Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:41 Price: Afs.15

www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02 . 2015 -Sunbula 11, 1394 HS

Punjab Rangers 14 Taliban killed in have begun Manifold surge in terrorism after US waged covert operations first insider Page 4 against banned attack in Kunduz organisations, international war on terror: Karzai army chief tells KUNDUZ CITY: A Taliban insur- COLOMBO: Former President gent killed 14 of his colleagues be- PM Hamid Karzai attends the opening fore surrendering to Afghan secu- ceremony of the Fifth Annual De- rity forces in northern Kunduz fense Seminar of the Democratic province, an official said on Tues- Ex-UK PM Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in day. Kunduz police chief Brig. Gen. Colombo, on Tuesday morning. Mohammad Qasim Jangalbagh told Blair tried Karzai while delivering speech Pajhwok Afghan News the mili- Page 5 to save at the ceremony said that terrorist tant, who executed the insider at- Qaddafi: groups today are called as non- tack, had been in contact with Af- state actors who are using of this ghan forces. He then surrendered Report term for individuals and terrorist to security forces in Yakatoot area See P3 of Imam Sahib district on Mon- day midnight, the official said. A Taliban commander Mullah Clinton s emails Baz Mohammad was among the German RECCA VI: Iran to discuss bilateral slain insurgents, he said, adding that unemploy- indicate Mullah the attacker also delivered all 14 ment drops cooperation with Afghanistan weapons to security forces he had Page 9 as economy Omar was shielded Iran s Interior Minister Rahman agenda the development of a bilat- Afghanistan can regain its position taken from the dead rebels. Fazli, who is also the head of Iran- eral comprehensive document on as the central hub for transit and Imam Sahib district chief eases euro- by ISI Afghanistan Joint Commission on improving bilateral cooperation, trade. Amanuddin Quraishi named the area burden Economic Cooperation, is expect- Mehrn News of Iran quotes Ba- This RECCA event will seek a attacker as Abdul Latif, who at- WASHINGTON: Taliban leader tacked a house where his colleagues Mullah Omar was saved by Paki- ed to attend the Sixth Regional bak Dinparast, head of Informa- new vision and strategies for a Economic Cooperation Conference tion and International Affairs De- more effective and inclusive region- had been invited and killed 14 of stan s spy service ISI, says an them. email of former secretary of state on Afghanistan (RECCA) which partment in the Interior Ministry al economic cooperation to meet is slated for September 3-4 in Kab- of Iran, also noting that the 5th new economic development chal- The attacker, a resident of Hillary Clinton. The email was Imam Sahib, was accompanied by made public by the State Depart- ul city. session of the two countries joint lenges and to build an internation- India's According to sources, Fazli economic commission will be held al consensus around action plans another man during the attack. The ment on Monday. man directed him to reach the dis- Page 8 mentally ill: While the email gives no fur- will hold talks with senior Afghan on November 10 in Tehran. for a select group of regional in- officials on the expansion and pro- The theme of this year s REC- vestment projects and policy pri- trict center and surrender himself On a pill and ther information, it does indicate to police, Quraishi said. that Clinton was aware of neces- motion of bilateral cooperation on CA conference is The Silk Route orities, focused on overcoming a prayer the sidelines of the summit. through Afghanistan where par- implementation obstacles and at- It was apparently the first in- sary intelligence information. Mul- sider attack among Taliban ranks. lah Omar reportedly died at a hos- Tehran and Kabul have on ticipants will share ideas on how tracting new investment partners. pital in Karachi two years ago. However, Pakistani authorities strongly refute reports of direct links between ISI and Mullah Omar. Officially, the US too in- Afghanistan: sists it has no such evidence. But Page 7 Normalization one of the emails written to Clin- ton on August 25, 2010 indicates of pain otherwise. I'm sure you know the facts in this well-informed piece, how Mullah Omar was saved by ISI, for example, but the idea of Af- ghanistan as an aspect of lndo-Pak THE FIGHT war is the best and overarching stra- tegic concept, Clinton was told THAT BOXING in the email, in which the full name Page 11 IS SUPPOSED of the writer has been redacted. TO BE ABOUT This is written on top of an article The military and the mul- lah , written by William See P2

American, Young boy, girl not publicly punished Page 6 Russian, aggression on adultery is the real charges in Ghor problem A young boy and girl were public- ly punished on adultery charges in Ghor province. The couple received 100 lash- 6 civilians dead, 3 es each by the order of primary keen to eliminate court after they were held guilty injured in Ghazni Of Daesh and stalemate of having illegal contacts with each Editorial P6 other. NDS arrests roadside bombing with Pakistan Ahmad, 21, and Zarmina, 22, terrorism: Aziz were arrested from Feroz Koh city Taliban's Faryab GHAZNI CITY: At least six civil- by security personnel and put in AT Monitoring Desk ians were killed and three others jail about 20 days before. leader wounded in roadside bombing in After spending several days KABUL: Pakistan s National Se- the Deh Yak district of southern Danica and nights behind the bars, the Pri- curity Advisor, Sartaj Aziz asked A senior government official on Ghazni province on Tuesday, of- McKellar mary Court announced its decision the international community to join Tuesday confirmed that the Tali- ficials said. joins 2016 to punish them in the yard of the hand to develop a strategy to ban's shadow governor for Faryab Mohammad Shafiq Nang, the Page 10 Miss America court. counter terrorism. province has been detained by the governor s spokesman, told Pajh- The Haqqani network s infra- National Directorate of Security competition Local officials, community el- wok Afghan News the explosion ders and other residence were also structure has been dismantled in (NDS). as judge took place at around 9am when a available while the couple was re- the North Waziristan tribal region The Taliban commander, Qari rickshaw struck the roadside bomb ceiving punishment. near the Afghanistan border, he mejer, German Foreign Minister, Sallahuddin Ayoubi, was taken in the Rubat area of Deh Yak. Atta Mohammad Farouqi, claimed. a productive one where they dis- into custody while traveling on the Three women, two children cussed bilateral relations, regional Herat-Shindand road. He was ap- PRESIDENT judge of the primary court said that Sartaj Aziz in a joint news con- and a man were killed and three Ahmad and Zarmina confessed to ference with German Foreign Min- and global issues especially the sit- parently en-route to Quetta in Pa- DECLARES uation of Afghanistan. Aziz said kistan. others injured, he said, adding the their crimes after which they were ister, Dr Frank-Walter Steinmejer ill-fated three-wheeler was its way Page 3 JIHAD said that the ongoing military op- Pakistan welcomed German invest- According to the source, Ay- sentenced to lashes. from Deh Yak to Ghazni City -- He said this punishment was eration in North-Waziristan was ment in various sectors. oubi was responsible for insurgent AGAINST the provincial capital. CORRUPTION announced to them based on the against all terrorists including Steinmejer also emphasized the battles in Badghis, Faryab, Sar-e- law. Haqqani terrorist group. Pakistan need for continued rapprochement Pol and Jawzjan province. Giving an eyewitness witness Ahmad and Zarmina were re- has been paying a heavy price in between Pakistan and Afghanistan. of the incident, resident Wahidul- leased from the prison after receiv- the fight against terrorism, he The two sides must continue to lah claimed seeing six bodies and foster closer cooperation for long- three wounded people at the site. Afghanistan ing their punishment. said. He termed Zarb-e-Azb mili- Farouqi said that Zarmina was tary operation effective and said term peace and stability in the re- Karimullah Amiri, Deh Yak s airfields set to transferred to a safe house for her that this blow has dealt a heavy gion, he stressed. The German administrative chief, confirmed the Page 2 transform own safety. blow to the militants. It has bro- foreign minister also met Prime bombing and said all victims were country into According to the court, Ah- ken the backbone of terrorists, he Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chief members of a family. There was no immediate claim of responsi- aviation hub mad and Zarmina have a child as claimed. of Army Staff General Raheel the result of their illegal contacts. He termed meeting with Stein- Sharif. bility. (Pajhwok)

64.70 63.55 72.80 71.05 This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES Struggling to pave the way for future Afghanistan airfields set to transform country into aviation hub female leaders in Afghanistan Airfields built in Afghanistan for be worth 2-billion US dollars. Afghanistan to south Asia and cen- the war against the Taliban will They're scattered around a tral Asia, so the land bridge vision When she became governor of her supporting several of the armed Abdullah Haiwad, who was and so many doors will be shut for soon belong to the Afghan govern- landlocked and mountainous land. will be fulfilled. The US Army native Ghor in June, Seema Joy- factions in their province. governor from 2011 to 2013, said future generations of women." ment. The lack of rail transport and says many of the airfields are in enda knew that she was taking re- As much of the fighting stems local leaders cannot marginalize Joyenda, who began her career American and Afghan officials decent roads makes trips through operational condition. sponsibility for not only one of from decades-old tribal grudges, powerful commanders. working for nongovernmental for- say the change could transform one the area difficult. But Afghanistan and interna- Afghanistan's most insecure and some doubt whether Joyenda, as a "You can't strip armed men of eign and local relief agencies, takes of the world's poorest countries These airports will serve as tional investors will have to put impoverished provinces, but also Ghor native, can serve as an effec- their authority easily," he said. "In- office as donor countries are un- into an aviation hub. land bridges that will connect both up some cash before others are the political aspirations of many tive mediator. stead, you have to hold them ac- willing to increase aid to Afghani- The 8 airfields are believed to Afghanistan internally and connect usable. Afghan women. "A Ghori [native] has too many countable." stan after more than a decade of As soon as her appointment connections to all of these groups," Joyenda feels pressure to suc- conflict. That could constrain her by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said Shah Mamor Shehab, who ceed because she carries the weight efforts to finance development was announced, local religious lead- runs the Jam-e Ghor news web- of expectations of Afghan women. projects to demonstrate her lead- ers launched a protest. site. "What we need is someone "If I die for this, it will be ership abilities, she said. Mawlavi Mohammad, a mem- from the outside, someone who has worth it, because I know if I don't The mainly agricultural econ- ber of Ghor's religious council, an no ties to anyone here to resolve succeed, everyone will say, 'See, omy of Ghor, a mountainous prov- advisory board of local mullahs, the issues." we knew a woman couldn't do this,' ince that is rendered largely inac- cessible for up to six months a year by harsh winters, is battered by floods, drought and avalanches. Joyenda's background as the daughter of a single mother who rose from the depths of poverty in Firoz Koh inspires many in Ghor, a province where 80% of the children are forced into menial labor, according to the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Com- mission. To demonstrate her commit- ment to development, Joyenda told a story of how she offered up a prized gold necklace to officials with the Religious Affairs Minis- try to help fund construction of a mosque that was stalled by a lack of funds. "I told them, 'I have no idea how much this is worth, but what- ever you get for it, use it for the mosque,'" she said. LATIMES contended that Friday prayers a religious obligation for all able- bodied Muslim men would be NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY WITH 5,000 voided in a community led by a Balkh rape victim woman, because women cannot preside over a communal prayer, BOOKS OPENS IN KUNDUZ according to religious custom. seeks justice Ghazalan Koofi, 26, waits for A new library consisting of 5,000 (DoIC) and the District Adminis- new library, Amiri was joined by cludes literature for students and a ride to work as her brother-in- The family of a 14-year-old girl, addressed the case because one of books was inaugurated on Sunday tration of Khan Abad, Hayatullah representatives from local govern- aspiring public servants. Giving law Shafiq Azizi holds her baby, who was recently raped by two the suspects is allegedly the cous- in Khan Abad district of Kunduz Amiri, Governor of Khan Abad ment institutions, school teachers, women access to these books in- Ahmad, 11 months. Despite grow- men in northern Balkh province, in of Sholgara district's criminal province. district, said this library will give students and community elders. creases the likelihood of equality ing up under Taliban rule, Koofi has come forward and appealed to manager. Built at a cost of more than easy access to books which will Besides stocking 5,000 books, in job prospects. was able to graduate from high government to ensure justice is According to him, officials 4.5mn Afghanis, the facility was increase knowledge of residents of the library also has two separate The decision for the construc- school, and is now studying litera- served and that those responsible tried to hide the incident. funded by the German govern- Khan Abad District. It is up to us reading halls one for women and tion of the new library was taken ture in college. But with U.S. com- are sent to prison. The victim herself has also ment. now to make the culture of book one for men. Female citizens will by the District Development bat troops leaving Afghanistan next The family of the girl has vis- called for justice to be served. At the opening by the Depart- reading alive. therefore be able to use the library Committee (DDC) in Khan Abad. year, Koofi and other Afghan ited the Court of the Elimination "They took me to the desert at ment of Information and Culture To celebrate the opening of the too. The selection of books in- Technical and financial assistance women worry that their freedoms of Violence Against Women in night. They must be punished." for planning and managing the con- will begin to erode. "We are enter- Mazar-e-Sharif city and asked Meanwhile, the head of the struction and equipping the build- ing a very dangerous period for them to address the case. women's court in Mazar-e-Sharif, ing came from Germany s Minis- women," Koofi says. "We have been oppressed. We Fawzia Hamidi told TOLOnews try of Economic Cooperation and Kahkashan Koofi, left, looks have come here to the court to seek that 16 cases of violence against Development (BMZ) through its at pictures on her sister Oranous' justice. We want justice," said the women have been registered so far regional capacity (RCD) program. phone as they take a taxi with their girl's grandmother. this year. She said most of the al- As part of Germany s coop- mother, Shahgol Shah, 50, to the The family lives in the Sholga- leged perpetrators are local pow- eration with Afghanistan, the Re- market in downtown Kabul. ra district. erful figures. gional Capacity Development The religious leaders ended The grandmother said her "Most of the cases are com- (RCD) program is financed by the their complaints only after Joyen- granddaughter is a seventh grade mitted by local powerful figures German Federal Ministry for Eco- student and was raped by two men or the local commanders. They are nomic Cooperation and Develop- da invited them to meet with her. ment (BMZ) and implemented by She said support for her appoint- about 20 days ago. still armed. They interfere in such The girl's father told TOLO- issues as they have power and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Interna- ment, especially from women, has tionale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) outweighed criticism. news that he was not at home people dare not raise their voices when two alleged suspects, Zabih against them. They [the locals] GmbH. In six provinces in north- "If you go to the flower shops ern Afghanistan, RCD supports and greenhouses of Ghor right and Basir, kidnapped his daughter accept any kind of pressure from at around 10pm at night and then such individuals," Hamidi said. its partners development priori- now, you won't find anything. ties in the provinces and districts, When the people came to welcome raped her. Balk police meanwhile said while at the same time providing me, they were so kind, they He said the act was unforgiv- they have arrested two suspects training and coaching programmes brought the most beautiful flow- able, and that: "We came here to in connection with the rape. for civil servants. With its broad ers they could find," she said in an seek justice. They did an un-Is- "We have arrested two individ- range of activities, the program interview in her office in Firoz lamic act with my daughter." uals in connection with the case," aims at increasing Afghan owner- Koh, the provincial capital. He added: "The two perpetra- Balkh police chief Sayed Kamal ship of the development process, "Any successful woman in tors are married. They have fami- Sadat told TOLOnews. strengthening state institutions and Afghanistan, particularly in poli- lies. They have committed such a There are however concerns promoting transparency and inclu- tics, knows that they are a sacri- bad act." He said the girl was raped that such incidents will be repeat- siveness. fice. We will struggle so one day, 20 days back but officials have not ed if rapists go unpunished. in the future, others will be able to thrive." Clinton s emails indicate Mullah Omar was shielded by ISI Malina Ahmadzada Ghori, a member of a community develop- From P1 ment council in the northeastern district of Dawlatyar, said com- Dalrymple in New Statesman. The din Hekmatyar, the leader of commanders arranging with Paki- in Pakistan, the report said. plaints about Joyenda simply be- writer says the Pakistani state has Hezb-i-Islami, was lured back from stani army officers at the border In another email, an analyst cause she is a woman are unfair a long history of nurturing jihadis exile in Iran and allowed to oper- for safe passage as they came in whose name has been redacted and ill-informed. as a means of dominating Afghan- ate outside Peshawar, it alleges. and out of Afghanistan. recommends that the only way to "Criticize her like you would istan and undermining India. Jalaluddin Haqqani, one of the Western intelligence agencies bring peace to Afghanistan was any politician. Say she is unedu- According to the article, ISI most violent Taliban commanders, concluded that the ISI was run- direct talks between the US and cated. Say she is unqualified, but gave refuge to the leadership of the was given sanctuary in North ning a full training programme for the Taliban. don't invent reasons from thin air," Taliban after it fled Afghanistan in Waziristan. Other groups were the Afghan Taliban, turning a blind The senior Taliban leaders Ghori said. "Where in any holy 2001. Mullah Mohammed Omar despatched to safehouses in eye as they raised funds in the Gulf would need to be brought across book does it say if a woman is gov- was kept in an ISI safe-house in Balochistan, the article claims. and allowing them to import ma- the border into Afghanistan, to get ernor there can be no Friday Quetta; his militia was lodged in By 2004, the US filmed Paki- teriel, mainly via Dubai. By 2005 them out from under the control prayers?" the sprawling suburb of Pashtun- stan Army trucks delivering Tali- the Taliban, with covert Pakistani of the ISI. All this would need de- Joyenda, who had been elect- abad. ban fighters at the Afghan border support, were launching a full- ception and trickery, the analyst ed to represent Ghor in the parlia- Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and recovering them a few days scale assault on Nato troops in Af- wrote in the email which was ment, is only the third female gov- presided over the Taliban military later; wireless monitoring at the US ghanistan and being given covering brought to the attention of the then ernor in Afghan history. committee and war chest. Gulba- base at Bagram picked up Taliban fire as they returned to their bases secretary of state. She may well be judged most directly on whether she can help Afghanistan U-19 beats improve security in a province that has become