science for a changing world

In cooperation with the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District

Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, , 1994-2001

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5085

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

By David H. Dupre and Dale M. Robertson

In cooperation with the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5085

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior Gale A. Norton, Secretary

U.S. Geological Survey Charles G. Groat, Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2004

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Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Cover photograph: Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois; view looking downstream from Thompson Road. Photograph by David H. Dupre. Ill


Abstract...... 1 Introduction...... 1 Purpose and scope...... 4 Description of the study area ...... 4 Methods...... 4 Acknowledgments...... 8 Hydrologic Conditions...... 8 Water Quality...... 9 Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake...... 9 Sediment...... 9 Nutrients...... 9 Wonder Lake...... 21 Trophic State...... 21 Sediment Load...... 22 Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake...... 25 Sediment...... 25 Nutrients...... 25 Summary and Conclusions...... 27 Selected References...... 32


1-4. Maps showing- 1. Location of the Nippersink Creek Basin in northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin...... 2 2. Land use in the Nippersink Creek Basin, northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin...... 3 3. Urbanization in the Nippersink Creek Basin, northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin...... 5 4. Bathymetry of Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994...... 6 5-20. Graphs showing- 5. Daily mean streamflow in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994- September 2001...... 10 6. Daily mean streamflow in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994 - September 1997...... 11 7. Daily mean streamflow and sediment discharge in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994- September 2001...... 13 8. Nutrient concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., July 1994 -August 2001...... 14 IV

9. Total phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 15 10. Dissolved phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 16 11. Dissolved ammonia (NH4 as N) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 17 12. Total ammonia plus organic nitrogen (NH4 + org. N as N) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 18 13. Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate (N02 + NOs as N) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 19 14. Water-quality data, Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., April 15- August 1,1999...... 22 15. Water-quality data, Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., February 9- August 9,2000...... 23 16. Trophic state indices of Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., April- August 1999, and February-August 2000...... 24 17. Daily mean streamflow and sediment discharge in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994-September 1997...... 26 18. Total and dissolved phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., July 1994-July 1997...... 29 19. Total phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 30 20. Dissolved phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow...... 31


1. Population change for the period 1970-2000 in McHenry County, III...... 4 2. Annual runoff in Nippersink Creek above and below Wonder Lake, and ungaged lake inflow volumes by percentage of lake outflow in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III...... 8 3. Suspended-sediment and nutrient concentration statistics for Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994-2001...... 12 4. Regression coefficients, significance level, and goodness-of-fit parameters, by calibration period, for nutrients in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III...... 20 5. Estimated annual nutrient loads in tons from Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III...... 21 6. Sediment load trapped within Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994-2001...... 25 7. Monthly suspended-sediment load in Nippersink Creek above and below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III. 1994-2001...... 27 8. Suspended-sediment and nutrient concentrations in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994-97...... 28 9. Regression coefficients, significance level, and goodness-of-fit parameters, by calibration period, for nutrients in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III...... 32 10. Estimated annual total phosphorus retention in Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by model calibration period...... 32 VI

Conversion Factors and Datums

Multiply By To obtain Length inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm) foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km) Area acre 0.4047 hectare (ha) acre 0.004047 square kilometer (km2) square mile (mi2) 259.0 hectare (ha) square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer (km2) Volume cubic foot (ft3) 0.02832 cubic meter (m3) acre-foot (acre-ft) 1,233 cubic meter (m3) inches per square mile (in/mi2) 0.981 centimeters per square kilometer (cm/km2) Flow rate cubic foot per second (ftVs) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m3/s) Mass ton 0.9072 metric ton

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows: °F={1.8x°C)+32 Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) may be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) as follows: °C=(°F-32)/1.8 Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Historical data collected and stored as National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) have been converted to NAVD 88 for use in this publication. Horizontal coordinate information is referenced North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). Historical data collected and stored as North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27) have been converted to NAD83 for use in this publication. Altitude, as used in this report, refers to distance above or below sea level. Specific conductance is given in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (uS/cm at 25 °C). Concentrations of chemical constituents in water are given either in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or micrograms per liter (ug/L). Milligrams per liter is a unit expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as weight (milligrams) of solute per unit volume (liter) of water. One-thousand micrograms per liter is equivalent to one milligram per liter. For concentrations less than 7,000 mg/L, the numerical value is the same as for concentrations in parts per million. Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

By David H. Dupre and Dale M. Robertson


Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois was The construction of an earthen dam across formed when an earthen dam was constructed Nippersink Creek in 1929 created Wonder Lake, across Nippersink Creek in 1929. The U.S. Geo­ McHenry County, northeastern Illinois (fig. 1). This logical Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the 830-acre reservoir is incorporated into the Village McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation of Wonder Lake and lies within the 97.0-mi2 water­ District, operated two streamflow and water-qual­ shed. Wonder Lake is important economically, ity monitoring sites (upstream and downstream of socially, and ecologically to the area. Changes in Wonder Lake) from July 1994 through June 1997, lake-water quality are of chief concern to the sus- and examined the water quality of the lake during tainability of this area for recreational uses. 1999-2000. From 1999 through 2001, the USGS The water quality of lakes is affected by streams National Water-Quality Assessment Program oper­ draining their watersheds (Leopold, Wolman, and ated the same upstream monitoring station to assess Miller, 1964). This effect may be more pronounced the streamflow, sediments, nutrients, and other in lakes or reservoirs with short water residence chemical and physical characteristics of Nippersink times, which usually are measured in months, rather Creek. Interpolation and regression methods were than lakes or reservoirs with longer residence times, used to compute loads of sediment and nutrients which usually are measured in years. The amounts delivered to Wonder Lake through Nippersink of water, sediment, and nutrients delivered to Won­ Creek by the combination of data sets collected as der Lake through Nippersink Creek are affected part of these studies. by many natural processes and human factors that Since the formation of Wonder Lake, sediment are dynamic, rather than static, over time (Hack, and nutrient loading from Nippersink Creek has 1960). Residence times decrease as a reservoir fills caused lake water-quality degradation. Wonder with settled sediments. This decrease in residence Lake effectively trapped 75 percent of the 15,900 time contributes to the dynamic nature of the lentic tons of suspended sediment delivered during 1994- system. 97. The average daily sediment load delivered Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutri­ during 1994-2001 was 25 tons. High sediment ents for primary productivity in freshwater aquatic loading from the watershed reduces water clarity systems; however, when these nutrients are in and hinders lake navigation. Nutrient loading from excess, they can promote extensive aquatic-plant Nippersink Creek results in eutrophic conditions growth (macrophytes, periphyton, and phytoplank- within Wonder Lake as evaluated on a Trophic State ton), which can lead to eutrophic (productive) Index. The load of total phosphorus trapped in conditions. Typically, the limiting growth factor Wonder Lake is from 6 to 28 percent of the deliv­ for most aquatic plants and algae in the Midwest is ered load from Nippersink Creek. If the lake could phosphorus. Nitrogen availability also is important be restored to its original capacity, the sediment in algae growth. When these plants and algae die trapping efficiency may be increased. and decompose, the process consumes dissolved Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001


Upper Fox River Basin

Nippersink Creek Basin

MfVv-- /VA 88°20' wt'?U 7 Wonder Lake « V, rS 4 Nippersink > Creek A \ Basi" ./ 2 MILES Lower Fox

