WELCOME Sponsorship and Volunteer Opportunities SponsorshipWELCOME opportunities for 3nd SponsorshipSponsorship and and Volunteer Volunteer Opportunities Opportunities OnWELCOME behalf of the Board of Directors of ❑Sponsorship Sponsor a Senior and- Monthly Volunteer amount $50 ($600.00 Opportunities per year) On behalf of the Board of Directors of ❑ Sponsor a Senior - Monthly amount $50 ($600.00 per year) ’s and Coptic annualOnArchangel’s behalf of Michael Celebrationthe Board and of Gabriel Directors Coptic of of Hope Banquet ❑ Sponsor a Senior - Monthly amount $50 ($600.00 per year) Relief Organization, we welcome you to ❑ Sponsor a Senior Couple - Monthly amount $100 ($1,200 per year) Archangel’sOnRelief behalf Organization, of Michael the Board weand ofwelcome Gabriel Directors Coptic you of to ❑ Sponsor a Senior -Couple Monthly - Monthly amount amount$50 ($600.00 $100 per ($1,200 year) per year) ARCHANGEL’S MICHAEL AND GABRIEL “Celebration of Hope.” ReliefArchangel’s“CelebrationWELCOME Organization, Michael of Hope.” weand welcome Gabriel Coptic you to ❑Sponsorship SponsorMake a Monthly a Senior Contribution andCouple Volunteer - Monthly amount Opportunities $100 ($1,200 per year) Love ❑ Make a Monthly Contribution “CelebrationReliefThe sponsorshipOrganization, of Hope.” ofwe the welcome hor’s douvres, you to or the 50/50 ❑ Sponsor a Senior Couple - Monthly amount $100 ($1,200 per year) Our mission is to improve the quality of “CelebrationOurAn missionad in the isof toprogram Hope.” improve book the quality of ❑ Make❑ $500 a Monthly ❑ $200 Contribution ❑ $100 ❑ $50 ❑ Other $______COPTIC RELIEF ORGANIZATION Onlife behalffor seniors of the in BoardEgypt ofby Directorsmeeting of ❑ ❑ $500 ❑ $200 ❑ $100 ❑ $50 ❑ Other $______OurlifeMention for mission seniors in is the into Egyptimprove Spring by Newsletter themeeting quality of MakeSponsor a Monthly a Senior Contribution - Monthly amount $50 ($600.00 per year) Archangel’sspiritual, emotional Michael and and physical Gabriel Copticneeds ❑ Newsletter❑ $500 ❑ Sponsorship $200 ❑ $100 - ($1,000 ❑ for $50 two issues)❑ Other $______lifeOurspiritual,One for mission Ticket seniors emotional is into Egyptimprove and by physical themeeting quality needs of ❑ Newsletter Sponsorship - ($1,000 for two issues) Reliefthrough Organization, companionship we welcome and , you food, to ❑ Sponsor❑Sponsorship $500 a ❑Senior of$200 the Couple newsletter ❑ $100 - Monthly is ❑an $50opportunity amount ❑ $100Other to ($1,200 support$______per year) spiritual,lifethroughPrice for seniors$350.00 companionshipemotional in Egypt and by physical and meeting prayer, needs food, Sponsorship of the newsletter is an opportunity to support “Celebrationhousing and ofmedical Hope.” support. Our goal is ❑ Newsletter Sponsorship - ($1,000 for two issues) throughspiritual,housing andcompanionshipemotional medical and support. physical and prayer, Our needs goal food, is Archangel’s Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization by to ensure that seniors are treated with the ❑ MakeNewsletterSponsorshipArchangel’s a Monthly SponsorshipMichael of the Contribution newsletter and Gabriel - ($1,000 is anCoptic for opportunity two Relief issues) Organization to support by housingthroughto ensure andcompanionship that medical seniors support. are and treated prayer, Our with goal food, the is helping to oset production costs which helps to fund senior Ourdignity, mission respect is to and improve compassion the quality they of Archangel’shelpingSponsorship to oset Michael of the production newsletter and Gabriel costs is anCoptic which opportunity Relief helps Organization to to fund support senior by tohousingdignity,Peace ensure respect and that medical seniors and compassion support. are treated Our they with goal the is ❑citizens $500 in Egypt.❑ $200 ❑ $100 ❑ $50 ❑ Other $______lifedeserve for seniors as ’s in Egyptchildren. by meeting helpingcitizensArchangel’s into Egypt.oset Michael production and Gabriel costs Coptic which Relief helps Organization to fund senior by dignity,todeserveThe ensure Sponsorship respectas that God’s seniors and children. ofcompassion are the treated Auction they with Area the spiritual,Signage emotional by the Auction and physical Area needs Enclosed❑ NewsletterCelebrationcitizenshelping is intomy Egypt.oset Sponsorshippayment of Hope production Banquetof $ - ______. ($1,000 costs whichfor two helps issues) to fund senior Ourdeservedignity, motto respectas isGod’s “Giving and children. compassion