Present: Councillor A Cutbill (Chairman) Councillor M Bergan Councillor M Harmer (Vice-Chairman) Councillor J Powell Councillor M Butler-Stoney

5 Parishioners

1. Apologies for absence No apologies received. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no DPIs. 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Councillor Harmer and Councillor Bergen seconded the resolution that the minutes of the meeting on 25th June 2019, having been circulated be approved. All were in favour and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman. 4. Public Participation 4.1 To receive reports from the County and District Councillors County Councillor Kiddle-Morris reported that in May the cabinet system returned to County Council, this is a good thing and decision are made quicker. A cabinet of 10 people and 3 select committees’ which consist of, infrastructure, community and corporate. Councillor Kiddle-Morris is also the Chairman of the Standards Committee. Councillor Kiddle-Morris has been liaising with Mark Henderson regarding the Flooding in West of Mileham, procedures are now being implemented and work has started to pro- gress. A grant of £5000 to anyone who’s property was flooded internally in 2018 has been released and further details will follow on applying for this. District Councillor Carter reported that there has been a Car park trial in , to im- prove short stay parking for shoppers. As from July, you will be able to park for two hours free (you will need a ticket), this is to en- courage shoppers to use the area more and to promote new business. A new meet and greet system will be implemented at the Department for Works and Pen- sions in Elizabeth house, , to assist people in finding the correct departments. They will have cash machines installed for quick bill payments. Breckland do not run or have a housing association scheme and are finding it hard to re- house residents. A scheme is happening in where they have set-up emergency accommodation. This will be rolled out in the rest of Norfolk to meet the need to keep peo- ple off the street and identify the people that need urgent help. This will also be used for any military veterans who are homeless, this is increasing in Norwich and a survey in Swaffham and Dereham has shown we have about 5 homeless, they will also use these resources to help them. 4.2 Public Comments: A parishioner enquired about the Local Plan, the Government inspector are still changing it and it could possibly be released in the next few months, but changes are still being made. Parishioner also asked if we have a plan or a way of monitoring the recommendation that we were added to the final planning consent on the six houses. A suggestion is to liaise with the possible builder to make sure that certain recommendations are followed through, a system will need to be in place for us to scrutinize the detailed plan and hopefully monitor it.

5. Matters for Report 5.1 Flooding to the West of Mileham- As mentioned above: County Councillor Kiddle-Morris is liaising with Mark Henderson, the senior flood risk officer and work has started to progress. A grant of up to £5000 for work towards flood proofing a property is available to anyone who’s internal property flooded in 2018. This can be applied for via Norfolk County Council, who will request the money from the Central Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. When the grant has been received Norfolk County Council will contact the homeowner directly and arrange payment to be sent to you with advice on what work needed. 5.2 Playing Field Councillor Powell reported that a date was arranged for an AGM and unfortunately it has not been possible to finalize a date that all can attend, ultimately this is NOT a Parish Council matter and have advised that the New Sub-Committee and the Trustees need to arrange a further date. The Councillors have authorised two further grass cuttings August and September, the clerk will arrange for this. 5.3 Speedwatch. The SAM2 will be sent off for recalibrating to the company within our usage date, so there will be a delay in our turn to use it in the Village. 5.4 Mileham School The clerk has reported that she has contacted the Charities commission again to express our interest in becoming Trustees to existing Mileham School Playing Field Charity. How- ever the reply was to contact the existing Trustees (NPLaw) which has been actioned. 6. Highways 6.1 To receive a report on highways matters raised at the previous meeting. The clerk reported that all matters reported previously are pending still and will follow up with Breckland Council. 6.2 To note any new problems within the parish. Councillor Cutbill reported that she had received an email from a parishioner regarding her safety in a wheelchair along road/Back Lane. The report was circulated to all the Councillors and also reported both to our County Councillor Kiddle-Morris and highways department for investigation. It was in agreement that the Clerk would contact Breckland requesting a SLOW sign to be written on the road surface. 7 Planning 7.1 Applications 3PL?2019/0640-Barclay Beales, Beeston Road, Proposed New Car Park and Entry. The Councillors comments entered to Breckland. 7.2 Decisions 3PL/2018?/1564/0- Road, construction of 6 new dwellings including 2 affordable units. Outlining Planning permission was approved. Breckland Council has passed the application for these six houses in the village and we await further details of any conditions that are placed on the build. The Parish Council has vigorously objected this application since December 2018 and it is with huge regret that the Council granted permission. Thirty-two objections were sent in from the village and we would like to place our thanks to Alison Coaker and Jeffrey Pearce who attended the deci- sion meeting at Breckland council. Alison in particular has provided tremendous technical advice. We will continue to monitor the application and object vigorously where we can. Through the efforts of everyone we have managed to see alterations and improvements to the origi- nal application, which given the weight of the planning structure and machinery we have had to contend with. This was an achievement.

8. Finance. 8.1 Budgets as circulated Councillor Powell proposed and Councillor Harmer seconded the resolution 8.2 Balances and cheques for authorisation as circulated. Councillor Cutbill proposed and Councillor Powell seconded the resolution 9. Correspondence for circulation The clerk reported an email was received from a parishioner regarding the Mileham Gen- eral Parish meeting, that no reports were shared from the Mileham Charities. The Charities trustee hadn’t updated the accounts and unfortunately not enough notice was given for them to prepare them for the Parish Council meeting. 10 Matters for next meeting (not for discussion) 11 To Confirm that the next meeting of Mileham Parish Council is to be held on TUESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER 2019 at 7.30pm at Mileham Village Hall

Meeting Closed at 20.45