PERSPECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT MEDICINES CONTAINING BIOLOGICAL ACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF BIGNONIOIDES 1Kovalev V. M., 2Demeshko O. V., 2Kovalev V. V., 2Dashchi Mustafa 1Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine [email protected]

Introduction. The use of medicinal in folk and official medicine has centuries-old traditions. In this aspect, medicines based on the API obtained from medicinal materials attracted attention for many decades. After reviewing literary sources, our attention was attracted by a Catalpa bignonioides, which was officially named Linnaeus in 1753 (“ of Elephant ears”, “Tree of Happiness”). The genus Catalpa (Latin Catalpa) has about 11 different and is part of the bignonian family (Latin ). Aim. The purpose of research is studying of medicines development perspectives based API obtained from Catalpa Bignonioides. Materials and methods. Due to literary analysis botanical characteristic, growth conditions, chemical composition, usage in medicine of Catalpa Bignonioides were studied. Results and discussion. A tree up to 20 m hight, the jagged branches form a wide-angle crown. is light brown, thin-walled. The are large, 20 cm in length and 15 cm in width, in shape resemble the leaves of lilac. Upper leaves are light green, lowered pubescent. are white, with red-brown spots and yellow stripes inside, up to 5 cm in length. Flowers has a faint scent. - narrow, striatched boxes with numerous seeds and thin walls. The Catalpa grows very quickly. It’s frost resistant plant which is not demanding to the ground. Currently, some species of the Catalpa are grown as decorative crops in many countries, including Ukraine. Catalpa - a relict tree, it adorned our planet in the tertiary period. In the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine, species of the genus Catalpa: C. bignonioides Walter, C. speciosa Warder ex Barneu Engelmann, C. ovat ovata G. Don., C Hybrida Spaeth., C. Fargesii Bureau, C. bungei CA Meyer. were studied. These plants are introduents and propagate mainly by seeds. The chemical composition of the genus Catalpa plants was not totally considered. Catalpa bark contains resins and . The monotherpen glycosides has been found in the leaves. Catalpa seeds contain up to 30% of oil rich on the eleostearic acid. The bark and fruits of the plant are rich on glycosides catalpin and catalopozide. Virtually all plants of the genus Catalpa has properties that can be used to treat various diseases same to the "Tree of Happiness". Its bark promotes digestion and improves metabolism. European scientists have obtained an extract from the Catalpa pods that can cure diabetes. The plant bark has a viscous action due to its tannins content, antihelminthic properties associated with bitter glycosides, one of them the iridoid catalopid also has a diuretic effect and has a positive effect on digestion. The anti-bronchial action of Catalpa leaves has explained by the presence of glycoside catalpin. The wound-healing and bactericidal action of these plant bark, fruits and leaves is explained by the presence of phytoncides. Folk medicine used Catalpa bark decoctions for gastric diseases and helminthes curing, as rotting wounds, ulcers and fistulas washings. Catalpa bark Extract is used for the oncological diseases complex treatment, bronchial diseases including bronchitis and emphysema of the lungs. Catalpa leaves are used for the carbuncles, scabs and abscesses treatment. Leaves infusion used as washings for eyes with clouding. Plant pods infusion used in folk medicine for herpes, acne and furuncle healing. Also it’s used as compresses for the hemorrhoids and prostatitis curing. This infusion is used in diabetes therapy for internal. Catalpa infusions and decoctions are used in surgical diseases treatment, it is a wonderful antiseptic, it has analgesic properties and widely used for the malaria and kidney treatment. Conclusions. Catalpa pods, bark, leaves, seeds, fruits are most common plant raw material types used in medicine. Folk medicine used Catalpa infusions and decoctions for curing of various inflectional, bronchial and gastric diseases. All of the above leads to the conclusion that the Catalpa bignonioides contains a valuable API. Therefore the study of its chemical composition and standardization of Catalpa raw materials for medicines production are perspective tasks for pharmaceutical science.