I.... ~~~~~~~..... I f t Class of '61 ,t 1 i •· i...... J Official Undergrad~ate Ne,vspaper of Yeshiva College . I VOLUME XLVI NEW YORK CITY, WEONESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1957 ( ; No;. 1 I New Graduate Schools Wohlberg Outlines S.·C:. Progr.alffl; Open for Fall Semester Appoints Chairmen of· Commift~«fs ' . Yeshiva University has opened two new graduate divisions for A new program for the Yeshiva College Student Council was outlined J:>y Jerry,! Wohl-. the fall semester, announced Dr. Samuel Belkin, president. Classes berg '5 8, president, in conjuction with the appointments of committee chainnen~ will begin for the first time September 30 at the main academic "The goal of Student Council this year," said Mr. .Wohlberg, "is to have each student center and at the Sue Golding identify himself completely with Graduate Division of Medical Student Council. We \vimt the Sciences, the first subdivision of Sen. John Kennedy students to feel that they ;are the the Albert Einstein College of Council." , Medicine. To Receive Annual Chairmen were appointed to the A third school, the Graduate i. various committees which toncern School of Education, ppened this Charter Day Award I themselves with the welfare of the summer at the university's new The Hon. John F. Kennedy, student during his stay i at the mid-town teaching center, 110 junior senator from Massachu­ college. Benjamin Hirsch (60 was \Vest 57 St., Manhattan. setts, will receive the annual Yes­ appointed of the Medical The School of Social Work hiva University Charter Day . Committee. Last year, t~s coµi• offers a two-year graduate pro­ Award at the Charter Day Din­ mittee provided for 'Salk . anti­ gram leading to the degree of ner to be held at the Hotel polio shots for the students. Mr. Master of Science in Social Work. Waldorf-Astoria: October 27th. Hirsch also heads the Car Brigade, Degree candidates must include in Since his arrival the Senate which is composed of undergrad­ their work twenty semester courses scene early in 1953, Sen. Kennedy uates who volunteer their services in the areas of social services, has advanced rapidly, barely fail­ to get students to proper •medical human development and behavior, ing to receive the Democratic care m an emergency. . and social work: practice, and nomination for Vice-President in The Food Committee, which in­ 1200 hours of practical field work. 1956. vestigates the quality of the food The graduate school of educa­ The dinner will climax the and the cleanliness of both the uni- ' tion offers full credit and graduate celebration marking the twelfth versity cafeteria and the /College level courses in elementary, sec­ anniversary of Yeshiva's attain­ Luncheonette, is headed by Abra- ondary and special education, and STUDENT BUILDING: Former Psychological Cl.inie now houses student ment of university status, granted offices. ham Mann '59. · school psychology, which lead to by the New Yark State Board of Marshall Cohen '59 heads the :.:he degrees of Master of Science Regents in 1945. Isidore Lipschitz, Student Activities Committee, one and Doctor of Philosophy. prominent Manhattan business­ 0 th t The two new graduate schools d. !. . e moS . impoI"!~t-~(~t,§~~ man has been appointed general · Student o~g.. anizations. Expand,•--· ent Council committees. S.A.C. are part of a process of realign­ chairman of the dinner. A mem­ men of the university's graduate into Nevv· Headquarters co-ordinates clubs ~d prepares ber of the President's Council of Move , programs for assemb~ schools, and supersede the School Yeshiva University, he has been A questionnaire committee has of Education and Community Ad- The offices of all major student activities of Yeshiva College hnve for years one of the institution's been organized, with I Harvey ministration. The reason for the moved to new locations at 506 West 185 St., a building formerly ' outstanding benefactors. Lieber '59 .and Yehudi : Felman reorganization and expansion is to occupied by the university's Psychological Clinic. The building will The Hon. Jacob K. J av its, '59 as co-chairmen. This com­ help meet the nation's continuing now house THE COMMENTATOR, mittee is preparing a detailed shortage of both teachers and Hon. Arthur Levitt, Abe Stark Student (j:ouncil, Masmid, Student questionnaire on every facet of work personnel. It is felt that and Hon. Stanley Steingut are to Organization of Yeshiva, and The first floor of the two­ Student Council and its activities. these two areas represent our T. I. Student Council. story building, which contains serve as honorary chairman. The These forms ,will be completed by greatest opportunity to serve the The move was made possible four rooms, will be shared by general co-chairman is Mr. Walter the students and be given community in the coming years. by the relocation of the Psycholo­ THE COMMENTATOR and Mas­ will .J. Diamond, and the metropolitan careful consideration by Council. With the addition of the new gical Clinic, renamed the Psy­ mid, while the second floor, also schools, the university's total chairman is Charles J. Muss. chological Center, to the U niver­ having four rooms, will be oc­ registration has soared to a record Alexander Muss has been appoint- sity' s new teaching center of cupied by the Y.C. Student Committee Readies high of more than 3000. ed chairman of sponsors. 