District: Trades Directol."Y. 765 . • on •• _ so, 2 Roe William, Handsworth, Sheffield Shawcroft Griffin, S-.vinton rd. Mcxbro' Spencer Bros. 53 Cemetery road, and Roebuck Herbert, Bridge, , S Shearman J ames, 3 & 5 Grimesthor-pe 138 and 140 South strept, Sheffield Rogers l\Trs Ruth, 305 & 307 Bright road, Sbeffield Spencer Joshua & Son, 2 Ball street, street, , Sheffield Shearstonc William, 144 Lord st. S Korth, Sheffield Rolley John, 162 Lord street, S Sheffield Improved Industrial & Pro­ Spencer Wm. B. 111 Infirmary rd. S Rose Frederic R. 61 Powell street, S vident Socipty (lim.), Trippct lane, Spink Robert, 80 Asline road, S Rourke John, 104 Bramall lane, S S. and Dronfield; J. Gibson, secre­ Spittle Samuel, 50 Cyclops street, S Rowbotham Henry, 33 South street, S tary; J ames Hall, managpr SpiceI' Thomas, Temple yard, Market Rowbotham John L. 45 Suffolk rd. S Shentall John, Whittington moor, C hill, Barnsley Rowe George, Whittingum moor, Shepard William, 108 road, S Sproat & Scargill, Yard, Back Regent Newbold, Chesterfield Shepherd Charles, 818 & 820 Grimes- street, Barnsley Rowley John 118 Trafalgar street, S thorpe road, Sheffield Bquires Robert, Doncaster rd. Mexbro' Royle Miss EEzabeth, 97 Carver st. S Shepherd William n. ,. Stacey John, 180-182 Broomhall st. S Rudd Mrs F. 134 Up. HH.nover st. S Chapeltown, Sheffield Stacey Peter, 123-5 .Moor rel. S Ruddlesdin George, 1 Oharlton road, Shipman George, 112 South street, S StanceI' J oseph, 25 Harvest lane, S Brightside. Sheffield Shippam Chas. 279 Whitehouse In. S Stancer J oseph, 61 Portland street, S Bushforth J ames, 21 Wilson street, B Shippam Charles, 55 Rivclin street, S Standard Tea Co. 3 Albert buildings, Russell Alfred, 190 Wentworth st. S Shirt George, 380 Langsett road, S High street, Clay cross, Chesterfield Bussell Henry, Stephen hill, Sheffield Short William, 69 Attercliffe common, Staniforth Joseph, 87 & 89 West st. S Butter Mrs Elizabeth, 176 South st. S AtterclifftJ, Sheffield Stanley David, 43 Wellington st. S Butter Mark, 197 Duke street, S Siddall Charles, 51 Hermitage st. S Stanley Geo. 29 & 31 Ca:therine st. S Sadler Joseph, 239 Attercliffe common, Silvester ",Vm. 33 Sandy In. Wo~ksop Stansfield J oseph, 51 green, Attcrcliffe, Sheffield Simmonite :l\1artin, Intake, Sheffield Heeley, Sheffield Salt James S. Brampton, Chesterfield Simmonite Wm. 65 Newbold road, C StanworthJabez, 655 Attercliffe com.S Sampson J ames, "Elsecar, Barnsley Simpson Mrs Isabella, 124 Langsett Stead .Tohn, New Vvhittington, C Sampson J ames, Haywoods, Deepcar, S road, Sheffield Stead William H. 101 Broad lane, S Sanders Wm. 16 road, S Simpson J oseph R. Bra,mwell st. S Steel Alfred, 107 Blackburn road, S Sanderson Alfred, 103 & 105 Hill st. S Simpson Samuel, 78 Duke st.reet, S SteE'r Richard, 220 and 222 Notting- Sanderson George, 181 Alexandra rd. Singleton .Tohn, \Voodhouse, Sheffield ham street, Sheffield Heeley, Sheffield Skellington l\Iatthias, 130 Wontworth Stembridge Eli, 194 South street, S Sanderson John 157 Lansdowne rd. S street, Sheffield Stenton Mark, 372 Attercliffe corn. S Sanderson Samuel, Deepcar, Sheffield Skelton Jph. 112 &114Brunswick rd.S Stenton & Williamson, l\Iarket street, Sanderson ·WilliH.m, 49 J enkin road, S Skelton Thos. 66 Crookes Moor rd. S Mexbro', Rotherhflm Sanderson William, 35 Addey street, S Skelton Thomas, 38 and 40 Church Stephenson :Edwd. 38 Gloucester st. S Santhouse Robert, 32 & 34 Weigh In. S street, Attercliffc, SheffipId Stevenson Leonard, 313 Alfred rd. S Sargeson Geo. 19 Castle st. Worksop Slater Eli, Clay cross, Chesterfield Stevenson William, Denaby, Mexbro' Savage John, 227 Upper AllE'n st. S Slinn Abraham, Calvcr, Sheffield