Public Document Pack


Date: Thursday 26th January, 2012 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Town Hall, Hall Lane, Maghull


Molyneux Ward Ward Councillor Councillor Councillor Atkinson, The Labour Party Councillor Blackburn, Liberal Democrats Councillor Carr, The Labour Party Councillor Fenton, Liberal Democrats Councillor Howe (Chair), Liberal Democrats Councillor Robertson, Liberal Democrats

Sudell Ward Councillor Councillor Hubbard, Liberal Democrats Councillor Mainey, Liberal Democrats Councillor McKinley, The Labour Party

Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor T. Baldwin Village Parish Council Parish Councillor M Courtney Parish Council Town Councillor M. Byrne Maghull Town Council Parish Councillor R. Baker Melling Parish Council Parish Councillor A. McKeating Sefton Parish Council

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Ian Aylward-Barton Telephone: 0151 934 2788 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 5 - 14) Minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2011

Part A

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

4. Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.

Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Committee Administrator as soon as possible and by no later than 15 minutes before the meeting starts i.e. before 6.15 p.m. or by 3.00 p.m. for faxed (0151 934 2034) or on-line submissions Question forms can be obtained from the Committee Administrator prior to the meeting.

(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).

If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing

5. Police Issues (Pages 15 - 18) Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector - update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting 6. Area Management Update (Pages 19 - 26) Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director - update on area management issues resolved since the last meeting

7. Parish Council Update Verbal update from Parish Council representative(s)

Part B

These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

There are no items for discussion in Part B

Part C

These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote)

8. Highway Maintenance Programme 2012 2013 (Pages 27 - 54) Report of the Director of Built Environment

9. Deyes Lane / Hunt Road, Maghull - Proposed Waiting (Pages 55 - 60) Restrictions Report of the Director of Built Environment

10. Deyes Lane / Parkhaven Trust, Maghull - Proposed (Pages 61 - 66) Waiting Restrictions Report of the Director of Built Environment

11. Old Hall Road / Dennett Close, Maghull - Proposed (Pages 67 - 70) Waiting Restrictions Report of the Director of Built Environment

12. Moss Lane / Dodd's Lane, Maghull - Proposed Waiting (Pages 71 - 76) Restrictions Report of the Director of Built Environment

13. Objection to Proposed Zebra Crossing - Altway, Aintree (Pages 77 - 82) Report of the Director of Built Environment

14. Budget Monitoring (Pages 83 - 88) Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director - update on Area Committee budget resources available

15. Update On Waddicarr Lane Housing Development Issues Verbal update by the Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes

16. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 22 March 2012, at Lydiate Primary School, Lambshear Lane, Lydiate, L31 2JZ commencing at 6:30pm.




PRESENT: Councillor Howe (in the Chair) Councillors Atkinson, Blackburn, Carr, Fenton, Hubbard, Mainey, and Robertson Parish Councillors Baldwin, Baker and Byrne.


Apologies for absence were received from Parish Councillor McKeating.


No declarations of interest were received.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2011, be confirmed as a correct record.


During the Public Forum the following questions/comments/petitions were submitted:

(a) Mr. Harris, on behalf of Aintree Parish Council submitted a question raising the issue of fly posting in the Area. He referred in particular to a persistent offender placing a large banner on the pedestrian guardrails at the junction of Road/Aintree Lane/Copy Lane, which caused a distraction to motorists, affected sightlines and obstructed motorists’ view of pedestrians at the junction. He requested that action be taken to remove the sign.

(b) Parish Councillor McKeating submitted a question referring to the junctions of old Rectory Green, Coach House Close and Brickwall Green, requesting that the grit bin which had previously been located on the area opposite the end of Brickwall Green be replaced as there had been problems with snow and ice at the junction. She also referred to the drains in the carriageway at that junction which seemed unable to cope when there was heavy rain


or snowmelt etc. and that this exacerbated the problems with snow and ice at the junction.

Mr. I. Aylward - Barton , Committee Clerk reported that the questions had been forwarded to the Neighbourhoods Division to be referred to the appropriate officers who would investigate the matters concerned. A response would be provided in writing.

An Update would be provided to the Area Committee through the Area Management Update once the actions had been completed.

RESOLVED: That the questions be noted.


Inspector Kevin Booth submitted a report that provided statistics for the , Park and Wards for November 2010 to November 2011 together with comparative figures for November 2009 to November 2010 as follows:-

Nov 2009 – Nov 2010 – Difference in Nov 2010 Nov 2011 expected crime figures All Crime 1927 1890 -2% Burglary 193 160 -17% Theft of Motor 62 47 -24% Vehicle Criminal Damage 400 301 -24%

The report also detailed the yearly crime patterns; the current neighbourhood run initiatives (Operations Copley II, PUSH II and Primula; and the following neighbourhood meetings:

Have Your Say meetings:

• Suddell and Park Wards – Thursday 24 November at Maghull Town Hall.

• Molyneux Ward – Wednesday 23 November at, Melling rate Payers Club, Lane, Melling

Home Watch meetings:

• Sudell and Park Ward – Monday 28 November at Maghull Town Hall

• Molyneux Ward – Thursday 10 November at Harrow Park.


The report concluded by detailing good news stories relating to the following:-

(i) arrest made in connection with the anti social use of quad bikes following reports from the residents of Sefton Village;

(ii) speeding operations set up in the following locations: Altway, Northway, Sefton Village, Liverpool Road North and Park Lane, Maghull, following reports from members of the public regarding concerns of speeding in those areas;

(iii) an operation carried out in October targeting suspected “Rogue Traders”; the pursuit and arrest of a number of persons following reports from residents in Sefton Drive, Maghull; and

(iv) an operation carried out in Public Houses in the Area aimed at reducing incidents of violence.


That the report be noted.


The Committee considered the report of the Neighbourhood & Investment Programmes Director giving an update on area management activities that had taken place in the Sefton East Parishes wards since the last meeting.


(1) The report be noted; and

(2) Members or residents be requested to contact the Neighbourhoods Division with any further area issues they wish to raise.



Further to discussions at the previous meeting it was reported that arrangements for and the Neighbourhood Engagement Co-ordinator to discuss improvement works to be carried out at Rainbow Park with Parish Councillors and Ward Members had not yet been made.

Reference was also made to the 133 bus service and Parish Councillor Baker asked the Area Committee to request that the service be amended in the vicinity of Wadham Road. It was agreed that this would be pursued with the Neighbourhod Co-ordinator.

RESOLVED: That the updates be noted.



The Area Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning advising Members of the outcome of a statutory review of polling places and polling stations and of the current arrangements for the location of polling places and stations within the Wards of the Area- Committee.

It was reported that the polling station situated at The Chesterfield, Prescot Road, Melling (Polling District C1, Molyneux Ward) was the most expensive polling station within the Borough in terms of cost per vote cast. The building was also currently up for sale and as such the current owners could not guarantee that the building would be available for hire at future elections. However, there was no suitable alternative building within the polling district.

Previously, in similar situations, polling arrangements had been combined with those in a neighbouring area and it was reported that, should this be considered an option in this case, the Returning Officer would write to all registered electors in the polling district to advise of any proposed move and to offer them the opportunity to apply to vote by post should the increased distance to any proposed polling place mean the elector was unable to travel to vote.

This option had previously been taken in Park Ward when polling districts B5 and B6 had been combined.

Members discussed the possible options available in respect of Polling District C1.


(1) The report be noted

(2) Members further consider possible alternatives for the siting of the polling station situated at The Chesterfield, Prescot Road, Melling (Polling District C1, Molyneux Ward) and the matter be considered further at the next meeting of the Committee.


Further to Minute No. 30 of 29 September 2011, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment informing Members of the results of the public consultation on traffic-calming proposals for Damfield Lane and Hall Lane, Maghull and recommending a proposed way forward.



(1) the traffic calming measures proposed for Damfield Lane and Hall Lane, Maghull as detailed in the report be approved; and

(2) the Traffic Services Manager be authorised to undertake the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Order.


Further to Minute No. 27 of 29 September 2011, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment informing Members of the results of the consultation carried out in respect of the proposed Zebra Crossing on Altway, Aintree.


That the installation of the Zebra Crossing on Altway, Aintree, as originally proposed be approved.


Further to Minute No. 13 of 23 June 2011, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment seeking approval to continue making a Combined Public Path Order to divert a Public Footpath and to alter the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way following amendments to the drawing number.


(1) the Head of Corporate Legal Services be authorised to make the second part of the Combined Order, to modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way, in accordance with Section 53A of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, subsequent to the diversion of the Public Footpath known as Lydiate No.18, as shown on drawing number DC0741.

(2) if the proposed Order is unopposed then the Legal Services Director be authorised to confirm it as such.


Further to Minute No. 26 of 29 September 2011, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment informing Members of two objections to the proposed Speed Management Scheme for Melling Road, Aintree.


It was further reported that since the preparation of the report a letter had been received from Aintree Village Parish Council, withdrawing its original objection and expressing support for the traffic calming measures proposed for Melling Road as set out in the report.


(1) the Director of Built Environment be authorised to progress the proposed Speed Management Scheme as originally reported; and

(2) the complainants be informed of this decision.


Further to Minute No. 20 of the meeting held on 15 July 2010, the Committee considered the report of Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director that indicated that the balance available for the allocation of 2010/11 budget was as follows.

Balance 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 Balance b/f Budget Available Commitments Available £ £ £ £ £

Wards Molyneux -65.00 3,324.00 3,259.00 1,767.00 1,492.00 Park 498.53 3,324.00 3,822.53 190.00 3,632.53 Sudell 2,028.34 3,324.00 5,352.34 1,320.00 4,032.34

Area Aintree 0.00 3,860.00 3,860.00 0.00 3,860.00 Lydiate 0.00 3,610.00 3,610.00 0.00 3,610.00 Maghull 3,215.00 12,035.00 15,250.00 5,307.00 9,943.00 Melling 1,540.00 1,520.00 3,060.00 0.00 3,060.00 Sefton 0.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 0.00 SEPAC Total 7,216.87 31,172.00 38,388.87 8,759.00 29,629.87

NB Melling Area b/f figure £500 higher due to an underspend in 2010/11

For information only – allocations made during 2011/12:

Molyneux Ward Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status 1 Contribution to Smartwater 23/06/11 355.00 Complete Contribution to 14 bollards outside Holy 2 23/06/11 1,112.00 Ongoing Rosary Primary School. Replacement street sign - Brenka 3 29/09/11 120.00 Ongoing Avenue, Aintree


Contribution towards additional cleansing 4 29/09/11 140.00 Ongoing over bonfire period Replacement street sign - Beaumont 5 07/07/11 40.00 Ongoing Drive outside No. 32 1,767.00

Sudell Ward Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status Replacement litterbin at canal entrance 1 13/06/11 380.00 Complete on Hall Lane 2 x street signs Taylors Lane, junction 2 15/06/11 180.00 Ongoing Hall Lane Replacement litterbin at Tree View 3 11/08/11 380.00 Complete Court Contribution towards additional 4 29/09/11 140.00 Ongoing cleansing over bonfire period Street Signs - Kennessee Close junction 5 24/08/11 120.00 Ongoing with Tailors Lane Street Signs - Foxhouse Lane junction 6 24/08/11 120.00 Ongoing with Deyes Lane 1,320.00

Park Ward Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status Contribution towards additional cleansing 1 29/09/11 140.00 Ongoing over bonfire period Relocating litterbin from bus shelter on 2 Road to outside the Londis on 18/10/11 50.00 Complete Moss Lane


Maghull Area Budget Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status 50% contribution towards 2 vehicle 1 23/06/11 5,307.00 Ongoing actuated signs on Liverpool Road South Contribution towards firework display - 29/09/11 TBC Ongoing agreed to pay shortfall 5,307.00


Sefton Area Budget Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status 1 Contribution towards St Helen's Well sign 29/09/11 175.00 Complete


For information only – Allocations made during 2010/11:

Melling Parish Council Date Cost Progress 10/11 Commitments Approved £ to Date Funding credited back into Melling Area Match funding with Melling Parish Council 17/03/11 500.00 account for costs associated with Melling in Bloom as money not claimed in 2010/11 500.00

The Chairman reported that he had received the following further requests for funding:-

(i) request for an allocation of £3,060 (part funding of the total cost of £6,448) from the Melling Parish area allocation for the provision of a Vehicle Activated Sign on Waddicar Lane (on the section from Prescot Road to the 30 mph section near Caunce Hall); and

(ii) request for an allocation of £85.00 from the Molyneux area allocation for the provision of a replacement street sign at Beaumont Drive Aintree.


