: Chapter 14 - The Yoga of the Gunās

aq= c=t=ud*x==eCQy==y=/ atha caturdaśo’dhyāyaḥ Chapter 14

XIB=g=v==n=uv==c= śrī bhagavān uvāca The Blessed Lord said: I will again declare (to 1 p=r] B=Uy=/ p=>v=Zy==im= N=n==n==] N=n=m=uT=m=m=< + param bhūyaḥ pravakṣyāmi you) that Supreme Knowledge, the best of all jñānānām jñānam uttamam knowledges, having known which, all the y=jN=tv== m=un=y=/ s=v=e* p=r=] òs=i3im=t==e g=t==/ ++â++ sages have attained Supreme Perfection after yajjñātvā munayaḥ sarve this life. parām siddhimito gatāḥ wd] N=n=m=up==iXty= m=m= s==Q=my=*m==g=t==/ + idam jñānam upāśritya They who, having refuge in this "Knowledge", 2 s=g=e*Cip= n==ep=j==y=nt=e p=>D=y=e n= vy=q=ònt= c= ++ä++ mama sādharmyam āgatāḥ have attained to My Being, are neither born at sarge’pi nopajāyante the time of Creation, nor are they disturbed at the time of Dissolution. pralaye na vyathanti ca m=m= y==ein=m=*hd< b=>É t=òsm=n=< g=B=*] dQ==my=hm=< + mama yonir-mahad brahma My womb is the great ; in that I place 3 s=]B=v=/ s=v=*B=Ut==n==] t=t==e B=v=it= B==rt= ++à++ tasmin garbham dadhām-yaham the germ; from which O Bhārata, is the birth of all beings. sambhavaḥ sarva bhūtānām tato bhavati bhārata s=v=*y==ein={=u k:=Ent=ey= m=Ut=*y=/ s=]B=v=ònt= y==/ + sarva yoniṣu kaunteya Whatever forms are produced, O Kaunteya, in 4 t==s==] b=>É m=h6=eein=/ ah] b=Ij=p=>d/ ip=t== ++å++ mūrtayaḥ sam-bhavanti yāḥ all the wombs whatsoever, the great Brahma is their womb, and I am the seed-giving Father. tāsām brahma mahad yoniḥ aham bīja-pradaḥ pitā s=Tv=] rj=st=m= wit= g=u[==/ p=>k&:it=s=]B=v==/ + sattvam rajas tama iti Purity, passion and inertia - these qualities 5 in=b=Qn=ònt= m=h=b==h=e dehe deihn=m=vy=y=m=< ++ç++ guṇāḥ prakrti sambhavāḥ (Gunās), O mighty-armed, born of Prakrti, nibadh-nanti mahā-bāho bind the Indestructible Embodied One fast in the body. dehe dehinam avyayam t=F= s=Tv=] in=m=*D=tv==t=< p=>k:=x=k:m=n==m=y=m=< + tatra sattvam nirmalat-vāt Of these, Sattva because of its stainlessness is 6 s=uK=s=]g=en= b=Qn==it= N=n=s=]g=en= c==n=G= ++ê++ prakāśakam anā-mayam luminous and healthy (unobstructive). It binds sukha saṅgena badhnāti by (creating) attachment to happiness and attachment to "knowledge", O sinless one. jñāna saṅgena cānagha Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14 - The Yoga of the Gunās

rj==e r=g==tm=k:} iv=i3 t=&{[==s=]g=s=m=u4v=m=< + rajo rāgāt-makam viddhi Know thou ‘rajas’ to be of the nature of 7 t=inn=b=Qn==it= k:=Ent=ey= k:m=*s=]g=en= deihn=m=< ++ë++ trṣṇāsaṅga sam-udbhavam passion, the source of thirst and attachment. It tannibadh-nāti kaunteya binds fast the embodied one, O Kaunteya, by attachment to action. karma saṅgena dehinam t=m=stv=N=n=j=] iv=i3 m==ehn=] s=v=*deihn==m=< + tamas tva-jñānajam viddhi But know thou Tamas is born of ignorance, 8 p=>m==d=D=sy=in=7=iB=/ t=inn=b=Qn==it= B==rt= ++è++ mohanam sarva-dehinām deluding all embodied beings, it binds fast, O , by heedlessness, indolence and sleep. pramādā-lasya nidrābhiḥ tannibadh-nāti bhārata s=Tv=] s=uK=e s=J=m==de s=J=k:=x= Wp=j==y=t=e + sarva-dvāreṣu dehe’smin When, through every gate (sense) in this body, 11 N=n=] y=d= t=d= iv=6=t=< iv=v=&3] s=Tv=im=ty=ut= ++ââ++ prakāśa upa-jāyate the light-of-intelligence shines, then it may be known that ‘Sattva’ is predominant. jñānam yadā tadā vidyāt vivrddham sattvam it-yuta D==eB=/ p=>v=&iT=r=rmB=/ k:m=*[==m=x=m=/ sp=&h= + lobhaḥ pravrttir-ārambhaḥ Greed, activity, undertaking of actions, 12 rj=sy=et==in= j==y=nt=e iv=v=&3e B=rt={=*B= ++âä++ karmaṇām aśamaḥ sprhā restlessness, longing – these arise when Rajas is predominant, O best in the Bharata family. rajas-yetāni jāyante vivrddhe bhara-tarṣabha