hope…through they Christian love.” Enclosed is my payment of $ ______. deserveOurthroughAd mottoin the ascompanionship isGod’sProgram “Giving children. hope…throughBook and prayer, food, Christian love.” Sponsorshipcitizens m Love in Egypt. mof thePeace newsletter m Hope is an opportunity m Joy m to Faith support housing and medical support. Our goal is Enclosed is my payment of $ ______. And my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ . Phillipians 4:19 OurOne motto Ticket is “Givingto Celebration hope…through of Hope Christian love.” PAYMENT Archangel’s METHOD: Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization by Today’sto ensure celebration that seniors will are include treated an with authentic the Egyptian dinner, an overview of EnclosedPAYMENT is METHOD: my payment of $ ______. OurToday’sPrice motto $500.00 celebration is “Giving will hope…through include an authentic Christian Egyptian love.” dinner, an overview of helping to oset production costs which helps to fund senior dignity,Archangel’s respect Michael and compassionand Gabriel Copticthey Relief Organization presented by Mohsen ❑PAYMENT Direct DebitMETHOD: - My voided check is enclosed. Today’sArchangel’s celebration Michael will and include Gabriel an Coptic authentic Relief Egyptian Organization dinner, presented an overview by Mohsen of ❑ Direct Debit - My voided check is enclosed. deserveIsaac, entertainment as God’s children. by Jazz Singer Jessica Lee, comedy by noted Christian PAYMENT (Directcitizens debitMETHOD: in Egypt. from your bank account helps reduce administrative costs) Archangel’sToday’sIsaac, entertainment celebration Michael will and by includeJazz Gabriel Singer an Coptic authentic Jessica Relief Lee, Egyptian Organization comedy dinner, by notedpresented an overview Christian by Mohsen of ❑ Direct(Direct Debitdebit from - My your voided bank check account is enclosed. helps reduce administrative costs) comedianHope Andy Beningo, and music by singer/songwriter Lori Matta. Isaac,Archangel’scomedian entertainment Andy Michael Beningo, and by Jazz Gabriel and Singer music Coptic Jessica by singer/songwriterRelief Lee, Organization comedy by Lori notedpresented Matta. Christian by Mohsen ❑ CheckDirect Debit(payable - Myto Archangel’s voided check Michael is enclosed. and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization) OurThe motto Sponsorship is “Giving of hope…through the Entertainment, Christian Food love.” (Venue) ❑Enclosed Check(Direct is (payabledebit my paymentfrom to Archangel’syour ofbank $ ______. accountMichael and helps Gabriel reduce Coptic administrative Relief Organization) costs) WecomedianIsaac,A Fullhave entertainment Page a Andy50/50 Ad Beningo, ra e,in the by a JazzProgram Chinese and Singer music basket Book, Jessica by singer/songwriter auctionOn Lee, Site comedy and Signage great by Lori silentandnoted Matta. Recognition auction Christian items up ❑ (Direct debit from your bank account helps reduce administrative costs) We have a 50/50 ra e, a Chinese basket auction and great silent auction items up ❑ CashCheck (payable to Archangel’s Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization) forcomedianTwo bid, Tickets so bidAndy earlyto Beningo, the and Second often. and Annualmusic by Celebration singer/songwriter of Hope Lori Matta. PAYMENT❑ Cash METHOD: forToday’s bid, socelebration bid early andwill includeoften. an authentic Egyptian dinner, an overview of ❑ CreditCheck (payableCard # ______to Archangel’s -Michael ______and Gabriel - ______Coptic Relief - ______Organization) WeMention have a 50/50in the ra e, Spring a Chinese Newsletter basket auction and great silent auction items up ❑ CashCredit Card # ______- ______- ______- ______WeArchangel’s have a 50/50 Michael ra e, and a ChineseGabriel Coptic basket Relief auction Organization and great silent presented auction by itemsMohsen up Direct(VISA or MasterCardDebit - My only) voided check is enclosed. WeforPrice bid,appreciate $750.00so bid early all of and your often. and support in helping us serve the needs of ❑ Cash(VISA or MasterCard only) WeIsaac, appreciate entertainment all of your by Jazz prayers Singer and Jessica support Lee, in comedy helping by us notedserve theChristian needs of ❑ Credit(Direct(VISA or MasterCarddebitCard from# ______only) your bank -account ______helps -reduce ______administrative - ______costs) seniorsfor bid, soin Egypt.bid early and often. Name as it appears on card ______seniorscomedian in Egypt.Andy Beningo, and music by singer/songwriter Lori Matta. Name❑ Credit(VISA as or it MasterCardCard appears # ______ononly) card ______- ______- ______- ______We appreciate all of your prayers and support in helping us serve the needs of ❑ Check (payable to Archangel’s Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization) Joy Name (VISA as or it MasterCard appears ononly) card ______Greetings,On behalf of the Board of Directors for We appreciate all of your prayers and support in helping us serve the needs of Thankseniors you in Egypt. and God bless, Signature ______Exp.