Established 1914

Volume XII, Number 302 4th Waxing of Tabodwe 1366 ME Saturday, 12 February 2005 Strengthen national solidarity through the cultivation of patriotic spirit and Union Spirit Shape a peaceful, modern, developed, discipline-flourishing democratic nation

YANGON, 12 Feb—The following is a trans- nation. The country thus came into being as a sov- The ill legacies left by the colonialists persist and, lation of the message sent by Senior General Than ereign nation assuming the name “the Union of they are being addressed up to this day. ”. It was on 12 February that Panglong Con- Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Develop- A glance at the long and firm historical course ference and Panglong Agreement emerged in that ment Council, on the occasion of the 58th Anni- of Myanmar reveals clearly that nationalistic fer- the entire national people showed their unity, and versary Union Day, 2005, of the Union of vour, Union Spirit and anti-colonialist sentiment that they were unperturbed in facing the impact of Myanmar: does not allow alien intrusion whatsoever are the discriminatory practices adopted by the On this auspicious occasion of the 58th national strengths that safeguard our Union so that colonialists. Therefore, the day is held in high Anniversary of Union Day, which gave birth to it will be able to stand tall and grand amid the in- esteem and designated as Union Day, for it is also the Union of Myanmar, I would like to extend ternational community. the day on which the Union of Myanmar was my sincere wish to all the national brethren It is necessary for the entire national people conceived. The Union Day therefore is very pro- residing in the Union to be in peace of mind and to remain vigilant with nationalistic awareness that found and replete with nationalistic fervour. So body. the old and new colonialists alike bent on occupying significant as well as magnificent is the day that A tribe that had been in existence for mil- or holding sway over our Union have hatched wicked all the national brethren are responsible to refresh lions of years in the land now known as the Union schemes to weaken our national solidarity, which is their memory. of Myanmar diversified into over 100 national the foundation of the Union, and attempted and are Drawing lessons from history, the State races such as the Kachin, the Kayah, the Kayin, still attempting to dissolve the national strength. Peace and Development Council laid down a the Chin, the Bamar, the Mon, the Rakhine, and It is an unforgettable lesson of history that national policy — non-disintegration of the the Shan. It is a national prestige to be proud of Myanmar, which had lived under its own monarchs Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity, that these national races have amalgamated into a for years countable by the thousand, fell into servi- and perpetuation of sovereignty. In accordance people called “Myanmar” and evolved throughout tude for over 100 years as a direct consequence of with this policy, strenuous efforts are being made the consecutive periods of history. collapsed national unity triggered by unscrupulous to transform the country into a peaceful, modern Our national races have lived as a colonialists. and developed nation and to ensure that the coun- nuclear family, going through all the adversity and The colonialists broke up the Union into pieces try exists as long as the world does. prosperity. With these fine traditions and high and imposed the divide-and-rule policy designed to Nowadays, national unity has been consoli- cultural standards, they consolidated themselves drive a wedge among the national brethren, cause dated at the end of armed conflicts. Further, it is as a people in the simple and single term development gap between one region and the other, crystal clear that the stability and prosperity reign- ‘Myanmar’. and plant the seeds of distrust and dissension. The ing across the country including border areas have Throughout the course of Myanma history, spark of post-independence armed conflicts lasted marked a quantum leap in the development of Union-born ethnic groups have stood in solidarity over 40 years and there occurred three situations political, economic and social infrastructures. and crushed all the outside threats posed to the when the Union was pushed to the brink of collapse. (See page 2) Union Flag arrives in Kyimyindine Township from Township

YANGON, 11 Feb — The Union Flag that spent Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Thihadipa Sports Ground in Thanlyin, the people overnight at Thihadipa Sports Ground in Thanlyin Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint planted the together with the Guard of Honour of Yangon Com- was conveyed from Thanlyin Township of Yangon Union Flag in the silver bowl on the dais in Salin mand saluted the Union Flag. The Military Band of South District to Kyimyindine Township of Yangon Sports Ground in Kyimyindine Township at 8.45 am. Defence Services (Navy) played the national anthem. West District this morning. Before conveying the Union Flag from (See page 7)

Chairman of Yangon West District PDC Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and people salute the Union Flag at Salin Sports Ground in Kyimyindine Township.— MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Saturday, 12 February, 2005 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State Perpetual existence of the Union * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy through national solidarity The 58th Anniversary of the Union Day of the Union of Myanmar falls on today, 12 Febru- Strengthen national solidarity… ary 2005. For the entire national people, it is a (from page 1) erland to stand tall in the global society, while significant as well as magnificent day on which In line with the seven-point Road Map that upholding the fine tradition of the significant day, the Union of Myanmar was conceived to be born will pave the way for the establishment of a peace- Union Day. as a sovereign nation. Moreover, it is a historic ful, modern, developed, discipline-flourishing demo- All in all, the entire mass of national people day full of significance. cratic nation as desired by the entire people, the are to make harmonious efforts in all seriousness to Union Day is the day on which national National Convention, which is the most vital and further strengthen the national solidarity through the solidarity was inscribed on the pages of Myanmar the very first phase of the Road Map, has been in cultivation of patriotic spirit and Union Spirit in history. Therefore, it is the day the entire mass of progress. themselves and to shape a peaceful, modern, devel- national races till their posterity have to treasure At the same time, the government and people oped, discipline-flourishing democratic nation by and honour. in tandem have committed themselves unswerv- realizing successfully the 58th Anniversary Union ingly to the successful implementation of the State’s A glance at the history of Myanmar will Day Objectives, which are as follows: economic objectives aimed at enabling the Union show that Myanmar compatriots have lived in — For all national races, to safeguard the national of Myanmar to keep pace with the world nations policy— non-disintegration of the Union, non-dis- amity and harmony since many years ago. Geo- in terms of modernization. integration of national solidarity, and perpetuation of graphically, the national people of Myanmar dif- At such an opportune time, it is necessary to sovereignty; fer in dialects, traditions, and mode of dress. make efforts to further cement nationalistic fervour — To keep the Union Spirit ever alive and dynamic However, the national brethren have stood and Union Spirit, which are the foundation of the among the national people; in solidarity, preserving traditional customs and Union as well as national strength. — For all national people, to defend and safeguard cultures, in such a way that they are like hundred All the national people are to come together the Union for its perpetual existence; fruits in a single stem. hand in hand to ward off their dissension, instiga- — To prevent, through national solidarity, the dan- Myanmar, which had enjoyed a fine tradi- tion and inducement, which are the deliberate at- ger of internal and external destructive elements tion when it came to solidarity, did fall under tempts of the neo-colonialists who have every in- undermining the peace and stability of the State, and colonialist subjugation in the past as a conse- tention of disintegrating the Union by weakening national development; and quence of unjust wars. Yet, Myanmar regained it. The onus is therefore on the national people to — For all national races, to make concerted efforts her independence and sovereignty as a result of ensure the perpetual existence of the country the for successful implementation of the seven-point consolidated strength displayed by the entire same as that of the world and to enable the moth- future policy programme.— MNA people. This being the case, the government, after WIN THUZAR SHOP drawing lessons from the past events of history, prioritized the national solidarity and worked INSPECTED: Minister hard to enable the country to be on the right track for Industry-1 U Aung to development. Thaung and Deputy The time has come to build the country with national unity. With mutual understanding, Minister Brig-Gen support and trust between one national race and Thein Tun inspect Win the other, all the national people are extending Thuzar Shop in themselves to nation-building tasks. At a time when the State, the people, and Thakayta Township the Tatmadaw are making efforts to transform on 11-2-2005. the country into a modern and developed one, it INDUSTRY-1 is found that the destructive elements within and without are attempting to destroy the national unity and to drive a wedge among the national Information Deputy Minister views Union Day Exhibition New tube- brethren. Therefore, it is necessary for the entire YANGON, 11 Feb — public. In the exhibition, tos, paintings and cartoons, national people to remain vigilant at the provoca- Chairman of Information guidance on Union Spirit booths of the Ministries of well put into tive acts of external and internal destructive ele- Subcommittee for Ob- with the picture of State Education; Health; Agri- service in ments and to ward off their subversive acts. servance of the 58th An- Peace and Development culture and Irrigation; In- All in all, the onus is on the Union-born niversary Union Day and Council Chairman Com- dustry-1; Forestry; En- Myaing national brethren who have been living in the YANGON, 11 Feb — Union through thick and thin to carry out na- Director-General Col tional responsibilities so as to ensure the per- Myo Myint of the Devel- petual existence of the Union of Myanmar in opment Affairs Depart- accord with own national character. ment under the Ministry for Progress of Border

Areas and National Races

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* It attracted stu- ence are put on display. up to 16 February from 9 the contributions of the dents, teachers and the . Together with pho- am to 5 pm daily. — MNA State and people.—MNA

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 3

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India eyes global aviation

¡ ¢¡ ¥§ ¨¢¡   outsourcing pie

BANGALORE, 11 Feb — As global aviation firms eyeing the multi-billion- dollar civilian and military market showcase their hardware at the Aero India air show that took off on Wednesday, India invited aerospace companies to leverage its low cost, high talent workforce and infrastructure for building aircraft and systems for the world market. “We can, together, reduce the market. development and marketing costs, jointly Some 225 foreign aircraft and defence develop state-of-the-art aviation systems firms including Boeing, Airbus, products and do joint marketing,” Lockheed Martin, BAe Systems, MiG Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said and Dassault have a significant presence atthe fifth edition of the Aero India 2005 in the five-day show, as IndianAir Force at the Yelanhanka Air Base on the city gears up to buy 126 supersonic fighters outskirts which has attracted over to replaceits ageing MiG fleet and Air 352aerospace firms from India and India plans to add 50 passengerjets worth abroad. seven billion US dollars to fly long routes. He said the presence of a significant “It (Aero india) is an ideal forum to number of foreign companies is explore business opportunities, as well as testimony to the opportunities that India to facilitate joint ventures,collaborations, offersfor joint ventures, technology tie-ups for mutual benefit,” Mukherjee Garment factory workers stitch garments for export in Phnom Penh recently. transfer and co-production for the global said.—MNA/PTI INTERNET El Nino makes Manila Bond market vital for infrastructure water supply lower development in Asia MANILA, 11 Feb — Water supply for the Philippine MANILA, 10 Feb— The bond market is vital for Asian countries to boost the infrastructure development, capital Metro Manila’s residents has been reduced by an ADB expert said in a paper released Wednesday. one cubic metre to conserve water at Angat Dam, the Yun-Hwan Kim, ADB Assistant Chief Economist, aid to finance their infrastructure needs. However, the Philippine National Water Resources Board (NWRB) said in his paper that the developing countries are last decade has seen important developments that said Thursday. facing a great challenge to meet the urgent need for prompted governments to look to other sources of NWRB officials said the dwindling water supply at physical infrastructure, which is crucial to achieving finance. overall growth and reducing poverty. “First, among these is the fact that the government Angat was exacerbated by the onset of the El Nino and However, developing countries do not have budget alone cannot provide the necessary funding for the landslides and floods in General Nakar, Quezon financial resources, which are estimated at 20 trillion- infrastructure, especially in view of the rapidly Province late last year. 30 trillion US dollars in the coming 10 years, to increasing public demand for basic government services. They added that some areas in Metro Manila not develop required infrastructure. To financing long-term capital investment projects being serviced by the NWRB main pipeline may “The sheer magnitude of the region’s financing through annual tax revenues is unsound from the experience interrupted water service in the coming requirement calls for urgent and diversified viewpoint of financial management principles,” he months. mobilization of financial resources,” Kim said in the said. The NWRB earlier said starting March, water from paper “Financing Infrastructure Development: Asian Kim also noted that short-term external borrowings the Angat River will be dedicated for the potable water Developing Countries Need to Tap Bond Markets are likewise unsafe as they may cause funding- supply of the National Capital Region. It will also shut More Rigorously.” investment mismatches that were a major factor down Bulacan’s irrigation supply and adjoining He said that Asian developing countries have underlying the Asian financial crisis in 1997. provinces.—MNA/Xinhua traditionally relied on fiscal efforts and official external MNA/Xinhua Choking haze Most Salvadorans oppose new troops deployment in Iraq German-US relations remain reaches MEXICO CITY,10 Feb— revealed that 90 percent of Almost one in four strained two years after Iraq invasion Most Salvadorans are the 1,216 people (23 percent) respondents alarming level opposed to an extension interviewed nationwide believed the government BERLIN,10 Feb—Two years after Germany and of the country’s troops were opposed to the of President Antonio Saca the United States parted ways over invading Iraq, in Riau, deployment in Iraq, an government plan to send in keeps troops in Iraq they’re still trying to find a way back to their traditionally warm relations. It hasn’t been easy. opinion poll showed. a new contingent to replace “under pressure from the President Bush will skip Berlin later this month Indonesia The CID-Gallup poll its 380 troops whose United States.” when he visits Germany, in part because of concerns conducted on 29 Jan, 3 Feb. mandate has expired. Internet JAKARTA , 11 Feb— over massive protests, and Defence Secretary Donald Choking haze plaguing H. Rumsfeld initially decided not to attend an important Riau Province, Indonesia, international security conference in Munich that starts Friday after activists demanded that German prosecutors had reached an alarming charge him with war crimes. level, raising health Prosecutors announced Thursday that they won’t concerns, the Elshinta pursue the charges, lifting the possibility that Rumsfeld online said on Thursday. would face arrest when he arrived in Germany and The haze, caused by making it “likely,” in the word of one Pentagon official, smoke resulting from who spoke on condition of anonymity, that Rumsfeld rampant fires set by farms would travel to Munich from Nice, France, where he and plantation companies spent Thursday talking with leaders about defence to clear their land to issues. The German official in charge of US relations for the Foreign Ministry, Karsten Voigt, called the establish new plantations, episode an embarrassment: “Embarrassing for him and had blanketed a number embarrassing for us.” of places in the province, Voigt acknowledged that the United States and including an industrial Germany are having a hard time determining what their town of Dumai. relationship should be now. “During the Cold War, we Visibility was limited were seen as an automatic yes for the United States,” to 100 metres and many Voigt said. “When we disagreed on Iraq, I believe residents suffered from A PetroChina gas station attendant in Beijing returns the nozzle. Energy- many in Washington mistakenly decided we had become respiratory problem. hungry China dug deeper last year in search of new oil, boosting its reserves by an automatic no. We’re not. But we can’t be taken for granted.”—Internet MNA/Xinhua at least 25 percent—INTERNET

