Leo Schofield AM 2001 by BreniHarrs

Nationa Po.traitGdllery staff


National Portrair Gallery The Natond Portraf calery s part of the The ca ery has aso enab shed a fund Od Par ament Holse, K ng CeorgeTerrace, FederalDeparlnlentof Comnrunrcations, to endbe purrhasesof sgn fcant worksof Parkes,Cdnbetra, ACI2600 niorm.t on lechnologyand the Arts art Donatons ol (ash io th6lund are tax Ie:1400779955, +61 2 6210 4236 Fax +61 2 62708181 The colledion The Natona Portrat Gd ery has an Open da y 9am-5pm. C osed Christmas Begun n May 1998, the coLlecton actve policy of commissioningportrails, Day 52 adults, children.nd concessions, cont nles to grow rap y. ManaqerEducation and $1 d The malorty of a processwh ch 5!pports developm€nt $5lamry Wheekhdr accessand assstance works n the co eclon have been gfts s availdbeWheechdrrs are avarlabe. thdnks to the generosty of dono6 The mdrn qa ery spaceielhe The Galleryie cr€airnga colleclionof P.r arnenlaryLibrary and the Robe.t porlrats qua Oatey oi tl-reh then ty acrossa Monthly updateeon the Gallerys Ga ery,wh ch houtes a permdnenl drsplay nreda Two principlesguide the seleclion co ecnon, program! and podrait news cdn oi ALrnralianportrats n a medrd,rang nq oi portrats ior the co ecton: be iound al\^/\@portrarl gov au irom paintinqsand forrnal buns to . the subtectmun be sqnfcant n hs or her plrotographsand skei(hes fieldofendeavour ora known and named Podrait s the magazineoflhe Naliond The.rohn.ndlu e SchaefferGall€ry personwhose lfe setl them apartds dn PortranGa ery C rcleof Friends Forfurrher and the SenaleGa ery aredevotedto a ndMdualof ongterm publc inleren;and informatbn contact Bill Hasketton proqrarnof bolh naiiona and nternaliond . the slblectmun be Alstrd an,etherby \02) 6270 A112 exh bitionsthatchange regulary b rtlr or a550cdt on \4,wv.podrat gov au/c rcle htm

Marketnq Coordnalor Bill Haskett C rcleoi Fnend5Secretarat

Lcodon Da ing ao cMG

Interestrevenue generated by the Natonal PortraitGallery fundsuppo(ed the productron of rhispub ication. PORTRAT 3 ALllLlr',1Ntili)?

H t Ex(een.y the Rktirt Re\rcrcfdDr PctcrHo ngworth Aa OBt,Governor Gener. of Iire fonrmonweallh ol A!siral. .1 thel.r!n.h ol the

Andrews.yers Go.don Dar n9 .nd tUariyn D.r ng,,!ththe sydneyA rporl!Corpofrrl of! q tt ol SirCharles Kingsford Smithand CaptainCharles Ulm 1961by 5 r W ldnrOdrq e

[.]-omb-or5oi lhe Nal onn PortratGa rr! Boardd!.!s5

VlrNe Ma.G.eqor.Dre.lo. ol thr Nalon,r Ga -ory,London, n Aunr.la to de verthe N.t ona Ponr.t G. ery5 ' 5e(ondAnn lert.iry ..ature :_: -_ r*.- .C,'= rh

