HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 August 2021 Cybersecurity News of Interest to the Health Sector

• RiskBased Security released their 2021 Mid-Year Data Breach Report in August. In that research, they identified 1,767 publicly reported breaches in the first six months of 2021, which represented a 24% decline compared to the same period last year and was the fewest breaches they had identified since their 2014 report. They found that 18.8 billion records were exposed year to date, a 32% decline as compared to 27.8 billion records exposed in the first half of 2020. Of the 1,767 breaches identified, the majority – 1201 – were caused by a cyberattack. The healthcare sector remained the most targeted and breached industry accounting for 238 of breaches so far this year. • A denial-of-service vulnerability has been found by SentinelOne in Cobalt Strike – a legitimate tool used by pen testers and red teams to identify security gaps in an organizations information infrastructure. However, it is also frequently used for malicious purposes, as part of a cyberattack. HC3 has observed denial-of-service to target healthcare organizations over the last six to eight months. This vulnerability allows an attacker to register fake beacons with a Cobalt Strike server which can crash the server by exhausting available memory; therefore, no longer receiving beacons and prevents new beaconing instances from being installed on compromised systems. This is noteworthy not because it’s expected to have an impact on legitimate red team/pen testing activities but because it’s a potential means by which to disrupt command and control for an ongoing cyber attack. However, many sophisticated threat actors are expected to be aware of this and ensure they are working with the latest version of Cobalt Strike, which was impacted by this vulnerability. This vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2021- 36798 and has been called HotCobalt. • The company Critical Insight released their Healthcare Breach report for the first half of 2021 in August. The number of breaches in the first half of 2021 are as high as they have been for any six-month period since 2018, excluding the second half of last year in 2020, which has a spike due to a single, large breach. According to their report, breaches have been steadily increasing over time and have almost doubled – increased 77% - in the last three years. Critical Insight also found outpatient facilities, especially family medicine and specialty clinics, to be heavily targeted. Outpatient facilities were breached almost as much as hospitals. Finally, they noted that business associates were the cause of 43% of all healthcare breaches, which continues a 3-year increasing trend. • The FBI released a report on a cybercriminal gang called the OnePercent Group. This was the first time the FBI has released an alert on a ransomware affiliate. They have been known to operate since at least November 2020. The OnePercent Group is known to use phishing as their primary attack vector, IcedID and Cobalt Strike as later stage for further compromise and lateral movement and they like to contact their victims via phone or e-mail, vice leaving a ransom note. To a lesser extent, they also use PowerShell, Mimikatz, Rclone, BetterSafetykatz and SharpSploit. They also are believed to have connection with the REvil operators as well as Egregor. • The cybersecurity company Armis did some research on pneumatic tube systems (PTS) produced by TransLogic. A PTS is a series of tubes, usually in a single building but sometimes between several buildings that allow you to move small objects around quickly. They are often used in hospitals to move things such as lab samples, blood, tissue or medication from one part of the medical facility to another. TransLogic PTS are believed to be present in more than 2,300 hospitals in North America. That research conducted by Armis revealed that an unauthenticated attacker could gain full control over TransLogic pneumatic tube systems that are connected to the internet and then compromise the entire tube network of a target hospital. Armis identified nine vulnerabilities which are being collectively referred to as PwnedPiper. They cover issues such as password leakage, remote code execution, denial-of-service, and full device compromise. For these nine vulnerabilities, all but one of them can be addressed by installing the latest firmware. Armis developed Snort signatures for any healthcare organization that can’t install the firmware but is running Snort. HC3 developed a sector alert on the PwnedPiper vulnerabilities which can be found at: https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pwnedpiper-sector- alert-tlpwhite.pdf [TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 1 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

Vulnerabilities of Interest to the Health Sector for the Month of August

Executive Summary In August 2021, vulnerabilities in common information systems relevant to the healthcare sector have been released which require prioritized attention. This includes the monthly Tuesday vulnerabilities – released by several vendors on the second Tuesday of each month – along with mitigation steps and/or patches as they are developed. Vulnerabilities for this month are from , McAfee, Adobe, Blackberry QNX Intel, Cisco, Citrix, SAP, and VMWare. Vulnerabilities should be considered for patching with special consideration to each vulnerability criticality category against the risk management posture of the organization. Accountability, proper inventory management and asset tracking are vital to an effective patch management program.

