Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Diaries of a Single Mum by Kerry Taylor Taylor Kinney Biography. An American actor and a model, Taylor Jacks Kinney is widely known and famous for his roles in the television drama series The Vampire Diaries as Mason Lockwood and as Jared in Zero Dark Thirty. Early life. Taylor Kinney was born on July 15th, 1981, in the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His mother is Pamela Heisler, a dental hygienist, and his father is Daniel Kinney, a banker. Taylor has English, German and Swiss-German ancestry. He grew up with his three brothers in the city of Neffsville, Pennsylvania, and was raised by their single mother. Taylor graduated from the Lancaster Mennonite School in the year 2000 and then studied a Business Management course at the West Virginia University in the town of Morgantown, West Virginia. Taylor Kinney Career. On MyNetworkTV, Taylor played Luke Gianni on the Fashion House in the year 2006 and also played Glenn Morrison on Trauma on the NBC. Taylor was also seen in a recurring role in the supernatural drama series The Vampire Diaries in which he was cast as Mason Lockwood in the second season. In the year 2012, Taylor landed the role of Lieutenant Kelly Severdine on the show Fire, a drama series that follows the lives of firefighters and paramedics. He was playing his role opposite the former House star Jesse Spencer. In the same year, Kinney also appeared on the big screen in Kathryn Bigelow’s acclaimed and popular war drama movie Zero Dark Thirty. He also starred as a guest on Shameless as Craig, who was the former high school crush of the lead character Fiona (played by Emmy Rossum). Philanthropy. Taylor has not only immersed himself in just sports and television but also in philanthropy as he had participated in events for the 100 Club of Chicago which is an organization working for the families of the fallen firefighters and first responders. He was also seen at the Green Tie Ball which is Chicago Gateway Green’s largest fundraiser. Facebook. Weeks later I had to fly home cause Clement's uncles were coming to pay lobola, I left work early that Friday my fiance was waiting for me to finish up so that he could take me to the airport, fortunately I packed the previous night so I could go straight from work. We got to the airport we said our goodbyes then I went to check in and boarded my flight I was just so anxious couldn't wait to see my mom and Oratile my angel, we landed then I went to hire a car and drove home its quite… Diary of a Single Mother. After doing a lil research on Mr sicelo Shange it was almost time to knock off, I called my partner in crime. Me: Babe we need to meet up with the wedding planner tomorrow can you accompany me after work? Olly: no probs bbe see you then. I had so many things to do and Clements uncles had already sent the letter to my mother informing them about my arrival. The excitement is unbearable our wedding is in April I had 4 months to plan the wedding of my dreams my theme was winter wonder… Diary of a Single Mother. Good evening my lovies. I have decided to start writing again expect the next chapter tomorrow. Happy new year. Diary of a Single Mother. To all my heartbroken ladies. Just a little quote for you. There was a time when your opnion mattered and I lost myself in your expectation, never again will I evaluate myself based on your expectation. Diary of a Single Mother. I am a bit of a confused monucule Im going through so much shit in my life at this moment and im trying to find some mojo to continue to write again. I hope yall understand i promise to write soon. <3. Diary of A Single Mom – Episode 39. “I don’t know what sort of a mother are you or if I should even call you one. why are you forcing your daughter into that forsaken marriage? I thought you will love these children but no you want to kill her before her time. do you have an idea what killed his wife?” I could hear my aunt roaring. ” do I come to your house and tell you how to raise your children? ” knowing my mother I knew fully well that she couldn’t have gave in. “you call that raising? huh your husband must be ashamed of you in his grave. you disgrace me..” the exchange was more serious than I had thought. I hated to be the reason for their truce. I got out of my room to go and atleast cool things down before they got worse. i was sure the neighbours were now watching a free show. ” don’t drive my husband into this. I will do what I want with my children and there’s nothing you can do about it.” it was a dare,my mother’s stubbornness sometimes amazed me. “it’s your love of money that will kill you,” my aunt was just hilarious. “you don’t know anything about poverty. thank that husband of yours for marrying a fool like you…” “mum please stop shouting,” I interrupted the commotion. “I should shut up