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and the said David Guthrie, Junior, have ceased to be In Chancery. partners in either of the said Companies, or to have any In the Matter of an Act to facilitate Leases and Sales of interest therein. Settled Estates; and in the Matter of an Estate in the Brechin, November 18, 1858. parish of Koath, in the county of Glamorgan, held under Patrick Guthrie, the Will of James Hemingway, deceased. Merchant, Brechin. V] OTICE is hereby given, that a Petition in the above- Alexander Guthrie, 1 i mentioned matter was, on the 22nd day of Novem- Surgeon, Brechin. ber, 1858, presented to the Right Honourable the Lord Witnesses to the signatures of High Chancellor of Great Britain, by Hannah Hemingway, Messrs. P. & A. Guthrie,— of Plucca-lane, near Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan, D. D. BLACK, Town-Clerk of Brechin. Widow, and James Hemingway, of Plucca-lane aforesaid, ALEX. STRACHAN, Writer, Brechin. Civil Engineer, and of John Hemingway, an inf.mt, under Thomas Guthrie, the age of 21 years, by the said Hannah Hemingway, his Minr. of Free St. John's, Edinburgh. mother and guardian, appointed by an Order of the High PATRICK GDTHRIE, Grower, Edinburgh, Court of Chancery, dated the 16th day of November, 1858, THOMAS GUTHRIE, Grocer, Edinburgh. praying that a genera! power, in the usual form, to grant Witnesses to the subscription of the building leases of 10 acres of land, situate in tbc parish of Revd. Thos. Guthrie. Roath, in the county of Glamorgan, or of any part thereof, Edinburgh, November 23, 1858. for any term not exceeding 99 years, might under and by virtue of the above-mentioned Act, be vested in John Hemingway, the trustee of the will of the testator James Hemingway, or other the trustees or trustee for the time [Extract from of November 23, 1858]. being, of the said will, or that his Lordship would be DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. pleased to make such other order in the premises as to his OTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership here- Lordship should seem just. And notice is hereby also N tofore carried on between Andrew Barden and John given, that the Petitioners may be served with any order of Barden, Merchants, in the city of Waterford, tinder the the Court, or notice relating to the subject of the said firm of John Barden and Sons, was dissolved on the 28th petition at the office of their Solicitors' Agents, Messrs. of August, 1858, by mutual consent. Andrew Barden is Gregory, Son, and Clark, No. 12, Clement's-inn, in the empowered to discharge and settle all debts due to and by county of Middlesex.—Dated this 29th day of November, the said copartnership. 1858. Notice is hereby given, that Andrew Barden will con- In Chancery. tinue the business under the before-mentioned firm of John In the Matter of the Act of Parliament to facilitate Leases Barden and Sons. Andrew Barden. and Sales of Settled Estates ; and in the Matter of the John Barden. freehold, copyhold, and leasehold estates devised and Witness to Andrew Harden's signature— bequeathed by the Will of the Right Honourable Digby, William Kelly, 9, George's-street, Waterford. 7th Maron Middleton, deceased, situated in the parishes Witness to John Barden's signature— of Westerleigh, Pucklechnrch, Henbury (inclusively of John Barnewall, 11, Mornington-road. the titbings or chapelries of Redwick and Northwick), Westbury-upon-Trim, Shirehampton, Compton Green- field, Almondsbury, Bitton, Mangotsfield, and Siston, in [Extract from the Dublin Gazette of November 26, 1358.] the county of Gloucester, and in the parish of Wick or OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- Wick St. Lawrence, in the county of Somerset. N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Robert Bourton, Wick St. Lawrence, Somerset, near the Banwell Hollis, John Meglaugblin, George Hollis, and John Hollis, Station, on the and Exeter Railway. lately carrying on business as Butter Merchants, at Dun- O be sold, by auction, by Messrs. Fargus (the persons gannon, in the county of Tyrone, in Ireland, and at Man- T appointed by the Judge for that purpose), at Reeve's chester, in the county of Lancaster, and , in the Hotel, Weaton-super-Mare, on Friday, the 10th day of county of Warwick, in England, under the style or firm of December next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, in pur- Hollis and Meglaughlin, has been dissolved by mutual con- suance of an Order of the High Court of Chancery made in sent, as and from the 1st day of November last.—As witness the above matters. our hands this 1st day of July, 1858. An estate, situate at Bourton, in the parish of Wick St. • George Hollis. Lawrence aforesaid, comprising 74A. IR. 16p., or there- John Meglaughlin. abouts, of pasture and arable lands of first-rate quality, now Robert Hollis. in the occupation of Messrs. T. D. Ryall and Wm. Evans, in John Hollis. seven lots, Present when signed by John Meglaughlin, Printed particulars and a plan of the lots may be obtained Robert Hollis, and George Hollis— ten days previous to the sole, of Messrs. Parke and Pollock, Luke Higgins. Solicitors, 63, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London ; at the place of Present when signed by John Hollis— sale; of Win. Hicks Townsend, Land Agent and Surveyor, Courtenay Newton. Bristol; and of the Auctioneers, No. 4, Clare-street, Bristol. Newtons and Armstrong, Solicitors, In Chancery. 47, Upper Sackville-street, Dublin, In the Matter of the Act of Parliament to facilitate Leases and Dungannon, Tyrone. and Sales of Settled Estates, and in the Matter of the freehold, copyhold, and leasehold estates, devised and bequeathed by the Will of the late Right Honourable Digby, 7th Baron Middleton, deceased, situated in the In Chancery. parishes of Westerleigh, Pucklechurch, Henbury (in- In the Matter of" Carew's Estate Act, 1857." clusively of the tithings or chapelries of Redwick and Northwick), Westbury-upon-Trim, Shirehampton, Comp- URSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Chan- ton Greenfield, Almondsbury, Bitton, Mangotsfield, and P cery, made in the above matter and Act, the Bedding- Siston, in the county of Gloucester, and in th; parish of ton Park estate, situate in the parishes of Beddington, Car- Wick, or Wick St. Lawrence, in the county of Somerset shalton, and Mitcham, in the county of Surrey, will be put Eligible Investment. up for sale by public auction, in suitable lots, in the month The Mangotsfield Park and Siston Lodge Estates. of , 1859 (of which sale further notice will be Gloucestershire. ^given), unless the said estate shall he sold by private con- tract in the meantime, with the approval of the Chief Clerk In the Parishes of Mangotsfield, Siston, and Bitton. of the Master of the Rolls, to whom this matter is attached, O be sold by auction, by Messrs. Fargus (the persons the trustees of the. said Act being at liberty to treat for a T appointed by the Judge for that purpose), at the sale by private contract, subject to the approval aforesaid. Commercial Rooms, Bristol, on Thursday, the 9th day of The estate comprises the Beddington Park mansion December next, at one o'clock (in pursuance of an Order of house, deer park, and grounds,