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English Course ISBN Author Title Publisher Name Edition Copyright CRIT THINK 9780393617436 GRAFF THEY SAY/I SAY: MOVES...ACADEMIC WRITING (W/OUT RDGS) NORTON W.W. & COMPANY INC. 3rd 2014 CRIT THINK 9780385347754 HEINRICHS THANK YOU FOR ARGUING (REV & UPD) CROWN PUBLISHING GROUP 2013 ENG III AP 9780312676506 SHEA LANGUAGE OF COMPOSITION BEDFORD SAINT MARTIN'S 2nd 2013 The English texts are listed below for your reference, but parents do NOT need to purchase novels for English classes. FRA will provide these texts and bill families. The English department believes strongly that critical reading skills inherently involve annotating the text in focus. To this end, ensuring that the students have clean (unannotated) copies of the texts is important. In all FRA English classes, students are required to provide textual support during class discussions and in written work. Having the same edition—and therefore the same page numbers—is extraordinarily helpful in keeping the discussion going without having to pause so that all the students with different editions can find the appropriate passages. In written work, having the same page numbers makes verification of supporting evidence easier. For all of these reasons, FRA orders clean copies of novels and distributes them to students, charging families via Renweb at the beginning of the year. These charges include licensing fees for Membean and No Red Ink, software that we use in these classes. If you are able to acquire these same novels and editions at a reduced rate, please have your child bring these to his or her teacher to confirm that they will work. If they do, we will refund you the charge for the texts. CRIT THINK Membean ENG I 9781451673319 Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 (60th Anniv) Simon & Schuster 2013 ENG I 9780679734772 CISNEROS HOUSE ON MANGO STREET (25TH ANNIVERSARY ED) RANDOM HOUSE INC 2009 ENG I 9780684801223 Hemingway Old Man & the Sea (Trade Ed) Simon & Schuster 1980 ENG I 9781580495899 Shakespeare Macbeth: Literary Touchstone Classic (#200125) Prestwick House Incorporated 2005 ENG I No Red Ink ENG I Membean ENG 1 Supplies: 1. 3‐ring Binder (at least 2 inches) 2. 5‐tab Dividers (with insertable tabs) 3. Pencil Pouch (Used to store highlighters) 4. Blue, Green, and Yellow highlighters (They MUST be these colors as they will be used in peer‐editing.) 5. Post‐it notes (3x3‐ These will be used in your Reader’s Notebook.) ENG I H 9780385474542 ACHEBE THINGS FALL APART DOUBLEDAY BANTAM 1959 ENG I H 9781451673319 Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 (60th Anniv) Simon & Schuster 2013 ENG I H 9780679734772 CISNEROS HOUSE ON MANGO STREET (25TH ANNIVERSARY ED) RANDOM HOUSE INC 2009 ENG I H 9780684801223 Hemingway Old Man & the Sea (Trade Ed) Simon & Schuster 1980 ENG I H 9781580495899 Shakespeare Macbeth: Literary Touchstone Classic (#200125) Prestwick House Incorporated 2005 ENG I H No Red Ink ENG I H Membean ENG II 9781594481925 McBride The Color of Water Riverhead 2006 ENG II 9780743273565 FITZGERALD GREAT GATSBY SIMON & SCHUSTER 1953 ENG II 9780451526922 Shakespeare Hamlet (with GOLD & WHITE COVER)(New Rev) New American Library 1998 ENG II 9780486280615 Twain Adventures of Huckleberry Finn DOVER PUB INC 1994 ENG II No Red Ink ENG II Membean ENG II Supplies: 1. 1 blue or black pen 2. 1 highlighter 3. 1 red pen 4. 