REVISE CHARTER, That Black Bottom ing Bungalow II WORLD aiERS SAFE IN CfflNA; BURNGARBAGE, B O A I ^ V I S E S FIVE ATLANTIC AVUTORS LOST Schlee and Brock, Three Selectmen Believe Town Ships Searching Ocean Find HOPE ABANDONED KEEP UP SEARCH .41 Must Consider These Two No Traces of Bertand, FOR TOLLY PLANE FOR “ OLD GLORY” Hours Overdue, Land In Important Items— Make HiD, Payne, Tolly or Med- Hong Kong— Fog Forced Their Annual Report. calf— All Nations Move Experts Say Pilots Had No Only One Hope— That Fly­ Them to Reduce Speed of To Curtail Ocean Flying Chance After Their Ma* ers Are Able to Keep Plane— Next Hop Is to M A complete revision of Manches­ ter’s charter by a committee of ten This Year. chine Crashed. Afloat In Rubber R aft Shanghai. or fifteen and the Installation of a garbage incinerator within a short time feature the recommen­ The ranks of aviators who have London, Sept. 9.— Hope was vir­ New York, Sept. 9.— One single Hong Kong, China, Sept. •.— dations which the Board of Select­ given up their lives In the ad­ tually abandoned today for Captain ray of hope— that a flimsy rubber The monoplane Pride of Detroit in ,which Edward F. Schlee and men will make in the annual town vancement of aviation, have been Terry Tully and Lieut. James Med­ life-raftf could withstand the pound­ William S. Brock are attempting report which will be distributed to swelled today w;ith the names of calf, pilot and navigator of the Can­ ing of the mid-ocean waves— a flight around the world, arriv^ the voters s'ome time next week. five more intrepid fliers, apparent­ adian monoplane Sir John Carling, flickered today as three ocean lln-. The Selectmen recommend that here at three o’clock this after­ ly lost In disastrous attempts to which left Harbor Grace, New­ ers continued a futile search of the the annual town meting appoint a noon from Hanoi, French Indo- span the ocean by air. foundland, Wednesday on an at­ sea BOO miles east of Newfound- committe to make a study of the China. present charter of the town, and Meanwhile, apprehension felt for tempt to fly across the- Atlantic land for some trace of the m'ono- j Hong Kong Is 600 miles from bring it up-to-date. The Selecten the safety of Edward F. Schlee and ocean to London. plane Old Glory which left Old Or­ ask that this commitee co-operate Hanoi. The fliers were three hours William S. Brock, round-the-world With the plane twenty-four chard, Maine, shortly after noon late and fears for their safety had with town officials and make sev­ fliers, was banished when they ar­ Tuesday on an attempt to fly to eral improvements which are neces­ Hundreds of Manchester people and many out of town visitors,have gone .to the home of Mr. and Mrs.- hours overdue, and its supply of arisen. Schlee and Brock explained rived safely at Hong Kong, China, Rome. that their lateness was d :e -- ^oor sary for the proper conduct of the Frank Vuillermet pictured above to confirm to their own satisfaction The Herald’s exclusive story that one gasoline exhausted, the possibility from-Hanoi, French Indo-China. With no trace of , the plane re­ . .lity, which caused them - j n - town’s government. room in the house, a bed and other articles of furniture were trembling: or “ shimmying” fdr no apparent Previous to their arrival at Hanoi, that the fliers might have escaped Give Up Dump. ported, hope,was almost abandoned dnee the plane’s speed. j reason. The tenant of the house is now charging admission,to see the phenomenon. In the group above the aviators had not been heard Ihe tragic fate which has. befallen Both Are Well ’ In recommending that the town many other daring aviators who that Lloyd Bertaud, James Dewitt own a garbage incinerator the Se­ are Mrs. Vuillermet, third from left, her daughter-in-law, Mrs., Louise Viot, fifth from left, her son, Nassio, from since they left Rangoon, Burr Both of the Intrepid Detroit ma, at 6:10 o’clock yesterday pitted their skill and the power of Hill and Philip A. Payne, occu­ lectmen reveal that a dump can­ in background. Others are curiosity seekers who visited the hoine and were convinced of the trembling fliers appeared well and declared' morning, an airplane motor against the In­ pants of Old Glory on her ill-fated they were confident of breaking not be tolerated much longer. It flight, could possibly be found alive is the belief of the present Board truth.” The mystery remains unsolved today. The missing trans-Atlantic fliers exorable force of the elements, be- the existing record of 28 and one that the so called School Street are Lloyd Bertaud, James De Witt j came increasingly remote Even the most optimistic conceded half days for a trip around the dump wull not be available for Hill and Philip A. Payne of the i Tully and Medcalf have appar that ,01d Glory herselt could no •world.^From Hong Kong they will more than three years. The only Fokker monoplane Old Glory, ana ently followed Nungesser and Coll, longer be afloat on the turbulent fly to Shanghai then to Tokio, and logical course to follow, the Se- WALLST. BEITING Captain Terry Turner and Lieut. Bertaud, Payne and Hill, and the waves on which she Is believed to then across the Pacific ocean to Sectmen believe is to Install an James Medcalf of the Canadian Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim and have crashed a few minutes atter San Francisco by way of Midway May Complete Jury sending out a frantic SOS call. incineration plant. plane Sir John Carling. her two companions in the mono­ island and Honolulu. The complete report of the GROWS EXCITING Three Ships Searching plane St. Raphael, all of whom dis­ The one hop© remaining was: that Schlee and Brock left Rangoon, Board of Selectmen, which will ■While three ships continued to appeared into the sea on disastrous the fliers had safely taken to their Burma, early yesterday. They were s6rvG as an introduction to tne In search for the occupants of Old attempts to bridge the Atlantic by rubber raft, and are still fJOating not heard from again until they annual town report, follows: Glory, hope that the fliers were or have been picked up Jjy some reached Hanoi, 1,000 miles away, air. merchant vessel unequipped -with -•S' still alive has been virtually aban­ No Radio and considerable apprehension was wireless. SELECTJIEN’S REPORT MOIions Being Waged on doned. In the case of Tully and The Sir John Carling waa not felt for .their safely. Medcalf, a search will be difficult, Little Hope Left. Brock' and Schlee had been ex-^ For the Year Ending August 15th, IfBoxI$FiUed,TrialWQIBe equipped with radio, its occupants But as the hours passed with no 1927. for the plane carried no radio, and may have fallen a few hundred pected at Bangkok, Slam, yester­ Everything From Fights to cheering word, the fear was gen­ day morning. When, no word came - Pursuant to the requirements of World Hop the spot where it apparently fell miles off Newfoundland, perhaps in erally felt that Old Glory’s “ Road the Town Charter, the newly elect while attempting a flight from mid-ocean, even possibly while al­ from that city, it was feared that Postponed Until Tuesday; To Rome” led to the bottom of the t ^ Pride of Detroit had been forced.; ed Board of Selectmen met at the Canada to England is unknown. most in sight of their goal. They ocean, following the tragic route Municipal Building, on October 5th, D ay By Da^ Politics. In spite of the fact that Brock down in the jungle country between started out, and they were not seen set by Nungesser and Ck)li and the Rangoon nad Bangkok. 192 6, for the purpose of organiza­ Novelist’s Wife In Court and Schlee are safe, a wave of sent­ again. Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim and tion andbusiness, and after the iment against the risking of further Tully and Medcalf did not have her two companions on the earlier lives in trans-oceanic a^plane 'ven­ MANILA REPORTS members had taken the oath of Again. Aug. 27.-Schlee audi^roek hoi»^| . a chance for their lives when the attempts to span the Atlantic by Manila, Sept. 9.— The Pride o f office, elected Robert V. Treat ped off from Harbov'^VacerNlT’.-’^B^ the throei of -* betting orgy. tures Is rising all oveF th‘e world. plane fell, in the oplnloa of avia- air., , , ...... V.:,.--- Detroit, carrying Edward F. Schlee* ■Bttglandr- which- lost threer-fHers in Chairman, antf J’dhn H. Tlyde Sec- Aug.* 28.— Arrived Croydon, Bug- A folllioa dollars or more wlTl he tion circlesr^E^'^l2Se‘*?3?ned ho The liners continuing the re­ Detroit business man and William retary. . . the ill-fated monoplane St. Raphael rubber life-raft and it is believed wardless seiarch o f . the Great Cir­ Brock, pilot, arrived at the Kait- land, 2,350 miles. wagered on the Dempsey-Tunney before the Sir John Carling dropped The Board then divided, into the CLFME JURYMEN Aug. 29.— Croydon to Munich, that they went down, with the cle area where Old Glory is be­ ack Aerodrome, Hong Kong, at fight a half of million at least on from sight, was divided in opinion wreckage of their shattered plane. lieved to have gone down were the following committees; 580 miles. 3:40 this afternoon, according ttf^ Highway Committee: Harry W. The tenth Cline juryman was the spectacular four-cornered Na­ on the value of trans-oceanic air­ After Big Prize Nova Scotia, of the Furness Line, advices received here from the Brlr Aug. 30.— Munich to Belgrade, 520 plane flights. Some aviation offi­ the American Merchant and the Keeney and Wells A. Strickland. accepted at 2:55 this afternoon. miles. tional League pennant race: $25,- The ill-fated flight for the Sir tish Poet Office wireleas station at Charity Committee; John H. The jury is as follows: cials declared .that experimental John Carling was made for a $25,- Cunarder California, the search Hong Kong. Thie plane made a: Aug. 31.— Belgrade to Constanti­ 000 to $50,000 on tomorrow’s flights must be made If aviation is thus far has been utterly without Hyde and Robert J. Smith. G. >V. Sterry, Willington nople, 560 miles. 000 prize. The journey started from ■perfect landing. Public Safety Committee; Thom­ John Swanson, Bolton match between the British and to succeed, while the press was al­ London, Ontario, and was inter success. No splinter of shattered The round the world flyers ex­ Sept. 1.— Delayed by authorities in most unanimous in condemning fuselage or wing, no tank pect -to leave Hong Kong for Shan- as J. Rogers and Carl E. Johans­ Charles Long, Bolton Constantinople. American teams; close to $1,500,- rupted when Tully and Medcalf JVugust H. Mattem, Mansfield further flights. __ were fbreed to descend at St. or other wreckage has beenssighted hai tomorrow mornihg.Durlng the son. . . T Sept. ,— Constantinople to Bag­ 000 on the World Series and from atop the tossing waves wklcTYmight Joint School Board; Robert J- Carroll H. Hawkins, Mansfield 2 $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 on the Against Further Flights. John’s, Quebec, because of fog. flight from Hanoi, where they left dad, 1,070 miles.. Feeling against further risking pffer concrete evidence of Old at 8 o’clock this morning, the plane Smith and Thomas J. Rogers. James J. Kerwin, Mansfield Sept. 3.— Bagdad to Bender Abbas, next presidential campaign. From there, the plane was flown Chairman Treat, ex-officio, a Clement N. Sumner, Bolton These figures were supplied to of lives was rife in Berlin, and the to Harbor Grace, and the take off* Glorj’s fate. developed minor engine trouble. Persia, 885 miles. Junkers Airplane Company has ord­ No Story of Disaster. When this is repaired, the alrn»n member of’ all committees. Edwin Hansen, South Coventry Sept. 4.— Bender Abbas to Kara­ Inte^ational News Service today for England made just four hours It is possible, even probable, that The Board then made appoint­ Alexander Mitchell, Stafford by Frank Silinsky, betting commis­ ered that no further trans-Atlantic after the frantic S. O. S. of the Old will he prepared to make their Mext chi, India, 710 miles. sioner of W. L. Darnell & Company, flight attempts are to be made this jump. , ments for the various Town Offices Springs Sept. 5.— Karachi to Allahabad, In­ Glory had been sent out. (Continued on Pago 2) which appears in this Town Report one of the several big brokerage Kept In Ignorance,^ ' "When tlie flyers hopped off from Philip J. Palmer, Andover. dia, 925 miles. Rangoon, British India, they were under the heading “ Town Officers houses that deal in wagers. ^^In Washington, Acting Secretary Tully and Medcalf started out on Sept. 6.— Allahabad to Calcutta, Important money is being laid ' the Navy Douglas Robinson undecided whether they would stop Appointive.’’ India,. 485 miles. the flight without knowing o l the at Bangkok, Slam, but once in the The Board has held twenty-two this way: voiced a strong protest against fur­ fate that had befallen Old Glory. SAYS JENSEM ASKED Rockville, Conn., Sept. 9.—^Leon­ Sept. 7.— Calcutta to Rapgoon, Seven to five Tunney heats ther trans-Atlantic flight at this air they apparently decided to con­ meetings during the past year, Burma, 665 miles. They were kept in ignorance of the tinue on to Hanoi. and has given thirty-nine public ard Cline’s reputation as an author Dempsey. time, because of the large number distress call before the start, hut Sept. 8. — Rangoon to Hanoi, Seven, to Five Pittsburgh does of lives which have been lost. hearings for construction of walks has led his publishers to lend fi­ French Indo-China, 1,000 miles. friends inserted a brief penciled DEMOCRAT SUPPORT BACKERS SCARED. and curbing, assessing for walks not win the pennant; 9 to 5 the The toll taken by trans-oceanJc nancial support in his fight to es­ Sept. 9.— Hanoi to Hong Kong, message in the fliers’ map-case, so San Francisco, Sept. 9.— Possi­ and curbing, establishing building Giants won’t; 2% to 1 St. Louis projects in the last five months is they would know of the unhappy cape the gallows for the alleged 600 miles. now placed at eighteen. bility that the proposed flight of lines, and street line hearings, etc. Total distance covered, 10,455 termination of Old Glory’s flight the Pride of Detroit over the Paci­ The Administration Building murder of his friend, Wilfred P. (Continued on Page 2) Because of the wave of public soon after they had started. miles. opinion, it was regarded as Proba­ fic, via Midway islands, would he was completed during the year and Irwin, it was learned today. All through the night, officials Chris McHale Confirms Her­ abandoned, loomed today when it the Town has adequate facilities Distance still to go, 11,545 miles. ble that some of the PJoJ®cted Cline’s trial in Superior Court trans-oceanic flights, including the of the air ministry checked with became knowh^'tiie hackers of the for housing all the Town Officials lighthouses and radio stations entered its third day today with in­ proposed flight of the Canadian flight were n^dtiating with the in this building, together with room LEVINE DETERMINED along the southern coast of Eng­ ald’s Statement About# As- • *■ Dollar Steamship- line for passage for the natural growth of the dications that the jury box will he monoplane Royal Windsor from of the plane antfnhe flyers from COOLIDGES READY New Foundland to England, would land, Ireland and France, in the filled before night. hope the plan© might have been Yokohama to Honolulu. be abandoned. sessor Candidate. (Continued on Page 6.) Cline’s spirit rose as the jury TO CROSS ATLANTIC sighted, but no encouraging word Army aviators stationed at Ma-» box gradually filled. Nine jurors was received. The plane was given nila have pointed out the danger • ■ FOR HOME JOURNEY WINDSOR TO HOP have been accepted and Cline has up for lost V)day, and hopes were of such an undertaking. Some of St. Johns, N. F.„ Sept. A ba­ Yesterday’s statement In The them declared that Brock and passed on each. Savs If Weather Is Favorable ters Phil Wood and C. A. Schiller, expressed thm C. A. “ Duke” Schil­ ler and Phil W ood, pilots of the Herald that John Jensen desired to Schlee would be fortunate if they? SOCIETY FOLKS FLEE His Wife Present He Will Hop For America pilots of the Royal Windsor, told came within 150 miles of Midway, The novelist also was cheered by International News Service today, monoplane Royal "Windsor, would have his name placed before the Before Sept. 15. abandon their attempt to fly from in the event they tried the ocean the presence of his wife, Katherine, To Start This Evening and that they had no i^itention of aban­ electors by the Democratic party In FIRE IN CAMBRIDGE although she wept quietly when Windsor, Ontario, to Windsor, Eng­ hop from Japan. London, Sept. 9.— A forty mile doning their trans-ocean Aigbt to event he Is defeated by Samuel she spoke to him after adjourn­ an hour wind today caused Charles land. Stop at Brookings, S. D., England, but will hop off at Harbor Nelson, Jr., for assessor. In Tues­ ment. Mrs. Cline Is a small, frail D. Levine again to postpone his Grace Field as soon as weather con­ HOSTETTER BROTHERS Seventy Residents of Fashion­ woman, who shows more than her contemplated flight to America In day’s Primary, was confirmed to­ husband the effects of the ordeal. ditions, permit. t. A able Apartment Saved By the monoplane Columbia. Reports The airmen said they had re­ day by Christopher S. McHale, lo­ She was accompanied by her sister, For Dedication Exercises. Woman Starts Flight Action of Janitor. of weather over the Atlantic also ceived no instructions to call off the cal Democratic leader*. Mr. McHale ARE SENT TO PRISON Mrs. John S. Wierengo, of Grand were unfavorable. told The Herald that Mr. Jensen Rapids, Mich. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 9.— Levine told the International A strong northwest wind was Planned For Paris made an appointment to meet the Mrs. Wierengo, it is said, will be Rapid City, S. D., Sept. 9.— Pres­ News Service today that, If the former at his place of business on Took Part in Bank Robbery Lives of seventy residents of the a character witness. Cline also ex­ ident Coolidge came to the end of blowing today and rain was falling. fashionable Wadsworth Chambers weather is still unfavorable by Sep­ “ It is our intention to fly as soon Bissell street. and Shooting of Deputy pects Mayor John Smith and Cir­ his Black Hills trail today and tember 15, he would return to the There Mr. Jensen asked Mr. Mc­ opposite famous Agassiz Hall, Rad- cuit Court Judge Ira Payne, of De­ turned eastward to Washington as the weather Improves,” said Sheriff. cliffe College, were saved early to­ United States by steamer and make Wood. “ At present we are only Detroit, Sept. 9.— Undaunted by Hale if it would be possible to be troit, to appear for him. Cline once and a winter of hard work. another attempt to fly the ocean the fate of Mildred Doran and the named by the Democrats for the day by the prompt action of Mrs. This evening, he and Mrs. Cool­ waiting.” Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. , 9.—* Laurie L. Burgess and Verde Hard­ was employed as a newspaper man from east to west In 1928. fliers now missing in the Atlantic, unexpired term of assessor. Mr. The notorious Hostetler brothers, in Detroit. idge and John will entrain for the Despite the warnings of T. Har­ Ruth Elder, the third woman to at­ McHale promptly told Mr. Jensen ing, negro janitor. AGAINST FURTHER HOPS alleged to have taken part In the Unable to sleep, Mrs. Burgess _ May Adjourn Today national capital, ninety days of old ("Doc” ) Klncade and other ex­ tempt a trans-oceanic flight, took that there ivas nothing he could do Southport Indiana bank robbery^ After three more jurors are pick­ fishing and roughing It In the hills perts against trans-Atlantic at­ Washington, Sept. 9.— Lives off from the Ford Airport today at since Mr. McHale was not a mem­ sought solace in a book. She sud-j sacrificed on the altar of aeronautl- Feb. 18, 1926, were sentenced* in denly smelled smoke. Running to ed, court will adjourn to Tuesday behind them. One stop will be made tempts so late in the year, Levine 5:56 a. m. for Tampa, Fla., on the ber of the Democratic town com­ Marion • County Criminal Court by morning, when the state will begin en route, at Brookings, S. D., declared he Is determined to try it first leg of a projected hop to Paris. mittee and tvas without power to the hall she called to Harding. The (Continned on Page 18). Judge James A. Collins today. janitor ran the elevator up and to present Its evidence. There will where the executive, on Saturday, If possible. Accompanied by her navigator act. Robert Hostetler, 22, waa sen-, down carrying terrified Inmates to be no opening statements, so that will dedicate the Lincoln Memorial "I have received hundreds of let­ and co-pllot, George W. Haldeman, Denial Reported tenced from five to twenty-one, the street after he and Mrs. Bur­ the alleged motive and the de­ Library at the State Agricultural ters protesting not only against my —A Miss Elder soared aloft In her Since the statement in The Her­ years In state’s prison for robbery gess had aroused them. fense will become known only College. Washington will be reach­ own flight, but trans-ocean flights “ American Girl,” a Stinson-De- ald yesterday Mr. Jensen is report­ and one to ten years for essaalt During the fire, which did $75,- gradually through witnesses. ed Sunday night. In general,” Levine told Interna­ Real Soldier troiter monoplane, carrying 225 ed to have denied that he sought and battery for shooting Deputy 000 damage, a fireman was found Edward Boyle, of Stafford, was Important Problems tional News Service. People say It ofF.ortune gallons' of gasoline, and headed “ any Democratic leaders” In an ef­ Sheriff Charles Bell, In an attempt, on a window sill, unconscious from the one hundredth man called as Mr. Coolidge is returning to the Is not worth while and'serves no southward. fort to get Into an election fight to evade arrest. smoke. potential juryman. The panel was east with a number of Important useful purpose. I say emphatically Lives Here The original destination for the If defeated in the Republican Prim Howard Hostetler, 18, waa sen­ then down to twenty-eight names. problems to handle. First, he must it Is worth while. If the weather trial flight was Lakeland, Fla., but ary Tuesday. Mr. McHale’s confirm­ tenced from one to ten years In the Across the Charles river in the A real soldier of fortune, of Brighton sectiofi of Boston a three M. D. O’Connell, assistant state’s decide whether or not a spefclal ses­ gives us half a chance we will go. when It was learned that the field ation of The Herald’s statement state reformatory for robbery. attorney, today for the first time sion of Congress, or of the Senate My heart Is set upon this trip, but the type Richard Harding Davis at lakeland Is In a soggy condition. proves Mr. Jensen’s reported denial alarm fire destroyed, the fertilizer wrote about. Never still.. Al­ plant of the Brighton abbatoir. examined the talesmen. An effort alone, Is necessary. Then he must of course we cannot do the Impossi­ It was decided to fly to Tampa, a false. Mr. McHale Is a Democratic PROHIBITION SCANDAIi prepare his annual message. Also, ble. If the weather does not change ways on the go. His travels leader In Manchester. He Is the per­ Washington, Sept. 9.— An Inves­ was made to speed up the selection have extended over most of the distance of 995 miles. of jurors, who totaled nine when he must appoint a new governor- we may have to abandon the flight "I’m not doing It for the dear old sonal representative In Manchester tigation into the alleged acceptance CONVENTION ENDS- globe and now he has settled court opened, and there seemed to general of the Philippines, and am­ but I am prepared to wait another homestead, or any of the popularly- of Ex-Congressman Augustine of bribes by a number of prohlblr down. ,, Middletown, Sept. 9.— The State be an agreement among the lawyers bassadors to Mexico and Cuba. accepted motives,” Miss Elder said, Lonergan and is invariably consult­ tlon agents in the Pacific north­ The summer just passed has The Dally Sketch calls Levine’s Indians, cowboys, miners, “ I made up my mind that I was go­ west, was launched today by Federation of Labor ended Its an­ to limit the questions. g;uerillas and South American ed by the Democratic State Central nual meeting here today with In­ The first three veniremen were been an epochal one in many ways proposal ‘‘one of folly” adding: ing to be the first woman to fly the Committee in matters of political Mable Walker Wlllebrandt,, assis­ for the President. The high spot of “ In the face of almost suicidal revolutionists. He has seen Atlantic and, God willing, I’m going tant attorney general. stallation of officers and adjourned disposed of In forty minutes this them all and has been in some Importance In Manchester. with New London selected as the morning. Then the lawyers plunged this year’s vacation was the an­ risk, Levine persists In his plan to to do It.” As stated in The Herald yester­ Roy C. Lyle, prohibition admin­ nouncement that he “ did not make the flight with Capt. O. tight-places. istrator for Oregon, Washlngto$i next meeting place. Loretta Oatley, Into a wrangle over the matter' of W. Read about him tomorrow In day Mr. Jensen’s name could not representing the United Textile circumstantial evidence ^ and the choose” to run for re-election In Hlnchcllffe as a pilot— a pilot of legally have been put on the Dem­ and Alaska, In whose district the Workers, addressed the convention session dragged along. Previously 1928. This unexpected move threw such skill and experience that, in The Herald TREASURY BALANCE ocratic ticket even lf‘'the Democrat­ Investigation centers, conferref today. Before adjourning the con­ the questions had been limited to the political gates wide open and the Interests of British aviation, he ic committee had sanctioned H. The with Mrs. Wlllebrandt. whether a man believed in capital centered world attention on this should be debarred from venturing Washington, fit. 9.— Treasury time limit for filing such nomina­ Lyle was called to W a^ gw vention voted to leave all legisla­ In connection with the scaHiK tive matters in the hands of the. little town of Rapid City as almost his life upon such a desperate "Out At Noon” balance Sent. 159.781,878.80. tions expired last week. (Continued on Page. 18). .no other event could have done. chance.'^ executive committea. f •t5r-

iK K a S x W D r MANCHESTBR ICCOmy BVEl^G HBSRALD, lUlDAT, SEPVESSER IWfT ■rS iC'. h------Contractor Holger Bach is rais­ World Series, no matter what club AMERICAN BEAUTIES LOWMAN IS WARNED ; ing the frame for Harry Maldment’s W A U ST. B ^ G they meet. COLUMBIA ABOUT TOWN new bouse on Robert Road. "When Tunney and Dempsey were re-matched this summer, Tun­ TO KEEP OFF SMITH ney was a 2 to 1 favorite," Said Lester Hurlburt of Charleston, AT ATLANTIC a n The Manchester Green Communi­ GROWS EXCITING W. Va„ has joined his family, who ty Club •will hold its first fall meet­ 5^,SCELLA9IEOrS SHOWER Silinsky. "He is now a favorite at iir \i'— —

SnSnSSSmSSSS^^ mmmmimiMmmm Corn Wodt 1 ' 56tv Dodge Bros ...1 8 % 18 D u P o n t...... 313% 312 Efforts to get information from >vacatl^n.' ' " ; ^ Del & feud, .. 210% 209 the office of the state highway de­ The monthly meeting of the Erie . '. . . 61*' 60% partment have been of little value. School Committee of the Town of Gen Elec ....142% 141 D ID in GET AMPUTATION It was suspected that another sur­ Vernon was held Wednesday even­ Gen-Mpt:^ . . ,-.251% 248% (Furnished by Putnam & Co.)' vey, known only to the state com­ ing. Superintendent .Clough ,MRort- Int Harv 215% HE WANTED HASTENED g l e h c l u b s h o l d c o r n “tliaDge In Address missioner and one or two of his ed 1,368 children registered In the Bid Askisd Int Nickel . . . 65% ROAST ' foUowing, by moving this, engineers had been made. schools of Vernon. The Highjachool Rank Stocks Kennecott ... 71% About 50 members uf the Beet­ past'month, have made a necessity This the commissioner admittpd has the largest regiet®

« itf • .-sr ^

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Edison Records ...... 3 for $1.00 Dry M o p s...... $1.00 edich 1^ Columbia Records...... 4 for $1.00 Overnight Cases . : ...... $1.00 each Feather Pillows, size 18x25...... $1.00 each Laundry B enches...... $1.00 each *• *• 'v’ * • V

Kitchen Arm Chairs Youths’ Chairs $ 1 .0 0 $ 1 * 0 0 each Golden Oak Finish. Cane Seat. Golden Oak. Value up to $8.50. Value .$3.50. Here are Dollar Day items that will crowd our store tomorrow. Values that are truly phenomenal in close-out Summer stocks and also new Fall merchandise* Book E n d s...... $1.00 set Assorted Candlesticks .. $1.00 pair Window Screens— Fancy Glass Guest Sets . .$1.00 set N ew F a it N ew F a ll Size 2441 ...... 2 for $1.00 N ew Fall Ash Tray, Card Sets , .$1.00 for 4 Size 1833 ...... 3 for $1.00 DRESSES COATS Fancy Sofa Pillows Satin, Crepe and Georgette Dresses Sport models of tweeds, in most at­ of quality wool jersey, Ideal for Veranda Chairs in the latest styles and 1 tractive patterns. Spe- business and school each cial for Dollar D ay ...... $1*00 each $1^00 colors. Special ...... tP * v ^ X vl wear Reed sL t. Natural Finish. Filled with Kapok-Rayon Cover. Value 93.23. Value $3.50.

Pillow Cases...... 6 for $1.00 Special for Dollar Day Only Single Kirsch Rods in White « • • • • Summer Coats and ...... 4 fot $1.00 Boott Haiid T ow els-----6 for $1.00 t Millinery Special Smoking Stands...... $1.00 each Turkish Bath Towels .. 3 for $1.00 Dresses Waste Baskets...... $1.00 each $1^ Off Every $ 5 Ash Baskets...... $1.00each Assorted Rag Rugs-----$1.00 each $1.00 Off A rack full of higher grade gar- ments. Special for On New Fall Coats and Dresses. V On Every $4.98 Hat. Dollar D a y ...... $ 5 Assorted Table Scarfs HEAVY SILK HOSE, first quality, RAYON VESTS, pastel shades. ^ -I' ? full fashioned, silk to the welt. Same Dollar D a y ...... 2 for V X , $lo00 each I weight as Everlasting Flapper Dresses MUSLIN GOWNS, full size, ^ -I Value up to $3.50. I Sutrite ...... $1 of fast color wash ^fabrics, also Qlose- Hamburg trimmed...... 2 for ^ X SILK HOSE, pure silk fashioned, de­ out of Suitimer ^ I sirable colors and sizes. T O LADIES’ BLOOMERS of muslin or Regular $1.00 ...... tJ /C lingette. Special, ^ 1 HOUSE DRESSES, extra large sizes, ' 3 for dJ X Sli^K AND FIBRE HOSE, new Fall neat patternsi ,Aguiar $1.39. d* | ■ shides, regular 50c. . Special ...... V X FINE 'LISLE VESTS, bodice or tail­ ...... 3 pair ^ ored styles, regular 50c. ^ 1 S pecial X CORSETSi (SaDLES and CORSE- 3for fPX :^ Y S ’ SCHOOL HOSE, triple leg and LETTES, si CCHhplete assortment of ipot, sizes 7 to 11, regular 50c. ^ 1 styles and, 'sjzes, regular to d» 1 CHILDREN’S E: Z. UNION SUITS 4 pair d) X $1.50. Dollar Day ...... ^ X for boys and girls, sizes to 12 2 for $1 feflL D R E N ’S SOCKS,' 8-4 length, RAYON UNDERWEAR, Chemiises, f silk or mercerized, sizes 6 1-2 to 9. Step-jus, Bloomers and Slips, in pastel PANTY DRESSES, prints, sizes 2 to Regular 50c. shades, regular to 6. Special, . . 1 r 4 pair ^ X $1.50'.*. 2 for

1 Thor, thunder and war god of team was disqualified in some way Vloh is quadrillion. Norse mythology. or other. The games played -were __ The 'constitutional provision TROOP 5 The Dragons Tail, Pull into the Relaying by four months a newly " Our chocolate and coffee milk Ring and Cock Fighting. 'elfeted president’s taking office was 5 opened its fall season shakes are known for, their quality. Troop A business meeting followed and exacted when travel was slower. bang last ’Wednesday eve- Try one at our new fountain.— with a plans were discussed to finance the '5 __ One former president of the ning, 30 Scouts being in the lineup tJhited States is living, William Quinn’s.— Adv. Dollar Day ials at Gleimey’s • f Fancy Shirts, $2.00 and $2.50 values. Special values ...... • • •. .,.<.,.$1.00 - All $1.50 Union Suits, Dollar D ay ...... • • • • • • •-i • . • • • ••• • • • 51’®® Music Specials for Dollar Day $1.00 Off From All Men’s Fancy Sweaters; Boys’ New Fall Slip-ons, $3.50 values

Boys’ $1.75, $1.50, $1.00 Sport Hose .T.X.X.: . r.T.X.T.'.T.T.T.I . • l.T.l .I.r.T.T.-; . . . *• .1*1 »! 79C

Boys^ 65c Sport Hose, Dollar Day r.v.r.v.:..r. . .r.r.i.. .t.i.i. . 39c

UKULELES Popular Records Sheet Music Boys’ Suits $9.50 U k e...... ^6.75 Age 9 to 17, with two pairs of Knickers. Reduced for Dollar Day. 25% Off on Regular Stock of 4 copies $1 Ukuleles. 3 $1 $24.50 - - now - - $18.75 Take Advantage of These Bargains $18.00 - - now - - $13^75 Victor 10-Inch V^ictor 10-Inch Player Rolls $17.00 - - now - - $li.$5 Red Seal Records Black Label Records \ 2 Regular Price 75c. $16.00 - - now - - $12.75 Dollar Day 2 for $ 1 for $][^.00 $15.00 ■ - now - - $11*$5 Regular $3. Value. 2 fo r $X Records by Big Artists, A New Stock of Late Hits. T opcoats Popular Dance Folios (Feist, Berlin, Star), Dollar D a y...... • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Men’ s Knit Topcoats, $22.50 values ...... -.vs*.-.r.--.'. . $16.50 Old Master’s Edition, regular 25c each ...... ^...... V ' 1------^ 10% Reduction on All Other Merchandise including all the New Fall Goods, Men’s Big Reductions on Regular Stock of Musical Instruments. ______and Boys’ Shoes, for Dollar Day Only. ^ Refinished Case. Splendid Tone. Baumeister Piano Easy Terms. Speci^il for $ Day. Only GLENNEY’S KEMP'S MUSIC HOUSE Tinker Building

TTie F. T. BUSH HARDWARE CO. Saturday Our Last Day in Hartford SALE POSITIVELY CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT. The store has been leased to another concern, take your Dollar Day Spedab choice of any Suit, Topcoat or Overcoat at a great saving. Specials We Offer Are for Cash Only. No Charges Will Be Made. All 1 Pant Suits All 2 Pant Siuts Hatchets—Boy Scout...... $1.00 Razor S tro p s ...... $1.00 With sheath. Regular $1.50 to $1.75 values. Formerly Sold Up to $32.50 Formerly Sold Up to $15.00 Boy Scout Knives ...... $1.00 Dog Bread, Austin’s ...... $1.00 Stag handles. 9 pounds. Buck Saws ...... $1.00 Auto Wool Dusters...... $1.00 Now $17.50 Now $24.50 •Regular price $1.25. Oil Can, 5 gallon, galvanized . . . $1.00 Thermos Bottles ...... $lc00 With fauceU Pints. Child’s Metal Barrows...... $1.00 Alarm Clocks, Tornado ....___ $1.00 R egular price $1.35. • TOPCOATS and OVERCOATS R egular price $1.50. Cr eam Pans ...... $1.00 At the Same Money Saving Prices. Tappet Wrench Sets ...... $1.00 8 quart. R egular $1.25. Broom Rakes, Japanese...... 69c Flashlights...... -...... $1.00 $17.50 $24.50 Clothes Line Pulleys — ...... 50c 2 cell. Large wheel Superior, per pair 50c. Stillson Pipe W rench ...... $1.00 NEW FALL HATS SEPARATE TROUSERS 10 inch. Cast,steel Metropolitan. Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Regular $4.00, $5.00 and $8.00. Socket Wrench Sets ...... $1.00 Hammer ...... 39c ^"'"$275, $3c75, $4.75 Spark Plugs— Thermos Jugs, 1 gal. Royal..... $1.49 2 Hercules ..... $1.00, Regular price $1.95. Alterations on your purchase will be nfade Saturday. No charge for alterations. 2 Champion ...... $1.00 Hand Drills...... $1*49 % 4 Regular price $2.00. Barn B room ...... $1.00 SAVINGS OF 1-3 TO 1-2 ON MEN’S FURNISHINGS. Best quality, No. 8. 6 Ft. Folding R ules ...... 39c American. Smooth Plane...... $1.00 Open Saturday Until 9:30 P. M, 8 inch, No. 25. EXTRA SPECIALS Choice Ladies’ Shopping Baskets, iss; Lathing Hatchet... .t...... $1.00 Underhill Pattern, No. 40. regular price $1.50 ...... $1.00 Floor Scrapers...... $1.00 Family Scales, Universal...... $1.19 Regular price $1.50. ' R egular price $1.25. KAMBER’S 82 ASYLUM STREET ■MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENTOG H iitA lSI ,F R ro A Y ,:S E ri^ifefe^!f^


i i t JOHN TWO UP s — ... , ’ .. •. ■>-k jrr.-ir >. 1“ t-, ■r .'-.I .* -..L,.’ ; . A*../s - -/ai. . • • 4 i ; J:iVc Morning’s Lead to • V, ^ Cop Captain’s Cup In Coptrj iCtab Match.

Ben Cheney’s morning lead of three holes in his 36-hole match with Iti^ brother, John P-. Jr*> prov­ ed sufficient to carry him to victory in the afternoon’s eighteen al­ though he had to exert himself to .0 - . .-*• win the captain’s cup trophy at the /TiK ^ Manchester Country Club. The two golfers were evenly matched and the battle was not de- cided\untll the very last hole, Ben being one up wdth one to go. Ben won the eighteenth hole, however, and snatched the match. Ben s card showed a 7$ in the 76 in the morn­ ing and a 78 in the afternoon for^a total of 155 Avhlle John had a <9 and a 76 for kh equal total. SPECIALS Following is the complete card for the 36 holes; the first being the morning’s play and the second the afternoon’s: OF THE Ben ...... 4-1-4-5-5-4-6-3-5— 40 John . . . 5-5-0-6-4-4-4-3-5— 41 In— Ben . .. . .5-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-3— 36 John .4-5-3-5-4-3-6-5-3— 38 Out— R. I. TEXTILE CO. «enBen ...... 3-4-6-5-4-5-5;2-5— 39 John*'...... 5-5-5-5-4-4-C-3-5-40 Ben ...... 5-4-3-7-4-4-4-5-3— 39 Pequot Pillow Cases, Turkish Towels, iri John ...... 5-3-4-5-3-4-4-4-4— 36 ExtJ’a fine quality, guest size, First quality. 3 for .... colored borders. 6 f o r ...... THESCOREBOARD" Sheets, 81x90, Turkish Towels, Sl YESTERD.IY’S r e su l t s Seconds to well known make. 18x36, double thread. 5 for----- Eastern No holes. Bridgeport 6, Hartford 0. Pittsfield 10. Springfield 4. \ Providence 7, Waterbury 2. Turkish Towels, New Haven 5, Albany 0. Pillow Cases, Heavy double thread. 22x44. ^ American League Regular sizes. Heavy quality, 3 f o r ...... Now York 2, St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 9, Detroit 1. 4 f o r ...... Boston 10, Cleveland 8. Chicago 4, Washington 3. Huck Towels, National League Red Star Diaper Cloth, 18x36, Red and Blue Borders. Chicago 11, St. Louis 7. 5 f o r ...... Other teams not scheduled. 10-yard packages...... •' THE STANDINGS Eastern League W. L PC. 3-Pound HOME BATS—Plain or Stitched Albany ...... ‘‘SI 61 .570 Pittsfield ...... 75 63 .543 Comfortable CHALLIES, New Patterns. 6 yards for Springfield ...... 7 5 66 .532 Bridgeport 74 66 .525 Hartford ...... 67 69 .493 Berkeley Cambric Unbleached Cotton, Completely EurnisKea With le fine " New Haven ...... 68 72 .486 39 inches wide. 9 yards for .. Waterbury 61 77 .412 and NAINSOOK. 5 yards for. . ; ■ --1^ ■' , ; -RpsiflesBesides the'charming 3-piece Living Providence 56 83 .403 A Living Room » Suite of . * Room Suite—this outfit in clu d ^ ^ l American League of these extra pieces—to. completely PC. Heavy Quality And the fine quality is W. L. the high grade velour (wear-re^ist- furnish your room in detail. The nia^ New York ...... 94 40 .672 Zodiac, ^1 Unbleached Cotton, Philadelphia ____ 77 56 .579 For ladies’ and children’s wear. Sg) upUstery-the^gracef^^ * lines^ hoganv finished Daveupoi^t Table 36 and 40 inches wide. 6 yards and End Table, the Table Lamp and Detroit ...... 70 62 .530 6 yards for and the superior' frame construction. Washington ...... 69 62 .526 The luxurious Divan—^the^ laige, shade—the Bridge Lamp'^nd^’^ d e - Chicago ...... 63 63 .481 comfortable Fireside —2 Book Ends—2 framed p ie tie s 74 .444 Cleveland ...... 59 Single Blankets, handsome Wing —Fernery with brass bowl—Cabinet :V3W3lNFi: Hills Cotton $j Block Plaids. Seconds to better made doubly comfortable with ^ Smoker— Silk Scarf and Footstool— B oston...... 43 89 \326 and FRUIT OF THE LOOM. 1 League grade ...... stuffed arms and spring constructed An outfit that is worth $250, for • W. L. PC. 5 yards fo r ...... backs and seats, and spring-filled only $110 complete. Pittsburgh . . .76 53 .589 cushions. • “' New York .. . .75 53 .586 Hope Cotton, Slack Sateen, $5 Down Chicago ...... 7676 57 .571 Good quality. Full pieces. $5 Down St. Louis ...... 7373 55 .570 36 inches wide. A good quality Cincinnati ...... 6060 68 .469 cotton. 7 yards for 4 yards f o r ...... Boston ...... 55 73 .430 Brooklyn ...... 5656 76 .424 Philadelphia ...... 48. .48 84 .364 SPRING BLOSSOM CRIB BLANKETS, GAMES TODAY Eastern League Pink and Blue, 36x50. Sateen binding, feach blanket boxed . Bridgeport at Hartford. Waterbury at Springfield. Providence at Pittsfield- New Haven at Albany. Diaper Flannel, Sash Curtains, American League White only. 11 yards for Full size, hemstitched. 3 for.. v| Detroit at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. Chicago at Washington. Cleveland at Boston. Outing Flannel, . Curtains, National League 27-inch, good quality, white only. Lace edge and ruffled, white and Boston at Cincinnati. cream ...... Philadelphia at PlUsburgh 9 yards f o r ...... • • • , Brooklyn at St. Louis. New York at. Chicago. Outing Flannel, ji Curtain Goods, cj Fancy or white, 36 inches wide. Boott scrim and C. T. N. muslin. *P1 Hartford Game 6 yards fo r ...... 4 yards fo r ...... At Bridufeport:— b e a r s 6. SEN A TO R S ON BRIDGEPORT Silk Rayon Net, _ n AB. R. H. PO. A. Indian Head, j Blue, Rose and Gold, for curtains Vf Em m erich, cf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 Yard wide, white only, 4 yards F uller. 2b ...... 3 1 0 5 1 or over-draperies. 3 yards for ... Belanger, lb ...... 2 1 1 ^ i. f o r ...... 1 1 Roser, If ...... 2 1 1 2 0 Eacey, 3b ...... 3 D 0 0 2 Bartelt, ss ...... 3 1 1 f 2 'j Sperber, r£ 4 1 1 _ 4 0 Colored Bordered , j £ M acklin. c ___ ...... 4 1 1 2 0 1 0 4 DAMASK. Rose and Gold. 2 yards for... t Rush, p .^...... TABLE Blue, 29 6 6 27 12 HARTFORD 4p. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. A NEW BOUDOIRl v Schm ehl, 2b ...... 3 0 D avis, cf ...... 3 0 Eii.glish Dress Prints, If You Can’tl Scninksl, 1£ ...... ^ 0 Underwear Crepes, A Charming New Suite^Radiant in Jts Keesey, lb ...... 4 0 All new Fall patterns, all colors. Fine quality, new patterns. 3 Hermann, 3b ...... 4 0 Be Here Comiskey, s s ...... 4 0 5 yards fo r ...... yards f o r ...... Graceful Lines and Handsome Finish . Nietzke, rf ...... 4 0 During the JlanKum, o ...... 2 0 . Beall, P ...... 0 This is a fine example of the EXTRA VALUE t^hTs ^ Krahe, x ...... 0 0 Percale Prints, D a y - Hamby, x x ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pajama Check, Best quality, yard wide. 5 yards given at Herrup’s'! A new- suite—beautifully^ finished 1 M artin, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phone 2-7922] Sm allw ood, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 in white and colors. 6 yards for.. for ...... in walnut—4 pieces that are BUILT-^at a: 29 0 5 24 9 3 For 'An Bridgeport ------000 (HO 06x— 6 sensationally I'A^ Two base'hits, Sperber. Comlskey, price. The full size Evening ■ Macklin, Rush; stolen bases, Roser. Eaygee, %\ I \ Belanger; sacriflees, Mangum, Percales, for Dresses, Slips, etc. Plain col- '*^1 boW-end Bed! — the ■ Schmehl; bases on balls, off Rush 3, Yard wide. 6 yards for large DresserJ!*-^e' y Appioi^tinent ? off BealL.7; left on^ases, Hartford 7. ors. *^3 yards f o r ...... Bridgeport f; hits, oft Beall 1 in 7 in­ Chest of Drawers!—/J nings, off, l^artlp 3;. Ig 1-^ off Small- and the charming""'' • wood 2 In 2-31 passed hall, Mangum, losing pitQher. BeaUi ,hit by. pitcher, Dress Ginghams, c Cretonnes, cj Vanity 1 You niust see , ^ by Maftfn (PullerJ; umpires Bradley [ this suite to apprfe- 4nd Kuhn; time, 1:47. 29c quality in short lengths.. New patterns, yard wide. 6 •' x-^KraJi# batted for Beall In 8th. ys-L’^s for ...... ciate its beauty! v % XX—'Hamby ran for Krahe in 9th* Plaids and checks. 6 yards for.. Down Delivers It! • ■ TRY THE ” Term. niTP TO THE RECENT PRICE ADVANCE IN COTTON GOODS, WE GUAR.^- i STATE TAVERN TEE THE PRICES LISTED ABOVE REPM SAVINGS NOT TO BE OB- TAINED AGAIN FOR MANY MONTHS TO COME. I Business Men’s Luncheon ^ for a real tasty meal. I ‘ Served from f 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. jri. ? - Also A La Carte Se^ice THE TEXTILE « Cold Drinks and Neat Beer 849 MAIN STREET — PARK BUILDING SOUTH MANCHESTER Corner Main mid HARtixatD :j on Draught. H I Mr. a^d ;Mr% Ulrich. Prop. '-vr. -v-reV'''-'


(COiWj BVKSnfS HEKAUD, FRIDAYv aEP-lBBUBEB 9, ISSt. ‘ N-- mis- II' iiif m il I that the Hulldlhg Committee, con­ less than $76,000 for general main­ Meeting, to be dhlled the Cihartor Revision Committee, in order that sisting of William C. GhenePf Wil­ DAHYALMANAC tenance of highways during the they may proceed at onoe to make lard B. Rogers, Q. H. Wadd«n, and REVISE CHARTER, coming year. a study of the Charter of Illan- all of the present members 61 the California admitted to the Union, ;3 We believe that the oiling of the chester. In ed-operatlon with the Board of Selectmen, be dischafged highways is one of the best meth- 1850. Town Officials, and bring the same with a vote of thanks, at the next French halt German advance at M oney odp of keeping down the mainten­ up to date, as it has been our ei- Annual Town Meeting. ance cost of said highways and, - Due to strict economy, it has Marne, 1914. IBURNGARBAGE perience that there are a number Battle of Flodden, 1513. therefore, recommend an appropri­ of Improvements 'Which can be been possible to take care of all ation of $15,000 for oiling during made in our charter which are appropriations and expenditures the next year. necessary at this time and lor the during the past jear with only a deficit of $14,$18.#1, which ^ par­ at - BOAMVISES Your attention Is called to the future. report of the Supt. ■ of Roads and ticularly gratifying to the Board, During the past year the Army Inasmuch as it recommended a thir­ TODAY IN FISTIANA Bridges giving a list of the streets & Navy Club presented to the Se­ V (Continued Irom page J ) on which building and veranda teen and one half tax rate and In­ By DOG REID lectmen their Service Flag together formed the voters that every at­ lines have been established during with the United States Colors [•fown for a number of years in the past year, also where walks and tempt would be made to keep with­ which were received by the Board in the appropriations. On Dollar Day 'th e future. The public inspection curbs have been constructed, high­ of Selectmen In behalf of the Town, Sepl. 9th, 1841____ o f the Building was held on April ways repaired and oiled, etc. and a suitable place will be made HYEB vs. McCLOSKET Jnd and 3rd, 1927, and many favor­ The method used of collection in the Municipal Building lor hous­ BUTS STEBU MIIiL able comments were heard at that and disposal of garbage has proved ing these flags. Blghty-six years ago today, Tom time. A great deal of credit is due very satisfactory, but the Board E. L. G. Hohenthal has present­ Washington, Pa., Sept. ^ — ^The Hyer, American heavyweight cham­ the Architect, Frank C. Farley, and would call the attention of the ed to the Town various books from Washington Steel Company has an­ pion and the seventh in line, suc­ Trade Here Tomorrow Edward Elliott, Jr., Inspector, for voters to the fact that the time is Manchester England, together with nounced purchase of the Tremont cessfully defended his title in a the completion of this work. Under very near when it will be necessary a letter of greeting from the Lord Steel Mill at West Wareham, Mass. desperate ring battle with George date of April 11th, 1927, the Board for them to make an appropriation May6r of Manchester, ‘ England, The plant has been the property of McChester known to the fighting Aside from the very unusual values that yoil wiU find here Dollar Day— of Selectmen accepted the building for a garbage incinerator. We which will he prwerved lor future the United Shoe Machinery Co^. world as Country McCloskey and in the name of the Town of Man- would recommend that this mat references. poratlon. Non-corrosive and rust- considered the most logical con­ clidstcF* ter be taken up with the Board of In this connection, the Board resisting steels will be manufac- tender for the title. Through the courtesy of Russell Health, and an exhaustive study would earnestly request that any turd there, it was stated today. The ring was pitched on the turf Cheney a fine painting has been made of proper incineration plant. former Selectman, or Town official near Caldwell’s Landing, N. Y., and YOUR PURCHASE PRICE OP GOODS BOUGHT hung in the Selectmen’s Room of Your particular attention is di­ having any records i ertainlng to To obtain the aroma of the as the result of a heavy rainfall this new Administration Building, rected to the report of the Park the Town of Manchester, turn the scented teas in China, the petals of MAY BE REFUNDED TO YOU Commission which appears else­ the night before the ground w ^ and Mr. Cheney has promised to same over to the Town Clerk -lor the white Jasmine and the gu Ian, muddy, causing the fighters to slip paint more local scenes for this where in this report. storage in the new building and a species of magnolia, are used. In y' The Board recommends that a and slide as they battled furiously room. „ for future reference. some Instances the petals are left for nearly three hours. At the end The total cost to the Town of committee of ten or fifteen be ap­ In with the tea leaves. The folio-wing explains it in detail: pointed at the next Annual Town of 101 rounds the challenger suc­ Manchester fo f this ' Building is cumbed and Hyer was awarded the $192,530.60, which ^covers, all the decision. The men fought with bare With every purchase tomorrow you will receive a sales slip on whi<^ you.inay put eunipmcnt installed to< date. In­ knuckles lor the title and a $500.00 your name and address and deposit it in locked box at the store. At 9 ,B. M. 'a disMer- cluded in this amount is $9,970.65 side bet. for fixtures, $1,374.35 for grading ested person will draw three slips from the box. The person whose sHp is drRwn_first and $850.00 for insurance, which will receive refund of entire amount of cash paid on purchase. Owner of second slip amounts were not taken into con­ will be entitled to 10% of amount paid on purchase. Owner of third slip will get refund sideration at the time the appro­ of 5% of cash paid on slip. priation was asked for. Extra Special Dollar Day Values at EVERGREEN Up to the present time nothing has been done in the actual con­ NOT MORE THAN $100 will be refunded to any one person. struction of drives and walks in the new section of land purchased Plantmg Time for burial plots at the East Ceme­ Employees of our store are not eligible to participate in this offer. tery, but it is the expectation of the Boai^ that this work will be R is now the best time of the started about October 1st, 1927, .entire year to make evergreen and the lots will be available short­ CARINI’S plantings. ly thereafter. The Board, therefore, recommends an appropriation of Extra Special Clothing — Dry Goods and Shoe Store If you need assistance we will $4,000.00 for Cemeteries this year. During the past year the Board help you to lay oufyour grounds. * purchased a large ten-ton Caterpil­ COATS lar Tractor with a. snow- plow for (Formerly Mintz’s) Our Nurseries are, one of the ODD GARMENTS — SUITS snow work. This tractor and plow 35 Oak Street South Manchester most complete in New England. Gordon & Laurel DRESSES. Original prices worked very satisfactorily during Visitors always welcome. $10 to $25. Dollar Day .... $5. the heavy storms of last year and we believe it to be one of the best SILK HOSE for Ladies, full fashioned, This store being under new management and in order to get (Open Evenings) Investments the Town has made. perfect quality, values to The Board also purchased a five acquainted we are giving values that will be a surprise to every­ ton Federal Truck which is givinU $1.95. Dollar Day, a p a ir.. $1, very good service, and we would one who will attend our Dollar Day Sale. recommend the purchase of another truck of this type as aoon as possi­ Just a few of the SPECIALS listed below. Hundreds more SILK SCARFS AND REEFERS, newest ble. designs. Dollar Day,. The Board would also recom­ C. E. Wilson & Co. $1. mend the purchase of several more in stock. Nurseries, = each snow plows to be placed upon hired 302 WOODBRIDGE ST. trucks for the purpose of opening Ladies’ Crepe Bloomers ■ the rocds in the winter. The tax­ VAN HEUSEN COLLARS payers demand that the roads be 4 for $1.00 2 pair for $1.00 ALASKAN BLUES opened at once after the snow has ■ 7 1 1 X K .S AND SILVERS; stopped falling, and with the . Latest styles, all sizes. Regular 3 Our regular 69c garment. JL ■ w " iixtank references; Settle ChUlberof Comnrerce; change of transportation from for $1.00. tetams to autos, especially as it con- c«rns the milk, groceries and other Children’s Stockings family necessities, the only method Men’s Socks___ .10 pair $1.00 10 pair $1.00 of giving good service is to have a ...... number of trucks ready to start out Black or Brown. A regular 20c hose. Black> white or brown. Regular 19c SPECIAL as soon as possible after the snow hose. has fallen. RUGS, ONE DOLLAR Center Street Improvement has Men’s Socks...... 5 pair $1.00 HERALD ADVER TISING PA YS-USE IT been completed during the year to All the Mest colors. Our regular RUG AND GIFT SHOP the satisfaqfion :of the Selectmen -Woman’s Exchange, Room 4 and Townspeople. Up to the pres­ 29c hose. . 6iiair$1.00 858 MEain St. __ . ____ _ - ^ ent tiihe the’'State; o f Connecticut» has not rendered its bill for the ' All sizes Mid in the latest shades. Town's share of the work, but there Men’s Shirts, Broadcloth, in Regular value 29c pair. wA. ‘ ' S is a sufficient balance on this ac­ count to take care of same , when White and Colors...... $1.00 presented. Valilbs up to $2.00. Children’s Wash Suits $1.00 ' A new concrete bridge has been constructed on Spring street, and a These are in the light and heavy new bridge has been completed on Men’s Union Suits, 2 for $1.00 weight material and values up to $2.50. Autumn street during the past year, Our regular 69c garment. Perfect and the Board would recommend an appropriation of $3,000 for new Boys’ Pants...... $1.00 a pair bridges during the coming year. At­ Values up to $1.75. tention is directed to the necessity Ladies’ H ose/.. 4 pair for $1.00 of bridge construction on Bridge Fibre silk in many shades. Regular street. North Main street and Fern 39c. street. Boys’ Slip-on Sweaters During the past year storm water in Latest Colors, $1.00 ^ sewers tvere constructed on New Ladies’ Full Fashioned Hose Heating street. School street, and Oakland Values up to $2.25. street, together with the additional $1.00 a pair storm water sewer service on Cen­ We have these in all the latest shades ter street. The Board believes that and the regular price is $1.59. No sec­ One lot of Ladies’ Shoes, $1.00 a storm water sewer appropriation Values up to $5.00^ should be made every year the onds—all perfect. same as the walk and curb appro­ priation, as there are a great num­ Before you spend a large sum to ber of places in Town] where these Ladies’ House Slippers One lot of Children’s Shoes Our Windows For sewers are necessary. 2 pair for $1.00 $ 1.00 modernize your heating plant— We would particularly call atten­ tion to the necessity of construction A regular 69c seller. Values up to $2.25. of storm water sewers on Branford find out the cost of GAS FIRED street, Benton street. West Center Everything else in the store radically reduced. $1.00 D ay street. Middle Turnpike, Washing­ HEATING. No other fuel can ton street, and Hollister street, and Our entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goods and Shoes is com­ the completipn of the so-called equal GAS. STEP INSIDEl and loojfe over our “ Dry Brook.” plete at this time and a good variety of merchandise to choose The care of the highways has been under the supervision of the ft*om. b a r g a i n t a b l e s . Highway Committee of the Board Why Not Have The Best? of Selectmen and the same method of caring for same has been used o :------this year as in the past. We believe that the general highway* of the Town compare very favorably with those of any other City or Town CARINI’S i ZZ I.- • our size in the State of Connecticut, Dewey-Rich man Co. The Store That Aims to Satisfy Every Customer. , i, . and are proud of the showing made U Jewelers, Stationers, Opticians with the net cost of highway main­ Cl ' ’ tenance only $66,186.30. We would New Location, 767 Main Sijireet recommend an appropriation of not The Manchester Gas Co. lnuiliiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iii<»iii»ii>«i»iuniiiiini»iii>nuniHiiiiuiiininiiiiin

ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS SYNOPSIS BY BRAUCHBB SKETCHES BY UBSSIR WE ARE MAKING THE FOLLOWING THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE; (78) The Wright Brothers VERY SPECIAL OFFER FOR DOLLAR DAY $15 Chests of Silver $ 9-98 7^0 \ Call At Our Store and See Our Other Specials In 1908, WllbiirWright, at Le Mans, France, covered 56 miles in a plane and in another he remained in 'the In th# early days of the twentieth century, with the For Dollar Day. The. Wright brothers air two hours and twenty minutes.. N ey^ w a s Ah ih- imrovement of the gasoline engine, the Wright broth­ Finally on Dec. 17, kept on trying and in vehtion halted with more excitement. The popular de­ ers. Orville and Wilbur, appeared on the aviation hon- 1903, a machine rose in 1905 made a flight of 24 rision in which efforts to fly had been held suddenly 2 on. They studied and experimented with gliders to the air carrying a man miles, returning to their changed to cheers. Within a few year^ men learn the best size and shape of w lhw . v Above is pic­ F. E. BRAY and stayed up for 59 sec-1 starting point. Longer Ing flying machines in all civilized countries* ' ^ tured Orville Wright In one of the g lw r s at Kill Devil and longer flights ^were . ^ ends, n The problem was JEWELER 9 6 Skrtch*. iittl SjfncpM^ Ccpyrltfit, 192? .Th. CroU«r (To Be Continued) 645 Main St., Farr Building, South Manchester Hill, on the North Carolina coast. 90 solved. _ _ _ made. I .

1 5 ^ % >A. -’ PAGE ' ^ v i " t .^TfX .■ HANCHESTEE (CONN.) EVENING HEEAUD.;;, H ODAXSEPTfMgyR,»■ Ij^,.V. , , i , j - f i - t ■•.;■ way. No dptours necessary. ‘ posted. 'Crystal. Lake “Road, toW*“ " Delay miay be expected inhere shov- trol. Route Nb.'^SlT . f* ^ 1 construction. Slight delSiy ,to traffic.. ‘Ripute No. 125 ' * Route;,No.? 441 construotlon.'’) Slight^delay to traffic. 'els are operating. ^ f: j East Hartford;-- Silver Street Is Guilford—^Shortone-way traffic. Route No. 10 Roxb«ry#epoV^ Bridge, 1 work - on ScotlandrCanterbuiry road is un­ tour's, . * # - • * (' ‘ Route No. I l l ' the new'bfldge approdchM vnder der 'Consfructloh. Open to traffic. under construction. Open to one­ Madison— Short one-way traffic Middletown-Haddam road Is un-- -Farmington,. Scott Sw^mp road Marlboro-Hebron six miles .under way.' No'detourB n e ce^ i^ H ^ • , Very roiigh. " way traffic. at East River Underpass. der construction. Open to traffic. ■( construction. Through itraffic ad­ Route No. 822 Is under construction. RoadiclP#d Norwalk ajid - Darien— Boston Bloomfield, from Bloomfield' ‘^ute„Np. 126 , ‘ ■■■; Route Np. J.42. at Far^ngtbn ,^d.; ; ^ CONDITION OF vised to detour via Colchester and Norwalk-Danbpry .road. OOnCTete Woodstock-Mass. Itae , is. under Orange, Center Bridge is under Post Road is' under^ construction. Center north,' road is under cou; construction. No delay to traffic- Harwinton-Burlington rpad ; is structlon. Traffic passing through: Amston. . _ pavement construction. Open to'traffic. ’ under construction.;]^* detbtofji i No delay to traffic. Meriden-Mld'dletown road. D^ Putnam-Woodetpck, Little River Route No. 324 Westport and Fairfield— ^Boston Route Np,. 42. Holines Corner wtjotf. Trafflft uses Mansfleld-Btfdsp? oyer t iF^ton Norwich-New Dondon road -in tour via Rockfall und Mlddlefleld. old hlghwdy without delay.. Bridge is un(ier construction^. No West Haven-Forest .Street under Post Road, Blacksmith and Buck- East Hanipton-Gver-head bridge construction.' Slight d®^ay to traffic river on the Mansfield Cdhler-War- ley sections under construction. No towns of Waterford, and Montvllle l^ute Np.^129 , detour., - renvllle road is under construction. east of Cobalt is being recon­ . T l^ute No. 154 . ? * Route No. 335 delay to traffic. is under construction, ©pen to traf­ structed. No delay to traffic. GaylordsvUle fb N»^ .Yorkv state "Westfield-Fairfield. Sasco Greek Open to traffic. Hartford, Sept. 9.— Road condt Bo^to No. 2 fic, but shoulders ate;vincomplete., line. Steam: sdiovel grading hddpr ' Wastiingtou-rWoodbury . Road. * Route No. 114 Steam shovel/grading under way. Bridge is under construcUon. Tem­ Newlngton-Newiitton, New;^ Bri­ ftlons and detours in thp S ta te ^ Berlin, Beckley crossing is under ‘ Putnam-Bridge -over Prentice^ way. No detouis,^.nece8j5 8 ry.,• - .■ Brook on Mechanics Street is under Durham-Northford road is under Short delays probable. . '.I;., ' porary bridge is in use. ' tain road is under " construction. ^"Conne(!ticut made necdssary ny construction. No delay toi.trgffic.'' Route Nq.' 180 '. • Route No. 386 highway construction and . repairs (jonstruction. Open to traffic. ’ construction. Traffic delayed up to y , „ ^ Route Np. 184 Road is open to traffic; ’ ’ | Newington Avenue is under con­ twenty minutes at mixer. Through Wpodbury-Watertown road. Up­ Amston-Hebron road is under .Newlngton-Cla^Ptt rp^/ls: under' announced by the State Highway Route No. 17 ■ town bridge: under- tec.onfltraction 'New Canaan-Poundridge road is struction, open to traffic, but is Norfolk, Norfolk-W. Norfolk traffic. New Haven to Durham under ccmstfuctipn. No delay to construction, bridge • over Black- construction, short -detbOT. Department as of September 7th, very rough. One-way traffic. No. detour;necessary. ^ ; well Brook is under construction. road is under construction. No de­ should go through Guilford. traffic. ' r . Old Sayhrobk-^aex '* dut^ff ,1s _are as follows: Route No. 8 Farmlirgton-Alsop’s Corner to Route No- Temporary bridge is in Use. ', Ronto JTo. 1 r ■ Roufe No. 306 ; under constructiQn^ Open tb traulc. On the Hampton-Brooklyn road, tour. , „ . > Country Club road is closed. De­ Canaan, Jiime Rock Road-So. Ca­ Foot of Bunker Hill to Cornwall Branford-East Haven, Boston Farmington, Harlford-Farming- naan road-is under; construction. No Falrfield-Robster River Brlc^i Plymouth-Buli , i^Head -, .roadf the bridge over Blackwell Brook tour posted. No. delay to traffic. Bridge under construction. Some­ Post Road is under construction is being rebuilt. Temporary bridge ton road is under construction. One detour. • , what rough for about two miles. bridges are under conMrgcQ<^ way traffic. Some delay to steam Route No. 122. Route No. 311 No delay to traffic. Bridigeport-Newtown road, con­ Ri>ute 'No. 186,. . Traffic open at all times. No de­ Short detour around bridges.;^; , is in use. shovel working. ■: vBloomfleld-Park Road Is under Falrfleld-Mill River Bridge is un­ Waterbury-Middlebury road. Is crete construction is under way Sherman-Tbll Gate ,Hill road, tour. der oonstmctlon. No delay to traf- Route No. 32 bridge cut-off under construction. Road" closed. Detour under construction. No detour. Norwich-Groton road. Bridge One-way traffic with telephone con- ^ fic. Route No. 8. Fairfield—Boston Post Road, Thomaston approaches to Rey­ over Poquetanuck Cove is under from Ash Creek west is under con­ nolds Bridge are under construc­ construction. No detour. struction. Slight delay to traffic. Route No. 109 tion. One way traffic through rock, Mansfleld-Phoenixville road un Greenwich— Boston Post Road, l©d^6» Cos Cob and Puts Hill are under Stratford-Shelton road is under der construction. Open to traffic. And This Fall

Your Home Should Come First V The long dreary winter S n i a wiil soon be wiUi'ds w h ^ ‘you will appreciate i comfortable and attractive home. And now is the tune to se-^ \ lect the fu m ife e that will^make all that yon w ^ „^,oIeared oat practically every sample suite and occasional piece o f^ te n S lro n fste ^ "^ ^ are now showing an entirely new display of fine furniture from the country’s leading manufac

‘ “ ’■“ “ 'com e in and see this comprehensive exhijettion, Prices; are moderate and the range is so complete that you wiU be sure to find just what you want— ^within your means. . > . V' ■. -■ ' ^ ^ - •

I Short Sleeve Vests Coolie Coats And Smocks of cretonne dj “I y Q E White and colors. and plain c o lo r s ...... sPl#f*t/ i Regular $1.98. Saturday eP 1 • v V / Crepe Gowns I Rayon Slips Regular $1.25. 0 0 i With five ruffles. ^ *| C Saturday ...... ^ L • \ J \ J i Regular $1.98. Saturday eP 1 • t J v / Cedar Chests Muslin Step-Ins Occasional Chairs I Percale Aprons ■'Regular $1.00. 7 r* Saturday...... • oV to *125 *10 to *75 1 Regular $1.25 and $1.00, f t Q Regular 50c. Saturday...... 39c Console and floor t y ^ s Plain chairs and elabo- , \ ■i for Saturday...... in both red cedar (natural Muslin Slips . rate chairs. For the Liv­ finish) and walnut. Select­ ing Room, Hall, Den or ed, pungent red cedar lin­ I Silk Scarfs Regular $1.00. 7 r* anywhere else that an odd Saturday ...... i ings of sufficient thick­ = Regular $1.50. ^ f t 1 A O chair is needed. Fine tap­ ness to assure absolute = Saturday ...... v * •V/V/ SLIPS with built-up shoul- Q Q ^ estries, needlepoint effects, protection to, .your fine ki ders, regular $1.2,5. Saturday C velours and mohairs as the clothes. I Silk Step-Ins coverings. I Crepe de chine, lace trimmed. Rayon Bloomers I Regular $1.98. ^ I O O All dark colors. ftQ 5 Saturday ...... Regular $1.00. Saturday-----


»8 9 to»975 I REARDON’S Cogswell Chairs Day Beds iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii Delightful Living Room Suites *24^ to *125 *17^ to *95 No chair combines A spare bedroom on a Haiiii tailored suites of two and three pieces in both over-stuffed and hand- graceful attractiveness V moment’s notice when the carved wood- frame styles. A few with down filled cushions. Finest coil spring - . with maximum pm fort unexpected guest pops in. more so than the' Cogswell. struction in the others. Coverings of Mohair, Velour, Jacquard, Tapestry an vari­ Both single and double Our display shows dozecfi styles. Models that are ous combinations. Almost all of the suites have reversible cushions. of different modds in all thoroughly practical, coi^- y. r the favored coverings. fortable and decidedly at­ tractive. C

« i j |

Windsor Chairs Complete Bed j \ *3^ to *15 Outfits f If it’s a Windsor Chair •> you want, Shoor Bros h ^ As Low as *1 9 4 ^ the particular type you are Various combinations' in looking for, because c many styles on our floor: four posters, bow-end apd ■ i Charming Bedroom Groups cover every- sort ' o f metal beds, with link or • straight and arm Wmdsor. coil springs, cotton, layier felt or silk floss mat­ tresses. . : ’ 1 to

Suites, of both three and four pieces with It’s Your Last Call : the incidental chairs optional. Selected hard »•' woods finished in ail the new colors including,Huguenoji^French, K -lig h M , Burl An- Manchester’s Greatest tinue and American Walnut; Maple, Hed and Brown mahogany. A most extensive sh o w irw h ich will assure your finding the set of your choice at the price you want to Used Car Sale pay. Ends Tomorrow LIBERAL TERMS Breakf ast Sets Don^t Let This Opportunity Pass Reed Suites to Own a Good Used Car fo r a l i t - *29^ to *295 / Colorful sets- in • iofig tie Money, \ . * *29^ to *275 ^ lasting painted finish^. . A few of the better And unfinished sets tiff suites in reed and fibre are those who care to .dp their still avkilable at consid­ own decorating. Seine erably lei^ than regular HAftlWRb'S LEAhlHS FaSHiTWE StbRB with i china closets and Manchester Automobile Dealers prices. This kind of fur­ others \sith servers.,Some niture" is constantly “gain­ quite plain andr qthmrs ing in popularity ^for the TRUMBULL; B e t ^ ®ratt aiid Asylum cidedly ornamental. Masonic Lot Main Street At The Center li-ving room.” MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENTING l^IERALD, FRIDAY, csjiiirx jikBER 9,192?. -N t»AGEEIGHir^^ s- ' ■•i

imaginative sketches of the jury age represented by big navyism ' |R«ntl|»«t«r talesmen’s ■whiskers. There have than is possible through the mere been no references to the cowhide employment'-"bf terms of dollars. >4.1,. Ett?ttitt9 Iteralii boots of the Judge. No constable has FOR V ftJBIjISHIBO Bjr been described as chewing straw. TRf E TO FORM T£t|> PR!N':^tNO CO.' .^0 repo'rier^as yet-told about t^e' “ Jersey Democrats, Organize to Foua<:«a by Blwood -i Bla Fight,” says- a'headllne In the New ' Oot. 1. 1881 proceedings being broken, into by '% it Bvdry Svitol&K Bxo«pt Suqdays .*a>d the mooing’ of nelgl^borhdod cows. York Times. Of course'; when did WASHINGTON PRESS AGENTS Holiday^ they "ever do anything , else, in New arejlxberae e d u c a t o r s Enterad at tha Poat 0(Bea at Man* The “ locai color” whlfch,^ in so Chester aa Second Clasa Malt Matter. Jersey o r anywhere else? i mady-■prevldUB murder trials held BY RODNEY DUTCHEB ; SUBSCRfPTIQN RATES: By Mall outside the metropolitan districts alz dollars a Pbar, sixty cents a WORKS BOTH'WAYS DAY . month for shorter perloda , of New York and Boston, has been Washington, Sept. 9.— One of the By carrier, eighteen .cents week. J It works both ways. The Apferj- best ways of obtaining a liberal edu­ '.Single coplea three centa manufactured out of whole cloth' can immigration authorities the cation is to become a Washington SPECIAL AbVBKTlSINQ BEPHE- appears to be missing from pretty Only other day refused to recognize a, correspondent and read all the free - SENT ATI VE. Hamllton-Oe Llsser, much all the stories of the Cline' Ino.. 285" Madison Avenue, New Xork proxy marriage performed In publicity stories sent in by .hope­ and 612 North Michigan Avenue. case.-^ Spain,, legal in that country. Now ful press agents. ^ Chicago. Almost for the first time— quite Neither the press agents for the The Manchester Evening Herald li the Swedish courts have declared on sale in New York City at Schults'a government departments nor the the first time in a good many years invalid in-yA,Sweden -a divorce News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. — the press treatfhent o f . the ear­ propaganda artists for the various ‘Street and 42nd. Street entrance o t granted^ by:ahV courts of Illinois. • organizations let up during the ttae .Grand Central Station. lier stages of the trial is on a basis "International News Service has the One o f the things tliat lie in the Congress is away. Just because exclusive rights to use for republlca* of actuality. The Tolland County future is an international agree­ everyone else throws these hand­ tlun In any form all news dlspatchec outs into the waste basket unread, credited to or not otherwise credit* superior court is regarded as a ment to accord full validity and ' ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively court, not as an extremely good your correspondent is going to re­ ' entitled to use for repuhilcatlon *all force in all countries to marriages veal some of the stuff that the the local or undated news published joke. Rockville escapes being and divorces legalized in the coun­ .herein." press agents have sought to get labeled with hickism. The special try of natural and proper jurisdic- into the papers, as gleaned from the Wonderful entertainment.. writers and the press agencies are 'V' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1927 tion. mail of the past week or so. dealing with the case, so far, on Motorists are “ conservatively •* its merits. estimated” to be buying ?100,000,- in your own home! HOOVER, AFTER COOLIDGE This is a decided relief. If it 000 worth of farm produce at road­ Representative J. Q. Tilson of side markets in 1927, according to A Special Low Pricing of proves anything it probably proves the American Automobile Associa­ .yin< WiHi9fl3?':Beady Mixed PAINT. as to make it little less than in­ PRETTY HE.1LTHY tists and “ Bohemians” gathered In not to participate-In Sacco-Vanzetti Our regular line. All ^ 1 values ...... sanity to embark on them. Though the Citizens Military “ Grace’s Garret” and soon it be­ meetings on pain of deportation. ■ came a popular place for tourists in The National Press Club an­ 1-quart sizes;.., .>«...... •...... V ^ All $1.75 values 1 O Australia takes the lead in posi­ Training Camps conducted by the search of “ atmosphere.” Romany nounces a reception to another a t ...... ______* 9 ^ 0 r tive action to put an end to such War Department were subjected Marie, one of the Village celebri­ movie star. Johnson’s FLOOR W AX in pound cans, 75c Adventures as those which, in re­ last spring to the he.'.viest bomljard- ties, had been holding forth recent­ The Republican national commit­ value., 2 pounds 1 V. & B. HOUSE AXES. Value d* | Q g j cent weeks, have igiven sufficiently ment ,by the kPacil'lit artulo'-'y tir.'.t ly...... I wonder where she will tee announces that the party haa for ...... $1.75, at ...... ^ 1 conclusite proof lliat ttie flying of they, have ever sustained, the num­ ajd next...... For two years Marie kept the country out of the.poor has been retreating as the wreckers house. land planes over the sea is imprac­ ber of young men enrolled at the laid low the old places she chose The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad' Flit Fly and ^Mosquito Outfits T $1.75 Collins SCOUT AXES without ' ticable. No aircraft except sea­ fifty-two camps in thirty-three for a tearoom...... •. announces that it will exhibit the with Sprayer...... i.-,, ...... V A sheath, $1.00. Shaath 25c extra. ' planes, flying boats and amphibians' states was larger i?tan it had ever And so, a bit melancholy over the largest and finest collection of rail­ will be permitted hereafter to be been before. Within a few hundred ruthlessness of this great city and road clocks and watches in the FLYOSAN, an approved fly and mosquito $1.00 SCOUT AND HOUSE saddened by the passing of so pic­ country. useJl in flights there, over a long­ of 40,000 youths were under train­ turesque a. landmark, I went with destroyer, 50c can, ^ ^ 1 AXES ...... / D C er distance than fifty miles from ing for a month. Of these a good Dick Hoffmann to the Players Club 3 for •...... V - i . shore to shore. proportion ■who have completed the for dinner. And there •was seated at ' POCKET KNIVES It would seem ^ .'be more than blue or senior course will be com­ the “ round table” with a merry FRUIT JARS. Ideal Glass Top or Mason Over 100 patterns to select from. Robe-, crew including Don Marquis, the likely that the Australlanl have hit missioned as second lieutenants in A THOUGirr writer: Philip Merivale, who won Metal Tops, all sizes. d* “I son Sure Edge Pocket Knives, the highest upon that pivotal point in making the Reserve Corps. fame as Hannibal in ’’The Road to (iatluT n|i the fragments that re-, Per dozen ...... V ^ grade of American '^utlery. Values to $2.00 ■ • this regulation. Transoceanic flight , 'Whatever may be the opinion of Rome” and Rea Irvin, the comic main. Ihnt nothing be lost.— John I must be approached, not on the the individual as to the righteous­ artists. G:12. COFFEE PERCOLATORS and more. Make Vo^r selection 9Sc theory that planes can be made cer­ GILBERT SWAN. at ...... ness of training young citizens for If you know how to spend less Aluminum, $2.25 v a lu e ...... $1.50 tain of staying in the air for such the possible defense of their coun­ than you get you have the philo­ FLASHLIGHTS. Large value at 1 . long voyasGs as those across oceans, try, there can hardly be two minds sophers’ Btbne.— Franklin. Aluminum, $2.00 v a lu e ...... $1.25 but from the angle of freeing en­ as to the physical advantage of the Aluminum, $1.50 value $1.00 $1.5Q. Complete with battery ...... V * forced descents from their menace. summer training camps. Out of all •Aluminum, $1.00 value ...... 75c DRY BATTERIES, 45c value, d»*| I* Starting from that point and de- the more than thirty-nine thousand 3 for ...... V * TOtlng their skill and scientific young men who ■were in camp this Typewriters STONE CROCKS / .5 knowledge ,to the perfection of fly­ summer there were just three All makes. Sold, rented, ex* 1 gallon with c o v e r ...... 38c BASEBALL GOODS ing boats whicb, on necessity, can When the -frost is on the punkln deaths— two from accident and one changed and overhauled. 2 gallon With c o v e r ...... 60c $2.00 Louisville Slugger d * ’| O C take care of themselves on the sur­ from disease. and the fodder’s in the shock, .\nd you hear the kyouck and gob- 3 gallon with c o v e r ...... 90c Bats ...... < face of the ocean even in great It would be a matter of some dif­ ijle of the struttin’ turke.vcock, Special Discounts to Students. 5 gallon with cover ...... • .$1.25 storms, it Is possible that aviation ficulty to conceive of any other cir­ And the clickin’ of the gulneys, Spaulding Official , sell the court- experts may solve the passage of the cumstances under which so large and the cluckin’ of the hens; 6 gallon with cover ...... $1.50 try over. Buy them here dj T, O C sea spaces far earlier than if they a body of -human beings could en- And the rooster’s hallylooyer as he Telephone 821 tiptoes on the fence; COLEMAN QUICKLIGHT LAMPS AND Saturday at ...... 1 i qpntinued to follow the present joy so nearly complete immunity 1 0, it's then's the times a feller is LANTERNS. Deduct $1.00 each from regu­ A unifonn discount on all Baseball Qibves tlrge to develop airships that will from death. a-feelin’ at his best. Kemp's Music not toueb the water at all. With the risln’ sun to greet him lar established prices. and Mitts. That this would Involve the BIG NAYISM. from a night of peaceful rest, CARLSON LAWN TRIMMERS. A labor A uniform discount of 25% on all .FISll building of vastly larger machines It is extremely interesting to be As he leaves the house, barehead­ House Iff RODS, with the excetpion of ViM S ti^ Rods Informed that the United States ed, and. goes out to feed the saver on every lawn. $3.00 O R would likely to hold up the stock. progress of distance flying. There warship Lexington will carry a When the frost is on the punkln values the year'round, at...... that sell for 75c. ig likely to be plenty of money for power plant capable of developing and the fodder’s in the shock. NAIL HAMMERS. High grade warrant­ AIR RIFLES. $5.00 v a lu e ...... $3.75 any such project as may have in­ 180,000 horsepower in the form of For Your Car The husky, rusty russel of the tos- $3.00 value ...... ! ...... $2.25 telligent sponsorship. electrical energy, which energy will ed goods, in three sizes, at sels of the corn,' $1.50 value ...... ___ .. iv. .$1.00 At all events, enough supposedly be applied to the propulsion of the And the raspin’ of the tangled each ...... V...... perfect planes have gone down to ship and to every other important leaves, as golden as the morn; cinvineo the most sanguine that application of power on the great The stubble in the furries— klndo’ - lonesome-like, but still I Can Provide aviation, so far as Intef-cdntlnental vessel. A-preachIn’ sermuns to us of the flights goes, is off on the wrong It becomes more interesting barns they growed to fill; f<;|ol. Such adventures will be sui­ when it Is realized that this powera The strawstgek in the tnedder, and A new top, new curtains, slip Manchester cidal until the ship that flies the plant, which is Incorporated in a the reaper in the sited; covers, carpets, glassmobile en­ air can also sail the sea. floating mechanism that conceiv­ The bosses in their, stalls below—- the clover overhead!— closures, Sport Model tops'and 877 MAIN STREET ably may run on a rock on its first O, it sets my hart a clickin’ like dust covers made to order. BACK TO SANITY. voyage and which In any event will the tickin' of a clock. . We should say that the Cline be scrapped as "obsolete” in twen­ When the frost is on the punkin ' Manchester njJirder trial In Rockville, in the ty years at the outside, would more and the fodder’s in the shock. -rrJiht^s ‘Wliltcomb Riley: From manner of its reporting In the Inl- than suffice to supply the city of ‘tWhen the Frost- is qn the Pun Auto Top Co. . tial stages, provides .'‘Indication Boston with, all its lights and with kin.'.’ ' - • ' W. 3. MESSIER ’1 that a turning point has been electrical pqwer of every aorhand ..i,------L— L------115 Oak St. Rhone 1816^8 rWiched the treatment of such for every purpose to the limit of When you arb^downstreet on Sat­ urday, Dollar Day, stop here and aifalrfl by the newspapers of the its needs. enjoy your favorite ice cream dish • EJsst So far as we have seen no One— ------gets, from this comparison. - or cold drink at our new fountain. njntropplltan newspaper.has printed a better idea-of the enormous wast-1 Quinn’s—Adv.' Herald Advertising Pays-Use It ■ JklANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALP. FRlDAV/jSEFrEMBER 9,1927.

room, wiir again be features at the :c.'v. on the sales clip total. No Bolton dance-and-dine reSert this 1 refund over ^IdO will be made. Second Mortgage UNUSUAL CONTEST Thus everyone who buys at Ru- year. / binow’s has a chance to get the Money purchases for nothing or with Enjoy your favorite ice cream Now On Rand , ^ AT RUBINOW SALE either a 10 or 5 per cent, discount. dish or fresh fruit drink at our new Mr. Rubinow calls attention to his fountain when you are downtown. advertisement of Dollar Day spe­ Dollar Day.— Quinn’s.— Adv. Arthur A, Khofla cials in today’s Herald and points 87j5 Main St. out that purchasers at Rubinow s Phone 783-S. Purchasers Have Chance to will not go amiss even if they do not win in the sales slip contest. I Get Goods Free— Cash SEASON AT R A 1I#W Fitzgerald Bros. Refund Offer. CALL AND SEE OUR They tell us our dollars will buy more now—we KNOW it! This announcement^ves OPENS SATORDaV NIGHT FURNITURE i convincing proof that you can get more for your dollars—at least during this Dollar Sa e.

and Dollar Day Specials Those who trade at Rubinow’s Frank D. Plnney, manager of the Bring in your dollars—ryou’ll he glad you did. Garment Fashion Center tomor­ Rainbow ballroom in-Bolton, today row, Dollar Day, will find an ex­ announced the opening of the fall PIANO M O P G traordinary sales contest in prog­ and winter season this w'eek Satur-. ress in addition to the several Mrs. Elliotts Shop day at the pretty dance rendezvous Office: 46 Pearl St. bargains Mr. Rubinow has adver­ on the WIllimantlc-Hartford high­ Telephone 1890 Room 4, Park Building CLOTHING SPECIALS tised for the day. Everyone who buys at the store will be given an way. • Several changes have been 858 Main St. J . opportunity to receive the «oods made at the popular palace during free of any charge whatever. That the summer. ’The ballroom has been FOR V sounds amazing— and It is an decorated, and now ranks with the amazing offer. prettiest in the state. Better facili­ ties for serving refreshments havev Here’s the plan— Purchasers at been made. A new musjc aggrega­ Rubinow’s will get sales slips in­ tion will be heard at the Rainbow dicating the amount of money spent I ALEXANDER JARVIS, Jr. r this year, and the manager plans to In the store. The purchaser must DOLLAR DAY feature some of the country’s beSt- write his or her name and address I SAND, GRAVEL, STONE ?| known orchestras during the sea­ on the slip and deposit it in a I - . CINDER FILLING ^ - J locked box in the store. At 9 son. o’clock tomorrow night a member Several novelties have been se­ - ' Loam and Grading. . Ashes Removed. , ,5 cured- for Saturday night’s openihg $3.00 O ff $2.00 O ff of The Herald staff will draw three i Moving and Trucking ; = $5.00 O ff i slips from this box. The first ohe and large numbers of Willimantic, drawn entitles the owner to his or Stafford, Rockville, Hartford and i Now is the time to have your lots graded at the | Men’s and Young Men’s her purchases free. The amount Manchester dancers are expected to = Cemeteries by = any Man’s or Young Man’s the purchaser paid in getting the be present. Mr. Plnne.v is broadcast­ Palm Beach A ny Boys’ Suits goods will be immediately refund­ ing news of the opening widely. I ALEXANDER JARVIS, JR if ed. The second slip entitles the The handy parking area at the i 416 Center Street, Phone 341 - Sizes 6 to 18 years. owner to a 10 per cent, refund of Rainbow, the excellent dinners and SUIT luncheons that are available at the SUITS the amount paid and the third ...... slip gives the owner a 5 per cent. Rainbow Inn, adjacent to the bsH- $1.00 O ff 50< O ff 10% O ff ‘ Men’s and Young Men’s Boys’ AH Other Clothing Knee Pants S4V6S PANTS not marked at lower prices. Specials Specials Specials BOYS’ SUITS PALM BEACH SUITS SPORT SUITS Narrow bottom pants, sizes Sizes 13 to 18 years. Values Narrow bottom pants, sizes 34 to 38, values to $10.00. 33 to 42, values to $45.00. '"•I up to $18.00. V Nj Now $5.00 Now $6.98 Now $15.00

SPECIALS FOR DOLLAR DAY }. 4 J Furnishing Department 50c Off Any Fall Ha 75c Silk Hose (plain) ...,..... 2 fo r $L00 NOTICE $1.50 B. V. p . Union Suits ...... $1.00 35c Lisle H o s e ------^ ^ $1.00 In conjunction with our DOLLAR D A Y SPEOTAIIS w’e aie running a great ALTERATION AND EXPANSION $5.00 Silk and Fibre S h irts...... $4.00 25c Cotton H ose ...... 5 fo r $1.00 SALE with wonderful values in every department. $2.00 Men’s W inter Union S u its...... $1.48 We have taken over the store formerly occupied by the Myer-Harrison Bootery— efupenters are busy cutting away 35c Boys’ Golf Hose ...... 4 fo r $1.00 partitions to add this to our store, giving us additional floor space to accommodate enlarged lines of merchandise at our 50c Boys’ Golf H ose ...... 3 fo r $1.00 41.00 Off Any Trunk, Bag or Case usual low prices. at $5.00 or Over. Don’t fail to visit our store tomorrow. Great savings for you on all purchases. 20% Off All Men’s Golf Hose. _ ^ LADIES’ DEPARTMENT INFANTS’ DEPARTMENT Basement Depfurtment Baby Crib Blankets, Fine Rayon Hose, 3 35x50 ...... EXTRA SPECIAL Boston B ags ...... $1.00 pair f o r ...... Padded^Wool Socks ... Lunch Box and Bottle . $1.00 Regular 50c pair. 20 dozen S h iltS (Neck-band) $2.00 and $2.50 Values $ J[ .00 Knitted Wool Socks ... Nu Vac Gallon Jug .. .$1.00 Rayon Slips ...... Buntings...... Large Clothes Basket . $1.00 Flannel Gowns...... Knitted Caps...... Floor B ru sh ...... $1.00 Sacque Socks...... Large Cocoa Mats .... $1.00 Two-piece Flannel Pa­ Large Bread B ox ...... $1.00 jamas ...... Dollar Day Footwear Specials Boys’ Sport Sweaters .. No. 14 Gray P o t s ...... $1.00 Extra Size Bloomers .. Boys’ Suits ...... Nappy Nest, set of R egular $1.49 value. Means Footwear Economy for Every Member of the Family. Come and Let Us Show One Lot Sweaters...... 6 ...... $1.00 You. Aluminum Roaster . . . $1.00 Big assortment Pumps. J Men’s Blue W ork Shirts 24 pairs Women’s black Broken lots Pumps and 'Y Aluminum Tea Kettle . $1.00 20% Off on Bicycles, Dollar Day ...... $2.49 and brown lace Shoes, val­ Oxfords. Dollar Day, $1.00 Men’s Pajamas...... Decorated Wa ter Pitcher, Scooters, Automobiles, Etc.' ues $7.50 to $9.00. Dollar $1.00 Off Men’ s, Women’s, Men’s Fine Shirts ..... 6 glasses . . . ____ $1.00 Women’s and Misses’ D a y ...... $1.00 pair Girls’ and Boys’ New Fall Men’s Coat Sweaters .. Electric Flatiron ...... $1.00 $1.25 Rubbers. Dollar Day ...... $1.00 Footwear at $6.00 and over. Electric Stove...... $1.00 20% Off on All Women’s grey, sauterne i Towels, 2 pair Boudoir L a m p s...... $1.00 and blonde Kid Pumps, val­ Broken Lines KEDS. Towels, 3 pair Boys’ Wool Suits Broken Lots Children’s Columbia Family Scale $1.00 ues to $6.50. Dollar Day Dollar D a y ------• • — $1.00 Towels, 4 pair Pumps. Dollar Day .. $1.00 Fancy W eave R ug — $1.00 ...... $3.49 Children’s All Wool Children’s Shoes . . . $1.00 Boys’ Scout Shoes .. $1.00 O’Cedar W all Mop . . . $1.00 t Fancy Sweaters...... Girls’ patent low heel Table Cloths, very good Large Garbage Can .. $1.00 40 pairs Men’s tan Shoes. strap Pumps, values $5 to Women’s rose, blue and quality...... | Men’s Nainsook Union DoUar Day ...... $2.49 10 Decorated Cups and $6. Dollar Day . . — $3.98 grey Felt Slippers ... .$1.00 Ladies’ Muslin Slips .. Saucers . . . ___ .m.f. .$1.00 Suits, 2 fo r ...... 35 pairs Men’s black and Eag R u g s ...... 2 fo r $1.00 Very Good Quality (Girls’ tan low heel strap Hroken Lots $6 and $6.50 Ladies’ Rayon Bloom­ black satin Pumps. Dollar brown Shoes. DoHar Day ers ...... SHEETS ...... Pumps, value $5 and $6...... $3.85 Dollar D a y ...... $3.98 D a y ...... $2.49 Muslin Nightgowns .. FOR SATURDAY ONLY Pillow Slips, 4 for . — Ladies’ Flannel Gowns 20 Per Cent. Off all pur­ chases of basement goods of Super Savings and Quality Merchandise furnish a double inventive for you to he Booth Curtains...... Housefumishing $1 or over^^xrfept the above among the early buyers at OUR DOLLAR DAY. Window Panels . . . — specials. Department in BasemenL


Stands Full size 100% cotton mattresses with feli^od . Discontinued patterns top i and bottom,'" in V and colors in 27x54 and ^ 12x12 inch "octagon striped ticking with .rOll t 36x72 inch sizes. Some V top stands, finished in edges. Buy one at the slightly shopworn and a Y fumed oak over chestnut. regular price of ;. $19.75 few “seconds” included. 23V^ inches high. 2 for and get-another for.,i. . . . Rlain colors, some with end borders......


18x26 inch bed pillows filled with all new feath- v ers and covered with artr'Hili ticking ...... ■ i '■

Ferneries y\ Wrought iron ferner­ ies finished in green and decorated with gold. 40, inches high, complete with pan to set flower pot Reductions Throughout the Store on ...... i r

still receive the 10% CASH DISCOUNT. This discount is for gopds IN ADDITION to the many exceptional $1 values we will offer to­ selected Dollar Day only. i ^ morrow, special discounts will be in effect throughout the store. C t ■ 5% DISCOUNT ON INSTALLMENT ACCOUNTS. Goods selected 15% REDUCTIONS FOR SPOT CASH. For cash with order—or Cretonne ■ Dollar Day can be paid for on our Plan of Easy Payments. After all C. 0. D.—there will be 15% discount on practically everything in our payments have been made as agreed, a 5% discount will be deducted! store, excepting a few restricted articles that are always marked net. Pillows A few restricted artidles excepted. * -r'-v This offer for $1 Day only. These special discounts— for Dollar Day only— do not apply on Spe­ 10% DISCOUNTS IN 60 DAYS. Any articles (excepting the few Fancy sofa pillows of cials. All $1 specials are CASH AND CARRY. restricted one.% explained ..above) can be charged for 60 days and you cretonne in round, h4drt, A triangle and similar ^ shapes, some with sateen , Another group of articles ruffles ...... has been assembled and re­ W e have assembled one group of duced to $10 for Dollar Day merchandise to sell for $1. Quanti- only. .^This group comprises ...ties Are limited or-two of each i iijH i! II tl^ torolxe sampfe pieces of furniture:-.-^ I |!U • so it is impossible to^give a- complete - one of a kind only— such as W ^ t i t Rocking list. However the values offered floor and bridge lamps, end in this group are exceptional—each tables, hall chairs, serving tables, sewing cabi­ Taborets Horses article being greatly reduced. In­ nets, pedestals, smokers, desks, m apzine racks, cluded are electrical appliances, Boudoir lamp occasional chairs and other similar articles. Low stands, suitable bases, china pieces such as ash trays, salt and for ferns and other —1 Some of these items have been priced as high as pepper shakers, cake dishes, etc. potted plants, finished low rocking horses. Fin- (i $45.00, many at $20 to $30.00 and a few at $14 walnut over chestnut ished in natural varnish VI to $20...... 2 for in combination with red Bcdhroom, Dining Room, Living Room & ■ Kitchen Magazine Curtains Racks White ruffled curtains Wooden magazine with large or small dots. racks, finished in a choice noo The kitchen is made up of the or checked patterns, 2l^ V] of red, orange or green For the bedroom a four-piece The living room outfit consists An early English suite makes very latest in labor saving yards long, complete t I and decorated in con­ up the dining room group. It is suite has been selected which is equipment. A genuine. Hoosier with tid^backs. Regular trasting colors, have two of three overstuffed pieces — a constructed of walnut and gum- jiiade of American walnut, and kitchen cabinet in gray enamel, $1.75 a p a ir ...... compartments for maga­ full size, 80-inch sofa, arm chair /guwwood with decorations. 'In- and y’ing chair. These pieces wood and includes a ,40x52 iach^ decorated with blue; a genuine zines ...... table whiqh extends ' to' *72' cfuded are a full size panel!bed,, Crawford cabinet gas range with are covered all over—backs and a 34 inch chest with 5 dra^Vers, sides, as well as fronts— in Jac­ inches, a 60-inch buffet, an arm elevated oven, in blsk:k and chair and 5 side chairs. The a 40 inch semi-vanity and a 44 white; an unfinished drop-leaf quard velour with both sides Ox inch dresser. This suite regu- seat cushions in the ^ame mate­ chair seats are upholstered in table; four unfinished Windsor laH.v sells ; for ^$i'61.50. 60 rial. Web construction. Regu­ tapestry. Regular $175.00. 60 chairs and a 6x9,G.pngoIeum Rug > DAYS TO V, . lar $155.00. make the outfit. PAY ...... Mahogany 60 DAYS TO PAY 60 DAYS TO PAY 9 1 U v *

Taborets I : M i >

Genuine mahogany ve­ WATKI n s b r o t h e r s, In c. neered tops measuring 111/2x14 inches. Turned OFFICIAL Hollar day store legs and stretchers. Bases finished in mahog­ any over birch. 18 inches high .-......

End Medicine Silk Children’s Cretonnes Tables Cabinets Hand blocked" ere-^ Smart, new tables hav­ tonnes— new designs in . ing 9i/>x20 inch wooden the most wanted colors-— fops with moulded; edges; Consisting of 12x18 Lustrous rayon, 50/ S'*'.,. stripes and floral p a t - v and wrought iron bases. inch table, standing 17 Metal cabinets, finish- a i inches wide, in choice terns. ^ R e g u la r $1.50 . Finished in red, green, ed;^in white enamel, with ^ blue^ rOse,ror gold. V-l black and brown, bur- yard.... • • ^ • y ' f -. ^iiished with gold. Deco­ chairs to match, finished mirror in door. 1 shelf 'V ; ^ r $1.75 a yard in“ fumed “ o a k ...... ” • 1 rated t o p s ......

'(f r- V '-jfV



Store' \ Extra Open Sales­ Sat­ people urday to Until Wait 9 On P. M.- You

S h o d a t \ SECOND FLOOR MUSLIN UNDIES HOSIERY DOMESTICS A Big Buy I and and ; t ■ 200 P air: 50c and 59 improved Ruffled Curtains Turkish Towels - eO R S E T S U N E M p Y ^ R •pair $1.89 and $1.40 for 79c Blopixi^'rs 69c Rayon'Vests A ^ In this assortment you will Alnminnm, ea. , $1.39 BrdotiiB, $ 1. 2 for ...... find good looking scrim curtains Good _ weight \| each ...... Heavy, plain white Turkish Muslin and crepe bloomers -la, 2 for, ...... v^r. W * in ivory color only with' Inser­ aluminum con- “ Amsterdam*^^ towels in the large size, 24x46 flesh an4 white. Sizes 27 and 29. Women’s gob'd gra^A.’pf rayon tion of rose, gold or blue. Snell sistiug of sauce brand made ol a inches. Stock up now while the vests In light .pastel a^des. / ’ The^r stitched edge. Valance and tie pans, coffee per­ very good grade price is low. 99c Cotton Slips vests have- shields unifer ithe' arma^ backs to match. Also a fine qual­ colators, dish of corn. Large 2 for*-^,’ . • • • • •. $ 1 Plcoted edge straps. ' ity hard spun scrim curtain with pahs, double Yoiir cfioice of flesh and 'white $1*.25 to $2.50 B. V. D. d j *1 tie backs. Ivory dr white'. Cur­ size. Finished 29c Turkish Towels 'roasters, doubla polished handle. Double hem. Tailored 'top.- Excel Suits, 2 for ...... V * tains suitable for the ifedroom, boilers, convex 4 for ...... living-room or dining-room. kettles, etc. $extra 1 lent for every-day use. Women’s athletic union suits Buy a dozen of these that come in a--light cotton check ieavy, plain white Turkish towels. 79e MusUn Gowns material. Not aJl-'Sizes; .While th®y Marquisette Ruffled Size 18x36 inches. Just the tow^i 2 for, ■ v:' last— 2 for $1; 'niese athidtic.-Suits for those who like a medium sized A very fill® quality gown at this Curtains, pair ...... price. Flesh and white.. Regular were made to retail from $1.25 to one. We are proud to Introduce to Manchester girls $2.50 each. Cross bar maroflifsette curtains in 75c Turkish Towels size. They are cut good and full— and women these new improved rayon undies.: white only. Two-; styles to choose well made. These are of a flner weave apd will give satisfac­ 50c Awaina Hose from. Dainty curtains that will look 2 f o r ...... Rayon tory wear if washing directions are carefully fol­ 3 pair ...... 1 • well in the hedrhom, dining-room Extra large size, heavy bath lowed. In this assortment you will find combina­ An excellent hose for sport and towels in plain ‘ white'and checked Slips ...... or living-room. $1.39 Clothes $1 tions, bloomers and panties in white, maize, pink school wear .Ribbed. Not all colors Colonial Baskets,-esach. borders. Size 24x44 inches. Mostly dark shades. Values in and peach. The bloomers are reinforced and some and sizes. ' $1.39 ' lo $1.69 the lot as high as $4.98. For best Willow ' has- ' 29c Pure Linen Towel­ of the combinations have shields under the arms. 50c sport Sbeks ^ “t Rugs ...... $1 White Enamel-, kets. 'A limited' selection come early. Regular price $1.49 .«ach. Size 27x54 inches. Colonial rag ware, each . . . ing, 4 y a r d s ...... $1 - 3 pair ...... V rugs with fringed ends. Contrasting number of this A pure linen toweling with bor­ $1 and $1.50 Brassieres' 1 All these items borders. Colors: blue, rose and wonderful quali­ ders in blue or red. Either an extra BLOOMERS PANTIES COMBINATIONS Children’s socks. Excellent for are guaranteed, ty to sell for 2 for ...... $ 1 green. heavy weight or a fine weave. I d Bayon Underwear— Main Floor. school wear. consisting o f $1.00 Saturday An odd lot of brassieres that sold inches wide. 75c Silk Socksr ^ I Bed Pillows dish pans, coffee only. ___ originally at $1. and $1.50 iCach. 29c K. E. 0. Pillow Cases ^ “I Not all sizes in each model. 4 pair ...... V * each ...... $ 1 pots, water pails, This is the well “known Phoenix These are* the well known BmK< tohvex kettles, 4 for ------Percale Aprons silk socks. Only a few left to close­ merich bed .pillows. Sijje ' ISx&l combinettes, Otc. • •• This is a good quality, nno Y A R D GOODS inches. Feather filled— guaranteed weave pillow case in two sizes; 3 for ...... $ 1 out at this price. Sizes , 6to 7 1-2 42x36 and 45x36 inches. Ric Rac trimmed. New fall pat- only. all new feathers. terns and designs. *1.50 AND *1.98 SILKS...... $ 1 29c Cretonnes 5 yards ...... InS^lotVo'u'Vlu'jnd'som e ot our regular S1.98 flat $1 $1-39 $1.95 36 inches wide. Brighten up your $1.49 georgettes. $1.50 radiums and $1.39 honan pongee in a of Pure Silk Hose home for the winter.with gay new Empire and Tuxedo Sheets. ,| attractive shades. It will be worth your while to buy a dress length now. Porto Rican Gowns cretonne cushions and draperies. $1.49 ^ while' prices are low. Brushes, -JBftro., pair Light and dark patterns. 39c to 69c WASH GOODS. J J ] Each ihrush , $1 (Substandards) $1.49 Tea Pots, eomes with a Your choice of the 81x90 Em­ $1 ■Cotton Blankets pire sheet or the 81x99 Tuxedo , Beautiful hand embroidered Y oV ^m be ^ble' tV wea^ a light frock' yet' for' a 'few weeks Many Women look forward to this e.ach ...... handle finished hosiery sale. These are sub­ Rockingham sheet. At this low price you cer­ gowns in white and pastel women are buying summer goods now with next Bnmmev s need in view^ \: in red. Sizes: 12 standards of our regular $1.95 teapots. Four to and 12 inches tainly will want a half dozen. shades. Sizes 16 and 17. While The''assortment includes 36-inch fast colored dimities 36-^^^^^^ $1 each they last— $1.00. silks. 50c rayon alpacas. 69c Everfast materials and 36-inch coronaao number, a well known and na­ six cup size. All long. tionally advertised brand. Pure Single cotton blankets in sun­ different decora­ crepes. ' m ' silk, full fashioned. They come set plaid .of gold, blue, rose and tions. / 41q and 43c Oneida and Empire laVender. Two large sizes to 29c KINGWOOD PRINTS, in all the popular shades. SioSk choos^ froip: '6Bx'8(T'and 64^76 Pillow Cases * $ 1 n e c k w e a r m ...... inches. Webbing edge. 3 f o r ...... • • « « « f 1 t y . . O . . , » - ■mr 5 l» Ev^sa^r Manchester housewife and 79c to $1.00 "knows what the Oneida quality means— from 3 tp 5 years of serv­ WASH GOODS BABY SHOP ice. Seconds of a well known brand. LEATHER CHILDREN’S Sizes: 42x36 and 45x36 inches yards 50c Gingham Panty Glass Serving $1.50 Pure Line 2 $1 Dresses, 3 f o r ...... $1 DEPT. Trays, each • • ai GOODS Prints, with or without collar. $1.49 Breatl Glass decorat- M The thrifty housewifehousewiie willwin find many pieces of yard soods Scarfs ...... $1 that will nlease'her in this lot. Your choice of 36-inch radjoux Some are bound around the neck $1.50 and $1.98 Gingham Boards and ed trays with Extra fine quality, pure linen ihlffon, 36-lnch ray de rayou, $1 imported Pointed voiles, 36-lnch with colored tape. Sizes 3 to 6 Knives, set . . | handles. Oblong hemstitched scarfs. Size 18x54 inch­ $1.50 to $3.00 Neckwear Dresses ...... 8.'..,..' raffon, 36-lnch printed silk and cotton ®r®P®®> taffoshan, 36-inch years. Hand decorat­ shape. Special es. Plain white. (Salesman’s Samples A wide range When you see these pretty ging­ $1 printed radium. $1 sport satins and 36-lnch linens 79c Rubber Crib Sheets ham dresses you will stop and won­ ed. Round bread while th&y , last 69c Table Damask , Lace gild georgette collar i ahd *| hoards and deco­ —$1 each.^'^':’ cuff sets, vestees ’ and jabots in of colors. I 2 f o r ...... der how it can be done. About eight 2 yards .. ------$1 distinctive styles made up into dif­ rated handled f $1 ecru, flesh, white, etc. Some of Maroon and white only with col­ knives. Boxed. Your choice of a colored border these have sold as high as $2.98 ored ruffles around the edge. ferent color combinations and damask in rose, blue or gold, or a 29c MANCHESTER PERCALES, each. $1.50 and $1.98 Cinderella . weaves which -add to'the attractive'- ~i plain white with jacquard designs. 4 yards ------' ...... ^$1 ^ ness of the garment. Sizes 7 to 14 64 Inches Avide. $2-98 DRESS GOODS. J 1 Panty Dresses, Suits and years. Plain colored ginghams trim­ Scarfs ...... $1 Rompers ...... med with buttons In contrasting ' Smart looking scarfs in . attra

n ■f,-. B rii^ e M e Life *s Niceti^ A n o th er HINTS ON ETIQU#r'

‘For the love o’Mlke, why don’t you BY W. W. WBNOhvORTH H. G. Wells speaks in bis ‘fWorld^ (Abbreviations: A-*-ace; K— of William Clissold” of a certain ^et something else?’ ©1927 jby M A Service — Q— queen; J— ^jack; 1. At what age do girla'prfl^)- lady wbo should “permit her emo­ any card lower tttan 10.) anne assured her. "But—^I- dofl’t under­ tions which flow in a canyon to “ He insisted that we move. He erly have their own card^? BEGIN HERE TODAY stand—” spread beyond the canyon walls. said that mother wasn’t so old but 2. How should girls' c$Uini VERA CAMERON, plain acere- “Walt. He repudiated me, as Reading the line one recalls hordes what there was some hope for her 1— When should fourth handcards be engraved? 'allowB herself fo be trans­ I’ve told you. Refused to see me —that we just had to make it a formed Into a beauty by JERRY of people, men ^ bid' a minor suit ? 3. Is it proi>er for the 'el^esl MACKIiYN, her boss, adTertlslns again. I went back to Paris and women in the main, who Strut their case of sink or swim for her. He manassr for Peach Bloom Cos­ Immediately' started divorce pro­ entire lives in “ a canyon,” only to said tha,t as long as she had me, she 2— How many honors mustgirl to be called “Miss Smith,' metics Co., Jerry falls In lore would just go on sapping my very with Vera, and his lore continues ceedings before the Seine Tribunal. reap a harvest of emptiness when, you have in any suit to bid it while her younger sistere u|m even after he learns she consents The whole world knows now that I someday, the waters of the canyon life, sucking at me like a leach, and initially ? their two given names- oi to the transformation only be- was successful and that 1 am no are gone and there is nothing left that he wouldn’t have it. I believe 3— ^What tw o bridge prizesth eirs? canse the man she falls In love longer the Princess Vivian Polaska. outside the canyon walls. it’s working. It nearly killed her at rrlth, SCHUYLER SMYTHE. IB- should be bought for a player The Answers nores her. No woman ever relinquished a title first, but she’s beginning to invite VeTA Kpends her vacation at more ^adly. As soon as the (Uvorce people in, go to shows with some who remains silent when he 1. Sixteen or seventeen. Lake Minnetonka because Smythe 2. "With th,elr full given names, was granted I hastssed back ^to One thinks of mothers of one friends, join a club or so, and looks ought to speak? Is there. He, and other Buests, child who refuse any life that does using the prefix “ Miss.” s mistake her for VIVIAN CRAN- London—and found that he had better than she has in years.” The Answers * DALL, ex-prlnccBS, rrho after a given up his lodgings. The lahd- not pertain to this child. I recall 3. No. All girls should use thel) Paris divorce Is In hidinB* Vera 1— Only if he reasonably sup­ lady told me he’d gone to New York right now a certain mother wno full given names. The use of “ Mlsi Insists upon her true Identity, but spends her days in ^^ Just a sample of one woman who poses he can make game if left in Smith” is old English courtesy am ^hen she renllses Smythe Is In and I took the next boat I found bottled her emotions up inMde a minor suit. love ^Tlth the bI'I >>« thinks she proaches at her daughter. The is only proper when her mother ii Is, she puts further confession him living in a furnished room in canyon! 2— At least one when bidding a an apartment in the Bronx and tor daughter married not long ago. She married to the eldest son of an eld 1 from her. lived home with her mother for a five-card suit, and at least two est son of a distinguished family. LearnlnB o* the supposed Viv­ the second time I disappeared.” when bidding a four-card suit. ian’s whereabouts, the Crandalls* "So you were in New Tprk all the while, then moved. 3— A loud speaker and a bridge detectives arrive late one niBbt. “ That’s the serpent’s tooth of in STICKING DOORS \ Smythe and Vera flee In a stolen time—In the ^ronx,” Vee-Vee *mar- gratitude,” moans the mother, “ and book. car. Smythe confesses his love volods VEGETABLE SANDWICHEa and Insists they be married at afte? I had dedicated my entire life To prevent bureau drawers and once. Vera tells him the truth “Exactly,” Vivian smiled. "Any to her and intended to keep right MORNING BRAN about herself. He Is furious, thus woman could guess what I did. My doors from sticking, rub surfaces One of the-most delightful ne^ on doing it, whether she was mar­ thoroughly with hard, yellow soap. reveallnB himself as an unscrupn- parents were very angry with mo The best way to serve bran Is to luncheon delicacies is the vegetable lous fortune-hunter. Two masked ried or not.” It acta as a lubricant. sandwich. Any vegetable pan b< men stop them and Vera Is kid­ for having divorced the prince and mix with raisins, cover with boiling caused a scandal and I simply water, and let stand five minutes used, either mashed, chopped oi naped and taken by ■••'I**®®®,i® * I remember years ago of entering shack la the hills where PRINCE walked out of their Park Avepuo before adding to porridge. with cream sauce. • IVAN, Vivian’s ex-husband, awaits the house of this particular mother SURPRISE FIE them. The kidnapers annonncA house, having all my clothes, jewels they will hold Vera for a ransomt and everything else of any value. I to find her with*the small daughter from' the Crandalls. Vera con­ seated at a festive little table in Southerners bake a' delicious vinces the prince he must hide found a furnished apartment in the “ surprise pie” by using scraps of Bronx, in the same building where the play room, having a birthday his fury at the discovery of her party. There was a pink round cake chicken, veal, pork or any other Identity, warmnE him of the con- he has a room, though he nad no on the table with seven candles and meat, covering*- with gravy and RCQUcnccc ahoald the men find she Idea that I had discovered his was Incapable of drnwlnB a ran- pink ice cream and everything that white sauce and baking with upper whereabouts. Before I revealed •om» should attend a small girl’s birth­ crust. In New Vork Jerry’s stenoB- myself to him I found myself a job Strangle them’* rapher stuns him by* annonncluB day party, except some .other little she saw Vera that mornlnB and as a stenogarpher, using the name Bnve her one of the ndvertlsInB fSlCGS* W hen F u e s , mosquitoes and roaches breath Black of Virginia Craig. I suppose It is “ Betty Jane and I are having a booklets with her photos In It. Instinctive to retain one’s initials Jerry Bcts a phone call and notlnB party all by ourselves'” said moth­ Flag— it kills tlwm. Not one escapes i Rids yotir home of on Instructions, calls on the real when seeking an alias^” she smiled. Beauty Hints other bugs, too. Sold at drug, grocery, bew are and Vivian Crandall who Is hldlnp In er, perched on the edge of a nur­ the Bronx. She asrecs to help And “Oh!" Enlightenment dawned in sery chair, like a sea-lion on a depaftment stores. Powder 15c up, and Vera and tOBCther they set out Vee-Vee’s wide, green eyes, then toad-stool. “ But T did want Martha ' Protect your beauty in all kinds for the shack which VIvInli re­ she laughed suddenly, dellcioufely. Anne,” said Betty Jane, her elfin of weather with this new face pow­ members the prlncb was especially der— MELLO-GLO. Does not give “Did you wear braids and spec­ face wide-eyed and serious. interested In. the skin a dry feeling; does not clog Meantime Vera Is repuIsluB ad­ tacles and severe tailor-made “Why you didn’t want Martha vances of the prince. One kid­ /the pores; is not affected so much naper, returnInB from the city by suits?” Anne!” exclaimed mother, “when "The braids and spectacles, yes, by perspiration. Stays on longer. airplane, crashes on a hill nearby your very own mama has your par­ So pure and fine. MELLO-GLO is and Is killed. The other flees, "Ofi/ Did i/ott weor braids ond spectacles and tailor-made suitsT” but not tailor-made suits,” Vivian ty with you! You’re the only little leavInB the prince and Vera alone. made by a new French Process. [black / She runs from the cabin, Jerry the other poor devils In that house laughed. “Ready-made, cheap lit­ girl mama has to play with, Betty that I was living as real girls live, tle suits, which were all I could It’s truly wonderful.— adv. nnd Vivian arrive as she is did the same thing and she winked Jane!” Icavlns. The two bI'I* become In­ that no one who looked at me saw afford on my salary of twenty-five stant friends. After they tell their at it, like the kind-hearted old dear respective stories, Vivian sur­ the glitter of gold surrounding me that she was. Oh, those were happy dollars a week. I let Paul—his And so it went from babyhood ^ p l a t ' flag j prises Vera with the question i like a halo. I had not dared hope days!” she cried suddenly. “It’s name Is Paul Allison,” she ex­ until girlhood. Betty Jane was in­ ’’Would yon like to be the Prin­ plained—"discover me, quite by ac­ BAYER ASPIKIN cess Vivian tor a little while for love, but—I ’ found It.” Her glorious to be poor and in love and vited to a party, and mama remind­ lonper, Vcc-Vee—lor my saket” cident apparently. He wanted to UQUU> voice dropped so that it was little to struggle together! But of course ed her that she was “ all she had, POWDER NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY It couldn’t last forever, for when he run away again, but I convinced and if she went away that night, CHAPTER XLII more than a whisper. asked me to marry him, I had to him that I would follow him to the mama would be all alone. LIQUID ends of the earth If he did, putting p r o v e SAFE rEE-VEB stared at Vivian Cran- “He lived In the same funny, tell him that I was married to Bettv Jane got a job. She loved it someone else—a prince!” my wretched millions to some good — a chance to make friends and be V'dall for one wide-eyed moment, drafty, cold little old house In KILLS INSECTS How bitter her voice was, Vee- use, at least.” with people other than mama with .BhefcWnCiy which I had lodgings,” Vivian "I hnaglne,” Vee-Vee smiled,, Take without Fear as Told then, with a little cry, she turned Veo thought pUyingly. The prin­ her eternal chorus, “you’re all I Crandall went on. “Our acquaint­ “that It did not take a great deal of. to Jerry Macklyn and laid her head cess’ eyes flashed a look of intense have, dear.” ance started as acquaintances do In convincing. He must adore you.” hatred at the cabin where Prince But Betty Jane was rescued. In “Bayer” Package on his breast. “There you are wrong,” Vivian such houses—I borrowed a card of Ivan was being held a prisoner. “ Sure, we’ll live with you mother, “ Does she mean that I won’t be retorted. “I haven’t really con­ matches from him to light my gas. “I had to tell him that I was an said Tom In the delirious stage disgraced, exposed—that you won’t vinced him yet. I am on the And then, because he looked so for­ imposter, that I had won his love when he would have agreed to any­ have your career wrecked through strictest probation. He swears that thing and everything. They did for lorn and hungry, I asked him to under false pretenses,” Vivian went my folly?” she asked. on in a quiet voice, but her hand he will not marry an heiress, and six months. Then they moved. Betty 1 that there Is no room In his life for "As I said before, you haven’t share my boiled eggs, tea and toast. crushed Vee-Vee’s. “You can Imag­ Jane told me just a very little about a A Y E R I found that he was a writer, and ine the scene that followed, since a woman who cannot live happily it. been the only Impersonator,” Vi­ and comfortably on the amount of that he was makin’g his livin g- you have had a rather bitter ex­ “All my life I’ve heard about be­ vian Crandall smiled. “I’ve been perience yourself with unmasking,” money he Is able to make now. He ing all that Mother had,” she said, such as It was—by writing on space is doing fairly well—remarkably stealing your stuff, as they say on she added to Vee-Vee.'’' It was her “ I was just strutting my life in a Broadway, without knowing It, just rates for one of the big London only comment so far on Vee-Vee’s well, I think,” she added proudly. nut-shell. I didn’t mind giving her dallies. In the evenings he was disillusioning affair with Schuyler “His novel is In the hands of pub­ her share, but she wanted every­ as you Impersonated me uncon­ lishers now, and ho has every rea­ working on a njvel into which he Smythe. thing. She was jealous of my own sciously, If you’re not too dead son to hope that It will be accepted. was putting his very^heart and “ I confess that I had been guilty husband. She made it hard enough with fatigue and shock. I’ll tell you of an unworthy doubt as to how ho Of course It will not be a money for me to marry him in the first soul, one of those sublime things of the story. It’s rather necessary would receive my news that I was a success, but we hope It will make place, and she was making it hard him a name among writers, at least that you should know soipethlng of truth and beauty and stark realism multi-millionaire. Remember that for me to stay >piarried. that publishers are afraid of, be­ 1 had never before met anyone who And he Is working on an afternoon “If Tom wasn’t home right on the truth about me before we have newspaper as a reporter. He has cause they have no ‘popular ap­ loved me for myself alone. But his the dot for dinner she would Insist I* Unless you see Ihe "Bayer Cross" our pleasant little* Interview with agreed that If I can stick It out that we eat without him. If Tom on package or on tablets you are peal.’ He showed me his book, of reaction was all that my pride my wicked little prince.” could have hoped, although it came three months he will consider my wanted to go to the theater or driv­ not getting »he genuine Baysr “Please tell me,” Vee-Ves ’oegged. course. He had been simply starv­ near to breaking my heart. I told importunate proposal of marriage, ing, mother took it for granted that ■Aspirin proved safe by millions and ing for someone to talk to about it, him that I was going to divorce the provided of course that I agree to she would go along. One day Tom prescribed by physicians over twen­ “As I said,” Vivian Crandall be­ live on his income and forget that and I helped him by re-typing, on prince and that I would marry him and she had’ a real row. He was | ty-five years for .( gan, “I had had good cause to lose I have any money of my own. Now very patient, with her, but that j Colds Headache i the second-hand machine I had as soon as that formality had been AT my faith in men and love. And attended to. He refused, repudlat- you can see what It is that I want night he flared out. I had bought a , Neuritis Lumbago j . • * bought for practice work, the chap­ Toothache Rheumatism then six months ago that faith was td me as if he hated me.” Her you to do—what you must do If. I new dress, a chiffon velvet. Tom I am to win the man I love?” loved violet color. Mother criti Neuralgia Pain, Pain miraculously restored. ters he had finished. oreath came in a sharp gasp, as if -1 “But how could I take your cized. She thought I should have j Each unbroken “ Bayer” pa6k- ■ “I had always wanted to earn my “He used to feel sorry for me, she were living again the shame age contains proven directions. MURRAY’S place?” VCe-Vee puzzled. “Your bought pale gfeen. ‘But Tom likes | because I had so little money and and grief and remorse of that own living, or to have the soul- parents would recognize the decep­ violet,’ I said. And she said, ‘But j Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost ate so'little,” Vivian went on, her scene. Ifew cents. Druggists also lell bot- satisfying experience of trying to tion Instantly—” dear, niother likes green, and; voice low and tender. “I suspected “I’d like to meet that chap,' itlei of 24 and 100.— adv. do so. I went to London, very Jerry commented feelingly. “ Details can wait.” Vivian sprang you’re all she’s got.’ Tom yelled. that he frequently went without to her feet, her face radiant. “Now PELT HATS, much incognito, and enrolled in a lunch himself so that he could con­ “ Oh, you will!” Vivian smiled All Styles and Head Sizes brilliantly upon him. “You and let’s give my disgusting little secretarial school to learn stenog­ tribute more lavishly to our funny princeling the surprise of bis life!” little dinners, cooked on the one Vee-Vee are going to meet him this raphy. I limited myself to the most gas burner in my rooms. We used very day, that is, if you will con­ (To Be Coatlnned) meager allowance. I had no plan, sent to help me, dear,” she added to be dreadfully afraid that the VlTlsn Crandall cleTcrlx dlsnoses really, beyond the blessed present. landlady would smell cooking and to the girl beside her. of the money-mad little prince in VELVET It was enough to me then to know raise a row, but I suppose most of “I’ll do anything I can,” Vqe-Vee the next installment. IIIIIHIIII HATS / DOLLAR All Styles sible punishments. The statistics Is It easy for a mother to see and head seem to indicate that the dread of other children fashionably dressed, sizes. and, knowing that her own child beyond the grave Is a Values, to potent and prevalent preventive of could be quite as well clothed, put self-destruction. her in hand-me-downs from Cousin $1.95. Daily Health Service In Europe the suicide rates are Kate’s last contribution box, so that the money migljt'be saved for de­ ^ ^ J (\ HINTS ON HOWTO KEEP WELL higher for Protestant than for Catholic countries. It is perhaps mands later on? AT AH Other Hats in the Store Reduced by World Famed Authority safe to say with Dr. Frenay that Does it or does it not take moral (the race and temperament of the courage to do without a new coat, $1.00 From R e g u la r P rice people and the economic conditions after three years for the old one, must be taken into account before or the new rug she had counted on THE LADIES’ SHOP for her bedroom, because an exti*a DOES BAD WEATHEB The suicide rate is higher In the passing judgment on the greater or CHEER US UP? northern countries than in the lesser tendency to suicide. course In summer school would be southern countries. of advantage to John in hli^ science work? BY DB. MORRIS FISHBEIN The two hottest months, July Or reverse it and let bier gek her Editor Journal of the American and August, are not the months of highest suicide rates. L. the United coat, or her rug, and face John’s Medical Association and of Hygela, disappointment and family criti­ DRESSES $1 the Health Magazine States, the. line that marks the de­ Home Page Editorial' velopment of the suicide rate from cism, because she is a human l?e- A noted psychiatrist said that an its lowest to Its highest point draws ing and decides occasionally to make her own dreams come true 1 Italian finding himself in difficulty from New York city of Boston to Mothers’ FOR takes steps to kill the third angle San Francisco. There Isn’t a day of life that the to his triangle. Under similar cir­ Courage The east end of the line is noted average mother does niot have to Silk from top to toe. cumstances, the Scandinavian is display more moral courage than All sizes. Regular 89c likely to commit suicide. for its cold and disagreeable Is R E A L ! weather and fpr bad winters. It has George Washington when he owned An analysis of the race factors up to the cherry tree. She Is forever FAU MILLINERY pair. By Olive Roberts Barton Involved In suicide' In the United the lowest suicide rate. The west doing things she dislikes and not States permits the investigator to end of the line is in the region doing things she wants to, usually which talks most about its climate draw certain general conclusions. A minister in New York City for the good of the children, often In our population, Irish, Italian and about being a land of eternal for her husband, occasionally for Bunsljine and yet it is the place of broadcasted a sermon on Moral PURE SILK HOSE, * and Polish immigrants show a Cour^g6 herself. A nice balance she must 50c and $1.00 Blight tendency to suicide, whereas most frequent suicide. “ What we need today are men strike, as she weiighs .' out family, In practically all cases where it AH sizes. Regular $1.95 Germans and Scandinavians mani­ and women who will stand out for privileges. ^ ^ n . is possible to gain some under­ fest a pronounced tendency In that what thsy believe to be right Molly -Pitcher and her gun were S PAIRS LADIES’ SILK HOSIERY $ NOTICE! We have made every effort tb, supp^; direction. standing of an individual’s previous though the whole world opposes as flat as rice pudding beside-the 1.00 emotional state, depression is men­ enough merchandise to last throughout* the As previously pointed out, the them,” said he. mother whose, son has dated a girl However, we cannot guarantee ■this. So we sug^eai tioned as almost Invariably present. He gave several instancies of negro commits suicide far less fre­ for a dance and .comes for her ior. SILK UNDERWEAR SPECIALS AT . 1.00 that you get here early when the doors open. quently than does the white man, If mental depression may be taken moral courage. Most of' these were the money, andlshe has to refuse $ the Indian slightly less frequently, as a sign of mental disease, then on. the order of “HAVE COURAGE him. WATCH OUk-WINDOWS! You’ll be surprised to and the Chinese and Japanese far one-fifth to one-third of all suicides MY BOY TO SAY NO.” “It takes courage for mothers, tc more frequently. None of the for­ are mentally diseased- It is perhaps But not once, I believe, so far as say no see the Wonderful Values for Dollar Day. eign races learned suicide from the safer to say that mental depression I have been informed, did he men­ tion the moral courage of mothers. American or from the white man, may be considered a danger signal. X. MURRAY’S lince all of them knew of suicide Religious Angle And 'she is to my mind the very DELECTABLE APRlUOTS STATE THEATER BLDG. SO. MANCHESTER before coming to this country or Practically all religions have dis­ leader of the procession. THE LADIES’ SHOP approved bf suicide. It seems rea­ Do you think it is easy J ot a TUfTtfllng with Jhe white race. A few apricots added to peach ; Weather and Disease sonable to believe that unbeliever mother to tell a child he must do 545 MAIN STREET SO. MANCHESTER and the atheist are more likely to this, or he must not do that, when preserves give more than their f Much has been said of the re- worth in piquant flavoring. They commit suicide than the person who it rouses bitterness in hli heart to­ iitioiishlp of the weather or of dls- add zest to any pres«rv.e iot^ Jelly. ) ta^e tb the occurrence of suicide. believes in a future life full of pos­ ward her? MA n S e STOR (CONN.) E V ^ n^ HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1927.


East €«iHrat Pomona Gfange . W in Observe EVent In East Hartford. . ' i

1 East Central Pomona Grange, /?• •Which was ojrganized in Cheney hall 40 years ago will celebrate its fortieth anniversary this evening at East ^artford.^ It 4s expected that many Granger? from Manchester •will be in attendance as 47 mem­ bers of- Manchester' Grange belong a n y r o o m c a n b e b o u g h t sepaisateuy to East Central Pomonas Mi's. A. E. TO-MOBEOW starts the OUTFIT EVENT of the year in Hartford! Com> Loomis of this town, secretary for plete Home Outfits—to suit every purse and purpose—at the lowest prices fine furniture can be sold at—Come, see these outfits all set up in oar mbdel hqmu I several years past, will read a his­ and bungalows—every one is carefully planned—and every one shows the big tory of the organization and Charles savings'made by KANE’S giaiit.8-storo buying power!. BEIDES-T^^® R. Risley''o£ Silver Lane and Fra%l£ - k k ' i HOblEMAKEBS, don’t miss these marvelous values! Choose from Hartford s N„ Bueklahd, both of whom were Greatest Selection! officers and .instruffiental in organiz OPEN SATUBDAV EVENING UN’HL 9:00 O’CLOCK ing East Central Pomona will give reminiscence^ of. the early m'eetings. ^The principai_ speaker will be the head of the national Grange, High Priest of Deineter, Charles M. Gardner of Westfield, Mass. Promi­ nent Grange officials from Mass- ac'husetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island are expected. East Central Pomona Grange comprises all of the Granges in Hartford, county east of the Con­ necticut River, and takes in Bloom­ field, Windsor Locks,- Windsor, Suf- field and Granby west of the river, also all pf S'olland county with the exception of Union, Willington and Mansfield. The head officers are George L. Creelman of Suffield, William Hill of this town, overseer, Mrs. A. E. Loomis is secretary and Mr. Loomis is a member of-the executive committee. I P D BEAUVAIS HAS " ..'I ^ JOB S E Iiite ^ lN * i MONTREAL GARAGE ' 0 ! 0

^,Utica, N. Y.— Fred Beauvafs, In­ dian guide with an international reputation because of his connec­ tion with the Stillman divorce case, is-today sellipg gas apd,o11,.tbimot- oristSc gi^-a. " garage near- Lake KANE’S DE LUXE LIVING ROOM C'^iigb^Vftga, in:, the vicinity of Mcintre^l^-^ue. ; Carved Frames—30 Pcs.—Finest Jacquard or Baker’s Cut Velour Wilmj^;^. -iSfeven^on p»f. Ogdens- LUXURY in the living room at a price that shows Can Be Bought burg, m^d^.'oL Beiiuvils.-’haiS just the spectacular savings of 8'jstore buyin^!^ Big, V Separately, For retornea ffbft ayvi^t tojlbei^uide' deep Arm Chair, Wing ChalF and D avenport- KANE’S “DE LUXE” BE3>ROOM:;_.;r:;;v ' aiii telUbow^ inferpstm bb filled with hundreds of oil-tempered springs—the hik meefing^" 'tPhe guide is consid­ richest JACQUARD and Baker’s Cut VELOUR cov­ Walnut Veneer Suite With FOUR-FOS^feR cr icow-feni BED ered to be Jquite 'wealthy, Mr. Ste­ erings—and every extra you can possibly im­ agine—Banjo Clock, Davenport Table, End Table, FASCINATING style and workmanship—rich WALNUT veneer sSr- Buy It venson says. ' ■ Floor Lamp, Table Lamp, Fernery, Pictures, Book- faces—these make the De Luxe bedroom one of the most notable vaN He adds, that a large number of Ends, Scarf, etc.—30 Pieces in all, oPithe finest ues in aU our history! Maple overlay decorations—Chair and Bench tonrists eittoute to Montreal" learn furniture ever in this store. ALL for'Sl45! offihe presence Oi£;the,guIde at the to match the exquisite suite. Foar-Poster or Bow-end BED. new- ■ ^ J lafe ^(^{j^^aea;^u,t'of^-their way style Chest of Drawers, Full-Longth VANITY and'large Dresser - ' «p g- to^m i® t-r^in tha man besides a perfectly marvelous group of extras, including a 3-pc- Toi­ they *fiave read so much about, let Set, Spring, Mattreee, Boudoir Lamps and Ficturos! You’a re­ w&- was.a. principal-In' a divorce gret it if you bay a trlroom ANYWEEUI! uvtU yon o'-o tl'-is o:a'a- trial ‘ which was the most sensa­ ^ tional in American hHrtory. , _ tiful group! “I’m glad I’m off the front pages,. _ of the newspapers for awhile,” ■ Beauvais told Mr. Ste­ venson.'.*Tm cbhtenl to fun my A .. . :i r garage business.” 'll‘til-*' ' , ;'l‘ a’- ■ - i The guide also recalled to Mr. I'---” ■■ Ij--'' Stevenson, he reports, that for a long time he lived in luxury ,at a i l i t a l Mod|tjj||l hotel where boafa>^®re paid by newtapermen JJ who made money by the publicity and news stories they got out of it. w 2) “I finally got tired of lying jAiTrt !IUf M Buy .It Sepa­ aroiind and being tr^^ted like a KANE’S DE LUXE DINING ROOM rately For duke'pf a prince,” he is reported THE DE LUXE KITCHEN to have told Mr. Stevenson, “and Goal Range—3-Door Side-Icer—5-Piece Georgian Style—Walnub Veneer took off for other parts so I could Majcolic, stately pieces, handsomely turned legs, rich T ^ E ^ B Y settle down once more.” Breakfast Set—-Congoleum Rug you receive the China Cabinet, Server, Buffet, Extension Table, 5 S-d, EVERYTHING to make a Kitchen attr.-'.et'-. '' r~ l Chairs, Mirror, 36 pieces of Silvcrplatc, 3-piece Carying Set. and Consoi- velous baking range, 3-door sidc-icor EEER'' T.'','.TC1'., r. 101 YEARS OLD. ; ^ ^ M - W’EEK Set. Bbsibn, Sept. 9.— “Gfabdmk Breakfast Suite and Congoleum Krg—...... • Aln^^lil Bennett, of CMcopee Falfs,- Hioday celebrates her 101st birtfiday with an airplane ride to Old 'Orchard Beach, Maine, as the guest of Robert P. Hazard, Maine manufacturer. Her friend, Charles "W. Bradley, 99, of Rochester, N H., goes with her. Last; year “Gtiandma” Beijnett y' celebratpd the passing of the cen­ tury milestone in her life by flying over thb City of .Poyl;land, Maine. lo i^ D ST.A'IB'TROOPERS ' B a ta ^ , N.‘ Y., Sej»t. 9.—An in­ tensive search was %nder •way to­ day for Roy Wagner, 25, o! Canea- dea, charged with shooting and killing State Troopers Robert R.oy 28, bf-')Dobbs Ferry and Arnold T. Rasmussen, 26, of Jamestown. Roy and Rasmussen were killed ■whei)',;^lt6mpting to serve a .war­ Can Be Bought rant’,attCanadea, according to the VAKAmSE IS-P iE C tP ROOM Separatriy' For ^ a^t o d n d ING__to buy a living room of this qu^ty and authorises, who said Wagner re­ ASTO^^ . It sliowB the savings tliftt rtc C6rt&ln fused td pay for some gasoline he H?ndsSdV b^t suSs to JAC®BD or BARB’S purchased at a filling station. . cut VELOUR. Thick, deep cuahloni, i p r i ^ - ^ d Roy •was a Columbia University irYTitAS that leave nothing else to buy—Included art gradti^, a World War veteran and Table ^ m p , Sitt PiOow, Davenport Table, End a fo m ^ member of the Canadian Table’ Mantel Clock, Scarf, Smoker, etc.—18 pieces. All for $115. fl-J North-west Mounted Police. ,Ras- $2 WEEK musaieaiYormerly was in fhe Navy! and *fs-survived by hi? widow -an^ a chU^^-


N(^10lBg makbs' a. more .^tediblo garn^ .or-cbbps,jtbian ..a bordbr-.of Italian zucchini, cut in half-iisiS slices and steamed with­ out p j^ n g . Delivers ------W ------— — -t-r:------— NEW PARADISE 18-PIECE BEDROOM c a n ^ sepa- Any yiinber Handled AU the furniture and extras yon desire for a lovdy a price that saves you «normously-^de with ?!^ne’ ■ WALNUT . veneer and iumwood snrface^Its fiiMshed to anttq^ Room ’ HUGUENOT—Contains fnll^ength VANITY, massive DBESOT^ BED, large WARDROBE; Chair, Bench and C ^ Ches^hesidiBs all these extras—Spring, Mattress, 2 Lights, 2 Pillows, Bed |Jgh^ 2 Pictures and 2 Bugs—a wonderful,, \y£EK value in fine fumitnre^ome see it as early as you can. s\ Ckn Be Bought NuT PARADISE KITCHEN Separatedy For Can Be Bought •VFR! Evnvthine you ne^ for the kitchen—Gas Range, Table, ' NEW PARADISE 12-PIECE DINING ROOM Separately For S s . S n S l Srt a^Befrigerator-special PARADISE com- An cxamnle of William and Marijr dqfcign with decoratioiB on the binatlon—extraordinary low price, WALNUT veneer surfaces! W ^; made pieces, w th ujorumanship that ya'J find in the better gn i^ ; suites. China Cabinet,. E x tc^ cn Evening Appointments Msde—P h o n e 2-9281. Tabl2^ Buffet, 5 Side Chairs, Chair, Mirror, 26-pieces Silver- $1 WEEK plate and « , ^eces DINNERWAiRE aU included aP the amazing ; i092 MAIN ST., HARTFORD price of $115. $3 WEEK 0/v£T nr: T E IST C HEZ A

I voluiiinioiU3 l)^ % 3rfelYet b a g -fo r ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. :all hasTa toost'iyfwr^tin prac­ tical handle of amber.

tL i

r^. A PAGE a\)vkvtiB^ \ . ..' ^ - . —-—-——— "■■■'—— ~ Ma<^nald or Earr To Meet Bissett in Net ------— ------f ' ----- — . ' I 'Naticmal League Ammcan League Clovei rleaves and At St. liOnU:— CUBS 11, CARDS T CHICAGO AB. R. H. PO. A E. 6 1 2 2 2 0 Bishop, 2b 6 2 8 Adam s, 8b . 6 8 2 Agree on Title Battle / Hale, 8b Ensltsh, Bs 5 2 8 1 0 1 French, rf eeeseeee* 2 Scott, rf ... 6 2 Paisley.. 44433403163711^3—8 4 1 0 2 0 Cobb, cf . . . — ^ Stephenson, If 4 Blacdomild Y f t i u 2 0 0 Wilson, cf , 4 2 0 Cochrane, c The match between Mac Mac­ HyKes, lb . e e e e • e « 4 1 0 Grimm, lb . 5 2 1 Farr’s Sensational Come­ 8 0 0 4 1 0 Jacobson, If jonel,V“.::::::::: 2 & o o i | IKral Gridsters to Phy No l field the complete team which won Hartnett, c donald and Jimmy Nell was an in-" 1 2- schang, XX ...... ,.^1 $ 0 ^0 0 0 2 1 2 Boley, ss ...... 4 the pennant last season; and in ad­ Beck, 2b ... teresting one to watch. Both men Grove, p ...... 8 2 1 Rott, p .... 6 2 0 84 9 11 27 8 New Y ork ...... 010 010 OOx— 2 Four Games Saturday, Five dition James McConnell, center for­ Nehf, p ... 0 0 0 back Victory Over exhibited some classy tennis but it ^ at Ifickey’s Gnffe oil ward formerly of Providence, and did not have the thrills of the DETROIT St. Louis ...... 000 000 100— 1 9 0 Two base hit, Meusel; home r\m , M. McMeekin, a full back from Ar- 39 11 16 27 Farr-Paisley sefto. Although Mac­ Williams; stolen base, Mellllo; sacrl-if ST. LOUIS u Blue, lb ...... - 3 0 0 9 0 0 On Sunday; Manchester ley,’3-6,6-3 and 8-6 0 0 0 flees, Lazzerii Hoyt; double plays, thurlle, Scotland, have been secur­ donald showed himself to be the X ...... 1 0 0 Wimer-Take-AU Bao^i AB. R. H. PO. A E. Wingo, Lazzeri to Koenig to Gehrig; left on ed. A finely balanced team from Orsattl, c f ...... 3 1 1 0 0 better player, Neill furnished warm Gebrihger, 2b .. 4 0 1 1 4 0 McManus, 3b .... 4 0 0 1 1 0 bases. New York 11, St. Louis 1; base goal out, the champs will take some B ottom ley, lb ...... 5 0 1 11 2 opposition. Both men resorted to on balls, off Jones 8; struck out, by Highly Honored By Get­ Frisch, 2b ...... 3 0 2 4 5 Crammed With Thrills as Hejlmann, rf .... 4 0 0 5 0 0 Three-Honr Arpm oiL removing from their present posi­ hard drives quite frequently and Manuah, 4 1 1 1 0 1 Jones 1, by Hoyt 6; umpires. Van Clark, r f ...... 4 0 0 3 0 cf .... Graflan, Owens and Connolly; time, tion. , . Hafeys If ...... 4 0 0 3 0 there were sqme very lively ex­ Fothergill, If .. 8 0 2 2 • ;0 0 4 0 2 2 2 1 1:58, BOSTON: Runners-up last sea­ L. Bell, 3b ...... 4 0 1 0 4 Macdonald Eliminates Ned' changes in w h ic h - Macdonald usual­ Tavener, as .... ting Inauguration of Sport Woodall, c .... 4 0 1 3 1 0 X—Bennett batted for Melillo In crammed with heated contrdjnjr^ej son, the Hub team commences with O’Parrell, c ...... 1 0 0 0 0 8th, ' . Schulte, c ...... 2 2 1 5 0 ly proved thef steadier. Macdonald Stoner, p -...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 last night, the doverle,aves ajw th« a weekened defence owing to the 0 0 XX—Schang batted for Jones in 9th. Schuble, ss ...... 3 3 2 1 5 is easily one of the headiest players Warner, zx .... 1 0 0 0 Cuba llnallly came to an . imdei^ transfer of Tom McMillan, crack Sherdel, p ...... 2 0 1 O' 1 6-2,6-3. Holloway, p . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 In Connecticut. in the tourn^ent and he is count­ 0 0 standing regar^ng their 1 ^ 7 ba^ ■ right back, to New Bedford, and H. Bell, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Bassler, xxx . . . 0 0 0 0 At Bostons— L ittlejohn, p ...... 0 6 0 0 0 ed on to Farr plenty to think 84 1 7 24 9 2 ‘ RED SOX 10, INDIANS 8 tie for the supremacy ol the failure to date to obtain the R ing, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Mac Macdonald or Louie Farr about tonight. Macdonald’s back­ Philadelphia ...... : . 101 031 03x— i BOSTON Manchester. Representatives of th« signature of goalie, Jock Davidson. D etroit ...... 000 010 000— 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Southworth, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 hand stroke is as neat as any in the two teams signed agreement W The seventh American Soccer Several promising recruits have Blades, zz ...... 0 1 0 0 0 will oppose Cap Bissell in the finals Two base hit, Cobb; home runs. Rothrock, ss . . 5 3 4 2 2 0 tournament. . 4 2 2 0 4 1 play one game on a wlnner-take^4 League season gets underway this been signed, notably Milton Gavin Holm, z z z ...... 0 0 0 0 0 for the men’s tennis singles cham­ Hale, Grove; stolen base. Grove; Rogell, 3b .... Douthlt, X ...... '....I 0 0 0 0 Macdonald’s victory was as fol­ secrifices, Jacobson, Grove; left on Flagstead, c f ...... 3 1 2 3 0 0 basis rain-or-shine, the Sunday be

Spend a Dollar Here Tomorrow GENUINE B. V. D. UNION SUITS, h Regularly $1.50 ...... $ 1' and Get the Value of $2.00 at 1 LOT REGULAR $1.50 $ 1 BAMFORTH’S f o u r -i n -h a n d n e c k w e a r 1 LOT REGULAR DOLLAR ^1’ ' In Pishing Tackle We Offer: ^OUR-IN-HAND NECKWEAR ...... 2 fo r ^ 1 MALT & HOPS, 2 CASTING PLUGS FOR . . . • ...... $1.00 2 fo r FOR DOLLAR DAY Regular 75c can .. 1 1 LOT COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS, Plain and Fancy, $2 and $2.50 values .. $1 2 DOLLAR LINES F O R ...... $1.00 A large assortment of Rugby Footballs, ^ 1 guaranteed Jack I&uves, 1 LOT MEN’S FANCY HOSE, ONE $1.50 LINE FOR ...:?...... S i « 0 0 WE OFFER YOU genuine leather — . V A Values to Regular 50c value ...... 3 pair $ 1 2 g PER CENT. OFF RODS AND REELS. $1.50A Your Choice of a Few Bundles of Hair Clippers, reg. Boy Scout Axes, 1 l o t MEN’S CAPS, Radio Fans, Get In On This: $1.65, guaranteed . $1 Regularly $1.50 and $1.95 $ 1 Wallpftper sit . • • • •it.-* .... • i re^ar $1.50 .. $1 1 45V Regular B Battery ...... $ 2 * S 5 Willow Clothes Vim Fish Poles, 1 LOT SPUR BOW TIES, regular $1.00 .. 69c I .3 fo r 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION ON ANY OTHER Baskets ...... $1 50c and 75c values .. --r WALLPAPER IN STOCK. 45V Heavy Duty B Battery ...... $3.85 I BROOMS, reg. 75c . . . ^forSLOO | 1 LOT SOFT H ATS, $1.60 Broken sizes .. $ 1! Cunningham Tubes, 301A ...... X • --- An Assortment of Pictures From EVER-READY FLASHLIGHTS— Complete with Battery ...... 90c A Special 15 Per Cent Discount on All Merchandise Purchased on Dollar Day. Our Large Stock at 1 Ali Tennis Rackets at 1-3 Off. Symington Shop BAMFORTH BROS. . SPECIALISTS IN MEN’S WEARABLES John I. Olsoii BARRED & ROBINS X Hardware and painters* Supplies Sporting Goods Headquarters. / s Auto G l^ and Windshields . ^ At the Center Painting and Decorating Cimtractor. 913 Main Street. I Johnson Block South Manchester :699MynStroet So. Manchester S l,,,,|.p.....iiiw««ifUMiiiiiinnmimmuiimtonnBnu y...nii^nminiiniilllllllium niiiin » r n iii«iiiinfififi...... ' " i— !P55S>^s2^


ppsedly to ballot on Indictments cedure when a Grand. Jury begin§ DEATH AGAIN VISITS OBAND JURY OUT to ballot On true’fiUISj _ ^ Indlanapoli^, Ind., Sept. 9.— against high public. officials. , Momentous history d£ Indiana was At='9:30 o’clbcTc this morning HN OF p o w N p YOfnn Prosecutor William H. Remy and ^ jp y i^ur favoritVk lC e;% | | | ^ bhlieved to fie In tto, making In disn of^rrah fruit drtn^akqh*' yM % . the idarioh County *Urand Jury 'his three aides left the Grand Jnry room and it was immediately lock­ fountain when you are downtown in Spain room'today as the jury was locked Dollar Dayc—QuiQP's-"—AdVi - - .. Uncle of George Wilson, One in the Inquisitorfal chamber sup- ed up. This is the customary pro- *]^e Manchester Man, Dies splendid work of Senorita de Alva- Madrid, Aujg. .i5.-^BngK8h and In Bridgeport Hospital. American spprjts.^ihay noon replace rez vhas Inspired a ''large number the old-time bullftgbt in Spain. One o f Senoritas to excel on the courts. Twenty years ,ugo the only fish- George B. Thomas, brother-in- ,pt,thB ,i;hing8. that strikes eyery law of Mrs. Mary Wilson of 19 & this ^ sjxnny land is the erfhen by the streams were peas­ ants who often used nets. Today, Stock place and an uncle of George i ^ i € ^ 0 ‘•enthusiasm ior An^to* A. Wilson who was drowned off sports. fly fishing clubs are being formed in many of the towns of the Bis­ Compo Beach, Westport, some ■- Twenty-fiye; years: ago ^Tutbol,’' cayan coast and stringent rules of weeks ago, died at his home In as they Cali foolbail,' was an un­ sport are observed. One little town Bridgeport yesterday morning. He known game. Nobody' knew any­ in Austria has a fishing associa­ had been operated on in a hospital thing ’ about tennis except' a few tion of nearly one hundred mem­ in Bridgeport last Friday and pre­ English residents In the south and bers. vious to that had boen ill only, a polo had not yet become the popu­ short time. He was 58 years old. lar pastime of the leisure class. Bi­ He was a mechanical engineer cycles were seldom seen— they are New England Legionnaires and an, inventor connected with the still few in number-—and the- auto­ Bryant Electrical Company of mobiles could be counted easily. Bridgeport. He was a former resi­ Ladies— Toda-y a good, football jgame at-, Start For Paris dent of Manchester and his wife tracts more- people than a bull­ was Martha McCaffrey of this town. About 50 Pairs of fight. Eyerywhere the organizers He had been in Bridgeport, how­ of bull fights are complaining that, Boeton, Sept. ».— With cheers of the games are .reducing their re­ ever, for about 30 years. He was a Godspeed, to the strains of mar­ member of the Masons and the Odd 'Jhe ceipts. A futbol hero is almost as tial music and .honored hy city and well rewarded tlie celebrated state, six hundred New England Fellows. ^ toreador. If he is not paid directly Legionnaires board the liner Scy­ A service will be held Et the as a professional, a good business thia today for the ‘American Le­ home in Bridgeport tonight at 8 Shoes, $ 1 pr 21 Models—All Sixes appointment is proyided for him. gion convention at Paris. o’clock and the body will be taken All classes in Spain flock in The big linler was a "honey­ to Rockville for burial in Grove Greatest * ^ 8 6 5 Upwards thousands -to the football grounds. moon ship.” Ten members of Mas­ Hill cemetery tomorrow. A service Women are keen and critical spee- sachusetts Legion were taking their at the cemetery will be held at 2:30 $1.00 a Pair Off tators. The Spanish flapper, who brides overseas. , in the afternoon. Both the services has abandoned her mantilla and Thousands gathered at the pier will be in. charge of the Masonic On Any of Our wears bobbed-hair, ii a great ad­ and airplanes came to escort the Lodge. mirer of the game and the heroes. ship down the harbor. REGULAR STOCK SHOES In the cafes of the small as well as Two wreaths for the tomb of the 50 YE.\RS A FIREMAN large towns, the constant topic of unknown soldier were carried to For Saturday Only Values conversation is futbol. the ship— one from the city and the Middletown, Sept. 9.— George S. The Spanish football players other from the state and also an Pitt, cnief of Middletown’s Fire De­ have beaten French and Portuguese American flag made by the in­ mates of.the V^omen’s Reformatory partment, is rounding out fifty rivals of high standing. They are years as a fireman. He joined the ©ver introduced temperamental, extremely active at Sherborn. In mid-ocean there Miss Naven fire service here on Sept. 10, 1877 ♦ and fine forward players, accustom- will be a memorial service for the styled cars you have ever looked at. to to the heat from the unclouded sailor dead and the waves will be and served through the days when Yottneed only to look at these new summer skies. Very often, in fact strewn with flowers. two-man jumpers and other hand drawn apparatus was used, and Nash models-then DRIVE one - And every model is powered with too often, the game ^^^ecomes a free-for-all-battle to settle differ­ When you are downstreet on Sat­ alarms sounded on a church bell, to realize that at the new lower the newly refined Nash 7-bearmg ences between small villages. urday, Dollar Day, stop here and up to the days of motor apparatus. prices Nashis offering an absolutely motor that delivers the world s Boxing is becoming more and enjoy your favorite ice cream dish He became chief in 1904. Chief Pitt more popujar every year. or cold drink at our new fountain. has been president of the State Fire Advertise in The Evening Herald-lt Pays revolutionary motor car value. smoothest and quietest performance. Chief’s Association. tennis is now a fashionable game Quinn’s— Adv. at the seaside resorts and the There is today NO value on the Interiors are new and of exquisite market that even begins to com­ beauty. You note rich upholster- pare with the Nash value. ings, skilled use of genuine walnut for panelings, steering wheel and These new models are the finest, luxurious silver-finished ware. fastest cars in all Nash history. With their new steel alloy springs All this—and many more notable built by a special secret process new features—are now offered you they are the EASIEST riding cars^ by Nash at new lower prices. Come regardless of price* in and feast your eyes on the beauty of these new Nash models. With new body designs, lower body And if you Want a real treat—just lines, new radiator design and small wheels they are the most smartly D R H ^ one. MADDEN BEOTHEES SOUTH MANCHESTER MAIN ST. AT BRAINARD PLACE (5304) -alien & Un.c> Hartford

September Sale of

Davenport Table GIVEN FREE!

and Se it Yon’ll not be obligated to buy. We want you to M r what excellent quality, constraction and genuine comfort is embodied in this massive suite. C o v e r t in Jacquard Velours in your chome of a large selec- tion o£ patterns and colt^rings. Buy it on easy credit terms. ir.

ASmallDo^n Open All Day Fayment Delivers . Saturday This Suite to From Your Home > One Year To Pay 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Balance 188 STATE STREET, HARTFORD MANCkES^R (GONN.) EVENING HERATJ5. FRIDAY,

^e^ .^ked to senid..-.thcni 44^. - Oinamher jof Commetce— not .omit­ 1 : •/.< ting to-.Include the 'envj^pes.-;, lit is uhderstodd thei Department 1 Service —-Qaaltty — LowTncm WAPPING Miss Ida Relchenhauch, daugh­ t e e ^ g D X StatioM..yi | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Relchen- bauch of Demlng street, was taken pkday, September 9. t g ,DST1I'T'i rsT).(OT;, ATLABTA-**® . —C.S. Vc* V , V. __ ’___^ ^ ' S to the Manchester.Memorial.hospi­ K E lF o r t M cPh.r«n talent, i Delano Wheeler, son of Mr. and ______HARTFORD-660. 10-00 ''f* ' Tbe'.tnovenient o f’tlie wearer’s Mrs. Ralph Whjseler of Hartford, tal- last Monday afternoon, and was 7:16 6:16—P la n ts MtJfJS* wttatp- “ !*^6»syw f eSSoAtt^ operated upon for appendicitis on fli&t PrSraini with WB^t f^Qi Is sufficient to wind up a wrist hut who formerly lived m tms 1*80 8:30—Soi^SbiJ dance music. vratch Invented by an, English place, left with his parents last Tuesday morning. She is reported 428.6—WOR, NEWARK—710. reviewing stand on the station lO-OO 9: 00—studio concert...... ■ yratchmaker. Half an hour's wear- Tuesday for Mt. Hermon school, as getting along nicely. 7:80 8:80—Pepper '.2a ia' SO—Orchestral miisU,. thQ ^Idfto c&rly 6V6nins toe events leanAintt le^lngjUPyto no to 7:00—Hardman Male Quartet. jlAg is sufficient to .wind ^ e upateb where he will enter as a student at The Evergreen Lodge of Masons, 8:00 • '?3fl9^W BBM , CHICAQC^770^:’;:,>: and overwinding is prevented by a and Including tae seiecno^j^^^^ 8:16 7:16^Melodlc Twerle. 9'00 8: 00—studio artists brs.) A. F. & A. M., No. 114, will hold America and wm B*ve ^ 9:00 ‘'special arrangement.' - . ^^Mre.^^Ernestlne Sullivan retur^d their regular meeting at their Bcription of hoto the lucw 9:30 i:;SSsru” “oSS'bo». dn^ FVesh Killed Medium Size Fowl and ^ to?e?h ?m e here last temple at East Windsor Hill, next 10:30 self as well n^^®yoyago dinner on n-OO snending a few days with her Hus Monday evening, September 12. monies. A_b«n y,,® jjj honor of M3.1—WBZ. NEW ENQl^ND—900. lit Onh Nii^e Bjpeh . .$1.00 | | J h ^ d , jfm es Sullivan at ^ew Roch- This is the first meeting to be held board the t^c^‘®^®visit to France. 6-10 ^ 0 —idarketa; baaeb^l. the second A. E. g. v ' 6:16—Bregllo'e orchestra. this fall. given by . . ^ . —erlcan LiCgion, will 6:16 m r r 7 r i le t Jr., Is entertalnlns mander of ttio full by WJZ and 7:00 6:00—Baseball; Pla"*f^, itC.H.Tryon’s The first meeting of the Parent- 7:30 6:30—Soprano, RPltoHato- I , If; Ills; Best 'Imerican (^amdated Sugar 11 be t>roa'^‘=^®itJork Other features 8:30 7:30—Stenographers, wita WJZ S S " a t e S s m a t e “ at the Suffield Teacher Association will be held on 9-uo9:00 8:00—Phllco Hour with WJZ. Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock, llioo 10 ;00-Lowe*s orchestra. Sanitary Market, s •; lO r . . . . > •if.'- V ‘ ii* • • * ...... 9 Sept. 19, instead of Sept. 12, as was 491 6-?WEAF, 'NEW YORK—610, 9:n0^®8r00-Tenorf musW^^ > ^'^Asa^' Hills from Mt. Pleasant, 6-OO^'^OO^Waldorf I 5 earis Clbveilejif SlicM Pineapple, finest S 1 5E _ ..V -A., , V . an AA, Iowa is a guest at the home of Mr. first planned. 5 ^ ^ " r S i 6:00—Broadway stardom. '°=l2 liilj^og^AvlW ^ and Mrs. Wilbur C. Hills. Mr. Hills 7:00 fi'30—Happiness Boys. g O^'I^O-^AF VTOm^ . youthfulsongs and contralto, „tjiwill beoe available to 7:30 7i00^it}eB Service concert. * packed) f o r ^ : | 8:00 \ Phones 441-442 ^ 1 1 who time to WJZ 8:00—Musical Mlnlaturea 9:00 8'80—I^STance orchestra. 1. tlb.^edgewdod Butter I | XXVVVVVVV .9:30 ’ 'i9°S7-^Ap“'‘FORT'^^^ 10,;00 jj.Vn^5ur,?«leal;30—Musl<^.P7£f” orogn^ ?2l >■. . * 1 dozen Parksdale Fresh 1 1 ggon^n^^lday nlghU ■ 11 so lo '-lo ^ F a S ^ a orchestra. Fancy Tomatoes, $1.00 basket. I S NEW YORK-^. 2 pptindspounds aoverblopin Cloverblopin uu«^r, Butter, j jsr ^ Wave icnf^^i/ocyclls®^ tae'®right S'. io®!S:V:3^^^^i < 1 ^ SgJl.OO. ' ” stations title, kllowc saying 2I00 1:00—weather; Clapp’SFavoriita Pears, 75c | 3 Ihs. Finest ShouIderXamh,Gh^ f Black type ?;2X s-SO^Manhattan trio. 4.7oIlBaaebaH; markets. 10:00 music. fnmcfttfbest features. 6:30 basket. i 2 lbs.-Fancy Loin Lamb Gh«P3S § 6:56 6*55—Baseball; dlimer ®^1®' 10:30 Sv^ ^ W I n SAS m TY-810. f 9 cans Oantation 61ilk, 98c. i, eio^Frledman’s, orchestra. 370.2—W DAP.^N^^^rorch. I 10 lbs. Lean Rib Corned Beef f $1,0!) | Leading East Stations 7:00 7 .QO__“Vesterthots. ■' 4 ejiriH Virden Peaches, 8:00 iSS,’o;8 tM 5 | a ° r 4 cans Sliced Pineapple, $1.00. 8:30 7 Iso—Sten'ooraphersi I FANCY LEGS SPRING LAMB . :V...... 37c lb.!;: g (DST) (ST) AMfic CITY— 9:00 \2 lbs. Nathan Hale Coffee, 98c. £ forequarters .OF SPRING LAMB ...... 25c io.^ - 10:00 8 lbs. Sweet Potatoes, 25c. iStrictly Fresh Eggs, 58c doz. i BONELESS ROAST OF LAMB ^ - ...... • Ib.v y « Occident Flour, 1-8 bbl, sack, I ^ A L L LEAN FRESH SHOULDERS...... -; .-.20c lb.:Hr. i «4S 1 o* Anaeles Radio Show. $1.89. . - .N i l ' A« , WHAS. LOUISVIUUE--650. 14 cans C(>med Beef, $1.00.' ^ AA olftn "Pngeinbl©* soloists, l i FRESH’ KILLED^ CHICKENS TO k()ASt, 3 to l lbs.; | 9*00 5'nn r*itv Park orchestra. 8'30 7:30—Same as 'vE A r. i 2 lb. box Graham Crackers, 29c. I BoiTON-8^^^ i ' 3 pkgs. Cream Com Starch, 25c. “ each , ...... ;• •% • ’i '•.•. • • • • • i ' ‘ • ’ ’______' » S _.,n g'.go__Pianist; talk; pianist. ^ Challenge MDk, 2 cans for 25c, s '00 7'-00—Concert ’ 3 i)int jars of Mrs. Clock’s O UR H o m e m a d i T ^ u ^ g e m e a t f r o m n a t i v e - | Canned Goods in Glass— any kind, ss POR K ...... 30c lb.v. I 3 jars for $1,00. ' - 6:55 V>-00®ll-V-Violin. piano, T 'J f ' i PIECES OF SUGAR CuS e D h a m (Shank End) ; | 7:20 \ t 12:00-N.,.B. C.P^®fr vio'toist. \ 8:00 I SPECIAL ...... ;.....15C lb. i; s 8:30 glo^Phllco Hour _ vrith WJZ. loisS 9:|B’^iiiNrcfADV-7S0. Meats = BONELESS POT BOAST BEEF ..;..; .25c, 30c, 35C lb. J ^ , 37|-W o-Vrketf; time;, weather. < Native Fowl, 42c lb. I BONELESS ROLLED ROAST; BEKF,,. - ■». .35c-40c lb. s V30 12;30-Theater organ. Pork to Roast, 35c lb. 7:00 fi;00—Gill’s orchesti^ 6:00 s'oo 7:00—Studio 6:30 6•l5-Basebtll: musical; talks. Legs of Lamb, 42c lb. |:n0 8:00-l-Sar-a-Lee p r o g ^ 7:15 f as:h!3^”- Roa-sting Beef, 35c lb. 7:30 | :fo-X A F ""rn u si?a l program Pot Roast, 30c lb. 1 U I 8:00 9:00 Veal Cutlet, 55c lb. 10:30 .. Corned Beef, 15c lb. : 1 ApplePies ^ Can 7 ^ 0 0 -G old k ette ensemble. Small Link Sausages, 38c lb. A Dollar will do heavy duty here tomorrow, | | S “ r y Eastern^S" 8:00^-7:00-Program taUE ™ i PrtinePies '1 535.4_WNVC, n e w VORK-560. W hole or H alf Hams, 20C lb. you use some of these? 272 6-WHAR. ATLANTIC CITY-1100 288.3--WENR. stovVs. I YOUR CHOICE 25g EACH. _ . | ♦ 7:00 i’ 'S^'“ 2!!ph"’ tw^ns: arti.sts. ® 44V 5-W EEb Vo'sTON-670. 0*00 KtOO—Orcn, __u,* artists. 1 nn 10.00—Dance orch, 1 COFFEE NUT RINGS ...... • •„ • ,•.. 25c each % | 10 King Perfecto Cigars 9:00 $ 1 .0 0 9i,:30 8-30- M'''’‘^i^Uw°EL^AND—11^^^ Fruit 5 PECAN ROLLS ...... •...... ‘ • • • • • • • v^fe^eachC 3 7-20-4 Cigars A^3^?-^^3r^o,Pn\s!-:'^o 4 ^' trio. 9--00 ^^irw^A^orchesti-a. ,| f o «:00-vour Hour Lei.ue^_^^^_ = BAKEDBEANSu...;.T:U^.;25^ » . .$ 1 .0 0 1?: 0 10:00-.Moonnght mo 447.5_WM AQ-WQJ>^” 'Prongs. Peaches, 15c quart. 10 Blackstones 9:30 3;.10—WLAF p . - Cantaloupes, 3 for 25c^ i BAKED AND STUFFED CHICKENS, $l.a0, $2.00 each - 5 $1.00 7:20—l^DUlwin 'Hunters. California Orangies, 65c and 8oc Parker House Rolls Hot at 4 P. M. . . s 10 Holland Society 7-(i0—WEAb' prog: musical. ’ ’ DES MOIN ES-560. 3 v.0» 7;:5n-Salon dozen. E Frankfort Rolls Hot at’4 P. M. 5 f $1.00 3 ’i -^ O riT R e al-7 : o. '■"Sb ^ wsv™ svFACtjsa-ttao. 10 Rosedales ..— 9I3O 8:30—Saxophone^ sextet. 2 pounds Grapes for 25c. S Sandwich Biscuits Hot at 4 P. M. ;; s 7..3l'°c;^'f-Battlc’s orch^estra. Crabapples, 4 quarts for 25c, 10:30336.9—(siN/v, ---- Pears, 10c quart. E OUR OWN BAKED HAM SPECIAL, 63c lb. U:00 in-'OP-^toclio P’;°fvance \ :00 12:0n-Ar^ihe.ina H Clapp’s Favoriite Pears, 95c a 4f>s.3—WRC. . . quartet. 7 bottles Anheuser-Busch Malt — |1.00 503.2-WOW. vocal recital, Lfisket. 8:30—W. I -t ensemble. ii-.nn 10:00— I Finest Fruits aiid Fresh Vegetables.^ | $1.00 sir‘i 3 ^ 3 a - la-no <1:00—Lord C.uveri ‘ ^^ ,5, .1:00—ArUsls program. 2 quaits Apples for 25c. Pint Vacuum Bottles...... \nZ i,':30-Danca inimc 2:00 3 ■ !♦ - •Dance nipsicS c w»ti» liuh w S 2 $1.00 11:30 10:30 Flashlight, complete with battery "“'ll^oiorch.? artists brs.) I To Avoid Rush—Please Tefephbne Your Order This J | (51 0(1 7:00 Hot Water Bottle V egetables 5 Evening If Possible. 3 $1.00 9: 30— Vocal Recital with Margue­ C. OF C. WANTS LETTERS S ' 3 if Fountain Syringe rite and Marie Gagliardi, So­ 2 heads Lettuce, 25c. • * ■ 3- $1.50 Compacts $1.00 pranos: Professor Jacinto Marco- Celery, 20c bunch. WTIC sano. Accompanist OF FORD STOCK SELLERS 4 pounds Tomatoes, 25c. Duet— Spinach, 35c peck. Manchester Public Market. | Combination Sale Duet from “ La Gioconda Parsley, 10c bunch. Travelers Insnriinre Cn. Ponchieili Turnips, 10c bunch. Hartford. Cnnn. U. S. Department of Justice 35c Misses Gagliardi Carrots, 7c bunch. 1 tube Shaving Cream 467. Interested In Affairs of 1 A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 | Solos— Beets, 7c bunch. Gillette Razor and B lad e...... $1.00 Capitol City Company. a. Angel’s Serenade ...... Braga Cabbage, 10c head. ” aS * \ -I V '1' ivi “V*? Bottle After Shaving L o tio n ...... UM. b. Lolita . . . ■ : . .•• . Buzzl-Peccia 8 pounds Sweet Potatoes, 25c. Program for Friday • Marguerite Gagliardi The Manchester Chamber of Com­ Ever Green Com, 35c dozen. :20— Road Report • Solo— ■ merce has been requested by the Yellow Bantam Com, 28c dozen. All for 11.00. :30— Dinner Concert, Hotel Bond a. Musica Proibita . . . Gastaldon Burns Detective Agency, which is Summer Squash, 5c each. Trio— Emil Heimberger, Director b. Triste Ritorno . . . Berthelemy interested in the stock selling cam­ Cucumbers, 5c each. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS i :50— News and Baseball Scores Marie Gagliardi paign of the Capitol City Company, Soup Bunches, 10c each. :00— Dinner Concert continued— Duet— to get possesSion^if ^>ossible, of let­ Cauliflower, 25c and 28c each. Hotel Bond Trio Mira 0 Norma from “ Norma ters received by local persons from Pharmacy :15— Piano Recital— Bellini the stock selling concern. These three numbers, which Miss Misses Gagliardi The letters desired are those At the Center. L-.HrR c. Gaudet, WTIC staff pi­ 10 ;00— Hotel Bond Orchestra— offering stock of the Ford Motor anist, will render in a short re­ Emil Heimberger, Director Company of Canada, which the cital from the Hartford station, Burns agency declares are priced 11 00— News and Weather N will let WTIC fans hear Miss above the market while being repre­ Gaduet at best. Each Is difficult, sented as bargains. but melodious selection. "Golll- Persons receiving such letters NORTH SCHOOL ^R E E T wogg’s Cake Walk” is a treat Herald Advs. Bring Results In itself a. Scherzo in B flat . . . Schubert b. To a Water Lily . .MacDowell OF nm n^^TO e v e r y o h b c. Golliwogg’s Cake Walk *; - i j AtihAi* .aitfiicct Debussy are the subjects of QUAlixY and SEtWlcl . Laura C. Gaudet, Staff Pianist But in brief— it is not what we say, hut what you fflinjc, that re^iy ra.____ ^ :30— Banderillos and the Torea­ dor CAMPBELL’S Dollar Day Specials !;00— Cities Service Concert Or­ OUR LEADERS chestra and the Cities Service If you sleep on a hard mattress after Dollar Cavaliers QUALITY GROCERY Day it will be your own fault. 1:00— Musical Minatures under the IRVING P. CAMPBELL, Prop. FOR SATURDAY direction of Harold Sanford ELITE That delightful radio presenta­ Phones 2400 and 2401 30 Depot Square We Will Sell a tion, “ Musical Miniatures," un COTTON MATTRESS der the direction of Harold San­ P. &. t SOAP with Best Ticking for ford, will be on the air through' We will give you as good value for a Dollar as you WTIC in association with other stations of the Red Network in a will purchase anywhere. •. •• • • .* #. • • • $20.00 carefully and tastefully selected LARD c #•••••••• • • •« • • For $1 more, or $21, we will give you two program. This program Is a min­ We are not making any Dollar combination sales so felt mattresses. iature edition of the more you will not have to purchase several articles you do not lengthy and more involved musi­ OTHER WEEK-END SPECIALS FELT MATTRESSES cal programs. It Includes many need in order to save money on the merchandise you do An all cotton mattress choice bits which will be well need. - MEAT DEPARTMENT for $15 worth hearing Two for $16.00. Good ticking. • •sees We have contracted with the mattress fac­ M loflits Legs Lamb... ;.;i.39clb. tory to make up all we can sell for Dollar ^ I Legs of Lam b ...... • .39c lb. Day. Lamb Stew ...... I^c lb. SyaffHfflrR^v:-27clb. 20% Off On Blankets, Quilts, Pillows and B eef L i v e r ...... i Sausages (link) . 35c lb. Metal Beds for Cash. Fresh Roasting Pork (not frozen) 35c lb. Native Veal le a s t s ...... 35c lb. SbouMer Hams,.. .22clb. Sinok6d Shoiildsrs, 4-6 lbs...... 21c Fresb Fowl...... 40c E 4-6 pounds average. Rib Roast Beef ...... !?* W h ile Pot Roast Beef ...... 25c-35c lb. nuDionthave ..^35clb. ocperienced Groceries s a ^ a c tio n — millionaare 2 packages Pep ...... - - - Special 17c 3 packages KeUogg’s Com Flakes ...... 25c leamins—that 3 cans Campbell’s B eans ...... ------3 pkgs. 19c CUNNINGHAM 3 cans C^pbell’s Tomato Soup ...... 2dc RADIO TUBES 2 packages Keeker’s Pancake Flour ...... 25c in every socket 2 packages Mueller’s Macaroni ...... '• -2oc 1 JACQUARD LIVING ROOM SUITE, re­ are supreme in 7 bars Ivory Soap ...... versible cushions, covered all around with performance 10 bars P. & G. Soap ...... • • •; • same material. Regular price $169.00. For 6 rolls Campbell’s Toilet Paper ...... Special 49c Saturday Only, ^QQ 7 rolls W ax P ap er...... 25c for Cash ...... , Fresh Fruit and Vegetables * 31c .UNSINGHAM i Lima Beans, Beets, Carrots, Cabbage, Onions, To­ ^ 23c Benson’s Furniture Co. matoes, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Cucumbers, Peppers, Canned Peaches I , 649 Main Street Sweet Corn. , , “Home of Good Bedding’* Cantaloupes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Pears, ... _____ and VE^ETABtJ^ RADIO Peaches, Crabapples, Pie Apples, Grapes. CAtUFLOWBR, CBEERY, PEPPERS, TOMATO^^^SMQY CABBAGE.. Hardware, Stanley Paints, Grain, Hay and Straw. PEARS, PRACHES, ORANGES, BANANAS* s ■r,'r \ p^^'glTONTJSB^

• \ : r*) EVENING HEKALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1927, ‘ • "A- ^______' ' f III ei006XXXS6StS00tXX8C»3^«X»^^ ...... i . > > > »WW W xnru-.i ■ ■■""W""*******’^"”"''"*** ■*. /■ J. \ ■*'• V -r • . • The Best Stores Adverti^

r-.--|--r ...... ■■■■■•i

Mooers and Grace Carlisle 4o thing to break and the miners and DOUBLE FILM BILL ranchmen do a good deal of that. utmost to take him from Miss Nils- Mix’s job is to bring them to the “ I’m no militant ‘woman’s rights realization that law was not left worker, but I do recognize the QUICKER THAN TOASTJ ' M STATE PROGRAM behind in the east and he does this value of having as many strlkli^ job up brown. “No Man’s Gold” and “Lone­ There is plenty of riding and feminine players as the casts per­ CALL fwpni some Ladies” on Bill Tonight shooting, plenty of narrow escapes, mit with me, in a picture. Miss Nilsson observes. *‘I think the pub- and TomOTTOW. a beautiful girl and an irate father. Then, too, there is a mustached vil­ ilc is, and always will be, interest­ lain, who twirls his waxed spikes ed in stories like ‘Lonesome Ladies . Two big features are on the in which women figure in lively 2000 G O O D TUINC5S T O EAT State theater program tonight and every now and then to add effect, but in the end he is foiled amid and unusual action;” tomorrow. First in order will be The feminine appeal of the pic­ “ No Man’s Gold,” starring Tom curses and cheers. MARKETNEWS “ Lonesome Ladies,” is a lively ture originated with its author, OF INTEREST TO YOU Mix, and “ Lonesome Ladies,” with Lenore Coffee, and its adaptor, Lewis Stone and Anna Q. Nilsson in domestic comedy-drama, wherein We have a dandy lot of Potatoes which cook several attractive young women Winifred Dunn, two of the screen’s Pure L a rd ...... 2 lbs. 29c up white and mealy. Try a peck. the leading roles. ^ most celebrated . writers. Ray Mix is shown as the sheriff of a figure prominently. Jane Winton Corn Flakes ...... P^S* If you want your order early Saturday, won’t enacts a siren role, Doris Lloyd pur­ Rockett produced the film for First you please telephone tonight? Telephone serv* county in the west where faw is National Pictures and Joseph Hena^ Shredded Wheat ...... - l i e pkg. something written in books but sues the hero on her own account 45c cans Bensdorp’s Cocoa, Special . . . .33c ice until nine o’clock every Friday. Please re­ berry directed it. member that we have to stop taking orders for never observed. Law there is some­ and Fritzie Ridgeway, Do Sacia 2 lb. cans Toddy...... 99® the eight o’clock delivery at 7:80 a. m. Saturday. With Shaker Free. Tomorrow we will sell Sweet Potatoes F R E SH E G G S ...... 54c doz. at ...... 71bs. for 25c Every egg guaranteed absolutely satisfactory. Take half the special if seven pounds is too much for you. ^ Brown’s Butter will be ...... 55c lb. If you want some extra fancy Eggs to boil for Good Tub Butter, on ly ...... 49c lb. the children, order our selected NEW LAID The original and GENUINE quick-cooking oats. Royal Lunch Crackers, 2 lb. boxes. Special FANCY EGGS at 65c dozen. These eggs are not That rich and wonderful QUAKER FLAVOR. \again ...... 31c over three days old and all come from one pro­ Pantry Assortment ... • t ...... 19c ducer. Large, white, graded eggs. ^ Demand the genuine. i WE WANT YOU FOR A CUSTOMER

This same guarantee holds throughout the store. Lean 10-12 lb* Sinclair H am s (w hole) WHOLE SHOULDERS OF LAMB, 25c lb. Miurdered sleep ...... 29c lb. Boned and rolled for your order. I* k s3 These Shoulders are lean and they weigh Bacon in the Piece ...... 33c lb. SLEEP that brings no goothing rest. Empty small th ^ there is seldom enou^ to do this from 5 to 6 1-2 pounds each. Lean Ribs of Corned Beef 12 V2 ® lb. = ‘The store that holds faith with the people. | sleep— that drives tense nerves and aching work. That is why doctors reconmeM i Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 = POULTRY—THERE IS JUST ONE CHIEF REASON— CHICKENS muscles back to weary bodies! No wonder ALL-BRAN because it is 100 % bran— 100 % S F. Kelley, Prop. ______= — for our toVreasing poultry sales-and again we wnnt to remind y®" Saturday, but people crack and b re^ when precious sleep effective. every day in the week, you will be able to get fancy fresh poultry at Pinehurst. -is murdered. No need for habit-forming pills! K»llogg*s ALL- NATIVE BROILERS FR E SH F O W L iWhat a tragedy that so few How different from dangerous pills ROASTING CHICKENS BRAN ia sold witb OR - Weighing from 4 to 6 I The Perfection of Our | realize the suffering constipation this deBnite gaarsa- and drugs— ^which become useless Medium and large, from Bol pounds. causes! It ruins health and wrecks tee: Eat it accord- unless the dose is constandy in­ ton farms. FRYERS beauty. It saps strength. It mur­ ing to directions. Ji BOILING SHANKS OF HAM it does not relieve creased ! ALL-BRAN is delicious D A IS Y H A M S Home Cooked Foods ders sleep! It sickens die body constipation saielj, with milk or cream— and add fruits BUTT ENDS OF HAM vre will refund tie ‘ PICKLED PIGS’FEET and causes disease after disesme. or honey. Let it soak a few mo­ HONEYCOMB TRIPE And it could all be so easily re­ pUTcbaso price. ments* to bring out all its flavor. SPECIAL ON CHICKEN ROLL FOR COLD MEAT SANDWICHES .. .27c half pound Is A Secret of Our Own I lieved. Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN ^ is Serve widi other cereaJs. In soups. WHITE MILK FED NATIVE VEAL guaranteed to relieve constipation Try recipes on every package. Eat .From Woodward of Bolton. In many cases certain things that we make were not - safely, promptly. _ two tablespoonfuls daily— in TENDER YOUNG LAMB Boneless Roasts of Native Veal, 45c lb. conceived and perfected'in a day. We found over a | cbonic cases, with every m^al.. period of weeks that by changing the receipe a little here = W h^ part-hran products fail! Don’t accept a part-bran substi­ Selected soft meated Lamh that is sure to Try a cutlet or some tender veal chops bread­ Ati-BRAN tute. Insist on genuine Kellogg’s. satisfy. ed. There is nothing much more delicious than a n d there we could improve and that is what we have E ALL-BRAN has “bulk.” This bulk a tender breaded veal chop. Sold by' all grocers. Served at done fight along. We have strived to improve. Oi r = absorbs moisture and carries it Legs for Roasting, a to 7 lbs. each. Veal for Stewing. h o te ls, restaurantson d in e rs. Rump or Lein Roasts of Veal.^ receipes are the results of painstaking efforts, experi- 5 throughout the intestines— ^ genUy Shouldera o f Lamb, boned and rolled, whole Made by the Kellogg Company in Last Saturday we had a big day on Pot ments and trials by our customers. The science of good j dbtending them— ^purif3iing, remov­ or cut any size you wish. Batde Creek, Mich. Write for free . , i - Roasts. - cooking and keeping that home made is a real art ; ing poisonous weistes. In a part-brem ‘ T reatise on Constipation.” Lean Shoulder cuts for stewing. Tomorrow’s Pot Roast Suggestions i and naturally we feel that our success should be a secret | product die quantity of bulk is so Cross Ribs Rumps Clods of our own. " = Shoulder, Rib or Loin Chops. Bottom Bounds Tender, Juicy Boneless Chuck Roasts. Large Assortment of \ FRESH BRIGHTWOOD PORK SHOULDERS AND SAUSAGE. Home Cooked Foods BEEF LIVER ...... 12«/2C lb. GOOD LUCK JAR RINGS ...... 6c box With Specials Changing Daily ALL-BRAN These cool mornings have just doubled our For Saturday dinner, try a Meat Loaf or Meat FANCY ROAST NATIVE CHICKENS FOR = Sausage sales. Cakes, baked with onions and bacon. • I SATURDAY ONLY. j Fresh Sausage M eat ...... 3oc lb. For breakfast., dinner or supper it’s equally Pinehurst Hamburg ...... 25c lb. I Full Line of CJooked and Smoked Meats including ; tasty. I Our Own Baked Ham and Arlington Pork Sausage. : I Yellow Peas Potato Flour : FRUITS AND VEGETABLES = Rrnwn Beans Swedish Syrup ; X WHITE CAULIFLOWER : Brown Beans Imported and Domestic I UMAS CORN CELERY LETTUCE I Saygrn Health Bread. j GREEN SWEET PEPPERS GREEN HOT PEPPERS : Kalas-Sill Cinnamon and Sugar i_ TOMATOES CARROTS BEETS SQUASH : Anchovies Rusks 5 FLOUR SALE E Russian Sardines Maggi’s Seasoning = KITCHEN 5 Pickled Herring Invalid Broth ^ = Gold Medal TESTED -24% LB $ E Potato Chips in bulk. Pretzels. = BAG i Imported and Domestic Cheese. 5 Pillsbisry*s Best I.I 9 E Imnorted and Domestic Jams and Jellies. = = ' Pickles — Olives — Onions and Relishes. S Family Flour j'Si? *1 .0 9 A I Heavy Cream — Strictly Fresh Eggs — Brown’s | Reymander’s Market = Butter. § Pastry Flour 1069 Main Street, Opposite Army & Navy Ciub OIFFER-1 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiixiiimimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii Phone 456 We Dehver ✓ TEA LARD Fresh Shoulders...... 21c VEAL 8ALAOA Veal Shoulder Roast . .32c Va n> pkg Va ■’‘‘S Pork to Roast ..... 32c-35c Veal to S tew ...... 28c ^ ^ Sliced Ham ...... 50c Veal Breast ...... 22c •.••I'.*;'; EASTERN PROVISION CO. 45* *S* 9* Shoulder Lam b ...... 30c Veal Cutlet ...... 50c Loin Veal C hops...... 40c Toilet Paper Legs of Lam b ...... • 38c 127 State Street 129 B room s Veal.Shanks ^...... 15c PACIFIC CREPE Stewing Lamb ...... 15c THERE IS A DIFFERENCE HARTFORD CLEAR STICKS FIRM BRUSH BEEF Shoulder Lamb Chops .35c ROLLS *5* Chuck R o a st...... 28c in foods— a vast difference in All Trolley Cars Stop at Our Store. NO. 7 75* NO. 6 65* IIj" WHERE ECONOMY R U jg ^ l D aisy H a m ...... 39c Rump R o a s t ...... 38c grades and qualities. This is a Scotch H a m ...... j^dSc Round S tea k ...... 40c different grocery. Standard brands Fancy Chickens and Pot R oast ...... 28c-35c of foodstuffs and our own recog­ SOME MORE GOOD SPECIALS CAKES F ow ls...... 42t Shoulder Steak ...... 30c nized brand of polite service. lO rkm an’s Soap 5 AGAIN— SOME OF THOSE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0 Plenty of Fresh Picked Sweet Com and Native To­ Native Fow l...... 35c lb. ______E.______m e d i u m matoes, Lima Beans. ^ tt a CAKES Grapes, Melons, Apples, Pears and Fresh Vegetables L^s of Lamb .39c lb. of all kinds. ,• \ Rib Lamb Chops ...... 49c lb. Lamb Legs, very nice ...... 21c lb. Ivory Soap 4 Pot Roast ...... 4 lbs. $1.00 |xSSXX30S3SX30«3«363S5«*X3CSC«


-1 "'7 > a g b e i g : Many **Good Buys** In U sed^ars

Want Ad Informatioii AnnoancemeDts Auto tlepalrliig-^Paintirig ft -i /* _____ CITY SHOE KEPAIR VALVES AND CARBON Job, ’ labor, iTdHMSON: B1X)CK. Main strMt. « Manchester Is located at 29 Oak ctreet. When charge on Chevrolet 84.50, Pontiac room apartmont, all tiiodam im- your shoes need repairing see me for 86.50, Oakland 88.60, All work imvaafanta. Apply to Albert Ha-rrl- Evening Herald special work, * guaranteed at Catlln'js Service, Sta- eon. 83 Myrtle street Phone 1770 or Shoe Shine open every day vtlon, 256 .Center-strefet, South Man-' to Janitor. Classified Advertisements .cheater,.,- The Market Place The Manchester Onholsterlng Co. iuuuut>>- ^ 3 ROOM APARTMENT In Forrest Apartment BnUdlnga for Sale 69 , Count «lx nverago is now located at Block, modern Improvements. Jani­ I Initials, numbers and .abbreviation^ 116 Spruce street Qarage^-^rvlce—Storage K» BUNGALOW South Manchester tor service. Call Manchester 1986. FAIRVIB'W STREET, large 12 room menta, garaffe In: dw ' iSoh count as a word and compound for Used Cars flat all modem Improvements, two diate possession at 81 I -words as two words. Minimum cost FOR RENT—GARAGE SPACE for STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of THREE ROOMS—Heated apartments car garage, plenty of shrabs, always J. HolL TeL 660. I Is price of throe llnoa several cars , at 311 Main street, op­ WI1(L YOU own an automobile In 1927? If consid­ with bath. Apply shoemaker. Trot* rented. Price Is low. Terms Call Ar­ 4 t*"" ' "* the world. Ask for sailing lists and posite Elate Armory. Call 888-3. (’OLONIAL HOME*r‘l d, Porter rates. Phone 750-2. Robert J. Smith, ering the purchase of a good used car look over those j;iir Block. thur A. Knofla. Telephone 782-8. 875 8 Line rates per day foi transient Main street ;3intable for ’two family , 4w o I_ j^ ' ads. 1009 Main street. /■ FOR RENT—GARAGE rear of Tinker offered on this page every day. Here may be found TDvBENT—4 ROOM TENEMENT, Im­ Half of house now rented, le a w g EUfeetlve March 17, 1937 Bldg. Inquire 20 Birch street. Tailor many cars of practically every standard mak4 aud type provements, garage, auto bus ser­ very desirable ilx rooms and Shop. vice on the street, 464 Hartford .Road. Farms and Land f6r Sale 71 with all conveniences, for buyer 05 € Cash Charse Antomoblles for Sale __ready for Instant service— and frequently at remark­ can be rented separately, Beason-f :< Consecutive Days ..I 7 ctsi 9 ots ably low prices. 0 ROOM LOWER PLAT, fire place, FOR SALE—2 FARMS near Crystal able terma Phonee Manchester : 18 Consosutlvo Days • I * FOR RENT—GARAGE for one car; curtains, screens, and all modem Lake with 30 acres of land, buildings ‘ X ••eseeesceeeesa [ XI OtS | 1* CM Inquire at 90 Walnut street, These cars are offered'by reputable dealers and Indi­ itnproyements. Inquire 9 Oakland in good shape. Price $1700 apiece. I All orders for Irroamlar insertions DEPENDABLE viduals. The quality of cars is unusually good. Oftpn street. Tel, 739-2, ■Wm. KanehL * will bo charged at the one-time rate. FOR RENT—GARAGE SPACE for one is included that Is practically new; others.have been Special rates for long term every USED CARS two cars. Garage has concrete fioor. TO RENT—8 ROOM TENEMENT,, all $4,000 "WILL BUY a five acre farm, 5 NINTH'S SQldOL | day ad/artlelng given upon rogues. ; Fred H. Norton, 180 Mam street. reconditioned and are attractive in appearance and’^gopd ImpYoyements, desinable location. room' house, new, about one mile Ads ordered for thjeo o* M OFFERED« BY for long service, ' • Apply 14 Wadsworth street. from Manchester Green, good loca-. and stopped before the third or flftb tion. See Stuart J, Wasley, 827 Main day will bo charged only lor the ac­ THE BEST PLACE Wanted Autos— Motorcycles 12 TWO, FIVE ROOM FLATS, newly street. tual number of times the ad appear­ decorated, rent reasonable, at 813. (INSUSMOK r ti ed, charging at the rate earned, but IN HARTFORD i AUTOS—Will buy cart for Junk. THE PRICES Main street, south of Middle Turn­ $6000 BUYS A 1 ACRE place, 6 rooiP' no allowances or refunds can bo made I Used parts for sale. General auto re- pike. Call 888-3 for appointments. house, large barn and chicken coops, on six time ads stopped after the TO BUT A USED CAH. ' pairing. Abel's Service Station, Oa; on trolley line. See Stuart J, Wasley, 9 a %% w AND TERMS UPSTAIRS TENEMENT of five rooms. 827 Main street. No “ tlil forbids"; display lines not THE COLONIAL AUTO C’t •. ' ^ -l-UT-T-T-T-rL-L-lJ-L -LrurLTjXl-UXai-LI-L In four family house. Inquire at 111 Moll street or phone 1214-4., Decree 48 b ,|( *°i^e Herald will not oo responsible Building— Contracting 14 WILL INTEREST YOU gree. He was accepted by the ^ state. for more than one Incorrect Insertion THEY HAVE of any advertisement ordered tor Btuiness Locations for Rent 64 He is a manufacturer of boxes In EnroBed^ovnif.lW| of more thau one time. " , SPECIAL LOW PRICES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appli­ East Hartford, owns a cottage on The Inadvertent omission or incor­ ances, motors, generators, sold and TO RENT—OFFICE. suitable for the lake and lives their eight rect publlcatloL of advertising ^IH be .VLL THIS -WEEK repaired: work called for. Pequot dentist In State theater building. rectified only by cancellation of the Electric Co., 407 Center street. Phone Apply State Theater, months in the year he told Mr. King. He was excused by the de­ charge m-ade for the service render­ ON THEIR LARGE STOCK ,. 1592,______Poultry and Supplies 43 Apartments— Flats— ed. Tenements for Rent 03 Houses for Rent 65 fense. OF DEPENDABLE USED CARS LET US CLEAN your chimney and ■William Squires a store keeper at Enrollment figures for the Ninth All advertisements "lust conform furnace. We clean with steel wire MARCH PULLETS—All breeds from APARTMENTS—Two, thres and four brushes. New England’s largest excellent stock. Also milk fed broil­ 6 ROOM HOUSE at 85 Garden street, Andover, was accepted by the state school district USeh" today reveal In style, copy ‘’IhiTih- room apartments, heat. Janitor ser­ regulatlons enforced oy the Publish ANY CAR CAN BE BOUGHT ON cleaners. Conn, Chimney Cleaning ers. Wm. E. Bradley. Phone 1163-3, vice, gas range, refrigerator, tn-a- all modern • Improvements. Inquire but after being questioned by Mr. a slight decrease over the corres­ THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN— Company, 525 Main street. Phone 321 Oakland street, Manchester. door bed furnished. Call Manchester at 82 Garden street or call 1356 after ponding check-up made a year ago, •. ers, and they reserve SO YOU HAD BETTER ACT AT 2-8004, Hartford, 5 o’clock, King and Mr. Harvey he was excus­ edit, revise or reject any copy con Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ ed by the defense, B. E. Phelps of it was announced today by Shperln.P district. Further proof of thw latter the GASH RATES will be accepted as DEPARTMENT IN NEW ENGLAND cut flowers, Astors 25c doz. Mrs. street,. South Manchester. opinion could be changed. He had FULL l AYMENT If pala it me busi­ Peter Miller Jr., Tolland Turnpike. 5 ROOM FLAT all Improvements on talked abcyit the case and was fully is shown in the fact that there will ness office on or before the seventh Tel. 364-3. trolley line Station 52. Harrison’s be a decided Increase, In the first 257 Conn. Boulevard Laurel 900 Building Materials 47 store 598 Center street. Phone 669. MAY COMPLETE JURY set. The court excused him. Albert day following the first J™ eight districts. ' ■ each ad, otherwise .he CHARGE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30 Heating—FIumbing—Roottog 17 J. Lamphear of Mansfield Hollow, RATE will be collected. No responsi­ FIVE ROOM MOPERN flat, first lioor, said he had formed an opinion, that Here are '• the ’ corresponding bility for errors in telephoned ac.s CONCRETE BLOCKS of’ all kinds for 35 Cooper street, rent $30.00. Inquire sale. Inquire Frank Damato, 24 at The Home Bank and Trust Co, IN CUNE CASE TODAY he could enter the Juryroom and figures: will be assumed and their accuracy DUBUQUE ROOFING CO. Roofing of Homestead Street, Manchester, cannot be guaranteed. all kinds, 24 Falrvlew street. South give a fair trial. He did not oppose 1926-27 1927-28 Manchester. Telephone 990-5. Phone '-1507. FOR RENT—5-ROOM FLAT, located capital punishment. He would not High School ..... 717 750 Phone 664 on Benton street. Inquire Edward J. (Continued from page 1) Barnard ...... 445 485 ‘ i 49-A Holl. 805 Main street. Tel, 660. vote to convict a man ot murder of ASK “ OR WANT Ali SERVICE 100 P. C. VALUES IN USED CARS Moving—Trucking—Storage 20 Fuel and Feed the first degree If there was no eye Nathan Hale .... 523 48&- FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tenement, punishment, and to the matter /ot witness. Mr, Lamphear said he was Llncoln ...... 455 411 % - Index of Classifications PERRETT AND GLENNEY—Local FOR SALE—HARDWOOD $9 Reo with all Improvements « t 102 Sum­ •whether he had an opinion already Down truck load; $9.75 split. V. Flrpo, 116 mer street. Inquire on premises. sixty-two years old. The court ex­ Washington 361 836- tJ Payments and long distance moving and truck­ fixed In mind. Evening Herald Want ^dt are imw ing. Dally express to Hartford. Llv- Wells street. Phone 1307-2. cused him. Bunco ...... 78- • 90 Stui'.c'jaker Roadster ...... 8175 arv o.itr f o r hire. Telenhone 7-^ First Man Called grouped according to Diana 8 Roadster ...... 275 FOR RENT—4 l^OOM FLAT, all Im­ Raymond Squires of Columbia Leonard K, Campbell of Elling­ Open Air r , below and for handy -® ««f«® f, Nash Victoria Coupe, like new 275 Garden— ^Farm—Dairy Products SO provements. Inquire 235 Center St. ton, a constable. Janitor of the hall Kindergartens . . . 223^’'’ 222': appear lu the numerical order ndi Chrysler Coach ...... 150 was the first called this morning and was questioned by M. D, 0 ’(3on- and school and also a farmer told cated: i Jewett Coach ...... -140^ FOUR-'ROOM TENEJdENT on Spruce 2,825 ' 2,777 Lost and Found ...... , Dodge Coach ...... ■140.^ WANTED—CUSTOMERS for strictly street, with all improvements. Tele­ nell, assistant to the state’s attor­ the cdurt he was opposed to capital Announcements ...... j Hudson Sedan, 7 page...... 150 EXPERT KEY PITTING. Lawn mow­ Year’s Calendar ers sharpened and repaired, also fresh farm eggs. Telephone 1928-2. phone 1320-12 or 409-3., ney, it being the first time that punishment and was excused by the Personals ...... Chrysler Roadster M. 70 250 court W. B. Bradley of Mansfield The calendar for the 1927-28 Automobiles : Overland 6 Sedan ...... 150 scissors, knives and saws sharpened. FIVE ROOM FLAT, first floor, pn Mr. O’Connell has examined In the Automobiles for Sale ...... _ Rickenbacker Sedan ...... 175 Work called for and delivered. Household Goods 51 West Cehter. street. All modern ifti- trial. The court was ten minutes said he knew Worniweod Hill, the school year In the Ninth District . Automobiles for Exchange ...• » Dodge Coupe, like n e w ...... 150 Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm provements. 'Shades on all windows. late in getting underway and It street on which Cline lived and had was announced for publication for Auto Accessories—Tires ...... Oakland Coach ...... 140 street, Manchester, Conn. Teleph. ne Vacant Sept. 15i Inquire at 23C7 West day. The fall term. 75 days, t u m .i Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 462. FOR SALE—HERALD RANGE, good was 10:40 when the examination visited the place where the shoot­ Essex Coach...... 125 condition, price reasonable. Inquire Center street or call 1739. of the men was started. He told ing took place and had formed an from September 7 to December 23 Auto Schools ...... ,...... '* g Packard St. 8 Sedan ...... ?25 18 Llndman street. Tel. 1117-3. Autos—Ship by Truck ...... » Buick. -Roadster. Mas. 6 ...... 125 i MOWER SHARPENING, key making^ FOUR ROOM TENEMENT at Jfl the' CQurt that he had formed an opinion and said he was not oppos­ inclusive. During that period, 4whobl Autos—For Lire ...... Peerless Touring ...> .» ...... 110 phonographs, clocks, electric cleanj-t FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furniture, Ridgewood street, with Improve­ opinIbn,'‘-He would not like to vote ed to capital punishment “ In this will be closed for a convention On "s Garages—Service—Storage ...... Oldsmoblle Sport Touring . . .. 100 ers. Irons, etc. repaired. Gunsmlth- victrola and White sewing machine, ments. Rent $18. Inquire on premises. Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... Ing. Bralthwalte, 150 Center St. on tue question, of hanging, but If case” . He was excused by the de­ Nov. 23. 24 and 25. The winter Wanted Autos—Motorcycles iz privilege of rent, 80 Bigelow street. necessary he would do so, but fense. term, which lasts 40 days Is from Business and Professional Services IN SELWITZ BUILDING three room Many others from $50 up. One SEWING MACHINES, repairing of FOR SALE—ONE CRAWFORD range, apartm^ it, all modern Improvements. would not convict on circumstan­ In case the jury is not selected Jan. 2 to Feb. 24 Inclusive. Schools Business Services Offered ...... week free trial 15 months to all makes, oils, needles and supplies. 1 four burner gas stove, practically Inquire Selwltz Shoe Shop. Tel. 835-2. tial evidence. He was the Household Services Offered .... u - a ! pay balance. from the remainlnig sixteen men will be closed on Feb. 22, Washing­ ' Building—t ontracting ...... >■* R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street. brand new. Phone 1475 or 175 Sum­ examined. As Mr. O’Connell fin- ton’s birthday. The spring term, Phone 715. mit street after 5 p. m. SIX ROOM TENEMENT, corner Main court will be adjourned until Tues­ ; Florists—Nurseries ...... and Wadsworth streets, all Improve­ ikhed It was evident that it was day, also 40 days, runs'from March 5 to Funeral Directors ...... - ...... J® THE COMMERCIAL USED CAR CO. Courses and Classes 27 ments, steam heat. Call 459 Main St. the Intention of the state to short­ More prospective jurymen will April 27, Inclusive, and Is Inter-^ Heating—Plumbing—Roofing Wanted— To Buy 58 en up the number of questions. Insurance ...... "q 1273 Main St. Hartford SIX ROOM TENEMENT on Newman be brought in and the sheriffs will rupted by one holiday, Good Frt^^* Millinery—Dressmaking ...... JUNK—I win pay highest prides for After Squires had been asked the have Saturday and Monday to make MEN, BOYS learn barbering, ladles’ street, modern Improvements, steam question., of opinion several times day. The summer term of 35 days Moving—Trucking—Storage zu haircutting where failure Is un­ all kinds of Junk; also buy all kinds heat. Inquire 147 East Center-street. the necessary service on the men. begins May-7 and expires J^une 22 Painting—Papering ...... * “J OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS known. Day, evening courses. Man­ of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, tele­ Phone 1830. - t - .j--.,; - the, court objected and the state If the jury Is completed early, Professional Services ...... « chester trolley stops at our door. phone 982-4. excused.' This brought the total broken also by •oa»‘^'h«flIdaj^«4J4i-® •ff Repairing ...... t,;* "',...... Vaughn’s Barber School, 14 Market enough Tuesday morning there morial day. The school year hasV|i Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. MAGAZINES, rags; bundled paper, challengers to twelve each. will he a recess and the trial will Toilet Goods and Services...... -o street, Hartford, Conn. long distance flights over water as George Dunn, a member of the total of 190 days. Convention days,'*' junl^ bought for cash. Phone 849-3. has been suggested In some quar­ get underway, but in case it is Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 Will call. J. Eisenberg. Rockville fire police and who was late Tuesday afternoon before the Good Friday, Memorial Day and Educational ^ USED CAR SALE— Private Instruction 28 ters,” Maccracken said. “ Prohibi­ Washington’s birthday are counted Courses and Classes ...... instrumental In the arrest of five selection Is made the trial will Booms Without Board 59 tion would not contribute to pro­ automobile drivers at a recent fire, hardly get going until Wednesday. as’ school days on salary checks but_ Private Instruction ...... 1—1924‘ Hup Spt. Touring Car. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given In all gress. Necessarily, there must he Dancing ...... 1—1925 Essex Coach.N^ grammar school subjects by former ■prominent in political matters in As Indicated In The Herald last not on the registers. Musical—Diamatio ...... 1—1926 Essex Coach. \ grammar school principal, for rates FOR RENT — FURNISHED steam pioneering— naturally in pioneer Rockville was favorable to the'' The dates for lmport$mt eyenth' Wanted—Instruction - ...... heated joom, on bath room floor. Ap­ week the chances of Its taking up Financial 1—1925 Ford Sedan. k > call 215-5.______operations their is risk. state, hut was excused at once by three court weeks seem more like throughout the school year toUow:’ ' 1—1925 Ford. Coupe. ply 14 Church street. Phone 721. “ The tragedy of the Old Glory, of the defense, Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages . . . . . 31 1—1924 Maxwell Sedan. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. Shorthand, the time that will he necessary than October 7, hare and hound race Cot Business Opportunlllea ..i- .,,* 3i 1—1925 Studebaker St. Sedan. Typwritlng and English. Josephine Coll and Nungesser and the othera. Lynch of ^ ffq ir^ . said the one week as has been the pre; high Sichool. Octoberv Money to Loan ...... o3 1—1925 Studebaker Duplex with A. Smith', Hartford. Tel. 2-5842. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS at opinion on tUf-matter. Money Wanted ...... 34 | Avhb died in the vain attempt ttf diction of some of the reports sent prevention well!^|^.'6ctober Rex top. 75 Linden street. Phone 865. conquer the ocean wastes, have con­ The state asked the court to ex­ out by those concerning the trial. Help and Situations . 1—1923 Studebaker Sedan. day afi^ iid n ' drawngHjliral^’ ^tart Help Wanted—Female 36 Help Wanted— Male 36 ROOMS with use of kitchen, for two tributed knowledge '.to aeronautjos, cuse him, but the court refused Each side has now used sixteen to be held weekly ,at 4 o’clock; Help Wanted—Male ...... 36. All cars in A-1 condition. Several • teachers or office assistants. Inquire although there has unfortunately to do so. The state then excused challenges. Last night the state Help Wanted—Male or Female.,. 37 * Sept. 7t'.i to 12th. 19 Autumn. Tele­ October 21, state tea'chers* in v e n ­ other lower priced cars, cash or LIVE, ENERGETIC man on new been no d'a^ta as to the causes' of him again exhaustingg one "more had only used seven and the de­ tion lh*Hart’fbr1d;"' inan^jrated': b n Houses for Rent ...... 65 ing to Maccracken. Suburban for Rent ...... 66 FOR SALE—1926 Super X motorcycle MARCH HATCHED "White Leghorn being perfected at the Bureau of les Price, who was hard of hearing sity, and - others ■ who----- —will begin |o Principal Claxenpa Summer Homes for R e n t...... 67 and 1918 Buick. Prices reasonable pullets, some laying now, $2.00 each. The air secretary declared that Standards arid by private engineers was excused by the court. William leave iLext week for schools of high- known as superyi^^i‘iftud^:;<3i8i;ilr^ Wanted to Rent ...... 61 for quick sale. Inquire 33 Woodland Charles Wlnokur, Vernon. Tel. 122-5. Congressional legislation to give the to meet this problem.” E. Kibbe would decline to vote for er education will also have a part three days of ||l4 flpsi t ’^pek- Real Estate For Sale street. government stricter supervision of Apartment Buildings for Sale... 69 TABLE FOWL for sale, also spring Maccracken said that for trans­ first degree murder unless their in the service. school,, a peri6d^3^^h^h.'Se£.*|ffi^i Business Property for S a le ...... 70 Dependable Used Cars chickens. Karl Marks, 136 Summer aviation is advisable. He pointed to oceanic flights planes must be de­ was an eye-witness and consider­ durii^ which tl^ .of Farms and Land for S a le ...... 71 Manchester Motor Sales Co. street. Telephone 1877. New laid thie futility of useless deaths on veloped that will float in case of able more than evidence of a cir­ class will ad^4^* Houses for Sale ...... 72 1069 Main St. So. Manchester eggs. trans-oceanic flights where, by rea­ cumstantial . nature. The court Lota for Sale ...... 73 Open Eves & Sundays. TeL 740 forced landing. 'While the seaplane ACCIDENTALLY KILLS SELF separately as to pp|^¥ a|i(m {hpl Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 son of improper equipment, that already is in wide use. It is not so would not excuse state next day’s lessom Suburban for Sale ...... 75 1000 MARCH HATCHED White might be detected in advance, the well adapted for long flights as the challenged. \ Norwalk, Sept. 9.— Harry Rhodes pected to improve tfae-dif^cfjy^ei^sa: Real Estate for Exchange 76 THREE BUICK SEDANS In excellent Leghorn Pullets. High producing flyers are pre-doomed to failure. land type. Perfection of the flying John L. Webster of Columbia of students w.|^p in p'a^. e a f(i^ y e l .Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 condition. strain. Grown uder Conn. "Grow Everall, 37, died in Norwalk hospi­ 7 Auction—Legal Notleea J. M. SHEARER Healthy Chick" Plan. Oliver Bros., Opposes Prohibition sea-boat was predicted as the solu­ said he would have to have a lot tal, this afternoon, of a bullet been gettinKlow S Auction Sales ...... 78 Capitol Buick Co. TeL 1600 No. Windham, Conn. “ I am opposed to prohibition of tion. of evidence to convict on first de- Legal Lotices ...... 78 wound In the brain. The shooting ------— . . . * was accidental though peculiar, ac­ cording to D r ;. W:-W, Tracey, mpdi- GAS BUGGIE&-A Slight Error By Frank Beqk cal examiner,’ who investigated. Everall had been cleaning a revol­ W eRTM OH NO 'WINDOW SUCH THERE ver in the drive way of his home at 21,730 CRUST. 34,510 ‘ .'-ft’ ! ! I M U S T BE BROTHER, Harbor View. His wife, fearing he 21,735 I»VE LOST I V E W ASTED 34.5 20 MIGHT A M ISTAK E. IV SAVE would harm himself went out and Yes, we have bne brand new witit • \ 21,7^0 M Y NOON TW ENTY BUCKS' 3 4 ,5 3 0 NOG AS i V e TOTALED YOU A N asked for the revolver. Everall oak floors, full bathroom,-‘located lot 50x150 on street 'with'' sewet»- 21. 7 4 5 HOUR, AND WORTH OF ..3 4 ,5 4 0 — -ll'ft'!!¥ --'A k WELL THIS UP AND EVEN backed away,_ holding the reifolver 21,750 IF I WAIT STlCKi IT ONLY .4 7 $ ,0 O 0 , at arm's length. The weapon was gas, etc., walking distanca tP tro ll^ l T IM E T O / 34. 5 50 and business sectibm 21.755 MUCH LONGER DEPOSIT THIS 34.5 60 PRIYATE IF 1 GO COMES TO OOUNT discharged and the bullet went Into * 7 4 ,& 9 9 , 'r r OVER Everall’s left ear. Dr- Tracey an­ ■Wadsworth St. ’Semt-det&ched" I*LL LOSE T E N DOLLAR HEY. BANK. HOME of 6 rooms, each ^partmeart-, All t a ^ a i n . nounced the shooting accidental. WHEN M Y JO B . CHECK-;>;: PUSH i’ll have modem and offered at a masonable HEM STEPPED HIM TO CUT '\r price. ' - ' ‘ O v UP TO TH E ALONG THE THREE KILLED IN WRECK' Brand new single of fi^robnlB, dak'- ! RECEIVING UP LAWN floors, steam heat, extr&'tafge living- t e l l e r 's w in d o w t h e r e . room, 5 minutes from tfbUey. Prlce’l W ITH HIS Port Allegheny, Penn., Sept. 9.— Three persons were killed and four only 85,800« SmalP cash ifedea*^' SACK CONTAINING sary. # 7 5 0 0 0 IN seriously injured today when the Phlladelphla-Buflalo flyer of. the Ten room two family ii^h 3 eaSit'4 CASH, tra building lots. ‘ ;(3nly a few IT LOOMED Pennsylyania railroad crashed into utes off Main streeL |7,500?-. UP. LIK E A . an automobile containing seven Easy terms.' LAUNDRYMANS tourists,.;.at Liberty, eight miles Near Main street, 4 room tom LOAD ON south of here. with bath and electricity, MONDAY The dead: Mary Holcom, Miss only 82,900i Marie Facies, and Mary Woods, Inr ■MORNINC^. jured: E. H. Woods, Donald and Dean, his sons, and Mrs. E. H. ROBERT J. SM] Woods. All are residents of . Em­ IBOBBfain » ^ ...... porium, Penn., where Woods is said Reid Estate; J I to be a Free Methodist minister. Steamship Tickatn.

h ‘.w: By Percy li. Crosby FLAPPEIt FAKNY SXYS? ISKIPPY I SENSE ««I nonsense a - ?• iuivvyky xoM ^r'pew itS m s k i k s ^ A n ' x W ’ ^ It’s a poor farm that can’t aspire TAi iiiA. . earning his own living.” The boy re­ an. u. a MW. OFF. torted: “ Yes, dad, and before he R6SSir=iSii*F^. »iearmfw«»—wcKJMf was your age he was worth a bil­ An'Mince.:of reduction .Is worth lion dollars.” all the pounds of a masseuse. Short skirts are being Introduced in China. Now she is fullfledged The Toonerville Trolley That Meets AU the Trains By Fontaine Fot WASHINGTON TUBBS H member of the Leg of Nations. '>1'- By Crane Contrary to the promises of poli­ ticians something always happens to ’ (O Fontaine Fox. 1927, The Bell Syndi?ate. Inc I biM.-posw! NOSIP.'. +tcrT tv\vs necessitate the raising of taxes. -THH Vli-LAGE HALFWIT t e f t Tv< 'SHOVl A.VT OMOM, LET'S QUIT PLUE*E'(Et> BA.’BY. I'M ^ v>e^cE Lovim’ GUV, i ma, tme, CIRCUS •R^C\<£T, The difference between the mil­ P U T 6 o V F R A n o t h e r seftm* pRE-m vaivt^ m MO ctui'fTeR. lionaire and the pauper is— just 30zO . 1 Go o d oH£- o M T H E •TM460. CtlEE.CM COMMON FACTS about a million. GLEE*. r Policemen nre kept so busy lis­ SKIPPER- Sometimes commop- facts are tening to the troubles of the other hard to remember. The answers to a l\ people that they have but littie time the following questions are’ printed to think of their own. C on another page: »1— How many inches in a meter? ,The dieting efforts of the modern 2— How many octaves in a stand­ flapper have not as yet reduced her ard piano? cheek. 3^W hat is the next numerical O 1/ division after trillion? A smallpox sign will keep tramps 4— ^Why does the inauguration away from your home while you are of a president take place almost away on your summer vacation. four months after his election? 6— How many former presidents At least one person is in a posi­ Aa t of the United States are living? tion to actually “ tell the world.” 1. 6— What are the indefinite He’s the radio announcer. w articles of the English language? 7— When it is 8 o’clock In the Love is the feeling that you feel morning in New York, what time when you feel you are going to feel is it in San Francisco? a feeling that you never felt before. Nou ^R€,you iSfOZV! ^ 8_W hat liquid is used in the / r^ C "


By Small SALESMAN SAM Try It YourseM K-

IHI« 1$ RAV OF SUIX-' (^0W,WHPfT WERe \ $AVD, "WERES Mo LEM-HObJOV ROUND'-'We-WORUO PU/SKT- . Wh a t ???, VA TlRSiM’ TA 0$e TR^iM''To TALK , -to EACH OTHER WHEN (F vJs'se MOT Mi^fAKen.-weiR mbiCt 5Top [ -tteC-L M6 OP MAV Be rN eeueiotA — T a l k coupck! -W E R e ^ TH’ EM6JNE5 RONMIM*- CAN’T HEAR A X TH lM S*!


: ' ' : • f //I* 1/ 'ft • i ( i (iv: SiaZT mYHKA SIBVICZ. INfc REO- »• 8- P***. OFF. 7 by Gilbert Patten (READ THE STORY THEN COLOR THE PICTURE.) Jack Lockwell, the Lion Tamer The Tfnies scampered’ through It didn’t take them long to eat. TN Y the trees in hopes that they would The Kite Man then jum'ped to his / get, with ease, a lot of tasty berries feet. "Who’s going to help me f^ d for the old Kite Mahito eat. They some wood with which to build searched the woods ' and looked your kite?" "Oh, we are! We are!” around, but not a thijig to eat was cried the band, and everybody lent found. “ Oh, my,” said Scouty Tiny- a hand. It wasn’t long until the inlte, "we’re going to miss our plans were moving on all right. treat.’!. They gathered little bits of wood Then Clowny snapped, "Oh, and piled them mp as best they please don’t lose your hope. We’ll could. The Kite Man told them just • f c - aslc the Goofy Goos. I know they’ll what kind he heeded for his kite. tell us where to look. Come on, let’s Said he, "W e’ll have enough for ask them quick.”' So hack they two. But, one’s enough, I. guess, for went. One Goofy Goo said, "Sure you. But, only pick „the best wood I’ll gladly join with you. I’ll show so’s to make the thing just right.” you when you-’ll shortly find core He opened up a great big knife fruit than you can pick. and said, “ I’d like to spend my life And, sure eaough, the place was at whittling wood. -= It’s really fun, S Then a flame sprang Into . “ Redmond Saunders!” Ja^ exdalme^.,” ^ ^ ’X ” * found. And, ,.oh, such good things ahd almost seems like play.” He Jai^ whlMlbd 'and grinned.. *'j4c oh-taking la there to It?” “ Bu^ how la It^Vfeif aVe hit, eyes. *‘l know Redmond of Buke Saunders' uncle! Buke and V js a r ^ ^ ^ a a v y t on the ground! -.Th,e whole bunch scraped down sticks to proper size he atited. .Dqlarto chuckl^. • bnjii?* he admttted. “I really go hare?” asked Jack, as the him ( Saunaert - drugged the stuff - f Brick Judga'a camp at Indian Lake. I rn ifenbw^ng ^ m ^ an^L told took their hats'’off apd then filled and made the whole crotvd realize they rSturned the poster to his drank in Keyport where I was them to the brim. In 'bout an hour that when he'd .^work a half ah gentle pdeket. *MhaVatv»o,ariarn-lie s,” left behind when the big show iMlb On®w WnO •afay ■ -I * k) hour the kite was on Its way. ' .Just' wasas the ahswer., “DrlhK If one. went on to Claremont!” het I,'spoke, a mHk *wok oame-ruml^ng^ver. ^ they joined tile rest and Mister Kite WSA . s , . .(To Ba.ContinuedX^ Man said, “ We’re blest with won- as dangei'bus’as'Leo ii harmll^v a rival the other.” - «ried. i- droui food. Come on,, let’s--eat. I’m (The kite Is finished In the next ■ xrx’l- . In- trim.”- story.). .'r?-. r.ycu



a..rcratioT-o7i£,■ The > liakeview: M AINE,,VERW N ' K y PUBLIC WHIST TONIGHT will give the first whist of the sea- •; . store FOOTBALL son this evening in the assembly American League Soccer 4th Dist. School, So. M^n St- IN DENniSTRYi IS lU . 'Free ^ LAKE VIEW P. T. A. . - Open Sunday A(ternoon e Prizes! Refreshments! the windfers,!^!.,---- , ' • - - a.-. . ■ Parkfiigj A HALES SELF-SERVE 1 Hour of Dancing! and an hour, of dancing Wllljvind F& SO Yeare; Praictiptier, Here; Saturdays HARTFORD 85c Covers all. up the program. The entertainment to His at Space VS committee plans for the present to ‘Bolton Home.. Until PHILADELPHIA alternate .dencps and whist parties %Rear of each** Friday eyeing. ‘hr. Myron M. Maine, who'prac- R O CE PY ABOUTTOWN ' ticed'^dentistry a in Manchester fpr 9 'P .il. McKee Street Stadium Barbara Peterson, daughter of n^rly Aftyjyears, l^JH at his jSoma i: S t o r e TO WAIT ON VOURgEEr ' B. A. A. In Preliminary Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Davis o Mr. and'Mrs. Emanuel Peterson of atT; Bolton" Notch; Fod several 20 Centerfield street are visiting 61 Spruce street is at the Hartford mdnths Dr. Maine has been gfa:dU- b ig g a m e a t 3 relatives in Slieffleld, Mass., , this hospital where she will undergo an ally failing in health and for two week and making a tour of the eye operation. months has been confined to his Admission 75c and 50c. Berkshires. home. For three weeks -he has been ;s ftiBUC The Buckland Pnrent-TeacnerParent-Teacher ^ Man association will watennelon physician and a trained whist at the school Monday evening . nurse, , . . . at 8 o’clock. The affair will be In ^ Although Dr. Maine’s .condition r e a l yALUES Foa the nature of a welcome to the new isi^ regarded as serious, the attend- teachers in the; school, with Mrs. irig'physician stated today.that Dr. Andrew Healey, former Principal Maine had shown some Improve- as the hostes^. Four prizes will be nt^Ut during the past fe\^ days, be­ awarded the winner at’cards. ing able to recognize his friends. (Swj#«r Dr. Maine, who is in his 77th year, J. F. Roberts, brother of Albert is sufferiug.irom bardening of the Roberts, patrolmau on the local police force, with Victor S. Whit­ Dr. Maine retired from active man, who is with the “Top Notch practice, about a year ago. He had S: . Tate advantage o( these specials and Save t>uy. prices^^ be any cheaper magazine, leave tomorrow Florida. Both of them spent their conducted an- office in Manchester than we 8i‘e offering them for tins one day;- ~ ; ^ v AUTUMN’S for nearly half a century and is vacations with Manager Jack San­ STOCK YOUR PANT^ TO THE LIMp. 1 J. v son of the State theater in Maine. widely known liere and highly re­ They played banjo selections at the spected. During hla^ practice in State theater last night. Manchester, Dr. Maine commuted dally from hia B

\ kl: it-Crl.- Mimw p'u.