110 West 57 St. Council, S.O.Y., and T.I. Stu­ dent Council. For College Rt.ling The center, appraised by the Dr. Simeon L. Guterm~n,_dean New York State Department of of Yeshiva College, will serve as Scripta, Founded by Prof. Ginsburg, Mental Hygiene, is directed by Chairman of a recently formed Dr. Boris M. Levinson, pro­ steering committee to direct pre­ Commemorates Silv~r Anniversary fessor of psychology. Functioning parations for the decennial visit Scripta Mathematica, world­ tion. I ts program has ·been de­ as a community service agency, it of the Middle States Association famous mathematical publication scribed in Amerika, the U.S. gov­ handles refer~als by social and of Colleges and Secondary ~chools. of the Institute of Mathematics at ernment publication issued in .welfare organizations, youth­ The purpose of the Associa­ Yeshiva University, celebrates its Russia; by the U.S. Information serving agencies, bona-fide_,. pro- tion's visjt, ,which will take place 25th anniversary this month. De­ Agency and by other government fessional personnel, cultural insti­ sometime during the fall of 1958, voted to the philosophy, history bodies. tutions and religiou·s schools. is to re-evaluate all aspects o( the and expository treatment of The work: of Scripta Mathe­ The center has · as its special University's program. Although mathematics, the famous journal matica and its brilliant editor has concern, the educational, emo­ the inspection will extend ' to each was launched in 1932 by its been widely lauded in leading tional, and social adjustment department in every school ··and equally world-famous editor, Dr. magazines and newspapers and problems of gifted children, re­ division of · the University, , par­ Jekuthiel Ginsburg. director of other periodicals throughout the cent immigrants and children ticular attention· will be ;paid to attending religious schools. In ad­ curriculum, iilirary service and the Institute of Mathematics. world, including Life, the New • I dition, it is equipped to deal teaching. It has been the talent, industry Yorker, the New York Times, • 1 ... - and faith of Dr. Ginsburg that Dr. Jekuthiel Ginsburg the Christian Science Monitor, with the · .psychological problems • Other members of the jsteering has guided Scripta throughout the By stressing the intrinsic beauty L'lllustre (France) and as re­ of adults. committee include: . Joseph Ellen­ years to its present position as the of mathematics, the magazine has cently as this past summer, in the The new location of the center· berg, secretary to the ~resident outstanding scholarly publication given thousands of its readers a New York Mirror -magazine. is related to the est$lishment of and associate bursar, Dr. j Hyman iponsored by a Jewish institution. deeper insight into the subject Today, after 25 years of in­ a Graduate School of Education B. Grinstein, registrar ·of Teachers Scripta Mathematica's reputa­ matter. creasing success, every leading by the University at that ·same Institute for men, Sam H'~rtstein, tion has been based on its success­ This dynamic treatment of college, university and public address. Students at the· new director of public relations, '. Dr. ful efforts to popularize mathe­ mathematics by the publication library in the world, subscribes school who take courses in that Bergard Lander, vis!~~· irurector tiia tics for both the student aJ°d has been singled out on numerous . to the journal, and it ' is found in area of psychology will be able of . the Graduate DmSioi1, Prof. the layman and to improve and occasions by our government as the files of most high school and to utilize the center as a prac.: Joshua E. Matz, ~ursar, ·imd Dr. develop methods of teaching a an example of American enter­ college math departments. tical resources center to supple­ Dan Vokel, registr~ J'.i f -< Stem subject often termed "dull." prise in the field "'of higher educa- ( Continued on page 3) ment dasswork. College. . ·.: .. :·· , . . i ..· . .. \ .·. ! l i PAGE TWO THE COMMENT A TOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1957 Wbe

Published bl-weekly, to have by last Rosh Hashona a new dormitory Printed by Diana Press, except• during holi­ building, a new Jewish studies plan, its first As­ days, vacations or ex­ 1-48 W. 23rd St., New sistant Dean, and a victorious .wrestling team amination weeks, by York:, N.Y. Subscrip­ the Yeshiva College " gaining new laurels for their institution. Student Council, Ams-~ • tion free to under­ Meanwhile, in the outside world, (yes my terdam Ave. and 186th graduates. friends, there is an outside world) promises were St., New York 33, N.Y. also being made: These I.Jnited States would be transformed into a Utopia if Plony A lmony were A New Year elected its president, Nasser would be made a As another year of student-administra­ prisoner of Greater Israel if the Sinai war would tion relations begins, it would be well to continue, and the Hungarians would break the clarify what we believe to be th~ basic yoke of the hammer and sickle. premise which will enable these relations to Hopes Unfulfilled proceed harmoniously for the benefit of all But alas! the year 5717 was an ordinary year concerned. -so it ends .with failure and half-completed plans. The Yeshiva student body is a mature The new dormitory building remained, for all one. It's Student Council has gained the practical purposes, a pile of bricks already be­ respect of the individual student by its con­ (C· ginning to acquire that weatherbeaten of older tinuous record of constructive accomplish­ and nobler edifices. When that day. fin ally came ment. Student medical insurance, Salk vac­ when the students were graciously permitted to cine, the blood donor program, the Y. U. • enter and to have their first glimpses of their future Charity Drive, the entire club system, gym long Days Journey into ... home, the Dorm looked like a palace, a veritable renovation and many other benefits have pleasure dome. But now, as the new year awaits accrued to the institution through constant its dawn, we wonder what happened to the rented· and persistent efforts of the Council. furniture, why the elevator was not constructed In addition, the Student Council has taken Maybe I'm Wrong to withstand the button-pushing, lever-pulling hands of Yeshiva men and whether the inside rcolll walls upon its elf to institute badly-needed services are actually the outside walls or vice vers<1,. which the administration, for whatever Parched This new "home away from reason, had failed to provide. The Senior­ To the Editor: home'' has long been needed, and Wrestling, Politics Don't Mix Ereshman Guidance Program, which will The cold weather has not yet the new atmosphere so created \Ve were to have a wrestling team; 01:e which provide counsel for all entering freshmen, set in. In fact, it is still quite should do much to improve the would compete with the best. Yeshiva boys being is an outstanding example of what Council warm these days. As a result, esprit de corps of the student what they are, however, dlty looked he~ven­ does during the lack of a well-functioning many students are suffering from hody. .wards instead of at their opponents and p~oved administration sponsored Guidance program. parched