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005

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Bangladesh to float int’l tender for deep seaport DHAKA, 11 Feb — The Government of Bangladesh is planning to float international tender to appoint consultants to study the economic feasibility and site of the planned deep seaport in the country. The Financial Express Thursday capital market and equity participation both quoted Shipping Minister Akbar Hossain from local and foreign companies and with- as saying that the proposed port will be out depending on foreign aid. functioning as a regional hub facilitat- The tender reportedly would be ing not only Bangladesh but also other floated in next three months. The con- countries in the region for boosting in- struction work of the port would be started ternational trade. during the tenure of the present govern- The construction cost of the port would ment which has already completed three India is planning to develop a new jet fighter and a long-range version of an be around 50 billion taka (833 million US and half years of it’s five-year term. unmanned aircraft. —INTERNET dollars) to be mobilized locally through MNA/Xinhua ADB approves $5.6m for effective Pakistan, Sri Lanka call for early holding of SAARC summit water management policies ISLAMABAD, 10 Feb— Pakistan and Sri Lanka here Wednesday called for an early holding of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka which MANILA, 10 Feb — The Asian Development Bank has twice been put off, according to the Associated Press of Pakistan. (ADB) Wednesday said that it has approved a techni- cal assistance (TA) grant of 5.6 million US dollars for Talking to reporters after their formal talks, Paki- postponement of the Dhaka summit. the fourth phase of its work to promote effective water stani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and visiting Sri The 13th SAARC Summit, which was originally management policies and practices at regional, Lankan President Mrs Chandrika Kumaratunga agreed scheduled for January 9 in Dhaka, was first put off after subregional and country levels in the region. on the need to make more efforts to hold the regional the December 26 tsunami in the Indian Ocean last year. The ADB said in its statement that activities under summit as soon as possible. The summit was rescheduled for February 6 and 7 but the fund work to increase synergy in ADB’s water “Certainly we are in favour of an early holding of was again postponed when India said at the last hour it sector operations through better awareness, knowl- the summit and we will do our best to help hold it as could not participate. edge management, capacity building to support re- soon as possible,” said Mrs Kumaratunga. Pakistan and Sri Lankan also signed four accords forms, pilot demonstration, water partnerships, re- While Aziz, who is holding the SAARC chairman- and two MoUs including the Free Trade Agreement gional cooperation, monitoring, and coordination. ship, said Pakistan was endeavouring to hold the (FTA) that will “open a new chapter of economic The Millennium Development Goals has under- summit at the earliest to give further momentum to the cooperation between the two countries”, reported the lined the urgency of helping improve the quality of process of SAARC for regional cooperation. “Pakistan official news agency. drinking water, sanitation, water for production and wants the SAARC process to move forward and be Aziz described the signing of FTA as historic and income generation, environmental management and further strengthened,” he added. said it would be a “turning point” in the economic ties reduce vulnerability to water-related disasters, the Pakistani officials were quoted as saying that the between the two South Asian states. Bank said. two leaders expressed their disappointment at the MNA/Xinhua It also said that over the past three years, the fund has built development partnerships in the water sector India aims defence exports of $130m this fiscal year and financed media workshops, publications, web site BANGALORE, 11 Feb— India’s defence exports will go beyond 130 million US dollars, topped by sales and newsletters, pilot and demonstrations activities, of helicopters and aircraft built by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) to friendly nations. and comparative analysis of water sector reforms, “We are hoping to achieve exports of 130 million happens, the export figures would be much higher”. among others. US dollars,” Defence Secretary (Export) Tapan Ray The main defence exporters include state-run electronic The ADB noted that a key activity under Phase 4 told PTI here. India exported equipment and systems equipment major Bharat Electronics Ltd, Bharat Earth Mov- will be continuation of ADB’s Water Awareness Pro- gramme (WAP), launched in 2002, include dissemi- worth 93 million US dollars in 2003-04, he said. ers Ltd and Ordnance Factories Board, besides HAL. nating ADB’s water policy and key development mes- Exports to countries like Nepal and Mauritius BEL Chairman Y Gopala Rao said that his organi- sages in the water sector, advocating priority water include home-grown Advanced Light Helicopter zation aims to export 15 million US dollars’ worth reforms to policy and decision makers, improving (Dhruv), Lancer attack helicopter and Dornier trans- goods this fiscal, which include radars to Indonesia Press coverage and media networking on water issues, port plane, he said. and Sudan. It also has civil orders valued at over 3.8 educating youth about the water crisis, and supporting State-run aircraft maker HAL, which has de- million US dollars for supply of traffic signal systems community water education pilot activities. signed and developed Dhruv, is expecting to close a and solar modules to several countries. MNA/Xinhua sale with Chile this year, he said, adding, “if it MNA/PTI Earthquake Deadly car bomb jolts Japan’s explodes in Baghdad

Bonin Islands BAGHDAD, 10 Feb—A car bomb has exploded HONG KONG, 11 Feb— after a US convoy passed through a central An earthquake measur- Baghdad square, killing at least˚four people and ing 6.2 on the Richter wounding several, Aljazeera reports. Scale hit the sea waters The blast on Thursday morning scattered tangled near Bonin Islands, Ja- metal and wreckage across Tahrir Square, a major pan, at 2:52 a.m. Hong intersection lined with shops and market stalls. Kong time Thursday, ac- “We have received two dead and one wounded,” cording to the Hong said a paramedic at Kindi hospital. Kong Observatory. A police officer at another hospital said four The epicenter was ini- wounded had been admitted there after the blast. tially determined to be US forces and Iraqi police sealed off the area, Iraqi 26.1 degrees North Lati- journalist Ziyad al-Samarrai told Aljazeera. No US tude and 144.1 degrees soldiers were injured.Police said the target of the blast East Longitude, about was not clear. 1,140 kilometres south- “A four-wheel drive car went off as US military southeast of Japan’s capi- An Iraqi policeman is rushed into the emergency room of Yarmuk hospital in vehicles passed but the convoy wasn’t hit,” Lieutenant tal of Tokyo. Baghdad after an attack on a police patrol 20 km south of Baghdad recently. Muhammad Salman of the Baghdad police said. MNA/Xinhua INTERNET Internet THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 5 Guangdong railway departments brace for festival traffic peak GUANGZHOU, 10 Feb— By Tuesday, railway departments in south China’s Guangdong Province had received and seen off a record high of 7.4 million passengers in the first 15 days of the officially-assigned Spring Festival transport season. “The figure is 2.8 per cent up over 25 January to 5 March — as the year’s the same period of last year,” said the peak travel season. The railway expects Guangdong Railway Group in an an- to manage 145 million passengers in the nouncement on Tuesday. Spring Festival rush, a rise of 3.5 per In addition, more than 5.6 million cent over the same period last year, ac- travellers took trains to leave Guangdong cording to the Chinese Ministry of Com- in the 15 days, a year-on-year increase munications. of 5.7 per cent, and the majority is rural Buying train tickets during the labourers journeying back home for the Spring Festival period has always been most important festival of reunion in a nightmare for most of people, espe- China. cially for rural labourers, who often Aishwarya Rai appears in a scene from the new film ’Pride and Prejudice’. The traditional Chinese Lunar New have to wait in long queues in front of The film by ‘Bend It Like Beckham’ director Gurinder Chadha takes novelist Year in 2005 falls on 9 February and the rail station. Jane Austen’s 183 classic ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and sets it in contemporary China has cited a 40-day period — from MNA/Xinhua small-town India.—INTERNET TV reporter China recorded trade surplus of China establishes weather station gunned down $6.48b for January in Iraq at Antarctica’s highest peak BEIJING, 10 Feb— China’s trade surplus for the past January reached the BAGHDAD, 9 Feb—At BEIJING, 10 Feb — A Chinese polar expedition record high 6.48 billion US dollars while its export rise by 42.2 per cent over team has successfully established an automatic least nine people have been the same period of last year, Customs statistics showed on Tuesday. killed in another day of weather station at the highest icecap peak in Ant- China’s total trade vol- per cent, according to the 33.9 per cent. violence in Iraq, including arctica and returned to its home base in the conti- ume for January reached statistics. China’s trade volume a correspondent for a US- nent after the 63-day expedition, the State Oceanic 95.06 billion US dollars, Foreign-funded ven- with the European Union, funded Arabic TV station. Administration (SOA) said here on Tuesday. up 33.1 per cent over the tures scored an export the United States and Ja- The journalist from al- The team, as the first humans surmounting the same period of last year. growth of 42.4 per cent pan reached 15.89 billion, Hurra channel, set up by highest icecap peak, Dome A on 18 January, arrived at The export increased and an import growth of 14.33 billion and 12.86 the US in 2004 to compete Zhongshan Station on Monday, after the mission was to 50.77 billion US dol- 30 per cent. Collective, billion US dollars, or a with pan-Arab stations, accomplished, the SOA said. lars with a year-on-year private and other enter- respective year-on-year was killed in Basra with Chinese Vice-Premier Zeng Peiyan sent a tele- rise of 42.2 per cent while prises reported an export growth of 36.4 per cent, his son. gram on Tuesday to the expedition team on behalf of the import reached 44.29 growth of 77.3 per cent 30.8 per cent and 28.4 per Those killed on the Chinese Government and the Chinese people, billion US dollars, up 24 and an import growth of cent. — MNA/Xinhua Wednesday also included hailing the country’s 21st successful expedition into police officers and a sen- the South Pole. ior official. New Zealand, Germany sign “By braving all the difficulties of low temperature Meanwhile, Iraqi elec- and anoxia, Chinese scientists have become the first to tion officials said the final film co-production treaty locate the highest icecap in Antarctica and set up an automatic weather station there, which laid solid foun- result would be delayed WELLINGTON, 10 Feb — New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark and while some ballots were Germany’s Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, signed on Wednesday the New dations for collecting weather information in the in- recounted. Zealand-Germany Film Co-Production Treaty. land area of the continent,” Zeng said. Mainly Sunni militants Clark said after the tries from both countries, tunities as national films. He encouraged them to “surmount new heights of have been waging a cam- signing ceremony that the to oversee the implemen- This means that New Zea- scientific development and make greater contribu- paign of violence, with treaty provided formally tation of the agreement. land/German co-produc- tions to the peaceful use of the unmanned continent in frequent attacks against for New Zealand and Ger- Under the agreement, tions will qualify as local the future,” Xinhua news agency quoted the telegram US-led and Iraqi forces. many to cooperate in film both countries undertake content in Germany and as saying. production, and to facili- to treat an approved co- throughout the European Journalist Abdul The 13-man Chinese expedition team left the tate co-productions. production as a national Union. eastern port of Shanghai on 25 October last year. They Hussein Khazal, 40, and According to the film. Clark said this treaty his three-year-old son, surmounted the highest icecap peak in Antarctica on treaty, a joint commission It means that, where had the potential to facili- 18 January, becoming the first humans to reach the Muhammad, were killed will be established, made applicable, an official co- tate new projects and em- peak of Dome A Icecap, 4,039 metres above sea level, as they left their house in up of officials and repre- production will have ac- ployment in the screen located at 80:22:00 degrees South Latitude and Basra at 0900 local time sentatives of the film, tel- cess to the same distribu- production sector. (0600 GMT).—Internet evision and video indus- tion incentives and oppor- MNA/Xinhua 77:21:11 degrees East Longitude.—MNA/PTI Innovative design technology presented at “Chip Olympics” HONG KONG, 10 Feb— search findings at the Con- ment (ELEC), is success- Two researchers from the ference almost every year fully finding improved Hong Kong University of since 1997. To date, the ways to design power man- Science and Technology HKUST is the only univer- agement integrated circuits (HKUST) presented their sity from Hong Kong to for new generation portable innovative integrated cir- appear at this international electronics, whose de- cuits design technology on event. The researchers mands for lower supply Tuesday at the International novel designs will help voltage and longer battery Solid-State Circuits Con- manufacturers create port- lifespan are increasingly ference. able electronics more com- high. Wing Lun Ng, MPhil International Solid- pact in size, and wireless student of ELEC, is ad- State Circuits Conference equipment capable of car- dressing the performance is also known as the “Chip rying more data for future issue of high frequency Olympics” which is being multimedia applications. wireless applications in held from 6 to 10 February Dr Hoi Lee, a 2004 PhD which voltage and power in San Francisco. HKUST graduate of the Universi- consumption increase as A Chinese vendor pulls a container full of stuff toys to sell on the eve of the researchers have been in- ty’s Electrical and Elec- transmission frequency Lunar New Year in Shanghai on 8 Feb, 2005.—INTERNET vited to present their re- tronic Engineering Depart- rises.— MNA/Xinhua 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 Wellwishers donate cash and kind for 60th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade

Lt-Gen Kyaw Win accepts cash and kind donated by wellwishers hailing Lt-Gen Tin Aye accepts cash and kind donated by wellwishers hailing 60th 60th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade.— MNA Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade.—˚MNA YANGON, 11 Feb — and Development Council Myawady Bank Ltd; K Development Co Ltd and K 300,000 by U Than Than; K 500,000 each by As a gesture of hailing Commander of Yangon 1.5 million by Myanmar Thiri Thudhamma Naing-Daw San San All Private Bus-line Con- the 60th Anniversary Command Maj-Gen Myint Ruby Enterprise and joint- Manijotadhara U Myat Myint; K 200,000 by Haji trol Committee and Sibin Armed Forces Day, Swe, Chief of Staff (Navy) venture companies; K Lwin-Daw Myat Myat U Maung Maung Kyi-Ma Thayayay Bank Ltd; K wellwishers donated cash Captain Nyan Tun, Vice- 300,000 by Myanmar Soe; 100 packets of C- Cho; 100 bottles of tradi- 500,000 by U Yan Kyar and kind for the 60th Chief of Armed Forces Posco Steel Co Ltd; K 1 Plus soft drink worth K tional medicine worth K Saik; K 1 million by Anniversary Armed Training Maj-Gen Win million by the Ministry of 648,000 by U Thura 200,000 by U Phyay-Daw YCDC and K 500,000 Forces Day Parade for the Myint and Maj-Gen Aung Communications, Posts first time at the Defence Kyi, Vice-Adjutant-Gen- and Telegraphs; K 1.5 Services Museum on eral Maj-Gen Hla Shwe, million by Livestock Shwedagon Pagoda Road senior military officers and Breeding and Fisheries yesterday afternoon, at- wellwishers. Development Bank; K tended by Chairman of At the ceremony, Lt- 300,000 by the Ministry the Leading Committee Gen Kyaw Win, Lt-Gen of Hotels and Tourism; K for Observance of the Tin Aye, Maj-Gen Myint 3 million by Kanbawza 60th Anniversary Armed Swe and Captain Nyan Bank Ltd; K 2.5 million Forces Day Member of Tun accepted K 10.4 mil- by U Soe Thein-Daw the State Peace and De- lion donated by Myawady Khin Cho Ohn; K velopment Council Chief Trading and joint-venture 200,000 and 2,400 of Armed Forces Train- companies; K 3.5 million canned fish boxes worth ing Lt-Gen Kyaw Win. by Silver Sea Livestock K 1.32 million by U Also present on the Breeding and Fisheries Myint Than Win (a) U occasion were Member Company and joint-ven- Min Maung Maung-Daw of the State Peace and ture companies; K 3 mil- Tin Tin Aung; K 1.5 mil- Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepts cash and kind donated by Development Council Lt- lion by Rothmans of Pall lion by U Kyaw Kyaw- wellwishers hailing 60th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade.— MNA Gen Tin Aye of the Min- Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd; K Daw May Lwin Tun; a Lwin; 1,500 viss of fish May Kyi; 20 bags of rice each by U Khin Maung istry of Defence, Chair- 3 million by Myanmar neon light box worth K worth K 650,000 by worth K 160,000 by U Soe and Hongpang Gems man of the Management Brewery Ltd; K 500,000 1,650,000 by Daw Ar Annawa Fisheries Co Ltd; Than Maung-Daw Ngwe Co, and other Committee Chairman of by Bandoola Transport Co Rwe; K 500,000 each by K 500,000 each by Lt-Col Kyi; 72 dozen bottles of wellwishers. Yangon Division Peace Ltd; K 300,000 by Dagon Aye Kyaw (Retd) and traditional medicine worth Certificates of hon- Myanma Industrial Port K 129,600 by Daw Hla our were presented to the (MIP); 50 bags of rice Hla Yin; K 110,000 by Al wellwishers. worth K 400,000 by U Myanmar Hindu Sasana Lt-Gen Kyaw Win Aung Mon-Daw Hla Hla Organization; 14 persons thanked the donors. Mon; 50 bags of rice who donated K 100,000 Today’s donations from worth K 500,000 by U Sai each; K 300,000 by U 60 wellwishers amounted Win Naing-Daw Myo Myo Aung-Daw Khin Yi to K 41,600,000 and of- Myo Khaing; K 300,000 Mon, K 156,000 by Haji fertories worth K by Theingi Shweyi Photo U Tun Myint; 20 bags of 5,617,600, totalling K Studio; 63 dozens of tra- rice worth K 160,000 by 47,217,600. ditional medicines worth U Bo Gyi-Daw Than MNA

Brig-Gen Myo Myint and wife Dr Daw Thi Thi Aye and family host dinner to Union Day delegates on 11-2-2005. —MNA Advocacy Meeting on Lead Contamination in Foods held YANGON, 11 Feb — Ziwaka Road, here, this ment presided over the The Advocacy Meeting morning. meeting and gave a on Lead Contamination Deputy Minister for speech. of Foods as public health Health Dr Mya Oo and Next, Dr Phone problem, co-organized Resident Representative Myint, Dr Phyu Phyu by Department of Medi- Dr Agostino Borra gave Aung, Dr Yi Yi Htwe, Dr cal Research (Lower speeches. Khin Myat Tun, Dr Myanmar) and WHO, In the morning ses- Thiwa Tin and Dr Khin was held at the DMR sion, Director-General Dr Saw Yi submitted papers Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo speaking at Advocacy Meeting on (Lower Myanmar) on Paing Soe of the depart- to the meeting.— MNA Lead Contamination in Foods as Public Health Problem.—˚MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 7

Union Flag conveying ceremony in progress in Kyimyindine Township. — MNA Lt-Col Kyaw Tint plants the Union Flag in the silver bowl. — MNA

Union Flag arrives in Kyimyindine Township from At the designated place at Salin Ground, Lt- Thanlyin Township … Col Kyaw Tint carried the flag flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and Police officers and na- (from page 1) to Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and tional people to the dais and planted the flag in the Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint. silver bowl. The people saluted the Union Flag to- Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyay took out Lt-Col Kyaw Tint conveyed the flag and gether with the Guard of Honour of Yangon Com- the flag from the silver bowl and carried it flanked planted it in the silver bowl on board the Union mand. The Military Band of Defence Services (Air) by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and Police of- Boat. He handed it over to flag relay teams at the played the national anthem. ficers and national people. He handed over the flag archway on Nanattaw Road in Kamayut Township. MNA Union Day delegates visit Meeting hails Union Day, supports downtown Yangon National Convention YANGON, 11 Feb Lwin gave a speech. seconded the three mo- — Members of the Un- Secretary of Tamu tions. ion Solidarity and Devel- District Organization for The USDA pre- opment Association and Women’s Affairs Daw Aye sented K 460,8000 to other social organizations, Myint Thu Win presented schools in the district and local people, departmen- discussions hailing the Un- accepted 1,350 applica- tal personnel and local ion Day, a Chin local elder tions. authorities hailed the Un- of the town U Zo Mein Htan The participants at ion Day and supported the Nga tabled a motion sup- the meeting unanimously National Convention at porting the National Con- hailed the Union Day and Khampat town, Tamu vention and District USDA supported the National District, Sagaing Divi- Executive U Saw Naing Convention and the rural sion, on 8 February. discussed in support of the development tasks. Meeting Chairman rural development tasks. The meeting ended Secretary of Tamu Dis- District USDA Ex- with the chanting of slo- trict USDA U Nyunt ecutive U Khin Maung Tar gans. — MNA Union Day delegates and members of cultural troupes of national races visit Myanma Tatmadaw Medical Conference the Defence Services Museum. — MNA concludes ANGON tional Museum on Pyay Brig-Gen Than Aung Y , 11 Feb Services Museum. Direc- YANGON, 11 Feb resource persons submit- — The Union Day del- Road this morning. tor of Defence Services — A closing ceremony ted a total of 19 papers to presents best poster egates from states and First, Director- Museum and Historical of the 13th Myanma the conference. prize to Col Thein divisions, who are going General of the Depart- Research Institute Lt-Col Tatmadaw Medical Con- MNA Myint Thu. — MNA to attend the Union Day ment of Cultural Institute Zaw Win extended greet- ference was held at De- ceremony and dinner, led U Myint Thein Swe ex- ings and explained the fence Services Ortho- by Secretary of the Re- tended greetings and Di- salient points of the mu- paedic Hospital (500- ception and Accommoda- rector Daw Nu Mra Zan seum. In the evening, the bed) in Mingaladon tion Subcommittee for explained facts about the Union Day delegates Township this afternoon. Observance of the 58th museum. Next, the Un- were hosted a dinner by Present were Anniversary Union Day ion Day delegates viewed the families of Yangon Chairman of Tatmadaw Commandant of No 1 around the museum. Station and Mingaladon Medical Research and Transit Centre Lt-Col Tin Afterwards, they Station in their residents. Development Commit- Kyaing, visited the Na- proceeded to the Defence MNA tee Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Than Mines Ministry holds meeting Aung, senior military of- YANGON, 11 Feb ments and programmes also explained the guid- ficers, officers and — The Ministry of to exceed the targets of ance given by the Head guests. Mines held a meeting 2005. Deputy Minister U of State concerning the First, Brig-Gen today with an address by Myint Thein gave a sup- mining sector, rules Than Aung presented Minister for Mines Brig- plementary report. and regulations that must best paper and best Gen Ohn Myint. In response to the be adhered to by all the poster prizes to the win- Heads of depart- reports, the minister staff and welfare pro- ners. Next, he gave the ments and enterprises looked into the require- grammes for service per- concluding remarks. and other senior officials ments of the officials to sonnel. In the morning presented accomplish- exceed the targets. He MNA and afternoon sessions, 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 Hundred fruits Hailing the 58th Anniversary Union Day: from a common Let us march to new golden land of unity stem—Our Union and amity without fail Thiha Aung

