mod jk version 1.2.32 download ® Use the links below to download the Apache Tomcat ® Connectors software from one of our mirrors. You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directory. Only current recommended releases are available on the main distribution site and its mirrors. Older releases and the historical mod_jk2 are available from the archive download site. Choose a Mirror. You are currently using . If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (at the end of the mirrors list) that should be available. Tomcat Connectors JK 1.2. For more information concerning Tomcat Connectors (mod_jk), see the Tomcat Connectors (mod_jk) site. JK 1.2.48 Source Release tar.gz (e.g. Unix, Linux, Mac OS) [PGP], [SHA512] [PGP], [SHA512] tomcat-connectors-1.2.48-src.* is signed by Mark Thomas ( 2F6059E7 ). Verify the Integrity of the Files. You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files. We provide OpenPGP signatures for every release file. This signature should be matched against the KEYS file which contains the OpenPGP keys of Tomcat's Release Managers. We also provide SHA512 checksums for every release file. After you download the file, you should calculate a checksum for your download, and make sure it is the same as ours. Mod_jk mod_jk version 1.2.32 download. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Cloudflare Ray ID: 66a707e959fbcb04 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Configure Apache HTTPd. Download the appropriate mod_jk for your platform from the Tomcat web site. For this particular example rename it to and copy it into the \modules directory. Download and extract the from the Apache Tomcat source (alternatively, download it from the Attachments section) to the \conf directory. Edit the httpd.conf file located in the \conf directory to load the Jakarta Tomcat Connector mod_jk module. Add the following lines at the end of the httpd.conf file. JkMount will map anything behind /console/ to the worker ajp13 . The name ajp13 is defined in the file which is described next. You will need to add more JkMount directives depending on the applications you want to be accessed via the remote HTTPd. In this example the console has been enabled just for demonstation purposes. In a production environment you will not want to have the console accessible from the other network (normally the Internet). Having the console accessible represents a big security exposure. The rule is that everything should have restricted access, normally a firewall would be placed in between the HTTP and the (depending on the topology) and you should map just the minumum resources necessary to have your application working from the other side. Configure The , among other things, tells the HTTPd where the Geronimo server is, what version of AJP should use and the port where Geronimo is listening. Edit the file located in the \conf directory to match your environment. The following example is an excerpt from the file with just the variables you should focus on. From this example note how the name of the worker is defined, look at the variables definition worker. ajp13 .* , ajp13 is the worker name you specified earlier in the httpd.conf. As a last step, stop and restart the Apache HTTPd to ensure these changes are loaded. Testing. For testing this configuration make sure both Geronimo and HTTPd are up and running. The Apache Tomcat Connectors: mod_jk, ISAPI redirector, NSAPI redirector. The Apache Tomcat Connectors project is part of the Tomcat project and provides plugins to connect web servers with Tomcat and other backends. The supported web servers are: the Apache HTTP Server with a plugin (module) named mod_jk . Microsoft IIS with a plugin (extension) named ISAPI redirector (or simply redirector). the iPlanet Web Server with a plugin named NSAPI redirector . The iPlanet Web Server was previously known under various names, including Netscape Enterprise Server, SunOne Web Server and Sun Enterprise System web server. In all cases the plugin uses a special protocol named Apache JServ Protocol or simply AJP to connect to the backend. Backends known to support AJP are Apache Tomcat, and JBoss. Although there exist 3 versions of the protocol, ajp12 , ajp13 , ajp14 , most installations only use ajp13. The older ajp12 does not use persistent connections and is obsolete, the newer version ajp14 is still experimental. Sometimes ajp13 is called AJP 1.3 or AJPv13, but we will mostly use the name ajp13. Most features of the plugins are the same for all web servers. Some details vary on a per web server basis. The documentation and the configuration is split into common parts and web server specific parts. down to the more detailed documentation that is available. Each available manual is described in more detail below. Headlines. The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tomcat Connectors 1.2.48 Stable. This release contains improvements and bug fixes for issues found in previous releases. Download previous releases from the archives. Reference Guide. A