Arts Access made easy: 2003Successful Strategies from the Award of Excellence in Arts Access “A teenage girl... is sitting across the table (in an art class) from this guy named Joe, who’s blind. He can’t see anything, and he says ‘Pass the blue paint.’ And she says, ‘How do you know what blue paint is?! ’ And he says ‘Blue like the sky, blue like the water. You don’t have to see blue to know what blue is.’” Dwight Graves, from The Journey to Here If we need proof that awareness of arts access is on the rise, we need only look at the number of venues that applied for this award. Three times as many arts organizations submitted their access programs for consideration this year—a sign that everyone is learning how important it is to reach out to the more than 59 million people with in the United States. Arts organizations recognize that by providing services they expand their audience. People with disabilities are not a small fringe group in your community—they are an integral part of every community. By including everyone in the design, your programs become more relevant and engaging. If our arts define us, then so does our audience. Define yours as broadly as you can. The average attendee does not exist. We’re all different, and our needs vary. Access strives to meet the needs of everyone in your community. For arts venues just beginning their access efforts, let the excellence of this year’s awardees guide and motivate you. And let this booklet serve as an introduction to the network of resources open to you as you launch your own programs. Enjoy!

Soula Antoniou President VSA arts

Letter from the president | 2 roviding physical access for your Pvisitors is not enough anymore, Through thoughtful planning, organizations can create full access to the arts. Access but it is a great beginning. Now, the goal is created when people of diverse abilities have an equal opportunity to attend, is to create events that meet the specific participate in, and enjoy arts programming. needs of people with disabilities and that An organization can contribute to access by being sensitive and responsive to the make them feel welcome and involved. needs of people with disabilities through— Making adaptations in the presentation The design and implementation of a program; of art exhibits, theatrical performances, The guidelines and policies in place activities, and workshops that enable to support the development and people with and without disabilities to implementation of its programs; have the same opportunity to richly The printed materials created to promote the program; experience these events, this is access The means through which the program and inclusion. is communicated to the public; and The physical design of the facility used to implement the program.

3 | Arts Access made easy THE PATH TO ACCESS Arts access allows community access. Ten Surefire Ways to Achieve Arts Access It’s that simple. If you want to reach 1. Approach Access as a Process. The first WHAT IS ARTS access? the largest possible audience, then you step is one of attitude. Don’t think you’ll Arts access is achieved when people need to make your programs available to one day be finished with your access with and without disabilities have the them. All people must be able to attend responsibilities. Arts access is an ongoing same opportunity to experience the arts, your arts events, and to meaningfully process, and it’s as fundamental to your whether they are audience members, experience them. organization as the arts events you produce. artists, or patrons. (Why? Because it’s about creating an audience, Arts Access manifests itself in many ways: Don’t let arts access become a daunting and art isn’t art without an audience.) task. Break it down into manageable Physical accommodations, such as projects, especially if you are just starting Make arts access part of the fabric of seating for people using wheelchairs your access efforts. You may designate an your organization. Just as you never and Braille signage access coordinator, but full access requires stop producing new events, exhibits, Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) a team effort. True access requires much and programs, you’ll find endless ways community outreach, and it can even require to include the greatest possible audience. Infrared Listening Systems architectural renovations. The simplest and ASL interpreters 2. Make Access Somebody’s Job. At every cheapest solutions, however, are frequently arts institution, there should be a person Open Captioning the most powerful. Let’s get to the basics. who has the specific responsibility of Audio Description arts access. A full-time position is rarely Touch Tours allocated. This coordinator needs to juggle this role with several other duties, which TTY phones is why number three is so vital. Inclusive Arts Education Programs

