Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF OCBA), Spain April 2018 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY INTRODUCING TEST AND TREAT In June 2015 MSF, in co-operation with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the World “Ten years ago I was diagnosed with ASSESS ACCEPTANCE OF A COMMUNITY-BASED Health Organization (WHO), launched a pilot HIV and began treatment shortly ASSESS ACCEPTANCE IN HIV T&T IN A HIV test and treat project in rural locations in APPROACH TO HIV TEST AND TREAT afterwards. From then on, I had to go to SELECTED COMMUNITY Yambio county, a conflict-affected region of Yambio on foot or by bicycle to collect South . my drugs. The round trip took two full days to complete. Sometimes I would DESCRIBE THE DEMOGRAPHIC AND CLINICAL The project tested an innovative model have to spend the night in Yambio. This DESCRIBE THE DEMOGRAPHIC AND of taking a “Treat All” approach into the meant I was away from my family for a CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PARTICIPATING CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE community, using mobile clinics to test for long time. Now that MSF gives support POPULATION HIV and initiate same day antiretroviral (ARV) PARTICIPATING POPULATION directly in Bodo, it is a short walk to the treatment. clinic to receive my treatment. I don’t want to leave my children again.” ASSESSTO ASSE ADHERENCESS ADHERENCE OF PATIENTSOF PATIENTS STARTING ART The pilot project tested the feasibility and AT COMMUNITY LEVEL acceptability of using a community-based Patient one STARTING ART AT COMMUNITY LEVEL approach to reach to people living in rural and isolated areas with limited access to health services. ASSESSASSES SPATIENT PATIENT RETENTION RETENTION ININ C CAREARE AT 3, 6 AND 12 MONTHS By bringing HIV testing and treatment closer AT THREE, SIX AND 12 MONTHS to patients’ homes, with simplified protocols and less specialised health staff, coverage of HIV testing and treatment was increased, DESCRIBEDESCRIBE THE THE CLINICAL CLINICAL AND INMUNOINMUNOLOGICALLOGICAL resulting in comparable treatment outcomes STATUSSTATUS OF OF THE THE PATIENTS PATIENTS AATT THETHE MOMENT MOMENT OF OF to those of facility-based care. HIVHIV DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS




3 WHY YAMBIO? WHY SOUTH SUDAN? CRITERIA FOR CREATING A COMMUNITY Yambio county lies in South Sudan´s Western ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY GROUP region, on the border with the “HIV is a big challenge for the community. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Yambio If a person is positive or doesn’t get tested, is a rural and conflict-affected area with the that person will die. I believe that many highest prevalence of HIV in South Sudan (6.8 people are positive, but they do not know it. percent for people aged between 15 and 49). PATIENTS STABLE ON ART WITH People are not afraid to come for testing VL SUPPRESSION FOR AT LEAST MSF has been working in the Western since test and treat began. People with 3 MONTHS Equatoria region since 2004. Before the Test HIV need to be tested and those who are and Treat pilot commenced, MSF provided positive should be treated. People who are HIV testing and treatment services in Yambio negative should continue to learn about HIV State Hospital. and get tested regularly. I usually speak at community gatherings about MSF and the A MINIMUM OF THREE AND A South Sudan has a generalised HIV epidemic importance of getting tested. Fighting has MAXIMUM OF SIX PATIENTS with an estimated national HIV prevalence caused people to flee their homes. When of 2.7 percent. The country has one of the they leave, many cannot continue their lowest rates of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment treatment.” (ART) coverage in the world, with only 10 percent of adults and 5 percent of children Arkangelo Ruben, Community leader, Bodo living with HIV accessing ARV treatment. PEOPLE LIVING IN THE SAME BOMA/LOCATION The ‘90-90-90’ UNAIDS strategy for 2020 aims to have 90 percent of people living with HIV (PLWHA) diagnosed, 90 percent of those diagnosed receiving ART and 90 percent of people on ART with an undetectable AT LEAST ONE PERSON ABLE viral load. In order to reach these targets in 2.7% South Sudan, new and innovative models are TO READ AND WRITE needed to accelerate progress. ACCORDING TO UNAIDS, THE HIV PREVALENCE RATE WAS 2.7 PERCENT IN 2016 IN SOUTH SUDAN FOR THOSE BETWEEN ONE PERSON WITH A PHONE THE AGES OF 15 AND 49

