Transparent Live-Migration Support for Containerised RDMA Applications

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Transparent Live-Migration Support for Containerised RDMA Applications MigrOS: Transparent Live-Migration Support for Containerised RDMA Applications Maksym Planeta and Jan Bierbaum, TU Dresden; Leo Sahaya Daphne Antony, AMOLF; Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zürich; Hermann Härtig, TU Dresden This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference. July 14–16, 2021 978-1-939133-23-6 Open access to the Proceedings of the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference is sponsored by USENIX. MigrOS: Transparent Live-Migration Support for Containerised RDMA Applications Maksym Planeta Jan Bierbaum Leo Sahaya Daphne Antony Torsten Hoefler TU Dresden TU Dresden AMOLF ETH Zürich Hermann Härtig TU Dresden Abstract App Kern App Kern App Kern App Kern RDMA networks offload packet processing onto specialised 1 2 circuitry of the network interface controllers (NICs) and by- 1 2 3 4 pass the OS to improve network latency and bandwidth. As a NIC NIC NIC NIC consequence, the OS forfeits control over active RDMA con- nections and loses the possibility to migrate RDMA applica- Figure 1: Traditional (left) and RDMA (right) network stacks. tions transparently. This paper presents MigrOS, an OS-level In traditional networks, the user application triggers the NIC architecture for transparent live migration of containerised via kernel (1). After receiving a packet, the NIC notifies the RDMA applications. MigrOS shows that a set of minimal application back through the kernel (2). In RDMA networks changes to the RDMA communication protocol reenables the application communicates directly to the NICs (3) and live migration without interposing the critical path operations. vice-versa (4) without kernel intervention. Traditional net- Our approach requires no changes to the user applications and works require copy between application buffers ( ) and NIC maintains backwards compatibility at all levels of the network accessible kernel buffers ( ). RDMA NICs (right) access stack. Overall, MigrOS can achieve up to 33% lower network message buffers in the application memory directly ( ). latency in comparison to software-only techniques. Container orchestration systems, like Kubernetes, stop con- 1 Introduction tainers and restart them on other hosts for the purpose of load balancing, resiliency, and administration. To maintain Major cloud providers increasingly offer RDMA network efficiency, containerised applications are expected to restart connectivity [1, 55] and high-performance network stacks [8, quickly [9]. Unfortunately, fast application restart requires 18, 37, 53, 69, 85, 89] to the end-users. RDMA networks in-application support and can be very costly, as RDMA ap- lower communication latency and increase network band- plications tend to have large state. In contrast, live migration width by offloading packet processing to the RDMA NICs moves application state transparently and imposes no addi- and by removing the OS from the communication criti- tional requirements for the application. cal path. To remove the OS, user applications employ spe- In the context of live migration, much of the container state cialised RDMA APIs, which access RDMA NICs directly, resides in the host OS kernel. It can be extracted and recovered when sending and receiving messages [54]. These perfor- elsewhere later on. This recoverable state includes open TCP mance benefits made RDMA networks ubiquitous both in the connections, shell sessions, file locks [13, 40]. However, as HPC [15, 30, 43, 50, 77] and in the cloud settings [22, 59, 72]. we elaborate in Section 3, the state of RDMA communication At the same time, containers have become a popular tool for channels is not recoverable by existing systems, and hence lightweight virtualisation. Containerised applications, being RDMA applications cannot be checkpointed or migrated. independent of the host’s user space (libraries, applications, To outline the conceptual difficulties involved in saving configuration files), greatly simplify distributed application the state of RDMA communication channels, we compare deployment and administration. However, RDMA networks a traditional TCP/IP-based network stack and the IB verbs and containers follow contradicting architectural principles: API1 (see Figure 1). First, with a traditional network stack, Containerisation enforces stricter isolation between applica- the kernel fully controls when the communication happens: tions and the host, whereas RDMA networks try to bring applications and underlying hardware “closer” to each other. 