What is arts access? | 4 3. Build Relationships. No matter how include the creative works of people with small your city, there are organizations out disabilities? Who should receive brochures BUILDING BLOCKS there that represent people with disabilities promoting upcoming sensory tours? (see list, page 7). Introduce yourself and OF accessibility your arts institution to these groups, and to 4. Evaluate What You’ve Got. To know leaders in these communities. Schedule a what you need, examine what you’ve got. Ask patrons and involve people What physical alterations do you need to with disabilities in your planning. meeting. Everyone has to begin somewhere, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Soak up make at your facility? Who on the staff State your commitment to access what they have to say. What are their needs? needs sensitivity training? (Everyone who in your mission and press materials. What do they want? How can you make works with the public needs it, even the your theatre or museum more accessible security guards.) Ask your new accessibility Designate an accessibility coordinator. to their groups? committee to help conduct the evaluations and the training sessions. Use the “People Obtain input from people with disabilities. They can make your job easier. Create an First” guide in the back of this booklet as Train all staff on accessibility and accessibility committee made up of these a starting point for your staff. awareness. representatives and key staff at your organization. The dialogue at these 5. Take Advantage of Free Resources. Conduct a review/evaluation of facilities committee meetings will help you establish Only at number five and you’re already and programs to identify existing barriers. access priorities for your venue. Find out overwhelmed? Don’t be—it’s a process done in baby steps. Free help and resources exist Implement short- and long-term plans. what you’re doing right, and what needs improvement. Are assistive listening devices at every level. For instance, just do an Establish a way for feedback and the biggest priority, or an accessible Internet search on “cultural access” to find constructive criticism to be heard. bathroom on the second floor? How many a wealth of online resources. people have used the TTY phone line to Continue to review your progress. purchase tickets? Does your programming

5 | Arts Access made easy 6. Make Goals You Can Achieve. Don’t informative brochures to mail to the senior aim to rebuild your theatre to adhere to centers, schools, and organizations that work the principles of if you with people with disabilities. Advertise your are working with a small budget and no access offerings in the publications read by staff. Start with what’s doable—so if you’re these populations (which are often the same a small-town theatre, maybe that’s just to publications read by the general public). include an American Sign Language (ASL) Use your newly developed relationships in interpreter or volunteer audio describer at the disability community to get the word one performance. Arts access isn’t an all-or- out. Include the Graphic Arts Guild symbols nothing proposition, but it’s easy to get for accessibility in all of your printed discouraged when you don’t think you have materials. Make sure there is sufficient and the financial resources or manpower to make clear signage in your arts venue that changes. Some changes don’t cost a thing, publicize the accessibility options available. like building relationships (number 3). Even if your arts access budget is tiny, Remember that it’s better to do something dedicate some funds to marketing your small than nothing at all. adaptations. 7. Market to Community. After actually 8. Consider Both Sides of the Stage. incorporating arts access into your venue, Arts access isn’t just about the audience. this is the most important thing you can People with disabilities sing, dance, act, do. Access is useless if the people who can paint, direct, play instruments, choreograph, use it don’t know about it. Create an access do set design, produce, write, sculpt… statement that clearly describes what you everything artists do. And their work needs do offer and your commitment to include to be staged, performed, and exhibited. all people at your institution. Produce If you’re renovating your physical space to

Top ten paths to access | 6 adhere to Americans with Disabilities Act 10. Build on What You Create. Never stop Partner Potential (ADA) codes, make sure the backstage area creating access. Keep coming up with new is accessible. If you’re deciding which artists ideas and innovations. Remember, it’s To reach people with disabilities, to exhibit in your gallery next year, consider a process. When you receive feedback target groups like these in your the work of artists with disabilities as well. from people with disabilities, put it to use. community: Seek out the works of playwrights and Let the advisory committee you create Senior Centers musicians with disabilities. When holding (see number 3) be a breeding ground for auditions, include aspiring actors who have new ideas and new goals for your American Association of Retired Persons disabilities (and don’t just consider them for institution. (AARP) roles in The Miracle Worker !) Community Centers 9. Accept Criticism. Establish a grievance Public Schools process where people can lodge complaints. Ask for feedback, and bravely receive it. Hospitals and Rehabilitation Hospitals Yes, it sounds like an invitation to a headache, but if the disability community Health Care Providers (i.e., a poster in an has an easy way to let you know what’s audiologist’s office will probably be seen not working (i.e., “Why are there no ASL by many people with hearing loss) interpreters at matinees?”), you will have an Vocational Rehabilitation Centers easy way to improve on the adaptations you implement. Besides, you might occasionally Independent Living Centers get a compliment, and that makes all the Parent Information Centers complaining worthwhile.