Progress in South Sudan 200,000 180,000 toward achieving “I was tested for HIV two years ago and found out I was positive. My children were also 160,000 UNAIDS targets by 2020 tested and thankfully they are not infected. I began anti-retroviral treatment (ART) 140,000 immediately. I collect my drugs every month near the market. Reaching 90-90-90: 120,000 100,000 A long way to go 179,000 132,460 80,000 125,437 My husband was tested and is HIV-negative. When I told my husband I was HIV-positive, he 60,000 130,491 was not angry with me. We are both living well together and I feel there is no stigma that 40,000 comes with being HIV-positive.” 20,000 28,640 19,553 Patient two 0 0 Achieved Gap people living diagnosed on ART viral with HIV supression

4 5 Outcomes of the test and treat project: patients, 39 percent of those whose PUTTING MSF´S TEST AND TREAT CD4 was recorded at the start of the PROGRAMME INTO PRACTICE • The MSF pilot shows that a ‘treat-all’ project (378 patients) would not have approach can be successfully implemented started treatment under previous WHO The pilot programme used a two-phase Delegating tasks to less specialised health through a community-based model. guidelines. This demonstrates the benefit observational study approach: staff: clinical officers or nurses could commence of the ‘treat-all’ approach in scaling up • The pilot shows that community-based treatment independently, without a doctor treatment coverage. 1. In the first phase, participating present. test and treat approaches can increase communities were offered free HIV HIV diagnosis and treatment coverage in −− Increasing the number of people on testing and counselling until December Drop-in centres: Mobile clinics in fixed locations challenging contexts; in rural and hard-to- treatment with viral load suppression: 2016. Patient enrolment continued after. in the community provide a place for people to reach populations, areas with limited health At the end of 12 months, 89 percent of 1 receive HIV testing, ARV treatment and follow- services and in unstable settings. By using patients had viral load suppression. This 2. The second phase monitored treatment up care. simplified protocols and tools to bring HIV is comparable to facility-based models acceptability, adherence and programme testing and treatment closer to patients’ of care. retention for 18 months, in an all-inclusive : A contingency plan is homes, increased ART coverage and cohort of people who tested positive Contingency plan essential for providing ART in unstable settings. comparable treatment outcomes to facility- for HIV. In case of active insecurity, the CHWs working based care can be achieved through: “The conflict has disrupted everyday life. in the area provide patients with a ‘runaway’ −− Increasing the number of people living Many people who previously lived close The community Test and Treat model had a bag containing three months of additional ARV with HIV (PLHIV) who know of their to the roads have moved deeper into the number of different components: treatment as well as their regular stock. HIV status: The mobile approach was forest to escape the fighting. If the test popular with the community. There was a and treat teams cannot reach them, I bring Awareness raising by community health Viral load (VL) capacity: Performing ribonucleic high turnout for testing, resulting in more medicine to isolated communities. workers: Community health workers (CHWs) acid-based VL tests is essential to monitor the people knowing of their HIV status. MSF were recruited to help lay down essential medical success of ART programmes, because tested 14,800 people – 49 percent of the Every two months, the ART group comes groundwork for the Test and Treat pilot. therapeutic benefit stems from the suppression target adult population - and 504 people together to discuss our general health. One CHWs performed health promotion activities, of VL in patients. tested positive (3.4 percent prevalence). of us will then speak with MSF and get the extensive awareness raising and health drugs to distribute in our communities.” information dissemination, before counselling and voluntary testing began. −− Increasing the number of PLHIV on Focal point for community ART groups treatment: There was a high take-up of Test and Treat: HIV counselling and testing ART initiation in the project, with 401 (HCT) with same day ARV treatment initiation people (80 percent) who tested positive (termed ‘Treat All’ in 2016 WHO guidelines). starting ARV treatment. Of these 401