throats. \Vater is an ex­ U nfortunatelv, this innovation conclusively to the world that Rocca and Gorgeous Furthermore, the students have shown cellent cure for such an ,ailme-nt. has not been matched bv an equal George need not fear competition for the time their versatility by publishing a first-class Yet Graduate Hall contains the improvement in the culinary field. being. · newspaper, awarded All-American Honor only well-functioning water foun­ Food, in all its aspects of taste. As usual, Yeshiva boys maintained their reputa­ tain in the i\Iain Academic Cen­ ratings by thl'. ~-\..C.P. They run a success­ quality and cost, has almost al­ tion for being less than keen political ob~ervers. ter. The nev,: dormitory, with all ful Co-op store as a service to the students. ways been a serious problem at \Vhile Gallup Polls were being conducted across its beauty, has no water fountajn_ Yeshiva. In its endeavors to solve They exhibit their dramatic and writing the country, this journal proudly announced that ::--;or does it have a profit-making this problem, the Student Council talents through a successful Dean's Recep­ 90 per cent of our students favored th? Democratic soda machine. has achieved a limited amount of tion and Senior Varsity Show. Each clas!'! party candidate. The candidate of the opposing I wr-uld like to see the existine­ success, more so in Weber's than party won by a landslide. has its own social events such as theater fountains repaired and at least in the College Luncheonette. parties, outings and the like. All this, of one inst'.llled in the new dorm. I Although it is too early in the Patriotism Awakened also request a canteen in our new course, while the student body has main­ year to discuss the quality of food The news· of the Anglo-French-Israeli invasion residence hall. tained and continues ~ to maintain high at the College Luncheonette, it is of Sinai produced a profound effect upon those academic standards. Sincerely, a fact that the student body ,.is who study in this shrine of learning. Mitchell Snyder '60 These accomplishments ·which have be­ faced with the increasi·ng prices of "\Ve will conquer all of Egypt!" some ex­ come part and parcel of Yeshiva life, arc certain items, the most outstand­ claimed. Fed Up ing of which is the price increase now in many cases taken for granted with­ To the Editor: "i\nd Jordan and Syria also,'' said others. of a cup of milk: to · 13 cents out full realization of the precious time and As the students of Yeshiva "We might be beaten back into the sea," the while at \Veber's it costs only 9 pessimist groaned. effort which have been expended by the College return from their summer cents. If the College Luncheon- There were those who were ready to exchange student body of Yeshiva toward bringing vacation, they are met with the their books for arms and swim if necessary to the them about. If we want to insure the con­ conveniences of a new dormitory. ( Continued' on page 3) battlefield, and there were those who emptied their tinued achievement of the student body, -' pockets to p-ay for their weapons. The battle soon the administration must exhibit a recogni­ Administrative Messages ended. As the contracts were being handed out to tion clearer than that recently shown of Office of the President Sept. I 8, I 957 tow away remains of jet planes and repair Egypt's these proven abilities. It is only in this way \Vith the Qpening of the new academic year, I extend my best airfields, Col. Nasser announced from hi!;' bomb that we will achieve an era of student ad­ wishes to the student body of Yeshiva College. To those who are shelter that his air force had repulsed the attaclc ministration cooperation which will mean returning here, I am hopeful that you will continue to utilize the and defeated the enemy. No sooner had the shoot• the opening of new horizons toward the vast resources of our institution to develop spiritually and culturally. ing stopped, that things returned to normal. The betterment of Yeshiva. To those students who are entering Yeshiva College for the first "innocent defender" turned aggressor and the time, I proffer a cordial welcome and the wish that you bear in "vicious aggressor" turned defender as the F eda­ Years of Service mind that Yeshiva College is the only institution of its lcind where yee,n --!}~-organized. We congratulate Mr. Max Baer on his the sacred heritage of Judaism and contemporary culture are integrated Future Needs appointment as supervisor of the Graduate to supplement each other and to enable you to develop as a devout Dormitory. This event marks the close of and consecrated Jew. Bleak as I may have pictured it, this past year a long period of service rendered to the I hope that you will look upon your education as an unlimited will not depart without leaving some marks on the College's undergraduates by Mr. Baer. He opportunity for achievement and make the most of this privilege. credit side of its ledger. The Sinai invasion did has been supervisor for many years of the With best wishes for success in your undertakings, force the attention of the world on the deplorable Middle-East situation; the Hungarian revolt did college dorm and will long be remembered (signed) Samuel Belkin show the free world that all is not calm behind as a staunch supporter of Yeshiva. THE Office of the Dean Sept. 18, 1957 the iron curtain ; the miserable showing of the COMMENTATOR therefore takes this oppor­ I extend very best wishes to the Student Body of Yeshiva College wrestling team will result in its complete re­ tunity of wishing Mr. and Mrs. Baer long through THE COMMENTATOR fqr a successful year. I hope that the organization ; and the belated opening of the new years of health and happiness and continued year will also bring health to all of you. dormitory accentuates the need for better planning service to Yeshiva. (Signed) Simeon L. Guterman of any structure that this institution may build. THE COMMENTATOR Pi4GE THREE .. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1957 f Scripta· Seniors War of the Classes Freshmen The freshman and the senior live in two different worlds; they I saw it. My first obstacle to success at Yeshiva~ Univc.