Human Service Agencies

State Arts Councils

7 | Arts Access made easy IT ISN’T EASY BEING AN ARTS ACCESS COORDINATOR FIVE things you can Common Questions and Complaints How do I afford this? Fear not, funding sources for your accessible do that DON’T COST Where do I begin? Where do I buy a programs do exist. The Department of TTY phone, and how much does it cost? Housing and Urban Development (HUD) additional MONEY Who can add Braille to my signage? How offers Community Development Block 1. Build an advisory committee, and do you find the ALDs, the Infrared Grant Programs that provide funds to state, devices, etc.? create an access statement that county, and city governments for projects of clearly describes what you do. It’s easier than you’d think, and almost private and public organizations for barrier all of it can be found on the Web. removal in cultural facilities and programs. 2. Seek out work by artists with Go to Call the local office of HUD, your state arts disabilities. SERVICES&PRODUCTS.htm, the council, or your state social services agency, National Arts and Disability Center’s 3. Call other cultural organizations and be prepared for a certain amount of with strong access programs. Web site at for an bureaucratic complexity. informative resource list of every type 4. Learn how to use the relay system, of . Some other possibilities: a phone service that enables people The NEC Foundation of America who are deaf or hard of hearing to You can also contact your local independent gives grants that apply assistive use a regular telephone. living center or office for students with technology for people with disabilities, disabilities in your nearby university or 5. Invite employees with disabilities college to locate assistive listening, audio within your institution to share their description, Braille, captioning, and sign The Mitsubishi Electric America experiences. language interpreters in your community. Foundation funds projects using See a nationwide directory at of independent technology geared toward young living centers people.

Common questions | 8 The Foundation Center provides relationships, you’ll soon see that your arts resources on private and corporate access efforts are bringing in a new audience foundations. to your venue. The Grantsmanship Center offers Where can I get the access symbols? resources to nonprofit organizations The universal graphic symbols that through the Whole Nonprofit Catalog. represent the varying levels of accessibility are free to use. Download them from the Web site of the Graphic Arts Guild at How do I find the right audience for my accessible services? In your city, organizations exist that represent the communities that will benefit from your services. See some examples on page 7. Don’t be afraid to admit that you’re new to access. Most of these groups are happy You can also receive the symbols on a that you’re interested in including them. computer disk for PC or Mac or as camera- Reach out to these organizations, and you’ll ready slicks. Contact the Graphic Artists find an audience. Invite representatives Guild at (212) 791-3400. The cost is $12.95 to join your advisory committee. Make plus $3.00 shipping and handling. sure any marketing materials you create get in the hands of the people at these organizations. Schedule events that coincide with their programs. If you build strong