Table B two per cent annually, and Subject 1988 12-2-2005 Progress her current population is Reducing poppy (acre) 61562 2057 96%reduced about 54.7 million. As her Destorying poppy plantation (acre) 211.35 164965.24 163753.89 population in 1988 was Handing over of poppy seeds (Pyi) - 100257.57 100257.57 nearly 39.3 million, she Destruction of narcotic drugs seized - 50 50 now has 15.4 million - Yangon - 18 18 new-born under-16 - State/Division - 32 32 youths. Cultivation of substitute crops A nation’s future is - annual crops - 1290065 1290065 shaped by the past and - perennial crops - 140088 140088 present situations and fu- Rehabilitation camp 2 3 1 ture visions. The Drug Elimination Museum - 3 3 Tatmadaw Governemnt long border line, 3,808 Table C has been discharging the miles stand as a common Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress land border with her Land resource neighbours. From the Naff - sown acreage (million) 24.8 26.6 1.8 River mouth in the north - acres of vacant and virgin land(million) 20.8 16.2 land added to the Cape of Irrigation Bayintnaung in the south, - dam and reservoir project 138 351 213 - completed works 138 308 170 Lying in the south-east- north-east, Laos and Thai- its coastline is 1,385 miles - works under implementation - 33 33 ern peninsular of the Asian land in the east and south- long. From the coast to the - works to be done - 10 10 continent, Myanmar has east, and Bangladesh and end line of the special - benefited acre* 4414798 6709367 2294569 emerged as an independ- India in the west on a con- economic zone, the terri- - river water pumping tasks - 376 376 tiguous landmass. torial waters cover over - completed works - 271 271 ent and sovereign nation - tasks under implementation - 34 34 since over 2,000 years ago. The breadth of the 14,000 square miles. - tasks to be carried out - 71 71 Touching the Andaman 261,228-square-mile coun- Fifty-one per cent or - benefited area - 303036 303036 Sea in the south and Bay try is 582 miles from east over 130,000 square miles - damming creeks - 1240 1240 of Bengal in the west, to west at the widest point of its land surface is cov- - benefited area - 190737 190737 and the length from the ered by forests. Its land- - underground water pump - 7535 7535 Myanmar is sharing a - benefited area - 90484 90484 common land border with northernmost tip to the scape includes mountain - Total benefited area 4414798 7203140 2788342 China in the north and southernmost end is 1,275 ranges, and basins where Thriving double crops 3446999 10088899 6641900 miles. Of its 5,200-mile large and small rivers and Extended paddy cultivation Table A - acres of monsoon paddy(million) 11.53 14.39 2.86 Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress - acres of summer paddy(million) - 1.94 1.94 - per acre yield (basket) 52.76 69.03 16.27 Development regions - 22 22 - gross production (million basket) 653.5 1195.2 541.7 road/bridges - food sufficiency - 143% 143% - earth road - 3093/4 3093/4 beans and pulses (acre) 2022193 8578513 6556320 - gravel road - 1871/1 1871/1 cotton plantation 424805 778659 353854 - tarred road - 329/0 329/0 sugarcane 133383 361027 227644 - maintenance - 3162/6 3162/6 jute plantation - 66625 66625 - bridges (large/small) - 55/694/32 55/694/32 maize 394973 758132 363159 health buckwheat - 10406 10406 - hospital - 57 57 rubber plantation 192896 491153 298257 - dispensary - 80 80 oil palm 18220 137610 119390 - rural health unit - 35 35 tea 146147 195722 49575 - rural health centre - 64 64 pepper 786 59463 58677 education coffee 28041 34923 6882 - BEPS - 657 657 edible oil crops - BEMS - 61 61 - groundnut 1327322 1659603 332281 - sesame 2932792 3515819 583027 - BEHS - 72 72 - sunflower 645486 1317224 671738 - teacher - 3733 3733 - mustard 44872 194621 149749 - student - 118229 118229 - niger 93612 263612 170000 agriculture - agriculture office - 31 31 *Benefited acres in 1988 includes 337 lakes existed in the period. - agricultural camp - 117 117 - dam (completed) - 46 46 creek are flowing. The Myanmar is known in the State duties at present in - dam (survey) - 17 17 four largest rivers are the world as the golden land. accord with the historical - canal - 5 5 Ayeyawady, the Like the jewels, the requirement. As the - land reclamation (acre) - 1860.24 1860.24 Chindwin, the Thanlwin seven states and seven di- Tatmadaw Government is forest - reserved forest - 8 8 and the Sittoung. The visions are helping shine leading the nation towards - saw mill - 12 12 Ayeyawady, its length ex- the nation. They all form a new age, it has brought - nursery - 7 7 ceeding 1,000 miles, is the Union, where mutual unprecedented develop- livestock breeding flowing in the nation from reliance plays an important ments to the nation during - livstock breeding farm - 19 19 north to south. It is in- role among all the regions. the period of 16 years. - veterinary office - 41 41 cluded in the world’s re- Since time immemorial, At the graduation of - distribution of cow, donkey, sheep - 38 38 nowned rivers. over 100 national races in- Defence Service Techno- energy - generator - 258 258 The land is rich in cluding Kachin, Kayah, logical Academy held on - power supply - 192 192 natural resources including Kayin, Chin, Mon, Bamar, 24 December 2004, Chair- - hydel power - 9 9 gems, teak and oil. Its Rakhine and Shan have man of the State Peace and public relation abundant supply of water been living in the Union, Development Council - TV retransmission station - 100 100 resources and fertile soil which is like a common Commander-in-Chief of mining are a gift of nature to grow stem bearing over 100 Defence Services Senior - ruby (caret) - 249280.6 249280.6 various kinds of crops, fruits, with fraternal General Than Shwe - sapphire (piece) - 507.70 507.70 postal service with paddy as the main friendship. The neighbour- said, “Soon after the re- - post office - 47 47 crop. ing countries of the region gaining of independence, - telegraph - 42 42 Because of her strate- know the national races of the national unity faced - telephone - 80 80 gic location between the the Union as people of the grave deterioration and expenditure (K million) - 63353.45 63353.45 south Asia and the South- golden land. the nation experienc- - border region development fund - 33789.13 33789.13 east Asia and her correct The population of ed the lack of peace - ministries - 29564.32 29564.32 stand in foreign relations, Myanmar is increasing (See page 10) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 9 Development throughout the Union after 1988

For the convenience of people living in , a microwave station was built

in Loikaw, Kayah State.—MYANMA ALIN

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Thanlwin Bridge (Hpa-an) linking Myainggalay and Hpa-an in was commis- sioned into service on 3 August, 1997. MYANMA ALIN

Bhamo degree college built in Bhamo, .—MYANMA ALIN Hailing the 58th Anniversary Union Day Thaphanseik Hydel Power plant built near Thaphanseik village in Kyunhla Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division.—MYANMA ALIN