you say. mxii you have the nerve to talk to me after you have caused all this?” I stepped back a few steps because I knew a slap was on the way. she went back inside and started throwing my bags outside. “i hate nonsense.i feed you and your cats while their father is enjoying his life to the fullest.i have had enough,” she was shouting.Amanda started crying in panic. I handed Laurent to Aunt and picked Amanda up rocking her back and forth.tears started flowing down my cheeks. I never intended for things to turn this way… Last Episode … continuation. My mother was a good person i know but maybe i had just pushed her to the edge. imagine waking up one day to the realization that you are a grandmother whose existence you never new until now. staying far away from her created a huge gap between us, we didn’t bond like we were supposed to. i had overloaded her life with my own baggage so i understood that she needed a breather. she could have just said so and i could have given her the space and freedom. wait a minute. did in anyway had to do with Mr Kamanga? i didn’t know. My aunt helped correct my things and i left for her house. after she threw my things out to the dismay of her sister, she went to lock herself in her room. i swear my aunt had enough anger to break the door down but i stopped her in time. this whole thing was comedy to Beatrice, i didn’t see the funny side of it especially when my tears were involved. we left but i promised myself to be back since there was no way i wanted my mother to be mad with me forever. My eldest cousin Janet who lived in Mzuzu was there for the holidays with her three girls. after a few days my aunt asked me if i wanted to go with Janet so that i stand doing business and support myself. oh God bless her soul i was over the moon. she gave me money to start buying wrappers and clothes which came from Tanzania so that i either open a shop in Mzuzu or in Nkhatabay. i needed to get away for sometime to give myself time to think properly. i had two kids who needed feeding and clothes, i had to stand on my two feet and earn a living. i realized that folding my hands was never going to be a solution to my problems. as far as i was concerned men would always be there, i was still young to be caught in the cobweb of emotions. Peter had to accept the fact that Masozi was the one carrying his baby and for now he was stuck with her. to be abandoned while pregnant is risky to both the mother and child, few people make it with scars. ladies lets love each other in the name of sisterhood, whatever the reasons don’t be a thorn that pierce your sister’s heart. the same man you blag about today after he leaves his wife for you, will leave you for somebody else. what makes you think you are so special and can take somebody else’s husband? find your own single man the world hasn’t run out of them yet. when we arrived in Mzuzu the weather was so horrible, i didn’t know if it was still part of Malawi. i was used to the hot temperatures of Lilongwe and Nkhatabay. Janet had a big house and i had never met her husband until then. he was a pleasant and warm person who liked joking a lot. when he shook my hand in welcome i mumbled a prayer to God to help me live with them in harmony, i had a feeling that this was going to be my second home. if you surround yourself with productive people, you become productive yourself. these people had gone to school and they were working. there was a high possibility of me doing something about a job. Later that evening when i had retired for bed, i watched my children sleep peacefully, sometimes i thought i didnt do them justice by dragging them along with me when i seemed to be forever moving. they deserved a stable place, a place to call home definitely. i vowed myself to provide that for them, from my own sweat not a man’s because i was now convinced that i never got any luck with men. i tried calling my mum but her number was busy i gave up after what seemed like a tenth attempt instead i logged in to Facebook and read people’s crazy statuses. some people have drama and others bare all their lives on the social media just humiliating themselves. i had two friend requests from people i didn’t know and a message in my inbox which read. ” are you Wangu Banda who i met in Nkhatabay?” David Taylor (Fanboys) These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article. David Taylor. Species: Place of origin: Mother: Father: Adoptive father: Sister: Brother: First appearance: Appearances: Main voice actor: David , sometimes known as David Taylor , (AUDIO: Imaginary Boys , PROSE: Imaginary Boys ) was by all accounts boy who lived in Newton Aycliffe with his Mam and her boyfriend Brian. (PROSE: Fanboys , AUDIO: Imaginary Boys , PROSE: Imaginary Boys , Miss Baumgarten's Trolls ) However, other details of his life varied. He either lived in