-rsity. I Mathematica may walk the same halls, jostle the same classmates, talk. about the knew, however, that I could make it. After all, I'm a Pre-Med and, ( Continue.a from page 1) as everyone biQws, Pre-Meds at Y. U. can do anything. Determined, same Deans-yet they are distinct and different. I ts roster of contributing edito~ The freshman cannot understand us without realizing that our I staunchly advanced and finally succeeded in "climbing the hill." and scholars has included many of three-year tenure has endowed us with special talents. We, the seniors, After a few minutes .walk., dressed in my ivy-league pants, this century's greatest mathe­ jacket, tie, and yarmulke ( I had to feel at ease with the Columbia see, so to speak, in a special sense. The bronze doors ill' the entrance maticians. foyer do not present to us their mundane face of tarnish and sagging boys on the train), I had my first glimpse of Yeshiva University. Since 1937 Scripta Mathematica hinges. Instead, a diligent and conscientious army of workers arise, My white bucks glistening in the sun, I entered the "campus" has also published'· 20 full-length methodically scrubbing, day in and day out, time's wear from these of the main academic center. An unkempt young man .in dungarees works. Two books in the series• portals. We are inspired by this vision to a rapid stirring of memory: and a T-Shirt immediately caught my eye. Thinking him a member l were placed in the Time Capsule ' The moments when, behind these doors, we hid from irritated of the janitorial staff, I asked him for directions to the office of the at the ~.Y. World's Fair of 1939 Registrars; the stirring assemblies we attended, co-sponsored by S.AC. Bursar. It was only later that I discovered much to mt chagrin, that and the Assistant Dean; the endless finals and the friendly proctors he was President of the Senior Class. · a~ong the great scbolarly work ( The Lord bless them) ; our Orientation Week and the promise so Arriving at the off ice, I came upon an odd scene; a crowd of of our time. glowingly made to us, "In four years we will be bigger than students eagerly waiting to give money. After a · two "'hour delay ( I Prof. Ginsburg has received Col um bi a." guess they didn't know I was there), I received a card to present to many laurels for his accomplish­ Yet it is not only this reservoir of memories which transforms us, Rabbi Klein for a Dorm room. To get to him, I had only to brush ments as a mathematician and nor is it the depths of intellectual knowledge which we have pierced. aside what seemed to me an inordinate number of janitors for a editor, including an honorary de- \Ve have pierced nothing except our Donn neighbor's ears. (Although small school lik:e Y. U. The Rabbi, ho.wever, rea:sured me that the .• we must admit that, while our intellectual progress has been slight, freshmen outnumbered the seniors almost two to one. In addition, the . gree of Doctor of Science from our moral development is too negligible to speak of). seniors seemed a bit weak::-minded for later, using my k:een bargaining Columbia University. No, our difference lies in our po.wer, I purchased an elevator final mastery of the secret lan­ pass from one of them at only Reception without seeing anyone guage and terminology of the half-price. I resold it to another being "recepted'' and have been school. We are no longer driven senior for double the price. Passing of Old Fills Reporter turned violently sick by freshman­ to virtual schizophrenia by the senior beer. We have learned that When I went for the medical perennial problem, "Which New With 'Psycho' Visions of New lofty positions in life are attained examrnation, my custom-tailored Dorm is the newer New Dorm?" by the distribution of free packs monogrammed, ivy-league, pur­ By Jack Nusbacher \Ve no longer stand and search of Chesterfields; that Co-op prices ple underclothes startled the doc­ in idle speculation for a Golden I am a sentimental guy. I thriv.e on tradition, those old, stable descend with the term's progress; tor. After putting on sunglasses, Dorne floating in gilded grandeur things. The oddities of my·surroundings are always dearest to me: the that editors and other Big-Men­ he continued his examination. above us. \Ve k:now that the picture that hangs crookedly on my wall~ the broken switch on my on-Campus lack. the same amount Then for twenty minutes I fiIIed words euphemistically refer to the out succe5sive forms to the effect desk lamp that I swore I would of talent that we do; and a ball point pens right down to the tarnished Turkish nightmare on that: had ten fingers and ten repair three years ago; the fountain myriad of other things. I last refill . . The Copy Editor at the roof. toes; I was living and human; pen that never fails to leak. And We are grown, manfully enter­ his desk busily reading and cor­ \Ve can find our way unfalter­ and had a limited knowledge of so, upon returning from my two ing our f{~al year with a realistic, I recting blank sheets of paper. The ing through the backways of the Assyrian. month respite, I was not surprised yet considerably softened, knowl­ Managing Editor. also. busy at hi~ university. through the labyrinth to find myself wandering and edge of our school. So our disdain Then came the psychological job-managing, of course. this of stairways, hallways, bursar lamenting among the ghost-laden By for the dull freshman who re- tests. Those poor psychologists are time I was as angry as my blood secretaries, and men's rooms. We corridors of the Old Qorm. I mains blind to the significance of going to be mighty confused for, pressure chart would allow me. have learned how to speak a swift was deeply saddened. The univer­ Sam's cats is only understandable. with typical Yeshiva ingenuity, Without hestitation I stormed and incomprehensible Yiddish to sity was growing and those old But we cannot leave without everyone was copying from the into the new Commie office. our Rehhis, a snappy ~fardit ( Eret institutions filled with unforget­ adding that this pride is a bit fellow in front of him. Well, I Upon entering, I :was gently Yitrael) to our l~1 orim. and a table memories were giving way empty. We soon leave and the sat in the first row, and therefore, returned to the realm of reality. lilting Irish to our chambermaids. to the new and modern. Freshman will soon succeed us a whole line of boys testified to Everyone