Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Secret Warriors Volume 1 Agent Of Nothing by Secret Warriors Vol. 1: Nick Fury, Agent of Nothing. Oh, I’ve got your number, taken notes. I know the ways your minds work, I’ve studied. And your minds are just the same as mine, Except that you are clever swines, You never let your mask slip, you never admit to it You’re never hurried, oh no, no, no. And every night, I hone my plan How I will get my satisfaction How I will blow your paradise away… — Pulp, “I Spy” Jonathan Hickman, auteur of creator-owned indie books like The Nightly News and A Red Mass For Mars , has finally blasted into the , bringing with him a team of new, young heroes and Marvel’s greatest spy, along with a thoroughly planned-out series of five story-arcs and the greatest, grandest secret in Marvel history. SHIELD, and by extension Nick Fury, has been under HYDRA control all along. In the words of Kitty Pryde by way of Joss Whedon: “Yeahbuhwha?” While it’s a hell of a revelation — one that has definitely caused its fair share of controversy in comic book fandom over the last several months – readers shouldn’t be too shocked by this, given the events surrounding Agent John Stone’s service to The Four in Warren Ellis’ Planetary , and, indeed, Marvel’s 1980s series Nick Fury vs. SHIELD . With the darkening of the Marvel Universe beginning with Fury’s Secret War — which, of course, inevitably led to some of the most memorable storylines of the last few years, such as the Superhero Registration Act, Captain America’s death, House of M and even — this is not only a natural progression of the last five or six years of Marvel’s stories, but could also serve as an organic conclusion to Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign of the Marvel Universe. If Nick Fury’s illegal invasion of Latveria is the key moment that triggered the last several years of stories — if Nick Fury’s greatest screw-up is to blame for the Civil War, the disassembling of multiple Avengers teams and the rise of the — then it only makes sense that in order to redeem himself, Nick Fury must be the one to put a stop to Norman Osborn, HAMMER, the Thunderbolts, the Dark Avengers, the newly-reconstituted HYDRA…and beyond. Fury hasn’t exactly been a mainstay in the Marvel Universe for the last several years, which is especially odd considering he was once the glue that held that fictional construct together, but completely understandable when one realizes that in order for the last several mega-events to occur, Fury needed to be removed from the chessboard. He needed to be taken out of the game like the dinosaur many believed him to be, but instead of a public scandal surrounding his disappearance similar to the one that tarnished former CIA director George Tenet’s career in real life, Fury simply disappeared off the grid like a modern day version of Number Six from Patrick McGoohan’s venerated The Prisoner . Instead of being whisked away to a psychedelic island with its own mysterious security system and an unknown, mysterious leader like Six, Fury simply went underground, and there’s nothing scarier to the new kids in town than the world’s most powerful baseline human simply disappearing off the face of the Earth. Ostensibly, there is both a metafictional and a sociological reason that necessitated the disappearance of Nick Fury. With the advent of 24’s iconic Jack Bauer in 2001, the release of the Bourne film trilogy beginning in 2002, and the rebooting of the James Bond franchise with 2006’s Casino Royale , the “old school” spies and government agents were deemed obsolete. The X-Files was cancelled in 2002 (not surprisingly, during the first season of 24 ) and Pierce Brosnan’s familiar 007 paved the way for the colder, more “modern” portrayal now made famous by Daniel Craig. After 9/11, the desire of the American public to trust their government became ever stronger, and this was reflected in the Marvel Universe (though, the American public of the Marvel Universe has historically been portrayed as ignorant, buffoonish and moronic, but that’s a topic for another time). As Mulder and Scully were chased from their jobs by the sinister, shadowy Syndicate, and made to look like murderers and traitors to their country, and Brosnan’s Bond was made to look like a failure and a double-agent, so too did Nick Fury disappear. Those government agents who had our best interests at heart — those with the strong desire to never stop questioning anyone, including those at the top of the information and political food chains — simply vanished as if they had been snuffed out by the Bush administration’s equivalent of Howard Hunt or Macduff. And then Jonathan Hickman, along with co-plotter Brian Michael Bendis, just had to ruin it all and, at the tale end of the Bush administration, bring back Nick Fury as the Marvel Universe’s “shining beacon of hope” so many saw then-Senator Barack Obama as in the real world. Tagging along with Fury, Hickman and Bendis made sure to include a cadre of powerful “caterpillars” — young superhumans full of untapped potential, including the Bendis-created Daisy Johnson — as Fury’s new , his campaign staff. Nick Fury returned when his nation — his planet — needed him most. Secret Warriors , which spun out of the events of Secret Invasion , shows Fury waging another secret war and, to use an old cliché: this time, it’s personal. He has been jerked around by Nazis, HYDRA, and now Osborn, HAMMER and others, and instead of waiting for the opportunity to present itself as it would have in the past, he’s taking the fight to those perpetuating it. It’s not about the Satan Claw or an