Directors Foreword

Th s ssLreol the Natona Portrat Ga ery's 2001there was a . eary identifab e and Maccregor'sbr ant Ann versary Tnagazne s devotedto a revew ol the qratifyng groundswellof supportfor the LectLreand conc uding with a well h,oLo\' . or rL" gdll., d. r..ta 1 ,/00 deaof a Frend's organ sation and w th a attendedand st mulatingsem nar n OLrrirrst Year In Review,a modest dedLcatedafd magnative aomrn ttee we Hobart contrnuedour commtment to produatron,un ustrated,was produced n workedtowards ts estabshment. Many discusslon,research and the wrde 2000 Lastyear we 5etthe retrospectve hundredsof peope havetaken up the drsseminaton of deasto a natonal g ance n an eleatrona pubrcatron Th s opportLrnty to showthe r s!pportof the audence. year,we takethe opportunrtyoffered by Ga eryby becornnq membersof the C/rcle Wrthits energet c andstrong y the Ga ery'srecently aunched maqaz ne focussedBoard, ts exceent staff,the Portraitlor th s snapshotof the year2001 Thegallery's collect on wasenriched qoodleve s ol governrnentand p!b!ic 2001was a year n wh ch the Ga ery greatlyin 2001by somemaqnif cent g fts, sLrpportt enloys,the Ga eryhas consoldatedand deepened ts commtment a I of whichare lsted and some ol which developeda strongfoundat on n2001, to itsarm to br ng ponrats andthe (suf{cent on y to demonstratethe ranqeof wth the additon of an organsat on peope deplctedrn them to the Austra|an the Ga ery'sco ections)are lustratedhere throughwhich the wtderpub c can pub c I80,000peop e v s ted the Galleryn As t haslrom DayOne, the Ga ery becomepract ca y nvoved, the future Old Parament House and manythousands contnues to enloythe supportof a bando{ of the Galerys lookrngever stronger morewere able to experiencethe Ga ery benefactorsand sponsors who be evein the throughInterstate pubhc proqrarns, through mportanceol our po(ra t hertage Yet Andrew Sayers our travellngexh b tions,the Ga ery's anotherd menson of the Galery5 D rector webste and Portraitmagazrne co ectionbuild ng wasfLrrther deve oped n 2001a so sa[ra verypractrca and 2001 the commssion nll of portraitsof partrc!ar manilestaton of publc support contemporarynterest The latest of theseto ^.aladgd.p 'Flo.. ior the Ga ery n Augustwe aunchedour b6 o'1 o.ro Circleof Fnends Sincethe Galleryopeneo Exhibtions (the malor ty or gtnatedby the In (s expandedand re furbshed spaces r Natonal Portrait Ga ery)cont nued to MarchI999 manypeop e approach,"dme refect the Gallery'sd verslty of nterests. with the qLreston How canwe s gn up? Simrlary the Ga ery5 publicprograms What canwe do to he p thc Gallery?'By cornmencingn Marchw th Neil PORTRAIT.3AUTUMN 2OO 2


FROM FACETO FACE:PORTRAITS BY POI.LYBORLAND AUSTRALIANS DAVID MOORE 2 March 2001- 13 May 2001 17 November 20oO- 18 February2001 An exhibitionof 54 newpoftra ts of significant ThrcughDavid Moorc's carnera we met many Austraians who havemade a contributionto of the oltstand ng f guresof the t! r'entieth Britishlife and who havebased their professional centLrry-in diversearcas of achievement- lifein the UK,by -bornphotographer aswellas anonymousfaces wh ich spoke PollyBorland. directlyto us in thesephotographs. laintly organbedby the NationalPartrait Gallety, Loa.Jondnd th" Nat;analpotltdttGdl\Fry. Canbefta. Curatot: Andrcw Sayert David Maore Opened by: The Hon Peter Mccauran, Minister fol Opened by: David Malouf AA the Arts and the Centenaryof federation Cataloguepublished by Chapter & Ve6e: $55 Catalogue: 120 pages, $43 On line at wwwportrait.gav aulmoare.htm OnJineat www potlrait.gouau/boand.htm

