The World’s First Corvette Club Celebrating our 60th Anniversary Year President - Bob Atwell September 2016

August was a Good Month !

CCA members were scattered over three different events on the last weekend of August. Myself, along with many other CCA members enjoyed the heat (?) of Corvettes at Carlisle. The attendance was a little lighter than normal but the people that were there certainly did have a good time. Rich Taylor had the seats of his beautiful Monza Red C-3 rebuilt and I had a new Borla exhuast installed on my 2003 coupe. All in all another great Corvettes at Carlisle weekend.

Moving south, VIR held the IMSA race the same weekend. I'm not sure how many, if any, CCA members attended but I am sure that the Corvette Racings #3, driven by Garcia and Magnussen came in FIRST Overall. A fantastic victory for Corvette Racing!

Farther south, CCA found many of it's Hot Shoes in Bowling Green, KY at an HPDE at the National Cor- vette Museum’s - Motor Sports Park. I am sure Pat Rooney will have all of the story in his article in this issue of the "Corvette Courier"

September and October are very busy months. Take a look:

CCA Monthly Meeting, Golden Bull Cafe, September 13th

Final CCA Autocross for the year, September 17 set up, 18th Morning & Afternoon

VCCA & CCA Car Show at Sport Chevrolet September 24th move cars, 25th help with the show, enter your Corvette and help move cars.

CCA Shop Night - Sport - September 27th

Walter Reed - Warrior Transition Brigade - Car Show - October 1st , Look for details in this issue of the Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 2 The Corvette Courier

CCA Monthly Meeting, Golden Bull Cafe - October, 11th

OC Corvettes on the Board Walk - October 14th & 15th

Corvette Racing Weekend at Simeone Museum, October 21 & 22 should be a great time!

CCA Shop Night at Sport - October 25th

I want to encourage all of the membership to attend as many of these events as you can. All of these events promise to be a good time. We just Celebrated 60 Years as the "Corvette Club of America". We want your participation and ideas. Please come out and get in the mix!! You will find it is time well spent with great people that enjoy the Best Sports Car in the World as you do.

Save The Wave,

Bob Atwell

2016 President - Corvette Club of America The Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 3 Membership Director - Jean Wade

CCA Membership Update


We have a new membership form. If you need some to pass to your Corvette buddies to join CCA, I’ll have applications at the Sept. 13th meeting.

Membership now is only $40 dollars and includes insurance coverage when attending our social and business events. Insurance for autocross events will be included in the registration fee for each event.

Renewals will happen in October with a dead line in late November. All renewals will be $40. If adding your spouse $50. You will receive a renewal e-mail notice to pay online, or if you prefer mailing a check it would come to me. I must be notified of any change in address, phone, and e-mail.

CCA License Plates: Please contact Rich Roe. [email protected] or call 410-960-1368. All orders must be paid in full before order is placed.

2016 NCCC Governor: Jay Srivatsan in Silver Spring, Md. 719-251-9403 [email protected]

CCA events coming up! Don’t miss out on all the fun.

September 18th Final CCA Autocross of the year. No autocross school.

September 27th Shop Night at Sport

October 1st NVCC - CCA Fun Show at Walter Reed supporting the All Warrior Transition Brigade and their families. Hold the date. Flyer in this issue.

October 14th -16th Ocean City Corvette Weekend. Registration for Corvettes in Ocean City is open online Free State Corvette until September 24. After that you will need to register on-site.

October 21st - 22nd Corvette Racing Party with Doug Fehan and Tommy Milner at Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum. Bob Atwell, and several other members are attending. Join us! Flyer in this issue.

Want to sponsor an event for the Club? Please contact me so I can get the word out and give you a hand. Looking to cruise.

Membership - Jean Wade 2000 Red Coupe 1 Red Hot [email protected] 301-253-6074 The Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 4 The Corvette Courier Editor – Jon Thorn Corvette rAMBLINGS

It is reminder time folks. I’ll keep this as short as I can but there’s a lot of good info here for CCA members.

First, we have a business meeting on Tuesday 9/13. It would be great if more could attend. There is a lot of organization work to be done before the end of the year as we separate from the NCCC and it would be good to have the views of as many of our members as possible as we steer a new direction for the club.

Next, be sure to check your email. In the last few days you have received a message on our upcoming autocross, the Corvette Racing Simeone Museum cruise event, the Corvette Show for the Warrior Transi- tion Brigade, and help that we really need with the Vintage Chevrolet Club Car Show. If you are looking for easy ways to become more active with the club these are four great ways to do it.

If you did not receive the emails listed above please send me a message ([email protected]) as we are spending a lot of time trying to insure that our email list is up to date and that we can contact all members.

Our separation from the NCCC is prompting us to make a complete review of the club’s bylaws. As the club’s elected Parliamentarian, I will be leading this committee. I am sure we will have a couple of CCA Board members and some of our most active members on this committee but it would be very nice to have broader input from our membership on this process. The last revision of the bylaws was held in 2012 and was intended to bring us more in line with the NCCC bylaws. This is no longer the major con- sideration for us. The club’s bylaws are a legal document that need to be filed with the State of Maryland so this is an important organizational process for the club. If you would like to be involved with this effort please contact me at [email protected].

