Can divesting what holds you back move your forward?

2021 Global Corporate Divestment Study India About the study

The EY Global Corporate Divestment Study is an annual survey of C-level executives from large companies around the world, conducted by Thought Leadership Consulting, a Euromoney Institutional Investor company.

► How do businesses maximize value from their divestment?

► How do businesses identify non-core assets to divest?

► How are businesses using funds raised from divestments?

► What are the key challenges faced by CEOs while making decision to divest?

► What metrics are businesses using to monitor their portfolio?

► Are companies realizing the strategic benefits through divestments?

Author Naveen Tiwari Produced in association with Transaction Strategy and Execution Lead, EY LLP

Page 2 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Executive summary

How CEOs can develop a How CFOs can drive Why divestments should be successful divestment strategic decisions through a catalyst for CEOs to strategy portfolio reviews reimagine RemainCo 60% 86% 50% of CEOs consider assets that of CEOs acknowledge the of companies acknowledge do not contribute to long-term need to provide better not placing enough emphasis value creation as non-core. guidance on what is core vs. on RemainCo during their last non-core. divestment. 80% 71% 71% of companies used the of companies use earnings per of companies find maintaining proceeds from their share and return on invested operating performance of divestment to invest in capital as key KPIs to monitor RemainCo during divestment technologies to enhance business health. period a challenge. digital capabilities. 86% 53% 53% of CEOs acknowledge companies say the top say they failed to achieve challenges in providing better strategic benefit of their last results in streamlining guidance of what’s core vs. divestment was a redefined RemainCo’s management non-core in relation to their growth strategy focused on structure in their last major corporate strategy. core businesses. divestment. Page 3 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study How CEOs can develop a successful divestment strategy

Page 4 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study The pandemic has companies looking at divestments as a way to generate funds from non-strategic assets

Q Will the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic affect your plans to divest?

► Seventy-three percent (74%) of respondents say they are planning to divest in the next 24 months, as the COVID-19

37% pandemic has created a need for capital to support business requirements.

► While most companies expect to continue with their divestment process, nearly 40% 63% plan to accelerate their divestment plans.

► Timely divestment of assets can provide companies with the much required funds to manage liquidity and fuel growth during May accelerate divestment plans this crisis. Do not expect to impact divestment plans

Page 5 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Divestments provide companies with an effective avenue to raise funds for capital allocation even though they are not viewed as such

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Divestments are viewed as an essential part of Q the capital allocation process?

► The majority of companies do not consider divestments during their capital allocation process.

► Companies should actively consider 47% divestments as a significant source of 53% raising capital for investment in growth opportunities.



Page 6 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Better preparation by sellers can accelerate the divestment process and decrease the price gap

Thinking through your company’s most recent major divestment, how would you assess the results Q against expectations in the following areas?

Price ► Almost 90% of respondents 90% 10% acknowledge that it is challenging to meet divestment expectations on Timing price and timing. 87% 13% ► Impact on multiple in remaining business In fact, 100% of the respondents indicate that there is a 10% price gap 33% 67% between a seller’s expectation and what a buyer is willing to pay.

Did not meet expectations ► A well-managed divestment process, including comprehensive sell-side Met or exceeded expectations diligence (commercial, financial, operational, etc.), enables the company to better prepare for buyer’s diligence, thus decreasing the price expectation gap.

Page 7 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Businesses that do not support long-term value creation and are not aligned with company’s capital allocation strategy are prime candidates for divestments

What factors do you use to identify non-core businesses/assets for divestments? Q (Select all that apply.) Does not leverage company’s core ► While determining which assets Lower revenue/profitability capabilities profile than other are core, companies are businesses prioritizing factors such as 50% potential for long-term value

57% creation, growth profile and Diminishing alignment of capital needs. 50% 30% customer demand

60% Case study 40% 23% A large Indian conglomerate has been Capital needs divesting its non-core and sub-scale assets in exceed willing insurance, ports, etc. They wanted to focus on capital allocation Insignificant cash contributor its core businesses of EPC (engineering, Not aligned procurement and construction) and services to company’s Not a contributor to long-term value as its broader horizontal approach across vision/mission creation (e.g., improved operational industries no longer supports shareholder sustainability, adaptive ) value creation.

Page 8 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Divestments have provided the funds for companies to enhance digital capabilities to overcome business challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic

What did you do with the funds raised from your most recent divestment? Q (Select all that apply.)

Invested in technology ► The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted 80% the need to enhance digital

Paid down debt capabilities, with 80% of companies 53% using the divestment proceeds to invest in technology. Invested in new products/markets/geographies 50% ► Divesting underperforming assets will

Returned funds to shareholders help in: 33%  Streamlining their operating model Made an acquisition 27%  Raising funds to deleverage

Bought back shares  Investing in capabilities for future 27% growth

Page 9 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study CEOs face multiple challenges during divestments, including finalizing a business strategy for RemainCo

What are key challenges that CEOs face when deciding to divest? Q (Select all that apply.)

