A77 Symington and Bogend Toll Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

January 2007

INTRODUCTION The A77 within the study area is charac- An Environmental Statement (ES) has terised by the presence of direct access to been prepared on behalf of Transport Scot- the carriageway. There are six major/minor land for the A77 Symington and Bogend priority junctions with associated open- Toll junction improvement Scheme. The ings in the central reserves, principally at main elements of the Scheme are shown B730 Bogend Toll and at Symington village, in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. which is served by two junctions. Overall there are 13 crossing points in the central This Non-Technical Summary forms part reserve and some 19 private accesses to of the A77 Symington and Bogend Toll farms, dwellings and businesses, as well Environmental Statement, January 2007 as numerous fi eld accesses. and provides supporting information for the publication of draft Statutory Orders. The There has been much concern expressed Non-Technical Summary describes the in recent years over the safety of the junc- Scheme, and summarises in non-technical tions accessing the dual carriageway, in language, the Environmental Statement particular the number and severity of ac- that has been prepared in accordance with cidents within the study area. the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999. NEED FOR THE SCHEME The main objective of the Scheme is to re- The A77 dual carriageway at Symington duce the number and severity of accidents and Bogend Toll is located in South - within the study area. It is apparent from shire between and . the accident statistics that a substantial It forms part of the - reduction could be achieved by closing the Trunk Road (M77/A77), which is the main central reserve openings, providing grade road link from Glasgow and the Central separated junctions at selected locations Belt to and on to ports serving and closing many of the remaining junc- Northern Ireland. The Trunk Road also tions and accesses on to the A77 to re- serves to access Glasgow International move opportunities for confl icting vehicle Airport from the southwest and Glasgow movements. Prestwick International Airport from the north. In addition to its essential strategic role, the A77 within the study area serves as part of the local road network, providing access to the local centres of Ayr, Prest- wick, Troon and Kilmarnock for employ- ment, shopping and recreational activities.


BACKGROUND DMRB Stage 2 Scheme Assessment To date, the Scheme has been through an Two Scheme Options were developed for initial Scottish Transport Appraisal Guid- the Discrete Grade Separation and the ance (STAG) Part 1 Appraisal process to Linked Grade Separation strategies, to a examine outline improvement strategies, suffi cient level of design for assessment a Design Manual for Roads and Bridges purposes to allow comparison to be made (DMRB) Stage 2 Scheme Options Assess- between the two strategies, so a preferred ment and subsequent Value Review and Scheme could be identifi ed. Scheme Review to identify a Preferred Scheme. The Options and the methodology and fi ndings of the Stage 2 Assessment are The Scheme has been developed in ac- described in full in the Scheme Options As- cordance with Transport Scotland’s ap- sessment Report, May 2006. praisal criteria for the assessment of trunk The Stage 2 Assessment concluded that road schemes, namely to take account of Option 1 – Discrete Grade Separation was integration, economy, safety, environmental preferred overall in terms of engineering, impact and accessibility. operational, traffi c, economic and environ- mental issues, providing the best value for STAG Part 1 Appraisal money while addressing all the Scheme Council and their predeces- Objectives. sors, Clyde Local Authority Consortium and Strathclyde Regional Council, had PROPOSED SCHEME previously undertaken a signifi cant amount The Scheme essentially comprises the of assessment work on this section of the closure of all central reserve openings, the A77. These studies and other concepts conversion of existing at-grade junctions were examined against the Scheme Objec- at Symington South and Bogend Toll into tives in order to recommend those worthy grade separated junctions by the provision to be taken forward to the Stage 2 Assess- of overbridges and rationalisation of nearby ment. at-grade junctions and accesses by the provision of new side roads or accesses. The Appraisal found that two strategies The existing A77 dual carriageway will be – Discrete Grade Separation and Linked retained in its existing cross section and Grade Separation – could achieve the alignment. Scheme objectives and it was recommend- ed that these be taken forward for more detailed investigation and assessment.


Dutch House Roundabout to Underwood The central reserve openings will be closed Junction at both existing Symington junctions, the Central reserve openings will be closed Helentongate junction and opposite the opposite accesses on the southbound car- access to the Helentongate Farm Com- riageway to Brocket Farm and Rosemount pound. The Helentongate junction on the and at the C138 Road to Underwood and southbound carriageway and the Danepark opposite two fi eld accesses on the north- access on the northbound will be retained bound. These access points, plus the as ‘left in/left out’ on this section. access at Hillhouse Farm, will be retained to act as ‘left in/left out’. Access to and There will be a bus turning facility provided from the opposite carriageway will be via off Symington Road North in Symington the adjacent Dutch House Roundabout and village, to allow bus services to enter and Symington Junction as appropriate. leave the village via the new junction.