Finally, this has been a historic year for the CCA. To mark the 60th Anniversary we commissioned a “car badge” which is 3” in diameter, 1/8” thick, solid brass, gold plated, and made the old fashioned way with enamel, very similar to the vintage Cloisonne car badges made in England in the 1930’s. It comes with 3M tape on the back for mounting to any flat surface or it can be just placed on a shelf or desk for dis- play. It is heavy enough to be used as a paperweight. We still have a limited number of badges and since it is an anniversary badge we will not be using this design after this year. The price is $40.00 each. If you are interested in getting one please send me an email at [email protected]. If you would like to see one in person just check with me at a CCA event or look at the one in the club display case at Sport Chevro- let.

Below is a photo but it does not really do justice to this high quality badge.

September 2016 Page 5 The Corvette Courier

Save the Wave!

Jon Thorn, CCA Corvette Courier Editor [email protected] H: 301-963-4864 C: 301-518-6257 The Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 6 Competition Director - Stephen Catlin

Corvette Competition Competition Report - September 2016

NCM Motorsports Park HPDE – August 27-28, 2016

I finally made it to Bowling Green, Kentucky to check out the NCM Museum, Bowling Green Cor- vette assembly plant, and NCM Motorsports Park!

Beautiful drive through Kentucky Refueling in Bowling Green

My son Tyler @ the NCM Museum GM’s Bowling Green Corvette Plant September 2016 Page 7 The Corvette Courier

After driving through much of the night, my son Tyler and I arrived Friday afternoon. After a brief stop to refuel, check out the NCM museum and take a cruise around the Corvette assembly plant, we headed to NCM Motorsports Park.

I was pleasantly surprised to see plenty of familiar faces as I arrived. I was greeted by CCA’s own Nita A. at Registration, and Tommy A. and Pat R. at Tech. Back in the pits I was greeted by fellow CCA member Bob C.

DC Area CCA/Corner Craver Corvette Enthusiasts including Bob C. and Tommy A’s C5Zs, Pat S. C6ZR1, and Pat R’s C6 (missing - likely on track).

My car enjoying some shade in the 106⁰heat index weekend. September 2016 Page 8 The Corvette Courier

The NCM Grand Full course is a very technical 23-turn, 3.2 mile track filled with blind corners, com- plex tight turns, and sweepers and esses as fast as the straight if run properly. I ran in the Blue run group and had 4 sessions each on Saturday and Sunday.

My C6Z06 blazing up the NCM straight at 140MPH!

I was fortunate enough to get fellow Corner Craver Naris N. as my driving coach. He was awesome and instilled me with confidence, taught me the line, and knew the limits of my car more than I did. As a result, he pushed me to go faster each session. By the end of the second day there wasn’t a car in my session I couldn’t pass.

Fellow Corner Craver Naris N. coaching me to “Fly Grasshopper” September 2016 Page 9 The Corvette Courier

The experience was interesting in that I lacked my usual confidence at HPDE’s such as at Summit Point Main and Shenandoah. Instead, despite watching numerous YouTube videos of NCM’s track, I had substantial difficulty in figuring out and memorizing the 23 turns. This was compounded by many of the corners being blind. As a result, I was very timid by my standards in the first several sessions and somewhat frustrated.

Contrast this with Naris, who also had never been on the NCM course but similarly watched videos. However, after that and only two hot laps with another instructor he seemed to know the course like he had run 1000 laps on it, down to minute detail! What I wouldn’t give for photographic memory like that! By day two I finally memorized the track, was comfortable with the flow of the course and the racing line, and with Naris pushing me I could focus on dropping lap times and playing with fellow cars on track.

Flying up the straight. Note the NCM’s bright yellow building in the background.

Me with my drag chute deployed… or was that my left tail light being ejected? September 2016 Page 10 The Corvette Courier

Day 2 was a blast. Despite being initially bothered by much more “traffic” than on Day 1 (limiting chances at a clean hot lap to set a true quick lap time), I quickly relished the extra traffic as “learning experiences.” This was where I could put my freshly learned skills to passing every car I came up on! There were several slower Porsches, BMWs and a Mustang in Blue group that were no challenge. The Corvettes put up more of a fight. I had particular fun battling, chasing down, and pass- ing both a C7Z06 and a C6ZR1 that ran respectable laps. Both could pull me off the slower corners, but I ran harder into and around the sweepers and tighter sections to pull right up to them and eventu- ally get by.

C7Z06 Chasing As Documented By My TrackAddict Phone App

C6ZR1 Chasing

I also enjoyed letting Tommy ride along for my last session. By this time the track was getting very hot and my tires greasy so there was a little more slip and drift around the corners than earlier in the day. Unfortunately by this time my external GoPro had died from the heat (and Wi-Fi left on) and my camera fell off the hard-mounted harness bar by the end of the warm up lap so I had no video to docu- ment session 8. However, the data logging confirmed several consistent and decent laps in the 2:20- 2:22 range with lighter traffic. Not the 2:18 I thought was possible given that I had run 2:21s-2:22s in heavy traffic in the AM, but good given the track temps and greasy tires. I also was bummed I couldn’t look back at the session 8 footage to see if the entry line into the tight bus stop from the long straight that Tommy taught me was as fast and smooth as it felt from the seat! September 2016 Page 11 The Corvette Courier

Considering the 106 degree heat index both days, my car held up great from the hard driving! No en- gine, tranny, or clutch woes at all. Other than slightly cooking my brakes in session 2 (remedied by a partial brake bleed for session 3 followed by a complete brake bleed for day 2), the engine and tires 1 getting a little hot in session 7 (resolved by a couple cool down laps mid-session), and burning up 2 /2 tanks of fuel (resolved by $$), the car ran mechanically flawless!