EESTOF BRITISH:CONTEMPORARY LEGENDSITHE ART OF WALTERBARI,IETT PORTRAITS FROM THE NATIONAL 1462 - 1914 PORTRAITGALL€NY, LONDON 2 March 2001 - 13 May 2001 t7 I'lovember 2000- 18 Februaty 2OOl The work of the outstand n9 but largely forgotten FUZZYPRIME MINISTERS OF The AustralianNational Portrait Gallery has Australianphotographet WalterBarnett, was 3 August200t-9 September2001 receivedyea6 of unstint ng support from its recentlyredis(overed to containglass p ate irnages London s ster,and this loan of thirty h,r'o of NellieMeba, King Edwad Vlland manyother With an earnestdesire to addressAustrala s contemporary works was only the most public notabieVictorians and Edwadians. ackof interestn itspolitical history, Martin manifestationof a historyof generosity. Wilsoncreated 25 hookedwool rugsof our Cutator: Honor Aerk, Openetl by: The Hon Peter Mccauran, Mtnister for PrimeMinisters Simultaneously respectfu and Nattonal Poftrait Gallert London the Arts and the Centeraty af fueration rreverent,these images with the r cartoon quality Opened by: Sn Alastair Goadlad, Catalague:84 pages,$24.95. outlineshave a chlldike andappeal, ^/.porttait.gav.aulharneft BritishH igh Commissaner On line at wL .htn but arecleary dentifiableas serous portraits. Openedby: Leo On |ine at www portrait.gov.au/british.htm SchafieldAM TETE-A-TETE:poRTRAtrs By HENRI On lineat w/,^ / portrait.gov.au/fuzzyhtm CARTIER-BRESSON 24 May 2001- 15 ruly 2001 WILLIAMYANG - AUSTRALIANCHINESE 12 October2001 2 December2001 CartrerBresson chose 120 portraitsfrom many WilliarnYang'swork isan Adist MartinW lsonat the thousandsof negativesmade over six decades. intriguingmtdure of openng of the exhibtion As both artst and journalist,CartierBfesson met philosoph!1autobiography, social history and FuzzyPtine Ministers. and photographed the world's leadlng artists, documentaryimbued wth a senseof theartist s wrters, and po itcians. Many familiar faces own clriosity,humanrtyand humour Austra an Myself 1988 SidneyNoian appearedalongside compelling portraitsof men Chinesealso traced the threads of Chines€ PnvateCollection. and women encounteredaround the world. influencein Australia s buildings, placesand faces. Organisedby the Natiotal Pottrait Gallery,London Curator:Siman Ellbft, Wi ian Yang and Magnum Phato| Landan, with ke Austtalian Catalogue:34 Nge' $5. tou mdndqpdbV ie Ad GaIeryol Weaem Austala An lineat wwwpotlrait gauaulyanghtm Opened by: Paul Cox On-line at ^44\"r'.pottraitgov.au/tete htm HEARTS/HEADs2OO1 HEADSPACE II 22 Septe,''ber 2001- 25 November2001 IiiOLAN HEADS A dynamicyoung people\ art exhibition, 4 August 2001- 30 Septembet 2001 HeartvHeads:Headspace ll explored Nolan Headswas the fourth in the National portrature,produced by studentsfrom year7 PortraitGallery series of exh bitionssurveying the to year12. Headspacell attracted 750 entres. portra ture of significantAustralian artists. The from which 163wefe drawnfor exhbition. exhibitionspanned 50 yearsof Nolan'swork, Entriescame from 67 schoosin Canberraand from his abstractedheads ofthe late 1930sto surroun0rngregtons. his lastself-portra t, painted n 1988 - a paintlng TheHeartvHeads: Headspace ll project was untilthis exhibition,unseen in Austraia. deveopeo , olldbo'atrvelywirh drl eou(ators,r Curato6: Andrew Saye6 and Katrina Pawer schoolsof the Canberraregion. Opened by: LeoSchafield AM Curatars:Pamela Clelland-Gray and Maria Gravias, Catalogue:8 pages $5.95 assistedby RoseCahill Online at vwvwportrait.gouaulnolan.htm Openedby: AtalannaHeale PORTRAtT.3.,\.r rilivr\ 2ilc2 5

ti)|]r j]r, : Exhibitions

Legends:The Art of Walter Barnett state L braryol New Solth Wale5, q s 27 December2000 18 Febtuaty 2001 $ U" Morn ngton Pennslr a Regona Art ca lery, I Mornngton a 1 June 2001 15 July 2OO1 Polly Borland Australians MonashGale.y of Art,Whee e6 Hl 29 June 2001 - 5 August 2001