Hansel Village Whitelees and Bogend Toll Junction The existing accesses at Hansel Village The existing crossroads between the (north and south entrances) and to the A77 and the B730 will be upgraded to a adjacent Langlands property will be re- compact grade separated junction by the tained on the southbound carriageway to addition of a connector loop and overbridge act as ‘left in/left out’, as will the access to to link the B730 to the east and west of Low Wexford Farm on the northbound car- the A77. The existing B730 connections riageway. The central reserve opening for to the A77 will be retained to operate as the south entrance to Hansel village will be ‘left in/left out’ on both the northbound and closed. Again access to and from the op- southbound carriageways. Roundabouts posite carriageway will be via the adjacent will be provided on the B730 east and west Dutch House Roundabout and Symington to form junctions with the connector road. Junction as appropriate. A new side road will connect the Whitelees residential area to the Bogend Toll junc- Symington and Helentongate tion, allowing the closure of the existing The two existing junctions at Symington are Whitelees junction and the direct accesses both to be closed and be replaced by the to Balbir’s Restaurant and the properties of provision of a single compact grade sepa- 38 and 40 Kilmarnock Road. rated junction near Symington Road South. A new side road will be provided between The existing access to Muirend House will the three properties at Trynlaw and Sym- be retained as ‘left in/left out’ on the north- ington Road North to allow the closure of bound carriageway, as will the existing the existing direct access on the north- access to Coodham East Lodge. bound carriageway. New private accesses will also be provided from the Symington Junction to Jeanfi eld Farm and to Helen- tongate Farm Compound.


ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Cultural Heritage The assessment considers the effects of Air Quality the Scheme on archaeology and cultural The upgrading of the junctions at Syming- heritage. Forty-one sites were identi- ton and Bogend Toll, plus the construction fi ed comprising three Scheduled Ancient of a number of new access roads will result Monuments, twenty-six listed buildings in the potential for dust impacts at nearby and twelve unscheduled sites and areas of properties during construction. Moder- archaeological interest. None of these will ate effects are predicted at 33 properties receive a signifi cant irreversible adverse ef- during construction. These effects would fect from the Scheme. The potential for the be temporary in nature but could result in survival of unknown buried archaeological a perceptible increase in the rate at which remains along the route of the Scheme is surfaces become soiled during the works. considered to be low - moderate. Impacts of this type are not associated with adverse effects on human health. Non-signifi cant indirect, visual effects have been predicted in relation to the setting of The Scheme will also affect air pollution at eight sites. It is not considered that any around 281 properties located within 200m of the cultural heritage sites with statutory of the A77, Symington Road, Symington designations will undergo signifi cant, indi- Road North, Brewlands Road and the B730 rect environmental effects. north west of Bogend Toll. Very small changes in traffi c fl ows on the A77 itself are In overall terms, it is concluded that the predicted due to the Scheme. Increases of proposed development will have no signifi - more than 10% in traffi c fl ows are predicted cant irreversible effects upon cultural herit- on Symington Road, Brewlands Road and age interests and does not confl ict with the the B730 north west of Bogend Toll. A aims of national, regional and local plan- decrease of more than 10% in traffi c fl ows ning policy as regards cultural heritage. is predicted on Symington Road North and at Bogend Toll. Disruption Due to Construction The proposed construction works will cover Due to the low levels of background pollu- an area centred on the existing A77 dual tion, the relatively low traffi c fl ows on the carriageway in the vicinity of Symington A77 and the very low fl ows on adjacent and Bogend Toll. It will include areas of ag- side roads, existing air quality is very good. ricultural land and a small number of minor The Scheme is predicted to result in a watercourses. negligible reduction in air pollution levels at 25 properties, a negligible increase in air The construction period will include con- pollution levels at 112 properties, and no struction of the works, which is estimated change in pollution levels at a further 144 to be around 12 months, utility diversions, properties. which could be up to three months prior to the construction of the works, and a fi ve- year contract maintenance period.

The improvement of the A77 will result in a number of impacts as a result of construc- tion activity.


The impacts will relate to the provision and features of ecological interest, subject to operation of construction compounds dur- the implementation of specifi c mitigation ing the construction period. There will also measures such as pre-construction checks be disruption to traffi c on the A77 due to and methods to avoid disturbance during the traffi c management measures neces- construction and operation. sary to ensure the safety of the construc- tion works and vehicular travellers. The Landscape and Visual Effects construction of embankments will lead to The landscape within the study area is a some noise intrusion, the risk of dust in wide plain dominated by arable cultivation the air and mud on the road. There is also and a mature hedgerow matrix, transected a potential for construction operations to by the A77 road corridor. cause damage to localised soils and water, if appropriate mitigation measures are not There are no areas designated for their adhered to. landscape value within the boundaries of the Scheme, although the attractiveness However, mitigation measures can be put of the landscape character is recognised in place to limit the impacts and it is con- and protected within regional structure sidered that, with careful management, the local development plans. The region is signifi cance of impacts can be reduced to considered to be overall of good landscape moderate adverse. To achieve effective value. The landscape pattern has previ- mitigation, discussions with the Planning ously experienced change by development Authority and Transport Scotland will be es- of the roads, associated buildings and a sential in order to ensure acceptable levels footbridge spanning the A77; consequently, controls are agreed and implemented. with mitigation, the addition of the Scheme These will be reinforced by requirements in could be successfully absorbed into the the contract for construction of the works. surrounding landscape.