The track wasn’t so kind to other CCA members. Tommy A. lost a power steering pump after day 1 and Bob C. broke a rear wheel stud on the AM of day 2 doing routine maintenance. Neither made it back on track for day 2.

Bob C. working on his LS7-powered C5Z...or was he searching for shade?

All-in-all the event and weekend were a huge success! I enjoyed briefly hanging out with fellow CCA and Corner Craver drivers during the day, and getting to meet and talk with (who hung out with our crowd). I’d have loved to have gone out with the gang for dinners, but since my son Tyler spent most of the weekend hanging out at Mammoth Cave hiking and exploring it was our only time together to have dinner and play with his new drone.

I really enjoyed NCM and the Bowling Green area in general, particularly the many things to do and near complete lack of traffic compared to DC! The drive up and back was scenic with all the moun- tains and also pleasant for not having Northern VA gridlock! I also had NO trailer issues, likely the direct result of frequent stops to check trailer tire pressures and wheel bearing temps. I look forward to a return to Bowling Green in my future and recommend it and the NCM Motorsports Park track to all CCA members! September 2016 Page 12 The Corvette Courier

Dick Thompson Award and Upcoming Points-Paying Autocrosses

Our last double autocross of the year will take place on September 18th at Lincoln College on the freshest, smoothest, and grippiest autocross lot in the region! For you Dick Thompson Award points chasers this is one of the last points-paying events of the season!

Mark your calendars as the weather should cool down by then and be a great event! Pre-registration is open on our website at under the AutoX link. I’ll try to make full use of the much improved lot layout for a fun and fast course!

The only other close regional NCCC events taking place that will qualify for Dick Thompson Award points are an autocross hosted by the Cumberland Valley Corvette Club on October 2nd at a new venue in Pennsylvania (Capitol City Airport) and an event hosted by the Lancaster County Corvette Club on October 9th at a new venue in Lancaster. Details and flyers can be found on the NCCC East Region Event Website at

Until next month...

Stephen Catlin CCA Competition Director [email protected] 703-220-1136 September 2016 Page 13 The Corvette Courier

HPDE UPDATE by Pat Roney


BSR Summit Point Motorsports Park welcomes Chin Motorsports to their inaugural event at Summit Point. Thanks to Chris White with BSR and Mark Hicks, Director Chin Motorsports for making this happen. CCA members Bob C, Gary N, Bill S. and myself made this event.

This was a very full event as is usually the case with Chin events. Chin does limit the amount of driv- ers in every group. I was kept busy with doing checkout rides for drivers wanting to solo or to move up to the next group all weekend.

Bob C and Gary N in front of the Chin Motorsports Headquarters Trailer. Notice the familiar CRM Corvette in track prepared form. Thanks again to Art Spong for his help and encouragement getting my car back on track. It performed well but I still have a couple more things to do from the list that Art gave me.

This was part of our Corvette compound with Sean F (charcoal C7 up on jack stands with the hood up) refreshing his brake pads and fluid. September 2016 Page 14 The Corvette Courier

Bob C heading out on track in his C5 race car.

Gary N heading out to play with Bob C in the Advanced Run Group. Check out the flames along the bottom of Gary’s car.

September 2016 Page 15 The Corvette Courier

Bob C leading the pack down the front straight. You know that Gary N can’t be too far behind.

And here comes Gary. September 2016 Page 16 The Corvette Courier

Fellow CCAer Bill S with his GTO relaxing between sessions.

A couple more CornerCravers, David C and David S with their C5 race car. September 2016 Page 17 The Corvette Courier

A Porsche holding up traffic in the Carousel with me right on his tail.

Hooked on Driving was on the Shenandoah Circuit putting on an event so we made it a point to stop over and visit them. They put on a great party Saturday evening and invited us to enjoy the cook- out. There was a torrential downpour while we were eating and when you get this many HPDE driv- ers together you know there will be some fun. Shenandoah Circuit’s skid pad is adjacent to the party area and when the rain was the heaviest, several drivers enjoyed the skid pad. At one point the water was so deep that you could hardly see the car and the rooster tails were out of sight.

September 2016 Page 18 The Corvette Courier

Where there is a party, you can count on the Sullivan’s to be front and center making the celebration great. Here we are at their compound relaxing.

Saturday At The Track at SUMMIT POINT Shenandoah Circuit August 20, 2016

Tom A and myself made it out for this event to help instruct and also get some track time on the fun 2.2 mile 17 turn Shenandoah Circuit. This is a tough road course to learn, especially for your first tracking event. Both of my students were new to this hobby and were driving C6 Corvettes making for an interesting day. By the end of the day, both were doing well and enjoying this great hobby.

Finally, a picture of Tom A with his latest track car. September 2016 Page 19 The Corvette Courier

The Friday at the Track events bring out some nice rides.