9 | Arts Access made easy Marketing: We are already running several programs spectrum of budgets—from a $10 million that are very successful. Do I have to renovation by Boston’s Wang Center to the The Secret Weapon scrap them completely simply because modest annual operating budget of Arizona’s they aren’t “accessible”? Third Street Company/Arts for All, Inc. The Papermill Playhouse maximized the impact of its new access service by hiring a Strive to be inclusive. Reach out to potential Despite their differences, all four awardees manager of outreach and access. Even the audiences or participants with disabilities, have two things in common: a deep, best program is a wasted investment without and make accommodations for them in ongoing commitment to arts access, and the proper audience. Marketing to the your program. Accommodations range strong relationships with the disability proper public is equal in importance to from installing a ramp at your entrance community in their locations. implementing an effective arts access to bringing an ASL interpreter to your program. The manager works with the workshop. Inclusive arts education programs Paper Mill Playhouse, Milburn, New Jersey theatre’s marketing department to create expose all the participants to learning Open Captioning Project targeted campaigns to reach people who opportunities on several levels. When people will make use of their services. with and without disabilities work together, As the state theatre of New Jersey, the The captioning services are target- marketed via direct mail twice a year. especially in a creative environment, Paper Mill Playhouse is a nationally Theatre for Everyone is a brochure everyone benefits. recognized theatre that stages a broad spectrum of musicals and plays. The Paper outlining all of the Paper Mill’s access services. The brochure is distributed SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES Mill Playhouse leads by providing access at the theatre and is sent via direct IN ARTS ACCESS services to the arts patrons of New Jersey mail to ticketbuyers. with well-developed programs in barrier-free VSA arts/MetLife Foundation Award of All theatre and educational marketing design; services for people who are Deaf, materials include the Graphic Arts Excellence in Arts Access Recipients, 2003 hard of hearing, blind, or visually impaired; Guild’s access symbols (see page 9). This year’s awardees demonstrate four and discounted tickets. MetLife and VSA arts The Paper Mill uses its Web site, different creative, responsive approaches to awarded the Paper Mill Playhouse for its, to describe all arts access. The recipients also represent the Open Captioning program. of its access programs in detail.

Paper Mill Playhouse | 10 What is the VSA arts / Winning Access: Open Captioning Wang Center for the Performing Arts, Open Captioning (OC) allows full access Boston, Massachusetts MetLife Foundation for patrons with profound hearing loss A Commitment to Accessibility Award of Excellence in Arts Access? who only partially benefit from infrared listening systems or American Sign The Wang Center, which includes the For three years, VSA arts has Language (ASL). A large digital screen Wang and Shubert Theatres, is New presented arts organizations who on the left side of the auditorium projects England’s largest cultural venue, staging have established long-range dialogue as the action occurs onstage. ballets, operas, Broadway shows, classical accessibility goals with a $5,000 OC is offered for two performances of and popular music, classic films, and cash award for specific programs international dance. The Wang Center through the generous support of the each musical and one performance of each play. Upon request, the Papermill Playhouse is a true example of a performing arts MetLife Foundation. Previous award center that has achieved arts access. winners include Bethesda Academy will provide OC for children’s theatre and With a generous budget and an ambitious for Performing Arts, Bethesda, MD; other events. Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio; plan, the center has enabled individuals Arvada Center for the Arts and Through ticket sales, the theatre measures who have physical or developmental Humanities, Arvada, Colorado; the success of its access programs. The disabilities or who are Deaf or hard Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY; Papermill Playhouse also continually forges of hearing, blind or visually impaired Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, MN; partnerships with local organizations, to experience the arts at their facilities. Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre, leaders, and patrons to gather feedback Through adaptations to their physical Fargo, ND; Boston Museum of Fine about the effectiveness of existing surroundings, staff training, and Arts, Boston, MA; and Mark Taper accommodations and opportunities adjustments in their ticketing and Forum, Los Angeles Theatre Center, for improvements. audience policies, they have expanded Los Angeles, CA. their audience to include the disability community. They have also put leaders with disabilities at the center of their planning, serving as a bridge between