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14 - The Yoga of the Gunās

ap=>k:=x==eCp=>v=&iT=xc= p=>m==d=e m==eh Av= c= + aprakāśo’pravrttiśca Darkness, inertness, heedlessness and 13 t=m=sy=et==in= j==y=nt=e iv=v=&3e ku:on=ndn= ++âà++ pramādo moha eva ca delusion – these arise when Tamas is predominant, O descendant of Kuru. tamas-yetāni jāyante vivrddhe kuru-nandana y=d= s=Tv=e p=>v=&3e t=u p=>D=y=] y==it= dehB=&t=< + yadā sattve pravrddhe tu If the embodied one meets with death when 14 t=d=eT=m=iv=d=] D==ek:=n=< am=D==np=>it=p=6t=e ++âå++ pralayam yāti deha-bhrt Sattva is predominant, then he attains to the tado’ttama-vidām lokān spotless worlds of the ‘Knowers of the Highest’. amalān prati-pad-yate rj=òs= p=>D=y=] g=tv== k:m=*s=]ig={=u j==y=t=e + rajasi pralayam gatvā Meeting death in Rajas, he is born among 15 t=q== p=>D=In=st=m=òs= m=U$y==ein={=u j==y=t=e ++âç++ karma-saṅgiṣu jāyate those attached to action; and dying in Tamas, he is born in the womb of the senseless. tathā pralīnas-tamasi mūḍha-yoniṣu jāyate k:m=*[=/ s=uk&:t=sy==hu/ s==iTv=k]: in=m=*D=] f:D=m=< + karmaṇaḥ sukrtasyā’huḥ The fruit of good action, they say, is Sattvik 16 rj=s=st=u f:D=] du/K=m=< aN=n=] t=m=s=/ f:D=m=< ++âê++ sāttvikam nirmalam phalam and pure; verily, the fruit of Rajas is pain, and the fruit of Tamas is ignorance. rajasas-tu phalam duḥkham ajñānam tamasaḥ phalam s=Tv==t=< s=J=m==dm==eh=E t=m=s=/ B=v=t==eCN=n=m=ev= c= ++âë++ rajaso lobha eva ca Rajas, heedlessness, delusion and also ignorance arise from Tamas. pramāda-mohau tamasaḥ bhavato’jñānam eva ca ~Qv=*] g=c%ònt= s=Tv=sq==/ m=Qy=e it={@ònt= r=j=s==/ + ūrdhvam gacchanti sattvasthāḥ Those who are abiding in Sattva go upwards; 18 j=G=ny=g=u[=v=&iT=sq==/ aQ==e g=c%ònt= t==m=s==/ ++âè++ madhye tiṣṭhanti rājasāḥ the Rajasika-s dwell in the middle; and the jaghanya guṇa vrttis-thāḥ Tamasika-s abiding in the function of the lowest Guna, go downwards. adho gacchanti tāmasāḥ Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14 - The Yoga of the Gunās