Ecology and Nature Conservation The Scheme will be most visible from the No impacts are anticipated on non-statu- A77 road corridor and can be observed tory designated sites. Pollution control from some of the minor roads surrounding measures and Sustainable Urban Drain- the site. It is overlooked by some receptors age Systems will have to be implemented within adjacent settlements and lies close to safeguard the water quality of the Pow to several stand-alone residential recep- Burn and Dow’s Burn, notably from pollu- tors. tion incidents during both the construction and operational phase of the scheme. With There are a small number of visual recep- mitigation measures applied, the impact tors that will initially experience substantial should not be signifi cant. adverse effects during the construction period, followed by medium-term moder- There are limited areas of direct habitat ate adverse, degrading to minor adverse loss, which will only affect semi-natural once mitigation measures mature. A large habitats of low ecological value, and im- number of visual receptors with low sen- pacts are deemed to be not signifi cant. sitivity will experience only minor adverse Compensatory planting of native species of effects. local provenance should substantially miti- gate against this loss. Signifi cant impacts are not anticipated for otters, badgers, water voles or breeding birds, or any other


Land Use Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians and The effects of the Scheme on land uses are Community Effects predominantly related to land take issues, The Scheme will have a number of tem- both of a temporary and permanent nature. porary and permanent community effects Where adverse effects are identifi ed, suit- including changes to access to, and use of, able mitigation measures are prescribed. existing outdoor recreational amenity provi- sion and residential and business proper- Temporary land take will be required for a ties, including village services and farms. period of about 12 months for the purpose of a construction compound(s). Permanent In addition, the Scheme construction and land-take is required which will affect both operational requirements will affect jour- agricultural and residential uses. Some neys made by pedestrians and cyclists as of this agricultural land may be of prime well as private vehicular traffi c and public quality. Compensation measures will be transport (bus) users. Public safety con- required for permanent land loss. siderations are much improved as a result of the Scheme by closing up the central Noise and Vibration reserves to prevent vehicles from turning The Scheme would result in noise impacts and crossing the carriageways. at nearby properties during construction. South Ayrshire Council guideline construc- A range of measures have been proposed tion noise levels would be met at the clos- in order to mitigate, where possible, the est properties to the upgraded junctions. effects on journeys and the community. Site boundary noise barriers are recom- The main elements of the Scheme are the mended to protect the closest properties construction of road bridges at Bogend Toll at Whitelees during the construction of the and Symington Road South as well as the new access road to these properties, ena- stopping up of all openings in the central bling the guideline levels to be met. reserves between Bogend Toll and Dutch House Roundabout. The Scheme will also affect traffi c noise levels at around 425 properties located The Scheme would retain accessibility to within 300m of the A77, the upgraded junc- community facilities and services in Sym- tions and access roads and surrounding ington, as well as improving the safety of affected roads. travellers on this stretch of the A77.

At the majority of properties the change Vehicle Travellers in traffi c noise level due to the Scheme is Views from the road are an important as- negligible. A small number of properties pect of the Scheme. There will be changes located at Bogend Toll and Symington ex- to views as a result of the new junctions perience a minor decrease in traffi c noise and structures, and as a result of land- levels. Properties along Brewlands Road scaping adjacent to the Scheme. The new within Symington and to the northeast of landscaping will be introduced to repair any the village undergo a minor-substantial loss and to enhance the views from the increase in noise levels. This is due to the road. increase in traffi c fl ows on this road due to the Scheme, however, traffi c fl ows are still very low.