wa.li busily working at Teachers are no longer awesome However, it was with great with a whole new set of memories the fact that they thought some­ his respective job as though or objects of scorn-they have be­ joy that I learned THE CoM­ and ideas as mystifying to us as one was foHowing them; that they nothing had happened. I was come merely human. \Ve under­ M ENTATOR had finally moved to ours are now to them. don't love their mothers; that they much too sensitive to pretend stand the special intonation em­ newt and larger quarters. At last do love the premier of Russia; that everything could be the ployed when saying the word there would be an office befitting and that they don't love their same. How could Commie run "Dean," and we appreciate the Maybe I'm Wrong ... the "official undergraduate news­ dogs. But don't get me wrong, I without the poorly lit offices, the subtle difference between a Dean ( Continued frnm page 2) paper of Yeshiva College." With do love my dog. dirty floors, the 500,000 back and an Assistant Dean. ette feels that it must increase the a rene.wed anxiety reminiscent of Before I stop let me .warn you : issues scattered ahou't, the smell The rules of Hallway Hand­ price of milk, then for the in­ my early freshman days, I turned In case you are sitting next to one of stale cigar smoke reminiscent ball are second nature by now and terest of the student body it the comer of 185th Street and of the "janitors" while reading of last years post-election celebra­ loading a water-pistol while ward­ should sell wax containers at a ventured t~wards the new home this don't believe a word he says. tion, the old beer cans lying on ing off a pillow pr~ents no clif­ reduced rate. , of THE COMMENTATOR. Seniors suffer from habitual the floor from that same celebra- f iculries. Besides quality and price, I "Psychological Clinic of Yes­ delusions of grandeur. But every­ tion, the new beer cans, and of We have cracked the esoteric believe that the student body fre­ hiva U niversity"-the sign over one knows that it is the Freshmen course, the faded photograph .of codes of the school, and we have quently suffers due to a lack of the door plainly indicated. The who dominate the school. the gurdian angel of all past THE learned that: S.O.Y. 1s not a a proper attitude on the part of administration is striking bade! I CoMMENTATORS--Our Gal Sadie? Chinese restaurant; Y.C.S.C. are the luncheonette. It is true that thought. Well, I guess here just isn't not the call-letters of a local sta­ we do not pay for waiter or a la MOUIE end AIE FOLADARE My imagination conjured up a anyplace in the world for sen­ tion ; S.A.C. has nothing to do carte service but we do deserve A. FOLADARE horrible nightmare. I could see timentalists lik:e myself. In this with burlap bags; the letters the common courtesy to which DAIRY it dearly in my mind. Rorschach modern area we must set aside B.R.E., Ph.D., and all middle every customer is entitled. ink blots adorning the walls and 2151 Amaterda111 Aftllue tradition and aid progress instead. names starting with D must re­ I therefore urge that the Stu­ mysteriously obscure corridors with (Ac,011 from Yeehlve) There are only newer and better ceive automatic snickers, while dent Council, in cooperation with trap doors at each turn. The things to come. But why did . they the letters MD are only to be the General Organization of Tal­ Editor-in-Chief sitting at the head choose the Psycliological Clinic? recited reverently, in a devout mudical Academy, make every ef­ Every Thing For The Student of an immensely long desk with 11 On Sale At The position, the hands placed on a fort to investigate the entire prob­ a set of square and round pegs lem and bring the matter to a YESHIVA COLLEGE and a box of round and square '"' ~ to· ·Ye .. lwe ltllde... Chinese book. PIPES a TOBACCO Our social horizons have been head. It is in our own interests CO-OP STORE holes before him. His staff sitting Text Book And School Supplle1 S. BRANDT widened by our timid exploration to stand up and make ourselves alongside, dressed in spotlessly In Stock Now Ill .... that ...... heard. clean white suits ( not the Good of T.I. Chagigas and Stem socials. If You Don't lee II. Ask For IL Bring U1 Your Smoklpg Problems \Ve have attended the Dean's M e-ndy Ganchrou· '58 Humor variety) all chewing their

Sib ~A VB•. Bl _18 \S'l'.

for USED and NEW TEXTB88. >11SI . ! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,. 1957 PAGE FOUR THE COMMENTATOR ,. , Manager· Requests NewPaying System 'I, Pc;,dres Beaten by Yeshiva.Slugger; More Participation· Now:Usedot Co-op ( Continued f;om page 6) The Yeshiva College Co-op • Berlin carries Hom8 Clinching Run with Yeshiva students. The table !?tore has introduced a '. new plan and the bowling intra­ to improve and -accelera~ its SCTV• By Moses M. Berlin . in underhand makes it easy ; he I come into third and tell the can give that big motion and then dope to run, but he says he's a mu rals, which are held during ice. Whereas, in· the past students paid immediately upon being The pitcher, Johnny Podres, -a softie. Dodger fan and can't stand to the spring semester as well as stepped off the rubber and mopped So I step back into the box. beat Podres. So I plead with him, in the fall term, are held on a served and were subject: to delay, his brow. He was noticeably tired, I'm pretty h9t and excited he-.. as the left fielder finally catches class competition basis. The win­ theylnow enter through ~~me door, and seemed to pant rhythmically cause of the bum and Mrs. Gar­ up to the hall. But he won't ners of each class compete for purchase what they need: and pay with the clapping of the specta­ bagecan and all the others. budge, so my pal Mendy, who the school championship. the cashier as they exit. . . tors. The fans shouted, "We Podres Razzed already scored, comes running During the spring term we Co-op has the usual full line of want a hit!" I was the batter Johnny isn't comfortable either back, and together we pick up will have, in addittion to the textbooks and school supplies. In and I wanted one too. I ner­ because our third-base coach is the dope and start carrying him aforementioned ptng-pong and addition, the store nQw carries a vously swung the . bat ,back: and doing a hootchie-kootchie and