The above photo stands witness to the fact that Mongla in the border region in The rig at block No-1 of Yadana gas field seen (East) has developed significantly. MYANMA ALIN offshore Taninthayi coast. MYANMA ALIN 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 fied human resources. Table G Let us march to… Hence, the Government (from page 8) and for all-round devel- has established 24 devel- Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress and tranquillity. The opment of other sectors opment zones, the project agro-based national of economy as well. Railways covering the task to de- economy fell below the Thanks to the collective - miles 1976.35 3042.39 1066.04 velop human resources level at which food and efforts of the Tatmadaw, - miles of railroad 2793.86 3952.90 1159.04 simultaneously in the en- other necessities could the Government and the - overpass 70 91 21 tire nation. The rural de- not satisfy the growing people, clusters of agri- - station 487 780 293 velopment tasks are be- Table D - bridge above180 feet 157 191 34 Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress under 180 feet 5493 9028 3535 Airways Extended livestock breeding* - above 5000 ft runway airfield 21 38 17 - buffello 2241 2649 408 - under 5000 ft runway airfield 45 35 upgrading - cow 10082 11910 1828 waterway - goat/sheep 1463 2189 726 - jetty (local vassel) 65 91 26 - pig 3118 5230 2112 - jetty (Foreign Going) 13 29 16 - hen 33441 71498 38057 Motor road 13635/0 18640/3 5005/3 - duck 6208 8425 2217 - tarred road 5543/0 8972/2 3429/2 - turkey, goose, muscovy duck 853 978 125 - gravel road 1569/0 3359/5 1790/5 - quail - 173 173 - hard road 3628/0 3089/4 upgrading - Nwanauk - 41 41 - earth road 2895/0 3219/0 324/0 Extended acres of fish and prawn breeding 30 207636 207606 Bridge on motor road Distribution of fingerlings - Public Works - fish release (1=100,000) 31.29 2148.98 2117.69 - above 180 feet - sale (1=100,000) 64.05 2844.74 2780.69 - completed bridge 198 377 179 fish released into Ayeyawady river - 1867.34 1867.34 - implementing bridge - 41 41 - bridge to be built - 15 15 - under 180 feet 3305 5113 1808 - Myanma Railways* - 7 7 - Military Engineers* - 7 7 - Electric Power* - 1 1 *above-180 feet Table E Forest conservation Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress a real golden land. The helping further consolidate The total sown acreage Reserved forest* 38839 46889 8050 national races of the land the national solidarity. of Myanmar was over 24.8 Protected public forest* - 12540 12540 must be renowned in the Now, let us see Table A to million acres. There re- Natural area* 2073.93 12433.26 10359.33 world as the people of the know the developments in mained 20.8 million acres Setting up of forest (acre) 79115 1301458 1222343 golden land. border areas, the first layer of fallow and virgin lands - acres of special teak plantation - 140000 140000 Border areas and na- of the foundation of a new in 1988 to be used for ag- - acres of commercial plantation 42083 493125 451042 tional races development golden land. riculture. Paddy sown acre- - acres of village plantation 16630 286854 270224 The massive foundation Narcotic drugs elimina- age them was only 11.5 - acres of industrial plantation 13690 126095 112405 of a new golden land has tion million acres. As there was - acres of watershed plantation 6712 255384 248672 been laid with the mighty The Herculean border no progress at all in the - acres of Thitseint plantation - 19250 19250 area development project farming techniques then, Tree planting of community movement 4.51 210.25 205.74 Table H population. At a time cultural infrastructures ing attached to the Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress when other countries had have already been built project for development post office 1114 1331 217 entered the industrial in all necessary places. of all regions of the na- telegraph office 310 483 173 age, our nation lost More infrastructures will tion. Now, all the nation- faxcimile 10 4049 4039 its way, and was in be built in the future also. alities have the opportu- computer telegraph - 80 80 backwardness, without Because of the energetic nity to get access to sci- Local fax service --- having any capital efforts to extend sown ence and technological telephone service for progress. In the end, acreage, increase per studies in their own re- - telephone office 245 826 581 the political sector of acre yield, and introduce gions. In addition, the - number of line 71855 447097 375242 the nation reached be- new crops, the nation Government is giving - exchange 245 619 374 yond control resulting now is enjoying surplus priority to increased - direct line 67016 387274 320258 from the economic rice. “If a nation is able generation of electricity - auto/carrier telephone 67016 300987 233971 slump. to produce enough food for industrial develop- - auto radio telephone - 4044 4044 “In this regard, the for the people, it will ment.” - CDMA - 30297 30297 Tatmadaw Government have to establish an in- The Tatmadaw Gov- - celluler - 18760 18760 has laid down and imple- dustrial nation for the ernment is laying an en- - DECT telephone - 2572 2572 mented the economic ob- prosperity of the national during foundation to build - GSM - 30614 30614 jective — Development people. But the setting up a peaceful, modern and de- - telephone density* 1.82 7.27 5.45 of agriculture as the base of an industrialized na- veloped nation, with firm microwave station 71 224 153 tion needs objectives and belief — rural telephone exchange - 207 207 Table F a large number of quali- The country must become e-mail, Internet - 5650 5650 Greening Tasks X.25 line - 149 149 microlink --- Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress Local Satellite station Setting up plantations (acre) - 203976 203976 - DOMSAT - 5 5 - firewood plantation - 92340 92340 -VSAT - 15 15 - watershed plantation - 66550 66550 - iPSTAR - 23 23 - mountain range plantation - 15825 15825 force of national unity. The involves the humanitarian the nation’s annual paddy - research plantation - 416 416 Government has extended spirit. The border areas output was stagnant at 653 - other plantation - 24645 24645 a warm invitation to all the have seen their social de- million baskets. - Thitseint plantation - 4200 4200 people living on the same velopment reaching beyond But the population is Natural forest conservation (acre) - 1079431 1079431 land and partaking water imagination because of the increasing and 70 per cent fuel-substitute wood from the same source to efforts to find out the of the nation’s population - stove - 369336 369336 walk along the correct path core requirement. reside in rural areas where - briquette - 61826 61826 towards the common goal. One of the results of the agriculture is main liveli- - agricultural waste (ton) - 155421 155421 Since the return of the 17 project is the drastic fall in hood. Thus, efforts were Water works - pond - 1222 1222 armed groups to the legal, the cultivation of poppy and needed to double the paddy - silt-prevented dam - 1044 1044 the Government has production of narcotic production. Since 1992-93, - underground water - 65 65 launched a comprehensive drugs, the evil legacy of the the Government has been border areas and national colonialists. The project has launching reforms in the Bago mountain range greening work (acre) - - plantation - 6440 6440 races development drive to been launched to end the agricultural sector, and re- - firewood plantation - 115 115 make all the regions enjoy evil legacy alizing them without fail. - waershed plantation - 5675 5675 perpetual peace and pros- and produce sound devel- It has applied various - other plantation - 350 350 perity. As the border areas opments for the future means to grow 16 million - Thitseint plantation - 300 300 are achieving more generations. Table B shows acres of paddy — 12 mil- - natural forest conservation - 22500 22500 progress, so also the na- the success achieved in lion acres of monsoon Shwepontaung greening work - 1660 1600 tional development drive is eliminating narcotic drugs. paddy and four gaining more ground, and Agriculture (See page 11) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 11 Let us march to… lion hectares. Table M In addition, over six Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress (from page 10) ricultural sector, Myanmar million hectares of land million acres of summer is prospering as if the land are covered by water for Basic education paddy — to produce 1,000 yields gold everywhere. six to eight months every - number of schools 33747 40521 6774 million baskets. In 1988, The states and divi- year. The total area of - BEHS 722 1942 1220 there were only 138 dams sions that could not pro- natural lakes, reservoirs - BEMS 1696 2588 892 in the nation and they duce enough rice for their and other man-made lakes - Post Primary - 4736 4736 were irrigating 4.4 million local consumption in the is 1.8 million hectares. - BEPS 31329 31255 upgraded acres of crops. past are now enjoying Commercial-scale live- - multimedia classroom - 1593 1593 Only 3.5 million acres food sufficiency. stock farms have been set - number of teachers 173772 240878 67106 of land had been put un- The nation is also wit- up to produce more meat. - number of students 5239878 7783400 2543522 der double-cropping. nessing greater increase in - teacher education power consumption-million - education college 14 20 6 Table I *megawatt - teacher 456 860 404 Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress - trainee 4516 35838 31322 - KG enrolment 67.13% 96.56% 29.43% electricity consumption 1517.570 5461.089 3943.519 - adult literacy rate 79.73% 93.30% 13.57% maximum load megawatt 363.678 996.761 633.083 School dropout rate - primary school level 40.99% 14.16% 26.83% Generating power 701.423 1670.773 969.350 - middle school level 40.36% 11.06% 29.29% Increased power supply Uplift of higher education - implemented project 14 44 30 - university/college/degree college 27 64 37 - large scale (above-10 megawatt) 2 10 8 - institutes 6 5 hand over - arts&science university 3 30 27 - medium-scale (1-10 megawatt) 1 10 9 - degree college 6 9 3 - small-scale (1 megawatt) 11 24 13 - college 11 20 9 Implementing projects - institute* 1 - upgraded - Wide Area Network - 1 1 - large-scale (above-10 megawatt) - 20 20 - No of WAN sites - 95 95 - installed generator* - 4893.500 4893.500 - academic programmes 79 188 109 Other power plants - number of teachers 5638 10232 4594 - recycling power plant - 4 4 - number of students 134325 705784 571458 -e- Learning Centre - 622 622 - boiler power plant 3 3 - - Human resource development centre - 44 44 - natural gas powered-plant 8 11 3 - number of trainees - 120763 120763 - coal powered-plant - 1 1 - diesel powered-plant 588 567 national grid * Institute of Foreign Languages was upgraded into University of Foreign Languages - present capacity of generator* 473.597 1029.451 555.854 Table L - future capacity of generator* 701.423 6564.273 5862.850 Subject 1988 12.2.05 Progress

