232 THE GAZETTE, 28TH JUNE, 1963

December, 1961, are hereby required to send on or (g) To the British & Foreign Bible Society the sum before the 1st day of September, 1963, particulars of £250. of such claims and interests to the undersigned Solici- tors for the personal representative of the deceased. (h) To the North Belfast Mission. People's Hall. Belfast, the sum of £250. And notice is hereby further given that after the said 1st day of September, 1963, the said personal (i) To the Lord's Day Observance Society, London, representative will proceed to convey or distribute the sum of £100. the property of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims (j) To the Boys Brigade (First Company) Newtown- and demands of which particulars shall have been ards, the sum of £100 but in case such Com- received. pany shall not be in existence at the time of my death then I bequeath such sum of £100 to Dated this 25th day of June, 1963. the Belfast Battalion of the Boys' Brigade. L'Estrange & Brett, Solicitors for the Execu- tor, 9 Chichester Street, Belfast, 1. (k) To the Cripples Institute, Donegall Road, Bel- fast the sum of £50. (1) To the Assisted Dogs' Licence Fund, Belfast, the sum of £50. The testatrix appointed the Rev. Francis Herbert CHARITABLE BEQUESTS Scott Maguire, of 150 Malone Road, Belfast, to be the sole Executor of her said Will and Probate Estate of Thomas Forde, late of "Brooklands" thereof was granted to him on the 17th day of May, Groomsport Road, , iCounty , 1963, forth of the Principal Registry of the High Retired Company Director, deceased. Count of Justice in , Queen's Bench Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statute 30 & 31 Division (Probate). Vic., Cap. 54, that the above named Thomas Forde Dated this 26th day of June, 1963. by his Will dated 23rd day of February, 1959, be- A. S. Merrick & Son, Solicitors to the Execu- queathed the following charitable legacies:— tor, 7 Wellington Place, Belfast, 1. To the Shanfcill Road Mission Belfast the sum Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, and all others of £500. concerned. To the Belfast City Mission the sum of £500. To Corlea Presbyterian Church, Co. Monaghan, the sum of £500 the Session and Committee of said Church to make thereout suitable pro- vision for the up-keep of his parent's grave in the Churchyard and to apply the balance CHANGE OF NAME of said sum for the general purposes of the said Church; I, the undersigned Jane Gilmore of 36 Andersons- To the Church Extension Fund of the Presbyterian town Park West in the City of Belfast, formerly Church in Ireland the sum of £1,000; known as Jane Cook, give notice that by Deed Poll bearing date the Twenty-seventh day of May, 1963, To Ballyholme Presbyterian Church for its Build- I have assumed and intend henceforth upon all ing Fund the sum of £500. occasions and at all times to use sign and be called The Testator directed that the said legacies should and known by the name of Jane Gilmore, instead of be paid after the termination of the interest of his Jane Cook the name by which I have hitherto been wife Susan Forde therein during her Widowhood. known. The Testator died on the 19th day of October, Dated this 26th day of June, 1963. 1962, and Probate of his said Wall was on the 8th Signed Jane Giimore. day of May, 1963, granted forth of the Principal Registry at Belfast to Mrs. Susan Forde of "Brook- Witness present: R. C. Burke. lands" aforesaid, Widow of Testator, Thomas Forde Wallace, Harris & Robb, 16 Donegall Square of 37 Downshire Road, Bangor, , South, Belfast, 1. Company Director, and Leonard William Wallace Forde of 112 Groomsport Road, Bangor, County Down, Company Director, the surviving executors named in the said Will. Dated the 21st day of June, 1963. Mackenzie & Dorman, Solicitors, 128 Albert- SEIZURE NOTICES bridge Road, Belfast. 5. THE IMPORTED LIVESTOCK ORDER, 1958 SEIZURE NOTICE (LIVESTOCK) In the Goods of Dora Maguire, late of 150 Malone Road, Belfast, Widow, deceased. I, George Lutton, Constable, being an authorised officer for the purpose of the Imported Livestock Notice pursuant to the Statute in that case made and Order, 1958, hereby give notice that on the 22nd provided is hereby given that the above named Dora day of June, 1963, at, or in the vicinity of The Maguire, who died on the 23rd day of May, 1962, Commons, Newtownhamilton, Co. Aimagh, the bv her last Will dated the 16th day of November, undermentioned Seven livestock were seized in 1934, bequeathed the following Charitable legacies: accordance with the provisions of the said Order. (a) To the Ulster Society for the Prevention of Any person claiming that the livestock were at the Cruelty to Animals, the sum of £1,000. time of seizure his property and either (b) To the Whiteabbey Congregational Church, (a) that they were not imported, removed or Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim, the sum of £800. brought into the from the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man or the (c) To the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, the sum Republic of Ireland, or of £500 to endow a bed to be called the "Eliza Currie" Bed in memory of my mother. (b) that they were not so imported, removed or brought in in contravention of the said Order. fd) To the Ulster Hospital for Children and Women, may give notice in writing to that effect to the Head Templemore Avenue, Belfast, the sum of £500, or other Constable in charge at R.U.C. Station, Mus- to endow a bed to be called the "John Currie" grave Street, Belfast, 1, such notice to be received fled in memoy of my father. within 21 days of the date of seizure, or, where (e) To the Actors' Benevolent Fund, London, the notice of the seizure is published in the Belfast sum of £500. Gazette, within ten days of such publication, which- (f) To the Donkeys' Protection Society, Belfast, the ever period shall terminate the later. sum of £500. If no such claim is received as aforesaid the said