Warwick Boat Club Race Calendar Event Race Date Entries by: Thames Valley Trial Head 29th January 3rd January Worcester Head 18th Feb 6th February (senior crews only) 26th Feb (please note, these will be 3rd February Masters of Trentside (masters only) run on the same day this year)

Gloucester Head of the River 7th March 3rd February

Women’s Head of the River Race 11th March 3rd February Head of the River Race 25th March 10th February Vets HORR 26th March 10th February Abingdon Head 9th April Tbc Evesham 29th – 30th April Tbc Wallingford (seniors only) 29th April Tbc Notts City (seniors only) 13th May Tbc Nottingham Masters and Club (any 14th May Tbc crews) Metropolitan Regatta (seniors only) 3rd – 4th June Tbc Peterborough 3rd – 4th June Tbc British Masters Champs 10th – 11th June Tbc Henley Women’s Regatta 16th – 18th June Tbc Marlow (seniors only) 17th June Tbc Stratford ? 17th June Tbc HRR Qualifying Regatta (seniors only) 23rd June Tbc Ironbridge 24th-25th June Tbc 28th June – 2nd July Bewdley 22nd – 23rd July Tbc Stourport 12th – 13th August Tbc Warwick 19th August Tbc Upton (LTR and primary) 10th September Tbc

- Events in bold are club events. Boat transport to these events will be organised by the club. Please pay £5 trailer fee when you submit your entry to Kate. - If you wish to attend events other than those in bold above please seek permission from the Rowing Captain before putting an entry in, with plenty of notice before the closing date so that we can ensure that the boats and trailer needed will be available. You will need to arrange your own transport to and from non-club events. - Events marked as ‘seniors only’ are large, national level events. Only experienced crews, who are likely to be competitive at this level, should consider racing at these regattas. Please speak to the Rowing Captain before putting your entry in.