the military unit, institution or enterprise; the employees of the Ministry of Interior, during or on the occasion of the performance of the service; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes committed by them during or on the occasion of the performance of their assigned tasks, as well as the cases for crimes, In 1991 the CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Bulgaria was adopted (Promulgated, SG No. 56 of 13.07.1991, in force as of 13.07.1991, amended and supplemented, SG No. 85 of 26.09.2003). , issue 18 of 25.02.2005, issue 27 of 31.03.2006, Decision № 7 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria dated 13.09.2006 - issue 78 of 26.09.2006; , issue 12 of February 6, 2007, issue 100 of December 18, 2015). The military courts are constitutionally regulated bodies of judicial power by virtue of Art. 119, para. 1 of the Constitution, which regulates that the administration of justice is carried out by the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Supreme Administrative Court, appellate, district, military and regional courts. By virtue of an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG No. 109/1993), the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by servicemen; generals, officers, sergeants and other officers of the Ministry of the Interior, with the exception of those of the National Police; the mercenaries from the troops and from the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or in the area of the military unit, institution or enterprise, with the exception of those from the National Police; the employees of the Ministry of Interior, with the exception of those of the National Police, during or on the occasion of the performance of the service; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes, no. 34 of 25.04.2000, in force since 1.01.2001, no. 38 of 9.05.2000, supplement, no. 84 of 13.10.2000, amended, no. 25 of 16.03.2001, in force since 31.03.2001, amended. and add., no. 74 of 30.07.2002; Decision № 11 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 14.11.2002 - no. 110 of 22 November 2002; Decision № 13 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 16.12.2002 - no. 118 of 20.12.2002; ed. and add., no. 61 of 8.07.2003, in force since 8.07.2003, amended, iss. 112 of 23.12.2003, in force since 1.01.2004, amended. and add., no. 29 of 9.04.2004, in force since 9.04.2004, amended, iss. 36 of 30.04.2004, in force since 31.07.2004, supplemented, no. 70 of 10.08.2004, in force since 1.01.2005; Decision № 4 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 7.10.2004 - no. 93 of 19.10.2004; Decision № 4 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 21.04.2005 - no. 37 of 29.04.2005; amended, no. 43 of 20.05.2005 , in force from 1.09.2005, supplement, no. 86 of 28.10.2005, in force since 29.04.2006, no. 17 from 24.02.2006, in force from 1.05.2006; Decision № 1 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 7.03.2006 - no. 23 of March 17, 2006; ed. and add., no. 30 from 11.04.2006, in force from 1.01.2007, no. 39 of 12.05.2006, in force since 12.05.2006, amended, iss. 59 from 20.07.2007, in force from 1.03.2008, revoked, no. 64 of 7.08.2007), according to which the courts in the Republic of Bulgaria are regional, district, administrative, military, appellate, Supreme Administrative Court and Supreme Court of Cassation. It is stipulated that the jurisdiction of the military courts is determined by law and they are equated to the district courts. Decision № 1 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 7.03.2006 - no. 23 of March 17, 2006; ed. and add., no. 30 from 11.04.2006, in force from 1.01.2007, no. 39 of 12.05.2006, in force since 12.05.2006, amended, iss. 59 from 20.07.2007, in force from 1.03.2008, revoked, no. 64 of 7.08.2007), according to which the courts in the Republic of Bulgaria are regional, district, administrative, military, appellate, Supreme Administrative Court and Supreme Court of Cassation. It is stipulated that the jurisdiction of the military courts is determined by law and they are equated to the district courts. Decision № 1 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 7.03.2006 - no. 23 of March 17, 2006; ed. and add., no. 30 from 11.04.2006, in force from 1.01.2007, no. 39 of 12.05.2006, in force since 12.05.2006, amended, iss. 59 from 20.07.2007, in force from 1.03.2008, revoked, no. 64 of 7.08.2007), according to which the courts in the Republic of Bulgaria are regional, district, administrative, military, appellate, Supreme Administrative Court and Supreme Court of Cassation. It is stipulated that the jurisdiction of the military courts is determined by law and they are equated to the district courts. according to which the courts in the Republic of Bulgaria are regional, district, administrative, military, appellate, the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court of Cassation. It is stipulated that the jurisdiction of the military courts is determined by law and they are equated to the district courts. according to which the courts in the Republic of Bulgaria are regional, district, administrative, military, appellate, the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court of Cassation. It is stipulated that the jurisdiction of the military