Report MICROSOFT Microsoft released fixes for 44 vulnerabilities in the company’s firmware and software: and Windows components, Office, .NET Core and Visual Studio, Windows Defender, and Update Assistant, Azure, and Microsoft Dynamics. While this is the fewest amount of vulnerabilities Microsoft has patched in a month since December 2019, there was a noticeably high percentage of critical vulnerabilities. Of these 44 vulnerabilities, seven were classified as Critical and 37 as Important. In terms of categories, they can be broken down as: 13 remote code execution, eight information disclosure, two denial of service, and four are spoofing vulnerabilities. You can find additional information about the non-security Windows updates, KB5005033 & KB5005031 cumulative updates here. These updates include three fixes for zero-day vulnerabilities that were actively exploited or publicly disclosed, like PrintNightmare and PetitPotam. Microsoft has released security updates for two eagerly anticipated zero-day vulnerabilities that were discovered over the past month. One of the security updates fixes the PrintNightmare vulnerabilities that allow threat actors to gain SYSTEM level privileges simply by connecting to a remote print server under their control. Microsoft has fixed this vulnerability by requiring users have administrative privileges to install printer drivers using the Point and Print Windows feature. You can find more detailed information about the PrintNightmare vulnerability and the Point and Print mitigations in this dedicated article. Microsoft also fixed the PetitPotam NTLM relay attack vector that uses the MS-EFSRPC API to force a device to negotiate with a remote relay server under an attacker's control. A threat actor with low privileges could use this attack to take over a domain controller and thus the entire Windows domain. Microsoft has released security updates for three zero-day vulnerabilities, with one actively exploited in the wild. Microsoft classifies a vulnerability as a zero-day if it is publicly disclosed or actively exploited with no official security updates or released. The two publicly disclosed, but not actively exploited, zero-day vulnerabilities are:

• CVE-2021-36936 - Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability • CVE-2021-36942 - Windows LSA Spoofing Vulnerability

The CVE-2021-36942 vulnerability is associated with the PetitPotam NTLM relay attack vector that allows the take over of domain controllers. In addition to this, one actively exploited elevation of privileges vulnerability was discovered by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC). • CVE-2021-36948 - Windows Update Medic Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 At this time, it is not known how threat actors used this vulnerability in attacks. HC3 recommends applying patches and testing immediately. You can learn more on how to manually install these updates here. McAFEE CVE-2021-34535 is a critical vulnerability that was identified by McAfee. It is a remote code execution flaw in the Remote Desktop client software, observed in mstscax.dll, which is used by Microsoft’s built-in remote desktop protocol (RDP) client (mstsc.exe). The vulnerability is an integer overflow due to an attacker-controllable payload size field, which ultimately leads to a heap buffer overflow during memory allocation. The vulnerability can be triggered via the RDP Video Redirection Virtual Channel Extension feature [MS-RDPEV], which is typically associated with port 3389, and is contained inside of compressed UDP payload and encrypted RDP using TLS. As always, testing is recommended prior to patching.

Microsoft’s Hyper-V Manager software also uses mstscax.dll where the vulnerable function resides. When using “Enhanced Session Mode” (enabled by default in Hyper-V Manager), the process vmconnect.exe loads mstscax.dll. Testing confirms that triggering the vulnerability from inside a Hyper-V Windows 10 image will crash vmconnect.exe on the host which means it is subject to guest-to-host escapes using the vulnerability. (Hyper-V is disabled by Default on Windows 10). For RDP security best practices please check here.

