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County-Level Surveillance of White-Tailed Deer Infestation by Ixodes scapularis and albipictus (: ) Along the Illinois River

M. Roberto Cortinas University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

Uriel Kitron University of Illinois

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Cortinas, M. Roberto and Kitron, Uriel, "County-Level Surveillance of White-Tailed Deer Infestation by Ixodes scapularis and Dermacentor albipictus (Acari: Ixodidae) Along the Illinois River" (2006). Faculty Publications: Department of Entomology. 237.

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Department of Pathobiology, University of Illinois, 2001 S. Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61802

J. Med. Entomol. 43(5): 810Ð819 (2006) ABSTRACT From 1998 to 2003, 4,935 hunter-killed deer in northern and central Illinois were examined for ; 4,066 blacklegged ticks, Ixodes scapularis Say, and 6,530 winter ticks, Dermacentor albipictus (Packard) (Acari: Ixodidae), were collected. I. scapularis was the predominant species in the northern portion of the study area, with a decreasing north-to-south prevalence gradient. In contrast, D. albipictus was more common in the south with a decreasing south-to-north prevalence gradient. Compared with previous studies, the geographic range for both species expanded into the central portion of the Illinois River. Prevalence and intensity of both tick species were greater on bucks, and infested bucks were geographically more widespread than infested does and fawns. These Þndings indicate that blacklegged tick and winter tick distributions remain dynamic in the north central United States

KEY WORDS Ixodes scapularis, Dermacentor albipictus, white-tailed deer, Illinois, establishment

Although practically extinct in Illinois at the turn of Paskewitz 1996), and Minnesota (Drew et al. 1988, the 20th century (Nixon et al. 1991), the white-tailed Weisbrod and Johnson 1989). I. scapularis was discov- deer, Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann, recovered ered in the late 1980s in northern Illinois (Bouseman due to highly successful conservation efforts. Unfor- et al. 1990), and new foci were detected during the tunately, the emergence of the blacklegged tick, Ix- 1990s as the geographic distribution of the blacklegged odes scapularis Say, seems to be a consequence of deer tick expanded in the northern portion of the state population recovery throughout the eastern United (Guerra 2000, Cortinas et al. 2002). Usually, foci have States (Spielman 1988). Deer are the principal hosts been found associated with forested riparian corridors for adult I. scapularis (Piesman et al. 1979, Piesman (Bouseman et al. 1990, Kitron et al. 1991). 2002); tick abundance is positively correlated with Here, we summarize hunter-killed deer infestation deer density (Wilson et al. 1985, 1990; Rand et al. data collected between 1998 and 2003 from the Rock 2003), and the removal of deer (through exclusion or and Illinois rivers. Examining hunter-killed deer is an elimination) results in dramatic reductions in imma- efÞcient and relatively inexpensive way of assessing ture I. scapularis populations (Wilson et al. 1988, tick distribution over large areas (French et al. 1992, Daniels et al. 1993, Deblinger et al. 1993, Stafford Rand et al. 2003) and of examining geographic range 1993). The one-host winter tick, Dermacentor albipic- expansion over time (Rand et al. 2003). Our study tus (Packard), also has probably beneÞted from deer focused on the Illinois River because I. scapularis foci population recovery, particularly in areas such as Il- linois where deer are the sole wild ungulates and as a were found on the northern part of the river by 1998 result, the tickÕs principal host (Demarais et al. 1987; (Kankakee, Will, and La Salle counties), and an Samuel and Welch 1991; Welch et al. 1991; Kollars et I. scapularis habitat suitability model (Guerra et al. al. 1997, 2000). 2002) predicted that suitable forested habitat was In the north central United States, I. scapularis was present along the entire length of the river. Forests are Ϸ Þrst detected in northwestern Wisconsin in 1968 relatively continuous along the 450-km length of the (Jackson and DeFoliart 1970) and in subsequent years, river, providing a corridor for dispersal and the tick was found throughout Wisconsin (Godsey et migration, and possibly a conduit for the spread of al. 1987, French et al. 1992, French 1995, Riehle and blacklegged ticks. Our objectives were to describe the geographic distribution of adult I. scapularis and D. albipictus on The contents of this article are solely the responsibility of the white-tailed deer, and, for I. scapularis, to compare our authors and do not necessarily represent the ofÞcial views of NCRR or NIH. Þndings to surveys that were conducted in the late 1 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. 1980s (Bouseman et al. 1990).