1 college‐ruled composition notebook (NON‐spiraled) 5. College‐ruled loose leaf paper 6. Any sort of daily planner ENG II H 9780743273565 FITZGERALD GREAT GATSBY SIMON & SCHUSTER 1953 ENG II H 9780142437339 Miller Crucible Penguin (c/o RH) 1995 ENG II H 9780140481341 Miller Death of a Salesman (Trade Ed) Penguin (c/o RH) 1949 ENG II H 9781936041190 Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Simon and Brown ENG II H 9781107615489 SHAKESPEARE HAMLET CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 3rd 2013 ENG II H Membean ENG III 9780486282411 CHAUCER SELECTED CANTERBURY TALES DOVER PUBLICATIONS 1994 ENG III 9780679723110 GARDNER GRENDEL (TRADE ED) RANDOM HOUSE INC 1971 ENG III 9780393320978 HEANEY BEOWULF: NEW VERSE TRANS (BILINGUAL ED) NORTON W.W. & COMPANY INC. 2000 ENG III 9780486282084 MARLOWE DR FAUSTUS DOVER PUBLICATIONS 1994 ENG III 9780451524935 ORWELL 1984 NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY/PENGUIN 1977 ENG III 9781107615595 SHAKESPEARE OTHELLO CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 3rd ENG III 9780141439471 SHELLEY FRANKENSTEIN DUTTON 2003 ENG III Membean AP ENG LANG Membean AP ENG LIT 9780393926361 Conrad Heart of Darkness W. W. Norton & Company Incorporated 4th 2006 AP ENG LIT 9780393931389 Faulkner As I Lay Dying W. W. Norton & Company Incorporated 2010 AP ENG LIT 9780486454115 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment Dover AP ENG LIT 9780393976151 Shakespeare Othello W. W. Norton & Company Incorporated 2004 AP ENG LIT 9780486450490 Sophocles Theban Plays DOVER PUB INC 2006 AP ENG LIT Membean ENG IV AP Supplies: 1. 1 blue or black pen 2. 1 highlighter 3. 1 red pen 4. 1 college‐ruled composition notebook (NON‐spiraled) 5. College‐ruled loose leaf paper 6. Any sort of daily planner FICTWLDS 9780547928210 TOLKIEN FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING HOUGHTON MIFFLIN 2012 FICTWLDS 9780547928197 TOLKIEN RETURN OF THE KING HOUGHTON MIFFLIN 1994 FICTWLDS 9780547928203 TOLKIEN TWO TOWERS HOUGHTON MIFFLIN 1994 SHAKESAMP 9780743484879 Shakespeare Henry V Folger Shakespeare Library 2004 SHAKESAMP 9781107615519 Shakespeare Julius Caesar (Cambridge School Shakespeare 3rd Ed) CAMBRIDGE School Shakespeare 2014 SHAKESAMP 9781107615397 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice CAMBRIDGE School Shakespeare 2014 SHAKESAMP 9781107615458 Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream CAMBRIDGE School Shakespeare 2014 CREAT WRIT Materials for Creative Writing will be provided by the instructor Foundations Materials for Foundations in the Humanities will be provided by the instructor Math The Math resources are listed below for your reference, but parents do NOT need to purchase resources for Math classes. FRA will provide these materials and bill families. Course ISBN Author Title Publisher Name Edition Copyright All Math Course Supplies: TI‐84 calculator (plus or silver edition) ADV MATH 9780133135480 My Math Lab Pearson ALG I 9780133706321 Algebra I Digital Access Pearson ALG I 9780321600554 Math XL Pearson ALG II 9780133706338 Algebra II Digital Access Pearson ALG II 9780321600554 Math XL Pearson ALG II H 9780133706338 Algebra II Digital Access Pearson ALG II H 9780321600554 Math XL Pearson GEOM 9780133706147 Geometry Digital Access Pearson GEOM 9780321600554 Math XL Pearson GEOM H Materials for Geometry Honors will be provided by the instructor PRECAL 9780133135480 My Math Lab Pearson PRECAL H 9780133135480 My Math Lab Pearson CALC 9780132962377 My Math Lab Pearson AP CALC AB Materials for AP Calculus AB will be provided by the instructor STAT (AP) 131903277x Practice of Statistics ebook BFW History Course ISBN Author Title Publisher Name Edition Copyright ANC HIS 9781457685323 McKay History of World Societies: V1 (w/LPad Access)(Value Ed) Bedford Saint Martin's (MPS) 10th 2015 ANC HIS H 9781457685323 McKay History of World Societies: V1 (w/LPad Access)(Value Ed) Bedford Saint Martin's (MPS) 10th 2015 ECON '9780078799976 CLAYTON ECONOMICS MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES 2012 EURH AP 9780393934335 MERRIMAN HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE (COMPLETE) NORTON W.W. & COMPANY INC. 3rd 2010 GOVT 9780078799822 REMY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT: DEMOCRACY IN ACTION GLENCOE PUBLISHING CO. 2010 HOLOCAUST 9780801883583 Berenbaum World Must Know: History of Holocaust etc The Johns Hopkins University Press 2nd 2006 HOLOCAUST 9780805210606 Wiesenthal Sunflower Schocken 2nd 1997 Holocaust Course Supplies: 1. Notebook 2. Folder 3. Black and Blue Pens 4. Pencils 5. Highlighter (Optional) US HIST 9781285983738 Berkin Making America ‐ etext edition Cengage 7th 2015 US HIST 9781402243677 Waldman My Fellow Americans (with CDs) Sourcebooks 2nd 2010 US HIST AP 9781285194790 Berkin Making America ‐ print edition Cengage 7th 2015 US HIST AP 9781402243677 Waldman My Fellow Americans (with CDs) Sourcebooks 2nd 2010 US 19TH C Materials for US 19th Century History will be provided by the instructor WAR AND PEA9781439140697 Jimmy Carter We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land Simon and Scheuster WAR AND PEA9780199603930 Bunton Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict: a Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press NA World Together, Worlds Apart: From the Beginnings of Humankind to the WHIST AP 9780393616781 Pollard, Elizabeth, etc. Present, AP Edition Norton WLD HIST 0393925684 McNeill The Human Web: A Bird's Eye View of World History Norton WLD HIST 9780393937787 Pollard, Elizabeth, etc. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A Companion Reader Norton World History and War and Peace Course Supplies: 1. Notbook 2. Folder 3. Black and Blue Pens 4. Pencils 5. Highlighter (Optional) PSYC 9780554004013 Rathus Psychology: Principles in Practice Holt McDougal 2010 Science Course ISBN Author Title Publisher Name Edition Copyright BIOL I 9780133235746 MILLER LEVINE BIOLOGY PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K‐12) 2014 BIOL I H 9780547586663 Nowicki BIOLOGY Houghton Mifflin 2012 Biology I Honors and Regular Course Supplies: 1. MEAD 5 Star 3‐subject College Ruled Spiral Notebook (2) 2. Mini‐stapler 3. 3 x 5 Notecards 4. Colored Pencils 5. **Mrs. Mauldin's classes only** Quad Compotision Book with (Graph paper, not lined paper ‐ not spiral) BIOL II 9780132499118 MARIEB ESSEN OF HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY ACCESS CARD PEARSON EDUCATION HIGHER ED GR 10th 2012 Anatomy and Physiology (Bio II) Supplies: 1. 3 x 5 Notecards 2. Colored Pencils 3. Quad Compotision Book with (Graph paper, not lined paper ‐ not spiral) BIOL II AP 9780321775658 CAMPBELL CAMPBELL BIOLOGY PRENTICE HALL INC 10th 2014 AP Biology Course Supplies: 1. MEAD 5 Star 3‐subject College Ruled Spiral Notebook (2) 2. Mini‐stapler 3. 3 x 5 Notecards 4. Colored Pencils CHEM I 9780618562763 Zumdahl World of Chemistry McDougal Litrell 2007 CHEM I H 9780078746376 GLENCOE CHEMISTRY: MATTER & CHANGE MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES 2008 Chemistry I Regular and Honors Course Supplies: 1. Quad Compotision Book with (Graph paper, not lined paper ‐ not spiral) 2. scientific or graphing calculator 3. 3 x 5 white Notecards 4. 1 inch Binder CHEM AP 9780321651785 Tro Chemistry: A Molecular Approach Pearson 2nd 2011 AP Chemistry Course Supplies: 1.