ADOBE Adobe released two patches addressing 29 CVEs in Adobe Connect and Magento. The update for Connect is rated Important and fixes a single security feature bypass and two cross-site scripting bugs. The Critical-rated patch for Magento fixes a wide range of bugs, the worst of which could allow remote code execution. None of the bugs fixed this month by Adobe are listed as publicly known or under active attack at the time of release. The complete list of Adobe Products receiving security updates today and the number of fixed vulnerabilities are below:

• APSB21-64 Security updates available for Magento • APSB21-66 Security update available for Adobe Connect Almost all Critical vulnerabilities could lead to arbitrary code execution, allowing threat actors to execute commands on vulnerable computers. Out of the Adobe security updates released, Magento has the most fixes, with 26 vulnerabilities. Of particular concern are ten pre-authentication vulnerabilities in Magento that can be exploited without logging into the site. Some of these preauth vulnerabilities are remote code execution and security bypasses, allowing a threat actor to control a site and it's server. HC3 recommends installing updates immediately. While there were no known actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities, Adobe advises customers to update to the latest versions as soon as possible. This urgency is because threat actors can compare older versions of the software with the patched versions to determine what code is vulnerable and create exploits to target these vulnerabilities.

In most cases, users can update their software by using the auto-update feature of the product using the following steps:

• Go to Help > Check for Updates. • The update installers can be downloaded from Adobe's Download Center. • Let the products update automatically, without requiring user intervention, when updates are detected. For Magento updates, you will need to download the appropriate patches and install them manually. If the new update is not available via auto update, you can check the security bulletins linked above for the latest download links. [TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 3 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

Blackberry QNX CISA issued an Alert on devices incorporating older versions of multiple BlackBerry QNX products affected by a BadAlloc vulnerability—CVE-2021-22156. A malicious actor could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system or cause a denial-of-service condition. CISA is not aware of active exploitation of this vulnerability currently. According to CISA, devices incorporating older versions of BlackBerry QNX products support critical infrastructure and national critical functions and organizations whose devices use affected QNX-based systems are strongly urged to immediately apply the mitigations provided in CISA Alert AA21-229A and Blackberry Advisory QNX- 2021-001

INTEL Intel has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple products. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. Administrators and users are advised to review the following Intel advisories and apply the necessary updates: • NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kits Advisory INTEL-SA-00553 • NUC Pro Chassis Element Driver Advisory INTEL-SA-00543 • Ethernet Linux Driver Advisory INTEL-SA-00515 • Optane PMem Advisory INTEL-SA-00512 • Graphics Drivers Advisory INTEL-SA-OO508 • Ethernet Adapters 800 Series Advisory INTEL-SA-00479

A potential security vulnerability in some Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kits may allow escalation of privilege. Intel is releasing software updates to mitigate this potential vulnerability. HC3 recommends updating the Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop software driver kit to version or later. Vulnerability Details: CVEID: CVE-2021-0196 allows improper access control in kernel mode driver for some Intel(R) NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kits before version may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.

CVSS Base Score: 7.8 High | CVSS Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H Affected Products: Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kit - LAPQC71A | Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kit - LAPQC71B | Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kit - LAPQC71C | Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kit - LAPQC71D Updates are available for download here.

CISCO Cisco released security updates for several products this month and from the vulnerabilities listed, 20 were categorized as Medium, four Critical, and 12 as High.

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

CITRIX Citrix has released a security update addressing a vulnerability that impacts Citrix ShareFile storage zones controller. This vulnerability allows an attacker to exploit a compromised system and obtain access to sensitive data. It is extremely important for users and administrators to review Citrix Security Bulletin CTX322787 and apply the necessary update immediately. Customers are only affected by this issue if they previously selected “Enable Encryption” in the ShareFile storage zones controller configuration page and did not re-select this setting after running the CTX269106 mitigation tool. ShareFile customers who have not run the CTX269106 mitigation tool or who re-selected “Enable Encryption” immediately after running the tool are unaffected by this issue. Customers using Citrix ShareFile storage zones controller 5.10.1 and above or 5.11.18 and above can check if they are affected by this issue by viewing the EncryptionServiceSettings file in the StorageLocation. If IsEncryptionNeeded is set to True then the storage zones controller is affected by this issue. Affected customers using 5.11.19 or above who log-in to the ShareFile storage zones controller configuration page will also be presented with a pop-up which informs them they are affected by this issue.

