Moving Forward Together The Area Strategic Community Plan 2010 - 2015 Foreword Contents

This is the third Strategic Community Plan for the Falkirk Council 3 Our Vision area. This plan builds on the solid foundations of preceding Strategic Community Plans and on the many achievements which 5 Our Challenges have been realised throughout the area in the past 10 years. 7 Responding to Challenge The new Strategic Community Plan comes at a time when we face 7 Sustainable Falkirk many challenges which include: 9 Growing Businesses & Prosperous People A growing and ageing population which will continue to place demands on the need to further develop both the area’s 11 Young People Who are infrastructure and services; and Confident and Successful Diminishing funding for the public sector which will require us 12 Safer Communities to work even more closely and effectively together and be innovative in the way in which we design and deliver services 13 Healthier People to secure optimum effectiveness and efficiency.

We remain committed to the vision set by local people 10 years 17 Way Forward ago, which sees the Falkirk Council area as the place to be in the Third Millennium and at the heart of Scottish life. This Strategic Community Plan sets out the key ways on how by all working together we can realise this vision. This is founded on the principle of strong and effective partnership working between the public, private and third sectors, together with our communities and local people alike.

Our communities and citizens have a proud tradition of community spirit and of helping each other. This is something we will build on and foster to secure an active role for both our communities and local people in every aspect of this Strategic Community Plan.

The Plan has been developed in close collaboration with all of the key stakeholders already mentioned. The new Strategic Community Plan focuses high priority issues which both reflect local needs and the challenges we face into the future. The Plan therefore seeks to secure: A Sustainable Falkirk; A Fairer Falkirk; Businesses which are growing and people who are prosperous; Young people who are both confident and successful; Communities which are safer; and People who are healthier. Moving Forward Together Our Vision

he Falkirk Strategic Community Plan 2010 – 2015, ‘Moving Forward Together’ sets out the things we need to do to ensure we meet our vision for our area. Over the last 10 years we have seen the area change significantly, with a growing population, becoming one of the safest areas in the Country, more visitors coming to the area and increasingly being seen as a place to do bTusiness. We have seen the development of the Falkirk Wheel, the and the replacement of all of our secondary schools in addition to new houses, supermarkets and libraries and the opening of the new Forth Valley Royal Hospital

The last10 years have very much been about the public sector working with the third sector to achieve the vision for our area. The next 10 years must look more and more to utilising the strengths and creativity of individuals and communities that exist within each area in Falkirk if we are to continue to achieve our vision.

When we set out the vision for our area 10 years ago we hoped that by working together we would make a difference - we would become the ‘Place to Be’. We know we can build on our success over the last 10 years and continue to change for the better. The years ahead are going to be challenging, but we have the resilience and enterprise to address these.This plan sets out the challenges we face, our approach towards meeting these challenges and the outcomes we need to achieve if we are to realise our vision

This Strategic Community Plan: Re-affirms our 20 year vision for our area; Sets out the nature and scale of challenges and change which the area faces in the years ahead; Highlights our high level outcomes and priorities for the next 5 years; and Clearly specifies and recognises the contribution our communities and the Third Sector can make towards the attainment of our vision.

Our aspirations for the area remain high with our vision remaining valid. The vision includes: The legacy of our past and the potential of our future are protected. Our area is at the centre of Scottish life. Our future is one of the most culturally diverse and distinct areas in . Our future has investment in jobs, learning homes and leisure for all. Our area is the place to be in the third Millennium.

3 Moving Forward Together Our Challenges

ur area has changed people and indeed the public sector significantly in the last is the largest employer within the 10 years since our Falkirk Council area. communities set the challenge of working In the period 1998 to 2008 together to achieve a significant changes have taken common vision for our place in employment with the area. We have moved number and proportion of people fOrom an area of decline to an area employed in the manufacturing of growth and with this we have sector reducing significantly, experienced many opportunities although the productivity and and challenges. If we wish to value produced by this sector has continue to grow and prosper then increased substantially. During the we must be aware of the changing same period increasing numbers of nature of the world we live in and people were employed in the public, what opportunities this gives us but transportation and communication also how to mitigate the affects of sectors. We expect to see a the challenges it poses. continuing change in the sectors in which local people are employed We anticipate that our population in the years ahead. will continue to increase. This increase will be due to the number 10 years ago, when we determined of births increasing as well as people the vision for our area, living significantly longer in addition unemployment in Falkirk was to people and families continuing to above the Scottish average, recognise the quality of life offered especially amongst younger people. in our area. The number of people Significantly, it is starting to be who will live to be over 85 will higher again, particularly amongst increase significantly which will younger people, with approximately place particular demands on our a third of unemployed people aged health and social care services. The between 16 and 24. The number of demand for housing will increase young people claiming job seekers with people moving into the allowance is above the Scottish area with many more single person average. We will also see a growth households expected. While having in those aged 16-24 available to an attractive place to live is a good join the workforce against the thing, it can lead to additional Scottish trend, which reflects the pressures on our basic infrastructure growing number of young people e.g. roads, services etc. in our area.