2 KILOMETERS River Basin

Figure 1. Location of the Nippersink Creek Basin in northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin. oxygen in the water (Westlake, 1975a). This cycle examined the water quality of Wonder Lake during can decrease dissolved oxygen concentrations to 1999-2000. From 1999 through 2001, the USGS less than 2 mg/L (hypoxic conditions) in lakes, National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Pro­ especially in deeper areas of stratified lakes, during gram operated one monitoring station (the upstream part of the year. Low dissolved oxygen concentra­ site) to assess the streamflow, sediments, nutrients, tions are undesirable because rough-fish populations and other chemical and physical characteristics of survive better than game-fish populations in this Nippersink Creek. Data collected at the monitoring condition. stations during these studies were used to calcu­ To help understand the causes of the degra­ late loads of sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus dation in the water quality of the lake, data from delivered to Wonder Lake from Nippersink Creek three U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) studies were during Water Years (WY) 1995-2001. A WY is the combined and examined. The USGS, in cooperation 12-month period from October 1 through September with the McHenry County Soil and Water Conser­ 30, and is designated by the calendar year in which vation District (SWCD), operated two streamflow it ends. and water-quality monitoring sites (one upstream of Cochran and Wilken, Inc. (1996) summarized the lake and one downstream of the lake) past water-quality studies on the lake and esti­ (fig. 2) from July 1994 through June 1997, and mated the amount of sediment deposited within Introduction

EXPLANATION 88°30' r \ LAND USE I I Agriculture I ' 1 Urban i I Forest 1 f Zenda CZZ Water / - EZD Wetland M Barren land Walworth County 42°30' -> WISCONSIN / / BASIN BOUNDARY ILLINOIS " J 05548110 A GAGING STATION AND IDENTIFIER McHenry County f \^ ,-\x, 888.8°25-r»!^ y Alden

42°25' 05548110

88°30' o i /

2 MILES 42°20' 0 1 2 KILOMETERS

Base from U.S. Geological Survey Wood stock 1:100,000 and 1:2,000,000 Digital Data Albers Equal-Area Conic projection I Standard parallels 33° and 45°, central meridial -89° C J

Figure 2. Land use in the Nippersink Creek Basin, northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin. 4 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001 the lake since 1929. Prior to 1994, studies on the If the trend in population within McHenry lake focused on water quality and fish biodiversity County is similar to that in the Wonder Lake water­ within the lake; no efforts were made to document shed, there will be a larger urban land usage within the streamflow or delivery of sediment and nutrients the Wonder Lake watershed. The construction of to Wonder Lake. roads, homes, and municipal infrastructure was evident during multiple visits to the area during the Purpose and Scope course of the study. Originally, Wonder Lake was planned to be 75 This report describes the water quality of Won­ percent of its present size. A possible surveying der Lake and Nippersink Creek, McHenry County, error may be the cause of the difference in lake size. Illinois. Sediment and nutrient data were collected The entire South Bay area was not anticipated to be during 1994-97 and 1999-2001. The sediment trap­ under water (fig. 4). Because of this possible error, ping efficiency of Wonder Lake is estimated for the the present lakefront property includes lots that period 1994-97. The water-quality conditions of the were not designed as part of the initial development lake are evaluated with a Trophic State Index (TSI) (Richard Hilton, Master Property Owner's Asso­ with data collected in 1999 and 2000. The data ciation of the Wonder Lake Area, oral commun., collected as part of these studies were combined for 2001). These differences from the original plans analysis in this report. Annual loads of sediment contribute to the management and decision-making were calculated using an interpolation technique processes within the watershed and with its stake­ and annual loads of nutrients were computed with holders. multivariate regression techniques. Methods Description of the study area Two streamflow monitoring stations were Wonder Lake is in the upper Fox River Sub- installed on Nippersink Creek in 1994, one above basin of the upper Basin (fig. 1). and one below Wonder Lake, to monitor stage and Wonder Lake is on the main branch of Nippersink establish a discharge rating using standard USGS Creek, 17 river miles upstream of the Fox River protocols (Rantz and others, 1982). These sta­ (Healy, 1979). Wonder Lake's watershed area is tions were in operation from July 1994 through 97.0 mi2. June 1997 (Gary Johnson, U.S. Geological Sur­ The watershed area of Nippersink Creek at the vey, oral commun., 2001). The USGS NAWQA monitoring station above Wonder Lake (station Program operated the station upstream of Wonder 05548105, fig. 2) is 84.5 mi2, and includes parts of Lake during 1999 - September 2001. The USGS Walworth County, Wisconsin and McHenry County, did not operate the downstream station after 1997. Illinois. The station at Nippersink Creek below Three other intermittent streams (Gait Creek, Deep Wonder Lake (station 05548110, fig. 2) has a Spring Creek, and Wooded Shore Creek) contribute 97.3 mi2 watershed area, and about 0.3 mi2 does not contribute drainage to the lake. Table 1. Population change for the period 1970-2000 in McHenry The 1990 land use upstream of Wonder Lake is County, III. (modified from Arnold and others, 1999). 86.9 percent agricultural, and 4.4 percent urban (fig. 2; Vogelmann and others, 2001). Changes in [%, percent] urban areas from 1970 through 1990 are shown in Population figure 3 (Arnold and others, 1999). Changes in 1970 1980 1990 2000 population from 1970 through 2000 are given in table 1. There was a 133 percent overall increase 111,456 147,897 183,241 260,077 in McHenry County population between 1970 and Change in population 2000 (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1991 and 2003). 1970-80 1980-90 1990-2000 1970-2000 32.7% 23.9% 41.9% 133% Introduction







Wonder Lake/ 7 /


Base from U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000 and 1:2,000,000 Digital Data Albers Equal-Area Conic projection Standard parallels 33° and 45°, central meridial -89

Figure 3. Urbanization in the Nippersink Creek Basin, northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin. I

3 a z5' a CD

1,000 2,000 FEET O 5 CD 7f QJ


£ re

o ac CD

o o


Spillway = 802 feet above NGVD29

Figure 4. Bathymetry of Wonder Lake, Me Henry County, III., 1994. Introduction directly to Wonder Lake (fig. 4). Because of study and Analysis Software (GCLAS) where methods limitations, streamflow magnitude and duration described by Porterfield (1972) are applied. A were not measured in these tributaries. The annual menu-driven interface is used in GCLAS to access flow into Wonder Lake from these tributaries is not computer algorithms that linearly interpolate considered substantial. between log-transformed, instantaneous suspended- To calculate nutrient mass loadings from 1994 sediment concentrations stored at unequal time through 1999, streamflow needed to be estimated at intervals (Gary Johnson, U.S. Geological Survey, the station above Wonder Lake for WY 1998. Flow oral commun., 2001). Daily suspended-sediment estimation was accomplished by extrapolating flow loads then are estimated from the interpolated, log- data from another station on Nippersink Creek, 12.3 transformed data. The amount of sediment depos­ river miles downstream (Nippersink Creek near ited in Wonder Lake was estimated by subtracting Spring Grove), by use of a drainage-area ratio. The the mass leaving in Nippersink Creek below Won­ watershed area at the station above Wonder Lake der Lake from the mass that entered the lake from is 44 percent of the area measured near Spring Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake. Grove. Similarly, the mean daily discharge during Annual loads of total phosphorus, dissolved the period of record above Wonder Lake also was phosphorus, ammonia plus organic nitrogen, dis­ 44 percent of the mean daily discharge near Spring solved ammonia, and dissolved nitrite plus nitrate Grove. Therefore, this extrapolation method should were calculated using a regression technique approximate the annual streamflow conditions for within the Estimator program (Cohn and others, WY 1998 (Gary Johnson, U.S. Geological Survey, 1989). The Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator oral commun., 2001). (MVUE) is used to correct for log-transformation Sediment and nutrient samples were collected biases (Cohn and others, 1989; Gilroy and others, using the equal-width-increment (EWI) method 1990; Cohn and others, 1992a). Daily loads are cal­ (Guy, 1970; Edwards and Glysson, 1988; Shelton, culated in the Estimator program using streamflow, 1994). Additional grab samples were collected by time, and seasonality (expressed as sine and cosine local observers, as well as with an automated sam­ transformations of time) as explanatory variables. pler using a fixed-interval, fixed-volume technique In this analysis, one-half of the laboratory Method (Guy, 1970; Porterfield, 1972; Edwards and Glys­ Reporting Level (MRL) was chosen to represent son, 1988; Shelton, 1994; Johnson, 1997). The grab observed values reported as above zero yet below samples were necessary during periods when EWI the MRL. sampling was not possible, and during periods when The regression equation for each constituent has no observers were available. Grab samples were not the form collected during 1999-2001. Analyses for dissolved constituents were performed on samples filtered in In (CQ) = P0 n (Q) (1) the field through a 0.45 um (micrometer) pore-size filter. Suspended sediment and total constituents where were determined by analyzing unfiltered water c concentration, samples (Guy, 1969). The USGS National Water- Po> fii> fa> Ps< empirical coefficients, Quality Laboratory (NWQL) performed chemical Q daily mean stream- analyses of water samples using standard analytical flow, methods (Wershaw and others, 1987; Fishman and time, and, Friedman, 1989; Fishman, 1993). The suspended- 3.1416. sediment samples were analyzed at the USGS Kentucky or Missouri District sediment laboratories Water-column profiles for dissolved oxygen, using standard techniques (Guy, 1969; Sholar and water temperature, pH, and specific conductance Shreve, 1998). were obtained by measuring at half-meter intervals Annual loads of suspended sediment were from the surface to the lake bottom using a multi- estimated using Graphical Constituent Loading parameter meter. The meter was calibrated in the 8 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

field with standard reference solutions for pH and HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS specific conductance prior to measurement. The saturated air-calibration method was used for the The annual mean streamflow in Nippersink dissolved-oxygen sensor (Robertson and others, Creek above Wonder Lake is 62.7 ft3/s for the 1999). period of record from 1995 to 2001, which indicates A Secchi disk was used to measure water clar­ annual runoff of about 10 in/mi2 (Harris and oth­ ity (Cole, 1994). This 20-centimeter-diameter disk ers, 2002). The flow regime varied greatly between has alternating quadrants of black-and-white, and the monitored periods, 1994-97 and 1999-2001, is lowered through the water column until it disap­ as indicated by the annual runoff at the upstream pears from sight. This depth of disappearance is monitoring site (table 2). The period from 1995 to recorded as the Secchi depth. 1997 was much drier than normal with each suc­ Grab samples of lake water were collected cessive year slightly wetter than the preceding year. 1-2 ft below the water surface using a Van Dorn The wettest year during the study period was 1999, sampler (Field and others, 1995). Unfiltered sam­ with 2000 also much wetter than normal. WY 2001 ples were analyzed for total phosphorus and chloro­ was close to the mean of 10.1 in/mi2 or 62.7 ft3/s. phyll a concentrations. All lake samples were ana­ The combination of these hydrologic data from the lyzed by the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene two streamgaging periods should provide acceptable using the same techniques as utilized by the NWQL range for the constituent load estimates. (Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, 1993). Based on the observed streamflow in Nip­ One method of classifying the trophic state of a persink Creek below Wonder Lake, there are lake is by computing individual index values based unmeasured inputs into Wonder Lake (table 2). on near-surface total P and chlorophyll a concentra­ The magnitude of these inputs is estimated to be tions, and Secchi depths, as developed by Carlson no more than 12-15 percent of the volume exiting (1977) and modified by Lillie and others (1993). These indices were developed to place these three Table 2. Annual runoff in Nippersink Creek above and below water-quality characteristics on similar scales. TSI Wonder Lake, and ungaged lake inflow volumes by percentage of values for a lake can be calculated using the follow­ lake outflow in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry ing equations (Lillie and others, 1993): County, III.

[nd, no data] = 60.0- 33.2 (logjo Secchi depth, in meters) (2)

TSIc = 34.82 + 17.41 (logjQ chlorophyll a concentrations, in micro- Annual Runoff grams per liter) (3) Above Wonder Lake Below Wonder Lake Water Years (inches per (inches per TSIjp - 28.24 + 17.81 (Iog10 total phosphorus concentrations, in square mile) square mile) micro grams per liter) (4) 1995 6.30 6.43 1996 8.78 8.69 Acknowledgments 1997 9.29 9.25 1998 '10.56 nd The authors wish to thank the Master Property 1999 13.83 nd Owner's Association of Wonder Lake, 111., and 2000 12.15 nd specifically Richard Hilton and Tom Cooper of the 2001 10.18 nd Mean 1995-2001 10.09 8.12 Association. Peter Berrini of Cochran and Wilken, Estimated ungaged Inc. provided lake drawings and maps, as well as "" inflows Percentage of outflow historical information. The following USGS per­ Water Years (millions of cubic feet) sonnel are noted for their assistance in the planning 1995 79,200 14.9 and execution of this study, and mentoring during 1996 88,100 12.3 the course of this study: Gary Johnson, Kevin Rich­ 1997 97,400 12.8 ards, George Groschen, and Mike Friedel. 'Calculated value; not included in Mean. Water Quality the lake annually. There are three, small intermit­ Wonder Lake. Mass loads were calculated from the tent creeks (Gait Creek, Deep Spring Creek, and concentration data. The load in Nippersink Creek Wooded Shore Creek) that drain into Wonder Lake was evaluated above and below Wonder Lake to that may account for the majority of this volume estimate the amount trapped within the lake. (fig. 4). Other sources of flow and input to the lake not considered here are ground-water inflow Nutrients (including septic fluxes), direct precipitation and evapotranspiration, and adjacent impervious areas. Total phosphorus concentrations ranged from Wonder Lake has an additional 12.5 mi2 (total area 0.020 to 1.16 mg/L, with a mean concentration of is 97.0 mi2) of watershed area than does the gag­ 0.159 mg/L (table 3). The highest concentrations ing station above the lake (05548105, fig. 2). The were observed in the spring; lower concentrations Nippersink Creek station below the lake (05548110) were observed throughout the year. Total phospho­ has 0.3 mi2 of drainage not contributing to the lake. rus concentrations generally increased with increas­ The flows in Nippersink Creek above and ing streamflow. Comparisons between observed below Wonder Lake are shown in figures 5 and 6, constituent concentration and month of sample, and respectively. These flows were used as model input discharge at time of sampling for each nutrient col­ for estimating sediment and nutrient loads in Nip­ lected in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake are persink Creek and Wonder Lake. These loads are shown in figures 8-13. discussed in the section Water Quality below. Dissolved phosphorus concentrations ranged from 0.005 to 0.188 mg/L, with a mean concentra­ tion of 0.044 mg/L (table 3, fig. 10). Eight values WATER QUALITY were below the MRL, 0.010 mg/L. Dissolved phos­ phorus concentrations were positively correlated The discussion of water quality presented here to streamflow. There was no strong seasonality in is divided into three parts: water quality of Nip­ dissolved phosphorus concentrations at this site persink Creek above Wonder Lake, water quality (05548105). of Wonder Lake, and water quality of Nippersink The concentrations of dissolved ammonia as Creek below the lake. The creek-lake system then nitrogen (hereinafter referred to as "ammonia") can be evaluated from an input-output viewpoint for from March 1999 through August 2001 ranged from those periods of time of concurrent observations. 0.010 to 0.228 mg/L (table 3, fig. 11). The NWQL's MRL changed toward the end of the study to less Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake than 0.041 mg/L that affected four samples being reported as less than the revised MRL. There were Descriptions of the observed concentrations and 16 of 37 water samples that were reported as below calculated loads of suspended sediment and nutri­ a MRL for ammonia. Ammonia concentrations had ents are described below. These concentrations and slight seasonality with highest concentrations in the loads represent the inputs to Wonder Lake. spring. The concentrations of ammonia increased with increasing flow for flows less than 400 ft3/s; Sediment however, above this flow there was a weak negative relation. Daily-mean suspended-sediment concentrations Concentrations of ammonia-plus-organic in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake from July nitrogen as nitrogen (hereinafter referred to as 1994 through July 2001 ranged from 1.2 mg/L to "total organic nitrogen") from March 1999 through 808 mg/L, with a mean concentration of August 2001 ranged from 0.31 to 4.2 mg/L, with a 89.3 mg/L (table 3). Suspended-sediment con­ mean concentration of 1.1 mg/L (table 3, figure 12). centration generally is related to streamflow (fig. Although the highest total organic nitrogen concen­ 7). Further discussion of sediment concentration trations were observed in the spring, lower con­ is found in the section below on sediment loads in centrations were observed throughout the period. I CD