0022-2585/06/0810Ð0819$04.00/0 ᭧ 2006 Entomological Society of America September 2006 CORTINAS AND KITRON: I. scapularis AND D. albipictus ON ILLINOIS WHITE-TAILED DEER 811

Fig. 1. Map of the study area. Harvest counties where 30 or more deer were examined in at least one of the 5 yr of the study are shown in white.

Materials and Methods (20Ð21 November 1998; 19Ð20 November 1999; 17Ð18 Study Area. The study was conducted in northern November 2000; 16Ð17 November 2001; 22Ð23 No- and central Illinois from 1998 to 2003 (Fig. 1). Most of vember 2002; and 21Ð22 November 2003). During this the state is intensively farmed for corn, Zea mays L., period, adult I. scapularis are actively host seeking and soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., production, cre- (Bouseman et al. 1990), but it is unknown whether the ating extreme annual vegetative variation in the land- season coincides with peak adult I. scapularis activity. scape. After the fall harvest, areas of high biomass and In Illinois, hunters are required to bring harvested shaded cover for white-tailed deer are drastically deer to any county check station on the day the deer transformed into fallow Þelds with no refugia. Another was killed. In total, 20 county check stations were result of the intense agricultural pressure has been the visited, and we examined deer from 37 counties. The development of forests that are either small, patchy Ogle County station (in Castle Rock State Park, the woodlots or greenbelts associated with rivers, creeks, Þrst described tick focus in Illinois (Bouseman et al. or drainage canals. 1990, Kitron et al. 1991) was visited every year. The County Deer Check Stations. We visited check sta- remaining 19 check stations (Will, Kankakee, Grundy, tions on the Þrst weekend of the Þrearm hunting La Salle, Bureau, Putnam, Marshall, Peoria, Woodford, season, usually the third weekend in November Tazewell, Fulton, Mason, Schuyler, Brown, Cass, Mor- 812 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 43, no. 5 gan, Scott, Pike, and Calhoun) were located near the contrast Ogle County I. scapularis prevalence to other Illinois River, and although several of these stations county prevalence measures. Linear trends in preva- were revisited during the study, due to occasional staff lence were analyzed using the Armitage method for shortages we were not able to visit all stations every linear trends among proportions (Zar 1999). year. The expected proportion of deer coinfested by Hunter Survey and Tick Collections. Hunters were I. scapularis and D. albipictus was derived from the asked when they shot their deer and whether they product of both prevalence measures (French et al. could approximate on a 1:150,000 scale street and to- 1992). The binomial test (SPSS Inc. 2004) was used to pography map where the deer was harvested. Infor- compare the overall expected and observed preva- mation on deer age and sex was collected and re- lences, and the Wilcoxon signed rank (WSR) test corded. We used a deer examination technique similar (SPSS Inc. 2004) was used to compare annual ob- to that described by Gill et al. (1993). Because the served prevalence to the expected measure between head and neck are the primary sites of tick adult tick bucks and does and fawns. The WSR test was also used attachment (Watson and Anderson 1976), deer were to compare I. scapularis intensity to D. albipictus in- inspected from the top of the head, just rostral to the tensity and to compare male I. scapularis density to ear, posteriorly to the scapula, and from the ventral female I. scapularis density. midline to the dorsal midline of the neck. Only one Because of small sample size random effects, we side of the neck was inspected. Although this tech- used a conservative approach whereby annual com- nique probably decreased accuracy and sensitivity, parative analyses between harvest counties were only we used this method for two reasons. First, deer in- conducted for counties where 30 or more deer were spection was carried out after the required check-in examined. procedure, and hunters were generally anxious to leave. By prioritizing the head and neck, we kept our Results examination time brief. Second, we standardized the examination to reduce examiner bias and to allow Deer. From 1998 to 2003, we inspected 4,935 