Revised: 10/03/18 RON BUCKMIRE

Department of Mathematics Academic Affairs Fowler Hall, Office 313 Johnson Hall, Room 113 Occidental College 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041 323-259-2536 (office) || [email protected] 323-259-2536 (office) || [email protected] Education Graduate: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, 1994 Thesis Title: The Design of Shock-Free Transonic Slender Bodies Advisors: Donald W. Schwendeman and Julian D. Cole

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York M.Sc., Mathematics, 1992 Undergraduate: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York B.Sc. (in three years), magna cum laude, Mathematics, 1989

Professional Experience

Occidental College August 2018 to present Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs and Director of the Core Program • As Chair of the Academic Planning Committee, , responsible for all changes to the curriculum and academic programs and oversees the process for recommendation of new faculty positions • Member of the leadership team for the Academic Affairs division (3 Associate Deans and 2 Assistant Deans and the Dean of the College) • As Director of the Core Program, responsible for the first-year Cultural Studies Program and the College’s general education program • Supervisor for 8 curricular and co-curricular departments (OxyArts, Center for Community-Based Learning, Institute for the Study of Los Angeles, Urban and Environmental Policy Institute, Undergraduate Research Center, Community Literacy Center, Writing Programs and the Core Program)

National Science Foundation August 2016 to August 2018 Lead Program Director, NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM), in Division of Undergraduate Education • Primary individual in charge of program to annually award $80 million in grants to colleges and universities around the country to support associate, baccalaureate or graduate STEM degree attainment by low-income students with academic promise • Managed team of approximately a dozen Program Officers and Administrative Staff • Responsible for revision and publication of a new solicitation, NSF 17-527 • Member of management team for the Division of Undergraduate Education

Buckmire CV 1 Revised: 10/03/18 • Led process to assure final award or decline decision made on ~400 S-STEM proposals in FY 2016 • Chaired the Mathematics disciplinary group (4 program officers) responsible for a budget of approximately $6.5 million in awards to support improving undergraduate mathematics education nationwide • Led process to search for two new (rotator) program officers in Mathematics

Occidental College August 2013 to Summer 2016 Full Professor of Mathematics (promoted in Summer 2014) • Taught classes in Differential Equations, Multivariable Calculus, Complex Analysis, Industrial Mathematics, Math as a Liberal Art, Junior Seminar and Senior Seminar • Organized group of STEM faculty to submit Occidental’s first S-STEM proposal to NSF which became DUE-1457943, COSMOS (Creating Opportunities in Science and Mathematics for Occidental Students) providing 64 scholarships (averaging $8000 each) to low-income students who major in STEM disciplines • Conducted research in the scholarship of teaching and learning of differential equations Interim Department Chair (Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016) • Served as Chair of department with 7 tenured/tenure-track members and 6 full-time adjunct faculty • Responsible for departmental leadership, representation and advocacy, adjunct faculty hiring and assessment, course scheduling and student dispute resolution Member, Interim Dean of the College Search Committee (Spring 2016) • Member of committee tasked with recommending replacement for Dean of the College/Vice President of Academic Affairs Jorge Gonzalez Member, Academic Planning Committee (Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016) • Member of committee responsible for stewarding the academic program of the College, through review of all course, major, minor, department and new faculty applications Member, College-wide Assessment Committee (Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016) • Tasked with assisting the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment with aspects of her job related to assessment and accreditation Chair, Faculty Affirmative Action Committee (Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016) • Led process to standardize AA policies and procedures in all tenure-track searches • Brought in consultant (Dr. Christine Littleton from UCLA Law School) to address faculty and raise awareness of issues involved in diversifying the faculty Member, Chief Diversity Officer Planning Committee (Summer 2015, Fall 2015) • Member of committee which proposed the creation of a Chief Diversity Officer position and resulted in the selection of Rhonda Brown as Occidental College’s first CDO Member, College Counsel Search Committee (Summer 2014) • Member of committee which resulted in the selection of Leora Freedman as Occidental College’s General Counsel

National Science Foundation August 2011 to August 2013 (Rotator) Program Officer in Division of Undergraduate Education • Made award or decline recommendations on proposals submitted to the S-STEM, STEM Talent Expansion Program (STEP), Math and Science Partnerships (MSP) and Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM (TUES) programs