10,000 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I




O OQ 100 3 O


10 orUl (0

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATE Figure 5. Daily mean streamflow in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994 - September 2001. 1 0,000 r I I I I i i I I I I i I I I I I


i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i o a> 1994 1995 1996 1997 DATE Figure 6. Daily mean streamflow in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994 - September 1997. Table 3. Suspended-sediment and nutrient concentration statistics for Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994-2001.

[mg/L, milligrams per liter; min, minimum; MRL, method reporting level; max, maximum; Dev., deviation]

CD Percentile O Q) Number of .. Min or one- .. Standard . 01 = . . Mean ...... _, Max n Variance Skewness ? Samples half the MRL Dev. « 1 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 2, z5' - - -a CD Daily-Mean 2. Suspended Sediment 1990 89.3 1.2 25.2 36.5 63.0 121 192 808 75.6 5,710 2.3 % (mg/L) o 3 CD Dissolved Ammonia 37 .066 .010 .010 .010 .036 .095 .193 .228 .068 .005 1.31 % (NH4 as N) (mg/L) a.

Total Ammonia + I Organic N as N 37 1.1 .31 .39 .44 .66 1.3 2.4 4.2 1.0 1.0 2.1 CD" (mg/L) ST Dissolved Nitrite CD (N02) + Nitrate (N03) 37 4.42 2.27 2.43 2.91 3.87 5.39 7.58 9.00 1.94 3.75 .862 f* X as N (mg/L) CD Dissolved Nitrite 1 (N02 as N) 37 .032 .010 .015 .020 .026 .044 .057 .067 .016 .000 .680 § (mg/L) j| Total = Phosphorus as P 114 .159 .020 .040 .060 .100 .208 .277 1.16 .177 .031 3.30 1. (mg/L) s Dissolved Phosphorus as P 95 .044 .005 .010 .020 .034 .051 .090 .188 .039 .002 1.97 § (mg/L) 10,000 q 10,000


SEDIMENT DISCHARGE O 1,000 o ILI (0 a: a.ILI No record from 100 October 1, 1997, to O September 30, 1998 DO D O 2s 10

0.1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 0.1 § 1994 1995 1996 1997 I 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATE Figure?. Daily mean streamflow and sediment discharge in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994-September 2001. CD CO CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER

i i i i i I I I I I


g g E" < ' COrn rn COrn 3 CO CO O O

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CD ^ ^ O 5 -+ m 73

ro (=9 (=9

>|uisjaddi|\| jo Aj||eno JBJBM H 3 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS (AS P) CONCENTRATION, TOTAL PHOSPHORUS (AS P) CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER Q) CD c c TD 3" 2 5 ^ c; ss 2 ^ S o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 M | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V) c_ TD 3" > o Z E V) - oT -n V) m ^0 DO o o Z _ 3 O _ _ CD S 3 - 0 - « «w f+ ^ > z 73 E3 » ~ r-+o' H - > o . 3 Z CO * - > 3' m Tl O % 0 * * 73 -o'z: c - TD c/> r ^« . CD *^ S g *^> * « w_3' =<> 7T 0 - . . i 0 X - CD ^ A ^? V - c_ CD * * 7T 73 Q) O -m o § § O Z < 0 *V^^9 CD Z 3 c_ * 9 M» W«» 1 O 1 |C 3 c A Q. - CD 00 1 0 ' > Q) T1 7T C ro m * 0 m _ k H o o ^ c/> CD m m 3 30 £ I -I Tl - 0 _ _ O c/> 8 o m o o O O Ir O « = O - O- 9 < z o > _ 1 3 _ CD o ^ .-f O _i. ~_ ~ D "o0 m SL s. i i i i i M 1 1 i i i i i i 1 1 1 i i i i i 1 1 r DO O S-" w o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < Q) 0 > 3 CD" 16 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

1F i i I I I I I I I I I i Values shown at greater than or equal to Methord Reporting Level (0.010 milligram per liter) z LU O X^ 0.1 OL CO <

O O OL CO 0.01 X OL Q LU

O CO CO 0.001 J______I______I______i i _____I______I______I Q JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH

B O i iii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Values shown at greater than or equal to Methord Reporting Level (0.010 milligram per liter) LU 0.1 o-fc CO LU II / **_tm | i 0-01

I Z Q. Q LU o CO CO 0.001 i i i i i i i I_____i___i i i i i i i Q 10 100 1,000 10,000 INSTANTANEOUS DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND

Figure 10. Dissolved phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow. Water Quality 17

o ' - ' ' ' ' ' i i i i i i rf ~ Values shown at greater than or equal to Methord Reporting Level (0.020 milligram per liter) OL Z - LLI

Z LLI 85 . . 7*(£ * Z LLI Jg Q_ « if 0.1 : . - ZK - : Z J - f 11 : _ ^ Q LLI -



B O H Values shown at greater than or equal to Methord Reporting Level (0.020 milligram per liter)