home. Well, we're running to­ bo.wling intramurals, fencing and complete line of athletic: clothing, forth until the tension . forced me shouting, "Ya heat the Yanks, but gether and just when the ball contests. consisting of , gym shorts, to step out of the box. In those ya can't beat us!" So, Pod res gets to the catcher we d rap the The fencing games will be and T-shirts. few seconds many thoughts en­ steps on again, and looks down at bum on home plate on his back­ open to all varsity and non var­ tered my mind. \Vho ~as· I but me. I swing the bat back: and side. The catcher ta~ Mendy sity students. Condolences a lowly waiter at a Catskill ho­ forth, ready for anything. The ( who was carrying the front A successful athletic program tel? After all, when vou come runners hold their bases because part) and claims that the guy at Yeshiva can be attained this THE COMMENTATOR extends · down to the facts, there. is nothing in you run • on the pitch. we carried is out. This catc!-ier year only if you, the students, its sincerest condolences to Dr. lower than a waiter, especially in The count is 3 and 2; it is two is a physics major at Columbia come down to the games and Simeon L. Guterman, dean of a Catskill hotel. You have to let out, like it should be in such a and tells that umpire that Mendy, participate either actively or as Yeshiva College, upon the loss of all kinds of people step all over situation. I swing hard and smack being connected to the bum, is spectators. his mother. May he be comforted_ you in order to make a buck. the ball over the left fielder's like a closed circuit and the guy Willy Lerer, among .the mourners of Zion and Mgshed and Strained head-and that's the truth. The is out if Mendy is tagged. Athletic Manager Jerusalem. You take that bum who sits at man from third walks home so But the umpire is a guest who THE COMMENTATOR extends table nCimber 11. I mea~ that slowly that I think he's getting sells ties on Delancv St. and he Welcome to its sincerest Condolences to Shi­ grouch. \\·ho, having · no teeth, has married and talking his la~t walk. don't know from Physics so he YESHIVA CAFETERIA mon Eider '60 and to erald Etra ro have everything he eats ~ashed The man on second runs to third. says, "safe!" and we win the The Best In Food and Service '60 upon the passing of their and strained. Mashed alone cuts and as I come around secono I game. fathers. May they be comforted his gums; strained aloAe goes see him holding up there. The Los Angeles-you can have Weber's Caterers among the mourners of Zion and All Social Functions -- TO. 7-SA46 down too fast. -' Mashed and left fielder's still chasing the ball. "dem bums!" Jerusalem. strained. So the other day the chef throws a knife fit me for asking him to strain "mashed potatoes." I serve t~eril · 'just mashed. The guest gets f-iJartburi1 and stiffs me; check's; o(Ir 'i·ith­ out tipping, which to me i~ like he died, a real cold stiff. ; ~!i ; Or the fat one we call 'Mf-s. Garbagecan. She throws every­ Hanf ing lo, Te,16001< thing in her mouth' Su we call 1ier Mrs. Garbagecan. Just this morning she takes a bite out of a s,,g,in,? plate and my busboy gets bawled out by the boss for breaking a dish. And there are more. Anyhow. I'm up there at bat against Johnnv Padres, who is using an off-day to grab a quick vacation at some hotel. 1\1y hot("l happens to be playing his hotel ; he happens to be pitching; I happen to be hitting; it happens to ; be the last inning and we happen to be losing by one run. You can save dollars and two of our men are on second get all your textbooks quickly and third, which means that a bingle by me and we beat Johnnv Pod res. · Now don't think that just be­ Over 1,000,000 cause Johnny 1s throwing them USED AND NEW BOOKS IN STOCK Congrats THE COMMENTATOR extends \ \ ' its . heartiest congratulations to FREE B001'.( COVERS .•• George Siegel '57, forI11er news BLOTTERS ..• editor of THE CoMM.ENTATOR, PROGRAM CARDS on !tj~1:rparriage to Mi~s ,. Marion Strauber; to Nahum Gordon '57 on his marriage to ·Miss· Barbara Schneid~r; ~d t~ j;Jy .f riedman

'58, on3 "~is-. marriage . to .. Miss Estelle fraider. Also to Rabbi and Mrs. David S. Weinbach on the birth of a son, Rabbi W einhach is the as­ TOP CASH PAID FOR YOUR DISCARDED TEXTS ••• sistant registrar of R.I.E.T.S.; to yes, even for books dlscondnuecl on your campus! Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Spiegel­ Bring them In NOW while they are still In demand. man '55 on the birth of a daugh­ . ter ; to Judah Klein ·156, former associat Editor-in-Chief of THE CoMMENTATOR on his forth­ com'ing marriage to Joanne Peltz; BARNES & NOBLE, Inc. and to Jack: Steinborn '58 on his 105 FIFTH AVENUE at 18th STREET . . . - ' ; ~ engagement to Deborah Birn­ . Closing hcn,rs Sept. 16th thru 27th-Weekdays, 7:30 P.M.-Saturdays, 5:30 P.M. ALWAYS OPEN TH1!,.RSD;4YS UNTIL 8~ P.M. baum. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1957 THE COMMENTA TOR College Dormitor:y Qp~ni11g Highli9hts:,,,11fltfff/il,.r:· Ra&&i Moshe K_lein, ' . ' ' ·, ' ,· - . •,, . .. ' > ,,, ' ' ' New Residence Hall to llMiirk ' Start of 'T~ditional' f,';;~J::;e;;::;:::, cd,tij:j - . ;IUs~ .:eo • By Steven Riskin .. . The $1,500,000 Yeshiva University Residence Hall fwas-officially opened for occupancy Tuesday, September 3. The seven-story structure, A man of wide and rare ex­ located _at 184 Street and ·Amsterdam Avenue, hous~ more · than perience is Rabbi Moshe Klein, 250 college .students. our new Residence Hall super­ The erection of this edifice visor. Rabbi Klein began his ex­ marks the first step in the develop­ traordinarily active career in Yes­ EMPRESS THEATRE ment of a new campus area at . hiva College's Math Department 181st Nr. Audubon Ave. , Yeshiva's Main Academic' Center under the expert tutelage of Dr. in Washington Heights. Belkin and Rabbi Soloveitchik. In The building, exclusive of the ·, 1946 he received Smicha and ALWAYS upper six residence floors, includes began teaching Talmud at Brook­ a modern kitchen, to be ready for - lyn Talmudical Academy. use by the spring semester, a THREE In 194 7 Rabbi Klein fulfilled dining room, a lounge and study a lifelong dream by leaving for hall, and a synagogue. It is BIG HITS Israel. \Vhen the Hebrew Uni- serviced by an atnomatic elevator. \·ersity was forced to close with The dormitory was dedicated the advent of the war, he helped DEDICATION CEREMONY: Dr. Samuel Belkin. Yeshiva University Sunday, May 28 at ceremonies in 25¢ found a kibbutz on the southern president. chairman Louis J. Glickman. U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javit and Lt. Gov. George B. De Luca ( left to right) lay cornerstone. which Dr. Samuel Belkin, presi­ coast. 