a key transit point for illegal arms and drugs. More than Saudi Arabia U-19 139 illegal armed groups are active Afghanistan s Under-19 cricket two wickets. In the batting side in the western province. team has beaten Under-19 cricket Hazrat Zazai played well. He made The illicit trade fuels an array team of Saudi Arabia. This is the 98 runs not out. He hit nine 4s and of tribal militias that are the main 4th consecutive victory of Afghan- four sixes. source of violence in Ghor, unlike istan s U-19 in the ACC Premiere This was the fourth consecu- in other provinces where militants League. tive victory of Afghanistan in the are more loyal to antigovernment Saudi Arabia won the toss and ongoing in the ACC Premiere Islamist insurgents such the Tali- chose to bat first making 158 runs League. Before Saudi Arabia, Af- ban. in 39 overs with all players out. ghanistan had won three matches Shahla Khatebi, the province's Afghan players played well from Kuwait, Nepal and UAE. director of women's affairs, said both in balling and batting. The victories expresses that women are the most vulnerable. In the balling side Muslim Afghanistan has great Cricket tal- "It's the lack of security that Musa, Zia-ur-Rahman and ent and the future of Cricket is keeps women from working and Rasheed Khan played well. Mus- bright in Afghanistan. said contributing to society," Khatebi lim Musa took four wickets, Zia- Nasimullah Danish the chairman said. ur-Rahman three and Rasheed of Afghanistan Cricket Board. Joyenda said she hopes to Khan took two wickets. Afghanistan will play next launch a dialogue to resolve the Afghanistan was able to chase match with the host country Ma- conflicts and power struggles the set target easily by only losing laysia on 3rd September. among the armed groups and would invite women who have lost family members in the fighting and arms trafficking. "They will turn to each of these power-thirsty men with Korans in their hands and say, 'Enough, we have lost too many of our own people, end the fighting,'" she said. But some call her plans naive, noting Afghanistan's long history of broken peace agreements. Residents wonder why Joy- enda has suggested inviting Ismail Khan, a former warlord from neigh- boring Herat province, as a possi- ble mediator. Khan has been ac- cused by the people of Ghor of This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES PRESIDENT DECLARES JIHAD MRRD executes100-day action plan AGAINST CORRUPTION By Farhad Naibkhel KABUL: The Ministry of Rural He said that they are working Abdul Zuhoor Qayomi Rehabilitation and Development on a system to allow every law- (MRRD) on Tuesday announced maker to monitor implantation of KABUL: President Ashraf Ghani another major problem, and said that it has implemented its 100- uplift projects in their respective declared Jihad against corruption that 56 percent of houses in Kabul day action plan. provinces. in the country. He said that phe- city don t have legal documents. The Minister of Rural Reha- The MRRD implemented nomenon is threatening survival of He added that legal documents will bilitation and Development, Nasir 8,406 uplift projects at the total the state. be issued to all undocumented Ahmad Durani, said that the cost of $235 million across the Addressing a conference under properties. MRRD pledged to implement country over the past eight the title of Islam and the fight Terming drug trafficking as 1,370 uplift projects, but current- months, he added. Durani assert- against corruption here on Tues- another major problem, President ly it has implemented 1,957 ed that 483 development projects day, the president stressed that Ghani said that 90 percent profit religious scholars can play an im- of drug trafficking goes to Europe- portant role in fight against cor- an smugglers. Thus, he said that ruption. the government will lend support President Ghani termed graft to agriculture sector. EMERGENCY in government contracts as one of He said that there was also ALLS the major problems and said that graft in contracts of natural re- C after assessing a number of con- sources extraction, adding that tracts the National Procurement mines worth of millions of dollars Police Committee (NPC) under his chair- are being illegally extracted and manship managed to save billions smuggled. projects at the total cost of Afs5.5 have been newly contracted to be 100 - 119 of Afghanis. The president said that the billion. This means that we are implemented at the total cost of He said that almost none of companies lacked competence. ter assessing 350 projects, worth government will take all necessary ahead of our action plan, he add- two million Afghanis. the projects were implemented in President Ghani said that they Afs51.5 billion. measures to stop illegal extraction ed. Speaking at a press conference, Durani said that that coopera- Hospitals its due time, for the contracted managed to save Afs8.5 billion af- He termed land grabbing as of mines. Durani said that the ministry tion from influential figures, local didn t face any hurdle in imple- officials and tribal elders was re- FMIC Hospital mentation of its 100-day action quired to transparently implement Behind Kabul Medical ACSEN wants its proposals on election-reforms noticed by govt plan. Implementation of the uplift projects in rural areas. projects created thousands of jobs It is pertinent to mention that University: By Akhtar M.Nikzad sider poll rigging as a crime. He Hanafi urged the government ment, adjustment of election law for local people in rural areas President Ashraf Ghani at a press 0202500200-+93793275595 suggested that poll rigging must be to invalid the old voting cards and is impossible therefore the pro- across the country, he added. conference around three months KABUL: The Afghanistan Civil declared an offense worth penal- distribute the new cards among the posals being submitted by SERC Durani stressed that the ministry ago said that all cabinet members Society Election Network (ACS- ty. He said that anybody found legitimate voters. The 109 Arti- to the government are eleventh hour is committed to fight against cor- will share their 100-day action plan Rabia-i-Balkhi Hospital EN) on Tuesday while question- guilty of poll rigging must be fined cle of the Constitution, restrains a attempt and is a matter of legal ruption and bring reforms. with the people. Pule Bagh-e- Umomi ing the effectiveness of the pro- therefore SERC should demand of President from exercising his au- debate. posals prepared by the Special the government to fix the problem thority to adjust the election law After two months of the sub- 070263672 Electoral Reforms Commission and define rigging as a crime. He in towards the end of the term of mission of the proposals by SERC, (SERC) floated its own propos- said that 22 million voting cards the Lower House of the Parlia- the governments will decide on re- Taliban recaptures 3 areas als. were distributed across the coun- ment. forms in the election bodies by Khairkhana Hospital The Special Electoral Reforms try whereas the number of legiti- He said that towards the end changing some of the articles of the of Qaisar district 0799-321007 Commission recently delivered a mate voters is 12 million. of the Lower House of the Parlia- election law, he said. MAIMANA: Taliban insurgents and thus left the area. Earlier the list of proposals to the Chief Ex- The chief of SERC, Shah Sul- recaptured three localities, includ- troops were stationed in homes of 2401352 ecutive Officer (CEO) of Afghani- tan Hakifi, said they went to sev- ing Khwaja Kitni, and seized some local residents. stan, Abdullah Abdullah, whereas en provinces of the country and military gear in the Qaisar district But Fathullah Qaisari, a Wole- the list has unleashed concerns collected viewpoints of more than of northern Faryab province, an si Jirga member from Faryab, said Indira Gandhi Children among the civil society members. 2000 people about reforms in elec- official said on Tuesday. he was shocked learning that secu- Hospital, Wazir Akbar The network said the general mass- tions. Gen. Sherin Shah Kohbandi, rity forces had withdrawn from the es are yet to know about the pro- We are determined to include the 209th Shaheen Military Corps strategic area. Khan, Kabul 2301372 posed reforms. the ACSEN s proposals in our next commander, said Afghan National Qaisari, who heads an armed The civil society activists said draft of proposal but majority of Army (ANA) soldiers stationed in group of local volunteers in Shakh the electoral reforms body should their recommendations have al- the area had intentionally retreat- area, said the ANA officials did not Ibn-e- Seena have shared the proposed reforms ready been included in our first ed for lacking enough equipment take them into confidence before Pul-e-Artan, Kabul with the people, before submitting suggestion-list to the government. to fight the rebels. pulling out the troops. the list to leaders of the National He called on the government He told Pajhwok Afghan News He said Shakh locality could 2100359 Unity Government (NUG) for to start practical measures for im- the security forces lacked resourc- also be captured by Taliban if lo- their final decision. plementation of the proposals. es to build a base in Khawaja Kitni cal officials did not take a stance Wazir Akbar Khan Taimur Hakimyar, a senior for the defence of the area. member of the ACSEN while talk- Rahmatullah Qaisari, the Hospital ing to newsmen on Tuesday said town s administrative chief, said 2301741, 2301743 that the commission did not take Adult literacy high national priority: MoE one military tank, vehicle and two the public suggestions regarding trucks of military equipment had reforms in the electoral bodies into AT News Report Jam also said that the interna- tional partners including DVV In- been captured by the Taliban after Ali Abad account. security forces withdrew from He said that the network after KABUL: Workshop on national ternational, NFUFAE, UNICEF Shahrara, Kabul and World Bank as the main litera- Khawaja Kitni. meetings with various organiza- literacy strategy implementation Ten days back, security forc- plan held on Monday here in Kab- cy partners are convinced to sup- 2100439 tions across the country found out port the Ministry of Education in es regained the control of Khawaja that the electoral reforms body ul. The workshop was organized holding such workshops. Kitni from Taliban after four years, didn t take views of general mass- by the Ministry of Education in The international donors are but could not hold its control for a Malalai Maternity es into consideration. cooperation with the Afghan Na- satisfied with efficiency of the lit- long time. In addition, the Akhter Questioning the effectiveness tional Association for Adult Edu- eracy programs, as more than 5.5 Khan locality and its main bazaar Hospital of the proposed reforms, Hakim- cation (ANAFAE) and DVV In- million persons have been received also fell to the Taliban in the after- 2201377/ 2301743 yar said the proposals cannot re- ternational to discuss the literacy literacy trainings so far, he add- noon. (Pajhwok) build trust of the general public in strategy plan with the main stake- ed. the electoral system, because their holders, including the National Lit- Niaz Muhammad, Literacy Banks eracy Department, national NGOs Manager in Kunar Province and suggestions for reforms have not one of the participants of work- Promoting and been considered. and international actors, like UNESCO and JICA. shop, termed such sessions as Da Afghanistan Bank He said that the ACSEN has fruitful and said that they got new developing local discussed the issue of electoral re- At least 52 representatives 2100302, 2100303 from different organizations in- useful information for implemen- forms with people from Herat, cluding international partners and tation their programs. Over 11,000 products Khost, Balkh, Kunduz, Bamiyan, state officials and the literacy edu- adults are currently receiving liter- Kabul Bank Kandahar, Nangarhar, and Kabul acy training in 420 courses held in cation directors of several prov- ister stressed on improvement of improved. By Mohammad Shaker Azizi 222666, 070285285 provinces and prepared a list of inces took part in the workshop. 15 districts of Kunar province, he monitoring system. He said that He asked the participants of added. their suggestions. We have sub- The Deputy Minister of Edu- the figures received from some ar- the work shop to give their sug- Azizi Bank mitted the proposals to the SERC cation, Muhammad Azem Karbal- In September the internation- eas were previously faked. gestions regarding implantation of al Literacy Day will be observed to forward them to the Presiden- aee, underlined the importance of Allah Baz Jam, Literacy Pro- literacy strategy. 0799 700900 literacy education in steering the in most provinces and at national tial office and the office of the Chief gram Manager in the Deputy Min- He said that holding such level. Literacy day programs in Pashtany Bank Executive. A parliamentarian from country towards development. He ster Office, said that beside more workshops is helpful in enhancing added that enhancing the quality eleven provinces will be support- the western Herat province, Nazir reliable data collection the quality collaboration among different lit- ed by ANAFAE and at national 2102908, 2103868 of literacy programs is the top the of literacy programs should be also eracy actors. Ahmad Hanafi, said the current government s agenda. He said that level by UNESCO. election law provides space to poll the government has established a Air Services rigging and impunity for those in- national-level literacy committee volved in it as the law doesn t con- under the chairmanship of the sec- Safi Airways ond Vice President. Such commit- Wazir families facing many The progress of a country is tees will also be established at pro- 020 22 22 222 53 insurgents vincial and district levels and will measured by the development of be chaired by governors and dis- its different sectors, however, the shun violence in trict chiefs, he said, adding that problems in Paktika role of industries in this progress Ariana the move will increase the involve- is vital and important. Afghanistan Nangarhar ment of the local government in is an agricultural country where 020-2100270 the literacy programs. around 70% of the people are de- AT Monitoring Desk He also said that despite some pendent on agriculture or related Kam Air progress, they still face a number activities for their livelihood. The KABUL: As many as 53 Taliban of challenges in implementation of dependency ratio on agriculture 0799974422 have renounced violence and rein- literacy programs. has declined in the last 13 years tegrated into society through the Thanking the ANAFAE and which is in consistency with the Hotels government-initiated peace pro- DVV International for their sup- port, Karbalaee said that their part- development theory. This reduc- cess in eastern Nangarhar province, tion of dependency shows that a Safi Landmark officials said on Tuesday. Five ners to work on such schemes to improve quality of literacy pro- considerable manpower has Taliban commanders were also grams. In bid to have accurate switched to other jobs in order to 020-2203131 among the 53 insurgents who number of those who have received continue their livelihood majori- joined reconciliation process. In a literacy training, the deputy min- ty to industry and services sec- SERENA ceremony welcoming the reconcil- tions. The services sector attracts ing rebels, Salim Khan Kunduzi, mostly skilled labour, and indus- the governor of Nangarhar, said the Manifold increase in 0799654000 terrorism after US try sector can accommodate both Taliban were renounced violence skilled and unskilled labour. As the New Rumi Restaurant earlier were active in subversive waged international war labour forces which are released by activities in Achin, Nazyan, Chan- on terror: Karzai the agriculture sector are mostly 0776351347 ikhel and Momand Dara districts From P1 unskilled or semi-skilled labours, of the province. At the ceremony, majority of them are attracted by Internet Services he also called on other Taliban in- groups is not correct. He said that industry sector during the last de- surgents to dump violence and terrorism is being supported by cade. This signifies that the indus- UA Telecom stop the bloodshed of their broth- states therefore without a govern- trialization process has already 0796701701 / 0796702702 ers. He called on them to live in a ment support they cannot kill in- started in the country with creation peaceful atmosphere with their nocent people in the world. of jobs for the population. families, if they were Afghans. Therefore, this is necessary to Industries and services are the Exchange Rate The 53 armed militants were led cut the state-support to tame ter- steps to overcome challenges of by their five commanders includ- rorism, he said. poverty, unemployment, under- Purchase: ing Abdul Qayum, Qari Khalid, Karzai suggested that it was SHARANA: Refugees from Pa- on the outskirts of the district cen- cy basis, he requested. employment, insecurity, and back- Adam Khan, Waqif and Kabir. essential to have ethical standards kistan s tribal region of North and tre where we don t have any Mohammad Kazim Haqpal, wardness etc. They reconciled with the govern- One US$ = in international relations in fight- South Waziristan say they have school, health clinic amid financial the provincial refugee and repatri- Industrialization and services 63.68Afs ment as a result of efforts by the ing terrorism. Another way of tam- been facing a number of problems problems. ation director, said the Wazrisitan sectors of the country are accom- National Directorate of Security, ing terrorism is to have balance of concerning livelihood, education Malak Mullah Jan, a Wazir families had been assisted several panied by economic growth, cre- One Pound Sterling= Nangarhar peace committee chief, power in international relations, and health while living in Barmal tribe elder, complained they had times and the process continued. ation of productive employment Haji Malak Nazir Told Pajhwok 97.06Afs which will help a long way in weed- district of southeastern Paktika been facing several problems over He said 11,534 refugee fami- opportunities, and increment in the One Euro = Afghan News. ing terrorism out in an effective province. the past few months, but were yet lies had been registered with his productivity of labour pool and He furthered that 10 rocket way. Talking on the international Thousands of families migrat- to be assisted. department so far. Barmal is a production sectors. Therefore, in- 69.49Afs launchers, explosives, light and war on terror by the United States ed from Waziristan after the Paki- A 50kg sack of flour is sold border district and some families dustry and services sectors are the heavy weapons of insurgents had 1000 Pak Rs = and its allies, he said that unfortu- stani military launched a major op- for 5,000 Pakistani rupees which might have left before their regis- backbone of any economy which 604Afs been handed over to the Disarma- nately terrorism has been on the eration against militants in June last we cannot afford, he added. Our tration, but UNHCR and WFP can make a country walk and run ment of Illegal Armed Groups rise instead of decline. He also sug- year. children are out of school since we have assisted most of these fami- on the path of development and Sale: (DIAG) program. gested that if the United States is Mirza Khan, a refugee from have no school here and we take lies. Dr. Wali, the civil hospital growth, culminating in higher stan- A reconciling insurgent leader One US$ = failing to tame terrorism, Washing- Waziristan, told Pajhwok Afghan our patients to Pakistan, he said. director, said the UN had dis- dard of living and prosperity and 63.88 Afs asked the Taliban fighters who are ton must garner support of other News more than 26,000 families He said the Barmal district patched mobile health teams to Afghanistan is no exception. Be in the battlefield to come and join powerful countries like China, had migrated to Barmal district, chief had asked them to go and stay Barmal few months ago, but the united, support your local prod- One Pound Sterling= the peace process. Russia and India. where almost all the families faced in a refugee camp where they teams had recently returned. He ucts. 97.86Afs According to the provincial President Hamid Karzai on the several issues. would be assisted. But we have said the refugee families could eas- Azizi holds a Master degree in peace committee, 737 insurgents One Euro= sidelines of the seminar met with He said the families needed constructed two and three room ily visit health clinics for treatment Business Administration and is a 70.09 Afs have joined the reconciliation pro- the defense minister and command- shelter and access to jobs, educa- houses and we want to stay here. in Barmal and Marghai district, he BBA instructor at a private uni- gram in Nangarhar so far. er of the marines. tion and health facilities. We live We needed assistance on emergen- concluded. (Pajhwok) versity. 1000 Pak Rs= 612Afs This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF.

WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES US urges India, Covert operations have been launched against Pakistan to resolve issues banned organisations, Pak army chief tells PM through dialogue As the military ups the ante eration to curb terror financing in against terror outfits, Army chief the country, the civil-military lead- WASHINGTON: The United General Raheel Sharif informed ership agreed that only courts will States has once again asked Paki- Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on decide the fate of those arrested stan and India to resolve their out- Tuesday that the Rangers during the operation regardless of standing difference through dia- have started covert operations their political affiliation. logue, according to a statement is- against banned organisations in The army chief also apprised sued by the US State Department. Punjab. the prime minister about his re- The US State Department “As part of internal security cent meetings with foreign digni- Deputy Spokesman Mark C. Ton- measures, the ongoing phase of taries including US National Secu- er told journalists at a press brief- Karachi operation, ‘Pur Amn rity Adviser Susan Rice and US ing in Washington that his country Balochistan’ and law and order sit- Special Assistant to President encourages the two South Asian uation in Punjab following the kill- Obama for South Asian Affairs Dr neighbours to hold talks in order ing of provincial home minister Peter Lavoy. to reduce the escalating tensions. Shuja Khanzada came under dis- Although Rice met both PM “It’s in the interests of every- cussion between the two,” sourc- and the army chief, the delegation one in the region and certainly ev- es told The Express Tribune. led by Dr Lavoy held a meeting eryone in the world. So as much as While the premier and army with only General Raheel. “Dur- there can be dialogue there, as chief agreed that the modus oper- ing the meeting, the Afghan recon- much as there can be a reduction in andi of sectarian outfits operating ciliation process was discussed tensions, we would encourage in Punjab is different from Tali- comprehensively,” the source said. that,” said Toner. ban, the army chief said Punjab “General Raheel informed PM Replying to a question about Rangers have started under-cover Nawaz about the road map for the the presence of Haqqani Network operations in Punjab against ter- resumption of reconciliation pro- in Pakistan and Pakistan’s National rorists under NAP, the source add- cess which was agreed at the meet- Security Advisor’s complete deni- ed. ing between army chief and US al of the group’s presence in the Vowing to continue the critical delegation,” the source further country in his meeting with the phase of the ongoing Karachi op- said. German foreign minister, Toner maintained that US rec- ognises that there’s still a threat Six killed in Khyber from such terrorist groups emanat- Bangladesh charges five militants ing from Pakistan. “We want to see Pakistan take Agency suicide blast additional steps to address some of these threats. So I’ll leave it over blogger murder A suicide bomber struck outside a the assistant political agent and there”, the deputy spokesman local government office in Jamrud those leaders and forces that have Bangladesh police Tuesday charged area of Khyber Agency on Tues- been tasked to implement the Na- five suspected militants with mur- day, killing at least six people and tional Action Plan,” TTP spokes- der over the killing of an atheist wounding 31 others, officials said. person Muhammad Khorasani blogger, one of four secular writ- “At least six people were said. ers hacked to death this year for killed and 31 others were wound- “Another attacker targeted the writing against extremism. ed after a suicide bomber detonat- rescue team that arrived after the Police brought the charges – ed himself at the entrance of of- first blast.” the first in any of the four murders fice,” top Khyber tribal adminis- On August 12, three officials this year – in a Dhaka magistrates tration official Shahab Ali Shah of the army, including a captain, court, which will now decide told AFP. were killed in an improvised ex- whether to open a trial or order There were four tribal police- plosive device (IED) blast in San- further investigations. men among the dead and more than dana area of Tirah Valley, Khyber summed up. “We’ve submitted a charge 15 personnel were wounded, four Agency. sheet against five people for the Peace talks between India and of them critically, Shah said. Captain Farooq of the Punjab Pakistan collapsed on Saturday murder of blogger Washiqur Rah- Nek Mohammad, another trib- regiment-35 was killed and two man. The five were charged with hours before they were scheduled al administration official confirmed soldiers were injured when the IED to start, as the nuclear-armed ri- murder,” Dhaka police spokesman the attack. Further, security offi- exploded. Muntashirul Islam told AFP. vals showed that they were un- cials cordoned off the area and Pakistan Army has been wag- able to overcome deep-rooted mu- “They include an organiser of started a search operation. ing a major offensive against in- the Ansarullah Bangla Team tual mistrust. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan surgent hideouts in the tribal north- National security advisers of (ABT) and four others who are its (TTP) claimed responsibility for west for over a year in a bid to supporters,” he said, referring to a the countries were scheduled to the attack. ”The TTP’s special quell an insurgency that has raged meet in New Delhi last month but banned local militant group which ‘martyrdom’ unit (TSG) targeted for more than a decade. police have blamed in all four mur- the talks were cancelled after India ders. insisted that it would only discuss Washiqur Rahman, 27, an athe- terrorism with the Pakistani dele- ist blogger who wrote under a pen gation and after India's foreign min- name on Facebook against religious ister, Sushma Swaraj, said the talks fundamentalism -especially Islam would not take place if Pakistan's and – was killed near his home in NSA Sartaj Aziz did not drop Dhaka in March. plans to meet separatists from the Two of the suspects, students disputed region of Kashmir. of a madrassa, were tackled by lo- Indian Prime Minister Naren- cal transgenders — known as hijras dra Modi and Pakistan's Nawaz in the sub-continent — as they Sharif had agreed to the talks when tried to flee the scene. They held dered in the Bangladeshi capital by “They rented a room in Dha- Minister Sheikh Hasina has come they met in Russia last month. them until police made arrests. machete-wielding attackers. ka’s Jatrabari neighbourhood for under fire for not doing enough to At least 11 civilians have been Rahman’s death came just “The organiser of ABT, Hasi- this purpose and carried out re- protect atheist and rationalist writ- killed and several others wounded weeks after a Bangladesh-born bur Rahman, also known as Ab- connaissance on Rahman for two ers. on Friday during an exchange of American atheist blogger was mur- dullah, recruited the other four and days before the murder,” he said, In August police arrested sev- fire between Indian and Pakistani trained them for nearly three adding three of the alleged killers border troops along the Line of months for the specific purpose were arrested by police, while en suspected militants including a Control (LoC) in Kashmir and IHC grants of murdering Washiqur,” said ad- Abdullah had absconded and the British citizen of Bangladeshi ori- Working Boundary in Sialkot's ditional deputy police commis- fifth was still at large. gin for the murder of two other Charwah, Harpal, Chaprar and ex-Pak PM sioner Saiful Islam. The government of Prime atheist bloggers. Sucheetgarh sectors. Gilani Monsoon floods swamp Sri Lanka’s navy arrests 16 Tamil Nadu protective bail northeast Indian fishermen for violating maritime norms RAMESWARAM: Sixteen fisher- villages, 21 dead men from Jagadhapattinam in Pudukottai district were arrested GAUHATI: Monsoon floods cooking or harvesting firewood, by the Sri Lankan Navy on charg- have inundated hundreds of villag- Tegu said by telephone from the es of violating the International es across the northeast Indian state council headquarters in Gogamukh Maritime Boundary Line this of Assam, killing at least 21 peo- in Dibrugarh district, adding that morning, Fisheries Department ple in the last four days and forc- the greatest needs were clean officials said here. ing some 800,000 people to leave drinking water and food. Fishermen's Association Pres- their homes. "People are being forced to ident S Emiret said the fishermen The state's disaster manage- drink turbid floodwaters.” were fishing in Indian waters off ment authority said Tuesday some Many of the 120,000 people Kodiakarai coast. 50,000 people were sheltering in living on Majuli Island, the world's The fishermen had been taken 168 relief camps across rain- largest river island, have taken ref- to Kangensanthurai in Jaffna dis- soaked state, with others staying uge along with their cattle and trict along with their three boats. with family or friends. poultry in bamboo shelters built Meanwhile, Selvaraj, a fisher- Most of the flooding was on stilts as water gushes across the man, fainted and died in a fishing caused when rivers, including the island below. boat while fishing in the mid sea Brahmaputra and its tributaries, Wild animals including ele- last night. The cause of the death overflowed their banks. phants, deer, buffalo and some of was not known immediately, As- The Islamabad High Court ap- At least 1,600 villages have the 2,500 endangered one-horn sistant Director of Fisheries De- proved on Tuesday pre-arrest pro- been affected, with the worst-hit rhinos in the Kaziranga National partment Ravichandran said. tective bail for former prime min- in Dibrugarh district. Some of the Park have moved to higher ground. Some fishermen have been in- ister Yousaf Raza Gilani for a pe- 21 killed were washed away in riv- Forest rangers are patrolling jured when they were attacked by riod of seven days in 12 cases re- ers, including a mother and son the swamped park in wooden Sri Lankan navy personnel while lating to the Trade Development swept downriver in the raging Ses- rowboats, as well as patrolling a fishing near Katchativu, an islet Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) sa. "I feel helpless. The swirling, highway that borders the 480- ceded by India to Sri Lanka in 1974, scam. grey waters of the Brahmaputra square-kilometer park to keep late last night. About 20 fishing The court granted the bail look menacing," said tribal council motorists from speeding. nets were damaged. against the surety bonds of administrator Ranoj Tegu. "Thou- The northeast Indian region, The fishermen, who went for Rs100,000 against each of the cas- sands of people are living lives of located between Bangladesh and fishing in about 440 boats, were es during the hearing of Gilani’s misery. In some cases, people are Myanmar, is prone to flooding not allowed to fish in the vicinity. bail before an arrest petition, Ex- living with one meal a day" as peo- during the June-to-September an- The navy personnel also allegedly press News reported. ple struggle to find dry places for nual monsoon season. pelted stones at their boats, he Addressing the media outside said. the court, the Pakistan Peoples Party leader said he believes the court will deliver justice to him in the cases. India keeps out of Nepal’s internal matters: Official Earlier, an anti-corruption court in Karachi issued non-bail- In the midst of political and social The official, who is in charge No UML leader has expressed in- fairs of India has no concerns over able arrest warrants for Gilani and sensitivities in Nepal, “India re- of Nepal affairs at South Block in terest to visit New Delhi,” said the the activities of Nepali Congress PPP leader Makhdoom Amin Fa- frains from commenting on Nepal’s the Indian capital but is not autho- official. He added that leaders of lawmaker Amresh Kumar Singh, him. internal matters knowingly or un- rised to speak to the media, told Madhesi parties had never sought who claims to have good rapport The judge ordered the author- knowingly”, a senior South Block the Post that India wants to see a to visit India as reported in some with Indian leaders and cordial re- ities to arrest the two by Septem- official said on Monday. constitution resulting from maxi- Nepali media. lations with the Indian establish- ber 10 and present them in court. Indian officials were aware of mum and broader consensus. “We The official, however, refused ment. The order was issued after the what is happening in Nepal, said hope there will be a new constitu- to comment on Union Home Min- Some days ago, when there Federal Investigation Agency the official. “India is also informed tion by mid-September as per the ister Rajnath Singh’s statement was opposition against him in the (FIA) presented a final charge- about the efforts being made at present understanding.” concerning Nepal on Monday. Madhes, he was trying to sneak sheet with 12 new cases registered consensus while Nepal reaches the He clarified that India does not Blaming local media for “un- into the Consular General’s Office against them. last leg of bringing out a new con- prescribe any form of federalism necessary hype”, he said they of India in Birgunj but he was de- More than 70 cases related to stitution and completing the peace and religion. The recent visits of were trying to render Nepal-India nied entry, said the official. the TDAP scam had been pending process.” two former prime ministers Push- relations “abstract and meaning- The official, who keeps tabs before the court. Gilani and his He tried to clarify India’s po- pa Kamal Dahal and Sher Bahadur less”. The official said concerned on the developments in Nepal, said associates were booked in 12 of sition on Nepal’s political and con- Deuba had sent positive messages entities from both the sides should there was no need for India to ex- these last year. However, both stitutional matters at a time when across to Nepal, the official said. step up vigil against such reports. tend relations with Singh. He also Gilani and Fahim obtained bail and the neighbour’s interests in Ne- “We have heard that CPN- ‘No relations with Amresh’ denied New Delhi’s role in Sadb- exemptions from appearing in hear- pal’s affairs vacillate between be- UML Chairman KP Oli has barred Meanwhile, the official said hawana Party’s quitting the Con- ings. ing controversial and cooperative. party leaders from visiting India. that the Ministry of External Af- stituent Assembly. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES News-in-Brief Ankara gov’t heading Turkey in wrong direction, most Turks believe The majority of Turks believe the government in Ankara is German Chancellor Angela Mer- talks on Syria, dubbed Geneva I pushing the country in the kel has welcomed potential in- and II, were held in June 2012 and wrong direction, according to a volvement by Iran in any negotia- February 2014 respectively with- poll, as snap elections draw tions to end the conflict in Syria. out the presence of Iran. Both con- closer amid a failure to form a Answering a question at a ferences met with failure after for- coalition government. news conference in the German eign-sponsored opposition figures According to a recent poll capital, Berlin, Merkel said, “I in the talks refused to discuss the conducted by MetroPOLL think Iran has a lot of influence militancy and widespread terror- surveying firm, 65 percent of over what happens in Syria. And ism in the country. the respondents believed a dark everyone is welcome to participate The crisis in Syria has dis- future awaits the country. constructively in the negotiations.” placed over 7.2 million people in- Only 23 percent said the Syria has been the scene of a ternally and forced more than four country was on the right path, deadly turmoil since March 2011. million others to flee to neighbor- with 10 percent saying the gov- Reports say the violence fueled by ing countries, including Jordan and ernment was neither on the Takfiri groups has so far claimed Lebanon. right nor on the wrong path. the lives of over 240,000 people. In a Tuesday interview with Two percent said they had no Since the beginning of the con- Press TV, James Morris, the edi- idea on the matter. flict, Iran has emphasized that the tor of america-hijacked.com in Los MetroPOLL interviewed only sustainable solution to the Angeles, said the main reason why 2,520 by phone ahead of the crisis in Syria is through an inclu- certain parties are struggling to ex- upcoming snap elections to sive and Syrian-led political pro- clude Iran from efforts to end the form a new government. cess that meets the legitimate as- conflict in Syria is that they want The June 7 elections were pirations of the Syrian people. “sectarian and ethnic strife” to con- planned as the ruling Justice Damascus has also always tinue in the region. and Development (AK) Party stressed that any diplomatic effort “The Zionists want to contin- failed to form a single-party to resolve the conflict would be in ue this ethnic and sectarian strife… government. No party managed vain if it excludes the Arab coun- and the last thing they want is to to win the minimum number of try’s friends, including Iran. have Iran help out in resolving” the seats necessary to establish a Two rounds of UN-mediated conflict in Syria, Morris said. single-party government in parliamentary elections earlier. Following the failure of co- Venezuela president says alition talks, Turkish President Ex-UK PM Blair ‘tried 18 civilians killed in Recep Tayyip Erdogan ap- Colombia has given consent proved the formation of an in- to save Qaddafi:’ Report terim government that will run Saudi aerial raids the country until snap elections to plot to kill him in November. The AK Party has been in Venezuelan President Nicolas and declared a 60-day state of emer- across Yemen power since 2002. Maduro has claimed that the Bogo- gency there after three Venezuelan ta government is aware of a plot soldiers were attacked on August At least 18 civilians have been carried out 12 airstrikes against emanating from Colombia to as- 19 by gunmen while performing killed in Saudi airstrikes against various regions in the northwest- Al-Shabab sassinate him, amid escalating bor- an anti-smuggling operation in the residential areas across Yemen as ern province of Hajjah, though no der tensions between the two state’s city of San Antonio. part of Riyadh’s ongoing military reports of fatalities were immedi- militants attack South American neighbors. In the aftermath of the armed campaign against its southern ately available. During a visit to Vietnam, attack, Caracas initiated a crack- neighbor. Saudi jets also struck al-Kham- African Union Maduro accused his Colombian down on crime and smuggling, de- On Tuesday, Saudi military sin Street in down town Sana’a, counterpart Juan Manuel Santos porting more than 1,100 Colombi- aircraft bombarded Mukayras leveling 12 residential buildings to base in Somalia of being aware of the assassina- an nationals and prompting over town in Yemen’s central province the ground. The strike left one ci- tion plot that he said was being 10,000 others to flee. of al-Bayda, killing eleven people vilian dead and 17 others injured. and injuring many more, Lebanon- Meanwhile, Saudi warplanes Somalia’s al-Qaeda-linked al- orchestrated from the Colombian Maduro has said the offensive based Arabic-language al-May- launched five airstrikes against the Shabab militants have attacked capital, Bogota. is necessary to attack the criminal adeen news network reported. al-Ashraf and Balaq districts of an African Union (AU) base “I have evidence that I am go- gangs that purchase gas and other Moreover, one civilian was Yemen’s central province of in Janale district, near Mogad- ing to show that a plot to kill me is goods sold at subsidized prices in killed and nine others sustained Ma’rib. There were no immediate ishu. being carried out from Bogota... Venezuela and resell them across injuries when Saudi warplanes reports of casualties and the ex- The militants reportedly regrettably with the knowledge of the border for huge profits. struck a number of areas in the tent of damage inflicted. rammed an explosive-laden a Colombian government that Caracas has also ordered the southwestern Yemeni province of Saudi Arabia launched its mil- vehicle into the base before looks the other way,” said the Ven- deployment of 3,000 troops to the Ta’izz. itary aggression against Yemen on storming the compound on ezuelan leader, without saying border areas, including the towns Saudi jets also pounded a pop- March 26 – without a UN man- Tuesday. which parties he thought are be- of Ayacucho, Garcia de Hevia, ular market in the city of Sirwah, date – in a bid to undermine Ye- The AU says its forces hind the alleged plot. Lobatera and Panamericano. On British former Prime Minister Tony Blair decided to seek rap- which lies about 120 kilometers men’s Houthi Ansarullah move- managed to fend off the attack. The neighbors have a history Monday, a first contingent of 180 Tony Blair is set to be the subject prochement with Qaddafi and his (75 miles) east of the capital, ment and restore power to the The AU force in Somalia, of tensions, exacerbated by a cur- troops arrived in Tachira State. of a UK parliamentary inquiry af- regime, after years of frosty rela- Sana’a, leaving four civilians dead country’s fugitive former Presi- known as AMISOM, said AU rent border dispute. The 2,200-kilometer (1,400- ter allegations in a new book that tions between Libya and the UK. and 15 others injured. Separately, dent Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, troops were in control of the Venezuela closed part of the mile) border between the two coun- he tried to save late Libyan dicta- In a 2004 visit to the Libyan Saudi military aircraft carried out a staunch ally of Riyadh. base in Janale district, about common border with Colombia in tries is rife with guerrilla and smug- tor Muammar Qaddafi back in capital Tripoli, Blair said that he strikes against Majaz district in Over 4,300 people have been 80 kilometers (50 miles) south- the northwestern state of Tachira gling activities. 