hunt- spatial and temporal infestation comparisons. We set er-killed deer in the study area. Deer sex was re- a goal of examining at least 50 deer per county check corded for 3,805 deer, and a 2:1 ratio of males to station (100, if possible), but we were not always able females (2,545 males to 1,260 females) was observed. to reach the goal in all counties. Ticks were collected Deer age was recorded for 4,659 deer, of which 3,958 and placed live in a vial containing a slightly moistened were adults compared with 701 fawns. Both age and cotton ball and kept at 4ЊC until further analysis. In the sex of 3,701 deer were recorded during the study. The laboratory, ticks were identiÞed to species, sex, and proportion of fawns within each sex was comparable; stage of development, and the data were recorded for 15.8% of females and 14.8% of males. Within each age each deer. group, the proportion of males was similar: 66.9% of Spatial Analysis. County line maps (ISGS 1998) and adults and 65.2% of fawns. land cover maps (Luman et al. 1996) were acquired Tick Infestation. We identiÞed 4,066 I. scapularis from the Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data adults and 6,530 D. albipictus larvae, nymphs, and Clearinghouse. Map locations indicating where deer adults. More than 35% of deer were infested with at were shot were digitized into a geographic informa- least one tick; 17.1% with I. scapularis, 23.0% with tion system (ArcMap, ESRI, Redlands, CA) by using D. albipictus, and 4.5% simultaneously by both tick a street overlay for the state of Illinois (IDNR 1994). species, slightly yet signiÞcantly greater than the ex- The data were projected in Universal Transverse Mer- pected coinfestation prevalence of 3.9% (binomial cator Zone 16 N. Deer attribute data were entered into test: observed proportion, 0.955; test proportion, 0.961; Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) and then P Ͻ 0.05). I. scapularis intensity was slightly less but joined with the location data in ArcMap. not signiÞcantly different from D. albipictus intensity; Data Analysis. Deer data were grouped by harvest 5.0 I. scapularis per infested deer compared with 5.8 counties and by year. Prevalence (proportion of in- D. albipictus per infested deer (WSR: Z ϭϪ0.930, P ϭ fested deer) and intensity (number of ticks per in- 0.1). fested deer) were calculated for I. scapularis, D. al- In the northern portion of the study area, I. scapu- bipictus, and coinfestation with both tick species. laris was the predominant tick found on deer (Fig. 2). I. scapularis density (number of ticks per deer) by sex Of the 909 ticks collected in Ogle, all but two were and the average proportion of male ticks among identiÞed as I. scapularis. Similar Þndings were ob- I. scapularis infested deer were calculated. served in Lee, Will, Kankakee, Grundy, and La Salle KruskalÐWallis (KW) H test (SPSS Inc. 2004), the counties, where 741 of 746 ticks were I. scapularis nonparametric analog of one-way analysis of variance (Fig. 2). Correspondingly, a north-to-south gradient (ANOVA) was used to examine for differences in was observed for I. scapularis prevalence, with the I. scapularis and D. albipictus prevalence and intensity. highest values in the northern part of the study area Nonparametric analyses contrasting infestation mea- and the lowest in the southern portion (Fig. 3A). sures between bucks and other deer used MannÐWhit- Annual I. scapularis prevalence varied signiÞcantly ney U-test (MW) (SPSS Inc. 2004). Multiple compar- among counties every year of the study (KW 1998: ison testing of proportions using a procedure based on ␹2 ϭ 32.7, P Յ 0.05; 1999: ␹2 ϭ 65.4, P Յ 0.05; 2000: ␹2 a modiÞed DunnettÕs test (Zar 1999) was used to ϭ 77.7, P Յ 0.05; 2001: ␹2 ϭ 154.9, P Յ 0.05; 2002: ␹2 ϭ September 2006 CORTINAS AND KITRON: I. scapularis AND D. albipictus ON ILLINOIS WHITE-TAILED DEER 813

Fig. 2. Total number and relative percentage of I. scapularis (black portion of bar and bottom label) and D. albipictus (white portion and top label) collected from white-tailed deer by harvest county. Except for Ogle County, counties are arranged on the bottom axis relative to their location on the Illinois River (counties on the left are closer to the headwaters; counties on the right are nearer to the conßuence with the Mississippi River).