courts is determined by law and they are equated to the district courts. In 1995, the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedure Code was passed (Promulgated, SG No. 50/1995), by virtue of which the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by servicemen; generals, officers, sergeants and privates of the Ministry of Interior; the mercenaries from the troops and from the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or in the area of the military unit, institution or enterprise; the employees of the Ministry of Interior, during or on the occasion of the performance of the service; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes committed by them during or on the occasion of the performance of their assigned tasks, as well as the cases for crimes, In 1995, the Law on Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria was adopted (Promulgated, SG No. 112 of 27 December 1995, in force of 27 February 1996, repealed, SG No. 35 of 12 May 2009); d., in force from 12.05.2009), according to which positions for staff servicemen are created in the military courts and the military prosecutor's office, which carry out activities in direct connection with the defense of the country and the functioning of the armed forces. The law stipulates that the Council of Ministers, within six months of the law's entry into force, approve a separation protocol between the Ministry of Defense and the military courts and the military prosecutor's office at the proposal of the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Justice and Legal European Integration and the heads of military courts and the military prosecutor's office. to settle all legal relations, Since 1996, the Sofia Military Court has also had jurisdiction over cases of appeals against orders for dismissal from military service, orders for imposition of disciplinary sanctions on servicemen and orders for imposition of limited property liability under the Law on Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic. Bulgaria. The Sofia Military Court also has jurisdiction over civil cases under acts for full property liability, drawn up by the order of the State Financial Control Act (Promulgated SG, issue 12 of 9.02.1996), when the damaged institution is paramilitary and is on the territory of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district. In 1997, by RESOLUTION № 6 of the Council of Ministers of 14.01.1997 on settling the legal relations related to the separation of the budgets of the military courts and the Military Prosecutor's Office from the budget of the Ministry of Defense (Promulgated, SG No. 6 of 21.01.1997, in force from 1.01.1997) and ORDER № 3 of the Council of Ministers of 15.01.1997 for approval of the Separation Protocol between the Ministry of Defense and the military courts and the Military Prosecutor's Office for settlement of the legal relations related to the separation of the budgets of the military courts and of the Military Prosecutor's Office from the budget of the Ministry of Defense, the military courts shall be separated from the Ministry of Defense. In 1997, the Sofia Military Court was separated from the Ministry of Defense. Since the same year, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG No. 64/1997), cases of crimes committed by servicemen have been brought before the Sofia Military Court; generals, officers, sergeants and privates from the Ministry of Interior, officers and sergeants from other ministries and departments; the mercenaries from the troops and from the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or in the area of the military unit, institution or enterprise; the employees of the Ministry of Interior, during or on the occasion of the performance of the service; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes committed by them during or on the occasion of the performance of their assigned tasks, as well as the cases for crimes, With the Law for amendment and supplement of the Law for the defense and the armed forces of the Republic of Bulgaria (Promulgated, SG, issue 122 of 19.12.1997) the jurisdiction of the military courts is limited and their jurisdiction with regard to the cases initiated under appeals against orders for dismissal from military service and imposed disciplinary sanctions on servicemen. Since 1998, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (Promulgated, SG No. 21/1998), the Sofia Military Court has been competent for cases of crimes committed by servicemen; generals, officers, sergeants and privates from the Ministry of Interior, officers and sergeants from other ministries and departments; the mercenaries from the troops and from the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or in the area of the military unit, institution or enterprise; the employees of the Ministry of Interior, during or on the occasion of the performance of the service; the reserves for training, testing or practical collection; the collaborators of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior for crimes committed by them during or on the occasion of the performance of their assigned tasks, as well as the cases for crimes, committed by civilians in complicity or complicity with such persons, and prematurity and concealment committed by