There are concerns regarding safety on Flooding – during construction, there will this section of the A77, primarily due to the be a requirement for working within and number of crossing gaps along this stretch, around a number of watercourses, but with and the most likely stressful activity is driv- careful selection of temporary works it is ing across oncoming traffi c via the gaps in considered that construction can be com- the central reserve. pleted without any signifi cant effects on upstream water levels. The storm fl ows for The Scheme will remove all of these each watercourse can be predicted for the manoeuvres and provide a safe crossing design of each new/extended crossing and point through the construction of two new therefore each crossing can be designed bridges. In comparison, it is expected that to minimise any signifi cant effects on up- drivers will fi nd the use of the bridges less stream water levels. stressful and therefore there will be a ben- efi cial impact. Geomorphology and Hydrology – dur- ing the construction of new or extended Water Resources watercourse crossings there will be some An assessment has been made of the po- disturbance to the physical features of the tential effects on water resources as a re- banks and channel over the width of each sult of the Scheme. In the context of these new or extended crossing. With careful proposals the signifi cant water resources planning of the works, a delineated working are the surface watercourses (burns and area and reinstatement with local vegeta- fi eld drains) and the groundwater. tion, the area affected can be minimised and there are not predicted to be signifi cant A brief summary of the predicted residual effects on the watercourses. The surface effects from the proposals is provided water runoff from the proposed road will be below. discharged to a number of outfalls into wa- tercourses along the length of the Scheme. Surface Water Quality – during construc- Attenuation will be provided within the tion, a number of control measures will drainage system to ensure that the rate of be required when working around water- discharge is appropriate to the watercourse courses to reduce the potential for signifi - being discharged into. cant quantities of sediment or other typical construction pollutants being discharged. Groundwater – the effects on the quality of These measures are considered to be cur- the local groundwater from the construction rent best practice within the industry and and operational phases of the proposed when implemented with good site manage- road are predicted to be minimal, based on ment, no signifi cant adverse effects are the use of best practice pollution preven- predicted. During operation, road runoff tion measures. The proposed road is not will be collected and conveyed to a number predicted to have any signifi cant effects on of watercourses. Initial treatment to this local groundwater movement. runoff will be provided, including the provi- sion of oil/fuel interceptors on all outfalls. Based on the inclusion of these treatment measures, there is not predicted to be any signifi cant adverse effects on the existing water quality of the surrounding water- courses.


With the implementation of the primary Policies and Plans mitigation measures detailed in the Envi- The junction improvements on the A77 ronmental Statement, it is predicted that between Bogend and Dutch House Round- there will be no signifi cant impacts on the about will largely have positive effects in water resources. terms of national, regional and local plan- ning policies. General principles of road Geology and Soils safety and access are promoted, as are The current A77 is generally straight, climb- the protection of the local environment and ing gently northward from Dutch House reduction of noise, air and light pollution. roundabout to a plateau at Symington The development of the Scheme will not before descending towards Spittalhill. The jeopardise any committed development op- surrounding land is generally agricultural portunities. However, there are likely to be with occasional properties. Geologically, affects relating to local landscape character the site is predominantly underlain by Boul- and biodiversity issues, though these will der Clay over bedrock of Productive Coal be alleviated through appropriate mitigation Measures, Barren Red Coal Measures and measures. Basalts. Bedrock lies at between 2m and 10m below ground level.

Topsoil loss should be minimised by careful removal and storage during construction. Impacts on groundwater and watercourses shall also be minimised by appropriate miti- gation measures during construction.

The potential for shallow mine workings at the Symington bridge was highlighted by the Mineral Valuer. If shallow mine work- ings are encountered during the ground investigation, grouting may be required to ensure the stability of the area. Grouting of mine workings would likely have minor impacts on the bedrock and hydrogeology of the area.

Overall there is likely to be only minor to negligible adverse impacts on the geomor- phology, agricultural soils, drift geology, bedrock, hydrology and hydro- geology. Appropriate mitigation will be required, primarily during construction, to ensure that potential impacts are mini- mised wherever possible.




WHAT HAPPENS NEXT YOUR VIEWS Depending on the nature and number of If you wish to support, comment on or objections received, a Public Local Inquiry object to the draft Statutory Orders or com- into the draft Statutory Orders may be held, ment on the Environmental Statement, you together with the hearing of any opinions should write, no later than 13 March 2007 that may be expressed by members of the to Transport Scotland at the address below: public on the Environmental Statement. If a Public Local Inquiry is held, then eve- The Chief Road Engineer ryone who has supported, objected to, or Transport Scotland made other representations about the draft Buchanan House Statutory Orders and the Environmental 58 Port Dundas Road Statement will be informed as to the date GLASGOW and venue. Notices confi rming the date G4 0HF and venue will appear in the local press at least six weeks prior to any Inquiry com- mencing.

FURTHER INFORMATION Copies of the draft Statutory Orders and the Environmental Statement will be avail- able for inspection, during normal business hours, free of charge at the following loca- tions:

Transport Scotland Buchanan House 58 Port Dundas Street GLASGOW G4 0HF

South Ayrshire Council County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR

Symington Library Brewlands Road Symington KA1 5QZ

Copies of the Environmental Statement including the Non-Technical Summary can also be purchased from Transport Scot- land, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF, in paper or elec- tronic format (CD-Rom) at a cost of £150 (paper) and £15 (CD).