LLI 0£ Z LLI O t O _i

LLI 0.1

Q LLI § (0 % 0.01 i i i i i i I i___i i i i i i J______I____I 10 100 1,000 10,000 INSTANTANEOUS DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND

Figure 11. Dissolved ammonia (Nfyas N) concentrations in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow. O Tl o (5 jf 3 TOTAL AMMONIA PLUS ORGANIC TOTAL AMMONIA PLUS ORGANIC NITROGEN (NH4+org. N as N) CONCENTRATION, NITROGEN (NH4+org. N as N) CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER (D Q B 3 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i S o >

O E3' s o) EE~ - 3 <« -n V m CD" CQ DO SO CO 3 =3 Z * * a. o' CO O CO 3 ~ ~ r-+ > 5 9 (D 03 O z - * * - ^ 3 ca 7f - B) f s £ V 3 CD . z _ ^f 9 _ ^ O. Q- z: m Tl 5" * O : * : I g + £ o o C/> o to' g ^ ^ Q) 0 CO X - 0 71 . . ~. o o = i 3 O m O CD 9 z 3 O z O Q) i f 5! fc o' o |

3 c W 00 _ 5' o _ .j.., -a'z: n . C -a m .-1 0 CD m § : : ""* 0 3'c/3 ^" TJ C/) m m 0 0 O 7) Tl CD - ^ CD Wr m CO O O 0 O O z - CD a - i - Z 3 O. o CD ~ < 1 ~ - - Q) ~ a> _». D o ~ m k o o i i i i i i 1 1 1 i i i i i i 1 1 DO O o0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i CD 3 >3 > = 3 1 o 5 DISSOLVED NITRITE PLUS NITRATE (NO2+NO3 as N) DISSOLVED NITRITE PLUS NITRATE (NO2+NO3 as N) CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER

CO 0 _i _». O CO 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -o_3 CD Q. CD rt-'3 Q) s -o _ \ CO c * CO C/3 3 3_ -u_ ^~ y - ^ S- Q. CO * . o" ^ > ^ § o z - ^f d *** 2 2 < f . o GO m CO O I 1 CO _ c/> § 1 o 0 o 1 0 CO S- o CD o IB 3 z CD" Ef s* - CO o' 73 ^ Q) O 3 - COE5' m 0 CD ~ZL - 9L 5" T3 o - CD c n - ='CO 00 ^ o ^ _ n a _ 0 m .-" CD CD : 1 3 S 3. Q) ^ 0 TJ CQ 0 m CD 73 CO ^"p f m Q. 0 1^ CD O O 3. Q) D CQ _CD o5 k 3 o g> - 3: - CD 1 - - O o 0) O o - c o 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 DO f p-f o 20 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

Similar to ammonia concentrations, total organic Constituent concentrations and coinciding nitrogen concentrations increased with increasing daily streamflow were used to develop multivari- flow for flows less than 400 fWs. For flows greater ate models (described in equation 1 above) with than 900 ft3/s, there may be negative relation to time and streamflow regressors to estimate nutrient concentration. loads. Regression coefficients, p-values for statisti­ Concentrations of dissolved nitrite plus nitrate cally significant parameters, and goodness-of-fit as nitrogen (hereinafter referred to as "nitrate") measures, as well as the model-calibration period, from March 1999 through August 2001 ranged are listed in table 4 for the Nippersink Creek load- from 2.27 to 9.00 mg/L, with a mean concentration prediction models. Each phosphorus parameter was of 4.42 mg/L (table 3, fig. 13). Although the high­ calibrated twice. est nitrate concentrations were observed in spring, It was necessary to calibrate two regression lower concentrations were observed throughout equations for phosphorus data to accurately com­ the period. Similar to ammonia and total organic pare the various study phases because of varying nitrogen concentrations, nitrate concentrations hydrologic conditions. This calibration was com­ increased with increasing flow up to 400 ft3/s, and pleted in an attempt to estimate an annual phos­ then decreased with higher flow. phorus load trapped in the lake. The equation that The same water samples taken in Nippersink better explained observed variability was used to Creek above Wonder Lake were analyzed for nitrite calculate loads. The annual nutrient loads estimated as nitrogen (hereinafter referred to as "nitrite") in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake based on concentrations. Generally, nitrite concentrations the 1999-2001 calibration, and the corresponding were two orders of magnitude lower than the nitrate 95-percent confidence intervals are listed in table 5. concentrations and are, therefore, considered negli­ The total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, gible (table 3). and total organic nitrogen models better described the variability in loading than the nitrate and ammo-

Table 4. Regression coefficients, significance level, and goodness-of-fit parameters, by calibration period, for nutrients in Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III.

[r 2, explained variability; %, percent; S, standard error; >, greater than]

Model Coefficient Nutrient (p-value) (Calibration period) (%) S Po P, P 2 Pa P,

Total 5.854 1.425 0 0.212 -0.106 Organic Nitrogen 95.0 0.42 (1999-2001) (0.000) (0.000) (>0.05) (0.072) (0.298) ; Dissolved Ammonia 2*936 6 J49 i** * i (1999-2001) (ftdoo) JQMfyi ^0.045), Dissolved Nitrate 7.247 1.119 0 0 0 77.9 .71 (1999-2001) (0.000) (0.000) (>0.05) (>0.05) (>0.05) I Total Phosphorus 0! i20i 94:8 ,50^ 5 (1999-2001) S J(p.000) I0.153TI £>. Dissolved Phosphorus 3.029 1.638 0 -.337 -.157 94.8 .46 (1999-2001) (0.000) (0.000) (>0.05) (0.011) (0.164) Total Phosphorus 2;554 ;K342 0 m » (1994-97) (0:030) (0.000), Dissolved Phosphorus 1.365 1.342 0 0 0 75.1 .82 (1994-97) (0.000) (0.000) (>0.05) (>0.05) (>0.05) Water Quality 21 nia models as indicated by the higher percentage of Secchi depth was about 1.5 ft during the study. The explained variability (r2) and smaller standard errors mean chlorophyll a concentration during the study (S) (table 4). Suspended material generally is better was 62 n-g/L, with a growing-season mean of 69 related to flow than dissolved constituents. Visual ^ig/L. The mean near-surface, total phosphorus inspection of the data confirms this observation concentration during the study was 145 \ig/L. The (figs. 7, 9, 12). Dissolved phosphorus, however, has mean total phosphorus concentration for the grow­ a good fit for inputs to Wonder Lake in contrast to ing season was 162 \ig/L. the poor fit for dissolved nitrogen forms. The dis­ The lowest water-clarity measurement cor­ solved phosphorus concentrations tended to increase responded with the highest total phosphorus con­ with increasing flow, whereas the dissolved nitrogen centration observation in June 1999. This obser­ forms did not (figs. 10, 11, 13). vation was on the day following the peak flow in Nippersink Creek for 1999. This observation may WONDER LAKE indicate that under large flow inputs, Wonder Lake becomes well mixed with a large amount of sus­ Wonder Lake was sampled nine times from pended sediment. These well-mixed lake conditions April 1999 through August 2000 (Harris and others, would disrupt or destroy any thermal stratification 2002). Vertical depth profiles of water temperature, as well as dissolved-oxygen stratification for days dissolved oxygen, pH, and specific conductance col­ to weeks. The depth profiles of the water column lected during each sampling are presented graphi­ indicate periods of this lack of stratification cally in figures 14 and 15. These seasonal profiles (figs.14-15). indicate that Wonder Lake intermittently mixes TSI index values were calculated to place these throughout the year, and no appreciable stratifica­ three characteristics on similar scales using equa­ tion takes place for extended periods. The trophic tions 2, 3, and 4 as described above. Oligotrophic state of Wonder Lake was evaluated along with the lakes (TSI values less than 40) have a limited sup­ physical properties previously mentioned. ply of nutrients, typically are clear with low algal populations and P concentrations, and they typically Trophic State contain oxygen throughout the year in their deep­ est parts. Mesotrophic lakes (TSI values between Spring (April-May) Secchi depth in Wonder 40 and 50) have a moderate supply of nutrients, are Lake was about 2 ft in both 1999 and 2000. The not especially clear, and are prone to moderate algal mean summer (June-August), or growing season, blooms; occasional oxygen depletions in the deeper

Table 5. Estimated annual nutrient loads in tons from Nippersink Creek above Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III.