(1) the current financial position and the progress to date on items previously agreed be noted;

(2) the allocation of £3,060 (part funding of the total cost of £6,448) from the Melling Parish area allocation for the provision of a Vehicle Activated Sign on Waddicar Lane (on the section from Prescot Road to the 30 mph section near Caunce Hall) be approved.


(3) the allocation of £85.00 from the Molyneux area allocation for the provision of a replacement street sign at Beaumont Drive Aintree be approved.


Further to Minute No. 10 of the meeting held on 27 May 2010, the Neighbourhood Engagement Coordinator gave an update to Members with regard to progress on the issues surrounding Waddciarr Lane and the Satinwood Estate.

It was reported that all of the works required to the pumping station had been completed and the sewers had been vested by United Utilities. Morris Homes had completed the required section 278 works at the entrance of the estate alongside the roundabout and all outstanding remedial works (such as footway and carriageway works) had been highlighted and marked up on site with both Morris homes and persimmon Homes. These works had not commenced to date but it was anticipated that these issues would be resolved shortly and a meeting was proposed to take place in the near future to ensure progression of the works.


(1) the update be noted;

(2) this item remain a standing agenda item until identified issues are resolved.


In accordance with the agreed schedule of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, 26 January 2012, at Maghull Town Hall commencing at 6:30pm.

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Page 14 Agenda Item 5

Report to: Sefton East Area Committee Date of Meeting: 26 January 2012

Subject: Police Issues: Sefton East Area

Report of: Neighbourhood Inspector Maghull Wards Affected: Molyneux, Sudell, Park Police

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To inform Sefton East Area Committee of the latest crime figures and area based Police activities for the Maghull and surrounding area.


For the Area Committee to note the information provided by Inspector Kevin Booth and Sergeant Jenny Muldoon.

For the Area Committee to consider the request for further funding for Smartwater.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community ü

2 Jobs and Prosperity ü

3 Environmental Sustainability ü

4 Health and Well-Being ü

5 Children and Young People ü

6 Creating Safe Communities ü

7 Creating Inclusive Communities ü

8 Improving the Quality of Council ü Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

Report is for information only.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

Page 15 Agenda Item 5

The Head of Corporate Finance and ICT has no comments on this report since there are no cost implications to the Council. The information contained in this report is provided by .


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal There are no implications

Human Resources There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication None

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery:

This report is for information only.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance and the Head of Corporate Legal Services (have been not been consulted as the content of the report is from Merseyside Police.

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No alternative options available

Implementation Date for the Decision

No decision required.

Contact Officer: Janette Maxwell, Neighbourhoods Division Tel: 0151 934 3488 Email: [email protected]

Page 16 Agenda Item 5

Background Papers:

There are no background papers to review. The information in this report is based on latest Police crime statistics.

1. Introduction/Background

1.1 Merseyside Police are represented at all of the Area Committees to provide information on local Police activities that have taken place in each area and to provide Elected Members and residents the opportunity to ask questions or raise issues.

1.2 The latest crime statistics for the neighbourhood are provided below. The Neighbourhood Inspector for Maghull will also attend Sefton East Area Committee to explain these further and to provide more detail on activities that have taken place since the last meeting.

2. Crime Statistics

Sept – Dec Sept – Dec Difference in (inclusive) 2010 (inclusive) expected crime 2011 figures All Crime 590 595 +5 Serious Acquisitive 136 125 -11 Crime Vehicle Crime 75 54 -21 Criminal Damage 113 76 -37

3. Crime Patterns

3.1 The above table shows a slight increase in all crime figures. There has also been a slight rise the past month in relation to burglary dwelling of which the neighbourhood as well as the local BCU and Force are taking an active stance to tackle through a series of operations and targeting of offenders.

3.2 All crime albeit being slightly over last year’s comparative figures is still a reduction when compared to previous years all crime similar period statistics.

Same reporting period 2009/2010 – 713

Same reporting period 2010/2011 – 614

As can be seen there has been a significant reduction in all crime since two years ago (16% reduction)

Page 17 Agenda Item 5

4. Current Neighbourhood Initiatives

4.1 Operation Valiant is an operation targeted at reducing the number of burglaries in the area. Neighbourhood staff conduct plain-clothes patrol in unmarked police vehicles during the times of reported burglaries. This is intelligence led using information researched by Police analysts. Neighbourhood PCSTO’s conduct Operation Handle, which involves trying door handles of properties and vehicles and if found insecure the staff provide security advice. Offenders who have been arrested for offences in our area are also managed and targeted. The local neighbourhood is also working alongside Constabulary and engaging in a number of meetings and initiatives to tackle cross border offences and offenders.

4.2 SMARTWATER has been an enormous success and has been greatly received by victims who are visited following a burglary and issued with the kit. Since the introduction of SMARTWATER there have not been any reports of premises being subject to a repeat burglary, as is sometimes the case.

It is hoped that Area Committee would be favourable in providing a similar financial contribution as it did last year to enable further roll out of kits across the three wards.

4.3 Operation PUSH II is an operation introduced by Neighbourhood staff following numerous reports from residents and schools of the same 4 named males in the Lydiate and Maghull area causing numerous anti-social behaviour (ASB) problems. The reports range from possible theft of pedal cycles, anti-social use of off road scrambler bikes and threatening behaviour/minor theft offences. Neighbourhood staff have worked in conjunction with Sefton Council ASB Officers to target the 3 individuals. The 4 males are due to be served by John Gibson from ASBU with Acceptable Behaviour Contracts, which carry rules on how each can and can’t behave whilst in a public place. We are also working with the Council to seek eviction of the males and/or the issue of ASBO’s (Anti Social Behaviour Orders) should their behaviour continue. The neighbourhood have proactively dealt with some of these males who have been arrested for like offences and charged. These initiatives have been greatly received by the Communities affected.

5. Future Neighbourhood Meetings

5.1 Have Your Say meetings: • Suddell and Park Wards – Thursday 19 th January at 7.00pm at Maghull Town Hall.

• Molyneux Ward – Friday 20 th January at 6.00pm, Aintree Chambers

5.2 Home Watch: • Sudell and Park Ward – Monday 23 rd January at 7pm, Maghull Town Hall

• Molyneux Ward – Thursday 1 st March at 7pm, Harrow Park (January 12 th January meeting cancelled

Page 18 Agenda Item 6

Report to: Sefton East Parishes Area Committee Date of Meeting: 26 th January 2012

Subject: Area Management Update

Report of: Director of Corporate Commissioning Wards Affected: Molyneux, Sudell, Park

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No

Purpose/Summary To update the Area Committee on area management activities that have taken place in the Sefton East Parishes wards since the last meeting.


That the Area Committee:

(i) Note the contents of the report.

(ii) Members or residents to contact Neighbourhoods Division with any further area issues.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community ü

2 Jobs and Prosperity ü

3 Environmental Sustainability ü

4 Health and Well-Being ü

5 Children and Young People ü

6 Creating Safe Communities ü

7 Creating Inclusive Communities ü

8 Improving the Quality of Council ü Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report is to inform Members of progress of area management activities in their areas.

Page 19 Agenda Item 6

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

Any actions requiring Council resources are agreed within existing budgets such as the Area Committee Budgets (details contained within the budget monitoring report). Actions requiring resources from partners are agreed in advance of works being carried out.

(A) Revenue Costs

(B) Capital Costs


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:


Human Resources There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication None

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: All actions detailed within this update have come from issues raised by local residents, elected members or officers. These actions are specifically aimed at improving the delivery of services within the local area.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance and ICT has been consulted (FD1298/11) and has no comments on this report.

The Head of Corporate Legal Services has been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report. LD643/12.

Are there any other options available for consideration? No. The approach of area coordination via the Neighbourhoods Division is aimed at improving local services, and thereby improving customer satisfaction with how these services are delivered. If these actions were not dealt with, this would not happen. In

Page 20 Agenda Item 6 terms of specific items, each issue is considered fully in conjunction with all relevant partners before action is taken. Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee/Council/Working Group meeting.

Contact Officer: Janette Maxwell, Neighbourhoods Division Tel: 0151 934 3488 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

There are no background papers available for inspection.

1. Introduction/Background

The Neighbourhoods Division provides a coordination role for dealing with area issues. Queries are forwarded to the Neighbourhoods Division in a number of ways, via a number of different sources. In order for members to be aware of progress made on these issues an area management report has been compiled. After consultation with other Council Departments and external agencies, a partner update will be included in the near future.

If there are any queries about the information provided in the report you can contact the lead officer in the Neighbourhoods Division for this area (contact details on front page of report).

Page 21 Agenda Item6

Query Ward Date Origin of Summary of Action Dept/Org Date Received Query Completed Condition of shrubs All 31 March Councillors Sefton will maintain shrubs if they pose Neighbourhoods / Complete which have been 2011 / Residents a hazard to drivers or pedestrians. Network Management planted as part of grass Contractor has removed any dead verge protection. shrubs free of charge. Query as to whether All 15 Maghull in Traffic Services attended the last Neighbourhoods Complete Maghull in Bloom can November Bloom Maghull in Bloom Steering group and erect signs on Maghull 2011 offered the group advice on the type of gateway signs. signage that would be suitable for such locations. Maghull in Bloom to discuss and agree signage and come back to Traffic Services for approval.

Request for additional Molyneux 4 March Councillor Traffic management surveyed site and Neighbourhoods / Traffic Ongoing guard rails to be 2011 provided quote for installation of Management Page 22 installed between the bollards. Area Committee agreed to two pedestrian accesses fund 50% of the cost and awaiting to Holy Rosary Primary decision from school as to whether School they will fund the balance. Petition received from Molyneux 18 July Councillor A fence has been erected without Neighbourhoods/Planning Complete residents of Iris Park 2011 approval. Planning Enforcement has Walk regarding the issued a notice to the land owners for closure of footpath removal of the fencing. Fence has which runs in front of now been taken down. properties in this road. Overgrown trees on land Molyneux Councillor Quotes have been obtained by Capita Neighbourhoods / Capita Ongoing near to Beechers Court. to cut back the trees or to remove them completely. As this works does not form part of the contract Sefton have with Capita, Capita are waiting for a decision from Sefton’s Client team as to whether the works can be progressed. Overgrown hedges Molyneux 20 Melling Environmental Enforcement carried Environmental Ongoing along Tithebarn Lane. September Parish out inspection of hedges and issue Enforcement 2011 Council enforcement notice. Query Ward Date Origin of Summary of Action Dept/Org Date Received Query Completed Dropped kerb requested Molyneux 06 Councillor Traffic Services have advised that a Traffic Services Ongoing at Hazel Mews, Melling October report has been sent to Cabinet 2011 Member recently recommending that further funds are released from the Local Transport Plan to provide more dropped crossings this financial year and Hazel Mews is part of this report. Works to be completed before the end of 2011/12. Issue with weeds on Molyneux 26 Councillor Capita to arrange for road to be weed Neighbourhoods / Capita Complete highway in Sandown October sprayed. Park, Aintree 2011 Flytipping on private Molyneux 31 Councillor Site visit with land owners, United Neighbourhoods / Ongoing land just off Spencers October Utilities, Ward Councillors, Environmental

Page 23 Lane, Melling Environmental Enforcement and Enforcement Neighbourhoods to look at solutions to the flytipping issue. Unitied Utilities to look into getting quotes to secure access to the land, Neighbourhoods to look into whether dummy CCTV cameras can be installed and relevant signage. Overhaning tree Molyneux 4 Resident Network Management arranged for Neighbourhoods / 04/11/11 blocking street light – November tree to be cut back. Network Mgt.