2011, the Times of London report- had hopes for a “new relationship” Yemen’s northwestern province of killed in the Yemeni conflict, the west of the capital in the Lower ed. with Libya. Sa’ada on Tuesday. One civilian World Health Organization said on Shabelle region. According to a new biography The two leaders kept up per- was killed and several others were August 11. Local Yemeni sources, Al-Shabab claimed its of current UK Prime Minister sonal ties even after Blair left his injured in the aerial assault. however, say the fatality figure is members “captured the base David Cameron, Blair was contact- premiership in 2007. Qaddafi Additionally, Saudi warplanes much higher. after a suicide bomber struck ed by “a key individual close to sponsored Blair's trips to Tripoli it,” adding, “The enemy fled.” Qaddafi” during the 2011 military on at least two occasions in 2008 campaign to end the dictator’s re- and 2009 on private jets, accord- gime. ing to UK media reports. Russian Upon receiving the informa- Later media reports describes tion, Blair phoned the prime min- Blair’s jaunts around Qaddafi’s res- parliament ister’s residence, Number 10 idences in Libya. In a 2007 letter Downing Street, on his behalf. In revealed earlier this year, the-then speaker slams US his call to Downing Street, Blair British premier addressed the Lib- sanctions purportedly said that Qaddafi yan leader with “Dear Muammar” wanted “a deal with the British.” and signed his name: “Best wishes A senior Russian lawmaker However - apparently fearing yours ever, Tony.” has censured the sanctions he would seem too supportive of But this new phase of diplo- imposed by the United States the Libyan dictator – rejected to macy came to an abrupt end in on Russian legislators as ille- intervene. 2011, when Britain and NATO al- gitimate and blatant violations The chairman of the UK par- lies made the decision to bomb of international law. liament’s Foreign Affairs Commit- Qaddafi regime targets in a bid to The bans “grossly violate tee, Crispin Blunt, was quoted by support rebels on the ground. international law, the princi- the Times as saying that “the sug- The fresh “risks proving high- ples of democracy and free- gestion that he made an interven- ly damaging” for Blair, the paper dom of speech,” Valentina tion during the course of 2011 cer- said. In May, Blair stepped down Matviyenko, the speaker of tainly strengthens the case for hav- as the U.N.’s Middle East peace the Russian Federation Coun- ing him come and give evidence.” envoy, a role he held for eight cil (upper house of parlia- The parliament committee is cur- years. His Labour party – which ment), said in a video address rently examining Britain’s role in he once led – is currently undergo- to the Fourth World Confer- the campaign five years ago. ing a bitter contest to select a new ence of Speakers of Parlia- In 2005, while prime minister, leader. ment in New York. Matviyenko, who has been targeted by the US sanc- Obama shrugs off tions since Crimea’s unifica- Police block refugees from Hungary train station tion with Russia last year, was scheduled to participate Hungarian authorities have in Vienna's railway station on Police said some 500 refugees, influx of refugees.Hungary, the gency meeting on September 14 to post-presidency in the international conference blocked refugees from entering Monday evening immediately mainly from the Middle East, were gateway to the EU from Eastern discuss the refugee crisis. The of parliamentary speakers Budapest's main train terminal in raced to board trains heading on to on the train. They were to be trans- Europe, is hoping to finish erect- number of refugees reaching the rumors and also attend meetings at the an apparent attempt to prevent Germany, as policemen looked on ported by bus to camps where ing a 175km razor-wire fence along EU's borders reached nearly President Barack Obama has made United Nations (UN) head- them from heading towards Aus- passively, preferring not to inter- they will be registered. its border with Serbia to stop ref- 340,000 during the first seven no final decisions about what he quarters in New York. tria and Germany - despite letting vene, witnesses said. Refugees Germany has taken in more ugees from crossing into the coun- months of the year, up from will do after leaving office, the However, her restrictive others travel onwards just hours cheered and chanted "Germany, asylum seekers than any other try. The move was heavily criti- 123,500 during the same period in White House said on Monday, fol- US visa, which was given with earlier. thank you!" as they saw a wel- European Union country. German cised by France, whose foreign 2014, according to the bloc's bor- lowing comments by Columbia the sole purpose of her at- About 1,000 people were gath- come sign held up by local people Chancellor Angela Merkel on Mon- minister said his country would not der agency Frontex. The majority University's president that he tending UN events, did not looked forward to welcoming ered outside the capital's main in- at Munich Central Station late on day called for other EU nations to even use such a barrier for animals. of these refugees were fleeing the Obama back to campus in 2017. allow her to go to the confer- ternational railway station on Tues- Monday. do more to help deal with this year's EU countries will hold an emer- raging conflicts in the Middle East. "The President has long talked ence arranged by the Inter- day morning, with many heard about his respect for Columbia Parliamentary Union (IPU) shouting "Germany, Germany" - University and his desire to con- even though it was held at the where they are hoping to travel. tinue working with them," the UN headquarters. In her mes- Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, White House statement said in re- sage, Matviyenko also urged reporting from the rail station, said sponse to a Reuters query. "How- the participants of the con- long lines of police were blocking ever, at this point no decisions have ference to denounce the im- been finalized about his post-Pres- all access to the station for refu- idency plans." Obama graduated position of sanctions on Rus- gees, adding that a few residents sian parliamentarians and take from the New York school in 1983. and tourists were allowed to enter. Columbia was also among the con- appropriate measures to tenders for Obama's presidential “prevent similar situations in "The crowd is angry and frus- trated. They are sitting down, tired library, which will be built in his the future.” The US move has hometown of Chicago. The Colum- also drawn angry reactions and desperate. Many have bought tickets for their families at large bia Daily Spectator student news- from Russia’s Foreign Min- paper quoted Columbia President istry and lawmakers. The costs ... not knowing if they will Lee Bollinger as telling a school ministry has called the US ever use [them]," Simmons said. convocation: "We look forward to action “completely unaccept- Before being blocked from ac- welcoming back our most famous able.” Some Russian politi- cess to trains, thousands of refu- alumnus, Barack Obama, in 2017." cians have asked the UN to gees made it to Vienna and Mu- The comments stirred speculation nich over the past few days. on social media about Obama's ca- move its headquarters from reer plans after he leaves the White the US to Switzerland. Igor Police in Vienna said 3,650 ref- ugees had reached the city on House in January 2017. But the Zotov, the head of the defense university, in a statement issued committee of the lower house Monday, representing a new daily later on Monday, said Bollinger's of the Russian parliament, record. comment "only reiterated the May made the demand in a letter Austrian authorities appeared 12 statement by the Barack Obama to UN Secretary General Ban to have given up on trying to ap- Foundation that it 'intends to main- Ki-moon. The United States ply European Union rules by fil- tain a presence at Columbia Uni- has a commitment to allow tering out refugees who had already versity for the purpose of explor- foreign officials to enter the claimed asylum in Hungary, train ing and developing opportunities passengers said. for a long term association' and re- country for UN-related activ- flected no further developments ities. 'Germany, thank you!' concerning President Obama's Many of the refugees arriving plans." 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We a r e a n a t ion a l in st it u t ion a n d n ot t h e voice of a gov t or a p r iva t e or ga n iza t ion AFGHANISTAN TIMES Editor: Abdul Saboor Sarir Phone No: +93-772364666 E-mail: [email protected] By Bryan MacDonald Russia didn’t want a new Cold serve the military budget, which run on tinned food and a Bay Of noted and outspoken opponent of War. The myth of a “revanchist increased dramatically since 2001, Pigs redux. communism. Putin’s KGB past is Email: [email protected] Russia” is convenient spin. The they need an existential danger. Bought journalism also frequently used against him. real issue is American intervention- Russia fits the bill. Alas, US aggression appears In fact, the President was a low- www.afghanistantimes.af ism. It wasn’t always like this. Af- to be intensifying. In this year’s ranking administrator, not a *Stirl- Ordinary Russians generally ter Bin Laden’s henchmen attacked State of the Union speech, Presi- itz-esque spy. Photojournalist: M. Sadiq Yusufi like and admire American culture. the US on September 11, 2001, dent Obama named only one LISTEN MORE: They consume American TV and Putin was the first foreign leader country as an American enemy - Putin himself believes that the Advisory editorial board movies. Teenagers in Siberia fol- to call President George W Bush. Russia. The other adversary men- west is implementing a policy low the street fashion of New He offered what the US needed and tioned was ISIL. of ”containment” against Russia. Saduddin Shpoon, Dr. Sharif Fayez, Dr. Sultana Parvanta, Dr. Sharifa Sharif, York. Even in isolated Yakutia you far more than any NATO mem- In an earlier address, he Even the ”shadow-CIA,” US-po- will find people who can rap along bers did. Intelligence, supplies, also equated Russia to the Ebola litical intelligence firm Stratfor Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, Setara Delawari, Ahmad Takal to Kanye West or Jay Z. Many access to central Asia and transit virus. A gloating Obama claimed broadly agrees with this assess- older people can manage a few across Russian territory. Putin that Russia’s economy was ”in ment. The agency’s chief, George Graphic-Designers: bars of Elvis or Sinatra. even threw in the Northern Alli- tatters” and that the state was “iso- Friedman, has often stated that US The reverse is not true in the ance to help America defeat the lated.” Neither of these statements policy is to prevent a rival power Mansoor Faizy and Edriss Akbari States. Few Americans could quote Taliban. This wasn’t popular with is true. In actual fact, in many re- emerging in Eurasia. In simple Marketing & Advertising: a bit of Pushkin. In fact, most US the Russian elite. gions - including Asia and Latin terms, this means that Washing- citizens have probably not even Before Putin, the 90s-era Boris America - Russia has more friends ton loves Moscow when it’s Mohammad Parwiz Arian, 0708954626, 0778894038 heard of him. Or Pasternak. Or Yeltsin government bent over back- than the US. weak, as in the 90s, but fears a Tolstoy. Regrettably, if you ask an ward to help the US. Indeed, Incessant propaganda reduces successful Russia which could ri- Mailing address: P.O. Box: 371, Kabul, Afghanistan average American for an opinion Yeltsin even gave Bill Clinton a map hopes of a thaw. Especially when val it. Our Bank Accounts: Azizi Bank: 000101100258091 / 000101200895656 on Russia, the current likely an- of the electronic bugs in the US most popular western press seems Hence, the Kremlin now rea- swer is something that depicts the embassy in Moscow as a sign of to simply regurgitate the govern- lises that using cooperation with Printed at Afghanistan Times Printing Press nation as their enemy. This is very, very sad. Espe- cially when Russia has no desire to be an enemy of the US and is The constitution says not a threat to any genuine Amer- ican interests. Actually, Russia is not even much of a danger to most Article 40: of the things it’s supposed to be a Property shall be safe from violation. No one shall be forbidden from owning property and acquiring it, danger to. Like the Baltic States, unless limited by the provisions of law. No one’s property shall be confiscated without the order of the law for instance. Or the EU project. and decision of an authoritative court. Acquisition of private property shall be legally permitted only for However, relentless anti-Rus- the sake of public interests, and in exchange for prior and just compensation. Search and disclosure of sia propaganda in the US corpo- private property shall be carried out in accordance with provisions of the law. rate media has brought us to this point. American elites are now more united in their disdain for Russia than they ever were during the Cold War. During that period, dissenting voices were heard. Now, they are completely frozen out. Indeed, anybody with any real knowledge of Russia is condemned as “Putin’s shill” these days. Even academic heavyweights like Of Daesh and stalemate Stephen Cohen. Thus, we have the bizarre situation where most Amer- friendship. At this stage, NATO ment line these days. Again, the the west to fuel economic growth ican mainstream media commen- had just 12 member states to re- same useful idiots who shilled for is futile. This explains Russia’s tators on Russia are people who sist the “Soviet threat.” the illegal Iraq war now turn their enthusiasm for the BRICs move- with Pakistan have either never lived in the coun- How did the Bush administra- sights to Russia. For evidence of ment. It has also led to a nascent try or haven’t been there for years. tion repay Russian loyalty? They this, see Gekaufte Journalisten alliance with China, one that may Diplomacy has failed. Talks with the Taliban have failed. The national unity Or both. If old Joe McCarthy him- continued to expand NATO east- (Bought Journalism) by German not be in Moscow’s long-term in- self was around, he’d be on CNN ward, despite assurances to the last journalist Udo Ulfkotte. In the terests. However, Putin has calcu- government despite keeping all the eggs just in one basket, failed to friend every five minutes. Soviet government that it would bestseller, the former editor at lated that the alternative, meekly Pakistan. When Afghanistan was dreaming about increasing its love affairs never happen. Now, NATO com- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung cowering before Washington, is with Pakistan the latter was preparing its troops and an entire sub-tribe of Nasty neocons prises 28 countries - and there are explains how many stories in the worse. As Moscow-Washington The fact that genuine Russia a few more on its waiting list. German media are essentially relations atrophy, there are now the tribal Afridis, to unleash a new wave of terror under the façade of Daesh analysts, who understand the planted by the CIA. two scenarios in play. America can in Nangarhar, an eastern province bordering Khyber Agency. country, have been replaced by America continued to support At the same time, anti-Russia continue its aggression and Putin, neocon nutters who lump the na- every country and politician who rhetoric in the US reaches new lev- a moderate by Russian standards, This sub-tribe is Zakhakhel that has unleashed terror in Shinwari zone tion in with the likes of Syria, ISIS portrayed themselves as a poten- els. Americans are bombarded with could feel compelled to dust off of Nangarhar. Pakistan disliked the ex-President Hamid Karzai for being a and North Korea is, frankly, dis- tial victim of Russia. While Putin daily fear-mongering propaganda the Soviet playbook. This would turbing. Russia is not some mar- was trying to foster a new era of about ”Russian aggression.” This mean a tit-for-tat campaign to de- harsh critic of Islamabad’s interferences in Afghanistan, however, what did tial lightweight; it’s the globe’s sec- cooperation, Washington just is particularly pronounced on Fox stabilise America’s near abroad as make Pakistan move away from the current President Ashraf Ghani, who ond strongest military power. Or couldn’t tear itself away from Cold News and CNN, where figures Washington has done, or attempt- at times was considered too pro-Pakistan, though he was not as he was maybe that’s the whole point? War thinking. Kremlin bad, Krem- such as retired Major General Rob- ed to do, in Ukraine, Georgia, Ar- Russia is bigger and scarier than lin’s enemies good. ert Scales bombard the menia and Moldova. The far bet- trying to attempt a new approach? The problem truly is Pakistan as it nei- the aforementioned and present- Since the turn of the century, airwaves daily. Scales recently ter option would be for the US to ther can bear with a person like Karzai nor it can go with a person like ing it as an imminent danger is politicians in ex-USSR states have called for America ”to start killing take a step back and attempt a rap- more likely to secure increases in had a clear path to riches. Simply Russians ... killing so many Rus- prochement with Moscow before Ghani. defense spending? sound as anti-Russian as possible sians that even Putin’s media can’t the present acrimony becomes Not only the politically aware and well educated class of the society It’s also interesting to note and voila, money and support be- hide the fact that Russians are re- systemic. *Stirlitz (Maxim Maxi- that, almost to a man (or woman), yond their wildest dreams will sud- turning to the motherland in body movich Isaev) was a fictional So- knows who is behind all the chaos and terror in Afghanistan, but even those the media figures calling for con- denly appear, all thanks to Uncle bags.” viet spy, created by Yulian Semy- in street also know about it yet despite that we are failing to subdue Paki- frontation with Russia are the Sam. The formula is repeated time Oddly, Russia is reducing me- onov. Best described as the USSR’s stan’s interferences. This is not only irksome but a cause of national shame. same people who pushed for con- and time again. Thus, we have the dia spending. This year, TASS answer to James Bond. (Courte- flict with Iraq, Libya and Syria. bizarre situation where US taxpay- news agency announced a 25 per- sy: RT) Bryan MacDonald is a When the peace talks are stalled and relations with