Tomcat worker is a Tomcat instance that is waiting to execute servlets on behalf of some web server. For example, we can have a web server such as Apache forwarding servlet requests to a Tomcat process (the worker) running behind it. This page contains detailed description of all directives. The forwarding of requests from the web server to tomcat gets configured by defining mapping rules. The so-called uriworkermap file is a mechanism of defining those rules. The status worker is a builtin management worker. It displays state information and can also be used to dynamically reconfigure JK. This page contains detailed description of all directives of mod_jk for the Apache HTTP Server. This page contains detailed description of all directives of the ISAPI redirector for Microsoft IIS. Common HowTo. This page describes the configuration files used by JK on the web server side for the 'impatient'. This page contains an overview about the various aspects of defining and using workers. This page describes the possible timeout settings you can use. This page contains an introduction on load balancing with JK. This page contains an introduction to reverse proxies, how JK handles this situation and how you can influence the JK proxying behaviour. Webserver HowTo. These pages contain detailed descriptions of how to build and install JK for the various web servers. AJP Protocol Reference. This page describes the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (hereafter ajp13 ). This page describes an extension proposal for ajp13. Miscellaneous documentation. This page contains the detailed list of all changes made in each version of JK. This page describes, how to contribute to the JK documentation. This page describes ant tasks to automate JK management via the status worker. This page contains information, on some report analysis scripts contained in the JK distribution. Apache Tomcat mod_jk connector configuration made simple. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the Apache mod_jk connector, including configuration information, use scenarios, solutions to common problems, and a comparison of mod_jk to other similar connector components. Table of contents. I. The Basics - What is mod_jk? The mod_jk connector is an Apache HTTPD module that allows HTTPD to communicate with Apache Tomcat instances over the AJP protocol. The module is used in conjunction with Tomcat's AJP Connector component. About connectors. Apache Tomcat uses Connector components to allow communication between a Tomcat instance and another party, such as a browser, server, or another Tomcat instance that is part of the same network. For example, the HTTP connector listens for requests over the HTTP/1.1 protocol on various TCP ports, and forwards them to the Engine associated with processing the request. Using the AJP connector, Apache Tomcat instances can exchange data with mod_jk enabled instances of Apache HTTPD, using the AJP protocol. Implementations of mod_jk are also available for integration with IIS and NES/iPlanet/Sun, but are less widely used. About AJP. AJP, an acronym for Apache Jserv Protocol, is a binary version of HTTP that is optimized for communication between Apache HTTPD and Apache Tomcat over a TCP connection. The current version of the AJP protocol is 1.3, referred to by the standard name ajp13. ajp13 extends the earlier mod_jserv and ajp12 modules, offering significant speed improvements and SSL support. Other than the data format, differences between the standard HTTP and AJP protocols include more persistent connections (to avoid unnecessary socket creation) and a focus on connection reuse over a series of request/response cycles. A detailed description of the AJP protocol can be found on the Tomcat Connectors sub-project site. II. Common use scenarios - Why connect HTTPD and Tomcat? One question often asked by new Tomcat users is why Tomcat and HTTPD would need to communicate at all. After all, one of the features that makes Tomcat so flexible is its ability to function as a standalone web server and application server, thanks to the Coyote component. There are a number of reasons why you might need HTTPD and Tomcat to talk to one another. In the early days of Tomcat, one of the most common reasons to connect the two servers was to allow HTTPD to serve static content, freeing up Tomcat to process dynamic requests. However, performance improvements have made serving static content using Tomcat just as fast as on HTTPD (and sometimes faster, when the elimination of the extraneous connection is factored in). However, there are still plenty of good reasons why you might want to use the two together. Clustering, load balancing and security. Apache HTTPD modules and extensions. Socket error handling. Unlike Tomcat, Apache HTTPD can run natively on a system, rather than within a cross-platform JVM. For this reason, HTTPD has an advantage when it comes to handling socket errors (i.e. dropped/invalid connections, invalid IPs, etc), as socket optimization practices differ significantly