Articulating the value of the separated entity on a stand-alone basis ► Articulating the value of a divestment to 86% stakeholders is one of the toughest challenges being faced by the CEOs. Organizational distraction compared to growth initiatives 71% ► In addition to sharing the divestment

Ensuring you have a strategy for the remaining business rationale, CEOs should share a vision on 43% how RemainCo can unlock value and grow as a result of the divestment. Perception that management failure led to divestment 43% ► A well-formulated divestment strategy will

Ability to galvanize support on use of funds to be raised help CEOs effectively communicate the 29% go-to-market strategy, potential operational synergies from related products and technology, or geographic coverage for RemainCo.

Base = 7 Indian CEOs

Page 10 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study A robust project management process and the right tools and resources are critical to enhance value from divestments

With respect to your last major divestment, would you agree or disagree with the following Q statements?

Lack of access to the right tools and data slowed decision-making around project management milestones. ► A divestment is a complex process with 63% 37% interdependencies across business units and functions. Lack of understanding around regulatory requirements deferred closing. 60% 40% ► Companies need to implement a robust We significantly underestimated the internal resources and time to prepare the divestment program management process with for sale. 53% 47% adequate internal resources to drive divestments.

Agree ► Ninety-three percent (93%) of companies anticipate that tax-related issues will Disagree continue to impact their divestment strategy over the next 12 months.

Page 11 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Key takeaways

► Have a clear view on strategic alignment, and potential for long-term value creation for each business

► Pursue divestments to help accelerate investments in technology, new products or geographies and to fuel new growth for RemainCo

► Communicate efficiently with stakeholders the need to divest a business that is not a strategic fit, even if it has strong performance

Page 12 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study How CFOs can drive strategic decisions through portfolio reviews

Page 13 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Divestments should be a core part of corporate strategy rather than treated as one-off decision based on short-term needs

Q Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

We have held onto assets too long when we should have divested them. ► The majority of executives acknowledge

70% 30% the need to act faster to divest non-core assets that can help accelerate Shortcomings in our portfolio/strategic review process have sometimes resulted in shareholder return. failure to achieve the intended divestment results.

63% 37% ► A well-defined portfolio strategy, coupled with the right resources and expertise to We struggle to define which businesses are core vs. non-core within our portfolio. manage divestments, should give companies more confidence to divest at 60% 40% right time.

► Companies can pursue a “carve-out

Agree platform” approach to make businesses divestment ready where systems, Disagree processes and legal entity separation work begins before the deal process starts.

Page 14 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Better portfolio reviews can help companies identify the right asset and the right time to divest

What specific actions could CEOs take to enhance identification of a divestiture candidate? Q (Select all that apply.)

Take a different approach to portfolio reviews ► To enhance identification of potential 86% divestments, CEOs are looking for more from portfolio reviews. Provide better guidance on what’s core vs. non-core in relation to company’s strategy 86% ► Reviews should be conducted at a level

Initiate or increase frequency of portfolio reviews that closely aligns with potential carve- 71% outs and with evolving KPIs that can help predict future growth. Improve or refine measures of value/metrics 29% ► Effective portfolio reviews focus on a few

Engage with third parties to remove bias key metrics that measure how each 29% business complements the enterprise strategy and contributes to total shareholder return through a combination of growth and return on invested capital.

Base = 7 Indian CEOs

Page 15 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study CFOs need to use forward-looking measures in tandem with backward-looking KPIs such as ROIC

What KPIs are being used to measure and monitor the overall business on an ongoing basis? Q (Select all that apply) ► KPIs shouldn’t remain static. If business priorities change, new KPIs should be considered. However, only 73% of businesses 71% 71% say they evaluated their KPIs in the past three years. 57% ► Forward-looking metrics also need to take into account the challenge of forecasting 43% 43% 43% future growth as companies try to determine which pandemic-driven customer behaviors will remain and which are temporary.

Case study

Earnings Return on Revenue Profitability Total Economic A company implemented a portfolio review process with per share invested growth growth shareholder value added three distinct criteria — path to an agreed return on capital return (EVA) (ROIC) (TSR) equity (ROE), path to profitability and strategic importance — to identify assets for divestment. Base = 7 Indian CFOs

Page 16 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Divestments can help companies sharpen their focus on core businesses as additional capital becomes available

What has proven to be a strategic benefit after you have executed a divestiture? Q (Select all that apply.)

India ► As a result of divestments, companies can capture strategic benefits that support growth plans for the remaining Redefined growth strategy 53% focused on core businesses portfolio.

Increased management ► Executives indicate that divestments attention on higher growth 47% opportunities allow them to streamline their operations and place attention on higher Streamlined operations/ 40% growth opportunities. more nimble

Clearer capital 33% Case study allocation decisions One of India’s largest integrated power companies divested its Improved credit rating/ non-core assets in defense to focus on growth opportunities, 27% access to capital including renewable energy business.