84.3, P Յ 0.05; and 2003: ␹2 ϭ 172.3, P Յ 0.05), but 13.1, P Յ 0.05), and Fulton (KW: ␹2 ϭ 7.7, P Յ 0.05). intensity varied signiÞcantly only in 2001 (KW 1998: ␹2 Peak intensity levels occurred in the Þrst two counties ϭ 9.0, P Ͼ 0.05; 1999: ␹2 ϭ 5.1, P Ͼ 0.05; 2000: ␹2 ϭ 14.1, in 2001, but intensity in Fulton County peaked in 2003 P Ͼ 0.05; 2001: ␹2 ϭ 36.1, P Յ 0.05; 2002: ␹2 ϭ 20.1, P Ͼ (Fig. 4A). SigniÞcant variation in annual prevalence 0.05; and 2003: ␹2 ϭ 15.1, P Ͼ 0.05). In general, during was observed in seven counties: Ogle (KW: ␹2 ϭ 12.2, the Þrst 2 yr of the study, I. scapularis prevalence in P Յ 0.05), Kankakee (KW: ␹2 ϭ 8.3, P Յ 0.05), Putnam Ogle County was signiÞcantly greater compared with (KW: ␹2 ϭ 24.0, P Յ 0.05), Marshall (KW: ␹2 ϭ 22.1, counties on the Illinois River (DunnettÕs multiple P Յ 0.05), Peoria (KW: ␹2 ϭ 26.4, P Յ 0.05), Woodford comparison for proportions [DMCP], 1998: (KW: ␹2 ϭ 4.2, P Յ 0.05), and Fulton (KW: ␹2 ϭ 8.0, Kankakee, q ϭ 3.41, P Յ 0.05; Will, q ϭ 2.75, P Յ 0.05; P Յ 0.05). A signiÞcant increasing linear trend in Grundy, q ϭ 3.27, P Յ 0.05; La Salle, q ϭ 4.84, P Յ 0.05; annual prevalence was observed in Fulton County and 1999: Kankakee, q ϭ 3.18, P Յ 0.05; Will, q ϭ 1.41, (Armitage method for linear trends among propor- P Ͼ 0.05; Putnam, q ϭ 2.62, P Յ 0.05; Marshall, q ϭ 5.22, tions: ␹2 ϭ 8.03, P Ͻ 0.05; ␹2 for linear trend ϭ 7. 8, P Ͻ P Յ 0.05; Peoria, q ϭ 4.11, P Յ 0.05), but in the Þnal 0.01; and ␹2 for departure from linear trend ϭ 0.21, P Ͼ 2 yr of the study, the proportion of infested deer in 0.5). northern and central Illinois River counties was not Almost one-quarter of bucks were infested with signiÞcantly different from that in Ogle (DMCP, 2002: I. scapularis, signiÞcantly greater than the 7% infesta- Grundy, q ϭϪ1.73, P Ͼ 0.05; La Salle, q ϭ 0.162, P Ͼ tion rate observed for does and fawns (MW: Z ϭ 13.7, 0.05; Bureau, q ϭ 0.296, P Ͼ 0.05; Putnam, q ϭϪ1.28, P Յ 0.05). Intensity and prevalence were greater for P Ͼ 0.05; Marshall, q ϭϪ0.013, P Ͼ 0.05; Peoria, q ϭ bucks in most counties where I. scapularis-infested Ϫ2.32, P Ͼ 0.05; Tazewell, q ϭ 1.64, P Ͼ 0.05; Wood- deer were found, and in several cases, signiÞcant an- ford, q ϭϪ0.144, p Ͼ 0.05; Fulton, q ϭϪ0.190, P Ͼ nual and overall differences were observed (MW: 0.05; Schuyler, q ϭ 2.58, p Ͼ 0.05; Cass, q ϭ 3.42, P Յ Bucks versus does and fawns: all years combined: prev- 0.05; Brown, q ϭ 4.99, P Յ 0.05; and 2003: La Salle, q ϭ alence: Ogle Z ϭ 4.33, Grundy Z ϭ 1.99, La Salle Z ϭ 1.64, P Ͼ 0.05; Putnam, q ϭϪ1.96, P Ͼ 0.05; Peoria, q ϭ 2.60, Bureau Z ϭ 6.306, Putnam Z ϭ 6.75, Marshall Z ϭ Ϫ0.041, P Ͼ 0.05; Fulton, q ϭϪ0.150, P Ͼ 0.05; 4.92, Peoria Z ϭ 6.53, Woodford Z ϭ 2.38, Tazewell Schuyler, q ϭ 3.00, P Յ 0.05; Cass, q ϭ 6.12, P Յ 0.05; Z ϭ 2.58, and Fulton Z ϭ 5.24; P Յ 0.05; and intensity: Brown, q ϭ 5.86, P Յ 0.05; Morgan, q ϭ 5.58, P Յ 0.05; Ogle Z ϭ 3.40, La Salle Z ϭ 2.35, and Putnam Z ϭ 3.95, Scott, q ϭ 5.33, P Յ 0.05; Pike, q ϭ 6.23, P Յ 0.05). Peoria Z ϭ 3.29, Fulton Z ϭ 2.25; P Յ 0.05). In addition, Annual intensity demonstrated signiÞcant variation compared with infested does and fawns, I. scapularis- in Bureau (KW: ␹2 ϭ 7.8, P Յ 0.05), Peoria (KW: ␹2 ϭ infested bucks were found further south. 1 J 814 UNLOF OURNAL M EDICAL E NTOMOLOGY o.4,n.5 no. 43, Vol.

