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5 prāna/vāyu body area movement practice

1 - prāna upper torso up, exhale jālandhara- to channel to center

2 - apāna lower torso down, inhale mūla-bandha to channel to center

3 - samāna abdomen balancing, digestion uddīyāna-bandha to lift center, agnisāra, nauli, prān.

4 - udāna limbs up, circulating, PNS/SNS śakti-calana (circulating, inner orbit)

5 - vyāna whole body pervading, radiating efortless prānāyāma, whole body breath

3 nāḍi translation physiology associations river action

1 - ida “comfort” left side moon, feminine, apāna Ganga contraction, cooling

2 - piṅgala “tawny” right side sun, masculine, prāṇa Yamuna expansion, heating

3 - suśumna “most gracious” central column ascent of kuṇḍalinī, udāna Saraswati rising, stillness

7 cakra location bija color element quality

7 – sahasrāra crown ōṃ [or silence] white [none] bliss

6 – ajñā center of head kṣam or ōṃ indigo/violet [none] consciousness

5 – viṣuddhi throat ham blue space communication

4 – anāhata heart yam green air love/compassion

3 – belly/solar plexus ram yellow fre will/power

2 – svādhisthāna pelvic center vam orange water self/sex

1 – mūlādhāra perineum lam red earth root/ground

Sean Feit | | 2015 3 granṭhi cakra location [western] psychology insight (piercing) may come through...

3 - rudra-granthi ajña head/“third eye” transpersonal, wisdom self inquiry, , samādhi

2 - viṣṇu-granthi anāhata heart center emotions, relationship interpersonal work, heart practices

1 - brahma-granthi mūlādhāra root/pelvis material, sexual, safety trauma work, ego strengthening

5 kośa layer/sheath practice awareness of...

1 - annamayakośa “food” [body] āsana, yama movement, sensation, activity, posture, temperature

2 - prānamayakośa “energy/breath” prānāyāma pleasure/pain, vibration, nervous system state

3 - manomayakośa “mind/heart” meditation, [therapy] emotions, thoughts, story, judgment, self/other, mind state

4 - vijñānamayakośa “wisdom/knowing” contemplation, inquiry discrimination/discernment, clarity, understanding, View

5 - ānandamayakośa “bliss” dhyāna/samādhi dissolving, oneness/emptiness, love, contentment, peace

3 guṇa translation experience associated with tattva: sāttva luminosity purity, understanding jñānendriya: ears, skin, eyes, tongue, nose (“knowing” senses) rājas movement physicality, energy karmendriya: mouth, hands, feet, genitals, bowels (“action senses”) tāmas mass density, solidity tanmātra: sound, touch, form, taste, smell (“subtle elements”)

3 antaḥkaraṇa translation experience practice manas mind thought, emotion, attention, sense-process observing thoughts, samādhi, tracing to source ahaṅkāra the “I”-maker identity, self-consciousness, “I, me,mine” awareness of “selfng”, inquiry, relationship buddhi intelligence reason, imagination, discernment study, analysis, inquiry, ethics, open awareness

Sean Feit | | 2015