Any problems: phone Brian Lee: Mobile: 07917 841494. Daytime: 01993 779998 Email: [email protected]

NOTES: Witney Photo Group meet in the Northfield Room of Madley Park Hall, Northfield Farm Lane, Harvest Way, Witney, OX28 1UE. Meetings start at 7.30pm.

Unloading of equipment is allowed outside the Hall entrance but vehicles should then be moved to the adjacent Car Park.

Many Digital Map and Street Map providers (and perhaps Sat Nav mapping) do not show Northfield Farm Lane or Madley Park Hall as the Hall and surrounding infrastructure were only completed in June 2011.

Approaching Witney from A40 east - From Oxford. Take slip road on A40 signposted Witney. Arrive at 30mph limit in Oxford Hill and at the traffic lights turn right into Jubilee Way. In third mile turn left into Harvest Way. In 400 yards see signs for Community Centre and turn left into Northfield Farm Lane. Madley Park Hall is clearly seen 100 yards further on the left. Car Park is on the right.

Approaching Witney from A40 west – from . Take the slip road on A40 signposted Witney. At bottom of slip road turn left into Lane and move into right hand lane. Turn right at traffic lights into Station Lane. Continue half mile to a roundabout and take second exit and after 300 yards a further roundabout at which take second exit into Witan Way. Continue on past town centre car parks on left, bear left and arrive at tee junction; turn right at traffic lights. At next roundabout take second exit into Bridge Street (past Osella Garage on left) and come to a double mini roundabout. Take second exit at first mini roundabout (straight on) and second exit at second mini roundabout (turn right) signposted A40 Oxford, into Newland. After half mile come to traffic lights, turn left into Jubilee Way. After third mile turn left into Harvest Way. After 400 yards mile see signs for Community Centre and turn into Northfield Farm Lane. Madley Park Hall is clearly seen 100 yards further on the left.

Approaching Witney from A 415 south - from /Abingdon. Enter the 30mph limit: at next roundabout go straight on (second exit) into Ducklington Lane. Travel 100 metres beyond the bridge under A40; move into right hand lane. Turn right at traffic lights into Station Lane. Continue half mile to a roundabout and take second exit and after 300 yards a further roundabout at which take second exit into Witan Way. Continue on past town centre car parks on left, bear left and arrive at tee junction; turn right at traffic lights. At next roundabout take second exit into Bridge Street (past Osella Garage on left) and come to a double mini roundabout. Take second exit at first mini roundabout (straight on) and second exit at second mini roundabout (turn right) signposted A40 Oxford into Newland. After half mile come to traffic lights turn left into Jubilee Way. After third mile turn left into Harvest Way. After 400 yards mile see signs for Community Centre and turn into Northfield Farm Lane. Madley Park Hall is clearly seen 100 yards further on the left.

Newland Approaching Witney from A4095 east - from and Long . Come to a roundabout Witney Photo signposted right to Witney and straight Group on to A40 Oxford. Continue straight on at Madley Park into Jubilee Way taking road towards A40 Hall Oxford. After half mile turn right into Harvest Way. After third mile see signs for Community Centre and turn left into Northfield Farm Lane. Madley Park Hall is clearly seen 100 yards further on the left.

A 4095 from Bladon

Witney Photo Group at Madley Park Hall

Traffic Lights

A 40 to Oxford

A 40 to Burford and Cheltenham A 415 from Standlake and Abingdon