'till 1 P.M. dent, Senator Jacob K. J avits, and He was soon sent, however, by Lieutenant Governor George B. the Jewish Agency as an emissary • DeLuca participated. to America. He travel~d through­ An Ode Composed ,n Honor of The old residence hall, located out Chicago, New York and Los at 526 W. 187th Street, has been Angeles, speaking to the J e.wish Something 'Wright' on Campus converted into a graduate dormi­ youth on the problems and goals tory for smt,.cha tPlan students. of their struggling homeland. At By Emanuel B. Sternberg Two floors of that building are the end of 1951 he returned to In this age of Frank Lloyd Wright and the modern school of being completely renovated and the kibbutz-an event which laid architecture, we constantly marvel at the magnificent structures that will provide needed classroom and the ground work for his present surround us. There is a building, however, that stands out 2s a off ice space. position. Rabbi Klein was appoint­ milestone in architecture-a per- The lot between the new college ed Internal Administrator of the fect example of what man's in­ dorm and the high school dorm, kibbutz, a duty which encompassed irrwroved greatly this year. Every­ genuity can accomplish with some formerly occupied by a tenement the social, educational and cultural thing is done by push-button. It cinder blocks and a bag of plas­ building, will be completely land­ problems of Kfar Darom. It was fact, if you press the right button ter-the new Residence Hall of scaped to provide a traditional at this time that forty boys and your roommate comes out of a Y. U. college campus. girls from l\1orrocco were placed hole in the wall. At 7 :30 the call Upon entering the dorm, one is A Student Council Dormitory in the kibbutz as part of the to arms is sounded in the form of immediately struck by the door­ Committee composed of J eron~ Youth Aliyah. l\1any of them a riot buzzer. In rc::liry it is a call wh'ich opens wickedly, but from Quint '58 and Mon is Dachman were illiterate children , ...· ho had to prayer. After the buzzer ceases, the inside. Another impressive '58 has been appointed by Jerry to be acclimated to their new everyone turns over to finish up architectural feat is the elevator , Wahlberg '58, president of Stu­ environment and molded into the forty winks. which works as if it were installed dent Council. All council activi­ useful citizens of Israel. Rabbi The architects have included by Otis himself. By simply pushing ties in the residence hall come Klein was their counsellor and many novel features in this build­ a few buttons the elevator will go under the jurisdiction of the Dorm teacher, leading them in both their ing and, drawing inspiration from anywhere-and its has been of­ Committee. religious study and in the prac­ Alcatraz, have designed the only ficially announced that, until Dormitory Counsellors have tical affairs of the farm. He even­ all-brick campus in the nation. dawn, the Starlight Roof Terrace been appointed by the adminisrra- tually created a group which could Counsellor Operaters will feature Guy Lombardo and t10n. THE NAME live and work together demo­ his Royal Canadians, with the The switchboard presents an­ . cratically. He had helped them I golden voice of Irving Glick. other point of interest. A dorm develop into an independent, self­ counsellor-that breed of people .. SID & GEORGE" This is the age of the Edsel, BART!~~ governing group which set up its who live in single rooms-runs COLLEGE

the do-it-yourself kits and the 1 own court. it. Under the new system, when IS YOUR Harvard bed. The bed is of foam LUNCHEON-E1-,E Upon completing his work at your girl calls she will have to ~ FeaturJng Kfar Darom, Rabbi Klein or­ rubber with a trampolene frame. Hot Dairy Dishes • .,.-e,t Quality Fl1h GUARANTEE They conform piously to the city speak to your dorm counsellor be­ Salads & Sandwiches ganized a special course-studv tour Fountain Service parking laws, and are no higher fore she can speak to you. And through Israel. IT'S KOS'HER In 1955 he returned again to than six inches off the ground. of course, last but not least, is @ Barton's 65 owner-operated Coo• cinental Clocolare Shops, factory and America and to Yeshiva U. He The closets have sliding doors the unfinished finished-basement LEARN TO DRIVE enabling one to lock oneself in offices arc. dosed on the Sabbath and was quite surprised with the many and cafeteria, which will be 181 st STREET all Jewish Holidays. the closets, escaping the bed check. changes which have taken place in finished in time for the post-Yorn W.rite lor Barton"s lully illustrated However, the bed-check men may AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL his alma mater. padlock the closet from the out­ Kippur rush. s11 · WEST ,a,,t STREET I ~~~~~~•;-: ~~~• ~=:•:: "The introduction of a new · Brookly~ N. Y. If you happen to be coming up Near Amsterdam Avenue Smicha program is an especially side-then where will you be­ noticeable improvement," he de­ Oh well! Amsterdam Avenue at 9 a.m. you clared. Seniors Elevated may ,well notice a long line of Mutual Funds and All Forms of Insurance His main interest, however, is The dorm itself is unique in boys carrying red or black books Y. ,U. Alumnus that the seniors have achieved the dormitory. "I feel that if the marching solemnly to their final ISRAEL BILUS administration and the student such absolute seniority that they morning place of rest. But the AutolllobUe fire, I are on the seventh floor. This en­ Life • body cooperate on a give and takt! lualHu Act.ldelll basis," he said, "and if patience ables the lower termers to literally words of the Sage continue to echo, "Meshane makom meshane Office Phone: OX 5-6262 Home Phone: TR 2-6-459 is exercised on both sides, a real look up to the seniors. Room 800 - 112 W. 34 St. • N. Y. 1, N. Y. dormitory will be achieved." The chambermaid service has maze!." • .•.