By the way, Chris White, Summit Point Motorsports Park Track Manager, is still busy at work mak- ing their tracks safer and more exciting for all of us. Latest upgrades are safety improvements on all tracks and a plan to make the Shenandoah Circuit more flexible with a fewer turn alternative. This will be great for organizations doing a two day event, allowing for fewer turns configuration for the first day for new students to learn. September 2016 Page 20 The Corvette Courier


Here we are back at the NCM MSP again. This is my 4th event this year here and I always have a great time. I am getting use to the 10 hour ride from Maryland.

We had a good turn out of CCA members for this event with Art B, Bob C, Steve C, Tom & Nita A. and myself participating. In addition, we had a half dozen CornerCraver instructors travel in from Maryland to help with this event. Pat S, the NCM MSP Co Chief Instructor, is sure convincing to get this kind of a turnout of instructors and participants for that far away.

Pictures suffered again as I was busy with 2 students, including my son enjoying his first ever HPDE, and also trying to coordinate with the producer coming down to shoot video for ESPN. I did manage to get a photo of Steve C after he had loaded his car on Sunday, but missed Bob C as he had car prob- lems that he was focused on. There were plenty of opportunities to get pictures of Nita as she and Evelyn S were very active for this event. They passed out very nice goodie bags to novice students as they went through Tech. They also provided a very nice atmosphere at the Sullivan compound. What a class act these beautiful ladies are for our hobby. I have never seen goodie bags at an HPDE. Just to give you an idea of how welcome they make all of us feel, all of the NCM MSP staff and the profes- sional racers all hang out at their compound. Notice John Heinricy and Matt Busby in the photo be- low. September 2016 Page 21 The Corvette Courier

Steve C with his car loaded and ready to head for home. Steve definitely did a great job representing CCA. I was out on track with a student when Steve came flying by me. September 2016 Page 22 The Corvette Courier

Nick C, fellow CornerCraver, raising the bar for instructors. Nick noticed that his student’s car had cracks in the rotors and was questionable for the track. Here he is changing the front rotors on his stu- dent’s car. Don’t expect this from your instructor, as Nick is way above the norm.

My student, Kevin C, redoing his harness in order to pass tech. NCM has the most thorough tech in- spections of any of the groups I work with, thanks mainly to the efforts of Pat S. and Mike N. September 2016 Page 23 The Corvette Courier

Checking out the Beast. This is Mike N’s track car and I can speak from experience, it is awesome.

This is the way to come to the track. Bring your own pit crew. Kyle, Fall Line Racing engineer, checking out the car between sessions. September 2016 Page 24 The Corvette Courier

I had an opportunity to ride with an amateur racer following a professional racer in a couple of very low powered 4 door sedans that were among the fastest on track due to superior driving ability. It was eye opening just how much better the drivers we see on tv are than those of us that enjoy these HPDE’s.

Mike Newlander, Chairman of the NCM MSP board, caught Andy Pilgrim and I discussing how Andy got me a 6 second lower lap time. Naris N was also part of this valuable track experience and later rode with me to help refine it. September 2016 Page 25 The Corvette Courier

Dan, Patrick and Art. I have been waiting a couple of years to introduce Art and my son Patrick. Art sent me a copy of a yachting magazine with an article on my son Patrick in it asking if he was any relation. Patrick is a well know chef that spent years on privately owned yachts. He competed in many yacht chef compe- titions and always placed first or second. In his first yacht chef competition, only a couple of years after graduating from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY, he placed 5th in the World Yacht Competition.

I mentioned earlier about coordinating with the producer doing the ESPN video. I actually met him after the early April Chin Motorsports event here at the NCM MSP as Bob C and I stopped by Louis- ville to visit my son. Patrick invited Bob and I to Harvest Restaurant for lunch and to watch Patrick being taped for an episode of “Secrets of the Louisville Chefs”. For those that know me well, it is not a stretch to learn that I soon had Michael Lattin, Executive Producer BMB Productions, talking about getting his hot Mustang on track. After working this for several months, Michael finally made it for this event, without the Mustang, but with camera in hand. September 2016 Page 26 The Corvette Courier

Michael Lattin interviewing Andy Pilgrim.

Michael trying to capture my enthusiasm for this sport. Mark Hicks, note the Chin Motorsports hat you gave me. You are already getting some nice advertisement in Kentucky. September 2016 Page 27 The Corvette Courier

Michael shooting some footage on the front straight.

After all of the tracking is over, my son Patrick brings out some very special and very expensive Michtner’s bourbon for us all to enjoy. September 2016 Page 28 The Corvette Courier

We ran into Andy Pilgrim at breakfast and he was kind enough to agree to a picture with Patrick. Andy told us of a funny story from yesterday when he was on track in a Corvette C7 Z06. He was working his magic with the car when OnStar came on asking if anyone was hurt in the accident. They answered that they were on a race track and that there was no accident. You can imagine the G’s that they were pulling to give the impression that the car had wrecked. Andy is my favorite race car driver of all time. He is such a gentleman and always willing to spend time talking and helping car enthusi- asts. I am not sure if you heard, but Andy took the new C7 Grand Sport out on track at Atlanta Mo- torsports Park and turned a 1:23.63 beating a 1:24.78 turned in by Oliver Gavin, Corvette Racing team driver.