11 | Arts Access made easy the center and the disability community The $10 million renovation of the Wang in the Boston area. and Shubert Theatres was begun in 1989. The Wang Center hired a consulting firm Power in Partners The First Building Block to conduct a full evaluation of the physical The Wang Center’s educational The Wang and Shubert Theatres establishment and to bring their facilities exemplify all the components of a into ADA compliance. Early on, the outreach program partners physically accessible performing arts Wang Center established a Diversity with organizations like Boston’s venue. From basics like their barrier-free Access Committee of the Board of Trustees drop-off and entrance area, free assistive to spearhead the Center’s transformation. Perkins School for the Blind and listening devices, accessible restrooms In addition, the Center hosts advisory The Learning Center for Deaf Children and drinking fountains to features boards comprised of members of the available at only the most progressive community, to suggest access adaptations. in Framingham to integrate young venues, including: They retain the Cultural Access Consortium people with disabilities into their (CAC) as their “access consultant” to Wheelchair lifts backstage that bridge the Center with the Deaf and blind educational workshops. provide access to all backstage areas communities. (For more about the CAC, and the orchestra pit; visit their Web site at A TTY pay phone in the main lobby; The Second Layer—Access to Large-print programs for every What Wang Offers performance; and For people who are hard of hearing, Wang uses three assistive techniques— Plenty of armless seats for patrons ASL interpretation, sound plus assistive transferring from wheelchairs, and listening/FM infrared, and Open Captioning. seating in the front for patrons with The theatre’s advisory board advises the visual disabilities. theaters on which performances they

Wang Center for the Performing Arts | 12 perceive will be of interest to the Deaf is given to all staff and trustees. Training community. ASL volunteers are available sessions are based upon the distinct at every performance to ensure convenience functions of the staff—be they box office, To MARKET, for patrons who are Deaf. Patrons with ushers, educational staff, or trustees. visual disabilities may opt for audio- Training is led by their Cultural Access description at selected performances. Consortium representatives and leaders to market The Wang Center even goes one step from the blind and Deaf communities The Wang Center publishes an access further and loans out their audio share relevant information specific to the guide for their patrons. description system to other Boston-based needs of the attendees. arts organizations. It outlines all of the Center’s Wang maintains the quality of its access accessibility services, and is Seats in the first few rows of the Wang and programs by continuously soliciting the updated regularly. Shubert Theatres are usually priced at $70. opinions of the disability community. It is printed in Braille for patrons who Wang offers these seats at half-price to all Feedback is gathered through post-show are blind or have visual disabilities. patrons who are Deaf or hard of hearing discussions, e-mail evaluations, and written since these are the most suitable seats for letters from participants, interpreters, and Wang obtains mailing lists from viewing interpreters. Four seats are available audio describers. VSA arts of Massachusetts and an in the front rows at each performance for access consultant to continually update attendees with low vision. All tickets for The Museum of International Folk Art, their mailing lists and e-mail listservs Santa Fe, New Mexico with individuals who may be interested volunteer ushers and interpreters are free. in accessible performances. The Spectrum Program: Creativity The Cultural Shift on a Budget Advertisements in key publications The leaders of Wang’s access plan were wise and press releases about accessible to realize early on that the key to success With a modest budget, Santa Fe’s Museum performances also promote the included a change in the institution’s policy of International Folk Art (MOIFA) has Center’s work. and culture. Access awareness training created an effective program to bring people

13 | Arts Access made easy with disabilities in to see the exhibits and audience by providing them with a experience the creative process. In the multi-sensory experience. The arts-based Spectrum program, people with disabilities program integrates the resources of all A broad Spectrum engage in the arts themselves—a hands-on three organizations. For instance, students experience that deepens the meaning of working with adults with cognitive examples of the Spectrum arts access. disabilities at Santa Fe’s Southwestern experience include: College are given valuable training via MOIFA, one of the five institutes of the this program by their volunteer work with A tour of an exhibition of textiles from around the world followed by Museum of New Mexico system, collects, the participants. (And MOIFA benefits preserves, and presents material folk culture a lesson on West African drumming by getting free assistance.) The Spectrum and rhythms; from around the world. The Museum program also sponsors training in working also promotes the study of folk culture, with people with for A tour of a ceramics exhibition including music, drama, dance, and the professionals, museum docents, and followed by a hands-on clay activity; or verbal arts. An active commitment to arts community members. access is in keeping with the Museum’s A tour of the Hispanic folk art commitment to promote international The program combines exhibitions Heritage Wing followed by goodwill and global understanding. with hands-on arts experiences led by hands-on tinwork, weaving, professional educators and artists. Trained or dancing. Collaboration for Success docents who are retired art therapists or MOIFA collaborated with VSA arts of who are specifically trained in working New Mexico (VSANM) and the National with adults and youth with disabilities Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) to lead the program. create Spectrum, an arts-based program for adults and youth with physical and The expense of a program like Spectrum mental disabilities. The goal is to integrate is minimal because it does not involve this specific audience into the overall the investment in new technology,