While our health is improving with Over the last few years there has people living longer, there are still been a significant increase in the significant inequalities in health levels of debt people are dealing across our area. Where you live and with. In addition to the increased whether you are male or female numbers of people accessing debt can affect how long you will live. and money advice services, the level On average the difference in life of debt and where that debt is owed expectancy is over 13.6 years between has changed over the last 10 years men and women. At the extreme end with significantly more owed in the difference between the lowest mortgages. life expectancy for a man and the highest life expectancy for women More and more we are aware of is 18.8 years. how our actions affect the environment and our climate. We During the lifetime of this must reduce the negative impact we Community Plan, the funding of have on our area in terms of carbon public services in Scotland is expected emissions, waste etc not only for the to fall significantly. This will sake of future generations but undoubtedly affect the way in which because the financial penalties of not services are delivered and organised. doing so are significant. In order to deliver services we employ

5 Moving Forward Together Responding to Challenge

n meeting our challenges we must be both a strong sense of identity and community spirit that creative and innovative. We need to build on supports and helps their neighbours. Public agencies, our strengths and ensure we further develop the third sector and indeed the private sector must and deepen partnership working. Our area look for opportunities to support communities to has a culture and strong tradition of partnership help themselves. working which is both mature and successful and provides a solid foundation in responding In responding to challenge we have set how we will to the challenges we face. We must build out go about this under the following themes. fIrom this foundation into a wider ranging partnership with our communities. Community Planning provides the natural over-arching framework to achieve this. In working with communities we must ensure that they Sustainable Falkirk are more self sufficient and resilient. In this new age citizens will be more resilient, independent and have To achieve our vision: higher self aspirations to improve the areas in which The quality of our infrastructure will help they live as well as their quality of life. Community promote the growth of the local economy Planning partners will be there to support both We will be greener; citizens and communities through this period of We will improve the built environment; and change. Our partnership working with citizens, local communities, business and the Third Sector Our open spaces will be attractive, accessible will be vibrant, creative and progressive towards and safe the mutual realisation of our vision and outcomes.

We must ensure that local services are fit for purpose, Sustainability Challenges efficient and flexible. The coming years are likely to see a change in the way in which public services are Sustainable Development looks at managing the both organised and delivered. Foremost will be the impact of the actions we take today on future need to secure services which cost less, maintain generations. This includes dealing with the causes service quality and have the ability to cope with both and impacts of climate change. This is an area which rising and diverse demands. Implicit in this is being is subject to an increasing amount of legislation clear about what services are needed and valued by including mandatory carbon reduction targets all of both citizens and communities. We will also have to which impact on public sector organisations. One of challenge what services can be provided in different the tensions we face in the Falkirk Council area is ways and by different means. In pursuing this we promoting the opportunities associated with the must continue to focus on realising our outcomes petrochemicals sector at Grangemouth, continuing and on making a difference for our citizens and economic growth, while maintaining the quality of local communities. the local environment and reducing our carbon footprint. The impacts of climate change are already While the agenda may be challenging the area being felt with more incidences of severe weather has many strengths on which it can build and move such as heavy rain and flooding. forward. The area enjoys a pivotal location in central Scotland with excellent transport links to Scotland’s In order to ensure we have a sustainable future we major cities and further afield. Through Grangemouth must also reduce our waste and energy consumption. the area provides a natural gateway in and out of We have over the last number of years increased Scotland to the rest of the world. We have a proud what we recycle dramatically - moving away from and strong industrial heritage with many important landfill to alternative ways of reusing or disposing industries and key sectors still represented and of our waste. We have also seen the Scottish located in the area. These not only provide continuing Government set challenging targets for waste employment opportunities but also a workforce reduction. To achieve these we must look a new which is skilled and attractive to new business ways of minimising waste and disposing of that by investors. The area is also well placed to tap into different means. emerging sectors and opportunities such as tourism and the potential and expectation for the green Over the last 20 years we have seen an economy in Scotland. The area traditionally enjoys a unprecedented increase in the number of cars on good reputation for the quality of life it offers which our streets. This not only has an impact on the has been further enhanced in recent years by environment but potentially also impacts on our significant regeneration. health, as we choose not to walk, even for short journeys. However, recently, we have seen an increase We must bind the area’s strengths to the strengths in the number of children walking to school, more of individuals and communities to have and develop people using the train to commute and an increase the types of communities we want to live in. The in the popularity of cycling. The area has developed greater sense of partnership with individuals and a comprehensive paths network that opens up our communities will build on the proud tradition of towns, villages and countryside to more people communities across the Falkirk Council area that have than ever.