Fig. 3. (A and B) Mean annual prevalence (percentage of infested deer per deer examined) of I. scapularis (A) and D. albipictus (B) by harvest county. Only data for years when 30 or more deer were examined are shown on the Þgures. etme 06C 2006 September RIA AND ORTINAS K ITRON : I . scapularis AND D . albipictus ON I LLINOIS W HITE -T AILED D EER

Fig. 4. (A and B) Mean annual intensity (number of ticks per infested deer) of I. scapularis (A) and D. albipictus (B) by harvest county. Data for years when Ͻ30 deer were examined are not shown. 815 816 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 43, no. 5

I. scapularis sex was determined for 3,979 I. scapu- Table 1. Within-harvest county comparisons of observed and laris, of which 2,434 were males resulting in a male- expected coinfestation prevalence to-female sex ratio of 1.6:1. We determined the sex of Observed Expected County P valuea 2,595 ticks collected from bucks and 256 from does and prevalence prevalence fawns. Male I. scapularis density was signiÞcantly Ogle 0.002 0.001 NSb greater than female I. scapularis density (3.6 male Kankakee 0 0 Ñ I. scapularis versus 2.0 female I. scapularis) on infested Will 0 0.001 NS bucks (WSR: Z ϭ 11.9, P Յ 0.05), but no signiÞcant Grundy 0.006 0.002 NS difference was observed for infested does and fawns La Salle 0.002 0.001 NS ϭ Ͼ Bureau 0.069 0.018 Ͻ0.0001 (1.2 males versus 1.3 females; WSR: Z 1.01, P 0.05). Putnam 0.078 0.035 Ͻ0.001 Male I. scapularis proportion, male I. scapularis den- Marshall 0.076 0.029 Ͻ0.0001 sity, and female I. scapularis density were all signiÞ- Peoria 0.117 0.058 Ͻ0.0001 cantly greater for bucks (MW: Z ϭ 4.45, Z ϭ 14.9, Z ϭ Woodford 0.050 0.020 Ͻ0.05 Յ Tazewell 0.048 0.023 Ͻ0.05 11.7; P 0.05). Fulton 0.148 0.100 Ͻ0.01 As with I. scapularis, a geographic gradient was ob- Mason 0 0.011 NS served for D. albipictus numbers and prevalence; how- Schuyler 0.058 0.024 Ͻ0.05 ever, the direction of the gradient was opposite to Cass 0.011 0.007 NS Brown 0.004 0.003 NS that observed for I. scapularis (Figs. 2, 3B). More than Morgan 0.011 0.005 NS 50% of the deer examined from Fulton and Mason Pike 0 0 counties south to Calhoun County were infested by at Scott 0 0 least one D. albipictus, whereas overall D. albipictus Calhoun 0 0 prevalence north and east of Marshall County was a Ϸ Binomial test. 3%. Annual D. albipictus prevalence varied signiÞ- b Not signiÞcant; P Ͼ 0.05. cantly across counties (KW: ␹2 ϭ 1345.7, P Յ 0.05) and within several counties where at least 30 deer were examined (KW: Marshall ␹2 ϭ 19.4, Peoria ␹2 ϭ 46.9, were Þrst found in northwestern Illinois (Jo Daviess Fulton ␹2 ϭ 7.2, Schuyler ␹2 ϭ 10.7, Brown ␹2 ϭ 15.4; County), and no infested deer were reported from P Յ 0.05). A signiÞcant increasing linear trend was three counties near the Illinois River (Kankakee, observed in Peoria (Armitage method for linear trends Livingston, and Schuyler). A broader survey in 1988 among proportions: ␹2 ϭ 47.0, P Ͻ 0.001; ␹2 for linear yielded 27.1 and 37.5% prevalence in Ogle and Rock trend ϭ 45.6, P Ͻ 0.001; and ␹2 for departure from Island counties, respectively. Near the Illinois River, a linear trend ϭ 1.42, P Ͼ 0.5). Annual county intensities single deer of 53 was infested in Knox County, and were generally greater in the lower portion of the river one I. scapularis was recovered from one of eight (Fig. 4B), and overall D. albipictus intensity was high- deer examined in Putnam County (Bouseman et al. est in Schuyler, Calhoun, and Pike counties. 1990). Deer inspections in other Illinois River counties As was observed with I. scapularis infestation, D. yielded no I. scapularis (Will, Kendall, Grundy, La albipictus prevalence and intensity were signiÞcantly Salle, Marshall, Woodford, Tazewell, Mason, Schuyler, higher for bucks. Prevalence was 39.3% for bucks and Cass, Adams, and Pike) (Bouseman et al. 1990). 