Islamabad are tensed, The current climate is toxic. ers are bankrolling a smorgasbord cent staff reduction and journalist. He began his career in the Chief Executive, Abdullah Abdullah, said the other day that Kabul will Washington-Moscow relations are of ex-Communists, neo-Nazis and Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the state’s journalism aged 15 in his home at all time low. The media, in both corrupt oligarchs across the former official publication service (which town of Carlow, Ireland, with the never ask Islamabad for support in peace talks. countries, fuels the tension. Yet, Soviet Union. also oversees Russia Beyond The Nationalist & Leinster Times, Now the government must cling to its standpoint because a country that to understand where we are, we Russia has responded by de- Headlines and Russia Direct in for- while still a schoolboy. Later he first need to understand how we veloping ties with leaders opposed eign languages), released 10 per- studied journalism in Dublin and is sending its troops in disguise and an entire tribal clan to create security got here. to the US. Syria’s Assad, Venezu- cent of its employees. Also, RT’s worked for the Weekender in Na- problems in Nangarhar cannot be sincere in supporting peace talks. Peace The American establishment ela’s Chavez and Hungary’s Or- budget is down 46 percent in dol- van before joining the Irish Inde- hates Russia’s president, Vladimir ban. Again, a nonlinear combina- lar terms this year. pendent. Following a period in mediation by Pakistan is just a show-off and an attempt of hurling dust Putin. For daring to challenge Wash- tion of conflicting left-wingers and Shaken, not stirred London, he joined Ireland On Sun- into the eyes of the international community. ington’s authority, he’s been des- their right-wing opposites. Amid Meanwhile. Putin is smeared day, later re-named the Irish Mail Moreover, Pakistan cannot sustain the Taliban for another decade as ignated as the bad guy du jour. With all these geopolitical games, it’s as a cross between a new Hitler on Sunday. He was theater critic Bin Laden and Saddam dead, many like the Reagan-Gorbachev detente and a James Bond villain. The of the Daily Mail for a period and some of the disgruntled Taliban have had created troubles for Pakistan, but imagined that North Korea’s Kim never happened. That said, Rus- Russian president is accused of also worked in news, features and yes, we the Afghans, have the quality to weather out all the challenges for Jong-un would inherit this role. sia has so far restrained itself from nostalgia for the Soviet Union. In was a regular op-ed writer. He has However, unlike Al Qaeda, North actively supporting American en- reality, Putin is a Russian nation- also frequently appeared on RTE another decade. Though, Afghan Taliban is still under the thump of Paki- Korea is too weak and insular to emies. If US hostility encourages alist. Indeed, his political and Newstalk in Ireland as well as stan, but Pakistani Taliban at times creates troubles for Islamabad. There- threaten the US directly. To pre- Moscow to change tack, expect a mentor was Anatoly Sobchak, a RT. fore, no more imploration before Islamabad for seeking its support in peace negotiations. Since Pakistan-backed so-called Daesh has increased its subversive activities, as many as 18 schools have been shut down in Haska Maina district of Nangarhar, a predominantly Shinwari area, and the teachers have been asked to pay their one month salaries to Daesh fight- ers. The current security situation is as much deteriorated that it has made many people of the area to complain against the government. The people of Nangarhar lashed at the government as they say if the government can send Gen. Abdul Rasheed Dostum to Faryab why the people of this eastern province must be deceived by a so-called military operation code named “Ospaneez Musallas—Iron Triangle”? This time, the stalemate with Paki- stan looks much serious. Even such an impasse with Islamabad didn’t happen during the govern- ment of former President Hamid Karzai. The media in both the countries have started fueling the tensions. President Ashraf is not only embroiled in foreign policy challenges particularly in dealing with Pakistan but he has his back to the wall regarding domestic challenges as well. When rela- tions with Pakistan are stalled, Ghani looks petrified and clueless what ’s should be the next step. Dealing with Pakistan and taming insecurity in akistan P e n ce in Nangarhar is testing the mettle of the government and it will be seen whether n te rfe r i istan the government sags under the pressure or breaks the back of the beast. Afghan Subscription Rates Categories Fee Afghanistan Times Annual Afg: 3600 at your door step For fast delivery service Six Months Afg: 1800 Afghanistan Times seeks the names, addresses of your International Organization $200 per year organizations and the number of copies you want. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY.SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES When it comes to

By Fahim Masoud refugees, It happens every time I come terminology matters to Afghanistan. During my first days I am shocked by the Metin Corabatir amount of pain and poverty and I go out of my way to give The recent decision by Al Jazeera especially in lesser developed coun- English to use the word "refugees" tries, who decide to migrate to other money to the poor and the peo- instead of "migrants" to describe countries in search of a better life ple on the streets. Even though the thousands of people who risk to look for alternative means of it relieves me to know that I just their lives to make dangerous jour- entry. gave someone money to buy neys to reach secure territories is State response to hardships himself/herself a meal, I realize an historical act - maybe even a In many cases, to escape from how temporary that fix is in re- delayed one. extreme poverty and lack of hope lation to the underlying prob- The use of terminology is of for a dignified life in the future, lems of poverty. You can’t keep critical importance in shaping our migrants do not have many alter- giving people fish — without perceptions, attitudes and behav- natives. Many have to travel ir- teaching them how to fish. Peo- iours. Calling those who flee from regularly and without proper doc- ple in Afghanistan have been persecution, inhumane treatment, uments. given a lot of fish over the past torture, violence and war as "mi- Nevertheless, developed coun- fifteen years, but they were grants" may have irreparable con- tries' response to this flow of mi- never taught how to fish. sequences on government policies grants was to impose strict entry That’s why there is so much and the lives of thousands of actu- restrictions and more security mea- al refugees. sures to stop irregular entries into pain and poverty in this coun- In order to understand the pos- their territories. try today. sible political and humanitarian These restrictions have been Foreigners gave Afghans consequences of using inaccurate detrimental for refugees who have billions of dollars in aid, but the terminology, we need to bear in the right to seek asylum in other majority of that money left Af- become de-sensitized. Warm — an idea that bears some of the guards at a school where mind the harrowing experience of countries under Article 14 of the feelings toward my fellow hu- truth. What they mean is that I use the Wi-Fi services works in their government. The gov- ghanistan for foreign banks ernment is losing the fight the thousands of individuals who Universal Declaration of Human before it arrived in Afghanistan. man beings begin to dissipate. Afghans shouldn’t forget day and night for $100 a month flee danger zones and how these Rights. Pain can become normalized. where they came from. They and he feels very lucky to have against insurgents not because Corrupt leaders and politicians it doesn’t have enough securi- experiences form the basis of in- By creating new categories for stole every dollar they could Pain can be processed and sup- compare the current situation this job. ty forces capable of fighting, ternationally accepted norms. refugees like 'migrants', 'illegal mi- get their hands on and depos- pressed like all other things to the era of the Taliban when What’s amazing is that but because it doesn’t have the International conventions grants', 'persons under temporary ited it in foreign banks. Had the and it evaporates even though Afghans were denied every some very patriotic Afghans backing of its own people. To- The definition of "refugee" has protection', these countries hope world community spent the it’s right in front of you. Pain basic right. Now, they are en- who would have never imag- been clearly determined by both to shirk their responsibilities to- day, a BBC article says that only the international refugee law and wards refugees. money building factories and — even though it’s very visi- dowed with some rights. The ined leaving Afghanistan are 20 percent of the Afghan peo- industries in Afghanistan, the ble — can become very invisi- same argument applies to the now thinking of leaving. A doc- international human rights laws. These countries have the re- ple approve of President Refugees are persons forced to sponsibility to respect the human people would be much better ble. sphere of economics. The ma- tor who is a relative of mine is Ghani’s government. Another off today. Every day I spent hours jority of Afghans are much bet- considered to be the best heart recent report, which was pre- Before I proceed, I need to with people from all walks of ter off. Yes, there’s a lot of pov- doctor in this country. He earns pared by Tolo TV, claims that explain the normalization of life: teachers, students, intellec- erty but poverty is universal about $10,000 a month but is corruption has increased under pain. Although initially the tuals, and laborers. Although and the Afghans are told to be now leaving Afghanistan. A the Unity Government. These amount of pain and poverty in their backgrounds and life ex- patient because this situation friend who knows this doctor are not encouraging signs. Afghanistan shocks me, after periences were often dissimilar, of terror and panic cannot last said,” I thought he would nev- Ominous dark clouds are gath- a few days I’m no longer they shared the pessimistic forever. er leave this country. Now that ering over the skies of Afghan- shocked. In fact, because I see view that Afghanistan has trav- We have stress and misery he leaves, I realize how dire our istan. I’m afraid the sun cannot so much misery, it no longer eled beyond the point of repair. everywhere, but the kind that situation has become.” break through these bothers me. I no longer go out Some say that good things is manifested in this country is The people of Afghanistan clouds…and that is such a trag- of my way to help the poor. I have happened in Afghanistan beyond comprehension. One have lost faith and confidence edy! Women are underestimated in Lebanon’s protests Diana Moukalled

Last week’s protests in downtown Beirut broke the monotony of news of deaths that has come to dominate the Arab media land- scape. Amid Syrian deaths and trage- dies, protests in Iraq, war scenes in Yemen and everything else hap- pening in the region, it seemed strange for Beirut’s protests, clash- es, chants and even a wall – thought built and removed within 24 hours – to gain so many people’s atten- tion by comparison. It seemed strange for Leba- non’s protests to garner such wide public opinion on social media plat- forms, especially by societies whose crises and wars are far more important than Lebanon’s affairs. Lebanese demonstrations seem less violent and confronta- tional than other Arab popular pro- tests and this is what pushed those experienced in protesting in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Yemen to com- leave their homes and countries rights of both refugees and mi- because their lives and freedoms grants. ment on what’s happening in Leb- are in danger. Whether they enter with prop- anon by either supporting them or The 1951 Geneva Convention er documents or not, migrants are voicing fear that the ongoing pro- Relating to the Status of Refugees - above all - human beings. How- thing shameful about the pictures He who observes this preoc- But the fact that photos of evidenced in Egypt and Syria. tests might possibly be aborted describes a refugee as any person ever, from the perspective of the and exploited. but because they are actually just cupation with photos of Lebanese ordinary female protestors turned Lebanon enjoys a clear margin "owing to well-founded fear of international refugee law, states However, many people’s at- ordinary scenes of women who female protestors would be disap- into such a big deal takes us back of freedom compared to other Arab being persecuted for reasons of have obligations towards people tention and comments were limit- took to Beirut’s streets to protest pointed when he actually sees to square one in regards to how societies whose women, who race, religion, nationality, member- fleeing from persecution or vio- ed to photos of Lebanese female the deterioration of services and them. Not because there is any- the Arab public views women and played a very important role dur- ship of a particular social group or lence. protestors. I am not only referring to challenge the status quo. thing shameful about the pictures how Lebanese women are specifi- ing their protests, were killed, tor- political opinion, is outside the It is the duty of the states to to those on Twitter and Facebook Some female protestors were but because they are actually just cally stereotyped. tured or humiliated, as evidenced country of his nationality and is protect refugees by not sending but also several news websites, even beaten up and injured by se- ordinary scenes of women who Persistence in Egypt and Syria. unable or, owing to such fear, is them back to the countries where columnists and commentators who curity forces. Some of them stood took to Beirut’s streets to protest “Lebanese women” has thus Diana Moukalled unwilling to avail himself of the their lives are at risk. gathered photos and wrote head- between angry protestors and se- the deterioration of services and become a description that hides These women’s images have protection of that country". They also have the responsi- lines like “Lebanon’s female pro- curity forces to prevent them from to challenge the status quo common gender mainstreaming been distorted. In addition to the In the course of the develop- bility to provide durable solutions testors ignite...” clashing. Others played major But some commentary on so- which some adopt towards the fact they’ve also suffered from ment of the international refugee for refugees. ‘Ignite’ roles at leading protests while try- cial media underestimated such country and its women and it de- sexual harassment and even mob law, this definition has been broad- Refugees, who often leave ev- The word “ignite” was used ing to calm angered youths in or- activities and limited it down to picts liberalism as immorality and sexual assaults. ened to cover persons who are erything behind when fleeing their by many and it was even used by der to prevent rising tensions from the label of “Lebanese women.” looks at natural beauty with an eye However, Lebanon’s protests forced to leave their countries be- homes, need legal status and ac- news websites who were supposed turning into violent ones. Some sarcastic comments were of lust and desire. did not witness assaults. Protest cause of widespread violence, war, cess to the basic rights and social to be thoughtful. Yes, some female protestors funny and harmless and while oth- Yes, Lebanon enjoys a clear squares in Lebanon are not con- civil war and foreign occupation and economic services to build new, He who observes this preoc- screamed out, protested and er commentaries condemned the margin of freedom compared to sidered dangerous to women and that put their lives at risk in their dignified lives in their new coun- cupation with photos of Lebanese voiced their anger while others exaggerated patriarchy when eval- other Arab societies whose wom- are actually serious arenas for countries. try. female protestors would be disap- danced, sang and drew on their fac- uating the photos of female pro- en, who played a very important women and other Lebanese peo- Explained: Recent refugee Unfortunately, some countries pointed when he actually sees es. Some even raised slogans which testors and of the Lebanese situa- role during their protests, were ple to express their opinions. events in Europe increasingly try to avoid fulfilling International refugee law also their responsibilities towards ref- them. Not because there is any- were viewed as “bold” by many. tion. killed, tortured or humiliated, as It’s true that in Lebanon we creates both status and rights- ugees by denying their very status are influenced by laws that dis- based instruments and is under- as refugees. criminate against women, a patri- pinned by a number of fundamen- The use of terminology is usu- archal culture that at times tends tal principles, most notably non- ally an instrument in this practise. ETTER TO THE EDITOR to be shallow, and a rise of an ex- discrimination, non-penalisation By creating new categories for tremism wave. and non-refoulement. refugees like "migrants", "illegal But in Lebanon, strong energy Non-refoulement is a key fac- migrants", "persons under tempo- and freedom still persists over here, et of international refugee law, rary protection", these countries which have been manifested in our which concerns the protection of hope to shirk their responsibilities protests and should not be dispar- refugees from being returned or towards refugees. School poisoning aged but more reasons to celebrate, expelled to places where their lives The way forward On Monday nearly 100 schoolgirls fell sick in the western city of Herat province. According to officials initial finding showed that some kind unite and develop. or freedoms could be threatened. This is why the decision by The reason for leaving one's Al Jazeera English is a historical of spray was used at the class rooms where 126 schoolgirls, teachers and kindergarten kids fell sick and rushed to the nearby hospital. This article was first published They were poisoned by the Taliban insurgents. It is not the first incident in it nature as previously such incidents have already been taken country is considered as the main step in conformity with the inter- place while the Taliban insurgents have been blamed for it. All the admitted people are in stable health condition, and also a health team already in Asharq al-Awsat on August 31, factor in distinguishing refugees national refugee norms to create been deployed to the area to start investigation into the incident. 2015. from migrants. Refugees are per- the right perceptions in host coun- However, no arrestment made in the connection so far, but this time the government should not let the culprits to go unpunished rather Diana Moukalled is the Web sons who are forced to leave their tries. efforts should be doubled to bring the criminals to face justice. Editor at the Lebanon-based Fu- We, the Afghan masses are concern over the incident and it is the need of the hour that the relevant official should take all necessary countries for the reasons men- Some media, especially in EU measure to arrest those involved in poisoning. ture Television and was the Pro- tioned above. countries, are extremely hostile The criminal always enjoyed surgery warnings but this time practical step should be taken by the government to put duction & Programming Manager From the perspective of the towards refugees and irregular mi- a halt to the school poisonings. It is no more bearable for the Afghans. Let our school students go to schools at an with at the channel. Previously, she states, it is an ethical and legal ob- grants. atmosphere where they fell safe and sound. worked there as Editor in Chief, ligation to keep their borders open They deliberately try to crim- Munira Haidari, Qargha, Kabul Producer and Presenter of “Bilay- to the refugees who are fleeing inalise both groups. They refer to from serious violations of human them with one word: illegal mi- Letter to editor will be edited for policy, content and clarity. All letters must have the writer’s an al Mujaradah,” a documentary that covers hot zones in the Arab rights or war. grants. name and address. You may send your letters to: [email protected] International migration, on the Such a discriminatory media world and elsewhere, News and other hand, is an act by individu- response to the largest humanitar- war correspondent and Local news als who decide to voluntarily leave ian crisis of our era constructs neg- correspondent. She currently their countries for various reasons. ative public attitudes towards the writes a regular column in AlSharq Since the mid-1970s, the chan- thousands of people desperately Disclaimer: AlAwsat. She also wrote for Al- nels for regular migration to more in need of international protection. Hayat Newspaper and Al-Wasat developed countries have been re- Such negative attitudes lead to Magazine, besides producing news stricted, mainly due to the global more restrictive policies by polit- The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the author(s) bulletins and documentaries for economic crises and various polit- ical parties and governments. The and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Afghanistan Times. Reuters TV. She can be found on ical reasons. consequence is the double victim- Twitter: @dianamoukalled. This has forced many people, isation of refugees. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES

Calais is the most visible sign of France's refugee influx, but smaller camps scattered across It is easy not to notice the refugee camp was tense. About 20 riot camp in Tatinghem, a sleepy little police trudged up and down a mud- the north are growing. village in the northern French coun- dy path where there were three tryside. Tucked inconspicuously parked police vans. between two wheatfields off a Smugglers were still there, bumpy side road, even the locals Cousin said, and many of the refu- outside the town pub were sur- gees were afraid to speak, or they prised to hear of it. would only talk out of sight from It was mid-afternoon at the the main camp. camp and a group of Afghan boys "This is a big problem, every was cooking food brought to them day they [the smugglers] come every two days by a local church. here," Babou, 21, from the Kurdi- A child no older than two years sh region of northern Iraq, said crawled out of a shabby hut and nervously. played with his infant brother on "It's very dangerous for every- mud-stained wooden pallets. one - French, Kurdish, Arabic. But One of the older members of Calais is no good," he said, adding the camp, Ramillah - a 29-year- he'd heard there were 5,000 peo- old Afghan man and a former in- ple there. terpreter for the British army who Further south, in the small asked to be identified only by his commune of Norrent-Fontes, lies first name - stepped forward and another refugee camp where 120 spoke in fluent English. people currently live. He arrived at Tatinghem four Berhana, 25, from Eritrea, said days earlier after people smugglers he'd already been to Calais but af- drove him across Europe and ter a failed attempt to reach En- dropped him off at the camp. gland, he retreated to Norrent-Fon- "It's hard for me to live here," tes for temporary "rest". he said, looking tired and shaken. "Calais is more dangerous for "Sometimes we get enough sup- people," he said. "So many of our plies. Sometimes we don't… I friends have broken arms and legs wish someone would give me a safe or died. But we don't have any oth- India’s mentally ill: On a pill and a prayer passage to England." er way. Some people try life in While the camp in Calais - also Norrent-Fontes, but most end up On a hot-humid day, Arun Kumar, struck. A fire broke out, burning to be set up to help patients com- al training centre, packaging clean- fore they come for treatment." known as "the Jungle" with an es- going to Calais. If you don't have a 23, walks barefoot to a clinic near alive 40 mentally ill patients who ing to our ," said Amjad ing powder for sale. So successful is the pro- timated 3,000 people - remains the country, then you must search for the entrance to the holy Erwadi were chained up and unable to es- Hussain, president of the Erwadi The government pays him gramme the state government has largest and most visible sign of the one to live in." Dargah shrine in India's southern cape the flames. Regarded as one Dargah committee. $7.60 a month as part of the pro- earmarked an additional 7.5 mil- refugee crisis in France, smaller At the camp, a group of Eri- state of Tamil Nadu. of the worst tragedies in the state, "They told us that the medi- gramme. "I used to feel weird, but lion rupees ($114,000) to build a settlements such as Tatinghem are trean men sat outside makeshift At the clinic, a nurse asks him the horrific incident galvanised cines had more power since it was I am better now," said Damodaran 50-bed psychiatric hospital in the scattered across the north of the tents, cooking and listening to reg- what seems to be an incongruous government authorities to begin a being administered within the holy shyly. "My mother is very happy area. country. gae. question: "Have you finished your clean-up of the dargah. premises of the dargah. They said that I am now able to earn mon- A 50-bed psychiatric hospital The refugee charity Associa- In April, two of the camp's prayer?" When Kumar answers in Later that year, India's District that the medicines would not work ey." funded by the governement is un- tion Terre d'Errance, or The Wan- four wooden buildings burned the negative, the nurse firmly tells Mental Health Programme was outside the dargah, and that the Patients pack cleaning powder der construction [Sandhya Ravis- dering Earth Association, estimates down in a fire, leaving 80 people him to finish his prayer and then launched, and funds were made holy seer magnifies the power of as part of the rehabilitation pro- hankar/Al Jazeera] there are 11 northern camps. En- without shelter. The Wandering come back for medicine. available to help Erwadi's devotees these medicines. We were con- gramme for the mentally ill Doctors working with the campments have also popped up Earth Association has since collect- "Remember: first dua [prayer], obtain comprehensive mental vinced and decided to allow the [Sandhya Ravishankar/Al Jazeera] Dawa-Dua programme are excited in Paris, Dieppe, Boulogne and Le ed donations and started rebuild- then dawa [medicine], and then dua healthcare. But it was not until clinic to be set up," said Hussain. 'We do not question beliefs' that it has sparked interest in oth- Havre. ing. However, in early August, the again," she tells him. 2013 that government efforts to Government doctors then Most family members of the er religious establishments as well. Traditionally these camps mayor of the town stopped them Kumar grins widely on his reach out to the religious establish- swung into action. Spiritual heal- patients say evil spirits have tak- Nuns from the nearby Puliyangu- have received little attention. in an attempt to get the refugees to way out. ment would bear fruit. ers within the dargah were trained en possession of their bodies, and di church, another place where the But now some are growing in leave. "My mother and brother "The common belief is that ill- to identify mental illness, and a only prayer can rid their children mentally ill are brought for prayers, size, and as the refugee crisis in The camp has been open for brought me here and left me," ex- ness, whether physical or mental, small space within the dargah was of these. have studied the programme in Europe intensifies and security at 15 years and conditions have al- plained Kumar, who works at a was God's punishment and that allocated for a clinic. Slowly pa- The dargah committee shares Erwadi and are keen on setting up Calais is tightened, the numbers are ways been tough with no running footwear shop nearby but origi- medicine cannot cure it," said Dr J tients began to trickle in, sent to these beliefs. "You may say what a similar clinic. likely to rise. water or electricity. nally comes from Sivaramnagar Periyar Lenin, a psychiatrist and a the clinic by spiritual healers in the you want but we have seen things "The idea is simply to help as "For many years we have tried "The first camp was a lot bet- village, almost 200km away. key proponent of the Dawa-Dua Erwadi Dargah. here which are inexplicable," said many of the destitute and the men- to make the public and media aware ter, but it has been destroyed," said "They brought me here be- initiative. "Initially there was much scep- Hussain. "Only those affected by tally ill as possible," said Dr C that there are other places," Lily a young Eritrean man who asked cause I used to fight a lot and get "We tried to convince the dar- ticism," said Lenin. "People used witchcraft can undergo such suf- Ramasubramanian from Tamil Boillet, a member of The Wander- not to be named, swiping through very angry. My brother said he gah committee for many years to to ask us, 'What can your pills do fering, and these are not mental ill- Nadu's District Mental Health ing Earth Association, told Al pictures of the fire on his phone. would come and take me home this allow the government to set up a that prayers cannot?' But eventu- nesses." Programme. "The government is Jazeera. "Now the rain gets to us." month, but he has not appeared so psychiatric clinic to treat mental- ally mothers saw their sons and Since its inception in October keen on extending the programme "All the attention and focus is Unaccompanied children far. Do you think he will come?" ly ill patients [at the dargah], but daughters getting better. They kept 2014, almost 1,000 cases have been across the state and rehabilitating in Calais. But if Calais is more pro- In some places even flimsy he asked anxiously. they did not allow it," the doctor returning to the clinic. We managed registered with the clinic. Lenin, more mentally ill patients." tected, people will need an escape. tents are not allowed. As night fell Kumar's notebook contains said. to treat people who had been wan- the lone psychiatrist at the clinic, And when Kumar's brother fi- They could move and it could in- in Lille, the fifth-largest urban area his diagnosis: mood disorder and In 2013, the Tamil Nadu gov- dering around in Erwadi with men- treats 60 patients a day on aver- nally does come to take him home, crease the numbers at all the other in France, 30 West African boys, mania. He was chained to a tree ernment sponsored a trip to the tal illness for 20 years." age. "We are aware that this clinic he may not need to return to Er- places," Boillet explained. most of them teenagers, sat around for a month by his family within western Indian state of Gujarat, Saravanan Damodaran, 39, is exists only because of the dargah. wadi to continue his treatment. One of the largest refugee in one of the country's newest in- the dargah's premises, because he where the first Dawa-Dua pro- a testimony to that. Damodaran People come here only due to faith The government has launched camps outside Calais is in Grande- formal camps: a small park off was violent and uncontrollable. gramme had been launched. When had suffered from extreme schizo- in the dargah's powers," said Le- an ambitious project of telepsy- Synthe, a 40km drive north from Boulevard Victor Hugo. "They were afraid I will run the committee saw that medication phrenia and lived at Erwadi Dar- nin. chiatry through mobile vans that the small settlement in Tatinghem. When they first arrived three away," said Kumar. "But now I am was helping many patients in Gu- gah for seven years with his moth- "We do not get into arguments reach the most remote villages in The camp - predominantly months ago, they were offered a taking medicines, and there is no jarat, they agreed to allow Dawa- er, sleeping on roads and eating over faith versus medicine or sci- southern India. Kumar could con- home to Kurds from Syria and Iraq room to sleep in at a local church. anger in me. I smile now." Dua. donated food. ence. We do not question beliefs. tinue his treatment from his home - usually holds about 100 people, Now they stay outside in the park Kumar's story is different "Religious leaders in the Gu- Now he has undergone treat- Medicine works alongside religion in Theni, and keep the wide grin but recently the size has tripled. with nothing but sleeping bags af- from those of thousands of other jarat Dargah told us that there was ment and is able to work at the here. That is why we ask all our on his face. At the local office of the aid ter local police took away their mentally ill Indians in only one nothing wrong in allowing a clinic Dawa-Dua programme's vocation- patients to finish prayers first be- Al Jazeera group Salam, Sylvie Cousin, a vol- tents, mattresses, and cooking respect: He has received treatment unteer who has worked at Grande- equipment. at Erwadi's new psychiatric clinic, Synthe for the past four years, said The French government is sup- Dawa-Dua, which means medicine the charity is overstretched. Food, posed to have a system in place and prayer in Hindi. clothes, and other resources are for unaccompanied minors, but For the past 200 years, peo- needed, but the numbers keep ris- here the boys sleep in the rain, with ple in southern India have believed ing and public donations are in their next meal dependent on the the Hazrat Sultan Syed Ibrahim short supply. generosity of locals. Shaheed shrine, popularly known "At the moment it's very dif- From war-torn Syria to im- as the Erwadi Dargah, has the ficult," she said. "Everyone knows prisonment in Europe power to cure the mentally ill. Calais, but not Grande-Synthe. "We cannot eat, we cannot go "Dargah" is the name given to Many charity groups come from to school, we cannot get clothes the tomb or shrine of a Muslim the UK to Calais. We need help and we have no place to sleep," saint. Legend has it that the Raja - too." said Timberland, a young man from king - Ramnad, who was childless People smugglers - who charge Cameroon who left the country prayed here and was then blessed high prices to drive refugees to after an attack on his village by the with a male heir. The ecstatic king nearby service stations where they armed group, Boko Haram. gifted 2,428 hectacres of land to attempt to board trucks heading Still, the option of staying in the shrine, and the belief was born for the UK - have been operating Calais, where at least tents and that the holy seer in the dargah in the area for years. other sleeping and cooking equip- could work miracles. But smugglers are now thought ment are allowed, doesn't appeal The shrine receives an average to be getting increasingly organised to them. None of the boys want of 100 devotees a month, includ- and are reportedly using cars with asylum in the UK, and many are ing many families with mentally British license plates. scared of moving. ill sons and daughters, who come On August 16, a car chase be- "Here is for children," Timber- to pray for the improvement of tween French police and smugglers land said. "In Calais, police beat their children's condition. In the driving a UK-registered vehicle people. I have seen it on televi- past, many violent patients were ended up at the camp in Grand- sion." That night it began to rain. chained for years to trees and poles Violent mentally ill people are sometimes chained to trees within the Erwadi Dargah [Sandhya Ravishankar/Al Synthe, with the smugglers fleeing As the last nights of summer pass, within the dargah's premises as into the camp. it's hard to picture their plight get- spiritual healers prayed for them. Jazeera] The next day the mood at the ting any better. Al Jazeera In 2001, however, tragedy Cancelled play highlights UK counter-extremism debate A play examining issues of Islamic Arun Kundnani, author The NYT has said Home- those issues that can make people sation or extremism can be closed tendees. I said they couldn't and I you don't protect free speech by extremism and radicalisation in a They said they fear the pro- grown was cancelled because of feel uncomfortable." down," the creators of Homegrown kind of thought we were going to shutting it down." "Clumsy sur- London school was mysteriously duction has fallen victim to politi- concerns that it did not meet its The cancellation of Home- said in a statement. get shut down. It is obviously in- veillance programmes like Prevent cancelled last month. The creators cal censorship amid heightened standards. grown comes at a time of height- Critics of Prevent have also timidating." and Channel risk aggravating the have described how police offic- sensitivity about the themes of the But Latif said: "There was no ened concern in British Muslim voiced concerns that the police-led Arun Kundnani, author of The problem they seek to solve by ers asked to see a copy of the play and its critical examination of indication, there was no consulta- communities about the expansion programme is being used to shut are Coming! and a re- sowing seeds of mistrust and alien- script and told producers they government counter-extremism tion and there was no warning that of the government's Prevent down or disrupt criticism and de- searcher on the impact of counter- ation at an early age," Sankey said. planned to place undercover offic- policy, noting the announcement they were considering pulling the counter-extremism strategy in re- bate of counter-extremism policy terrorism policy on Muslim com- In a statement sent to Al ers in the audience. of the cancellation came shortly show." sponse to the perceived threat to that does not suit the government's munities, said the cancellation of Jazeera, the NYT said: "We can "Homegrown" was partially after theatre company representa- Homegrown, which featured a the UK posed by Britons travel- agenda, with organisers of other Homegrown also appeared to have confirm that no external parties had inspired by the case of three tives had met with police. cast of 113 young performers, had ling to Syria, and strong statements events also complaining of police the hallmarks of a "Prevent inter- any involvement in the decision to schoolgirls from East London who "We were having our weekly also been heavily promoted by the by David Cameron, the prime min- interference. David Miller, the or- vention". cancel the public presentation of ran away to Syria in February and production meeting and the pro- NYT. A press release in June de- ister, calling on Muslims to do ganiser of an academic conference "This sounds like exactly the Homegrown." London's Metro- had been marketed as one of the ducer said to us, 'Oh, we had a scribed the play as a "theatrical more to tackle "non-violent extrem- on terrorism and radicalisation at kind of informal censorship at the politan Police Service also issued highlights of the National Youth meeting with the police yesterday visual spectacle", and two of the ism". Critics say Prevent, and the the University of Bath in June, said behest of the police that many a statement that said: "Suggestions Theatre's (NYT) 2015 season pri- and they were really friendly and show's characters still featured related Channel counter-radicalisa- police had approached university people have been predicting would that the MPS has had any role in or to its abrupt cancellation just helpful. They would like to see the prominently on the theatre com- tion programme for young people, security staff to request a list of happen under the new legislation," the decision to cancel this play are 10 days before its opening night. final script, attend the first three pany's homepage at the time of treats the entire Muslim commu- all attendees and had asked ques- Kundnani told Al Jazeera. plain wrong." But Latif and Khairy Omar el-Khairy and Nadia shows and circulate plain clothes writing. nity as a security threat and sub- tions about the attendance of a The cancellation was also con- maintain they and their young cast Latif, who wrote and directed the officers in the audience,'" Latif said. Speaking to the Guardian jects it to discriminatory levels of specific individual. "I got a call a demned by civil liberties and anti- have been silenced. "What is real- play, told Al Jazeera they were still Khairy said the pair had been newspaper in the same week, Paul surveillance and harassment, as week before the conference from censorship campaigners who said ly sad for me is to have had the in the dark as to why it had been notified of the cancellation by email Roseby, the NYT's artistic direc- well as conflating conservative Is- our security people. They asked in a letter published by the Times experience