Customers who are unsure if they have been affected or who have previously run the CTX269106 mitigation tool are recommended to check if they are affected by this issue by following the steps above. Citrix strongly recommends

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 affected customers address this issue as soon as possible by first upgrading to ShareFile storage zones controller 5.11.19 or later and then running the background encryption task to ensure any files which were not encrypted due to this issue become encrypted. More information on this process is available at https://citrix.sharefile.com/d- s09aed5d7e9ad4e89b97be38162edd201. The latest versions of Citrix ShareFile storage zones controller are available on the Citrix website. SAP SAP released 14 Security Notes on Patch Tuesday. There was also one update to a previously released Patch Tuesday Security Note. SAP released these security updates to address vulnerabilities impacting multiple products which are dangerous as an attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. Administrators and users should review SAP Security Notes for August 2021 and apply the necessary updates immediately. HC3 recommends customers visit the Support Portal and apply patches on a priority to protect their SAP landscape.

The following are considered high priority:

VMWARE VMware released security updates for VMware Workspace ONE. On August 24, 2021, one Advisory ID VMSA-2021- 000.4.2 was categorized as a Critical vulnerability. VMware vRealize Operations updates address Server-Side Request Forgery and Arbitrary File Write vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-21975, CVE-2021-21983). In addition to this, there were three Advisory ID’s (VMSA-2021-0018, VMSA-2021-0016.1, VMSA-2021-0014.1), categorized as Important vulnerabilities. The critical Advisory ID VMSA-2021-000.4.2 impacts the following products: VMware vRealize Operations, VMware Cloud Foundation, and vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.

CVE-2021-21975 - Server Side Request Forgery in vRealize Operations Manager API: The vRealize Operations Manager API contains a Server Side Request Forgery. VMware considers this issue to be of 'Important' severity with a maximum CVSSv3 base score of 8.6. An attacker with network access to the vRealize Operations Manager API has the ability to perform a Server Side Request Forgery attack to steal administrative credentials.

CVE-2021-21983 - Arbitrary file write vulnerability in vRealize Operations Manager API: The vRealize Operations Manager API contains an arbitrary file write vulnerability. VMware has identified this issue’s severity as [TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 6 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 'Important' with a maximum CVSSv3 base score of 7.2. An authenticated threat actor with network access to the vRealize Operations Manager API can write files to arbitrary locations on the underlying photon operating system. To remediate CVE-2021-21975 and CVE-2021-21983, apply updates listed in the 'Fixed Version' column of the 'Response Matrix' (toward end of bulletin) to impacted deployments. Workarounds are listed there as well.

QNAP Network-attached storage (NAS) maker QNAP is investigating and working on security updates to address remote code execution (RCE) and denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerabilities patched by OpenSSL. The security flaws tracked as CVE-2021-3711 and CVE-2021-3712, impact QNAP NAS device running QTS, QuTS hero, QuTScloud, and HBS 3 Hybrid Backup Sync (a backup and disaster recovery app), according to advisories [1, 2].The heap-based buffer overflow in the SM2 cryptographic algorithm behind CVE-2021-3711 would likely lead to crashes but can also be abused by attackers for arbitrary code execution.

The CVE-2021-3712 vulnerability is caused by a read buffer overrun weakness while processing ASN.1 strings. Threat actors can exploit it to crash vulnerable apps or gain access to private memory contents such as private keys or sensitive data. If successfully exploited these vulnerabilities will give threat actors remote access to memory data without authorization, trigger DoS states, or run arbitrary code with the permissions of the user running the HBS 3 app. OpenSSL 1.1.1l has been published to address these flaws however QNAP has not provide an estimated time of arrival for incoming security updates. The company said they "will release security updates and provide further information as soon as possible."

THROUGHTEK KALAY P2P SDK: CVE-2021-28732 ICS ADVISORY (ICSA-21-229-01) CISA released an ICS advisory for (ISCA-21-229-01) and CVE-2021-28372. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could permit remote code execution and unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as camera audio/video feeds. At this time, CISA has not identified active exploitation of this vulnerability. For current Activity Alert CISA Releases Security Advisory for ThroughTek Kalay P2P visit CISA’s website.

Appendix A – Full list of Microsoft Vulnerabilities (Source: Zero Day Initiative)

CVE Title Severity CVSS Public Exploited Type

Windows Update Medic Service Elevation of Privilege CVE-2021-36948 Important 7.8 No Yes EoP Vulnerability

CVE-2021-36936 Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical 8.8 Yes No RCE

CVE-2021-36942 Windows LSA Spoofing Vulnerability Important 9.8 Yes No Spoofing

CVE-2021-34535 Remote Desktop Client Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical 9.9 No No RCE

CVE-2021-34480 Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability Critical 6.8 No No RCE Windows Graphics Component Remote Code Execution CVE-2021-34530 Critical 7.8 No No RCE Vulnerability Windows MSHTML Platform Remote Code Execution CVE-2021-34534 Critical 6.8 No No RCE Vulnerability Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Remote Code CVE-2021-26432 Critical 9.8 No No RCE Execution Vulnerability

CVE-2021-26424 Windows TCP/IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical 9.9 No No RCE [TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 7 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

CVE Title Severity CVSS Public Exploited Type

CVE-2021-26423 .NET Core and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability Important 7.5 No No DoS

.NET Core and Visual Studio Information Disclosure CVE-2021-34485 Important 5 No No Info Vulnerability ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio Information Disclosure CVE-2021-34532 Important 5.5 No No Info Vulnerability

CVE-2021-33762 Azure CycleCloud Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP

CVE-2021-36943 Azure CycleCloud Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 4 No No EoP

CVE-2021-26430 Azure Sphere Denial of Service Vulnerability Important 6 No No DoS

CVE-2021-26429 Azure Sphere Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.7 No No EoP

CVE-2021-26428 Azure Sphere Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important 4.4 No No Info Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect Authentication CVE-2021-36949 Important 7.1 No No SFB Bypass Vulnerability Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Cross-site Scripting CVE-2021-36950 Important 5.4 No No XSS Vulnerability Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Remote Code Execution CVE-2021-34524 Important 8.1 No No RCE Vulnerability Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Cross-site Scripting CVE-2021-36946 Important 5.4 No No XSS Vulnerability

CVE-2021-34478 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE

CVE-2021-36940 Microsoft SharePoint Server Spoofing Vulnerability Important 7.6 No No Spoofing Microsoft Windows Defender Elevation of Privilege CVE-2021-34471 Important 7.8 No No EoP Vulnerability

CVE-2021-36941 Microsoft Word Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No RCE

CVE-2021-34536 Storage Spaces Controller Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP Windows 10 Update Assistant Elevation of Privilege CVE-2021-36945 Important 7.3 No No EoP Vulnerability

CVE-2021-34537 Windows Bluetooth Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP

Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library Information CVE-2021-36938 Important 5.5 No No Info Disclosure Vulnerability Windows Digital TV Tuner device registration application CVE-2021-36927 Important 7.8 No No EoP Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

CVE-2021-26425 Windows Event Tracing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP

CVE-2021-34486 Windows Event Tracing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP

CVE-2021-34487 Windows Event Tracing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7 No No EoP