7 Moving Forward Together The Strategic Community Plan 2010 - 2015

If people are to use our parks, paths and open spaces Challenges to Fairness then they must be attractive places to visit. With the We have always recognised that some people within increase in people using our open spaces, we have our community are more disadvantaged or vulnerable also to be aware that we need to protect some than the population as a whole. However the impact vulnerable species and ecosystems. Our area with of the recession has the potential to increase the its marshlands provides a significant eco system for incidence and effects of poverty across our wildlife. The very marshes that make this attractive communities. to certain species are there due to the areas proximity to the Forth and thus the potential for severe Unemployment and lack of access to opportunity flooding. We know our area i.e. homes, businesses can be a key contributing factor to both poverty and services, is one of the most at risk of flooding in and deprivation, particularly for our young people. Scotland. The reasons for this are complex but mean that we have communities where there are significant The pressures of growth not only have an impact on differences between the poorest and the richest. the natural environment but also on the cost of These inequalities need to be tackled. maintaining our infrastructure, including roads, paths, buildings etc. With future reductions in The reality of poverty is that it affects many aspects public spending our ability to maintain, never mind of people’s lives. Poverty can limit the ability of Promote financial inclusion; improve our infrastructure will be severely tested. people to achieve their full potential with children Support people back into work or indeed into likely to experience poorer health, achieve less well Fairer Falkirk work for the first time. at school and thus poverty becomes a generation Future Priorities issue. Poverty also places restrictions on people’s Regenerate our communities; In facing these challenges we must be creative and If our area is to thrive then we must utilise all of our ability to take control of their own lives. Take positive action to support those not normally act in a balanced way. This is not only about the communities’ strengths. Unfortunately the ability included in society through access to opportunity things that we do but the way we behave as a society. and opportunity some communities and individuals A few communities within the Falkirk Council and positive destinations; The window of opportunity to achieve a significant have does not allow them to fully participate in all area have problems of multiple deprivation. turnaround on the impact of our actions on our We will need to ensure that these communities Ensure that no-one has a poorer standard of of the available opportunities in our area. In order service or opportunity than anyone else; environment is finite. Action must be taken now if to realise a Fairer Falkirk we must ensure that: do not disproportionately experience the worst we are to safeguard the legacy for future effects of the recession. We face continuing Tackle discrimination based on grounds of The wealth and prosperity of our area will ethnicity, disability, religious belief, sexual generations. In order to achieve our aspiration to increase; challenges with the number of people who present realise development which is sustainable we will: as being homeless and a lack of suitable housing to orientation, age, gender or social background; Manage and mitigate the impact of climate People will have equitable access to local health, provide homes for all who need them. We also want Prevent people from becoming homeless, making change and tackle it’s causes; support and care; to ensure that we treat all our citizens with dignity the best use of available accommodation whilst Promote our open spaces, paths and parks as an Our housing continues to meet the needs of and respect and celebrate the different contributions supporting those who are the most vulnerable; attractive place to exercise and travel around the people who live and may wish to live in our area; they can make to our communities and lives. and area; Our citizens continue to access critical services that Ensure an adequate supply of affordable housing. meet their needs; and Promote waste minimisation, recycling and other Future Priorities forms of waste disposal; Disadvantaged communities will benefit from better services. In order to meet our aspiration for a Fairer Falkirk Community Action Reduce our carbon footprint; and we will continue to give a high priority to supporting There is a need for communities to become In recent years positive economic growth has meant individuals and communities who experience the Promote and realise increased use of sustainable more sustainable and self-sufficient. There is also a that our approach on poverty has focussed on greatest level of deprivation - those who are the most forms of transport. role for citizens and community groups in helping targeting the geographic concentrations of poverty; vulnerable in our society and who have the greatest the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our area with less focus on specific vulnerable groups for need. We recognise that access to employment through volunteering. Local people can continue to Community Action example older people and children. The impact opportunities is a priority for all, especially those be tolerant of the differences that bring a richness of the recession means that many more individuals Citizens and communities across the Falkirk Council with the lowest incomes. We aim to help people and diversity to our communities as well as building in our communities may experience poverty, area can make a meaningful difference on realise their full potential through access to and fostering community spirit. perhaps for the first time. Recent evidence notes sustainability and in turn help improve their local employment, education and training, thus raising that unemployment particularly amongst young environments by taking personal action to reduce their aspirations in life. We support the right of men is increasing, there are increased demands on their environmental impact. This can include everyone, no matter their background or belief to our debt advice services and there are increases in Growing Businesses & Prosperous People community litter picks as well as reducing the amount have equal opportunity and access to services. We homeless presentations. While facing significant of litter dropped, utilising public transport or walking will also support those who experience the greatest cuts to the public sector, the full impact of the when ever practical. Communities have been impact from deprivation or from the economic The key driver underpinning our future prosperity financial recession has yet to be realised. In this instrumental in reducing the amount of waste going recession. We remain committed to fulfilling our and ability to realise our potential is a local economy changing environment, services will experience to landfill by increasing their recycling. Thanks to obligations to support those who unintentionally which develops and achieves sustainable growth. increased pressure as demand increases from your efforts we are now moving towards recycling become homeless to provide them with access to Local businesses and employers create wealth, employ individuals facing difficulties. 50% and beyond of the waste we produce. Local permanent accommodation. In order to achieve local people and help them improve their standard of industry and businesses are doing their bit but we these we will: living. Being in employment is important to people’s In order to achieve the vision for our area, we need to redouble of efforts with them to achieve wellbeing and self fulfilment. As well as generating recognise that we need to support our most Continue to improve the skills and employability the progress we want to make. of local people: wealth sustainable economic growth underpins vulnerable people and communities. All of our entrepreneurship, opportunity and a good quality Tackle poverty and its causes; citizens must be given equality of opportunity, of life. It is also important that people in employment equity of access to services and the ability to play Support people to increase their household continue to develop their learning, skills and an equal part in all aspects of community life. income; experience to optimise opportunities as they arise.