Axis plot anymore; it’s about the freedom of the American people, whether they know it or not, whether Osborn paints Fury as a terrorist or not. As a patriot and defender of human rights, Nick Fury is doing the right thing, and should he not survive this, he has trained a cadre of successors in the ways of — yes — Truth, Justice, and the Fury Way to Preserve America. The artwork, penciled by Stefano Casselli, is grim and gritty yet somehow tinged with hope, the daydream that tomorrow things will be better, that the wars will end, that Baron von Strucker or Gordon Brown or whatever you want to call him will one day be gone and the world will be a brighter place again. A bright place where secret wars will no longer be necessary, and secret warriors will be public heroes. Secret Warriors Vol 1 6. At Secret Fury Base #22, an hour ago, Daisy runs in to inform her fellow Secret Warriors that Nick Fury is calling for help; Hellfire is skeptical, as the former director of SHIELD said they weren't ready. Daisy then goes to find Stonewall, who is by Slingshot's bedside. She fibs that their teammate with be all right but doesn't really believe that. She tells him to get even with the one who did this to her. In the present, the Secret Warriors have arrived to save Fury. Hellfire attempts to fight Commander Kraken, but the humanoid yanks his chain before striking him. Meanwhile, Stonewall confronts . Gorgon respond by slashing him across the chest and expressing his disappointment that he couldn't show much more; Stonewall becomes a stone giant, proving he is better than that. With all the carnage around, Fury calls Dum Dum to take the Helicarriers quickly otherwise their operation is over. Dum Dum and his men quickly enter one of the Helicarrier's bridges and takes control with his access codes. He then launches the automated drones to provide assistance out from under them. In Tokyo, Japan, Madame Hydra and Viper seal their deal with the Yashida board. In exchange for the return of their families, the board would provide logistical assistance and a mysterious box that the board warns them not to open, for no one has lived to see it opened and closed. Nonetheless, the Hydra emissaries take it. The Silver Samurai is outraged that they came all this way for just that; Viper states it's best that he believed that; the Silver Samurai chops the table in fury. Back at the Dock, Kraken orders a retreat, have lost one-third of their men. Once Hydra teleports out, H.A.M.M.E.R. point their guns at Fury. However, he warns them that he will take their guns and beat them to death with them. Instantly, all the agents surrender and join his side. As the Helicarriers leave with 3,000 H.A.M.M.E.R. agents in tow, everyone has a chance to chat; Hellfire has a scar; Gabriel Jones admits he was wrong to Fury; Dum Dum asks Fury hows he's going to get the money to support the Howling Commandos PMC; Fury responds that he's not the one paying. He tells his old friend that in one month, they get serious and will take the fight to the enemy with an army behind him. At Inside Straight, Daisy comes into Fury's officer to ask him how he got his own army or why he pressed the panic button and risked her team. Fury points out that she save the day; the other thing was that he never pressed that button. Daisy leaves with unanswered questions as Fury's phone rings. He talks with Contessa Allegra de Fontaine, who is in the Madame Hydra robes, opening the box. Solicit Synopsis. The shocking conclusion to the earth-shattering first arc of Marvel's coolest new series in years! It's the ultimate Marvel super-hero spy experience. No one is safe! Don't believe everything you've been told! You will be lied to! Secret Warriors Vol 1 1. Nick Fury's Secret Warriors are sent to an old S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Texas to observe activity there. They discover Hydra operatives there. In defiance of their orders to observe only, Slingshot, The Druid, and Stonewall engage the terrorists. In the middle of the fight, H.A.M.M.E.R. agents led by The Sentry show up to clean up the base. The Secret Warriors beat a hasty retreat back to The Cocoon. When they get back, Fury chastises them for getting seen. Hellfire expected a pat on the shoulder. Fury asks where's the lesson in that; Hellfire quotes his lesson of the difference with luck or discipline; he also points out that Fury got that quote from William Westmoreland. Fury shoots back that he might've stolen it from someone else. He tells his team that they deserve a break. Fury and Quake walk in on Phobos, conquering Call of Duty on his Xbox. The former asks if he's been on the computer while they were gone. Phobos answers they it was too easy, so he managed to get Internet for online games. When Fury asks if there is anything else need to be "fixed", Phobos answers that they've run out of pop-tarts. As they leave the room, Fury tells Quake to keep an eye on him. The last thing he needs is Phobos having an apocalyptic meltdown because he got rejected by a girl or goes to bed without food. Daisy then switches the subject to apologize for getting her squad seen, to which Fury reacts coldly to it. Flashing back to a month ago, Fury investigates a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility called The Carousel in Chicago. He takes out two LMDs before taking control of the third to grant him access to the base. He manages to access the bases' computers, accessing everything, from known agents, organizations and command structures. The results he finds are shocking. He copies the data and leaves before the base self-destructs. Later, he infiltrates the White