Stockdale Tom, 36 Greasuro' street, Savil1e George & Co. 3 West bar, S Smart Henry, Kilnhurst, Rotherham lHexbro' Sayles Chas. Henry, 183 Eyre st. S Smedley Henry, Shireoaks, Worksop Stocks George, Rawmarsh, R Scarborough Thos. 119 l\fasbro' st. R Smeeton J ames J. 47 Colvcr road, S Band of Hope Industrial SchofieId Daniel B. 108 l\Iarket place, Smith & Carter, 6 Dixon lane, S Society, Stocksbridge, Sheffield; Worksop Smith & Crawshaw, 11 Cheapside, B John Moxon, manager Schofield Sidney, Upper Wincobank, S Smith Da,vid, Conisbrough, R Stone Sarah, ",Vorsbro', Barn~ley Schofield WaIter, 14 Chapel street, S Smith Edward, 2 Handley street, S Stones Joseph, 1 Park Hill lane, S Scotrick Henry, 405 High street, At- Smith Ezra, Thorpe Hesley, H, Storey Mrs .Eliz.l Cross Chapel st. S tercliffe, Sheffield Smith Ezra, Harley, ",Ventworth, R Storey George, 129 and 131 upper Scothern George, IONetherfield lane, Smith Fredk. W. 57 South street, S St. Philip's road, Sheffield Parkgate, Rotherham Smith George, Kilnhurst, Rotherham Storey Wm. R. 63 & 65 Pond st, S Scott Benjamin & Co. 2 Jericho street, Smith George, Stavcley, Chesterfield Street George, Whittingtoll moor, 0 and 166 Upper Allen street, S Smith Geo. 31 Bridge st. W orksop Street J oshua, Broomhill road, "\Vhit- Scrimshire Thos. 49 Bridge st.W orksop Smith George, Greasbro', Rothel'ham tington, Chesterfield Scurrah Thomas, Dolcliffe rd. Mpxbro' Smith George, 30 Greayes street, S Stretton J oseph, 51 CIarenco street, S • Senior John, Penistone, Sheffield Smith Isaac, 108& 110 Woodside In.S Stringer AIf. St. Mary In. Ecdesfipld, S Senior J osepb, 53 London road, S Smith J ames, 57 Sheffield road, B Stringer Miss Bessie, , S Senior Michael W. Aston, R.; and Smith J ames, Fulwood road, Sheffield Stringer Mrs :1Iary A. Bardwell road, Laughten-en-le-Morthen, R Smith John Thomas, ThurIstone, S Lower "\Vincob~mk, Sheffiel(l Sharman Alfred, 92 West bar, and 80 Smith Samuel, Firvi"\le, IIart hill, S Stringfellow Willia,m, 3Lordsmill st. C Division street, Sheffieltl Smith Thomas, 39 Haywood road, S Stubbs & Addi50n,8 Knife5mith gate,C Sharman Geo. 231 to 237 Glossop rd Smith Thomas, 'Varren and l\Iount Stubbs John, 31 and 33 Sitwell I'd. S Sharman George W. 92 London road, l'leasant, Cbapeltown, Sheffield Stubley GeorgE', "\Vath-upon-Dearne, R 13 and 71 London road South, Smith Thomas. .Eyre st. Clay cross, C Styring Richard, Greenhill, Korton, S Heeley, and 2 Woodhead road, S Smith Thomas, 439 Intake road, S Sugden George, KiInhurst, R Sharman Jabez, 1~0 South sLl\Ioor, S Smith William, 7 High street, C Sllmmerfield J oho, 21 Glover road, S Sharman J ames, 56 Gilpin street, S Smith William, 260 K cwhall road, Summerfield Juo. 582 Shoreham st. S Sbarman John R. 211-13 Broomhall Attercliffe, Sheffield Swann Robert, 1.'53 Tmsley road, S street, and 146-8 roau, S Smith William, 61 GrE'asuro' road, R Swift James, Upper ~Wincobal)k, S Sharp John, , Sheffield Smith "\Villiam, Dykes Hall road, Swift Nathaniel, 36 Orchard road, S Sharpley Samuel, 106 Bridge street, Hillsbro', , Sheffield Swift Ralph, Up. Rllnmoor roa 1, S Swinton, Rotberham Smorfitt John & Son, 5 Shambles st. B Sykes IIy. Sothall, W uodhs Shaw Chas. 76 Pinfold In. Attercliffe, S Sneyd George, 64-6 Bramwell st. S Sykes Joseph, 101 Chur~h etreet, At- Shaw George, Swinton, Rotherham Snowdon J ames & Son, Kivpton, tercliff.., Sheffield Shaw Henry, 2 Rolmes lane, H. Wales, ShE'ffield; & Dinnington, R Sykes Samuel, 89 ~w sigh lane, S Shaw John, Midhope, Penistone Sorsby Benjamin, 105 "\Vortley road, Tagg Fredk. 43 Bro~d st. Parkgate, R Shaw John, 99 & 101 Woodhead rd. S Masbro', Rotberham Talford John, 146 Portobello fit. S