Stanley Road. 2011 Agenda Item6 Faulty street light Molyneux 23 Melling PC Reported to Capita who have arranged Neighbourhoods / Capita 23/11/11 outside no. 16 Waddicar November repairs. Lane. 2011 Request for a meeting to Molyneux 8 Melling Neighbourhoods to liaise with Leisure Neighbourhoods / Leisure Ongoing be arranged with December Parish Services regarding setting up a site Leisure Services and 2011 Council visit. local Cllrs over development plans for Rainbow Park Flytipping by garages on Molyneux 06 Resident Cleansing arranged removal of Neighbourhoods / 09/01/12 Agenda Item6

Query Ward Date Origin of Summary of Action Dept/Org Date Received Query Completed Amanda Way, Melling January rubbish. Cleansing 2012 Missing street sign Molyneux 8 Resident Street sign ordered. Neighbourhoods / Capita Ongoing Beaumont Drive, Aintree December 2011 Aintree PC submitted a Molyneux 20 Aintree Planning are aware of the flyposting Planning Enforcement 20/12/11 question to the area December Parish raised by Aintree PC and the adverts committee raising the 2011 Council have now been removed. issue of flyposting in the Aintree area. In particular on the pedestrian guardrails at the junction of Ormksirk Road / Aintree Lane / Page 24 Copy Lane. Report of a large Molyneux 19 Councillor Cleansing arranged for area to be Cleansing 19/12/11 amount of litter in the December litterpicked. pathway leading from 2011 Glenholm Road to Liverpool Road South

Issue with vehicles Sudell 25 May Councillor Traffic Management Liaison Group Traffic Management / Ongoing parking outside 2011 agreed that junction protection outside Neighbourhoods Northway Primary Northway Primary, Dodds Lane and School Moss Lane would be beneficial. Traffic Management to draw up further details. Maghull in Bloom are Sudell 23 Maghull in Cleansing provided littersacks and Cleansing 23/11/11 planning to litterpick November Bloom agreed to pick up rubbish bags if left area around Damfield 2011 near to litterbin on Damfield Lane. Lane and requested that sacks are provided and Cleansing remove rubbish after litterpick. Query Ward Date Origin of Summary of Action Dept/Org Date Received Query Completed Informed that the grit bin Sudell 28 Resident Reported to Network Management Network Management 28/11/11 on Poverty Lane has November who advised area had been tidied up. been tipped over and 2011 the grit is all over the floor.

Request for No Parking Park 23 Councillor 3 signs have been installed. Quote Neighbourhoods Complete on Grass Verge sign to February obtained for tarmac of area at top of be installed on grass 2011 road where cars are driving over kerb. verge in Haigh Crescent No funding sources identified to enable works above to be carried out. Request for quotes to be Park 10 Sefton Traffic Services obtained quotes for 3 Neighbourhoods / Traffic Ongoing obtained for the November Parish concrete bollards. Sefton Parish to Management installation of concrete 2011 Council raise at their next meeting in January.

Page 25 bollards in the grass Parish Council have requested a site verge near to St Helen’s visit, Neighbourhoods to arrange. well. Request for information Park 8 Sefton Neighbourhoods forwarded information Neighbourhoods 8 relating to Parish December Parish to Clerk and gave contact details for November Council precept. 2011 Council finance. 2011 Request that a grit bin Park 8 Sefton Neighbourhoods to look into whether a Neighbourhoods Ongoing be installed on the area December Parish grit bin can be installed. opposite the end of 2011 Council Brickwall Green and

also raised the issue of Agenda Item6 the drainage at these junctions which seem to be unable to cope with heavy rain fall.

Agenda Item 6


That the Area Committee:

(i) Note the contents of the report.

(ii) Members or residents to contact Neighbourhoods Division with any further area issues.

Page 26 Agenda Item 8

Report to: Sefton East Parishes Area Committee

Date of Meeting: 26 th January 2012

Subject: Highway Maintenance Programme 2012 2013

Report of: Director of Built Environment

Wards Affected: All

Is this a Key Decision? No

Is it included in the Forward Plan No

Exempt/Confidential No


To advise Members of those locations which have been recommended for inclusion in the Highway Maintenance Programme for 2012/2013 and shared with Cabinet Member, Transportation.

Recom mendation(s)

It is recommended that Members examine the programme and make known their Comments, which shall be reported to the Cabinet Member, Transportation.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √

2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Page 27 Agenda Item 8

Reasons for the Recommendation:

To acknowledge the comments made by Members and approve the prioritised programme of highway maintenance works for delivery during 2012/2013

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

The cost of the schemes will be contained within the Highways Management budget allocations and Transport Capital Settlements for 2012/2013


The Council has a general duty under Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980, to maintain those highways which are maintainable at the public expense and for which it is the highway authority.

The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:


Human Resources

Equality 1. No Equality Implication √ 2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery:

To be determined

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD 1287) and Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD 626/12) have been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?


Page 28 Agenda Item 8

Implementation Date for the Decision

Following the expiry of the “call-in” period for the Minutes of the Cabinet/Cabinet Member Meeting on 28 th March 2012 .

Contact Officer: Mr Alan Hogan Service Manager (Capita Symonds )

Tel: 0151 524 6551

Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

There are no background papers available for inspection at this time.

Page 29 Agenda Item 8

1.0 Introduction/Background

The Highway Maintenance Programme for 2012/2013 is being shared with Area Committee’s for consultation and comment, prior to being referred to Cabinet Member, Transportation for formal approval on 28 th March 2012 .

1.1 A single year’s programme of works is being presented at this time. It is not possible to predict future deterioration levels across the whole network with any degree of confidence at this time; consequently, it is considered premature to attempt to identify schemes for inclusion in financial year 2013/14 and beyond.

1.2 The Highway Maintenance Programme for the whole of the Borough is appended at the back of this report (Annex A) and includes a range of highway treatments, namely, Carriageway Resurfacing, Micro-Asphalt / Surface Dressing Carriageway Treatments and Footway slurry seal applications.

1.4 The list of sites being considered for street lighting improvements during 2012/ 2013 is not available at this time and will be shared with Area Committee’s at a later date.

1.4 The programmes identify the volume of schemes which are likely to be completed during 2012/13 based upon anticipated budget allocations and preliminary cost estimates.


2.1 Based upon the levels of deterioration being reported through structural condition surveys, ward technicians, members of the public and Elected Members and the subsequent visual assessments carried out by technical staff, the relative need for treatments at individual locations has been determined and prioritised accordingly.

2.2 This evaluation has included an on-site assessment of the causation of the ‘wear and tear’, the type and depth of the construction materials, traffic loadings and density etc to support the decision making process of what, when and where to treat. This has included reviewing the impact of doing no programmed work at this time and continuing to maintain the section of highway through routine maintenance/patching operations. Consequently, the prioritisation of individual schemes has been based on its perceived need.


3.1 The selection of individual treatments will depend upon the nature and severity of the defective lengths of highway.

3.2 Surface Dressing and Slurry Seal applications are essentially preventative treatments, which are applied to bituminous surfaces, which are relatively sound Page 30 Agenda Item 8

but which are showing initial stages of surface deterioration, they seal the surface against the ingress of water and arrest their further deterioration. Consequently the levels of deterioration evident at the time of selection would be substantially less than for the resurfacing options. Both treatments will also increase the skid resistance of the surface.

3.3 Resurfacing can be carried out for one or more of the following reasons:-

i) to restore the riding quality of the pavement ii) to restore the skid resistance of the wearing course iii) to achieve an impermeable surface to prevent water ingress to the existing pavement iv) if settlement or subsidence has taken place to restore the profile and reduce the dynamic load on the pavement.

3.4 Micro-asphalt surfacing is a cold applied treatment, which can be applied to a deteriorated surface, where the platform layer is in otherwise sound condition. It will seal surfaces against the ingress of water and thereby prolong the life of the underlying construction layers. It has limited re-profiling qualities but will provide a durable hard wearing surface for many years.

3.5 Reconstruction is the replacement of a significant depth of the existing road construction. It should take place only at the end of the serviceable life of the associated construction layers and when such procedures as strengthening overlays are not viable. It becomes necessary when traffic loading has exceeded the load bearing capacity of the road, causing unacceptable strain.

3.6 An annual programme of Footway reconstruction works has become more difficult to sustain because of the relative costs and the small amount of network coverage each year. Consequently, fewer if any schemes will be undertaken in the future, with the available budget being redirected toward other surface treatment initiatives and extended patching programmes. Sections of flags which are consistently being damaged by vehicular over-ride etc will be looked at with a view to being replaced with bituminous materials.


4.1 Given the deterioration levels across the highway network, which have accelerated in recent years there is a need to increase the use of the preventative range of treatments such as micro surfacing, surface dressing and other proprietary applications to slow the process down. Whilst, the benefits from generic resurfacing such as plane & inlay may be considered higher, the preventative type of treatments are cost effective in prolonging the life of the highway network for a fraction of the price.

4.2 This year the carriageway treatment programmes have been prepared, consisting, predominantly of micro surfacing applications. This treatment will be applied after Page 31 Agenda Item 8

the repair of potholes and major defects and will assist in preventing wholesale breakdown occurring.

4.3 To supplement the expanded surface treatment programmes, the continued suspension of wholesale footway reconstructions across the borough during 2012/2013 is also proposed.

4.4 It is considered that this will use the allocated funds to best effect and minimise the impact of severe weather conditions on these road surfaces in the future.

4.5 Members should be made aware that the selected locations for carriageway surface treatments include various locations which are nearing borderline for the preventative type of treatments to be effective.

4.6 All sites will be subject to a further assessment by the specialist contractors and any sites subsequently considered unsuitable for preventative treatment will be removed from the programme and considered for an alternative more appropriate treatment such as carriageway resurfacing.

4.7 However, it should be noted that where sites are considered unsuitable for surface treatments, automatic inclusion into the carriageway resurfacing programme cannot be guaranteed. This will be determined using appropriate engineering judgement, based on the sites overall condition, the perceived need for treatment and available budgets.


5.1 The Council as local highway authority has a statutory duty to manage the lengths of highway for which it is responsible as defined in the 1980 Highways Act. The Council follows the nationally accepted Code of Practice for Maintenance Management.

5.2 Council Policy is to manage all the highways in Sefton on a needs basis dealing with those roads, which are considered to justify more immediate treatment, first. This will

• make best use of available resources • enable the Council to discharge its statutory duty • take into account road usage/deterioration • mitigate the risk of insurance claims

Page 32 Agenda Item 8

5.3 Members should be made aware that managing condition across Sefton’s highway network on a needs basis will always result in spend variation across relevant Area Committee’s and associated Ward boundaries.

5.4 Following recent discussions, the Cabinet Member, Transportation has requested that details of the estimated geographical spend per ward over the last three years be appended to this report (Annex B) for information. This is included at the back of this report.

5.5 Without a significant investment to reduce the outstanding backlog of maintenance work, which is required in the Borough, it will only be possible to carry out urgent demand maintenance works in the current budget climate until such investment becomes available.


6.1 Members are requested to examine the Programme and advise the Technical Services Department of any comments they may have. All comments and any additional schemes recommended at this Meeting shall be investigated to determine whether any adjustment to the current listings is appropriate.

6.2 The comments of the Area Committee, the results of the further assessment and any suggested amendments shall be reported to the Cabinet Member, Transportation for his final approval.

6.3 The final programme approved by the Cabinet Member shall then be circulated to Area Committees for information purposes.

