Fuzzy Model for Knowledge Management

Jun Zhai Lixin Shen Zhou Zhou Yan Liang School of and Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, P. R. China

Abstract Lee et al. [6] proposed an to create fuzzy ontology and applied it to news summarization. Ontology is the basis of sharing and reusing This work is based on their previous work on knowledge on the semantic web. The fuzzy ontology ontology-based fuzzy event extraction agents for is an extension of the domain ontology for solving the Chinese news summarization [7]. Tho et al. proposed problems. Current fuzzy ontology models a Fuzzy Ontology Generation Framework (FOGA) for do not focus on essential semantic relationships fuzzy ontology generation on uncertainty information between fuzzy , which lead difficulty in [8]. This framework is based on the idea of fuzzy ontology integrating. To represent formally the fuzzy theory and Formal Analysis (FCA). knowledge, this paper proposes a series of fuzzy Abulaishet et al. [9] proposed a fuzzy ontology ontology models that consist of fuzzy domain framework in which a concept descriptor is ontology and fuzzy linguistic variable , represented as a fuzzy relation which encodes the considering semantic relationships of concepts, degree of a property value using a fuzzy membership including set relation, order relation and equivalence function. To enable representation and reasoning for relation. Application of the fuzzy ontology to fuzzy ontologies, Kang et al. [10] proposed a new transportation knowledge modeling shows that this fuzzy extension of description called the fuzzy research facilitates the knowledge share and reuse for description logics with comparison expressions fuzzy systems on the semantic web. (FCDLs). But, current fuzzy ontology models do not focus Keywords: Ontology, Fuzzy ontology, Fuzzy system, on essential semantic relationships between fuzzy Knowledge management concepts, which lead difficulty in ontology mapping and integrating. To represent formally the fuzzy knowledge, this paper proposes a new kind of fuzzy 1. Introduction ontology models. The rest of this paper is organized as Ontology is a conceptualization of a domain into a follows: Section 2 introduces fuzzy domain ontology human understandable, machine-readable format model. Section 3 proposes fuzzy linguistic variable consisting of entities, attributes, relationships, and ontology model, extended fuzzy ontology model and [1]. It is used as a standard knowledge basic fuzzy ontology model. Section 4 applies the representation for the Semantic Web [2]. However, the fuzzy ontology to transportation knowledge modeling. conceptual formalism supported by typical ontology Finally, section 5 concludes the paper. may not be sufficient to represent uncertainty information commonly found in many application 2. Fuzzy domain ontology model domains due to the lack of clear-cut boundaries between concepts of the domains. Moreover, fuzzy An ontology ( O ) organizes domain knowledge in knowledge plays an important role in many domains terms of concepts ( C ), properties ( P ), relations ( R ) that face a huge amount of imprecise and vague and axioms ( A ), and can be formally defined as knowledge and information, such as text mining, follows. multimedia information system, medical informatics, Definition 1 (Ontology) – An ontology is a 4- machine , and human natural language tuple O = (C, P, R, A) , where: processing [3]. To handle uncertainty of information and 1. C is a set of concepts defined for the domain. A knowledge, one possible solution is to incorporate concept is often considered as a in an ontology. fuzzy theory into ontology. Then we can generate 2. P is a set of concept properties. A property p ∈ P fuzzy ontologies, which contain fuzzy concepts and is defined as an instance of a ternary relation of the fuzzy memberships. The fuzzy ontologies are capable form p(c,v, f ) , where c ∈ C is an ontology of dealing with fuzzy knowledge [4], and are efficient in text and multimedia object representation and concept, v is a property value associated with c and retrieval [5]. f defines restriction facets on v . Some of the restriction facets are – type ( ft ), cardinality ( f c ), and where c ∈ C is an ontology concept, vF represents range ( f r ). The type facet f t may be any one from property values , qF models linguistic qualifiers, the standard data types supported by ontology editors, which can control or alter the strength of a property value v , f is the restriction facets on v , and i.e. f t ∈ {boolean, integer, float, string, , F F U is the of discourse. Both v and q are instance, class, …}. The cardinality facet f c defines F F the upper and lower limits on the number of values for the fuzzy concepts at U , but qF changes the fuzzy the property. The range facet f specifies a range of r degree of vF . For example, “price” is a property of values that can be assigned to the property. concept “fruit”. The value of “price” may be either fuzzy concept “cheap” or fuzzy number “around 50”, 3. R = {r | r ⊆ C × C × Rt } is a set of binary and the linguistic qualifiers may be “very”, “little”, semantic relations defined between concepts in C . “close to” etc. Therefore, the final value of “price” Rt = {one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many} is may be “very cheap” or “little expensive”. the set of relation type. 3. RF is a set of inter-concept relations between A set of basic relations is defined as {synonym concepts. Like fuzzy concept properties, rF ∈ RF is of, kind of, part of, instance of, property of} ⊂ R defined as a 5-tuple of the form , which have the following interpretations: rF (c1 ,c2 ,t, sF ,U ) where c ,c ∈ C are ontology concepts, t (1) ci synonym of c j : ci is equivalent to c j . The 1 2 synonym relation of natural language is modeled in an represents relation type, U is the universe of ontology using the equivalence relation. If two discourse , and sF models relation strengths and is concepts ci and c j are declared equivalent in an fuzzy concept at U , which can represent the strength of association between concept-pairs < c ,c > . ontology then instances of concept ci can also be 1 2 4. A is a set of fuzzy rules. In a fuzzy system the set inferred as instances of c j and vice-versa. F of fuzzy rules is used as knowledge base. (2) c j kind of ci : ci is a generalization of c j . When The fuzzy domain ontology is used to model an ontology specifies that c is a generalization of domain expert knowledge. But, due to the lack of i relationships between fuzzy concepts that can be the c j , then c j inherits all property descriptors value of properties, it is difficult to integrate diverse ontology systems. For example, in an ontology the set associated with , and these need not be repeated for ci of property “price” value is {cheap, appropriate, c j while specifying the ontology. expensive, …}, and in other ontology the same set is {high, low, middle, …}. To these ontologies, it is (3) c j part of ci : ci has part c j . In an ontology, a necessary to define the semantic relationship between concept which is defined as aggregation of other fuzzy concepts, e.g. “cheap” and “expensive” have the concepts is expressed using this relation. relation of disjointness, and “low” and “high” have the (4) c instance of c : c is an instance of c . same relation of disjointness etc. j i j i Consequently, we propose the fuzzy linguistic