9.3% for does and fawns (MW: Z ϭ 20.7, P Յ 0.05), Our results are consistent with the historical geo- whereas intensity was 6.8 for bucks and 2.2 for does graphical pattern of both speciesÑdeer infestation and fawns (MW: Z ϭ 11.3, P Յ 0.05). Moreover, in the was greatest with I. scapularis in the north and with northern counties where only a few D. albipictus were D. albipictus in the south. Both speciesÕ geographic found during the course of the study, they were found ranges expanded and overlapped along the Illinois exclusively on bucks. River; Ixodes scapularis-infested deer were found in all Coinfestation prevalence was usually greater than but two of the 1988 deer survey counties (Adams and expected where both species were found, although Pike), and winter ticks were discovered in counties signiÞcance was more likely in the central portion of near the 1986 epizootic (Fulton, McDonough, Adams, the study area (Table 1). Buck coinfestation was the Schuyler, and Brown). Furthermore, annual I. scapu- basis for these Þndings, because bucks were signiÞ- laris prevalence in several Illinois River counties was cantly more likely to be coinfested (8.3% compared signiÞcantly higher than in Ogle County, which his- with 0.6% for does and fawns; MW: Z ϭ 10.2, P Յ 0.05). torically has had the highest I. scapularis tick activity in the state. Compared with several sites in Wisconsin (French Discussion 1995, Riehle and Paskewitz 1996) and Minnesota (Gill In 1986, an epizootic of bovine anaplasmosis (A. et al. 1993), I. scapularis prevalence and intensity were caudatum) occurred in an Adams County ranch, likely lower in our study area. A possible explanation may lie due to the introduction of infected cattle from Fulton in the quality and availability of tick habitat in the area. County (Smith et al. 1989). D. albipictus was excluded An I. scapularis habitat suitability model developed as a vector, because it had not been found in the areas using Wisconsin and northern Illinois tick, vegetation, where the outbreak either originated or occurred, and environmental data (Guerra et al. 2002) demon- although foci were known in southern Illinois (Smith strated that I. scapularis presence was more probable et al. 1989). The next year, I. scapularis-infested deer in areas with deciduous forests, fertile soils (e.g., September 2006 CORTINAS AND KITRON: I. scapularis AND D. albipictus ON ILLINOIS WHITE-TAILED DEER 817 alÞsols), sandy soil texture, and sedimentary bedrock, greater infestation, bucks may be sensitive indicators whereas grasslands, coniferous forests, acidic soils of low-density tick populations and important long- (e.g., spodosols), clay soil texture, and Precambrian distance dispersal hosts. bedrock were negatively associated with tick pres- Based on previous investigations and our current ence. When we applied the model to central Illinois, Þndings, we speculate that the primary source of most deciduous forests paralleling the Illinois River blacklegged ticks was the Rock River corridor and were less suitable to their northern counterparts due ultimately, Wisconsin. Southerly expansion of the geo- to clay soils and Precambrian bedrock substrate graphic distribution, compared with easterly estab- (M.R.C., unpublished data). lishment, was more efÞcient in Wisconsin (Riehle and Another possibility for the low infestation numbers Paskewitz 1996), and in Illinois where the tick was Þrst may be that the deer surveys occurred after peak found in northwestern and north central counties autumnal I. scapularis activity, as suggested by the (Bouseman et al. 1990). Ticks in the extreme north- male-to-female tick ratio. Because female ticks drop