Page 33 Agenda Item 8


2012 2013



Page 34

Highway Maintenance Programme 2012 2013 Footway Surface Treatments Whole Borough

Priority Street Location Section Ward Treatment Name 1 Bridle Road All Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment 2 Portland Street Southport All Footway Treatment 3 Poverty Lane Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment Passageway between Mounthouse Rd & 4 Mounthouse Road Deansgate Lane Raven Footway Treatment 5 Ash Street Southport All Kew Verge Treatment 6 Belgrave Road All Verge Treatment

Page 35 7 Cross Green Close Formby All Footway Treatment 8 Crown Close Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 9 Damfield Lane Maghull Hall Lane To Deyes Lane Sudell Footway Treatment 10 Deansgate Road North Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 11 Dover Road Maghull All Molyneux Verge Treatment 12 Marsh Lane Bootle Irlam Road To Rimrose Road Footway Treatment 13 Marsh Lane Bootle Washington Parade To Stanley Road Linacre Footway Treatment 14 Marsh Lane Bootle Stanley Road To Washington Parade Linacre Footway Treatment 15 Marsh Lane Bootle Irlam Road To Rimrose Road Linacre Footway & Verge Treatment

16 Netherton Way Bootle Junction of Orrell Lane Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment Agenda Item8 17 Northway Maghull Service Road Dodds Lane To Ambleside Road Sudell Verge Treatment 18 Northway Maghull Service Road Dodds Lane To Westway Sudell Verge Treatment 19 Avenue Southport Roe Lane To Chester Avenue Norwood Footway Treatment 20 Norwood Avenue Southport Chester Avenue To Hereford Road Norwood Footway Treatment 21 Norwood Road Southport Sussex Road To Cop Road Norwood Footway Treatment 22 Scarisbrick New Road Southport Virginia Street To Linaker Street Kew Footway Treatment 23 Scarisbrick New Road Southport Hampton Road To Ash Street Kew Footway Treatment 24 Sherwood Avenue Aintree All Molyneux Footway Treatment 25 Shore Road All Ainsdale Footway Treatment 26 Slaidburn Crescent All (Industrial Area) Footway Treatment Agenda Item8

27 Southport Road Bootle Northfield Road To Watts Lane Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 28 Southport Road Bootle Watts Lane To Park Lane Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 29 Spencers Lane Melling House Frontage To Canal Molyneux Footway Treatment 30 Back Forest Road Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 31 Bailey Drive Bootle Orrell Lane To Moss Lane Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 32 Brewster Street Bootle Bedford Road To Liverpool Boundary Footway Treatment 33 Burbobank Road South All Blundellsands Verge Treatment 34 Canning Street Waterloo All Verge Treatment 35 Coppice Leys Formby All Footway Treatment 36 Coronation Avenue Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 37 Cranfield Road Crosby All Footway Treatment 38 Cross Green Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 39 Hoggs Hill Lane Formby Altcar Lane To Ashcroft Road Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 40 Duke Street Waterloo All Church Verge Treatment 41 East Street Waterloo All Church Footway Treatment Page 36 42 Florence Nightingale Close Netherton Parking Bays End Of Cul De Sac St Oswald Footway Treatment 43 Close Bootle All Ford Footway Treatment 44 Forest Road Southport All Kew Verge Treatment 45 Grantham Close Birkdale All Birkdale Footway Treatment 46 Hawkeshead Street Southport Queens Road To Manchester Road Cambridge Footway Treatment 47 Hawside Street Southport All Dukes Footway Treatment 48 Kirkstone Road South Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment 49 Liverpool Road Lydiate Southport Road To Virginia Avenue Park Footway Treatment 50 Lowes Green Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 51 Lytham Road Southport Adjacent Cul De Sacs Cambridge Footway Treatment 52 Lytham Road Southport All Cambridge Verge Treatment 53 Lytles Close Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 54 Marshbrow / Grantham Close Formby All Harington Footway Treatment 55 Meadow Avenue Birkdale All Kew Footway Treatment 56 Melling Lane Maghull All Molyneux Footway Treatment 57 Ormsway Formby All Harington Footway Treatment 58 Palace Road Southport All Dukes Verge Treatment 59 Sandy Road Waterloo Claremont Road To Cambridge Road Church Verge Treatment 60 St James Drive Bootle All Including Peter Mahon Way Linacre Verge Treatment 61 St Mathews Avenue Litherland All Including Blenheim Avenue Litherland Verge Treatment 62 The Paddock All Ravemeols Footway Treatment 63 Tumility Avenue Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 64 Ulverston Close Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 65 Viola Street Bootle All linace Verge Treatment Passageway between Wango Lane & Taunton 66 Wango Lane Aintree Drive Molyneux Footway Treatment 67 Warwick Street Birkdale Cemetery Road To End Kew Footway Treatment 68 Chapel Lane Netherton All Park Footway Treatment 69 Chapel Walk Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 70 Chellowdene Thornton All Manor Footway Treatment 71 Coniston Road Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 72 Crowland Street Southport All Norwood Footway Treatment 73 Sussex Road Southport Larch Street To Oak Street Norwood Verge Treatment 74 Sussex Road Southport Oak Street To Lime Street Norwood Verge Treatment 75 Sussex Road Southport Lime Street To Tithebarn Road Norwood Verge Treatment 76 Albert Road Southport Leyland Road To Park Road Cambridge Verge Treatment

Page 37 77 Antonio Street Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 78 Beatrice Street Bootle All Linacre Verge Treatment 79 Bedford Road Bootle (Stanley Road to Kings Road) Derby Verge Treatment 80 Bedford Road Bootle (Stanley Road to Hawthorne Road) Derby Verge Treatment 81 Bedford Road Bootle (Hawthorne Road to Southport Road) Derby Verge Treatment 82 Benedict Street Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 83 Bianca Street Bootle All Linacre Verge Treatment 84 Butts Lane Southport All Norwood Verge Treatment 85 Chambres Road North Southport All Kew Verge Treatment

86 Clare Road Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment Agenda Item8 87 Downing Road Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 88 Duke Street Southport Lord Street To Rotten Row Kew Verge Treatment 89 Eden Vale Netherton All St Oswald Verge Treatment 90 Gonville Road Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 91 Grasmere Road Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 92 Haweswater Grove Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 93 Hero Street Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 94 Hillhead Road Bootle All Derby Footway & Verge Treatment 95 Irlam Road Bootle Marsh Lane To Globe Road Linacre Footway & Verge Treatment Agenda Item8

96 Liverpool Road North Maghull Westway To Southport Road Sudell Footway & Verge Treatment 97 Olivia Street Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 98 Orlando Street Bootle All Linacre Verge Treatment 99 Park Lane Bootle Netherton Way To Watts Lane Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 100 Quarry Road Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 101 Reeves Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 102 Riley Avenue Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 103 Riverside Hightown All Manor Footway Treatment 104 Rogers Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 105 Rutland Road Southport All Kew Verge Treatment 106 Sherbourne Avenue Netherton All St Oswald Verge Treatment 107 Sidney Road Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 108 Riversdale Road Seaforth All Church Footway Treatment 109 Belgrave Road Seaforth All Church Footway Treatment 110 Spence Avenue Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment Page 38 111 Strand Road Bootle Rimrose Road To Docks Entrance Linacre Footway Treatment 112 Ursula Street Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 113 Vaux Crescent Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 114 Vaux Place Bootle All Derby Verge Treatment 115 Wadham Road Bootle All Linacre Verge Treatment 116 William Morris Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 117 Windermere Drive Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 118 Wolfenden Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 119 Mersey Road Crosby Waverley Road To Kenilworth Road Blundellsands Verge Treatment 120 Mersey Road Crosby Kenilworth Road To Bridge Road Blundellsands Verge Treatment 121 Ashbourne Road Netherton All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 122 Barnfield Avenue Netherton All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 123 Devon Farm Way Formby All Ra Footway Treatment 124 Green Walk Ainsdale All Ainsdale Footway Treatment 125 Hawkeshead Street Southport Tithebarn Road To Cypress Road Norwood Footway Treatment 126 Hesketh Drive Southport Argyle Road To Cambridge Road Cambridge Verge Treatment 127 Hesketh Drive Southport Henley Drive To Roe Lane Cambridge Verge Treatment 128 Mawdsley Close Formby All Ra Footway Treatment 129 Norris Way Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 130 Prescot Road Melling Pear Tree Public Houde To Spurriers Lane Molyneux Footway Treatment 131 Priesthouse Close Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 132 Watling Avenue Litherland All Ford Verge Treatment 133 Whitehouse Avenue Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 134 Cambridge Road Southport Hesketh Road To Emmanual Road Meols Footway Treatment 135 Cambridge Road Southport Emmanual Road To Bibby Road Meols Footway Treatment 136 Cambridge Road Southport Bibby Road To Marshside Road Meols Footway Treatment 137 Eastbourne Road Birkdale All Birkdale Footway Treatment 138 Liverpool Road Ainsdale Pinfold Lane To Kenilworth Road Birkdale Footway Treatment 139 Liverpool Road Ainsdale Nixons Lane To Carr Lane Birkdale Footway Treatment 140 Liverpool Road Birkdale Richmond Road To Barrett Road Birkdale Verge Treatment 141 Liverpool Road Birkdale Barrett Road To Carlisle Road Birkdale Verge Treatment 142 Liverpool Road Birkdale Carlisle Road To Brighton Road Birkdale Verge Treatment 143 Liverpool Road Birkdale Brighton Road To Eastbourne Road Birkdale Verge Treatment 144 Alpha Street Litherland All Litherland Footway & Verge Treatment 145 Baucher Drive Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment 146 Beechwood Road Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment Page 39 147 Boundary Street Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 148 Cartmel Avenue Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 149 Cassio Street Bootle All Derby Footway Treatment 150 Cemetery Road Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 151 Chambres Road Southport All Kew Verge Treatment 152 Chelsea Road Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment 153 Claremont Road Birkdale All Birkdale Footway Treatment 154 Daley Place Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment 155 Dodds Lane Maghull All Sudell Verge Treatment

156 Eaton Avenue Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment Agenda Item8 157 Ennerdale Avenue Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 158 Eskdale Drive Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 159 Farmer Place Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment 160 Gardner Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 161 Guion Road Bootle All Litherland Verge Treatment 162 Hawkshead Close Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 163 Haworth Drive Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 164 Hogs Hill Lane Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 165 Lily Road Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment Agenda Item8

166 Longfield Road Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment 167 Marmion Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 168 Mildmay Road Bootle All Litherland Footway & Verge Treatment 169 Miranda Road Bootle All Linacre Verge Treatment 170 Patrick Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment 171 Penrith Crescent Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 172 Pilkington Road Southport All Kew Verge Treatment 173 Pilkington Road (Cul de Sac) Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 174 Riddock Road Litherland All Litherland Verge Treatment 175 Roberts Drive Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 176 Southbank Road Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 177 St Johns Road Birkdale All Birkdale Footway Treatment 178 Thirlmere Close Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 179 Vaughan Road Birkdale All Birkdale Footway Treatment 180 Warwick Street Southport All Kew Footway Treatment Page 40 181 Wild Place Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Footway Treatment 182 Burlington Avenue Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 183 Glenmarsh Way Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 184 Liverpool Road Birkdale Waterloo Road To Halsall Lane Birkdale Verge Treatment 185 Bury Road Southport All Birkdale Footway Treatment 186 Cumberland Road Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 187 Hampton Road Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 188 Ivy Street Southport All Kew Verge Treatment 189 Kendal Drive Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 190 Keswick Close Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 191 Langdale Drive Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 192 Linaker Street Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 193 Monks Close Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 194 Moss Lane Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 195 Northway Maghull Liverpool Road To Damfield Lane Sudell Footway Treatment 196 Patterdale Crescent Maghull All Sudell Footway Treatment 197 Scarisbrick New Road Southport Linaker Street To Hampton Road Kew Footway Treatment 198 School Lane Litherland All Ford Verge Treatment 199 Sefton Street Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 200 Southport Road Bootle Moss Lane To Northfield Road Netherton & Orrell Verge Treatment 201 St Clairs Drive Southport All Meols Verge Treatment 202 Westmoreland Road Southport All Kew Footway Treatment 203 Stephensons Way Formby All (Industrial Area) Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 204 Buckfast Drive Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 205 Cleve Way Formby All Ravenmeols Verge Treatment 206 Eastbourne Road Birkdale Liverpool Road To Kew Road Birkdale Footway Treatment 206 Eastbourne Road Birkdale Kew Road To Vaughan Road Birkdale Footway Treatment 208 Liverpool Road Ainsdale Kenilworth Road Stavely Road Ainsdale Footway Treatment 209 Palatine Road Southport All Dukes Footway Treatment 210 Romsey Avenue Formby All Ravenmeols Footway Treatment 211 Sefton Road Litherland House No 29 To School Lane Ford Footway & Verge Treatment