From Faceto Fa@:Portraits by David Moore MonashGal€ry ol Art,Wh€elers H1 30 Novembet 2001 - 27 January 2002

:..;.,1,,.,..:,:1 II loans

Ten artworks from the National Portrait Gallery (ollection were lent during 2001 to ELACKGOtD: THE AEORIGINAt AND SO YOU WANNA BT A ROCKSTAR: the tollowing exhibitionsl ISLANDERSPORTS HALL OF FAME PORTRAITSAND ROCKMUSIC IN NatonaL braryof Austraa, Canbe.ra 11O(tober 2001 '25 Novembet2O0l A USTRALIA Nora Heysen R€trospedive 14 Decembet 2OOl-17 Februaty 25 Octobet 2000 - 28 Januaty 2002 A jorntNaliona Portra t Galery and O d Padament 2002 Houseexh b tron,8/ack Gold reflected the breadth The portra ts in th6 exh btion stem from ives NatonaL braryof Austraa, Canb€rrd Cook & Omai: The anddverstyoi Aborg na andlsander tangled n rock,art stswho sten to and love Cult of the South Seas t4 febtuaty 2001 - 29 Aptil 2001 achevernent wthin andbeyond the world of sport rock mus c, who are fans, who go see bands, Thein t atveol PaLrand Coln Tatz, th ssuryey who hang oul with bdnds,who haveintegrated Natonal ta Authorty, Reg.na Po nr, Canbe.ra chaenged narrow stereorypes of Aboiginal peop es partoi theseexperences n ther work. National Capilal Exhibition 1 September 2000 - 3l August 2002 by presentng a stafting arrayof successstories Cutator Magda K-.aney A Ml)seunaf ConternporaryAtt taunngexhibntan Apenetlby DavrdKilby, with quesl spea(erPeaer Ganpft CdnberraMuse!m and Gal€ry. Canberrr catalague:8a pages,s9 95 SelectedVieions: Public Art in Canberra An lineat wwwpott?h gov.au/bla.kgoltl htrr, on ltneal www ponratt.lavaulwanna.htm from Federation to Today 12 october 2001 - 27 lanuary 2002

Mus€!m ol ConternporaryAd, Sydney Art/Mu5i(: rock, pop, punk and techno 19 March 2001 - 24 tune 2001

6loba ArtsL nk,lpswch Ready,set...Go!Sporting Life and Australian Art since |901 17 August 2001 - 11 November 20Ol

f.4!seumVctor a, Meborrne M€dical Melbourne 19february 2O0l ' 21 December2OO1

V ctoflanAris tentre, GeorgeAdams ca ery,

Archibald Prize 2001 8 De.embet 2001 . 3 rebruary 2002

Thealt n W lam Yangat th€ m€da aunch al Willian Yang Australan Chnese

Canb€rraadEr eX de N,led,:, M dn ght O membersPeter Garreit and Rob H r!1w th thepa nt n9 Nothing'sa5 precious as a hole in the ground2001, at the a!nchof Sayau wannabe a rackstar Patftns and tack mustcin AusttalE 6 PORTRAIT,3AUTUMN 2OO2

JusticeMichael Kirby with his portrait RadicalRestraint 1996by Raph He mans at the launchof the NaUonalPonra t Gallery3Gift & BequestProgram

Web Site Events& Public Art Enrrchment Prnnr:rnc www. portrait.gov.auIn 2001the StudentWorkshops websrtecontinued to bringnews and forwardnotice oJ events to users,as well The National Portrait Gallery2001 Make a Fa(e;Cut, Rip and Paste ason-line exhibitions and access to the Anniver5aryLecturc 16, t8 & 23lanuary 2001 burgeoningGallery collection. Stand out 24 February 2001 Threecollage and montageportrait making featuresincluded flash treatments of The SecondAnnive6ary Lecture was givenby workshopswere held in associationwith the portraitsof RuthCracknell, tady Greyand Mr NeilMaccregoi Director of the National Eestof 8/t6h exhibition. MidnightOil. In an Australianfirst, the Gallery,London and was entitled DaughteB, Lite Masks:Mould, Repli

SilhouettePortraits: Find out who is who! t3luly 2001 Linkingwith the WilliamFernyhough silhouette portraitsin our historicaldisplay, participants produceda lfe sizes lhouetteportrait of themselves.