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

CVE Title Severity CVSS Public Exploited Type

Windows Graphics Component Font Parsing Remote Code CVE-2021-34533 Important 7.8 No No RCE Execution Vulnerability

Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder Remote Code CVE-2021-36937 Important 7.8 No No RCE Execution Vulnerability

CVE-2021-34483 Windows Print Spooler Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important 7.8 No No EoP

CVE-2021-36947 Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important 8.8 No No RCE

Windows Recovery Environment Agent Elevation of Privilege CVE-2021-26431 Important 7.8 No No EoP Vulnerability Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information CVE-2021-26433 Important 7.5 No No Info Disclosure Vulnerability Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information CVE-2021-36926 Important 7.5 No No Info Disclosure Vulnerability Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information CVE-2021-36932 Important 7.5 No No Info Disclosure Vulnerability Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information CVE-2021-36933 Important 7.5 No No Info Disclosure Vulnerability Windows User Account Profile Picture Elevation of Privilege CVE-2021-26426 Important 7 No No EoP Vulnerability Windows User Profile Service Elevation of Privilege CVE-2021-34484 Important 7.8 No No EoP Vulnerability Chromium: CVE-2021-30590 Heap buffer overflow in CVE-2021-30590 High N/A No No RCE Bookmarks

CVE-2021-30591 Chromium: CVE-2021-30591 Use after free in File System API High N/A No No RCE Chromium: CVE-2021-30592 Out of bounds write in Tab CVE-2021-30592 High N/A No No RCE Groups

CVE-2021-30593 Chromium: CVE-2021-30593 Out of bounds read in Tab Strip High N/A No No Info

CVE-2021-30594 Chromium: CVE-2021-30594 Use after free in Page Info UI High N/A No No RCE

CVE-2021-30596 Chromium: CVE-2021-30596 Incorrect security UI in Navigation Medium N/A No No SFB

CVE-2021-30597 Chromium: CVE-2021-30597 Use after free in Browser UI Medium N/A No No RCE

This months table includes the Chromium updates for Edge. These vulnerabilities are listed with the severity as assigned by Google, which is different from the standard Microsoft nomenclature. Google does not assign a CVSS score, so none are listed in the table.

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

Appendix B – High-prioritized vulnerabilities (Source: CISA)

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

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HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300

[TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 12 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 The August 2021 Patch Tuesday Security Updates Below is the complete list of resolved vulnerabilities and released advisories in the August 2021 Patch Tuesday updates. To access the full description of each vulnerability and the systems that it affects, you can view the full report here.

Tag CVE ID CVE Title Severity

.NET Core & Visual Studio CVE-2021-34485 .NET Core and Visual Studio Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important

.NET Core & Visual Studio CVE-2021-26423 .NET Core and Visual Studio Denial of Service Vulnerability Important

ASP.NET Core & Visual Studio CVE-2021-34532 ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important

Azure CVE-2021-36943 Azure CycleCloud Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Azure CVE-2021-33762 Azure CycleCloud Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Azure Sphere CVE-2021-26428 Azure Sphere Information Disclosure Vulnerability Important

Azure Sphere CVE-2021-26430 Azure Sphere Denial of Service Vulnerability Important

Azure Sphere CVE-2021-26429 Azure Sphere Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Microsoft Azure Active Directory CVE-2021-36949 Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect Authentication Bypass Important Connect Vulnerability

Microsoft Dynamics CVE-2021-36946 Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability Important

Microsoft Dynamics CVE-2021-36950 Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability Important

Microsoft Dynamics CVE-2021-34524 Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Remote Code Execution Important Vulnerability

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30591 Chromium: CVE-2021-30591 Use after free in File System API Unknown

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30592 Chromium: CVE-2021-30592 Out of bounds write in Tab Groups Unknown

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30597 Chromium: CVE-2021-30597 Use after free in Browser UI Unknown

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30594 Chromium: CVE-2021-30594 Use after free in Page Info UI Unknown

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30596 Chromium: CVE-2021-30596 Incorrect security UI in Navigation Unknown

