U3A Recycled Ride to Nafferton and Ruston Parva 10th Aug 2018

Those attending (in strict alphabetical order): Martin Bell, John Boddice (joined at Foston on the Wolds), Paul Bonell, Brenda Cartwright, Chris Eagleton, Nick Hart, Helen Kitson, Alison McNicol, Ian Metcalfe, Sheila Mullen, David Neal (T Shirt Dave), George Sweeting, Chris Szafran, Bob Watson, Steve Watts, Trev Whatmore and Dave Williamson.

Once more, we can thank Big Wheel for another interesting ride around the East countryside. Meeting on the green by Molescroft roundabout, sixteen U3A members gathered for a conflab about this and that before setting off on their weekly jaunt. The route, various parts of which are well known to most Recyclers, was very pleasant with no real extremes in terms of inclines or dangers. The undulations between Etton and South Dalton and 1.23km shared with busy traffic along the A614 are worth just a mention. Even the weather was quite benign. Showers were forecast but we did not get wet, only just missing some precipitation at Great Kelk by a few minutes.

Some of us were late on the scene at South Dalton village pond - see photo. We found Bob pulling what we thought was a discarded bike from the pond only to realise that it was actually his, and that he had decided to give it a wash. Bob says thanks to Helen for being on the ball with her camera. Here we assembled for one of Dave’s ‘mandatory’ photo calls. See him here; taking the photo amongst some of other dead bikes, that Bob has pulled from the pond. Later, stopping for elevenses at TJs (Hutton Cranswick), Trevor had an argument with a fly screen that ‘came off in his hand’. Fortunately, a skilled local operative was on hand to effect repairs. Because we are so taken with water, our next photo call (graciously taken by some picnicking tourists) was next to the Navigation at Wansford Lock.

Tummies were now starting to rumble so we set off for Nafferton and lunch. Seemingly, a sleepy Wolds village with three pubs and a chip shop, Nafferton was almost devoid of people. We took fish or chips (and for some, both) and ate them in the garden at the back of the shop. On our departure, the shop, still open was without customers. Even the jolly fryer who entertained us earlier while waiting in line was just a happy memory. In trepidation, George and Paul decided to head for home while the rest of us peddled off to the A614 and the medieval hamlet of Ruston Parva - the peak of today’s ride. Readers can discover RP’s history without any help from me but one snippet I will disclose. The indie rock band Runston Parva were later to be known as the Kaiser Chiefs1.

From RP we made our way southeast to Lowthorpe and Great Kelp. Now, wanting to find out what was ‘great’ about Kelp the help of Wikipedia was sought! Macrocystis pyrifera was the answer, a type of large brown algae found in the eastern Pacific Ocean - enough said.

Our band of fourteen became fifteen briefly at Foston-on-the Wolds when John ‘Bodders’ Boddice joined us. He had motored up from on his E-bike to show us the way home. Unfortunately,

at about the same time, the peloton became fragmented as faster riders at the front sped homewards even though North Frodingham, Brandsburton and Leven were yet in prospect. By the time Brandsburton was reached, some riders were in urgent need of refreshment and decided to take refuge at Bert’s Café while the fortitude four, Helen, Ian, T-Shirt Dave and Trevor stayed on course. A great day in the saddle with the wind generally in our favour, changed as we turned the corner at the Leven roundabout and headed home against a brisk wind from the West.

Table 1 10th August ride data - starting and ending at Mill View Road (near Beckside).

Crivit Sports Map My Ride Bike Computer (MMR) Distance 46.0 46.5 miles Ave Speed 12.2 11.9 mph Max Speed 30.2 mph Saddle Time 3:44 3:53 h:m Energy 2504 kcal

I had intended a somewhat lengthy discourse explaining the discrepancies between data from my bike computer and MMR but I can sense readers developing a yawn - so goodnight from me.


1 See Wikipedia - Ruston Parva