A meeting of the DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE will be held as a REMOTE MEETING on MONDAY, 14TH DECEMBER 2020 at 6:00 PM and you are requested to attend for the transaction of the following business:-




1. MINUTES (Pages 5 - 10)

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2020.


To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary or other interests in relation to any item. Please see Notes below.


To consider reports by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management).

(a) - 20/01393/FUL (Pages 11 - 26)

Use of Building for a Community Centre (Use Class D1) and Use of Garage for Associated Storage - British Red Cross Hall, Cemetery Road, St Neots, PE19 2BX.

(b) and Midloe - 20/01110/FUL (Pages 27 - 42)

Subdivision of 1 Highfield Farm Cottages to create separate dwelling - 1 Highfield Farm Cottages, West Perry, Perry, PE28 0BN.


To consider a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management).

(a) Fenstanton - 18/02603/FUL (Pages 43 - 64)

Erection of 4 affordable houses - Land South of 10 Greenfields, St Ives.


To consider reports by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management).

(a) Godmanchester - 20/00505/REM (Pages 65 - 110)

Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 46 no. dwellings on the Northern Parcel and Southern Parcel as defined in the approved documents to the outline planning permission - Land on The West Side of A1198 and Behind 29 - 31 Pettit Road, Godmanchester

(b) Little Paxton - 20/01609/FUL (Pages 111 - 124)

Retrospective proposed building for use as dog grooming business - 7 Gordon Close, Little Paxton, St Neots, PE19 6PF.

(c) Ramsey - 20/00978/FUL (Pages 125 - 150)

Retention of change of use of land to one Gypsy Traveller pitch with a residential static caravan and maximum of 2 touring caravans, establishment of access and formation of hardstanding for occupation by the applicants and their family on a permanent or temporary five years basis - Land on South Side of Middle Drove, Ramsey Heights.

(d) Ramsey - 20/00981/FUL (Pages 151 - 176)

Retention of existing Gypsy / Traveller pitch including change of land for the standing of one static caravan and two touring caravans, establishment of access and hardstanding for occupation by applicants and their family on a permanent or temporary (5 years) basis - Land on South Side of Middle Drove, Ramsey Heights.

(e) Sibson-cum-Stibbington - 20/01687/FUL (Pages 177 - 204)

Change of use to dwellinghouse including works to facilitate the change of use including changes to roof form, additional external doors and windows, and part removal of boundary wall - Builders Yard Rear of 24 Elton Road, Wansford, Peterborough PE8 6.JD.

(f) Warboys - 19/02517/FUL (Pages 205 - 234)

Provision of 20 new parking places at the southern end of the churchyard, relocation of headstones, new footpath and widening of existing gated access - Church of St Mary Magdalene, Church Road, Warboys, PE28 2RJ.

(g) Holme - 20/00208/OUT (Pages 235 - 272)

Proposed residential development (exception site) comprising of 6 affordable units and 4 open market units - Land North of 15 Yaxley Road, Holme.


3 day of December 2020

Head of Paid Service

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Non-Statutory Disclosable Interests

Further information on Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Non - Statutory Disclosable Interests is available in the Council’s Constitution

Filming, Photography and Recording at Council Meetings

The District Council permits filming, recording and the taking of photographs at its meetings that are open to the public. It also welcomes the use of social networking and micro-blogging websites (such as Twitter and Facebook) to communicate with people about what is happening at meetings.

Arrangements for these activities should operate in accordance with guidelines agreed by the Council.

Please contact Anthony Roberts, Democratic Services, Tel: 01223 935946 / email Anthony.Roberts@.gov.uk if you have a general query on any Agenda Item, wish to tender your apologies for absence from the meeting, or would like information on any decision taken by the Committee/Panel. Specific enquiries with regard to items on the Agenda should be directed towards the Contact Officer. Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting as observers except during consideration of confidential or exempt items of business.

Agenda and enclosures can be viewed on the District Council’s website.

Emergency Procedure

In the event of the fire alarm being sounded and on the instruction of the Meeting Administrator, all attendees are requested to vacate the building via the closest emergency exit.