Table J Oil field (inland)* 19 18 completed work (1) Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress - oil field (offshore) - 3 3 - Gaspipeline (mile) 250.91 1677.29 1426.38 Upgrading industrial power - crude oil production (barrel) 6165641 6395488 229847 - Industrial Zones - 19 19 - gas production (cubic feet) 41913.97 371062.10 329048.13 - works - 8463 8463 - refining crude oil (gallon)(million) 156.461 230.796 74.335 - private industries 26872 42707 15835 * inland oil field - cottage industries - 8500 8500 More oil fields— Pepal, Aphyauk, Kyaukkhwet, Letpando, Thagyitaung, Sabei and State-owned industries 641 833 192 Nyaungdon— were added. Latdaunt, Pyayi, Pyaloh, Tetma, Ngashantaung, Phayagon (Seinhaing), Phayagon (Kyarkaik) and Htantabin oil fields were completed. Indaing oil field was recovered in 1996 and closed in 2002. Indaw oil field was found in 2002 and More water is needed to beans and pulses produc- Table D shows the devel- closed in December 2004. use more land. Thus, dams tion for export, cultivation opment of fish and meat are being built in all pos- sector of the nation. of edible crops and indus- Table N sible places. New dams trial crops. Forest conservation numbering 170 have The Tatmadaw Gov- The Tatmadaw Gov- Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress emerged in a period of 16 ernment has been striving ernment has been nurtur- years. Small dams, tube- to further improve the ing and educating the peo- -Institute of Technology wells and hand pumps are means of livelihood of the ple to become forest lov- (Ygn,Mdy,Pyay) 1 3 2 irrigating crops in the ar- growing population of fu- ers. - teachers 256 594 338 eas beyond the reach of ture. Forests cover 51 per - students (graduate) 687 17253 16566 tributary canals of the It is preparing to de- cent of the nation’s land - present students - 7984 7984 large dams. velop the agricultural and surface. - Government Technological College 1 26 25 To effectively use wa- other sectors to be able to But we will face ad- - number of teachers 446 2271 1825 ter from in the natural wa- produce adequate amount verse consequences, if we - number of students (graduate) 5155 52461 47306 tercourses, the Govern- of food and other social cannot conserve and ex- - present students - 17013 17013 ment has built 171 water- items sufficient for a tend the forests. - Computer University 1 2 1 works up to date to in- population of 100 million. Realizing this, the - teachers 40 206 166 crease irrigated acres. Within a short span of Government has been in - students (graduate) 19 17039 17020 Double-cropping has time the agricultural sec- the process of launching - present students - 13153 13153 increased to 10 million tor can see the unprec- the project to green the - Computer College - 24 24 acres. edented developments. entire nation. - number of teacher - 509 509 With its 12 million Table C has more. The Nine-District - number of students graduate - 3641 3641 acres of monsoon paddy Livestock and fisheries Greening Project covering - present student - 10412 10412 fields and four million Myanmar is rich in Mandalay, Sagaing and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering acres of summer paddy fresh water and sea prawns Magway divisions, in- University - 1 1 fields, the nation can now and fishes. Its land is pol- volves the four tasks of - number of teacher - 52 52 stand tall again as a rice lution free, and its waters finding water resources, - number of students - 157 157 bowl of Asia. The present are uncontaminated. The conserving and extending - Government Technical Institute 2 12 10 year’s paddy output is ex- combined fresh water sur- forests, establishing village - teacher 139 493 354 pected to be 1,195 million face area of Ayeyawady, fuel wood forests, and us- - students (graduate) 8187 19613 11426 baskets. Chindwin, Sittoung and ing more wood-substitute - present students - 3161 3161 Thanks to the unprec- Thanlwin rivers and their fuels. Technical Higher School - 3 3 edented progress in the ag- many tributaries is 8.2 mil- (See page 12) 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 Let us march to… Ye-Dawei railroad, Table P (from page 11)) Hkamti Union Highways. Yaymyetni-Gangaw-Kalay Subject 1988 1 2-2-05 Progress Beginning 1994-95, the The government con- railroad and Shwenyaung- Urban development project has been expanded structed Minbu-Seikpyu- Yaksawk railroad. Pakokku-Monywa Road Such bridges spanning - urban road miles 2971/7 5295/5 2323/6 to cover 13 districts. And - miles of tarred road 945/5 1890/6 884/5 the Ayeyawady River as thanks to the project, re- and Minhla-Thayet-Pyay - miles of gravelled road 768/2 997/7 229/6 gions in the central dry are Road to bring further devel- Maubin Bridge, Nawade - miles of granite road 198/0 318/4 120/5 is receiving extra amount of opment to the regions on the Bridge, Dedaye Bridge and - earthern road 1060/0 2088/4 835/1 rain annually. For the peo- west bank of the Bo Myat Tun Bridge came - urban bridges - 11039 11039 ple of the zone, water is Ayeyawady River. It has into existence. The govern- - concrete bridge - 5740 5740 precious even more than also constructed many roads ment also built Bala Min - wooden bridge - 3649 3649 gold. Please see Table E for linking Natmauk and Htin Bridge, Anawrahta - conduit - 1379 1379 data. Magway; Monywa and Bridge, Ayeyawady - other - 271 271 Water supply task Transport Kalewa, Toungoo and Pyay, (Magway) Bridge, and - Town in which tasks to be done 285 110 175 The Tatmadaw Govern- Pyinmana and Yadanabon Bridge (Manda- Taungdwingyi, and these lay). So far, it has con- - completed work 48 127 79 ment has constructed a net- Rural development structed two bridges across work of roads and bridges, transport facilities link the - Rural road 3940/6 23899/7 19959/1 resulting in a smooth trans- eastern part and the west- Chindwin River, three - tarred road 295/0 1182/3 887/3 port the length and breadth ern part of the nation. across Sittoung River and - gravelled road 822/7 3957/7 3135/0 of the nation even in the People can travel from five across Thanlwin River. - granite road 730/5 1689/1 958/4 hilly regions. The number of Pyay to Taungdwingyi With respect to the air - earthern road 2092/2 17070/5 14978/3 small, medium and large through the central Yoma transport sector, in the past, - rural bridge - 6324 6324 bridges, roads and railroads mountain range with the use there were only six airports - concrete - 1462 1462 across the country at present of Pyay-Aunglan- which could serve jet air- - wooden - 3899 3899 - conduit - 796 796 has surged many times if Taungdwingyi Railroad. craft. But, the number of - other - 167 167 compared to that in 1988. People also can travel over such airports has increased the Shan mountain range to 17 in total. The govern- Rural Water supply tasks There have emerged - village in which tasks to be done 23225 9419 13806 ment has upgraded Heho Mandalay-Myitkyina, Man- with the use of - completed work - 19870 19870 dalay-Bhamo, Myitkyina- Shwenyaung-Taunggyi- Airport, Myeik Airport and - rural housing - 1472 1472 Putao, Hpa-an-Zarthabyin- Hsaikkhaung Railroad. NyaungU Airport and built Homalin, Monywa, Mawlamyine, Taunggyi- There have also emerged Table S Ywangan-Hanmyinmo, Pakokku-ChaungU railroad, Magway, An, Pakokku and Pyinmana-Pinlaung, Budalin-YeU-KhinU rail- Kyaukhtu airports. Hkamti, Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress Sittway-An-Minbu- road, Pyay-Aungban- Bhamo and Lashio airport Kawthoung-Dawei- Taungdwingyi-Padaung- construction projects and Above-180 feet bridges 198 398 200 Mawlamyine, Taungup-Ma- Bagan-NyaungU railroad, Kengtung, Yangon and - construction 198 377 179 ei-Kyaukpyu, Monywa- Namhsan-Mongnai railroad, Pathein airport upgrading - Myanma Railways - 7 7 projects, and Yangon and - military engineers - 7 7 Table O Aungpan-Loikaw railroad, - electric Power - 1 1 Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress - border area development* - 3 3 upgrading of hospital 631 819 188 - regional development* (Myainggyingu) - 3 3 - specialist hospital 15 19 4 Under-180 feet bridges 8798 32253 23455 - teaching hospital 4 6 2 - construction 3305 5113 1808 - 300-bed 1 5 4 - Myanma Railways 5493 9028 3535 - 200-bed 10 24 14 - border area development- - 749 749 - 150-bed 12 7 upgrading - 100-bed 28 33 5 - urban - 11039 11039 - 50-bed 37 58 21 - rural - 6324 6324 - 25-bed 51 111 60 Motor road (miles) 6783/5 14607/3 7823/6 - 16-bed 168 100 upgrading - construction 5543/0 8972/2 3429/2 - station/ sub-township hospital 305 456 151 - border area development - 329/0 329/0 health units 1829 1964 135 - urban 945/5 1890/6 884/1 - rural health unit 1337 1450 113 - rural 295/0 1182/3 887/3 - maternal and child care unit 348 348 - - regional health unit 64 86 22 - other department/organization - 2233/0 2233/0 - school health team 80 80 - Gravel road (miles) 3160/1 10695/2 7535/1 Health staff - construction 1569/0 3359/5 1790/5 - doctors (specialist/assistant) 3185 6338 3153 - border area development - 1871/1 1871/1 - nurses 4515 10003 5488 - urban 768/2 997/7 229/6 - health staff 1557 1694 137 - rural 822/7 3957/7 3135/0 - midwives 8019 9572 1553 - other department/organization - 508/6 508/6 - skilled staff 290 544 254 - township health assistant - 92 92 Hard road (miles) 4556/5 5474/1 917/4 - health assistant-1 - 320 320 - construction 3628/0 3089/4 upgrading - health assistant 1120 1365 245 - border area development --- - supervisor (1)/(2) 915 2075 1160 - urban 198/0 318/4 120/5 traditional medicine - rural 730/5 1689/1 958/4 - traditional medicine hospital 2 14 12 - other department/organization - 377/0 377/0 - traditional medicine dispensary 89 237 148 Earth road (miles) 6047/2 27637/5 21590/3 Free from disease - small pox free free free - construction 2895/0 3219/0 324/0 - leprosy - free free - border area development - 3093/4 3093/4 - polio - free free - urban 1060/0 2088/4 835/1 decrease of motality - rural 2092/2 17070/5 14878/3 - rural* 9.9 7.1 2.8 - other department/organization - 2166/0 2166/0 - urban* 8.9 6.2 2.7 increase of longivity Anisakhan airport construc- provement of information tively for construction of - rural tion projects are under way. technology in the country to 267 hydropower plants, - man 56.2 60.8 4.6 The government has be on a par with the ad- some 40,000 megawatts can - woman 60.4 63.3 2.9 constructed 26 jetties for vanced nations the world be generated. The govern- - urban local vessels and 16 jetties over in the communication ment has been pouring in- - man 59.0 61.5 2.5 for foreign vessels. The sector. Table H shows the vestments into the irrigation - woman 63.2 65.6 2.4 transport facilities all over nation’s progress in the projects. It has taken an- Universities 4 14 10 communication sector. other step for national de- - Medical Institute 3 4 1 the nation help forge na- - Dental Institute 1 2 1 tional solidarity and raise Electric power velopment through the elec- - Institute of Nursing - 2 2 the social and economic Nowadays, the govern- tric power sector. - Institute of Paramedical Science - 2 2 standards of the entire peo- ment is making a huge In 1988, the nation’s - Institute of Pharmacy - 2 2 ple. headway with the national electricity consumption was - University of Community Health - 1 1 Table G shows progress development undertakings. only 1,518 million units. - University of Traditional Medicine - 1 1 of the nation’s transport In the nation are many riv- Now, the electricity con- Training school 26 43 17 sector. ers and creeks with annual sumption has reached 5,461 - nursing training school 6 23 17 Communication water flow of 870 million million units. In order - midwifery school 16 16 - The government has acre feet. If these water re- to meet the higher living - related school 4 4 - been striving for the im- sources are harnessed effec- (See page 13) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 13 Adult literacy rate of Let us march to… Myanmar is one of the Dinner for Union Day delegates (from page 12) covered offshore oilfields highest in South-East standard of the people, in Mottama, Rakhine Asia. Table M shows the the government had to State and Taninthayi Di- progress of her education construct 30 hydel-power vision. The nation’s inex- sector. plants throughout the haustible natural gas de- Science & technology country. On completion posits can contribute to- In the time of the of 20 more power plant wards national develop- Tatmadaw Government, projects, the electricity ment. Table L shows there have emerged three generation will touch progress of the energy technological universities 5863 megawatts. sector. and 26 technological col- It is indeed about one/ Oilfields (onshore) leges. eighths of the total elec- The government dis- It has established two tric power that can be covered seven more oil- universities for computer generated with the use of fields — Petpel, studies and 24 computer all the water resources in Aphyauk, Kyaukkhwet, colleges across the nation. the nation. Table I shows Letpanto, Thagyidaung, It has opened doctor- the progress of the elec- Zabei and Nyaungdon, ate courses in the subjects tric power sector of the and explored Laydaung, of engineering, applied Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay hosts dinner to nation. Pyay, Pyaloh, Tetma, science, and computer. Union Day delegates. — YGN COMMAND Industry Ngashantaung, Phayagon It also established the YANGON, 11 Feb — Chairman of the Union Day delegates at their The nation is rich in (Seinhai), Phayagon Myanmar Aerospace En- of the Management Committee to Ob- residence this evening. natural resources. Indus- (Kyakaik) and Htantabin gineering University and serve the 58th Anniversary Union Day First, the commander and wife trial crops thrive in the oilfields. Indaing oilfield the Myanmar Maritime Chairman of Yangon Division Peace presented gifts to the delegates and cor- was discovered in 1996 University. Table R and Development Council Commander dially extended greetings to them. Subject 1988 12-2-05 Progress of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Afterwards, the dinner was - TV retransmission station 15 177 162 Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay hosted. - IPRD offices - 373 373 and family hosted a dinner in honour MNA - IPRD libraries 111 373 262 - departmental libraries - 199 199 irrigation water. Emphasis project, the greening ple and the Tatmadaw. The - rural library - 11534 11534 history of Myanmar is now - e-library - 108 108 has also been placed on project, the 24-zone devel- - sub-printing house* - 9 9 keeping every school-age opment project, and the bright with the age of soli- children at schools in rural rural development project. darity. * Mandalay, Myitkyina, Lashio, Magway, Kalay, Taunggyi, Kengtung, Sittway, Myeik, areas with the aim of in- Now, all the regions in the It is worth making a creasing the literacy rate. country are now getting pledge that the time has nation. Human resources and closed in 2002, and The purpose of the es- Roads and bridges prosperous. come to march to a more are being produced annu- Indaw oilfield was in tablishment of the educa- The Tatmadaw gov- These achieve- consolidated new golden ally. The generation of 2002 and closed in De- tional institutions in the ernment is building roads ments are accounted for state. (See data in Table R) electricity is on the in- cember 2004. States and Divisions is to and bridges one after an- consolidated strength (Translation: TMT + crease. Education enable the intellectuals other across the nation. among the State, the peo- TTA + MS + KTY) The government has In an effort to con- and intelligentsia to play Relevent ministries gave a built a foundation to tribute to brighter future an important role in nur- helping hand to this drive. transform the agro-based of the nation, the govern- turing the youths. Tatamdaw engineering unit ADVERTISEMENTS nation into an industrial- ment is nurturing the new Table N shows the also constructed bridges ized one. generation youths who progress of the education linking one region and the ARRIVAL/CLAIMS DAY NOTICE It has constructed can brave and cope with sector of the nation. other. As a result, a net- MV “SITTWE” VOY NO ST115/N dams and reservoirs the challenges of the work of transport has been Health Consignees of cargo carried on MV “SITTWE” where water is scarce, and knowledge age so as to Now is the time created throughout the Un- Voy No. ST 115/N are hereby notified that the vessel organized enterprises and produce more and more when measures are being ion. Wellwishers also con- has arrived at Yangon port on 14-2-2005 and will be factories, which scattered human resources. taken to give priority to tributed to this road and in respective regions, into It is also taking all public health care. Now, bridge construction. Table berthing on about 15.2.2005 and cargoes will be industrial zones. possible measurers for the the number of hospitals has S shows roads and bridges discharged into the permises of Myanma Port Author- The government’s en- uplift of the education increased to 819 at present emerged in the time of the ity where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and ex- couragement and assist- standard of the people. It from 631 in 1988. At the Tatmadaw Government. penses and subject to the bye-laws and conditions of ance has helped establish has established 156 uni- time of the Tatmadaw gov- Human resources the Port of Yangon. 