Decentralised approach: The use of five mobile 200, 000 clinics operated by seven staff each, enabled the HIV cascade in Yambio 600 expansion of HIV testing and ART to rural and Test and Treat project 3.4% 500 underserved areas. UNAIDS ESTIMATES THAT 79% THERE ARE 200,000 PEOPLE 400 Community antiretroviral therapy groups LIVING WITH HIV IN SOUTH 300 65% (CAGs): Groups of patients who rotated clinic 60% 89% visits to obtain drug refills, dispense drugs to SUDAN 200 their peers in the community and ensure peers 498 395 257 238 213 received information from medical staff. 100

0 HIV ART RIC Available Supressed positive initiation VL VL

1. This represents 128 out of 144 available patients, rather than the whole cohort of 401 patients who started on ART


AND TRAINING OF EACH MOBILE TEAM • A mobile test and treat approach can be refills at the clinic to dispense to their peers. implemented with less qualified health staff. Of the 98 patients who participated in a This is particularly relevant in areas with CAG, 84 percent had a suppressed viral load limited health facilities ortrained personnel. over a 12 month period. Using simplified protocols, clinical officers CLINICAL OFFICER / • Recruiting community health workers LAB ASSISTANTS (1) or nurses can commence HIV treatment TEAM LEADER (1) (CHWs) within patient communities independently, without a doctor present. helped to improve defaulter follow-up and • Community-based contingency plans implement contingency plans. CHWs lived 2 TO 3.5 YEARS’ NO FORMAL help to keep patients on ART treatment, in different test and treat communities, MEDICAL TRAINING and 4 EDUCATION especially in volatile settings. Health allowing them to quickly follow up with weeks of MSF HIV training 4 weeks of MSF training workers were able to provide patients with a anyone who missed an appointment and to ‘run-away’ bag containing an additional three support the implementation of contingency Weekly training over 9 months months of ARV treatment. These plans were plans by providing drugs. They were also with study coordinator activated at least eight times for 90 patients. able to ensure the early provision of infant Of those, 79 percent resumed treatment prophylaxis if a pregnant woman with HIV HTC successfully. delivers at home. COUNSELLORS (1) • Community antiretroviral therapy groups • Mobile teams are flexible, can adapt to (CAGs) are effective in insecure contexts volatile settings and respond to displaced NURSE (1) MSF TRAINING OR and remote areas. While CAGs are often populations. In locations without an ART used in more stable settings, the MSF pilot site, or where the provision or scale-up of NURSES WITH MSF TRAINING shows the value of using CAGs in remote and services is disrupted by insecurity, mobile 3 YEARS’ FOR HTC insecure areas. The project´s 24 CAGs were clinics are flexible and can reach populations EDUCATION and 4 weeks of set up with patients providing peer support, wherever they are. rotating their clinic visits and obtaining drug MSF HIV training

Weekly training over 9 months COMMUNITY HEALTH with study coordinator WORKERS (3)


“The prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) is also a huge challenge in conflict settings. It’s important for women to deliver their babies in clean health facilities, but because of conflict many women still deliver at home. This puts them at risk of cross infection.

We trained community health workers to administer prophylaxis drugs to women immediately after giving birth. From the start of the project until November 2017, we delivered 42 HIV-exposed babies with three confirmed HIV-positive (as their mothers were tested HIV positive while breastfeeding, these three babies were also found to be HIV positive). The rest (39) were negative. This was a big success for the PMTCT part of the programme; it proved the program really does work.”