1IB verbs is the most common low-level API for RDMA networks. USENIX Association 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 47 applications need to perform system calls to send or receive Process messages. In IB verbs, because of the direct communication PD between the NIC and the application, the OS cannot alter QP GUID QP GUID GID GID the connection state, except for tearing the connection down. MR SQ SR SR ::: SQ LID LID Although the OS can stop a process from sending further mes- . RQ RR RR ::: QPN QPN sages, the NIC may still silently change the application state. Second, part of the connection state resides at the NIC and MR CQ WC WC ::: SRQ is inaccessible for the OS. Creating a consistent checkpoint transparently is impossible in this situation. Figure 2: Primitives of the IB verbs library. Each QP com- The contribution of our paper is a way to overcome the prises a send and a receive queue and has multiple IDs; node- described limitations of current RDMA networks and the sup- global IDs (grey) are shared by all QPs on the same node. porting operating systems with a novel architecture. The root of the problem to be solved is the impossibility for the OS to intercept packets to manipulate and repair disrupted connec- a given container. A distributed application may comprise tions, as it happens in transparent live application migration. multiple containers across a network: a Spark application, The core point of the architecture is a small change in the for example, can isolate each worker in a container and an RDMA protocol, that is usually implemented in RDMA NICs: MPI [21] application can containerise each rank. we propose to add two new states and two new message types to RoCEv2, a popular RDMA communication protocol, while paying careful attention to backwards compatibility. 2.2 Infiniband verbs To make the proposed changes credible, we show that they The IB verbs API is a de-facto standard for high-performance are 1. sufficient for migrations, as an example for disrupted RDMA communication today. RDMA applications achieve connections, and 2. indeed small. To prove the first point, we high throughput and low latency by accessing the NIC directly design and implement a transparent end-to-end live migration (OS-bypass), reducing memory movement (zero-copy), and architecture for containerised RDMA applications. To prove delegating packet processing to the NIC (offloading). the second point, and to enable the software architecture, we Figure 2 shows the following IB verbs objects involved implement the new protocol by modifying SoftRoCE [48], a in communication. Memory regions (MRs) represent pinned software implementation of the RoCEv2 protocol. memory shared between the application and the NIC. Queue Providing a credible evaluation is hard for us, since we can- pairs (QPs), comprising a send queue (SQ) and a receive not modify the state machine of an RDMA NIC. Instead, we queue (RQ), represent connections. To reduce the memory substantiate our claims by comparing the latency and band- footprint, the individual RQs of multiple QPs can be re- width of the original and our modified protocol using Soft- placed with a single shared receive queue (SRQ). Completion RoCE implementations and show that outside of the migra- queues (CQs) inform the application about completed commu- tion phase network performance is not affected. To justify the nication requests. A protection domain (PD) groups all these proposed protocol changes and the container-based software objects together and represents the process address space to architecture, we evaluate software-level support for transpar- the NIC. ent live migration [2, 44]. We show that these approaches add To establish a connection, the IB verbs specification [54] significant overhead to the normal operation. requires the applications to exchange the following address- ing information: Memory protection keys to enable access 2 Background to remote MRs, the global vendor-assigned address (GUID), the routable address (GID), the non-routable address (LID), This section gives a short introduction to containerisation and and the node-specific QP number (QPN). One way to per- RDMA networking. We further outline live migration and form this exchange is over an out-of-band network, e.g. Eth- how RDMA networking obstructs this process. ernet. During the connection setup, each QP is configured for a specific type of service. MigrOS supports only Reliable 2.1 Containers Connections (RC), which provide reliable in-order message delivery between two communication partners. Another pop- In Linux, processes can be logically separated from the rest ular type of service is Unreliable Datagram (UD), which does of the system using namespaces. This way processes can not provide these guarantees. have an isolated view on the file system, network devices, The application sends or receives messages by posting send users, etc. Container runtimes leverage namespaces and other requests (SR) or receive requests (RR) to a QP as work queue low-level kernel mechanisms [17, 47] to create a complete entries (WQE). These requests describe the message and refer system view inside a container with one or multiple processes. to the memory buffers within previously created MRs. The Migration of a container moves all processes running inside application checks for the completion of outstanding work 48 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association requests by polling the CQ for work completions (WC). r e MPI app S docker n i There are various implementations of the IB verbs API for O r a t Open MPI g CRIU i different hardware, including Infiniband [37], iWarp [23], and n o ibv-user M m-ibv-user Modified RoCE [35, 36].
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