PublicProgram Off-Site: Southern HighlandsRegional Gallery 14lune 2001 A programon portraiturewas delivered at the SouthernHiqhlands Regrona Galery ir Most Vale,NSW

Devotional Pose:Student /Artist collaboration 2, 4, 9 & t1 October 2q)1 fn conjunctionwith the Soyou wannabe a ro(kstar exh b I.o., a grartsrlhouellF ftgure playingair guitar was filed withdrawings collectedfrom approximately300 peope of allages. 7


ft*q The Nalional Portraii callery grarelully acknowledgesthe support provded by the lollowing individuahand companiesup unlrllhe end oi lhe calendaryear2001

L Gordon Daflnq AO CMG Allan LlMand Maran Lore

Prctlohn and leai N4utan€y

A workshop n conlunctonwith the student L GordonDarlngAOCMC exhbton HeartYHeads,Headspace I

In 2001 Educationnaff presentedprograms Pau and Wendy 6'eenhalqh to 9391 studentsand adut learne6 G ,an App eron lMccle and) c U v\..r "-,,.\,- ; --, Jyr||PUJTO artstslunch featLrring iohn Olsen AO OBE and BettyCh!rcher AO. The friends a so receivetne quarterymagaz ne, Portrait. Likeness:Portraiture and Biography Marlyi aid Godon Daring Thetam yoltoyd Dumas 5 May 2001 TheCircle ofFriendJ cornmittee are Lynne Heldat the Sydney Colege of Art,speakers Browne,Caro e Flood,Charlotte Nattey and included:Raymond Gata, ngaC endtnnen, RobPalfreyman. AndrewSayers, Wendy Sharpe, Drusila Modleska,Barbara Campbe I,Tom Arthut RobertHannatord and Robert Dessarx. Awards Develapedin callabaratianwith the Research lnstitutefor Humanitiesand So.ial Science, TheNational Portrait Ga lery and Old L Go.don Da nq AO CMG Univesityat Sydney,Sydney Callege af Aft ParliamentHoltse won the 2001ACT To!risnr Ih€ Portraitureand Place ndustryCounc I awardfor Neritageand Marqarcl O ley Ad ftu3t 1 Septefiber 20/J1 Cutura Toursm Thesymposium occurred n Hobartand Thepairnership between the Galleryand portraiture explored n the broadcontext RosemountEstate was h gh y commendedn The Hon Erabelh EvallAo EstateoJ t dy Ma 5b Drysdae of gender,identity, and place. Brt shart the 2001artsACT and ACT Governrnent h storianDr FrancesBorzello delivered the Awardslor ACTBus ness and Arts Partnersh ps. keynoteaddress. fhe dayconcluded wth 6odon Dar nq Foundaron Pla(e and ldentity: Comporing Portraits R6ehount Enabs PtyLrd by composerDon Kay. n,,^"-^^- Theliuer & maqesGroup \-,rvct)cd) Producedin assaciationwith the Tasmanian Ronro

l rr. l As a recipent of the GordonDar rng Trave LrrcreoT Fflenos Grant,Simon Eliott, Assistant Director trave leo

to theUK and n Marchand Apr | 2001 R.hard &an Close,Glhabul Hs Excelency the RightReverend Dr Peter to nvestigatemalor porlrait co lectionsand DrvvaiiedeVahl Davsand HollngworthAC OBE,Governor GeneTal of developI nks with museums and ga leres. PrcierorNea Ashkanasy theCommonwealth of Austra ta, launched the Hore Kuiialon!, PamelaC elandGray, Manager Education and Canbetra Circleof Fr'endson 25 August. P!blcPrograms was nvitedto participaten Ihe Circleof Friendshass nce attracted oveT theMay 2001 Sa zburg Semlnar d scuss ng taa1.h' & Saar.h, Auslra a 500 members.The frrst Ctrcle activity was an MuseumsIn the 21"Century 8 PORT RAIT,3 AU TI]MN 2 OI7