______CVV ______seniorsThankWeFull have page you in a Egypt. 50/50and ad inGod ra e, the bless, Program a Chinese Book, basket The auction Sponsorship and great of silent the Venueauction items up Name❑Signature Cash as it ______appears on card ______Exp.______CVV ______for bid, so bid early and often. ArchangelsOn behalf of Michael the founders and Gabrielof Archange Copticl’s M Reliefichael and Gabriel ThankFall Page you andAd inGod the bless, Program Book, Mention in the Spring Newsletter ❑Signature ______Exp.______CVV ______❑ ICredit would Card like to # volunteer.______- ______- ______- ______ThankOn Site you signage and God and bless, Recognition, Feed a Senior For a Year Signature I would ______like to volunteer. Exp.______CVV ______WelcomeCoptic Relief Organization, we welcome you. (VISA or MasterCard only) Organization, we would like to welcome you We Two appreciate Tickets to all the of your Second prayers Annual and support Celebration in helping of Hope us serve the needs of Please❑ I would contact like meto volunteer. ______Mi and Gaiel, Mose n Nvin Isaa Please contact me ______seniorsMi andPrice $1,500.00in Egypt. Gaiel, Mose n Nvin Isaa ❑Name I would as it appearslike to volunteer. on card ______to our Celebration of Hope issue. Please contact me ______Mi and Gaiel, Mose n Nvin Isaa ❑ Sign me up for the newsletter. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for seniors in Egypt Mi andThank you and God Gaiel, bless, Mose n Nvin Isaa PleaseSignature❑ Sign contact me ______up mefor the______newsletter. Exp.______CVV ______It is hard to believe that we will be Faith by meeting spiritual, emotional and physical needs through Name❑ Sign ______me up for the newsletter. Title Sponsorship of the Second Celebration of Hope Presented By Name❑ SignI would ______me like up forto volunteer. the newsletter. celebrating our Third Annual Celebration of NameEmail ______companionship and prayer, food, housing and medical support. A Full Page Ad in the Program Book, A Reserved Table at the Second Email ______Mi andAnnual Celebration Gaiel, of Hope Mose (Five Tickets) n Nvin Isaa NamePlease ______contact me ______HopeOur goalfundraising is to ensu galare th aont seniors Sunday, are Novembertreated with the dignity, Email ______FeedingFor a I,Senior the Lord Family your for a God,one year will period hold your right hand, Visit our website for more information on how you can get involved. MentionFor in I, the the Spring Lord Newsletteryour God, will hold your right hand, ❑Email SignVisit ______me our up website for the for newsletter. more information on how you can get involved. 4, rfromespec 3:00t and to compassion 7:00 pm at they the dese Fez,r inve Hopewellas God’s child ren. saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” 41:13 WWW.COPTICSENIORHOPE.ORG PriceFor $2,500.00saying I, the to Lord you, your“Fear God, not, Iwill will hold help your you.” right Isaiah hand, 41:13 Visit our websiteWWW.COPTICSENIORHOPE.ORG for more information on how you can get involved. Township, Pennsylvania. We look forward to For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, NameVisit ______our websitewww.copticseniorhope.org for more information on how you can get involved. (Page 2saying Inside to Cover) you, “Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 WWW.COPTICSENIORHOPE.ORG(Page 7 Inside Back Cover) The motto of Archangel’s Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief (Page 2saying Inside to Cover) you, “Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 Email ______WWW.COPTICSENIORHOPE.ORG(Page 7 Inside Back Cover) your participation in this wonderful event. (Page 2 Inside Cover) (Page 7 Inside Back Cover) Organization is Giving hopethrough Christian love. (Page 7 Inside Back Cover) This edition will feature articles on the (Page For2 Inside I, the Cover) Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Visit our website for more information on how you can get involved.

saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 WWW.COPTICSENIORHOPE.ORG ThirdIf you Annual would likeCelebration to become of in Hope,volved ourwith recent Archange l’s Michael

g r .o e p ho r opticsenio c . w ww trip to Egypt this past May, and some updated (Page 2 Inside Cover) (Page 7 Inside Back Cover) and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization or would like to learn informationmore, please on co nourtac tcurrent me at 1-888-567-6524, programs. ext. 1 or visit

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elief elief R optic C iel r ab G and ichael M changel's r A demand of feeding 400 additional seniors, Thank you and God bless, Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization receives and their families through our sponsor a senior or senior family program. We would from H.H. Tawadros II, 118 pope and of the see of St. Mark. like to also extend a thank you to our current sponsor a senior donors. Your sponsorship is helping provide much President needed meals for the elderly living in villages in the south of Egypt.

If you wouldAnd like my to make God shalla one supply time or all recurring donation to our sponsor program,

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in glory by Christ Jesus.

We wish you a blessed upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.

Phillipians 4:19

Thank you and God Bless

Miranda Gabriel, Mohsen and Nevine Isaac BT T

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N O I T A Z NI A G R O EF LI RE C I T P O C Please support Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization

on Amazonsmile. Every time you shop .05% goes toward our charity! L E I R B A G ND A L E A CH I M S ’ L GE N A CH R A