civilians in connection with the crimes for which the military courts committed in the region of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and district Sofia city. Cases decided by the Sofia Military Court as a court of first instance are considered by the Military Court of Appeal, and as a cassation instance - by the Military Board of the Supreme Court of Cassation. Since 1999, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (Promulgated, SG No. 70/1999, effective 1.01.2000), the Sofia Military Court has been competent for war crimes cases under Chapter Thirteen of the Criminal Code. code, as well as the cases for crimes committed during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or of assigned official tasks by servicemen; officers, sergeants and privates, other employees of the Ministry of Interior, associates of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior, as well as officers and sergeants from other ministries and departments; military servicemen of the armed forces and persons from the civil administration of the Ministry of Interior; the reserves at training, inspection or practical gathering, as well as the cases for war crimes or by the indicated persons, From the same year, the cases decided by the Sofia Military Court are considered as an appellate instance by the Military Court of Appeal, and as a cassation instance - by the Supreme Court of Cassation, which also considers proposals for resumption of criminal cases in military courts. With the Law for amendment and supplement of the CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE (Promulgated, SG, issue 64 of 16.07.1999) the jurisdiction of the military courts is limited and their jurisdiction is revoked in respect of cases instituted under acts for deduction for realization of full property liability. Since 2003, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated SG, issue 50 of 2003) of the Sofia Military Court, the cases for crimes committed by servicemen have been subject to jurisdiction; generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers from the Ministry of Interior and from other ministries and departments; the persons from the reserve in case of training, verification or practical gathering; the associates of the bodies of the Ministry of Defense and of the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of performance of the assigned tasks; civilians serving in the Armed Forces, in the Ministry of Defense and in the Ministry of Interior during or on the occasion of the performance of the service or in the area of their place of work, performed in the region of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district . Since the same year, the Sofia Military Court has also heard cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad. In 2004, with the Law for amendment and supplement of the Law for the defense and the armed forces of the Republic of Bulgaria (Promulgated, SG, issue 93 of 19.10.2004) the jurisdiction of the military courts was limited and their competence with regard to of cases initiated on appeals against orders for imposition of limited property liability on servicemen. In 2005 a new CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE was adopted (Promulgated, SG No. 86 of 28.10.2005, effective 29.04.2006). The Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by servicemen under the Law on Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria; generals, officers and sergeants and privates from other ministries and departments; reservists when participating in training and mobilization events or when performing active service in the permanent reserve; the associates of the bodies and departments under art. 396, para. 1, items 1 and 2 of the PPC during or on the occasion of performance of the assigned tasks; civilians serving in the Ministry of Defense, in the Bulgarian Army and in the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defense, in the Ministry of Interior, in the National Security Service and in the National Intelligence Service during or on the occasion of the performance of their service, as well as the cases for crimes committed by the listed persons, in the implementation of which civilians committed in the region of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district. The Sofia Military Court also hears cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad. Since 2007, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG No. 109 of 20.12.2007, effective as of 1 January 2008), the Sofia Military Court has been competent for cases of crimes committed by servicemen under the Law on Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria; civil servants in the State Agency for National Security, generals, officers and officers from other ministries and departments, reservists when participating in training and mobilization activities or when performing active service in the permanent reserve, associates of bodies and departments of 396, para 1, items 1 and 2 of the PPC during or on the occasion of performance of the assigned tasks, the civilians serving in the Ministry of Defense, in the Bulgarian Army and in the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defense, in the Ministry of Interior works, The Sofia Military Court