Former Horseshoe Pub, 10A Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9US

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Former Horseshoe Pub, 10A Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9US APPLICATION No: 17/70764/FUL APPLICANT: Mr Jason Black LOCATION: Former Horseshoe Pub, 10A Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9US. PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new car rental office building and car wash facility with associated car parking and boundary landscaping. WARD: Little Hulton Description of Site and Surrounding Area This application relates to a site located at the junction of Manchester Road West and Clegg’s Lane in Little Hulton. The existing building which formerly operated as the Horseshoe Hotel public house sits centrally within the site and is formed of two storeys under matching gable ended pitched roofs with single storey flat roofed outriggers to the north, south and eastern aspects. The application site comprises of the former public house building, together with a substantial area of hardstanding. The site is currently used for a number of uses including the sale of used cars on the western side of the site, whilst the east of the site is operating as a hand car wash and valeting business, whilst part of the former public house building is operating as a convenience retail store trading as Pound Plus Store. Vehicular $fakzhb3y.rtf access to both parts of the site is via a dedicated access from Clegg’s Lane. There is pedestrian access to the Pound Plus Store directly from Manchester Road West. Description of Proposal Planning permission is sought for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of new car rental office building and car wash facility with associated car parking and boundary landscaping. The proposed use would operate between the hours of 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, and 10am to 4pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays. The business would employ the equivalent of 6 full time members of staff. The proposal would include the demolition of the existing public house and all other ancillary structures on the site. A new single storey flat roof building would be erected, which would sit relatively centrally within the site. Adjacent to the proposed building would be a concrete based wash bay. A new full car parking arrangement will be properly marked out, with public parking towards the front of the site adjacent to Cleggs Lane and a secure vehicle storage area towards the rear. A total of 74 car parking spaces would be provided. The proposed car washing and valeting facilities are only to be used by the applicant for cleaning their own cars. A canopy is to be provided over the car washing and valeting area. Vehicular access to the site would be via the existing access from Cleggs Lane. In addition to the above, the existing boundary railings along the eastern and southern boundaries of the site fronting Cleggs Lane and Manchester Road West, would be repainted black with some planting behind. Publicity Site Notice: Non HH Article 15 Date Displayed: 13 November 2017 Reason: Wider Publicity Press Advert: Not Applicable Reason: Not Applicable Neighbour Notification Neighbours were notified on the 13th November 2017. Representations A petition with 69 signatures has been received which has raised the following concerns:- Loss of the former public house as a community asset. Air pollution due to the increase in vehicle movements. Noise due to proposed development and comings and goings. Increase in traffic due to number of potential visiting members of the public. Relevant Site History 09/58237/COU - Change of use from public house car park to hand car wash – Approved - 15 December 2009 16/68089/FUL - Retrospective application for change of use from car sales to car rental (sui generis), installation of a new roller shutter and windows to elevations, 2m high fencing and new car parking layout. - Approved - 8 July 2016 Consultations Highways – The proposal is unlikely to generate more traffic than the current occupiers. In addition, the proposal is likely to improve the appearance of the site and its local surroundings. Senior Engineer Flood Risk & Drainage - No objections, subject to a condition requiring a class 2 oil interceptor for the car park area. United Utilities – No objections, subject to conditions to require foul water and surface water to be drained on separate systems and to require the submission of a surface water drainage strategy The Coal Authority – No objections, subject to an informative advising the applicant to contact the Coal Authority should any unexpected coal mining features be encountered during development. Greater Manchester Ecological Unit – No objections subject to two informatives advising the applicant that, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended, it is an offence to remove, damage, or destroy the nest of a wild bird, while the nest is in use or being built. If a birds nest is suspected work should cease immediately and a suitably experienced ecologist employed to assess how best to safeguard the nest(s). In addition an informative should also be attached to ensure a suitably qualified person is contacted should any evidence of bats be found during the demolition phase of the development. Urban Vision Environment (Air and Noise) – No objections Air Quality The development lies partially within the Greater Manchester Air Quality Management Area, however the proposed end use is not considered a relevant receptor with respect to air quality. In addition the proposed end use will not have a significant impact on air quality. As such, no objections are raised with respect to air quality. Noise The site is bordered to the North and west by residential properties, which are considered as noise sensitive receptors. The applicant has submitted no information with respect to noise. It is considered that the present application allows a potential planning gain in respect of a number of uses being amalgamated into a single use and operation. As such, with respect to noise there are no objections to this application subject to conditions to restrict opening hours and for the submission of a construction management plan. Urban Vision Environment (Land Contamination) - No information has been submitted with respect to the potential for land contamination to cause a risk to health of future occupiers of the site. There are no objections to the development with respect to land contamination; however the proposal involves the demolition of a public house and erection of a new building. In the absence of any other information the applicant will need to submit a preliminary risk assessment prior to the development commencing. Planning Policy Development Plan Policy Unitary Development Plan DES1 - Respecting Context This policy states that development will be required to respond to its physical context and respect the positive character of the local area in which it is situated and contribute towards a local identity and distinctiveness. Unitary Development Plan DES7 - Amenity of Users and Neighbours This policy states that all new development, alterations and extensions to existing buildings will be required to provide potential users with a satisfactory level of amenity in terms of space, sunlight, daylight, privacy, aspect and layout. Development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers or users of other development. Unitary Development Plan DES8 - Alterations and Extensions This policy states that planning permission will only be granted for alterations or extensions to existing buildings that respect the general scale, character, rhythm, proportions, details and materials of the original structure and complement the general character of the surrounding area. Unitary Development Plan DES10 - Design and Crime This policy states that developments must be designed to discourage crime, antisocial behaviour, and the fear of crime. Development should i) be clearly delineated ii) allow natural surveillance iii) avoid places of concealment iv) encourage activity within public areas. Unitary Development Plan EN17 - Pollution Control This policy states that in areas where existing levels of pollution exceed local or national standards, planning permission will only be granted where the development incorporates adequate measures to ensure that there is no unacceptable risk or nuisance to occupiers, and that they are provided with an appropriate and satisfactory level of amenity. Unitary Development Plan A8 - Impact of Development on Highway Network This policy states that development will not be permitted where it would i) have an unacceptable impact upon highway safety ii) cause an unacceptable restriction to the movement of heavy goods vehicles along Abnormal Load Routes. Unitary Development Plan A10 - Provision of Car, Cycle, Motorcycle Parking This policy states that there should be adequate provision for disabled drivers, cyclists and motorcyclists, in accordance with the Council’s minimum standards; maximum car parking standards should not be exceeded; and parking facilities should be provided consistent with the provision and maintenance of adequate standards of safety and security. Unitary Development Plan ST1 - Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods This policy states that development will be required to contribute towards the creation and maintenance of sustainable urban neighbourhoods. Unitary Development Plan S3 - Loss of Shops This policy states that a change of use from Class A1 retail will only be permitted where it would not have an unacceptable impact on vitality and viability. Consideration will be given to the following in the determination of the extent to which development would have an unacceptable impact: over concentration of non A1 uses in the main shopping streets; pedestrian inactivity; loss of shop frontage; unacceptable impact on environmental quality or residential amenity; develop a wide range of attractions and amenities; contribute to the regeneration of the centre. Unitary Development Plan EN19 - Flood Risk and Surface Water This policy states that any application for development that it is considered likely to be at risk of flooding or increase the risk of flooding elsewhere will need to be accompanied by a formal flood risk assessment.
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