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est est t fas the are y l elder the , t Egyp In 2018 Mission Trip Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Nevine and Mohsen Isaac traveled to Egypt this past May Relief Organization sponsors 200 seniors and families on a Relief Organization to Host Third Annual to visit the shelter in the south of Egypt next to Qena in a monthly basis. “We provide meal boxes which include meat, small village called Rahmania. poultry, lentil, oil, etc.,” said Mrs. Isaac. She added, “There are Celebration of Hope on Sunday, November 4, 2018 “The highlight of the trip was visiting 400 senior and disabled families who are on the shelter and meeting the residents and the waiting list. servants,” said Nevine Isaac, President of the When asked what her one wish would be, Board of Directors for Archangels Michael and Mrs. Isaac said, “Our one wish is get the seniors, Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization. Currently senior families and the disabled sponsored so there are 160 senior citizens and disabled we can take care of the ongoing demand of living in the shelter. getting everyone fed. It is a serious issue that The original shelter has five floors and is the seniors and the disabled in Southern Egypt filled to capacity with seven residents per room. are facing.” She added, “We want the readers to Mohsen Isaac, Founder and Vice President pray for us, spread the word for our cause and Special thanks to Dr loretta Seraly Pictures from our 2017 gala of the Board of Directors commented, with Seraly eye care associates for to help feed more seniors and disabled who are her generous contributions to our “The biggest need for the shelter is to have 2018 mission trip. in need.” additional servants who can serve the seniors Currently, Archangels Michael and Gabriel Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief and all while supporting a great cause,” she said. The and disabled along with medication, healthcare, food and Coptic Relief Organization is working with the Little Brethen Organization to Host Third Annual Celebration of Hope entertainment will feature Scott Elliott, a classical jazz hygiene products. We need to have more servants who can Foundation in Egypt. Other servants and priests refer seniors on Sunday, November 4. and adult contemporary guitarist, along with the Kyiv serve the needs of the senior and disabled.” and disabled to Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Dance Ensemble, and the dinner will be catered by the The biggest obstacle for the seniors and disabled in the Organization from Upper and Southern Egypt. They receive Organization will be hosting their third annual Fez. south of Egypt is extreme poverty, according to Nevine referrals from Alexandria all the way to Sudan. “Celebration of Hope” gala on Sunday, November 4, ”Our goal is to raise over $35,000 for the new shelter Isaac. Currently Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Fez, 2312 Broadhead Road, and bring more awareness for our cause, and to get Aliquippa, Pennsylvania (Hopewell Township.) The cost more advocates and volunteers to support Archangels per ticket for adults is $100.00 and for Children 17-and- Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization,” Mrs. under it is $50.00. Gabriel explained. Nevine Isaac, president of the board of directors Anyone who is interested but unable to attend for Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief our third annual gala can still participate, according to Organization, explained, “The proceeds from this years Mrs. Isaac. “They can donate, including online donations, “Celebration of Hope” will go towards the continued they can sponsor a senior for $50 a month or a senior building of our new shelter in Upper Egypt. couple for $100 per month, they can volunteer their “The goal and vision of our organization is to continue time toward helping with fundraisers and events, and to improve the quality of life for the seniors and disabled they can help advocate for our cause and pray for us,” we serve,” Mrs. Isaac said. “We want to build more shelters she explained. in other areas of Egypt where there is a need.” We would also like to extend our gratitude for our Miranda Gabriel, Treasurer and one of the founding current gala sponsors. Our main gala sponsors are Drs. members of Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Sophie and Ayman Hanna from Good Samaritan Pain Relief Organization said of the Celebration of Hope gala, clinic in Mars, Pa. Also, a special thanks to our sponsor, Mr. Update on Archangels Michael and Gabriel Shelter “This year’s event will be different because of the change Groetsch with Morgan Stanley, who is returning The Archangel Michael and Gabriel Shelter is in the final phase for in venue. People will have a good time while enjoying for a second year. Anyone interested in sponsoring our the completion of the exterior of the building. The exterior is set to good food, great entertainment and good company, event can call us at: 1-888-567-6524 ext.1 be complete by January 1, 2019. Once the exterior work is completed, then will work on the interior of the shelter will begin. The shelter will be located in El Rahmania , Egypt and will be able to house 200 residents including some from the current shelter that is already overcrowded from reaching it’s full capacity. The Construction cost is approximately $2.5 million Egyptian pounds, $142,000 in US Dollars. We need to raise another $35,000 for the completion of the shelter. The next step is to work on the interior finishing after the final phase of the exterior work and we need the final funds to make this a reality.

Please continue to pray for the completion of this project that will be a blessing for so many. Pictures from our 2017 gala To contribute or to volunteer, please call 1-888-567-6524 or log onto www.copticseniorhope.org. Like us and share our Facebook, website and newsletter—Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization. To contribute or to volunteer, please call 1-888-567-6524 or log onto www.copticseniorhope.org. Sponsorship opportunities are available at www.copticseniorhope.org Like us and share our Facebook, website and newsletter—Archangels Michael and Gabriel Coptic Relief Organization. Sponsorship opportunities are available at www.copticseniorhope.org