CollectionDevelopment 2001

Commissions Collection

Genefal Eva Burows AC AO l240xlE2Ocm Peter Srock 2000 - 2001 "Temperamental" william Morris 20Ql Comm!toned wth i!id! 1989 by l! € Edqar Hughes doorstop lrom the BaeLBreser BeqLren by v.. DLrrrant(b 1947) bronze.!v th marble b.se 5ynthetc poymeron borrd 45 x 22 x 28cm (rnclld nq brse) Leo Schofield AM 2001 1180r1073.nr 910xl21 0(m P!rch.ledwlh f!nd5 provd€d by ErentHatrs (b 1956) Freeman1996 by Comm$roned wrth i!nds by the Bas Ere!!.r Beqlesl prouded yn RalphHermant by N,l,rr Dar nq 140 x 105cm Donald Argur AO (1897 l99l) RobertO'Hara 8urke. 1860 Nothing3 as precious as a ao ectron Nationa Po.tri t r 996 1prnled 2001) by t'/e bourne and Sydney hole in the ground 2001 (Md. lhlO ) Conrnr1s oned ior the Natonal qeitnsverphoioqraph, c.de de vste photogrdph Po.trat C: ery by Ange. 9lr59cm manqrole b,rrk p qmenl, Ne! , Ne! Keatiq P.tlres 505x401.m wdrer.oo!raio goud.ne Ltd, n memory oi W im Purch,rredwth fund5 prov ded Keatng 2001 by Maflyn Darling Robert O'Hara Burke and William Wills 1859 by ThomasFoner Ch!.k .arte-de v rte photogfaprl 9lx62.m

3 studies fof General Eva Burrows AC AO 2001

David Campese 2000

l220xl125cm Purchatedwlh f!nds fromthe

lynth€i. polymerpiint on board 165x l20cm P!rclrasedwth fu.d5 from the

The Honourable rim Carlton ao 2000 bytsther Er .h

122x 151.m Glt lromdnonymols prvate

RonCartan AO 1995 (prnr€d 2001)

gelatn rlverphotoqrrph.

505x177rrn P!(haledwlh t!ndspro!ded byuar ynDrr n9 PORTR A lT.3 ..1!r|\\ \ 20C2 9

Professor Carick Chambers Sk Howard Florey KT 196l aM 1985 .dn bronze med,rllon molnled ..t1 bronze 'reda ion mo!nred

medJ on 12 5.m d,rrneter med. on 1l l.m d ameter G lt ol Dr RayMarq nson AM G il ol Dr tuy Marg.5o. Alvl Dawn Frarer AO I998 Caroline Chisholm (1808 1877)dite untfown toned ge at n rller photo qrapn efqr:v f9 ll r T0.m

Kri5tian Fredrikron 2000 Professor Graeme Cla.k 2000 9eal n s ver prrotogr.pr) 459!376.m