also hears cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad. Since 2008, after amendment and supplement of the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG No. 109 of 20.12.2007, in force since 1.01.2008), the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by servicemen under the Law on Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria; generals, officers and sergeants and privates from other ministries and departments; reservists when participating in training and mobilization events or when performing active service in the permanent reserve; civilians serving in the Ministry of Defense, in the Bulgarian Army and in the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defense, the National Security Service and the National Intelligence Service, during or on the occasion of their service, as well as the cases of crimes committed by the listed persons , in the implementation of which civilians also participated, The Sofia Military Court also hears cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad. Since 2012, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG No. 20 of 0.03.2012, effective 10.06.2012), the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by servicemen under the Law on Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria; generals, officers and sergeants and privates from other ministries and departments; the reservists during the performance of active service in the permanent reserve and the persons of wartime service; civilians serving in the Ministry of Defense, in the Bulgarian Army and in the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defense, the National Security Service and the National Intelligence Service, during or on the occasion of their service, as well as the cases of crimes committed by the listed persons , in the implementation of which civilians also participated, The Sofia Military Court also hears cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad. In 2014, with a Decision of the Supreme Judicial Council under Protocol № 6 / 06.02.2014, as of 01.04.2014, the Pleven Military Court was closed and the Sofia Military Court was appointed its successor. The judicial district of the Sofia Military Court has been expanded and in addition to the territories of Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik administrative districts and Sofia-city district, the territories of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Lovech, and administrative districts have been annexed. Since 2015, after an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code (Promulgated, SG No. 20 of June 9, 2015), the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over cases of crimes committed by servicemen; generals, officers and sergeants and privates from other ministries and departments; reservists in the performance of active service in the voluntary reserve and persons in wartime service; civilians serving in the Ministry of Defense, in the Bulgarian Army and in the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defense, the National Security Service and the National Intelligence Service, during or on the occasion of their service, as well as the cases of crimes committed by the listed persons , in the implementation of which also participated civilians, committed in the region of Sofia-city, Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik, Vidin, Montana, The Sofia Military Court also hears cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad. From 01.11.2015, by virtue of an amendment to the PPC (ZIDNPK, Promulgated, SG No. 79 of 13.10.2015, in force from 1.11.2015), the Sofia Military Court has jurisdiction over the cases for crimes committed by servicemen; generals, officers and sergeants and privates from other ministries and departments; reservists in the performance of active service in the voluntary reserve and persons in wartime service; civilians serving in the Ministry of Defense, in the Bulgarian Army and in the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defense, the National Security Service and the State Intelligence Agency, during or on the occasion of the performance of their service, as well as cases of crimes committed by the listed persons, in the implementation of which also participated civilians, committed in the region of Sofia-city district, Sofia, Blagoevgrad, The Sofia Military Court also hears cases of crimes committed by servicemen of the armed forces and by employees of the Ministry of Interior who take part in international military or police missions abroad.

PRESIDENTS OF THE SOFIA MILITARY COURT • 1949 - Sub. Vakarelski • 1955 - Lt. Ivan Botusharov • 1955 - Major Marko Manev • 1955 - Major Vasil Nanchev • 1957 - Colonel Angel Naidenov • 1958 - Lt. Marko Manev • 1959 - lieutenant colonel Nenchev • 1966 - Major Yotov • 1970 - 1979 - Colonel Georgi Grigorov Petrov • 1979 - Colonel Simeonov • 1979 - Colonel Nenko Balev • 1981 - Colonel Borislav Angelov • 1983 - Colonel Stanimir Velichkov • 1985 - 1994 - Colonel Borislav Angelov • 1994 - 1998 - Colonel Hristo Strandzhanski • 1998 - 2004 - Colonel Vladimir Dimitrov • 2004 - 2007 - Colonel Stoyko Stoev • 2008 - 2018 - Colonel Svilen Alexandrov • 2018 - - Colonel Madeleine Dimitrova

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