[All loads in tons; annual 95-percent confidence interval value in brackets]

Water Years (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30) Nutrient Mean Median 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Organic 62.97 67.41 66.82 135.8 114.7 63.88 85.26 67.11 Nitrogen [6.81] [8.85] [5.76] [23.04] [18.15] [6.79] ; Dissolved 3,77 5,82: sp*. 6J58 6:05 i Ammonia IMl; E3L.61); s*s 264.4 281.2 313.8 445.3 388.1 303.0 Dissolved Nitrate 332.6 308.4 [41.3] [46.4] [44.0] [90.4] [76.3] [44.3] 12.42 14.02 33-25 Total Phosphorus njs m [St 02.36]; t[6;64] 11 Dissolved 3.36 3.40 3.00 9.08 7.82 2.96 4.94 3.38 Phosphorus [0.43] [0.57] [0.28] [2.18] [1.65] [0.36] 22 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001 parts of the lake are possible. Eutrophic lakes (TSI ally, the June and July 1999 samples followed major values greater than 50) are nutrient rich with pos­ flow events from Nippersink Creek (fig. 5). The sible corresponding water-quality problems, such as lake likely was flushed with this incoming water, frequent seasonal algal blooms; oxygen depletion is and flowing waters typically have lower chloro­ common in the deeper parts of the lake and clarity is phyll a concentration than slower-moving lake poor. waters. Wonder Lake is a highly eutrophic system The TSI values for Wonder Lake all fall in the based on these TSI values. range for eutrophic lakes (greater than 50), except for two chlorophyll a samples in June and July Sediment Load 1999, which indicate mesotrophic conditions (fig. 16). These two chlorophyll a samples may be The amount of sediment trapped in Wonder considered data outliers, as the June and July sam­ Lake was estimated by subtracting the mass leaving ples from the following year (2000) were an order in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake from the of magnitude higher in concentration, and close to mass that entered the lake from Nippersink Creek the median value for all observations. Addition­ above Wonder Lake. These sediment discharge data

DISSOLVED OXYGEN (D.O.) CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER April 15,1999 June 15, 1999 July 14, 1999 August 1, 1999 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15 u.u

V) 0.5 W.T.j D.O. DC. 1 LU 1.0 1 / 1 / HI 1 / 1.5 1 I 1 1 2.0 \l

QL 2.5 /I HI 1 Q 3.0 1 ^ c 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 WATER TEMPERATURE (W.T.), IN DEGREES CELSIUS

pH, IN STANDARD UNITS 1 3 5 7 9 1113 1 3 5 7 9 1113 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13

(0 0.5 pH LU 1- 1.0 LU ^ 1.5 - Z X" 2.0 _

QL 2.5 LU Q 3.0 s.c.

^ d 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (S.C.), IN MICROSIEMENS PER CENTIMETER AT 25 DEGREES CELSIUS

Figure 14. Water-quality data. Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., April 15-August 1,1999. DISSOLVED OXYGEN (D.O.) CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER February 9, 2000 April 13, 2000 June 7, 2000 July 11,2000 August 9, '<2000 D 3 6 9 12 1 5 (D 3 6 9 12 1 5 (D 3 6 i) 12 1 5 () 3 6 9 12 1 5 (D 3 6 9 12 1 0.0 - c/) 0.5 W.T. / i i tt i I i - |i! 1.0 J I ( in .S i \ i - S 1.5 i I I z 1 i 1 i - - 1 1 1 2-° / i Ij i / £ 2.5 /D.O. / 1 - 111 I i I 0 3.0 / ! - ' -

o c i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 WATER TEMPERATURE (W.T), IN DEGREES CELSIUS

pH, IN STANDARD UNITS 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 ,5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 1113 1 3 5 7 9 1113 1 3 5 7 9 1113 u.u

0.5 pH , - LLI 1.0 - 111 1.5 -


Q. 2.5 : s.c.l. LLI Q 3.0 - - I

o c 100 600 800 1,000 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (S.C.), IN MICROSIEMENS PER CENTIMETER AT 25 DEGREES CELSIUS

Figure 15. Water-quality data. Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., February 9 - August 9,2000. 24 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001 were published by the USGS (LaTour and others, (C) to inflow (I) ratio. The estimated 1994 volu­ 2001; Harris and others, 2002). Annual sediment metric capacity of Wonder Lake is 3,600 acre-ft loads and retention are presented on a water-year (Cochran and Wilken, Inc., 1996). The mean daily basis (table 6). inflow of 62.7 ft3/s is equivalent to 124 acre-ft/d, Stream and sediment discharge graphs for each which results in a C /1 ratio of 0.079. Based on station on Nippersink Creek are shown in figures 7 this Brune's curve ratio, the trapping efficiency of and 17. Monthly sediment loads are given in table Wonder Lake should be from 70 to 90 percent. As 7. Wonder Lake trapped almost 75 percent of the a reservoir fills, its trapping efficiency decreases. sediment delivered through Nippersink Creek from The 74-year old Wonder Lake is approximately 33 July 1994 through June 1997. percent filled from its 1929 volume (Cochran and The 75-percent trapping efficiency of Wonder Wilken, Inc., 1996). If Wonder Lake was dredged Lake follows the relation observed by Brune (1953) and its volume increased in the future, it is likely for many other normally ponded reservoirs. Trap­ that it will trap a greater percentage of the delivered ping efficiency is calculated from the capacity sediment load.





X UJ O 60 Eutrophic UJ Sc 50 O Mesotrophic

g 40 h- Oligotrophic



I____I____I____I____I____I____I____I I____I____I____I____I____I____I APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1999 2000 DATE

Figure 16. Trophic state indices of Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., April - August 1999, and February - August 2000. Water Quality 25

Table 6. Sediment load trapped within Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994-2001.

[%, percent; nd, no data.]