8 9 Moving Forward Together The Strategic Community Plan 2010 - 2015

These are key aspects in securing a positive future Central to these priorities, will be the need to ensure for the Falkirk Council area. that the Falkirk Council area maintains its position as one of the most attractive in which to do business in The My Future’s in Falkirk initiative underpins our the UK, with a supply of quality business locations, progress towards sustainable economic growth. services, facilities and a skilled ambitious workforce. Falkirk Council, the local Business Panel and other Priority will be given to assisting people who are key partners have been working on this since 2002 unemployed, particularly young unemployed people. to reinforce the area’s capacity for economic This will maintain our aspiration of ensuring a transformation and regeneration. This initiative has positive destination for our young people on leaving recently been refreshed through the My Future’s in school. Investment will assist key industries providing Falkirk - The Way Forward strategy. the greatest opportunities for future growth, wealth generation and employment. Young people will be at Sustainable economic growth is crucial if we are to the heart of our efforts to transform and regenerate achieve our vision for the area. We must be ambitious our area. We will continue to develop the area’s to achieve our economic outcomes. These include: tourist attractions, products and services. Our area will be recognised as having a culture and ethos of aspiration and ambition; Engaging Partners The wealth and prosperity of our area will increase; My Future’s in Falkirk aims to encourage a range site. Innovative partnerships have also been formed, of partners in delivering on our ambitions for the Achieving their potential through learning and Our workforce will be highly skilled; such as that between INEOS and Forth Valley Falkirk Council area. Local business has a key role creativity, developing skills and knowledge to The quality of our infrastructure will help College to create Modern Apprenticeships and in helping to secure sustainable economic growth. make them fulfilled, happy adults; and promote the growth of the local economy; and between businesses and support agencies to develop a skilled workforce and create employment. Backing They have the means to get people into work and Growing up in a safe environment where they are Our profile will reflect our area as a destination Falkirk’s Future aims to ensure that young people are provide opportunities for many of our young people. protected, loved and enabled to enjoy their lives. of choice. presented with work based training opportunities Our ‘Backing Falkirk’s Future’ initiative reinforces across the area. this effort. Local businesses have actively engaged in the Falkirk Business Panel and have a continuing It is important that young people as they gow up important role to play in steering and delivering on are respected, loved, supported and encouraged. Economic Challenges Tourism is one of the developing sectors in the area. In coming years and the World our economic ambitions Our children and young people must be nurtured to Patterns of employment continue to change. While Heritage status of the Antonine Wall will provide flourish and realise their potential. We want children there has been a decrease in the number of people opportunities to further enhance the area’s tourist and young people who are responsible citizens, who working in manufacturing in recent years, there has offering and encourage more visitors to come and feel included within their local communities and take been a marked increase in local productivity. As a stay in the area for a longer period. Young People Who are Confident up an active role in support of this. We also want our result of such changes manufacturing contributes a and Successful communities to be interested in and interesting to higher percentage to the local economy than in any Underpinning our approach to supporting and young people. The decisions we take and the outcomes we set other Council area in Scotland. This emphasises the improving our economic well being, is the need to today form the legacy which our children and young continuing importance of the manufacturing sector ensure that our workforce is