Page 41

Agenda Item8

Agenda Item 8



2012 2013



Page 42

Highway Maintenance Programme 2012 2013 Carriageway Resurfacing Whole Borough

Priority Street Location Section Ward Treatment Name 1 Waterloo Road Birkdale Gainsborough Road To Grosvenor Road Junction Inc Dukes Resurfacing 2 Liverpool Road South Maghull Liverpool Road North To Green Lane Park Resurfacing 3 Stuart Road Crosby Endbutt Lane To Kingsway Church Resurfacing 4 Town Lane (Kew) Southport Hospital Entrance To Pelican Xing Kew Resurfacing 5 Hastings Road Waterloo All Blundellsands Resurfacing 6 St Oswalds Lane Netherton RAB & Glovers Lane St Oswalds Resurfacing 7 Aintree Road Bootle Southport Road To Liverpool Boundary Derby Resurfacing

Page 43 8 Aintree Road Bootle Liverpool Boundary To Southport Road Derby Resurfacing 9 Shrewsbury Avenue Aintree All Molyneux Resurfacing 10 Albert Road Southport Saunders Street To Alexandra Road Cambridge Resurfacing 11 Litherland Road Bootle Marsh Lane To Waterworks Street Derby Resurfacing 12 Mersey Road Crosby Waverley Road To Kenilworth Road Blundellsands Resurfacing 13 Stephensons Way Formby All Ravenmeols Resurfacing 14 Balliol Road Bootle Stanley Road To Hawthorne Road Outer Lane Derby Resurfacing 15 Knowsley Road Bootle Stanley Road To Hornby Boulevard Linacre Resurfacing 16 Netherton Way Bootle Junction of Orrell Lane Netherton & Orrell Resurfacing

17 South Road Waterloo Railway To Mount Pleasant Church Resurfacing Agenda Item8 18 Altcar Lane Formby All Ravenmeols Resurfacing 19 Coronation Road Crosby Crosby Youth Centre To Harington Road Blundellsands Resurfacing 20 Park Lane Maghull School Lane To Park Lane Drive Sudell Resurfacing 21 Balliol Road East Bootle Hawthorne Road To Breeze Hill Outer Lane Derby Resurfacing 22 Liverpool Road North Maghull Westway To Southport Road Sudell Resurfacing 23 Brownmoor Lane Crosby Endbutt Lane To South Parade Manor Resurfacing 24 Canning Road Southport Crowland Street To Cobden Road Norwood Resurfacing Agenda Item 8



2012 2013



Page 44

Highway Maintenance Programme 2012 2013 Carriageway Micro Surfacing Treatment Whole Borough

Priority Street Location Section Ward Treatment Name 1 Marine Drive Southport Hesketh Road To Marshside Road Cambridge Micro Surfacing 2 Park Lane Maghull Douglas Drive To Park Lane Drive Sudell Micro Surfacing 3 Marine Drive Southport Marshside Road To Crossens Way Cambridge Micro Surfacing 4 Marine Drive Southport Coastal Road To Retail Park Excluding RAB Cambridge Micro Surfacing 5 Marine Drive Southport Retail Park To Marine Parade Excluding RAB Cambridge Micro Surfacing 6 Marine Drive Southport Marine Parade To Fairway Excluding RAB Cambridge Micro Surfacing

Page 45 7 Marine Drive Southport Fairway To Hesketh Road Cambridge Micro Surfacing 8 St Peters Road Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 9 Bridge Farm Drive Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 10 Murat Street Waterloo All Church Micro Surfacing 11 Rivington Close Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 12 Avondale Road Maghull All Park Micro Surfacing 13 Brendale Avenue Maghull All Park Micro Surfacing Brookland Avenue Surrounding 14 Streets Waterloo All Church Micro Surfacing 15 Hillside Road Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing Agenda Item8 16 Rookery Road Southport All Cambridge Micro Surfacing 17 Windermere Drive Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 18 The Northern Road Crosby Rosedale Avenue To Brownmoor Lane Micro Surfacing 19 The Close All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 20 Back Forest Road Southport All Kew Micro Surfacing 21 Aughton Road Southport All Dukes Micro Surfacing 22 Northway Maghull Service Road Dodds Lane To Westway Sudell Micro Surfacing 23 Coniston Road Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing Agenda Item8

24 Miranda Road Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 25 Thirlmere Close Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 26 Coastal Road Southport RAB @ Weld Road Dukes Micro Surfacing 27 Coastal Road Southport RAB @ Marine Drive Meols Micro Surfacing 28 Deansgate Lane North Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 29 Northway Maghull Service Road Dodds Lane To Ambleside Road Sudell Micro Surfacing 30 Ravenglass Avenue Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 31 Sherwood Lane Aintree All Molyneux Micro Surfacing 32 Upper Aughton Road Southport All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 33 Marine Drive Southport RAB @ Retail Park Cambridge Micro Surfacing 34 Marine Drive Southport RAB @ Marine Parade Cambridge Micro Surfacing 35 Coastal Road Southport Weld Road To Marine Drive Excluding RAB Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 36 Haweswater Grove Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing Page 46 37 Viola Street Bootle All Linacre Micro Surfacing 38 Lower Alt Road Hightown All Manor Micro Surfacing 39 St James Drive Bootle All Including Peter Mahon Way Linacre Micro Surfacing 40 The Paddock Freshfield All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 41 Warwick Street Birkdale Cemetery Road To End Kew Micro Surfacing 42 Endbutt Lane Crosby Fairfield To Moorgate Avenue Victoria Micro Surfacing 43 Fernhill Road Bootle Railway Bridge To Linacre Lane Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 44 Hoggs Hill Lane Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 45 Rafter Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 46 Vaux Crescent Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 47 Mytle Grove Southport All Include Olive Grove & Palm Grove Norwood Micro Surfacing 48 Town Lane Southport Town Lane (Kew) To Folkstone Road Kew Micro Surfacing 49 Limont Road Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 50 Aldrins Lane Netherton All St Oswald Micro Surfacing 51 Beatrice Street Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 52 Bedford Road Bootle (Stanley Road to Hawthorne Road) Derby Micro Surfacing 53 Bridges Lane Netherton All Park Micro Surfacing 54 Sefton Lane Maghull Old Racecourse Road To Bridges Lane Park Micro Surfacing

55 Bushbys Park Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 56 Caithness Drive Crosby All Victoria Micro Surfacing 57 Chellowdene Thornton All Manor Micro Surfacing 58 Cross Green Close Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 59 Edge Lane Thornton Service Road Opposite Philips Close Manor Micro Surfacing 60 Forest Road Southport All Kew Micro Surfacing 61 Hawkeshead Street Southport Queens Road To Manchester Road Cambridge Micro Surfacing 62 Hawkeshead Street Southport Manchester Road To St Lukes Road Norwood Micro Surfacing 63 Larchfield Road Thornton All Manor Micro Surfacing 64 Link Avenue Thornton All Manor Micro Surfacing 65 Radburn Road Thornton All Including Radburn Close Manor Micro Surfacing 66 Riverside Hightown All Manor Micro Surfacing 67 Riverslea Road Crosby All Blundellsands Micro Surfacing

Page 47 68 School Lane Litherland All Ford Micro Surfacing 69 Village Way Hightown All Manor Micro Surfacing 70 The Marian Way Netherton Swift Lane To St Benets Way St Oswald Micro Surfacing 71 Ashbourne Avenue Netherton All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 72 Athole Grove Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 73 Barnfield Close Netherton All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 74 Bowness Avenue Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 75 Bridge Road Crosby Devonshire Road To Holden Road Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 76 Buckfast Drive Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 77 Burlington Avenue Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing Agenda Item8 78 Cleve Way Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 79 Deyes Lane Maghull Foxhouse Lane To Kendal Drive Sudell Micro Surfacing 80 Dunster Road Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 81 Formby Fields Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 82 Heathfield Close Freshfield All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 83 Irton Road Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 84 Kirk Road Bootle All Litherland Micro Surfacing 85 Lifeboat Road Formby All harington Micro Surfacing Agenda Item8

86 Longton Drive Freshfield All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 87 Lytham Road Southport Adjacent Cul De Sacs Cambridge Micro Surfacing 88 Mersey View Crosby Holden Road To Purley Road Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 89 Monks Close Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 90 Orwell Close Formby All harington Micro Surfacing 91 Romsey Avenue Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 92 Shelley Grove Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 93 Spence Avenue Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 94 St Clairs Drive Southport All Meols Micro Surfacing 95 The Lindens Maghull All Molyneux Micro Surfacing 96 Vaux Place Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 97 Violet Road Litherland All Litherland Micro Surfacing 98 Willow Grove Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing Page 48 99 Woodend Avenue Crosby All Manor Micro Surfacing 100 Worthing Street Waterloo All Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 101 York Road Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 102 Arden Close Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 103 Barford Close Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 104 Beech Grove Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 105 Cambridge Road Blundellsands All Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 106 Coronation Avenue Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 107 Fairfield Road Ainsdale All Include Faulker Close & Berwick Avenue Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 108 Glenmarsh Way Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing 109 Green Lane Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 110 Greenford Road Ainsdale All Harington Micro Surfacing 111 Haweside Street Southport All Dukes Micro Surfacing 112 Hazel Grove Southport All Include Labernum Grove Norwood Micro Surfacing 113 Marshbrow / Grantham Close Formby All harington Micro Surfacing 114 Merton Grove Crosby Including Trinity Grove & Balliol Grove Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 115 Morven Grove Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 116 Mouthouse Close Formby All Ravemeols Micro Surfacing

117 Palatine Road Southport All Dukes Micro Surfacing 118 Park Avenue Southport All Cambridge Micro Surfacing 119 Pilkington Road Southport All Kew Micro Surfacing 120 Pine Grove Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 121 Rogers Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 122 Sherbourne Avenue Netherton All St Oswald Micro Surfacing 123 Wolfenden Avenue Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 124 Bedford Road Bootle (Hawthorne Road to Southport Road) Derby Micro Surfacing 125 Benedict Street Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 126 Chambres Road North Southport All Kew Micro Surfacing 127 Chipping Avenue Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 128 Clarence Road Birkdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 129 Coppice Leys Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing

Page 49 130 Ennerdale Road Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 131 Grasmere Road Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 132 Lethbridge Road Southport All Kew Micro Surfacing 133 North Road Southport All Meols Micro Surfacing 134 Orlando Street Bootle All Linacre Micro Surfacing 135 Weavers Lane Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 136 Morley Road Southport All Cambridge Micro Surfacing 137 Rawlinson Road / Grove Southport All Cambridge Micro Surfacing 138 Allerton Road Southport All Cambridge Micro Surfacing 139 Ettington Road Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing Agenda Item8 140 Foxhill Close Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 141 Grinstead Close Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 142 Kerslake Way Hightown All Manor Micro Surfacing 143 Agnes Road Blundellsands All Include Weld Road Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 144 Amaury Road Thornton All Including Amaury Close Manor Micro Surfacing 145 Charterhouse Drive Aintree All Molyneux Micro Surfacing 146 Hawkeshead Street Southport Tithebarn Road To Cypress Road Norwood Micro Surfacing 147 Halsall Close Crosby All Manor Micro Surfacing Agenda Item8