Number of days In Trapped = In - Out Trapped Water Year(s) Out monitored (tons) (tons) (tons) (%) 1994 102 207.9 95.0 112.9 54.3 1995 365 3,568.0 786.6 2,781.0 78.0 1996 366 4,815.0 1,435.0 3,380.0 70.2 1997 273 7,336.0 1,738.0 5,598.0 76.3 1994-97 ;; '. 1,106 15,927.0 4,055,0 ; 11,872,0 : ::; :r/- ;;-;.jK5-;;;;;.'vf';/ -: 1998 0 nd nd nd nd 1999 214 7,177.0 nd nd nd 2000 366 15,981.0 nd nd nd 2001 304 10,741.0 nd nd nd

It is estimated that a similar amount of sedi­ Nutrients ment was delivered to Wonder Lake in WY 2000 alone as had been delivered between June 1994 and The concentrations of total phosphorus ranged June 1997 (table 5). Throughout the study, which from 0.020 to 1.81 mg/L with a mean concentra­ encompassed 1,990 days, the estimated average tion of 0.152 mg/L (table 3, fig. 18). Total phos­ daily sediment load is 25 tons. This daily loading phorus concentrations were not strongly related to would indicate an average annual sediment load of flow or season, however, the maximum observation 9,145 tons. If the 75-percent sediment-trapping rate occurred with the largest discharge sampled during applies in an average year, then about 6,800 tons of the 1994-97 study period (fig. 19). sediment would be trapped within Wonder Lake in a Dissolved phosphorus concentrations ranged typical year. from 0.005 to 0.541 mg/L with a mean concentra­ tion of 0.045 mg/L (table 3, fig. 18). Dissolved phosphorus concentrations had a weak positive Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake relation to increasing flow but no seasonality. The Descriptions of the observed concentrations maximum observed value occurred with the high­ and calculated loads of suspended sediment and est-sampled event as it did with total phosphorus nutrients at Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, (fig- 20). approximately 0.5 mi downstream of the Wonder The loading models (table 9) do not explain Lake dam, are described below. These concentra­ the variability in daily loads below the lake as they tions and loads represent the outputs from Wonder did above the lake. The models calibrated with the Lake. 1994-97 data for total phosphorus above and below Wonder Lake were reasonably accurate to esti­ mate the amount of phosphorus retained in the lake Sediment during that time period. Similar comparisons for Suspended-sediment concentrations in Nip­ dissolved phosphorus would be highly variable, as persink Creek below Wonder Lake from July 1994 model simulation only can account for 49 percent of to June 1997 ranged from 3.1 to 90 mg/L, with a the observed variability for that constituent. mean concentration of 19.1 mg/L (table 8). These Using the model calibrated with total phos­ concentrations correspond to those observed phorus data in Nippersink Creek above and below upstream of the lake during the same period, given Wonder Lake from 1994 to 1997, an estimate is the trapping effect, and relate positively to discharge made of the amount trapped within the lake (table (fig. 17). 10). There was about 6 percent of the mean annual CD ^ 0

JT O CD 1,000 r i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i q1,000 CD





0.1 i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i 1994 1995 1996 1997 DATE Figure 17. Daily mean streamflow and sediment discharge in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., June 1994 - September 1997. Summary and Conclusions 27

total phosphorus load retained in Wonder (5 CD .a r-; en q q J3 E E Lake using the earlier data set. This esti­ CD en m CN 'tf- G-H^ G *B ta. -H r) mated trapping increases to 28 percent CD CD c/5 when the mean annual total phosphorus "S loading amount is used based on the latter 1 o ^t~ C39 CN ^~ '~~* t*"~~ *o in f~*^ FO TO calibration (tables 5 and 10). The differ­ a ^O in CN TN}" G ^^ CN G < CN ^H -H CN < ence in estimated total phosphorus trap­ ping is attributable solely to the differences ; O between the two models for Nippersink ^3 ^5 3 Sf^Orn*G^ON^ ^t~ fN -^t ON in Creek above Wonder Lake. Results for the percent retained for total phosphorus delivered to Wonder Lake were

CD -ar-oo-aooo CD C c: appreciably different for the two models. -3 i ' i o ^ in CN J3 <-<' CN CO l>" -H" Based on the sediment-trapping efficiency, sO and the observed relation between flow and concentrations of particulate nutrients, o ^^OCN^OOO 2 :» CO »- CO it would be expected that a larger percent­ s 10 o\r o\ oo ' i ^ 3 S I 1 ( I~H CO in age of total phosphorus would be retained 0. 1 o CD CD within the lake, similar to suspended sedi­ o 3 3 TSOOO^OTSOOO i_ ,._ ment. CD £3. -H m CN o oo i S « C ^ Three intermittent streams contribute C 1 ^H ^H , i i directly to Wonder Lake (fig. 4). Because CD > O o of study limitations, the flow magnitude and .a oq CO U 5 f, duration were not measured in these tribu­ GOOOON GCN^VO ^ * CD CO CN in CN m q » « £ CD SE taries. Therefore, slightly more sediments 0 O and nutrients may be delivered and retained 'EC c _C3 'E >. than are estimated here. Flow inputs are CD OS CN ; q CO £3. CO §. « TS ^ r~^ .a £3. J3 Gr~-OO(N G C^vO G in in o in m .1^ £ best estimated when both Nippersink Creek Z .a -a CD m m Z CD u_ LJ_ monitoring sites are in operation upstream and downstream of Wonder Lake.

CO CO m -H a :s ON r~^ c Cint~~-F~- G GONON o oo CO JO -i SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

CD CD J3 J3 q E TSCNOOOTaTacN^sO E in m Wonder Lake, McHenry County, o> c in (*""3 \^ ^ ^ i/^ \^ CD u ^H i -H m in O CD CD Illinois was formed when an earthen dam a Q was constructed across Nippersink Creek

CD CD in 1929. The USGS, in cooperation with J2 oq ON .13 oo oo oo E E CD GVOONOO G Gr~-ON CD the McHenry County SWCD, operated two -H r4 ON o O 2 streamflow and water-quality monitoring sites from July 1994 through June 1997,

CD Q> and examined the water quality of Won­ J3 ^ in oo J3 T3VOO T3"'T3T3OOCN O G en ON ^O G G ^O ON der Lake during 1999-2000. From 1999 U ^H m tj O 0 through 2001, the USGS NAWQA Program operated the same upstream monitoring CO Jo >" ^t~ in vo station to assess the streamflow, nutrients, ^ ONONONONONONOO ON ON ON ON CD ONONONONONONOO V ON ON ON ON ^H^H irt CNCN lo sediments, and other chemical and physical i § characteristics of Nippersink Creek. 28 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

Table 8. Suspended-sediment and nutrient concentrations in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., 1994-97.