Museum of International Folk Art | 14 like an Infrared listening system, or group leaders. To further market Spectrum, All for all at the employment of ASL interpreters. MOIFA also sends a brochure to schools The commitment of specially trained and groups in the area that also take part Arts for All, Inc. educators and program leaders makes in the Museum’s Folk Art to Go program. Daily afterschool classes in music, the experience accessible, and staff costs drama, dance, visual arts, and sign are kept to a minimum thanks in part to Arts for All, Inc./Third St. Ensemble language that bring together children the generosity of its participants. The staff Company, Tucson, Arizona with and without disabilities from a and student aides also work for very little, Creating Opportunity with the Arts variety of socioeconomic levels; and the guest artists are given a modest The primary focus of Tucson’s Third St. honoraria for their efforts. Ensemble Company/Arts for All, Inc. is to Trilingual (English, Spanish, and expose young people with disabilities to the ASL) performances at assemblies in At the start of each year, a group of partners arts. The company uses the performing arts public schools throughout Arizona from the community meets to discuss the to encourage personal growth and brings and New Mexico; content of each Spectrum session. To gather a diverse group of Tucson’s young people feedback, MOIFA asks participants to together in a creative and productive setting. Performances at major community complete written evaluation forms after theatres in the area, featuring people each session. Initially begun as an afterschool program, of all ages and abilities; Arts for All, Inc. presents an ambitious Getting the Word out array of inclusive classes, training workshops, Monthly workshops with local artists— Since the Spectrum program itself is a performances, and even social events. partnership with VSANM and NAMI, weekend intensives focusing on a Each year, one full-length production is MOIFA is already one step ahead particular interest, such as songwriting, performed in Tucson, and sometimes also in reaching their intended audience. staged nationally and internationally. storytelling, or dance; An outreach educator on staff at MOIFA continued on page 16 works with additional organizations in and Arts for All, Inc., is the rare program that around Santa Fe to recruit participants and is exclusively oriented toward people with

15 | Arts Access made easy disabilities, but their methods can serve also has an embosser to print its own Braille as a springboard to brainstorm innovative materials, and everything is translated into Monthly teen dances for an ideas in mainstream arts venues. Spanish by staff. integrated community; At inclusive summer and winter arts camps, Other Winning Ideas counselors receive accessibility training Some standouts from the runners-up: Disability ambassadors—training and reach out to individual students by for high school students to learn Project 3D at the Music Hall in Portsmouth, incorporating wheelchair dance or creating about various disabilities. They New Hampshire, uses audio description to adaptive resources for the visual arts. can then take their knowledge bring live dance and theatre to individuals By working together, children become into the elementary schools to who are blind or have low vision. The project accepting of disabilities, and come away raise awareness among young includes a workshop day to introduce from the experience with a deeper people in the New Hampshire area to audio people, and; understanding of themselves and the description. value of diversity. Training in inclusion aides—a The ASL interpreters at the Wild Swan 50-hour training program prepares Telling the Public About Arts for All, Inc. Theatre in Ann Arbor, Michigan, are also aides to work with children and The entire budget of Arts for All Inc. is actors who work with the speaking cast adults with disabilities and to dedicated to their accessibility program, to heighten the ASL service and integrate since access encompasses the entire mission develop strategies that will assist it meaningfully into the performance. of the Third St. Ensemble Company. them in integrating community Wild Swan presents more ASL This allows their marketing plan to be arts activities. interpreted performances for young extensive. News about auditions, programs, people than any other theatre in the and performances are publicized in press country. releases, postcards, and flyers sent to public schools, radio stations, newspapers and arts The Kemper Museum of Contemporary and social service agencies. Arts for All, Inc. Art in Kansas City, Missouri, collaborates