Newton Aycliffe in the 1970s and 1980s, (PROSE: Fanboys , Miss Baumgarten's Trolls ) or in the 2000s and the 2010s. (AUDIO: Imaginary Boys , PROSE: Imaginary Boys ) He either had a brother, Chris, (PROSE: Fanboys ) was an only child, (PROSE: Miss Baumgarten's Trolls ) or had a sister, Catherine. (AUDIO: Imaginary Boys , PROSE: Imaginary Boys ) Biography [ edit | edit source ] David grew up with his Mam and his brother Chris in the 1980s, after his Mam divorced his father, who was a police officer. His Mam who eventually meet Brian, but they were deeply unhappy together and they would continually argue. They lived in Sampson Place, a housing block located in Newton Aycliffe. By January 1981, the two brothers were major fans of the Doctor Who TV series, despite their Mam's dislike for the show, and they would stay up all night to talk about "The Show". David would untruthfully tell Chris that he remembered the Third Doctor regenerating into the Fourth Doctor. That month, David's parents would take him and Chris to Darlington, where they would eat French fries in Wimpys, and they would go into WHSmith's to buy Target novels. Later that night, Chris would go sleepwalking and he left the house, and David and his parents would go looking for him. Unbeknownst to them, a neighbour taken Chris inside his house for safety. It was only when they returned from their search did they were reunited with Chris by their neighbour. (PROSE: Fanboys ) In the account where David Taylor grew up in the 21st century, in Autumn 2013, when David was 17 and living in Newton Aycliffe with his mother, Lawrence the Novelisor began documenting David's life. Knowing of David's future, Lawrence gave David a notepad as a gift and encouraged him to pursue writing. In the few weeks they knew each other, David and Lawrence became romantically involved. After leaving school one day, David was assaulted by a group of older boys for being homosexual. David's father was the police officer that came to David's house to ask David to issue a statement on the assault. David wasn't comfortable with telling his father that his attackers had used homophobic slurs. The night after David saw his father, David had his first kiss with Lawrence. Realising that he had crossed the line in a relationship between a Novelisor and their subject, Lawrence regretfully summoned his spacecraft and prepared to leave Earth. Lawrence asked David if he wanted to come with him in the spacecraft, but David refused because he needed to stay with his mother and newly born sister. (AUDIO: Imaginary Boys ) Behind the scenes [ edit | edit source ] David Taylor is in many ways a stand-in for writer Paul Magrs (who also has a direct in-universe counterpart). Like David, Magrs was also raised by a single-mother in Newton Aycliffe. Magrs' father was a police officer; the final time Magrs saw his father was at the age of 17, when Magrs' father was the officer who took a statement from Magrs after he was queer-bashed. [1] David first featured in a Paul Magrs' semi-autobiographical Strange Boy (2002). His first appearance considered valid by this wiki was in the licensed Doctor Who short story Fanboys (2007), published in Short Trips: Snapshots . David was featured in the novel The Diary of a Dr. Who Addict (2009), which served as a sequel to the aforementioned stories. David Taylor also appeared in the the BBC Radio drama Imaginary Boys (2013). However, it is not entirely consistent with his previous appearances; although David is undeniably the same character, the specific date of his birth and childhood are contradictory, despite both being based upon Paul Magrs. Strange Boy is about David as a ten-year old boy in 1980 discovering his homosexuality. Fanboys is about David and his brother, Chris, and their love for Doctor Who . The Diary of a Dr Who Addict is about David's relationship with Doctor Who around the beginning of the Fifth Doctor's era in 1981. Imaginary Boys replaces David's love of Doctor Who with a general love of science fiction novels. The Tragic Life Of Fantasia Barrino. When Fantasia Barrino won the third season of in 2004, she was a 19-year-old single mother from North Carolina. Her seemingly gritty backstory was the very reason many Idol fans rallied around her, and Barrino continued to triumph over adversity throughout her post- Idol career. Barrino has had her share of successes after Idol , including the memoir-turned-Lifetime movie Life Is Not a Fairy Tale: The Fantasia Barrino Story, a starring role in The Color Purple on Broadway , several successful albums, and a Grammy win. Barrino's personal struggles, though, have also followed her throughout her career. Her willingness to persevere through adversity served her well on Idol, and that strength has also helped her maintain her career through her more difficult stretches, including a suicide