Crlt ot the f.m ly ol Proferor Profersor Derek Feman I 996

peic ,rfa prlre on paper Charles Conder having tea 17 9 i 29cn with Stella Mark conder P!rh.sed w th fufd5 kom llre and Mr5 Humphrey 1903 No|a H€yseninside her home, CliveJames AM I99! (1862 by Wd rer Brrneft 1sl4) Hunte6 Hill, Sydney 2000 by Po y Eorand(b 1959) Aboriginal.ouple, Dame Marycilnore.l9l8 FinnissSprings 1l8x244cm 9-"at n 5 vcr pr nt (toned) 488x186.m Mission,South 405x105.m Australia1959 by E65x752cm lill Ker Conway I987 DavidMoore, part of Purrhdedwth l{rndrpfovded si. Albert Victor lennings by SarahBe.heL 5wefson Nora Heysen with her dog 1984 over100 mage5!lfted (b r938) standing outside her home, (pnnred2001) wth thedss nance of John Gollings, Max Dupain, HuntersHill, Sydney2000 thea( n, Gordon 101 and David Moore 1980 0x850.m !lelal n rlver photoqraph, Darinq AO CL4G.nd C tl ol r...onynrolt donor 505x165.n1 ,105x1050 Pur.h:ledwth lLrndsprovded Vidor Smorgon AO by lorrnBr,r.k (1920 1999) and Loti Smorgon AO P!rchasedwlh fLridsprov,ded 2001by Kaleco I ngs l655xll95cm Nora Heysen with her dog lan Kiernan AO OAM l9!6 Gnt oi Frinkand lo.n Cro siftin9 outside her home, (prnred 2001) Profeser Gemaine 1999 Grcer Hunterr Hill, Sydney 2000 by KdleGollngs BrianCroser AO 1998 by Siqe 9e:t n 5 ler photolr.ph, (pintcd 200r) 48Eil87cm !leldtii ! ver plrotogr!ph. 405r105.m P!(hdsed wth iLrnd5pro! ded GeorgeGregan I999 by Mar yn Dar ng 50 5 x 401.m Purchasedwth fu.d5 provrded William Monis Hughes Sir Charles Kingsfo.d Smith b! Mar yf Oir n9 clooEtoP,.late unk.owf l9l2 ,lllxl57.m byEnd Fem n9

Fl€mington after painting Ambrose Hallen l9l7 l50x1t5N70.m(hxxw) 46x25x25.m(lrxwxd) by Carl Kahler 1890 Cft oi R. Techowand lenny G lt oi tlre SydneyAnpods Ie.how Co cn,an. n memory 955x89E.m ol Royird Bel Techow 492t115!i 5n Chades Kingsfod Smith Grit ol S r Jame5a.d t.dy Portrait ol Mr WM Hugh€s, and Gptain Charl6 Ulm PrimeMinister of Australia 1961 Bob Ellis1999 Roll Haris 1999 t9t6 by5fW .m Darqo KtCBE by lN B.tratt & Co Ltd, l0l x 87 4cm 1515 x 106ocm 488x186.n1 9rzed.er.mclewthplro G lt oi the Sydn€yA rports P!rchdsedwth 1!ndsfrom the 2l x l5 5.nt Sir BernardHeinze AC KT 1986 15 prepararory sketches for 2 preliminary sketchs ol Bob Radical Reskaint A Portrait Ellis1999 .rtt bron2emedn lo. mo!fted Natalielmbruglia 1999 of lvli(hael Kirby c 1995

p aqle ,5 2 r 20 2rnt, pen. , pef. brlsh and .k medr on 14 5.m drameter 487rl8lcm G lt oi Dr Ray Marq n5oi Ar,,4 10 PORTRAIT.3AUTUMN 2 OO2

Emily KameKngwaneye 1995 9 studiestor Nothingt ar pl€" Th€ N€w Anivals at the ,an Senb€rgs1976 byJenny 5ages cioustr a hole in rh€ gEund M€tmpolitanMuseum of by Keith Looby byeX d€ N,aedi(i 162 t23 2cm 251 x 122.m Giftof Dr MorrsLow penand pencil on paper G tt of Padrac McGulnness Gft of the artist 30 2 x 50.3.m Jimmytittl€, Dubbo Bequestof LadyMaisie Drysdab andrew sibl€y, Painter' Re.on(ilialion6roup Event 105photographs from the Sydney1960 'The potts 2000 seri€sDavid Moore: From Portrait of Arthur Orton by Ddvid Tidborne Claimanf by [,4ervynB shop Fa(eto Facedates various c.1872 getain eitverphotograph by Malll andCo qelatinsilver photograph (pinred2000) 33.6x 27.3cm 38 7 x 26crn 88 gelatinsilver photographs, carte-de-v6te photograph 1 collaqeof 9 qelannlilver 8 9 ! 5.9(m Victor SmorgonAO and toti phoiographs,16 type C DavidMcNicoll 1987 SmorgonAO 1995 (printed by AnthonyBuck ey and 2001) by DavidMoore H€nryPa*es 1892 byKate Gollngs qelatin photographon canvaslining s verphotograph, Acquiredby gift of theartst 100.0x 75ocm andI nancial 19.8x 15lcm 50.5x 39.3cm G ft of L GordonOarling assistancelrorn Purchasedwith fundeprovided AOCMG L GordonOarling AO CMG Mariyn 5ir les Patterson I 999 by Dar ng by PollyBorland (b.1959) ThomasSutdiff€ Mort and his ProfessorAllan Snyd€r2000 typ€C photograph by DavidMoorc (b.1927) 48 8 x l8.6cm gelatn silverphotograph 24.7x42.7.m 7.8x 6.2cm Suzi€Porter 2000 by PeterBrew-Bevan EllisSton€s 1984 gelalinsilv€r photograph LesMurray 1995 45.9x 37.6cm castbronze medallion mounled by DavdNaseby