Page 17 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Pursuing value creation ahead of divestments can help the seller maximize sales value and decrease the price gap

Q Please select sources of value in your last divestment. (Select all that apply.)

Focus on quality of ► Businesses have been able to management team 57% maximize sales price from their in divested business divested assets by implementing value Workforce 57% reduction creation activities. Working capital optimization 50% ► In fact, 67% of CFOs say that value Legal structure creation activities such as working 50% optimization/ separating capital optimization and operational Operations/manufacturing the business partially or fully footprint consolidation 47% improvements can enhance sales value. Supply chain 47% Offshoring 23% reorganization ► Private equity controlled firms regularly undertake value creation 10% Outsourcing activities in their portfolio prior to sale.

Page 18 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Key takeaways

► Make divesting part of management’s strategy to focus on core businesses rather than treating it as a one-off decision in order to invest in opportunities that yield long- term value

► Rigorously review the portfolio using key metrics to define how each business complements the enterprise strategy and contributes to total shareholder return

► Focus on value-creation activities to improve operational efficiencies and expand value of divestments

Page 19 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Why divestments should be a catalyst for CEOs to reimagine RemainCo

Page 20 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Divestments should be viewed as an opportunity to reimagine RemainCo, which will help drive significant shareholder returns

What additional steps did you not take, but wish you would have taken, to capture a larger benefit to Q the remaining organization? (Select all that apply.)

Focused on the RemainCo ► Executives often regret not using realignment earlier in the Used the divestiture divestment as an opportunity to divestiture process as an opportunity to reimagine RemainCo transform the remaining company and drive long-term value. 60%

Been more ► A company’s divestment rationale 60% aggressive should include the benefits to on cost 30% takeout RemainCo’s future business. targets 60%

50% Case study

A major global industrial company delayed the Broadened your efforts to Placed a similar announcement of a divestiture until the CEO was improve RemainCo beyond level of emphasis confident of management’s plan to unlock over half simply eliminating costs on RemainCo as a billion dollars of value in RemainCo for the preparing for the shareholders over the next three years. divestiture

Page 21 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study The complex process of divesting can affect the operational performance of RemainCo

What are the key challenges that CEOs face in effectuating a divestment? Q (Select all that apply.)

► The key to successful divestments and creating value for RemainCo is to be laser Maintaining operating focused on the operational performance of performance during divestment period 71% the RemainCo, which 7 out of 10 companies agree is critical in limiting disruption during Identifying the perimeter of the divestment period. the business(es) to divest 57% ► Companies should have a clear organizational structure for RemainCo to Talent selection for DivestCo 43% overcome the challenges of finalizing the deal perimeter and talent selection for Considering full array of DivestCo. transaction alternatives 29% (e.g., sale, spin, JV)

Base = 7 Indian CEOs

Page 22 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Streamlining management structure and managing market perception are significant challenges for successful divestments

In which areas did you fail to achieve the intended results on the remaining organization during your Q most recent divestiture? (Select all that apply.)

Streamline management structure ► Executives report that streamlining the 53% management structure and improving the organization’s perception in the market Improve market perception are areas of significant challenge in 53% divestments.

Enhance ESG rating or profile ► 50% Investors and other stakeholders are increasingly demanding that companies Strengthen board’s/shareholders’ confidence in the management team do more across all three environmental, 43% social and governance (ESG) pillars.

Increase share price ► Companies must take a holistic approach 40% that recognizes the need to identify, measure and embed ESG factors to improve access to capital and generate long-term value for stakeholders.

Page 23 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study Key takeaways

► Divestments can provide an indispensable opportunity for management to reassess, reimagine and realign RemainCo to create greater value.

► Limiting disruption of the remaining business operations should be one of the key metrics to measure a successful divestment.

► To successfully execute a divestment, management must make a clear plan to streamline management structure and improve market perception for RemainCo.

Page 24 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study How EY can help?

Page 25 2021 India Corporate Divestment Study How EY can help

EY teams help companies evaluate their strategy, manage the portfolio, improve divestment value and grow their remaining business. Dedicated, multifunctional EY professionals work with corporate and private equity clients on sales of the entire company, carve-outs, spin-offs and joint ventures (JVs).

Evaluating Managing Improving divestment Growing the corporate strategy the portfolio value and timing remaining business

► Purpose-led strategy ► Strategic alternatives analysis ► Value creation ahead of ► Remaining company cost development and long-term divesting structure ► Financial forecasts and value creation scenario planning ► Multidisciplinary transaction ► Customer experience and ► Business model reinvention governance growth strategy ► Capital allocation strategy ► New market entry ► Day 1 of future state operating ► Cybersecurity risks and ► Stress testing of divestment opportunities hypothesis model design remediation ► Digital strategy and innovation ► Advanced analytics to support ► Organizational structure buyer negotiation ► Go-to-market strategy ► People and performance ► Working capital optimization management

► Value story development ► Digital and technology strategy

► Efficient tax restructuring

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