attempt and the death of a family member. Read on to learn more about Barrino's challenging life, from her difficult early years through her time in the limelight and the pressures of fame. If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​. Fantasia Barrino was sexually assaulted in high school. Fantasia Barrino first experienced tragedy at an early age, the star painfully described in her 2005 memoir Life is Not a Fairy Tale. Barrino revealed that she was raped by a popular boy in their high school auditorium. "I can barely recall the details," she wrote of the assault, which took place when she was in ninth grade. "I just know that I shudder to think of how that single act changed me in a way that I didn't need to be changed." Eventually, Barrino told her mother about what happened, who helped her report the crime to her school. "He ended up getting into some trouble, but not the trouble he deserved for stripping me of the little innocence I had left," she wrote. Barrino explained in a 2007 interview with O, The Oprah Magazine that after reporting the boy, it became more difficult for her to attend school. "We turned the guy in, but going back to school was hell; his homeboys would say, 'I'm going to do to you exactly what he did,'" she said. "They thought it was funny. That's when I quit school." Fantasia Barrino has had a long struggle with illiteracy. Fantasia Barrino revealed in her memoir her lifelong struggles with reading and called herself a "functionin' illiterate," writing, "I 'get by' in life, but my readin' isn't what it should be. I am workin' on it. I am still not confident enough with words or letters." Barrino's reading challenges made her experience on Idol more difficult, since portions of the show required her to read from a script. The singer told ABC News in a 2007 interview that she successfully faked her way through the scripted portions of the show. "Somebody would say, 'You know, it's pronounced this way' and I'd be like, 'Oh, I'm sorry, you know, I'm country,'" she recalled. Barrino's famous Idol rendition of the George Gershwin standard "Summertime," which Idol judge once dubbed his favorite moment of the show, was a challenge for the star. As she wasn't familiar with the song, she was given a page of lyrics to learn, Barrino told ABC News . Fearful of the show's vocal coaches discovering her reading difficulties, Barrino instead listened to the song until she memorized the words, which resulted in her successful performance. Fantasia Barrino was the victim of domestic violence. Three years after dropping out of high school and moving into her own apartment, 17-year-old Fantasia Barrino gave birth to daughter Zion. "When I moved out, started hanging out with the wrong people, and got pregnant, people were like, 'She ain't goin' nowhere now,'" Barrino told O, The Oprah Magazine in 2007 about her struggles during that period of her life. "I'd lost myself." Barrino's struggles were made worse by the violence she said she experienced at the hands of her then-boyfriend and Zion's father, Brandel Shouse, who was later arrested and charged for the abuse he inflicted on Barrino. "I don't talk about it a lot but the relationship that I was in was very abusive," she divulged to ABC News in 2007. Per the outlet, court documents claimed that Shouse's behavior included "choking her with both hands" and "punching her about the face and head." "I looked in the mirror and I said to myself, 'Look at me. I can't see out of one eye. I have knots on my head. My lips are swollen,'" Barrino recalled. "And my little brother came to me one day and I remember he says, 'Oh, you look bad.'" Fantasia Barrino's time on American Idol included controversy about race. Dubbed "The Three Divas," Fantasia Barrino and her fellow Season 3 American Idol contestants LaToya London and were widely seen as frontrunners, with any one of them capable of winning the show. America was stunned, however, when all three women ended up in the show's elimination round in an April 2004 episode. Hudson, whose career exploded in the decades after Idol, was famously eliminated from the show, while London and Barrino survived to compete in the next round. Speaking about the episode in a press conference that same week, , who served as a mentor for a previous Idol episode, blasted Idol viewers for allegedly engaging in racially biased voting, considering that Barrino, London, and Hudson were all black women. "They have great voices," John said of the three singers, per E! News . "The fact that they're constantly in the bottom three — and I don't want to set myself up here — but I find it incredibly racist." John continued, saying, "The three people I was really impressed with, and they just happened to be black, young female singers, and they all seem to be landing in the bottom three." Fantasia Barrino's