Buckmire CV 2 Revised: 10/03/18 • Represented the Directorate, Division and Agency at various events internally and external on issues of undergraduate mathematics education • Co-founded the NSF LGBTQ+ & Allies Employee Resource Group (October 2011) • Gave Keynote Presentation at NSF’s Inaugural LGBT Pride Celebration (June 2013)

Occidental College August 1996 to August 2011 Assistant and Associate Professor of Mathematics (tenured and promoted in Summer 2004) • Taught various classes in the Mathematics Department (Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Math as a Liberal Art, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, History of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Junior Seminar and Senior Seminar) • Created and taught courses in the Cultural Studies Program o Gender, Race and Gay Rights in the Obama Era, Fall 2009 o Race, Gender and Justice, Fall 1997, Fall 1999 and Spring 2002 (co-created and co-taught with P. Gabrielle Foreman and Donna Maeda) • Co-created and co-taught the first (and only) service learning course in the Mathematics department (Math, Education and Access to Power in Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009) • Participated in the Multicultural Summer Institute as Faculty (Summer 1999, Summer 2003) • Conducted research with undergraduates (Karl McMurtry and Jacob Ortega-Gingrich) that resulted in peer-reviewed publications with student co-authors • Published several single-authored papers in numerical analysis (nonstandard finite differences)

Occidental College May 2005 to July 2010 Department Chair • Led department with 13 FTE (7 tenure-track, 6 non tenure-track) faculty • Responsible for assigning courses, designing course schedules, managing course enrollment and departmental assessment • Acted as primary point of contact for student feedback on faculty and department performance • Acted as primary representative of the Mathematics department to the College • Organized annual departmental retreats and initiated and implemented curricular changes which led to a dramatic increase in numbers of mathematics minors

Occidental College August 1994 to August 1996 Minority Postdoctoral Scholarship-in-Residence • Taught various classes in the Mathematics Department (Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Numerical Analysis, Complex Analysis) • Advocated for successful implementation (in 1995) of domestic partnership benefits for unmarried same-sex and opposite sex couples

Professional Service

Buckmire CV 3 Revised: 10/03/18 • Director appointee. National Science Foundation Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Group. November 2017. • Presidential appointee. Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on Minority Participation in Mathematics. January 2015 to present. • Presidential appointee. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Education Committee. January 2015 to present. • Presidential appointee. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Diversity Committee. July 2014 to present. • Reviewer. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE). 2014 and 2015. • Reviewer. National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS). 2015. • Reviewer. National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE). Regularly (at least once per year) since 1998. • Associate Editor. SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO). January 2014-2017. • Editor. Community of Differential Equations Educators (CODEE) Journal. July 2016 to present. • Content Review Expert. Department of Education 2014 Mathematics Primary Adoption. September 2013. • Member. MathDL Advisory Committee, October 2009-January 2014. • Mentor for Predoctoral Students. National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences. June 2014-present. • Peer Reviewer. o Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations o Applied Mathematics Letters o Journal of Engineering Mathematics o Journal of Difference Equations and Applications o Applied Mathematics and Computation o Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Research Publications

1. D.A. Edwards, R. Buckmire and J. Ortega-Gingrich*. "A Mathematical Model of Cinematic Box-Office Dynamics with Geographic Effects." IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Volume 25, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 233-257. 2. Holly Zullo, Kelly Cline, Mark Parker, Ron Buckmire, John George, Katharine Gurski, Jacob Juul Larsen, Blake Mellor, Jack Oberweiser, Dennis Peterson, John Scharf, Richard Spindler, Ann Stewart, and Christopher Storm. "Student Surveys: What Do They Think?" In Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting: With and Without Clickers, edited by Kelly Cline and Holly Zullo. Mathematical Association of America, 2011. pp. 29-37. 3. R. Buckmire, K. McMurtry* and R.E. Mickens. "Numerical Studies of a Nonlinear Heat Equation with Square Root Dissipative Term." Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 25, No. 3, (May 2009), pp. 598-609. 4. R. Buckmire. "Applications of Mickens Finite Differences to Several Related Boundary Value Problems." Advances in the Applications of Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes. Ed. R.E. Mickens. World Scientific Publishing: Singapore. 2005. pp. 47-87.