n==ny=] g=u[=eBy=/ k:t==*r] y=d= 7{!=n=up=xy=it= + nā’nyam guṇebhyaḥ kartāram When the Seer beholds no agent other than the 19 g=u[=eBy=xc= p=r] v=eiT= m=4=v=] s==eCiQ=g=c%it= ++âï++ yadā draṣṭā’nupaśyati Guna-s and knows Him who is higher than the Guna-s, he attains to My Being. guṇe-bhyaśca param vetti mad-bhāvam so’dhi-gacchati g=u[==n=et==n=t=Ity= F=In=< dehI dehs=m=u4v==n=< + guṇān etān atītya trīn The embodied one, having crossed beyond 20 j=nm=m=&ty=uj=r=du/K=E/ iv=m=ukt==eCm=&t=m=xn=ut=e ++äî++ dehī deha sam-udbhavān these three Guna-s out of which the body is janma mrtyu jarā duḥkhaiḥ evolved, is freed from birth, death, decay and pain, and attains to Immortality. vimukto’mrtam aśnute aj=*un= Wv==c= uvāca Arjuna said: What are the marks of him who 21 kE:iD=*VB==e + kair liṅgais trīn guṇān etān has crossed over the three Guna-s, O Lord? atīto bhavati prabho What is his conduct, and how does he go ik:m==c==r/ k:q=] c=Et==n=< F=Ing=u[==n=it=v=t=*t=e ++äâ++ beyond these three Guna-s? kimācāraḥ katham cai’tān

trīn guṇān ativartate XIB=g=v==n=uv==c= śrī bhagavān uvāca Light, activity, and delusion, when present, O 22 p=>k:=x=] c= p=>v=&iT=] c= m==ehm=ev= c= p==[#v= + prakāśam ca pravrttim ca , he hates not, nor longs for them when absent… n= 8ei{! s=]p=>v=&T==in= n= in=v=&T==in= k:=V

na nivrttāni kāṅkṣati Wd=s=In=v=d=s=In=/ g=u[=Ey==e* n= iv=c==Dy=t=e + udāsīna-vad āsīnaḥ He who, seated like one unconcerned, is not 23 g=u[== v=t=*nt= wty=ev= y==eCv=it={@it= n=eVy==ip=>y==e Q=Ir/ t=uDy=in=nd=tm=s=]st=uit=/ ++äå++ sama loṣṭāśma kāñcanaḥ Self; to whom a clod of earth, a precious stone tulya-priyā-priyo dhīraḥ and gold are alike; to whom the dear and the not-dear are the same; firm; the same in censure tulya-nindātma-sam-stutiḥ and self-praise … Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14 - The Yoga of the Gunās

m==n==p=m==n=y==est=uDy=/ t=uDy==e im=F==irp=Z=y==e/ + mānāpa-mānayos tulyaḥ The same in honor and dishonor; the same to 25 s=v==*rmB=p=irty==g=I g=u[==t=It=/ s= Wcy=t=e ++äç++ tulyo mitrāri-pakṣa-yoḥ friend and foe; abandoning all undertakings – he is said to have crossed beyond the Guna-s. sarvārambha-parityāgī guṇātītaḥ sa ucyate m==] c= y==eCvy=iB=c==re[= B=ûkt=y==eg=en= s=ev=t=e + mām ca yo’vya-bhicā-reṇa And he, serving Me with unswerving devotion, 26 s= g=u[==n=< s=m=t=Ity=Et==n=< b=>ÉB=Uy==y= k:Dp=t=e ++äê++ bhakti-yogena sevate and crossing beyond the Guna-s, is fit to become Brahman. sa guṇān sama-tītyai’tān brahma-bhūyā-ya kalpate b=>É[==e ih p=>it={@=hm=< am=&t=sy==vy=y=sy= c= + brahmaṇo hi pratiṣṭhā’ham For I am the Abode of Brahman, the Immortal 27 x==xv=t=sy= c= Q=m=*sy= s=uK=sy=Ek:=ònt=k:sy= c= ++äë++ amrtas-yā’vya-yasya ca and the Immutable, of everlasting Dharma and of Absolute Bliss. śāśva-tasya ca dharmasya sukhas-yai’kānti-kasya ca OM tatsat Thus, in the of the glorious ö t=ts=idit= XIm=4g=v=1It==s=Up=in={=ts=u iti śrīmadbhagavadgītāsu Bhagavad Gita, in the science of the Eternal, in upaniṣatsu the scripture of Yoga, in the dialogue between b=>>>Éiv=6=y==] y==eg=x==sF=e and Arjuna, the 14th discourse ends, brahmavidyāyām yogaśāstre XIk&:{[==j=u*n=s=]v==de entitled "The yoga of gunās (the three g=u[=F=y=iv=B==g=y==eg==e n==m= śrīkrṣṇārjuna samvāde moods)". c=t=ud*x==eCQy==y=/ guṇa-traya-vibhāga-yogo nāma caturdaśo’dhyāyaḥ