[All data except number of samples in milligrams per liter; MRL, method reporting level]

Total Phosphorus Dissolved Phosphorus Statistic Daily mean suspended sediment asP asP Number of Samples 1106 73 53 Mean 19.1 0.152 0.045 Minimum or 3.1 .020 .005 one-half MRL lOth-percentile 10.0 .060 .005 25th-percentile 14.0 .080 .020 Median 17.2 .120 .030 75th-percentile 22.1 .150 .040 90th-percentile 29.7 .204 .078 Maximum 90.2 1.81 .541 Standard Deviation 9.1 .215 .076 Variance 82.0 .046 .006

Skewness 2.1 6.80 5.64

Nutrient and sediment loading to Wonder Lake Wonder Lake is characterized as eutrophic is strongly related to the hydrologic conditions of based on a trophic state index. Three criteria Nippersink Creek and the surrounding watershed. were used in evaluating the lake: Secchi disk Suspended-sediment and nutrient loads were related depth, total phosphorus concentration, and chloro­ to stream discharge. In years of greater streamflow, phyll a concentration. These criteria are indexed higher concentrations of nutrients and sediment such that each measure is placed on similar scales were observed. Likewise, lower concentrations were for comparison. The lake was characterized observed in years when the mean annual flow was less nine times during 1999-2000 (total of 27 trophic than the average annual flow. Some of the dissolved state evaluations). Twenty-five of the 27 evalua­ forms of nitrogen were found in higher concentrations tions placed Wonder Lake in the eutrophic index on a seasonal basis regardless of flow. category. Two measurements of chlorophyll a The median annual load of total phosphorus (dur­ concentration classified the lake as mesotrophic; ing 1994-2001) in Nippersink Creek above Wonder however, the lake was classified as eutrophic Lake was 12.41 tons, whereas dissolved phosphorus based on the Secchi disk depth and total phospho­ was delivered at a median rate of 3.38 tons per year. rus concentration criteria. The annual load of total organic nitrogen was 67.11 The observed trapping efficiency of Wonder tons. Median annual dissolved ammonia loading was Lake is nearly 75 percent. As the lake fills with 5.7 tons. The median annual load of dissolved nitrate more sediment over time, this trapping efficiency was 308.4 tons. will decrease. However, a decrease in the trap­ It was not possible to reliably estimate the mean ping efficiency usually is slow and gradual. If annual amounts of total and dissolved phosphorus the lake were restored to its original capacity, trapped in Wonder Lake. The flow and concentrations the sediment-trapping efficiency likely would were highly variable at Nippersink Creek below Won­ increase above the current rate. The data used in der Lake during 1994-97. Between 6 and 28 percent this calculation were collected during a period of the total phosphorus load was trapped in the lake (1994-97) when the annual streamflow was less based on regression model analysis. A large portion than the average flow for the period of record of the load variability could not be explained by the (1994-2001). The years of 1999 through 2001 regression. did not have sufficient data coverage to estimate a Summary and Conclusions 29


O5 O5 >

05 >.

«m o cr


CO or §CO sO ? o g* s Q- -^

o I- Q

p O NI 'NOIlVyiN30NOO (d SV) SH^OHdSOHd 1V1O1



"^ 1 IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER O O (D CD C* a. SL -* T3 sS^ssS^o 5> ] i i i i i 1 1 1 i i i i i i 1 1 1 i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 3- SL ? CO T3 > z £ O ^

CO - 5" OJ TI o CO m CD DO «=' o z _ _ 0 CO ?T o ^ 0 CD ^ > CD 3 z (D \ JT OJ - r-h _ O) o' ^ 3 z O. * CO m w 5' TJ O C -» 3 z: CO o 0. * (D T3 D ^ ^ CD « CO O) 7T =; OX. * * CD o * * s CD O CD "! V X o = i CD D" m O 3 CD - O . -' z H , 0 z T- C_ -1- c 0 < 0 « | e O c ^ 13 _ _ J£ 0. 00 CD o j.. 3' 1 I TI C « o 1" m _, CD 55' m o : * ** : ^ H o * tg(O O TJ C/) m m i CD 70 TJ ^ CO * 0 m i O o O C. O O *£ z - = D - O" z ~ O ^ < 3 - - o _ _ 13 D 3- ». m O o i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i M 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 r CD 0 tfi fo \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 > Summary and Conclusions 31

Values shown at greater than or equal to Methord Reporting Level (0.010 milligram per liter)

H Z UJ ojij G*

CO UJ 0.1 o<2



B O i i i i i i i i i i i i i i r H Values shown at greater than or equal to Methord Reporting Level (0.010 milligram per liter)

UJ 2* QUJ n-o:^ CO UJ



Figure 20. Dissolved phosphorus (as P) concentrations in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by A) month of sample and B) sampled flow. 32 Water Quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001

Table 9. Regression coefficients, significance level, and goodness-of-fit parameters, by calibration period, for nutrients in Nippersink Creek below Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III.

[r2, explained variability;%, percent; S, standard error; >, greater than]

Model Coefficient Nutrient r2 (p-value) S (Calibration Period) P« p, P2 P3 P4 Total Phosphorus 2.593 1.108 0 -0.183 -0.363 79 3 0.58 (1994-97) (0.000) (0.000) (>0.05) (0.139) (0.002)

Dissolved Phosphorus 1.119 1.004 0 0 0 493 1.04 (1994-97) (0.000) (0.000) (>0.05) (>0.05) (>0.05)

Table 10. Estimated annual total phosphorus retention in Wonder Lake, McHenry County, III., by model-calibration period.

[%, percent; na, not applicable]

Total phosphorus model-calibration Load (tons), by Water Year (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30) Retained period and location 1996 1997 Mean 1999-2001 Above Wonder Lake 12.41 12.42 12.41 28.0 1994-97 Above Wonder Lake 10.41 8.54 9.48 5.8 1994-97 Below Wonder Lake 9.35 8.51 8.93 na trapping efficiency. Loads of sediment delivered to Nippersink Creek are affected by many natural the lake will decrease the volume, water clarity, and processes and human factors, which are variable navigable areas of the lake. throughout time. The land uses in this study area About 15,900 tons of suspended sediment was have been changing over the last 30 years with transported in Nippersink Creek above Wonder increasing population and various agricultural prac­ Lake during the 1994-97 observation period. It is tices, and these changes may affect future water- estimated that a similar amount of sediment was quality conditions in the lake. Estimating a typical delivered to Wonder Lake in WY 2000 alone as had condition, as well as simulating future conditions, been delivered between June 1994 and June 1997. may help watershed planners in addressing those During all observations from 1994 to 2001 (1,990 variable conditions. non-consecutive days), the estimated average daily sediment load was 25 tons. This daily loading indi­ cates an average annual sediment load of 9,130 tons. SELECTED REFERENCES If the 75-percent sediment-trapping rate applies in an average year, then about 6,800 tons of sediment Allan, J.D., 1995, Stream Ecology: Structure and is trapped within Wonder Lake in a typical year. If function of running waters: Kluwer Academic the lake could be restored to its original capacity, Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 388 p. the sediment-trapping efficiency may be increased. The water quality of lakes is affected greatly by their watershed. The amounts of water, sediment, and nutrients delivered to Wonder Lake through Selected References 33

Arnold, T.L., Sullivan, D.J., Harris, M.A., Fitzpat- Cole, G.A., 1994, Textbook of Limnology (4th ed.): rick, F.A., Scudder, B.C., Ruhl, P.M., Hanchar, Prospect Heights, 111., Waveland Press, Inc., D.W., and Stewart, J.S., 1999, Environmental set­ 412 p. ting of the upper Illinois River Basin and implica­ tions for water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Coupe, R.H., 1998, Concentrations and loads of Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4268, nitrogen and phosphorus in the Yazoo River, 67 p. northwestern Mississippi, 1996-97: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4219, 17 p. Brune, G.M., 1953, Trap Efficiency of Reser­ voirs, in Melching, C.S., and Avery, C.C., 1990, An introduction to watershed management for Edwards, T.K., and Glysson, G.D., 1988, Field hydrologists: [Belgium] Vrije Universiteit Brussel methods for measurement of fluvial sediment: -Hydrologie, 18, 128 p. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-531, 118p.

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J \J\st LvIU I Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5085


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