Bewerley Parish Council Website: Parish Clerk: Tracey Dawson The Laurels, Street Lane, Bewerley, HG3 5HW Tel: 07719 181078 Email : [email protected]

To: All Bewerley Parish Councillors

You are summoned to attend the next meeting of Bewerley Parish Council to be held Monday, 20 March 2017 at 7.00 pm at The Bungalow, High School on.


1. To receive apologies for absence: John Fort

2. To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the council’s code of conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and consideration of requests for dispensation

3. Public Statements (Maximum 15 minutes total) Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any matter over which it has power, for a maximum of 3 minutes. Those wishing to speak on an item which is on the Agenda will be invited to speak at the beginning of that item.

4. To confirm the minutes of meeting dated 27th February 2017

5. NYCC / HBC 5.1) To receive report from Councillor Fort, NYCC 5.2) To receive report from Councillor Watson, HBC

6. 6.1 To consider and decide upon the following planning applications: a) 17/00872/FUL The installation of two historical interpretation boards at locations SE119659 and SE 11899 66128, The Prosperous Lead Mines and Smelt Mill Lane, Bewerley HG3 5BW

b) 17/00805/TPO Felling of 1 sycamore tree within Group G1 of Tree Preservation Order 01/2012 8 1

Foster Beck Lodge, HG3 5HL

6.2 To note decisions upon the following applications:

a)17/00113/TPO Grassfield Hall Low Wath Road Pateley Bridge Harrogate North HG3 5HL. Part APPROVED and part REFUSED

b) 17/00249/TPO Ashfield Villas Low Wath Road Pateley Bridge HG3 5HJ. APPROVED subject to conditions c) 16/05323/FUL decision Bewerley Riding Centre Bewerley Old Hall Cottage Bewerley Harrogate HG3 5JA. APPROVED subject to conditions.

d) 16/05614/FUL Moorhouse Cottage Bewerley Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 5JF Conversion of domestic store to form holiday cottage with associated car parking APPROVED subject to conditions.

e) TPO NO 17/00013/TPORDR Rock House Red Brae Bank Bewerley Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 5JE First Schedule

f) 16/05611/FUL Rock House Red Brae Bank Bewerley Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 5JE Approved subject to conditions

g) 16/04764/FUL High Far Side Farmhouse Enforcement Notice

7. Reports/Council Business a) Recreation Ground toilets vandalism

b) Joint Liaison Meeting

c) Road safety for proposed Post Office relocation to Dales Market Corner update John Fort’s phone call and letter

d) 1940s weekend Dan’s email

e) Standing order no. 2 approval sought for changes

f) website update Nicola Moorcroft phone call – decision needed on whether BPC pay for email and social media as probably nor covered by grant.

g) tree donation phone call h) sandbag storage and salt store 2

i) wayleaves

j) blocked access at Bridgehousegate

k) blocked drains at Bridgehousegate

l) Playground repairs see schedule of tasks

m) caretaker and grass cutting update

n) Caravan on land at junction of Turner Bridge and Cow Pasture Lane letter received.

o) Verge opposite Dales Market Corner phone call

8. Finance 8.1 To approve the following accounts for payment. i) Clerk’s additional hours 18 hours 16 minutes ii) S. Welch Initial finance training £ 50.00 iii) 2Commune website development and management £1050.00

8.2 To note the following 8.2.1 Clerk’s salary 1-31st March 17

8.2.2 Parish Grass Cutting Grant letter 28/2/17

8.3 To receive a bank reconciliation to 28th February and budget update 2016/17

9. 9.1 To consider new correspondence received and decide action where necessary


9.2 Information exchange pension auto enrolment declaration

10 To notify the clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting

11. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Monday 24th April 2017 17th April is Easter Monday

Tracey Dawson (Clerk to Bewerley Parish Council)