And here is a picture from my visit with Hazy Lu. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. September 2016 Page 29 The Corvette Courier


Sept 17 & 18 – Audi at VIR

Oct 1 & 2 – Chin MS at Palmer MSP

Oct 1 & 2 – TrackDaze at Summit Point Shenandoah Circuit

Oct 7 - FATT at Summit Point Motorsports Park main circuit.

Oct 8 & 9 – NASA at VIR

Oct 14 thru 16 – Hooked On Driving at Watkins Glen

Oct 23 & 24 – Chin MS at VIR

Oct 29 & 30 – Chin at NCM MSP

Please remember to stick to the speed limit on the street and if you want to try high perform- ance driving talk to any of our high performance drivers about how easy it is to learn it in a safer place. The Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 30

NCM Ambassador - Terry Popkin

National Corvette Museum Report

Terry Popkin, NCM Ambassador, [email protected], 301-949-2464 September 2016 Page 31 The Corvette Courier

Save the date!! Saturday October 1st, 2016

The Northern Virginia Corvette Club and the Corvette Club of America would like to invite you to a fun car show supporting: All Warrior Transition Brigade and their families.

Location: The Walter Reed Medical Center Campus, Bethesda, MD. When: Saturday, October 1st, 2016 Time: 12:00 to 3:30 PM Cost: $10 per Corvette

Registration limited to 50 Corvettes and ends on September 28th. Register at:

You will also need to complete a Walter Reed Campus Access Request form unless you have a CAC or a Uniformed Services ID card. The link above will provide in- structions for completing the Access Request which must be done by September 28th.

NOTE: questions 26 and 27 ask about your “Employer”. Since this visit is not work related you can answer #26 with “Visit not work related” and answer #27 with “Car Show”.

September 2016 Page 32 The Corvette Courier


Attention all Corvette fans: Mark your calendars for October 21-22, 2016. The Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum is excited to once again welcome Corvette Racing Program Manager Doug Fe- han, and 2-time Le Mans winning driver Tommy Milner for a 2-day celebration dedicated to Corvette Racing. Under Doug’s leadership, Corvette Racing has earned nearly 100 race victories, 10 team championships, 9 driver championships and 8 victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans since 1999.


The weekend kicks off at 6:30 PM with a Corvette Racing Party with Doug and Tommy. The duo will recap the 2016 Corvette Racing season during a buffet dinner which will start at 7:00pm. The evening will close with an autograph session. Friday tickets are $60 for General Admission, and $50 for Sime- one Museum members, both of which include an open bar with beer & wine. Purchase of a Friday ticket also includes free admission to Saturday’s events, including Demo Day.

Please note that tickets for Friday’s dinner event must be purchased in advance, and walk-up tickets are not available. Ticket sales for the dinner end on Wednesday 10/19 at 12:00 noon.

6:30 Reception with Doug Fehan and Tommy Milner 7:00 Buffet Dinner 9:30 Autograph Session 6:30 – 9:30 Auction item preview (items TBD)


On Saturday, the Simeone Museum’s 1963 Corvette Grand Sport #GS002 will roar to life at 12:00 noon for a driving demonstration during the Museum’s famous “Demo Day” program. Doug and September 2016 Page 33 The Corvette Courier

Tommy will return to host an auction of Corvette Racing memorabilia to benefit the Simeone Founda-

tion and to share stories about the history of Corvette Racing and their own racing careers. General Admission tickets are $12 for Saturday.

Grand Sport Ride-along Raffle:

On Saturday we will have a raffle for the chance to win a ride in our 1963 Grand Sport Coupe. Tickets are $20 each and go on sale Saturday at 10:00 am. All tickets must be purchased in person. The win- ner will be selected and will take his/her ride during the Demo Day. Bring earplugs just in case you win – this is the loudest car in the entire museum collection!

10:00 AM Grand Sport Ride-Along raffle begins 12:00 PM Demo Day with 1963 Corvette Grand Sport #GS002 Grand Sport Ride-Along drawing 12:30 Corvette Racing Memorabilia Auction (items TBD) 1:30 Doug and Tommy Presentation and Autograph Session 4:00 Simeone Museum closes

Full Information and Ticket Purchase: racing-weekend-with-doug-fehan-and-tommy-milner

About the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum:

Located in Philadelphia, PA, the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum is one of the world’s greatest collections of racing sports cars. Through our theme, “The Spirit of Competition”, we cele- brate the history and evolution of these magnificent machines. Assembled over 50 years by Dr. Fre- derick Simeone, the Museum contains over 65 historically significant cars including Ferrari, Alfa Ro- meo, Bugatti, Mercedes, Jaguar, Bentley, Porsche, Aston Martin, Corvette, Ford and more. The Sime- one Foundation Automotive Museum is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.

CCA members Bob Atwell, Jon and Evelyn Thorn, Barry and Lanna, Bill Sandusky, and Jim Parisi will be attending this event. Roc Linkov will also be attending. The Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum is close to the Philadelphia Airport. If you are interested in attending with the club please coordinate with Bob or Jon. If you decide to join us for a couple of days of both modern and historical sports car racing discussion, education and plain old fashioned fun, please order your tickets soon so that you are not disappointed. Note: most of us are planning to spend Friday night at the Microtel at the Philly airport.