19 industrial zones with versities and colleges all ernment, five medical uni- Measures are being Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 846 enterprises with a to- over the country to bring versities and two dental uni- taken to develop human 8 am to 11.30 am and 12 noon upto 4 pm into Claims tal investment of about equal opportunity to the versities have been opened. resources in all the spheres, Day now declared as the third day after final discharge K 300 billion and an an- youths to pursue educa- Moreover, two pharmaceu- especially in education, of cargo from vessel. nual turnover of K 200 tion. tical universities, two para- health, science, and tech- No claims against this vessel will be admitted after billion. There were only 38 medical universities, and nology. In this process, one the Claims Day. The number of pri- universities and colleges one medical university Union Nationalities Devel- CONTAINER FEEDER SERVICE vate-run factories has in 1988. have also been added to the opment University, two MYANMA FIVE STAR LINE grown up to 42,707 and It has opened 6,744 existing number. In the Capacity Enhancement Phone: 293147, 296507, 295754 cottage industries up to basic education schools in past, there were only 28 Degree College, 31 youth 8,500. the whole county, increas- nursing training schools. development training CLAIMS DAY NOTICE The government has ing the number of the But now, they are 43 in schools, 27 cottage indus- M.V. MARISSA GREEN VOY: NO (001) established 192 factories, schools from 33,474 in number. Specialists were tries, and other Parahita Consignees of cargo carried on M.V. MARISSA accounting for 833 facto- 1988 to 40,521 now. It employed at state-, divi- (Boy) Schools were opened GREEN VOY. NO (001) are hereby notified that ries in total in the nation. has also opened 4,739 sion- and district-level hos- in rural areas. the vessel will be arriving on 13.2.05 and cargo will It is giving encourage- post-primary schools for pitals to ensure better pub- Training is provided be discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it ment and providing nec- enabling youths in rural lic health care. (See data in to widen the knowledge of will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and essary assistance in vari- regions to continue to Table O) agriculture, livestock and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of forestry. To ensure the ous fields for the indus- pursue education in re- Development affairs Yangon. trial development. spective regions. emergence of marine sci- Steps are being Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from As a result, many job Originally, Myanmar taken to raise the living entists, marine universities 8 am to 11.20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day opportunities could be nationals are dynamic and standard of the national were also opened. ereated for the people. are quick learners. With people. Roads and bridges Information and public now declared as the third day after final discharge of Table J shows the indus- the qualifications of the are being constructed in relations cargo from the Vessel. trial progress of the na- national people, the na- urban and rural areas. Fur- Now is the time No claims against this vessel will be admitted tion. tion can be changed itself thermore, irrigation facili- when efforts are being after the Claims Day. Energy from an agro-based nation ties and river water-pump- made to turn the country SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT The government is into an industrialized one ing projects are under way into a new state. Imminent MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY striving for extended ex- and then into a knowl- to ensure an adequate sup- are the border areas and AGENT FOR: M/S EAGLE CORPORATION ploration of oil. It has dis- edge power. ply of drinking water and national races development Phone No:256908/378316/376797 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 Egypt thrash Belgium 4-0 Ukraine beat Albania 2-0 SSS LONDON, 11 Feb — Ukraine maintained their push CAIRO, 11 Feb — Belgium, who have for a first appearance in the World Cup finals when made a faltering start in their bid to they beat Albania 2-0 in Tirana on Wednesday to open qualify for the 2006 World Cup finals, PPP up a six-point lead at the top of European qualifying suffered a further blow to their morale Group Two. when they were thrashed 4-0 by Egypt On a day when the final stages of the Asian and in a friendly on Wednesday. OOO CONCACAF competitions began, there were also The European side were outplayed by qualifiers played in Europe and Africa with match the technically-gifted Egyptians who were winners including Japan, the United States, Morocco RRR only denied a wider margin of victory by and South Korea among others, all keeping their eyes some smart saves by Silvio Proto. fixed on next year's finals in Germany. Ema Meteeb broke the deadlock in European champions Greece also revived their TTT the 39th minute from close range and qualifying hopes and moved into second place behind added a second five minutes after Ukraine on eight points after beating Denmark 2-1 in halftime with an acrobatic volley. SS Athens — their second successive win following the SSS MNA/Reuters victory over Kazakhstan in November. Ukraine, who lost in playoffs for the 1998 and 2002 Belarus score surprise World Cups and Euro 2000, continued to set the pace 3-1 win over Poland in Group Two. Their victory over Albania came courtesy of goals WARSAW, 11 Feb — Belarus scored a surprise 3- 1 win over Poland in a friendly on Wednesday to lift from Andriy Rusol and Andriy Husin, although the visitors' hopes of sneaking into a play-off place European Footballer of the Year Andriy Shevchenko, who overcame injury to play, did not find the net for Ukraine's Oleg Gusev (R) fights for the ball with in their World Cup qualifying group when the Albania's Altin Haxhi during their World Cup competition restarts at the end of March. once. Greece, who failed to win any of their opening three qualifying soccer match at Qemal Stafa stadium in Belarus stunned the home side after eight minutes Tirana, Albania, on 9 Feb, 2005.—INNTERNET when Alexander Gleb scored with a long-range effort qualifiers, were too good in the end for the Danes who to take the wind out of the Poles. lost for the first time in five qualifying matches. Casablanca on March 26. Despite some untidy play during the rest of the first Morocco, seeking their fifth World Cup appearance, Earlier on Wednesday the final stages of the Asian half, Poland still managed to produce a number of went to the top of African Group Five with a 5-1 win qualifying group began with Japan scoring a late goal chances which their forwards failed to convert. over Kenya thanks to an outstanding performance to beat North Korea 2-1 in Saitama in a highly-charged Their perseverance paid off after 51 minutes when from Sochaux's Jawad Zairi who scored a hat-trick and Group Two match. Maciej Zurawski, who had had several long-range had a hand in Morocco's other two goals. Bahrain and Iran drew 0-0 in the other game in the shots, finally found the net. Morocco now lead their section by a point from same group leaving Japan as the early leaders. But the Polish defence, patchy throughout, caved in Guinea who they meet in their next qualifier in MNA/Reuters six minutes from time when the inspirational Maksim Romashchenko set up a chance for Vyacheslav Gleb Ireland defeat lacklustre Portugal 1-0 Alcaraz who made no mistake for Belarus' second. DUBLIN, 11 Feb— A first-half goal from Newcastle United's Andy O'Brien The visitors wrapped up the match with a third goal gave Ireland a deserved 1-0 win over a lacklustre Portugal in Wednesday's sacked by in stoppage time when Andrei Lavrik scored from a friendly at Landsdowne Road. rebound. A hard-working Ireland team scored and came closest to scoring with a low Racing Polish manager Pawel Janas conceded his team had the only goal in the 21st minute after shot from substitute Hugo Viana in the an off-night and said they have to improve before next Portugal's Paulo Ferreira fell in the goal- dying minutes. Santander month's World Cup qualifiers. mouth leaving the way open for Man of The Irish will take comfort from the MADRID, 11 Feb — "We were poor defensively and that contributed to the Match O'Brien to chip the ball home. match for their next World Cup qualifier Luca Alcaraz was fired our defeat. We need to play much better if we want to Ireland's steely defence was hardly against Israel on March 26, while Portugal by Racing Santander on see better results against Azerbaijan and Northern tested in the first half as relentless will need to improve for their match in Wednesday after a 2-1 Ireland," he told television station TVP 2. pressure from the home side, and from Slovakia on March 30. defeat against Villarreal Poland are second in Group Six behind England and Chelsea forward Damien Duff in MNA/Reuters on Sunday put the Primera have looked far more impressive in their previous particular, stifled Portugal's creativity. Liga side back into the qualifiers than they did on Wednesday. An on-target free kick from Benfica relegation zone. Belarus trail Italy, Norway and Slovenia in midfielder Petit in the 31st minute was the The club said that Group-Five, but are only three points behind the only time Irish goalie Shay Given came assistant coach Nando second-placed Norwegians with a game in hand. under pressure in the first 45 minutes. Yosu would take charge They travel to Slovenia for their next qualifier on Ireland took advantage of a disjointed of the team in place of March 30. Portuguese performance following four Alcaraz, who had been at MNA/Reuters half-time substitions for the visitors. The Republic piled on the pressure Racing since the start of with repeated shots at goal, at least one last season. of which they probably deserved to Racing narrowly convert. A foul on Damien Duff resulted avoided relegation last in a yellow card for Nuno Gomes mid- term and have been Ireland's Robbie Keane tops off way through the second half and the hovering around the drop Ireland's celebrations after Andy Irishman left the pitch a few minutes zone for most of the O'Brien scored the winning goal as later to be replaced by Liam Miller. present campaign, Portugal's goal keeper Ricardo passes Portugal, wearing a special black- winning just five of their by during their friendly International and-white kit as part of the European- 22 league matches. football match against Portugal in wide anti-racism campaign, posed few Following Sunday's Lansdowne Road, Dublin, Ireland. serious threats during the second half defeat they lie in 18th INTERNET place in the 20-team Primera Liga, three points Canada beat 1-0 over Northern Ireland clear of Real Mallorca. BELFAST, 11 Feb — A first half goal from Olivier Occean gave Canada a shock 1- The two other sides that 0 victory over Northern Ireland in a friendly on Wednesday, despite the visitors accompany them in the playing most of the match with 10 men at Windsor Park. relegation zone, With just 22 minutes gone defender Gabriel Gervais was sent off for a foul on Numancia and Real striker David Healy, his second bookable offence after receiving a yellow card for Mallorca, as well as an earlier challenge on Keith Gillespie. But 10 minutes later the visitors were in Malaga, who are just front when striker Occean headed home from a free kick on the left. above them in the Healy missed an easy chance in the 38th minute and Steve Jones hit the post in standings, all sacked their Northern Ireland's Steve Davis, left, battles for the second half injury time, but Northern Ireland — who have not won in Belfast since coaches earlier this ball with Canada's Dwayne De Rosario. September 2001 — were unable to find a way through as the Canucks hung on. season. INTERNET MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 6 February, 2005 15 One man stabbed, Rolls-Royce Plc Spain, Britain to hold several injured in analyst forecasts first meeting of north London pretax profit of $643m Gibraltar forum LONDON, 11 Feb — One man was stabbed LONDON, 11 Feb — British engine maker MADRID, 11 Feb — Representatives from dis- and several injured after 4,000 people flocked to Rolls-Royce Plc topped analyst forecasts with a puted Gibraltar and the Spanish and British ne- the midnight opening of a new IKEA furniture 2004 underlying pretax profit of 345 million gotiating teams will attend the first meeting of superstore in north London, emergency ser- pounds (643 million US dollars) on Thursday the newly-created forum for dialogue on Friday, vices said on Thursday. helped by growth in aftersales. the Spanish Foreign Ministry said in a statement The Swedish furni- offering huge discounts, The world’s sec- Rolls-Royce kept late on Wednesday. ture giant was forced to including leather sofas at ond-largest maker of its annual dividend at The meeting will be held between the British close the store in Ed- 35 pounds (65 US dol- aircraft engines said 8.18 pence. Foreign Office’s Europe director Dominick Chilcott monton after 30 minutes lars) for customers arriv- pretax profit rose 21 per Average net debt and the Spanish Foreign Ministry’s Europe-America when it was over- ing between midnight cent for the year to De- fell 41 per cent to 560 director Jose Maria Pons. whelmed by shoppers and 3 am, as part of a cember 31 from 285 million pounds from 950 Gibraltar’s Chief Minister Peter Caruana is ex- seeking to buy heavily planned 24 hours of million a year earlier. million a year earlier. pected to attend the meeting to be held in Malaga of discounted items. opening bargains. Analysts had ex- Rolls builds en- Andalucia, southern Spain, the ministry said. Gibral- “There were 500 Police said the pected 340 million gines for planes and tar, a tiny rocky outcrop located at the entrance of people behind me and stabbed man had sus- pounds in pretax profit ships as well as products the Mediterranean and connected to the Spanish they were all trying to tained his injury in the according to the median such as turbines for the mainland by a sandy isthmus, was ceded to Britain get through a three-foot area of the store, adding forecast from 10 broker- oil and gas industries. in the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht by Spain, which has gap,” shopper Jolene that his injury was not ages polled by Reuters. Better results in been trying to get it back ever since.— MNA/Xinhua Cooper told Sky News life-threatening. Five Revenues rose 5 2004 reflected higher about her experience other people were taken per cent to 5.939 billion sales by planemakers outside the store’s en- to hospital, one suffering pounds, broadly in line Boeing Co and Airbus trance. from chest pains. Lon- with analyst forecasts. as airlines mired in a “They kept on try- don Fire Brigade said “We enter 2005 slowdown since 2001 ing to shut the doors and they helped ambulance with a record order splashed out for new not let anyone in, so all staff deal with 22 peo- book, strong positions planes. the people behind were ple suffering from heat on a new generation of Rolls is building pushing me. I was really exhaustion and crush in- programmes and a engines for the key new scared.” juries. growing services busi- model from each — the Shortly after mid- IKEA could not im- ness,” Rolls-Royce A380 doubledecker due night there were 1,000 mediately be reached for Chief Executive Sir from Airbus in 2006 and cars queuing to get into comment. John Rose said in a the mid-sized 787 due the car park with some Last September three statement. from Boeing in 2008. bargain-hunters aban- men were trampled to Rolls said revenues The results did not doning their vehicles on death in a rush to claim from engine servicing use IFRS accounting the busy A406 North vouchers when IKEA contracts rose 14 per standards but will be re- Circular Road to get to opened its first store in cent, accounting for 55 stated using them in the store on foot. Saudi Arabia. per cent of overall April. The store had been MNA/Reuters turnover. MNA/Reuters