eastern portion of the Illinois River may have origi- off after mating and feeding, but male ticks remain on nated from a focus in northwestern Indiana (Pinger the host for further copulations (Oliver 1989, Yuval et and Glancy 1989), but infested deer were Þrst dem- al. 1990), as the number of questing adults decreases, onstrated on the Illinois River in Putnam County the ratio of males to females on the host increases (Bouseman et al. 1990), the closest point between the (Main et al. 1981). Our ratio of 1.6 males to one female Illinois and Rock rivers (Fig. 1). Putnam and nearby tick was similar to that reported by Yuval and Spielman counties also had some of the highest I. scapularis (1990) (1.7M:1F) and by Kitron et al. (1991) (1.6M: prevalence and intensity measurements, perhaps a 1F), and the actual ratio was likely greater because partial outcome of long-established tick populations. male ticks are more easily overlooked than females. Our Þndings demonstrate that I. scapularis as well as Finally, because our examinations were limited, prev- D. albipictus continue to expand their geographic alence and intensity were underestimated. range in the north central United States. We anticipate A consequence of low I. scapularis intensities is that that population genetic studies using polymorphic ge- signiÞcant variation among and within counties was netic markers will shed some light on the geographic not readily observed. However, intensity varied sig- origin of I. scapularis in Illinois and in the region. niÞcantly across the study area in 2001, when tem- peratures were remarkably warmer than normal (record warmest November in Illinois; average No- Acknowledgments vember temperature across the study area was 5ЊC We acknowledge all of the veterinary, graduate, and un- above normal NCDC 2002a,b). Intensity was also sig- dergraduate students that participated on our annual deer niÞcantly higher in 2001 for Peoria and Bureau coun- surveys, particularly Jill Windy, Kelly Ballinger, Laurie Hes- ties. Warmer temperatures may have increased quest- ter, Tracey Siegle, Mary Buelow, Jessica Hankins, Marta ing tick activity and deerÐtick encounters (Daniels et Guerra, Karen Solis, Mary Lancaster, Anna Schotthoefer, al. 1989, Mount et al. 1997), resulting in higher and Julie Clennon, Samantha Elmore, Evelin Grijalva, Cathy Pan- more variable intensities. In Fulton County, annual ozzo, Ray Eckenstein, and Brian Houser. We also acknowl- intensity was signiÞcantly greater in 2003, and a sig- edge John Kube and Ed Zwicker of the Illinois Department niÞcant increasing linear trend in annual prevalence of Natural Resources as well as all of the hunters that gra- was observed. Although average temperature in the ciously allowed us to inspect deer for ticks. Many thanks to Carl Jones, Alessandro Mannelli, and Robert Smith for con- study area was slightly higher than normal in Novem- structive comments. This project was supported by Coop- ber 2003 (NCDC 2003), these data suggest that erative Agreement U50/CCU510303 from the Centers for I. scapularis population in Fulton increased during the Disease Control and Prevention. The project described was course of the study. supported by Grant 1C1 C06 RR16515-01 from the National The observation that bucks were signiÞcantly more Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the infested by both tick species was in agreement with National Institutes of Health (NIH). previous studies (Main et al. 1981, French et al. 1992, Kitron et al. 1992, Amerasinghe et al. 1993, Kollars et al. 1997). In addition, infested bucks were more wide- References Cited spread across the study area. At the margins of their Amerasinghe, F. P., N. L. Breisch, K. Neidhart, B. 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