Ickford Parish Council NOTICE OF MEETING The Monthly meeting of Ickford Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th March 2020 7.30pm, To be held at Ickford Pavilion Please inform the Clerk if you are unable to attend. The meeting is open to all members of the public and the press. Residents are welcome to attend and can address the meeting during Public Open Forum


Agenda Previous Subject Item No. Item No. 763 738 Present:

764 740 Apologies and approval of absences:

765 741 To resolve that the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting, held on ALL Tuesday 11th February 2020 are agreed and signed. 766 742 To receive declarations of interests Any councillor with an interest in any village association must declare at this point ALL of the meeting - this includes any shareholding of any kind.

767 743 To consider requests for dispensations: ALL 768 744 Up and Coming Local Elections Update on Elections and how to stand to be Parish Councillor ALL All must reapply 769 745 Finance

a) To draw cheques for February 2020 Invoices PP b) To agree accounts and bank reconciliation (sent to all Councillors by email before the meeting) ALL PP c) Update on transferring to Unity Trust On Line Banking PP d) End of year Accounts 2019/2020 770 746 Cala Homes – 42 Road a) Cala Homes have sold on their interest in 42 Worminghall Road to Deanfield Developments ALL b) Meeting taking place @ 7pm this evening with Deanfield Developments

771 748 Land & Partners Ransom strip at the top of Turnfields giving access to that development. BK been informed that the 2 fields have access written into their deeds one bit of land doesn’t. Discussion needs to take place as to what we need to do. UPDATE: Clerk to update on looking at Deeds and plans PP

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 4 Ickford Parish Council

772 749 Meetings

a) To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council: None Future meetings/training to be attended on behalf of Parish Council: b) Clerk to update on LAF meetings.

773 750 Ox-Cam Expressway - updates a) No update at present MR

774 751 Planning To discuss planning applications and make recommendations and to include to those planning applications received after this agenda is published if urgent. a) New Planning: 20/00661/ALB The Old Bakehouse, 19 Worminghall Road, Ickford HP18 9JB Undertake repairs to the external wall by removing the cementitious render and replacing with breathable lime plaster and to install 8 raised planting beds in the garden. AVDC NO Objections – returned to AVDC 05.03.2020

b) Outstanding Planning 19/01543/COUAR Oaktree Farm, Road, Ickford HP18 9JG Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway impact, noise, contamination rise, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of agricultural barn into dwelling house (Class Q (a)returned AVDC Waiting decision. Checked on 05.03.2020 and is still waiting approval

c) Approved Planning: ALL


774 753 Open Forum for Parishioners: (under adjournment) 15 minutes are available if requested for parishioners to address the Council on any local issues 775 754 Village Maintenance and Landscaping

a) Playground area Waiting on Mr Booth to go ahead with repair to ground around the rockers PP b) Leisure Facilities in Playing Field BK to update on quotations on the first equipment that will be bought out of the BK 106-funding list that has already been agreed. c) Litter Bin and Dog Waste Bin Map To update and mark the map Clerk has obtained on bins throughout the village. ALL

Anything new to report?

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Aylesbury Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 4 Ickford Parish Council

775 755 Village Matters

a) Recent flooding in the Village: • Update on recent outcome of PJ meetings held in Ickford with Colin PJ Woolford (Bucks Highways Technician) and where we are up to with the clearing of Culverts etc., • Ditch on Rocker Lane PJ b) Potholes: Clerk has reported potholes on Turnfields Junction and the one reported by Mrs Crowther-Alwyn at centre of junction of Golders Close & Worminghall Road PP c) Hedges: Clerk wishes to discuss the hedges along the footpath on Worminghall Road, PP before letters are sent to householders. d) Any new to Potholes or Hedges to report?

e) Email received from Resident with regards property access 11 Worminghall AH Road: Subsidence of part of the side of the road between Mrs Crowther-Alwyn’s property and Farm Close. She has also informed the Clerk that access to her PP property over Council Land is subsiding and breaking up. Clerk has reported to Colin Woolford at TFB who will take a look. f) Tree Survey in Playing Field Clerk to report when the last survey took place PP

776 756 Highways and Byways

a) Footpaths: • Discussion update on footpath clearance and if there are any outstanding b) • Stiles & Kissing Gates PJ Update on the repair needed on the footpath at Rocker Lane and if there are anything else outstanding PJ • Stile opposite Rising Sun PP/BK This had been reported via Worminghall PC and BK went to take a look. She has reported back that the kissing gate is not broken and in good working order, however, the bridge over Lappingford Brook going towards Worminghall is definitely in need of repair as it is breaking in the middle. Which Parish would be responsible for this? BK thinks the owners of Court Farm, Worminghall own the field on the Ickford Side and suspect Mr Boyles owns the one on the other side. Do we pass this back to Worminghall PC?

777 MVAS

MVAS Volunteers – Has we asked in Village Informer for Volunteers? Clerk has received no emails/telephone calls from any villages wishing to volunteer.

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Aylesbury Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 4 Ickford Parish Council

778 757 Street Lights: a) Any new repairs to report?

b) Any outstanding Lamps for repair? None

779 758 Communication and Publicity

a) Neighbourhood Plan: MA update MA

780 759 Village Organisations and "Institutions"

a) Ickford Pavilion & Car Parking: Update on Noticeboard from BK BK b) Playing Field Drive: 1. Update to be given on recent emails to temporary fill in potholes and to put in posts to stop people parking on the grass. Are we going to use ALL Hobbs to deliver the path binding? 2. Clerk to give update on quotations for Tarmacking the drive. PP c) AH & WR to report their findings on the following: 1. Entrance to playing field and what can be done to stop it becoming a mud AH/WR quire. 2. Bottom of drive leading on to the playing field – list of what can be done AH/WR to tidy this area up. 3. Look at the car park and report back on how it could possibly house AH/WR more cars for parking. At present you can only park on one side of it.

781 760 Defibrillator Machine a) Update on how to change the defib pad in the machine. PP

782 Annual Parish Meeting To make a date for the Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held in May 2020 To agree the date of the next Ickford Parish Council Meeting 783 As: Tuesday 14th April 2020 To be held in Ickford Pavilion at 7.30pm

Time meeting ended:

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Aylesbury Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 4 of 4