highly skilled and this people will inherit. It is imperative that our actions to the local economy. area offers an attractive environment in which to do Challenges to Success business. This will be supported by maintaining an give our children and young people the best possible start in life and opportunities to realise a positive and To make sure our young people grow to be confident Key industries within the area include the chemicals, effective partnership with local businesses to best fulfilling life. We need to ensure that society regards and contributing members of our community, we transport and distribution, construction and forest understand their needs and how to support them to young people in a positive way and respects the must provide them with the best possible start in life. industries sectors. These have strong significance to further the growth of the local economy. contribution they can make to their communities and Our Early Year’s Framework recognises the right of all the local economy when compared with the quality of life. Our local outcomes for children and young children to high quality relationships, respective Scottish averages. In addition to this, food young people therefore are as follows: environments and services which offer a holistic and drink and tourism have a significant presence Future Priorities approach to meeting their needs. The framework is within the area’s economy and are recognised as The My Future’s in Falkirk initiative is the key Our area will be recognised as having a culture built around the following four principles: national growth sectors. The Grangemouth petro economic development driver to realise the and ethos of aspiration and ambition; Every child and young person having positive chemical complex and Grangemouth Port are ambitions for the Falkirk Council area, share its Our workforce will be highly skilled; outcomes and the same access to opportunities; important in both a Scottish and UK context in economic wellbeing and achieve genuine outcomes terms of the significant level of economic activity for local people and business.The initiative includes Our citizens will be supported to make positive Identifying children and young people at risk of they generate and the contribution they make to the following four broad areas of activity: health choices and lifestyles in order they can live not achieving those outcomes and taking steps to national GDP. Growing Business and Employment - developing longer; prevent this from happening; business locations, providing business support Our citizens and communities will be encouraged Where the risk does materialise taking effective Significant investments have been made through and equipping people with the skills needed for to take responsibility for their own health and action to address this; and My Future’s in Falkirk, to help transform and diversify employment; wellbeing; our economy. In the 2010 Enterprising Britain Awards, Helping parents, families and communities to Enhancing Business Connections - improving we were recognised for the success of My Future's in Our citizens continue to access critical services that develop their own solutions. transport infrastructure and services; Falkirk, as the most enterprising area in Scotland. meet their needs; and New developments have been created, including the Transforming Places - town centre and other Vulnerable children will be protected. Some young people come from vulnerable, chaotic regeneration of the town centres, the creation of the regeneration initiatives, as well the HELIX and circumstances and as a result do not have access to Falkirk Business Improvement District, £20 million of tourism; and Specifically for children and young people, we need the same support, guidance and opportunities as regeneration funds, a 30 acre business park Engaging Young People - promoting high them to be: their peers. Our children, who are looked after by the on land reclaimed from the petrochemical industry aspirations for our young people and connecting happy and healthy and enabled to make positive Council in our role as Corporate Parents, have less and a new 33 acre business park on the former Alcan them with the labour market. decisions about their own health and wellbeing; support and opportunities than other children. As a