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30590 Chromium: CVE-2021-30590 Heap buffer overflow in Bookmarks Unknown

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) CVE-2021-30593 Chromium: CVE-2021-30593 Out of bounds read in Tab Strip Unknown

Microsoft Graphics Component CVE-2021-34530 Windows Graphics Component Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical

Microsoft Graphics Component CVE-2021-34533 Windows Graphics Component Font Parsing Remote Code Execution Important Vulnerability

Microsoft Office CVE-2021-34478 Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important

Microsoft Office SharePoint CVE-2021-36940 Microsoft SharePoint Server Spoofing Vulnerability Important

Microsoft Office Word CVE-2021-36941 Microsoft Word Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important

Microsoft Scripting Engine CVE-2021-34480 Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability Critical

Remote Desktop Client CVE-2021-34535 Remote Desktop Client Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical [TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 13 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 Tag CVE ID CVE Title Severity

Windows Bluetooth Service CVE-2021-34537 Windows Bluetooth Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Cryptographic Services CVE-2021-36938 Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library Information Disclosure Important Vulnerability

Windows Defender CVE-2021-34471 Microsoft Windows Defender Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Event Tracing CVE-2021-34486 Windows Event Tracing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Event Tracing CVE-2021-34487 Windows Event Tracing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Event Tracing CVE-2021-26425 Windows Event Tracing Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Media CVE-2021-36927 Windows Digital TV Tuner device registration application Elevation of Important Privilege Vulnerability

Windows MSHTML Platform CVE-2021-34534 Windows MSHTML Platform Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical

Windows NTLM CVE-2021-36942 Windows LSA Spoofing Vulnerability Important

Windows Print Spooler CVE-2021-34483 Windows Print Spooler Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important Components

Windows Print Spooler CVE-2021-36947 Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Important Components

Windows Print Spooler CVE-2021-36936 Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical Components

Windows Services for NFS CVE-2021-36933 Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information Disclosure Important ONCRPC XDR Driver Vulnerability

Windows Services for NFS CVE-2021-26433 Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information Disclosure Important ONCRPC XDR Driver Vulnerability

Windows Services for NFS CVE-2021-36932 Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information Disclosure Important ONCRPC XDR Driver Vulnerability

Windows Services for NFS CVE-2021-26432 Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Remote Code Execution Critical ONCRPC XDR Driver Vulnerability

Windows Services for NFS CVE-2021-36926 Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver Information Disclosure Important ONCRPC XDR Driver Vulnerability

Windows Storage Spaces CVE-2021-34536 Storage Spaces Controller Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important Controller

Windows TCP/IP CVE-2021-26424 Windows TCP/IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Critical

Windows Update CVE-2021-36948 Windows Update Medic Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Update Assistant CVE-2021-36945 Windows 10 Update Assistant Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows Update Assistant CVE-2021-26431 Windows Recovery Environment Agent Elevation of Privilege Important Vulnerability

Windows User Profile Service CVE-2021-34484 Windows User Profile Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Important

Windows User Profile Service CVE-2021-26426 Windows User Account Profile Picture Elevation of Privilege Important Vulnerability

[TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 14 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 References Adobe Fixes critical preauth vulnerabilities in Magento https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/adobe -fixes-critical-preauth-vulnerabilities-in-magento/

Adobe Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/10/adobe-releases-security-updates-multiple-products

Adobe Releases Multiple Security Updates https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/18/adobe-releases-multiple-security-updates

Apple Releases Security Update https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/17/apple-releases-security-update

BadAlloc Vulnerability Affecting BlackBerry QNX RTOS(Revised 8/23) https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/alerts/aa21-229a

Bulletin (SB21-235) – Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 16, 2021 https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/bulletins/sb21-235

CISA Releases Security Advisory for Swisslog Healthcare https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/03/cisa-releases-security-advisory-swisslog-healthcare

CISA: Bulletin (SB21-242) Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 23, 2021 https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/bulletins/sb21-242