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 6:00 pm








/ Friday, 11 February, 2005




6 10. Discovery

5  . 

5  . 

5 .




   Saturday, 12 February Summary of observations recorded at 09:30

6:05 pm Tune in today:




2:00 pm £ hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨







¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

Saturday, 12 February ¡ 11. 8.30 am Brief news




§$ §

 §$ §

 §$ § 

9.  been fair in the whole country. Night temperatures

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

§$ §

§$ §

§$ §

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

" 8.35 am Music: Queen of

 View on today:  my heart were (3˚C) to (4˚C) below normal in Northern Shan

7:00 am 2:15 pm 6:15 pm



§§§§ £§©§©§§



£ 8.40 am Perspectives State, Yangon and Bago Divisions, (5˚C) to (6˚C)


    < 7  7

    < 7  7

    7 7 ¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨








1. 10. Dance of national races 12. §§£






 8.45 am Music: I’ll still

 below normal in Chin and Eastern Shan States, (3˚C)

¨=¨¤ >

¨=¨¤ >

¨=¨¤ >











 2:30 pm in love





 above normal in Taninthayi Division, (5˚C) above





" ¨7¨  

" ¨7¨  

" ¨7¨  


 6:30 pm 8.55 am National news/



11. §


 normal in and about normal in the ¦¦!


 13. Evening news Slogan




£ 2:45 pm

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡ 9.05 am Music: You’re remaining areas. The significant night temperatures






§$ §

§$ §

§$ §

§ 12. International news 7:00 pm

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

" my heart were Haka (1˚C), Lashio, Heho and Pinlong (3˚C)

   14. Weather report 9.10 am International 8:30 am 4:00 pm each, Namhsam and PyinOoLwin (4˚C) each.

1. Martial song 7:05 pm news Maximum temperature on 10-2-2005 was 100°F.







3. International news ( 

 &   ¤

 &   ¤

 &   ¤

¤ 9.15 am Music:


 ' '

8:45 am 4:15 pm 15. ' Minimum temperature on 11-2-2005 was 59°F. Rela-

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( (

( -Sha La La ( (

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  ¦. < < < <

  ¦.  ¦.


 ' '


' '



4. Grammar Made Easy 2. Songs to uphold  1.30 pm News/Slogan tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 11-2-2005 was §£  §£ 


§£  §£ 

¡@  ¡@ 


¡@  ¡@ 

, ,


, ,


 11:00 am National Spirit  1.40 pm Request 66%. Total sunshine hours on 10-2-2005 was (8.7)

1. Martial song 4:30 pm 7:40 pm -Take me home hours approx. Rainfalls on 11-2-2005 were nil at




¨ ¦¦A  

¨ ¦¦A  

¨ ¦¦A  

country roads


11:15 am 3. English for Everyday 16.  Yangon Airport, Kaba-Aye and central Yangon. Total

§ §§ § § § §§ § §

§ §§ § §

§ §§ § § § §§ § §




£ -Let it all be

1  7 5 . 7 1  7 5 . 7

1  7 5 . 7

1  7 5 . 7 1  7 5 . 7

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

 ¥  ¥


 ¥  ¥







2.  rainfalls since 1-1-2005 were nil at Yangon Airport,

§$ §

§$ §

§$ §

§ music




"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

.¦7  ¦

.¦7  ¦

.¦7  ¦




5:45 pm B -Love so right Kaba-Aye and central Yangon. Maximum wind speed

§ §§ §

§ §

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5 ¨ ¦ 5 ¨ ¦

5 ¨ ¦

5 ¨ ¦ 5 ¨ ¦



8 8


8 8



11:30 am 


 9.00 pm ASEAN review




§ at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was 10 mph from Northwest §©§9§§


 . .¦

 . .¦

 . .¦

©§§ § ©§§9 §§ 9 §

©§§ § 9 §

©§§ § ©§§9 §§ 9 §

¨ ¦  ¨ ¦¦¦ ¦¦

¨ ¦  ¦¦

¨ ¦  ¨ ¦¦¦ ¦¦

3. News  -News




 £ $ § §

 £ §$

 £ $ §

§ at (13:30) hours MST on 10-2-2005.




.      ¤¦  ¤¦

.   ¤¦  

.      ¤¦  ¤¦

, ,

$£ $£ ,

$£ , ,

$£ $£

 9.10 pm Article 


 / ¥ ¥


 / ¥ ¥




< <

C CC. C. <

< < C C.

C CC. .

11:40 am C

' '


' £ ' £


D £ D £


D Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in South-

 ¨;5  ¨;5


 ¨;5 ¨;5

 9.20 pm Myanma cul-

/ /


/ 4. Game for children / 8:00 pm ture by Dr Khin west Bay and fair elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.

12:05 pm 5:00 pm




£ Maung Nyunt Forecast valid until evening of 12-2-2005: Weather

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

17. News ¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨





5. Round-up of the 5.  -Understanding

§$ §

§$ §

§$ §

§ will be fair in the whole country. State of the sea:

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

" 18. International news

  week’s TV local news  our nationali- Seas will be slight to moderate in Myanmar waters.

12:45 pm 5:15 pm 19. Weather report ties II

©§§ § ©§§ §

©§§ §

©§§ § ©§§ § ©§§ § ©§§ §

©§§ §

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$§ $§

( (


 &   ¤  &   ¤ ( (

 &   ¤

 &   ¤  &   ¤  &   ¤  &   ¤

 &   ¤

 &   ¤  &   

¤ Outlook for subsequent two days: Weather will





 ' '


 ' ' '

' 9.30 pm Souvenirs '  

' '


' 20. ' '

6. 6. '

§§ §§ §£ §£

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¦..7 ¦..7  -E  -E

¦..7  -E

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, ,

, ,

, -Lover, come be fair in the whole country. Forecast for Yangon , ,


, ,



* *


* *  


5:25 pm 




£ back to me

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡ and neighbouring area for 12-2-2005: Fair weather. ¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

¡¢¤¦¨ ¨ ¦¨

1:20 pm ¡





7. 21. The next day’s




 9.45 pm News/Slogan 

§$ §

§$ §

§$ §




"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

"# ¦¦%

" Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area

  7.  programme 10.00 pmPEL for 12-2-2005: Fair weather. R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 4th Waxing of Tabodwe 1366 ME Saturday, 12 February, 2005

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic * Uplift of national prestige and integ- * National reconsolidation system rity and preservation and safeguard- * Emergence of a new enduring State * Development of the economy inviting participation in ing of cultural heritage and national Constitution terms of technical know-how and investments from character * Building of a new modern developed sources inside the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit nation in accord with the new State * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education Constitution in the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation Minister visits mangosteen, pomelo plantations

YANGON, 11 Feb — Accompanied by officials, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay Oo on 7 February visited Kyonka mangosteen farm of Myanma Agriculture Service in Paung Township, Thaton District, , and gave instructions to officials on extension of farming. Next, the minister inspected budding and graft- ing of durian, mangosteen, nutmeg and clove and nursery tasks, a hydro-electric power station being operated through Gangawsan falls and nursery of mangosteen plantation. Later, he visited Ingapu pomelo plantation near Ingapu Village in Kyaikto Township and left neces- sary instructions there. — MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo inspects Kyonka mangosteen farm in Paung. — A & I National Convention Convening Management Committee meets, inspects preparations

YANGON, 11 Feb — The National Convention Chairman of the Management Committee Au- Together with members of the Management Convening Management Committee held a coordi- ditor-General Maj-Gen Lun Maung, presiding over Committee, Maj-Gen Lun Maung inspected prepara- nation meeting at the office of the committee at the meeting, delivered an opening address. tory tasks at Pyidaungsu Hall, meeting halls and Nyaunghnapin Camp in Hmawby Township at 2 pm Chairmen, secretaries and officials of Sub- mess halls for staff, arrangements for relaxation of today. committees reported on progress of their works. National Convention delegates, preparations for hos- It was attended by Chairman of the Manage- Officials of the Ministry of Energy, Ministry for tels, installation of telephones and TVs, storage of ment Committee Auditor-General Maj-Gen Lun Progress of Border Areas and National Races and provisions, display of 434 items of goods for wel- Maung, Vice-Chairman Director of Supply and Trans- Development Affairs, Public Works and Yangon City fare of the delegates at the shops of Government port Maj-Gen Than Htay of the Ministry of Defence Development Committee also submitted their reports. Employees Cooperative, Win Thuza Shop of the and members, chairmen and secretaries of sub-com- Those present took part in the discussions. Ministry of Industry-1, Sarpay Beikman Book stall, mittees and departmental officials. After hearing the reports, Maj-Gen Lun Maung Mon Mon Beauty Saloon, Myanmar optical shop, Secretary of the committee Major Than Htay attended to their needs and gave the concluding re- the post office and communication centre of acted as master of ceremonies. marks. Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, decora- tion of the open-air theatre to present entertainment for the delegates, the foodstuff shop of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Kaungsan Ein Laundry Service, restaurants of Myanma Hotels and Tour- ism Services and Ministry of Industry-1, TM Store, Lucky-1 Smile Tea Shop, the barber shop of Bor- der Trade Department, arrangements for taking physical exercises at the playgrounds and gymna- sium together with sports gear, the women’s aero- bic hall with modern devices, billiard tables, the training golf course and its equipment and the hos- pital. Later, Maj-Gen Lun Maung gave necessary instructions to officials. — MNA

INSIDE The Government has extended a warm invita- tion to all the people living on the same land and partaking water from the same source to walk along the correct path towards the common goal. Since the return of the 17 armed groups to the legal fold, the Government has launched a comprehensive border areas and national races development drive to make all the regions enjoy perpetual peace and prosperity. Maj-Gen Lun Maung visits Win Thuza Shop of Ministry of Industry-1. — MNA (Page 9) THIHA AUNG