10 11 Moving Forward Together The Strategic Community Plan 2010 - 2015

consequence of this and the circumstances that led within their own homes and communities. While them to be looked after means that their outcomes in generally communities are safe, we know there is later life are poorer. This situation must not continue. an increasing risk from the internet, serious and organised crime, etc. We anticipate that there will be Much work has taken place to identify young people an increase in the number of vulnerable adults living at risk of leaving school without securing a positive alone who will need both support and re-assurance. destination. There is a danger with the on going recession that the progress made in this area will be We need to ensure that the investments being made lost. Continuing effort is needed to further improve in our town centres are underpinned by local people the educational attainment of our young people. feeling confident that they will feel safe when they The application of digital technology is also bringing visit them in the evening or at night. about a learning revolution in the classroom. We need to ensure that we optimise the potential which Public protection will remain a key priority but the digital age offers. particular focus needs to be given to protecting vulnerable children particularly as technology Young people while needing to be protected, continues to develop. However we also know that nurtured and encouraged also need to understand other potentially vulnerable people e.g. older people their responsibilities to their families and neighbours. living alone, are also being targeted by unscrupulous There appears to be a wider gap between younger groups. As we know that many people are living and older people and within communities through longer, on their own and potentially far from their their mutual understanding of each other lives, points immediate family, we must make sure they feel safe of view and actions. We must work together to and secure in their own homes. make sure that as young people understand the Community Action Healthier People consequences of their behaviour to themselves and We will enable our young people to take The level and impact of both alcohol and substance others, that mutual tolerance is improved. responsibility for their own lifestyle and to make misuse is an issue which goes to the heart of our the right choices. Parents have a responsibility to be approach to make our communities safer. The As a nation we are getting healthier and living Young people are our future wealth creators positive role models and create an environment of impacts of using and abusing such substances can longer. However the length of time you live can and will shape and develop the quality of life in social responsibility, aspiration and self fulfilment. be wide ranging for individuals, families and the depend on where you live and if you are male or which we live. Today’s adult generation has an We will seek to secure appropriate and meaningful wider community. female. We also know that while great strides have obligation to promote the right behaviours amongst contributions from young people towards the been made in health improvement and health care, young people so that they are positive role models realisation of our vision, outcomes and helping to health behaviours such as poor diet, physical for the future. Intrinsic in this, will be harnessing secure a positive future for them. Older and younger Future Priorities inactivity, smoking and alcohol use are storing young people’s natural enthusiasm, vigour and people also have the opportunity to come together In order to further improve people’s confidence in significant challenges for our society into the future. commitment. Young people have a very important through inter generational work to help improve their communities and tackle the issues on It is with these factors in mind that our local role in challenging family behaviour towards more understanding, respect and tolerance. There are Community Safety which people have told us are outcomes in this area are as follows: positive outcomes, such as on healthy eating. many opportunities for children and young people important, our future priorities should include: Our citizens will be supported to make positive Families can also benefit from children and young to act as effective messengers to help improve the Keeping our communities safe and improving health choices and lifestyles in order they can live people’s natural appetite for learning. health and wellbeing of their own family members. public confidence and satisfaction in the area in longer; which they live; People will have equitable access to local health Future Priorities Antisocial Behaviour which includes Public support and care; Our responsibility is to create positive environments Safer Communities Disorder; Vandalism; Noise; Dog Fouling; Litter Our citizens and communities will be encouraged and opportunities which young people can flourish and Fly-tipping; to take responsibility for their own health and and benefit from. We also have the opportunity The Falkirk Council area is one of the safest places to Safety which includes Home Safety; Road Safety wellbeing; to create an ethos of self responsibility and live in Scotland with high crime clear up rates. This is and Fire Safety; Our citizens continue to access critical services that sustainability, whilst being conscientious citizens something we want to maintain. How safe people Public Protection which includes Domestic Abuse, meet their needs; and who are willing to help others and make a positive feel is a key aspect of a community’s quality of life Disadvantaged communities will benefit from contribution to our society. In meeting these Protecting Vulnerable Adults and Children, and and an important factor in making decisions on Sexual Crime; better services. outcomes we need to: where to live, where to locate businesses and many more significant decisions in people’s lives. Drug and Alcohol Abuse which includes Adult Keep our children in a safe environment; Alcohol Abuse, Underage Drinking, and Drug Being healthy, feeling healthy and leading a healthy Improve opportunities for looked after and The outcomes to achieve our vision include: Abuse. lifestyle are essential to people’s sense of wellbeing accommodated children and young people; and is proven to improve life expectancy. People are Our citizens will be protected; Improve educational attainment with a focus on living longer in the Falkirk Council area and some Vulnerable children will be protected; and literacy and numeracy and securing positive Community Action indicators suggest overall improvements in health destinations for our young people; Our citizens will be encouraged to take Citizens are one of our key assets in reporting and and lifestyles. The coming years will see significant responsibility for their own health and well being. helping to prevent crime. Citizens can play an active changes in the way in health and care services are Give priority to supporting young people at risk of role in helping the police solve crime and with other delivered in the Falkirk Council area. not entering employment, education or training; partners to proactively tackle the causes of crime. and Safety Challenges There a number of different ways in which local The area is now served by a new acute hospital, Forth Improve the knowledge and skills of young While our area is one of the safest in the country with people can take part. There are also projects and Valley Royal in and a new community hospital people in the digital age. regards to crime, the area will experience an increase community based work in which local people can based on the site of the existing infirmary. The new in the number of elderly people and single person contribute through volunteering. People can be good community hospital will place an emphasis on households. We have to ensure that people feel safe neighbours to vulnerable, perhaps elderly people rehabilitation and supporting patients to return to who live on their own. community based care as promptly as possible. In 12 13 Moving Forward Together The Strategic Community Plan 2010 - 2015