father filed an eight-figure lawsuit against the star's publisher. Following the publication of Fantasia Barrino's Life is Not a Fairy Tale memoir in 2005, her father, Joseph Barrino, filed a $10 million libel lawsuit against the book's publisher, Simon & Schuster. Joseph Barrino claimed his daughter's memoir contained "malicious untruths," and disputed several of the book's allegations, including asking his daughter for money and that he valued his children's musical careers over their education. His suit also alleged that the singer didn't write her memoir and that the book was ghost-written by her grandmother, Addie Collins. Barrino shared some difficult claims about her father in her memoir, writing that he "needed everything to be perfect: the music, the house, and his appearance." In another passage, Barrino described her father hitting her as a child when she appeared to sulk in front of other people. "I poked my lips out and acted mad in front of other people. My father popped me," she wrote. "I was so upset because I never did anything wrong. I was so ashamed of getting a beating in public. It never happened again." Fantasia Barrino was accused of breaking up a marriage. Fantasia Barrino encountered legal woes in 2010 when a North Carolina woman, Paula Cook, claimed in a child custody case filing that Barrino had an affair with her husband, Antwaun Cook, leading to their divorce. According to Radar Online , Barrino was called to testify during the couple's divorce proceedings later that year in a North Carolina courtroom and allegedly claimed that she became pregnant with Cook's child and underwent an abortion. Per Radar Online , Barrino, who allegedly got Cook's name tattooed on her collarbone, further testified that she had been involved with him for a year and a half and believed he was separated from his wife during that time. Cook's divorce petition (via E! News ), however, reportedly claimed that Barrino had been confrontational with her in a phone call, allegedly saying, "[Your husband] don't want you. Maybe the next time that you get a husband you'll know how to keep him. That's why he is here with me." Barrino's manager, Brian Dickens, issued a statement to E! News at the time, claiming "Fantasia is certain that she is not responsible for the deterioration of the Cooks' marriage." In 2011, Barrino welcomed a second child, a son, Dallas Xavier. While Barrino never disclosed the details of her child's father, People reported that the mother of two had been "romantically linked to Antwaun Cook since summer 2010." Fantasia Barrino was hospitalized after an overdose. Shortly after Fantasia Barrino was accused in court documents of breaking up the marriage of her alleged beau Antwaun Cook, Barrino's manager, Brian Dickens, found the star nearly unconscious in her Charlotte, North Carolina mansion in August 2010. According to a statement from her manager to TMZ , the singer was hospitalized after taking "an overdose of aspirin and a sleep aid." He continued, writing, "Her injuries are not life threatening. She was dehydrated and exhausted at the time." Barrino later told VH1's Behind the Music (via People ) in 2010 that she "just wanted out" when she took the potentially-fatal dose of medication. "I just sat in the closet and looked at the mirror and took all the pills in the bottle," she revealed. "I wanted to go to sleep and just be at peace. I knew exactly what I was doing. You can't accidentally take a whole bottle of pills." Barrino attributed her low state to "people doing me wrong, constantly," claiming she was tired of "dealing with my family — my father, dealing with men and their [expletive]." "Her emotions were extremely low," Dickens recalled. "She'd been crying all day." Fortunately, though, Barrino recovered and went on to win her first Grammy in February 2011 for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for her song "Bittersweet." Fantasia Barrino lost her home after a years-long battle. Fantasia Barrino struggled for years to keep one of her homes in Charlotte, North Carolina, almost losing it in 2008 when she was accused of nonpayment of a loan. Barrino's house, which she later saved, was set for auction to pay back the company Broward Energy Partners, which allegedly paid over $68,000 of Barrino's taxes in 2006. Barrino, speaking to CNN in 2010, disputed the rumor that she was "losing [her] house to foreclosure," saying, "I've always been a hard worker and I've always busted my tail to make sure me and my family have a roof over our heads." Barrino also dismissed the buzz that American Idol judge Simon Cowell helped bail her out of debt. "I am still in my house, it wasn't a foreclosure and no, Simon Cowell did not help me pay any of my bills, though I thought that story was cute," she said. Barrino eventually listed the house in 2012, and TMZ reported