148 Park Lane Bootle Netherton Way To Watts Lane Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 149 Surrey Close Southport All Meols Micro Surfacing 150 Bright Street Southport All Norwood Micro Surfacing 151 Cambridge Road Bootle All Derby Micro Surfacing 152 Bianca Street Bootle All Linacre Micro Surfacing 153 Broome Road Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 154 Cobb Avenue Bootle All Litherland Micro Surfacing 155 Devonshire Road Waterloo All Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 156 Easdale Drive Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 157 Elsworth Close Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 158 Hargreaves Street Southport All Mill Street Included Kew Micro Surfacing 159 Marie Currie Avenue Netherton All St Oswald Micro Surfacing 160 Mill Close Crosby All Manor Micro Surfacing Page 50 161 Northleach Drive Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 162 Rathmore Crescent Southport All Meols Micro Surfacing 163 Ryder Crescent Birkdale All Birkdale Micro Surfacing 164 Shore Road Ainsdale All Ainsdale Micro Surfacing 165 Ward Road Blundellsands All Blundellsands Micro Surfacing 166 Southbank Road Southport All Kew Micro Surfacing 167 Daley Place Bootle All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 168 Brunel Drive Litherland All Ford Micro Surfacing 169 Captains Lane Bootle Ennerdale Drive To House No 67 Litherland Micro Surfacing 170 Firs Crescent Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 171 Foxhill Close Formby All Harington Micro Surfacing 172 Sandiways Avenue Netherton All Netherton & Orrell Micro Surfacing 173 Eaton Avenue Litherland All Litherland Micro Surfacing 174 Eskdale Drive Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 175 Highfield Park Maghull All Sudell Micro Surfacing 176 Hesketh Drive Southport Marine Drive To House No 37 Cambridge Micro Surfacing

Agenda Item 8



2012 2013



Page 51 Agenda Item8

Highway Maintenance Programme 2012 2013 Carriageway Surface Dressing Treatment Whole Borough

Priority Street Location Section Ward Treatment Name 1 Cambridge Road Southport Allerton Road To Emmanual Road Meols Surface Dressing 2 Cambridge Road Southport Bibby Road To Marshside Road Meols Surface Dressing 3 Fernhill Road Bootle Earl Road To Oxford Road Derby Surface Dressing

Page 52 4 Bailey Drive Bootle Watts Lane To Park Lane & Vice Versa Derby Surface Dressing 5 Waterloo Road Birkdale Sandon To Gainsborough Road Birkdale Surface Dressing 6 Southport Road Bootle Northfield Road To Watts Lane & Vice Versa Derby Surface Dressing 7 Folkstone Road Southport All Kew Surface Dressing 8 Southport Road Bootle Northfield Road To Hornby Road & Vice Versa Derby Surface Dressing 9 Manchester Road Southport Hawkeshead Street To Lord Street Cambridge Surface Dressing 10 Liverpool Avenue Ainsdale Liverpool Road To Green Walk Ainsdale Surface Dressing 11 Liverpool Road Ainsdale Stavely Avenue To Liverpool Avenue Ainsdale Surface Dressing 12 Waterloo Road Birkdale Liverpool Road To Sandon Road Birkdale Surface Dressing 13 Northway Maghull Liverpool Road To Damfield Lane Sudell Surface Dressing Agenda Item 8



2012 2013


Page 53 Agenda Item8

Treatment Selection AREA COMMITTEES & Crosby Linacre & Derby Formby Litherland & Ford St Oswald, Netherton &Orrell Southport Sefton East Parishes Year Blundellsands Church Manor Victoria Linacre Derby Harington Ravenmeols Litherland Ford St Oswald Netherton & Orrell Ainsdale Birkdale Cambridge Dukes Kew Meols Norwood Molyneux Park Sudell 2009 2010 Footway Reconstruction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £47,300.00 £0.00 £0.00 £29,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £115,000.00 £37,300.00 £0.00 £0.00 £45,200.00 £0.00 £60,000.00 £26,600.00 £20,000.00 £0.00 £380,900.00 Footway Surface Treatment £11,300.00 £0.00 £50,500.00 £8,400.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,400.00 £19,800.00 £15,300.00 £96,000.00 £17,700.00 £600.00 £18,800.00 £1,900.00 £15,400.00 £20,000.00 £0.00 £3,100.00 £1,500.00 £16,500.00 £24,500.00 £2,162.00 £325,862.00 Carriageway Micro Surfacing £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £9,200.00 £0.00 £9,300.00 £0.00 £0.00 £12,700.00 £3,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 £10,100.00 £12,800.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8,300.00 £8,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3,200.00 £83,600.00 Carriageway Surface Dressing £0.00 £0.00 £34,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £17,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £23,200.00 £0.00 £20,000.00 £95,400.00 Carriageway Resurfacing £23,700.00 £47,600.00 £35,800.00 £0.00 £51,400.00 £0.00 £52,800.00 £114,700.00 £119,900.00 £67,900.00 £0.00 £120,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £79,700.00 £57,900.00 £0.00 £61,400.00 £31,800.00 £85,300.00 £949,900.00 Carriageway Extended Patching £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Carriageway Major Improvements £115,500.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £57,600.00 £0.00 £72,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £20,100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £79,800.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £346,000.00 Estimated Spend Total £151,500.00 £48,600.00 £131,000.00 £8,400.00 £60,700.00 £47,300.00 £112,800.00 £164,900.00 £239,700.00 £163,900.00 £17,700.00 £145,700.00 £143,900.00 £52,000.00 £95,200.00 £20,000.00 £124,900.00 £69,300.00 £69,500.00 £127,700.00 £76,300.00 £110,662.00 £2,181,662.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Ward 6.94 2.23 6.00 0.39 2.78 2.17 5.17 7.56 10.99 7.51 0.81 6.68 6.60 2.38 4.36 0.92 5.72 3.18 3.19 5.85 3.50 5.07 100.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Area Committee 15.56 4.95 12.73 18.50 7.49 26.35 14.42

2010 2011 Footway Reconstruction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £56,350.00 £54,740.00 £0.00 £74,060.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,200.00 £0.00 £187,350.00 Footway Surface Treatment £2,500.00 £3,100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £12,600.00 £0.00 £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £16,100.00 £0.00 £2,900.00 £3,600.00 £4,800.00 £0.00 £7,700.00 £8,000.00 £16,000.00 £19,500.00 £56,000.00 £153,300.00 Carriageway Micro Surfacing £3,200.00 £5,500.00 £0.00 £10,500.00 £5,800.00 £0.00 £2,900.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £46,500.00 £0.00 £11,200.00 £0.00 £10,600.00 £0.00 £10,200.00 £4,200.00 £110,600.00 Carriageway Surface Dressing £0.00 £0.00 £38,900.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8,600.00 £0.00 £34,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £11,300.00 £19,000.00 £0.00 £6,800.00 £0.00 £0.00 £6,400.00 £0.00 £125,700.00 Carriageway Resurfacing £108,900.00 £24,000.00 £48,000.00 £15,000.00 £102,100.00 £158,000.00 £30,000.00 £0.00 £86,400.00 £16,800.00 £0.00 £46,500.00 £116,000.00 £0.00 £144,000.00 £45,000.00 £6,400.00 £42,000.00 £24,000.00 £124,100.00 £40,000.00 £179,500.00 £1,356,700.00 Carriageway Extended Patching £15,200.00 £4,400.00 £104,000.00 £28,600.00 £22,300.00 £72,800.00 £105,000.00 £38,300.00 £12,900.00 £23,500.00 £42,500.00 £34,100.00 £53,900.00 £31,100.00 £63,900.00 £43,300.00 £13,900.00 £6,100.00 £25,300.00 £18,300.00 £85,300.00 £82,700.00 £927,400.00 Carriageway Major Improvements £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £53,300.00 £69,800.00 £0.00 £70,300.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £60,400.00 £18,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £271,800.00 Estimated Spend Total £129,800.00 £37,000.00 £190,900.00 £54,100.00 £196,100.00 £309,200.00 £138,400.00 £143,300.00 £99,300.00 £40,300.00 £42,500.00 £153,050.00 £224,640.00 £34,000.00 £343,360.00 £112,100.00 £91,900.00 £80,600.00 £67,900.00 £158,400.00 £163,600.00 £322,400.00 £3,132,850.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Ward 4.14 1.18 6.09 1.73 6.26 9.87 4.42 4.57 3.17 1.29 1.36 4.89 7.17 1.09 10.96 3.58 2.93 2.57 2.17 5.06 5.22 10.29 100.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Area Committee 13.14 16.13 8.99 4.46 6.24 30.47 20.57

2011 2012 Footway Reconstruction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Footway Surface Treatment £23,500.00 £3,800.00 £24,200.00 £200.00 £3,000.00 £400.00 £3,400.00 £24,600.00 £0.00 £4,800.00 £11,700.00 £3,300.00 £400.00 £9,500.00 £0.00 £20,200.00 £4,900.00 £11,500.00 £9,300.00 £14,200.00 £5,400.00 £2,900.00 £181,200.00 Carriageway Micro Surfacing £54,600.00 £39,900.00 £51,100.00 £20,400.00 £14,800.00 £0.00 £14,100.00 £25,300.00 £13,000.00 £8,800.00 £54,900.00 £0.00 £61,700.00 £0.00 £50,900.00 £97,300.00 £55,600.00 £43,200.00 £4,400.00 £28,000.00 £11,100.00 £31,300.00 £680,400.00 Carriageway Surface Dressing £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

Page 54 Carriageway Resurfacing £96,000.00 £64,300.00 £11,900.00 £12,300.00 £85,900.00 £0.00 £51,300.00 £54,800.00 £0.00 £17,500.00 £0.00 £30,000.00 £221,700.00 £29,800.00 £94,000.00 £15,000.00 £93,100.00 £48,000.00 £0.00 £80,000.00 £35,000.00 £38,100.00 £1,078,700.00 Carriageway Extended Patching £26,600.00 £29,300.00 £30,700.00 £32,000.00 £29,700.00 £29,400.00 £29,100.00 £29,000.00 £30,700.00 £29,900.00 £32,900.00 £32,500.00 £31,200.00 £32,000.00 £31,500.00 £28,800.00 £28,300.00 £28,800.00 £31,300.00 £28,800.00 £31,300.00 £28,000.00 £661,800.00 Carriageway Major Improvements £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Estimated Spend Total £200,700.00 £137,300.00 £117,900.00 £64,900.00 £133,400.00 £29,800.00 £97,900.00 £133,700.00 £43,700.00 £61,000.00 £99,500.00 £65,800.00 £315,000.00 £71,300.00 £176,400.00 £161,300.00 £181,900.00 £131,500.00 £45,000.00 £151,000.00 £82,800.00 £100,300.00 £2,602,100.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Ward 7.71 5.28 4.53 2.49 5.13 1.15 3.76 5.14 1.68 2.34 3.82 2.53 12.11 2.74 6.78 6.20 6.99 5.05 1.73 5.80 3.18 3.85 100.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Area Committee 20.01 6.27 8.90 4.02 6.35 41.60 12.84

% Annual Budget Allocation Each Ward over 3yrs 18.80 8.69 16.63 4.61 14.17 13.18 13.35 17.27 15.84 11.14 5.99 14.09 25.87 6.21 22.10 10.69 15.65 10.80 7.08 16.71 11.90 19.22 300.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Area Committee over 3yrs 48.72 27.35 30.62 26.98 20.08 98.41 47.83

Average Spend over past 3yrs 6.27 2.90 5.54 1.54 4.72 4.39 4.45 5.76 5.28 3.71 2.00 4.70 8.62 2.07 7.37 3.56 5.22 3.60 2.36 5.57 3.97 6.41 100.00 16.24 9.12 10.21 8.99 6.69 32.80 15.94

