CM1-504, SUPERTECH CAPETOWN SECTOR 74, NOIDA, U.P 201301 +(91)-959-9700-739 [email protected] PUNEET PANDEY


➢ Total of 12+ years of experience in the commercial software development ➢ Extensive Exposure to Multiple Open Source Technologies like Ruby, React, Node, Angular ➢ 7+ years of experience as an Architect or Team Lead / Project Lead ➢ Highly proficient in working with users and stakeholders to elicit, analyze, communicate and validate requirements using interviewing, questionnaires, brainstorming and workshops and identify Functional, Non-Functional, and Business Rules ➢ Proficient with creating and enhancing frameworks for technological stacks


➢ Operating Systems: Windows, , Mac OS 10.6+, MS-DOS. ​ ➢ Languages: Ruby, Jruby, Scala, Objective-C ​ ➢ Web Technologies: Rails Framework, Rhodes, PHP, Joomla , JavaScript, HTML ​ ➢ DBMS: Oracle 10g, MYSQL 5.1, MS-ACCESS, Sqlite3, PostgreSQL ​ ➢ GUI: Ajax with Rails, Jquery, JSON ​ ➢ Servers: WEbrick, Apache, , Passenger, Thin, Puma ​ ➢ JavaScript Frameworks: Vue.js, ReactJS, Angular, TypeScript ​ ➢ Tools and Utilities: , NetBeans, Xcode, VSCode, Subversion, GIT, ​ Capistrano. ➢ NoSQL Databases: ElasticSearch, Hadoop, MongoDB ​ ➢ Cloud Servers: EngineYard, Heroku, AWS ​ ➢ Payment Gateways: PayPal, Stripe ​


HappyFunCorp LLC, Noida — Lead Engineer ​ DECEMBER 2015 - PRESENT

● Working as Team Lead/Project Lead for numerous projects ● Worked on Projects following Agile Methodologies (Scrum and KanBan) ● Responsible for requirement gathering, development, delivery and maintenance of projects ● Introduced new technologies and practices within team and making sure team adapts ● Client Handling ● Helping the Sales team in Pre Sales

HCL Technologies, Noida — Technical Specialist ​ JUNE 2014 - DECEMBER 2015

● Worked as a module lead/team lead for some of the most important projects of the organization ● Worked on Projects following Agile Methodologies (Scrum and KanBan) ● Responsible for end-to-end project delivery which included regular client communication ● Responsible for gathering and understanding project requirements and providing a clean, robust, scalable and easy to maintain design ● Also involved in communication with business stakeholders and my suggestions helped in business expansion ● I also guided a team in redesigning their existing project for better efficiency

GlobalLogic India, Noida — Associate Consultant ​ JUNE 2011 - JUNE 2014

● Responsible for conducting technical training programmes at different levels of the organization. ● Worked as a Team Lead for various projects. ● Developed several POCs for the client and also for the organization, a few of which were highly appreciated and rewarded. ● Switched to a new technology as per client expectation in no span of time also ensuring that none of my team deliverables are impacted during this phase. ● Worked on Projects following Agile Methodology (Scrum and KanBan).

Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai — Assistant System Engineer ​ MARCH 2010 - MAY 2011

● Worked as an individual contributor. ● Responsible for the features to be developed. ● Ensure to write test cases for TDD. ● Documenting the project both HLD and LLD. ● Was involved in various learning and training sessions.

Zibika Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad — Software Engineer ​ APRIL 2009 - OCTOBER 2009

● Worked as a team player. ● Responsible for developing, dev testing and deploying the features of the product.

Outworx Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Noida — Software Engineer ​ DECEMBER 2008 - APRIL 2009

● Worked as an individual contributor. ● Responsible for understanding project’s requirements, developing and deploying. ● Also responsible for demonstrating the features developed.

Safew Technology Labs, Hyderabad — Software Engineer ​ SEPTEMBER 2007 - NOVEMBER 2008

● Worked on Web technologies like PHP, for projects like Campusfever, Stickr.

SPAESPL, Bangalore — Software Engineer ​ AUGUST 2006 - MAY 2007

● Joined as a fresher. Get trained for a month in PHP, MySQL. Later, promoted as a s/w engg in a project.