(5) c j property of ci : c j is a property of ci . variables ontology models. 4. A is a set of axioms. An is a real fact or reasoning rule. 3. Fuzzy linguistic variable ontology The fuzzy ontology is created as an extension to The fuzzy linguistic variables proposed by Zadeh are the standard ontology. the basic of fuzzy knowledge and fuzzy system [3]. To Definition 2 (Fuzzy domain ontology) – A fuzzy achieve the knowledge share and reuse for fuzzy domain ontology is a 4-tuple OF = (C, PF , RF , AF ) , systems on the semantic web, it is necessary to where: represent the fuzzy linguistic variables with ontology. 1. C is a set of concepts. Differing from definition 1, Definition 3 (Fuzzy linguistic variable) – Fuzzy every concept here has some properties whose value is linguistic variable is the variable whose value is term fuzzy concept or . or concept in natural language. A fuzzy linguistic variable is a 4-tuple (X ,T, M ,U ) , where: 2. PF is a set of properties. A property pF ∈ PF is defined as a 5-tuple of the form p (c,v ,q , f ,U ) , 1. X is the name of fuzzy linguistic variable, e.g. F F F “price” or “speed” etc. 2. T is the set of terms which is the value of fuzzy To simplify the transform from fuzzy linguistic linguistic variable, e.g. T ={ cheap, appropriate, variables to fuzzy ontology, we introduce the basic expensive, …} or T ={fast, middle, slow,…}. fuzzy ontology model as follows. Definition 6 (Basic fuzzy ontology) –A basic 3. M is the mapping rules which map every term of fuzzy ontology is a 4-tuple O = (c ,C , F,U ) , T to fuzzy set at U . F a F