2012 2013 Footway Reconstruction £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Footway Surface Treatment £1,000.00 £3,600.00 £4,900.00 £0.00 £400.00 £9,300.00 £2,600.00 £1,600.00 £4,500.00 £2,300.00 £2,200.00 £18,100.00 £9,600.00 £21,300.00 £6,700.00 £3,200.00 £29,800.00 £5,500.00 £11,000.00 £16,800.00 £2,100.00 £36,600.00 £193,100.00 Carriageway Micro Surfacing £52,000.00 £25,400.00 £69,100.00 £23,300.00 £27,900.00 £58,500.00 £71,800.00 £74,400.00 £19,200.00 £14,200.00 £16,600.00 £28,600.00 £117,900.00 £50,800.00 £244,120.00 £24,900.00 £102,500.00 £47,600.00 £62,400.00 £19,700.00 £32,900.00 £79,200.00 £1,263,020.00 Carriageway Surface Dressing £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £36,900.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £11,700.00 £38,700.00 £10,900.00 £0.00 £17,200.00 £27,800.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £39,600.00 £182,800.00 Carriageway Resurfacing £59,000.00 £77,700.00 £44,900.00 £0.00 £65,800.00 £131,600.00 £0.00 £197,100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £35,200.00 £16,200.00 £0.00 £0.00 £24,700.00 £0.00 £34,600.00 £0.00 £68,500.00 £0.00 £54,600.00 £125,500.00 £935,400.00 Carriageway Extended Patching £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Carriageway Major Improvements £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Estimated Spend Total £112,000.00 £106,700.00 £118,900.00 £23,300.00 £94,100.00 £236,300.00 £74,400.00 £273,100.00 £23,700.00 £16,500.00 £54,000.00 £62,900.00 £139,200.00 £110,800.00 £286,420.00 £28,100.00 £184,100.00 £80,900.00 £141,900.00 £36,500.00 £89,600.00 £280,900.00 £2,574,320.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Ward 4.35 4.14 4.62 0.91 3.66 9.18 2.89 10.61 0.92 0.64 2.10 2.44 5.41 4.30 11.13 1.09 7.15 3.14 5.51 1.42 3.48 10.91 100.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Area Committee 14.02 12.83 13.50 1.56 4.54 37.74 15.81

% Annual Budget Allocation Each Ward over 4yrs 23.15 12.83 21.25 5.51 17.82 22.36 16.24 27.88 16.76 11.78 8.09 16.54 31.28 10.51 33.23 11.79 22.80 13.95 12.59 18.13 15.38 30.13 400.00 % Annual Budget Allocation Each Area Committee over 3yrs 62.74 40.19 44.12 28.54 24.63 136.15 63.64

Average Spend over 4year Period 5.79 3.21 5.31 1.38 4.46 5.59 4.06 6.97 4.19 2.95 2.02 4.13 7.82 2.63 8.31 2.95 5.70 3.49 3.15 4.53 3.85 7.53 100.00 15.68 10.05 11.03 7.14 6.16 34.04 15.91

Agenda Item 9



Report of: Director of Built Environment Wards Affected: Sudell

Is this a Key Decision? Yes /No Is it included in the Forward Plan? Yes /No

Exempt/Confidential No


To seek approval for the progression of a Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which will prohibit parking at any time at the junction of Hunt Road with Eastway, Maghull.


It is recommended that : -

(i) A Traffic Regulation Order restricting waiting at any time at the junction of Deyes Lane and Hunt Road, Maghull be approved for implementation.

(ii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the council’s intention to implement the Order, be approved

Page 55 Agenda Item 9

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening Local √ Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs £800 - the cost of all implementation, legal and administrative procedures will be funded from within the revenue budget allocation for 2011 / 12

(B) Capital Costs None


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal None

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication YES

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated NO

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains NO

Page 56 Agenda Item 9

Impact on Service Delivery: NONE

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD1303/11) and Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD647/12) have been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?


Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee

Contact Officer: Colin Taylor, Senior Engineer Investment Programmes and Infrastructure Tel: 0151 934 4189 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

There are no background papers available for inspection.

Page 57 Agenda Item 9


1.1 A request has been received for the introduction of ‘At Any Time’ restrictions at the junction of Deyes Lane and Hunt Road, Maghull.

1.2 It is alleged that vehicles are parked at the junction during school start and finish times, therefore causing visibility problems for all vehicular road users and pedestrians at this junction.


2.1 Site surveys have revealed that parking takes place extensively at school start and finish times and vehicles have been witnessed parked on the radius kerbs of the junction.

2.2 Deyes Lane forms part of many bus routes and is a secondary emergency services access route. Deyes Lane is a predominantly residential road but houses Deyes High School, which is approximately 70 metres from the affected junction. The carriageway is 6.00 metres in width. Hunt Road is wholly residential and links Deyes Lane with Eastway. The carriageway is 6.50 metres in width.

2.3 Merseyside Fire Service carried out fire appliance surveys during school start and finish times as part of an assessment of conditions in Deyes Lane. They have reported that due to congestion in Deyes Lane queues can form in Hunt Road with traffic waiting to turn into Deyes Lane.


3.1 There has been one personal injury accident of a slight nature recorded at this location in the latest three year study period. The accident involved a 15 year old child colliding with a vehicle which had mounted the pavement.


4.1 It is proposed to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order to regulate parking to restrict parking at all times at the junction of Deyes Lane and Hunt Road as shown on the plan in Annex A.

Page 58 Agenda ItemANNEX 9A

2 18.6m



1 2 N


2 1


2 18.9m

E l 9 S 2 u


2 S 8 ta


# FS


S EW KEY M ON ILT CH Proposed ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions



Director of Built Environment PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS JAN ‘12 Date

Page 59 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 60 Agenda Item 10



Report of: Director of Built Environment Wards Affected: Sudell

Is this a Key Decision? Yes /No Is it included in the Forward Plan? Yes /No

Exempt/Confidential No


To seek approval for the progression of a Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which will prohibit parking at any time at the vehicular entrance to the Parkhaven Trust site at its junction with Deyes Lane, Maghull.


It is recommended that : -

(i) A Traffic Regulation Order restricting waiting at any time at the vehicular entrance to the Parkhaven Trust site at its junction with Deyes Lane, Maghull be approved for implementation.

(ii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the council’s intention to implement the Order, be approved

Page 61 Agenda Item 10

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening Local √ Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs £800 - the cost of all implementation, legal and administrative procedures will be funded from within the revenue budget allocation for 2011 / 12

(B) Capital Costs None


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal None

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication YES

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated NO

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains NO

Page 62 Agenda Item 10

Impact on Service Delivery: NONE

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD1304/11) and Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD650/12) have been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?


Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee

Contact Officer: Colin Taylor, Senior Engineer Investment Programmes and Infrastructure Tel: 0151 934 4189 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

There are no background papers available for inspection.

Page 63 Agenda Item 10


1.1 A request has been received for the introduction of ‘At Any Time’ restrictions at the vehicular entrance to Kyffin Taylor House and James Page home part of the Parkhaven Trust network of care homes at its junction with Deyes Lane Road, Maghull.

1.2 It is alleged that vehicles are parked at the location during school start and finish times, therefore causing visibility problems for all vehicular road users and pedestrians.


2.1 Site surveys have revealed that parking takes place extensively at school start and finish times and vehicles have been witnessed parked on the entrance to the access road into the estate itself.

2.2 Deyes Lane forms part of many bus routes and is a secondary emergency services access route. Deyes Lane is a predominantly residential road but houses Deyes High School, which is opposite the vehicular entrance in question. The carriageway of Deyes Lane is approximately 5.80 metres in width.


3.1 There has been one personal injury accident of a slight nature recorded at this location in the latest three year study period. This involved a parent dropping off a pupil at Deyes High School and the 12 year old child came into collision with a vehicle travelling along Deyes Lane.


4.1 It is proposed to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order to regulate parking to restrict parking at all times on Deyes Lane at the entrance to the Parkhaven Trust access road as shown on the plan in Annex A.

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E l 9 S 2 u b S t a


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PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS N Director of Built Environment Date JAN ‘12

Agenda Item 11 Report to: Sefton East Parishes Area Committee Date of Meeting: 26 January 2012

Subject: Proposed ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions - – Junction of Old Hall Road & Dennett Close, Maghull

Report of: Director of Built Environment Wards Affected: Sudell

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To seek approval for the implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions for junction protection at the junction of Old Hall Road & Dennett Close, Maghull.


It is recommended that: (i) The Traffic Regulation Orders to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions at the junction of Old Hall Road and Dennett Close, Maghull, as shown on the plan in Annex A, be approved for implementation.

(ii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the council’s intention to implement the Orders, be approved.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

Approval of Highway schemes and authorisation to proceed with Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Area Committees. Page 67 Agenda Item 11 What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs The progression of the necessary adverts and changes to the Traffic Regulation Order, amounting to approximately £1000, can be accommodated from the 2011/12 Traffic Management Revenue Budget.

(B) Capital Costs Nil


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication √

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: Nil

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD1301/11) has been consulted and has no comments to make as the costs involved can be met from within existing Highways budgets. The Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD646/12) has been consulted and has no comments on the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?

To refuse the request to provide ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions at the junction of Old Hall Road and Dennett Close, Maghull.

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee meeting.

Contact Officer: Paula Butt – Senior Engineer –Traffic, Investment, Programmes and Infrastructure Tel: 0151 934 4227 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

None Page 68 Agenda Item 11 1.0 Introduction

1.1 A request was received from a resident for parking restrictions to be introduced at the junction of Old Hall Road and Dennett Close, Maghull, adjacent to St. Georges Primary School.

1.2 It is alleged that vehicles are being parked indiscriminately/obstructively at school start and finish times and causing visibility problems for other road users and pedestrians.

2.0 Site Surveys/Conditions

2.1 Surveys carried out at school start/finish time have revealed that parked vehicles do present access problems for vehicles at the junction of Old Hall Road and Dennett Close. In addition, surveys revealed vehicles parking on the junction and over uncontrolled pedestrian crossing points at the junction.

2.2 Old Hall Road is located between Grosvenor/Moorhey Road to the south-east and Hall Lane to the north-west. It contains residential properties, the majority of which have off-street parking availability for one vehicle only, however it also contains pedestrian accesses to Maghull Baptist Church and St. Georges Catholic Primary School. It has a carriageway width of approximately 6.2 metres in the vicinity of the junction, has a speed limit of 30 mph and it is a bus route.

2.3 Dennett Close is a cul-de-sac located off Old Hall Road. It contains predominantly residential properties, the majority have off-street parking availability for one vehicle, however it also contains the main vehicular and pedestrian access for St. Georges Primary School. Dennett Close has a speed limit of 30 mph, and a carriageway width of approximately 5.0 metres in the vicinity of the junction with Old Hall Road.

2.4 The proposal was recently discussed at the Traffic Management Liaison Group (TMLG) where full approval was obtained.

3.0 Accident Record

3.1 There has been 1 slight recorded injury accident in the last 3 year period, within a 50 metre radius of the junction.

4.0 Summary & Proposal

3.1 In order to improve visibility at the junction of Old Hall Road and Dennett Close, it is recommended that ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions be introduced at the junction. A plan showing the proposals is shown in Annex A.

Page 69 Agenda Item 11 Annex A

Page 70 Agenda Item 12 Report to: Sefton East Parishes Area Committee Date of Meeting: 26 January 2012

Subject: Proposed ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions - – Junction of Dodd’s Lane & Moss Lane, Maghull

Report of: Director of Built Environment Wards Affected: Sudell

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To seek approval for the implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions for junction protection at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane, Maghull.


It is recommended that: (i) The Traffic Regulation Orders to introduce ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane, Maghull, as shown on the plan in Annex A, be approved for implementation.