Cisco Releases Security Updates https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/05/cisco-releases-security-updates

Cisco: Firewall manager RCE bug is a zero-day, patch incoming https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cisco-firewall-manager-rce-bug-is-a-zero-day-patch-incoming/

Cisco fixes critical, high severity pre-auth flaws in VPN routers https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cisco-fixes-critical-high-severity-pre-auth-flaws-in-vpn-routers/

Cisco Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/19/cisco-releases-security-updates-multiple-products

Cisco Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/26/cisco-releases-security-updates-multiple-products

Citrix Releases Security Update for ShareFile Storage Zones Controller https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/10/citrix-releases-security-update-sharefile-storage-zones-controller

Fortinet patches bug letting attackers takeover servers remotely https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fortinet-patches-bug-letting-attackers-takeover-servers-remotely/

Google Issues Warning For 2 Billion Chrome Users https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2021/08/21/google-chrome-warning-high-security-hacks-upgrade-chrome- now/?sh=5f906c57eac2

Google Releases Security Updates for Chrome https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/04/google-releases-security-updates-chrome

[TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 15 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 Google Releases Security Updates for Chrome https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/18/google-releases-security-updates-chrome

Intel Releases Multiple Security Updates https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/10/intel-releases-multiple-security-updates

ISC Releases Security Advisory for BIND https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/19/isc-releases-security-advisory-bind

McAfee Enterprise - August 2021 Patch Tuesday - Critical RDP Vulnerabilities Continue to Proliferate https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/enterprise/mcafee-enterprise-atr/critical-rdp-vulnerabilities-continue-to-proliferate/

Microsoft August 2021 Patch Tuesday fixes 3 zero-days, 44 flaws https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-august-2021-patch-tuesday-fixes-3-zero-days-44-flaws/

Microsoft August 2021 Patch Tuesday vulnerability list https://rawcdn.githack.com/campuscodi/Microsoft-Patch-Tuesday-Security- Reports/a5481bce61c205123065367dc9bf703dc9028a07/Reports/MSRC_CVEs2021-Aug.html

Microsoft Patch Tuesday for August 2021 — Snort rules and prominent vulnerabilities https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2021/08/microsoft-patch-tuesday-for-august-2021.html

Microsoft Patch Tuesday, August 2021 Edition , Windows 10 KB5005033 & KB5005031 cumulative updates released https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/08/microsoft-patch-tuesday-august-2021-edition/

Microsoft August 2021 Security Updates https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/releaseNote/2021-Aug

Mozilla Releases Security Updates for Firefox https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/10/mozilla-releases-security-updates-firefox

Mozilla Releases Security Updates for Thunderbird https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/12/mozilla-releases-security-updates-thunderbird

Mozilla Releases Security Updates https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/18/mozilla-releases-security-updates

OpenSSL Releases Security Update https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/25/openssl-releases-security-update

50974556: Overview of F5 vulnerabilities (August 2021) https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K50974556

Pulse Secure Releases Security Update for Pulse Secure Connect https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/06/pulse-secure-releases-security-update-pulse-secure-connect

QNAP works on patches for OpenSSL bugs impacting its NAS devices https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/qnap-works-on-patches-for-openssl-bugs-impacting-its-nas-devices/

SAP Releases August 2021 Security Updates https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/10/sap-releases-august-2021-security-updates


[TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 16 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)

HC3: Monthly Cybersecurity Vulnerability Bulletin September 7, 2021 TLP: White Report: 202109071300 https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/blog/2021/8/10/the-august -2021-security-update-review

VMware Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/08/05/vmware-releases-security-updates-multiple-products

Windows 10 KB5005033 & KB5005031 cumulative updates released https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-kb5005033-and-kb5005031-cumulative-updates-released/

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[TLP: WHITE, ID#202105070800, Page 17 of 17] [email protected] www.HHS.GOV/HC3 HHS Office of Information Security: Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)