Arts for All, Inc. | 16 directly with the University of Kansas and performances to San Francisco’s Medical Center’s Institute for Child community of people who are Deaf or Development to offer the ArtReach hard of hearing. Program. ArtReach provides customized Why include ALL? art-making workshops at the Museum The Keshet Dance Company in for the Institute’s outpatients, friends, Albuquerque, New Mexico, strives to The creative arts (music, theatre, and family. break the stereotype of who can dance visual art, sculpture, dance, movement, and what a dancer looks like with their Mixed Ability Program that includes writing) provide a place where diversity Sensory seminars are one of the most innovative ways that the McCarter people with disabilities. Occupational and originality are highly valued. Theatre Center for the Performing Arts and physical therapists and trained The creative process leads us to better in Princeton, New Jersey, creates access volunteers work with the dance understand ourselves and one another, to their performances. Before each audio instructors to ensure that everyone in the class has a meaningful experience. thereby breaking down personal and described performance, patrons with disabilities are given the opportunity societal barriers. For this reason, to walk through the set pieces, feel the inclusive classes in the arts offer costume textures, and handle key props. people a unique opportunity to interact. San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts started a partnership with D.E.A.F. Media, Inc. six years ago. Artists who are Deaf are included in the exhibit schedule of the center, and access salons are held four times a year to bring lectures, workshops, film screenings

17 | Arts Access made easy SPEAKING WITH AWARENESS “People-First” Language and that their abilities or disabilities are only part of who they are. It’s seems so simple. Don’t think of the disability, think of the person. Think of Suggestions to Improve the people first, and disability awareness Access and Positive Interactions will come quite naturally. But to help Avoid euphemisms such as “physically you along, here are two excerpts from challenged,” “differently abled,” or Access and Opportunities: A Guide to “handi–capable.” Many disability groups Disability Awareness, a publication written object to these phrases because they are and distributed by VSA arts. considered condescending and reinforce the idea that disabilities cannot be spoken Language shapes the way those around of in an upfront and direct manner. us speak and act toward one another and conveys the respect we have for others. Think of it this way: you wouldn’t a call a The use of appropriate language about friend with cancer “your cancerous friend,” people with disabilities can be an important so why would you call a friend who is Deaf tool in building a community that accepts “your Deaf friend”? all people. Do not sensationalize a disability by using terms such as “afflicted with,” “suffers from,” Appropriate language is both sensitive and or “crippled with.” These expressions are accurate. VSA arts promotes the use of considered offensive and inaccurate to “people–first” language—language that puts people with disabilities. the focus on the individual, rather than on a disability. People–first language helps us When referring to people who use remember that people are unique individuals wheelchairs, avoid terms such as “wheelchair

Speaking with awareness | 18 bound” or “confined to a wheelchair.” Basic Rules for Disability Awareness Wheelchairs do not confine people with People First! Affirmative Phrases This is NOT the only disabilities — they provide freedom of movement to assist them in traveling Person with a disability booklet you NEED. throughout the community. The National Endowment for the Arts and When writing or speaking about people Person who is blind; person with the American Association of Museums with disabilities, emphasize abilities rather a visual impairment can help you with arts access. Their books than limitations, focusing on a person’s and booklets include: accomplishments, creative talents, or skills. Person who is Deaf; person who An Arts Accessibility Checklist This does not mean avoiding mention is hard of hearing that outlines major access of a person’s disability, but doing so in a accommodations to assist respectful manner and only when relevant organizations in making their to the situation. Person with a mental illness facilities and programs fully accessible. Contact your state Person with mental retardation arts council or the NEA office directly for a copy, (202) 682-5532 or Person who uses a wheelchair