Buckmire CV 4 Revised: 10/03/18 5. R. Buckmire. "Application of a Mickens Finite-Difference Scheme to the Cylindrical Bratu- Gelfand Problem." Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 20, No. 3, (May 2004), pp. 327-337. 6. R. Buckmire. "Investigations of Nonstandard, ‘Mickens-type,' Finite-Difference Schemes for Singular Boundary Value Problems in Cylindrical or Spherical Coordinates." Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 19, No. 3, (May 2003), pp. 380-398. 7. D.A. Edwards and R. Buckmire. "A Differential Equation Model of North American Cinematic Box-office Dynamics." IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2001, pp. 41-74. 8. R. Buckmire. "On the Design of Shock-free, Transonic, Slender Bodies of Revolution." AIAA Paper 98-2686, presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2nd Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting in Albuquerque, NM (June 15-18 1998). 9. R. Buckmire. "A New Finite-difference Scheme for Singular Differential Equations in Cylindrical or Spherical Coordinates." Mathematics Is For Solving Problems: A Volume in Honor of Julian Cole. Eds. L. Pamela Cook, Victor Roytburd and Marshall Tulin. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Philadelphia. 1996. pp. 3-9.

*indicates undergraduate student co-author

Other Publications

1. R. Buckmire, P. Gabrielle Foreman and Donna Maeda. "’Race, Gender and Justice’: New Technologies and Student Empowerment." Works and Days, Vol. 16, No. 1/2, Spring/Fall 1998, pp. 319-332. 2. R. Buckmire, P. Gabrielle Foreman and Donna Maeda. "Race, Gender and Justice: Teaching with Technology at Occidental College." Newsletter of the American Studies Association, Vol. 21, No.3, September 1998. 3. R. Buckmire. "You Can't Get There From Here: The Impact of California's Proposition 209 On Same-Sex Marriage." Albany Law Review, Vol. 60, No. 5, 1997, pp. 1673-1676.

Research Presentations (Selected From Last 5 Years)

1. R. Buckmire and Treena Basu. "An Analysis Of Various Effects Disaggregated By Gender Of Different Pedagogical Practices In An Introductory Differential Equations Course." Joint Mathematics Meeting, Atlanta, GA. January 2017. Contributed Presentation. 2. R. Buckmire. "A NSFD Scheme For Discretizing Radial Derivatives: History, Application and Significance." Joint Mathematics Meetings, Atlanta, GA. January 2017. Invited Presentation. 3. R. Buckmire. "Different Differences: A Primer on NSFD Schemes." , Claremont, CA. March 2016. Invited Talk. 4. R. Buckmire and Treena Basu. "An Investigation Of The Effects On Teaching And Learning Of Different Pedagogical Practices In An Introductory Differential Equations Course." PKAL Regional Network Annual Meeting, Irvine, Irvine, CA. February 2016. Poster Presentation.

Buckmire CV 5 Revised: 10/03/18 5. R. Buckmire and Treena Basu. "An Investigation Of The Effects On Teaching And Learning Of Different Pedagogical Practices In An Introductory Differential Equations Course." Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA. January 2016. Contributed Presentation. 6. R. Buckmire and Jacob Ortega-Gingrich. "Cinematic Box-Office Dynamics: An Overview of a Particular Application of Ordinary Differential Equations to the Time Evolution of Theatrical Film Grosses." AMS Western Sectional Meeting, California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA. October 2015. Invited Presentation. 7. R. Buckmire. "Investigating the Effects of Classroom Voting and Peer Instruction on Teaching and Learning in an Introductory Differential Equations Course (Preliminary Report)." Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD. January 2014. Contributed Presentation. 8. R. Buckmire, Abba Gumel and T. Washington. "Finite-Difference Discretizations and Nonlinear Oscillations (in honor of Ronald Mickens' 70th Birthday)." Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA. January 2013. Special Session of Invited Presentations (Co- organizer). 9. R. Buckmire. "Different Differences: A Primer on NSFD Schemes." , Lewisburg, PA. October 2012. Invited Talk. 10. R. Buckmire. "Different Differences: A Primer on NSFD Schemes." Howard University, Washington, DC. February 2012. Invited Talk. 11. R. Buckmire, David Edwards and Jacob Ortega-Gingrich. "A Mathematical Investigation of the Financial Performance of Movie Sequels." Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA. January 2012. Contributed Presentation.