Beatriz Alonso, MSF doctor in Yambio


• By scaling up the mobile approach, test the strategy of mobile clinics, in terms of Should we not focus on increasing the number only on facility-based service delivery and treat in the community could help to location and working hours, could also be of ART sites, rather than investing in outreach alone risks overlooking harder to reach accelerate the diagnosis and treatment of applied when providing care to key mobile approaches? populations where there is still significant HIV HIV in hard to reach populations across populations. The reality of the situation in South Sudan transmission. Efforts to increase HIV diagnosis South Sudan. By using mobile teams to is that both approaches are needed. Given and treatment continue to be hampered by • Focusing only on facility-based services reach communities, adopting simplified the limited number of validated ART sites the on-going conflict and insecurity, lack of risks overlooking hard-to-reach protocols that can be implemented by less in the country, accelerating the scale-up is trained health staff, limited numbers of ART populations where there is still significant qualified health staff and through supporting essential. Community-based approaches are sites, and poor infrastructure to allow patients HIV transmission. Ongoing conflict and contingency planning, ART coverage can compatible with this needed scale-up as they to travel to sites outside of their catchment insecurity, a lack of trained medical staff, be increased. This is particularly relevant in provide a flexible response in areas where area. limited ART sites and poor infrastructure areas that are difficult to reach, such as rural ART sites are not yet in place. Focusing prevent many people from accessing testing and remote areas, dispersed and displaced and treatment services. populations, conflict-affected areas and areas with limited health services and • Community-based approaches are validated ART sites. compatible with the necessary increase of ART sites in South Sudan. Accelerating the • Bringing services closer to the population scale-up is essential. Where ART sites are not THE RUNAWAY BAG could also be adapted to reach key mobile yet validated, or HIV testing and treatment populations, such as sex workers, boda- services are not available, drop in centres Adapting boda drivers and armed groups. should be considered. CONTINGENCY PLAN: A contingency plan is essential for providing ART in unstable settings. In case of any active insecurity, the community QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS health workers of the area provide patients with a ‘runaway’ bag. 80% patients started ART treatment in the implementation of any “Treat All” approach. study. What happened with the 20% of people The benefits of a decentralised model are tested and not initiated on ART? that mobile clinics are flexible and can be Stigma around HIV is still a big issue in South easily adapted to a shifting context, making Sudan. Some people who tested positive the model cost-effective in the sense that put off treatment as they feared disclosure. it can respond to insecurity and population In many cases, the patient´s fear was that movement in a way that fixed facilities disclosure would affect their relationship with cannot. CONTAINING THREE MONTHS OF ADDITIONAL their partner. Other patients were already ARV AS WELL AS REGULAR STOCK on treatment and only wanted to be re- Can this approach facilitate high-yield testing? tested. We consider this 80% of initiation as Community outreach approaches are successful for this context. appropriate for both general and targeted testing. For example, mobile clinics can be Is a decentralised model cost-effective? adapted for use in areas with armed groups A mobile approach has different start-up or to reach other key populations, such costs to facility-based approaches as it as sex workers. At the same time, general requires vehicles for outreach activities and community outreach is still important in COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS, AND fuel costs over the lifetime of the project. South Sudan, especially in areas with a SOMETIMES PEER PATIENTS OR CAG Many of the other costs, such as staff low rate of PLHIV diagnosis and low ART salaries and lab equipment, such as CD4 and coverage. MEMBERS, ACTED AS FOCAL POINTS TO VL tests, and training, would occur in the DISTRIBUTE THE ARVS AMONG PATIENTS.

10 11 FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information please contact: MSFE-[email protected] [email protected]

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Photos: South Sudan Cover: Briefing of community antiretroviral therapy Yambio group © Anna Kerber. Page 3: Counsel-ling of those being tested and found to be HIV positive is a key part of the Test and Treat strategy © Anna Kerber. Page 9: Every morning the mobile team meets and distributes the orders of the day before departing for the field © Anna Kerber. Back: The patient is briefed on his or her condition by a counselor. It is important that he or she recognizes the effects of both the condition and the treatment © Anna Kerber.