of seeing young people dropped, and said the NYT had a week later. tor, said: "I think it is our duty as lamic beliefs with violent extrem- me if a particular person was com- newspaper: "We fear that govern- opening up their minds to the ca- postponed a scheduled meeting to "We don't know who made a young company to commission ism. "We are making art in a par- ing because his name was flagged ment policy in response to extrem- cophony of voices that are out there discuss the issue. that decision. All we know is that new work and tell stories that are ticular climate: the climate of Pre- up in the police computer. I don't ism may be creating a culture of and then having that shut down," This sounds like exactly the conversations took place between on the edge that divide opinion. vent and Channel - programmes know how they got that informa- caution in the arts." said Latif. kind of informal censorship at the the police and the NYT," Latif said. "Perhaps the end result will which are creating an environment tion because the list wasn't pub- Bella Sankey, the director of "Someone comes along and behest of the police that many "But we don't know who in- also divide opinion but I think it is in which certain forms of question- lic," Miller told Al Jazeera. Policy for Liberty, told Al Jazeera: says you are not allowed to do that. people have been predicting would stigated that and we weren't part worth the risk because theatre is a ing, let alone subversion, of the giv- "The police also asked if they "You don't protect artistic freedom That is mini-Prevent to me." happen under the new legislation. of that conversation." very powerful medium to explore en narrative pertaining to radicali- could see a copy of the list of at- by encouraging censorship and Al Jazeera This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES Saudi Al Gas tariff Tayyar founder increased by to retain stake up to 67pc in despite Pakistan resignation German unemployment declined in ISLAMABAD: The government August and manufacturing gained increased natural gas tariff by four momentum, signaling that Eu- to 67 per cent for different catego- rope’s largest economy will con- ries. It also raised tax rates on all tinue growing. petroleum products to allow a par- Joblessness fell a seasonally- tial reduction in their prices for the adjusted 7,000 to 2.79 million, the month of September. Federal Labor Agency in Nurem- The increase in gas rates was berg said on Tuesday, and the un- one of the key requirements of the employment rate remained at 6.4 International Monetary Fund percent. A Purchasing Managers’ (IMF), which is expected to take Index for manufacturing rose to up Pakistan’s case for disburse- 53.2 from 51.8 in July, well above ment of $506 million tranche later the 50 level that indicates expan- this month. sion. A senior government official German is poised for “solid” told Dawn that the increase in tax growth, supported by both exter- rates on petroleum products would nal and domestic demand, the yield an additional revenue of Bundesbank predicted on Aug. 17. Rs10-12bn for the government. Business confidence has improved These are highest-ever tax rates on in the past two months even as petroleum products. trade risks from China’s economic Similarly, the increase in gas The founder of Saudi Arabia's Al slowdown mount. Tayyar Travel Group will retain rates would yield Rs42bn revenue “The German labor market is for the two gas utilities — Sui his stake in the company despite very stable and robust,” said Jo- his resignation, he was quoted as Southern Gas Company Limited hannes Gareis, an economist at and Sui Northern Gas Pipelines saying on Monday by Al Arabiya Natixis SA in Frankfurt. “Amid a television's website. Limited — and over Rs7bn for the global economy weakened by a government in the shape of gener- Nasser bin Aqeel al-Tayyar trailing dynamic in China, domes- will step down as vice chairman al sales tax. tic consumption is more important GAS TARIFF: The price for and managing director of the firm than ever, and this is where the on Sept. 1, the company said in a domestic consumers using a maxi- labor market acts as a crutch for mum of 100 cubic metres of gas bourse filing on Sunday, adding the economy.” that he would remain a board mem- has been increased by 3.77pc to Economists had predicted a Rs110 per million British Thermal ber. drop in unemployment of 4,000. His ownership would not Unit (MMBTU) from Rs106; for The number of people without consumers using 100-300 cubic change, Tayyar told the network. work declined by about 3,000 in Tayyar owns 14.57 percent of metres by 3.77pc to Rs220 per western Germany and about 3,000 unit from Rs212; and for consum- the company, according to bourse in the eastern part of the country, data. This is the second-largest ers using over 300 cubic metres by the data show. 13pc to Rs600 per unit from shareholding behind Al Tayyar The jobless rate in the 19-na- Real Estate & Tourism Develop- Rs531. tion euro area unexpectedly slid to The tariff for general industry, ment Co, with 23.3 percent. 10.9 percent in July, the lowest Tayyar said he wants to hand power and fertiliser sectors has reading since February 2012, data been increased by 23pc to Rs600 over the running of the company, from the European Union’s statis- A gauge for euro-area manu- months and selling prices barely mand also improved. French man- nomics in London, said in a state- which he set up in 1980 and which per MMBTU from Rs488 and tics office showed on Tuesday. facturing eased to 52.3 in August grew. ufacturing contracted. ment. “We will have to wait and that of CNG by 16.7pc to Rs700 now has more than 430 branches Economists in a Bloomberg sur- from 52.4. Markit data show that In a positive sign, the gauge of Germany is “taking on more see if recent concerns regarding a in the kingdom and abroad, to the per unit from Rs600. vey had predicted it would hold at input costs at the region’s facto- new orders rose to the highest in of the growth strain,” Rob Dob- slowdown in China filter through The rate for commercial con- next generation. 11.1 percent. ries fell for the first time in six more than a year, while export de- son, an economist at Markit Eco- to the figures in coming months.” "It is not possible to be in my sumers has been increased by 9.9pc position until the end of my life," to Rs700 per MMBTU from he was quoted as saying. Chipotle Mexican Rs637; for captive power plants "I was planning to resign from by 4.7pc to Rs600 per unit from Car booking app to offer free Rs573 per unit and for cement in- my position about two years ago, Grill sued over and I now see that it is the right dustry by less than one per cent time for this resignation," he told GMO-free menu to Rs750 from Rs743. Al Arabiya. Tayyar will now fo- rides to Saudi women voters The highest increase was made cus on other business interests, claims for fertiliser feed stock. The tariff including a number of commercial Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc's new for old plants has been raised by It all started when Saudi-based East, including Saudi, decided it tweet, and both Uber and Careem code explicitly bans women from 63pc to Rs200 per MMBTU and real estate and hospitality ventures journalist Ahmed Omran suggest- would take up Omran’s idea. “The quickly responded with positive driving. However, authorities do GMO-free menu claims have lured in Mecca and Jeddah, as well as diners and boosted the burrito that for new plants by 66.7pc to ed on Twitter that new-generation idea to tweet about this came after replies,” he added. According to not issue any licenses to women, Rs72 per unit. his role as chairman of Egypt's car booking services Uber and Ca- a female friend of mine complained Abdulla Elyas, one of Careem’s who mostly rely on personal male chain's stock price, but it has some Nile Air. Shares in Al Tayyar were consumers crying foul. The revised gas tariff will be reem offer free rides for women that she can’t register to vote be- founders, the firm had already been drivers or relatives to get around. effective from Sept 1. down 8.2 percent at 1130 GMT, wishing to vote in the kingdom’s cause she doesn’t have a driver, mulling the idea. “We were actual- “We want to be a part of the pro- A California woman has ac- set for their lowest closing price cused the popular chain in a law- OIL PRICES: Setting aside the upcoming municipal elections. The and she wondered if the govern- ly thinking of launching this cam- gressiveness surrounding Saudi recommendations of the Oil and since mid-December, against a elections, which will be held in ment would reimburse her if she paign before Ahmed’s tweet came women and the new developments suit of false advertising after it wider market decline of 2 percent. trumpeted on April 27 that it was Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) December, are the first allowing used one of these apps,” said in,” said Elyas. “There is a need that are helping them. So we’re for a reduction by eight to 12pc in The firm's shares had dropped 5.95 the first national restaurant com- Saudi women to both run as candi- Omran, who works as the U.S. for females to get easy travel ac- telling them that we will take care prices of all petroleum products, percent on Sunday, prior to the dates and vote. Careem, which op- paper Wall Street Journal’s Saudi cess when they go to vote.” Ongo- of their rides if they take care of pany to use only ingredients that announcement. the government increased tax rates erates in 18 cities in the Middle correspondent. “I posted the ing debate In Saudi Arabia, no legal their rights,” said Elyas. are free of controversial genetical- to allow only 3.6 to 5pc cut in pric- ly modified organisms, or GMOs. es. The prices of all five consumer In her lawsuit filed Friday in items – petrol, high speed diesel Investors are fleeing once-popular federal court in San Francisco, the (HSD), kerosene, light diesel oil plaintiff Colleen Gallagher also al- (LDO) and high octane blending leged that Chipotle violated the component (HOBC) have been emerging markets Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic reduced by a flat Rs3 per litre. Act because its food labeling is The new ex-depot price of If you think investors in U.S. ing to pay back loans taken out in ernments in Brazil, Turkey and false and misleading, and deceived petrol was set at Rs73.76, a re- stocks have had it rough, consider dollars. Memories of the 1997 other developing countries had diners into paying more for their duction of 3.9pc, from Rs76.76 per the hapless folks who followed Asian financial crisis aren’t help- scaled back their borrowing, and food. litre. The GST rate on petrol was Wall Street’s advice to buy emerg- ing. Back then, investors fled Thai- with their economies expanding "As Chipotle told consumers increased to 25.5pc from 20pc. ing-market stocks. land, Indonesia and other Asian ti- rapidly, it seemed they would have it was 'G-M-Over it,' the oppo- Ogra had called for reducing petrol The MSCI Emerging Markets gers, and the fallout threatened to no trouble making their payments. site was true," the Piedmont, Cal- price by 8pc to Rs70.62. index has lost 25 percent over the spark a global recession. In the four years after 2008, the ifornia resident said. "In fact, High speed diesel will sell at past year, while the most widely Why investors may be wrong: amount of money these bond Chipotle's menu as never been at Rs82.04 per litre instead of held U.S. fund, the Vanguard Total Companies in developing coun- funds had at their disposal tripled any time free of GMOs." Rs85.05, down by 3.5pc. The Stock Market index, is down less tries have taken out more loans in to $77 billion. Chipotle spokesman Chris GST was increased to 45pc from than 1 percent. their own currencies, so they’re Why they’re falling now: Bra- Arnold declined to discuss the al- 36.5pc. After the financial crisis, plow- better prepared when their curren- zil and Russia have fallen into deep legations, but said "we do plan to Ogra had recommended the ing money into emerging markets cies fall against the dollar. Manu- recessions, and emerging-market contest this." HSD price at Rs77.45, a reduction seemed like a sure bet. China was facturers in South Korea and Tai- currencies have plunged around the Many U.S. diners have in sur- of 9pc. gobbling up raw materials from wan import a lot of raw materials, world. veys expressed a willingness to The kerosene price was re- Brazil, Indonesia and Russia, and so they benefit from falling com- The sorry history of emerging pay a premium price for food they duced by 5pc to Rs57.11 per litre perceive to be less processed and their stock markets were soaring. modity prices. markets suggests a wave of corpo- from Rs60.11. The GST was jacked more natural or organic, and retail up to 30pc from 20pc. Ogra had Wall Street cranked up its market- And many big Indian compa- rate defaults, a jump in inflation data back that up. ing machine, creating 246 funds to nies rely on local customers, pro- and rising political instability as proposed a reduction in kerosene Chipotle's website carries dis- price by 12.14pc to Rs52.81. ride the boom. viding banking services and con- anger spreads on the streets. After claimers about the GMO content “Whatever is hot, Wall Street sumer goods to the country’s the Asian financial crisis, student The government set LDO in its food. price at Rs53.59 per litre, down will race out with new products to swelling middle class. protests in Indonesia, one of the Those disclaimers say that catch the investor’s eye,” says COMMODITY FUNDS hardest hit countries, helped de- by 5.3pc, from Rs56.59. The raise "most animal feed in the U.S. is in GST on the commodity was Larry Swedroe, head of research The drops are stunning. Oil pose the country’s ruler after three genetically modified, which means 9.5pc – from 20pc to 29.5pc. Ogra at Buckingham Asset Manage- falling by more than half in the past decades in power. that the meat and dairy served at had recommended its price at ment. The blitz worked. In the five year, iron ore plunging by a third, Why investors may be wrong: Chipotle are likely to come from Rs49.79, a reduction of 12pc. years through 2013, investors coal and copper off by more than These countries are better pre- animals given at least some GMO The rate for HOBC was fixed poured $104 billion into emerging- a quarter. Even prices for wheat pared for financial shocks. They feed." They add that "many of the at Rs79.79 per litre, down by market stock funds. The amount and corn — people can’t stop eat- have lower debt burdens than many beverages sold in our restaurants 3.6pc, from Rs82.79. The tax rate of money in these funds more than ing, can they? — have fallen by developed countries and built up contain genetically modified ingre- was raised from 17pc to 24pc. The quadrupled. more than half in two years. foreign reserves to defend their dients." rate recommended by Ogra was Now, in classic fashion, inves- Pimco’s largest raw materials currencies. “You would have seen Gallagher contended that most Rs75.42 – a fall of 9pc. tors are reversing course: They’ve fund, the Commodity Real Return social instability and bank runs” Chipotle diners are unlikely to see The price of JP-1 (aircraft fuel) yanked $40 billion from emerging- Strategy fund, has lost a third of in previous years, says Samy these disclaimers, and will rely in- was cut by 13.5pc to Rs42.65 per market stocks this year, a record its value over the past year. That’s Muaddi, a portfolio manager at T. stead on the company's advertis- litre from Rs49.33. This was the pace of withdrawals, as a slow- after a rocky ten years, during Rowe Price. “But that’s not hap- ing. only product on which the gov- down in China has hammered com- which the fund rocketed as high as pening today. I take it as a posi- Her lawsuit seeks class action ernment accepted Ogra’s recom- panies that supply raw materials. 30 percent and plunged as much tive sign.” Yahoo Finance status and unspecified damages. mendation. But the selling has also created real as 60 percent. value, some savvy investors say. Why they’re falling now: Too It costs half as much to buy a dol- many companies pulled too much IMF’s Lagarde sees lar of earnings from emerging-mar- out of the ground before the finan- ket companies now than it does to cial crisis. China’s massive stimu- weaker than expected buy a dollar of earnings from U.S. lus program fueled even more drill- companies. ing and digging. With the big in- The zigzagging fortunes of vestments already made, compa- global economic growth emerging markets reveal the pit- nies figure they might as well keep Global economic growth is likely The IMF in July forecast glo- falls of chasing the hot new thing, pumping oil and extracting ore. to be weaker than earlier expected, bal growth at 3.3 percent this year, and how the best time to buy may Investors speculate that supply the head of the International Mon- slightly below last year's 3.4 per- be precisely when everyone else may overwhelm demand for a long etary Fund said on Tuesday, due cent. Lagarde said China's econo- is selling. time yet. to a slower recovery in advanced my was slowing, although not EMERGING STOCK Why investors may be wrong: economies and a further slowdown sharply or unexpectedly, as it ad- FUNDS Small drillers and miners are start- in emerging nations. justs to a new growth model. Betting on emerging markets ing to go out of business as prices IMF Managing Director "The transition to a more mar- has never been for the faint of fall below their cost of production. Christine Lagarde also warned ket-based economy and the un- heart. Values soar as money floods That should ultimately squeeze emerging economies like Indone- winding of risks built up in recent in from investors hoping to profit supply, and lead to prices stabi- sia to "be vigilant for spillovers" years is complex and could well be from rapid economic growth. Along lizing. from China's slowdown, tighter somewhat bumpy," she said. comes a crisis, currencies collapse EMERGING-MARKET global financial conditions, and the "That said, the authorities have and inflation spikes. Values plum- BONDS prospects of a U.S. interest rate the policy tools and financial buff- met and money rushes out. Enticed by higher interest rates hike. ers to manage this transition." Why they’re falling now: Fear than in the U.S., investors plowed "Overall, we expect global Lagarde, who is visiting Indo- that Chinese demand for Brazilian into emerging-market bond funds growth to remain moderate and nesia for the first time in three steel, Indonesian coal, Chilean cop- in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. likely weaker than we anticipated years, said Southeast Asia's larg- per and other goods could slow Warnings that the U.S. government last July," Lagarde told university est economy had the "right tools further. Sliding currencies in these would struggle to pay its rising students at the start of a two-day to actually react" to the global vol- countries squeeze companies try- debts added to their appeal. Gov- visit to Indonesia's capital. atility. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES

Red carpet round-up: CAN YOU GUESS WHO 2015 MTV Video THE WORLD'S RICHEST Music Awards POP STAR IS? Bono has become the world’s rich- states that the investment has not est pop star after amassing a near made Bono the world’s wealthiest $1.5 billion fortune from his shares musician; the $1.4 billion will be in social media site Facebook. divided among the six founding The U2 frontman bought a 2.3 members of the investment group per cent share in the site for $89.6 which only gives each of them 20 million in 2009, with his invest- per cent of the profits. ment group Elevation Partners, and Facebook went public and was now the UK’s Sunday Mirror re- floated on the stock market in 2012, ports his share is worth a whoop- and is now worth around $200 bil- ing $1.5 billion. The singer has lion. Bono is currently working to- made more money through his in- wards a women empowerment vestment than he did from all his campaign. He will be recording a music and recordings. remix of Strong Girl with top Afri- As a result, he overtakes Beat- can male musicians D’banj, Dia- les legend Sir Paul McCartney – mond and Banky W. The song is a who has a $1.16 billion fortune – rallying cry for women’s empow- as the world’s richest pop star. erment which features top African However, The Independent female talent.