Virtual Diamond Boutique — Project Lead, HappyFunCorp LLC ​ About: VDB is the largest online application for Diamond, Gemstone and Jewelry. ​ VDB allows vendors to sell stones via this app. Vendors can either upload stone related information from app or they’ll be provided with FTP credentials and the system pulls stone information from there. VDB also has a customer facing app, where users can search for the stones (using advanced search technology) and either buy/get in touch with vendor/chat with vendor/send stone info via link Technology Stack: Ruby, Rails, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Heroku ​ Architectural Designs — Project Lead, HappyFunCorp LLC ​ About: Architectural Designs (AD), provides home plans to buyers. It has a huge ​ database containing data of varied sizes, shapes and facilities to suit user’s requirements. User can also get a QuikQuote from the designer’s plan, if they wish to add some modifications. AD also has admin panel from where Designers/Other Admins, can modify plan details, confirm payments and see their top sold plans. Technology Stack: Ruby, Rails, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, AWS, ElasticSearch, ​ Cloudflare

BugReplay — Team Lead, HappyFunCorp LLC ​ About: BugReplay is a commercial app that allows members of the organization to ​ capture a bug of an app/activity/screen either by recording a video or by taking screenshots. BugReplay is available as Firefox and Chrome extension and after installing, end-user can file a bug. There is also a JIRA like web version of BugReplay where these bugs can be reassigned/assigned to a user/project/status. Technology Stack: Node, TypeScript, AngularJS, React.JS ​ Barnes Foundation — Project Lead, HappyFunCorp LLC ​ About: Barnes Foundation is the largest collection of paintings from across the ​ world and across the artists. Barnes is having a museum where these paintings are exhibited. Visitors of this museum can use this app to get details about the scanned portraits. This app also provides other add-ons which meets user’s interest. Technology Stack: Ruby, Rails, React.JS, PostgreSQL, AWS-SQS, AWS-Beanstalk ​ Satori — Team Lead, HCL Technologies ​ About: Satori is HCL’s biggest online community. As a HCL employee, I can find ​ fellow employees - follow/Unfollow them, create my professional profile, manage documents. Find trainings (of my interest) happening nearby and request to join. As a satori user, I can add/remove apps of my interests and my co-workers / seniors can help adding / removing weightage to my profile. Technology Stack: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Hadoop, Capistrano ​

Report Human Error — Project Lead, HCL Technologies ​ About: Report Human Error is a platform for HCL’s managers to submit an error ​ caused by the employee. This app allows Managers to answer some predefined set of questions and after the submission, the incident goes to the next level for further inspection. This app can also be accessed from mobile app and flow stays the same. Technology Stack: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Angular.JS, Capistrano ​ The Hilo Project — Team Lead & Project Lead, GlobalLogic India ​ About: The Hilo Project founded in 2010 is an interactive Career Seeker- ​ employer pairing system. The Hilo paring engine evaluates data collected from both the Career Seeker and Employer to present career opportunities in order of relative fit to both parties. Career Seekers and Employers alike are given total access to the pairing database, as well as powerful tools for the evaluation and organization of opportunities. Technology Stack: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, EngineYard, SVN, Jquery, Ajax, JSON, ​ Solr, FAYE

Active Community (GXS Product) — Team Lead, GlobalLogic India ​ About: GXS Active Community provides a hosted service to facilitate better, ​ faster and easier B2B collaboration between companies employees and the individuals within the organizations with which they do business. It centralize and store critical information about customers, suppliers, logistics providers and financial institutions. Data captured can include details related to e-commerce readiness, regulatory compliance, consumer product safety, supplier diversity programs and environmental responsibility surveys. Technology Stack: Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.13, Postgres, Ubuntu 12.04LTS ​ Intranet Apps for Mckinsey & Comp — Team Member/Individual ​ Contributor, Tata Consultancy Services Apps: CLM, Communicate, Client Connect, Next Page, MROI ​ Technology Stack: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, MS-SQL, Oracle 10g, SVN, Jquery, Ajax, ​ JSON


JECRC, Rajasthan University — Bachelors of Engineering (I.T) ​ JULY 2002 - JULY 2006, JAIPUR

Higher Secondary, Rajasthan Board — PCM as Majors ​ JULY 2001 - JULY 2002, St. Vivekanand Sr. Sec. School, Bikaner


➢ Date of Birth 26th-June-1985 ➢ Linkedin Profile ​ ➢ Blog ​ ➢ Github ​