from operating system to operating system. Security. III. Installation and configuration. As mod_jk allows communication between HTTPD and Apache, installing the module requires some legwork on both servers. In this section of the article, we'll walk you through the whole process. (Note: Although not covered by this article, mod_jk is also compatible with IIS and NES/iPlanet/Sun. Documentation for these components is available on the Tomcat Connectors project site. Step 1 - Download the latest version of mod_jk. New versions of mod_jk are released as source packages, and as binary packages for select platforms. Both are available for download from the Apache Tomcat Connector project download page. Currently, the following platforms receive binary releases: AIX, FreeBSD, iSeries, Linux, Mac OS X, Netware, Solaris, and Windows (32- and 64-bit releases). Download the most recent release. If you want to build mod_jk from source, follow the directions provided along with the release. Step 2 - Install the mod_jk module. Locate the mod_jk module itself inside the release package. If you downloaded a Unix-type release, this file will be named ''. On a Windows system, look for 'mod_jk.dll'. Next, you must copy this file in the the HTTPD module directory. The location of this directory can vary from platform to platform, so if you do not know where it is located, consult the Apache HTTPD documentation. On Unix-based systems, the module directory is usually located within the apache directory in '/usr/lib/' or '/usr/local/', while on Windows machines in can be found within the Apache directory in 'C:\Program Files'. Step 3 - Configure httpd.conf. Now that you've installed mod_jk, you need to configure it in your httpd.conf file so that you can use it. You can find httpd.conf in the 'conf' directory of your Apache HTTPD home folder. The configuration provided below, based on the Tomcat documentation, is the minimum configuration required for mod_jk to run correctly. Replace the placeholder paths with the correct paths and values for your system. JkMount /examples/* worker1. Step 4 - Configure The file defines a list of Tomcat 'workers' to which Apache HTTPD can pass requests. The bare-bones configuration below defines the ajp13 worker named 'worker1' that we designated in Step 3 to handle all requests for the "examples" context: worker.list=worker1 # Set worker properties worker.worker1.type=ajp13 worker.worker1.port=8009 In the interest of simplicity, this tutorial only provides a basic configuration. However, the file can become quite complex in practice, containing multiple types of workers, virtual workers, and parts of a clustering or load balancing configuration. Although we will not cover the file in any more depth here, full documentation is available on the Tomcat Connectors project site, and in our step to step guide to Tomcat Clustering. Step 5 - Test Configuration. After completing the steps above, restart Apache HTTPD and navigate to the examples context. If your configuration is correct, the page will display as normal. If you experience any strange errors, Apache's Tomcat Connector FAQ is a good resource to help you track down the source. IV. Alternatives to mod_jk. Although mod_jk is the most widely used way to connect Tomcat and Apache HTTPD, other modules exist that also offer this functionality, and in some situations, may offer advantages over mod_jk. mod_proxy_http. This module is an HTTP-specific version of the venerable mod_proxy module. It offers most of the same features as mod_jk, but communicates over the HTTP protocol. Although at one time the AJP protocol offered a significant performance boost over standard HTTP, this is no longer the case, so speed is no reason to choose one over the other. The main reason for choosing mod_proxy_http over mod_jk is that if communication between HTTPD and Tomcat must be encrypted, mod_proxy_http may be easier to use. This is because mod_proxy_http can be configured to use the https protocol with a minute change to its configuration, whereas encryption with mod_jk requires extra work. On the other hand, if your application requires SSL information, this is much easier to expose with mod_jk. mod_proxy_ajp. This module is very similar to mod_jk, except that its configuration is consistent with that of other HTTPD modules, unlike mod_jk. Some administrators may choose to use it over mod_jk for the sake of consistency (the same can be said of mod_proxy_http). While mod_proxy_ajp is relatively stable, it has a few more known bugs than both mod_jk and mod_proxy_http. There's nothing wrong with using it from a performance aspect, but also no clear advantage other than consistency. Other modules. A number of other modules have been created in the course of Tomcat's life that provide mod_jk-like functionality. Many of these are now deprecated. While many guides still are floating around on the internet advocating the use of these modules, this is out of date information. Using the following modules should be avoided if at all possible: