Understanding Earnings Quality

Patricia M. Dechow Defining Earnings Quality

HIGH QUALITY EARNINGS Reflect the of the business Are sustainable (are a good indicator for the future)

LOW QUALITY EARNINGS Do not reflect the economics of the business Have been manipulated/contain errors Are not sustainable (are a poor indicator for the future)

Understanding the factors that cause earnings quality to differ is a key research area in . – Important for investing, auditing, SEC in monitoring and regulating, banks providing loans, etc. Operationalizing Earnings Quality

• Concept of earnings persistence

• Earningst+1 = α + βEarningst + ε

β closer to 1 => earnings are more sustainable Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics

Earnings Quality Industry Structure

Firm Structure and Investment Opportunities

Stage of Life Cycle Earnings Quality 1

– Chris starts a business

Cup and straw= 0.05 Lemon = 0.15 Sugar = 0.10 Total = 0.30 Earnings Quality 1

I will pay you $1.00 for that delicious cup of lemonade

Cup and straw= 0.05 Lemons = 0.15 Sugar = 0.10 Total = 0.30 Earnings Quality

I will pay you $1.00 for that delicious cup of lemonade

That’s perfect (my precious)!

Cup and straw= 0.05 Lemons = 0.15 Sugar = 0.10 Total = 0.30 Earnings Quality 1 Chris’ earnings : Cup of Lemonade= $1.00 : Costs of goods sold = -0.30 Earnings = 0.70

Cup and straw= 0.05 Lemons = 0.15 Sugar = 0.10 Total = 0.30 Earnings Quality

– Milli starts a business

Cups and straws= 1.00 Lemons = 1.00 Box of sugar = 2.00 Total Costs = 4.00 Earnings Quality

I will pay you $1.00 for that lemon sugar drink

Cup and straws= 1.00 Lemons = 1.00 Box of sugar = 2.00 Total = 4.00 Earnings Quality

I will pay you $1.00 for that lemon sugar drink


Cup and straws= 1.00 Lemons = 1.00 Box of sugar = 2.00 Total = 4.00 Earnings Quality

I will pay you $1.00 for that lemon sugar drink IT’S A DEAL!


Cup and straws= 1.00 Lemons = 1.00 Box of sugar = 2.00 Total = 4.00 Earnings Quality 2 Milli’s Earnings (on a basis) Revenue: = 0 Expenses: = $ -4.00 Cash earnings = -4.00

Cup and straws= 1.00 Lemons = 1.00 Box of sugar = 2.00 Total = 4.00 Comparison of CASH FLOWS Chris’ Milli’s

Earnings = cash flows + Earnings = cash flows + accruals 0.70 = 0.70 + 0 0.70 = $-4.00 + $4.70

Similar transaction occurred but cash-based performance looks very different Accounting


Focus on underlying economics Earnings Quality Milli’s Earnings: (Accrual basis) Revenue: Cup of Lemonade= $1.00 Expenses: Costs of good sold = 0.30 Cup and straws= 1.00 – 0.05 Earnings = 0.70 Lemons = 1.00 – 0.15 Box of sugar = 2.00 – 0.10 Inventory = 4.00 SOLD = – 0.30 Inventory = 3.70 Comparison of ACCRUAL EARNINGS Chris’ Milli’s

EARNINGS+ accruals Earnings = EARNINGS + accruals 0.70 = 0.70 + 0 0.70 = $0.70 + $4.70

Earnings on accrual basis makes businesses comparable Reconciling Earnings to Cash Flows Chris Milli’s

Earnings = cash flows + accruals Earnings = cash flows + accruals 0.70 = 0.70 + 0 0.70 = $-4.00 + $4.70

Earnings are the same evenACCRUALS though = + 1.00 + 3.70 cash flows are very different$4.70

1.00 Quality Issues with Milli’s accruals

I will pay you $1.00 for that cup of lemonade


Accounts Receivable

Sold Lemonade! Timely useful information

Gandalf may disappear Milli’s accruals


High inventory: Milli anticipates future sales!

Obsolete inventory Nobody wants to buy lemonade Comparison of Business Models Chris’ Milli’s

Has Cash!! Accruals are indicators of growth in RISKY Simple business investments Accruals estimate these investments but they could be wrong

ACCRUALS = + 1.00 + 3.70

0.70 cash 1.00 Comparison of Earnings Quality Chris’ Milli’s

Earnings = cash flows + accruals Earnings = cash flows + accruals 0.70 = 0.70 + 0 0.70 = $-4.00 + $4.70


ACCRUALS = + 1.00 + 3.70

0.70 cash 1.00 Operationalizing Earnings Quality

• Empirical evidence earnings persistence

• Earningst+1 = α + βEarningst + ε

• Chris’ • Milli’s β > β

0.85 0.65 Operationalizing Earnings Quality

• Concept of earnings persistence

• Earningst+1 = α + β1Cash flowst + β2Accrualst + ε

β β1 > 2 Understanding Earnings Quality


Earnings Quality research tries to disentangle

“Good” Accruals “Bad” Accruals that correctly reflect that reflect errors, the business manipulation, and overinvestment Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure RULES

Firm Structure Management and Investment Application of Opportunities Rules

Stage of Life Internal Controls Cycle Quality Governance FASB/IFRS RULES

• Philosophical Question: • What is objective of accrual accounting? FASB/IFRS RULES

• Philosophical Question: • What is objective of accrual accounting? 1. Economic perspective: – Investors care about firm value. The objective is to measure the value of and liabilities. 2. Performance evaluation – Investors want to know what management did this period. The objective is to measure how much income was generated this period. Economic Perspective

Assetst – Liabilitiest = Shareholders’ Equityt

Measure the value Economic Perspective

Assetst – Liabilitiest = Shareholders’ Equityt

Measure the value

Assetst+1 – Liabilitiest+1 = Shareholders’ Equityt+1

Measure the value Economic Perspective

Assetst – Liabilitiest = Shareholders’ Equityt

Measure the value ∆ Value = Income

Assetst+1 – Liabilitiest+1 = Shareholders’ Equityt+1

Measure the value Economic Perspective

Assetst – Liabilitiest = Shareholders’ Equityt

Measure the value ∆ Value = Income

Assetst+1 – Liabilitiest+1 = Shareholders’ Equityt+1

Measure the value Market Values Follow a Random Walk Economic Perspective

Assetst – Liabilitiest = Shareholders’ Equityt

Measure the value ∆ Value = are transitory and unpredictable

Assetst+1 – Liabilitiest+1 = Shareholders’ Equityt+1

Measure the value Market Values Follow a Random Walk Operationalizing Earnings Quality

• Concept of earnings persistence

• Earningst+1 = α + βEarningst + ε

β Economic or = 0 Perspective Accounting Rules and Standards Balance Sheet Perspective

Goodwill: – no amortization Marketable securities: Fair Value Impairments of assets: Fair Value Capital Leases: Fair Value Deferred Revenue (Fair Value of Component) Debt – Fair Value Securitization – Fair value Inventory – lower of market or Rules and Standards Balance Sheet Perspective

Goodwill: Fair value – no amortization Marketable securities: Fair Value Impairments of assets: Fair Value Capital Leases: Fair Value Deferred Revenue (Fair Value of Component) Debt – Fair Value Securitization – Fair value Inventory – lower of market or cost

Transitory gains and losses muddies up earnings FASB/IFRS RULES

• Philosophical Question: • What is objective of accrual accounting? 1. Economic perspective: – Investors care about firm value. The objective is to measure the value of assets and liabilities. 2. Performance evaluation ( perspective): – Investors want to know what management did this period. The objective is to measure how much income was generated this period. Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated

Cash flows Cash flows t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated


Cash flows Cash flows t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated


Cash Sales Cash flows CashCashflows Expenses t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated Credit Sales


Cash Sales Cash flows CashCashflows Expenses t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated

Cost of good sold Credit Sales


Cash Sales Cash flows CashCashflows Expenses t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated

Cost of good sold Credit Sales


Cash Sales Cash flows CashCashflows Expenses t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Deferred Performance Evaluation

INCOME measures how much sustainable cash flows the managers generated

Cost of good sold Credit Sales


Cash Sales Cash flows CashCashflows Expenses t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Cash from previous credit Sales Deferred Revenues Performance Evaluation

Accruals alter the timing of cash flow recognition in earnings To be identify firm performance


Cash flows Cash flows t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2

CASH FLOWSt Performance Evaluation More Timely and Relevant


Cash flows Cash flows t-2 t-1 Cash flowst+1 Cash flowst+2 Assets = Spent cash in past Assets = Receive cash in future DR: (capitalized cost) DR: (Accounts Receivable) CASH FLOWSt Liabilities = Received cash in past Liabilities = Spend cash in future CR: (Deferred Revenue) CR: (Accounts payable) Balance Sheet’s Role Keeps track of the cash allocation and reversals Operationalizing Earnings Quality

• Concept of earnings persistence

• Earningst+1 = α + βEarningst + ε

Income Statement β 1 Perspective => FASB/IFRS RULES

Income Statement Perspective

Revenue Recognition: Does not allow the anticipation of future sales : match to revenue : allocate over time Operating Leases: as paid Software: Capitalize when technological feasibility Deferred Revenue allocate over time FASB/IFRS RULES

Income Statement Mix of both Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective

Revenue Recognition: Does notGoodwill: allow the Fairanticipation value – no of amortizationfuture sales Cost of Goods Sold: match to revenueMarketable securities: Fair Value Depreciation: allocate over timeImpairments of assets: Fair Value Operating Leases: as paid Capital Leases: Fair Value Software: Capitalize when technologicalDeferred feasibilityRevenue (new rules) Deferred Revenue allocate overImpaired time Debt – Fair Value Securitization – Fair value FASB/IFRS RULES

Income Statement Mix of both Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective

Revenue Recognition: Does notGoodwill: allow the Fairanticipation value – no of amortizationfuture sales Cost of Goods Sold: match to revenueMarketable securities: Fair Value Depreciation: allocate over timeImpairments of assets: Fair Value Operating Leases: as paid Capital Leases: Fair Value Software: Capitalize when technologicalDeferred feasibilityRevenue (new rules) Deferred Revenue allocate overImpaired time Debt – Fair Value Securitization – Fair value

Historical Costs on Transitory gains and Balance sheet losses go through income Accounting Rules and Standards Mix up both Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective Goodwill: Fair value Revenue Recognition: CONSERVATISMMarketable securities: Fair Value Cost of Goods Sold: matching Impairments of assets: Fair Value Depreciation: allocate over time Capital Leases: Fair Value Operating Leases: as paid Deferred Revenue (new rules) Software: Technological feasibility Impaired Debt – Fair Value Deferred Revenue (old rules) Securitization – Fair value

Historical Costs on Transitory gains and Balance sheet losses go through income Accounting Rules and Standards Mix up both Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective Goodwill: Fair value Revenue Recognition: CONSERVATISMMarketable securities: Fair Value Cost of Goods Sold: matching Impairments of assets: Fair Value Depreciation: allocate over time Use CASH BASISCapital Leases: Fair Value Operating Leases: as paid R&D Deferred Revenue (new rules) Software: Technological feasibility Expense start upImpaired costs Debt – Fair Value Deferred Revenue (old rules) Expense SG&ASecuritization – Fair value

Historical Costs on Transitory gains and Balance sheet losses go through income Accounting Rules and Standards Mix up both Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective Goodwill: Fair value Revenue Recognition: CONSERVATISMMarketable securities: Fair Value Cost of Goods Sold: matching Impairments of assets: Fair Value Depreciation: allocate over time CASH BASIS Capital Leases: Fair Value Operating Leases: as paid Expense R&D Deferred Revenue (new rules) Software: Technological feasibility Expense start upImpaired costs Debt – Fair Value Deferred Revenue (old rules) Expense SG&ASecuritization – Fair value Use Fair Values on the downside Historical Costs on But not on the upsideTransitory gains and Balance sheet losses go through income ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING TENSION

Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING TENSION

Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective Standard Setters Fund Managers Debt holders (in firms in Financial distress) Academics ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING TENSION

Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective Management Standard Setters Financial Analysts Fund Managers Investors Debt holders (in firms in Financial distress) Media Academics Compensation consultants Auditors Operationalizing Earnings Quality

• Concept of earnings persistence

• Earningst+1 = α + βEarningst + ε

Income Statement β β Balance Sheet Perspective > Perspective Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure RULES

Firm Structure Management and Investment Application of Opportunities Rules

Stage of Life Internal Controls Cycle Audit Quality Governance Consequence of moving accrual accounting to a balance sheet focus • Declining association of stock returns with earnings • Declining matching role of accruals • Declining persistence of GAAP earnings Matching implies a negative correlation between Cash flows and Accruals Low accruals Low cash flows (positive correlations)

High accruals Low cash flows (negative correlations)

Source: Dechow and Ge (2005) Ranking on Accruals Correlation between Cash flows and Accruals Low accruals Low cash flows (positive correlations)

High accruals Low cash flows (negative correlations) Income statement Role Matching: Low Cash flows Accruals indicate Source: DechowLarge and Ge investments (2005) Ranking on Accruals Correlation between Cash flows and Accruals Low accruals Low cash flows (positive correlations) Balance Sheet role Distressed firms – Low EARNINGS Taking write-offs High accruals (low accruals Low cash flows that are transitory (negative correlations) Income statement Role Matching: Low Cash flows Accruals indicate Source: DechowLarge and Ge investments (2005) Ranking on Accruals Correlation between Cash flows and Accruals Low accruals Two types of firms have low cash flows Low cash flows (positive correlations) Distressed firms – taking write-offs (low accruals) Balance Sheet role Growth firms – investing heavily (high accruals) Distressed firms – Low EARNINGS Taking write-offs High accruals (low accruals Low cash flows that are transitory (negative correlations) Income statement Role Matching: Low Cash flows Accruals indicate Source: DechowLarge and Ge investments (2005) Matching role of accruals has declined + - +

Bushman Lerman and Zhang (2016) Accruals Association with Cash Flows

Newer cohorts (technology) do not have a negative association between cash flows and accruals

Bushman Lerman and Zhang (2016) Matching role of accruals has declined + - +

Bushman Lerman and Zhang (2016)

Good News: BB still Holds! (replication of Ball and Brown 1968 ) Data 1971 - 2012


Price Residual

Source: Dechow, Sloan, and Zha (2014) Good news: Earnings Announcements Still Informative

2001-2012 2001-2012

1981-1990 1981-1990

Volume Price Residual

Source: Dechow, Sloan, and Zha (2014) Earnings vs. cash flows association with stock returns over time




Source: Dechow, Sloan, and Zha (2014) Earnings vs. cash flows association with stock returns over time Non-GAAP Earnings Earnings



Source: Dechow, Sloan, and Zha (2014) Market Solution

• Declining association of stock returns with earnings • Declining matching role of accruals • Declining persistence of GAAP earnings

Rise of management guidance Rising use of non-GAAP performance metrics Rising emphasis by management on meeting analysts’ non-GAAP EPS expectations Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure RULES

Firm Structure Management and Investment Application of Opportunities Rules

Stage of Life Voluntary Disclosures Internal Controls Cycle Guidance Audit Quality Non-GAAP metrics to Governance aid in understanding EQ ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING TENSION

Income Statement Balance Sheet Perspective Perspective Management Market’s SolutionStandard Setters Financial Analysts Fund Managers Investors VoluntaryDebt Disclosures holders (in firms in Financial distress) Media Guidance Academics Compensation consultantsNon-GAAP metrics to Auditors aid in understanding EQ Is the market solution good? J. Michael Pearson, (started his reign as CEO and COB in 2008)

• Roll-up strategy: – Grow by acquiring companies with existing drugs 30 Acquisitions – Cut R&D, layoff workers, increase the price of patented drugs during tenure as CEO

• Strategy relies on easy access to capital markets to fund acquisitions J. Michael Pearson, (started his reign as CEO and COB in 2008)

• Valeant consistently met analysts’ expectations

1 Beat Beat analysts’ EPS forecasts (26 times of 31 Quarters)

Miss 0 20080331 20080630 20080930 20081231 20090331 20090630 20090930 20091231 20100331 20100630 20100930 20101231 20110331 20110630 20110930 20111231 20120331 20120630 20120930 20121231 20130331 20130630 20130930 20131231 20140331 20140630 20140930 20141231 20150331 20150630 20150930

2008 Analysts forecastBeat/Miss of EPS 2015 J. Michael Pearson, (started his reign as CEO and COB in 2008) Strategy works: Stock Price increases 2000 percent:

Price 300 30 Acquisitions during tenure as 250 CEO

200 By 2015 Pearson

150 had nearly $3Billion in stock 100 and options



Price 2008 2015 J. Michael Pearson, (started his reign as CEO and COB in 2008)

• Valeant consistently met analysts’ expectations

1 Beat Beat analysts’ EPS forecasts (26 times of 31 Quarters)

How did they consistently beat?

Miss Reported proforma EPS or “cash EPS” 0 (excludes amortization of intangible assets such as drug patents, goodwill write-offs,

20080331 20080630 20080930 20081231 20090331 20090630 20090930 20091231 20100331 20100630 20100930 20101231 20110331 20110630 20110930 20111231 20120331 20120630 20120930 20121231 layoff20130331 20130630 20130930 costs,20131231 20140331 20140630 acquisition20140930 20141231 20150331 20150630 20150930 costs, etc.)

2008 Analysts forecastBeat/Miss of EPS 2015 Valeant’s Reconciliation J. Michael Pearson, CEO

'Going After' Valeant for predatory pricing But then, questions started being raised about sustainability and ethics of Valeant’s strategy: J. Michael Pearson, CEO

• Price tumbled today it is $15

Valeant was not a stock that created real economic growth

But, was a Darling of Wall Street • Met expectations • Raised financing • Positive stock price momentum • High institutional ownership • Strong analyst following

2008 Do firms manipulate to consistently meet expectations?

• Tools: – Guidance – Put in more effort – Take real economic actions: “real” – Massage accruals Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure RULES

Firm Structure Management and Investment Application of Opportunities Rules Voluntary Disclosures Stage of Life Internal Controls Cycle Guidance Non-GAAP metrics to Audit Quality aid in understanding Governance EQ Percent of Manipulating firms consistently beat analysts’ expectations before and during the manipulation period

Manipulation Before manipulation After manipulation 100% period period period


Manipulators identified by SEC 80%

70% Earnings forecasts Earnings

60% All AAERs % of firms that beat or meet analysts’ % of firms that beatmeet or analysts’ Population 50%

Source: Chu, Dechow, Hui, and Wang (2018) Manipulating firms have high accruals before and during manipulation period – consistent with the use of more accounting flexibility Manipulation Panel A: Working capital accruals. period

Before manipulation After manipulation 8% period period






-4% All AAERs Population Implications • Earnings quality and properties of accruals have changed over time: – Balance sheet focus combined with conservatism – fair values on the downside – Conservatism – cash basis - lack of capitalizing investment costs and so no creation of accruals in technology firms • Rise of non-GAAP earnings to solve these problems • Continuing pressure on management to guide and meet expectations What can we do? What can we do? I Project with Chad Larson and Bob Retesuk

Earnings = Cash Flows + Accruals

COMPUSTAT Earnings = CFO + ∆WC Accruals + Depreciation + (FOPO)

BIG DATA PROJECT Dechow, Larson, Retesuk (2018) For each firm-year on Compustat go to SEC filings – find the Statement of Cash Flows and determine what is included in FOPO Data Analysis (Raw Line Item Data)

• Messy but manageable • 188,132 FOPO lines for 67,839 firm years (2.77 lines per firm year) • Nearly 40,000 unique line item descriptions – Over 2,000 unique ways to describe bad debt expense – provision for doubtful accounts, provision for loan losses, provision for losses on accounts receivable, provision for bad debts, bad debt expense, allowance for doubtful accounts, provision for credit losses, provision for doubtful accounts receivable, provision for uncollectible accounts, provision for losses on receivables, provision for bad debt, provision for loan and lease losses, provision for uncollectible accounts receivable, provision for allowance for doubtful accounts, provision for doubtful receivables, bad debt provision, … Categorize into 32 different line items

Findings so far…

• Many “unusual and infrequent” items are consistently reported by firms – E.g., restructuring charges, gains and losses on MS – Relate to specific industries (bad debts) • Persistence and consistency are different aspects of EQ OBJECTIVE OF DATA BASE

• GIVE RESEARCHERS THE DATA TO • Better understand the details of specific accruals – determine their characteristics • Develop improved discretionary accrual models • Develop industry level models • Develop new approaches to thinking of EQ • Provide new insights into understanding transitory components in earnings Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure RULES Big Data Analysis Firm Structure Unconventional Management and Investment approaches Opportunities Application of Rules Voluntary Disclosures Stage of Life Internal Controls Cycle Guidance Non-GAAP metrics to Audit Quality aid in understanding Governance EQ Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure Governance RULES Big Data Structure Firm Structure Analysis Management and Investment Unconventional Attitude at theApplication top of Opportunities approaches CEO/Executive team Overconfidence, Rules Narcistic, Stage of Life Voluntary Disclosures competitive Internal Controls Cycle Guidance Non-GAAP metrics to Audit Quality aid in understanding Governance EQ Incentive Compensation Factors that Affect Earnings Quality

Underlying Economics Accrual Accounting System Earnings Quality Industry FASB/IFRS Structure Governance RULES Big Data Structure Firm Structure Influence of Analysis Management outside experts: and Investment Unconventional Attitude at the top lawyers Application of Opportunities approaches CEO/Executive team compensation Overconfidence, Rules consultants Narcistic, Stage of Life Voluntary Disclosures competitive Internal Controls Cycle Guidance Non-GAAP metrics to Audit Quality Governance Influence of aid in understanding taxes EQ Incentive Compensation THANK YOU!