Exposed: Another overseas plan of Kat and Ranbir Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are headed to London for the shoot of their upcoming films, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and Bar Bar Dekho respectively. Kat will be joining Sidharth Malhotra for deb- utant Nitya Mehra's film while RK kickstarts Ka- ran Johar's film which has Aishwarya Rai Bach- chan and Anushka Sharma as his co-stars. A mix of work-cum-pleasure for the lovebirds in Kat's hometown. Could it get better?

One thing’s for sure: the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards stunned in the apparel department, both for good and for bad. It’s a gloomy day when Taylor Swift is the worst-dressed at a reputable festivity as the VMAs. Luckily, reality star Kourtney Kardashian and the stunning trainer Gil- lian Michaels saved the day. The fitness guru flashed her best asset — her rock-hard abs in a sleeveless mesh glitzy gold crop top and satin textured ankle-length dress pants in a shade of fiery red that adorned her bod seamlessly. The Biggest Loser trainer should ditch her sportswear often since she was clearly one of the best-dressed at the prestigious affair. Styling her blonde locks in voluminous waves, Jillian assuredly glammed up good. Keeping her makeup moderate, she turned heads in strappy heels and a bold pout that matched her glossy pants. The Keeping up with the Kardashians star set the carpet ablaze in an enchanting jumpsuit, which we couldn’t take our eyes off — for good Danica McKellar joins 2016 Miss reason. The brightly hued halter jumpsuit comprised a plunging neck- line and billowing trouser legs, which she coupled with gold pumps and a box clutch. Her raven hair was fashioned in a long, lustrous and straight America competition as judge look. Keeping it minimalistic, the star accessorised with gold Cartier Danica McKellar will serve as a ment. "I am proud to be part of the show and an bracelets and a corresponding clutch. judge during the 2016 Miss Amer- organization that is such a huge advocate for educa- Atrocious — the first word that came to mind when the Bad Blood ica Competition, TVGuide.com tion." singer hit the red carpet in an uncanny metallic houndstooth-print de- has learned exclusively. "The Wonder Years" star, bestselling author and sign by Ashish. Taylor left her waist on display in the tacky looking mathematician is an avid advocate for education and two-piece outfit, which she paired with metallic Louboutin heels — her "The Miss America Organiza- has used her books to both teach math concepts and only saving grace. The pop star rounded off her look with a substantial tion shares my passion for the ad- promote the idea that smart is sexy. McKellar also application of winged eyeliner and slicked back her dirty blonde hair. vancement of women in the STEM showed off her dance skills recently on the 18th sea- Sadly, the hair and makeup failed to hit a high note as well. What a slip- fields and celebrates smart, strong son of "Dancing with the Stars." up. women," McKellar said in a state- McKellar joins a judging panel that also includes country music star Brett El- dredge, author Taya Kyle, What’s Kareena’s is Saif’s "Shark Tank's" Kevin O'Leary, Paralympian Amy Purdy and Kareena Kapoor Khan is one Bollywood actor who never ceases to receive compli- singer-actress Zendaya. A final ments on her beauty, and she makes no bones about saying that her husband, Saif Ali judge will be announced in the Khan, surely is a “lucky man” to have her in his life. coming weeks. Chris Harrison In an interview with a leading publication, Sidharth Malhotra said that he is a and Brooke Burke-Charvet will huge fan of Kareena and he wishes to have a younger Kareena to date him. Similarly, co-host the competition, and Arjun Kapoor, who’s wooing the actor in R Balki’s next film Ki And Ka, has Nick Jonas will serve as the expressed his appreciation for her craft. musical curator for the show, Asked how Saif takes all the compliments that she receives, Kareena said, “I which will be produced by the think it’s the biggest compliment for Saif. He is a lucky man for sure.” Miss America Organization and The actor, known for her high-on-glamour appearances in films and at red Dick Clark Productions. carpet events, made an appearance at the Lakme Fashion Week winter-festive grand The 95th Miss America finale 2015. She walked the ramp for designer Gaurav Gupta in a black feminine and sensu- Competition will broad- ous gown, looking no less than a diva. cast live from Atlantic While Kareena enjoys walking the ramp, she knows it requires something “dif- City's Boardwalk Hall on ferent” than what her profession as an actor needs. Sunday, Sept. 13 on ABC. When asked how difficult it is to put an extra layer of makeup when she is walking the ramp, the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor was of the opinion that the ramp is totally different. “You are moulding yourself, as the outfit is totally different. It is a lot more glamorous. It’s all about makeup, beauty, fashion… fashion forward.There are a lot of things (that) come into play when you take to the ramp.” On the big screen, Kareena believes she has always tried to be as real as possi- ble, and one would get to see that side of her in her upcoming films Udta Punjab and Ki And Ka. “I try to keep it real as much as possible. My next film is going to be very real. Udta Punjab will be about ‘Udta’ as a girl in Punjab. And Ki And Ka is about a Mumbai and Delhi girl… Me being married (in the role) and how would we react… so that’s what it’s all about (sic),” she said, clearing the air at the same time about rumours that she is not playing the role of a journalist in Ki and Ka. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02, 2015 AFGHANISTANTIMES Day romps to six-shot win at The Barclays Red-hot PGA Championship win- ner Jason Day of Australia romped to victory at The Barclays, winning the opening event of the lucrative FedExCup Series by a whopping six strokes. World number three Day reeled off eight birdies in a bogey- free final round 62 for a 19-under- Serena Williams stuck to the script roof will not be functional until par 261 total at Plainfield Coun- Monday night, moving on to the 2016, but the structure has al- try Club for his third victory in second round of the U.S. Open and ready altered the atmosphere in- his last four starts. continuing her quest to complete stide. It made it feel like a dome, A distant second on 13-under the first calendar Grand Slam since Williams said, adding that it felt was Sweden's Henrik Stenson, 1988. more intimate. She's always loved who posted a 66, while two-times For all the hype that led up to the fans in New York. Now, she Masters winner Bubba Watson this match, it was a sputtering start feels that much closer to them. (69) finished third, eight strokes to the tournament. Williams' op- “I can feel the love and sup- off the pace. ponent retired just two games into port on my journey," she said to Day's dominating victory lift- the second set. But, a win's a win. the crowd after the match. ed the Australian into the conver- Williams moves on. "Whatever happens, I’m here at sation of top golfer of the year, "It was definitely different and home, where it all began in 1999." particularly after Masters and U.S. bizarre," the 21-time Grand Slam Earlier Monday, older sister Open winner Jordan Spieth relin- champion said after the match. Venus Williams advanced with a quished the top ranking to Rory "But at the same time I was still three-set win. Americans CoCo McIlroy when he missed The Bar- focused. I kept thinking, you Vandeweghe, Madison Brengle, clays cut. know, just stay focused; don't lose Jessica Pegula, Irina Falconi, Be- "I'm just trying to improve it." thanie Mattek-Sands, and Madi- each and every week but it's been There was really never any son Keys also advanced. Keys a special summer for me and it's chance she'd lose it. Williams and closed out her win in just over an Vitalia Diatchenko were on the hour, defeating Klara Koukalova court for just 30 minutes before 6-2, 6-4. Diatchenko retired with a foot in- Serena will face Kiki Bertens jury. She had already called the in the second round. trainer out to wrap her left ankle earlier in the match. Williams held a 6-0, 2-0 when Diatchenko retired. She served six aces and won 13 of 14 first-serve points in the shortened match. This was Williams' first match under the newly-constructed Arthur Ashe roof skeleton. The Sri Lanka staring at defeat in final Test India stood seven wickets away from a series- clinching victory after setting Sri Lanka a for- midable 386-run victory target on the penulti- mate day of the third and final Test. Resuming on a precarious 21-3 in the not over," Day told CBS in a green- bowler-dominated weather-hit contest, the vis- side interview after rolling in his itors needed a string of cameos from their mid- final birdie putt at the 18th. dle and lower-order batsmen to score 274 in "To be able to play the way I their second-innings. did over the weekend here was fan- In their first Test since batting great Kumar tastic. Today was just phenome- Sangakkara retired, Sri Lanka lost opener Upul nal golf. I'm ecstatic and looking Tharanga in the first over and were reeling at forward to next week," added Day, 67-3 at close. Opener Kaushal Silva (24) and skipper who fired a 63 on Saturday to Angelo Mathews (22) were at the crease with share the third-round lead. the hosts still needing 319 runs for an improb- Since missing cuts at the Play- able victory. ers Championship and the Memo- Having taken a 111-run first-innings lead, rial Tournament in June, Day has India consolidated their position in the first been a force on the course. two sessions at the Sinhalese Sports Club to The 27-year-old tied for ninth virtually bat Sri Lanka out of the contest. at the U.S. Open despite suffering Retired UFC fighter from a vertigo attack that caused him to collapse on the final hole of the second round at Chambers Chris Leben sentenced Bay. Day finished tied for fourth at the British Open, one shot from to 120 days in jail joining a playoff at St. Andrews won by Johnson. On June 8, retired UFC middle- championship and appeared on the weight Chris Leben was arrested debut season of The Ultimate He bounced back the next week in San Diego, Calif., and charged Fighter. He earned Knockout of the to win the Canadian Open, finished with multiple crimes, including fel- Night honors four times and Fight tied for 12th at the World Golf ony possession of an assault weap- of the Night twice. Championships-Bridgestone Invi- on and 11 counts of violating a The June incident wasn’t Leb- tational and then claimed his maid- court order. The arrest stemmed en’s first brush with the law. He en major at the PGA Champion- from a break-in at the apartment has been arrested twice for DUI in ship at Whistling Straits. of his ex-wife, Kaleena Leben. the past. He was suspended twice On Monday, the 35-year-old by the UFC for failing drug tests was sentenced to 120 days of jail as well. time and three years probation af- Leben will report to the San THE FIGHT THAT BOXING IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT ter entering a guilty plea to several Diego County Jail on Sept. 21 to charges stemming from the June serve 30 days. The next 30 days Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares Santa Cruz was clearly the better “I think I made a mistake in intensity of the four bouts be- Seeing them tear into each oth- break-in. The former fighter was will be served on work furlough threw more than 2,000 punches at man on this night, this is the kind my strategy,” Mares said after tween super bantamweights Rafa- er, and listening to the lively crowd also forbidden to have contact with where he’ll be allowed to leave jail each other, bouncing shots off the of fight that demands at least one dropping to 29-2-1. “I came out el Marquez and Israel Vazquez, or of 13,109 gleefully cheer them on, his estranged wife for 10 years. throughout the week to work and head, arms, shoulders and mid-sec- more. Mares said he wanted a re- strong and my corner was telling the three amazing battles in the makes one wonder what took so Leben announced his retire- return to custody in the evenings. tion in a stirring battle for South- match and Santa Cruz said he had me to slow down and I wanted to early part of this century between long to get the two men together. ment from fighting in January 2014 If he’s able to stay out of trouble ern California supremacy. no problem granting it. It was a go as fast as I could.” Marco Antonio Barrera and Erik Mares climbed the ring ropes after losing four consecutive fights. during that time, he’ll be given pro- Their featherweight bout, huge victory for Santa Cruz, who Both men fought at a blister- Morales. after the fight ended but before the During his 12-year fighting career, bation after receiving good behav- which Santa Cruz won by majori- called it “a dream come true.” ing pace and threw punches so It may not have had had quite scores were read. The crowd, Leben won the WEC middleweight ior credit. ty decision, is what boxing is sup- Judges Jesse Reyes and Steve quickly their hands were often a as much action as those classic which was heavily supporting posed to be all about. Morrow had it 117-111 apiece for blur. The match was reminiscent matches, but it was in that kind of Santa Cruz, booed loudly, but he It had an engaged crowd, which Santa Cruz, while Max DeLuca of so many battles between Mex- ballpark. Combined, they landed grinned in return. began roaring lustily during the pre- scored it 114-114. Yahoo Sports ican stars. 600 of 2,037 shots, many of them That grin was just one of many fight introductions and rarely had it 116-112 for Santa Cruz. It shared a lot of the fury and hard, punishing blows. on this night, because it was the stopped during the non-stop ac- kind of battle those who saw it tion at Staples Center. When the won’t soon forget. fight ended, the largely Hispanic “I thought the fight was closer crowd began to sing. than they said,” Mares said. “I’m The fighters left everything happy because it was a good fight they had in the ring and competed and a great fight for the fans. I know with passion, pride and poise. I started really fast and really good Mares literally raced out of his but my corner wanted me to box corner at the opening bell and fired more. He threw a lot of punches. I a hard shot at Santa Cruz, his long- threw a lot of punches. I knew had time Los Angeles rival, signifying to keep that pressure and I did. the kind of night this would be. I’m proud of myself.” Mares smothered Santa Cruz Santa Cruz has long had spe- early, and did brilliant work on the cial talent, but he was facing too inside, taking away Santa Cruz’s many sub-par opponents recent- punching room. ly, hurting him in the process. This But Santa Cruz showed his performance, though, reminded class and made an adjustment. He why so many, including his former used his jab, often hooking off of promoter, Oscar De La Hoya, pre- it, to slow Mares’ assault and keep dicted great things for him. him at a distance. Whenever they He took on the best opponent were at a distance, Santa Cruz was of his career and delivered a mas- raking Mares with hard shots. ter class, showing his poise and “I was surprised Abner came his wisdom at every turn. out so strong,” Santa Cruz said. “If he wants the rematch, I'll “He came right at me, but we fig- give him the rematch,” Santa Cruz ured him out and we got the win.” said. “I want to fight the best. I For several years, fight fans want the big fights.” have been calling for the rival to Hopefully, two or three of meet, and frustrations built as each those big fights he gets in the next of them took on a string of stiffs couple of years have Mares stand- and lesser lights in recent bouts. ing across the ring from him. But the long wait was clearly After waiting so long for the worth it, and it probably won’t be first one, their fans deserve to see that long before they see each oth- that as soon as they are rested and er inside the ring again. Though recovered. This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 02 . 2015-Sunbula 11, 1394 H.S Vol:X Issue No:41 Price: Afs.15 This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. 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