Also note that your purchase of a ticket for Friday night’s dinner also includes admission to Sat- urday’s events, including Demo Day. If you buy a Friday ticket, you do not need to buy a Satur- day ticket.

Late breaking news: Richard Prince (world famous Corvette Racing photographer) will join Doug Fehan and Tommy Milner for this event. Also the club now has reserved parking thanks to Barry Pokrass. Sign up quickly and join us for a great time!!!! September 2016 Page 34 The Corvette Courier

Chevy Corvette Among 4 Million GM Vehicles Recalled for Software Defect

Will Sabel Courtney September 9, 2016

2016-Chevrolet-Corvette-airbag-recall software

Better to be safe than sorry. General Motors is recalling more than 4 million vehicles across the globe over a software defect that can prevent the airbags from deploying in the event of a crash, the company announced Friday. The defect has been connected to at least one death and three injuries.

The recall affects a wide variety of cars, trucks, and sport-utility vehicles from model years 2014 through 2017, including such enthusiast favorites as the and the Chevy SS. September 2016 Page 35 The Corvette Courier

Out of 4.28 million vehicles being recalled worldwide, 3.6 million of them are located in the United States. GM will contact owners of the afflicted vehicles to inform them they need to visit the dealer- ship, where employees will update the software free of charge. Concerned owners can also check their VINs against a list of affected vehicles on both the GMand National Highway Transportation Safety Administration websites.

The software defect, which is located in the sensing and diagnostic module (SDM) that controls the deployment of the airbags and seatbelt pretensioners, can cause those safety features to fail in rare circumstances where the system erroneously kicks into test mode. The flaw came to light after a May accident where a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado crashed without its airbags deploying, according to the Los Angeles Times; that incident prompted GM and supplier Delphi to test the SDMs, which in turn led the carmaker to issue a recall.

In the U.S., GM's recall affects selected examples of the following models:

Buick Encore (model years 2014–2017)

Buick LaCrosse (2014–2016)

Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV (2015–2017)

Chevrolet Caprice Police Pursuit (2014-2017)

Chevrolet Corvette (2014–2017)

Chevrolet Spark EV (2014–2016)

Chevrolet Silverado 1500 (2014-2017)

Chevrolet SS (2014–2016)

Chevrolet Trax (2014–2017)

GMC Sierra 1500 (2014-2017)

GMC Sierra HD (2015–2017) September 2016 Page 36 The Corvette Courier

Editors note: Thanks to Van Vander Haar for collecting this series of stories and posts on Paul Newman from the web. This month we have a couple of short articles from the web on the sale of Paul’s Corvette.

Paul Newman’s race winning Vette sells for $275,000 March 12, 2012 by Gary Grant

Over the years we’ve seen more than a few actors who have taken their fortune and gone racing. Some of them were even pretty good at it. Guys like James Garner, Steve McQueen and new school guys like Patrick Dempsey have all been regarded as talented racers. Possibly the most successful of the bunch was none other than Paul Newman, who raced for decades, right up into his Eighties. Racing under the name PLN, Newman scored wins in both IMSA and Trans-Am racing.

Using his home track, Lime Rock Park, as a base, Newman raced this Riley & Scott Corvette Trans Am car from 2003 onwards, scoring his final win a year to the day before his death. Think about that, in 2007 at age 82, Newman won a GT1 race behind the wheel of a 700 horsepower TA car! This was that car.

It was in this car that Paul Newman took his final laps of Lime Rock, at 83 years of age, just one month before passing away from cancer.

The car was offered up for auction at Amelia Island recently by Canadian auction house, RM Auc- tions. When the bidding came to a close, the final sale was made for $275,000.

September 2016 Page 37 The Corvette Courier

Lot # 130 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Riley & Scott Endurance Racing Car; S/N J001; Red, white, blue/ Black cloth; Estimate $250,000 - $350,000; Competition car, original as-raced, 3+ condition; Ham- mered Sold at $250,000 plus commission of 10.00%; Final Price $275,000 -- 346ci, 700hp V8, 6- speed, tubular chassis, BBS modular wheels, Goodyear racing slicks, fiberglass Corvette silhouette bodywork, fixed rear wing, massive front splitter. Bodywork and livery new with no signs of use. In- terior as raced with numerous small paint chips, worn suede on steering wheel, and worn fabric on race seat. Originally campaigned by in Trans Am racing, the Corvette was purchased in 2003 by actor Paul Newman and raced in SCCA nationals through 2007 at which time age (82 years, give or take) and illness kept Newman from competing. A fine 20 year old Trans Am racer with history, this Corvette's value derives from its history with Paul Newman. And though its historic sig- nificance and value will likely result in its careful storage, it could still be a fine track day toy for any- one capable enough to pilot it safely.

RM Auctions press release

700 hp, 346 cu. in. V-8 engine, with electronic fuel injection, six-speed manual transmission, four- wheel independent racing suspension, four-wheel disc brakes. Wheelbase: 104.5″

• The late Paul Newman’s 2003-2007 SCCA racer, in which he won his last race • Brand new rebuild, re-bodied and repainted, numbered 83 for Newman’s age • Originally built by Riley & Scott for Tom Gloy’s 2002 Trans Am season • Three T/A wins, five poles, eight top fives and nine top 10s with Butch Leitzinger driving

There were two Kings of Cool in Hollywood in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s. Paul Newman and Steve McQueen were friends and rivals for 30 years, and both were rebellious icons in the movie industry. The two might have even headlined Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in 1969.