-portrait, plaque- 21.8 x 19cm; 1665 x 17l.5cm Self Cyprus1 951 medallion' 13.2cmdiameter Purchaeedwith fundsf.om th€ geiatin photograph Giftof Dr RayMarginson AM Bae BresslerBequest s lver 344 x 23.8cm Arthur Str€€ton c.1 890 2 pr€liminarysketches of LesMurray 1995 Lloyd Reesat the Ro

DavidCampese 2000

A rare cary ALrslr.r.llr .larJUerreotypcThomas Sutcliffe Mort and his wife Theresa. I8'17


17 digital prints,Stamps The Eilly Book, Hughes rommemorating ALrstralia's Gold Medalwin5 at the plb r red br"N!!\i E..tx: 2000 Sydney Olympics 2!00 ttrtr rhed by A!!trn a l,.r1l .onlr n5 50 rlttutofs ot .art..n: b! DdvI Lo!.,' 2,18 r 24 8.r . re.: .tet tholrr..rh G lt.rl Alir'd .r Port2001 a lt o'ii a-on,/mo!rd.io, 17 illustrationsassoriated with Auetraliafrom PeterNichokon 199!

". !e:r verpi.:oo,ipf 25 5 x l8 0.m i. I rflltsl 'eter lE0r26 l.rl G ll ot N.ro s.. (; J: .1 lJr Ro^. !!.r (tr rl The best ot the Angry Pen9uins', Seriesof 37 (artoon skekh- John Perceval t99! es of business figures of the 1980i for BusinessReview p;ne, r bret ppe.rpe. o. Weekly adtc5lir o!5

l7 5 r l5l.u r,,arer.oo!r, .r.!o", .o o!e0 pc.. fk.tet:!pen

Prime Minirter cough p.5rc, urc r cp.a per cn whitlam pou6 eoilonto lllarI50.i landowner Vin(ent tingiari, Northern Teritory 1975

irttl !nln.w. p!b ilrd l, | .1 Llr5 l.,l.r a. Lovrc bv N.nofi leron.!t.s :nd Spa.eAdm n tirai..)

Australiansin EastTimor David Williamson l9 /,1 ,l r r5 2.u,216 i l'l.m

Aeron.!l (! !fd 5pi.e pn.r.!r.pn 9e.1n ! !.r 128\ll.Te..l

ColonellcM TraillD50 MC CaptainCharles Ulm r!ll2 9ir Donald Bradman 198! . I9tl

rr {ed med: .lte' tho.tr.pf .fir... ana irr tr Pd5tcof

G lL ol :lrt S\'drelA pols 6E4 i 615.tr' rrd G tt d Godo- lrlr "! a tt.r Llr I i\'

Olly s Trclly, Frcddie's Ihe landing of captain Cook Commonwealthof Australia at Eotany Bay 1770. l!10 L[1.(i]vi,\r. (t l.lrf C sEn. cornwall and Yoft (later King George V), May 9, 1901 C rt o L a,ord.. D.r .. AO al"ra rr.ll,lrr y. D.r ..1 pn.rl.rrtr!!rt I rpJper

G ll rn Prrrv l\ul.r! rnd NATIONALPORTRAIT GALLERY