Signed minutes of a regular meeting of Northington Parish Council held at 7.15pm on Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 at The Woolpack Inn, Totford, SO24 9TJ.

Present: John Mitchell (Chairman) (JM)

Melissa Jennings (MJ)

Yvonne White (YW)

Adam Dyne (AD)

Cllr Jackie Porter (JP)

Alexandra Risebury (Clerk) (AR)

Apologies: Lisa Griffiths (LG)

Kim Gottlieb (KG)

Ernie Jeffs (EJ)

Simon Walker (SW)

The chairman welcomed all present.

1. Minutes of the last meeting

JM thanked AR for the reading at the Carol Service on 17th December 2017. The minutes were approved and the Chairman signed them as a true record.

2. Matters arising

Paragraph 8f): Shortly after the last meeting (14/11/2017) JM received a telephone call from Bliss Field’s licensing officer who shared our views. 3. Planning Applications a) 17/03015/FUL Balfour House, Farm: NPC reviewed the application and took note. b) 17/03060/FUL The Bungalow, Hassock Farm, Northington Down; Alteration and proposed extension: NPC discussed the application and is in support. c) 17/01299/FUL Totford Saw Mill (Appeal): An appeal has been made due to non-determination by City Council. Closing date for comments will be 6th February 2018 and the appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations. The proposed erection of 6ft fencing is not allowed, as it’s adjacent to a highway (B3046) according to JP. Local residents have seen the difficulties lorries are having entering and exiting the property resulting in road blockage and causing danger. One resident took video footage as evidence and JP suggested informing Highways and forwarding the video. d)17/03074/FUL Northington Down House: Dormer and replacement porch which NPC took note of.

4. Lengthsman Update

AD reported that our allocated Lengthsman Joe Noades commenced work in our parish before Christmas. Joe has a list of work to complete and AD will check and follow up on completion. The digging work is not completed and AD unsure of compost disposal. It is not in the Lengthsman’s contract to dispose of compost. JP informed us that the promises made about the Lengthsman scheme last year have not been completed and the same issue arises for 2018/19.

5. Electricity Outage

No one reported any electricity outages over the past few months despite having faced some severe storms in recent weeks.

6. Road repairs

YW told JP about the disappointing meeting with Ray Gardener (Hampshire Highways) back in September 2017. Since the meeting the Totford sign has been replaced and some pot holes have been repaired. JP and YW complained to Hampshire Highways about the poor repair of those pot-holes and it was promised to re-repair them. JP will contact Hampshire Highways again and report NPC’s pothole concerns, especially along the B3046.

JP questioned NPC about speed signing in our parish and suggested to share speed signs with other villages in order to reduce the cost. NPC hasn’t got the financial means to cover the cost (approximately £3000) and would rely on fundraising. JP happy to identify other villages, who would like to be involved, however, JM would prefer to discuss this matter the AGM in May before any action taken. Permission from Hampshire Highways would also be required.

7. Fly tipping

The recycling centre in Alresford will remain open. Charges for DIY waste apply. It is WCC’s statutory responsibility to keep one recycling centre free of charge open (JP). No changes will be made until 2019.

MJ reported major fly tip at the road entrance to her property in November 2017. The tip contained large panels and old shed remains. MJ informed police and WCC’s emergency out of hours fly tipping department but as the litter was on private land, WCC were unable to remove the litter.

8. Data Protection

The new data protection law and guidelines will be explained at the AGM. The Village Hall holds different data to NPC. Peter Lamb will report.

HALC will update councils over the next month.

9. Clerk’s report

AR submitted the application for the 2018/19 precept at the beginning of January 2018. This was delayed due to WCC’s delay in providing the Council Tax Support Grant (CTS).

No outgoings or income to NPC’s bank account since the meeting in November 2018.

AR presented the new Annual Governance and Accountability Return forms.

HALC circulated the “Freedom of Code of Conduct Consultation” but NPC does not wish to submit a response. Also circulated by HALC was the “Park Home Legislation” to which NPC made the following comment:

“Dear Mr Borg,

Thank you for giving us a chance to comment on the current review of park homes legislation. I am sorry to say that Northington Parish Council does not have enough local experience and expertise to make a sensible comment. However, we support your contention that a park home dwelling licence should not lead to an application, retrospective or not, for more substantial planning permission. This looks like cheating the planning process and should be treated accordingly.

E.J. Mitchell.

Chairman of Northington Parish Council”

JP Councillor also reported that new build properties will need to pay CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) to the council. CIL does not apply to self builds though.

M3 Junction 9: first public consultation started on 9th January 2018. For updates and information: www.highways.gov.uk/m3j9

10. Date of next meeting

The next NPC meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th March 2018 at 7.15pm at the Private Dining Room, The Woolpack Inn, Totford, SO24 9TJ.

The AGM will be held on Tuesday, 15th May 2018 at 7.30pm in Swarraton and Northington Village Hall.

AR 30/01/2018