future years the balance of care will shift towards Community Challenges increased self responsibility, community based care The area’s population is expected to continue to settings and utilising new forms of delivery such as grow, with growing numbers of both young and e-care and telecare. elderly people. This will place demands on both local infrastructure and services. There are also changes underway in people’s living patterns with a Health and Wellbeing Challenges continuing increase in the number of single person The coming years will see significant growth in the households expected, which carries with it the risk number of elderly people aged 65 plus and over 85. of increasing levels of vulnerability. Both citizens and There is also expected to be rise a in births and in the communities have an important role in helping shape number of children and young people. All of these our future direction and priorities. There are a variety factors have the potential to significantly increase the of ways to do this through partnership or burden on health and care services at a time of organisational community engagement. diminishing financial resources. The coming years will see a shift in the balance of care with people taking With local communities being at the heart of more responsibility for their own health and lifestyle realising our local priorities and outcomes is the and much more self management of care. This will need for effective engagement and participation so focus on much earlier determination of need and as a that we can ensure we understand their influence in result acting more proactively. Members of the public shaping and developing their communities.This will will be full partners in improving their health and include a need to overcome existing inertia and wellbeing with care increasingly taking place in reaching and engaging with people who have community. In shifting the balance of care, we will traditionally not been involved with this before. need to ensure that carers and community volunteers Community Action are supported. We need to ensure that this change is There is an essential role for community led health The most recently available profile of the local managed in a sensitive, balanced and consistent approaches and for citizens in taking responsibility Third Sector suggests that there are in excess of 700 manner. There will also be an important ongoing role for improving their own health and wellbeing. organisations employing over 1300 people and 3000 for the Third Sector in the provision of service and the Services will be more focused on the most vulnerable volunteers. The local sector is estimated to have an attainment of health and wellbeing outcomes. individuals and communities. Health and care annual turnover in excess of £25 million. The local providers will need to find new and innovative Third Sector therefore is significant in terms of the Significant emphasis is being placed on reducing solutions for managing the increased demands which services, information and advice and facilities it health inequalities and their causes and on early changing demographics will bring and an onus for intervention with children and young people and all provides for the benefit of local people and seeking out community based solutions. This however communities. The sector faces continuing challenges ages to change generational health challenges and needs to be undertaken in a manner which promotes traditional behaviours. Obesity continues to be a in the need to secure sustainable sources of funding a sense of partnership with our citizens. People need from a more diverse range of funders at a time when challenge to good levels of health in the area as does to better understand the causes of poor health and the pressing need to continue to focus on smoking many funding organisations face continuing financial wellbeing. Other aspects of this plan will help to strain. Our duty is to maintain a vibrant and resilient cessation, alcohol and substance misuse. People’s tackle some of the underlying causes of poor health mental wellbeing and prevalence of depression and local Third Sector which can continue to make a and health inequalities Some of the simple and significant contributions towards our vision and prescription of medication are issues which continue practical ways in which people can positively change to pose a challenge. local outcomes. their own heath and wellbeing, include: We are also aware of the need to tackle the Healthy eating; underlying causes of health inequalities which is why Taking exercise or some form of physical activity; every aspect of our approach on Community Planning will make a contribution to this. Keeping active including being mentally active; and Seeking help for substance use addiction. Future Priorities Universal health and wellbeing issues will continue to be serviced. Within this however there will be a need to target services and support to those in greatest Involved Communities need. We will also be mindful of the important If we are to achieve the vision we have for our area changes in the provision of health and care services and our communities it is important that we play an we need to oversee as well as effectively meeting the active part in shaping and developing our local area. demands posed by changing local demographics and Involved communities is a collective term that sets out diversity of need. We will therefore give priority to: how we make a difference to our local areas and neighbourhoods and to the lives of our families and Harms to people’s health, including alcohol, drugs neighbours. This includes how we best utilise the and violence; potential of the Third Sector to enrich our areas and The big killer diseases and associated risks, such as communities. with coronary heart disease or cancer; Early intervention to make a positive long term difference to the area’s health and wellbeing; and Improving mental wellbeing.