in 2013 that the singer, after failing to secure a buyer, gave up the house by transferring the deed to a bank, allegedly in order to avoid foreclosure on the property. Fantasia Barrino provoked a backlash with her social media commentary. Fantasia Barrino landed in the headlines over some social media drama in 2013 after the star shared a since-deleted Instagram post (via E! News ) that many interpreted as homophobic. Mentioning current events, the star wrote, "It's a lot that going on that the Bible speaks about we should not be doing." Barrino added that "gay marriage [is] legal but yet I'm judged." The star also highlighted the legalization of marijuana as another sacrilegious event. As E! News reported, the American Idol winner later walked back her comments in statements from herself and her representatives. After her reps claimed that Barrino's words were "taken far out of context," Barrino issued her own message, imploring folks to "stop misrepresenting the facts." She wrote, in part, "It has been brought to my attention that something I said was taken out of context. I, Fantasia Monique Barrino, don't judge anyone because I don't want to be judged. The gay community is one of my largest supporters. I support the gay community as they support me." In a more fiery dispatch on Instagram, Barrino wrote in another deleted post (via Billboard ), "My whole team is gay, my manager is gay, middle finger up to those who [speak] to destroy me. It won't work." Several months later, perhaps as a show of goodwill to the LGBTQ community, Barrino signed on to perform at the Long Beach Gay and Lesbian Pride Festival. Fantasia Barrino almost lost her brother in an accident. In 2017, Fantasia Barrino's brother, Xavier Barrino, was injured in a motorcycle accident, with the singer telling Essence some two years later that "he's not walking yet, but he will be soon." Barrino also spoke about the transformative impact the accident had on her brother, who "probably would have killed himself" had he not been injured, she admitted. "[His generation], it seems that they're a lot different from how we were raised," she continued. "They're kind of lost and they want microwaveable careers; everything really quickly." Barrino described the tough-love approach she was taking with her brother's recovery, with his Instagram posts from 2019 showing him standing with the help of braces. "I'm not going to give you anything," she said. "You've got to put the work in just like I did. When you put the work in, you cherish it more, you take care of it." Barrino's brother's Instagram posts show his determination to recover from the injury, with him captioning a March 2020 photo of himself in a wheelchair. "Hiking mountains on wheels [but] next time I'll be on foot." Fantasia Barrino's nephew was tragically murdered. Fantasia Barrino experienced more personal tragedy in 2018, when her 18-year-old nephew Tyquan Vonricco Washington died in a North Carolina shooting. His obituary praised Washington's talent for gymnastics and "passion for football, singing and dancing." In a since-deleted Instagram post (via CNN), Barrino mourned the death of her nephew, writing, "Auntie is so sorry baby . RIP to my oldest nephew." The singer also sent prayers to Washington's father, her brother Ricco Barrino. Washington's father shared his own tribute to his slain son in a poignant Instagram post, writing, "I wanted to be there every day for you and there wasn't a day that went by I didn't wonder where you were. Well on this day you became a bigger man when you put on a pair of wings and did what I have yet to do." After the shooting, 21-year-old David Lee White Jr. was charged with the first-degree murder of Barrino's nephew as well as robbery with a dangerous weapon. Fantasia Barrino angered fans with her views on gender roles. After enduring her fair share of relationship dramas, Fantasia Barrino married Kendall Taylor in 2015 after a quick courtship of just three weeks. Barrino raised some eyebrows with a 2019 interview she gave to The Breakfast Club, in which she suggested that women should submit to men and let their male partners play the dominant role in their relationships. "You've got to let the man be the head of the house," she said. "You have to learn how to submit. You can still be a queen, a queen plays a part, a king needs his queen . but a queen has to sit back and allow her king to be the king," she continued. Naturally, those comments didn't sit well with everyone. Barrino and Taylor attempted to clarify their stance on gender roles in a September 2019 Instagram video captioned "A Talk with The Taylors: The Science Of Submission!" In the clip, Taylor said, "Submission is supposed to be a beautiful song and dance between two lovers. What's happened is men have abused that power. Forgive me, they've abused that gift ."