4. U is the universe of discourse. where ca ,CF , F,U have same interpretations as Introducing semantic relationships between defined in definition 4, which satisfy the following concepts, we obtain the ontology model. conditions: Definition 4 (Fuzzy linguistic variable ontology) 1. C = {c ,c , ,c } is a limited set. – A fuzzy linguistic variable ontology is a 5-tuple F 1 2 L n 2. Only one relation of set, the relation of disjointness, OF = (ca ,CF , R, F,U ) , where: exists in CF , and CF is complete atU . In the other 1. c is a concept on the abstract level, e.g. a words, C is a fuzzy partition ofU . “price”, ”speed” etc. The corresponding element of F 3. CF has an ordered relation ≤ , and < CF ,≤> is a ca is X in definition 3. complete ordered set, i.e. all concepts in CF 2. CF is the set of fuzzy concepts which describes all constitute a chain c1 ≤ c2 ≤ L ≤ cn . values of ca . The corresponding element of CF is 4. F is optional element of ontology. T in definition 3, but CF has certain structure or An example of basic fuzzy ontology is OF = relations R . ( c = price of fruit, C = {very cheap, cheap, 3. R = {r | r ⊆ C × C } is a set of binary a F F F appropriate, expensive, very expensive}, relations between concepts in . A kind of relation CF U = [0,100] ). is set relation RS = {inclusion, intersection, disjointness, complement}, and the other relations are the order relation and equivalence r1 relation RO = {≤,≥,=} . CF and an order relation c1 c2 r compose the ordered structure < CF ,r > . 4. F is the set of membership functions at U , which is isomorphic to CF . The corresponding element of F is M in definition 3, but F has also certain p1 p2 p3 structure or relations. 5. U is the universe of discourse. Definition 4 is more complex than definition 3 in order to describe the semantic information. OF OF Modeling the linguistic qualifiers, we extend the {c1,c2,……, cn} {c1,c2,……, cn} fuzzy linguistic variable ontology as follows. Definition 5(Extended fuzzy ontology) –An c: concept r: relation p: property extended fuzzy ontology is a 7-tuple OF: fuzzy ontology property of value of OF = (ca ,CF , R, F,Q,O,U ) , where: 1. c ,C , R, F,U have same interpretations as a F Fig. 1: Three-layered ontology structure. defined in definition 4. 2. Q is the set of the linguistic qualifiers, e.g. Combining fuzzy domain ontology with fuzzy Q ={very, little, close to, …}. An qualifier linguistic variable ontology, we obtain the three- layered ontology structure shown in figure 1, which q ∈Q and a fuzzy concept cF ∈ CF compose a could represent fuzzy knowledge more effectively. composition fuzzy concept that can be the value of ca , e.g. “very cheap”. 4. Application to transportation 3. O is the set of fuzzy operators at U , which is knowledge modeling isomorphic to Q . Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), a developing In this paper we have proposed the fuzzy domain conformation of transportation system in the ontology model and the fuzzy linguistic variables information times, bas been integrating a variety of ontology model to represent fuzzy knowledge in fuzzy advanced technologies, especially information systems. The fuzzy linguistic variables ontology technology [11]. The core of ITS is intelligent, so it is models focus on essential semantic relationships necessary to utilize and share the knowledge between fuzzy concepts, including set relation, order efficiently. At present, the transportation decision relation and equivalence relation, which facilitates the system based on knowledge can explain, forecast and ontology mapping and integrating. testify the transportation situation and provides decision support for transportation supervisor and participants with a series of reasoning and calculation, Concept set Property set and then the value of transportation information can be Driver, Age, increased and the service of transportation system can Pedestrian, Speed, Vehicle, Performance of detent be extended [12]. Road, Road type, ITS lays stress on the relationship between Traffic environment, Road surface condition, human, vehicle and road. There a lot of fuzzy Traffic accident, Weather, phenomenon from human factor. For instance, in …… Safety infrastructure, Death, Wound, Loss, traffic information service domain, people pay …… attention to message such as weather information, road information, accident information and gas station information etc. It is sufficient for travelers to obtain some message in linguistic values rather than in Fuzzy linguistic variable ontology set accurate numeric values, such as weather information, (Age, {old, youth, middle-aged, …} road information etc. Linguistic values for weather (Performance of detent, {bad, good, terrible, …} (Road surface condition, {dryness, dampness, seeper, include “overcast”, “cloudy”, “fine”, “rainy”, “snow” firn, …} etc, and linguistic values for road surface condition (Weather, {overcast, cloudy, fine, rainy, snow, …} include “dryness”, “dampness”, “seeper”, “firn” etc. …… These linguistic values have uncertainty and are fuzzy concepts. property of value of At the same time, traffic accident management domain and vehicle safety and driving assistance Fig. 2: Ontology structure for transportation domain need also these messages. To share and reuse knowledge. knowledge between traffic application systems, it is necessary to construct knowledge ontology from Thing traffic information. Using the fuzzy ontology model presented above, we construct knowledge ontology for urban road Road User Roadway Vehicle accident analysis and forecasting. The ontology structure is shown in figure 2, including set of concepts, set of properties and set of fuzzy linguistic Road User variable ontologies, in which some fuzzy linguistic variable ontologies can be shared by other traffic application systems. The relation between concept and Passenger Driver Pedestrian property is “property of”, and the relation between property and fuzzy linguistic variable ontology is Roadway “value of”. At the same time, every set has own relationships respectively. Figure 3 shows the concepts hierarchy structure derived from the relation of “kind Interchange Multi-Modal of”. Junction Crossing

5. Conclusions Vehicle Handling uncertainty of information and knowledge, fuzzy ontology expands the application domain of Commercial Neighboring ontology. It is useful to share and reuse fuzzy Vehicle Vehicle knowledge among fuzzy systems on the semantic web.

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