(ii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the council’s intention to implement the Orders, be approved.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

Approval of Highway schemes and authorisation to proceed with Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Area Committees. Page 71 Agenda Item 12 What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs The progression of the necessary adverts and changes to the Traffic Regulation Order, amounting to approximately £1000, can be accommodated from the 2011/12 Traffic Management Revenue Budget.

(B) Capital Costs Nil


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication √

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: Nil

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD1306/11) has been consulted and has no comments to make as the costs involved can be met from within existing Highways budgets. The Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD651/12) has been consulted and has no comments on the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration?

To refuse the request to provide ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane, Maghull.

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee meeting.

Contact Officer: Paula Butt – Senior Engineer –Traffic, Investment, Programmes and Infrastructure Tel: 0151 934 4227 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

None Page 72 Agenda Item 12 1.0 Introduction

1.1 A request was received from a Ward Member and the Neighbourhoods section for parking restrictions to be introduced at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane, Maghull, adjacent to Northway Primary School.

1.2 It is alleged that vehicles are being parked indiscriminately/obstructively at school start and finish times and causing visibility problems for other road users and pedestrians.

2.0 Site Surveys/Conditions

2.1 Surveys carried out at school start/finish time have revealed that parked vehicles do present access problems for vehicles at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane. In addition the School Crossing Patrol confirmed that parked vehicles obstruct his visibility whilst crossing children on Dodd’s Lane, and buses were observed to have problems negotiating parked vehicles at the junction.

2.2 The section of Dodd’s Lane concerned within this report is located between Park Lane to the east and the A59, Northway to the west. It contains predominantly residential properties, the majority of which have off-street parking availability for at least one vehicle, and it also contains the main access to Northway Primary School, close to the junction with Moss Lane. It has a carriageway width of approximately 5.6 metres in the vicinity of the junction, has a speed limit of 30 mph and it is a bus route.

2.3 Moss Lane is located between Deyes Lane to the south-east and the junction with Dodd’s Lane to its north-west. It contains predominantly residential properties with off-street parking availability for at least one vehicle, however at the junction with Dodd’s Lane there is a newsagents store with some off-street parking availability for customers. Moss Lane has a speed limit of 30 mph, it has a carriageway width of approximately 5.8 metres in the vicinity of the junction and it is a bus route.

2.4 The proposal was recently discussed at the Traffic Management Liaison Group (TMLG) where full approval was obtained.

3.0 Accident Record

3.1 There have been no personal injury accidents recorded within the latest three year study period at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane.

4.0 Summary & Proposal

3.1 In order to facilitate unobstructed access for buses and vehicles at the junction of Dodd’s Lane and Moss Lane, and to improve the visibility on Dodd’s Lane for the school crossing patrol whilst crossing children, it is recommended that ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ waiting restrictions be introduced at the junction. A plan showing the proposals is shown in Annex A.

Page 73 Agenda Item 12

Page 74 Annex A

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Page 76 Agenda Item 13

Report to: Sefton East Parishes Area Committee Date of Meeting: 26 Jan 2012

Subject: Altway, Aintree – Objection to Proposed Zebra Crossing

Report of: Director of Built Environment Wards Affected: Molyneux

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To further consider an objection to the proposed Zebra Crossing on Altway, Aintree.


It is recommended that Sefton East Parishes Area Committee authorise the installation of the Zebra Crossing on Altway, Aintree, as originally proposed.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation:

Approval of Highway schemes and authorisation to proceed with Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Area Committees.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

Page 77 Agenda Item 13

(A) Revenue Costs Nil

(B) Capital Costs The anticipated cost of the refuge, amounting to approximately £17,000 will be funded from the Local Transport Plan Capital programme.


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal The relevant regulations are the Zebra,Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations and General Directions 1997

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication √

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: Nil

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD1305) has been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report. Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD648/12) has been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration? No

Implementation Date for the Decision Immediately following the Committee meeting.

Contact Officer: Steve Johnston Tel: 0151 934 4258 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Sefton East Parishes Area Committee report, dated 8 December 2012, entitled ‘Objections to proposed Zebra Crossing - Altway, Aintree’

Page 78 Agenda Item 13

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Members will recall that at its meeting on 8 December 2012, Sefton East Parishes Area Committee received a report detailing the results of the consultation regarding the proposed Zebra Crossing on Altway, Aintree. A plan showing the proposed Crossing is attached as Annex A.

1.2 The report highlighted that twelve consultation packs were hand delivered to adjoining properties and that two objections were received. Five were in favour of the scheme.

1.3 One of the objectors, who lives in Altway Court, gave no reasons for their objection.

1.4 The other objector, who lives on the northerly side of Altway, gave a number of reasons for his objection. A copy of his returned questionnaire is attached as Annex B. The objector’s name and address has been concealed for reasons of confidentiality.

1.5 Members will recall that the details of his objections were included in the previous report to this committee.

1.6 Members considered both objections, and resolved to proceed with the scheme.

2.0 Further Representation

2.1 As per the Council’s normal procedures, all adjoining property owners were notified of the start date of the works, at which point the main objector, living on the northerly side of Altway, contacted officers and Elected Members requesting that the works be stopped as he felt that his objection had not been properly considered.

2.2 During the consultation exercise, the accompanying letter stated that all objections would be reported to the next Sefton East Parishes Area Committee, which at the time of the consultation, was planned for 24 November 2011.

2.3 The objector phoned the Traffic Services Unit to confirm that he would be sending in an objection, and that he also wished to personally present his objection at the Area Committee meeting. He was informed that this was possible, during the Open Forum.

2.4 Unfortunately, due to other Council commitments, the Area Committee meeting on 24 November 2011 was cancelled and re-scheduled for 8 December 2012. Due to an oversight by officers, the date of the re-scheduled meeting was not passed on to the objector, who was then unable to personally attend to voice his objections.

Page 79 Agenda Item 13

2.5 Whilst the objector’s reasons for objecting were reproduced in the previous report, dated 8 December 2012, after being contacted by the objector, Molyneux Ward Members feel that it is only fair that the previous resolution to proceed with the Zebra Crossing be deferred until the objector has had his chance to voice his concerns personally to Members of Sefton East Parishes Area Committee.

4.0 Financial Implications

4.1 The Head of Corporate Finance and ICT comments that the financial implications of the report for the Council are that capital expenditure of £17,000 will be incurred in 2011/12 to provide a Zebra Crossing at Altway, Aintree, as indicated above, and will be financed from LTP resources that are included in the capital programme.

Page 80 Agenda Item 13

Page 81 Agenda Item 13

Page 82 Agenda Item 14

Report to: Sefton East Parishes Area Committee Date of Meeting: 26 th January 2012

Subject: Budget Monitoring Report

Report of: Director of Corporate Commissioning Wards Affected: Molyneux, Sudell, Park

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To update Sefton East Parishes Area Committee on available resources for the Area Committee area and progress to date on those items previously agreed.


That the Area Committee:

(i) note the Ward budgets for 2011/2012

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community ü

2 Jobs and Prosperity ü

3 Environmental Sustainability ü

4 Health and Well-Being ü

5 Children and Young People ü

6 Creating Safe Communities ü

7 Creating Inclusive Communities ü

8 Improving the Quality of Council ü Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Page 83 Agenda Item 14

Reasons for the Recommendation:

Report is to inform Members of their current Area Committee budget allocation.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

Area Committee budgets for 2011/12 were agreed by Cabinet and Council on 3 March 2011 as part of the Neighbourhoods Review. This report provides an update on spend within the agreed amount.

(A) Revenue Costs Paragraph 2.1 outlines the budget available in 2011/12 for the Area Committee totalling £38,388.87. Commitments in 2011/12 total £13,213 to date.

(B) Capital Costs


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:


Human Resources There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication None

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: Area Committee budgets allocations must be spent on additional services that benefit the wider the community.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when? The Head of Corporate Finance and ICT (FD1297) has been consulted and has no comments on this report

The Head of Corporate Legal Services has been consulted has no comments on this report. LD644/12.

Are there any other options available for consideration? No alternative options available

Page 84 Agenda Item 14

Implementation Date for the Decision Immediately following the Committee/Council/Working Group meeting.

Contact Officer: Janette Maxwell, Neighbourhoods Division Tel: 0151 934 3488 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Sefton East Parishes Budget Monitoring Report 17 th March 2011

1. Introduction/Background

1.1 In 2002/03 the Council allocated funds to Area Committees for expenditure on local priorities that would not otherwise be funded from Council budgets. Each Area Committee receives an amount each year and then decides how best to split it across the wards and whether or not to hold a central budget.

1.2 Sefton East Parishes Area Committee (SEPAC) split the overall budget so that 80% is for the Parish and Town Councils to allocate and 20% for the SEPAC area split equally across the three wards. There is also an amount per ward for litter bins.

2. Current Budget Position

2.1 The following sets out the 2011/2012 budget and the amounts available to spend in each area as per the current arrangements, as well as commitments made in this year. The amount for street name plates and litter bins has been incorporated within budget amount available.

Balance 2011/12 2011/12 2011/12 Balance b/f Budget Available Commitments Available £ £ £ £ £

Wards Molyneux -65.00 3,324.00 3,259.00 1,812.00 1,447.00 Park 498.53 3,324.00 3,822.53 190.00 3,632.53 Sudell 2,028.34 3,324.00 5,352.34 1,320.00 4,032.34

Area Aintree 0.00 3,860.00 3,860.00 0.00 3,860.00 Lydiate 0.00 3,610.00 3,610.00 0.00 3,610.00 Maghull 3,215.00 12,035.00 15,250.00 6,656.00 8,594.00 Melling 1,540.00 1,520.00 3,060.00 3,060.00 0.00 Sefton 0.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 0.00 SEPAC Total 7,216.87 31,172.00 38,388.87 13,213.00 25,175.87

NB Melling Area b/f figure £500 higher due to an underspend in 2010/11

Page 85 Agenda Item 14

For information only – Allocations made during 2011/12 :

Molyneux Ward Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status 1 Contribution to Smartwater 23/06/11 355.00 Complete Contribution to 14 bollards outside Holy Rosary 2 23/06/11 1,112.00 Ongoing Primary School. 3 Replacement street sign - Brenka Avenue, Aintree 29/09/11 120.00 Ongoing Contribution towards additional cleansing over 4 29/09/11 140.00 Ongoing bonfire period Replacement street sign - Beaumont Drive outside 5 07/07/11 85.00 Ongoing No. 32 1,812.00

Sudell Ward Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status Replacement litterbin at canal entrance on Hall 1 13/06/11 380.00 Complete Lane 2 2 x street signs Taylors Lane, junction Hall Lane 15/06/11 180.00 Complete 3 Replacement litterbin at Tree View Court 11/08/11 380.00 Complete Contribution towards additional cleansing over 4 29/09/11 140.00 Ongoing bonfire period Street Signs - Kennessee Close junction with 5 24/08/11 120.00 Ongoing Tailors Lane Street Signs - Foxhouse Lane junction with Deyes 6 24/08/11 120.00 Ongoing Lane 1,320.00

Park Ward Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status Contribution towards additional cleansing over 1 29/09/11 140.00 Ongoing bonfire period Relocating litterbin from bus shelter on Southport 2 18/10/11 50.00 Complete Road to outside the Londis on Moss Lane 190.00

Page 86 Agenda Item 14

Maghull Area Budget Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status 50% contribution towards 2 vehicle actuated signs 1 23/06/11 5,307.00 Ongoing on Liverpool Road South Contribution towards firework display - agreed to 29/09/11 1,349.00 Complete pay shortfall 6,656.00

Sefton Area Budget Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status 1 Contribution towards St Helen's Well sign 29/09/11 175.00 Complete 175.00

Melling Area Budget Date Action 2011/12 Commitments Cost £ Approved Status Contribution towards the provision of a vehicle 1 08/12/11 3,060.00 Complete activated sign on Waddicar Lane 3,060.00


That the Area Committee:

(i) note the ward budgets for 2011/2012

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