House to warn The President of his findings and to ask why S.H.I.E.L.D. has been dismantled. In the present, Fury discusses the situation with Quake. He explains that there are nine S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities that don't show up in government databases; this doesn't include the 28 secret bases he knows about. He knew whoever showed up would determine how extensively Hydra had infiltrated the government. What happened in Texas wasn't theft, but recovery for Hydra. He then shows on the computer that for it's entire existence, S.H.I.E.L.D. was a puppet organization of Hydra. DataCORE & Fury Files. Nick Fury has added files stolen from the Carousel to his own private research. With them, he has been able to draw conclusions. Hydra has been a factor in human history for centuries, founded in some fashion in Ancient Egypt before dying out during the French Revolution, only to reappear in the aftermath of the Second World War. Wolfgang von Strucker, working with a cabal of Japanese fascists and a hoard of Nazi gold, formed this new terrorist organization to frighten the whole world. In 1949, Strucker used his money to fund the Typhon Group, a front for Hydra, through which the organization could build funds, and manufacture chemical and biological weapons. Later, to provide more funds, he pushed the creation of Echidna Capital Management, a venture capital firm. However, Hydra also worked to found other organizations. Technologist militants like Advanced Idea Mechanics and its multiple splinter factions, political sociopaths like the Secret Empire, and, most shockingly, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the various security agencies that fight Hydra. With this system in place, Hydra could lose every battle and still take over the world. A roster of former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents give a list of trusted double agents in the security services. To stop them, Nick Fury resorted to the Caterpillar Files - a list of superhumans who had never been active as heroes or villains, who could be recruited and trained without alerting anyone to his plans. The Caterpillars Fury was able to recruit have been divided into three teams, one of which, working directly under him, was instrumental in the fight against the invasion. Fury also resorted to a collection of secret bases, hidden around the world, built for his private use during the Cold War. Secret Warriors Vol 1 3. Daisy Johnson starts to recap to the rest of the Warriors the findings of Nick Fury and the security footage of the last Hydra meeting, trying to identified each one of the members. The team heads out to an old SHIELD base codenamed Red Worm that has been used as a psi-agent quarantine facility, one of the two bases that Hydra hasn't raided yet. While they go, Fury meets up with the Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine in a restaurant. When Nick finds out that she's working for someone, he pulls out his gun and so does she. At the end they both start to eat and talk about the future. When the Secret Warriors arrive to the Red Worm, they see a revived Gorgon executing agents, Daisy makes the call and tells the team to attack, unfortunately they're no match to Gorgon's powers. Even Phobos, god of fear, is unable to use his powers against him. With Yo Yo hurt badly Fury sends the kids to a closer location that could tend to their injuries. Worried about the mission Nick makes a call to an old friend for help: Dum Dum Dugan. Secret Warriors Vol 1 2. Baron von Strucker is in his undersea headquarters Ichor, watching the Skrulls battle Earth's heroes. He then asks the infiltrators in his base to show themselves. The Skrulls do so, planning on taking him out to take control of Hydra. However, Strucker defeats them easily with his Satan Claw. He demands to one of them as to how many infiltrators are in Ichor. The Skrull answers that they have endless numbers. Rather than rooting out all the Skrulls that had infiltrated his organization, Strucker destroyed Ichor, killing humans and aliens alike. He escapes the base's destruction, planning on conquering the world rather than owning it. Strucker rebuilds Hydra, posting recruitment through colleges and stealing S.H.I.E.L.D. technologies. However, his aide de camp, Ms. Fischer informs him of Nick Fury's discovery of the Carousel base in Chicago. Strucker then comments that they both had been dancing for years and finally his nemesis hears the music. He then decides to call in an inner circle, comprised of Kraken, Madame Hydra, Hive, and Viper. However, they are missing one person. Meanwhile, Nick Fury is with Daisy, explaining the revelation of S.H.I.E.L.D. being Hydra, which makes everything he had done for decades to be a complete lie. He tells her that now, they are going to wake up and get even. Daisy joins the rest of the Secret Warriors to dinner. Phobos then reveals that he can see the future and prophesies about each member: The Druid will become a great hero; Slingshot will get hurt but Stonewall will care for her; Daisy will do a great job soon and Hellfire will die. When the Secret Warriors arrive back at the Cocoon, Fury briefs them on what's happened. The war they will fight will require no mistakes. He then says that one of them has to go undercover in Hydra. Meanwhile, the new inner circle of Hydra attack The Hand at one of their temples, forcing the monks there to revive Gorgon. The grandmaster, however, demands Strucker's head, to which Strucker agrees. Unfortunately, the Hand finds out too late that Strucker had tricked them, as Gorgon's remains consumes them, turning them to dust.