5th AVE. at 18 ST. for USED and NEW TEXTBOOKS , ,,

PAGE SIX • On The Sldellnes ------,------,_.;...------~ Calling All WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1957 freshmen Manager Requests Introduced at Yeshiva; By Jack Prince ------· More Participation; Varsities· Face ·Hard Schedules At the start of a new year there is not much which can be said Lauds Predecessor Mr. Bernard Sarachek, Yeshiva University's athletic director, has by a Sports Editor in the way of sports coverage. The respective teams As Athletic Manager of Yes­ are beginning their scouting and organization periods. This situation announced an . expanded sports program at Yeshiva for the coming hiva College for the year '57-'58, puts me at a slight disadvantage but it means golden opportunities year. Boxing, ~hich has .. never before been offered at the college, I would like to take this op­ will be taught under the super- ___·______for you, the student. ";ij:ji; portunity to congratulate my Now, as the varsity coaches have their eyes wide open . searching predecessor, Alan "Doc" Green­ vision of . Mr. Joey Klein~ Until ball for four years and emerged hungrily for possible talent., is the time for aspiring, athletic minded, recently Mr. Klein has been one as one of yeshiva's all-time great siudents to make their play for a position on one of Yeshiva's athletic span, for his successful attempts of New York's leading middle- to further active student participa­ court stars. teams. weights. The course will begin The freshman, no doubt, is sitting in the middle of a bed of The varsity, which tion in athletics at Yeshiva. with the fundamentals of boxing roses. Without experience he can walk into the gym any Monday or Last year saw a stimulation of will play twenty-two games this and systematically progress to. the Wednesday night, introduce himself to Coach Tauber of the fencing interest by many students in the year, faces the toughest sched~Ie more detailed aspects of the sport. squad, and begin a most pleasant four-year participation in one of the .. in its history. The contests against school's athletic program. Mr. Sarachek also announced faster up and coming inter-collegiat~ sports. You need know nothing Signs of this growing interest our perennial rivals, St. Francis the appointment of Abe Sodden about the sport when you begin, but with an honest effort and a desire in Yeshiva's athletic program and Brooklyn College, will high­ to a position on the basketball to learn, Coach Tauber will have you fencing with the experts in were most vividly seen in the rise light the season along with a trip coaching staff. Abe played varsity no time. of attendance at varsity bask:et­ to West Point to face a new foe, Coach Bernie Saracheek of the basketba.U squad a.nnounces that ·ball, fencing, and wrestling con­ Army. rJre'll be looking 'for the fuiure Soddens, Blumenreichs and Heifers at tests. Basketball Schedule The fencing squad, without the a school tryout this coming October 15. Not only has the spectator side Tuesday, Deeember 3 services of eight of last year's Unfortunately, the Wrestling team is in need of a coach. Every SL Francis ... _ .. __ . _ . _ .. _ ...... A way starters, will face a twelve game effort is being made on the part of Yeshiva's athletic staff to engage of athletics picked up immensely Wednesday, December 4 at Yeshiva, but many more stu­ Army ...... _._ ...... __ ...... - .•. _Away schedule. Columbia, always one one before the semester advances too far. But you can be sure that Saturday, December '1 dents have shown an earnest and Adelphi ...... _ ...... - .. Away of the nation's leading teams, will when he arrives he'll be looking desperately for some help-and you Wednesday, December 11 sincere interest in active sports Long lsland u_ _. . _... _...... __ ... Home again headline this year's slate. freshmen can help. With the loss of the Winick brothers, the team participation. The fencing squad ~Y, December H Coach Tauber, with the assistan'ce has been left in a sorry state. We need your help to bolster it and Qulnqlplac ... __ ..... _ . . _ ...... Home and wrestling team have increased Monday, December 16 of Paul Peyser and Erwin Katz, start the Yeshiva mat wranglers on their way up. Pace _ .. _ .. _ ... _. _ _ . . _. _ .... ___ .. -Away in membership and the soccer team Wednesday, December 18 graduated saber men, hopes to It's a bit too soon to think about tennis as an intercollegiate Rutgers-Newark . _ . .. _ ...... _ ... _Away activity, but practice for the spring schedule begins now. Coach Eli has begun a reconstruction pro­ Saturday, December 21 have ~ squad comparable to last · C. W. Post .... _ ...... _ .. _ .. . Home Epstein and Captain ~erry Quint will need some fine young racket gram. Saturday, January 4 year's star-studded team. wielders to take the places of Hoffman, Rogoway and the other Hunter .. . . - __ ·_ .. _ . . _. __ . __ .. _ ... Home I hope to continue this rapid Wednesday, Janoary 8 gTadua1ed siars. upsurge in the athletic activities Rider ········-···················Away The Soccer team ,which has been a bust in the past, will again Saturday, January 11 Fencing Schedule in the coming school year with the KJngs (Pa.) - _,,,, .. _ ...... _ ... _.Away try a comeback. The chess team, which had a successful schedule last Saturday, January 18 .Monday, December 2 • aid of my very capable assistant, Bridgeport .. _ .. _ . _ .. _ .... _ . . .. _ .. Home Adelphi ...... __ ...• _ .. __ ...... A wa.y year will go at it again if enough funds can be scraped up. Wednesday, January 29 Thursday, December 12 Alex Katz, '58. Queens ...... •.•...•....••...••• • Away In all, there are a number of inviting positions open to siudents Brooklyn Poly •.....•. _ ....•..••. Home InkamDr.:\l Spom Favored Saturday, February 1 Monday, December 16 who lrave the wDI to- wm: -and the desire to participate actively in N. y_ St. Maritime .. _ . _ .. _ .. ___ . Home SL Peters .•... - .. . •. , .. - ...... A way My agenda for this year in­ Wednesday, Febftl&l'7' 5 Wedneeday, ~BDIJIUT, ,8 Yeshiva's imporian& athletic prognm. But whether you participate or Fairfield . _ ..... _. _ ..... __ .. _ ..... Away Columbia .. _ .. __ ..... __ ...... _Away not, you should always be there to cheer the Yeshiva Squad to victory. cludes a vast program of intra­ Saturday, February 8 Wedoe&day, FebnuPT 5 Fairleigh Dickinson _ ..... _ ...... Ho-me Drew ... _ ... _ ...... ; .. _ ... _ .. . - . Home • • • mural sports. At this time it Monday, February 10 Monday, Febro&J')" 17 With the expanding Yeshiva sports program blossoming forth Queens ...... , . . . _ ...... _ .•. _Away Brooklyn College ...... Away might be favorable to elucidate on Saturday, February 13 Wedneed&J", February 19 - among the other leading colleges, and with the broadened schedule of some of those activities which Scranton .. - - . .... _ .. _ . . . . _ ... __ .. Home Fairleigh Dickenson ...... -Away Tuesday, Feb:roary 18 Monday, :March 3 sports events, Coach Sara~hek has asked that Yeshiva employ a first will be held during the fall term. Kings College __ ... __ . _ .. __ . .. _ .. _Away Brooklyn Poly . __ .. _ •.... _ ...... A way TbDrllday, Febrnar,- 20 Sunday~ March 16 aid man to be at the disposal of the various squads. Minor accidents At the top of the list will be the Kings Point __ ... _ ..... _. _ ... _ .. _.Away Pace ...... _ ... __ ...... _ ...... __ Away Satumay, Febniaey 22 WedneeclaT, March 26 can lead to more serious difficulties if not immediately attended to basketball intramurals which I Cooper Union . .. _ . . _. _ . .. _ .... _ .. Away Bntaren-Newark · Home by a trained person. We hope a student will be interested in this have found to be most popular Raturd&7, March l Sonday, MIM'Cb 30 Brooklyn College . ... _ ...... Home Cooper Union .. . .•..•....••..•... Home important school service. ( Continued on page 4)


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