Other Presentations (Selected From Last 5 Years)

1. R. Buckmire. "Innovative Projects and Funding Opportunities in Applied Mathematics Education Supported by the National Science Foundation." SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. July 2018. Invited Presentation. 2. R. Buckmire. "The S-STEM Program: Funding Opportunities for Broadening Participation By Low-Income Students in Applied Mathematics." SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education, Portland, OR. July 2018. Invited Presentation. 3. R.Buckmire. “S-STEM: A NSF Funding Opportunity for low-Income Students with Academic Promise in STEM.” 4th Annual Carolinas Alliance for Science Excellent (CASE) Summit, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC. November 2017. Keynote Speaker. 4. R. Buckmire and Ellen Carpenter. "NSF Funding Opportunities." Breaking Boundaries in STEM conference, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA. March 2017. Invited Joint Presentation. 5. R. Buckmire. "S-STEM: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics." Council on Undergraduate Research CUR Dialogues, Arlington, VA. February 2017. Invited Presentation. 6. R. Buckmire and Lidia Yoshida. "Funding Opportunities to Broadening Participation in STEM Undergraduate Education." SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference, Long Beach, CA. October 2016. Joint Invited Presentation. 7. R. Buckmire. "S-STEM: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics." Workshop on Mentoring Mathematics Majors, California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA. October 2016. Keynote Talk.

Buckmire CV 6 Revised: 10/03/18 8. R. Buckmire. "Funding Opportunities in the Division of Undergraduate Education" SIERI, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUIPUI), Indianapolis, IN. October 2016. Invited Workshop. 9. R. Buckmire. "NSF Funding Opportunities." SIAM Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. July 2016. Invited Presentation. 10. R. Buckmire. "My PIC Math Experience." Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA. January 2016. Contributed Presentation. 11. R. Buckmire. "How I Got Here From There, Or How Most Things You Know About How To Succeed In Academia Is Wrong." UC LEADS conference, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA. March 2014. Keynote Talk. 12. R. Buckmire and Benny Chan. "Being Out and Successful in Academia." 3rd Annual oSTEM Conference, New York, NY. October 2013. Invited Presentation. 13. R. Buckmire. "A Short Primer on LGBT Equality: How We Got Here From There." LGBT Pride Month Celebration, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. June 2013. Keynote Talk. 14. R. Buckmire. "Mathematicians and Scientists working together in K-12 Education: Opportunities within the NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Program." Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA. January 2013. Invited Presentation. 15. R. Buckmire. "Some Funding Opportunities in Undergraduate STEM Education at NSF." Blackwell-Tapia Biennial Conference, ICERM, Providence, RI. November 2012. Invited Talk. 16. R. Buckmire. "A Black, Gay NSF Program Officer? Or, How I Got Here From There." Michigan Technical University, Houghton, MI. October 2012. Invited Talk.


• 2011 Educator of the Year (National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals)


• $606,191. NSF Scholarships in STEM grant, DUE-1457943, "Creating Opportunities in Science and Mathematics for Occidental Students (COSMOS)." 2015. • $6,000. MAA Tensor-SUMMA grant to work with The Algebra Project and Young Peoples’ Project in Los Angeles. 2010. • $6,000. 2010 MAA Tensor-SUMMA grant to work with The Algebra Project and Young Peoples’ Project in Los Angeles. 2009.


• Experienced User of Matlab, Octave, Mathematica, LaTeX for research and teaching purposes. • Familiarity with HTML, Javascript and other web-based languages • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) • Limited knowledge of R and machine learning

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• Ronald E. Mickens and Sandra Rucker (Clark Atlanta University) • David A. Edwards and P. Gabrielle Foreman (University of Delaware) • Angela Gallegos and Lily S. Khadjavi (Loyola Marymount University) • Talitha S. Washington (Howard University) • Abba Gumel (University of Arizona) • Benny Chan (The College of New Jersey) • Robin S. Wilson (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona) • Alan Knoerr and Treena Basu (Occidental College) • Darryl Yong (Harvey Mudd College) • TJ Murphy (University of Cincinnati) • John Haddock (University of Memphis) • Michael S. Jacobson (University of Colorado Denver)

Professional Affiliations

• Mathematical Association of America (MAA) • American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) • National Association of Mathematicians (NAM)


• United States Chess Federation (USCF) Senior Chess Master, rated 2419 • World Chess Federation FIDE Chess Master, rated 2320 • Avid tennis player and scrabble enthusiast • Active on social media o Twitter: @madprofessah o Instagram: @ronbuckmire o Blogger: The Mad Professah Lectures (

Buckmire CV 8