14 15 Moving Forward Together Way Forward

e recently conducted a Conclusion focused survey to which This strategic plan must be challenging nearly 600 local people but realistic in its approach. We must be responded. This aspirational but credible in setting out both highlights what local a vision for the area and what we can all people think is do to achieve that vision. We must be important in their realistic about what can be done with cWommunities. Within the survey existing resources, but imaginative about respondents advised on what they would what can be gained from better co- most like to see in their communities, ordination of the efforts and resources of including: the partners and the introduction of new There is no drug dealing in our area; ways of drawing in resources. There are enough houses so no-one This Community Plan spans a watershed needs to be homeless; period which will see radical changes in Everybody tries to keep the streets the way in which public services are clean; delivered. This will offer both opportunities and potentially an enhanced role for the There are opportunities for young Third Sector and local communities to people leaving school; and make a direct contribution through direct Everyone has a job. action towards the attainment of our vision for our area and communities. The survey also confirmed issues which There will be challenges for all of us in local people think are important but are how best to support both the sector and true of where they live, including: local communities at a time of long-term budgetary restraint and downward There is a lot of support for children fiscal pressure. who have difficulties at home; There are good play facilities for young The securing of effective and children; meaningful community action towards the attainment of local outcomes goes The nearest town centres are smart and to the heart of our priorities in this area. attractive; This will include identifying and There are opportunities for everyone to progressing a practical range of make their voice heard about what opportunities in which the public and matters to then; and communities can take a meaningful lead in projects to improve their own You can feel safe walking around neighbourhoods whilst securing future during the day. community self-sufficiency. Communities will also have ample and meaningful A community plan for a Council area i.e. opportunities to participate in influencing a strategic community plan can only decision-making towards the future design identify at an over-arching, strategic and delivery of local public services. level the issues facing our communities, as well as providing a vision for what We have often in the past focussed on we can achieve if we all work together what the public and third sector can collectively. A community plan needs to achieve in pursuance of common goals. take an informed view of the challenges More and more however, we recognise and opportunities facing both the main that our biggest assets are the people geographical communities within an area and communities within our area. By us and the main communities of interest e.g. all working together, we can do so young people, older people and the socially much more. excluded.

18 17 The key Community Planning partners who have contributed to this document include: Falkirk Council’s Citizens Panel Community Councils and other members of the public who attended the Falkirk Community Planning Conference Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Service CVS Falkirk and District Falkirk Council Forth Valley College SEStran: The South East of Scotland Transport Partnership Scottish Enterprise Skills Development Scotland The Falkirk Community Health Partnership & NHS Forth Valley The Scottish Government

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