Newman and McQueen were also single-minded racers, whose exploits won the admiration of their competitors as well as their fans. In 1970, McQueen and Peter Revson placed second in the 12 Hours of Sebring, driving a Porsche 908/02, only 23 seconds behind the winner, and in 1979, Newman, Rolf Stommelen and Dick Barbour placed second in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in Barbour’s Porsche 935. They were only seven laps behind the winner after 2,590 miles, and 1st in the IMSA class.

Paul Newman didn’t become interested in driving until he was 43 and made Winning in 1969, a film about an Indy 500 racer. Then he got to know Bobby Unser, Dan Gurney, Tony Hulman and Mario Andretti, who became a lifelong friend. “It was the first thing I found I ever had any grace in,” New- man would say later.

In 1970 Paul Newman introduced the Annual Ontario Motor Speedway’s Celebrity ProAm Race for Charity, which paired drivers like Mario Andretti, Mark Donohue, Bobby Unser, Parnelli Jones, Dan Gurney and Roger Ward with actors and sportsmen. He was getting his taste of racing, though he wouldn’t drive for a couple more years. In 1971 Newman agreed to star in and host his first television special, Once Upon a Wheel, on the history of motor racing, which won awards as the Best Interna- tional Sports Documentary. September 2016 Page 38 The Corvette Courier

Paul Newman actually started racing in 1972, when he drove a Lotus Elan in Thompson, Connecticut. Some reports say he won, but in any case he was hooked. Newman would drive Datsuns for the Bob Sharp Racing Team from the mid-1970s to the 1990s, winning four SCCA national titles, starting in 1976 with D-Production. He won C-Production in 1979 and was GT-1 Champion in 1985-86. He also finished fifth in the 1977 and was second at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1979. His first professional Trans Am win was at Brainerd, Minnesota in 1982, and he won again at Lime Rock in 1986.

At the age of 70 years and 8 days, Paul Newman was the oldest driver to be part of a team in a major sanctioned race, winning his class at the 1995 24 Hours of Daytona. He also ran the Baja 1000 in 2004 (he and a team of drivers finished 4th in class) and the 24 Hours of Daytona in 2005. Paul Newman won his last SCCA race at Lime Rock almost exactly a year before he passed away on September 28, 2008.

In addition to racing himself, Paul Newman owned his own Can-Am racing team as well as co- founded a Champ Car team with Carl Haas in 1983. The latter team would go on to become a tremen- dously successful Champ Car team, winning 97 races and seven titles. The team was second in Champ Car history with 100 pole positions and the only team in the series to win five titles with five different drivers, in 1984, 1991, 1993, 2002 and 2004-6. Newman Haas finished 1-2 in season standings in 2004 and 2005 and won at least one event on 23 of 24 seasons. September 2016 Page 39 The Corvette Courier

He fit all this around a career which would total 65 movies, from the 1954 turkey The Silver Chalice to narrating 2007’s Dale, the documentary about legendary NASCAR racer Dale Earnhardt, which was his final performance. In between, his movies included Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), The Hus- tler (1961), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), The Sting (1973), The Verdict (1982), The Color of Money (1986), Nobody’s Fool (1994), Road to Perdi- tion (2002) and Cars (2006).

In all, Paul Newman was nominated for more than 55 mainstream acting awards, winning an Acad- emy Award for best actor in 1986’s The Color of Money, where he reprised his role of Fast Eddie Fel- son from his 1961 movie The Hustler. He also won three Golden Globe Awards, a BAFTA award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Cannes Film Festival Award and an Emmy. Newman was nominated for awards in 21 of his 65 movies. By percentages, his race track record was probably better.

Paul Newman was married to actress Joanne Woodward for 50 years. They lived far away from the movie industry in Westport, Connecticut. He’s almost as well-known for his “Newman’s Own” food company, from which he donated all post-tax profits and royalties to charity. As of July 2011 those donations exceeded $300 million.

The car on offer is Paul’s last race car. Between 2003-2007, he was hard to beat in SCCA Nationals at Atlanta, Lime Rock and Watkins Glen. His business partner and co-racer Michael Brockman recalls, “We bought the car in 2003, ran it five times, with two firsts and three seconds, ran it five times in 2004, two firsts and three seconds. I don’t ever recall Paul coming in lower than that…well maybe there was one third. We only ran it about five times a year, but Paul won, or he was second, every time he went out. The last race he ran at was Lime Rock—a year to the day before he died. He and I were first and second that day, I ran the old Camaro we had.”

Brockman, who raced with Paul Newman since 1977, said the pair ran most often at Lime Rock “because it was in our back yard. In summer they’d have test-and-tune Tuesdays, we’d go out there 10 Tuesdays out of the summer, running two cars. It was open practice: run half an hour, park an hour and a half. We ran SCCA Nationals and Regionals, but that’s the real reason we had the car.”