Everyone’s Welcome: The ADA & Person with a physical disability; Museums, shows how to make collections fully accessible and is person with a mobility impairment $25 for members. Order from the American Association of Museums Bookstore, (202) 289-9127. continued on page 20

19 | Arts Access made easy Ten Commandments of Etiquette 5. Treat adults as adults. Address people For Communicating with Persons who have disabilities by their first names with Disabilities only when extending the same familiarity to all others. (Never patronize people who 1. When talking with a person with a use wheelchairs by patting them on the disability, speak directly to that person head or shoulder.) rather than through a companion or sign The National Endowment for the language interpreter. 6. Leaning or hanging on a person’s Arts Web site is a strong resource wheelchair is similar to leaning or hanging too. Visit their accessibility pages 2. When introduced to a person with a on a person and is generally considered at and click disability, it is appropriate to offer to shake annoying. The chair is part of the personal on Accessibility. hands. People with limited hand use or who body space of the person who uses it. wear an artificial limb can usually shake Fundamentals of Arts Management, hands. (Shaking hands with the left hand includes a chapter on arts access 7. Listen attentively when you’re talking that includes an extensive list of is an acceptable greeting.) with a person who has difficulty speaking. organizations, with their Web sites Be patient and wait for the person to finish, 3. When meeting a person with a visual and addresses. It costs about $50 rather than correcting or speaking for the impairment, always identify yourself and is available through the Arts person. If necessary, ask short questions that Extension Service of the University and others who may be with you. When require short answers, a nod, or a shake of of Massachusetts-Amherst, conversing in a group, remember to identify the head. Never pretend to understand if the person to whom you are speaking. you are having difficulty doing so. Instead, 4. If you offer assistance, wait until the repeat what you have understood and allow offer is accepted. Then listen to or ask the person to respond. The response will for instructions. clue in and guide your understanding.

10 Commandments of Etiquette | 20 8. When speaking with a person in a The material in Speaking with Awareness is printed with permission from: The Office of Disability Employment Policy wheelchair or a person who uses crutches, (formerly The President’s Committee on Employment of People place yourself at eye level in front of the with Disabilities); Guidelines to Reporting and Writing About People with Disabilities, produced by the Media person to facilitate the conversation. Project, Research and Training Center on Independent Living, 4089 Dole, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045; and 9. To get the attention of a person who Ten Commandments of Etiquette for Communicating with is Deaf or hard of hearing, tap the person People with Disabilities, National Center for Access Unlimited, 155 North Wacker Drive, Suite 315, Chicago, IL 60606 on the shoulder or wave your hand. Look directly at the person and speak clearly, slowly, and expressively to determine if the person can read your lips. Not all people who are hard of hearing can lip-read. For those that do not lip-read, be sensitive to their needs by placing yourself so that you face the light source and keep hands, cigarettes, and food away from your mouth while speaking. 10. Relax. Don’t be embarrassed if you happen to use accepted, common expressions such as “See you later.” or “Did you hear about that?” that seem to relate to a person’s disability.

21 | Arts Access made easy VSA arts is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by to promote education and lifelong learning opportunities in the arts for people with disabilities. Nearly five million people participate in VSA arts programs annually through a network of affiliate organizations across the nation and in more than 60 countries. To learn more about VSA arts, please visit

MetLife Foundation was established by MetLife to support various educational, health, civic and cultural organizations across the country. Recognizing the arts’ contribution to the health, vitality and development of our communities, the Foundation is committed to increasing access to the arts and promoting diversity and inclusion. For more information about MetLife Foundation, please visit

VSA arts & Metlife Foundation | 22 1300 Connecticut Ave, NW Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 (800) 933-8721 (Voice) (202) 737-0725 (Fax) (202) 737-0645 (TTY) Web site: Email: [email protected]

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The contents of this book were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.