Paul Newman’s Corvette has illustrious origins even before him. It’s a Riley & Scott chassis Trans Am Corvette, originally built for Tom Gloy in 2002. Butch Leitzinger drove it in 2002, scoring five poles, three wins, eight top-five finishes and nine top-10 finishes, running as yellow #88 with Tommy Bahama sponsorship. Newman and Brockman bought the Corvette in 2003 and immediately painted it red, white and blue.

“We liked the Trans Am class and had an old Trans Am Camaro,” Brockman recalled. “Then they started bringing over Jaguars from the Trans Am Pro Series and Paul didn’t like those because they were so stiff, with 1,300 lb rear springs and 800 lb front springs. Tom Gloy said we should come and drive his Corvette, and it was just wonderful. It was the only car that was able to beat the Jaguars with any regularity, when Butch Leitzinger was driving it. September 2016 Page 40 The Corvette Courier

“The funniest part was that one driver kept protesting the car. He was sure it had traction control, be- cause it got out of the hole so fast,” said Brockman. “It wasn’t that, we had 650 lb rear springs, and the car was just compliant. But after one race, this guy got a court order and they took Butch into a tent with a sheriff and a nurse to cavity search him because this driver was sure he had an electronic switch hidden on him. That’s a true story.”

Brockman describes the Newman Corvette as a top-line Trans Am race winner that was maintained to the highest quality. “It has 700 horsepower and it weighs only 2,680 pounds, so it has a good power-to -weight ratio,” he said.

“In 2007 we rebuilt it and re-bodied it—it’s all fresh—and we went through it stem to stern. Then we put #83 on it, because Paul always ran his age. We only did one test after we re-bodied it. Paul de- cided he didn’t want to race, he just didn’t feel well enough. Paul did the 24 Hours of Daytona in 2005 and the Baja 1000 the year before. He was tough, until the last year, when he got sick. He’d be in the gym every day for an hour and a half. He pushed himself hard.”

Paul Newman’s Corvette is now offered complete with its SCCA logbook. It is a terrific testament to his extraordinary racing career and eye for competitiveness and perfection. Finished in its #83 livery, it is not only a fitting tribute to a Hollywood legend but quite simply a superb racing car.

News Source: RM Auctions The Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 41

"I inherited a Silver 2003 Z06 Corvette from a good friend of mine who passed away last month. He loved the car and maintained it well. It's in very good condition, although I fear that my pictures don't do the car justice. Viewing by appointment only; serious buyers please. My hope is that it will go to a new owner who will enjoy it like he did. The odometer mileage is 24,515. Reduced Price is $22,500, but I will entertain other reasonable offers."

Contact me at: John Fry [email protected]"

September 2016 Page 42 The Corvette Courier The Corvette Club of America is

proud to be exclusively associated with Sport Chevrolet.

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Our contact at Sport Chevrolet for a new or used car is Lee Shirley, 240-560-5363 or email him at [email protected]. Be sure to let Lee know that you are a CCA member.

The Corvette Club of America was founded by John Ralph and Charles Eyre who organized the first club meeting on July 17, 1956 at a Chevrolet dealership in Arlington, Virginia. By the end of 1957 the club changed its name from the Capital Corvette Club to the Corvette Club of America since it was the intent of the members to make the club a national organization. Before the end of the following year the club had over one hundred members.

In the months that followed, the Corvette Club of America took the first steps toward forming a national organization by laying the ground work for the Na- tional Council of Corvette Clubs, a group which now includes 270 clubs with more than 17,500 members. Today the NCCC is the largest non- profit, all volunteer Corvette organization in the President Bob Atwell (240)375-3716 United States. The Corvette Club of America is Vice President Rich Taylor (240)460-9797 honored to have been assigned club number one by Secretary Paul Vale (301)570-9348 the NCCC. Treasurer Nita Armstrong (443)852-1922 NCCC Governor Jay Srivatsan (719)251-9403 Membership Director Jean-Marie Wade (301)253-6074 The Corvette Club of America is a very active club Competition Director Steve Catlin (703)220-1136 with an excellent mix of competitive activities, Parliamentarian Jon Thorn (301)963-4864 social activities, and giving back to the community Vendor & Club Relations Van Vander Haar (410)489-5002 through charitable activities. Webmaster Rick Roe (410)960-1368 Member-at-Large Jim Parisi (410)292-8722

Through the years the CCA has seen many fine members come and go; however, one thing re- Non-Board Member Positions mains unchanged. The membership is composed of individuals both male and female, young and Courier Editor Jon Thorn (301)963-4864 old, that share a common interest - The Corvette! NCM Ambassador Terry Popkin (301)949-2464

The Corvette Courier is published monthly by the Corvette Club of America, Inc. P.O. Box 3355, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20885 The Corvette Courier September 2016 Page 43 CCA Monthly Meeting Locations

Business & Membership Meeting Location: Golden Bull Grand Café 7 Dalamar Street Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (301) 948-3666

Second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM

Next meeting: September 13th

Shop Night Location: Sport Chevrolet 3101 Automobile Blvd. Silver Spring, Maryland 20904

Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM**

(** Shop Night is the THIRD Tuesday in November and December due to Holidays)

Next Shop Night: th September 27 September 2016 Page 44 The Corvette Courier

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Contact CCA Tag Leader Richard Roe 410-960-1368 [email protected]